THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 23, 100S. 7 NEW TODAY. ACREAGE 36-ACRE ORCHARD Situated 5 miles east of Vancouver, Wash., on Mill Plain road. Will sell in tracts to suit purchaser. Price $200 er acre. 41 -ACRE FARM Situated at Jennie Station, on the O. W. P. carline, 9 miles east of Port land. This is a finely improved farm, good house and barn; house equipped with water plant sufficient to fight fires, etc.; good orchard; in fact, this is a very desirable home. For further particulars call at our office. 20 ACRES lo miles south of Oswego, 9 miles from Portland; 17 acres in cultiva tion, 3 acres small stumps, seeded to grass, 2,4 acres in strawberries, 3 acres in timothy, balance garden land; small house and barn. Price 2r00; one-half cash. ACREAGE j-acre tracts, situated one-half mile Fouth of Cedar Station, on the O. AY. P. carlino. on the Pleasant View bou levard. f This land is in a good state of cultivation, free from rocks and gravel. Tracts adjoining boulevard. $2")0 per acre. Tracts back from bou levard, $250 per acre. Terms easy. "i-acrc tracts, 4 mile north of Jen nie Station, on O. TV. P. carline, nine miles from Portland, by the Powell Tailey wagon road. This tract of land is iu good state of cultivation; is at present seeded to clover. Price $273 per acre. CAUSEY LAND AKD INVESTMENT CO. 506-7 Swetland Building. Washington" and Fifth Streets. uk vi $121 moxtil phici; $12,500. For Splendid Now Flats. Good Loca tion and Splendid Investment. J. FRANK I'OKTF.R, ,)7 Commercial Bldg. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Abraham A White. 227 Washington at. Andrews, F. V. A Co. M. 3349. 33 Hamilton bL Angeles Exchange, 618 Commonwealth bldg. Baker. Alfred A.. 215 Ablngton bldg. Bollum, Grussl & Hie Icy, 123 3d at. Chapln & Herlow, 426 Chamber of Commerce. Churchill-Matthew Co.. Main ft A174S 110 2d. Coast Realty Co.. Main 1568. 226 Morrison. Columbia Trust Company, 714 Couch bl. A1910. Commercial Invest, Co., 210 Lumber Exchange. Compton, J. F. Pac ft A1843. 100 Ablngtos. bL Crows Icy Co., 706-8 Corbett bldg. M. 7855. De Burgh. C. R., Pac, 773. 220 Ablngton bldg. lan Land Improvement ft Colonization Co. 3l Chamber of Commerce bldg. Dubois ft Crockett, 270 Washington u Goddard. H. W., Main and A 1743. 110 2d at. Hotchkisa, C, R. ft Co.. M. 106ft. 803 C. of C International Invest. Co., S(4) Macieay bldg. Jennings ft Co., Main 188. 332 Wash. C Lee, M. E., room 411 Corbett building. Mall ft Von Borstel. 104 2d at., 892 E. Burn side O'Donsetl, J. P., M. 4581 ft A2561. 230 Stark. Palmer, H. P., 202 Roth child bid. Main &601. PARKER, C. Li. Woodstock, end of carline. parrlsh, "VVatkins ft Co., 250 Alder St. porter, J. Frank. 607 Commercial Bldg. r.ced. Fields ft Tynan. M. 7004, A3G61. 102 24, Rose City Realty In v. Co., La Fayette bldg. f chalk. Geo. D., 204 Stark at. Main 392. A3Z fcurlty Investment Company, rooms 626-27-2S Corbett bldg-. opp. Puetoff ice. tDonald li tem! th, Hubert B. May and. W. Lawrence). narkey, J. p. ft Co., 122 Sixth at Cteinmetz, F. J. ft Co., 183 Morrh.oa st. few en won, A. F. ft Co., 2A3 Washington at. The Oregon Real Estate Co., SS Third st. Holladay Addition.) Thompson ft Bwan, specialty, Clark Co. farms, towel land bldg. and Vancouver, Wash. Veteran Land Company, 105 Third St. Waddell, TV. O.. 30 Lumber Exchange bldg. FOK8ALK KKAL ESTATK. A HUM IS FOR WELL-TO-DO PEOPLE. If you waul a twell home, walking dis tance, first-class neighborhood, strictly modern, brand nw, just finished, full ce ment basement, furnace, gas and elec iriclty, double floors, double walls, nice china closet and den with bookcase built in. in fact, nothing missing, you can pay $1500 or more down, balance terms to suit you; look at it today; it In No. 172 East 14 th near Belmont st. Key next door. BOLL A M, GRVSSl & HIGLEY, 12S Third Street. NOB TI1LI.. '1 Mock In swellest .Noh Hill district; beautiful grounds; only $12,000. Lovely 7-room modern residence. Nob Hill; splendid location; onlv $Voo. PORTION D HEIGHTS. Fine 7-room modern residence, nice Riouuds; only Sttooo. J. FRANK PORTER, 007 Commercial Bids. 1RVINQTON. t'totiQ S-room hunftalow style, complete in every detail: 2 open fireplaces, fur nace, concrete basement; width of house :io feet; very desirable homo; new. Halsey near loth. Broadway car. A. H. BTRRKI,U JfO McKay Bid.. Third and Stark. CHEAP KNOITGW. 4-room house. 2 lois, near Alberta car line. $1100; owner must leave city March 1 .1. .1. OEDfiR. Corner Grand Ave. and Hast Ankeny. f'ixl'frt Just high enough for best view; 1 block to car on each side; excavated for building; fl'rOO canh. B. t. CuOK & CO., 2.'il Alder. CAN YOU BEAT .THIS? $i1oo On easy terms, for a beautiful lot on West sid'. overlooking the river. 1- li'I'CHS. l!2l: Morrison Street. $17c ONTV for jfood o-room house and 3 full lets. Glisun; $-to. and J15 month, lni'ools & Crockett, Was-hinston bldg. room 3. MUST SSIL $CXi0 will buy modern 5-room cottage; S.V.0 down, balance $10 per month. Call llo4 E. Taylor. Tabor 830. S1"J0U Nice, well-lrnproved acre tract on rc carline. with house and outbuildings, a tood home and nice location. V. FUCHS. J1H Morrison Street. M--'"' Full lot SOxlOtt ft., Johnson St., near 21 li : beautifully situated in a most select neighborhood. James J. Flynn, M2 Cham ber of Commerce. li-KOOM new house. East Holladay, adjoin ing Irvlngton. $7.-.o down. $20 per month; take good lot Jlrst payment. S 675, Ore gonlun. S-KOOM house near IT on ave., J25CO; terms to suit, or will exchange. State Land Co., ViS'.i 1st at. $3H CASH handles new modem 6-room house, corner Kant 2oth, 1 block car; a bargain. 243 Stark. APARTMKNT-JIOUSB site, close In. on East Side. $7000. IUiom 18. 313H Washington si. 6 ACRES ft milw west of Portland, 1200; terms. State Land Co., 133U 1st st. LOT 03x120, close In. only $1400. on terms, iloom IS, 313 Washington at. FOIt SALE REAL ESTATE. ACRIJAGB-SALKM CARLINE. 20 arrH Less than 5 minutes' walk from Multnomah station; $500 an acre. ! acres Adjoining above property, 5 acres Directly pouth of Multnomah flatten, about 5 minutes' walk. $500 an acre. 15 acres About one-quarter mile from the above 5 acres; In brush and stumps. $250 an acre. 15 acres Adjoining Capitol Hill," all im proved ; line 7-room house. $700o. 10 acres 5-room house, 0 acres under cultivation, 2 acres grubbed, about one mile from Multnomah station. 53200. This place is leased for one year. 10 acres Practically 1 k miles from Multnomah station, 8 acres cleared. 10 minutes' walk from school house. $375 an acre. 1 Bo acres About one-half mile from Durham's Mills, 00 acres under cultiva tion, 20 acres in stump pasture, 60 acres in timber, two good houses, good barn, granary, toolhouse. $125 an acre. This is the cheapest piece of property on the Salem carline today. 10 acres At Durham station, all un der cultivation. Carline runs through the property. $250 an acre. 00 acres Adjoining above, 40 acres under . cultivation. 20 acres in timber, ar line through the place, about 2 min utes' walk from Durham's Mills. $175 an acre. There was over $3O00 worth of potatoes sold off this place during the pat season. 21 acres Tigardville. all under cultiva tion. $250 an acre. This Is one-quarter mile from Tigardville station. 32 acresi Adjoining the above. 26 acres cleared, but not under cultivation, tt acres in brush, most of which is bea vcrdam land. $5500. -7 acre? Across the road from the above, ubout 40 rods from carline. $275 an acii. This has a largo house and barn. It pavs to see u?. CHAl-'IX & IIERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce, Phone Main 1052. MODERN new 7-room square house, lot 00x127, Piedmont: price $3200; terms $1200 cafh, balance 6 per cent. Kull lot, 2 hoiwses, with bath, near SI 9th and Clay, a snap, only $4200; terms $1500 cash, balance 0 per cent. Corner lot on Falling st., with cottage, K:ut of Union ave., good location for gro cery or market; only $1100. Full lot, partly improved, Water St., near JrflVreon-st. depot, best buy on the street; price $K"KMt. H aui iful 8-room modern home, 2 baths, hot watfr h-iLt, full lot, near 7th and Mill; owner going east; must sol!; price $l0,ot,o; terms to suit. PORTLAND RBALTY fe TRUST CO., J 20 .St., trt. VYbshlrgton and Stark. Have you any pro port v for 1 1 e on iho PENINSULA If you have, list it with us. and if the price is right, we will srll It for you This Is an ago of specialist, and we make a specialty of Peninsula properly, so are in a position to serve you to a good ad vantage. F. B. LACY" REALTY CO., 737 Chamber of Commerce. CHEAP LOTS Read this list. We have many others. Call at our office for list. $350 Nice full lot in Sellwood on easy terms; $100 cash." $450 Two lots 82x77 each. East 40th end Main ; half cash. $:V0v Full lot. East 34th and Clinton; part cash: street improved; sidewalk. $11M Nice corner lot, 24th and Pa cific $400 cash, balance installments. $IS50 M block. East 2Sth and Hoyt; part cash ; right on carline. $1700 Lot 42xllO; fine view; overlooks river; on Kelly st.. South Portland. BOLLAM. GRURSI ft HIGLEY. 128 Third Street. EXTRA GOOD BUYS. 2 acres. East St. John, 1 block from carline; $1500 per acre. 4 lots, elose to two carllnes, fine .serv ice; extra good location; corners, $850; in side, $725. lOOxloO, northeast cor. Borthwlck and Bit 1 d m o re sts. . $ 1 500. Lots all over city, residence and busi ness properties. ZIMMERMAN & VAT'GHAN, 33 Buchanan Bldg. ACREAGE. 12 acres on carline. close to city, all In cultivation, mostly bottom land, on good grave! road to city; tine building place; some bearing fruit trees; close to stores, school, churches and station. Will trade Tor city property. 11ENKLB & HARRISON. 217 Abington Bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $3000 10-room residence, modern; quar ter block; excellent view; very de sirable. $5200 ft-room new, modern bungalow; choice location and view. A. H. B1RRELL, 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. SPLENDID HOME. $rsrK0 only for new modern 7-room house on "Williams ave.; $1vio. halnnre to ult. IH'ROIS & CROCKETT. Washington Bldg., Room 3. FL.AT Close In. on Went Side, show, good Income now and can be Increased, only a few block from heart of ritv, $9oo0. HBNKI.B & HARRISON. 17 Vashliigton Uldx. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE. $ir.O. Brand-new 4-room eottaise, full lot: hnth, electricity, hot and cold water; just being- finished; $KW) cash, balance $15 per month. Bollam, Grussl & Hlglev, 12S .! ST. JOHN BARGAIN. To raise money at once 1 will sell my lots chce to hiisiness renter for $450 eacJi or all for $3200. W. B. Nlles. Milwaukee. Or. K. F. D. SfHCKBAN PIAC'R. buy. 15 acre. Rood soil under hlffh st:ilo of cultivation. ' d house, fruit, etc., chxse to car, 7-cent fare. liaeemann, 41 5lh. IRVINO.TOX. $1lr0. . Ixit SrtxHH). on K:isl 17th close to TII- lammk : pood as any In Irvlnprton. 3;jl Chamber of Commerce. Main :;177. $200 IXVN, balance monthly 6-room mod ern house, corner lot. beautiful -lew of city, one block from car, 20-mfnute ride. M 5C3, Oregonlan. BRICK building netting S per cent, best wholesale district West Side; chance for big Bdvance: $1,000 to handle; no agents. S I14f. Oregonlan. FOR SAI.K 4-acre tract suitable for resi dence or platting: fine apple orchard, small fruit; convenient to car; close in. Address K 602. Oregonlan. FINE corner lot. East 14th and Yamhill : good for flats or apartment-house. See me at once. Owner, Barette the Tailor, 2liS Aldor st. WEST fiIlE. o-room bungalow, brand new, $:;tI.V. bottom price, few days only; Al throughout; not built to sell. W. G. Cox, 21H Stark. APARTMENT SITE. inOxloO, with 14-room house, cor. llth and Mili; 2 lots In Cooe Bay cheap. Inquire 414 Mill St. TWO lots. 1 block from Killingsworth ave.. $ii00 each. $50 rash. $20 month. Purse, S23 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7309. $; plastered cottag.. on Mount Scott carline, $."hK cash, balance at $12.60 month. State l.and Co., 1334 1st st. MODERN 5-room bungalow, furnished or un furnished, cheap. Call today or tomorrow, 424 Bast 34th St., cor. Grant. FOR SALE $30 buy. good two-room house, woodshed, ehleken-houne and yard. 101 East 10th North. Phone East 3167. 3-ACRE bargain near Portland Boulevard; come quick; Rust & Hofstrand. Arbor Lodge station. St. John car. BUY now. cheap lots at Peninsular sta tion; price $1.0 each. See R. B. Carey, Peninsular siation. MODERN 11-room house, furnished, overlook ing city. block from carline; West Side. Phone Main 632S. BRAND-NEW house, 6 large rooms, base ment, gas. electric light; $3250. 774 B. Yamhill. 24th. $1200 4fixl00. F.ast 12th. by Ladd's tract; cement wall and sidewalk. By owner. 420 E. Harr!ion. MAKE OFFER Modern 7-room house, worth $r200: choice district. East Side; must sell; non-resident. K 644, Oregonlan. FOUR lots with small building, in Berkeley Addition. $500: terms or cash. X 656, Oregonlan. CHOICE residence lots near Alberta car. $200 up, $5 cash. $S month. Phone Main SU46. K FINE 5-room house. $1250: easy terms. Address W. F. Pcrdew, box 4t Arleta Or. SPHINX AGENCT. business and residence property. 8u Chamber of Commerce bide. MODERN. 8-room. In Holladay, only $3000 Room 18. 313 Vi Washington at FOB SALE: REAL ESTATE. BLS FOR THE WISE. WHO KNOW SOMETHING GOOD WHEN THEY SEE IT. $8.700 Quarter block, choice locality, close in East Side, llth and Grant sts.. with two 8-room dwellin&s. Ideal va cant space to build apartments or flats. nvi acres, all In fruit and ber ries. 5 blocks station. 35 miles out. strictly modern 7-room residence, private system waterworks. Cost over $2O00. .60nSwe" P'ao1- -d St., close in. .'Loo 7-room. modern conveniences. St00 Ideal 7-rooms. strictly modern place, beautiful lawn. 347 Ross St.. near Cherry. . $3750 Swell place Irvinirton, full lot, 8 rim:ofunace- modern plumbing. , ;oo" Grand colonial 6-room residence, . .,lot- ntc6'y situated; E. Davis St. $.700 Beautiful place in Sunnyaldo. strictly modern, 6 rooms. 1052 E. Alder. 2O00 Charming cottage place! 100x110, on castle st.. beautiful 5-room cottage, nne garden and poultry yard $2000 Quarter block, stylish 6-room Viueen Anne cottage. 1 block Woodstock cars. $1500 Full lot, 7 rooms, fronting on iulton carline. Southern Portland $1000 Full lot. beautiful 6-room cot tage. Stearns ave.. convenient to cars. $S50 Corner lot, 5-room cottage, 1 block cars: Montavllla. You'll get the bargains, when you see THE L-LXN-LAWRENCE CO.. 24S Alder St. NO. 12 6 lots, 25x100 each; this Is a snap; price $1200; terms. No. 14 100x150 feet, corner lath and Beacon sts., 6-room house; $.1300; terms. No. 13 Lota a, 6. 7, 8. Caruthefs Ad dition. Sheridan and Baker ats.: $0000; terms. No. 1 Lots 3 and 4, on N. W. corner Montgomery and 3rd st. ; $18,000- halt cash ; terms. No- 17 Lot 2, N. ET. cor. 4th and Davis; price $40,000. half cash; terms on balance. No. 1 8 Corner lot, 100x100, on Dtli and Tiliamook sts.; $2700; terms. No. in Corner lot, 100x140, on 8th and Tillamook sts.; $4000; terms. No. 27 6-room modern house on Co lumbia boulevard; lot 33 1-2x100; $1800. No. 35 1 block In Salem, 16 lots, im proved; $450O; terms. ROSE CITY REALTY & INV. CO. 6th and Wash. Sts. Lafayette Bldg. $100 .-room house, near carline: not strlct c."1? ' hut a soo; b"'i "mis easv. $loWi New 5-room cottage, $200 cash. '$15 monthly. $20fl A good 6-room house and corner lot oOxlOO; lot worth $1000: terms. S2.S50 New .6-room modern house in Sun - nyside; $3oo cash, balance eaty. $3250 Very weU 6-room modern Sunny mde home. THE SPAXTON' CO., 270 Stark St.. Ground Floor. MULTNOMAH INVESTMENT & REALTY COMPANY. $5800 buys new 2H;-story dwelling 7 rooms. lot 30x100, Holladay Park Addi tion; terms. $-k)00 2-story dwelling, 7 rooms, lot 50 '0. Irvlngton carline. close In; terms. $o000 Factory site, 250x118 feet.manu faoturinir district, waterfront and rail road facilities. Building lots "in Alder Springs. Villa Hill and Terrace Park; $100 up, $10 down and $1 a week. Real estate of every description bought, sold and exchanged. 386 Washington St. Office 13. WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD. Two lots, facing the river, for $1600: cheapest ones you will lind; beautiful view. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. A fine lot on 32d St.; improvements In. at the low figure of $700. 1'i ACRES. 200 feet from 5c carline; 6-room nouse, barn, chicken-house, windmill, 00 fruit trees; a fine view of city; lots selling all around for from $:400 to $400. For this week we will sell the property for $2500. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 10514 Third St. BEAUTIFUL bungalow, 5 rooms. polished noors, handsome flreplace. electric light fix tures, bookcase, hall seat, china cabinet, bath and toilet separate; very complete and new; full lot; close to car; 20 minutes out: reduced to $2400; terms'. Another new, modern 5-room house; full basement fine view; near Hawthorne; only $1800; liberal terms'. Another 6-room modern home near the above; better finished, at $2700; moat liberal terms. REALTY BROKERAGE CO.. 268 Stark St., room 32. M. 8107. 400 ACRES stump and timber land In rood fftrmlti. It . . . miles from railroad; good level land, first clasj. sol!; will sell all or In tracts to suit. Price $25 per acre. 32 acres in Ciackama. Countv. Z mllea Sa.em electric line: house, barn, fenced, orchard. 6 acres hops, some timber, pasture and plow land; $2500. We have other farms, improved and unim proved, ranging from 0 acres to 200 acres. WHITTEX BRYANT. 535 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1459. IRVINGTON Owner will sell his handsome u. j uib iwiiin aiiu pienxy oc closets; corner quarter block and surround 'j by nlce homes, nice lawn and a roomy side and front porch; also upstairs sleeping porch; everything modern and nothing lack ing to make the house comfortable; two big fireplaces; fine interior finish: $11,000, In cluding carpets, linoleums, oilcloths, shades and fixtures. G 651, Oregonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. One of the most beautiful homes on the Heights, solid ground, 75x100. hlghiv Improved; line view, house elegantly fin ished. If you are looking for something extra good see It. Price $13,000. ZIMMERMAN & VAITGH AN, 303 Buchanan bldg. $2750 5 rooms, reception-hall, large bath, best of plumbing, new. gas. electric light, concrete basement, full lot; Hawthorne ave. and East 46th; built by owner; terms. A. H. BIRRELL. 2A2 McKay Bldg.. Third and Stark. NBW 6-room modern house, fireplace, furnace, J4th St., near Morrison; bargain. Large list of houses reasonably close In, East Side. Fine West Side homee. FRARY & SBITZ. 130 5th St. EIGHT-ROOM house, brand new; corner lot, Clinton and 13. 22d: a beautiful home; pan eled dining-room, beiutifully tinted, fireplace and furnace: $3500. aniall payment down, balance same as rent. Call at premises or W. L. Morgan, 213 Ablngton bldg. IRVINOTON. $00O. Lot ROxlOO. on East 22d, close to Thompson. The extension Of the Broad way carline will pass this lot before next FaM. 331 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3177. $9000. Very fine 10-room modern house on Kear ney st., 2 fireplaces, furnace, etc. ; terms. DUBOIS CROCKETT. Washington Bldg.. Room 3. THREE DAYS ONLY. New. modern 5-room cottage, Punnv slde; $20o down, balance $15 per month. A. s. Draper & Co., 34-3V4 Washington st., room 6. BIG bargains, 5 acres unimproved, easily Section Line road, nice and level; cheap, only $1250, owner. J. Gono. Meldrum, Or. I WILL build you a 4-room cottage for $000 on a lot valued at $150; small pav ment down and $lo per month. 306 Coni- mercial bldg. Phone Main S14S. LOT 25x100, 17th and Powell sts.. $2O0: $25 u..i.ii miu .. ct irionin: one otner Mll waukie Heights. $250, $50 down. $10 a month. 46 N. 15th . CHOICE 14 block East lth and Washin-g- in , gwu xo-room resiaence. close in. East Alder, cheap at $3500. Pallett, 304 Fen ton bldg. , J. F. O'Donnell. 230 Stark St.. Makes a bibu; hi senium nouses ana lots in Irvlngton and Holladay Park Additions SEVEN rooms, modern, good condition and location: a snap; siMOO. terms. Frank Lu cas, owner. 216 Chamber of Commerce. $700 Quarter block, by carline and river. io miuuiea Dy car. Oregon Land & Rent Co., 222 Washington, corner First. $50 DOWN and $15 per month, fine- build ing lot, outn fortland. 40x100; price $500. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder St. SNAP 4 acres, near car, close In, $1000; s--.iv. .uuiu untie ii. uudois & Crockett, Washington bldg. room 8. NOB HILT. ($3500), new modern home, close in. joou casn. Balance 6 per cent. See this. Call 243 Stark. WANTED All kinds of real estate, city or .uuun;. nuvu puuircs. xi. w. uariand Co., 191 4th St. LOT, 44x165; good location, close to car: $4oo tarma ITranlr T uaii Ola ni ' a . utoD, u tv .in , vnamoer of Commerce. QUARTER block for aale, corner 12th and Mill, inquire at iw3 East 10th st. North. '.uorvsnnq tuooj-c, tuapom :ei oinfy -occrt $1750 Choice realdence lot, Weat Side, on car- line, ciose in. 11a A bint ton. hide. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FINE dairy ranch. y mile from carline, station and store; 80 in cultivation, bal ance slashed and in pasture; well watered, (rood, house and barn, good, orchard; on good, road and. lies well; (TO per acre; cash. Fine 40-acre tract, 12 miles from Port land, 2 from Damascus; 20 In cultiva tion; good tt-room house, fair barn, fine spring, good orchard; $320; H cash. Fine O-acre tract on carline and good road, II miles from Portland; $150 per acre; $,M)0 cash. Fine lO-acre tract, on Base Line road, 7 miles from Portland; only $2."0 per aero; S500 cash. Fine ::-acre tract, all in cultivation; well located, good soil; $1000; $150 cash, balance $ io0 per year, 0 per cent. Good 7-room house, acre ground, good barn, some fruit, $1350; $oOO cash; 7 miles from Portland. Fine 10-acre tract, near Rock wood, on Base Line road. $150 per acre; $250 cash. Fine 0-room house, all modern. Sunny aide, only $1WK; good terms. Fine, new 7-room house, East 27th. near carline; modern In every way; $750; $500 cash. We loan money and buy mortgages. CHARLESON & CO., 411 Commercial Bldg. Phone Pacific 1106- ON SALEM ELF.OTRIC LINE. "We have some choice acreage for sate, 'fc to 4-5 in cultivation, H'z miles from Portland, 20 minutes car ride to cltv; Southern Pacific Is also building througn this tract. If you want to double or. treble your money. Investigate this; no land around Portland has a better chance to increase In valu: every acre will sell for $'00 or more within 3 months; price now $150 to $175 pr acre, single acres, all in cultiva tion, $00, easy terms. Prices will be increased ahortly. For a suburban home wit b sufficient ground for berries, garden truck. or poultry this cannot be equaled. Acreagu game distance out on anv other electric line sells for $0O0. Now is the time to et in on the ground floor, while you can have your choice and prices are low. THE CHOSSLKY COMPANY, ' 708 and 7O0 Corbett Bldg. NEAR HAWTHORNE AVE. A beautiful 5-room bungalow, just com pleted ; reception-hall and dining-room paneled; electric lights, gas. bath, full basement; It's a beauty. Price $2650. ANOTHER ONE. Three blocks from Union ave.; Grooms, reception-hall and bath, cement bail ment, electric lights, gas. bath, etc ; $;!00 cash, balance $23 per month. Make us an offer. THE VETERAN LAND CO., 1 ft5 'A Third St. 7-ROOM residence, not of the ordinary stereotyped kind; every detail of the fin ish Is of the best; built by people who appreciate and know when work is well done; the floors were finished Tor rugs; choice veneer panel doors; the light fix tures cost $125; plate glass windows; cor ner lot; streets all improved; on carline. Choice residence part of the East Side. HENKLE & HARRISON. 217 Abington Bids. WEST SIDE HOMES. $4500 Corner, pretty new 6-room nouse. $r0oo Full lot, 7 rooms. Nob Hill $'KK) 100x100. corner, 7 rooms; $2000 will handle this. $S5O0 Beautiful new "home. Homes to $40,000. For description call at office. ZIMMERMAN t- V AUG HAN, 303 Buchanan Bldg. APARTMENT-HOUSE FOR SALE. Bennington Court. 310 Benton St.. n?ar McMillan st.. 15 minutes walk from 3d and Washington. 6 apartments, modern, newly constructed, all rented. present yearly income $1710; nets 11 per cent; can very easily net 13 per cent; reasonable price, easy terms. Inquire P. W. Newell, room 002 Corbett bldg., 5th and Morrison. 30 Each, five choice lots, Henry's Addi tion. 23d, Ivon and Division sts. ; overlooking- finely improved Ladd tract, where lots are held at $1000 to $2000; l a'ock to Olinton-Bt. carline; investors and contractors, don't miss this opportunity. A. H. BIRRELL. 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. $37fi BUYS an ideal site for a beautiful home; keep a cow and raise chickens and enjoy the advantages of suburban life within the 5c fare limit; lot fa 100x200 as large as a half-dozen ordinary lots, high and sightly and under cultivation. It is at a sacrifice and it must g;o quick. Inquire owner, J. A. Dennis, 215 Commer cial block. Main 53S4. 6-ROOM house and lot 25x106, on a corner In South Portland, c!os in; a good place to Keep a norsc; only foU; terms. Call on us. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 714 Co.ich bldg., 100 4th st.. near Wash. PIEDMONT. .Beautiful new home, Juet belnp com pleted; ffix, rooms, bath, pantry and finished attic; lot 50x124. feet; H0 feet from St. John and U cars. See owner on pre ml sea, 1103 Moore st. 1RVINGTON. $300. . Lot SOx.lOO, East HUh and Brazee. This Is in the highest part of Irvlngton and is sure to make the lucky buyer some easy money. 331 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3177. , SWELL HOME. Only $57 HO for swell, brand new, 10-room modern home; East Ankny; trms. DUBOIS & CROCKETT. Washington Bldg., Room 3. MODERN 6-room Sunnyslde home; double floors1, fiber plaster, conveniently arranged ; gas. electricity, full 7-ft. basement; south front. l0x 100 lot ; very reasonable terms. Owner. 1200 East Yamhill. NEAR Woodstock carline, one acre, in bear ing fruit of various kinds; choice location; new house. Call and see owner, . save agent's commission. 1024 Holgate at., just east of Oddfellows' Home. $1 SOO SMAIJj lot and food 7-room house, easy walking distance of 3d and Wash ington This Is cheap for cash and must be taken at once. Owner. S 667. Orego nian. $400 On terms: $300 cash buys lot; graded streets, cement walks paid; $150 less than cheapest lot in the vicinity. M 620, Ore gonlan. CHOICE 5-acre lots for sale on the Oregon electric carline; also a few special bar gains In larger tracts near the city. W. E. Burks. 620 Chamber of Commerce bldg 13 SIGHTLY lots (50x100 feet. West Side. Inside city, 1 miles from City Hail, the bunch for $15O0; terms for a few days. Address M, P. O. box 745. LOOK, at the southeast corner of Broad way and East 6th, size 65xlO0 feet; would sell In two pieces; take Broadway car. Cul ver, 623 Chamber Commerce. TOR SALE One of the finest 5-room cot tages in the suburbs; large lot; 1 block from car; $I0,5O. term. 306 Commercial bldtr. Phone Main 8143, A TO 10-room houses, new, modern, as low as $200 cash, balance to suit. Arthur S. . Draper & Co., 343H Washington St., rooms 5 and 6. cor. 7th at. $50O CASH buys corner lot worth $850 and owner will build 6-room house to suit on monthly payments. Room 18. 313i Washington st. $2250 A modern JS-room house. newly built, well improved lot: easy terms. Take Mount Scott car to Creston; call at Cres ton drugstore. TWO new modern 7-room houses, choicest locations. Irvlngton and Holladay Park, near streetcar lines. Owner. H 621, Oregonlan. FOR FALB Strictly modern 7-rocm houe and lot 33 l-3xlW. Nob Hill district, walk ing distance; price $1500. Address L 647. Oregon ian. MODERN 8-room house and full lot, in fine neighborhood on. East 15th near Morri son. Phone owner. East 1315. Cash or terms. SNAP Leaving the country, will sell at sacrifice five lots and buildings; $2000 cash to handle It. A 621, Oregonlan. $4000 FOR nice home in Piedmont; east front THOMPSON & OGDEN, 848 Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 202. $8."o takes nice 4-room cottage; electric lights, woodshed and chicken-house; two blocks from car. L 630. Oregonlan. 35000 Modern 8-room house, including some furniture. Holladay 's Addition. D. Miller, 416 Chamber Commerce. FROM owner, new 6-room house, with hot and cold water and beth. 90 Ek 46th. Phone 720 Tabor; $1675. BARGAIN 6-room plastered cottage, lot 60x 100. 42d st. $850 cash. Call 85 5th. 8-ROOM house and lot on carline; make me an offer. Phone Sellwood 453. $250 cash handles 100x100, corner; 2 blocks car; bargain. 243 Stark st. $4000 West Side. 5-room house. Room 18. 313 Vt Washington st. GOOD corner lot near school aiuf car. Phone Main 550. fOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BARGAINS. $1500 buys 14 block, sidewalks, between Union and Williams ave.; owner unable to meet payment. $17 Nice 5-room cottage, Mt. Scott car; lot 50x100, bath, plumbing, water and electricity. $1KK Good 7-room home, Portsmouth, lot 50x135, graded street; curb and walk in. $050 bu-s 50x100 lot. East 32d street, north of Hawthorne ave., sewer in; fine building lot. $45O0 buys 3 lots, best part of Irvine ton; sewer, gas. water and electricity. HBILMAV & LATHROP. 307 Abfngton Bldg. Main or A 1942 ACRE TRACTS. Several acre tract on St. John carline, near Swift's packing plant, $1500. 20 acres. 3 miles city, on Base Line road; eurvey of Mt. Hood Electric R. R. crosses tract; 6 acres in cultivation, small house, fenced; only $3750; over 1-3 less than adjoining- tract same kind land can be had for; snap. ' J. FRANK PORTER. 6u7 Commercial bldg. CORNER HUH st.. 50x50. suitable for resi dence, liat or apartment-house; $3000. Gnldsrhmidt's Agency, 253 Va Washington, coaer 3d. S1O0O Highly Improved lot, walking distance, iiast Side, coy terms. $12oo. elegant lot, south front. East Yam hill, close In. $H"km, 2 modern homfs. rent $50: would take good lot snd give terms on balanc-. $4500. business lot. with 8-rooin house. West Side, easily worth $55c0; terms. M. C. DAVIS, Main 4U10 or A 246. U0oo BUYS to-room strictly modern dwell ing and full-size lot 50x100. south front, in Nob Hill district, between 20th and 21st sts., two stories and attic, nnished for billiard room and den, full concrete basement. 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors In five rooms, beam ceilinu in reception hall; nothing lacking for a modern home. James J. Flynn, 512 Chamber of Com merce. FOR SALE AT TREMONT PLACE. Two choice lots,. 40x100. with alleys, a few blocks from the end of the W.-W. carline, 25 minutes ride from Third and Yamhill sts.; good car service; $150 each, cash. Terms if desired. Address R 606, Oregonlan. JUST 2 fXAPS. I-ot 80x120. Eouth front, close to carline; i-room house, hard finished, almost new; full . cement basement; price $1JK)0; terms. jot IOOxIoO. small houoe. nice young or chard, 2 blocks from car; price $750; $250 cash, balance $10 pr month. Call on F. T. BERRY. 4 N. 6th at. VERY modern 8-room bouse, grand view of river and city, fine location, lOO roses and fruit trees. 2 carlines. clone in, big yard, furnace, fireplace, cove ceilings, combina- ' tion fixtures, porcelain plumbing with tubs, cement basement; will show Sunday, phone East or R 1894. Can be bought at biff sacrifice; owner wants -smaller house. SM A LI 8-room house. 2 Jots, fenced and improved, 3 blocks from Mount Scott carline; price $750; terms $300 cash and $10 per month. Call on us. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 14 Couch bldg., 109 4th st., near Wash. WEST SIDE APARTtrcVT $7000 New build In, ualklnr Vi ietunp filled with good tenants, paying over $S0O per annum; best buy In Portland without any cACTpuon; terms. James C Logan, NOW Is the time to secure plans for build ing. 6-room bungalow, broad veranda, fire place, beamed eel tin. raneled riinine-. room, hardwood floors, everything mod ern; built for l50O. Suit o,t.ofi u-Mi. JUST completed 7-room modern house, fancy woodwork, double floors, fireplace, 111 " luii mt, nne view on .nuria 11111; owner -wants money, phone .Tiuiiunv, jimn or a j Call 307 Abins ton bldg. $30O0 5-room modern cottage, Upshur st.. wi-ivvccii avm ana ist: lot 25x150; built 4 years; a decided bargain; West Side. A. H. BIRRETjL, 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. $5500 Willamette Hl-rhr- hnm. j modern: 5 rooms, with large attic, which, if finished, would make 3 more rooms; full -en iiupiuvtMi wfl lawn, roees, etc. James J. Flynn, 612 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD corner lot. East Portland, west of K. 24th, 2 blocks from Ankeny; not quite ini.uu.iu Bi, uul nuitauie nome trite; sewer, gns. water, Mreets Improved. Cul ver. 623 Chamber Commerce. SWELL BUNGALOW on Hawthorne car- line, lot 100x100; ideal location for bunga low; large fireplace, polihed floors, fancy plumbing, electric flrturea Phnn -ut-iw Sunday, B or East 1804. $110 LOTS. Nice hlr lots near Woodstock ave.: terms to suit you. J. J. OEDER. Corner Grand Ave. and East Ankenv. IRVINGTON. One of the choicest corners In tfae ad dition: lOOxlOO; the rlsrht spot for an ele gant home. Let us show you this. 331 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3177. NOW is the time to buy lots on the Pen- ....-u.o., nnu uw. feo ufl. J AKe It. John car. cet off at Peninsular Station. A. C. McDonald, agent. Phone Wood lawn SlH. WELL built 5-room house and lot 43x100. at Sunnyside; Bull Run water; hot water, gas, bath, sewer, basement : price $22O0; $750 ca;h, balance $25 a month. F 652. Oregonlan. LARGE tract. 250x200. near 32d and Wood- wn. mi . w uiKiiiK uusiance rrom south ern Pacific car shops, tine soil; only $150. James C. Logan, room 411. Corbett bide! NEiW bungalow. 7 rooms. hath inw basement. large porch, must sell; at the house Sunday. 710 Maryland ave. Easy A FEW blocks from Steel bridge, flne apart ment site, railroad buying in vicinity will Increase value; fine buy, good Investment. Phone Main or A 1042- $30O0 Beautifully located lot, with a per manent view, head of Kearney st., a most choice location. .lames J. Flynn, 512 Chamber of Commerce. HIGH-GRADE securities exchanged for first class diamonds or resldtace property, free from Incumbrance. W. J. Curtis. 215 Com mercial block. 5-ROOM hous. lot 65x100, on Mt. Scott line; price $1SOO. $100 down, balance $15 month. 6 per cent interest. A 6J4, Oregon tan. $6500 7-room modern home; lot 60x100 ft., choice location Nob Hilt district. James J. Flynn, 12. Chamber of Commerce. NEW modern 8-.oom house, $4500; new 6-room houw $.1500; small ranh payment, balance monthly. Owner. Phone Eteet G7S. NEW modern 6-room Louse at 1077 East Lin coln st., near East 36th st. ; price $2500; easy term. Phou Pac. 1342. GOOD BARGAIN 8-room. swell house, lot 50x100, Hawthorne carline, not far out. $4000. V 622, Oregonlan. HOUSE and lot for sale at 713 Fox street. Cedar Park Station. St.John. Inquire of owner, 876 Mallory ave. FOR SALE Choice lot, with small house, chear for cash.; cor. East 20th and Surman st. Take A car. NEW 2-story house, modern conveniences, three carlines; $3700. 1173 Commercial St.. Piedmont. 5-ROOM modern cottage (Sunnyslde) $5O0 casn, naianoe mommy. a late Land Co., 133-4 1st st. $13,000 BUYS good business property; leased iw momn; irame ouuaing. s t&s, care Oregonlan. ACRE tracts, West Side, $1200, for 2 choice cloee-ln acres. M. E. Lee, room 411, Cor bett bid. BRAND new1 6-room house; modern: 1 block car, 3 to school; corner; $Z2dO, worth $2760. 243 Stark. SNAP 6-room modern house and lot, 3 blocks St. John car, $1000. V 621, Ore gonlan. $000 Full lots in South Portland, near car- line; hlgn. nne view; owner. J 651, Ore gonlan. SMALL house lot. Vernon. $500; one at Lents, $650. Mutual Realty Co., 303 Washing ton st. 40 AORE3 near Vancouver, on county road. tiuuu; terms. iaie Ltna to., 1334 1st t. LOTS on St. John carline $4O0; adjoining lots BARGAINS- lots, 2 houses. $2000. call 614 11 umt. rvu oeu. - FOR SALE REAL ESTATK. READ THIS LIST W have many others. $1200 7-room house, lot 5uxS5, High land; $3O0 cash, balance 2 years. $140O Nice 5-room cottage, full lot. East 14th and Rhine sts. A snap. 3 500 7-room house, lot 50x100, South Portland: $600 cash. Pnap. $2100 2 houses, 4 rooms each, lot 50x 100. Albina; rented for $20. $2100 Nice 5-room cottage, near Chil dren's Home. South Portland; terms. $2700 n acre. 6-room house and barn, fruit; West Side, at Riverdale; part cash. $3300 Modern 6-room house on Grand ave. and Broadway st. ; cash. 43iH) Modern 6-room house. East 14th and Taylor; new and swell; part cash. $5000 Modern, new 6-room house, on Northrup st.. near 22d ; i cash. $5250 Modern, swell 8-room house, on East Washington near 18th ; part cash. BOLLAM. GRUSSI & HIGLEY, 123 Third Street. "SNAPS." $2200 TO $3000. "SNAPS." WEST SIDE 7-ROOM HOUSE. $205u Fractional lot. porcelain bath, gas; near 5th and G:ant. "FOR QUICK SALE." $2500 Fractional corner lot, small cot , tape. 4 blocks east of Burnside bridge Pine for flats. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. LOT 2x10O. $2300 E. llth near Hawthorne ave; $11m rash, balance 5 vars 6 per cent. ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM COTTAGE $2200 E. 30th and Sunnyslde; $750 down, balance $25 per month. NORTH PORTLAND BARGAIN. S2!50 6-room. story -and-ha If house, 21 ct. near Savler. SnaJ. NO INFORMATION OVER PHONE. LA MONT & HARRIS. 303-4 Swetland bldg. ON THE EAST SIDE. A very tine 6-room residence, in a very exclusive district; street are all hard paved; sidewalks all cement; walking dis tance to business. This house Is nv and original in its arrangements: fireplace up stairs and down : splendid furnace; hard--wood floors downstairs; doors are all ve neer oanel sand beautiful; all the wood work on the inside is most beautifully fin ished, no contract work; will give good terms. HENKLE & HARRTSON, 217 Abington Bldg. A FINE corner In Lexington Heights, lOOx 100; $500. A double corner, a beautiful building site, in Brentwood. H4xiJt5: $1500. A lovely homo in Piedmont, completely furnished; lot 75xS5; close to Union ave.; 93200. Some- fine acreage on the O. W. P. line. WM. P. H AYHURST, 3o Commercial Bldg. HOME BARGAIN. New modern 6-room house with bath, pantry, etc.. cement walk. and basement, 3 lots 1 SOx 100. beari n g f ru 1 1 trees, n ice garden, berrieu. roses, poultry house; ex cellent carlin 3 block away; good nclgh bois; piic $."0O; terint. Dirrrz-MirKi j-er co., 417-18 Corbett Bldg. FOR SALE Acre and one-half lots In Talent, heart acknowledged garden spot of Rogue River Valley; labor always in demand; flowing artesian well only half mile from laud. For particulars address Welborn Beeson, Talent, Or. Talent, growing town. Southern Pacific station, live miles north Ashland, seven mile south Medford. SIX-ROOM modern house nearly new, 2 fine lots 5Oxl00 each, nice residence neighborhood in beautiful suburb. iy minute;' troilpy ride. 2 blocks from trol ley, splendid place tor chickens and garden, value steadily increan . Ing; a veritable nap; $20o0; about $14u) cash. No ageiits. Will show property only to those In the market to buy now. L 634, Oregonlan. 6-ROOM bungalow-shaped modern cottage; full basement, furnace. k fixtures, shades, gas range, everything swell ; neer lived in; on Waverly-Rtchmond carline; $000 cash, balance $25 per month. Beats paying1 rent. Key at our office. BOLLAM, ORUSSI & HIGLEY, 12S Third Street. INVESTORS. A block of 35 lots, all clean, clear and level, on carline, n.agnlficent view: buy this and build some homes for the people that are coming. IIE1NKLE & HARRISON, 217 Abington Bldg. $5250 7-room new, modern residence, com plete in every detail; East llth, near Tillamook st. $4850 7-room modern house: a choice bar gain; East 12th, near Schuvler. A. H. BIRRELL, 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. N E W, 6-room houee, modern in every re spect, corner lot 5cxl00, on East Stark st. with fruit trees. Price, $2500, $0u0 cawh, balance $25 per month. JORDAN & GARBADE, 232ii Washington st. UPPER ALBINA; 10 minutes' walk O. R. A N. shopi; new 6-room cottage; cement foundation; laundry tubs, electric and gas fixtures, bath, modern plumbing: lot 4ux loS; $1000, $500 cash, balance $20 month, 7 per cent. Pittenger, owner, 014 Com mercial at. Call mornings. FOR SALE 6-room house, bath and pantry, lot 50x100., 032 K. 12th st. North, near Pres oott, $3o00; also 1st mortgage on 160-acre ranch and mill. $2555, at 6 per cent Interest; will take $2555, buyer to collect interest. Address Mrs. S. Markwell, 032 N. E. 12th st., Portland. . BEAUTIFUL WEST SIDE HOME. 9 rooms, finely finished, beautiful view Willamette Heights, one of the most beau tiful homes in tit v. ZIMMERMAN & VAT'GHAN, 303 Buchanan Bldg. IRVINGTON and Holladay Add. We save several 50xlO0 lots and a few choice quar ter blocks left, well located in best resi dence sect ion ; prices are right. Sphinx Agency, 308 Chamber Commerce. BUNGALOW One of the prettiest in town in the well East Burnslae district; hard wood floors, furnace, flreplace, paneled dining-room, etc.: $5000. H. P. PALMER. 202 Rothchild Bldg. 16 ACRES choice fruit and berry land; near cannery, dryer and railroad station. This land will produce $300 to $300 per acre when sot to berries. New modern 7-room house. Price $2300; easy terms. Room 327 Fail ing bldg. Main 8420. FOR SALE Lot 4. block 3, Highland Park. $400. Lot 6. hlork 3. - Highland Park, with 6-room cottKge, $1300; half cash. G RUBER, 617 Commercial Block. MUST sell by March 1; 4-room cottage, Plastered and tinted; lot 50x143; smalal payment and $10 month; on Waverly Wood stock carline at Tabor ave. 1 ISO East Gladstone. D. Williams, owner. SPLENDID opportunity; building with living room and $10o0 grocery stock for iale or trade, or sell stock and rent building. DUBOIS & CROCK KTT, Washington Bldg., Room 3. IRVINGTON. $1150. Good lot. 50x100, East 14th, close to Tillamook; all improvements In and paid. 331 Chamber of Commerce, phone Main 3177. A BARGAIN. $2150 Modem fi-room house, full lor, fine lawn, fruit and flowers: jcood residence district, on car line. See owner, 4.10 Dekum ave. Phone Woodlawn 134. $60 Corner, 30xlfiot with new houee and furniture, E. and Clinton, on W.-R. car. Owner must have cash. SENGSTAKE & LYMAN, 90 5th St. $300 CASH. $15 month and Interest at 7 per cent buys $1500 4-room cottage, strictly modern; ,VxlO0 lot; rnses, lawn, chicken park. Call 833 East Oth st. North. SWELL 8-room bungalow, modern and up to date ; concrete block pillars and but tress; Improved street; $3300; $5O0 cash. Conklin Bros., 302 Rothchild bldg. MODERN 4-room bungalow, new; lot 50x 100: near East 37th st. ; $150 cash, bal ance same as rent. Conklin Bros., 302 Rothchild bldg. WILLIAMS AVE., near Falling; 3 full lots and cottage; -will sell whole or undi vided half interest; terms. J. J. Price, 825 E. 18th N. TWO acres on carline, 30 minutes ride. small house and orchard $2350. Terms. Purse, 623 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7309. NOB HILL FRACTIONAL LOT. $2300 Kearney near 23d. LAMONT & HARRIS. 303-4 Swetland bldg. FOR SALE Modern 6-room house. 1357 Rod ney ave. and Portland boulevard. Call and make an offer. B U2i, Oregonlan. LOT, 80x125. 7 rooms, 2 unfumiehed, fruit. snaae, grass, roses, Bull Hun water, fre quent car service. Tabor 271. $425- Lot in Lincoln Park ; no cash re quired. W E. Thomas, owner, 400 Cham ber of Commerce. $20m) New 6-room house and corner lot. East j-ionaaay Aaaiuon, tinier, 4i Cnamber Commerce. STRICTLY modern fi-room bungalow, corner lox. on canine; aw down, k 828, Ore gonlan. UST your property with 11s; 3 customers) now nulling. wuv i-i " m utl l-M.. UlUf , FOR SALE ItKAL ESTATE. HERE YOU ARE. I have some desirable property on tho Peninsula. Now Is the time to buy. as this property will advance rapidly. fan you beat Sloo for lots at Laurel wood ' Must soil this week. Don't over look this. Desirablo building lot on Mont gomery, near 14th, cheaper than anything In the neighborhood. $25,000 for 55x20O on 12th st. Houses from $1000 up. List your prop erty with me for cuick sale. 40 acres near Tigardville for $2000; tim ber enough to pav for place. THOS. M'CUSKEH. 205 Couch Bldg. Main 7646. $12.000 Old estal lished hotel on prominent corner; 136 rooms and bar; long lease on cheap rt-nt; hus maife a fortune for pres ent owntr. who wants to retire. Thor ough investigation afforded to bona fide purchaser.'s Agency, 253 Washington. Cor. lid. HIGHLANDS AND VERNON Choice hones; $Tw buys new modern 7-room houee, all Improved and paid, furnace, gas, elec tric, beautiful location and full o, a bar gain at $3i Mt;. easy terms. Another new modern 0-room, elrguntly built aiid finished home, larse lot, best locat ion, $2'Kn); terms. PORTLAND HOMES CO.. 204 Morrison St. A SIGHTLY residence lot. 60x100. Bull Run water, cement walks and curbs all paid for, ubout two blocks from marline, with g.Mid rf-.r service. 15 minutes' out; price $450; terms. Call on us. COLUMBIA T R U ST CO M PA N Y. 714 Couch bldg.. 101 4th st.. near Wavh. NH'K NEW BUNGALOW. $200. 6-room brand - new bungalow, modern, gas and eie-t ricity ; 9-foot basement, full piuinbinsr : ri?ht on carline. 15 minutes' ride ; $00 cash, balance $25 per month. Bollam. Grussl & Higley, 12S 3d st. NEARLY 7 ACRES 43700. 110O feet on c;irline; would subdivide nicely with Oak Park for building site, and running water on every tract. B. S. COOK . CO., 251 Alder. TRVINGTON. $:K. Lot on East :Md, close to Thompson st. The extension of the It road way line will he one block from this, on 22d. 331 Chamber of "Commerce. Main 3177. 15 ACRES. Near Newberg, some cleared, good house and barn, $1150. J. J. OEDER. Corner Grand ave. and East Ankeny. LARGE corner Int. Union ave.. between Broadway and Urssell sts. ; nome income from house on part of lot; would sII in two pieces: price right. Culver, 623 Cha.nbcr Commerce. ACREAGE I. 2, 3. 5 or 7 acres; choice, close in, cheap. 2-13 Stark. FOK 6 AXE TIMBER LAND. $JW Relinquishment, with 4 million feet goo-1 timber; near R. R. $500 100 acres, only 25 miles from Port-, land, 8 million feet splendid timber relin quishment. others, all prices; no agents. Particulars call or address The Coast Realty Co., 226 V Morrison st. FOK SALE Sawmill 5" miles from Portland, near R. R. and Columbia River; 25 M. daily capacity; planer came capacity: good building, tools, etc., including contract for all the timber you want adjoining mili; price $l0,OO0. Call for particulars. J. F. O'DONNELL, 230 Stark IK you want eight million claims, pay no attention to skeptics; come to Old Reliable; to;J you six years ago what could be made on Government lands; now telling you what ca n be m ado on last timber la nus to be had. Senator Fulton's resolution has passed the Senate. Staples, 218 Worcester blt;.. FOR SALE Sawmill daily capacity 30 M ft., with logging equipment consisting of '.on key engine, wire table, etc.; 34 miles from Vancouver, Wa.-h., with continuous rail transportation from mill flume to Po.'.land, commanding the monopoly of a good local trad. Get particular at 564 East Alder st. CAN negotiate large Interest In 1 to 10 sec ttona valuable timber and coal, located In heart of region producing coal and lumber in British Columbia; possession by residence; want assistance financing titles. Reference given and required. Quick ac tion required. Address K 022, Orenoniau . TIMBER FOR SALE. If you desire a location on a timber claim In Columbia County. 30 miles from Portland, cruising nearly S.OOO.OoO feet, call and see me. Fee reasonable. GEORGE W. DOUGLASS. 318 Worcester Bldg. IRVINGTON, $110O. Choice homesite. on East 24th near Til lamook; all improvements, including ce ment walk and curb, in and paid. Rey member, Broadway cars will be running east on 22d before Fall. 331 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3177. TO TIMBER BUYERS: Tou will never again secure timber sn cheaply as today. We have some ver j choice pieces of timber, well located attd good sized tracts'. Call and get particulars; Sphinx Agency, 308 Chamber of Commerce, TIMBER LAND. OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA. JAMBS D. LACET .. Chicago. New Orleans, Seattl. 29 Chamber of Commerce Portland. HAVE 100 acres land, official cruise 4a mil' Hon feet fir: land la good for farming aftei timher s removed; value $2&h; will ex change it for house and lot and pay dIN ference. Call 248i Stark st. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. 240 acres flr timber, some oak, good mil' site, convenient to market, at a rare bar gain If sold now. Address Box 306, Cor valid. Or. TIMBER, timber, timber; wo have tim ber from 80 acres to 20.000 acres; easy terms. THE COAST REALTY CO., ' 226 Morrison St. A NUMBER of yellow and eugar pine tim ber claims open to entry under timber and stone act. These are heavily timbered and near railroad In Northern California. Phone; John B. Havlland. FOR RALE Several sections good red and yellow flr timber, convenient to river, rail road and mlllsite: best tract In Oregon;-, price, with terms, very reasonable. S 825, Oregonlan. SEVEN claims, Pacltic County; will cruise 35.000.000 fine quality yellow flr, cedar and larch; price, $43,000, on favorable terms. McCargar, Bates Sl Lively, Fall-; Ing bldg. t HOMESTEAD Do you want a homestead in the wheat belt of Morrow County, Ore gon? A good one for a little cash? If so, write W. II. Dobyns, lone, Or. SO ACRES timber. 10 miles from Oregon City; cruise 34 million; bip bargain at $354k.. Owner, room 1 Chambers block, 3d and Alder. CAN file you on 12 choice Government claims, yellow pine. Inquire C. E. Hatch. Guaran tee Co., 7 No. 2d. Phone Main 3007. HOMESTEAD relinquishment $ will exchange for city property; will assume mortgage. X 257, Orexonlaa. THREE timber claims, cruising 3.000.O0O each, pine and tlr; location fee $150 each. 21$ Worcester bldg. CHOICE YELLOW PINE CLAIMS. ? Government locations. 327 Worcester blk TIMBER wanted. Sphinx Agency, room. BO 8. Chamber of Commerce bldg. TIMBER lands cruised and estimated. John B.' Haviland, P. O. Box 633. WANTED AND FOB SALE LAND SCRIP. GOVERNMENT land scrip locatable upon oa! or even sections, surveyed or unsurveyetf land; prices reasonable. For further lnfor mat ton apply It. H. Peale at Co., 403-4 McKay bldg.. Portland, Or. ALL kinds, including approved forest re serve scrip, for surveyed, unsurveyed tim ber and prairie Government land. H. C Hamilton. "The Portland," Portland, Or. PUBLIC land scrip for sale; land, mining; Practice. D. N. Clark, Atty Washington. FOR RENT FAJCMS. STOCK ranch for rent and mock for sale; 1! juiivm ; consiuer exenanga ior Port land property. Cobb Bros., 412 Swetland bldg. FO R R EN T Cou n try horn e, 20 acres, t hre miles from city. 350 Morrison st. Owner, Mrs. Milner. WANTED FARMS. WTB have buyers who want Improved Wil lamette Valley farms, 50 to 300 acres. Ttomt City Realty & Inv. Oe., Lafayette bldr-'. Oth and Washington sts.