0 THE SUNDAY OREGONTAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 23, 190S. If ft BCSLN'ESS CHANCES. CHAS J. O'TOOLB A CO., Chamber of Commerce. Pc. 27 ."VS. -roct:-v and meat market, clearing $500 a month, at invoice, about $3000. Photo studio, clearing ?15oO a year; for quick sale $J50; worth SAW. $lwX will handle a hotel, 49 rooms, fur r.h hed lust ' October; rear depot and doing large tranMent trade. liocmlng-houee of 2 rooms, &j0. HoominR-houfe of 55 rooms, brick build ing; 41'VMi, half cah. UH. rooms, 'lining, office and kitchen; for quick, ale 14 room lare and clean, rent $50; $760 eaty terms. Saloon and seven furnished rooms on rood corner, $1100; this includes all the contents, including bar. stock and furniture. toc' in .manuti cturing company, paying 44) rr cent- 142tMI. Jewelry store ai invoice, about $14,000. I Book and stationary lore at invoice, about 4:.0oo. J Hardware store, good fltand, $15,000. J Rooming and boarding-house, central, 16 rooms, rout $30; $75; etuy term-. Hotel In city, 03 rooms; 3500; very ea.-r j irrms. Saloon and six furnished rooms above; $50; centr-il. Hakery doing his cash buwness, $1250. CI star and confectioi.try . cheai rent; good location; $475. $2o will purchap a bufeiness that will in t you .60 a month easily; no experience required. Drugstore, $750; Mock all new; others up to SViK. Oneral stort from $2000 to $40,000 Hotol in Kood town; electric lights, prl vato bathe, sum pie-rooms, etc.; clearing be teen $H and $.. a month; S220G. Trarw'er and dray business, established 4Ti years, clearing $400 a month; ffood con nection with business houses; $4000; term Rooming-hous in all part of the city. Business of all kinds for sale. CHAS. J. O'TOOLE & CO., The Business Brokers1. SURETY INVESTMENT CO., Donald H. Smith. W. Lawrence. Robt. B. May. Rooms 62tf-6.27-t''9. ' Corbett Building. Opposite POBtofTie The largest leading real estate and business brokerage In the Northwest. The 11 nest equipped offices and best located lit the city; be sure and see our list of real estate and business investments. If you want to get in or out of business, com and see us. REMOVAL. NOTICE. ELLIS. YORK & CO., KOOMING-HOUSB H KA.DQL" ARTEHS, s . Will move March first to 201 MERCHANTS TRUST BLDG., S. W. cor. 6th and Washington. Been in the Cambridge BIdg. NEARLY tlX YEAR'S. THE Coast Realty Co.. "2G' Morrison st.. largest and betst IocaK-d office in , city; leading real ertate, business brokers, tim kr dealers, etc. ; rooming-houses, restau rants, groceries, bakeries and all otbr business opportunities; money loaned on most wilt. The Coast Realty Co., 226 Morrison t. Phone Main lAttt,' A4160. IK YOU WANT IT. HURRY. 14 rooms, all housekeeping, extra good furniture, nearly new; this is a neat, clean place paying $tiO above all expenses; gotid laso at $55 a month. Price only $1000; caflh $700. SKR IT AT ONCE. ELLIS. YORK A CO., Rooms 20 and 21, 2B4 Morrison st. MANAGER for real estate department wanted; must be in position to take an in terest In the business; bright outlook for man realizing the opportunities in this section of the country; salary and partici pating interest in the profits are the in ducements. Address 8 652, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE bargains. Phoenix In vestment Co., 141ii Second, near Alder, room 10 11 large rooms, well furnished, close, in, 550O; 8 rooms, good location, $275; 21 rooms, $&0; see those before having MUST have money; if taken at onre will sell 2'00 Butte Buys, 6,; 5000 Alaska Petro leum & Coal, pooled. 8; .2000 Alaska Pe trolum & Coal, trt-aeury, 14; two 10-share certificate Telegraphone, $tf. X 648. Ore gonian. BARGAIN rt-room hotel doing fine buslnccw; owner must sell on account of other busi ness that takes his time. All kinds of room-ing-hourfes. FRARY A SIJITZ, 130 5th St. BA LOON MEN We have a first-class hotel and yaloon ; hotel clearing money above rent; good Ic-oae; aaloon buntnees all clear; part cash, balance to suit. Particulars room 627 Corbett bldg., opposite P. O. WANTED MAN OF ABILITY AND PUSH, WITH t.'fcHM. TO TAKE THE WESTERN OREGON AGENCY OF A QUICK-SELLING PATENTED SPECIALTY. PRINCI PALS ONLY. K Q2S, QREOQNI A N. GROCERY, doing business of $200 dally; will invoice and trade for income property; nlso market nd grocery doing business of $2iH0 monthly, at Invoice. Particulars room 627 Corbett bldg. A-RE you looking for a good business? Have you $30O cash? Investigate this; corner lore on Washington si., tranfer point, cheap rent, phone Main 1437 or address W Oregonian. RBhTACRAXT and rooming-house for sale cheap for cash, or will trade one or both for anything you have In or out of city. Write or call and see owner, 3 is North 2d st, 4 WELL-PAYING general merchandise store. not far from Poniand postofflce; invoice about $4000; fine business. C. F. Pfluger Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Mor rison sts. 65 WELL-FURNISHED rooms, hot and cold water in every room. This will stand the closest investigation; clears $4o per month; price $5o0; terms. Lumber Exchange. AN Interest In corporation is open for lady or gentleman ; money not essential ; no agents. For Interview write Sidney Gor don, 43-2 Lumber Exchange, Portland. ITOCK, bond offering, mining, electric. Indus trial or railway company wanted for sale; commission bo la. Address full particulars Clientele, P. O.. Box 208, New York. "OR SALE Fine outfit for restaurant, complete; will sell cheap for cash, or on time. ay, payments, if sold by the 25th. Phone Main 5480 or BUMS. CASHIER, lady or gentleman, for partner in restaurant: owner will guarantee $m monthly. For particulars call room ttT corbett bldg.. opposite P. O. PRACTICAL mining man, with city refer ences, going to Goldlield. New, would like to meet parties interested iu ruin In Ad dress K 642. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted to work In a restaurant, be cashier, etc.: will pay yu $4 a day and board; $250 required; secured Par ticulars 24$ Stark st. 1-8 INTEREST in old-established real estate and brokerage business; clear vou $20o per month; younir mun preferred; $1000 required 210 Lumber Exchange. X SNAP 20-room lodging-house. $000; good reason for selling; no agents; no com mission : you deal with the owner, qu, North th st. 71 FOR SALE Very desirable storehouse centrally located, suitable for anr kind of business. Address Box S25, South Bend Wash. A BARGAIN A fine bakery In tieart of city with a German oven 12x14. doing a fine business Call SIS Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. A 25-ROOM rooming-J.rure, always full tran sient. iind!d location. S200; on account of sdcknes; terms. Acdreta T 610. Ore gonian. WANTED House or lots or cash in exchange for small, elegantly furnished rooming house. L 657. Oregonian. WANTED Small business, preferably sta tionery; would rent small store or half store. G 635. Oregonian. WANTED A party with $2500 to help secure agency for flrst-clatis automobile. Address A 6tfii. care Oregonian. SMALL cash grocery, doing $250 a month, with living-rooms In back. Call 313 Allsky bldg , 3d and Morrison. 84 WELT,-Ft RVI.-'HFD rooms, clearing S200 per month; centrally located; price $2500. 210 Lumber Bxchance. BARBER SHOP for sale; 3 chairs, bath; also lease. Address F. S. Holdrider, Welser, Idaho. FOR SALE looo share Alameda Consoli dated. What is your best offer? K 627, Oregonian. FOR SSOft can buy $lwv restaurant. S3 First reason, party going to Alaska. FOR SALE A restaurant aad ovster parlor at a bargain. Call phone A 3875. SPLENDID paying rr-orMng-house: decided bargain. 544 Over tor st. AloKt. WANTED General store in good district. K H54, Oregonian. , MEAT MARKET wanted in city. F 653, Oregonian. BUS1XKSS CUA5CES. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAINS. DEVLIN A F1RBEAUOJL 50S-50W Swetland Building. CAN YOU BEAT THIS ? 110 rooms, good down-town corner, brick, elegantly furnished with. Axmln ater, Wilton velvet and body Brussels carpets; G. O., B. E. maplo and mahog any furniture, almost new; will show a profit of $700 monthly above all expenses; 4 years' lease at $400 per month ; will sell on reasonable terms or exchange for good city or farm property; price 18,000. STRICTLY MODERN. 02 rooms, beautifully furnished througn out, hot and cold water, steam heat and electric lights in every room; one of hte best locations In the- city; strictly modern fireproof building; very low rent, with 6 years' lease; clearing $400 per month above all expenses; can be handled for $1500 cash, and an equity in city real estate. INVESTIGATE THIS. Ha -rooms, modern brick building, beau tifully furnished; hot and cold water In every room, electric lights and steam hat; no better location in the city; 5 years' lease; clearing $300 per month net; can be handled with S2O00 cash. ONE OF THE BEST. 31 rooms, brick building, centrally lo cated, well furnished and clearing $200 per month above all expenses; one of the best money-makers in town: rent, including- steam heat, elevator and Janitor serv ice, only $200 per month; call for- par ticulars. FTNE LOCATION. 28 rooms, elegantly furnished with nigh srrade carpets, G. O. furniture; central cor ner location; rent. Including steam heat, hot and cold water, electric lights in halls and janitor service, $175 per month; price $3500. NEWLY FURNISHED. 23 rooms, strictly modern apartment house, private baths; splendid corner loca tion; elegantly furnished; good long Ieae, very reasonable rent; clears $125 per month above all expenses; never on the market before; positively one of the best little apartment-houses In the city; urice 2300. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. All of the furniture, carpets, china" and furnishings complete of an elegantly fur nished 5-room cottage; fine, close-in lo cation, near the Hifth School; rent only 25 per month ; this place cannot help but please you. DEVLIN & FIRBAU'GH, 5OS-509 Swetland Building. WE will buy or sell Alaska Petroleum & Coal, Aimeda Consolidated, American Telegraphone, British Columbia Amalgamated Coal. Butte Boye Consolidated, Big Hill Coal, Csscadta Mining & Development, Champion Group, Comatock Golden Gate, Improved Smelter American), Indiana Mining (Ortgon), Mammoth Filver-Lead. M. & S., Morning Mining (Mctlaine). Spencer Butte Coal & Petroleum, Portland Coal A Ievelopment. And all other stocks and bonds. F. J. CATTERL1N & CO., 125 A bint' ton bldg. MULTNOMAH INVESTMENT & REALTY COMPANY. $15H Rooming-house, IT rooms, -year lease, $65 rent. $1000 22 rooms and boarding, rent $125, 2r-ar lease. 200 Cigar and fruit stand; snap. SG-O Cigar and fruit stand. $1900 Cigars, confections, bakery fix tures. showcascR. large soda fountain and tanks, worth $2200. $;WH Four-chair barber shop. $250 Two-chair barber shop. 3-S6H Washington St. Office 13. NEW AND ELEGANT. 10 rooms. newly furnished, elegant modern house, fine lawn, splendid location for renting rooms; must be seen to be a ppreciated ; price $i50. DIETZ-MUBLER CO.. 417-418 Corbett bldg., D'-h and Morrison. INVESTORS, attention. If you are looking for a first-clase manufacturing business, hotel, roonilng-house, genera merchandise store, grocery, drugstore, confectionery and cigars or any good investment, call once and see our ltet. Surety Investment Co.. 627 Corbett bldg. A GRAND opportunity; a general merchan dise store In Eastern Oregon mining town, doing a monthly business of $12,000; must, be fwald on account of ill health; invoice $40,ooo, but can be reduced. C. F. Pfluger &. Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Mor rison sts. MERCHANTS, ATTENTION. $5000 for a general country, store in one of the most beautiful valleys of Southern Oregon, clearing $3000 a year. Will stand your closest Investigation. F. FUCHS, 221 H Morrison Street. WANTED Position to help manage estab lished business, thorough investigation solicited, experience not necessary; must be strictly sober and Industrious or don't apply. I want a man more than I want his money. Austin, 221 Morrison st. GOOD BUY. IT rooms nicely furnished, cheap rent and good money-maker, don't fail to look this up, as It la a good buy; price $1100. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 4U7-418 Corbett Bldg. I HAVE resturant in fine location ; money maker; growing business; must sell at once; any reasonable offer accepted; cheap; this Is a snap, tion't mis it; half or all: must attend to other business. Call 150 North 6th st. Goddard. GOOD smart man to take interest In one of the best paying grocer v stores in city, on West" Side; invoices at $2bOO; man can stay there and see the business, from 80 to $100 per day;, price $1000. Call lHbVt 4th st. CHOICE homestead near railway and water, atso timber claims, with 3 million to 10 million feet each ; we also buy and sell timber. The Coast Realty Co., 22tHy Mor rison st. 1 HAVE the best merchandise business In the Valley and will sell at invoice. This place is clearing $4000 per year; would- take some city property. M. C. Davis. Main 4610. GROCERY, hardware, etc.; same location 20 years In large suburb; doing over $75 per day: price Invoice. $3500 on easv terms. Hall &, Co., Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. , SALOON With 2-year lease, no rent, pav ing $500 month; $250 cash, balance on time; store. $050, paying $6 a day; barber shop, 5 chairs, $ 650. Room 32, Raleigh bldg. FOR RALE) Partnership or stock in pdbular amusement business, well established (and incorporated), in this city, paying 100 per cent. Inquire. T 000, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted In excellent general mer chandise business; would prefer rustler, experienced in groceries and furnishings. Inquire 252 3d St.. Portland. A FINE little confectionery and school supplies: business opposite a school; little money required; will trade for Iols; par ticulars 204 Mohawk bldg. WANTED Traveling man preferred, to handle Oregon real estate; wide ac quaintance desired; some cash; refer ences. R 036, Oregonian. GROCERIES, hay. feed, hardware, etc.. In suburbs, living rooms, $100 dally sales; 53000 cash or trade for house and lot. Call 24b la Stark st. THOS. M'CUSKER, 2t5 Couch bldg. Main 7646. Real estate, stocks and. bonds: money to loan ; out-of-town correspondents given prompt attention, WILL discount for cash $15,000 stock general merchandise, well located. Willamette Val ley; bargain: full particulars given, p 641, care Oregonian. MERCHANT broker, retiring from business, will sell bis well-established lines. For par ticulars call room 627 Corbett bldg., oppo site P. O. INTEREST In a well-paying oyster and chop house, centrally located; will clear you 175 per month; price $1500. 219 Lumber Exchange. 30 ROOMS, mostly housekeeping, good lo cation, cheap rent, owner leaving, must sell; only. $750. Hatfield Sc Smith, 165 4th st. MASSAGE: and manicuring parlors, best loca tion, fine business, completely furnished, leaving city, sacrifice. Phone A4PS6, M. 5612. CIGAR and confectionery stands of all de scriptions: anything you want. Call 31$ Allsky bldg., 3d and Morflson. BAKERY and delicatessen paying $100 monthly ; experience unnecessary. $1T75 Will buy It. H 644, Oregonian. HOTEL for lease, unfurnished; good, cen tral location. Jennings A Co., 332U Washington st. SALOON, clears $00O a month "after paving all expenses: $45y0; v trial giwn. Call 24SH Stark st. I HAVE $70. ouo in Title Guara n t ee Bar k. Muke me offer; reference required G 663 Oregonian. ' RESTAURANT for sale, doing a rfood busi ness, ehap rent; two years' lease 103 North 3d. BUSINESS CHANCES. CROWN BUSINESS EXCHANGE. Reliable. Courteous. Enterprising. If you really mean business and want to buy, we would be more than pleased to see you at our office and go into details with you. Rooming-houses, transient and by the . week or mo., apartment -houses, large and small, boarding-houses, fashionable and for the working classes, beautiful flats, hotels, restaurants, manufactories; different branches of busine&i, city property, etc., etc., are on our list. $700. 7-room flat, close in on - Morrison st. ; best oak and B. E. wiaple furniture, velvet carpets, silk floes mattresses, water, heat and janitor service furnished. $1200. 10 rooms on 13th at., well furnished; a good piano included; furniture oak: carpets brussels; all in good condition; rent 3o; gross Income $105. $7000, TSS-Toom modern house: rent $300; 2 years' lease; good furniture, good brussels carpet, 6 toilets. 5 baths, steam heat fur nished, every room filled; waiting list be sides; will trade this splendid modern house for a farm. $2000. B3-room house, close in on West Park at.; well furnished; has transient and regu lar trade; rent $150; good income; terms $1500 cash, time on bal. ; will trade on other property. $700. 9-room house, very close In on Yamhill St., beautifully furnished ; everything In beet of condition; lease; rent $55. $1900. Splendid 18-rocm bouse, close In on 7th sV; reasonable rent; 5 years' lease; furni ture oak and B. E. m., B. B and Axm. carpets: 2 bathe, 2 toilets, gas and eiec lights, steam heat: terms. $3500. 6S-room house, favorably located; 2 years' leaae; rent $165; house is doing good busi ness; will consider a trade for city or coun try property. A fine 30-room family hotel; best of loca tion, splendid business; good terms. An elegant 38-room apartment-house; most favorable location; good terms. Modern 22-room house, close in on 5th St., ideally located for transient business. Splendid 12-room house, very close In; highest grades of furniture, beautiful grounds. Have you anything to trade for equity in city or other property? Call. CROWN BUSINESS EXCHANGE, ' Room No. 38, Raleigh bldg., Cor. 6th and Wash. sts. Phone Main 4513. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. We have got restaurants from $600 up and they are good -ones. Rooming-houses of all kinds for sale or trade. Stores, grocery, cigar, confectionery, etc. for sale or trade for city property. If you are looking for a business opening of any kind it will pay you to see us. THB VETCRAN LAND CO.. 105 3rd St. LAND AND TIMBER. INVESTMENT. A $00,000 investment that will double within a year; $30,uOO subscribed Thursday; no trouble to Investigate; we can finance anything meritorious. 1 THE NATIONAL FINANCING CO., 412 Marquam Bldg. WANTED Good man that Is looking for a retail and wholesale business that Is 10 years established, paying well all over this Coast, also good Eastern trade, $25,000 stock; will sell whole or half; part cash and city or country real estate near Portland; this is a chance of a lifetime to get an up-to-date business; will stand any kind of an Investi gation. Address L 6U2, Oregonian. YOU SHOULD SEE THIS If you want something good. 12-room house near 13th and Morrison; lapge yard, shade and fruit trees, fine modern house, carpets brussels and . B. B., B. E. maple, oak and mahogany furniture; this will be sacrificed for SI 100 ; hal f cash. ELLIS. YORK & CO.. Rooms 20 and 21, 264 Morrison st. SPECIAL HOTEL BARGAIN. 66 rooms, fine location ; doing big busi ness and clearing $400 per month net; nice ly furnished; steam heat and electric lights; rent only $350 per month, with good lease; price $8500; terms. DEVLIN A FIREBATJGH, . , 508-509 Swetland bldg. H ELI ABLE real estate man wants honest, sober partner, experience not necessary and very little money required; owner will give you bank references and guarantee he is clearing $650 a v month after paying all expenses. For particulars call 24SVs Stark at. BARGAIN. 12 rooms, nicely furnished, full of good ' roomers and is positively clearing $40 per month; rent $45; this Is what you aro looking for: a real live snap; price $850. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 417-418 Corbett bldg.. oth and Morrison. THE best Investment "by long odds" on the market at the present time is the atock of the Mammoth Sliver Lead mine of Metalfne, Wash. See us for information and prices Aimeda Consolidated Morning and Oriole. All active stocks dealt in. The L. Y. Keady Investment Co., 320 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE A stationary, citgar, candy and news store. In One of the best towns of Southwestern Idaho in center of hig irriga tion' project; new stock and fixtures; fine location;, good business at small expense. Address box 478, Caldwell, Idaho. REAL ESTATE man with business clearing $40O per month is tired of hired help and will take active young man as partner; little money needed for half Interest; ex perience not necessary; will teach you the business. Call room 402 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark sts. LADIES FURNISHING And millinery, stock I up-to-date, good trade, 20 years In business; show you a profit of 50 to 350 per cent; fine town; no opposition. Particulars 204 Mohawk bldg. WANTED Man, must be willing to learn and capable of acting as our local repre sentative; no canvassing or soliciting; good income assured. Address National Co-operative Realty Co., Dept. 792 C, Washington, D. C. WB are pioneers In the manufacturing of shet metal goods, pressed steel products, metal stampings, dies, tools, patterns, mod els, . novelties and specialties. Chicago Model Supply Co., 434 Clybourn ave., Chi cago. FOR SALE Best wholesale and retail liquor store on Washington st good lease, low rent: will In voce the stock; established 11 years; Kelling owing to sickness. L 623, Oregonian. BARGAIN. Good paying established grocery busi ness. Williams ave. invoice price, fixtures cheap. A. S. Draper ft Co., 343 H Wasn Ington st., room 6. GROCERY store, $1100 or invoice; no credit; no delivery; best location in the city; owner enjoys good health; not going East; not overburdened with other busi ness. 105i N. 6th. WANTED Party to Invest small amount In a good money-making proposition; quick returns, no wildcat scheme. Will stand the most "thorough investigation. E 625. Oregonian. GROCERY store for sale at invoice; doing good business; long lease and new stock; newly painted inside and outside; invoice about $2500; leaving city. See owner, 47U Williams ave. WORKING partner wanted, owner can't de pend on hired help, he will guarantee vou $25 a week salary; $350 required; expe rience not necessary. Call 248 Stark st. HONEST man wanted to attend office and take half interest in business clearing $450 per month: small amount of money re quired. Call 402 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Partner, willing to travel and able to present a business proposition; reference required. Takes $500; terms to right party. J 610, Oregonian. FOR RENT Workingman's hotel good loca tion; 50 well furnished rooms, dining-room, kitchen and office; everything new; low rent. Address F 620, Oregonian. ' PARTNBR WANTED Opening new office business; my knowledge and money against your money and good Intentions. La Barre, 237 Worcester bldg. CEMENT contractor .wants partner to take charge of office; can clear $150 per month; , experience unnecessary. Room 402 Lum ber Exchange. PARTNER wanted to attend office, etc; ex perience not necessary; will pay active man $5 a day; $300 required.' Particulars 24b H Stark st. WANTED Partner to take half interest In restaurant clearing $10 a day; $300. See this today. Room 402 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Account of sickness, 3-chair barber shop; good location, fair trade; ex pense very light. 471 East 10th st. ANY ONE having stock In the Gold Dredging Co. of America to sell Inform H620, Ore gonian. GOOD business for sale at invoice. 202 and 203 Goodnough bldg., 5th and Yamhill. WANT to buy rooming-house from owner; no agent. M 628, Oregonian. CIGAR STAND on a busy corner, doing a fine business;, only $400. S 64S, Oregonian. BUSINESS CHANCES. I WILL give $250 cash, or more, for a high-class permanent position In estab lished business, as office manager, auditor, traveling auditor, etc., where executive ability is required; competency and efficiency unquestioned; at present en gaged with a large corporation; replies must state full particulars and bear clos est investigation ; no investment scheme entertained. Address, Expert Accountant, X 643. Oregonian. . ' . A GOOD ONE. 16 rooms, elegantly furnished, rent $80; good lease, clearing $S0 per month and owner occuoles 3 of best rooms in the house; best location In the city and rfil rooms rented: will trade for house and) lot; price $2250. DIETZ-MXTELLER CO.. 417-418 Corbett Bldg. WANTED Capable foreman with 500 or leys, to engage in building and general contracting; steady wages and big profits assured; business established several years. Contracts on hand. S 612. Oregonian. YOUNG man of good appearance as partner in small cash business; duties easily learned; owner will guarantee $20 weekly; $10O re quired. Call room 627 Corbett bldg., oppo site P. O. WANTED Rooming-houco at once. 12 or 15 rooms, central, good furniture, prefer to deal with owners. Call Main 4575 or A 3175. E. Reld Co.. 610 Oregonian bldg. HOTEL clearing from $250 to $300 monthly; long lease, full house; on account sickness must sell: terms -to suit. Particulars room 627 Corbett bldg., opposite FTO. PARTNER wanted In on of best paying lines of business and In one of best estab lished wood and coal companies in the city. Call 533 Marquam bldg. DRUG BUSINESS. Fine country town, no opposition, small amount of money required. Particulars. 204 Mohawk bldg. TRANSFER and storage partner wanted; old estab.Iwhed business; will stand closest in vestigation. Particulars call room 627, Cor bett bldgl THROUGH reasons which I will explain, am compelled to sell at invoice a good little business. K GOO, Oregonian. WANTED Photo studio In city or country. F 655. Oregonian. - LOST AND FOUND. LOST In Olds A. King's -or on Washington st., Friday, lady's purse containing $20 in gold and some silver, property of young student far from home. Finder please leave with superintendent Olds & King, or phone Main 2540. LOST Lady's alligator handbag, on N. P. train 33, Thursday night, containing purse and necklace ; suitable reward ; no ques tions asked. Return 402 Couch bldg. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated, returned same day. 228 Front. Main 474. A1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H Metzeer. LOST About cornier 2d and Washington, golden scarf-pin, with pearl; finder please return to George Stengexv 4ul Morrison st. and receive reward. LOST Monday, at St. John or on Washing ton st., a pin set with israrls and garnets, star pendant. ' Call Portland Library or telephone Scott 6f95. LOST Fullblooded English bull bitch, cream colored, with black muzzle, about 9 months, wearing collar. Return 1055 Will iams ave. LOST February 15. between 978 Savier st. and Portland Academy, bunch of keys; re . ward to finder. Reed Rumelin, 078 Savler street. LOST or strayed from 87 North 16th Rt., English bull terrier pup 8 months old; reward for return or phone Main C807 or A2207. LOST or strayed from 87 North 16th st., English bull terrier pup 3 months old; reward for return. Phone 5897 or A2297. LOST Pair rimless nose glasses, in Ma sonic Hall (East Side), on Friday night. Please leave at room 11, 145 First tit. LST English bulldog, male, color brindle with white breast, tall bobbed. Phone Main 45U4; reward. LOST Thursday, pair gold temple eyeglasses with chain. Return 012 Marquam bldg., re ceive reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of William C. Jackson, bankrupt. Notice. The undersigned will receive sealed bids up to 12 o'clock noon of Wednesday, March 4, 1908. at his office No. 7 First street, Portland, Or., for a stock of hard ware of the inventory value of $1778 and store fixtures of $17.40, located at Shedds, Linn County. Or. The property may be in spected on the premises and an Inventory Is on file at the office of the undersigned. Cash or a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. and eald sale la subject to confirma tion by the court. R. L. SABLN. Trustee. Miscellaneous. WILL not be responeible for any debts In curred by my wife, Annabelle Mac Duffle, after this date. (Signed) WALTER, S. MAC DUFFIE-, WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Alice A. Adams, after this date. Feb. 20. 1908. Hf. L. Adams. ' COLE & COLE have moved their law office from 813' Macleay bldg. to 730 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FINANCIAL. . Money to Loan. $5 BUYS list of 750 mining Investors, com piled by broker in course of business. Paul M. Sims, Salem, Or. $20,000 TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT. Lamont A Harris. 303-4 Swetland bldg. CASH paid., for your bank account. Harry E. Wagoner Co., Chamber Commerce. HIGHEST cash price for Title Guarantee A Savings accounts. 291 Morrison. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattet The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg. WILL loan $0000 or less. 6 per cent; real es- I tate. Harrington, ifenton bldg. frr!"'-! '" f'f'Vf- f,'-i,:iii-"',if -i-m iinii iiiii.MiitiiTliiiimr-Trii " 1, n iiiihrr'' i ' i r irri- - il Baby's Life Is Influenced by the Character of Its Nurse In choosing a nurse maid you want to feel sure that she is of good character and absolutely dependable that you may safely trust baby with her always look for her in Situation "Wanted Column in The Oregonian 's "Want Pages. Th best nurse maids offer their services through these columns maids that take a motherly interest in bab3r. You can always feel certain that baby will have as much care as though under the watch ful eye of mother herself. READ THE WANT PAGES EVERY DAY , FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. ti$s$$i$$si$$s MONEY MONEY. MONEY. WHY BE HARD UP? v SALARY LOANS " TO HONEST EMPLOYES. "GIVE" YOUR NOTE. "GET $10 to $100. "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. EVERYTHING STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. WHAT MORS COULD YOU ASKT STATE SBXTURITY GO., 704 DEKUM BUILDING, 7TH FLOOR. TAKE ELEVATOR. $$s$s$$$$$s$$$$t $$i$i$$$$$$i$$s$ ox "Proper- security $1000. $2000. $2000, $504 H, $llJ,00 $2urU00. . H. W. GODDARD, 110 Second st. MONEt. For all salaried people. Come and get it; cheapest rates, smallest payments in city; for any .one-that wants to make a loan privately and desires to be treated honorably this Is the place. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 512 fifth floor. Dekum bldg. LOANS made to salaried people holding per manent positions and responsible firms: easy payments and strictly confidential, aU CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses & spe cialty. NEW ERA LOAN AND MORTGAGE CO., 205 Abington Bldg. CAN you meet your land payments? Mort gaged property exchanged for lands deeded and with clear title, in any part of the United States ami- Canada. Write for In formation. Consolidated Realty A Invest ment Co., Salt Lake City, Utah, P. O. bog 845. DEPOSITORS of the Oregon Trust & Sav ings Bank, Title Guarantee A Trust Com pany and Merchants National Bank can receive par value for their accounts Give name, phone number and amount of de posit. L 652, Oregonian. MONEY advanced salaried people and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 60 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first. TO UMAX, 233 Abington bldg., 106 3d. Money loaned on salaries; no other security; my system is best for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar employes and otners; business confidential. F. A. Newton, 611 Buchanan bldg., 28tl Washington st. 6 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN On West Side real estate security in large or small amounts. J. FRANK PORTER, 607 Commercial Bldg. HIGHEST price paid for Oregon Trust and Title Guarantee accounts; bring your book to Cohn Bros., 180 1st st. Main 4773. MONEY to loan for building purposes; can be repaid in monthly Installments. Call for particulars. Columbia Life A Trust Co., 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. ELECTRICAL railway. Industrial and other corporations organized and financed. Meri torious projects only. Commission basis. Shinier A Chase Co., Omaha, Neb. IMMEDIATE LOANS FROM $5 TO $5000 On aft securities. R. I. Eckerson t Co., Room 5, Washington Bldg. Phone Main 4005. WILL exchange best kind of first mortgages, 6 per cent securities, for deposits of the Title Guarantee A Trust Co. Call 320 to 827 Corbett bldg. TO LOAN $200. $400, $500. $1000, $1200 on good real estate security; 7 to 8 per cent. Geo. P. Lent, 206 Morrison. 410 Corbett bldg. WILL pay cash for accounts of Oregon Trust & Savings, Title Guarantee & Trust. H. W. Goddard, 110 2d. Phones Main and A1743. $100,000 to loan in sums of $1000 or more to suit, 6 to 7 per cent, on improved realty. M. G. Griffin, 266 Stark, opp. Cham, of C. Loans on completed dwellings. East or West Side, $500 to $1500, 2 or 3 years; no de lay. W. S. Ward, Atty., 210 Alisky "bldg. LARGE and small amounts on good security tat-slow rate of interest. C. F. Pfluger & Co., 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. MONEY to loan on timber land on easy terms; low interest; no agents; will answer corespondence. Address S 666, Oregonian. HIGHEST price paid for Oregon Trust and Title Guarantee accounts; bring your book to Cohn. Bros.. 180 1st st. Main 4773. MONET to loan at 6. 7 and -fc per cent on improved real estate security. J. Frank Porter, 0O7 .Commercial bldg. CASH paid for savings and check account In the Title Guarantee A Trust Bank. H. E. Noble. Commercial bik. MORTGAGES? lat and 2d liens, and other real estate securities discounted. H- E, Noble, Commercial block. CASH for Oregon Trust, Title Guarantee, Mer chants accounts. Thos. McCusker, auft Couch bldg. Main 7646. MONEY to loan on improved property from $300 to $5000. Coast Commercial Co., De kum bldg. NOTICE Merchants bank time certificates bought at very little discount. Cohn Bros., 180 1st st. WILL buy any of the Home Telephone Co. bonds; state lowest price. S 651, Ore gonian. NOTrCE Merchants Bank time certificates bought at very little discount. Cohn Bros., 180 1st. LOANS on real, chattels and other securi ties. W. A. Hathaway, 10 Washington bldg $1000-$2000 TO loan on improved city real estate. 7 per cent. 616 Commercial block. State funds loaned. 6 per ct. W. E. Thomas, state agt., Multnomah Co. 4006. of Com. MONEY to loan in sums of $2000 -to $20,000 on city property. H. W. Goddard, 110 2d. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. W. H. Nunn, 558 Sherlock bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collateral security. C. W. Palittt. 304 Kenton bldg. Loans Wanted. MORTGAGE for sale, $800, 7 per cent interest, payable, quarterly. Dwight Skinner, 650 Upshur st. FINANCHL. Loans Wants. GILT-EDO a REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE For $36o0, on approved city real estate drawing a high rate of interest, can be had by applying to ' DEVLIN A FlREBAUGHr 608-509 Swetland bldg. X CAN plara several loans from $1000 to $jO,ono. If you have any money to loan cee me. -XL W. GODDARD, 110 Second. WANTED Loan. noo for one year, paj'abla in quarterly installments; as interest I would give flnrt-ciaw board and room till capital is paid; personal and lien security. C 620, Oregonian. FOR BALE On mortirage. 000, bearing T per cent interest, and one for $700, bear ing S per cent, secured by property worth" more than double. N 638, Oregonian. WB have several good building loans that are absolutely gilt-edge security and bear 7 per cent for 3 and 6 years. Harry E. Wagoner Co., Chamber Commerce. WANTED IOAN of ?S0OO: I have a friend who wants to borrow $.V)0O of first-class city real estate. Apply J. T. Wilson, 208 First. WANTED Loan of MO00 for one year on timber laml; security value &.0flo; will pay 10 per cent. J 6T2, Oregonian. MORTGAGE for sale, 760 ; 8 per cent, first class; priacipals only. Oregon Land ft Kent Co., 22 Washington, cor. 1st. WANTED To borrow $150 for a few months on first-class chattel security, big rate of Interest. Address P -4(81, Oregonian. , WANTED $. loan on household furniture A months. Interest lO per cent. o06 Com mercial bldg. Phone Main 8143. $1800 mortgage on real estate In warehouse district; reasonable discount. E. H. Cuoa lln, 827 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED 2500 1 year, 10 per cent Int., by 2 responsible business men, city; personal security. P 620, Oregonian. FOR client, $2000, B mo. -or 1 year; 10 pr cent; absolute security. P. A.-Jackson. S27 Failing bldg. Main 8429. $3O0 LOAN from private party, good Inter est, with special money-making Induce ment. T 631. Oregonian. WANTED Loan 4200 for one year; can give first mortgage on city property and note. L 649, Oregonian.- FOR SALE 86000. 7 per cent, well secured farm mortgage. O. W. Taylor, 7 Cham&er of Commerce. WANTED $10OO for 6 mo. or 1 year; 10 per cent on best 9t security. F 627. Oregonian. BU6LNKS8 DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting. MIPS O. GOULD, 336 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac cordion and knife plaiting and pinking. Accountant. THE) GEO. T. MURTON AUDIT CO.. 318 Chamber of Commerce, office systematizing and general accounting. Established 1S99. Art. LESSONS In oil, water color, china, tapestry, silk painting, leather carving. Designing, order work, china tiring. Markley & Bul lander, room 64, 3S0Va Morrison. Main 7647. Art Store. HOME) decorators, tinting, painting and pa pering and the goods that go with It. H. Moorehouse & Co., 812 Alder st. Assayera and Analyst. Wells ft Proebstel, mining engineers, metal lurgists and assayers. 204 4 Washington. PAUL BAUMEL. assayer and analyst. Gold dust bought. 207 Alder su Baths. TURKISH, Russian and tub, 2ftc. Swimming pool; ladles and gentlemen. 207 3d st. Bicycle and Electrical Repairing. SHAW & MITCHELL Bicycle, gasoline, en gine and electrical repairing. 826 Stark at. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Main 56&L Cleaning and Pressing. PAN-CO-VEST CLUB. 174 West Park. M. 8242. A5027. Sponge and press your clothes, $1.60 per month. Chiropody. WM. D EVENT, and Estelle Devcny. the only scientific chiropodists, parlors 203 Drew bldg., 162 2d et. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. V. Hill, room 330 Fliedner bldg. Phone Pacific 133. Cleaning and Pressing. Ideal Custom Tailoring Co., repairing work called for and del. Main 7843. 3na Stark. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. purchasing of hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow and rubber and old metal and general commission mer chant. Front St., near Main, Portland, Or. TAYLOR. YOUNG CO., ship brokers, com mission merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland. D. C. BURNS & CO.. grocers and commission merchants. 210 3d at. Chiropractors. DRUGLESS SPrXMALlST Chronic and nerv ous diseases, spinal troubles and 'female complaints. Dr. J. E. Lavaliey, Xj. C, Allsky bldg., cor. 3d and Morrison. Dancing. WALTZ, "two-step." "three-step," and stage dancing; lessons 26c; seven ladles and gen tlemen teachers. Prof. Wal. Willson's school, office and ball 13, Selllng-Hlrsch bldg., 386 Wash. St., bet. W. Park and 10th sts.; also dancing taught by mall. DANCING Instructions dally 1:30 to 4. Mur - lark Hall, 2.d and Washington. Professor Carter, principal. Main SOSQ. PKOF. F.Ii'GLER'S academy: correct dancing. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Morrison. Phones. Directory Rothchild Building. VIA VI CO. Rooms 608-10. A3625. Main 6016. Removed from Tllturd bldg. Dog and Aorse Hospital. Dr. C. B. Brown, D. V. S. D. C. M. Dog. horee hospital. 106 N. 6th sL Union Trans Co. Educational. ENOINKKRING Civil, electrical, mechanical, survey, assay, cyanide; established 1864. Vaa der Nalllea School. 61st and Telegraph, Oakland. CaL PRIVATE lessons In English and other com mon branches given to adults, children and foreigners. Phone East 2032. FRENCH private millinery, evening classes: terms reasonable. Madame JBodie. room 208 Tilford bidg. FRENCH conversation and grammar by ex perienced teacher recently from Paris. F 608, Oregonian. Arithmetic, writing, grammar, bookkeeping, $5 mo., day or eve., individual instruction. 226 6th. Electrical. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE? CO.. 49 Wash. Fixtures and wiring. M4884, A3681. Klectrie Signs. ELECTRIC SIGNS Sold and rented. Port land Electric Sign Co., 44 2d st. Main 8479. Feed Stores. B. L. COOPER CO., hay, grain, feed. 128 Union ave. East 1617. B1517. Gasoline Engines. Stationary, marine, electric equipments launch es, accessories, wholesale, retail; engine re pairing. Kelei-sorr-Macblnery Co.. 182-4-6 Mor .Harness and Saddlery. THE George Lawrence Co., wholesale saddle and harness mnfrs., 80-86 1st. Main 226. Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK ft CO.. purchasers of hides, pelts. . wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals aud sacks. 312 Front st. , Leather and Findings. J. A. STROWBBIDGB LEATHER CO. Es tablished 18S. Leather and findings; Stock ton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos. 189 Front st. CHAS. L. MASTICK CO., Front and Oak sts. Leather and sklue of every description for ail purposes; sole and tap cutters' find ings. Moving Picture Machines. MOVING picture machines, house ft Co.. 812 Alder st. E. if. Meore- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO., mining, sawmill log-1 ging machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings, ail kinds repaired. 104 X. 4th st. f Musical. MANDOLIN, violin, ban., guitar Instruc tion; private lesson only; Gibson mando-1 Una. Weber's studio, 4o!4 Wash. st. MILTON MARX, pupil Pro. fc. O. Spltzner,1 violin Instruction, studio 818 Tllford bldg., 4(7 Morrison st. MUSIC store, band Instruments. Room 204 Tourny bldg.. 2d and Taylor. L belberling. MANDOLIN, guitar, banjo. Josss Parker. Mllner bldg., 350 Morrison St. EMIL THIHLHOKN, violin teacher, pupil ot Sevelk. A4160. Pine 334. Pac. 299: VIOLIN, flute, cornet, trombone. Prof. Smith. 292 12th. Main 4703. A33U0. Osteopathic rhyslclnns. DR. R. B. NORTH Ft CP. 416-16-17 Dekum Bldg.. Third and Washington sts. Phone, office, Main 349. Residence, E. 1028. CLARA MACFAP.LANB, D. O.. Specialist Gynecology and Obstetrics, 11-14 Swetland bldg., 6th and Wash. sts. Phoneg Main 6566; A1966. Res. Pacific 8t;7. DR. L B. SMITH, pioneer Osteopath of Ore-I gon. graduate Klrkvllle, Mo. 409 Orego-1 nlau bldg. .Main 1242; res. Main 2762. Patents. PATENTS New book free. This book tells! all about patents and how to obtain them;' exp.ains the cost of a patent and our melh-1 ods of business; Illustrates loo mechanical! movements and contains portraits ot all the' famous American Inventors; book mailed' free to any address. O'Mcara A Brock. I Pat. Atfys. 918 F at.. Washington. D. C. i Paints, Oils and Glass. 1 E. Beach ft Co.. the Pioneer Paint Cm' Window glass and glazing. 135 1st. M. 1334.: nno.,iu.-ctj & (.. jobbers paints, oils.' a . ..i, - l, anu uuuro. UOr. and Taylor.! Photo Engravers. PERFECT printing plates. Hleks-chattesf Engraving Co., corner 2d and Alder sta DESIGNERS, photo engravers, Neiss ft ConJ naway, lo 2d st. A4573. M. 7819. Patent and Pension Attorneys. PATENTS SOLICITED Wash, atty., expert advice free. A. J. Matter, 518 Common wealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. J. J HIRSHHEIMER, solicitor and counsel lor-at-law. Rooms 20-21 Labbe bidg. ' B- O. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign patentsl' Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. Plating. OREGON PLAT1NU WKS.. 128 Lownsdale st.J gold, silver, nickel plating. Main 2575. A2676.1 a Piano Tuning;. PORTLAND PIANO HOSPITAL. Old pianos made new; tuning, regulating.' polishing. Phone Main 8162. 210 3d ft GEORGE ANDERSON, expert. 618 Tournsyj bldg., 2d and Taylor sts. Pacifio 244. Plumbers. SHUHOLM ft MARSH, plumbing, ly, Union ave. Phone East 2673 and East 1929. Sign Painting. FOSTER ft KLEISEK, SIGNS I The largest sign-makers In the North west. 6th and Everett sts. Phone Private Exchange 65. Home A1155. , SIGNS ("That Attract.") Portland Sign Co., 287 Stark. Pao. 1396. . Spiritualists. WITH THIS PAPER AO XOU WILL. SAVE $4.00. for a few dais only. t special, $5 reading for $1). . always consult the best. PROF. E. KHiaO. This Is strictly a matter of business on jour part to call at my office and become familiar with my spiritual and scientlbe work. A hint to the wise Is sufficient. PROF. KH1MO, Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; ADVISER OF BUBI-i NES3 AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE; whom you wlil marry, how to control tie one you love, even though miles away; reunites the separated; gives secret powers to control others; no difference how close or how far away, you can always obta-ln your desired results. Tells you Just how,, where and when to Invest your money to obtain the best possible results. If you are sick, melancholy, dlsheartned or dis couraged. DO NOT GIVE UP IN DE-1 SFA1R; come and receive Spiritual advice that will help you to receive HEALTH. WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. I will do all others advertise to do and: a great deal more. Hours 10 to S daily. Ofllce Nos. 8 and 4, Grand Theater bldg.,' 852H Washington St. Phone M. 1267. , CONSULT MRS. MARSHFIELD. i Messages from Spirit Guldea and Controls. Tranoe medium, clairvoyant, palmist!) greatest adviser, past, present and future:; marriage, love, business, health. Journeys, mining work, land locations, lawsuits,' Investments; tells everything; names.l dates. Important Information; leunltea the1 separated, restores tost love renews lost vital force, removes evil Influence, breaks weak ha-olts. Imparts personal magnetlsm( develops others. 208 Morrison, bet. 3d&4th.i AT LAST THE FUTURE CAN BE TOLD. Prof. Henry, the mystic, has returned front the Orient; while In a trance this Strang man sees the way and tel.s it all; Just what your lll'e has been. Just what It will be; tells . your name; tells whom and when you'll -marry; this ad and 25c entitles you to the most remarkable reading that was ever, given; be euro and remember name, Prof.t Henry, the Mystic, 341 Morrison t.,cor. Ilu, MME. ADWAHD, spiritualist medium, can: he consulted on business, lawsuits, love,! matrimony; unites tlie separated, no mat-' ter the distance or causo; sattsfactiouj guaranteed ; reading 50 cents, dally andi Sunday. Moved to the Palmer, cor. Pailcf - and Alder sts.. parlor 3 and 4. i Mrs. Sophia Selp, reliable splrit'l r'dlngs. goji Alisky bldg. Public circles Tues.-FiL evs.i MRS. C. CORNELIUS. spiritual medium.! Selllng-Hlrsch bldg., 10th and Wash. A3620.j MME. DE HERZOO. the wonderful psychic;! life readings $1. 240 Park st. MAY ANDREWS, card reading at 325 Mala,! 25c. Phone Main 7548. Rubber stamps. ALSO trade checks and all office good a P.; D. C. Co., 231 Stark St. Both phones 1407.' Safes. DIE1BOLD SAFE ft LOCK CO. John E. Davis,: 66 3d et. Bargains in secooj-hand safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO. 108 2d st. Safes at factory prices. Second-hand safes. Showcase, Bank and Store fixtures. THE James 1. Marshall Mfg. Co., showcases, ' cabinets, store and oflice fixtures. 289 Couch st. Pacific 2181. IL H. BIRDSALL, designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Mala 6536. ' THIS Lutke Manufacturing Co., cor. 6th and Hoyt. Phone Main 1408. Storage and Transfer. OLSEtN-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed tor ' shipment. 209 Oak, bet. Front and 1st. Tele phone Main 547 or A2247. CITY TRANSFER ft STORAGE) CO. Bob Ahby and Judd Fish. Furniture and piano moving, baggage, freight and general hauling. Office 103 Front fit- Phones Main 62, A1162. C. O. PICK, office 88 1st., bet. Stark and Oak. Phone 696. Pianos and furniture moved snd packed for shipment; commodious brick warehouse, with separate iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. Street Pavloa. WARREN Construction Co., street-, paving. sidewalks and crossings. 314 Lumber Exch. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., Portland office. 4o2-3-4 Worcester block. at Typewriters. NEW and second-hand typewriters, all makes repaired, sold and rented: also state agents the Visible Fox. The Typewriter Exchange. 84 3d St. Main 606. SPECIAL prices, all makes rented, sold, re- paired. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. Wood. $5.50 cord, delivered. Good sound 4-foot wood, AS661. Wholesale Jobber!, WADHAMS ft CO.. wholesale grocers, manufacturers, commission merchant -eta and Oak.