The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 01, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 20

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WSa acres. 1 mile from railroad sta
tion. $1S50.
acre, nfar Roseburg. $1.W.
320 acres, near Roseburg, $5OV0.
110 acres, near Roseburg, good improve
ments. $5750.
17o acres, near good town. 1 2 wo.
703 acres, near sood town, fine borne.
O0 acres. near good town. $2200.
240 acres. nar Roseburg. $2000.
22S acres, near Eugene. 23648.
Si'O acres, near Eugene, JH.W.
2 to acres, near Irvine. $720.
640 acres, near Irving, at SIS.
127 acres, n'-sr Jasper. Or.. $:tooo.
1!40 acres, near good town, at $12.50.
80 acres, near Junction 4'lty. 'iO.
ftO acres, near Eugene. $20 to.
700 acres near Eugene. $2t00.
IrtO acres. Coos County, containing a
4-foot vein of fine coal, near a market,
timbered, this property merits Investiga
tion and can be bought at a bargain.
5-room (lat. rent $25. well furnished
$125r residence section, near 14th and Jef
ferson mtm.
10 rooms, East Side. $16.10.
34 rooms, this side, income $250 per
month, rent $55: S10O0.
And many others, good paying propo
sition. REAL. ESTATE.
House and lot. 6-room. lot 100x200. va
riety of fruit, a bargain; Gladstone, $1200.
Hnue and lot, 7 rooms. Gladstone, $1050.
House and 3 lots. 6 rooms. Gladstone,
T have a few good relinquishments for
timber rights and homesteads, am also
filing on claims cruising from 6 to 8
million feet in Columbia County.
$7000 will buy X, interest in a J? -year
leatt on the best placer ground IT, outh
ern Oregon. This investment means a
fortune to you.
318 Worcester Bldg.
WE will sell your farm, house and lot.
vacant land and lots. timber claims,
homestead relinquishment; we have large
correspondence from Eastern states that
is coming to Portland this Spring; send
. in w hat you want to sell, it will have
prompt attention. Anderson & wax bom.
311 Worcester bldg., portiana, or.
WANTED Corner lot. not over $1500. East
Side, north of Bumslde St.. suitable for
grocery or email business? also another
vacant corner, to cost about the same.
. for a residence. " Ieonard Bros., 334
Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED A fractional cor. lot for apart
menl-house, bet. 3d and 13th, Mill nd Jrv
lna: a!so a bwlneai nronertv for about
$15,000 (cash), that will show at least 8
per cent. .
LA MONT A HARRIS, 303-4 Swetland bldg.
CAFTT buyer for 9 to 7-rooai hou.e (full lot),
another 4 to 6-room cottage. (Tract, lot) N.
of Sheridan; also buyers for houses from
a." to kouo; also vacant lots.
Bring your property, we do the rest.
LAMONT & HARRIS, 303-4 Swetland bldg.
X WANT an up-to-date all modem 7 to 9 -room
house in good neighborhood, close in. West
Side preferred, but will go on EaBt Side
If it is all right; must be bargain. See
james u. rench, out commercial blag
cor. 2d and Washington.
WR WANT residences and lots on East and
West Side, not too far from car line; mjst
be right price.
Main 1675. 3o3 Buchanan bldg.
WANTED 7-room modern house; one bed
room below; this side 35th and between
Hawthorne and Broad wav ; buyer ready.
208 Stark St., room 32.
AFTER others have tried to sell your prop
erty and failed, then come In and see us.
A few days will convince you that we can
sell your property. Geo. C. Leracke, .213
Couch bids:. Main 6806.
ACREAGE or group of lots; would handle
as agent; will have crew of salesmen in
country getting quick result: will pay
owner 25 per cent more than wholesale
price. D 651, Oregonian.
I HAVE a timber claim cruising 1.500.000
yellow pine, which I will trade for equity
in good house ana lot. or will give aeeu
in trust as security for first payment. M
H4W, care oregonian.
WANTED A 5 or 7-room strictly modern
nonie. in a goon location: state location
cash price or terms; will be in the city on
the Hth Inst.; no agents. R 650, Ore
WANTED To buy for cash, a '6 or 7-room
modern house In good locality within walk
ing distance of 3d and Washington sts. Ad
dress fill particulars to V OtvJ, Oregonian.
WANTED In good location, 6 er 8-rooni
house , modern, or building lot or lots; s'ate
location, price;- If house is rented state
rent; also give phone. H 048. Oregonian.
WANTED At once, 6-room modern hoiwe
with lot 100 feet square; not to exceed
$100; prefer anywhere on East Side.. Phone
Pac. 2234 or A 1U21. or call ltll 4th st.
WANTED Improved acreage, near carllne.
or small farm; has to be close to Catholic
F. FUCHS, 221 44 Morrison St.
; WK have two cash buyers for a good resi
dence lot close in on West Side. If you
want to sell see M. C. Davie at once. 16
Hamilton bldg. 131 3d st.
WANTED To buy modern 7 or 8-room
house, close in. East Side; small payment
down, easy terms; must be a bargain. O
660, Oregonian.
OWNERS wishing to exchange Portland
property for Hood River fruit land should
consult Mac Rae ft Angus 432 Chamber
of Commerce.
' 7 OR 8 -room modern house, also flat; cen
tral, clone In; state location and lowest cash
price: so agents. Address J 662, Ore
gonian. WANTED 6 or 8-room house, between lth
and 24th. north of Washington; will pay
$800 cafh;no agents. W 647, Oregonian.
HAVE $1000 in Omaha Telephone bonds to
trade on 6-roorn modern house on Kat
Side. What have you? F 64S, Oregonian.
WANTED from owner A 6 or 8-room house;
must be a bargain and good home; elate lo
cation and price. R (m2. Oregonian.
MOl'SB or vacant lots In exchange for small,
dose-ln rooming-house; nice residence, well
furnished. O 664, Oregonian.
$,,tO.oi0 TO invest on West Side real estate;
must be good value; give location and low
est price. X 2o2. Oregonian.
WANTED To buy six to eight-room cot tape;
must be closer In than 2tth st. and near
carllne. W 667, Oregonian.
WANTED To buy two or more cheap lots to
build small houses on; must be bargain or
no sale. J 646. Oregonian. ,
TO SELL your farms quickly list them with
the "Far West" Real Estate Co., 530
Lumber Exchange bldg.
WANTED Nice private house or flats, fi-7
rooms; lot 50x100. West, for cash. T 636,
WANTED Ch"tp corner lot on carllne in
growing suburb. Address W 663. Orego
nian. Abstracts lawyers' Abstract A Trust Co.. over
Portland Trust Co. Bank. M 560, A 4222.
WANTED Nice level acre tract close In. See
Jas. C. Logan, room 4U Cor be U bldg.
1VTS In all parts of the city for cash; must
be bargain. W oregonian.
WILL pay cash for your equity, only snaps J
considered O twi. oregonian.
WANT 5 to 9-rootn house, east or West Side;
easy terms, j iU5. Oregonian.
GOVERNMENT land scrip iocatable upon ood
or even section, surveyed or unsurveyed
land: prices reasonable. For further In for
ma; ion apply H. 14. Peule A Co.. 4U3-4
McKay blug.. Portland, Or.
ALL kinds, including approved forest re
serve scrip, for surveyed, unsurveyed tim
ber and prairie Government land. H. M.
Hamilton. "The Portland." Portland. Or.
ITBL1C land scrip for sale; land, mining
practice D. N- Clark, Atty.. Washington.
D. C.
LONG or short time lease on corner HH75
on 11th bet. Morrison and Salmon si. X
641. Oregonian.
TO LEA "B--Corner on Buro?ide street; fcusi
ne property. H 655, Oregonian.
TO l.KASr for term of yearn. 45 acres. 2
m11-s east of 'tacksman Station on the
8. P. Ry; small houe and barn: creek for
stock; 2 acres In berries; 6 acres blak
garden soil; 12 acres in old stumps; eaxtty
'ck ared ; bn lance light timber; good pas
ture Anply on premises. Walter Wilson.
Clackamas, Or.
DO YOU want to be located on the most
valuable railroad timber land in Ore
gon? This timber is assessed by the
cr-unty at $1.90 per thousand feet stump
age and sells for from $2.50 to $4 per
thousand. I have a few choice locations
open for filing in this county. Call and
talk it over with me. Geo. W. Douglass,
318 Worcester bids:.
Two very fine claims of sugar pine for
sale; 3,000,000 and 2.000,000 respectively;
very accessible; low In price; unusual bar
gains. Aleo a homestead relinquishment on the
Columbia River; good location; cheap. Ad
dress P. O. box. L 593.
I will locate you on as fine land as there
is In Oregon, plenty of water (tine water),
don't have to irrigate. Beaverdam land,
fine grass and plenty of It, especially
adapted for stock raising, charges reason
able. Level land, no rock, near timber.
Address S G63. care Oregonian.
A 4.000,000 claim, Cowlitz River, 60 miles
Portland. $4000.
A claim in Alsea, for Immediate
sale. $200.
Sawmill complete and 400 acres timber.
Valley. $I6tO.
Harry E. W agoner Co., Chamber Commerce.
Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle.
820 Chamber of Commerce,
I HAVE personally examined number of
valuable timber claims within. and
claimed by. the Oregon & California lana.
grant, upon which 1 am prepared to
locate parties wishing the same. Both
phones. C. W. Mead. .
WfEAT FARM in the wheat belt of East
ern Oregon, Umatilla County, 10 acres
open for homestead filing; 140 acres good
plow land; does not require irrigation.
Coast Commercial Co., 504 Dekum bldg.
FOR SALE 0000 acres susar and yellow
pine. In Jackson Co.. will cruise over
4.000.000 feet to the quarter; well located
for logging or milling; principals only
dealt Address D 670. Oregonian.
A NUMBER of yellow and sugar pine tim
ber claims open to entry under timber
and stone act. These are heavily tim
bered and near railroad In Northern Cali
fornia. Phone John B. Haviland.
Do you want to Invest in timber? We
have some of the best propositions in the
market. See before buying. Sphinx
Agency, 308 Chamber of Commerce.
SO-ACRE homestead relinquishment on
river; some timber; lO acres slashed; 40
acres walnut land; raise anything; re
mainder grazing; Douglas County, Oregon.
Call 1029 East Yamhill st.
TIMBER, timber, timber, choice homesteads
and timber claims near R. R. and water;
reasonable fee; no .azents. Call or ad
dress The Coast Realty Co.. 220 i Morri
son St.. Main 150. A -41 30.
ARE you Interested in securing a good
timber claim? I have a few locations in
Columbia County, cruising 5. 6. 7 and &
million feet, Geo. W. Douglass., 318 Wor
cester bldg.
FOR SA LE M acres of cord wood timber
land, 13 xnilee from Portland; will cut
"AXH cords of wood; over lOOO cut; two
barns and cookhouse, on place. M- 054,
SAWMILL, with good tract of timber im
mediately adjoining; mill and timber.
$3,500: terms; another at $36O0. Chai
J. O'Toole & Co., 718 Chamber Commerce.
I HAVE Soldier additional homestead of 40
acres for sale, under special acts approved
Jan. 25. H4. How much am I offered?
G. M. S., box 1, Deer Hlver, Minn.
WE have 4 first-class yellow pine timber
claims running from 2.O0O.O00 to 3,000.000
ft each, for locatjon. call room 627 Cor
bett bldg., 5th and Morrison.
GOVERNMENT serin, all kinds, for sur
veyed or urifurveyed lands; lowest prices.
Moulton ft Scobey. attorneys. 504 Colum
bia bldg., Portland. Or.
TWO homestead relinquishments in the
Stletz; one 14.000.000 timber, the other
over fl. 000.000. w. A. Cummlns room 6,
Raleigh bldg. x
FOR SALE, cheap, 7,000,000 red flr. with
best mill location: ij mile railroad and
river, near Portland. W 646. Oregonian.
CAN file you on 12 choice Government
claims, yellow'pine. Inquire C E. Hatch,
Guarantee Co., 7 N. 2d. Phone Main 3007.
RELINQUISHMENT on first-class yellow pine
timber claims for sale cheap. Commercial
Abstract Co., 3234 Washington st.
3 ACRES, with modern 8-room house, bam.
. chicken yards, 5-cent car fare; $0000.
Koom is. 3134 wasnington st.
WE have some of the best timber in Oregon
In any sfrfe tract you want? see us. Albee
Bfnham Co., Concord bldg.
Zi ACRES. 5 -room house, 5-cent fare; $rt."0
cash, balance to suit. Room 18, 313 Vi
Washington st.
Government locations. 327 Worcester blk.
SAWMILL wanted; state capacity, price, etc.
tj boo, oregonian.
Bones, Vehicle and Harness.
ONE team, wagon and harness; one hrown
mare, oiacK mare; uu-in. team or mares
6 years old; lady's saddle horse; brown
mare, harness and buggy; one 1500-lb.
team. Nobby Stables, 12ih and Flanders.
NOTICE to horseowners. We are In po
sition to board a few more horses, being
centrally located, which means much io
you. Palace Barn. 0ih and Couch sts.
FOR SALE Pair bays horse, and mare; good
workers in all harness; tf and 7 years old;
will guarantee in every way: weight 2iX0.
Cali at once 24 Montgomery st.
$125 TAKES bay team." mare and horse.
good workers, weight 24.0; one set of new
breechen harness all complete at the
Palace Stables, 2i4 Montgomery.
SNAP $110 buys a pair of mares and new
harness, all In good sha:e. Also, one
small mare, price $35. suitable for ranch
work. Call 26 North 15th st.
$2S5 BUYS matohed team, horse and mare;
weight 2oo; double harness and wagon,
or sell separate; can be seen at Dexter
Stables. 45 4lh st.
FOR SALE One 1500 lbs team, one 11O0
lbs. brown mare, five light horses, one
farm wagon and harness. Nobby Stables,
12th and Flanders.
FOR SALE Pair of bay horses. S years old.
weight 20O0, good workers and sound; will
sell; worth the change. Call at once 204
Montgomery st. .
1 1300-LB. team; 1 mare, 1250; 1 mare, 1150:
1 loOO-lb. horse; 1 lady s eaddle horse; 1 top
business buggy. -Nobby Stablest 12th and
FOR SALE, cheap, the running-sears of a
new wide-track wagon. J. a. Cuts-
hall, loo North 18th st.; or phone Main
WANTED Team, mares preferred; must be
sound and gentle, weight about 24O0. also
harness and farm wagon. 779 B. Salmon. '
YOUNG mare. 120 lbs.; bay horse, works
single or double, 1100, $05: also other honsvs
cheap; heavy wagon. .23 N. 14th st.
I PINK driving hnrp. ruhher-ttT-rt hnirirv
hand-sewed harness, cheas at Laier's
Siables. or phone Mam or A 3731.
NOTICE: $00 buys whole outfit. horse,
buggy and harness; in good order.
Call 2tt N. 15th st., Sunday.
HEAVY team, new Mitchell wagon and new
heavv harness for sale cheap. Call 334
Pine st. Phone Pacific 2089.
NEW double harness cheap for cash; set
housemovtng tools and cribbing. 2S3
Grand ave. Salvage Co.
TWO hons, harness, wason. cheap. 12t0 lbs.
eaoh. lt42 Macadam. Take Fulton car, get
oil Wilhelms Park.
FOR SALE 3OO0-lb. team horses, always
been on farm. Inquire Clarke, 170 Front.
Hubert & Hall. 266 4th. dealers in horses
and vehicles: horses and vehicles for rent.
HORSES, harness and buggies for sale or
hire. 182 E. 34th st. Phone East 2S2.
WANTED To hire for small wages, team for
plowing. Inquire telephone Main 1072.
HORSES, mares, risrs and harness of all
- kinds for sale. 204 Montgomery.
TEN HEAD of Eastern Oregon horses and
mares for sale. 752 Front st.
HORSES for sale. W. J. Kelly. Overland
Stables. 5th and Glisan.
FOR SALE Team. 0 vara old;
lbs. Phone Eaat 37rt.s.
Foil SA LE Young team, broke and gen
tle. bOl Oregon at.
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
PATHROCK. seat brown gelding, weighs
- '"' pounds, sirea by that great race
horse. Pathmount. record 2:09Vi. Path
rock is sound and coming 8 years old. safe
for ladies to handle. Trail record of 2:2;
will be sold reasonable. Also handsome
bay mare. 6 years oid and sound, sate
irr any timid person to ride or drive, per
fectly cltv broken, siren1 hv Scarlet Letter.
Gold Dust, sorrel gelding, sired by ?oeur
d Alene. is sound and very fast. Is in
very tine condition, safe for any lady to
handle. Any of these horses will be shown
in harness to any wishing to purchase.
Call Red Front Stables. 15th st.. Just .of
BLACK horse, weighs 1500. Is sound and
a 1 1 right every way. also black horse,
weighs about 1250 sounds, suitable for de
livery war on. one sorrel chunk, weighs
1.100 pounds, cltv broken ten head of other
horses, suitable for any purpose; all kinds
or single ana double harness, new and
second-band, rubber-tired runabout, at alt
price?. A few top. side-spring business
buggies from $40 up. See me before bu
me. -au rtea front tola Dies, iota st.,
juwt off Washington st.
SPAN young horses, well broke. $17.: nearly
nw Studebaker farm wagon, $70; two-
-aiea nacK. new. ies than cost; hotel
ous. single and double harness, saut.les,
l.'MMb. workhorse, gentle, . cheap for cash;
young, gentle mare, 120O lbs.. 150: saddle
hors. einglefooter; small driving mare. 4
yoars old, gentle, $fio. These are all bar
gains. Huoert & Mall, 266 4th.
x "j cnj'd uiin'iiioiiuii uvrso, may Drone,
for riding or driving; 3 years old and
wunu, kuuu wurnr m an narness; weignc
11O0 pounds; has plenty of speed; also
first-claw top buggy and harness, just the
leaving the city; can be seen at the Palace
FOR SALE Grey and bay horse, 8 and 10
ears oia, weignt 2300, good workers in
single or double harness; also new set of
breechen harness and light spring wagon;
call and Have, a look; $200 takes this bar
gain, r-aiace otaoies, 5th and Montgomery.
RIDING pony, lively but gentle, tome out
fit. $50. East 563.
$450 SCHILLER piano, like new. $185; terms
might rent. 618 Tourny bldg. Phone Pa
cific 244.
NEARLY new piano, fine tune and condi
tion, very reasonable. 23 12th st. -
SPECIAL NOTICE. 500 tons machinery
xi on ruruana r louring Mills.
30 Stevens' roller flouring mills.
12 wheat cleaners.
10 flour packers, rood hjj new.
2500 feet (, to 8-inch steel shafting,
1000 set collars, all slaes.
200 zairs shaft hangers.
2:i tons flat shaft boxes.
250 pairs gears, all sizes.
5OO0 pulleys, good as new. all sizes.
20 a.ssorted vises, practically new.
40oo squares corrugated and flat roof
ing Iron, good as new.
"000 miles new hor wire, rhean
150 tons manila rope for all purposes.
5o00 valves, cocks, faucets, lubricators.
gauges, etc.. in perfect condition at half
150 tons steam, water and gas pipe
uLiiriHE ai nan nnce.
42 assorted iron tanks.
1 15-horsepower Weber gas engine, $60.
125 sets car wheels and axles.
500 pieces assorted chains, all lengths
ana sizes.
1500 sheaves and blocks.
500 tons black and galvanized pipe, H
to 14 -inch, c hear.
We are the only firm handling second
hand galvanized pipe and always have on
hand anything In the machinery line.
We also handle all kinds of junk and
gladly quote prices on anything of value.
all and see our stock for yourself. Goods
delivered iree.
Mail orders promptly answered.
Eighth, Glisan and Hoyt sts.
A LOT of household goods. Jewel range.
dining set, 2 good book cases, four cham
ber sets, long library table, two folding
beds, gas range cheap, cookstove for
laundry, wardrobe, lot of bedding; will
sell part or whole. 106 Union ave.
BARGAIN Full moving-picture outfit!
film, slides, trunks, curtain, also model
B" oxylithe tank, ready for road, per
feet condition; 20 pounds stock paper.
pictorial. Apply &o& Morrison st.
SETTINGS' of Brown Leghorn. Barred Rock.
Black Minorca, Rhodu leland Red, Buff
Orpington and Buff Rock eggs for sale
' Phone Sellwood 127.
FOR SALE 18-foot launch with boat
f house, 3?i horsepowt-r engine In good
order. inquire of Advance co.. do. jo-.
East Belmont st.
HYDRAULIC elevator, fireplace mantels and
grates, gas and electric fixtures for sale
cheap. Apply manager' Perkins Hotel.
FOR SALE Two fresh milch cows. Hol
steln and Jei ey. 1 4R0 Macadam. Ful
ton. Phone Main 6US1.
FOR SALE Fancy rose combed Rhode Isl
and Red chickens; prize-winning stock.
P.honc East .4543.
FOR -PALE Roll-top desk and ofTlce chair.
407 Abtngto bldg.
1000 SHARES of the Mammoth Silver Lead
Mining & Smelting Co s stock. 317 Cham
ber o Commerce.
THOROUGHBRED Black Minorca eggs for
hatching: $1 Per setting. 1133 East Main
St., corner 3Sth.
FOR SALE One full-blooded angora billy
goat. 530 East 27th st. South. Phone
Sellwood 402.
WHITE LEGHORN eggs (Haywood strain),
$d per 100: also incubator, capacity 150,
$8. East 4369.
J. Y. WOWDYARD We sell the most rea
innhlf wood for vou. Phone Via t Sift IT
6th and Main.
FOR snaps on large and small second-hand
automobiles-. Vail on Portland Motor Car
Co., 526 Alder. -
FOR SALE 25-foot launch, 10-horse power
engine, everything complete. Address 201 hi
THREE fresh- cows. Jersey, Durham, Hol
stein. West ave., Section Line road. Phone
East 4377.
NOW Is the time to buy your new motor
bout. For particulars see Boat builder, 890
E. Salmon.
RHODE ISLAND RED eggs for sale at $1
per petting of 15; also cockerels, at 770
THREE good family cows for sale. 112
. Taylor st.. Laurelwood Addition. Call
NEARLY new L C. Smith typewriter, for
rent or eale , at a -bargain.. H 645. Ore
gonian. FOR ' SALE or trade, one electric relay
alarm for private residence. 311 Larrabee
AUTOMOBILE touring car.. 20 h. p.. for
sale or exchange. Hubert & Hall, 266 4th
FOR SALE Conary birds, females, 'cheap.
Phone Main 5273. Address 645 Market st.
NO 4 Smith Premier typewriter; - excellent
condition; good buy. O 52. Oregonian.
FOR SALE or lease, double drum hoisting en
gine, perfect condition. 452 Sherlock bldg.
FOR SALE Cocker spaniel S months old.
800 East 33d st. Phone Sellwood 135.
CEDAR posts, rough lumber and cordwood
at -saving prices. Eeegle, E 1062.
FOR SALE Kitchen treasore. four mission
chairs, good as new. 129 14th st.
AUTOMOBILE New 4-cylinder runabout for
sale; bargain. Owner. 122 3d. ,
ROLL TOP office desks at a sacrifice, at 211
First st. Portland Auction Co.
FO R SAL E Fi n e f res h co w. part J ersey .
Crocker. 3!Oii Morrison st.
TWO gasoline launches for sale at a bar
gain. Phone East 1741.
GAS water heater and gas heater for sale,
cheap. 202fc North Ittth.
FOR SALE Registered male Boston terrier.
Phone East 2K07.
TWIN gocart, good as new,, cheap if taken at
once. 601 1st st.
FOR SALE loo-egg incubator, . nearly new.
Phone Tabor
ANYBODY desiring- manure for lands, call
up East 354S.
4x4. $6 per M. Call at 4th and Oak sts..
S. V.. corner. '
FINE double base. $25. A 600, Oregonian.
POOL table for. sale. 95 North Third st.
CANARY birds for sale. 344 Oreaon L
NATIONAL cash register at SH. First st
ion tons relaying rail.
2 tarks, capacity atout 3000 gallons.
1 tank. 4x10 feet.
1 tank, 1x4 feet.
1 tank. 12x3.
Worthfngton pnmp 12x18x10.
Dow pump 12x8x12.
66x16 Fairbanks-Morse boiler, complete.
5 54x16 boilers, all complete.
30x16 engine.
8x10 double drnm. dcuble cylinder donkey.
OiiO-horse po er automatic Russel engine.
Lew alien heater 3x12.
- 75 k. w. general electric dynamo.
120 k. w. general electric dynamo.
150 k. w. 3-phase Crocker-Wheeler alter
nator. 12-horse power Fairbanks-Morse gasoline
looo feet 12-inch standard pipe.
2X0 feet 10-lnch new standard pipe.
10,000 feet 3, 4 and 6-inch new standard
1500 ftet 12-tnch steel riveted pipe.
Notice to users of pipe : We have an
extra large aeock of pipe on hand at the
present time. aM sizes up to 12-inch, all in
first-class condition. readS for use, and you
will find our nrlces O. K.
We carry nearly everything manufactured
!n -nachinery, pullevs, haneere. beltine.
shafting, boxes, ftttlngn of all kinds. We
also have several carloads of new wedee..
sledges, axre, picks, vices, wire netting, cor
rugated iron and crowbars that we are dis
. posing of at very chear nrlces.
We buy. sell, trade and rent machinery.
See us for your wants. No trouble to show
244. 246. 2f Front St.
ENGLISH bulldog puppy, female. 2 months
oil. Fire champion itiornbury uiamond:
dam. Thornbury Rose Umported from
-ngiana. Price, $j0. j. c. Marraison,
E. ISth and Mildred sts. Phone. Wood-
lawn. 1361.
FOR SALE Japanese spaniel, $25; yellow-
angora torn. $15: black female. 11'..'0:
black torn, $IO; stiver, golden, ringneck
anu jfe.ngnsh pheasants, mandarin ducks,
fancy pigeons. Portland Bird Co., 91
union ave.
ONE 24 horsepower motor, with No. 41
Enterprise meat-chopper. belting and
shafting; one 13-inch steamboat search
light; all kinds motors and dynamos.
Skeen Electric Works, 602 Washington st.
DID It ever occur to you that by trading
at i ne uollar, 232 1st St., for house fur
nishings you could save time and money?
New and good as new; time or cash. We
want- your trade.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables; easy payments; we rent
tables, with privilege of buying; modern
oar nxtures; cheap prices. .Brunswick
Balke-Collender. 49 Third st.
THREE new -counters for less than you
can buy old ones; Kllcher frame' for less
man you can buy the same on West Side.
Grand Avenue Salvage Co., 283 Grand.
LIKE finding it; 6 rooms, completely fur
nished. only $200; must he seen to be ap
predated; $10 worth of wood free. Call
Derore Wednesday. 43." North 22d st,
iron Que ,.-..-( .t ..
cherry, prune and peach trees ; good sup-
Address N. B. Harvey. Mllwaukie. Or.
A SNAP -Five-nassenc-er automobile for H.V
In good running order: cost $2000: must
raise money. Phone B 2126, Tabor 386.
1060 Eaet Madison st.
PILEDRIVER on scow, with engine, a gaso
line launcn and several skins.
PAN Y. Failing bldg.
TnKEB-yi'A RTER roll-edge mattress,
springs. 3-plece suite. 2 cots. 1 mat cot.
i cupboard. - dresser and commode. 1
bicycle. 127 11th at.
A GREAT variety of artistic needlework
for sale; fancy curtains, shirtwaists and
pillow-slips made to order. 354 Clay st.,
cor. Park, upstairs.
ONE 3A Burlev drill, new: 1 lx' law
rock crusher, new ; all equipments for
complete rock crushing plant, cheap. M
duo, uregonian.
FOR SALE At 475 Morrison St.. Oregon's
choice fruit in glass; also jellies put up
by Mr. and Mrs. Parker, of Newberg, Or.
Customers call.
MOVING pictures, song slides, etc.. for rent,
lowest prices, supplies, machines bought,
sold, exchanged Newman's, 233 Burnsidc.
Main 6374 Stove doctor. We make A 3237
sick stoves well, do expert stove repairing,
stove plumbing and regulating. 232 1st.
FOR SALE cheap, complete Edison motion
fiv-iuio ouliil. niciuuiiig ii i in n, song suues,
views, etc. Address O 64, Oregonian.
LOGANBERRY plants and "Old Trusty"
3K-egg Incubator and brooder, cheap.
McCoy, 364 North 26th. Pacific 2220.
EGGS for hatching: thoroughbred Barred
Plymouth Rocks. $1 setting; some stock
for sale. 810 Cleveland ave., u car.
FOR SALE Russian Wolf Hound puppies. 3
milium uiu. aiiey farm ivennei tock.
Addrees Frank Roberts. Heppner, Or.
OLD VIOLINS and stringed instruments
nought, soia and exchanged. L. Winters, 318
Tilford bldg., 10th add Morrison sts.
GASOLINE engines repaired free by the
Call us up. Private Exchange 65.
LOGGING and hoisting engines for sale or
rent, ttanway equipment Co., 324 Cham
ber of Commerce; both phones.
NICE little furniture business at inventory;
new siore. gooo traae. cneap rent. .Ad
dress B 648. Oregonian.
FOR SALE: Best dry 4-ft. fir wood, at $6
per coru delivered. iLirg tioover. Phone
Pacific 2506. A 1284.
WHY Is business increasing so fast at the
Aiodet Barber shop. Hi ttth St., Just south
of Wells-Fargo bldg?
FOR SALE; Canary birds. 532 Mill. Phone
A 4-s. can forenoons.
$36 A WEEK and expenses 'to men with rig
io introduce f-ouury compound. Grant
Co.. Dept. 82, Springfield, ill.
SALEMAN for Hood River orchards and
city realty wanted. Mac Kae & Angus,
4:t2 Chamber of Commerce.
3 TO 5 thousand paid for distributing
samples, circulars, etc. American Union,
Pontlac bldg.. Chicago.
WANTED First-class photograph operator;
must oe gooa reioucner. ror Juconra studio.
Cutberth, Dekum bldg.
WHY is business Increasing so fast at the
Model Barber shop. 91 0th St., just south
of Wells-Fargo bldg?
AGENTS to sell the best sad iron on the
market, exclusive territory, liberal Induce
ments. 127 11th st.
WANTED Good, sober, active man to
solicit tire insurance: married preferred.
M 041, Oregonian. "
WANTED Experienced man on cream and
foam goods; good, position for right man.
Aido.i Candy Co.
.'ANTED Man and wife .to work on farm;
no children. M. C. Benbow, room 34, o23
Washington st.
WANTED Millwright out of city; wafes
$4; other work. Pacific Employment Co.,
12 N. 2d at.
AN experienced janitor for chusch work;
reterences. Appiy at i. ja. i. A. oet. 10
and 12 A. M.
BOND salesmen wanted; salary and commis
sion paid to good men. Call 320-327 Cor
bett bldg.
WANTED all-around printer who Is clarinet
player. Address Ivan Daniel, , Klamath
Falls. Or. .
WANTED A first-clas "watchmaker; must
be good engraver. Address J 665. Ore
gonian. BE your own hoss: wanted. partr; honesty
and small capital required. 24:. 5th and
WANTED Junior drug clerk. Inquire Gold
en's pharmacy, 5i0 Umatilla ave., Sell
wood. PRESSM AN who thoroughly understands
color work. Address Nrtrtl.careOregonian.
OLD MAN to work around house. Dr. Wheat
ley Howe, 374 E. Market, cor. Union ave.
MARRIED man. to work In apple orchards.
Address E. B. Long, Hood River, Or.
WE secure positions for our members; spe
cial membership $2. Y. M. C. A.
WANTED A free-hand decorator, water or
oil. Address B 66S. Oregonian.
WANTED Man and boy about 15. work
on ranch near city. Main 1940.
TWO experienced quarrymcn In sandstone
quarry. Call 320 Falling bldg.
WHY Is business Increasing so fast at the
. Model barber ehop? 91 6tb st.
TRAVELING salesmen earn from $2000 to
SMMHH yearly; hundreds of good posi
tions open; you can easily secure one of
them; no former experience required. If
you are ambitious and want to earn more
money, write for our free catalogue. "A
Knight of the Grip." today. Address
Dept. 3.11. National Salesmen's Training
Assn., offices Monadnock block. Chicago.
111. Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis,
Minn., or Scarritt bldg., Kansas City, Mo.
Write nearest office.
WANTED Salesmen to sell groceries to
clubs, hotels, restaurants, stockmen, farm
ers and other large consumers ; experi
ence unnecessary, we teach you the bus
iness. High-grade goods; lowest prices;
no investment; exclusive territory; com
missions advanced ; liberal income assured.
Our goods comply with the Pure Food
laws of all states. Exceptional offer for
honest, energetic men. John Sexton &
Co.. importers and Wholesale Grocers,
Chicago. '
$210 motor cye-le or horse and buggy fur
nished our men for traveling and $5 per
month and expenses, to take orders for
the greatest portrait house In the world.
You will receive, post-paid, a beautiful
10x20 reproduction of oil painting In an
er to this ad. Write for particulars.
R. D. Martel. Dept. 94. Chicago.
MEN AND WOMEN, boys and gir lt the
easiest thing ever. You Just hand out book
lets and aay a few pleasant words for the
catchiest toilet speclaJtie known. Then
people send for you. Nevr-mind about ex
perience we'll tell you just how our rep
resentatives make between $30 and $40 a
week. Address Pine Chemical Co., Dept.
10. 106 Fulton st.. New York.
WANTED Man cf good address and strong
personality who can sell on very easy terms
tHe best Investment proposition ever offered,
based on real estate and backed by well
known - business men; can secure a con
tract worth $5000 or more per year by
answering this adv. promptly. Add. Op
portunity, care Nelson Chesman & Co., SU
Louis. Mo.
SALESMAN wanted, with some cardial to
Invest In a manufacturer's agency; have
more territory and lines than I can
properly care for alone; only responsible
parties with first-class references will be
considered ; state former connections. V
653. Oregonian.
A ROM'AN CATHOLIC representative want
ed in every parish to introduce high-grade
financial proposition having support of
clergy; light and remunerative work;
part or whole time ; references required.
Wills. Lock wood & Co.. 50 Congress st.,
Boston, Mass.
appointments to be made; examinations
soon In this city; circular 161, giving full
particulars as to positions, salaries, sam
ple questions, etc., sent free hy National
Correspondence Institute, Washington,
D. C.
LIVE, energetic men for exclusive terri
tory 'agency of "Index" kerosene burner,
converts coal oil Into gs; gives 100 candle-power,
burns on mantle: instantane
ous seller. Write at once. Coast Light
ing Company, 92 E, Yesler Way. Seattle.
WANTED Man to represent us In city in
Eastern Oregon", routes partly worked up;
an opportunity for a good man with a
little capital to work into a good thing.
State reference and experience. Address.
Grand Union Tea Co.. 473 Washington st.
WANTED QUICK Amateur clarinetist with
low-pitch instruments; must be married and
willing to work; steady job with water
company for the right man; give references
and age. Address Klamath Falla Military
Band, Klamath Falls, Or.
WANTED, MAN Must be willing to learn
and capable of acting as our local rep
resentative; no canvassing or soliciting;
good Income assured. Addre National
Co-operative Realty Co., Dept. 792 C,
Wasnington, D. C.
MEN UNDER 35, HUSTLERS, to prepare
for railway mall and customhouse exam
ination, many openings, good salary, fine
future; many appointments to be made.
Call today. Pacific States School. McKay
Laborers, no experience needed, $5 a day
and board. Next steamer March 8; re
serve your tickets now ; cheap ares. Han
sen's Employment Office. 26 North 2nd St.
WANTED Reliable man in each locality to
advertise our goods on commission or
salary, $uo a' month and expenses, $3 per
day. Entirely new plan. Write SaJus
Medical Co., London. Ontario, Canada.
WANTED. QUICK Clarinet player, amateur,
with low-pitch Instruments, who Is steam
engineer; tell all first letter and give ref
erences. George R. Parish, please write.
Address Ivan Daniel. Klamath Falls. Or.
WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat ap
pearance to call on all merchants In their
territory; elegant side line, convenient to
carry; good commissions; prompt remit
tance. Belmcnt Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati, O.
WANTED Traveling salesman to sell our
blankets, dress fabrics, comforts for Fall
trade, direct to retail stores ; good com
mfssion; desirable side line. South Phila.
Woolen Co., box 1341. Philadelphia.
PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against
accident, sickness and death. Write or
.call for full information. Northwestern
Health and Accident Association. 205
Wells-Fargo b!dg. Agents wanted..
CAPABLE traveling salesman at once; sta
ple line, profitable commission contract
with $25 Weekly advance ; permanent po
sition; references required. A. S. J. CO.,
Grand River ave.. Detroit- Mich.
MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plastering,
bricklaying, drafting and plen reading; day
and night; no book: positions secured; free
catalogue. Coyne National Trade Schools,
230-240 8th t.. San Francisco.
SALESMEN FOR $20 Fortune Soda Foun
tains and $30; new process fountains;
make $10 and $12.50 each sale; collect
own commission. Zenith Mfg. Co., 132
La falle st.. Chicago.
MEN and women to learn barber trade in
eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to
$23 weekly ; expert instructors ; catalogue
free. Moler System of Colleges. 35 North
Fourth St.. Portland.
SALESMEN wanted to handle one of the
best kind of security In the city and
country; salary and commission paid. Ask
for B. E. Clements, mgr. of agents. 420
to 327 Corbett bldg.
ANY Industrious person can make good in
come circulating advertising matter. Pay
$4 thousand. Men wanted everywhere;
steady, no canvassing. O. B. Young, Lake
View bldg.. Chicago.
EXPERIENCED solicitors to interview larg
est anu oesi cias or iraue; good position
for bright, active men: $50 to $100 week-
' ly: particulars free. Richner &, Rock,
Aiansneia, jn.
SALESMEN wanted to utU souvenir postal
caras as side line; most varied and ex
tensive souvenir postal card line In coun
try; state references. Gartner & Bender,
WANTED Salesmen a good side line fans.
signs, memo dookj. etc.; liberal torn mis
sions ; samples $1.00, rebate on first order.
Cincinnati Specialty Advertising Co., Cin
cinnati, O.
WANTED A man who has worked id the
wcond-hand business: or.e who understands
cabinet work and stoves; state experience
and former employers. Address P 657, Ore
gonian. MEN to sell household goods on the In
stalment plan in city; liberal commission;
no former experience necessary; good
money tor hustlers. J. D. Sherman. 202
LEARN watchmaking, engraving and op
tics; easy terms; positions secured; money
earned while learning. Watchmaking. En
graving School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle.
WANTED Three successful salesmen at once;
no maner wnat you are selling now. you
can double your income with our proposi
tion. 148 5th st., 2d floor, forenoons.
WANTED Bookkeeper and clerk at Uni
versity Club; good wages and board. Ap
ply at club between. 12 and 1 Sunday,
MarVh 1 - References required. '
GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to
tack signs, distribute circulars, samples,
etc.; no canvassing. 247 National Dist.
Bureau. Chicago, 111.
FRIVATE lessons in showcard writing and
advertising. Monday and Friday evenings;
terms reasonable. Betts & Wagoner, 600
Dekum bldg.
WR pay $36 a week and expenses to men with
rigs to introduce poultry compound; year's
contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept. 64, Par
sons; Kas.
WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers,
stenographers and clerical men. Call or
write Commercial Abstract Co., 323 Wash
ington st.
WANTED Bright young man with ama'l
capital to work in office and show pmp-!--;
will teach you the business. C 645.
Oregon Ian.
GOOD pay to men everywhere to tack signs,
distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no can
vassing. Universal Adv. Co., Chicago.
500 MEN WANTED Free shaves and hair
cuts. 24 Couch at. Moler Barber College.
Owing to our Inability to find really
competent men in a variety of lines we
are unable to fill over 50 per rent of the
positions which employers list with us
dally. Now. If you are a competent man
in your particular line and are contem
plating m change to better opportunities
or are temporarily unemployed, call and
talk over our method of placing high
grade competent men with firms needing
Below are a few positions we are un
able to fill from our files:
P 13 Wants man to buy and manage
jewelry department of large store; a man
who can put this department on a, paying
basis can make good salarv.
P 162- Calls for man who understands
newspaper advertising and card writing
for large business house; salary to start
F 1M Large firm wants good furniture
salesman with knowledge of carpets; sal
arty to start $50.
P 173 Calls for combination' man who
understands this work; salary depends on
P 158 Calls for general office man who
can take charge of long-established firm
In Portland. This Is an opportunity for a
man with $4O0O or $5000 to buy part In
terest In reputable firm : salary $1200
P 16S Wants man of good personality,
education and appearance, with record, to
call on business firms and merchants in
Portland; must be live man. Salary $1200
and commission.
40S, 404. 405 Swetland Bldg.
Wanted for one of the largest and- best
departments In the city, a thoroughly ex
perienced, competent, energetic and reliable
first-class man. A good, permanent posi
tion with one of the beet houses for right
party. Apply to M 648, OreEonian.
WANTED All life insurance agents In Ore
gon, Washington and Idaho to handle
new monthly commercial policy, health anu
accident, Just out; no policy fee; good com
missions. Call or write Continental Casualty
Company. Northwestern Dept., 503-4 Lum
ber Exchange bldg., Portland. Or.
MAN with family to clear and croc 30
acres of good farm land. 10 miles from
Portland. An excellent opportunity for
the right kind of man to tide over the
hard times. Liberal terms can be se
cured. Apply to owner. W. A. Hessian,
122 Union ave.
MAN, competent to take charge small elec
tric light plajit. water power, 500 to 1000
lights; must have good references as to
character, ability, etc.; may rebuild plant;
wages $75 to $85 per month. C 650, Ore
gonian. ,
WE want young men to qualify as teleg
raphers. 9-hour law makes bia demand
for our graduates; day and evening. Ore
gon College, 5th and Oak.
SPECI ALTY merchandise traveling salesman
wanted for Washington; man experienced In
calendar line preferred; excellent opportunity
for right party. 237 Worcester bldg.
WANTED Reliable man for position as part
ner; experience not necessary; will pay
active man $4 a day; $200 required. Par
ticulars 2481 Stark st.
RELIABLE man wanted as partner to go
in profitable business, few hundred dol
lars necessary. For particulars answer,
B . 652. Oregonian.
FREE house, wood, stove, water, garden,
pasture, $20 month ; for married man ;
year's contract; small farm. Call 1200
East Yamhill st.
PARTIES- owning their own home have
room for several gentlemen; phone, bath,
and all home comforts for Slit a month.
525 Clay st.
NICELY furnished room with board, for
two gentlemen; 'reasonable rates, home
cooking; also single room. Main 8030.
210 Clay at.
WANTED First-class hardware or mill sup
ply salesman to travel for old-established
hotwe; references required. Apply S 660,
YOUNG man to take interest in a light
manufacturing business; will pay $25
weekly: must invest S200 cash. W 655,
WANTED Man capable of. handling help
to manage plant 80 miles from city; party
who can buy interest preferred. C 660,
SOLICITORS to sell our celebrated cock
roach food and bedbug exterminator; 100
per cent for you. 127 11th st., near Wash
ington. WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers,
stenographers and clerical men. Call or write
Commercial Abstract Co., 323 4 Wash. st.
GOOD MEN, all or spare time, secret serv
ice work. We give full instructions free.
Address p. O. box 274. Indianapolis. Ind.
MEN, all cities, to demonstrate and intro
duce new household necessity; no can
vassing. Room 616, 60 Wabash. Chicago.
WANTED Salesman to carry fireworks as
a side line; must have experience; ref
erences required. Bow Yuea Co.. 129 2d,
HUSTLING men wanted to distribute sam
ples and circulars; no canvassing., steady.
Globe Adv. and Dlst. Ass'n, Chicago.
WANTED Drug clerk. Teg. ax st. preferred ;
Valley town; give references, age and sal
ary wanted. B 665, care Oregonian.
EXCHANGE equity in 50x100. 1 blocks
to car. Improvements in, for carpenter
work or painting. 243 Stark st.
EXPERIENCED railroad stenographer. Ad
dress A 662, care Oregonian.
COLORED porter wanted. 54 4th st. or 310
Burnside st;
YOUNG lady as clerk In candy store. Call
Monday after 2 P. M., Swetland's. 273 Mor
rison. WANT lady stenographer; state experience
and salary expected. N 658, care Orego
nian. WANTED An experienced pantry woman.
The Hohart-Curtis. 265 14th st.
WHY is business increasing so fast at the
Model barber ehop? 01 6th st.
TEACHER with first-grade certificate. $60 a
month. Phone Woodlawn 1118.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 181
East 16th. Phone East 1503.
EAST SIDE Female Employment Office.
122 Grand ave. East 1055.
WANTED An experienced waitress at the
Beverly, Park and Yamhill.
WANTED Girl to assist in general house
work. Apply 747 Glisan st.
WANTED Experienced tailoress at J. Harris,
312Vs Alder st., con 6h.
GOOD cook wanted : must be first-class.
Apply 242 Grant st.
EXPERIENCED girl for second work. Ap
ply at 111 N. 22d st.
GIRL for general housework; must sleep
home. 451 10th st.
GIRL for general housework; two In family.
Phone Pacific 3G64.
WANTED Girl to assist with housework.
5:11 Couch st.
WANTED Neat girl for general housework.
228 M. lth st.
GIRL for general housework and , cooking.
Phone Tabor 3.
GIRL OR WOMAN for light housework.
453 Fourth i.
GIRL for general housework. Apply 763
1st St. M 2355.
WANTED To rent rooms for dressmaking.
351 H Morrteon.
GIRL for general housework. 738 West Main
St., near Ford.
WANTED Hairdresser; must be competent.
308 Wash. st.
WANTED A competent nurse girl at 740
GIRL to assist with housework. Apply T87
tillsan st.
WANTED A neat cook. Apply 507 Wash
ington st.
MANICURIST wanted. 54 4th or S10 Bum
side sts.
WANTED Nurse girl. 085 Marshall st.
Cooks -d slrls.
Waitresses Chambermaids. .
Housekeepers Houscgir."
Good wagp snd places.
3434 Wash. St., cor. 7th. upstairs.
Applicants for ail kinds of work: regis
ter with us, free of charge, so we may
locate you on short notice.
343 Washington St.. corner 7th. upstairs.
WANTED X bright young woman or prac
tical nurse to train six "months; $12 week,
while training. $20 to $: when grad
uated: home study course; hospital prac
tice: free book. American Training School
Nurses. -ISO Crilly bldg.. Chicago.
SALESLADIES wanted for the following
departments: Domestics, dress goods and
muslin wear. None but exoerlenced need,
applv. Call between 10 and 11 A. M..
Monday. Karo-Kiapper Co J. E. cor,
3d and Yamhill. '
We have some vacancies for brtuht young
ladles to learn the millinery business under
most competent Instructors.
LADIES make money selling guaranteed
silks direct from looms. Cut any length.
One-third saved. Express prepaid. Write
for information. LENOX SILK WORKS.
Brunswick offices. X. . Y.
WANTED A working forewoman, for small
Eteam laundry; must be able to perform ,
any part of the 'work; steady plaae. $12
per week; 8 miles from city. Address B
645. Oregonian.
WANTED First-class dressmaker capable ofi
taking charge of the department In de- j
port men t store; must be good cutter and;
fitter; Valley town. Apply Mr. Ciodfelter.
94 3d st.
$2 PER DAY paid one lady In each town tf
distribute circulars and take orders for
Concentrated Flavoring in tubes; pcrma-j
nent business. J. S. Zlegler & Co., Chi-1
cago, HI.
$2 PER day paid one lady in each town to
distribute circulars and take orders for:
Concentrated Flavoring in tubes; perma-:
nent business. J. s. Ziegler ft Co., Chl-
cago. i
WANTED Stenographer. one with lumber)
experience preferred; must be good at flg-j
ures; state experience and salary expected. I
Address Box 257. Vancouver,- Wash.
. (
LADY sewers make Sanitary Belts at home;
materials furnished; $15 per hundred.
Particulars stamped envelope. Dept. 447. j
Dearborn Specialty Co., Chicago. ,
YOUNG women after taking short course!
at college can make $60 to $75 peri
month as telegraphers, day and evening;.!
Oregon College. 5th and Oak.
WANTED An experienced young lady asi
stenographer and typewriter; wages $65
' per month. Address, giving age and'
references. D 641. Oregonian.
STRONG girl for housework and assist In I
cooking; will pay all the service Is worth. I
147o E. Morrison, cor. 54th st. Take Mount1
Tabor car.
WANTED Ft rst-class dressmaker for c
partment store. For particulars apply room.
feiierioclt Dlog., Det. ll ana l baturaay
or Monday.
HOTEL COOK $40. Waitress $25. ranch cook
$:to, housekeeper $20. housework $16 to S-SO;.
other good places. 122 Grand ave. PhonI
East 1055.
WAITRESSES Dalles. Heppner. Rainier
city, mill ( Warrenton ; domestics, cite:
out; other work. "Drake's" 205 Wash
ington. PRIVATE lessonn in bookkeeping; expe
rienced instructor; lesions $4 per month,
4 nights in week. Pacific 048 and A 4048.
WILL give room and board in fine home to,
pleasant girl who can talk French and givta
French le&sons. Apply E 6t7, Oregonian.
WANTED A good girl for cooking and en
eral housework; must be competent; fam
ily of three. AppHy 824 Marshall st.
VOGUE School of Milinery. a thorough course
of millinery taught in six weeks: terms
reasonable. 362 Wash. St.. room 2.
GOOD girl for general housework or to as
sist; mall family and nice home. 7-5
Weldler st. Phone East 4150 or C 1008.
W ' ciD Girl for general housework; small
family; no children. 3T6 32d st., Wil
lamette Heights. Main 2U24. A 4006. -
HOUSEKEEPERS. cooks. nurses, wait
resses, second girls. St. Louis Ladles'
Agency. 230H Yamhill. Main 5413.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Co., 600 Both-'
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
343 ',4 Washington st.. corner 7th, upstairs. .
Phone Main 2692.
WANTED Competent girl for gcnerali
housework, two In family. Apply 8 Id
Overton St.. after 2 P. M.
LADIES to cony letters at home; spare time;
good pay; cah weekly; reliable; send stamp.
Zeck Co., Morristown, N. Y.
WANTED Experienced second girl. private
family. Swadfsh or Norwegian; wages $,"10.
2304 Yamhill. Main 5413.
STENOGRAPHER and assistant In mercan
tile office; state experience and give refer
ences. O 662. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced millinery saleslady;
state salary and number seasons experi
ence. G 660. Oresonian.
WANTED A bright young lady for office
work. Address, giving age and refer
ence, P 662, Oregonian.
WHY is business increasing so fast at the
Model Barber shop. 91 6th St., Just south
t of Wells-Fargo bldg?
WANTED Girl to cook and do housework:
every convenience; good wages. 7U5 East
Bumslde. near 24th.
LADIES $1 every day at home ; stamped
envelope for particulars. Ladles', Aid,
Durham, Conn.
WANTED Experienced millinery makers and
apprentice girls. Heller's Millinery. 380
Washington st.
WANTED A girl for general houpework.
good plain cook, small family. 651 Hoyt
et., near 20th.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
good plain cook, -two In family. 80 1
Marshall st.
EXPERT stenographer desires assistant or
partner in established public office. D 658,
ERRAND girl and experienced waist hands
at once. Madame Tracey, room 43. 350 4
GIRL wanted, general housework; only com
petent need answer. '583 Myrtle st. Phone
Main 4152.
WANTED Girl for general housework,
family of 2; 6 rooms. Apply 589 Davis,
near ISth.
FRENCH private millinery; evening clashes;
terms reasonable. Madam Bodie, 208 Tfll
ford bldg.
WANTED At once, experienced waitress
nnd chambermaid. Elton Court, 31th and
GOOD woman cook in private boarding
house, good place for right party. Call ,
251 7 th.
GIRL to care for child of 3 several after
noons each week. Room 208. Alexandra
A COMPETENT girl for general housework;
middle-aged or Swedish preferred.. East
GIRL for general housework, good wages,
small family. Phone C 1327. 658 Broad
way. GIRL to cook and do eome housework. Ap
ply mornings, 236 King st. Phone Main
2511. "
WANTED An experienced chambermaid at
the Norton, cor., 163 12th and Morrison sts.
CAPABLE, refined person to assist In car
of child 3 years old. 741 Everett st.
WANTED Experienced stenographer. Ap
ply Sllverfield Co.. cor. 4th and Morrison.
WANTED A gnod chocolate dipper; s!fo bon
bon dipper. 1 N. Park St., cor. Davis.
WANTED Experienced girl for housework, j
Call at 71 Tillamook St., Irvington.
WANTED Experienced girl to wait table
at dinner hour only. 3"0 Jefferson.
WANTED Experienced shirt polisher and
collar girl. East Side Laundry Co.
HOUBEK EEPER Small family grown peo
ple; near cltv. Phone East lOllt.
A GIRL for general housework, small fam
ily, good wages. Phone K 16."2.
WANTED Girl to cook and 'assist In gen
eral housework. 145 N. 22d st.