8 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY TO EXCHANGE. NOTE THESE EXCHANGES. Well improved Valley farm of 570 acres, $22,8tx want rental property. Another cnolce Valley larin of 2S0 acre close to town at $18,000 wanL Portland inrome. 4 Southern Oregon fruit farm, 250 acres. 96 acres in bearing- orchard; call for par ticulars, $20,000. liH acred near Grays Harbor and the beach; cranberry land; trade for Fort land property. KEALIt BROKERAGE CO.. 208 Stark Street, Room 32. 80 ACHES $20 PEK ACRE. 80 acres of the tinest unimproved land, miles from railroad station, In Yam hill County; running water from large spring on place all year; will sell for part cash or will trade for city real es tate. This la an exceptional opportunity for some one who means business. OKVL.1N & FIR EB A UGH, AOS-AOu Swetland Bldg. ABOUT SO acres on one of the finest beaches on the Pacific Coast, an old Summer resort, fine nhlug and hunting; will trade for resi dence of 7 to li rooms, modern, in good location, or rooming-house; alto have a IO room house entirely modern, llrst-ciass furni ture, to trade for a larger house. For further Information call Owner, A4S49 or Main 6U53. EXCHANGE. 6 lota between 34ih and Marguerite ave., south of Hawthorne ave., we will exchange for Improved property. These lots are on good grade and well located, with good buildings all around them. JORDAN & GARBADE, -232 Washington at. T-ROOM house, 2 lots, all out to fruit In sight of High School, 4 blocks of car, for acreage or cottage at Seaside. We have farms and city property to exchange. See Johnson. 201 Mohawk bldg. S 1-8 ACRES land, city limits, Salem, suit able for platting; $1500 for desirable Port land property or farm land, might assume some indebtedness. E. E. Paddock, Inde pendence, Or. ' TO EXCHANGE Four-cylinder touring car Jn good condition, for small residence In Portland or a small farm. Address, giv ing description and price. X 6G2. Ore gonian. . WILL trade hotel fixtures of 20 rooms, dining-room, kitchen and office; rents for $50 month: good location; over 25 boarders, for vacant land. I will sell. 311 Worcester bldg. t AN unimproved fruit ranch, near railroad, in one of the best fruit valleys on the Columbia; value $1200; will trade on city house and pay balance. N 023, Oregonian. $450 equity in a nice, new modern 6 -room bungalow to exchange for vacant lot or acreage, or what have you to trade? Bollarn, Grusai & Hlgley, 128 Third at. GOOr country store, fine building, good fresh stock, to exchange for well improved farm or for sale; doing $2000 monthly; w ort h $9500. E 646, care Oregon lan. WILL trade 30-acre farm, 2 miles rail and river station, for Portland realty; will give or take email cash difference; price $2000. Portland Homes Co., 204 Morrison fit. $550 7 per cent mortgage, 2 years, on land near Carson. "Wash., for lots in Anabel section preferred ; would discount for cash. Address K 625. Oregonian, FINE span of standard bred Altajnont road sters; good drivers; will exchange for lots or house and Jot or equity In same. Address F 628. Oregonian. WILL exchange timber claim, consisting l,500,0o0 yellow pine, for lots In Portland or equity in good house and lot. J C24, Oregonian. 80 ACRES partly cleared, 35 miles from Portland, to exchange for city property, rooming-house or grocery, L 005. Ore gonian. HOUSE for eaie or trade in Portland, on W.-W. carline; will take $N0O In dairy cons as first payment. Sarah Lane, Boring, Or. $60o equtty valuable 100x100; concrete walk and curb both sides; 2 blocks car; horse and rig. What have you? 243 Stark St. WILL trade S300 share of stock in Mexi can rubber plantation for cify lot or unimproved farm land. L 620, Oregonian. CULTIVATED farm in Missouri. 160 acres, for sale, or exchange for property In Port land. G. N. Howell. 250V Alder, room 7. ft-HOOM house, block, or 5-room cot rc, corner, West Side, for farm or su burban property. Call 243 Stark st. FOR SALE or trade. 100 acres of fine wheat land, worth $20 an acre, for city prop erty or good business. 225 6th st. WK have a number of the very best wheat farms and some stock ranches to exchange for city property. 512 Swetland bldg. FINE farm of 16 acres, 4 miles from Forest Grove; will trade for grocery. Call 318 All&ky bllg.. 3d and Morrison. FIVE lots at Newport to trade for room-ing-house. What have you? Call 318 Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. FOR SALE or exchange, a $15o0 stock of groceries at Invoice for housse and lot In Por 1 1 an d . M 630, Oregon Ian. FOR exchange or tsale, 5 acres, 4-room house, bam, fruit trees, all cleared. Woodstock. Address &1I0 East Taylor st. FOUR-ROOM cottage t to exchange for Im proved farm; pay cash difference 600 Lumber Exehance bldg. COTTAGE and lota to exchange for rooming house, over SO rooms, or improved farm. D 6o5, care Oregonian. UODKHN 7-room bungalow, beautifully finished. North Irvington, 2 lota, $550o. Phone Main 4524. GOOD paying small furniture and upholstery business for real estate. Address owner, F 651, Oregonian. GOOD houses and lots to exchange for tim ber land or improved farm. E 644, care Oregonian. TRAD0 for good patent whole United States, or wl)l sell counties. Mates. L 645, Ore gonian. $700 CONTRACT payable $20 per month, 7 per c-nt, for lots or acreage. X 645. Ore gonian. FOR SALE or exchange, a good horse, fine Jersey cow, carbine rifle. 214. Hotel Lenox. CHOICE farm of 16S acres, mostly bottom nd; take city property. 243 Stark st. L.ARC5E list wheat, farms for city property. J. O. Elrod, 607-8 Swetland bldg. ONE to 10 lots to xchange. What have you? 1223 East 16th North. Aloerta car. FINE? lot. al.o equity, for driving horse or furniture. 243 Stark. WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith, 411 Buchanan bide. A. J. RICHARDSON EXCHANGE removed to AH Rothchild bldg. GTLT-EDGE mining stock for diamond. K 6ift, Oregonian. WAXTEb TIMBER LANDS. WANTED 100,000,000 feet yellow fir tlm ber in solid body; also 50.000.000 feot spruce or hemlock tributary to Colum bia River, We can dispone. 0 a few inle claims or small tracts, providing prices aru attractive. see us or write us. Lafayette Realty Co., Lafayette bldg. WANTED Timber lands In Oregon and ashlngton, any size tracts; we make a specialty of handling timber lands and caw mill property. Call or write WHITTBX A- BRYANT. &'-5 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1459. VA NTED Medium -sised timber tract; must ne a oargain. owners only. Chas. M. Lannlng & Co., 637 Chamber Commerce. WOULD like to get Information where rorvi Government timlr claim may be had in oregon or wasnington. u 027, Oregonian. WANTED Party with equipment to log 80,- Ni,rfW rt. on iwOiumma. Preble, 409 Wash in g ton st. WANT to be located on homestead; also tin ber claim. M 627, Oregonian. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SALE or trade. 20 acres near new talem line, only 10 miles from Court house. Room 18, 813H Washington st. FOR SALE or trnde, 160 acres of fine wheat lann. worm s am an acre, tor city prop erty or good business. 223 &th st. ACREAGE at $350 per acre, on Estacada canine: close in. on terms. Room 18. SlSVj Washington st. , 3 EXTRA good farms for sale near Oroiton City on easy terms. Call 646 B. Madison or Phone et zmu ACRE tracts. West Side. $1200. for 2 choice close-in acres. M. t:. L,ce. room 411. Cor bett bldg. FOR SALE FARMS. NO. 130. 430-acre wheat farm on the Heppner branch of O. R. N., situated l1, miles S. W. of Lexington. 406 acres In the highest state of cultivation J a running spring the year around, can be used for irrigating pur poses: past two years crops have half paid for the place; price $Suo; $4000. balance easy terms; will take part payment in city property. NO. 116. 2120-aere wheat ranch In Morrow County. 6 miles from R. R. ; 1500 in wheat land, 60 In alfalfa and under irrigation; balance in pasture, nearly all of which can be culti vated; creek runs through place; good lo room house, hard finish- good wagon shed:, sheep sheds and barn; farm all under wire fence; 70O acrea wheat this year go with place; sold last year ftxK wheat, $1000 barley and $2000 stock; $20 per acre; terms 1-3 cash, balance 10 ye'ars-at 8 per cent. Both above wheat farms are bargains. NO. 141. 3400-acre farm near The Dalles; soil is a sandy loam, A-l ; has one 13-room house and one 11-room house, finished in finest condition, 6 barns and all outbuild ings; post of flee, store and school on land; 6 miles to railroad station ; 40 head of horses, 30 head of cattle and all farm im plements, Including gang plows, binders, reapers, mowers, wagons, racks and all small tools; 120 acres in rye, 300 in wheat, 200 in barley, all up and looking fine; 3tx -acres ready to be put In crop; price $10 per acre, including everything, or $9 per acre for bare land; 1-3 down, balance several years at 8 per cent. NO. 137. 106-acre farm 13 miles from Vancouver, 2 from R. R. and town; BO in cultivation, 25 genuine beaverdam land; running creek through farm; good 7-room houee, barn, chicken house, good outbuildings; 50 chick ens, new cream separator, 1 team horses. 8 cows. 7 yearlings, 23 hogs and 11 sheep. Hi acres old orchard; all tools and culti vators included; 8 acres green timber, some hay. grain, potatoes. This Is one of the beet buys on the market. We guarantee it. Price $5000; $2000 cash, balance easy terms; will take $25o0 In improved city property. NO. 143. 170-acre farm, 20 miles from Portland 1 from Hillsboro; mostly all black loam. CO acres In high state of cultivation; sev eral springs; plenty timber In pasture; 8 acrea ash swale; excellent farmhouse, fire place and telephone; ornamental Bhade trees, chestnuts, walnuts, figs etc.; 100 choice rose buhee; all wagons, tools and cutivators go with place; 8 head cows, SO ffoats, 21 head sheep, about 100 chickens, eome turkeys, oats, hay, grain included. Price $16,900; $8000 cash, balance 10 years at 6 per cent. ROSE CTTY REALTY & INV. CO., Lafayette Bldg., 6th and Wash. Sts. CLARK CO.. WASH.. FARM BARGAINS. 20 acres good land, some ciearea. tair buildings, fruit trees, well of pure water, fenced and cross fenced. Vz mile from school. 1 mile from country town and 81 miles from Vancouver. Cheap at $1200. Eafcy terms. $500 cash and S250O within five years buys 40 acres good rich land, about half cleared, good house, large barn, chicken houses, etc. Fine family orchard of as sorted fruits in full becng. fenced and cross fenced, rn good locality, on mam county road, mile from R. R. station, 2 stores, creamery, hotel, school, etc., and 10 'J miles from Vancouver on fine level graveled road. 58 acres fine land, 20 acres under cul tivation, 15 acres more easily cleared, 23 acres line green saw timber. 2-story 5 room house, 4 years old, s;ood barn, chicken house, yards, 5 acres in bearing orchard of assorted fruits In full bear ing; good well and never failing stream through land, 16 miles from countsy town and Ha miles from Vancouver, on good road. A good buy at $3700. Terms can be arranged. 80 acres tine rich land. 35 acres under good state of cultivation, more easily cleared, about 1,500,000 feet of green saw timber; good 2-story 5-room house, large barn and necessary outbuildings, some fruit trees, well and living stream, fenced and cross fenced, Iu thickly settled lo cality on main road; 1 mile from country town and 10 miles from Vancouver, an extra gcod buy at $3700. Terms, can be arranged, 1 desired. These prices are guaranteed as adver tised. THOMPSON & SWAN. Citizens' National Bank bldg.. Vancouver, V ash. BO ACRES, 6 miles south of Oregon City, 28 In cultivation; good 7-room house, barn and other outhouses and a good 7-year-old orchard ; price, $75 per acre; some one will get a snap. 80 acres, ft miles east of Oregon City; small house, good barn, 3 acres In culti vation, small orchard ; near school, half mile to church; $30 per acre; $750 cash. Don't fail to see this. 4 acres. 3G cleared, 7 miles south, of Oregon City, 315 bearing fruit trees, ap ples, pears, cherries, plums; land level, will drain well; 2 houses, 2 barns, 3 or 4 springs, good well; stock, implements and grain go with the place, all' for $000; terms. WALDO F. STEWART, 211 Commercial Block. FARMS. 2 acres. 10 miles out, close to R. R. station; 10 acres highly improved, with good 7-room house, 2-acre appie orchard, 7 years old, abundance small fruit, balance of land easily cleared; no better garden land In Oregon; will stll all or part. 5 acres, good cultivation, but no build ings; near 5c carline; an Jdeal chicken ranch; terms and price very reasonable. 64 acred, 11 miles out. highly improved; 8 acres berries, email bearing orchard, good buildings; only $2000 : part cash. THE SPAN TON CO., 270 Stark st. Ground Floor. 204 MOHAWK BLDG. 4 Vt acres, all in cultivation, fine soil, 50 bearing fruit trees, spring, on the river, near High School, R. F. D. ; house worth $1200, all for $1500; $500 caah, bal ance $100 per year. 3 acres fine soil, all cultivated, level, fenced. High School in sight, 4 blocks car, $1700; house new, good well, woodshed; all for $2900. 3 acres near 'Maegly Junction. level, good soil, In line with Swift improvements; only 6 blocks away ; trade for farm, or sell for $3."AM. 204 MOHAWK BUILDING. THE best bargain yet 8 acres, cleared, deep ncn soli; no gravel; reneed; 7-room housa. barn, laundry, fruit and woodhouse . dove house, chluken-houses, yards and coops, 100 fine bearing fruit trees cherries, apples, prunes and pea if. all kinds Bin a 11 fruit, 3 acres clover ; an ideal country home, close to Portland and electric line; snap at $3750; terms. REALTY BROKERAGE CO., 268 Stark st., room 32. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED. An Island in the Columbia River oppo site Kalama. About 4o acres; house, 3 rooms; barn; 15 acres In cultivation; fine garden land; good pasture. This would make a line Summer resort or small farm. Price $2500; half cash. A. I. LONG & CO., KALAMA, WASH INGTON. 5 ACRES near Vancouver, 2V4 miles from ferry landing, partly cleared, lies nlrely, good soil, water easily gotten, $425. easy teams. Call on us. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 714 Couch bldg.. 109 4th St.. near Wash. A NICE 40-acre farm, only 22 miles from Portland, 20 acres under cultivation, house, large barn and other outbuildings; spring, good orchard; only $2300. C. F. Pfluger u Co., room 14, Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison MS. HOOD RIVER ORCHARDS. If interested we can suit you. from 10 to 0 acres each, all improved and Income bearing; can give full particulars. Sphinx Agency, 808 Chamber Commerce. $750 40 ACRES $750. 1 50 down and $15 er month, choice fruit land, near Forest Grove, 2 M, miles to railroad station ; spring water, B. a. Cook & Co., 251 Alder st. FOR SALE All or part of 200 acres choice irrigated lands in Oregon, or will trade for city property; this must be turned at once. I will make attractive bargain. Ad dress L 651. Oregonian. FINE 20-acre fruit farm in Yamhill Coun ty. Income last year $1316. Price right; only $1250 cash needed, balance reason able time. Purse. 823 Chamber of Com merce. Main 7309. FOR SALE 10 acres, cleared. 6-room house, barn, chicken-house, good well of water, 10 minutes to Lents School ; take Mt. Scott car. Inquire at Smith's Restaurant, Lents, Or. From owner. 1G ACRES hiffhly cultivated, five acres apples, paid $1700 last year, fine build inxs. 6 miles from Portland, one mile from station. Hall & Co.. Concord, bldg. 2d and Stark. ' $25 ACRE 315-acre dairy farm near Scap poose; has some first-class duck lukes; can be bought with or without otock on easy terms; particulars. E. Lamberson, 227 1st st. 820 ACRES near Saiem. halt cleared, bal ance rood timber: fine soil: house and barn; price $22.50 per acre; will divide If cesired. u Ola. oregonian. FOR SALE All kinds country property. very cheap, improved or unimproved; write what you want to Joseph Parker, Scappoose. Oregon. FARM FOR SALE. 54 acres. Hood River. $4500: 45 acres, 20 acres orchard, $26,000. Frary, u52 Williams ave, . 8EB J. O. Elrod, 607-8 Swetland bldg., wheat lands. for FOR SALE FAR3IS. ATTRACTIVE FARMS. Good stock ranch of 13U0 acres, of which 1260 acres are inclosed by hog-tight fence, all practically new. and cross fenced in 8 different pastures. Each pas ture has running water in it. There are 800 acres 0 clear land which is seeded down. There are 400 acres of saw tim ber; eight good stock barns, all practi cally new; good house, colonial style. 11 rooms; water piped In house from a spring; all kinds of outbuildings neces sary to a ranch. Five miles from a col lege town. Price $30 per acre. A splendid farm near Vancouver of 93 acres. About 35 acres in cultivation, bal ance In nasture. A nice creek running through the place; fair buildings. Price $5500. Good dairy or stock ranch in Lincoln County of 430 acres. All good land with a good house, barns and outbuildings. All fenced and cross fenced; also 80 heed of cattle. 130 head of sheep'. 230 high-grade Angora goats. 1 team of work mares. 6 Poland China hogs. 13 stands- of bees, poultry and all kinds of farming ma chinery. Everything goes for $13.00. 227 J4 acres near Sheridan, good im provements; 100 acres under the plow: 60 acres of timber, balance pasture; good family orchard; three good barns; 6 room house. H mile to school. Farm well watered. Price $40 per acre. 120 acres in Clackamas County near Mdlalla. all good farm land. 90 acros In cultivation, balance in timber and pasture; 4 mile to good school. This farm is well improved. Price $50 per acre. 614 acres near Tualatin station on Salem carline; very rich soil; about 4? acres cleared; a splendid apple orchard of 12 acres: fair buildings. Will take a home in Portland as part consideration. 107 acres of good land fronting on Lewis River. Splendid improvements, good house of 8 rooms, 2 barns, 45 acres in cul tivation; abundance of choice fruit; boat landing on the place; mile from good town. This Includes the following da scribed stock: Team. 2 bropd sows. 16 si? oats, 3 young milch cows. 60 pure bred white Leghorn hens and 10 pure bred Rock Island Reds. ALFRED A. BAKER. 215-216 Abington Bldg. 1064 Third St. RICH AND PRODUCTIVE) FARMS. 50 acres, best onion and garden ranch in the state, 2 miles station, new electric line, all fenced, nearly all in cultivation and fruit. Handsome 7-room residence, perfect ystem waterworks, modern con veniences, good barn and onion houses. Annual income over $5000. Price $12,500. 146 acres, on Villa ave., lays fine for platting, $350 per acre; $2000 cash, bal ance easy terms. -10 acres, near Clackamas station.. 8 rcom residence, good barn, poultry house, dairy and roothouse. Rich soil. Excellent water, choice fruit. $3500. ll3i acres, right in town, 5 blocks sta tion. 25 miles out. One of the handsom est residences In the county. Perfect sys tem waterworks, cost over $2000; all in fruit and berries, yielded last year over $3000. Price $7000. 15 acres, rich garden soIL 2 miles sta tion, 25; miles out. handsome new bun galow cottage, fine red barn, choice fruit and garden. Price $2500. 200 acres, mile station. Benton County, Blodgett Valley, 90 acres in cultivation, balance good pasture, living water, 7 room house, good new barn, stock, feed and implements Included. $6000. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., 248 Alder St. GOOD FARMS AND HOMELY HOMES. $2600 for nice 10-acre fruit farm, handy to college and cannery'. $4500 for a well improved 80-acre farm in easy day's driving to Portland, forth and back; a genuine bargain. $5200 101 acres near North Yamhill. 85 acres in cultivation, all sown to crop, land as good as any to be found in the Valley, would make a fine dairy farm. $3500 for a nice and well located GO acre farm, first-class soil, with all the stock, crop and machinery, near Forest Grove. $10,500 for the best 120-acre farm Inside 11 miles of center of Portland, best of land, first-class buildings, all stock, crop and machinery; $4000 cash will handle this bargain. $125 per acre for a 165-acre farm, high class building's and cultivation. 9 miles from center of Portland: a great reve nue producer and best bargain accord ing to quality of soil, improvements and location; close to Portland. Very rea sonable terms given. If you wish to invest your money either in acreage or any kind or size of farm land and want to make a good buy, see 1 FUCHS. 221 Morrison Street. 100-ACRB farm, 8 miles from Portland, un- aer nne state ox cultivation, level land, worth $200 per acre, will sell for nearly actual value; look thla up quick. 31 -acre fruit farm, near Vancouver, 400 trees produced 14 tons of cherries last year, 1350 fine bearing prune trees; 70 Ba.rt lett pear trees. 60 apple, 60 peach, and all kinds of small fruits, all new buildings, 6-room house, barn, prune c"ry house, blacksmith shop, all ; tox k and Implements; owner wants to retire; sell cheap. Eastern Oregon 'vheat lands; will exchange acreage close in 1 to 20 acres. FRARY & SB1TZ, 130 5th St. SO ACRES FOR $20 PER ACRE. 80 acres of the finest unimproved land, 3)4 miles from railroad station. In Yam hill County; running water from large spring on place all year; will sell for part cash or will trade for city real es tate. This is an exceptional opportunity for some one who means business. DEVLIN & FIRBBA-GH. 5OS-509 Swetland Eldg. 11 ACRES, all in cultivation, house, barn, runing water, spring, some good bottom land, on Cedar Mills road; $700 cash, bal ance 5 years, 6 per cent. 20 acres, near Cedar Mills, good houe and other Improvements: rich soil, cleared; will divide if necessary; $160 per ' acre, good terms. WALDO F. STEvTART, 211 Commercial Block. I HAVE farms in all parts of Oregon, many of them fine propositions varying In size from 10 to 1000 acres, some have all im provements, others unimproved. I also have a number of good fruit orchards, lo cated at Forest Grove. Albany. Cottage Grove, Eugene. Medford, Hood River dis trict. Rooming-houses and business ' chances. George W. Douglass, 318 Wor cester bldg. 15 ACRES. 6 miles east of Vancouver, good soil, on good county road, 3 acres cleared, remainder in pasture, dozen annle trees, 5 cherries, 2 pears and 2 prunes, house, barn, chicken-house and chickon-park; price $1500. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 714 Couch Bid.. 109 4th at., near Wash. SMALL BUT DANDY. $3650 for a lovely 30-acre place near Sherwood, eay driving distance to Port land; you might get 10 times more land for less money, but will take this when you see it. You will feel happy as long as you own il. F. FUCHS, Morrison Street. FRUIT LAND FOR SALE. The best grape and fruit land in Oregon, situate at Jacksonville, lor sale in tracts from 5 to 10 acres; this is the home of the Tokaj grape and Cornice pear: invest now and double your money. For particulars apply to c c Hicnok, iua za st., Portland, Or. Phone Main 2404. FOR SALH: 60 acres, 5 miles from Van couver; 3 acres cleared; .small house and barn; about 200 cords of wood cut ; fine . team, wagon and harness. Price, includ ing everything, $3500; can be handled for small amount of cash. Address care Ore gonian. 30ji"!i Main st., Vancouver, Wash. FINE 13-acre farm, not far out. 8 cultivated, 1 full bearing orchard, balance pasture, all icncea, running ptram ana wen, tair house, barn and outbuildings, on county road, 14 mile R. R. station, rich land, no gravel. bargain for cash : only $1375. Portland Homes Co.. 204 Morrison. HOMESEEKERS We have stnek and fruit farms in Eastern Oregon, any size place you want; fine climate, good soil, improved ana unimproved, from 5o to 530 oer acre. Call and see us If you want a cood cheaD home. McCallum & Gregg, 223 Chamber of Commerce. 188 ACRES in Chehalem Valley. 6 miles from Newberg. 75 In cultivation, 50 near ly ready for plow, 30 slashed and in pas ture, balance timber; spring water piped to puuainas. lair dui mines ; price smxkj. For terms write Clarence Butt. New berg. or. FOR SALE Reasonable, 10 acres land with orchard or iw iruit trees; Bethanv, Or, Apply to Mrs. C. Gerdes, 1152 Bedford ave., Brooklya, N. Y. FOR SALE 320 acres near Airlie. Or.. $10 per acre. j. h. witcox, iyy recona st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED 5 or 6-room cottage, gopd lo cality, casn and iota ia payment, j 642, Oregonian. WANTED V to 10 acres in or near the city, improvea or unimprovea. f 632, Oregonian. HOUSE and lot. corner preferred, north of Grant, east of 13th, for cash. F 635, care Oregonian. ' WANTED For cash. lot or quarter block in Irvington or Holladay Park. Phone East 2409. WANT 6 to 9 -room house, east or West Side; fiuv terras. J 615, Oregonian. W ANTED REAL StATL WANTED We have five buyers for five to eeven-room modern homes, nit too far out and ranging from $200 to $3500. Call or phone uc; at once. REALTY BROKERAGE CO., 268 Stark St., room 32. M. 8407. WANTED at once, houses and lots In all parts of the city. If you want to soil list it with us: call up. both ohones. We do the business H. W. GARLAND & CO., 191 4th ft. WANTED At once, full lot on East Side, not over 15 minutes out; owners only; buyer ready. REALTY BROKERAGE CO.. 268 Stark St., room 32. M. 8407. WANTED All kinds -of good real estate, city property or good farms, also good business chances listed for au'.rk sale with F. FUCHS, 221 V4 Morrison Street. APPLE LAND Want 80 acres or more good apple land, within 4 or 5 miles of Mosier; price must not exceed $25 per acre. R. L. Edmonston, 311 Commercial block. Phone Main 8190. WANTED to lease with option about lOOx loO feet ground on Northern Pacific R. R. sidetrack for cut stone plant. H. A. Hepp ner & Co.. 550 Sherlock bldg. WANTED Desirable residence property In any part of the city; also acreage close in. 635 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1459. RENTER wants 4 or 6-rsom house, with basement. East Side, within 1 mile 01 Morrison bridge. Oregon Land & Rent Co., 223 Washington, corner First. WANTED 7 or 8-room modem home. Nob Hill district; the price to be in the neigh borhood of $6000. James J. Flynn, 513 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A 6-room modern cottaxe in a desirable residence section, to cost not to exceed $3000. Give full particulars. M 625, Oregonian, RENTER wants 10 to 15 acres pasture land. v.'lth house. East bide, within 5 miles. Oregon Land A Kent Co., 222 Washington, corner First. FOR. client, corner lot In Irvington, Holla- day Park or Holladay Addition; ;rive lo cation and full particulars. J 628. Ore gonian. RESIDENCE site wanted In City View & Rent Co.. 222 Washington, cor. First. WANTED To buy cottage at Seaside, Or.; state lowest cash price. Address F. D. H., 143 East 12th. Phone East 1635. WANTED To buy on terms, strictly mod ern 6-roora cottage or bungalow; give full particulars. S 622, Oregonian. WANTED To buy 5 or 6-room modern cot- and easy terms. X 650, Oregonian. WANTED Suburban tract. 5 to 10 acres, on eminence; water and electricity available: near carline. X 640, Oregonian. EAST SIDE lots and acreage wanted, prin cipals oniy. uregon Lana & Kent, co., jkz Washington, corner First. MODERN residence, close in,- $3000 to $3500, tnira to hair cash, balance in nne lots on car line. G 628, Oregonian. WANTED 6-room house and lots on terms; I can pay $250 down and $25 and interest each month. Et 624, Oregonian. WANTED Immediately, full lot or fraction, 00x00 preferred, close in and near car line; cash. G 634. Oregonian. FOUR or 5-room cottage, fractional lot will do, West Side. State erica and location. F 631, care Oregonian. HAVE client who wants one or two lots in A lb In a. suitable for residence. J 630, Oregonian. HOUSE and lot, or vacant 50x100 on West Side at a reasonable price. F 665, Ore gonian. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. BAY team, horse and mare, weigh 1150 lbs. each, sound, good workers every way ; also bay horse, weight 12O0 lbs., very stylivh driver, suitable for any business; also 10 head of city-broke delivery horses; one very fast road horse, safe for ladies to drive; five rubber-tira runabouts in good order; several top side-spring buslnes bug gies, 10 sets of ingie and double harness, from $6 up. We rent horses or risrsr by the day, week or month. Telephone Main 1125. Cail Red Front Stables, lath and Burnside sis. TEAM young horses, well broke, $175; gentle oeiivery team, $120; small 4-year-old driver, $60; good farm horse, weight 1350 lbs., $125; new single farm wagon, $55; farm wagons from 2Va to 3-in.; job lot double and single harness, hotel bus, furniture, grocery and express wagons'. Hubert & Hall, 266 4th, near Madison. 30 HEAD of horse and mares from 900 to 15oo lbs., all young and in good condi tion; some well-matched teams of work horses; 3 pairs of mares with foal, 3 matched teams of driving or delivery horses, few cheap farm mores. Call and see this stock before buying. 294 Montgomery st. ONE) span geldings, 6 and 6 years old, weight 2S00, with harness and wagon; 1 span get dings, 2700, with harness; 1 span geldings, 2600, harness and wagon; 1 1000-gelding, buSy and , harness; 1 1-horsa delivery wagon. Call P. Francis at room 21, 2534 1st st. Home Phone A35S7. FOR SALE: Grocery, butcher and all kinds aenvery wagons, goose-neck trucks and vehicles of all kinds; we have a few gxd work horses that we will rent you with a rig suitable for your business. 211 Wash ington, corner ltst. WANTED Team of horses. 2400 to 2800 lbs., for llaht farm work for keenlne good feed and good care; will keep two or tnree months or longer 11 owner de sires; best of references. G. W. Burrow, Ridgetleld. Wash. $2o0 BUYS team of ranch mares, 9 years old, weight 2680. good true pullers and souLd, with foal by Imported Percheron etallion: $75 buys bay 8-year-old delivery Nor work norse, weight 11 to. 294 Montgomery st. S2oO BUYS span of mares, weight 2600. suit able for farm team, with set of new breeching harness complete ; $75 buys bay saddle and driving horse, 1 yeans oia, weight 1100. 294 Montgomery st. WANTED A 4-passenger automobile, good as new, very cheap for spot cash ; state make, use and price in first letter to re ceive attention. s o. oregonian. , TEAM of well-matched chunk, 6 and 7 years old, weight 2:KK lbs. ; sound, gent! and true; wlii be guaranteed every way. Palace stable. 5th and Montgomery. SADDLE horse wanted, good looker. 36 hands high, young and full of life, bay cr Jet black .combination If gen Lie. Aus tin, 221 'at Morrison st. MARK, 6 years old, 1250 lbs.; good team, 2400; some lighter horses suitable for ex press or farm; heavy farm wagon; double harness. 23 N. I4tn st. c a r c ' 'V uuyt pair ui uitu w, kuuu woo ers', new set of breeching harness and col lar?, all complete. Gb.11 26 N. 15th et. $250 BUYS young chunky team, weight 2800. and double harness, or sell separate; can be eeen at Dexter Stables. 45 4th st. ONE fine jack and an elegant span of mules. 2500 pounds, at Oregon Livestock Stable. 0th and Burnside sts. FINE span of 5-year-old steel gray geldings for sale; weight 2MH) lbs., by P. L, Kenady, Woodburn, Or. WANTED Two teams horses. 3000 lhs. each. 4 to 5 yearn old, well built and sound. S 654, Oregonian. BAY roadster and rubber-tired buggy, styl ish and suitable for family use. phone Main .14D9. GKN'TLB horse, harness, rubber-tired run about, with a trap, for sale cheap. Phone B 107-2. FOR SALE 3000-lb. team horses, always been on farm. Inquire Clarke, 170 Front. TWO horses, or one to hire out by the day. Inquire 144 E. 2d et. N. Phone East 6308. Hubert A Hall, 266 4tH, dealers In nerves and vehicles: horses aud vehicles for rest. WILL trade a diamond for good driving horse. Address S 655, Oregonian. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 204 Montgomery. 10 HEAD of good work horses for sale by G. K. Howitt. Montavilla. " . HORSES for sale. W. J. Kelly, Overland Stables. 5th and Glisan. 7 HEAD of good horeea for sale. 182 E. 84th st. Phone East 2b2. 40 HEAD horses Raleigh bldg. at sacrifice. Room 12. HORSE and wagon for sale. Inquire 73 N. 6th st. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. PA IR of mares, good true pul lers anrt gen tic, with brand new harness complete, $110; pair of chunky built mares, wefght 2230, with et of new farm harness, $125: bay horse, 7 years old, weight 1100, good worker or driver, $75; pair of chunk y bullt farm chunks, bayw, with fral by imported Percheron horse, $190: pair of mac a mares, t ana years old, weignt 2410, sound, good pullers, with foal ny ton horse, $250. Telephone Main 6227. 294 Montgomery st. Pianos, FOR SALE PIANOS. A beautiful little Kohler and Campbell pi ano; cost us $400 in Los Angeles 1 year ago. Must be sold before the 27th and $225 gets It; 14 cash; see it today (Sunday), 250 Mc Mlllen et. BECAUSE of financial stress must part wnu my ow r iscner uprignt piano; mod ern, up to date In every respect : must have $185 cash; If taken now will let It go at that. N 624, Oregonian. A BEAUTIFUL $425 Schubert piano; must oe sarincea withia the next rew aaye; used eix months only; ca'.l afternoons after 3 o'clock, 368 Schuyler st. FOR SALE A fine upright piano in first- class condition; excellent tone; owner leav ing city. Address W 632, Oregonian. 88-NOTE Apollo piano player; will sell at uoo discount; good as new, inciuaing se lect music. A 617. Oregonian. A FINE $425 Schubert piano, used 6 months vmy , x.iubi ov BHCnnteu. ait uujr uui today. 368 Schuyler at CASH prize certificate on Eilers; will dis count if taken Immediately. Main 702J. O 028. Oregonian. ypRIGHT grand piano for rent, sale, ex- cnangtj ior city 10U Die xourney diur. Pacific 244. $150 BUYS $500 Kurtzmann piano; real bar gain. 4 -"j ,-iay st. Miscellaneous. SOME household goods I wish to sell : 3 cnamber sets. 1 dining-room set, 4 car pets, range, heating stove, book case, small gas range, long library table; will sell whole or part. 106 Uhiion ave. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying: modern bar fix tures; cheap prices Brunswick-Balke-Col-lender, 49 8d st. 1 2t4 HORSE POWER, three-phase Induction motor, with No. 41 Enterprise meat-chopper, belting and shafting, all complete. Skeen Electric Work, 002 Wash. st. TUGBOAT, $2000 If sold at once; almost new. compound steamer, about 30 h. p. Scrotch marine boiler; can be delivered anywhere. K Bull, Hoqulam, Wash. FOR SALE Leading varieties apple, pear, cherry, prune and peach trees; good sup- . ply of Yellow Newtown and Spitzenberg. Address N. B. Harvey. Milwaukle, Or. 30-FOOT cabin launch, built in June last, with 10-horse power 4-cycle engine; new; speed 9 miles. Address Astoria Soda Works. Astoria. Oregon. TIRES put on baby buggies and carpet (WPncra riil W i Ihn limn tit wan t u.mi t matrimonial fruit backets. Bijou Uphol stery, 127 11th. FOR SALE, cheap, machinist's course In the International Correspondence schools; five large reference books goes with It. 1095 Holgate. city. FOR SALE Chinese Dheasants (tame).. 4 hens, 1 cock. $20; also U. S. Cream sepa rator. No. 7. nearly new. $50. S 621. Oregonian. MOVING pictures, song slides, etc.. for rent, lowest prices, supplies, machines bought, sold, exchanged. Newman's, 293 Burnside. Main 6374 Stove doctor. We make A8237 sick stoves well, do expert stove repairing, stove plumbing and regulating. 22 1st. OLD VIOLINS and stringed Instruments bought, sold and exchanged. ,L. Winters, 318 Tlllord bldg., 10th and Morrison sts. FOR SAXE Stock, one-half Interest In a popular amusement In this city, paying big dividends. Inquire T 640, Oregonian. 210-EGG Cornell Incubator, perfect order, rtearly new. Dell Elliott, mile east of Mt. Tabor Reservoir; route 1. Montavilla. 1 UPRIGHT boiler nearly new; 10 horse power; will be sold at a sacrifice. Apply Sunnyslde Pakery, 1004 Belmont st. GASOLINE engines repaired free by the gasoline motor department, Y. M. C A. Call us up. Private Exchange 65. PINK serge suit, knee-length coat, plaited skirt, white sein lining; size. 38; cost $75; sell $25. k 624, Oregonian. 12-C,nLLED galvanic battery, perfect con dition, for sale at less than half cost. In quire room 5 Washington bldg. FOR SALE, cheap, two second-hand pool tables, one billiard table, showcases and fixtures. 301 East MorrUon st. LOGGING and hoistfnr enaines for sale or rent. Railway Equipment Co., 324 Cham ber of Commerce; both phones. LOGANBERRY plant. "Old Trusty" incu bator ' and brooders chfap. McCoy, 364 North 26th. Pacific 2226. FOR SALE 2 nrst-classt fresh milch cows, Jersey and Durham. 1480 Macadam St., Fulton. Phone Main 6981. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir wood, at $6 per cord delivered. Kirk Hoover. Phone Pacific 2506. A12S4. ONE incubator $10. size 225; 1 brooder $5. on ly used one season. Phone East 5207. Sunday or evenlnss. RELIABLE gas range, used 4 months, also small beater and one single Iron bed. Call 102 E. 18th. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE Bargain; new 4-cy Under 15 horsepower runabout Apply owner, 122 3d st. FOR SALE CHEAP 240-egg Cypher Incu bator; also one brooder, good as new. G 633. Oregonian. J. Y. WOOD YARD You have the best chance for fuel. Phone East 818. East !h and Main. EGGS for hatching: thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Rocks, $1 setting. 8lo Cleveland ave.; U. car. 5-PASSENGER automobile for sale or will exchange; good condition. Hubert ac Hall, 266 Fourth. FINEST equipped launch on the river. In cluding boathoue; seats 10 persons. G 629, Oregonian. IF THINKING of a new motor-boat see our models and prices. Boatbulider. SOO East Salmon. FOR SAL?: 400 arrow-headR from the Colum bia district; make your price. R 637, Ore gon Ian. TWO good fresh dairy cows; barred rock cockerels and eggs, the best. Jhone East 4377. MOVING-PICTURE EXCHANGE Machines, supplies, siides. films for rent. 165 4th t. FOR SALE or lease, double drum hoisting en gine, perfect condition. 452 Sherlock bldg. GOOD houseboat, all nicely furnished, close In, $250; worth $400. K 630, Oregonian. FOR SALE Two elegant three-quarter solid brass bedsteads. Inquire 274 park. PHYSICIANS chnir left at 1SS West Park will be sold for storage March 1. 1003. FOR RALE A new White sewing ma chine, never been used. 1072 E. 25tU st N. FANCY American Wonder potatoes for seed or table use. Clarke Bros., 281) Morrison. PEDIGREED Airedale terrier, female pup 5 months old. 462 East 8th st. N. WHITE FOX fur with head, almost new; cost $35; sell $10. Sargent Hotel, room 413. 2 FRESH cows for sale, big milkers. 646 East Madison st. Phone Kast 2981. FOR SALE Universal steel range, good as new;- call Monday. 2S7 W. Park st. CALIGRAPIl typewriter at a bargain; first c'.ass condition, 442 Sherlock bldg. FOR sale cheap, 31-foot work' launch, pas sengers or towing. 205 1st. STOCK of general merchandise, about $600; a snap. J 612, Oregonian. HOUSEHOLD furniture In good condition for sale cheap. 451 Jefferson. ONE fresh milch cow for sale at 709 Herrold e t Take Seilwood car. AUTOMOBILE for sale cheap for cash. M 62i, Oregonian. JEWEL cook stove in good order. Phone Main 6247. 1907-08 CITY directory for sale. Main 6384. NATIONAL cash register at 211 First st. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE CHEAP. 1 SoO-k. w. 3-phae dynamo. 1 25o-k. w. dynsnx. 1 75-k. w. dynamo. 1 60-k. w. dynamo. 2 15o-llght dynamos. 1 So-light dynamo. 5 loo-h. d. Erie City boiler. 1 40-h. p. engine. 1 5(0-h. p. Russell automatic. 1 8x10 double drum, double cylinder donkt y. 1 12-h. p. Falrbank-Morse gasoline hoist. 1 400-h. p. 80-ft head Smith-Vale water wheel. 2 15-n. p. water wheels. 1700 ft. 12-ln. standard pipe, new. 25oO ft lO-in. standard pipe, new. oVmm) ft. 6-ln. standard pipe, new. 5mK ft. 4-in, standard pipe, new. 000 ft. 3-ln standard pipe, new. 124K) ft. 12-in. steel riveted pipe. Largest amount all sizes second-hand pipe on the Coait. . Call or write for prices and full descrip tion. J. SIMON & BRO., 244-246-250 Front. FOR SALE. 1 15 H. P. Weber gas engine, cheap. 1 centrifugal putnp. 30 flour machines, first-class running or der. 10 steam pumps, ft steam traps. 7500 ft. a-ln., -ln., -in. and 1-ln. chain, 6 tons baling wire, 1c lb. 50 tons hop wire. 1 10 H. P. steam boiler, complete, loo tons ehaftlng. 5000 assorted pulleys. 1000 tons black and galvanized pipe, In. to 12-in., cheap. Lot of new corrugated roofing Iron, cheap. Also carry most anything in machinery and pipe line. Call or write for prices. M. BARDE A. SONS, 8th and Glisan sts. DID tt ever occur to you that by trading at The Dollar, 222 1st St., for house fur nishings you could save time and money? New and good as new; time or cash. We want your trade. HELP WANTED MALE. STRONG YOUNG MEN WANTED AT ONCE Your opportunity to prepare for railway mail clerk examination ; $800 a year first appointment, advance up to $1500 en promotion ; many appointments will be made, so call or write early. Pa cific States School, McKay bldg. A ROMAN CATHOLIC representative want ed in every parish to introduce high-grade financial proposition having support of clergy; light and remunerative work; part or whole time: references required. Wills, Lockwood & Co., 50 Congress st., Boston, M ass. WANTED Competent stoker for small aas works; must understand exhauster and boiler; must be married; 8 hours' work per day; salary $75 per month.- W 628, Oregonian. WANTED at once, bright 17-year-old boy, some clerical ability, to act as shipping clerks International Conservatory nf Music, new Masonic Temple, West Park WANTED A solicitor for Job printing firm, one who can make estimates and com mand business; a good posit lou for the right man. Address A 669, Oregonian. WANTED A thoroughly capable high-grade solicitor; ri has-wassers but an ls-now up-to-date hustler; big Inducements to right man. V. V. Jones. Achesun bldg. WANTED Man for country place, must understand care of stock, vehicles, gard ening, etc.; state experience; must give city referiices. D 667, Oregonian. SIX weeks' Instruction In salesmanship, po eitlon as traveling salesman with responsible firm guaranteed. Address Bradstreet Sys tem, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED An active, reliable real estate salesmen on. commission basts; one ac quainted in the city; expenses guaranteed. 268 Stark st., room 32. YOUNG man with experience In fire and gen eral insurance office; must write good hand; give references and state salary expected. K 614, Oregonian. WANTED -Young Scandinavian to work on farm; must be able to milk and handle team. Apply Monday forenoon. R. Chllcott, S06 McKay bldg. NICELY furnished pleasant front room, with board, for two gentlemen; reasonable rates; good home cooking. Main 8030. 310 Clay st. WANTED Experienced dry goods salesman to sell goods. Apply Monday morning, 8 A. M., personally or by letter, to McAUen and McDonnell. GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, sarnpleH, etc. ; no canvassing. 247 National Dist. Bureau. Chi cago, lit. WE pay $36 a week and expenses to men with rigs to introduce poultry compound; year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 64, Par sons. Kas, W A NTFJD Reliable man for portion as part ner; pay you $25 a week; $25o required; ex perience unnecessary, call 2-i8'-j stark st. WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers, tenogi aphers and clerical men. Call or write commercial Atwiraci to., io wasn. ex. GOOD MSN All or spare time, secret serv ice work: we give full instructions free. Address P. O. Box 274, Indianapolis, Ind. GOOD PAY to men everywhere to tack signs. distribute circulars, sample, etc. ; no can vassing, Universial Adv. Co., Chicago. LIVE men on a clubbing offer, three standard magazines one year $1; commission 5ic. E. K. van Dyne, i0 La Kane et., Chicago. TRAVELING wtlesman to handle old estab lished line, Oregon-made telescope bags, on commission. Ad dree r 660, Oregonian. AN experienced butter-maker ; must be all around good man; snd references and state wages. Address X 621, care Oregonian. MAN and wife to cook for logging camp, 20 men ; man must be able to milk; $40 and board. Phone L. B. Purdy. Gaston, Or. WANTED A boy to work on small dairy; take Efctacada car to Nickum Station, walk 1 block east from station. D. Junor. YOUNG man with $25 can make big money and learn trade. 291'j Morrison, room 8, Sunday 10 till 2; Monday 9 till 5. A GENTLEMAN who knows people can. for a while, make good money. For appoint ment address F 633, Oregonian. REFINED amateurs wanted by people hav ing theater. Apply Burkhardt Theater, Union ave. and East Burnside. FIRST-CLASS photograph operator, must be good retoucher, for Tacoma studio; steady. Cutberth. Dekum bldg. PEOPLE'S Safe Deposit Company want 2 htrh-grade men for outside work. Call on Secretary, 300 Dekum bldg. WANTED Young man 16 to 20 to make him self useful around store and learn business. Address S 644, Oregonian. $36 A WEEK and expenses to men with rig to Introduce poultry compound. Grant Co.. Dept. 82, Springfield, 111. PRESSMAN, platten; one capable of taking charge; only first-class man need apply. The Irwln-Hodson Co. WANTED 2 flrst-clas cabinetmakers or bench hands. Apply this A. M. at 9 o'clock. "667 East Morrison. WANTED Two salesmen for city: no so liciting. Cement Brick Co.. 213 Com mercial bldg. SH 6 W -C Ail D writing at the Y. M. C. A.; reduced price. Ste educational director. 4th and Yamhill. WANTED Physician, one with good address who wishes to increase practice X 670, Oregonian. PARTNER for laundry and cleaning; a lit tle money required; good business. G 632, Oregonian. WANTED Physician; good location for a registered doctor. Address R 617, care Ore gonian. WANTED Young man. experienced in hand ling groceries, with references. Apply 154 No. 6th. WANTED Piano; must be in good condition; state price and make; must be bargain. X 044. WANTED A boy, apply Monday morning at Multnomah Printing Co.. Front and Oak sts. . HIGH-GRADE rustler; fortune for right man; something new. 215 Commercial block. WE secure positions for our members; spe cial membership $2. Y. M. G. A. $lf0 take half Interest in paying business at once. Address S 668, Oregonian. WANTED Good fishing boat, 18 to 20 feet long. &15 Marquam bldg. SMALL boy wanted. 303 Abington bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED COURTN EYS. WESTBRN OPPORTUNITIES. The months of March. April and May are always record-bieuklng months In tho num of, positions created by various organiza tions In their, preparations for the cumins; st-ason. WB ARM RECEIVING A constantly Increasing number of po sitions dally. WE WISH To impress upon you the advisability of seeing ua at once if you are A COM PETTJNT MAN In your particular line. WE DO NOT ADVERTISE Positions If we are able to fill them from our files. IF YOU ARE A competent man for any of the following we would like to talk -with vou. BOOKKEEPER AND OFFICE MAN. P. B. 35 Calls for man to take charge of office for a long-cjstabllshed firm in Port land. This la an opportunity for a man with. $400-$50OO to buy part Interest in reputable firm, salary $lfoo-$l8 per year. MANAGER. P. M. 150 Want manager for Indies' specialty store. An excellent opportunity for a high-grade man. Salary $2ouo-$:io.0. SALESMAN. P. S. 168 Wants representative of good personality, education and appoarance, to call on bUMlnes firms and merchants of Portland. Sajary $1200 up; depends on man, COUKTNEYS. 403-404-405 Swetland Bldg. SALESMAN WANTED For special sales closing out stocks in country; must ne thoroughly versed In dry goods, clothing and shoes ; unless you have a clean rec ord and best of references need not ap ply. Interview granted 11 to 1. 301 Roth chlld bldg; 4 to G, Hotel Oregon. Call for Krueger. WANTED Advertising man and window- vrun mcr. P137 culls for man who understands news paper advertising, with knowledge of wln-v dow trimming; wants combination man salary $1500. COURTNEY'S. 403, 404, 405 Swetland bldg. SALESMEN WANTED For Washington and Oregon territory, traveling specialty sales man, worth $2500 per year; position perma nent; staple line; well-established trade; write with references; personal interview if satisfactory. Franklin Price Co.. Iow City, la. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. Thousand of appointments to be made: examinations soon, in this city; circular 161 giving full par ticular as to positions, salaries, sample, questions, etc.. sent free by National Cor respondence Institute, Washington D. C. SALESMAN Attractive staple specialty Ih.A, lln. A. U . f L 1 1 A 11110 yjn ivftUi f'lim iu Kt'ucmi trade; position permanent; $.".5 weekly ad vance; result producer can make from $3000 to $5000 per year. Address H 628, Ore gonian. SALESMEN, a winner; easy $3000 annually; can't tell you here; exclusive territory, pleasant work; share with you on mall or- -ders. Write us. will prove above state ment. Monarch Systems Co., Des Molne, la. WANTED Good men tt represent us a agents In several flrt-class outside loca tions: wagon equipment and splendid In ducements to secure trade furnished free; state reference and experience. Grand Union Tea Co., 473 Washington st. WANTED Good all-round printer; steady po sition, to work on country weekly; must be sober and industrious; no booze fighter need apply. ' Write at once stating experi ence and wages to The News, Springfield, Or. MEN to learn plumbing, electricity, plaster ing, bricklaying, drafting and plan read ing; day and night; no book; positions se cured; free catalugue. Coyne National Trade Schools, 230, 240 8th st., San Francisco. SALESMAN to open and conclude negotia tions with agents and jobbers to handle our goods. A little spare time only re quired; good opportunity to obtain a ctendy income. Krahn Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. WANTED Salesmen 'of ability and neat ap pearance to call on all merchants In their territory; elegant slue line, convenient to carry; good commissions; prompt remit tance. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. WANTED Salesmen to handle vest pocket. side line to Increased df partmnt ttoren' sales; $20 daily easily made; state terri tory you covfcr. Samples suppHrd free. Bliss-Deveneau Company. Chicago, 111. PROTECT yourself for $1 per month agalnt accident, sickness and death. Write cr call for full Information. Northwest era Health and Accident Association. ) Wells-Fargo bldg. Agents wanted. WANTED Saleemen of ability and neat ap pearance to call on all merchants In their territory; elegant side line, convenient to carry; good commissions; prompt remittance. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. TRAVELING MAN wanted to sell out drcs fabrics and white goods from mill direct to retail country store; liberal commis sion; splendid tide line. Schuylkill Mills, Box 1192, Philadelphia, Pa. CAPABLE traveling salesman at once; eta pi line, profitable commission contract witli $25 weekly advance; permanent position; references required. A. 8. J. Co., Grand River ave., Detroit, Mich. . MEN and women to learn barber trade 11 eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructors; catalogue free. Moler System of Colleges, 85 North, Fourth sU. Portland. WANTED Five young men to take practical conversational course in Spanish language by expert Castllllan teacher, under very mxleraie terms. 4 3 Commonwealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeuy et. SALESM EN A business-getting proposition for merchant; salesmen making $50 week ly; give line and firm for pocket sample : we wan t 1 1 v men. Business Getter, 262 5th ave., Chicago. EASY money for you; postage and paper all required to operate: mint tor stenographer; plan complete for $1; "Puller" and full par ticulars 10r. The Monoplan Co., box 1273. Spokane, Wash. " WANTED Registered druggist; In good val ley town ; muf t be good salesman, goo4 habits and a rustler; a Christian man pre ferred; no Sunday work. Pill Roller, V Gi Care Oregonian. WANTED Experienced sslewnen of wagons, buggies and farm Implements to canvass the local Portland territory for the rotall department of a large wholesale bouse. J 623, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced salesmen, goods o!d on long time; proposition especially attrac tive now on that account; write for partic ulars. McAUlster-Coinan Co., 866 Dear- t., Chicago. SALESMEN For $20, fortune soda fountain; make $10 each Fale; also several grale new process fountains; beet low-priced lins in T. S. Zenith Mfg. Co., 132 La Salle t., Chicago. WANTED Partner with $300 take U Interest manufacturing Jewelry plant and learn trade; tradesman preferred; alo ternif.) ; call or address E- Lambert, room 7 Benson bldg , Portland, Or. WANTED Young man to clerk In general merchandise store; to tke charge of dTy g.xd department, must be a live one; none other need apply. Geo. N. Crosfield, Wasco. Or. SALESMEN wanted to handle one of the be? kind of security in the city and country; faiary and commission paid. Ask for 11. E. Clements, mgr. of agents, 320 to 327 Cor bett bldg. WANTED A boy for position In a railroad office ; intist be not under 17 years of cue and should have a high-school education ; chance to rite. Adretn box D 6-';6, this office. ANY Intelligent person can earn good In come making simple drawings. Whole or spare time; experience unnecessary. Write for particulars. Art League. Lock por N. Y. SPECIALTY merchandise traveling saleamsii wanted for Washington, man experienced In calendar lino preferred : excellent oppor tunity for right party. 237 Worcester bldg. YOUNG men to take course in telegraphy; 9-hour law. makes Increased demand for operators; only profession not overcrowd ed. Oreiro College, 5tU and Oak. LEARN watchmaking, engraving and optk-s; easy term; positions eecured; money earned while learning. Watchmaking. Engraving . School, cor. 4th and Pike, Seattle. WANTED Young man living with parents to learn good profession; small pay to start with; steady position If satisfactory; give references. S 653. Oregonian. WANTED Competent salespeople to hsndl our line of catchy fa.st-sjlling post-cards t Tetail trade; side or main line. Kulillng Co., 100 Lake st., Chicago. SOLICITORS Handle heat cleaner manufac tured; removes grease spots; sample JO c-nts. stamps. Write to Idea Advertising, 230 Eplar b!o.-k. Seattle. WANTE D Man and wife. cook, at Coo s Bay. $100; planei-man, $2.50; yard tallyman; others. Pacific Employment Co., 12 North, 2d. 600 MEN wanted Free shaves and haircuts. 284 Couch st. Moler Barber College. rt