THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND. APRIL 13, 10OS. RT.T.P T D V KMU.E. TN A NTED A ker.. nr(Hc hus1na w Pinn of tar and eier1ne t" present tis TTi.M at i ractH ln -eat meni on the co. to g-od people cn'y Th r'gM woman ran ha a contra, t thai II make her a srr.ail fortune within a year. Adrlr'rf fr- "TH. Oi t-gnlan. LA FI KS. do you want money H J"" tirr.e? Va:uab.e outfit frte. V trust you for the kr i!-knn la ! ; of standard merit ; !(,- go with a snap, ever in. -easing- fpimr 1 , b'.g mi.n'v e -ry day. Mncir, I'' l bit!., ft Madtaon tv., N'w Vjrk Cry. BIC graduate nurae rarn $2 to $33 weekly; we provide hr,:f h..-.v lectures, hospital prirtire whfn desired. ;iip'. m-n t for s'udenta graduate; lai k t training wor'd Vr;u; free book. Amirl,-in Training; School .Nurtt'i, 4M Crilly Bldg , Chicago. ATTENTION. Applicants fr all klr.d of work regis ter with ua, frea of cnarg. so we mar locate yu un short notice. HANS EN'S LADIES' AOCNCT. S4SH W ashington st-. cornar 7th. upstair UA DltS make money selling ruartntfed xHki direct from looms. Cut any length. One-third w(l. Bhtm prepaid. Write f-r infm mfttion. LKNOX SILK. WORKS. Madiaon i-ijuare. New York $2 I'KH D A Y paid or.e lady In each town to distribute circular and take orders for i "om-e ni rated Klaxon and Toilet Prep aration. In tubes ; permanent buatne. J . S ,ie gler A I'o . Chicago. W A NTED - A FIRST-CLASS COOK IMME DIATELY; MOT HAVE GOOD REKER KSi'KS AI'PPLY 1MMKIMATKIA TO WATKON. UPKN AIR 8AMTAR11M. M 1 1-1,1 N ICR Y SALESWOMEN. Thoroughly experienced and competent saleswomen wanted at once. OLDS, WORTMAN A KING. LA I V EW Kits Make sanitary belt a at home; materials furnished; $1,1 per hun dt ed ; particular p tamped envelope. Dept. Hmj. Dearborn Specialty Co., Chicago. WANTED A huu keeper; must be capable of taking full haige of an H-rvom house and family of four; mum. be a go. 'J cok; gtod wagt-a. Tel. Kaat ;t3. H lSWi. JACKET ANI SKIRT HANDS. Thoroughly rvtrtenced, coiTiptt;nt; nant d at on. e. OLDS, WORTMAN A KING. W ANTdlWounr Judy ax working companion: ni te between 1 and :w. for young man ; fita-n what wa a xr 'ted: give dctAlla fl'M letter. S 7H3, Oregi:tan. WANTF'D An American woman of g'Vwl dls p wit Inn as working hnua-'k 1'T for family of two; r'lfwanT h-nic; gxd wago. Ad drea N kos, Orron1an. W A NTFD Single lady having farm tn Op g'n to orrexprtnd with y idling man with lew to p.-tiltry talsting. AiiUre.-a c"harle Hcgeie., Cai. LADIKfl i a day at home, tfend atamiwd er. Uip for pari Iculare nd d dresses of rtlidVI etnpIod. iadla' Aid, Main, Durham, onn. T A NTlilv. Omeral h.nisew ork klrl ; must l gofwl cook ; g w bs. I ii'inlre bfoi-e t-'-vn. Mrs. Knight, The Nortonla, 11th and Vnh. 1'ltIVATE lewKons In bookkeeping; experi enced lntrm'ior; term.- $1 ier nionih; 4 nthi in week Pacific 04S and A 4I4S. L A DI LS to cipy lettera nt home ; apare time ; goo ! pay : cash w eekly ; rcllMhle ; t nd aiHnip. eik. Ptnx 41M. Morrlstown, N. Y. LADIES to copy letters at homo, spare; time; good rMV. c"h weekly; aentt stamp ticnird Co., Amu HMg., Cincinnati. OtiU. WANTED A refined young lady who chh ta-h miuHc can ttnd a p'na"at:t home and fjiir wages, Adtitvi N Sk,m, tiri'gnitlan. W A N't' Hl- Thorough erpertented km mat resit In nui alteration rooni. Th- Little KoM Cok A .Suit Iloiiae, Morris m t. t;iKf, for general housework, pood WAgea n:id good home. 1M ra. t. W. Taylor, Uone city Taik. Thone Tabor lt.". W XT VTD Experienced girl for phywlclaii a fnniliy of ;i, on who enn go home niglila p:efrrred. Phone Wood lawn 174,1. NEAT girl or mMiile-iiged woman to do K'-nernl housework and care for an tn w'l l; n-i washing. 2tii t hnpnian. WANTED Refined, capable woman for r aponslble position. Vlavl Co.. U09 Roth cnlld bidg., 4th and Washing-ton. FACMFrr EMPliOVMKXT CO. Ladies' Depart-nonl. 2"ftVa Morrison St. r hones Main l(Hi2 A 1-Kd. HA NhHN'S LADIES' AGENCY, tH Washington at., corner Tth, upctalrm. Fhoua Main 2WX W A VTF;r- -XVoman to take care of hoim while owntT out of city one month: re- fren-eK. l'hon Main 2vSJ. WANTKP (llrl for general housework; rmifct he good cook, umall family, call morning. 7t Kaat t ouch. EXPERT waltmakers. alfo one to tako charge; good ralarle. Call from 12 to 1 today. 1M bth, cor. Yamhill. WA NT ED Ln-tn-date drcKsmnker, middle. Aged lad ; amall town, IKtuglaa county. WA N T E I Experienced body Ironer. Call KHrt Side Laundry Monday morning, E- nn HJia t-. tun. YOCXO gin to afatst with general hotm- worK ; wagep 5i,y rhone Kal 3uiH. A;i ply 32ft Ila-simlo. W ANTED- - A alrl Ur rnernl houe w-ork: email fmli ; good wa;rca. Apply 4 i.t jonnxon at. W A NT ED tfrl for aecond work and to as- a;t In care of children. Apply mornlngi WANTED (iirl to nwilst In kitchen and general work, private sanitarium. Fhone hen wooa A iVMI'KTRVT girl for cooVtng And gen eral houwwork; good wages. 770 oa man St.. near EXTEIUENCED g:!ii for general housework m'mt be good plain co'k. Apply vji M.-ii.shall t. BM'KHIKV'KP Kirl for skirt and waist hand a!no eiinnd filil at once. Mine. Tracey, ;U mer ring. WAN'IKD Nurie g-lrl for S-year-oM boy and a-t in housework, tamily three. f J,u- crrttH street. V A XTK D Waahing and Ironing done for two in.itee; give phone and price. i t Oogoii'an. t;iltl. to do wrthing. inirlng ami- ai?t with housework. Ca!l atter todaj- at :!7 John- wn st. El 'HOPE AN musician will exchange ptano le.tona tor dri'.-i-maklg. l 71'. orcgo man. lVANTFl-iol girl or woman to help with h om.- w or k . 0 Vs Ea st E v e re 1 1. r hon o B 1 WANTKl Competent girl for general housework. Apply 1SI E. 16th. 1'bone Eat i;.:u WANTED A competent glri to do general houewcrk at Ha!-h st. Main 67. ANTED - ; 1 r ! to i!o light h.mwwork, fam ily of two 3T'7 Knott nt.. & and 10 A. M. YolWG la-ly in doctor's i reception worn attendant Ar.piy 10-1 Corbe'tt bl-'.g. WANTED A colored girl Madam Tracy, 44 Milner bldg . 1'j.rk and Morrison ?t. WANT EI An njv riercd hairdresser and iiuinicme. tt ";h. Ilenthal Slstena. IJIRl. wanted lor genera hu5work; good wjtges. Xvi TJd st . WiilanwMte Heights. FIRST-CLASS ladles' tailor: good wages; steady work. H Sail, 4 Morrison nt. WANTED ChLmbr: rial-! ; must be .trong willing girl. Api! Mo Flcndera st. COMErrTENT g!rl for a-cnnd Work, one that understands m-lrg. to t. ANTEl A girl f-r housework: nice home; etna 11 family. .7i h)ft Midiw-n. LIVE young woman clerk a;id solicitor; sten ographer preferr. -ill Stark st. A young girl to assist with liglit house work, aleep home 77 iJllf-an st. t;i RIj to aiwtt with general housework and rare of child. t74 Everett st. EAST SIDE Female Employment Off lea. IIS Grand av East 10o3 W ANTElv Girl to aasist In smfill family, $10 per nionih. M SVi. Oregonian. WANTED--A cook in private family; good vtavca Phone Pacific ji'tU. WANTED A girl for huework; easy phice. Call Main Sio or A 3.10. GIRL wanted to aiist with general house work. Call 14 N. 17th. WANTED fJ'rt for general housework; small family. 5o4 C Taylor. HFI.r WANTED rK WAIVE. HANHKN'8 I. AIM EH' AGEVt'T. Stenog apher. lumber company. t.V to v ..-up urfa. earn: aawmlH cawp retSUrant cook, tl a week; hoard- mg-nnnae. , oon, x wnltresaea. c.iml'rmalds. 4 hoaaekeepn. eond g'r'a. Z nuraglrla, mmli cooks. g.lO to 4; cook a tin ranch, house arirla, city nu utii.t hi i ua i ion ii goon nay. HANSEN H INDIES AGENCY., Washington tt.. cor Ha, V put airs WANTED Three mt-claja n!wnmii who are capable- of piaclr.g et.x-k in an A-I manu facturir.g erten-rl located In Portland for in oeei ei;tnc devlre Beeded by the pub lic: book" and raperr oin to inspection and i.oerai term wi.i b made the right par- tire: not a hrokeam or vtoek evheme. but a strictly legitimate enterprise: if you can sil sto k thU Is your chance. Address F erregonian. for appointment. MIDDLE-AGED w run an for general house- "in. west t'trit st. WANTED Lady rook !n city; $10 a week. van i .nrtn AO SL W A NT ED An experienced waitress. Ho-bart-Curtia, 2V3 14th st. OlHl. wanted to assist with general ho use - WANTED Glr! to asalst with general house work. 7I2 Kearney st. GIRL wanted to assist In general housework, Apply 747 Gllaan St. COMPETENT girl, family adulta. Apply vi Main at,.. Monday. CAPABLE woman can make 15 dally. Call today, H-12 1M) :id at. WANTED Operators on psoits; steady work rood pay. 8SV 3d sK. GIRL wanted; references required; confec tionery. 42 3d si. WANTED A girl for housework and cook ing. 6th, rt. CHAMBERMAID wanted. 63 North 18th, corner Davis. G1HL wanted for general housework. Apply oS K4ia at. WANTED tllrl to awlst In dlnlnj-room. 8L N. th !t. W A NT ED Saleswomen at Th Annex, 6th and Alder. tl Rli or woman 'or general housework. 829 Kearney. EXPERT aklrtmakera wanted. Apply 181 th street. WANTED Restaurant cook. SttS Morrison at. GIRL for general housework. Phone Pacific HELP W A N TED M AL E OR FEMALE. LADIES and men take Instruction In Span ish. ' native tearber, modern, rapid con versational method; profitable positions now In demand. 4. Commonwealth bids., tith and Ankeny ats. WANTED By fraternal society, ladies or gf ntlemen, salary or commlswlon ; good propttnltlon ; experience not necessary. Ap ply room 3"$ Corbet t hldg., bet. 8 and 10 tomorrow. WE SECCHf: positions for our students; drills tn any yteni of shorthand; day or night classes. Business Vnlveraity, W orcest er block . YOI'NG men and women to take lenaons In shorthand and bookkeeping by a competent iiistructo.- and court reporter. Write V 786, Oregrmiun. WANTED People who wish to learn dra matic work for company, no fees. In quire KiKU East Tnion ave.. room nn. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED position with factory manufac turing store, office flxturea and intfiior flnlfhlngs: can detail and hill out work; am capable of taking charge of work In factory or as salesman : best of refer-encee,-; will work for moderate salary until ability ia demonstrated. Address O 713, Orrgnnian. WANTED Fy man of good address, with "of fice and outside exjerience, position tn busd-nei-a where parties prefer to have help financially Interested, and where, after a thorough trial, an interest of a few hun dred dollars may be arqutred ; no agents; Mate particular). G Oregon tan 1 STFSNOtR A PH ER A No. 1 bookkeeper, gen eral office man poiwslng knowledge com merlcal, legal, railroad Unee; expert court reporter desires work at nominal oom pen sat ion ; excellent references. N 78S, Ore gonian. ANYONE wanting man who la first-clnes stenographer and bookkeeper can get Into com muni rat (on by ansu erlng th ia ; occu pying grood position In San Francisco ; want to come to Portland. V TPU, Oregon ian. FIRST-CLASS window trimmer and show card writer desires situation; attractive, snappy windows that bring business; Chi cago experience; up-to-date and progres sive; references. Address p. O. Box 570. YOI'NG man of :w. extended experience in office and outsldo work, desires connection with firm whre ability will count; at present employed; highest references. H 7U1. Oregon ian. ENERGETIC young man, 2fl. of god per sonality, wants position with real estate firm, collector, showing property, general off lee work, etc.; references. C 7ou, Ore gor.ian. It A PID nnd accurate stenographer. 5 years experience. agd -4, desires responsible no- sitlon with reliable concern; best referencetj. R 7H7. Oreg.mian. PERM A N ENT position h an experienced, competent bookkeeper, good penman, best references. Address H 711, Oregonian. Phone- East 7SH. BiVKS K EIT by competent and reliable accountant, alto auditing and general pub lic Accounting. &. U. Co Ilia 324 Wor cester block. COMPETENT bookkeeper and general office man, familiar with banking ami real es tate, desires permanent position. D SKJ. Oregonian. WANTED Bookkeeper and stenographer, 8 years' experience. wante position; will go out of town; moderate salary. K T75. Ore- gontan. PtSlTION hy reg. pharmacist ot Pennsyl vania; capable of managing store: city or country. Address E 772, Oregonian. PHYSICIAN Regular, temporary or perma nent position with physician, sanitarium or hospital. B 7K. Oregonian. KlRST-CfASS hardware man wants position, wholesale or retail. In or out of the city. V 7S7, tn-egonian. A COMPETENT young man deire a position as bookkeeper; nrst-elass references. P. O. box KN3, city. BoeK K EEPER. first-class, competent ac countant, desires position; reference, p. 7..7. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED etenograoher desires position; references; moderate salary. N 7itt, Ore gonian. WANTED A position by assistant book keeper with experience. 8 7tV Orog'onian. POSITION as hotel clerk, or bartender. Out of town. Experienced. J 7Sf. Oregonian. SALESMAN. German, wants position with wholesale house. E 7fl7. Oregonian. ' Miscellaneous. WANTED Po-itlnn as cook: lrt years' ex perience; will also go aa partner. N 707. Oregonian. WANTED Rv honest colored man. more of fices to care for as Janitor. O v(. Ore gonian. W I N DOW-CLE A N ! NO, small rugs and car- prtai. Main K.3. evening, arter ?. Thomas Green. GOOD Chinese cook want position, restau rant, board ing-nouse or notei. riome pnone A JAPANESE, young boy. wants position at housework in private nome. u i,. cn-e- gonian. EXPERIENCED tnsn and wife wish to take charjre of or v ora on zarm. an aj e,. Sth st. OR'KRTMAN, active, reliable man local experience, wants position. u 1 1, ortgo- nlan. SITUATION wanted by'rery young Japanese In private family, city or country. 14S N. 14th. JAPANESE Employment Office, mate and female. t'oucn st. rnon ansin 00.1. YOI'NG Chinese boy wants position as cook or general housework. 1. , oregonian. MAN AND WIFE want place to work on rarm; experienced. , oregoman. A ;ot)D Japanese wants a position to do general bousewora. U 0o, Oregonian. MTTATION VTANTKD MALE. BUMarDaa W A NTE1 Pottlon a carpenter or car ptiter a f- reman, or would tak charge of buildlnc for real estate firm: tak I'r' pay tn reJ estate . am competent ; have exHutlve ability. Addreea N ure onlan. ELDERLY, reliable man of good habits wants work around store or other kind of work, or would take care of small ranch, city or country. Address E 7.', Oregonian. W ANTED By colored men and a tolored woman, housec leaning and general Jobbing, by tte Job or by the hour; experienced il-in-er : 20c and HCxt per hour. Phone Main Ktucf. WANTED Hltuation. city. suburban, or country place, by experienced married Ger man ; Al dairyman, gardener, fine mechan ic; unencumbered. G 772, Oregonian. ELDERLY man would like portion as watchman or gc.od man about place; 20 yea is with manufacturing firm in the East; bond or references. D M2. Oregonian. GENTLEMAN making trip to Knxland In J una would take charge of partle trav eling or. transact business for others to help pay expenses. H 7fe.l, Oregonian. SOBER, competent stationary steam engi neer that can take care of any plant, do repair work and keep machinery in order, dealres fiosltlon. J 711. Oregonian. MAN AND WIFE from the East, thorough ly competent, want the management or po sition of trust of hotel or club; good ref erences. C 7&8. Oregonian. POSITION aa gardener, vegetables, or would take care of ground and flowers for pri vate family In city. Address S. A. Ram bo, ft Karl at., city. WATCHMAKER, first-class, wants situation at once; state full particular) and wages paid, to box V 7S6. Oregonian office, Port land. WANTED Position driving gome sort of sales-wagon; Eastern man. have exper ience and references. M 770. Oregonian. SINGLE mi-Hle-eged German desire position on gentleman' place; trustworthy, indus trious and reliable. K 790. Oregonian. BY midd!e-ged single man, en small farm, experienced, sober, reliable, can cook for myself If necessary. N ML Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cook, competent steward, thoroughly temperate. reliable. phone Seltwood 1174. or E t. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED she- snleeman wants posi tion; one that knows how to fit shoes; would leave city. E 774. Oregonian. MECHANICAL' draftsman and Inventor wants position or will do work on con tract. Box G 79ft. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED gardener wishes work by contract or by the dnv. fi. Ronitveldt, Jr., 326 Park st. Phone A 250. JAPANESE young man wishes to do house work, washing windows Charley M., S'.VJ Couch st. Phone A 11W0. JAPANESE party wants nm tract cleaning land or chop wood, over 1mH cords. T. Eukuda. 121 N. 16th at. WANTED Management of raneh or care of country home; highest references. Ad dress S 7S1, Oregonian. WALTER ST ANDI FER CO.. general house cleaners. Phone East 7M. Home C 14."2. 274 Holladay ave. GOOD Japanese boy wants position at general housework or wash dishes or saloon porter. Phone Pacific Kk2. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk desires posi tion as such: A I reference as tn ability. G 77. Oregonian. WA NT ED By first -class German hotel chef, position as arte ward, cook or manager. K He, Oregonian. GOOD Japanese cook wants situation to do fancy cosklng and dainty pastry work. F 770. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by A-l window-trimmer and card-writer; also can do pressing. 11 7lo, Oregonian. RELIABLE- chauffeur, can do own repairing; wage reasoname. can Minday, luvl B. Morrison st. RESPECTABLE young couple would like to work on farm or private residence. L 7iKJ, Oregonian. COMPETENT nrehardfst and good manager wants position or place on shares1. F 7ti, Oregonian. WANTED By experienced man, care of hordes, cows, garden or lawn work. G 700, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED plumber, nonunion, wants steany position, city or suburbs. G o-j, Oregonian. SALESMAN with own horse and buggy de sires employment. H Oregonian. JAPANESE Employment Co. can furnish all kinds help. ZtlS Everett. Main 4B.MI. HORPESHOKR, A No. 1. capable running nre, wants worn, mono Main 3:1 is. YOI'NG man wishes work in auto shop or wuuiesaie aiore. k us, irefroman. TOrNO man wants work of any kind. Hiackweii. I 'lione wood lawn . CROCKERY and china salesman employment. G 78, Oregonian. A GOOD Japanese hoy wants evening work or any Kind. .1 7., oregonian. STOPT young man' wants employment of any Kinn in toe city, can up A 4i-. JAPANESE, young boy, wants position to do nousewora. is itK oregonian. PORTER or janitor work by an experienced Japanese. tJ ol, oregonian. ClOK wants work; can AM any position In tnai line. jm, uregoman. YOUNG man would Hke work on j dress D 1 i3, oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Boofes; ee Bern and Stenographers, WANTED A young lady stenographer and typewriter, very swiit and accurate machine and at reporting; bent of refcr- enees; would like to chance situations. Address R 7i. Oregonian. WANTED A clerical position. Can: do tvne writing and stenography, and have given satisfaction during several years' service. Would take half day work. C 7&7, Orego nian. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper desires po sition, or w-'.Il give rvlces and time to any new business for part Interest when estanii?ned. K iHt, Oregonian. YOt'NG lady stenographer, with experience aiso as Dining eiern, nesires permanent position ; can furnish best of references, phons A. 2tS7. STENOOR APHER, willing to work cheap 1 or experience, genera 1 on ice experience, knowledge of bookkeeping. 433 Taylor st. REFINED young lady wishes position as cashier and bookkeeper; small salary 00 start; beat of references. R 70O, Oregonian. FOR a good st en ogr apher. experienced or bejrinner. Phoie Business University, Main i.-o. 1 est en ana cer tinea. TOP NO lady wants place in an office as siten oKrapher for practice and some pay. Ad dress S 714. Oregonian. COMPETENT, experienced stenographer de si rea p-ettion; best of references. Phone East 2. .7. FIRST-CLASS stenographer and typewriter d sires position; salary no object. N 8L", Oregonian. SMAIL set of books to keep; working part of day; salary reasonable. S 710. care Ore gonian. REFINED young lady wjshef position as stenographer; references. R 7SS. Oregonian. LADY typist owning- machine desires pice work. Phone B 1744. WANTED By matured girl. In private fam ily, p lace ae nurse girl; wages f 25 per month. Add reas Box 12. New berg. Or. MIDDLE-AGED lady as nurse and house keeper; references given. $07 East Davis. Phone B 123$. AS M'RSE and seamstress or willing to travel wnn may, experiencea. Address F Tt3, Oregonian. NCRSE Ten years" experience, nursing or take charge of children. Call Pacific 1611. NCRSE would take invalid or confinement Ciis at hr home. O TirJ. Oregonian. A COMPETENT woman cook wishes situa tion In private family. Address V 7 14, Oregonian. RELIABLE- dressmaking at home or by the day. Phone Woodlawn 5J9, 1108 Moore st. fi I TP ATI ON WANTED FEMALE. REFINED young lady attending school. wants f do housework In exchange for r-om and h.ard- G stH. Oregonian. ART LA MODE. Street wults, riding habits, novelty skirts, traveling and n; era cloake. gown. Phones A M'.'rt. Main 3278. lbl th. opposite Hotel Port Is nd. ALL kinds of plain sewing. shirtwaists snd children's clothes a specialty ; alt work promptly and carefully executed at moderate prices. Call East 137. B 1837 THE HAWTHORN E" for fashionable dress making and tailoring at reasonable prices. 1o2V, Hawthorne. B 2193. DRESSMAKING by the day. ladles children's work. Phone' Main 4641. Call tor dressmaker. FIRST-CLASS and fancy dressmaking. " Broadway. Mrs. B. V. Pond. Phone East 1 EXPERIENCED kindergartner teaches and entertains children afternoons. Phone A DP. Ef-SM A K I Nil at home or by the dav Miss Chtsholm. the Beaver. Phone M. 771 PLAIN sewtng. shirtwaists, children's clothes and 11 ml oric car n rwm '19 -.11 I affpi,in DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. East 30th st. DKU-KMAKINQ of all Phone 4H12. 431 Main HoQsekaepeira. WANTED To take full charge of rooming- house on salary or shares, or would keep house for widower or bachelor. Mine. Tur ner, 2304 Lara bee. BY widow accustomed to nice surroundings. Position as managing housekeeper in good family. Can furnish, best references. O 7i. Oregonian. VERY capable woman wants housekeeping position tn hotel, or other work requiring responsible manager. H 7w, Oregonian. A MIDDLE-AGED lady would like position mj nouseaeeper. Aaareas sirs. scnaiK, viy Grand ave. Phone E. 444D. CAPABLE young woman with child wishes position, housekeeper, for respectable par ties. A tli Oregonian. LADY wishes position housekeeping for gentleman: have furniture if needed. 414 Gllsan, corner W)th. MIDDLE-AGED widow desires position s housekeeper to take full chare, phone Bilsorliaaeaaa. WANTED Position by reliable young wom an as companion, care of children or light housework; prefer to leave -city, beach or country. P O. Box 20. LADY of refinement would like to take care of family residence while owner leaves city tor Summer ; can give best of reference. E 7i. Oregonian. STRONG 12-year-oid 'girl will help do housework for board and lodging. Wants to attend school. Bertha Frcllich. Hotel Madison. 2.r2 Front st. YOI'NG lady graduate in music will give three months free Instruction to ambi tious students. Regular SI lesftona. Y. 7I4. Oregonian. WA NTED By thoroughly competent laun dress, work for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; 'also cleaning"- D Ore gonian. FIRST-CLASH waitress, employed part of day. would like to wait table for board during: evening dinner hours. Main 4478. YOCNG lady of experience snd ability will take entire charge of child at her own home, or housekeeper. - Main 44rtil. WANTED By first-class laundry woman, washing and Ironing. Monday and Tues day. Room IS. 3H21- Morrison. SITUATION wanted by bright, respectable young woman as lad tee maid or com panion. A 7D0. Oregonian. YOPNG lady gives, private lesson. In gram mar grade Htinlioa, drawing, German, music; references. Main 8183. COLORED woman wishes half-day work. Chamber worl; referred. 126 12th st. Phone Main 6U00. HONEST Japanese woman wishes situation to do domestic work; speak English. Care sr North .id st. FRENCH converrsatlon and grammar by young lndy experienced teacher from Paris. Y 7r.ft, Orezonian. YOl " NG wotnan wants day work, first -class laundress; will also do cleaning. L 7o, Oregonian. LACE CPRTAINH laundered; also fancy waists and drewes, by experienced band. Main 7014. RECENT graduate of Chicago Piano col lege desires pupils; 75c 4. minutes. Phone East MOT. CONSERVATORY graduate gives beginners two piano lessons for 75 cents. Phone Main 61H. YOUNG colored woman would like chamber work or work mornings. 474 Davis. Pa cific KCt&. WANTED To exchange piano lessons for sewing by prominent teacher. F 791, Ore gonian. LA''E curtains washed and stretched, 0 cents per pair. Phones, Pacific .'ii8, and A 4a7. WOMAN wants work by day Mondays and Fridays; no half days; references. East 20:,:t WIWW with home, would board small children. Call 723 Graves st.. Montavilla. MEN'S old clothing, shoes. Highest prices paid. 731& N 3d. Phono Pacific 1694. WANTED Hy experienced ironer, ironing at house or at home, phone M. 3376. YOUNG lady wishes private pupiu In the Spanish language. M 7H3, Oregoniaji. GOOD rook wirbea situation in family; no housework. Phono Pacific 1124. ILLUSTRATED song singer wants engage ment. Address V 774, Oregonian. WOMAN wants work Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Phone Main 22oS. LESSONS In German by experienced native teacher. Y 7tX). Oregonian. WOMAN wants) work by the day at home. Mrs. Ericson. 524 Rex ave. NICE neat colored girl wants chamber work. Good references. A 24JIS. WANTED Washing- and hou sec leaning. Phone I'acinc zoi'4, room rz. LACE CURTAINS done, 25c and up. Pacific ;iCt. A 5026. WANT to do houeecleaning by day. Phone Main 4349. GOOD woman wants days work. Laundress. A 249S. TV ANTED AGENTS. AGENTS, we reveal secret to first applicant from each city or town how you can mart new enterprise. Positive monopoly. Hull's Co-Operatlve Agency, 204 Franklin st,, New York. AGENTS wanted everywhere. William Jen nincw Bryan's great campaign song "St A of the West." Sample copy 10c. Commer cial Colortype Co.. Dept. 45, 152 Lake st., Chicago. III. AGENTS wanted to sell our high-grade trees. Shrubs, etc. Outfit furnished free; com mission advanced each week; good terri tory open. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or. AGENTS for kerosene. Incandescent mantle lamp; 12 tlmea cheater than gas; 7 times cheaper than ordinary kerosene lamp. Con tinental Co.. 333 Broadway, New York. AGENTS WANTED Can you sell jroods? If so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash, weekly Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem. Or. AGENTS wanted to handle campaign nov elty. Quick seller. Immensely profitable. For particulars address Campaign Buckle Co.. 1043 W. 34. Los Angeles. Cal. WANTED Agents, legitimate substitute for Mot machines; patentea. Hens on r:gnt ror $L Particulars. Gisha Company, Ander son, Ind. CREDIT to agents of H price; fast seller; good commission, bampie Joe. write gaie ty Clip Company, Cosby, Mo. SOLICITORS On salary or commission. Good pay to hustlers, call Lowns dule st.. afternoons. $5 TO $10 daily. 100 per cent profit. Best seller, t very one neeas tnem. &ox b.3. Denver. WANTED AGENTS. AGEVH Send for fre. of "The Thfltnan Agent." the greatest agents' pa per ever published. Killed with money making plana "no lben tax" decision of sijrem Court. Pol ntera to a gent a K er j aant tn the I. K. should have a epv at noe. Address todav. Thomas Ag.-nt, Dept. D lS3. Dayton. O. AGENTS Something ent'reijr new. Pimply cjin't help making splendid Income. Com plete monopoly. Not obtaJned elsewhere. Low priced but no trash. Instant demand. Poslt1eiy n-eded. Particulars free, Ad dres Colonial Mfg. Co.. DepL 335, Broad way. N. Y. AGENTS wanted to sell Whltcomb s 'Flex sole" unltned shoe for women; tM to 75 a week Income. All orders filled same day received. No tacks, no seams, no lin ings. Exclusive territory. Eastern Shoe Co.. Beverly, Maas SPECIAL agent wanted, $75 weekly and ex penses easily made selllnsr our popuWr combination policies and appointing agents. Experience unnecessary. Write Os car Ekman. 313 Eltel bldg.. Seattle. Wash. W ANTE D TO BENT. WANTED To rent furnished house. East Side on or near Hawthorne ave.; must have not leas than 7 room a ail modern conveniences and large yard. Standard Trust Co.. Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Furnished house of not less thaxi 7 rooms: must hart good furniture and all modern conveniences anJ a large yaid. on Portland Heights. Standard Trust Company. Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats, -stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. . oor. id and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED To rent unfurnished house with modern conveniences, not less than 7 rooms, with large grounds. Standard Trust Company, Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Furnished house or flat, about 5 rooms. East Side, within 15 blocks of Steel bridge; give price and particulars; references exchanged. E 7K7. Oregonian. WANTED To rent, unfurnished house of not less than 7 rooms. on Portland Heights, wi'ti large grounds. Standard Trunt Co.. Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED By April 22, room and hoard for lady and 8-year-old daughter In private family or family hotel: references ex changed. Y 7o7, Oregonian. A MODERN, well furnished house on East Side preferred, married couple, no chil dren, phono or see j. t. Nlciiols. Alexan der Court, 53 Ella st. W ANT E I iR 00 m and board in private fam ily, with homo comforts, by lady with 3-year-old child : good locality; eta to price. V 791, Org..nfan. FURNISHED or unfurnished cottage with yard and modern conveniences; in good neighborhood, near carline; no chtldren. O 77(. oregonian. WANTED Py small family, furnished cot tae; murt be reasonable and ehme In on W est Side; stftto rent In answering. R 7811, Oregonian. BY experienced party with little cash, small uIhc near Portland where ran raise, strawberries and chicken. J 7S7, Oregonian. BOARD and large room for man snd wife 1n private family; large yard, outside ad dition; references furnished. F 7iK. Ore" gonlan. WANTED Bet w-en now and August 1, large furnished or unfurnished: house; West Side. E. C. Shevlln, 253 West Park WANTED By desirable tenant within 0 nays, thoroughly modern house West Wide, about 8 room a J 70, Oregonian. TH REE unfurnished sunnv poms. with kitchen and sink. In vicinity of West Side high school. K. 7S8, Oregonian. WANTED To rent 2 rooms for light house keeping, unfurnished, gas. close in, rent reasonable. N 812. Oregonian. WANTED To rent 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms py man and wire, close in; state rent. Ad dress E 778. Oregonian. WANTED Small f u rn I sh ed room n o r itate price, and location. buninens section; F 7"t. Oregonian. YoUNG lady pianist wishes two meals and room, private family, references, central. G Wrft, Oregonian. FROM 2 to . acres anywhere on Columbia .slough, with house and barn, to rent, o 805, Oregonian. WANTED Board and room hy man and wife: 2 meals day; central location. G 7.-0, Oregonian. WANTED Single room near carline: house keeping privileges- and une of piano. E 789, Oregonian. WANTED By young man. furnished room near East Side high school. Address B 7!HJ, Oregonian. MODERN ft-room cotiage; West Side pre- ferred; careful, steady tenant. N 704, Oregonian. WANTED To rent hy May 1 ft or 7-room house. West Side, centrally located. Phone A 54134, A 6-R'X'M cottage for two adults; give full PHinruiBrs ana rnono numuer. n 776, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE. And any thing else you have to sell. PORTLAND AUCTION CO., Main fr'-V. A 4121. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N 3d at. phone Pacific 1722 WANTED -A sound and perfectly gent lo horse of (rood appearance for both riding and driving, about 1(hm pounds; subject to a week's trial. Phone Main '286.Y WANTED California Reports law books) ; give voitrmes you have, price and in what condition. R. F .Craig, Buhl. Twin Falls Co., Idaho. TO board one ur two children; beautiful house. I a rare grounds, mothers care; terms reasonable. Phone Sell wood 226. O 742, Oregonian. WANTED House, lo to 20 rooms, unfur nished, modern, walking distance: rent must be reasonable, with lease. Main 3614, A 2&20. WANTED Small child to care for; good home. Call Gray's Crossing. 10th ave. or address Mrs. Mae Loder. Lents, Or, WANTED Water tank of 2KH) gallon capac ity or larger. Call or tel. -phone room 334 Sherlock bldg. Phone Main 842. WE buy your household .goods of every de scription The Dollar. 232 1st st.; we want your trade. Main 6374. A 2327. WANTED Party to build small house, $100 cash and monthly payments, on lot near Piedmont. A "H7. Oregonian. WANTED Plumbers and plpefiatters tools; state what you have and price. Address T 779. Oregonian. WANTED A good carpet or square about 14xTT feet; must be good quality. E 833. Oregonian. WANTED Two second-hand gas arcs, also chandeliers and side brackets. 3l0Vi Burn side st. A 20-3O H. P. 6-pamcnger auto. Address, w ith description and price Y 796, Orego nian. READY money paid for furniture; better prices than a dealer. phone East SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Pbone East 1057. I PAY cash for housencld goods. Savage A Pennell Fur. Co.. ."45 1st. Phone 360. WANTED Horse for n:ust be city broke. delivery. 1100 iba. ; 303 E. Momsoa. WANTED Gas range, must be In good con dition. Address E 774. Oregonian. wn.L take best of care of piano for its use; reftrences. Phone Woodlawn 1014. WANTED To bicycle. 41 : buy ". Mb. a good second-hand cor. Couch. W'AXTHD To trade for automobile bupgy. 430 Worcester b!dg. SECOND-HAND gas and wood range and re frigerator. O 7S0, Oregonian. WANTED To buy second-hand Job press. FOR KENT. Rooma BUB Where wilt a letter reach you? Am anxious about you; a postal sent as before; with just the address, will be-understood. Dearie. FOE wrt. FvHftehe Room. THE COMMERCIAL Nicely furr.urbed tvjn, alr.gla or suite. $290 per week up; steam ht. hot and cold water., free baths, trans'ents so licited: rstea 5K 75c and It daliy; opn all n ig Jit ; best location la the city ; off 1' and r'al'rg-room ground floor. 4$-its2 W ashtngton st. PART of a modern, ntc-ly furnished house, with housr keeping privilege, to one or to young ladies a ho er employed during the day; reference eichang--d. Ca!l Sun day before 11 or Monday evening, 318 K. 32d. cor. Salmon. HOTEL. FRANKLIN, cor. IStb. and Wash ington ats Msiy rurnisnea mrougnout; new building; suites with baths, hot and cold water in every room phone Male T1D-1 Long-distance phones In all room a HOTEL GLEN WOOD, 2d and Salmon, new end elegantly furnished, hot and cold water every room, private baths, steam hest; transient $1 and up; special rates week or month. Mrs. enable. THE GAYOSA. Grand ave. and East Stark new brir-k building, ever modern ronve-n fence; elevator, hot water and baths; two rooms, also housekeeping- suite, vary reaaon- aoie. HOTEL KEN YON. ISth end Washington Modem rooma, single and en auita; also housekeeping; running water; private and frsa baths; ratea reasonable. Pact fie 4:$. HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th, first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite every modern convenience. 13 weekly ud dally T&c up; special monthly rataa. Main 57 HOTEL SACRY. M5H 1st St., between Hall and Lincoln; new furniture, new building; free bath and telephone, electric lights; rates reasonable; traasient. Phone A 2159. THE WILLAMETTE. 822V Stark, B. W. cor. 6th St. Wall furnished rooma, large aatd light, single or en suite; transient. yOc t $1: by week, $2 to $5. Paclflo 1204 367 E. COUCH near 13th, nicely furnished, large front room In private family, new house, gas. electric. light, large closet; modern conveniences. Reasonable. PACIFIC HOTKL 1st and Columbia sts. : steam heat, free bath, hot and cold water in all rooms; 50c to $1 day; $2. AO to $5 per week. t'hone A .39. HOTEL ANTLERS, cor. lOtb and Washing ton st. All modern conveniences; suites with bath; principal carllnes pass the door Pbone Main 33 FRONT suite o rooma nicaly furnished for z gentlemen or couple; aiso use ox small kitchen if d esl red ; good location, desir able. 104 North loth. LARGE nicely furnished front room, two windows, closet, bath, light, heat, phone, cheap: refined home. A MHO. 312 Sherman, bet. 0th and tit ti. THE WOODLAND -Largs, finely furnished rooms, private home, beautiful ground, modern. 4 blocks from P. O-, $3 per week up. 205 0th at. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, with or without board ; private, very reason able; walking distance. 418 San Rafael street. Ft RN IS H ED sunny front room with private family; no children and within easy walk ing distance; board if wanted. 429 E. Dav !. FURNISHED rooms, firet floor, front rooms, light, quiet, central, phone, bath ; rates moderate. Hotel Empress, cor. 6th and Stark. TWO beautiful newly furnished sunny front rooms; very central. West side, prt vat e family. References. 194 12th. Main 8220. FOR RENT Bright cheerful sleeping room and parlor for two gentlemen or gentle man and wife; modern. Phone Main 305o THE ESTES Gobd rooms, reasonable; new furniture, telephone and baths free. .327 is tit ark. earner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Kstea THE CADILLAC. 8d and Columbia; newly furnished rooms, single or en wilte; easy walking distance from center of city. A LA RGE pleasant room, wlh all conveni ences, suitable for one or two gentlemen. At 414V, Jefferson st. $12 per month. $8 Large, bright, newly furnished room: quiet, central; fine porcelain bath. gas. 325 12th st. Phone Pacific 2lo2, A 372. THE KINGSTON. lOOVs 3d st., JOc. $1 dally; $2.60 to $5 weekly; modern conveniences; open all night; transients solicited. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, private family; ail ronveniemvs; walking distance; rent reasonable. 275 14th st. VERY pleasant room, everything modern, private family, easy walking distance; reasonable terms. Main 32Su. THREE nicely furnished rooms with bath and pantry, gas and electricity, with pri vate family. C 780. Oregonian. THE COLLI NGE Newly furnished rooma ; hot and cold water, furnace heat, free baths and phone. 321 4th st. EXCEPTIONALLY, cheap rent for two young ladies, with home privileges. Call before 12 A. M., 467 Montgomery. LA RGH pleasant room for one or two gen tlemen; modern conveniences; walking dis tance. 14 Eaet 7th South. LARGE or small room, nicely furnished, all conveniences, yard; private house; olose in. 632 Flanders. 2fM 13"H, nicely furnished room In prlvato family, new house, every convenience, gen tlemen only ; reasonable. WELL furnished room In private family; modern conveniences; R minutes' walk ; rea sonable. 31 1 V3 5th st. A NICELY furnished room, close In : bath, steam heat and phone; outside flat. 4'.4 Morrison st.. fiat 10. NICELY furnished room with .ll conveniences. 653 Washington 21st and Eila sts. modem bet. LA RGE front room, nicely furnished, with ue of both phones; very cheap. 3o9 Mar ket, near Fifth st. PLEASANT, nicely furnished room: hot and cold water, vtcam beat; large closet, 163 17th, cor. Morrison. NEWLY furnished rooms, use of parlor, bath, phone. $12 to $16 month. 47 Clay St., cor. 14th st. BRIGHT, comfortable room; running water; repidence district; walking distance. Main 3312. 361 10th. NICELY furnished room with home privileges for one or two young ladies; refertneea. 374 East 11th. NI'E clean, sunny room, suitable for two: $1 .50 each per week; all conveniences. 190 west Park. FURNISHED front room for rent : suitable for man or lady; rent $5 per month. 325 Schuyler sL. FRONT room with clothes press, distance, all conveniences; $10 a 401 6 tli- walking month. A SUITE of rooms with private bath, at the Bushmark Hotel. 17th and Washing ton sts. 3.94 CHERRY ST. Large, pleasant room for two or single, walking distance. Phone and bath. THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5 wk. ; also transient rooms. 843 Morrison. TWO furnished rooms in private family; no other roomers. 300 N. 19th. Phone A 5452. CONVENIENT room, for one or two. close in. Phone Main 7424 or J 790, Oregonian. TWO nlco furnished single rooms with bath and light, for rent cheap. 431 7th st. FURNISHED rooms. $2 per week and up. Cot tage Rooming-house, KW North 0th st. THHJ RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia; rooms; heat, bath. 50c to $1 day; $2 to $4 week. DESIRABLE rooms for gentlemen. 351 Wes Park st. Phone Pac 1270, forenoon. NICE large front room. $6. neat small room, $5; bath, phone. 195 17th st North. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms by the day, week or month. 247 Taylor st. FOR RENT 5-room furnished flat; electric light, bath. Inquire 2T1 7th. FOR RENT Upper six-room flat; rent $22.50. 635 Montgomery, near 16th. FOR RENT Large front room; also one other at the RIdgeway, 270 6th st. FOR nice, clean, cozy room call 667 Everett at. ; modern and reasonable. OAK HOTEL. 347 Oak, bast location, steam heat, hot and cold water. NICBLT furnished room, private bouse. 341 Harrison at., cor. 7th. NICELY furni!tird room, reasonable. 223 West Park, near Salmon. NICE front furnished room, 135 11th. cor. Alder. Bath. gas. LARGE front room, cheap. 349 Yamhill sL FOR RENT. tnrnihe4 Rooms, ON F) a ONK $10 Ne front rr.m In prh tt bom on st.; waktrg distance, good be.rd near, or m ght arrange r.,r housekeeping. Inquire ro -m fti.. Cor hell b!lg. TELKPHCN E Pacific 20H. The Sherman; newly renovated LirnUhe.i rooms. - o per week and up; link tw further; ur"'r n-w management, also transient. 1J3 12th, our. Washington. SINGLE OR EN PITm BATH. HffiAT. 1KT WATER. ET.rWATOR, "MILNER ILDG.." Kj M'TRIm'N ST. MODB.tN, CENTRAL. REASONABLE. THE KLLSWtKTH. lrt Lownria at. Strictly modern, beau tifully furnished roms: rates very re eonah.e. phone Main IMT4. NICE comer suite of rooms adjoining bath room; very central; suitable f.r two or three parties; rea-nable. Sit 7 th-sL, cor. Main. Phon A 1712 MAXWELL HAIf Hsndsomely furnished, aunny. clean rooms; hot and cold water in every rut. walking distance; rates $2.$0' up. 2u7 14th. THREE unfurnished rooms, first or aeoond fioor; new. modern private dwelling; lawn, close In. Phor.e East 4U-i7. NICE large room. new. modern houee, convenience, central, fine view, able. Phone Mafn 2219. ONE newly f urn I "bed front room on firat floor. with private entrance; close in; $2 per wee a. Inquire 410 Km at Pine. DESIRABLE room in private residence; rea sonable. 149 Iyownsdaie St., op p. High. School. Main 7224. FURNISHED room for rent; ml table for 3 gentlemen; also small room, 11 North $tn at., near Burnside. 09 11TH Large. well furnished front room with fiiepiace; 00s or two gentle men; reasonable. NK'ELY furnished rooms; venlences; coxy; $h per North l:th st. all modem month up. con ab'.a FRONT room with bay window, reasonable; sultab.e two people. Between 10th and 426 Burnside. 28 N. 17TH Pleasant furnished rooms: run ning water; $3 per wak. First house oft Washington. TWO rooms, gas. water. $4.50 a month. I'Mty, Market st. Three f urn t shed, rooms 340 Front. NIH) furnished room. gas. and tele phone, walking distance. $S per month. ;31i Mill st. ' THE ANKENY. ."W9'i Ankeny a., one block: from Oregon Hotel; furnished rooms, $3 pep week. NM'BLY furnished frrnt rooms, wlth'hot sn-t cold w.ter; ro jdern; very reasonable, 47.1 Alder at reed. SMALL fror.t room, nicely furnished; mod ern ; $2..V per week. ISO 17th St., cor. Yamhill. 145Uj TH ST I-ook at my furnished rooms on either floor; prices way down, on Inside or out. 212 7TH ST. Nice clean outside room: free phone and bath; gentleman ; also transient rooms. 2T8 1 1TH ST.. front alcove eoom. all con veniences, suitable for two gentlemen; with board. NICELY furnished room with connecting bath, gas, phone, ulose in ; reasonable. -t- Tay lor. LA RGE room on rt nst floor ; well furnished ; iixrtrn conveniences. 181 14th, cor. Yam hill. FURNISHED room fr rent: $0 per month. 14 11th (rear house, bet. W'esn. ajid Sturk. NICELY furnished bedroom: light and sunny; bath; rent $6. 1M E. 7th. near Yamhill. TW'O front rooms: modem; $lo and $12; four blocks fmm Washington. Ktt N. 14th. FURNISHED room for one or two gentlemca; phor.e, bath and- gas. Phono Eaet 5.M. DESIRABLE sunny front rim; strictly mod ern; phone and bath. 22 th st. FOR RENT 3 furnished front rooms, Alder st.. between 4th and 5th. 354 CLAY One furnished front room; no. children. Phone pacific I74S. FOUR or five paxtlv furr.lfhed rooms oa Port land Heights. Call A 2491. NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for 2 gentlemen. 275 Columbia. 249 JEFFERSON One room for one or two persons; close in. cheap. r2"WEST PARK ST. Furnished rooms; fur nace heat, bath, gas. NI'TELY furnished rooms, steam heat. 95 11th st.. cor. Stark. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms for rent. Main KH. TWO furnished rooms $2 snd $.1 week. 209 V 4th st. LARGE front room, $10 per month. rieon. Unfurnished Rooms. SINGLE OR EN SUITE. BATH. II EAT. HOT WATER. ELEVATOR. "MfLNEU BLDG.." :1541V- MORRISON ST. 5 to DB N . CENTRAL, REASONABLE. NICELY rurnlshed also unfurnished room-, single or en suite; quiet and very suitable for single gentlemen. Kamm bldg., 1st and I'ine. TWO unfurnlshesd rooms for light house keeping; also one large, nicely furnished room- 575 East Madison St. TWO unfurnished rooms Tor lizht hnus -keoping: also one larse. nicely furnished room. 575 Earn Morrison st. FOCR unfurnished rooms, bath. gas. elec tric light. modern, reasonable. 431 East Ash., near 7th. FOUR unfurnished rooms, suitable for house keeping; $ 1 2. Free water. East 5749. THREE Union lovely unfurnished rooms. 972 ave. North, cor. Going; $12. Rooms With Board. WANTED Young lady of refinement to board and room: $13 per month. 4o7 10th st., llat L. Phone A 6241. BRIGHT, pleasant room with small private family; lady employed preferred. 692 Gli san. near crHnes. 89 ALDER ST. Nicely furnished rooms, with hoard; home cooking; fine service; rates - reasonable. 33 17TH KT., north of Washington. lartjo corner room; sunny, airy, bath, adjoining; board optional. ROOM and board for two employed people; residence location; walking distance. i'Ci E. Morrison. FRONT room, modern; private family: best home cooking. IfebVj 12th si. Main 0996. NICELY furnished room with board, suit able for two parties. 127 E. J7th. cor. Mor rison st. ROOM and board suitable for two young men; lo minutes' walk; like home. Pa cific 2831. I HAVE a fimt -class place for Summer boarder; homelike; 15 minutes' ride. Kant 1407. FURNISHED rooms and board in private fao-Jly; modern. 412 2d. Phone Main 4173. BY April 16. large, very pleasant room, sec ond floor; modern conveniences. 452 Mor'sn. VERY nice suite of rooms, also single, with, first-class board- The Sterling, 533 Couch. ROOM and board for two; bath, phone; per week. 328 Clay. Phone Main 5&03. THE MARLYN Furnished room; good board; convenient. 653 Washington st. GO to 22 North 9th st. for nicely furnished rooms and board; close In; home cooking. NEWLY furnished room for rent, with board, to right party. Address 4124 Jefferson st. ROOM with board for two gentlemen or man and wife. Phone Pacific 1460. 38 5th. FIRHT-CLASS board and room; home cooking; reasonable. 328 6th st. Phone A 32. ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, with or without board. 475 Morrison st. LARGE furnished or unfurnished rooms, wltb. board. 517 Morrison St., cor 10th,