The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 23, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 21

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TTOTJ can earn from f2000 to 10.000 a year
and your expenses u a traveling salesman.
We will teach you to be one In 8 weeks by
mail and guarantee you a position with a
reliable firm. No former experience re
quired. Salesmanship Is the highest paid of
all professions. Hundreds of .talla for our
yruduates. AoVlress Dept. Ki, National
Salesman's Training Ass'n, oftlces Chicago,
Minneapolis, Minn., or Kansas City,
Mo. Write nearest oilice and mention paper.
TWO THOUSAND workmen for placer
mines, Fairbanks. Alaska. $3 per day,
I lionrd and Jodslnir. I'ick and shovel men
only. Expense getting there from Seat
tle about $ui. Call Mineownars' Asso
ciation, 65 Maynard bide., Seattle.
BftlOHT younir woman or practical nurse un
der So to train, aix to twelve months; sal
ary up to $12 per week goes on while train
ing In your city. American Training School
Sures. 131 Crllly bldg., Chicago.
AN E.N'liKGKTIC. mature woman for our
sales department; must have education
and pleasing personality; good Income to
right party; some knowledge of music re
quired. P 012, Oregonlan.
LAUIKS make money selling guaranteed
silks direct from looms. Cut any length.
One-third saved. Express prepaid. Write
for Information. LENOX SILK. WOKKS.
Brunswick offices. N. Y.
W'ANTBD Five ladies to take practical con
versational course In Spanish language, by
expert Custlllian teacher, under very mod
erate terms. 405 Commonwealth bldg.. uttt
and Ankeny sts.
WANTED Ladies to make aprons, $3-fJ0
dozen; no cost to get Job; materials sent
prepaid. Inclose stamped addressed enve
lope. Home Apron & Dress Co., Loa A
goles, Cal.
WANTED Toung ladies to take combined
course, stenography and shorthand; some
thing new; only profession for ladles not
overcrowded. Oregon College, 5ta and
12 PKR DAY paid one lady in each town to
distribute circulars and take orders for con
centrated flavoring in tubes: permanent
business. J. S. Ziegler & Co.. Chicago.
WMtv earn 14 dally Belling article that
every woman needs and buy at sight; ex
perience unnecessary. Particulars free. Ve
nus Mfg. Co., M State St., Chicago.
I.ADY SBWERiS Make sanitary belts at
home, material furnished, $15 per hundrM.
1'articularH stamped envelope. Dept. 347,
Dearborn Specialty Co.. Chicago.
WANTED Girl or woman to care for two
email children; good home; good wages;
references required. Call at 1102 Center
St., Oregon City, Or.
WANTKD 3 thoroughly experienced sten
ographers to learn the comptometer. Apply
at 5 P. M. Monday or Tuesday, at 4 Id
Wells Fargo bldg.
LADIES, make sanitary bells, material cut
ready to aew. $15 per hundred. Particulars
stamped envelope. Hyglenlo Novelty Co.,
Dept. 142. Chicago.
WANTED An experienced cloak and suit
saleslady. Good salary to right party. Ap
ply with references. The Leader. Bell
Ingham, Wash.
WAITKK1HSES. city, mineral springs: cooks,
washers, family, chamber help; Japanese
waiter. Telephone. Drake, 2UG Wash
ington. VLMII'B school of millinery, a thorough
course or millinery taught In six weeks;
terms reasonable. 362 Washington st.
Itoom 2.
THE inventor of the latest dress system,
from New York, wants two ladies open
school dress cutting. Address X 669, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Two experienced millinery sales
ladies. Must be first class. Apply with
references. The Leader, Bellingham,
.WANTED A girl to assist with care of
baby and light housework. Address 205
Monroe, city. Phone Woodlawn 1304.
WANTED Thoroughly competent girl for
general housework: must be good cook;
small family; good wages. Phone East 4729.
WANTED A flrst-clHss fitter and manager
for alteration department; must understand
tho business. Address W 631, Oregonlan.
MAN and wife to cook for logging camp, 20
men; man must be able to milk; $40 and
board. Phone L. B. Purdy. Gaston, Or.
Vt ANTED A competent girl for second
work and assist In taking care of a baby
S years old. Inquire 0S Everett st-
W ANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 009 Roth
chlld bldg.. 4tu and Washington.
REPINED amateurs wanted by people hav
ing theater. Apply Burkhardt Theater,
rnlon ave. and East Burnslde.
WANTED Competent millinery trimmers
makers and machine operators. Apply
Lowengart A Co., 02 Front St.
Washington St., Corner Tth. upstairs.
Phone Main 2692.
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, nurses, waitresses,
?r''nl Klrls. St. Louis Ladies' Agency,
"'73 iihmi. main u4ld.
LADIES to copy letters at home; spare time
good pay; cash weekly; reliable; send stamp,
.eck Co., Morrietown, N. Y.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
good wages. N. W. cor. East 14th and"
fwhuyler. Phone East U27.
WANTED Apprentices for FTenoh private
millinery. Room 20M Tllford bldg. Phone
Main I131IS. Madam Bodie.
WANTED Girl to assist with housework:
must be neat. 4.'.4 Orecon at., cor. E. Tth.
Phones East 3744, C153U.
WA.NTBU For adoption, an Infant, very
??u,"Br.U,,er nne family. Telephone
Main 4161 or Ar807.
TOl'NG lady as clerk in candy dept. Call
Monday after 2 P. M. Swetland's, 273
Morrison St.
LADIES $1 every day at home; stamped
envelops for particulars. Ladles' Aid, Dur
ham, Conn.
GIRL for general housework; jroali family;
good wages. Phone C1327 or 6iS Broadway,
Irvlngton. J
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework. Call at 7U1 Tillamook St..
LADIES' tailor: steady work best in
loRtOB 8Unday' K" t0 Wish"
GIRL, for general housework. Phone East
i!tree0t! PPly m0rnina aU 86 Multnomah
GOOJ woman cook In private boarding-bouse
good place for right party. 251 7th st.
GIRL for housework, wages $15 or $20 816
Johnson st., call forenouns if aossible.
NEAT, capable second girl for small boarding-house;
wages $18. g$7 12th at.
GOOD girl In ?mall family; murt be rood
cook; no upstairs work. Tabor 107.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid. New Occi
dental Hotel. 1st and Morrison st.
GIRL for housework; two In family. Call at
1 12 Kast Taylor st., corner E. 'lint.
TKACHKR with first-grade certificate, $00
a month, phone Woodlawn HIS.
"WANTKD A girl to go to country. Apply
7t Park ave., next to City Park.
GIRL to assist In care of children. Call 457
12. Kith et. North. Irvlngton car.
WANTED A good cook; small family refer-ence-s
required. 712 Lovejoy at.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 181
Eiist 10th. Phcne East 1303.
EAST SS1DB Female Emplovment Office.
1:124; Grand ave. Eat 1055.
WANTED Maker and apprentice. La Mode
M i II lnery. 340 & Morrison at.
ANTED A good plain German or Swiss
cook. Apply at 434 Main St..
WANTED A woman of some experience for
pantry work in Hill Hotel.
WANTED Girl for general housework 181
E lGth. Phone East 1503.
ASSISTANT wanted In dental office. Union
Dentists. 221 i Morrison.
WANTED Chambermaid and to assist In
dining-room. 7a Ruasell st.
APPRENTICE girl wanted at Miss E. Wolsie
fer's Millinery", I 7th st.
WANTED Experienced chambermaids. Hotel
Uclvedere. 4.h and Alder.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply IIO North 22d st.
FIRRT-CLA hairdresser and manicurist.
Call 405 Fliedner bldg.
3 waitresses, same country hotel, $25,
fares paid; 1 South Bend, $25; 1 Condon,
$26; 1 Springs, $25; 3 city, $20; country
boarding-house cook, $40; 2 city, $40 and
$15; 3 family cooks, $35; 3 on sheep ranches,
$25; 2 second glrte, $25; nurse, $25; house
girls and girls to assist, $15 to $35; others.
Girl for candy store, $10 a week.
34;i Wash. St., cor. 7th, upstair.
WANTED Ladies to earn $25 weekly and
over by becoming expert milliners; our cor
respondence course Is simple but thorough;
earn while learning ; graduates placed In
big paying positions or fitted to open their
own -stores; send ir.r full information, Pat
erfon School of Millinery Design, suite 278-6
Madison St., Chicago.
Applicants for all kimls of work regis
ter with us. tree of charge, so we may
locate you on short notice.
S43fr Washington St.. Comer 7th. upstairs.
WANTED A good girl for general house
work. Call 330 Park.
WANTED 5tf6 Everett st., a girl to assist
In general housework.
G1HL or middle-aged woman to assist In care
of baby. 180 1st st.
WANTED An experienced cook. Apply 604
Davis, cor. 17th.
WANT Finisher and coat maker.
Fliedner bldg.
WANTKD Men and women to start A PAN
1TORIUM in every town In the Northwest;
EASY MONEY; no capital required; WRITE
today; send stamped envelope for particu
lars. Panltorlum System Spokane, Wash.
P. O. Box 1178.
WHY go to work when we can guarantee
you $20 per week doing nothing. Very lit
tle capital required. Multnomah Invest
ment & Realty Co., Washington St..
o trice 13.
UNIVERSAL shorthand writes letter the
first week; soon prepares for position. Day
and night classes. Business University,
Worcester block.
WANTED Man and wife on farm: no chil
dren; vroman for housework. Address J.
A. Kpping, Hood River. Phone 2256 farm
ers. WILL take a few more pupils In bookkeep
ing and stenography; private lessons. Ad
dress It 63$. Oregonlan.
IF YOU want laborers of any kind call
Guarantee Employment Co. No. 7. N. 2d
st. Phone Main 3007.
BOOKKEEPERS and stenographers will find
a helping hand at the Business University,
Worcester block.
LARGE Incomes, reformed shorthand ac
quired in 30 lessons. School of Shorthand,
550 Fourth.
GOOD solicitors on guaranteed salary for
nign-ciass work, city or country L 58,
WANTED A starcher and polisher at the
Ineeda Laundry, St. John, Or., lady pre
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
MARRIED man, excellent business ability and
references, capable of handling advertising,
managing department, or general office
Thoroughly experienced In department store
management, correspondence, etc.; desires
position at once with live concern, Portland
or vicinity; reasonable salary. Advertiser,
6 Tribune bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.
WANTED Position by a first-class dry
goods salesman, stock keeper and window
dreseer, capable buyer and- manager; good
references; correspondence must be confiden
tial. Address Lock Box 124, Ashland, Or.
WANTED Situation with wholesale house
as shipping or receiving clerk; first-class
in all respects; understands freight rates
from all points. Can furnish good refer
ences. Address D 634. Oregonlan.
TOUNG man, at present employed, wishes to
make a change and to secure position with
wholesale house, preferably in credit de
partment; best references; an interview so
licited. D 603, Oregonian.
A LIVE salesman, with several years ex
perience, would like position with some
reliable house, can produce the business;
petty affairs do not answer. L 653, Ore
gon! an.
BOOKKEEPER and general office man
wants any kind of office work; 7 years
experience; Al references; also have good
education in law. N 629, Oregonlan.
HOTEL MAN Have you use for an ex
perienced, temperate, reliable office man,
as clerk or manatrer? References gilt
edge. Address N 631, Oregonlan.
A THOP-OUGH accountant desires some
small accounts to keep requiring a few
hours each day; charges moderate.
660, Oregonlan.
WANTED General office position; can use
typewriter; or collector, anything. Just so it
Is work; references. K 645, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man wishes position as grocery
clerk ; 3 years' experience ; good refer
ence. Address box $S, Heppner, Or.
YOUNG man, business education, wishes office
work, !th chance of advancement, refer-
ence. O 622, Oregonlan.
GROCER YMAN Good live man wants po
sition. N 621. Oregonlan.
PHARMACIST graduate desires position. 1)
625, Oregonlan. '
SITUATION WANTED by a first-class, all
around candy-maker; 20 years' experience;
recently from the East; sober and Indus
trious; competent to take charge of any
up-to-date shop. R 634, Oregonlan.
MAN and wife want job cooking for camp
as first and second cook and helper, 2
children ; state wages, number of men,
etc., first letter. X 6-'2, Oregonlan.
EMPLOYMENT as houseman or any hon
orable work around house or hotel by
steady, reliable middle-aged man. Ad
dress L 629, Oregonlan.
ATTORNEY, age 25. .graduate of law de
partment of Eastern university, wishes po
sition in law oft ice; an Interview solicited.
P 625, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as cook by two in small
camp, or by three in large. Address E. C.
D., Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, Wash.
WANTED Position by man and wife as
cooks in logging camps. Address E. C.
D., Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, Wash.
TOUNG man of ability wants employment
where there Is a chance of advancement;
best of references. X 664, Oregonian.
JAPANESE Good cook, with helper, wants
place In hotel or restaurant; prefer coun
try town. K. Kohari, 268 Everett st.
WANTED Position by young man with
experience in the automobile business;
references. X 663, Oregonian.
YOUNG man with experience in steam and
gasoline engines wants employment; ref
erences. E 64L Oregonian.
WANTED By two young men. work around
private houses, such as house cleaning,
etc. Phone Pacific 355.
WANTED By all-round country printer,
steady position; married; references. G. B.
Boyle, Monmouth, Or.
IIOUSECLEANING and windows a special
ty, phone Main 6573 evenings 8 to 10.
Thomas Green.
NEAT Japanese cook wants position In a
private family or boarding-house. X 657,
RELIABLE Japanese boy wants situation
to do cooking and housework. X 655, Ore
gonian. NICE Japanese boy wants position at general
housework at any place. D 63S, Ore
gonian. YOUNG Japanese wants situation at house
work or schoolboy; reference. 271 Everett
street. ,
JAPANESE boy wants a position at general
housework or schoolboy. D 639. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE wants position as a schoolboy
or a few hours' work. D 668, Oregonian.
JAPANESE Employment Office, male and
iomiwc. wucn x. rnone Main 6521.
W. FRITSCKE Architect. 270 East 36th St.
Phone Tabor 865, Home phone B2133.
HOUSECLEANING by day. job or hour.
Thompson. Phone Pacific 731.
2 BAKERS want position, one on bread, one
on pastry. S 624, Oregonlan.
PAPERING or kalsomlning dona ft
room. Phone Main 8274 5 ' f 3
Awork.N TerTm2WOrk- or kitchen
M lacella neons.
YOUNG man, going to school, will do gen
eral work of any kind before and after
regular school hours, Saturday and 'Sufi
day all day; will work for board and
room. Address Stark st., room 22.
KALSOMINING done at $3 per room. 135
1st st. Main 1334.
SOBER man withes some night work; steady.
R 65, Ore go n i an .
WANTED Portion as general farmhand. D
637, Oregonlan.
Bookkeeper and Stenographers.
WANTED Permanent position by good steno
grapher; some office experience; willing to
leave city; can furnish machine. K 617,
EXPERIENCED stenographer with good ref
erences desires portion. Phone Eust 32TO.
Address M 626, Oregonlan.
FOR a good stenographer, experienced or
beginner, phone Business University. Main
404. Tested and certified.
WANTED Permanent position by competent
stenographer. Beat of references. Phone
A2123. Room 5.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and book
keeper desires position; salary $00. T 002,
YOUNG lady desires permanent position as
stenographer, phone Main 2437.
Dress m a era.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, just from Chi
cago; shirtwait suits a specialty and
Xancy gowns. 555 Fifth. Phone Main &S02.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, excellent fitter,
finer designer, -wishes engagements. Phono
Pacific 2735. 242 14th st.
FASHIONABLE) dressmaking at moderate
prices; all work guaranteed. 105 North
17th st. Phone Main 8202.
DRESSMAKING of all kinds, shirtwaists and
children's clothes a specialty. 431 Main
bL Phone Main 4162.
FIR.ST-CLASS dressmaker and talloress will
make engagements by the day. Phone
Woodlawn 17 6-
COMPETENT dressmaker wants engage
ments by the day. phone Main 4641. Call
for dressmaker.
DRESSMAKING, tailoring, alterations at
home or by tho day; city references. Phone
Main 1522.
DRESSMAKING at home, reasonable. Mrs.
Arnold, 350 Benton st. Phone East 2751.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker will make a
few engagements in families. Pacific 2737-
WILL do plain sewing neatly; will work at
home or go out. Phone East 2631.
DRESSMAKING of all kinds. shirtwaist
suits a specialty. 829 Oak st.
FEATHERS clraned and curled, sewing of
ail kinds. 2u8 Park st.
n ou a k severs.
WANTED A position as housekeeper in
hotel or rooming-house, have had several
years' experience, capable of taking full
charge. W 62i, Oregonlan. x
MIDDLE-AGED woman with boy 14, desires
situation housekeeper, widower. 230 'a
Yamhill. Main 54L3.
GOOD, reliable middle-aged lady, 1 child, as
housekeeper on ranch or camp. J 627,
WOMAN wishes position as housekeeper. C
621, Oregonlan.
PRACTICAL nurse with excellent refer
ences, desires position, age 33. Address
Mrs. D. W. Butler, 408, Fairbanks ave.,
YOUNG man wishes room and board with
private family, must be near center of
town; references. J 653, Oregonian.
GOOD experienced nurse, wishes situation
Immediately. Phone A3866, or Main
A PRACTICAL nurse would like confinement
caws. Phone A5177 or 647 Madison st.
EXPERIENCED nurse wants work by day or
week. Phone Ea&t 1310 or C1738.
WIDOW 34, with Income, desiring to econo
mize, will give service for room and
. board In modern house; no children; ref
erences. Address room 14, 252 Columbia.
SITUATION wanted by two girls In the
same place, general housework, second
work or taking care of a child. Phone
Main 2437.
CAPABLE woman with girl 14 desires situa
tion as cook, country preferred. 230H
Yamhill. Main 5413.
COMPETENT young woman wants cooking
private family, first-class city references.
Phone Pacific 1124.
EXPERIENCED girl, can do cooking, gen
eral housework and day work, wishes place.
East 4874.
JAPANESE lady wants position in small fam
ily. 271 Everett.
CAPABLE woman of Eastern experience,
successful as saleswoman, also assistant
buyer and manager in large cloak, suit,
costumes and fur department, wishes to
connect with Western house as buyer or
assistant buyer and manager of such de
partments; best of reference, from for
mer, also present, employers. Full par
ticulars in communication. N 627, Ore
gonian. WANTED Position as companion for old
lady or children's nurse, by middle-aged
woman. Address M. ., 1406 East Everett
St., city.
WOMAN wants regular day work: Is good
worker. Pac. 810. after 6 P. M. ; refer
ences, Young Women's Christian Associa
tion. WANTED By capable colored woman posi
tion as cook and downstairs work in pri
vate family. Call Main 7826.
EXPERIENCED girt desires situation, fam
ily, second work or chamberwork, nice
place. 2304 Yamhill. Main 513.
BY experienced millinery trimmer in or
near Portland: competent to manage;
reference. N 623, Oregonian.
HIGHEST prices paid for men's castoft cloth
ing, shoes, hats. 73 V4 N. 3d. Phone Pac
1694. Orders promptly attended.
WANTBD Permanent position by experienced
billing clerk; can furnish best of refer
ences. Address L, 61'-. care Oregonlan.
MRS. L. A. TAYLOR, of 6th and Spokane
ave., Kellwood, wants the care of a child
will give it a good home.
YOlrNO lady gives private lessons in grammar-grade
studies, Cprman, music, draw
ing: references. Main 8183.
LACE curtains laundered, 40c up- also
fancy waists and dresses by experienced
band. Main 2014.
WANTED By experienced laundreos. work
for Mondays and Tuesdays; good references.
X. G4i. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED music teacher glvoe two
piano or mandolin lessons for 75 cents.
Phone Main 6960. '
EXPERIENCED telephone operator wants sit
uation on some private exchange. Address
D 635. Oregonian.
DAY work- by competent young woman,
laundry or cleaning, strictly reliable. J
6i0. Oregonian.
COMPETENT woman, with girl of 8 yeara,
wants work of any kind, for about 2 weeks.
Phone A4002.
SITUATION WANTED by colored girl to do
chamber work. 108 N. 21st. Phone A3672.
WANT place to do work of any kind, after
noons. Main 4788 or 216 Park st.
PASTRY and delicatessen cook wants posi
tion; reasonable. B 642, Oreeonian.
LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40 cent
per pair. Pacific 398 and A43S7.
WANTED Housecleanlng by the day.
Phone Paciflo 1&97. Room 4.
LESSONS in Gorman by experienced native
teacher. K 670. Oregonlan.
WANTED Work by the day by competent
woman. Phone East 1118.
LADY would like work by day. Phone Main
6SS4. or Home A 188-1.
LACE curtains laundered from lOo up to
25c. J 6fii. Oregonlan.
BLANKETS laundered from lOo up to 35c
D 609. Oregonian.
WANT work by day, no half days; refer
ences. East 2059.
AGENTS' fortune maker! Wonderful self
working washer; does washing by itself;
runs automatically by water works pressure;
saves all hard work of wash day; new in
vention; sales unprecedented; agents wanted
who can handle high-class proposition; ex
clusive territory; $300 to $400 per month.
The Eagle Tool Co., sole mfrs.. Dept. 2WJ,
Cincinnati, O. "
AGENTS wanted for a high-class beautlfuliy
printed and illustrated uollar-a-year wom
an's magazine: commission 50 cents on
each dollar subscription. Write for agent's
free outfit. American Home Monthly. 5
iarclay St., New York.
PICTURE- agents, crew managers, $30 per
week; guaranteed portraits; bromldts, pll.-low-topo
3oc; 4X per cent prolit easy;
frames 15c, catalague free. Ritter Art Stu
dio, 819 W. Van Buren St., Chicago.
expenses easily made eeliing our popular
combination policies and appointing agents;
experience unnecessary. Write Oscar Ek
man, 313 El ml bldg., Seattle, Wash.
AGENTS and mail order men We manu
facture the fastest-selling 25c article on
the market; 150 per cent profit; particu
lars free. New Century Specialty Co., 106
. Fulton St., New York.
AGENTS $.1O0 every month, sure eellg
our wonderful seven-piece kitchen Bet; send
for swoin statement of ' $12 daily profit;
outfit free. Thomas Mfg. .Co., &00 Jefferson
St., Daytoa, Ohio.
WANTED Agents for red hot lOc cam
paign novelty; exclusive territory; hustlers
make $25 a day. Send for sample and
terms. I. W. Coons Co., Los Angeles,
AGENTS $150 per month easily made sell
ing my new patent floor mop; sells like wild
fire; if you want a cracker-Jack article
write to JB. Hllker, S76 Grand ave.. Chi
cago. A.GENTS, hard up? No excuse for It; even
inexperienced me- are Just coining money;
our soaps sell easiest in hard times. Full
Information free. Parker Chemical Co., Chi
cago. AGENTS Portraits 30 cents, in frames com
plete 45 cents; finest new memorial pic
ture out; ask for free sample. Fidelity Por
trait Co., 120 So. Paulina St., Chioago.
AGENTS WANTED Cn you sell goodsT It
so, we need you; complete outfit free; cmaa
weekly. Writ, for choice of territory. Capi
tal City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
NOTICE to portrait agents If you want
f;ood satisfaction and prompt shipments,
et the Inman Portrait Co. do your work.
416 New Era bldg.. Chicago.
IF YOU have time to call on trade selling
trunks, learn to have an Income without In
vesting money. Write L. Goldsmith & Son,
Newark, X. J.
AGENTS Newest, best-paying, clean, honest
proposition : invention stores up neat for
months. . Storeheat Mfg. Co., Los Asgelcs,
WANTED AGENTS Legitimate substitute for
slot machines; patented; sells on sight for
$1; particulars, Glsha Company, Anderson,
AGENTS You can know about the profits
made supplying perfumes to families. Ad
dress Leffler & Co., Et. Louis. Mo.
WANTED Energetic agents to work at real
estate. Apply between 10 and 12 Monday.
302 Rothchild bldg.
AGENTS wanted, ladies to canvass; can
make from $3 to $6 a day. Call at No.
8 A 4th st.
AGENT to sell to retail trade, must be ex
perienced. Call at No. 8 A 4th st.
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon. 6. . cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
WE rent houses, collect rents, look after your
ure insurance ana Keep tnem in order lor
so little that you will be surprised. Call or
phone Smith's Rental Agency,. 442 Sherlock
bldg. Main 2413, A3466.
WANTBD 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms, with
ooara, in private lamily, by couple with
child; must be first-class; references ex
changed. X 651, Oregonlan.
WIDOW wishes board and room in re
fined private family within 15 minutes
ride of Postofflce; pay $s week. K 658,
WANTED Desirable suite of rooms and
good board for three adults; state terms
and location. Address X 661. Oregonlan.
YOUNG MAN wishes room and board In
private family, close In, on East Side;
references exchanged. D 633, Oregonian.
TWO young men want room and board, double
or single rooms, within reasonable distance
town, private family. M 632. Oregonian.
WANTED By lady employed during the
aay, room ana ooara with private family
in modern home. K 620. Oregonlan.
WANTED To rent modern bouse. 7 or
more rooms, by a permanent tenant; state
location and price. K 643, Oregonlan.
THOROUGHLY modern 6-room house, in
gooa neighborhood, west of 23d st. in
Nob Hill district. K 623, Oregonlan.
WANTED Room and board by young me
chanic, state price. East Side, near 7th
onrl fACT-tsnH "Ei axn m a 1
YOU NO lady" wishes room and board in pri-
- 1 j , ii i iicftca uean eu: v est
Side. K t&3, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady musician wishes room and 2
K G2, Oregonlan.
NEAR Peninsular Station, house with or-
rnara, lurnisnea preierrea; email family.
L 643, Oregonian.
BOARD and room, with private family, "Y.t
TOUNG man attending ousiness college wants
jjmce w worn tor room ana ooara. a 161,
WANTED Private board near llth and Wash.
at- Kir vmino- la Ait 17 ail t " i
NICE) house. West Side, for young couple.
ay i w nouncr. xj ooj. vregonian.
SMAI-I, plat, not more than $20. F 6G4.
wanted miscellaneous.
largest and best known sbcond
hand store In Portland. We buy and sell
tram a chair to a full house.
10th and Washington. Phone PactOo 792.
J. T. WILSON will pay upot cash for u0
worth of furniture and office furnishings. We
buy anything in the merchandise lin. and
pay the highest price possible. Phones
Alain lt$20, A4-243.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 N. 8d st. Phone Pacific 1722.
WANTED A 4-passenger automobile, good
as new, very cheap for Hpot cash; state
make, use and price in first letter to re
ceive attention. 8 623. Oregonlan.
WANTED By motherly woman, with pleas
ant home, large yard, two children to board,
11 mil-as from Portland. Call or write Mrs.
Reynolds, Clackamaa, Or.
WE buy your household goods of every de
scription. The Dollar. 232 1st st.; we want
your trade. Main WT4. A 2327.
CASH paid for furniture, fixtures and mer
chandise. Phone Main 1626. J. T. Wil
son, auctioneer.
BUTTE BOYS mining stock wanted; 250 to
5000 share;; state price. K 630, Ore
gonlan. SPOT cash paid for your furniture, prompt
attention always given. Phone East lOtiT.
WANTED 85 to 4o-foot cruising launch;
must be cheap for cash. H 627, Oregonlan.
WANTED Motorcycle or attachment; give
description and price. O 630, Oregonian.
READY money paid for furniture; better
prices than a dealer. Phone East &SttS.
I PAY cash for household goods. Savage A
Pennell Fur. Co., 345 1st. Paciflo 860.
WANTED A rood launch, must be new
and reasonable. W 63& Oregonlan.
PRIVATE party desires to purchase modern
furniture and carpets. Call Main 8458.
WANT gasoline launch, cash; give full description.-
Lock box 164, P. O.
WANT to buy roll top desk and other office
furniture. A 6H5. Uretonian.
Furnished Rooms.
Elegantly furnished rooms; heat, hot
and cold running water, return call-bells
In all rooms, free baths and both phones
on each floor; strictly modern throughout;
rates very reasonable.
20th. Near Washington.
LARGE outside rooms, single or en suite;
beautiful outlook; newly furnished; every
modern hotel convenience; special rates te
permanent guests; with or without xoeeli;
finest cafe In Portland at modest pilots;
be sure and sea these rooms before you
decide where to move. Hotel Bargeat.
Grand and Hawthorne avenues.
Every room steam-heat!, every room a
stationary bowl, with running hot and cold
water; plenty of FREE baths; suites with
or without attached bath; a strictly modern
hotel In centtr of business and shopping dis
trict; rooms secured by mail or wire. Sixth
and Oak ats. Phone Main bS.
Nicely furaiehed rooms, single or em
suite. S2.60 per week up; steam beet, hot
ad cold water; free baths, free phone;
dining-room in connection; transients so
licited ; open all night ; bettt lcK-auon la
the oily; office and reading-room ground
floor, e&d Washington.
Corner Yamhill and Wea; Park sta. New
house, elegantly furnished; hot and cold
water, telephone, hot water heat in every
room; private baths; elevator service,'
Transient. Kates 1 per day up. Phone
Main 202-
Large, light and natly furnished
rooms, hot-water heat; hot and cold
water, baths and phone ; transient, $ 1 ;
special rates by the week. Phone A 1350
31 Yamhill st.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sis., newly furnished throughout,
new bulging; mite with baths, hoi aad
cold water in every room. Phone Mala
7i8o. Long-distance phone In ail roonxa.
THE WOODUXD, beautiful private resi
dence, broad lawns, rich furniture, an
Ideal home for nice people; everything
lirst-class ; call and examine. 205 6th,
corner Madison.
ON E or two nice furnished or unf urn lshcd
rooms In priviuo futility ; walking uistance;
bath, phone, electric light and furnace heal;
no dogs or children. b2 Ea-st Tth. Phone
East 1345.
HOTEL KEN Y OX. 18th ana Washington sts.,
modern rooms, -single and ea euite; subo
housekeeping; running water; private and
free bains; rates reasonable. Pacific ettti
THE WILLAMETTE, S22Vs Stark, . W. cor.
6th st., well furnbfhtd rooms, large and
light, single or en suite; transient, itOa to
1; by week. 2 to $5. Pacilio 126.
NEWLY furnished front rooms, very pleas
ant, modern, private family, board If de
sired ; close in, near Grand and Union
avenue cars. 407 Holladay avenue.
1 STEAM-H EATED flrst-class room, suited
for 2 gentleman, with references; tub and
shower bath, gaa and electric light. 4tH
Morrison, flat 1, 3d floor.
SUITE of elegantly furnished rooms, pri
vate family; modcxa; reasonable privi
leges; 3 minutes to Postofflce. 2,73 7th
st. Phone Main 744U.
PACIFIC HOTEL, First and Columbia sts.;
steam heat, free bath, hot and cold water
In all rooms; oOc to $1 day; $250 to f5
per week. Phone A153U.
LARGE, sunny corner room, suitable for two
gentlemen; runnlr.g water, furnace heat,
cloatt; quiet private house, two blocks from
potstoffiee. 227 7th et.
HOTEI ANTLERS, cor. 10th and Washing,
ton sts., all in oder a convenience, suites
with bath; principal carllnes pass the door.
Phone Main 2333.
WANTED To rent furnished rooms for
rooming or housekeeping; prices from $1.75
to $6 per week. 447 Main and 322 4th st.
13th and Alder; nicely furnished rooms,
single and en suite, by the week or month.
THE GENEVIEVE Steam heat, porcelain
bath, free pbose; walking distance; 3 a
week aad up. 445 Columbia mU Main 7410.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. S27&
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. .Este.
TO RENT 2 lovely furniehed rooms In mod
ern home; modtrn conveniences; centrally
located; references. X 053, Oregonian.
NEATLY furnished rooms', two housekeeping
and one parlor, front room, very reason
able. 81 7th st., cor. 7th and Oak.
181V4 1ST ST., corner Yamhill; nicely fur
nished rooms, reasonable; both phones.
Permament or transient.
ALL the comforts of a home, rooms single
or en euite, neat, clean, 1.60 week up.
2471 6th. Hotel Mason.
ONE) furnished room, suitable for two, $8
month. HQ 21st st., cor. Washington, N.
Call Sunday or evening.
(8 A neat, agreeable young man, with good
habits, to hare nicely furnished, room. 361
luth. Phone Main 3312.
THE ELLSWORTH Furnished rooms, heat,
light, bath, phone free. 160 Lownsdaie, bet.
Yamhill and Morrison.
NICE furnished rooms, modern conveniences,
suitable for one or two persons; reason
able. 213 Thirteenth.
A TEACHER, wants two ladle to share beau
tof ul paartments, cloee In ; very reasonable.
J 654, Oregonian.
NICELY furnished rooms, electric light,
heat, porcelain baths; $2.25 per week and
up. 809 Jefferson.
NEWLY furnished front room, modern,
every convenience; very reasonable. 180
17th, cor. Yamhill.
SWELL room, to refined, mirlflle-ogpd gentle
man: home comforts; breakfast If desired.
J 025, Ortgonian. ,
THE TEMPLE 343 Yamhill, corner 7th.
light, nicely furnished rooms. S2.50 per
week; transient.
TH H3 Y A M H I LL Large, 1 igh t rooms ; tran
sient, $1 ; special weekly rates. 3itl Yam
hill st A1356.
LADY has furnished room for lady employed,
or elderly gentleman; home comforts. 570
Williams ave.
FOR RENT Clean, well furnished room tit
a reasonable price In private home. Phone
Main 1474.
894 COLUMBIA Corner lOlh, well furnished
front room, modern conveniences, walking
THE Stone Hlock rooming-house; central;
rates reasonable. 342 1st et. Phone I'a-
f flirt 1 ti'('
cllic 1022.
NEATLY furnished rooms, modern conven
iences; bath, phone. 82 East loth. Phone
East ICS.
07 6TH Nicely furnished rooms; kh. bnth.
phone; very centrally located, near post
office, i
FURNISHED room for gentleman, private
it a m Hath -nlinnA DhHk ir.:
NICELY burnished room, suitable for one
a rn MU M 1Ath mt o 11 A
P. M.
FOR RRXT Nicely furnlphed room with
heat; oatn tree; at ine Kidgeway, 270 6th.
HOTEL ROTAL. 108 H 4th St., steam heated
rooms $2.50 to $5 week; &0o to $1 nlcht.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $3
wk.; also transient rooms. 843 Morrison.
THE RANDOLPH, 8d and Columbia: rooms,
heat, bath. &Oc to $1 day; $2 to $4 week.
NICE clean room; water, gas and closet;
price $2 a weelc. 20t Montgomery st.
ROOMS with private family for two gentle
men; terms reasonable. 475 Clay st.
FOR RENT One nice front room on first
floor, at the Hawthorne, 221 13th Bt.
DAINTY suite, also one desirable single
room, 67 20th St., near Washington.
NICELY furnished frcr.t room, close in. 104
12th et., near Washington st.
FURNISHED room for one or two gentle
men. 401 Vt East Burnslde st.
SINGLE and housekeeping room; very rea
sonable. - 4S2-S4 Washington st.
LARGE outside rooms, both phones and
bath. 74 4th St., corner Oak.
NEATLY furnished rooms, heat, bath and
phone; reasonable. 709 Hoyt.
LARGE, sunny, furnbshed room, one block
0Uth City Hall. 2&4 5th St.
FURNISHED room with use of piano. 607
East Clay st.
ONE modern furniehed room for rent at 334
Harrison et.
WELL furnished front room for gentlemen.
S5 14th.
Furnished Rooms.
LADY alone would rent partly furnished
flat of 4 large rooms to careful, quiet
young couple ; no objection to infant ;
cheerful, modem place. L 628, Oregonian.
LARGE front room, newly furnished, suitable
for two; modern private home; board If
desired. Sell wood st., between Union and
Wiiliams-ave. cars. Phone Eaat 4054.
FAMILY, of gentleman and daughters,
would rent two front rooma in nice home
on loth su, use of parlor with piano;
board convenient. Phone Main 0030.
LARGE, nicely furnished room, formerly
library, suitable for , with board; also
day board-era desired. 181 llth, corner
Yamhill, phone, Main 6330; A S5SO.
412 10TH ST. Pretty furnished room with
congenial people, $7 per month, nice room
for lady alone or for two gentlemen; all
conveniences. Including; heat.
TWO large rooms, bath, electric lleht;
modern home for two gentlemen. $1.50
week. 422 East Couch, one block from
Grand ave. Phone East 1824.
NICELY furnished room on B. 23d. 1 block
cat line, phone, bath, gas, electric light,
modern flat; to young man $8 per month.
Phone evenings East-- 10&1.
HOTEL ST. REGIS. S7i 6th St., elegantly
furnished rooms, bath and phone ; rooms
all prices; transients solicited; room with
or without piano.
FRONT room, suitable for 2. modern con
veniences, board if desired. $4.50 wek
each; 800 3d st.. 1 block north W.-W.
NICELY furnished front room, close in, $10
per month to one or two ladles employed
300B Montgomery. Main 2020.
$4 TO $6 per month, furnished front room
for gentlemen. n East 8th, corner wasn
ington. Phone East 3914.
TWO furnished rooms, suitable for one or
two, all modem convenience. 611 Mor
rison st. Phone Pacific 226.
ONE or two nicely furnished rooms, all
conveniences; walking distance; rent rea
sonable. 275 ft 14th st.
THE WOODLAND, 205 Sixth irt., beautiful
location, pleasant rooms, hot water, baths,
heat; very reasonable.
ONE newly furnished front parlor, large
veranda, suitable for 2 gentlemen. Z4H
Park, near Jeff orso.
NEWLY furnished front room, nunny' and
comxortame, neat, iignt, private nouee, ciose
in. tktz i tanaers.
2 NICE furnished rooms, modern apartment,
every convenience; bath; walking distance.
6b4 Flanders st.
LARGE, pleasant front room In private
home; gaa. bath, phone; reasonable rent.
628 East Couch.
RYAN HOUSE, 200W- 6th t. EIngantly fur
nished rooms, en suite or single; oppo
site City Hall.
SLEEPING-ROOM, double bed and couch;
ntove, gaa. bath, phone. 450 Yamhill,
near 12th.
TWO furnished rooms, eas. bath, near car
Indies si referred. 787 East Main. Phone
East 3024,
NICE, large, bay window furnished room;
heat, liKht, bath, phone. -895 Salmon, cor
ner 10th.
215 22TH ST., modern newly-furnished rooms,;
gentlemen only; private family; cloee in,
432 7TH ST. Comfortable little room, with
east window, suitable for student, $5 per
month. -
THE HYLAND, 4iH Morrison. Furnished
rooms, with bath and steam heat, phone
TWO single, nicely furnished sleeping rooms,
very reasonable; close in. 240 Jefferson
219 CROSBY, rear Steel bridge, 2d story front
room, very desirable, modern conveniences.
FURNISHED room; bath, gas, all modern
conveniences. 87 E. 9th tst. ; $9 month.
FURNISHED rooms In private family, with
bath, phone and heat. 351 6th st. A3S53.
SMALL front room, suitable for man. $6
month, can after noon. 448 x am mil.
NICE, neat room, bath and phone, $6 per
month, private family. 1V0 N. 17th st.
VERY desirable front room. heat. gas,
bath; near in; no children. 847 Market.
NICE, clean room for woman, $5 per month.
l'J5 North 15th. corner Kearney.
NICELY furnished front sleeping room; bath
and phone. Reed Mansion, 387 1st.
NELVTLY furnished front room for rent,
private family, central, 211 llth.
NICELY furnished front room for ladles or
gentlemen. 430 East Pine st.
145 6TH ST. Sleeping rooms on both
floors, $L50 to $3.50. front.
TWO nicely furnished front rooms with
piano. Inquire 802 Park.
LARGE clean room, all modern conven
iences. 140 North 16th st. .
LARGE front room. gas. bath, phone; also
housekeeping. 341 3d st.
ONE furnished room, walking distance. In
quire 100 Chasmian st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
NICELY furnished, also unfurnished rooms,
single and en suit-; quiet and very suit
able lor single gentlemen. Kamm bldg.,
1st and Pine.
2 ROOMS, $7, 344& Front; single room, $3.50,
lUOHi Market.
Rooms With Hoard.
IF you want first-class table board, $4 per
week, cluse In, call at the Aster House,
7th and Madison.
NICELY furnished front room, with board,
for two gentlemen; reasonable rates. Main
SO.'IO. 310 Clay.
FCRNISHKD room with board, all modern
conveniences, walking distance. 117 L'ut
17th st. North.
NICE front room with board, suitable for
two; modern. 89 East 8th st. N. Phone
Hast 722.
ROOMS with or without board, modem con
veniences, rates reasonable. 471 Taylor et.,
near 14th.
NICELY furnished rooms with board; table
tirst-class; everything strictly modern. 188
NICELY furnished rooms with board: table
fnwt -class; everything strictly modern. 188
LARGE well furnished room for 2, breakfast
a nd dinner. 201 16th, cor. Taylor. Main
ROOM and board for one or two Scandi
navian gentlemen. 11 10th St., home cook
ing. SELECT private boarding-house, modern con
veniences; board optional. 452 Morrison st.
NEATLY furnished rooms with board; front
parlor, suitable for two. 80 West Park st.
ROOM and board for two gentlemen; rea
sonable. Phone Pacific 1400. 388 5th St.
WANTED To room ana board two to four
people; pleasant rooms. 447 Main.
A DESIRABLE front room, first-ohms board,
strictly modern; reasonable. A 3056.
WANTED By a young mnn, a room-mate
for a large front room. 615 Morrison.
THE MARLYN Furnished rooms; good
board: -convenient. 653 Washington.
THE HAZEL A home for young men. steam
heat, running water 386 3d st.
ROOMS, with or without board. 350 Madison,
near Park, modern conveniences.
NICELY furnished front room, wifh r
without board. 260 Tth St.
CHILD to hoard; lovely home; terms reason
able. J 62o, Oregonian.
LARGE) front room, runnir., water, large
closet. 515 Morrison st
10St4 10TH, large nicely furnished front room,
with or without board.
FINE, large room with board. The Sterling
16th and Couch. '
FURNISHED rooms with board. 215 14th mt
Phone Paciflo lo65.
FURNISHED room with board. The Ozark.
225 llth st.
ROOM and board ia private family, 353 12th.
Room With Board.
BE SURE and see rooms at Hotel Sargent
before you decide where to move; modest
prices: American or European plan; best
raf in Portland; famous dining-room ser
vice; living here is a pleasure; manage
ment studios comfort of guests; every
modern hotel convenience; close in. yet
away from downtown dirt and noise.
Hotel Sargent. Grand and Hawthorn ave
East 3d and Burnside sts., new and ab
solutely fireproof ; elegantly furnished
rooms, single and en sultti; elevator, hot
and cold water, steam heat aud tele
phone in each room.
Grill in connection; special rates to
families. Phone East 171.
WELL-FURNISHED front room, with board,
for 2 or 3 gentlemen or man and wife;
modern conveniences and all comforts in
refined widow's private home, with refer
ences. Phone Pacilic 800.
NICELY furnished front alcove room buy
window and poich, with board, suitable fur
two or three, strictly moUrn, walking dis
tance, private family. A5040; best part cltj .
675 Glisan.
LARGE, nicely furnished front room, with
board, strictly home 'cooking, all modern
conveniences, walking distance; suitable
for two gentlemen. 315 6th st. Phone
MODERN, large, nicely furnished room,
with or without board, for two gentle
men; walking distance, in private family;
gas, electric light, both phones. 50O 4th,
BL A KJ3LY HALL, 500 Jefferso n. between
5th and 6th, beautifully furnished rooms,
with first-class board ; ru nniug water,
team heat, beautiful grounds, center of
Portland Women's Unloa; 18th year; rooms
with board, us of sowing-room, use of
library; Women' Exchange. Address Mrs.
Ella Rawllng , &upu, 610 Flsnders.
ELEGANTLY furnished parlor room, with
board, for two gentlemen; piano in room;
bath and phone; swell location. 69 N. 21st
St., Ikt blocks from Washington.
VERY agreeable man would like a room
mate; a pleasant room, separate beds;
phone, bath, board and all
home comforts. 5.5 Clay st.
THE MORRISON. I7th and Morrison, strict
ly modern family hotel, excellent table;
prices reasonable, cars from door to de
pot; transients solicited.
BOARD and room can be had at reasonable
rates; baths, steam heat, phones, honm
cooking; 2 blocks from buelncss center. 376
Yamhill, cor. Wert Park.
THE CLAY, 320 2d st., cor. Clay, nicely
furnished rooms single or en suite, for 1
.or 2 gentlemen; everything comfortable; just
like home; f5 per week.
ELEGANTLY furnished room, with board,
private bath, specially furnished for tw o
gentlemen or married couple; references.
Phone Main 6Q19.
FRONT rooms, with board, home cooking,
steam heat; walking distance; modern con
veniences; $6 per week. The Lindell, 2t9
Market et.
ROOMS and board for four gentlemen, bath,
electric lights, no other roomers; one
bloi'k from city halL 300 5th. Mala
FINE front room, one or two young men,
home cooking, home privileg-'s, walking
distance; fine location. 105 16th. corner
BWDHOOM and sitting-room suitable for 2,
modern conveniences, r'wly fturnifhed, home
cooking, reasonable. Phone East 6305 or
MOST pleasant rooms in Portland, with or
without board; one mnall housekeeping
room, furnace heat. 475 MorrUon st.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, with first
class board; select. 715 Everett st..
NICE rooms with board in private fam
ily for two ladies employed or man and
wife, reasonable. Phone Eiutt 1010.
BEAUTIFUL furnished ' rooms, with or
without board; also best table board. Mrs.
W. H. Wheeler. Pacific &55. A2.52t
PLEASANT rooms, with board, private fam
ily, modem, nice location, reasonable. 181
No, 10th, cor. Johnson. Pac. 2i17.
VERY desirable room, nicely furnished, ad
Joining bath, all home cooking, private,
modern, reasonable. 521 Couch.
THE THORN DYKE, 655 Washington st., ele
gantly furnished rooms, with board, cholc
location, reference exchanged.
THE Colonial, best low-rate family hotel lm
the city, steam heated rooms; centrally lo
cated. Cor. loth and Morrison.
ROOM and board for -man and wife; every
thing first-class; no other room era 802 84
st, IrLe Apartments, flat 6.
2 OR 3 refined young ladles can get 2 ooa
m-ctlug front rooms, with board if desired.
2101-a 14th St., upuer fiat.
83 NO. 17TH ST., near Washington, single
and double rooms, all modern conveniences,
reference. Phone A 1048.
BOARD and room in a beautiful home, al
home comforts and the best of home cook-
lug. Phone East 34f2.
ROOM with board, pleasant plar. 225 West
Park, fine location. Pacific 2U07. Prlvat
- boarding-house.
IONIAN COURT, elegant 3 and 4 -room resi
dence apurtinent; bath, steam heat, hot and
cold water ; refrigerator ; gas range ; tele
phone; window isiiiides; janitor service; rent
moderate. Apply Janitor, ISth and Couch st.
The Sheffield Unfurnished 4-room apart
ment with bath; new, modern and fully
equipped for convenience; nne location, save
carfare. Apply to janitor. Seventh anxi
Jefferson sU.
PART of a flue home for rent, 5 connecting)
rooms, large bathroom, completely 'fur
nished for housekeeping. 149 N. 22d st.
Phone Main 4403.
3 ROOMS and bath. f?irnlshed complete;
linen; modern, steam h-al. janitor service,
both phones, walking dUtance; $40. 684
Flanders st.
THE DAYTON" March 1, 4-room basement
apartment, $25 month ; Include heat, hot
wa ter. gas range and storeroom. 602,
Flanders st.
FOR RENT All or a part of an elegantly
f urniahed suite in downtown modern apart-menO-hoUBe;
reasonable. X 654, Osre
gonlan. GUILD APARTMENTS One 3-room apart
ment with bath, heat. S94 Guild, between
Thurman and Vaughn.
NEWLY furnished 4-room. steam -heated
apartment; up-to-date. Cottel Drug Co
1st and Sherman sts.
NICE fumlJhed 6-room flHt, modern. Janitor
service, arranged for renting rooms, clearing?
$0 over rent. Addre? 549 Washington.
Phone Main 6076.
MODERN flats. aU size, for rent. East an
West Sides. Portland Trust Company at
Oregon, 6. EL cor. td and Oak. Phone
Exchange 72.
FLATS, 9 10th near Burnslde St.; very
modern; 7 rooms and bath. Inquire Wak
field. Fries & jo., or John Klosterman.
401 10TH 6-room steam-heated flat; gas
range. Bhades. janitor servloe; $3o; a Us
4-room. See janitor, fiat E.
EXTRA nice 4-room flat, fireplace, bath.
Dunet Kiicnen. tiomai ana Mission fin
ish, close in. East 1803.
NICE 8-room apartmtntf; private bath; all
modern conveniences; rent reasonable. Ap
ply jasltor, 670 Couch.
FOR RENT A swell 8-room flat, fireplace
and furnace." 446 4 Park st. $37.50.
Phone Tabor 763.
WEST SIDE 7-room lower flat, cor. Grant,
modern, walking distance, inquire 573
5th st.
UPPER flat, 4 roonv, hall, pantry, shades,
water; $10. Pedtrson, 410 Vancouver ave.
A 6-ROOM furnished flat, piano. Park at,
rent $43. Address L 642. Oregonian.
8-ROOM modnrn flat, all conveniences; In
quire 225 Market. Phone Main 513.
FLAT for rent; new, modem, 6 rooms. ftSl-V
Halsey st. Phone East 1&98, C13H8.
6-ROOM mod-em cottage, 757 Minnesota av.
Inquire 471 Taylor st., near 14th.
MODERN 6-room flats. 170 East 2d sU
North. Tel. Woodlawn 3C2.
6-ROOM flat. 854 Corbett at., $12 50. L. e
Thompson & Co.. 228 3d.
SIX-ROOM flat on Tenth, near Jefferson. Aj
ply 2S9 Tenth st.
6-ROOM flat, unfurnished. 'Call forenoons,!
29 Hall st