The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 05, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 20

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S,fHH).tfif FEET of flne yellow flr timber,
cll located, for two fl-room houses.
-Also two H sections with 4.000.CM0 feet
each of yellow fir fur city property.
120 acres of rood level land all in wheat
and one-third of crop will go to the pur
chaser, only $20 per acre.
" Soo acres, of which 530 acres are in
:. wheat and lays very flne, exchange value
only $25.
17H acres all very nicely improved with
two barns, wagon shed, two house, near
' school, store and post office, in fact only
400 feet away, with Implements and
household poods ready to step right into,
worth 82000 more than we ask: in fact
only $fJ5iO. in exchange for arty thine in
or near Portland.
23S acres within three miles of a town,
all very IevPi and ready for the plow in
exchange, value only $t; per acre.
All the above are for exchange or saie
and every one are extra flne buys; you
must hurry, as this class of buys don't
last ion.
Hoom 311 Buchanan Bldg.
6 lots. West Portland Heights: will trade
for good horse and buggy or good piano or
equity In houe and lot.
2 lots. 86x115. corner. $1000; 24th At.,
near Clinton st.. Hast Side; high and
sigitly ; fine location ; 15 minutes' from
West Side: $250 cash and 20 pr month,
or wiil trade $250 equity for other prop
er ty.
Hood River 10 acres in East Hood River;
$Hh:o or will trade for - house and lot or
equity in the same; best of soil; no irriga
tion needed: 3U, miles of depot: fine roads.
Blue sign, MO Wash. St., Vancouver. WaH.
7-room modern residence and lot at Porte
mouth. St. John car line; rice :i5O0, for
farm having 40 to t aces land in culti
vation; will pay cash difference to $5000
to $7000.
flood income property Jn Portland to value
- of $10.0 for Eastern Oregon or Washing
ton wheat farm,
9 2R1-acre farm in Valley, ion acres in cul
tivation, good buildings, and well stocked;
" price. $; for Portland property.
007 Commercial Bldg.
" Ai'KKS of land and about a million feet
of timber and wood, 1 miles east of
Woodland. Wash.; where there is two
ilnuhle track R. steamboats. HMHt
people. St ores, school and churches; a
chance for a man to trade his house and
lot or acreage for nearly 40 acres within
2 s? miles of Portland. What have you to
offer? This man wants a home In the
city. E 750, Oregonian.
tWW ACRES at Long Reach, Wash.. 2-3 of
whl'h is open beaverdam. . cranberry marf-h
and tide lands, finest dairy land in the
world, balance timber; email amount cash
nnd will take Portland property or im
pioved farm for the balance; 1C0 acres
adjoining sold for S75 per acre; price of
this, $12.?" per acre.
W" Commercial Bldg.
7 .V'RES near Gnble. all kind fruit. 20 Eng
lish wa I n u t s. for Portland property.
7-room house, corner lot, for farm, good
Iik -at ton.
i;nv"ry for country or city property.
$TOf worklngman's hotel, 35 rooms, for
Room 8, H 3d. Pacific 1756, A 2S3S.
12 acres on car line, close to city, a!!
in cultivation, mostly bottom land, on good
gravel road to city; fine building place;
some bearing fruit trees; doee to stores,
school, churches and station; will trade for
city property.
217 Abington bldg.
" I WI 1,1, exehange a tine Improved farm in
Yamhill County, containing 440 acres. 41
in timber, the balance nearly all In culti
vation and valued at $rt5 per acre, for good
Income propel tv in the City of Portland;
this i. no wildcat proposition. It is bur-t-'
new. pure and simple. If Interested, call
in Hiid talk it over. George W. Turner, 41G
Roth. -Mid bldg.. 2S7'j Washington st.
INTEREST in going business for real estate,
lumber or contract brick laying, concrete
block machine or lojs for lumber or car
penter work; acre garden close in for
small Tarm; will trade for your buggy,
typewriter, cow. bicycle. !idda. any old
tiling. .""ti Commercial bldg. phone Main
Hio ACRES of No. 1 wheat land, improved,
and a line 12-room residence in a good
Eastern Oregon town to exchnnxp for resi
dence property in Portland. The above
property U valued at $2iX and you can
get a good trade. See Turner, rooms 415
Iti Rothchild bldg.. 27 & Washington st.
25 ACRES, soil cannot be beat, nothing
bet t er any w here; no gravel ; has about
, 20O0 cords- of wood ; price $10iH. Will
exchange for Portland property. This
is a bargain.
319 Chamber of Commerce.
HOT EI and cottage at I-.or.ff Reach; nice,
laige grounds; bum, cow; hotel all com
pletely furnished; bedding and silverware;
everything tire t-c!ass ; w ill trade for acre
age or Portland property. Henkte & Har
i ison, 217 Abitigum bldg.
?10,ooo Mode rn 8-room hou.e and 5 fuil
lots at Walnut Park; all or part for 10 to
20 acre near an electric line.
208 Stark St., room 32.
FOP. EXCHANGE Rooming-house In heart
of eltv to exchange for real estate. Phone
Main 4513.
If you have anything to trade see ths
frown Business Exchange, room 38 Raleigh
bldg., 6th nnd Washington.
WILL exchange cigar and confectionery,
barber Fhop, billiards, pool and a good 2
stor bldg. In a good little town on the
Columbia River, price $2750. for house
and lots in Portland, particulars. It 1 4th
2-HOuM rooming-house. centrally located,
now doing gt.od business; will trade for
city property.
217 Abington bldg.
TWO sightly lots In very select West Side
residence district to tiade for small bear
ing orchard at Hood River; equity $3500;
might assume mortgage. F 7H, Ore-
J Colli an. (
ADVERTISER has desirable Portland Heights
lot. also 2'-aere tract or fruit land ; w ouid
exchange for paying hotel, rooming-house,
or confectionery stand. Address R ., Ore
gon Ian.
SALE OR TRADE 24-room hotel; furnished;
good town ou S. P. K. R.. Douglas Co.;
tirs't-elai.s busine.s already eelablished ;
money maker; $(ii00. J 746. care Oregon
Ian. 30-RCOM house, central, paying $150; want
smaller lumw or city propert ; $1RH).
1051a 4t li st.
FOR EXCHANGE Good paying manufac
turing business, value $1200. for Iota or
house and lot; will assume mortgage. K. J.
Steinmets A Co., 1UH Moi ru-on st.
W ILL exchange 6-room house, new. mod
ern, scod residence neighborhood, for
land on Willamette between Oregon City
and Salem. V 7 Si. Oregon.
TO EXCHANGE for a country home close
In on carllne, a strictly modern il-room
bungalow on Uie West Side. N 780, care
i:oOM!No-lK)l"SK, centrally located, to ex
eh an go for real estate. The A mes Mer
cantile Agency. 204 Abington bldg.
GOOD country stores and cfty property to ex
t h.iiig f.-r ginl farms and vte-versa.
E. FUOHS. 221 u Morrison st.
EKjrJTT Rrlck bu'ldlng for anything worth
about IS.OCO; Merchants National certifi
cate preferred. Ho 270. city.
WA NTI-3D Ti exchange. first-class dental
work for ar.d painting.
H 75.'!, OreiTunian.
JlOTEL for sale or exchange. 20 rooms. Tull.
money maker ; lea v ing city. 300 East
Washington st
IF YOU wHii t to buy. sell or trade, see
Rrever.ioi; & Taylor. 311 Buchanan, 2SflH
W ILL e. 30 shares t'nited Wirele
Tciegt aph stock for lots or land. C T77
10 SHAKES Phoenix Stone Company stock
to trade for diamomL S 770. Oregonian.
W ANTED To trade real estate for rooining
Iioum', go.ul Unailon. Phne Richm.nd 4'.L
BOWUNG alley. $f0o; city of 10.000, Tor Smith. 411 Buchanan bide-
MolKR aci euge for city property. J . O.
Etrod. 510-:.20 Corbett.
tHL. trade for what you bav. Ous 8mlta.
411 Buchanan bld-
WANTED To trade for
S orcester hldg.
automobile. 430
A LL kinds, including approved forest re
serve scrip, for surveyed. unsur-eyed tim
ber and prairie Government land. H. M.
Hamilton, "The Portland." Portland. Or
PCRLIC lard scrip for sale; land, mining
practice. l. N. Clark. Atty., Washington.
D. C.
Horses. Veblcle ud Ha mesa.
HAVE just arrived with a carload of horses
weighing from I) to 1400 lbe., which con
sists of the following; 1 pair of ho.tes,
weigh 2800 lbs. ; 1 pair of horses, 'weigh
2t lbs.; 1 nice small pair, suitable for
expre work; 7 Iwad of delivery horees;
1 very stylish sorrel trottin mare suit
able for ladies to handle; several cheap
farm or express horses; also all kinds of
buggies and harnesses; 1 three and a haif
freight wagon and harness: 1 'good country
hack. Call Red Front Stables, 15th and
"Washington st. Tel. Main 1125.
FOR SALE Pair well matched mares, sis
ters, weight 3OO0, perfectly sound, no
blemlfches. good bay color; will give any
kind of trial. Can be seen at City Sale
Stables, .fcetween 7th and 8th, on Flanders.
A bargain if sold at once. Mrs. Coleman's
horse, buggy and harness, horse weighs
1100. almost" new top buggy and new
harness. All for $115. "Will sell separate.
350 Flanders.
FOR. SALE Pair bay horses 6 and 7 yearst
old. good workers and right in every way,
weight 2400 lbs., bargain 250; al pair
matched bay horses 8 and it years- old,
good workers and sound, weight 2750 lbs.;
price $25. Have several other matched
pairs and single horses. Ca!l and have
a look before buy inc. elsewhere. Palace
Stables, 5th and Montgomery ets.
$100 BITS the best driving outfit in the
city; a flne bay mart, 7 yeare old, gentle
and kind, any lady or child can drive;
brand new Studebaker buggy elegantly
finished, a good runabout, tine set harness,
also alt robesw blankets, whips, etc. This
is a snap. Owner must sell, as he is leav
ing the city. C 77!, Oregonian.
HORSES for sale; sran of bay horses, weight
2s(;o, K years old ; pair of mouse-colored
ho iocs, weight 12:0; pair of roan horses, fj
and 7 years old, weight 220; this is what
is left of 1 carload of hordes coming Wed
nesday, April 1; that' going some;, wiil be
back with another load liav 1, from Condon,
Or. Call 546 Front.
FOR SALE The undersigned will offer for
sale for one week his fine young Clydes
dale and Hamb'.etonfan stallion; this horse,
Is 4 -years old this Spring; beautiful dap-,
pie bay; weight 1TM lbs.; la a grt-aL
breeder and very sure; or will, trade for
good salable horsea. P. L, Kenady, Wood
iawn, Or.
FOP. SALE At a bargain. hand.ome sor
rel horse, with silver mane and tail. 8
years old. weight 115o. kihd and gentle,
for lady to ride or drive ; also harr ees and
rubber-tired Stanhope. Can be seen at
Dexter Stable. 45 4th.
FOR SALE Pair lay chunky horse and mare
8 and 9 years old, good workers In all har
ness, weight 2450; also brand new set
breechen h-irness1; $200 takes the outfit. Call
Palace Stables, 5th and Montgomery pis.
FOR SALE Bay horse 8 years old, good
worker single or double, city broke, weight
1 300; jiMt the horse for ranch or express ;
only $0u. Palace Stables.' 5th and Mont
gomery sts.
FINE well-matched driving team, Including
costly Studebaker rubber-tired runabout
and harness, at ft. great sacrifice. No
agents. Answer quickly. Filers Piano
SNAP Handsome bay mare, weighs 1050,
sound and gentle, nice rubber-tire run
about and harness, all complete, price $llo.
Call 21 N. 15th st. A3k for Mr. Henderson e
SNAPS 1 horse, harness and bticgv. $K."; 1
fancy driving horse, 1 nice delivery horse,
left here for Kale. Standard Wood Co.'s
stables. 347 Fast Stark st.
SNAP Hay mare, 7 years old; city hrikf,
double or single. cToam. 2500 lb"s., go.xl
workers. onnd. new wagon, harness; must
sell. 23 N. 14th.
FOR SALE Gentleman's driving horse,
standard breed ; speed, style, warranted
sound and city broke. C, E. Sands. 221
"West Park.
GOOD driving mare., harness and rubbers
tired buggy, ,-ost $4M; used six months;
will sell for $'Hh. Address It 7 S3, Orego
nian FOR SALE A thoroughbred Jersey bull. 2
years old. with registration papers; price
$50. Address Bull, 45 4th. Dexter Stable.
YOUNG team, harness and furniture goose
neck wagon; also heavy platform wagon.
Phone Main 38V; res.. 755. Raleigh.
25 HORSES, fartn and grocery wagons, ho
tel 'bus. saddles, harness, cheap to close
out. Hubert & Hall, 20G 4th st.
FRESH cows for sale, one large work
horse and one stmal! work horse. 046 East
Madison. Phone East 2901.
ONE large goose-neck furniture wagon; 1.
small one, aL-o 1 team, weight 2tK lbs.
Apply 302 East Tayior st.
$235 RUTS a well matched pair of bay mares
7 and 1) years, weight 2550. Can be seen
at X'texter Stables. 45 4th.
$50O BUYS well- matched sorrel team 7 and
8 years old. weight 2500; can be seen at
Dexter Stables, 45 4th.
TWO new delivery wagons. Call Hansen &
Paulson's horseshoing and carriage shop,
102 Russell st.. Albina.
$35 BUYS handsome pony, saddle and bridle,
just the thing for children; can be eeen at
Dexter Stables. 45 4th.
FOR SALE Horse, two Studebaker panel
top delivery wagons. J. De Run ing, 3d
and Pacific sts.
FOR SALE Pair of large horsea, young and
sound. Oregon Live-Stock Exchange, 3KS
FOR SALE Single express outfit; wagon al
most new. 247 Alder at., Manhattan cigar
EIGHT good, all-around horses for sale, from.
VKK. to 1200 lbs. Call at 22S Jefferson st.
FOR SALE Covered delivery wagon and
light double harness. Phone Richmond
CARLOAD smooth wire and poultry net
ting. J. Simon & Bio., 244-24U-250 Front
WANTED Stylish black buggy horse; state
lowest cah price. T 757, care Oregonian.
FOR SALE Good driving horse; gentle and
city broke; reasonable. H 770, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Some flne heavy draft teams.
E. R. Frank, North of Union Stock Yds.
FOR SALE Studebaker wagon, good con
dition. Peterson's Stable, 14 Union ave.
FINE delivery or surrey horse for sale or
trade for work team. H 7S4. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Fine little black mare; a good
saddle iH.ny; only $3n. Phone B. 5.139.
TEAM, harness and delivery wagon. I'hone
East 70S or R 1358. Will sell separate.
FOR SALE-j-Hack at N. P. Paint Shop, cor.
5th and Glisan sts., Portland, Or.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 2'M Montgomery,
WANTED Team of horses; will pay part or
all in cord wood. A 777. Oregonian. .
FINE buggy and harness, good
ti week. Tel. Main 3280.
new, used
WANTED A cheap horse and wagon. Apply
Monday at lott Union ave.
FOR SAL IS Young horse and harness) cheap.
Addrtfcs T 751, Oregonian.
GENTLE rony suitable for riding or driving,
reasonable. 2rtO Chapman.
HORSES for sale. W. J. Kelly, Overland
StabU s. Mb and Glisan.
FOE SALE 1 good horse, also 1 large coffee
mill. 434 E. Eurnide st.
GOOD mule team; cheap; 7 years old. In
quire Fashion Stables.
RIDING pony for sa le. ln3 East Glisan St.,
any morning before 9.
LOT or equity for buggy; prefer runabout.
243 Stark st.
HORSES clipped at the Nobby Stables, 12th
and Flanders.
FURNITURE wagon for sale cheap at 231
Madison fct.
BAILEY bike buggy, good as new, $15. 309
7 th.
Second-Hand Automobile.
CADILLAC, sins'-cylinder runabout, 10
horse-power, in llrel-class condition, new
tires, lamps, generator, horn, top. Write
Orfgonlon, Mciimnvuie. ur.
5-PASSENGER auto, first-class condition, with
tup. Pearchlights and new tires, at sacrifice
price of $450. Phone Main JkiS.
AUTOMOBILES $175, $250 eah or trade;
also a large Pope-Toledo. Merrill, 10S 7th
AUTOMOH1LK. 2 seeta. In fine condition;
cash or trade. S 7SS, Oregonian.
COMPETENT seamstress desires engage
ments In families; terms reasonable. Phone
Main 2437.
FOR SALE A $450 piano, in good condi
tion. for.$lti," cash. Must be sold at once.
Address B 75&, Oregonian.
FOR SALE At , once, tine large new $500
Sthuinan piano; forced to sell; an extra
bargain; $250 cash: wilt guarantee title.
A. I Brazee, 25 Hassalo St., city.
STERLING upright piano. $fl0: In good con
dition. 01 7 Tourney bldg. 2d and Taylor.
Pacific 244.
WANT good eecond-hand piano; can pay
cah; state make, condition, etc. J 784,
FOR SALE Piano, almost new; must sell at
once. 181 E.- 2uth et., cor. Yamhill.
FOR SALE -High-grade piano cheap; par
ties leaving city. Phone Main &40.
FINE piano, perfect tune and condition:
wry .reasonable" price. 202 12th st.
JUST RECEIVED Carload new Peerless
cast-iron WHITE ENAMELED bathtubs,
which we are offering at second-hand prices.
r We also carry a complete line of pipe and
plumbing supplies.
Eighth, Glisan Hoyt stf
A LOT of household goods, consisting of
chamber sets. Iron beds. dressers. dining
tabie, oak chairs,. Ix4 French plate mlr
ror. Charter Oak -range. Singer sewing-machine,
library table, bookcase, cook stove
for laundry, kitchen treasure, three rockers.
Call 106 Union ave.
FOR SALE-Cheap, all kinds of empty sacks
such as grain., patoto. coffee, inside and out
Eiue eugar and all sizes washed flour sacks;
we buy and sell in any quantity; mail in
quiries promptly answered.
Phone Main T13L 2S0 Front st.
Carload new assorted hinges; take them
at your own price; all kinds and shape.
160 toriiS- practically new assorted nu.i;4
will .sacrifice at Ibfs than half price,
Eigmh, Glisan and Hoyt st?f
UNITED WIRELESS at panic prices; 150
fchares preferred soek. unstamped, any eize
certificates, t.-an .'cr guaranteed or money
refunded; only $12.50 per share while they
last: company selling a $l.b0. Box 4.
Portland. .
FOR SALE New anfl second-hand bilUarfl
and pool tables: easy payments: -we rent
tables, with privilege of buying; modern
bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brutiswick-Balke-CoRender.
49 Third, st.
2ooo new picks and mattocks at almost
scrap iron prices. -
244-240-250 Front st.
FOR SALE Everything in music at half
price; tiddles. guitars, mandolins. $3K
new piano $I0 cash; $15 phonograph for
Jo. Courtney Music Co., 3d and inlan
ders sts.
GASOLINE launch. 31 ft., canopy top o
h p -4-cvlinder engine, brass finishings,
qiiarter-sawAi oak decks, complete, with
boat house. W 753, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Soda fountain, cash register,
show cases and wall cases, billiard and
pool tables and scales, at Hochfeld Bros.
Cigar Co., 211 Morrison 3t.
LATH MACHINERY If interested write us
for price and descriptive cireutais. e iw
manufacturer?. The Wallof Machine Co.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
FOR SALE Cheap, about 150 camping tents
as good as new In all sizes.
I'hone Wain 7131. Front st.
IF In need of anv tanks, boilers, engines,
pumps or dynamos, no matter how large
.... . ,,o T Xr "Km.. 244-
240-250 Front st.
ROSES, 10c; heliotropes salvia. 2o; ver
bena, dozen, 10c; lobelia. He; baskets, 50c;
other plants, cheap Pedersen, 410 Van
couver ave.
Main (1374 Stove doctor We make A 2327
- sick stoves well, do expert stove repairing,
stove plumbing and regulating. 232 1st.
loo ENAMELED sinks, practically new,
$1 50 each. 4 enameled bath tubs. J.
Simon & Bro.. 244-210-250 Front st.
ture films and song slides at lowest rates.
Machines, eupplies, etc. 293 Bumlde
32 stands tine bees, also 1 Pannel de
livery wagon. Call Phone Sellwood 477.
AN up-to-date abstract In new. prosperous
county : other opportunities for lawyer or
real estate man. H 781, -Oregonian.
OLD VIOLINS and stringed Instruments
bought, sold and exchanged. L. Winters, S18
Tilford bldg.. 10th and Morrison sts.
SET of Encyclopedia Britannica, 30 vols.,
for sale or trade for lumber, cow or
chickens. Phone Wood lawn 1070.
FOR F LE ; Full blood English- cocker
sor.niel, 2 years old. Call at 909 East
Davis st. or phone Ef st 1080.
SEVERAL carloads corrugated Iron and
rubber roofins. almost new. J. Simon
& Bro.. 244-240-250 Front st.
PRACTICALLY new flrai-clnw? "Reach"
punching-bag and eteel platform for sale
chedp. S 7R5, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Cheap, 5oo0 ft, flne feature film;
also late up-to-date complete Edfcon outfit.
23 Burnside, near 5th.
SUN SOON HUIE, matting. Chinaware. silks,
tea, rattan chair sale; prices low. 171-100
2d st. Japanese goods.
FOR sale cheap. S-foot steel range, few
months uj:ed. Inquire McMahon & O'Con
nor, 5 3d t. North.
CANARY bird, golden yellow, night singer,
1 4 years old. 711 Water St.. between
Hooker and Mend.
THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington egsrs.
$1.50 per setting. Black Minorcas, $1.
' Tel. Woodlawn ItitS.
NEW Rajah silk opera coat, lace and gal
loon trimmings; size 3C; cheap. W 754,
Oregonian. ,
FOR -SALE Outfit surgical Instruments and
medicine cases, neurly new, cheap. Phone
Main 57S5.
FOR SALE Fine Jersey family cow, chean;
alto 2ooo feet rough lumber. 537 E. 3th.
W.-R. car.
FOR SHOW PEOPLE: I have the stock to
make the money. Portland Bird Co.. 91
Union ave.
J. T. WOOD YARD, has the most reason
able wood for you. Phone East 818. B
THREE dozen voung barred Plymouth Rock
laving hefts. Sirs. O. H. Witte, Milwaukie
GENUINE COAL TAR. AO-era Hon barrel.
$4 ;i. Simon A 3rO-, 244-24G-250 Front
Moving-picture Exchange Machines, sup
plies, slides, films for rent. 165 Vs 4th t.
NEW typewriter and carrying case for $55;
cost $102.50. Oregon Brass Works, 60 N. 2d.
FOR SALE Good second-hand rowbowt In fine
condition; cheap for cash. Y 77C, Oregonian.
FOR SALE or lease, double drum hoisting en
gine, perfect condition. 452 Sherlock bldg.
FOR SALE Full circie hay press In -good
repair. Inquiro of Ciarke.170 Front st.
CHEAP for cash or on time.- one 31-foot
and one IS-foot launch. 2'5 First st.
FRESH cows for sale. 70! Herold st. Take
Sellwood car. Phone Sellwood 3 !7l.
AMERICAN WONDER early potatoes, $1
sack at Clarke Bros.. 2S9 Morrison.
ONE Edison phonograph, nearly new, and 21
records, for sale. Phone East 19G7.
A $40 INVALID chair as good as new, for
$15. Address M 74, Oregonian.
NOTE $385, two years, drawing 7 per cent;
wiil discount liberally. 3tii 7th st.
CHOICE collie pup from prize-v .mer on
both sides.. I'hone East 4377.
200 SHARES of mining stock cheap If sold
at once. A 776, Oregonian.
1000 VISES and steel crowbars. J. Simon &
Bro., 2.44-240-25O Front st.
FOR SALE Long-halrefl
cheap. 1S5 Chapman st.
Guinea pigs,
FOR SALE Golden oak combination bookcase.
Inquire 37 Sn Rafael 9t.
NEW Wedge wood ranges exchanged for old
stoves. 2'9 Main st.
FEMALE bull terrier for sale cheap. Phone
Sellwood 0.
A Na 1 fresh milch cow for sale. 973
Roil uey a ve.
Ft,R SALE Luge r pistol. 511 Swetland bldg.
ONE 12-h. p. donkey engine, guaranteed
running ord-er . . ,
50 Stevens roller flouring mills, perfect
order, very reasonable.
2O0 tons steel beams, all ,slzes and
lengths. - , j ,
250 tons sheet iron, flat and corrugated,
for roofing, pipe, etc -
200 tons rails and various Shaped iron
for concrete work, etc. . i
100 tons relaying raits, all sizes.
25 assorted tanks, all sizes, for all
200 ton steel shafting, good as new, "ail
230 tons machinery. Including pulleys,
boxes, hangers, gear, etc.. In ail sizes at
very low prices. . -
10O tqns chains, practically new; all
sizes and lengths. "
5O0 ton pipe, both black and galvan
ized. In all sizes, at very low prices.
We also buy. sell or trade machinery.,
scrap iron and all kinds of junk for
which we always pay highest market
prices. Country . ordet-s solicited and
promptly attended to.
WANTED IOOlOoo second-hand grain
sacks, highest price paid.
Eighth and Glisan and Hoyt Streets.
$75 FLEMISH OAK dining suite, consisting
of extension table, buffet and six cha'.rs,
$30; $100 black walnut bedroom suite. $25;
two fine Royal Wilton carpets, good as new.
75c yard; 12x12 fine linoleum. $8: sellable
gas range, $j. 50 ; Jewel steel range, $20
kitchen treasure. $2: three-piece parlor
suite, $15; Morrte chair, $5; couches', $2.50;
roekingehalns. $1 ; iron beds. $2; $15 pine
needle mattresses, $.5o; as bedroom suite,
$12.50; golden ash sideboard, $10; refrigera
tors, $3.-50 up to $15; sewing-machines, $2.50
up to $0, 35 to select from; lawn mowers,
garden tools, everything to furnish a house
complete at Half the price you would pay
at any of the big stores. Call us up if
you want bargains. We buy, -sell or ex
change all .sorts of household goods. Main
1108 or A 3703. 20th and Washington sts.
GOOD cook stove, $6; folding bed. $0.50; iron
bed.-, $2: 8-ft. extension table, $5; roll-top
flepk, $25; sectional bookcase. $12.50; good
pewlng-raachine, $5; barber chair, $5; hard
wood dresser, $0.50; solid oak bookcase.
$10.50; kitchen treasure. $1.5o; chiffonier.
$7.50; white enameled bedroom suite, $10.50;
rockingchairs, $1.50 up to $7.50; dining
chairs, $75c: center tables. $1.50; carpets,
rugs, mattings. Jinoleum. nice odd pieces
of good furniture at reasonable price; second-hand
furnltuVe bought, sorS and ex
changed for new goods, any sort of ex
changing considered,
68 North 3d st. Main 20S7.
For water, drainage, etc., black or gal
vanised, at pipe dream prices.
Half price for any kind of fittings; cut
tins and threading to order; orders filled
. promptly and delivered free.
Come and examine our stock of ma
chinery, cable, belting. pulleys, vises,
chains, etc. Mall inquiries promptly an
swered. M. BARDE & RONS,
Eighth, Gliwn and Hoyt sts.
2- inch pipe, He foot.
3- inch pipe, 35c foot-
4-inch pipe, 25c foot.
v"e also have all other size pipes from
Vz to 12-Inch.
214-246-250 Front st.
SEWING MACHINES Special sale of second-hand
machines this week; 4 Singers.
3 New Homes. 1 Standard, 2 Whites, 1
Vheeler A Wilson, all drop-head. White
Sewing Machine Store. 420 Washington st.,
cor. 1 Ith. H. D. Jones, proprietor.
PORTLAND BIRD CO., 91 Union ave.. of
fers golden silver and English pheasants,
black and yellow Angora cats, Japanese
spaniel $2-5. A Ponter's fantails and
tumblers, monkeys and pet stock.
RHODE ISLAND REDS Eggs from the grand
single comb unbeaten color champion "Rex
Glory," mated to 10 daughters and sisters,
$2.50 for 34 ; other pens $ 1. 75 up. Rex
Reds Ranch, Baltard, Was-h. .
FOR SALE Exceptionally fine thoroughbred
pedigreed English setters. re! cocker
spaniel puppies. from registered and
prize stock, cheap. Address P. O- box 1436,
Spokane, Wash.
500 blacksmith and machinist's vices.
244-240-250 Front St.
A DANDY new 16-ft. launch, quarter-saw ed
oak decks, brass trimmings, good engine;
a snap If taken at once. 210 Abington
bldg. Main or A 3126.
MARINE gas engine for sale; one single
cylinder 6 hor5ti power gasoline engine. In
first-class condition. Inquire at keeper Port
land Rowing; Club.
HOUSEBOAT, 5 rooms, - best made boat on
the ri ver, a perfect, home ; grea t bargain
if taken at once: Merrill. 108 7th st.
WANTED By man and wife, board and
room, private family, close in: prices rea
sonable. Address E 778, Oregonian.
FOR SALE One 20 H. P. Fairbanks-Morse
gits engine, as good as new ; can be seen
In operation at 310 Davis st.
FOR SALE Full-blood brown Leghorn eggs
for hatching;' $1 setting; one sanitary fold
ing bed. 1144i N. EL Iflth st.
PARLOR and dining-room furniture, also
kitchen utensils, springs and mattresses.
127 Ilth. near Aider.
J. Y. WOOD YARD Have the most reasonable
wood for you. Phone East 818. B 3807,
East 6th and Main.
FOR SALE Solitaire diamond, trifle over
karat and quarter, perfect stone, $173
cash. E 770.
PRACTICALLY new L. C Smith and Mon
arch typewriter for sale cheap. C 755.
FOR SALE Two beautiful landscape oil
paintings for cost of frames. E 776, care
TWO first-class fresh milch cows; good familv
cows. 14M, Macadam st., Fulton. Phone
Main 6981.
FIRST-CLASS enapty boxes; size 17x15x14
Inches. Call or address J. A. Rumford, 29C
Third st.
A GOOD White Steamer Automobile for
sale, or trade at a bargain. F 759, Ore
gonian. FOR SALE Crocheted lace suitable for
skirts; very dainty pattern. D 779, Ore
gonian. CANARY BIRDK for sale; yellow singers,
female, 50c. 532 Mill. A 4448 and Main
AUTOMOBILES $175. S250 cash or trade;
alflo a large Pope-Toledo. Merrill. 10 7th
A well-bred English setter bitch for sale
reasonable. Phone C 1471. or call 84 3d st.
FOR SALE Large almost new roll-top desk.
Inquire Pacific Employment Co., 12 2d N.
PLYMOUTH ROCKS and brown Leghorns, oOc
Iter setting. 2606 Oneonta et. Tel, E. 5743.
FOR SALE 1000-gallon steam pump, gooid
as new, very cheap. G 7-S0, Oregonian.
$25 WILL buy a typewriter that cost $1M a
short time ago. O 762. Oregonian.
BARGAIN Tenor horn: strictly Al bag and
book; only $10. Call 350 Alder st.
FOR SALE A Jersey cow, at a bargain.
Call at Dexter Stablesv 45 4t.
CASH register, National, b-drawer; latest
model. 211 1st st.
$55 RA NGE with coils, good as new, $2S.
346 Hall t.
ONE small Buck range, hot water coll, $20.
East 4963.
"CHIEF" gas range and oven, $7. 244 V
Margin st.
SIX Scotch collie pups. 203 Alder.
BOY wanted, with wheel. Apply H. C ' Bro
rone &. Co., Yamhill and W. Park sts.
GOOD. HrBt-cIasH saddle hands wanted.
Victor A Norden, The Dalles. Or.
YOUNG man to learn to clean and press
clothes; pay while learning. Y 774. Ore
gonian; WANTED Partner, Eod business, want sj-iod
fellow, $75 required; see me. B 777, Ore
gonian. WANTED A first-clasf salesman. Call 32ft
Worcester bldg., Monday, between 8 and 10
A. M.
WANTED Single man for light janitor work
in an apartment house. K 753. Oregonian.
LADIES' tailor; steady work; good wages.
J. K-. Stern, ladies' tailor, 429 Washington.
WANTED Good farm hand. 1004 Mllwaukie
ave. take Sellwood car to Gratton's grove.
WANTED Man with family to work on
small farm near city. R 7S4. Oregonian.
WANTED Good architectural draftsman. Iu
qutr Joseph Jacobberger. 6jS McKay blCg.
Men of acquaintance and standing to
take up sale of treasury stock of a Itgiti
rn.ite oierating bLfiiww entrpri- possess
ing uneoual oj portunitits, splendid mcr-age-ment
and hiehest indorsements. Stock Is
being sold for the purpose of extending
- company's operations and will appeal to
all classes of investoi s. Company will
stand most risid investigation. To right
men a liberal commission arrangement will
be given as well as exclusive territory
State fullest particulars when answering.
Addiess J. H. Jordan, Magheeney bldg.,
Pittsburg, Pa.
SALESMEN WANTED Why work for a
small sa:ary when you can earn from $li0
to $1C60 monthly and expenses as a travel
ing salesman? No former experience en
quired; we will teach you to be one by
mail in 8 weeks and secure you a position
with a reliable firm: write for . free cata
logue, "A Knight of the Grip," today. Ad
dress Dept. 6S1. National Salesman's Train
ing Afot., offices Chicago. III.: Minneapo
lis, Minn., or Kansas City, Ma Write
nearest office.
WANTED Salesmen to sell groceries to
clubs, hotels, restaurants, stockmen, farm
ers and other large consumers; experience
unnecessary ; we teach you the business;
nigh-grade goods; lowest price; no invest
ment: exclusive territory; commissions ad
vanced; liberal income assured; our goods
comply with (he pure food laws of all
states; exceptional offer for honest, ener
getic men. John Sexton & Co.. Importers
and wholesale grocers. -Vhlcago. .
BOOKKEEPERS To represent most ex
tensive manufacturers -of loose-leaf de
vices in the countrv; the opportunity of -lifetime
for the right man in every lo
cality to establish himself in permanent,
growing business; liberal commission, and
renewals. I have othr office specialties,
fastest sellers on t-he market, paying 100
to 00 per cent profit. L. E. Bulkeley, San
Jose, Cal.
WANTED Man of good address and strong
personality who can sell on very eay
terms the best investment proposition
ever offered, based on real estate and
backed by weli-kiiown business men; can
secure a contract worth S5O00 or moi-e
per year by answering this advertisement
promptly. Add. Opportunity, care Nelson,
Ohesman & Co.. St. Louis, Mo.
BARBERS" Board of Examiners of Oregon
will be in sess.on April 13-14-15-16 at 167
First St., this city. All those holding per
mits frtm th "Hoard." which expires on
the above date, and all apprentices that have
registered with the "Hoard"' having served
their three years of apprenticeship, are here
bv notified to appear for examination on the
above date. T. M. LEA BO. Secretary.
LARGE Eastern manufacturing company
wants the services of ambitious young men
to fill positions as traveling salesmen; sta
ple line: eay work; big pay; $H00 to $5ooo
year and expends: r.o former experience re
quired; if you are ambitious and want to
earn more money, write today. Address V
752, Oregonian.
MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corpora
tion manufacturing household necessity
desires Oregon manager: demonstration in
leading department stores; office fur
nished; 3 years contract; salary, $2100
and commission; good opening for man
of character and ability. Address Man
ager. 227 Snowfiake bldg., Toledo, O
$21 o MOTOR CYCLE or horee and buggy fur
nished our men for traveling and $5 per
month and expenses, to take orders for the
gr-atent portrait house In the world; you
will receive, post-paid, a beautiful 16x20 re
production of oil painting In answer to this
a-i. Write for particulars. R. D. Martel,
Dept. 355, Chicago.
First-class warehouse man, thoroughly!
familiar with agricultural Implements;
must be up-to-date and active in ware-,
house work; no application considered with-
out experience; rf ferences from past em
ployers, age and lowest salary would starU
at given in answer. Address A 44, care
BOYS wanted: the Saturday Evening Post
wHnts a few plucky boys to receive orders,
deliver copies and make collections; high
class customers in best neichborhoods: no
corner-loafing with bad companions; good
pay and short houis: need not interfere with
school duties. A. H. Cross, HO 1st st.,
WANTED Men to represent us as agenU;
we have several good openings for live
men to sell teas, coffees, spices, etc.;
wsnron equipment and splendid induce
ments to secure trade furnished free;
stale reference and experience. Grand
Union Tea Co., 43 Washington st.
For graduates hist year; men and women
to learn barber trade in eight weeks; help
to receive positions; graduates earn from
$15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructor, loots
free; write for catalogue. Moler System of
Colleges, 35 N. 4th st., Portland. Or.
MEN wanted who can handle agents; must
have office or desk room; ex.rlu.-ive control;
no; you handle crew men. Rig
gejst money-making opportunity ever off5 rod
any man of ability. Write for particulars,
giving references. See Sec. Burglar Alarm,
354 Nassau St., New York.
BOY wanted; one -with a backbone and a
, bright smile, no matter if he's never earned
a pi'nny; H to 14 years old; good pay and
a chance to learn salesmanship; steady
work and short hours; nted not interfere
with school duties. A. H. Cross, 110 let st.,
GOVERNMENT pr. sit lens; thousands of ap
pointments to be trade; examinations soon
In this city; circular 161 giving full par
ticulars a-s to positions, salaries, eaniple
questions, etc.. sent fre by National Cor
respondence Institute, Washington, D. C.
WANTED Salesman on commission; 'pays
from 25 to Xi 1-3 per cent to sell Inde
structible paint. This paint has stood for
15 years on iron. Write for full informa
tion to Holland Linseed OU Company, 0S3
Austin ave., Chicago. 111.
BOY wanted; a good opening for an energetic
boy under 15 and a chance to learn busi
ness methods; short hour and good pay;
need not interfere, with school duties; steady
work in spare moments. A. II. Cross, HO
let st., Portland.
You can learn to drive one with my home
course, explained In my book. "How to
Drive an Automobile and Earn $ a D:iy,"
sent free by J. J. Evans, Kitil Broad wav.
New York.
WANTED Wide awake salesmen to repre
pent as in the leading fruit districts of
California, Oregon, Washington and Brit
ish Columbia. For full particulars address
Oregon Nursery Company. Salem, Or.
PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against
accident, sickness and death. Write or
calj for full information. Northwestern
Health and Accident Association. 205
Wells-Fargo bldg. Agents wanted.
WAN't'KD Every man looking for a home,
land and Independence, to learn about the
"La Prosperidad Colony Association." of Lo
Angeies. in free Illustrated lecture in
AlLs-ky Hail on Tuesday night.
WANTED Young men to become rail
way mail clerks, brakemen or firemen,
$70 to $135 month; write Immediately;
American Standard Ry. Inst., 227 Braley
Bldg , Kansas City. Mo.
SALESMEN wanted; big demand tor our
goods; preposition surprises every bo Jy ; $S
profit every sale; failure irnpctible; sam
ple outfit furnished. Baenziger & Co.,
10 Sullivan St., Chicago.
MAN Reliable. In every locality, to repre
sent large real estate organization; good
pay ; instructions free : experience unnec
essary. North American Realty Co., Des
Moines. Iowa.
WANTED Reliable man 'In every locality to
represent large real estate organization;
good pay; instructions ftee; experience iin
n ecess try . N ort h A merica n Real t y Co. ,
Des Moines. Ia.
WANTED An energetic young man ac
quainted with the city to leam the real
estate business; good pay to a hustler: give
age, last employer and references. Add rest
V 7fi6, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced salesmen: goods sold
on long time; proposition especially attrac
tive now on that account; write for particu
lars. MeAliister-Coman Co., 356 Dearborn
St.. Chicago.
MEN of good character and ability to prepare
for letter carriers and clerks in the Govern
ment service; mn?t be within age limits and
strong. Pacific States School, McKay bldg.
Call today.
LEARN watcnmaKing. engravirg and op
tics; easy terms; positions secu:ed ; money
earned while learning. Watchmaking, En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle,
MACHINIST and plumbers table of U. S.
Standard steam, gas. water pipes and tap
ping sizes; 10 cent per copy. Shop agents
wanted. E. E. Meyer, Allegheny, Pa.
WANTED Young r an of experience for posi
tion of assistant bookkeeper and general of
fice man; state age. experience and salary
expeeteL Addrts Y 7S3, Oregonian.
WANTED Reliable man to work in a strictly
cash bufint as partner; experience not
necesfary ; will pay you $25 a week; $2"0
req'jirea. ".a:i -o;-; otaru st
JOB PRINTER wanted; steady work if good
workman. The Irwin-Hodson Co.. let and
Salmon sts.
SALESMAN Special work, big in one v. Call
today, 10 to 12 A. M- 413 Fenton bldg.
This country Is built on BUSINESS.
BUSINESS is Intelligent, useful activity.
Now the BUSINESS men need high-grade,
competent men in their organisations, to
make those same organizations BUSINESS
supply the high -grade BUSINESS maa
with the necessary high-grade, competent
man to mak Uls BUSINESS system per
fect. If you are such a man and are
looking for an opportunity to business
bettermsnt. call and talk over our method
of placing high-grade, competent men with
flrnia needing them. If you don't see your
particular opportunity here, remember we
have many other openings which space
win't permit us to list here.
P 3S1. Calls for man who knows his
work and has a record. Salary $1200 to
P 3S4. Competent hardware salesman
on floor of large house; must know busi
ness; Kt00 to $1200.
KEEPER, P Young man with wholesale ex
perience, who is ambitious. Salary $750
to $aoo.
P 31. Calls for competent man to post
ledger and take eff trial balance, monthly
In large wholesale house; $750 and In
P 378. Who thoroughly understands this
business and can get results. 5 1 -00 to
$ 15O0.
If you can fill any of the above po
sitions call and see us. and if you don't
see an opening in your line, call, as we
may have it on our files.
402-403-404-105 Swetland Bldg.
WANTED Two band reFawyer. $2.50 and
$2.75; 2 lath pullers. $2.75: 6 miiihands, $2
to $2.25; flunkey for email camp, $25; wait
er on boat, $25; cook for country hotel, $50;
teamsters, farm hands, etc.
Large list of new work every day.
Open Sunday. 10:KO to 1:30.
Main Office, 12 North 2d st.
ADVERTISING solicitor wanted for tfie
Chamber of Commerce Bulletin with Board of
Trade Journal, consolidated, official organ
Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade;
references. Apply 610 Chamber of Commerce.
W AN TEC Salesman experienced If, any line
to sell general trade in Idaho and Mon
tana; liberal Commissions with &i5 weekly
advance. One salesman earned $1253.52
his first two months with up; capable man
only wanted. The Continental Jewelry
Company, Cleveland. O.
WANTED Shoe salesman, thoroughly ex
perienced man. for department store near
Portland: Salarv $1020. with advancement.
Commercial Abstract Co.. 323 Washing
ton st.
' J "
TWO bright, well dressed men to do busi
ness among best people (n the city, sal
ary to start. $IS p.'r week. Call between
12 and 1 on Sunday and before A. M.
and 32:30 and 1 V. M. Monday. 402 Ore
gonian bldg.
WANTED An experienced installment col
lector; must be energetic and understand his
bufdness thoroughl5'; no others need t apply;
one who rides wheel preferable. Call today
Sunday from 10 to 12 A. M., Monday
from 7 to 9 P. M. Ill 10th.
LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO. require a neat,
clean-cut young man. preferably witn
some experienoe. for drapery department.
Salary small to start with, but a splendid
opportunity to learn the business. Apply
to Mr. Moyer.
HAVE exceptional offer on 8 lots, close to
Country club, all irf one block, city
water, ciose to car and school; want one
or two person to join me; can buy on
easy terms. Chance to double our money
In one year. R 7Sti, Oregonian.
CARPENTER and builder; must be a hustler
and thorough mechanic; by company build
ing houees to ell ; this is a rare chance
for man that will keep the labor cort down.
Address J 782, Oregonian.
A-l OPPORTUNITY for an experienced spe
cialty crockery talesman: $750 required; half
interest in business. If you are not htsh
cla:t salesman don't answer. L 77S, care
BOSS timber framer for tunnels. $4.50;
cooks, kitchen help, farm and dairy help;
new orders of various kinds coming in
C. R. HANSEN. JR., 2H North Second St.
WHY work for others? Why not be your
own boss and mke $10 to $15 a day? Ex
perience unnecessary; we will teach you the
way. Call today. 131 i loth St.. roowr. 33.
THRKK men who tire capable of earning $5o0
per month: must be willing to nutstle for
business; high-class proposition. Call be-'
twecn lo and 12 A. M. 300 Dekum bldg.
YOUNG men, take Instruction in Spanish
language; modern conversational method;
profitable positions In demand. 405 Com
monwealth bldjr., mh and Ankeny.
WANTED Man capable of taking full man
agement of sawmill, on good salary, that
can Invest or loan $10.0(0, well secured.
Miller. 430 Worcester bldg.
WANTED A high-grade stock and bond
- salesman; one Who is competent of earn
ing $5000 and upwards per year; perma
nent. O 715, Oregonian.
START earning monthly Income correspond
ing for newspapers, writing home stories;
' experience unnecessary ; particulars free.
Writers' Institute, Lima, Ohio.
WANTED At solicitor for Job printing of
fice; must be acquainted with city ; good
proposition to right party. Call (j 6th st.,
WANTED A boy with a bicycle to work in
grocery and deliver goods; steady pob for
a rustler. Apply D. Kellahcr & Co., 127
Grand ave.
WANTED Middle-aged man for general
work on small suburban place; one used
to gardening preferred. Call Knight Shoe
Co.. bet. 9 and 11 A- M.
SIX weeks' instruction in salesmanship; posi
tion as traveling salesman with responsible
firm guaranteed. Address Bradstrcet Sys
tem, Rochester, N. Y.
WE PAY $36 a week and expenses to men
with rigs to introduce poultry compound;
year's contract. Imperial- Mfg. Co., Dept.
54. Parsons, Kan.
$25 -PER WEEK and traveling expenses paid
by reliable house to salesmen to vlpit deal
ers: experience unnecessary. Purity Co.,
GOOD pay to men evrey where to tack signs,
distribute circulars, samples, etc.: no can
vassing. Universal Adv. Co., Chicago.
GOOD MEN AM or spare time; secret serv
ice work; we give full instructions free. Ad
dress P. O. Box 2.74, Indianapolis, Ind.
WANTED Ffrst-e'ass busheiman for ladies'
and gent.V tailoring and repair work; good
wages. 423 Morrison, City Tailoring.
WANTED Good sewing machine solicitor; can
find steady employment at good wages.
Campbeli-Fellman Co., Eugene, Or.
NEAT appearing solicitors: steady position;
salary and commission. Call bet. 7:30 and
9:20 . A. M., 751 W ashington st.
SALESMEN to demonstrate and introduce lo;;S
household necessity; just out ; $15 cleared
daily. 616-00 Wabash. Chicago.
BARBERS wanted to bear In mind we do
the best grinding on earth; try us. Dellar
Barber Supply . Co., Beattle.
$36 A WEEK jnd expenses to men with ris
to introduce Poultry Compound. Grant Co.,
Dept. 84. Springfield, 111.
GENTLEMAN and lady, traveling salespe'
p'.e for road and city; salary or commis
sion. 237 Worcester bldg.
WANTED Door-patchers; spruce door fac
tory: good pay; steady work. Address II.
G. Klopp, Seaside, Or. -
WANTED A coatmaker; may work at
home if so desired. H. Deierling. 106 5th
st.; Vancouver, Wash,
PRESCRIPTION clerk for new drug store;
willing to grow with business. Address
B 75S. Oregonian,
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors; spot
eac-h commissions. 6o3 Godnough bldg.
Call 9 to 11 A. M.
COMPETENT architectural draftsman for
temporary position. W. S. Morgan, 213
Abington blclg.
MAN and wife to take charge of a ranch,
t45 a month and expenses. Call Sunday,
275'4 BurnsitJe.
WANTED Boy with wheel. - Apply Monday
morning. Wonder Millinery Co., Morrison
and 1st sts.
WANTED Boy or young man to work
around wallpaper store. Address S 754,
WANTED First-class ladles' tailor; good
wages guaranteed. Address Guy R. Osborn,
WANTED Young man for office work, must
be good penman. Apply Standard Oil Co.
WANTED 2 men to clear 20 acres, close In;
contract. Call today. 452 Market SL
A-l OPERATOR cutter and fitter of ladies'
coats and suits. J. M. Acheron Co.
WA NTED Experienced salesman. D. M.
Averiil Company, lo2 5th st. N.
BOY with wheel for delivering. Unique
Tailoring Co., 306 Stark st.
BUTCHERS Investigate Sellwood; grand op
portunity for business.
WANTED A carriage painter; steady work.
211 Washington St.
BOY, 1 or over, must have wheel, steady
job. 220 First.
GOOD coatmaker at once. Csll 105 Ruwsell
St.- Take L car.
LIVE agent. Call Sunday 10 to 12. Greene,
4 S3 Davis St.
COATMAKER wanted. W. S. Gladstone,
Eugene. Or.
LADIES make money selling guaranteed
silks direct from looms. Cut any lengi-U.
One-third saved. Express prepaid. W ri;e
for Inrormatlon. LENOX SILK. WORKS,
Madison Square, New York.
2 GIRLS fur country place. 1 for general
housework and young girl to as.It with,
children ; permanent place ; references re
quired. Call 7t5 Park ave., bet. 1 and 4.
Phone Main 106.
HOUSEKEEPER Tor transient roominr
house, medium Fize, wages and percent
age. Don't answer unless you can do th
ork. have experience and references. K
7.S2, Oregonian.
WANTED A lady school teacher to se'.l
bonds to people of moderate means; worlc
can be done outside of school hours; good
commission; references. Address K 767,
WANTED Ladles to make aprons, $3.00
dozen; no cost to get Job; materials sent
prepaid; enclose stami-ed addre.-ed evclope.
Home Apron & Drtss Co., Los Angeles.
YOUNG lady with clear complexion to dem
onstrate face cream in aepartment store;
must bo fluent talker; salarv $15. Call
between 11 and 12 Sunday. 35 Pine.
$2 PER day paid one lady in each town ta
distribute circulars and take orders for con
centrated flavorirg In tubes; permanent
bigness. J. s. ftlcglrr & c0., Chicago.
LADY SEWERS Make sanitary belt at
home; materials furnished; $15 per hundred;
particulars stamped envelope. Dept. 7otf
Dearborn Specialty Co., Chicago.
AN experienced lady presser for fancy press
ing In established dye works; highest
wages paid. Apply at once. New City
Dye Works. Tacoma. Wash.
LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. require saleswoman,
of except ionnl ability and cxperW nee ia
gloves, stationery, millinery, domestics,
linings. Apply to Mr. Moyer. .
WOMAN to do the cookJns on a Hood River
ranch; no washing-; good wages. Address
Mrs. J. Adrian Epping, Sunday and Mon
day. 131 N. 10th st.
LADIES. $1 a day st home. Send stamped
envelope for particulars and addresses of
satisfied employes. Ladies' Aid, 28 Main,
Durham, Conn.
SEA'ERAL ladies of determination to canvass;
cheap article. quick seller, good money;
state experience if any. Address 773, or
egonian. THE Meier & Frank Store has an opening it
a competent demonstrator of toilet prepara
tions and other articles. Apply before 10
A. M.
PRIVATE les-sons in bookkeeping; experi
enced instructor; ternus $4 per month; 4
nigms m ween. facmc :u5 and A 40-s.
WANT E D Com peten t, refined glr I or wo
man to do second work In family ; $25.
Clark W. Thompson, Cascade Locks. Or.
PRACTICE girls; typewriting, dictation, of
fice work; practical experience guaranteed;
no money required. titKl Goodnough bldg.
LADIES to copy letters at home; spare time;
go id i -ay ; cash weekly ; reliable ; send
stamp. SSeck, bcx 421, Morristown, N. Y.
CANVASSERS New erf am, new way to sell
it; everybody buys; $5 a dav sure. Victor
Chemical Co., 184 William. New York.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavi Co.. G09 Roth
Child bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WANTED Competent girl for genera' house
work and cooking; aiuall family. 584 E.
Tayior. Phono East B 2440.
Ladies' Department. 25j Morrison St.
Phones Main KK2 A 1400.
LADIES to copy letters at home; spare time?
experience unnecessary ; send .stamp. Gerar-1
Co., Arno bldg., Cincinnati, O.
WANTED Reliable girt for general house
work; wages satisfactory to applicant. 551
East 33d, Richmond carline
WA NTED Girl speaking good German to
do upstairs work and plain sewing. Mrs.
J. N. Teal. 170 St. Clair st-
WANTED Girl to assist in scleral house-,
work and care for eh i !d 3 years old ; fam-
ily three. 56 Lucretia ft.
8f3i Washington st.. corner 7th, upstair
Phone Main 2602
WANTED Elderly or middle-aaed wmanl
who would like good home and small wages,
(.'all or address "7 Emerson t.
WANTI3I) Good girl for general housework Im
family of 3. Tail or phone Mrs. K. R. May.
Y7 B. 2Sth. East 57ij0.
WANTED Ijfldy who understands osteopathy;
$10O cash required. Hotel Palmer, 350 '-j
Alder st., room 21.
THE Meier & Frank stre requires the serv
ices of an experienced carpetsewer; nono
other need apply.
COM P ET E NT y o u r i g woman to asts i st w i t '
housework and cooking; have children.
Phone Tabor 107.
TWO experienced hand Ironors to work im
laundry, Skagway, Alaska; references. V,
775. Oregonian.
STRONG young girl to help with house
work and children. 5H E?t Everett.
Phone B 1256.
NEAT g-irls for genera! housework : .""mri'l
family; afl conveniences; good wage. 81S
Johnson st;
WANTED At. prentices for French private
mil Mner v room. 28 Tilford- bldg. Madame
AN experienced girl to do second work; inf
erences required. Apply at S35 Love joy
WANTED Cook for a country tot el: good
wages for suitable peieon. Phone East 147.".
WANTED A good girl in private boarding
house f.r kitchen work. 77 West Park st.
WANTED Girl to do general housework. Ap
ply 2i4 E. 44th, or ph.r.e Tabor 054.
WANTED Experienced linen room girl. Nor
tonia Hotel, ilth and Washington.
WA NT EI First-class waist finishers. 315
Tilford bldo;., RUli and Morrison. f
WANT a girl to help with I-oii-ework. Apply
al 776 Hoyt st. Phone Main 22n.
GIRL for general housework. 2 in family. 31 1
Wert ave.. corner of Hawtho-n.
GOOD girl for r.erai housework. 20 N.
Park, bet. Bi:rns:de and Cou.-h.
COLORED maid for 2 children; sleep home.
Mrs. O. M Smith. GH.i Iav.i.
Sherman s;. '"'ho
finishers n
le PaeinV 45
pants 2'7
EAST SIDE Female Employment Office.
122',fc Grand ave. East 1055.
WANTF7D Girl for general housework ; geod
wages. Apply 304 12th st.
WANTED Girl for general housework. OU::
Schuyler st. East 3443.
WOMAN for housework.
Alder. Phone East -.:;
family of 3. 085 EX
WANTED Experiencd tailoress on coats.
Russeil bldg.. Room 16.
A NURSE girl, to assist In second work.
Apply 65 N 21st st.
WANTED Oirl to assist with general house
work. 702 Kearney st.
GIRL for general housework;
work light. 547 7th.
no children;
GIRL for genaral housework In family of
two. 712 E. Taylor.
GIRL for general house-work.
Lovejoy, near 21st.
Apply 070
LADY BAKBBIl wanted at once. C10 Burn-
WANT If D A etrl for general housework.
Call 447 Kith f.
CIKL. wanted tor buuwwoik. iOO Glisan t.