The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 05, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 21

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THE Meier & Frank store requires tha serv-l.-ea
of 50 experienced sewers for thir cloak
ppt alteration room. Apply at f nee.
If.iipi (nok, $I0; country hotel conk. $.",
fare here; 2 camp waitresses, $2-".; 2 ccun
u y h'nel waltrwses, $25; 4 chambermaids,
r, city waitresses, private family cooks."
second girls, nurseglrls. housegirls and
girls to AKaist.
Sw situations dnfly
.14'IH Washington St.. Cor. 7th, Upstairs.
BR a graduate nurse; earn $20 to $35 weekly;
we provide h'-me study lectures; hospital
practice whfq desired; employment for tu-
d'lits, graduate; largest train ins school,
w -jrf fi ; rite, free book. American Train
Ins School Nurses, 4o0 Crilly bldg., Chi
Applicants for all kinds of work regis
ter with us, free of charge, so w may
locate you on short notice.
S43H Washington st.. corner 7th. upstairs.
WANTED Ilonetit partner as cashier for
Hint Ion picture theater; $400 cash re
quired; hsve fine proposition; no time for
curiosity-seekers; have picture machine
and film for sale. Koom 15, Hotel palmer.
a.'.O'i Alder st.
WHAT neat and tidy working girl will take
care of a small out tape In exchange for room
and board? A good home more than wages
to the right party. Widows with chil'lrtn
and general delivery not answered. B 701,
Oregon Ian.
WANTED Chambermaid, country hotel. $25;
cock for boarding-house, $35; waitresses,
girls for general housework, others,
Ladies' Department. 2054 Morrison st.
LAP I Erf to act as ajrent to handle a quick
selling line of waists and petticoats to sell
on the installment plan; liberal commis
sions1; no former experience necessary. J.
I'. Sherman, 2ti2 3d.
LADIES, take Instruction in Spanish lan
guage; modern conversational method;
profitable positions now in demand. 45
Commonwealth bMg., 6th and Ankeny.
THE Meter 8c Frank Store has an opening In
their art needlework department for a young
woman who can -sell and do embroidery
work.' Apply before 10 A. M.
WANTED A girl who inderstands power ma
chine, nicking shoe uppers. Call Monday
morning, Theo. Bergman n Shoe Mfg. Co.,
tfc:l Thurman st.
MILKERS, farmers, waitresses, city, H.-pp-ner,
Shanlko. Wahougal: cook. $X;
chamber, family help. "Drake's," 2o5i3
YOUNG lady, with some knowledge of book
keeping and stenography, to work from 1
to ti 1'. M. ; state salary. L. ureKoman.
GOOD girl or woman for kitchen work in
private boarding-house, good place for
right party. Call 251 7th st.
WILL sell iny piano for about one-half its
original cost. Standard make, nearly new,
fine tone. E 777. Oregonian.
WANTED Two live young men of good ad
dress. Call today hetween 11 and I o'clock
room 400. Oregonian bldg.
HOi'SKK E EPERS, cooks, nurses, waitresses,
spcftini girls. St. Louis Ladies' Agency,
230' Yamhill. Main 5413.
WANTED A girl for general housework; no
washing; two adult a, one child; 7 -room
house. 414 Holladuy ave.
COMPETENT girl to do second work, one
that understands sewing; good wages. Ap
ply 6l) Flanders.
A tllRli to do cocking and assist in general
housework. Telephone East Oil or call at
6l Tillamook st.
WANTKD Woman for housework in coun
try. Call today before 1 P. M., 80S East
Pth st. North.
WANTED Experienced woman or girl to
ure for child; good wages. 743 Everett
st.. near 2'id.
MATTRESSES remand and renovated, mod
erate prices, pijou Upholstery. 127 11th
st. Main S190-
TAILOR-EPS; must be experienced to put in
, linings and help tailors. J. K. Stern, 420
W ashlngton.
TOr.NV, lady to sell typewriter supplies on
'commission ; good chance. Address R 771,
d-RCMM lower Hat. modern, completely fur
nUhl; would sell furniture cheap; terms.
3 2d.
WANTED A girl for general housework in
i n-rooin bungalow. 1214 Clinton st. Tabor
WA NTED- Competent girl for general house
work. Apply ll K. lflth. Phone East 1593.
COMPETENT girl, fanlllv three adults. Call
Monday. 301 Main, near lOth.
to h k&:hi with bouse work ,
Wl'i Couch st.
fl'TTER and fitter" for ladles' suits and
shirtwaists. F 77t". Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS finishers ladles' coats and
skirls. J. M. Acheson Co
GIRL or woman for general housework; $20 a
month. 82,l Kearney.
WANTED A young girl for housework. Ap
ply 570 East MaiUson.
W ANTED Girl Tor general housework.
Phone C 10:0.
WANTED An experienced second girl. Call
till Lovjoy pt.
GIRT for general housework; call 617 Johnson
before 12.
YOUNG men and women to take lessors In
shorthand and bookke-pirsr by a jnitcnt
Instructor and tourt reporter. Write V 7Srt,
WA NTED All kinds of experienced laun
iiy help at once. Rough'-lry-IJaundry Co.,
2Mb and Upshur st. Phone Main 2207.
W A NTED Marker and assorter; good wags
to ftrst-cla.-? man or woman. Robinson'
Domestic Laun iry. rf nil lot on. Or.
WANTED Lady and gentlemen agents Tot
i it -c.'tllnK household article; city and
country. K 756, Oregonian.
RKFINED iadies. gentleman, to take part
In dramas, cltv, reasonable. 3 Milner
b:-'g.. 5 o'clock.
REFINED ladies, gentlemen, to take part
in drama, city, reasonable. 2 Mllner
bldg.. 5 o'clock.
St.HITOHS wanted at $3 a day guaranterd.
ti50 Ganie-nhein ae.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
PERMANENT position by experienced book
kee ,er. accurate and ro liable, city or
country. Phone East 27S6 or L 7SI Ore
Ionian. FIRST -CLASS office man, accountant and ste
nograpber. 6 year commercial and bsnk
work; references. J 772. Oregitiian.
EXPERT bokk?per wants two small sets
rok to k-H-p: auditing or other account
ing. K 770. Oregonian.
WANTED- Position by an experienced lum
ber bookkeeper; can furnish reference.
D 707. Oregonian. ,
BOOKKEEPER, Ar-st-clas, competent ac
countant, desires position ; reference. P
757. Ort-gontan.
EXPERIENCED clothing and dry goods man
wants change; sxtacy and trustworthy. J
754. Oregojilan.
rKH.'KKEEl"ER Or collector: yomg nian. in
r out of town; bet of references. J. 7&i,
Bookkeepers and Clerk.
TOt'NG man. age 26, desires position In
credit department of local firm; have had
considerable experience along this line and
can furnish highest references; willing to
commence on modest ealary. L 784, Orego
nian. GRADUATE of Eastern business college,
with five yers" experience as book
keeper, cashier and solicitor, desire po
sition with reliable firm. Al references
furnished. S 771, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS stenographer wishes posi
tion with reliable concern, with lot of
work to show ability. Rapid; 5 years' ex
perience; good reference. T 777, Orego
nian. BOOKS KEPT by competent and reliable
accountant, also auditing and general pub
lic accounting.- E. - H. Colli. 324 Wor
cester block.
YOUNG man from business college desirea
some kind of clerical position, also has
some experience in hardware. R 7S3,
EXPERIENCED stenographer, familiar with
books: can speak German; desires position;
referecces A-l ; salary moderate. S 753,
GROCERY clerk with A-l references as to
ability and honesty wishes position. K 731,
WANTED Position by window-trimmer; 16
yearn" experience. Address N 756, Ore
gonian. Miscellaneous.
BY advertiser, window-trimmer and card
writer, also good salesman; best of re
ferences; have had experience in shoes,
ge n t ' a f u rn !h l n gs and s j ec i al sales busi
ness. Call Pacific 370. 4S2 Hall at.
YOUNG man of ten years experience wants
& position as dairy man; experienced,
good, clean milker. Can get reference
from all employers If needed ; no farm
ing. Address T 769. Oregonian.
GERMAN dairyman. up-to-date in all
branches of dairy' business, first -class but
ter and cheese-maker, understand pasteur
izing, sterilising, etc., best references '
wantr position. P 756, Oregonian.
EXCEPTIONALLY capable German, mt-rrled.
wan; situauon city or suburbs; well versed
with lawn, flowers, garden, stock, mechanics,
etc.; good work for good wages. Addiess
L 756, Oregonian.
A GOOD side line, suitable for general mer
chandise trade, wanted by live man mak
ing several counties In Oregon and Wash
ington. Room 37 Wash. bidg.
A FIRST-CLASS German baker; sober,
steady man; wants a good steady country
place; gcod references. Apply or address
G. H. LIchthorn, Eetacada. Or.
JAPANESE young man wishes to do house
work, washing windows by day or hour;
well experienced. Charley T. M., 232
Couch st. Phone A 1260.
FIRST-CLASS shoe, clothing, hat and gents'
furnishing man, 32, wants place In
country; Coast experience; state rwages
paid. L 760, Oregonian.
A G ENTLEM A N , stranger he re, so ber, re
liable, would liko to- take charge of widow's
farm; salary no . object; hum wanted.
K 755, Oregonian.
GERMAN gentleman, 30. well educated and
experienced in business, good appearance,
wants position; best of references. Address
P 755, oregonian.
WANTED Permanent position by an all
round laundryman. satisfactory references.
D. W. Olinger, 203 Washington street,
Olj'nipla, Wash.
ELDERLY man wants work store, hotel or
restaurant; any work that would suit;
wages moiiertite. Address A 775, Orego
nian. WATCHMAKER, first-clces, wants situation
at once; state full particulars and wages
paid, to box V 7iw, Oregonian office, Port
land. "
REGISTERED pharmacist over 20 rears' ex
perience. Is open for engagement; strictly
temperate and reliable. D 776, Oregonian.
YOUNG man. 2.1 years old, desires position
as salesman; 10 years' experience; refer
ences good. Salesman, 440 Benton st.
A FIRST-CLASS clothing and gents' furnish
ing man wants a poeliion In or out of the
city; best references. A 755, Oregonian.
YOUNG man working two days a week want
a place to work the rest of the time for
board and room. P 752, Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese boy wants position at house
work, dipbes or chamber work or
porter in saloon. Phone Pacific 2302. .
JAPAN Ei5 E man and wife want position ;
man cook and wife second work; in city
or country. P 771. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Eastern chauffeur, single,
careful driver, sober and respectable; will
leave city. Y 772. Oresonian.
YOUNG man wishes work of any kind around
kouMe and lawn by day or week. B.- BlaJt
well. Phone Woodlawn 089.
PLtTMRER, good all-ardund mechanic, wants
position, city or country: wages moderate.
Address F 733, Oregonian.
FIRT-CLAKS eook wants position in club
houee. restaurant or camp, city or coun
try. K 754, Oregonian.
AN all-around salesman wants position; uned
to working in general stores; good refer
ences. A 756, Oregonian.
CARPENTER Young man. would like work
with carpenter as helper. E. Blackwell.
Phone Woodlawn .
WE want I0K baby carriages to repair; we
put on new tires. Bijou U-pholstery, 127
11th st. Main R1W5.
GOOD Japanese, wants family housework;
speaks English well; understand cooking.
P 7'7. Oregonian.
WALTER 6TANDIFER CO.. general bmise
cleaners. U74- Holliday ave. Phone East
A GENTLEMAN with good references wishes
steady work as night watchman. Address
Arleta, box 156.
MONUMENTS reset and cleaned as good as
new. Address E. Conrad, General Delivery,
Portland. Or.
YOUNG man attending business college wants
place to work for room and board. D 757,
JAPANESE Employment Office, male and
female. 240 Couch st. Phone Main 6521.
GOOD Japanese wants to do general house
work and help In kUchen. A 7ti2, Oregonian.
SASH and door man in planing mill wants
neatly work at $iiH. L 7 ov. Oregonian.
PRACTICA L gas engineer with marine li
cense wishes position. F 777. Oregonian.
A GOOD woodturner, moulder and bamlsaw
man desires situation, L 755. Oregonian.
REL1 AKIJ2 chauffeur wants position. Call
l'! E. Morris n at. Wages reasonable.
A good carpenter wants first-class finish
ing to do. Address D 775, Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants position as porter In store
or hotel in tho city. A 761, Oregonian.
WALL PAPER cleaning, paperhanglng and
tinting. . A. O. Cuyler. Pacific. 1102.
YOUNG man wants position as meat 'cutter,
has experience. D 75S. Oregonian.
RELIABLE young Japanese boy wants
evening work. W 75S. Oregonian.
ARE you going to build,? Address P. O. box
. 125 Lents. Or. Plans . furnished. - '
WANTED More offices to rare for by a good,
hoiiewt janitor. Call up-Main 6140.
PLANS and details for 3-room cottaxe for
$lo. p. O. box 125. Lents. Or.
JAPANESE laborers furnished to sawmill or
farm-ranch. B 70, Oregonian.
MAN and wife want work !n log camp such
u cooking., ph. ne Main 1640.
GOOD man wants position, any work, by
right. P 777, Oregonian.
GOOD sober haker wants position; will leave
city. P 778, Oregonian.
POSITION as. machinist or millwright. A 754,
FOR plastering at bed-rock prices phone East
Bookkeeper and Stenographer.
YOUNG lady wishes position at collect
ing; experienced. Best of reference. W
1'AK Oregonian.
YOUNG lady desire small set of books
to kerti evenings. Reasonable salary. S
72. Oregonian.
POSITION by thoroughly competent txper-i-.r.cei
stenographer. E. P., K-5S E. Mor
rison sK,
LADY bookkeeper and rashier; experience and
references; over 25. XX 252, Oregon Lac.
Bookkeeper mad StenograpaersL
MISS CARRA BUSH, public stenographer;
work done promptly and in strlctes. confi
dence; will call at offices and take dictation.
Lumber Exchange bldg. - Phone Main
YOUNG lady, finishing echod for stenography,
desires position Immediately ; monev no ob
ject at first. Address P. O. Box 320, Port
land. BRIGHT young woman wants office work;
fair bookkeeper, former teacher; small eal
ary to start. T 75 0. Oregonian.
COMPETENT stenographer and typewriter
desires position in real estate office; salary
no object- K 772, Oregonian. .
FOR a good stenographer, experienced or
beginner, phone Business University. Main
4504. Tested and certified.
FRENCH teacher, late of Paris; true Part
slenne French Instruction at a low price.
K 773. Oregonian.
COMPETENT young lacy want position as
bookkeeper. V 759, Oregonian.
COMPETENT, experienced stenographer de
sires positjon. Phone Tabor 74.
STENOGRAPHIC or office work; beginner. B
753. Oregonian.
New York designers and fitters: evening
and graduating gowns, shirt waist suits;
special attention to Juvenile department
Phones A 5326. Main 3378. 181 Gtli, ojp.
Hotel Portland. ,
ALL kinds of plain sewing, shirtwaists
and children's clothes a specialty ; all
work promptly and carefully executed at
moderate prices. Call East 1837, B 1837.
LADIES' wishing how to make your own
gowns or for others, would do well to
call Miss Hofmaister, 670 Couch st Phone
Main 1192.
DRESSMAKER could accommodate a few
more customers shirtwaist and shirt
waist suits a specialty. Main S420
FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonably done
at 147 15th st , bet. Hoyt and Irving.
Phone Main 40t5.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by day
and at tome; xeasonabie. Phone A 4007
361 Taylor.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes engage
ments by day. Miss Larsen. A 3865, Main
LADIES and children's tailored coats, chil
dren's dresses and shirtwaists. East 3742.
MRS. O. W. MARBt'RT. first-clas dress
making. 87 N. 7th st. Phone Main 6195.
DRESSMAKING in families: alteration no
objection. Phone Tabor 228.
B. L. DUNLAP Modiste. Gayosa Bldg.,
Grand ave. and Stark st.
BY a graduate nurse, maternity or other
nursing. Terms moderate to suit eveiy
one. Phone Main 3424.
REFINED woman housekeeper widower's
home. Experienced chambermaid, neat
second girl. Young woman, girl 4, cook.
230i YamhllL Main 5413.
LADY, unincumbered, experienced, wants
position as housekeeper, hotel, rooming
house or confectionery store. Address H
755, Oregonian.
YOUNG woman desires position as houteT
keeper or management of small rooming
house. Pacific 1939.
W ANTED By young lady, a position a
housekeeper for a widower. O 7ii. Ore
gonian. HOUSEKEEPER for country home. S in fam
ily; near carline; good wagea. Scott 6574.
GOOD experienced nurse wishes situation
Immediately. Main 5792. A 3S06.
A YOUNG lady attending business college
desires a position with a private family
where she can assist with housework for
ner board. Address N. J. C., 113 N. 18th
GOOD cook and second girl wishe situa
tion together or separate. Phone Pacific
1124. Address for three days
NEAT, experienced girl desires position as
second girl. Best of reference. T 770,
GERMAN girl wishes position dolnW house
work. Apply Hercberg, 904 Macadam.
GENFJRAL housework wanted by newcomer,
girl; call Monday. 511 Everett t.
SITUATION wanted by up-to-date woman
cook, hotel or short-order; only highest
wages considered ;can furnish the kitchen
help if desired. Would take camp or river
iob- c- Lange, address one week.
.to4, Oregonian.
BY experienced youn lady, position as
housekeeper. care of children or Invalid or
will take entire charge of child at hr own
horne; trustworthy, reliable; references.
G 7i7. Oregonian.
GERMAN lady, refined, epeakti English
French. German, graduated at Royal Acad
emy of Music, Berlin, excellent house-keep-,
wants posction. P 73S, Ore
gonian. 4fc WIDOW, having lost her means, desires
a home In some good family, or a po
sition of some kind. She is capable along
many lines. Address W 76L Oregonian.
WANTED Houseclepning, washing, office
cleaning and ducting by the day, also men's
waning. Ironing and mending. Phone Main
6575 or call 6S 7th st.
HOME wanted; young woman wants home In
good family, or puaitlon as companion; good
home, not wage, the object. J 774 Ore
gonian. TWO young women want day work from 8 to
1 P. M. ; references. Call Main 4467 from
2 to 5 P. M. Don't call Sunday.
EDUCATIONAL French conversation and
grammar by young lady, experienced teaeh
,cr, from Paris. A 752, Oregonian.
A CAPABLE, refined woman would like a
position In home where children need moth
er's care. A 750, Oregonian.
LADY wants to do lace curtains; flrst-clas
work; 25 cents a pair; and gents laundry.
Phone B 1338 at 7 P. M.
YOU NO woman deIres position as compan
ion to elderly woman or to care for children.
A 7 GO, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wishes day work, Wednesdays,
Thursday and Fridays; fin laundress. A
753, Oregonian.
A OT"LTURRD woman would like a position as
companion to elderly lady or invalid. A
751, Oregonian.
HOME laundered lace curtains done by ex
perienced hand. Phone Tabor, 634. Mr.
S. M. Scott.
WE want to do your furniture repairing and
upholstering. Bijou Upholstery, 127 lith
Main S19t.
EXPERIENCED German woman wants lace
curtains to wash at home; references. Phone
Main 5657.
LADY would do chamber work for house
kping rooms, self and hue band. L 763,
ANY one wishing to have ladies' and gent's
fancy clothes washed and ironed call East
LACE curtains laundered; also fancy waists
and dresses, by experienced hand. Main
EX PERI ENCED klrderrartner teaches a nd
tntertains children afternoons. Phone A 46o2.
WORK wanted by day for Tuesdays and Fri
days; references; no half days. East 2059.
AN experienced woman would like to take
home family washing. Phone M 5916-
MEN'S old clothing, shoe Highest price
paid. 73 H N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1694.
LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40 cent
per pair. Phones Pacific 3&6 and A 4.187.
COMPETENT lady cook wishes position in
private family. D 751. Oregonian.
PLNO leeson at your home; references;
terms reasonable. Tlitne East 1407.
LACE curtains laundered &t Main 7640 or
A 5 2S 9. 30c a pal r and up
WANTED Washing and house-cleaning.
Phone Pacific 2024. room 12.
A WOMAN will help In hotels or familie by
the hour. Phone Pacific 267.
WORK by the hour or day by a capable
woman. Phon Main 43S4.
LACE CURTAINS done, 25c and up. Pac.
366, A 5o26.
WILL take care of children evenings. Phone
Pacific 267.
A. $1 OO AGENTS $1.00.
$1.00 for every subscription you procure
for the Police Gazette, new premiums;
write subscription department Richard K.
Fox Publishing House, Franklin Square,
New York City.
AGENTS wanted, both sexes, to sell the latest
novelty, the Merry Widow silk pongee shirt
waist patterns; make $10 per day; It sells
on sight; write at once for free circular
and full particulars. Novel Dress Co., 33
Union Sauare, New York.
and expenses easily made selling our pop
ular combination policies and appointing
agents; experience unnecessary. Write
Oscar Ekman. 313 Eitel Bldg.. Seattle,
COUNTY managers, exclusive territory, sell
ing blotting stones through agents; best
ink abeorber known; lasts forever; every
office and home buys; sample 35 cents.
Edward Shepaxd, 217 Pearl st.. New York.
AGENTS, we have cornered greatest money-making
proposition in this country;
first starting in each city or town have
monopoly. Hull's Co-Operatlva Agency,
202 Franklin st.. New York.
WANTED Agents, either sex, earn Irora
$25 to $50 per week selling our exquisitely
embroidered pongee silk waist pattern,
silk shawls, etc. National Importing Co.,
099 Broadway, New York.
AGENTS make big money selling watch e
and diamonds; easy payment at cash
prices, $2 month or $1 weekly; write to
day. Walker-Edmund Co., 207 Stat at.,
AGENTS wanted to sell our high-grade trees,
shrubs, etc. Outfit furnished free; com
mission advanced each week; good terrl
tory open. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or.
WOMEN Big profits, easy work, spare time
or steady work, choice of SO ladies new
specialties, particulars and $2 free offer
of Fair Mfg. Co., Box 378 Racine. Wis.
AGENTS coining mSney introducing sopaste
to factories, shops, etc.; removes grease
dirt quickly; immense sales; amazing
profits. Parker chemical Co., Chicago.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods T If
so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash
weekly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery Co., Salem. Or.
AGENTS for kerosene, incandescent mantle
lamp; 12 times cheaper than gas; 7 times
cheaper than ordinary kerosene lamp. Con
tinental Co.. 335 Broadway, New York.
WANTED. AGENT Legitimate substitute
for slot machines; patented; sells on sight
for $1; particulars. Glsha Company, An
derson, Ind.
$4.00 DAILY selling Patent Hat Fastener,
no sewing required. Early Spring offer,
sample fiee. Acme Mfg. Co.. 532, Cincin
nati, O.
AGENTS You can know about the profit
made supplying perfumes to families.
Address Leffier & Co., St. Louis, Mo.
$5 TO $10 daily, lOO per cent profit; best
seller; everyone needs them. Box 8113,
WANTED To rent, strictly modern 10 or 12
room furnished house, high ground West
Side, 6 months or l.year from June 1. Ad
dress with full Information, B. S. Josselyn,
President, Portland Railway, Light & Pow
er Co.
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flat,
stores, office, rooming-houses, eto. Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon, 8. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. phone Exchange 72.
TO OWNERS Is a reliable and steady ten
ant any object to you ? I want a 5
room house within 25 minutes' walk post
office, by May L Must be reasonable. S
769. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent by May 1, with the privi
lege of buying, a modern 7-room bouse;
must be In good location and within walk
ing distance of postoftice; owners only. C
775, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent beginning May 15 for from
4 to 6 months pleasant comfortably furnished
7 or 8-room house, Willamette or Port
land Heights; best references. -Address S
757, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent, by May 1. 5 to 8-room
cottage or lower flat, must be modern,
nice yard and close In on West Side; ref
ence. Phone East 3572.
WANTED To rent an outside office room,
convenient to business center, must be
reasonable; state price and location. E
751. Oregonian.
WANT to rent or sub-rent two or three- acre
suitable for cabbage culture. Give price
lowest cash rent. O 7S7, Oregonian.
STRICTLY modem 6 or 6-room house by or
before May 1; not more than 15 minutes'
Tide from city. D 761, Oregonian.
WANTED One or two unfurnished rooms
In a house that is owned by the people
who live in It. F 778. Oregonten.
WANTED 2 room with . hath and board for
gentleman, wife and 6-year-old daughter;
state price. V 750, Oregonian.
WANTED Two nicely furnished housekeep
. Ing room for man and wife, close la. cheap
rent. K 757, Oregonian. ,
WANT Mo 20 room with grounds, will
lease If preferred. Zimmerman A Vaughan,
303 Buchanan bldg.
WANTED Room and bo&rd by couple
without children; re fere noes exchanged.
Y 77S, Oregonian.
WANTED A nice furnished, sunny room, sin
gle gent, private family; walking distance.
W 751, Oregonian.
MAY 1 Modern cottage or lower flat, close in;
no children; state rent and location. W 752,
YOUNG couple wish room with board for one.
vicinity Willamette Heights. Address T 758,
WANTED Board and room with hot water;
desirable location on East Side. A 769, Ore
gonian. MODERN 5-room cottage, location East Side,
large yard, one child. V 75V Oregonian.
WANTED 6-room house. West Side, easy
walking distance library, $30. D 755.
5 OR 10-acre farm with fruit, desirable for
chickens Phone East 2017.
TO board one or two children; beautiful
house, large grounds, mother's care; terms
reasonable. Phone Sell wood 226. O 742,
WE bay your household goods of every de
scription The Dollar. 232 1st st; we want
your trade. Main 6374, A 2327.
WANTED H -horsepower motor, also 6-in.
engine lathe and small tool. Address
B 779. Oregonian-
WANTED To buy a gentle horse and spring
wagon; price must be reasonable. Call at
855 East 13th St.
WANTED Boy's bicycle with coaster brake,
good condition and cheap for cash. K
770. Oregonian.
WANTED A mahogany bed and an oak
buffet. State price. Address T 774. Ore
gonian. WANTED Boathmise for 18-foot launch;
price must be reasonable. E 752. Orego
nian. MAN and team to scrape, plow and harrow
two lots. East 17th and 'Weidler. East
READY money paid for furniture; better
-- v ulshw.. uvwv ah OOOO.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
PAINTER To paint large house in exchange
for tailor-mad clothing. Y 773, Oregonian.
WANTED Return ticket East by young
man; dark medium. J 771, Oregonian.
WANTED Soda fountain outfit or any part
of It. Phone E. 4476. 303 Larrabee.
I PAY cash for household goods. Savage A
Pennell Fur. Co.. S45 1st. Phone 360.
WANTED H to H. P. A. C. motor, 115
volts. C. A. Goff, 206 Washington.
WANTED To buy set of painter" falls cheap
for cash. Phone Woodlawn 160.
WANTED Second-hand counter
shelving. G 77J, Oregonian.
Furniture of a 7 to 17 or 20-room house for
a client of ours; furniture must be good as
new and best quality; house modern in every
particular and choice location; can pay
B. S. COOK & CO.,
f 307-8 Corbett Bldg.
WANTED Every one afflicted with con
tagious Blood Poison to know they can be
permanently cured by addressing one who
suffered years; send for catlculars and
treatment free. 204 Washington Bldg.,
And any thing else you have to selL
Main Co55. A 412L
WANTED Alternating current motor. i to
1-horsepower single phase; either hand or
self-starting. 60-cycle. 110 to 120 volts.
S 787, Oregonian.
WANTED Men' cast-off clothing nd
slwes: we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 N. 3d st- Phone' pacific 1721.
WANTED A good second-hand light single
wagon. Democrat preferred; must be good.
Address 1357 East Stark. Phone Tabor 1004.
WANTED 2 good trunk, ladies' preferred.
Phone Woodlawn 1467.
WANTED $1000 worth of household goods.
Call up E. 58S8.
FOR RENT Large front flnpt floor room, fur
nished or unfurnished; term reasonable.
1045 E. Alder.
Furnished Rooms.
TWO large front rooms, en suite, ground floor,
separate entrance; hath, gaa range; family
of 2 only other occupants; evenings after 7.
or Sunday. Phone East 2wJ6. 470 East
Washington st.
WOULD you like a nice, cheerful place in
which ta live? Costly furnished room,
close In. with steam heat. Call-up" Main
8405 and ask for Mrs. Scott, Reasonable
HOTEL ALEXANDER Corner of lO-th and
Alder; strictly modern, steam beat; rooms
neatly furnished and prices reasonable.
Mrs, Joyce, formerly of the Sherman
NICE comfortable room, suitable for busi
ness gentleman, close to center of 'city,
firivate house with all modern conven
ences. 194 Lownsdale St., cor. Taylor.
COMFORTABLE, sunny 4-room. In private
home; scrupulously cleaa; bath, phone, heat,
suitable for one or two gentlemen; rent rea
sonable. 327 West Park, near Clay.
THE ARTONIA Mrs. B. A. Melbourne;
nicely furnished rooms, all steam heat, all
modern conveniences; rates $4 per week
and up; transient. 128 West Park.
FOR RENT Dormitory for women; accom
modations for 12, with privilege of cooking;
$5 per month; on carline, walking distance.
Phone East 2522.
THE WOODLAND Large, finely furnished
rooms, private home, beautiful grounds,
modern, 4 block from P. O., $3 per week
up. 205 6th at.
YOUNG lady wants lady to share nice room
with her; take meals out. Close in, West
Side. Phone Pacific 2251 Monday. 8 to
6 o'clock.
NICELY furnished room for one or two
gentlemen; private family, modern con
veniences; reasonable. 292 12 th.
FOR RENT Nice large front room for
one or two gentlemen. Free phone. 2d7
Columbia, between 3d and 4th sts.
FURNISHED rooms with or without board;
home cooking; room $1.50 up; board $4.50
per week. The Mason, 247 5th st.
FOR RENT Furnished front room' in pri
vate family for one or two gentlemen. 133
18th at North, corner Hoyt.
NICELY furnished rooms, all modern con
veniences, use of parlor; private family;
reasonagle. Phone A 4970.
FURNISHED room, suitable for two gentle
men; bath, steam heat and electric light.
549 Washington oL. flat B.
COMFORTABLY furnished room, upstairs,
electric light, suitable for 2 gentlemen;
very central. 211 12th.
NICELY furnished room, connected with bath;
hot and cold water, phone, gas, heat; close
in. 433 Taylor st.
FURNISHED room, private farnily. fine lo-
cation, between North 19th and 20th
Phone A 4030.
NICE- furnished room, suitable for two
gentlemen; also small room. 11 N. 7th,
near Burnslde.
RYAN HOUSE, 269 5th St.. elegantly fur
nished rooms, en suite or single; opposite
City Hall.
$10 Sunny front room, newly papered; con
veniences. 83 10th et., between Stark and
309 11TH Large, well furnished front room,
with fireplace; one or two gentlemen; rea
sonable. WELL furnished front bar window room,
reasonable, close in. 49 Washington
st. flat 1.
FURNISHED front room, between 11th and
12th, on Washington. Inquire 427 Wash
e NORTH 14TH ST. One nice clean mom.
suitable for two; gae, bath. Phone Main
TWO rooms in private residence. 149
Lownsdale st., opposite High School. Main
TWO pretty parlor rooms; ail modern con
veniences; use of piano and library. 265
FOR nice, clean, cozy rooms, call at 6H7
Everett St.; modern and reasonable; close in.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; rea
sonable. 223 West Park, near Salmon.
PLEASANT, neat hoom, single bed, heat,
light and bath $5 month. 555 5th st.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia; rooms;
heat, bath. 50c to $1 day; $2 to $4 week.
DESIRABLE rooms for gentlemen, 351 West
Park St. Phone Pac. 1270. forenoon.
FURNISHED front room, bath and gas, for
gentleman or lady. 353 Lincoln st.
4 NICELY furnished room on ground floor;
modern; rent reasonable. 334 4th.
THE) HAWTHORNE) Cor. 13th . and Salmon,
pleasant furnished rooms for rent.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms by. the day,
week or month.- 247 Taylor st.
$12 A beautifully furnished room on first
floor, private home. Main 7101.
ONE nice single sleeping room, suitable for
I or 2 persons. 249 Jefferson.
FURNISHED room, private family, close In.
Phones Main 2248 and A 1949.
6WKLL furnished front suite in private house,
suitable for 2: 13 N. 6th at.
NICELY furnished room with every conven
ience; $8. 345 Harrison.
FOR RENT Furnished room suitable for 2
gentlemen. 63 North 10th.
3 ITNFURNISH'ED rooms, newly papered and
painted. 4u8 Jefferson st.
LARGE desirable front room for one or two
gentlemeln. Call 645 3d.
OAK HOTEL, 347 Oak, best location, steam
beat, hot and cold water.
THREE furnished outside rooms. $2, $250
and $3. 209 '.4 4th st.
FOR RENT Nicelv furnished rooms; rea
sonable. 423 Stark.
ELEGANT furnished rooms; very central.
181 6th st. A 5326.
ELEGANTLY furnished, moderate prices.
661 Washington st.
1 OR 2 nicely furnished rooms, very reason
able. 4l6 12th st.
NEATLY furnifhed rooms, beat, bath and
phones. 226 12th.
NICE) front furnished room; bath, gas. 135
11th. cor. Alder.
ONE furnished room, on the ground floor.
260 Harrison.
SMALL front room, $1.50 a week. 281 4th,
cor. Jefferson.
TWO nicely furnished room at 189 Chap
man st-
ROOMS for rent and fruit for sale. 47G Mor
rison. NICELY furnished room.
95 11th at., cor.
Furnished Room.
Large outside rooms, single or en suite;
beautiful cutlook; newly furnished; every
modern hotel convenience; with or with
out meals Call, see and obtain special
prices. Grand and Hawthorne avenue.
Nicely furnished rooms, single or en
suite, $2.50 per week up; steam heat, hot
and cold water, free baths; transients so
licited; rates 50c. 75c and $1 daily ; open
all night; best location in the city; office
and reaJing-room ground floor. 486-492
Washington St.
5th and Burnside.
New, concrete building, new furnishings,
new management, hot and cold water,
team heat, electric lights and bells in
every room. Se our extra large $5 a week
rooms. Open all night.
Large. light and neatly furnished
rooms; hot water heat; hot and cold
water, bath and phons: transient. $l;
special rats by the week. Phone A 1306.
8S1 Yamhiil st., N. W. cor. West Park.
HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and 17th
firet-ciass rurnisliea rooms, singie or em
suite; steam heat, hot, cold water, electric
light, phone In every room ; suites with
private bath, single, from $3 by week. 75c
up by day; reasonable by mo. Main 6647.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sts Newly furnished throughout;
new building; suites with baths, hot and
cold water in every room, phone Main
7195. Long-distance phones In all rooms.
IN PRIVATE family. Lovely bright par
lor and bedroom for two gentlemen, or
gentleman and wife. Bath. gas. heat,
phone; walking distance; two carline
Phone Sunday or Monday. Main 5O50,
HOTEL GLEN WOOD. 2d and Salmon, new
and elegantly furnished, hot and cold
water every room, private baths, steam
heat, transient $1 and up; special rated
week or month. Mrs. Ve noble.
HOTEL KENYON, 18th and Washington
Modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping; running water; private and
fre hath; rates reasonable. Pacific 44-
THB WILLAMETTE 322 Stark. & W. cor.
th st. Well furnished rooms, large and
light, single or en suite; transient. 50a to
$1: by week, $2 to-$5. Pacino 1200.
PACIFIC HOTEL, 1st and Columbia, sts. ;
team heat, free bath, hot and cold water
In all rooms ; 50c to $1 day ; $2, 50 to $5
per week. Phone A 1539.
HOTEL ANTLERS, cor. 10ih and Washing
ton st. Ail modern conveniences; suites
with bath; principal carline pas the
door. Phone Main 2333.
HOTEL SACRY. 545ft 1st at., newly fur
nished rooms, single or en suite, $2 to $4
per week; transients 50 cents to $1 day.
NEWLY furnished large front room; West
Side, central; private family; no other
roomers; references. 194 12th. Main 6220.
MODERN front room with bath, hot and
cold water, family three, for Summer; $15;
walking distance. Cobb, 407 Jefferson.
THE7 ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 3274
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Este
THE CADILLAC, 3d and Columbia; newly
furnished rooms, single or en suite; easy
walking distance from center of city.
NEWLY furnished front alcove room; light,
heat, use of bath and phone; nice place;
reasonable. 608 4th, near Sherman.
THE KINGSTON. 190 3d st.. 60c, $1 dally;
$2.50 to $j weekly; moaern conveniences,
open all night; transients solicited.
$10 Rrie-ht warm. newlv furnished room
quiet, central; fine porcelain bath. gaa. 325
lth. pnones facinc zuu, a jius.
NICELY furnished rooms, near Steel Bridge;
gap, bath; suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen
terms reasonable. 249 Dupont at.
VERY desirable front suite of rooms, nicely
furnished: will be vacated April 10. 14i
13th st. Main 2118, A 2113.
LARGE front 'room, second floor; modern
house ; near Steel bridge ; fine location ;
reasonable. 291 Crosby.
LARGE or small front room, nicely fur
nished, yard, private house, breakfast- if
desired. OJii lanaers.
181 FIRST ST.. cor. Yamhill, nicely fur
nished rooms, reasonable; permanent . or
transient; both pnone.
A NEATLY furnished room with running
water: walking distance; residence district.
361 10th. Main 3312.
LARGE light room, with hot and cold
water, bath, light; reasonable. Phone
Main 466X 168 LZth.
LARGE, well-furnished modern room: heat,
light, private bath; 5 block from Post-
otrice. -ol jotu st.
THE WOODLAND Beautifully situated.
pleasant rooms; hot water, bath; 4 blocks
po&tonrice. tx ein.
FURNISHED front room; good location; heat.
bath and phone; Housekeeping privileges.
697 Everett st.
FURNISHED large front room, bay win
dow, steam heat, phone and bath; close
in. 473 Alder.
ROOM for one or two gentlemen in com
fortable private home; all conveniences.
547 Yamhill.
FOR RENT A suite of rooms, with private
bath at the Bushmark Hotel, 17th and
TWO large sunny rooms, bath, gas. phone, on
a canines, waiting oistance. Appiy 410 iu.
Ankeny st.
SMALL front room, furnished comfortable;
modern; $2 per week. lo lith st., cor.
niences. 200 & McMillen ave., near Steel
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms in cot
tage; gas, phone and bath. 531 Morri
son t.
LARGE front room with gas,, for 1 or S
people ; $10 per month. 644 E. Morrison,
MAXWELL HALL Suites. also sing's
rooms, hot water; reasonable. 207 1-iia
THE EL WOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5
wk. ; aiso transient rooms, a-id Morrison.
$8 AND $10, bright, clean furnished rooms
phone, gas and bath. 415 Taylor, cor. 11th.
THT3 HYLAND, 40O Morrison, furnished rooms
with bath anp steam heat. Phone A 2210,
ONE newly-furnished front room, suitable for
z young men; modern, dose in. '27 7th st.
$7.50 PER MONTH Nice room for gentle
man, private family, new house. 553 5th st
FURNISHED room suitable for one or two
genuemen. sa jjui, walking distance.
HOTEL ROYAL, J 08 4th st. Steam-heated
rooms e.ou to o wee; ouc lo 91 nigtt.
NICELY furnished rooms at The Alpha, 2604
TWO or four rooms. J2L2 Moore st. Phone
Unfurnished Rooms.
$7.50 Two $10; three large unfurnished
housekeeping rooms, pantry, woodshed, bath,
gas,, yard, convenient; walk lag distance. 697
Madison st.
DESIRABLE unfurnished rooms, reasonable;
heat, light, use of bath and phone; nice
house, 60S 4th, near Sherman. Phone A
NICELY ' furnished, also unfurnished rooms,
single and en suite, quiet and very suitable
for Eingle gentlemen. Kamm Bldg., 1st and
UNFURNISHED rooms, 1 suite and also 1
single rpom can now be had in the Tourny
bldg., 2d and Taylor.
FOUR unfurnished rooms, part of new. mod
ern dwelling, lawn, phone, close in. Phone
East 4947.
3 UNFURNISHED rooms and alcove; $10,
Including gas; no children. Phone C
THREE rooms In private flat; reasonable;
gas stove, bath, etc Call 403 10th, Flat
THREE unfurnlhed rooms, with large
closet. 354 College st.
Rooms W ith Board.
332 10TH ST. Well furnished very desirable
room; board; home cooking; ail conven
iences. 3H9 ALDER St.. corner 10th., nicely fur
nished rooms, with board, horn cook
ing. FRONT room wfth board, reasonable; near
Steel bridge. 227 Cherry st. Phono E. 3376,
Boom With Board. .
East 3d and Burnslde st. new and ab
solutely fireproof; elegantly furnished
rooms, single and en suite; elevator, hot
and cold water, steam heat and tele
phone In each room.
Grill tn connection; special rate to
famlllea. Phone East 17L
THE VILLAMONT A first-class home
borirdtng-house, steam heat, natos. phones,
transient and table boarders accommo
dated: ratea reasonable: splendid locatl'-n.
Mrs. E. Porter. 376 Yamhill cor. Wvet
YOUNG man. If you want first-class room
ana board, reasonable, an convemenct-s.
close in, nice yard and porch, also table
board, $4 per week, good bonte cookttig. call
at the Aster House, 7th and Madison.
A GOOD home In private family for man
and wife, or two young men; pleasant
room, good home cooking, all conveniences,
one block from Ankeny carline. 30 E
16th st. North.
NICELY furnished front room with board;
strictly home cooking: ail modern con
veniences : walking distance ; suitable for
two gentlemen. Phone Main 54th). 3U5
Sixth st.
ELEGANTLY furnished suite and room
witn hot and cold water and board; strict iy
flrtst-class; home cooking; beautiful lav. a.
181 11th st., cor. Yamhill. X 35tm. M. 6Xio.
THE CLAY, 320 2d. comer Clay, nicely fur-
nifneu rooms witn board: room aouoie ana
single; everything comfortable. Just Ilk
home; $5 and $5.50 per week.
Portland Women's Union, ISth year; rooms
witn Doaro, use ol sewing-room, use or
library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs.
Ella Raw lings, Supt., 510 Flanders st
ONE large front room with hot and cold
water, free phones; one attic room; $7.50
for one, $8 for two, with or without board.
321 11th St. Phones M. 3614, A 2h20.
85 N. 17TH, Hiear Washington, nicely fur-
msnea rront room, with board; strictly
home cooking; suitable for two gentle
men; reasonable. Phone A 22H4.
BLAKELY HALL, 3ft0 Jefferson, bet. 5th anJ
Oth; beautifully furnished room with first
class board; center of city; running water;
beautiful grounds; telephone A 545.
SEVERAL, furnished rjoiru. with board.
suitable for couple; gentlemen preferred;
modern conveniences; centrally oca tea
Mrs. Simon. 22 N- 11th t.
258 11TH ST. One front alcove room; all
modern conveniences; suitable for two gen
tlemen; and one large side room, with
board, in private family.
THE HAZEL A home tor young men; steam
heat, running water, good table, moderate
prices. Phone Main 7o94 or A 4157. 35
3d st., cor. Montgomery.
335 MONTGOMERY ST. Well furnifhed
front room ith board for two; prlva:e
home, with refined widow; first -class table;
all modern conveniences.
13th and Alder, rooms, single or en suite,
modern; walking distance; grill in connec
tion; monthly renL
NICELY furnished rooms, single or en suite,
with board; table first-class; home cooking;
every modern convenience; references if de
sired. 188 13th L
LARGE front room, with two beds, suitable
for two or three young men, with flrBt-
class board. All convenience, close in.
Call 251 7th at.
CHOICE private boarding, room for 2; stylish
new corner house, elegant bath, electric
lights, walking distance; reasonable, W 755,
TWO large, clean, well-furnished rooms, first
class board; small, quiet house, select nelgh-
, borhood; rates reasonable. 205 N. 23d t.
A 3696.
NICELY furnished front room for two;
small private family; fine house, home
cooking, modern convenience. Phone A
NICELY furnished room with board, bath at
tached; suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; pri
vate family; references. Main 32n2. 2M
Park st.
LARGE, pleasant front room with board ;
gentlemen only; suitable for two; choice
location. Phone E 2013. 407 Holladay
BRIGHT, sunny room, one or two young men;
home cooking, home privileges; private fam
ily; flrst-clabs. 195 16th, corner Taylor.
FIRST-CLASS rooms and board for 2 young
men, reasonable, modern conveniences, homo
cooking. 22 East Sth. Phone East 1202.
MIDDLE-AGED lady with good home,
wants the care of bright girl; room for!
parent if wanted. V 757, Oregonian.
NICELY furnished rooms with board; all mod
ern conveniences; four blocks poctoffice, heU
5th and Oth. Main 8029. 309s Madison.
PRETTY room, just vacated, walking dis
tance, private home, everything modern.
Terms are reasonable. Main 32b0.
LARGE pleasant front room suitable for two,
also smaller room, breakfast and dinner.
2ol 16th, cor. Taylor. Main 22S4.
LARGE, sunny room,- suitable for two. In
new cottage on East 17th and Stark; best
home cooking. Phone B 2327.
ROOM and board, suitable for two gen
tlemen; walking distance; reasonable.
Phone C 1297. 452 Benton st.
ROOM and board for young man in private
family; price reasonable; walking distance.
Phone A 4364. G07 Kearney st.
THREE doors from Irvlngton carline, 441
E. 13th N., room and board for two youug
men or bachelor; references.
NEWLY furnished rooms In private family,
with or without board; reasonable. Phono
Main 4173 or call at 412 2d st.
FIRST-CLASS board and room for two gen
tlemen; $25 each. In refined widow's private
home. J 773, Oregonian.
LARGE front- room and board, suitable for
two. 350 Madison, near Park; vacant April
15; references exchanged.
ROOM with board, modern conveniences;
walking distance; $6 per week. The Lin
dell, 269 Market St.
NICE front parlor, suitable for two; modern
conveniences; home cooking. 349 Jefferson.
Phone Main 5820,
420 JEFFERSON Nice, comfortable room,
modern conveniences, $6 per month; board,
near If desired. .
A LARGE front room In private family,
with or without board, walking distance.
429 E. Davis st.
NICELY furnished rooms, first-class hoards
private home; modem; near Steel bridge
Phone C 1503.
NT3WLY furnished room' for rent and will
furnish board to right party. 412V4 Jefferson
St., cor. 11th.
1 NICELY furnished front room,; bath, ga
and phone ; suitable for 2 gentlemen. 346:
Hancock et.
PLEASANT, cosy room la private home; homo
cooki ng ; f u rnace hea t ; reasonable. 690 E.
Bumside st.
FOR room and board in private family;
home cooking, walking distance, phone
East 5009.
NICELY furnifhed rooms, with board; suita
ble for 4 gentlemen; strictly modern. 183
13th st.
33 NORTH 17TH ST., off Washington, well
furnished suite; also single rooms; board
THE MARLYN Famished rooms; good
board; convenient. 553 Washington st.
ROOM with board for two gentlemen or mai
and wife. Phone Pacific 1400. 3hS 5th.
BOARD and room for 2; bath, phone, heat;
$6 per week. 32S Clay. Main 5003.
FRONT and side room, with board; home
cooking. Phone A 3o22. 324 S. 6th St.
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms with
board. 515 Morrison at., cor. btn.
ANY young men desiring room and board
call up Main 3810 for particulars.
FURNISHED rooms, single or double; boms
wklng. 193 West Park st.
BOOM and board In private family; $5 per
week. 13 K. 6th St.. North. .
FURNISHED rooms with bo ard. 295 14 1 b
St. Pacific 1QQ5. A 1636.
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Oxark.
225 11th st, -
TH E MARLBOROUGH 2lst and Flanders
Nob Hill, a beautiful unfurnished apartment.
Janitor, etc.
W I I-L ren t for 6 months newly f urn ishetf
apartment. $70 per month. The Mordaunt.
5hti Everett st. .
MODERN 4-room apartment for rent, 407 Jef
ferson. Inquire at grocery after today.
BEAUTIFUL 5-room aDarrment for renjj
April 1, 295 12th. 'Th Bjralatr.ea.t