THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 5, 1903. Portland Agents for "Nemo' Corsets, Duttcrick Patterns, Perrins' Gloves, Ostermoor Mattresses, Ramie Underwear, La Crccquc Corsets 12 Try Our Mail Order Service nLtTTtRsj Our Mail Order Department is serving 100,000 J homes throughout the Pacific Northwest. Prompt and earefu attention given all orders. We publish I jfT the largest, handsomest and most complete shop ui it ping guide in the country. Send for a copy it's tillpiij free for the asking. Our service is satisfactory. Estab The Meier Frank Store Free DELIVERY lished 185? To all parts of tTie rltv and suburbs. Thirty of our wagons mak rtnllv trlf9 In nil directions. The largest and onlv satisfactory dellv ery service in the cltv. Phones, Exchange 4 nnd A 6061. 160 phones connecting-nil departments. Portland's Largest and Best Store 51 Years in Portland Custom Shade and Drapery Work Our Specialty; Best Materials Used; Lowest Prices; Work Guaranteed Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order at the Very Lowest Prices New Line Moldings; Fourth Floor Great Bargains in Cut Glass The Very Best of the Season Cut-glass handles : Cut-glass Cut-glass Cut-glass best $:l.2." Cut-plass Cut-plass Cut-plass Cut-plass Cut-plass Cut-plass Cut-plass Nappies, G-ineh size, with or without C? 1 CJQ regular $2.25 values, on sale at, eaeh.M vlJr Spoon Trays, regular $M.OO values, at, ea..$2.29 Yinesrar Cruets, regular 3.50 values, ea..$2.59 Nappies, fi-inch size, with handle; the PO 5 values, on sale at this low price, ea. r Howls, 8-ineh, repular $:.00 values, each. .jpj.Oif Bowls, 8-ineh, repular $8.00 values, each.. $6. 19 Water .Tups, regular .$8.50 values, for, ea..$6.69 Vases, repular $3.00 values, on sale at, ea..$2.29 Vases, 10-iiieh, repular $4.50 values, each.. $3.49 Vases, 12-inch, repular $8.75 values, each.. $6. 79 Howls, 8-inch, repular $12.50 values, each.. $9.19 The "Merry Widow" Sailors Specially Low at $ 1 .25 Each In the Millinery Department, great special lot of "Merry Widow" Sailor' Hate, untrimmed; all the leading shades black, navy, tan, brown, Copenhagen, burnt orange, etc.; made of Japanese satin braid, extra large shapes. The "Merry Widow" is the popular hat of the season. This lot of 200 won't last long at the special price of, ea. .$1.25 Special lot of 2000 bunches of handsome Hoses, the best values ever offered at this special low price."''' Special lot of 2000 bunches of foliage for trimming 1 C "Merry Widow" sailors; great value, on sale at. 'J Easter Headgear for women, misses and children. Port land's greatest display, on the Second Floor. Take elevator. Great Easter. Sale of Women's Fine Hosiery- In All Grades Women's fine quality of ganze lisle tan Hosiery seamless leg and foot; the best shades of tan; all sizes; 35c OOr values, on sale at this special low price, the pair Women's full fashioned tan cotton Hose, fine gauze Of quality; best regular 40c values, on sale at, the pair. C AVomen's very fine quality lace lisle tan Hose, sev- A9 g eral handsome patterns, all sizes; 65c values, pair." C Women's fine quality gauze lisle tan Hose, three different shades to select from; sizes 8V2 to 10; the best val- Ag ues in the city at this price, pair take advantage. HOC Women's extra fine quality tan Rilk lisle Hose, full- CQ. fashioned; beautiful finish; regular 75c values, pair."' "Harvard Mills" Underwear At Greatly Reduced Prices Women's "Harvard Mills" silk and lisle Cndervests and Tights hand-finished, well made perfect fitting; OQ regular $1 values, on sale at this low price, garment. O C Women's "Harvard Mills" lilit-weight lisle Underrests high .neck and long sleeves and knee-length tights; I "5 the best regular 75e values, on sale at, the garment. "JC Women's "Harvard Mills" light-weight lisle Union Suits, in. four styles; hand-finished and perfect-fitting; J 1 r IT great special values, on sale at, the garment. P Women's "Harvard Mills" fine ribbed Union Suits high neck, long sleeves, ankle length or low neck, sleeveless and knee length; made of fine quality silk and cot- P fl 7i ton; all sizes; best $2.00 values, at, the garment. H J Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Etc. We Have the Largest and Best Stock of Floor Coverings in the City and Lowest Prices Guaranteed $8.00 Curtains $5.85 $6.00 Portieres $3.95 Couch Covers $3.45 Wmm Pit ll m 500 'pairs of handsome Marie Antoinette Corded Arabian and Clnny l.ace Curtains, both in white and ecru; made on the best net. 50 inches wide and 3 yards long; large variety of designs; high-grade curtains, selling regularly P T Q C at $7.50 and $8 pair; exceptional values at, pr. 500 pairs of double-faced Mercerized Portieres, fringed top and hoi torn; all popular colorings and designs; size 50 inches wide by :l yards long; regular $5 and $li val- 0J ties, oir sale at this special low price, the pair. M 500 pairs Cashgar Couch Covers, patterns copied from Ori ental rugs; soft colorings; every cover in the lot J regular $-4.50 value: take your pick at, sp'l., ea. '"' High-class l)iaperies and Drapery Materials gorgeous styles in matchless assortment; all the very newest colorings and combinations; immense assortment. See them on 3d Floor. New Tailored Suits at $ 1 8 and $25 $ 1 6.50 Silk Waists at $5.95 Each $4.00 Lingerie Waists $2.95 Each Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store is splendidly ready to supply every need in fashionable apparel for Easter wear, Costumes, Wraps, Suits, Skirts, Coats, Waists, Etc., in great profusion Every new creation, every new material and ef fect will be found represented Best showing ever made in the Far West The best values we ever offered Buying 1 should be done this week if you wish to avoid disappoint mentNext week there's no telling whether it will be possi ble to get out alteration work or not Buy your Easter ap parel this week These specials are worthy of investigation Two immense lots of women's new Tailored Suits at special reductions: Lot 1 Consists of 500 suits, short-coat styles, trimmed in braid, military style; skirts are gored with bias fold, material of Panama cloth; colors, golden brown, navy and black; well made and finished 1 O tff throughout. Best suit in town at this speeial Jow price. P W Lot 2 500 women's Suits coats are semi-tight-fitting effects and box styles: skiffs pleated and gored with folds; materials are serges, fancy worsteds, checks, stripes, broken plaids and plain colors; QOj C llS all new 1908 garments, handsmnely made; special, suit. 500 fancy Silk Waists in taffetas, mescaline, net and chiffon cloth; fancy yokes of lace, applique, silk embroidered medallions; velvet, silk bands and, fancy buttons; colors are white, light blue, Copenhagen, tan, brown, navy, red, green, gray, Dresden, black, stripes and checks; values ft C Q C up to $l(i.50, on sale at this special low price, the garment. 500 women's fine while lingerie Waists in batistes, mulls, lawns, crossbar dimity and Swiss; dainty French yoke, trimmed in tine Val. laces, round mesh, filet, maltese and embroidery edges, with ruffles of lace, embroidery, etc!; long and short sleeves, regular or Butterfly sleeve; the ff Q best regular $4.00 values, on sale at this speeial price, each.M, Beautiful Allovers $5 Values at $1.39 In the Lace DepartmentL for Monday's selling UPc oensauonaioargains miY une oausie ana owiss all-over .Embroid eries for lingerie waists, etc. in dainty imitations of hand work, eyelet de signs and Japanese ef fects Beautiful styles and qualities; an advarw tageous purchase ena- bles us to offer values up to $5 a yard at the E wonderfully low price $1.39 Yard 11 III iTjaaU Remember only 1000 yards -Plan to come early if you want best bargains See Fifth-St. Window Swiss and Lawn Embroideries Values to $ 1 .75 at 49c Yard 5000 yards of Swiss and Lawn Kmbroidery Flouncing and Bands, V2 to 18 inches wide, suitable for waists, gowns, skirts and children's wear; magnificent styles, selling regu larly at prices up to $1.75 the yard; your choice at this remarkably low price, yard -take advantage. TflC 10,000 yards of Swiss, nainsook and cambric Kmbroidery Edging and Insertion, filet effects, eyelet and French designs; grand assortment of pretty styles in all widths; val- "I C ues up to 50c yard; buy all you want at, the yard. OC Easter Sale of Bibles and Devotional Books, in Book Department Easter Cards and Booklets Easter Sale of Vases in the Basement Candlesticks and Candle Shades At Greatly Reduced Prices 500 silver-plated and brass Candlesticks, all the prettiest styles, nil sizes and qualities, at the following low prices: $1.00 values, at, each..79 $1-75 values., at, ea..$1.39 $1.25 values, at, each.. 99c4, 35c and 50c values, ea.27 A magnificent assortment of Candle Shades, in assorted stvlcs and colors, dut-at special valties, on sale as follows: Reg. 2Hc Shades.. 19 Reg. 65c Shades.. 51 Reg. $1.35 Shades Shades $1.07 .$2.19 Reg. $1.85 Shades.. $1.47 On sale in Basement Store. Reg. $2.75 Colored Candles, assorted sbades, special, each..3 and o Kaster Vases, all sizes, on sale at the very lowest prices. Fancy Silk Suitings 59-69-79c Dress Goods at 98c the Yard Three big special lots of fancy Silks comprise an Easter silk sale of great importance to every shrewd buyer all the new est colorings in stripes, checks and plaids for waists, suits, misses' and children's apparel. A special purchase of 5000 yards enables us to offer the following special bargains: The best regular 75c and 85c values, on sale at, yard. .59 $1.00 values, the yard. .69 $1.25 values, the yard . . 79 $ Six great lines of fancy Dress Fabrics at a special low price: 18-ineh Herringbone Serges, 48-inch Panama Cloths, 43-inch mohair and 45-inch wool taffetas; colors are navy, brown, Copenhagen, tan and reseda; a style and quality ma- QO. terial other stores ask $1.50 yd. for; our $ 1.25 fabrics. 'OC Hand'chiefs 75c- $1 Vals. 43c Collar and Coat Sets ft Off Great Easter Said of 5000 women's all-linen hand-embroidered hemstitched Handkerchiefs, i8-inch hemstitching, all over patterns, crossbar patterns, checks, corners and corded; large, regular and small sizes; put up one on a card. The entire sample line of one of the largest importing ,TL houses in the country; 75c to $1 values, at, each. Special lot of Real Duchess, Princess Lace, Irish crochet and hand-embroidered turnover collar and coat sets; all new, high-class merchandise at one-third off the reg- 1 ff ular prices take advantage of this special sale. VI Easter Neckwear on sale in great profusion all the new ideas in grand array display of Neckwear for all occasions. $5.00 Handbags $3.09 Each $ 1 Belts 65c New Wash Belts Special lot of 100 real Alligator Handbags, several styles and sizes- all leather-lined and fitted with coin purse; the best regular $5.00 values, on sale while they P flQ last at this low price, each take advantage. Women's extra fine quality calf leather Belts, ornamented with large .gilt buckles; brown, tan, black and navy. L C Best $1 values, on sale at this unusually low price", ea."' Women's fine Elastic Web Belts; colors, navy, brown, black, green, white; finished with handsome cameo buckle; CQf regular $1.00 values, on sale at this low price, each.''' Just received, large shipment of new AVash Bolts, in all the latest and prettiest styles, and at all prices. Let us show you. Easter Glove Sale our best noveltj Large, sti ing. ridi shade 1 -clasp top: Walking Gloves, first qualitv. best shades and all sizes; (tl 1 J best values in town at, pr. P A A J "Fluffy Ruffles" Military Gauntlets, three pearl buttons; handsome stvle; regular $3.50 00 OQ on sale at. pair. .H'"' iff Cuff Gauntlets for walk ing and driving use; the best regular $2 values, pr.$1.78 Large Auto Gauntlets, in the best styles and shades, all sizes; the regular $3.50 values, on sale J0 QQ at. t he pair. .f Special lot of soft gusset Gauntlets with straps and clasp; best $2.25 values, on sale at this 1 OQ spT price, pr. .P 07 Women's and children's Walking Gauntlet Gloves, all sizes ; best shades ; reg ular $1.25 values, QO on sale at, pair.. -- Perrin's 12-button length Cape Glovfjs in all the very best shades; susset every pair guaranteed; reg. $3.50; special, pair. $3. 19 Perrin's lo-bnuon length Cape Gloves, in all the best shades; gusset top; all sizes; regular $4.00 vals., sp'l., pair.. $3.57 Regular $1.50 and $5.1)0 Cape Gloves on sale at, pair. $3.98 Dent's Gloves for women and children at the lowest prices. 500 Men's Blue S erge Suits $25.00 Values at $18.35 Monday and Tiiesday another great Easter sale of men's new, high-class, ready-to-wear suits for Spring and Summer wear - 500 garments sold regu larly by us at $25 each, to be distributed at $18.35 a suit These 500 gar ments selected from four of the best lines in America Suits the; exclusive clothier has no hesitancy in asking $30.00 and $32.50 for All hand-tailored garments of strictly pure worsted and absolutely fast color Blue serge al ways finds favor with the best dressers and there'll be no disappointment if you invest in these splendid garments Styles include single or double-breast-ed coats in regular, slim or stout cut, 35to46, in the latest fashion, hand made buttonholes, hand-felled collars, hand-padded shoulders, best trimmings, and lined with fine quality serge or alpaca Just the suits you want for business or dress wear ular $25 line Monday and Tuesday your See Morrison-Street Window Display Mail Orders Will Be Carefully Filled Boys' New Easter Apparel Just the J r pr sss $18.35 Kaster Apparel for boys and young men. The largest and best stocks we ever provided are here for your selection. Wash suits and wool suits in all the desirable styles and materials for school and dress wear. Handsome white waists and white flannel suits. New Spring Topcoats in the latest fashions, all prices, best values. Complete new stock of young men's suits and topcoats. New Easter Jewelry Specials Gold - plated Barettes, in rose 'and polished gold ; values up to 75c each, on sale at..39 Fancy Filigree Combs in new designs; .28 Women's watches, open face ; silver, gunmetal, enamel faces; every one fully guaranteed ; values up to $ .each, special at, ea..$2.98 Children's Bracelets, gold-filled, with sig nets, adjustable style ; regular values from 75e to $1.00, at, eaeh.59 Men ' s Watches, gun metal and silver cases, thin models; every one fully guaranteed : spe cial at, each... $3.98 German Silver Purses, pretty patterns; the best (f O QQ regular $5.00 values, on sale at, special, each. .P.70 Gold-filled Neck Chains, in 15 and 22-inch length; values up to $l.0 each, on sale at this low price, ea. Gold-filled Lockets, plain and rose gold finish; reg ular values up to $2.00 each, on sale at, special, each. Rhinestone Horseshoes, best quality stones, set in silver, three sizes; regular $1.25 values, on sale at, ea. Special lot of fancy Hat Pins, jets, pearls, cameos, gold-filled signets, etc.; regular 75c values, at, each. Belt Pins, gold-filled, silver and antique finishes; im mense assortment; regular $1.00 values, at, each. Sterling silver Jeweled Pencils, with Easter Greeting Cards; great special values, at this low price, each. 59c 98c 49c 49c 49c 98c