THE SUNDAY OREGOtfLaX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 23, 1908. 10 TOR BEST. Flats. $;150 Nw mort'rn. 6 rooms, furnace, flroplare. Ooort location. Only ono loft .12.5 rooms, tinted. tujnro. fire pla.o. modern plumbing. Oooil location. $40 T rooms, upper. Only two nan In room!., upper, nice mnd-rn flat. larKe veranda: south of Morrison t. rdoonir.oW.r. newly tinted, two flat building. i"'ose in. n..rn!, rOHTLAND TRVST CO. Oh OKtGON, ii. E. Ccr. 3d and Pale. 6-KOOM strictly modern new flats, upper aud lower, corner (iantenbein and Kio.t ," good view, close in: Has and electric llcht. window shades; walls tinted; attic, basement, wash trays. Apply owner, next door. LOWFK floor of modern house, nearly furnished- ga and wood raime; Kood location- for terms inquire upstairs. Kast An keny carllne. !i:i Kast Uavls at. r-ppER flat. 8 rooms, bath, fireplace, fur nace, electric liKht and pas; tr ndo fliadcs and awnings. 'Mi North lth st. Kent month. . Housekeeping Itooms. DKSIRABLK bay wlnaow unfurnished suite in beautifully located apartment-house. 805 Vj Jefferson St., cor. 6th. 467 N. 23. near Roosevelt, two or three nicely furnished rooms for nousenccyin, . laundry. phone Alain woi. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, near Steel bridge; gas. phone; terms reasonable. 261) Hansaio St. East 3610. TWO large front rooms furnished for house keeping, reasonable; quiet people. 184 North 17th. near Johnson. 212 7TH ST. Two large well furnished front housekeeping rooms, gas cooker, electric llghtB; every convenience. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 2-75 week, att 21st t., cor. Washington, N. Call today or evenings. NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms, oatn. gas and p:ionc close in, no children. 110 i-i nth .t. near Alder. I' 60 WEEK up, large Clean furnlsned house keeping rooms, laundry and bath. 184 sner mu t.. South Portland. jiEUO,! furnished housekeeping suite-, light and convenient, walking distance; no children. tjiay u TUB JKFFERSONIAN 3-room suite com plete for housekeeping; modern. 614 Jeffer son. Phone Main 04:12. HJNGL.B or en stilte housekeeolng rooms; sralklng distance; prices reasonable. Ooa Morrison, corner ISth. 2 WEEK Two large unfurnished housekeep ing rwnw: modern; walking distance; good lucatlon. 697 Madison. So4 SALMON, two lovely rooms, furnished or partly, for housekeeping; separate en trance; no children. FOUR clean, light rooms, completely fur nished, housekeeping, bath, large yard; $15 month. 6.12 Front. PLKASANT furnished rooms for housekeep ing: heat, electric light, gas. bath and phone, f.5 nth. TWO large rooms, first floor, furnished for housekeeping: sink, modern conveniences, ni North Park. THH HYI'AND, 4:t0 Morrison Furnished housekeeping rooms; bath and steam heat. Phone A2210. 017 RFJLMONT, ne?w modern 3-room suite, furnished complete for housekeeping; rent $16.50; adults. BEAUTIFULLY furnirhed housekeeping suite, gas. bath, heat and Tel. service, aim E. Madison. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms; a No basement rooms. The Garland, 621 Washington t. TWO pleasant connecting rooms, furnished or partly furnished, reasonable; references. Main or A3176. TH REl-i Iar;r rooms on first floor, suitable for 4 persons, also one very nice large room. 403 or 680 2d St. ONE large room for 11j?ht housekeeping, pantry and closet, bath and phone. 103 East 11th st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, phone and bath, $12 up. lo3 10th, near Washington. 106 4TH ST. 2 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; bath, gas, phone; walking diet anew; reasonable. 22 14TH, front alcove housekeeping room, free light, bath, phone, walking distance. $17 month. NICELY furnished rooms, every convenience for housekeeping. 781 Kearney at. Phon aciiic on. THREE connected housekeeping rooms, bath, gas and vnone; walking distance. 235 12th, cor. Mainv THREE" desi-able unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 448 Columbia, between 12th and 18th sts. J 10 Two furnished housekeeping rooms, suit able for lady employed during: day. 18ft ('hap man. 2 FTTRNTKHED housekeeping rooms, ground floor; fit for two people. 251 Oth st., near BEAUTIFULLY furnished housekeeping suite, gas, bath, heat and Tel. service. 590 E. Madison. ISO ISTH Two completely furnished rooms, suitable for two adults; gas range, bath, phone. FIVE nicelv furnished- housekeeping rooms. from March 9. 137 Monroe st. Phone Scott Ml 4. 41ft TAYLOR, cor. 11th M., comfortable llirht housekeeping room; reasonable, gas, bath, phone. 511 H GLISAX Two, three and four-room suites, completely rurnisnea ior no use Keep lug, $20. HOUSEKEEPING at The Firs, most busi ness center in city. Phone, gas. 32 North 11th. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, pantry, bath, large yard; East bide; $11. B158G. 433' 7TH 2 or 3 convenient rooms, gas. bnth, gas range; closets. Phone Main THE XIOKUX Furnished housekeeping- apartments and single sleeping room a 38$ au et. TWO roome furnished- for light housekeep ing, bath, phone, izi JJ. I4tn et., cor. B. Alder. 1 1 ght housekeeping, heat and light. 20o NICELY furnished rooms for housekeeping. close In. Inquire at studio, 163 West Park treet. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, with bath and toilet; rent $14. 446 East Burn side. . TWO nlco,ly furnished housekeeping rooms en suite, first floor, close in. 240 Jefferson st. - TWO furnished housekeeping rooms with water, bath, phone and light. 3S4 Park st. THREE-ROOM eulte. first floor; light, phone, bath, laundry, walking distance. 117 N. ISth. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, all moaern. 302 da st., lrts Apartments, flat 6. LlilHT housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water, phone, reasonable. o28 E. Mill. ViG FLANDERS St., bet. 14th and 15th, one large uniurninea Housekeeping room. N ICELY furnished front alcove room for housekeeping, close in. ltZi N. 16th st LARfSE room with alcove, furnished for house keeping, bath, gas. phone. 385 11th. LARGE light housekeeping rooms. $2.50 up a week. 241 iN. Join., cor. Marshall. SUITE furnished housekeeping rooms. 168 13th fit. Phone Main .iu. Reference. 14." !5 6TH ST. Housekeeping suites on first flior. large; bam, water ana light. NICELY furnished rooms and housekeeping steam neat. vo Jiin, cor. niarn. THE ROSE Neatly furnished rooms; aLw housekeeping rooms. 180 3d st. HOUSEKEEPING and other rooms, furnished nice people only. os jenerson. TWO housekeeping rooms; private family no chlKiren. ao isonn itn st. SirjTB of 2 rooms, third floor, gas and bath. $10 per monin. is. inn si. HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms, very rea- pn antra. moTw muumn i. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. THE DELMONTE. Elegantly furnished apartments; heat, hot and cold running water, janitor serv ice, return call-bells In all rooms, free baths and both phones on each floor; strictly modern throughout; rates very reasonable THE DELMONTE, 20th.' Near Washington. THE ONEONTA. 187 17th St.. near Yamhill: new house, elegantly furnished, tn suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms, hot and cold water, gas range each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free phone each floor; no children. THE BEAVER 12th and Marshall st. ; newly furnished housekeeping rooms; modern conveniences; $2.50 week single rooms up. Take S or loth st. cars, going north, get off Marshall. No dogs. WELLINGTON COVRT. 15th and Everett; handm-ly furnished 4-room apartment; also buement four rooms and two rooms unfurnished apartment, possessing every modern convenience ; no children. THH) HOWLAND ArAKTMBNTS. 631 Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnUhed housekeeping roosts; gas ranges, hot water, tree bath, fres phone, both Uoors; no aog, no children. CLBA.N housekeeping rooms, furnished, two for $8 month; pan. of cottage. $13; 4 -room, new, lower flat, Apply 304- North 2tit.h. 2:M-st. cars to 2th, turn south half block. THE LUXOR, 13TH AND CLAY STS. Elegantly furnished and unfurnished housekeeping: apartments, in suites of 3 and 4 rooms; new and up-to-date. Maim 8105, A6o56. SINGLE OR EN SUITE. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, MODERN, CENTRAL, REASONABLE?. "MILNE R BLDG" 350 MORRISON ST. DESIRABLE, reasonable unfurnished hooms, brick building; no transient lodgers; cen trally located, saving; carfare and time. 211 2d and Salmon. NICE large front furnished housekeeping: and other rooms; modern accommoda tions; walking: distance; nice yard. 313 14th st.. cor. Clay. TWO front housekeeping rooms, furnished, including fuel, in private family; $1X50 per month. Call Sunday, 325 Schuyler st. Phone Kast 5051. "WE" have 1 nice largo room for light house keeping, also 1 small room for 2 gentlemen or ladies; all modem. Phone Pac 448 or cull 54 23d st. N. CONNECTING rooms, lower floor; pantry, sink, gas, fine yard, good location; one block from tiunnyeide car; 410. 132 E. 33d st. Adults. HE GAYOSO, Grand ave. and East Stark, 2-room furnished suite, elevator, hot wa ter, steam heat, baths, exceedingly rea sonable. 347 HALL Very desirable rooms, com pletely furnished for housekeeping; every convenience; pleasant location; reason able. TWO housekeeping rooms, furnished, for sale, $2.; for working p&opie; rent, water, wood, $2 per week. 06 Grand ave. North. TWO completely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas move, hath, everything for use; bo t h p ho nes ; no c h lid ren ; $ 1 6. 603 5th. st. NICE large rooms, partly furnished for housekeeping, gas, hath and phone; cheap to parties without children. 332 Mill. FURNISHED room, modern conveniences. suitable for Ugnt Housekeeping; near j. R. & N. car shops. 622 Delay st. NICELY furnished front rooms for house keeping; desirable location; rent reason able. 353 "ri 2d St., corner Mill. TWO large, airy rooms; walking distance. West Side; gas, bath, phone. $10. Call 144 Porter. Phone Home A4004. THE NEWCASTLE, 4024 3d Furnished housekeeping rooms; also single rooms; reasonable. Phone Main 800. SUITE of neatly furnished housekeeping rooms, furnace heat, electric light, bat a. The Raymond. 168-170 11th. FOR RENT 2 or 3 well-fumfshed rooms for housekeeping; heat, light and telephone, 75 North 14th. Phone Main 8174. DESIRABLE furnished 3-room suite, modern private home, suitable for couple; best neighborhood. X 658, Oregonian. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms-. 706 B. Powell st., near s. f. carsnops; month; car In front of house. TWO nice rooms furnished for housekeeping at 4JU Bverett; price ngnt. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, modern. 549 Wash ington Bt. Phone Alain blib. TO RENT 3 or 4 nice unfurnished house keeping rooms. 624 E. Davis. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, close In; no children. 033 lamhlll. TWO furnished housekeeping roome, first floor. 135 14th st., cor. Alder. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping. 353 oak st., cor. ParK. FOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms. 446 Washington ,st. THE ELMS" furnished housekeeping rooms. 1U1 14th st. TWO large housekeeping rooms, with, liffht. 240 North 17tn st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 149 13th St., bet. Morrison and Aider. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; nice loca tion. 565 Irving st. HOUSEKEEPING room, furnished, close In; NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 205 11th, near Taylor. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. Inquire 629 Thurman st. TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms. 193 14th. cor. Taylor. $7 1 room, housekeeping privileges. 535 Yam hUL cor. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, pleasantly situated, at 314 6th st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $2.50 up a week. 432 Stark St. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, close In, 392 4th St. SUITE of furnished housekeeping rooms. 125 12th st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 309 7th street. TO LET Four unfurnished rooms. G54 YamhilL FOR RENT Modern 8- room house, parti y furnished, nicely located on East felde; rent $25. Phone Sellwood 91. 7-ROOM house and bath, and beautiful corner lot, 061 Washington st., cor. Ella. L. E. Thompson & Co., 228 sa. 7-ROOM house, bath, electricity, gas, voran- das. beautiful location; walking distance. S22..10. 10 East 15th. FOR RENT 6-room house, nearly new: Hoi laday ave., three blocks from Steel bridge. Inquire 20s Aaams st. FOR RENT Eight-room modern houee. part ly furnished; deslrabie location; liolladay Addition. Scott 24;t3. 7 ROOMS, modern, good condition, close to car. 3513. Frank Lucas, owner, 216 Cham ber of Commerce. 6-ROOM modem house. 2S5 Williams ave. In quire at house or tiiX Borthwick st. ; $20; no small children. FOR RENT, reasonable, 8-room modern house; part furniture for sale. Apply 284 North 20m st. PIV-ROOM house for rent: all modern: South Portland. 129 Grover st. Phone Pacific 2398. 6-ROOM modern house in Irvlngton. Inquire at C. F. Pflugcr & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg. GOOD five-room house; garden, fruit trees: 10. Owner, 1082 Holgate et. Woodstock car. houe, larpe yard, corner lot. Kings Heights. 252 Stout st. inquire 260 Stout st. 7-ROOM modern house, corner 13th and East Davis. Apply 564 East Davis st. TWO modern 5 and 6-room cottages, $18, $22. close In, Apply 487 East Couch. $20 6-room cottage. 370 East 34th st. Call today 2 to 5, or L 659, Oregonian. TWO rooms, completely furnished for house keeping; private family. 210 14th. FOR RENT 6-room cottage at 530 Over ton, near 16th St.; $14 per month. MODERN 6-room house, one block .from car, East Side, $25. Phone Main 372. t-raLBti . p 1 LASK Pulf.T JOHN JL I-:K, Vio. PimT O. I. rGRRII. mmc Tma. H. i n rA.i u. c. "i. wntoST, Feb. 21, 1908. Morning Oregonian, t City. Gentlemen: As a result of last Sunday s advertising in The Oregonian we had numerous inquiries, as we always do. One particular ad, a two line classified, on a Portland Heights cottage brought a purchaser the first thing Monday morning. Another a small new today ad, on a couple of houses in South Portland brought a pur chaser before noon. A week or so ago we kept count of the calls as a result of a small classified ad on Vancouver acreage and we had 37 inquiries before the printer's ink had been dry twenty-four hours. We find good immediate results from adver tising in The Oregonian. It is sometimes surprising the number of inquiries that we receive from all parts of the Northwest and sometimes from Eastern cities and often long after the prop erty advertised has been sold. . ' Yours very truly, Columbia Trust Company, FOR RENT. Rouses. 88 N. 20th 7-room house, nicely tinted; hath, gas, electricity; good basement; only 25. - 292 N. 20th 5-room, comfortable house, $20. 421 HaLsey st.. Holladay Addition, $6. room modern house, nearly new; only $2o. 227 Skidmore 7-room modern house, reasonable at Z25. IO E. 15th 7 rooms, walking distance, a modern house, for $22.50. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. A rooms, 475 Holladay. $45. 6 rooms, 700 Irving. $27.50. 5 rooms. 700 Irving. $25. 7 rooms, 447 E. 12th N., $20. 10 rooms, 660 Hoyt. $50. 6 rooms. 203 Union ave. N., $26. 7 rooms, 807 Wasco; $23. 5 rooms, 526 Market St.. $15. 6 rooms, 3 77 Sherman. $17. 8 rooms. 301 17th. $20. PARRISH. WATKINS & CO., 250 Alder St. FOR RENT. 10-room modern house. 12th and Mar ket, $60. 8-room modern house. 822 Commercial st.. $25. 10-room house Montavilla, $16. 5-room house. Union ave., $12. 4- room cottage. Brown st., $10. 5- room house, Woodlawn, $11. OTTO & HARKSON. 133 First St. WHEN YOU MOVES you alway need SOME furniture BUY AT NO-RENT PRICES; the savings will exceed cost of moving. WE OWN OUR OWN BUILDING; Occupy one-half, collect rent on balance. MORGAN-ATCH LEY FURNITURE CO.. Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone East 2929. FOR RENT BY THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO. Nice new 6-room cottage, 461 B. Couch, $20. Neat 5-room cottage, 465 E. Couch, $15. Beautiful 7-room Queen Anne cottage, 1170 Patton ave., near Klllingsworth, $18. 248 Alder st. FOR RENT A desirable modern 12-room house, S. W. cor. 22d ana tverton sis.; excellent location for rooming or board ing house; within 1 block of 2 carlines; rent moderate; an excellent opportunity. A. H. BIRRELL, 202 McKay Bldg. VACANT HOUSE FOR RENT. One of the best arranged houses in the city; all newly painted and tinted ; ex ceptionally well arranged for boarding house; beautiful large dining-room; fine location. Will lease to responsible party. Address C 611. Oregonian. 8-ROOM house, 748 E. Taylor. $27.50. H-room house, tz ti. i"ayior, 6-rom house, 128 Grand ave. N., $17. 5-room flat, 6S5H Belmont, $7. F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock bldg. 7-ROOM residence, strictly modern In every particular; beautiful wood, finish, varnished floors. 403 Hancock st.. near Grand ave. Inquire 399 Hancock. Phone East 1685. FIVE-room, clean cottage, gas, $15; another, furnished. $26; new lower flat, furnished, $20. Apply 304 North 26th. 23d-st. cars to 26th, turn south half block. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, East Morrison st.. close in; cheap rent. McKinley Mitchell. 202 Stark st. phone Main 2131; home phone A 2131. TO RENT $8; house, garden, fruit; Lower Portland Heights; employment for tenant and wife. Phone Main 4159. 616 Market street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished Nob Hill resi dence; easy walking distance; near carlines. Phone Main 8380 for terms and Information. LARGEST list cf houses and fiats in the ,clty. Arthur S. Draper & Co., 343 Wash ington St., rooms 6 and 6, cor. 7th. 5-ROOM house for rent In Center Addition, $10 per month: will sell same on easy payments, phone East 4088. TWO 5-room modern upper flats for rent. Call 369 N. 23d. near Thurman. COTTAGE 6 rooms, modern, fine view, Port land Heights. Phone Main 7759. FOR RENT 6-room modern house, $15. Near Union ave., at 395 Manliattan. 6-RXM house for ren t . furniture for sale. Call afternoons, 188 Park at. 6-ROOM house with yard, $16; no small children. Phono Sellwood 6- 6-ROOM house, 445 Davis st., near 9th. Phone Pac 1203 12 or 6 o'clock.- 27-ROOM house. 3306 Hawthorne ave.. In quire 351 East Clay st. 5-ROOM cottage for rent. Call 369 N. 23d st., near Thurman. GOOD 6-room house for $10. Portland Homes Co., 204 Morrison st. FOR RENT Fine modern 5-room house. Call 749 Mississippi ave. 7-ROOM house, 616 Quimby st. Inquire at 534 Johnson st. FOR RENT 7-room house; gas, bath. 994 East Taylor st. FOR RENT 3-room cottage at 1072 East 25th st. N. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, 269 Sherman st. $14 a month. Furnished Houses. FOR 3 months, completely furnished 7-room house, 24th st., West Side. 1. 650, Ore gonian. MODERN 6-room houee, nicely furnished, on East 18th st. Phone Bast 623, forenoons. NEWLY furnished modern 3-room flat, lower floor. 246 7th, near Main. Call after 10. MODERN cottage, furnished or unfurnished, 7OxlO0 feet. 1016 Williams ave. COMPLETELY furnished house for rent. 208 E. 28th. Take Ankeny car. 35 9-room furnished house on Portland Heights. Phone East 1475. FOR RENT. Furnished Houses. ELEGANTLY AND COMPLETELY FUR NISHED 8-room house, strictly modern; ' hardwood floors, furnace heat, large fire place and every convenience; swell neigh borhood; very reasonable to reliable party. Southeast corner East 19th and Haw thorne ave. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 8-room house; strictly modern In every respect; almost new; rplendld neighborhood; references required. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH, 508-509 Swetland Bldg. WILL rent my strictly modern 9-room house, with every convenience; completely fur nished for housekeeping, for a term of 2 years, to reliable party, very reasonable. North East Portland. Address G 649, Ore gonian. DESIRABLE furnished, modern, new 6-room house, 2 blocks from Unlon-ave. carline, $35, or will sell furniture for half price;, only used 6 months. Owner leaving city. loo9 ID. 6th et.. North. FIVE-room cottage, well furnished, gas, $26. Four-room, new, lower flat, gas, $20. Part of cottage, two rooms, $13 month. Apply 364 North 26th, 23d-sU cars to 26th, turn eouth half block. ELEGANTLY furnlfihed fiat of 5 larse, lljrht rooms, basement and yard; strictly mod ern, very central; also an unfurnished flat. Inquire 300 5tn. J2 Half acre, all bearing orchard, and 9-room nicely furnished house, barn: su burbs. Globe Realty, 221 fa Morrison st. 6-ROOM furnished house, 471 East Harrison, bet. 8th and 9th. Call at 473 E. Harrison until 2 o clock. Phone seiiwooa ow. 6-ROOM, well furnished apartment, choice lo cation. West Side, walking distance, rea sonable. Call Main 2219. DESIRABLES modern 8-room house, fur nished; walking distance. Nob Hill, inquire forenoons, 736 Irving. COMPLETELY furnished new, modern, 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace. Phone Monday East 5917. FURNISHED house, fine view, good neigh borhood. West Side, reasonable. Inquire 21 Mulkey bldg. NEW furnished corner cottage, East 17th and Washington ; gas range and water heater. Pac. 932. FURNISHED cottage, 5 rooms, bath, gas. good location; rent $20. including water. 328 Fremont st. FURNISHED flat, 8 front rooms; bath, gas stove. 014 East 21st. Richmond or Wood stock car. NEATLY furnished 5-room cottage, modern. Phone East 3931. 739 Rodney ave. Take U car. NICELY furnished flat, 8 rooms, (modern). No. Ill North 21st st. 4-ROOM furnished cottage. Phone Main 6801. 206 Arthur st. Houses for Kent Furniture for Sale. NEW furniture of swell flat for sale, fiat for rent If desired: fully worth $350; will eell at a bargain; everything complete; worth in vestigating; fine location; no better bar gain found In city. Mrs. W. M. Eddy, 390 Clay St., fiat 3. FOR SALE Furniture of 7 rooms, nicely furnished rooms centrally located ; four rooms rented; a bargain If taken at once. I hnone f acinc o, nuillD HOUSE. 9 rooms, for rent, furniture for sale: reasonable, with lease, 3 blocks from Portland Hotel; suitable for roomers. Phone Main 7033. 252 7th st. FURNITURE 4-room flat and standard upright piano; w ill sell separate; rare - bargain. Suite 24. Columbian Apart ments, 11th and Columbia. 7-ROOM modern flat, extra fine furniture, velvet and Axmlnster carpets. Morrison st.. $500. Hatfield & Smith. 165 4th st. FURNITURE of 8-room house for sale, house for rent, good bargain, and cheup rent. No 12 N. 11th, near Washington. FURNITURE for sale. $350, 6-room house for rent. $22. Call between 1 and 5 o'clock, 375 East 6th and Harrison. 6-ROOM cottage. 428 13th, $15 per month; furniture for sale. Call Sunday afternoon or write C 600, Oregonian. $225 Gttod furniture, 7 rooms, close In. on car line: modern house, good neighbor hood. 526 Kearney. FOR SALE Furniture of 9-room flat, best buy in city: central. E. Reid Co- 610 Oregonian bldg. HOUSE of 7 rooms for rent and part of fur niture for sale. Call at 406 Irvlngton or tel. Pacific 339. NEW 7-room flat for rent and new furniture for sale; $275 cash, balance terms. 351 6th st. A3853. FURNITURE of 6-room flat, bargain, people leaving city; fine location. Phoe A49SU or M 5612. DESIRABLE 7-room house for rent, furniture of two rooms for sale. 187 Chapman, near Yamhill. 5-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale cheap. 33 N- 19th, one block from Wash ington. FURNITURE of three-room apartment, used two months, apartment for rent. Harrison Court. MODERN steam-heated flat for rent and some furniture for sale Flat 4, 490 MorrLson. NINE rooms, all or part of furniture; rent $30. central. Phone Pacific 2853. 5-ROOM cottage for rent, furniture for sale. .508 Northrup fit. Phone Main 4639. MODERN 5-room flat, West Side, central, rooms pay all rent. 267 Clay st. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale, at 110 12th, near Washington. ELEGANT furniture of 6-room fiat very cheap. 429 Clay at. it KICK, IMR7I.An-Tlll-U-ia Cue Hum. AMTOHU-AaTCfiu Savim, ButR Du Secretary. FOR RENT. Houses for Rent Furniture for SaI. $300 10 roome, close in. $700 fu cash, new swell flat, cost $1000, near Portland Hotel. $8CH 12 rooms, modern. Wash. St., clear ing $100. $75o 33 rooms, cloee In; rent $50; others all prices; largest list In city. $150 6-room furniture. THE COAST REALTY CO., 226 Morrison st. COMPLETE furnishings for housekeeping of Ave all light room flat, offered at $375; this includes gas, electric light. Call any time today or after 7 P. M. during we"k; r-nt reasonable, location particularly de sirable. 344 Columbia, between 7th and Park. ONE of the finest houses on Nob Hill: 12 rooms, beautiful home and surroundings; furniture new and good ; will sell chap. rent very moderate. Phone Main "2751. FURNITURE of a 6-room modern home, cheap rent, worth $600, for $150. Phone Facttic 956. Stores. A LARGE light store, central, on 3d st., vacant in about a month. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak. FOR RENT Very desirable store, cor. 6th and Oak sts., opposite Wrells-Fargo bldg. ; reasonable rent to desirable tenant. A. H. BIRRELL. 20 McKay B4dg.. 3d and Stark. 5000 square feet warehouse space In new brick building. Central location. For lease and rates aiply PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak. A CORNER store, 50x50, well established as a grocery in North Portland; rent reason able. Inquire of Wakefield, Fries &. Co., 229 Stark. STORE. 20x50, brick, on 3d St., good busi ness location, close in; rent only $30. El lis, York & Co., room 20 and 21, 264 Mor rison st. FIND large store In brick building, 1st st., 50 feet south of Columbia, fine basement, fixtures if desired. E. J. Daly, 222 Failing bldg. FINE-LOCATED bootblack stand or cigar store In prominent building. Harry B. Wag oner Co., Chamber Commerce. STORE for wholesale business, well located; five years' lease to responsible parties. A 667, Oregonian. TWO fine store rooms, each 23x94, nw build ing, good location, long lease. 409 Swetland- bldg. STORE, 291 Stark, bet. 4th and 5th, after March 1st. Apply Donald Woodward, 104 2d. STORE and basement, 68 1st, between Pine and Oak; ail or part; lease. Main S24o. 130 13th. bet. Wash, and Alder. Sheehy Bros. 282 Yamhill. Phone Main 3072. STORE on Yamhill, between 4 and 5. Call Bay City Market, cor. 4th and Yamhill. 342 FRONT Store 25x40. brick; fixtures and two rooms; rent $15. Main 5864. STORE for rent. 2S2 2d st.. $20. Parrlsh, Watklns & Co.. 230 Alder st. Offices. A SUITE of large light offices In stone fireproof building; heat, light, vaults and janitor service, on prominent corner. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak. SINGLE OR EN SUITE. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. MODERN, CENTRAL. REASONABLE. "MILNER BLDG.,' 330 & MORRISON ST. BUCHANAN. Bldg., Wash. st.. bet. 4th and 5th sts. A few very desirable offices at reasonable rates. PORTLAND TRUS CO. OF OREGON, S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak. CORNER offices, 6th and Morrison, for rent, third floor, Stearns bldg.; low rent, promi nent location; also front office Corbett bldg. Apply 617 Corbett bldg. OFFICES to rent in the Worcester and Hamil ton bulidlnga at moderate rate. Apply to Robert Strong. 314 Worcester bldg. RALEIGH building; fine suite fronting on Washington et. ; lipht, heat, elevator. Jani tor. Apply room 32. FOR RENT Very desirable offices In the Alnnworth bldg. Apply at The United States National Rank. , FI N B offices and desk room ; best location. Room 315 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash ington. GROUND floor real estate office. 91 5th. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT Brand new Underwood type writer. 291 North 16th st. PERSONAL. MRS. H. was In Knolles last week with lady friend; answer important. D 640, lregonian. C. E- W. WEALTHY California gentleman 40. would marry. Confidential. W. Y., Box 35, Corr. League, Toledo. O. TRY a birch treatment, also vibratory and electric treatments. Mrs. Tuttle, 206 Alisky bldg.. 2d floor. LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum, graduate; advice free. 170& 3d st. Main 7154. MADAM BRUCE, electrical massage and scalp treatment. 2604 7th st. phone A 3504. EDITH Letter received too late. Will you jnake another arrangement? K 621. Ore gonian. DRS. ATWOOD; private hospital; maternity cases; good care; terms right. Ad. AltBky b. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 330 Fliedner bldg. pac 133 PILES CURED without operation by a well established physician. Box 270, city. PERSONAL. PERSONAL Weak men New Invention in stantly rt-tores sexual health and strength. Easily adjusted. Immediate effect, no drugs. :bfoluteIy no danger. Your physician will endorse it. Full information sent In plain, sealed envelope on request. Write today. The Gnttschall Co., (Dept. 96), 04 Mohawk m . Buffalo, X. Y. SUITS pressed while you watt, 50c. To vis itors of Portland hotels and to nublic at large: Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the tailor's. 106 & 6th St., next to Quelle. La dles skirts pressed. 30c. Featners and boas cleaned and curled. Phone Paclhc. 2088. TEE & K. YORK, international Chinese doctors, graduates Canton Medical College; specialists In all diseases of heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, stomach and brain, both male and female; information free. 224 1st st. SPOKANE Artificial Limb House 18 years' successful experience; legs, arms, trusses, . braces, arches for flat feet made and re paired; manufacturers for the United States government and Northern Pacific Railway Co. Sherwood lildg., Spokane, Wash. YOU can prevent or cure la grippe by taking fcexine Pills for any rorm or weakness; i a box, a boxes guaranteed. Address or call the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co., 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland. Or. BREATHE through your nostrils; get a pair of patented Hawthorn nasal linings and be shown how ; sent postpaid for $1. HAWTHORN APPLIANCE CO., Main 48 18. Portland. Or. LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichester's Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chichester's Diamond Brand Pills. Sold by druggists everywhere. SEXINE PILLS prevent la grippe, or restore you if you have it; $1 a box, 6 for $5. guaranteed for all weakness. Address or call the J. A. Clemenson Drug Co., 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland, Or. A MIDDLE-AGED gentleman with steady income wishes the acquaintance of unin cumbered lady of means, age 35 to 45 years; references given and required. Ad dress G 367. Oregonian. YOU can make $HrtX into $2000 In twelve months; security absolutely safe. I am In a position to know. For appointment, write Sidney Gordon, 432 Lumber Ex change, Portland. HANDSOME young lady, worth $25,000, wants acquaintance of honorable gentle man; early marriage; no objection to poor man if honest. Address Mrs. W., U07 Fulton st., Chicago. GENTLEMAN of means, 28, Catholic, wishes to correspond with a lady of some means or a home; object partnership, matrimony ir suitea; connuentiai; no meddlers. Address X 647. Oregonian. MIDDLE AGED business man of means wishes acquaintance of reliable lady iot means); all letters answered; object early marriage; (confidential). Address K 661, Oregonian. PERSONS of marriageable age, either sex. desiring acquaintance, correspondence or companion, send 10c for circular. Port land Introducing Bureau, room 3, 181 & lHt st. EDUCATED widow, 45 years, good person ality, wishes to meet gentleman of means; one capable of providing a home. Object matrimony. No triners. S 656. Orego nian. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes: $1 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, but tons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark. WOULD you marry If suited ? Matrlmonal paper containing advertisements marriage able people, many rich, from all sections, mailed sealed free. O. M. Gunnels, Toledo, O. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE, Heleingfors graduate; hand rubbing, steam, sweat, tub baths for rheumatism, nervous and stomach troubles. 7 E. 11 tU. Phones East 260 B1803. ABOUT YOUR HAIR. The Star Hair Remedy restores color to gray hair; stops falling; cures dand ruff. PARIS HAIR STORE, 308 Wash. st. DOUBLE your strength In three months. A practical system of physical culture. And the Art of Weight-lifting, 50c. J. "W. Brook. Box 6S9, Salt Lake City, Utah. MARRY The best plan on earth; every lady that registers with us must furnish a photc of here If. Pilot, with particulars free. Address the Pilot, Dept. 107, Marshall. Mich. MARRIAGE paper; sent 25 cents for big li.t of names: ladies can Join free; gents 25 cents: send description. Address C. M. Fowler, 312 3d eU, Portland, Or. DON'T be lonesome; send 10 cents for March Matrimonial Register. Join Interstate In troducing Society. Many wealthy members recently enrolled. Box 2il, beattie. FRECKLES, moles, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed ; also filling of face and shoulders. Mrs. F. G. Batcheller, 431 Fliedner Bldg. Phone M- 5336.. CONFIDENTIAL Correspondence Club. for honest, sober single people, fully of age. Call or address Mrs. H. C. Wilbur, 406 3d st., near Harrison. S car. BEAUTIFUL young lady, very wealthy, de sires earlv marr iage; no objection to work ing man. Give age. etc. S. Club. 351 Park Ave.. Chicago. LADIEti Everyone buying bottle of Madam La Gay's face bleach will be given the for mula for making same. 210 uiliord bldg.. 10th and Morrison. GERMAN. French. Spanish and other For elgn Dictionaries, Text Books and Litera ture (Uerman dooks a specialty, a. w. Schmale Co., 229 First st. LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor ens Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25c a box. Write or call at Eyssel s Pharmacy. 227 Morrl son st., bet. 1st and 2d. LADIES Dr. Sanderson's Savin and cotton root pills; only safe and sure remedy for delayed periods; - per dox, or t ior aa. Dr. Pierce, 181H 1st st. DR. T. J. PIERCE cures all nervous and private diseases of men quicker and cneaper man otners. .au or write. ji lice 181 First st. MAR RIAGE paper ; highest character: In coriRjruted; 12th year; 4ooo members; paper sealed; send luc. it. x xove, Dox IUOO, Denver Col. Mme. Courtwrlght, skin and scalp treat ments: facial deformities corrected; nlas tic surgery. 225 Fliedner bldg. M. 6042, A2069. MARRY Wealth and beauty; marriage dl rectory free; pay when married, new plan. H. A. liurton. Dept. 81, Tekonsr.a, Alien, MRS. OBROCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow, alcohol rub, cream massage; references. 2N2H Park. Main 2403, A2734. LIQUOR, drug and tobacco addictions cured by reputable physician. For appointment address m ova, oregonian. WANTED To meet honorable ladles and gentlemen of rcsponnible age; object mat rimony. S 59, Oregonian. PROFB-JSOR GRIFFITH, l uman scientist, re moved office to I06 North 3d st. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 626 E. Belmont. Phone E 4034. LADIES' BARBER SHOP Manicuring, facial massage. 54 4th st. ROOMING-HOUSE OPPORTUNITIES. Arnold & Co., Main 7311. 351 Morrison it. Coast Realty Co.. Main 1568. 226 4 Morrison. Crown Business Exchange. 38 Raleigh bldg. Devlin & Flrebaugh. 508-9 Swetland bide DleUs-Mueller Co., 417-18 Corbett bldg. Ellis, York & Co., room 21, 264 Morrison st. International Invest. Co., 309 Macleay bldg. O'Toole, Chas. J.. 718 Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS CHANCES. LAUNDRY FOR SALE One of the best prOpOBllIOlia 1 " UIIIJ MUV town of 0000 people; only reason for se ing is poor health of proprietor, wl WISHES W ITlloiifr" vin J10Ul ID modern one with electric motor power Address uine.v c ai nm, nauupomt, ida WANTED Partner with $1000, man from 22 to 30 prererreu; a-i opportunity. X 660, Oregonian. WANTID Man with smalt ' capital to work in office and show property. A 620, Oregonian. FOR autr-k sale, restaurant 6n Morrison st. $300 cash; long lease, p. O. box 232, city. FOR SALE or trade, a general merchandise business. What have you? L 631, Oregonian. WILL show fortune to right party with $5w ; let me prove it. l. 606, Oregonian WANTED Hotel ; give number of rooms. price, etc. u 660, oregonian. S ROOMS of good furniture, near Courthouse, BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS, DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 417 and 418 Corbett Bldg. "Below aro some exceptionally good b'iy and It will pay you to investigate them, before doing anything. BIG BARGAIN. 62 rooms, new modern bldg., nicely fur nished, strain heat, hot and cold water in a II rooms, good ground-floor office, cheap rant and long lease, don't fail to see this, for it Is a snap; price $6500. ALWAYS GOOD. It 6 rooms, modern brick, elegantly fur nished, steam heat, hot and cold wnter in every room; private baths. Ing le and the best of all. big money-maker; price $4700. SURE WINNER. 32 rooms, brick, finely furnished, good location, good long lease, very low rent, clears about $175 per month : can be handled on easv terms; price $3000. NEW APARTMENT-HOUSE. 3S rooms, ail tn two and three-room apartments, newly furnished, rent $2"0 p-r month. 3-year lease, clears above ail expenses. $12.". per month and nothing to do; price $4H)0; $25410 cash. REAL GOOD BUY. 18 rooms, all on one floor, rent $lt0 T-'er month ; extra well furntshrd. good lnse. very central location; this a splendid buv; price $:t250. DI ETZ-M L'ELLER CO.. 417 and 418 Corbett Kldz. Main J 56. NEW, MODERN AND PAYING 60- room hotel ; up-to-date, steam heat, hot and cold wateT In every room, furnished few months ago with velvet and H. R. carpets, all Iron beds, fine grade balding and furniture; was a winner from ptart and getting better every day ; clearing now $Ct50 above all xpenses; best 5-year lease in the city. Call for particulars. ELLIS. YORK & CO., Rooms 20 and 21, 204 Morrison st. GENERAL MERCHANDISE A fine stock of gnta furnishing good, dry goods, shoes, ladies wear; rent $20.30; good location, fine town. 30tK) people; i booming: profit 30 to 2 00 per cent; sell t invoice; freight not added, which means a profit of 6 per cent. Particulars 204 Mohawk bldg. MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corporation manufacturing household necessity desires Oregon manager; demonstration In lead ing department stores; office furnished : three years' contract; salary $2100 and commissions; good opening for man of character and ability. Address Manager, 707 Snowfiake bldg.. Toledo. O. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS CHANCES. The A mes Mercantile A gency i estab lished 1895) furnishes free information oa opportunities in mercantile jor manufac turing: lines, eitv or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 204-205 Abington Bldg. PATENT secured or fee returned. I11u trated guide book and list of Inventions wanted free to any address. Patent se cured by us advertised free In World Progress. Sample copy free. Evans, WU klns & Co.. Washington. D. C. RESTAURANT, fully equipped; splendid lo cation; growing business; will sell cheap, all or half; have other business; best op portunity In city; little money required. What have you to trade? This is a snap. Call 150 North 6th st. DO YOU need capital, extend or start btisl- ness? ir so, write me before arranging elf w here; exceptional facilities placing stocks1, bonds quickly. Everett Dufour. corporation attorney, Le Droit bldg.. Washington, D. C FOR SALE Or will exchange for Income prop erty an 1c? and co:d storjie plant; modern brick building; fine location, in best city in Idaho; an excellent opening for right party. Address O. K V 625, Oregonian. IT would pay you to Investigate our property in tne Seven Devils country, ine stock is now selling at loc and will undoubtedly be worth $10 in a very short time. The Fidelity Copper Co., 6o7 Couch bldg. A3213. STEADY partner wanted for light manu facturing, owner will teach you the wot c and pay active man $Imi a month salai f besides big profits, money required 4 cured. Call 24Sij stark st. FOR SALE DrugMore; a fine business in good town ; will invoice about $miO; ntock new; any one wishing a drugstore should write at once.' Address V 627, Care Ore gonian. $100 FOR Interest In a suburban real es tate onu-e; nvtng room ao joining, rurnisntu complete; rent free; a snap. STATE LAND CO.. 1334 1st St. 3O0O SHARKS Almeda Consolidated Mines Co, stock for sale at attractive price if taken at once. The L. Y". Keady Investment Co., 337-339 Chamber of Commerce. RELIABLE real estate man will take honest young man as partner and teach him the business ; little money required for In terest. Call today, 83 5th st. BAKERY A good paying cash business In town of 22K population, living rooms In con nection ; good payrolls; a snap If taken by March 1. P 02'.', Oregonian. STRICTLY' cash grocery; you will nay all expenses and save $150 every month; will . refer you to bank or wholesale house. Particulars 248Va Stark st. WANTED Active and reliable party to man age llsht manufacturing plant; will guar antee $150 per month. If you m -an busi ness call 30O Larrabee St. FOR SALE Dairy. 18 cows, 4 horses and route and all equipments to run same. Ap ply Wm. Shelley, corner Villa ave. and Meridian st., Montavilla. FOR SALE or exchange, by ownr. stoc-lc of groceries and fixtures; Invoice about $2800; will pay or take difference In, cash. 232 Larrabee st. FOR SALE Grocery In one of the best locations on East Side, doing good busi ness : stand strict Investigation. Address 8 620, Oregonian. FOR SALE Saloon doing $30 per day; cen tral location; owner going away; will take part money, balance In payments. Phone Main 4050. WILL sell at a bargain a good paying ani located restaurant In business part of city; must sell on account of sickness. 573 Irving Main 8353. $200 STOCK In old-establiehed business la Portland ; dividends guaranteed; fine invest ment; must sell ; no agents. V 624, Ore gonian. W E have a cl lent who wan t s a hardwa re business; can invest from $2.VK) to $6oo. , The Ames Mercantile Agency, Abington bldg. CONFECTIONERY, ice cream parlor, cigars and tobacco, stationery and school supplies. home bakery, news stand. Call lol3 Bel mont. FOR SALE St. John, Or., confectionery. ice-cream, and postal shop lease ; best location. Magoon. Phone Woodlawn 1206. $230 BUYS half interest In cash busings; I 1'rolits $150 per month each. Call today. 402 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. BUILDING furnished, for groceries or general merchandise, in country town; rent $12.5J month. 1729 Trade St., Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE Morning, Mammoth or any other good, safe mining stocks. F. P. Brutk. Phone Main 3617. 711 Dekum bldg. SNAP 2-chair barber phop; business and lo cation excellent. Multnomah Investment & Realty Co., 3861 Wash., office 13. FOR SALFJ Established retail grocery busi ness In this city; excellent opening; for full particulars address P 650. Oregonian. WANTED To buy rooming-house, 14 10 16 rooms, central location. Full particu lars. Address E 622. Oregonian. I WISH to buy stock of the Mammoth mine and Morning mine; quote price and number of shares. M 631, care On-gonian. BUSINESS paylnsT $350 month; no rent for the next pix month: owner leaving town. Call at 287 Salmon. No agents. GROCER If you want to make best buy in. city this week, investigate; cash trade; no delivery. 105j North 6th. MUST be soil M-mday; cigar and confectionery stand. Washington st.. doing from $8 to $16 day, $235. Call 85 5th. FREE RENT until business i established; location for grocery and cooked goods store. X 624 Oregonian. WANTED Location for general store, coun try: state particulars. E. S. Garner, Ch-s-halls. Wash. OYSTER and choo-house for sale very cheap; inquire 421, 11th and Washing-ton, cigar standi WANT a few Tacoma and Omaha Telephone bonds. State amount and rice. D 626, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted for wish business; will make $150 a month; $175 required. 5 5th st. FOR SALE Cigars and fruit rtand. making money; good business. 528 Washington st. FOR SALE California new market, making between $30 and $40 a day. 651 1st st. IF you are looking for a business or profesrt sional location, investigate. Gervaus. Or.