The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 02, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 7, Image 19

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TRAVELING salesmen e;rn from $20ott to
SHMMt year; hundreds of good positions
open: vu can easily secure one of them
No former exiert-nce required. If you are
ambitious and want to earn more il'-m'.c.v.
write tor our fret- catalogue, "A- Knight of
the Grip." today. Add row Dept. 150, Na
tional Salesman's Training AHSwiatlon. Of
fices Monadnock Rlm-k, Chleitgo. III.; I.urn
her Exchange. Minneapolis. Minn., or S--ar-ritt
Rid.. Kansas City, Mo. Write nearer
office; mention paper.
man of character and ability, to till C.EN
KKAh i action as bookkeeper ami teller In
bank ; most either have experience in mer
cantile or bank work ; Rood opjnirtunity to
a man of capacity; send reference with
application ; also Htate age and experience
and give phone number. Address F 5S4,
MAXAQEKS WANTED Every section, to
appoint ugents. "Plug Billiard"' came,
played like forbidden slot-machlnea with
coin ; easily sold or operated on per
centage In public places. Less than
square foot counter sr-ace reft ui red; sold
on easy terms: sample same loaned man
ageis free. Harmon Silverware Works,
Department 06. Chicago.
WANTED For vacancy, salesman experi
enced in any line to ee'l general trade In
Pacific Coast; year's contract; liberal enm-
missions with weeklv advance; one pales
man earned- $1253 52 his- tirjt two months
with no. The Continental Jewelry Co.,
Cleveland. O-
a little proposition workable anion? your
immediate business acquaintances that
wHI- put some dollars in your pocket.
Send postal for information. Pacific Dis
tributing Co., P. O. box 12tvl, Seattle.
WA NTKD Good vmen .to represent ws as
a gents in several first-class out-of -town
points. Waiton equipment and splendid,
inducements to secure trade furnished free.
Slate reference and experience. Address
Grand Union Tea Co., 473 Washington st.
A rptendiii opening- for first-clnss man ; a
proposition equal to own business. Apply
to X 585, Oregon ian.
I WANT to let contract for the clearing of
ItiO acres of forest near Iortiand; trees
must be pulled over and cut into cord
wood : one or more contracts. inquire of
G 57'.t, oregonian.
h:lf wanted female.
LADY sewers; make Sanitary Rlt at home;
materials furnished; $15 per hundred. Par
ticular! stamped envelope. Dept. 4:, l-ar-borm
(speciality Co.. Chicago.
LADIES make Sanitary Kelt.: material cut
ready to ew. $1.44 per dozen. Particulars
stamped envelut. Hygienic Novelty Co.,
Iept. 717, Chicago.
WANTED Motherly woman to care for 3
children, and some housework ; good home
more the consideration than bis wages.
H7& FJast Madison.
ItKSFECTARLE and very competent house
keeper for mother and son ; worthy person
will he treated as une of the family. X
5m?, Oregonian.
!W A NTKD A live solicitor with Industrial insurance.-
magazine or newspaper circulation
experience. Call between 10 and 12, 400
Couch bldg.
VOGUE School of Millinery: a thorough
eourso of millinery taugi:'t In six wet Its;
terms reasonable. 362 W'ashinRton st.,
room 2.
WANTED Cpmpetent cook. 022 Kearney.
LA I IES to copy letters, at home, spare
. time; Rood pay; cash weekly; reliable.
Send s lam p. Zeck Co., Morrlstown, N. V.
DANCING lessons 25c, Prof. Wal. Wllison's
School. 386 Wash. st.. bet. W. Park and
10th sts. Also dancing taught by mall.
WA NTKD Middle-aped woman for light
housework, good home, small wages ; call
Monday. 1JS7 East ;2d st., near Yamhill.
HOTEL restaurant cooks. $30; helpers, $20;
. waitresses, city. Camas. Mager: other
work. "Drake?." 2t5 Washington.
WA NTKD Neat maid for cneral house
work: (Jermim preferred. 0;;i Marshall at.
Telephone A39J1 or Pacific 2010.
WANTED Refined, capable .woman for re
sponsible, position. Viavi Co., 609 Roth
child blrift., 4Lh and Washington.
S43 Washington St.. Corner 7tn, upstairs.
Phone Main 2 Git 2.
WANTED Girl or experienced woman, plain
houftework; references required. Phone
East G4'. 7o4 K. Hurnaide. .
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, nurse, waitresses,
second girls. St. Loui. Ladies' Agent-v,
23u Yamhill. Main 5413.
WA NTKD An experienced Rtrl for general
homework and to assist with cooking; good
wagts. Apply 225 10th f-t.
4 BRIGHT women solicitors, local magazine.
. Call week day, 9 to 12, 508 Buchanan bldg.,
2n0 Washington st.
COM PETENT girl for general housework;
good wages. loiI Franklin St., Willamette
Heights. Main 224.
DA RN" room and board; good chances. Young
Woman's Crr it ian Association. Main 52tW,
after 10 Monday.
W A NTKD Neat girl for general housework
family or two; German preferred. 21
2:td st. North.
WA NTED Competent nurse to take care of
two ehildren. Apply mornings, 2MI 24th
su North.
W A NTKD Cood girl to go to the country.
For particulars inquire 703 Park ave., near
City Park.
WA NTKD flood girl for genefal housework;
small family; good wages. Apply 74o Flan
c!erj ft.
CXi.MPKTKNT girl, general houaework; good
ciK'k. oo N. 17th, cor. Couch. Main 4LTS
All r.8.
W A NTKD Young ladies, for training school
tn hopltal; age 2u to 25. V boH. Oregontuu.
COMPKTKXT girl for conking- and general
housework. 3S:J 32d. Willamette Heights.
W A NTKD- A competent girl lor general
housework. Apply at No. Marshall st.
W A NTKD Girl to work for mom ami board
and g to sctxioi. Phone Woodlawn 7.
"WOMAN to help with light work: full time
or part; private family. 31. 14th st.
GIRL to work for room and board in family
of 3; gomi home. Inquire Y. W.C. A.
W A NTKD A girl to on table and also
chamber work. Call 223 West Park.
W A NTKD Girl for general housework. Ap
ply at ul)3 tith st. Phone Main 54to.
A COMPLKTENT girl for general housework
In. st.all family. 5o3 Broadway.
EAST SIDE Female Employment Office,
122'fe Grand ave. East. 1055.
GI RL for general housework In small family.
M rs. G ru a n s . Phone M a i n 7310.
WANTED Reliable girl for housework and
cooking. 201 10th. cor. Taylor.
GIRL General housework. plain cooking.
5-ioom flat. 721 Kearney at.
W A NTKD German girl for general house
work. Apply 2S6 N. 17th.
WiiM AN or girl, general housework; stay
home nlghU?. 542 Morrison.
W A NTED A woman for general house
work Phone Pacific :01".
W A NTKD Girl for light housework. Call
2 is uth at. phone a:5o.
NEAT experienced girl for general house
work. 5H4 Eait Taylor.
M t MAN for g( neral housework; family of
three. 685 Kast Alder.
W A X TED G 1 rl 352 2d et . Must u ndor
rnand plain cooking.
WANTED A girl fr.r housework. Call 2H0
Mt h. near .!-iTerson.
WANTED A woman to do washing at the
house. U24 tith st.
WOMAN to help, small coffee hoiiBc; $t week.
4.(1 Washington t.
GIP.ft for general housework; small family.
202 East 34lh st.
A GIRL for general housework. Apply 421
P.urtiside. cor. loth.
WANTED T.ady housekeeper. Address B
VSt, Oregonian.
WANTED young lady to clerk in fruit More.
1!2 i-rand ave.
TKACHF.R with first grade certificate.
. Woodiawn 1118.
A GIRL for tfciH-ral housework. Main
BE a graduate nurse and earn $20 to $3t) per
week. We provide home study eour?? lee
tura Hospital practice when desired. Ein
pliy nient for fetudentf ond graduates.
Kargest training school in the 'world. Write
today fre lo .k. American Training School
Nurstjt. 40 Crilly bidg.. Chicago.
Applicants for all ki 1213 of work regis
ter with us. free of charge, mn me may
locate you on short notice.
8J3',4 Washington st.. Corner 7th. upstairs.
$2 PER DAY paid one representative in each
town to distribute circulars and take orders
for Concentrated Flavoring in tubts. Per
manent business. J. S. Zlcgler & Co., Chicago.
MIDDLE-AGED woman who would appre
ciate good home; can have every af ter-
. noon ; small wages. Give phone number,
state salary. W 5S5, Oregonian.
GIRL for general housework. Apply phone
Pacific 39.
Hoyt at.
Bocond gltri. Apply at 659
MEN and women to learn watchmaking, en
graving and optics; easy terms; positions
secured; money earned while learning.
Watchmaking, Engraving School, cor. 4th
and Pike, Seattle.
WANTED Comedianfl' novelty act, perform
ers, singers, musicians, etc. ; good salary,
long engagements. Newman's Theatrical
Agency. 213 Burnslde. Phone Main M5S.
STENOGRAPHERS. experienced and begin
ners, to take our special drills; will place
you; day and night classes. Business Uni
versity. Worcester block.
GXD traveler with first-class reference, by
Eastern wholesale house; salary and ex
penses; also good solicitor on salary; give
add ret- s. T Stio. Oregonian.
VVA.NTBD Experienced -solicitors, ladles or
gentlemen, of good address; good money
to right parties; references required;. D
508, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPERS, stenographers, cashiers
and collectors. Clerks' Registration Bu
reau. 3i6H Washington st.
LIKE insurance solicitors for city; best-old-line
company. Apply 310 Margaretta st.,
AGENTS sell "Klensfng" massage cream, SOc
sample and term. 25c. Postofflce box 3W.
LARGE incomes, reformed shorthand ac
quired in SO lessons. School of Shorthand,
550 4th.
Hook kreprra and Cleras.
YOl. NG man of energy and ability, age 25,
at present employed, for satisfactory rea
sons wishes to make change and secure
position wt h wholesale or manufacturing
concern, preferably In credit or claim de
partment; is familiar with up-to-date of
fice methods; highest references; do not
expect more than $15 to start. H 531,
POSITION wanted by a first-class hardware
man of several m years experience in all
branches of the business; good bookkeep
er; married ond strictly temperate ; best
of references from past employers. N 5S0,
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, stenographer.,
cashier, general office man, 35 ; accept
any kind oiTice work, city or country;
gilt-edge references; salary secondary ob
ject. 2!i0 Ivy st.
YOl'NM man of 25 wants position as book
keeper or any position in which 7 years
office experience and an education in law
will , be of advantage; A-l references. J
5S2. Oregon ian.
Al STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper and
all-around office man, with experience as
palesman, desires position; salary second
ary consideration. Address K 555. Ore
gonian. BY experienced office and lumberman from
East and desiring position at once; am ex
pert bookkeeper; tan furnish best of ref
erences. Address G 5SO. Oregonian.
I WANT a position in a bank or wholesale
firm to do office work; 3 years' experi
ence in banking; 24 years old. Address,
stating salary. B 504. Oregonian.
WANTED Position by competent book
keeper and sEnographer; years .ex
perience wholesale, commission house. M
503, Oregonian.
WANTED Position by man -with 13 years
experience in general merchandise, either
retail or wholesale; references given. R
586, Oregonian.
AN experienced bookkeeper would like charge
of small set of books; will do work even
ings; charge will be reasonable. L 505, Ore
gonian. WANTED Situation by A-t dry goods man;
city references; no objection to steady po
sition out of city. L C2B. Oregonian.
GROCERY CLERK with lo years' experience
and firt-clas references would like a per
manent position. C 586, Oregonian.
WANTED By young married man. perma
nent position as bookkeeper, out of town:
state salary. M 5ti4. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office man
desires position; not afraid of work; good
references. G 5C2. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper (Scotsman)
desires appointment; nominal salary to be
gin. T 527, Oregonian.
POSITION in city by drug clerk of seven
years experience; best of references. W
5NO. Oregonian.
YOUXG man of IS desires position as steno
grapher or bookkeeper; good penman. H
552. Oregonian.
ELKCTICIAN, 15 years experiencen in elec
trical work, last 7 uf which being in con
nection with hydroelectric plants; associ
ate of t"ie A. I. E. E-, desires position, the
company by whom last employed having
gone out of business. 1 521. Oregonian.
.POSITION wanted by a first-class ice cream
maker or as second man on candv; formerly
with Sugarie, San Francisco, Cal. Address
J. Reisinger, 484 Mongolia at.. Woodlawn
YOUNG physician, graduate of good Eastern
college, wants position, of assistant or
partnership with other physician. Regis
tered In Oregon.- M 505, Oregonian.
ENGINEER with wide experience, have own
1 00! s, can f!o all re pai rs. Address M r.
King. 252 Columbia st. Telephone Pacific
2744, Home A5i20.
W HO WANTS a boy for board and clothes?
Have two, 1 almost 14 and 1 just 15 years:
both raised on farm and good workers. S
5b9. Oregonian.
AN honest all-around colored man would
like a place to make himself useful as
butler or care for horses. W 500, Ore
gonian. BY thoroughly experienced photographer,
printer, dark-room operator; will rent
furnished studio. G 550. .Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants position to do any
k;nd of work few hours every afternoon
after 5 o'clock. G 501. Oregonian.
WANTED Position; eolesman, or any kind
work ; wages reasonable; experience; refer
ences; married. V fi05, Oregonian.
A MARRIED man. with a large experience
in all kinds metal work and tool making,
wants situation. S 577. Oregonian.
WANTED Grubbing to do by contract. Call
or address. W. A. Bovingdon, 214 Main
street. Oregon City. Or.
YOl'NG man with some money to invest.
wants partner or employment. Address.
C 502. Oregonian.
FARMING Single man with some experience
in Northwest Canada desires engagement.
O 563. Oregonian.
WINDOW and houseeTeaning; rugs and mats
renovated. Main 0573 evenings S to 10
Thomas Green.
YOCNli man attending business college
wants to work for board and room. G 57l"
RELIABLE Japanese boy wants situation to
00 cooking and housework. F 5s3 Ore
gonian. MAN and boy want place to work with crew
or on railroad contrtructlon. T 32ft, Ore
gonian. WANTED Situation by Japanese chamber
or kitchen work. Address 253 Everett St.,
COREAN youth wants position as cook por
ter or any housework. G 504, Oregonian.
COREAN youth wants position as cook por
ter or any housework. G 564. Oregonian.
COI"RED man wants janitor work and fur
niture varnishing. Phone Pacific 731.
JAPANESE man and wile want inside or out
tide work. Address $7 5Un
M isccl la neon a.
JAPANESE boy wants a position as store
boy. G 3N. Oregonlun.
Bookkeeper and Stenographers,
WANTED Permanent position; rapid dic
tation or initiative work. I am looking
for an opering where merit may lead to
advancement ; stranger in city, but have
been substituting while in Portland for
a firm where seniority has preference. Al
references. E r.SO. Oregonian.
YOl'NO lady typewriter wishes position as
billing or filing clerk; wholesale house
preferred. M 5SS, Oregonian.
A THOROUGHLY experienced saleslady
wants a position to travel for good firm
for salary. W 5S7. Oregonian.
FOR a stenographer, experienced, or begin
ner, phone Business University, Main 45o4.
Certified as to character.
EXPERIENCED stenographer has half day
free; French correspondence if desired. Ap
ply X 572.. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer with lilgh
school education: best of city references.
Phone Main S323.
YOITNG lady, experienced stenographer and
bookkeeper, desires position. Addre.s H
51, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted, competent and experienced
stenographer, moderate salary. D 54, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer with good ref
erences desires position. Phone East 3270.
STENOGRAPHER wants work; small saiary
to .start. Phono Paciilc JU33.
POSITION by. competent stenographer. Phone
Main 4444 between and 5.
PLAIN and fancy shirtwaist suits, evening
gowns, suit? altered. Mrs. Ida At. Winter,
ii05i Jefferson, cor. 6th St.. room 37. Pa
cific 2105.
TRY the Curtis shirtwaist parlor for shirt
waists, house dresses, evening gowns. 28S
Broadway, near Williams ave. Phone Kast
4SiiS. -
COMPETENT dressmaker and tailoress can
accept engagements, day sewing; reason
able; references. Phone Sell wood 51(1 .
APRON parlor, all kinds of aprons made
to order: kitchen arid children's aprons
a specialty. Phone Woodlawn 1287.
MUSS IIOFM AISTER will teach Storey's La
dies' Tailor System. 30 days, half price.
Phone Main 111(2. 570 Couoh st.
DRESSMAKER, recently from the East, will
make engagements in families. Phone
E:i278. 1H4 East 35th.
LADIES' and children's tailored coats,
waists and all kinds of sewing done; rea
sonable. East 3742.
DRESSMAKING hy day or at home; work
guaranteed. 474 Clay St., cor. 14th. Pa
cific C12.
Sl'ITS. shirtwaists or children's work' In
families. Phone Main 4641. Call for dress
maker. A GOOD dressmaker wants sewing by the
day. Phone Tabor 346. City reference.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes engage
ments by day. Miss Larson. Main 3865.
WANTED Sewing by a capable dressmaker;
$2 per day. Address J 559, Oregonian.
MMB TUTTLB, modlHte. 60) Montgomery,
near 15th. M-G car. Phone A 5057.
SILK shirtwaists, $1.50, jumper suits, $3.50
and up. 326 Park st. A25.10.
B. L. DUN LA P, modiste, the "Gayosa." suite
9, cor. Stark and Grand ave.
GIRL wishes work In dressmaking shop.
Phone East 479.
SHIRTWAISTS laundered, lOc each. L 5WO,
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing at 308 loth
EXPERIENCED landlady wants a first
class hotel or rooming-house to take full
charge, salary or commission. X 582,
POSITION WANTED An Eastern lady, mid-die-aged,
competent and experienced as ho
"tel housekeeper. Phone Alain 5831. E 592,
FIRST-CIjASS housekeeper; can take full
charge of rooming-house or 'hotel. Call or
address Mrs. J. J. Baker, 415 7th st. 'Phone
Main SCOti.
CAPABLE lady wants position housekeep
ing for widower with children or elderly
couple. Phone E 1214
TRAINED nurse wishes to meet lady ap
proaching confinement who would give fur
nished room In exchange for nurse's serv
ices; can give best physicians and personal
references. J CiM, Oregonian.
PRACTICAL middle-aged nurse will take
charge of invalid sick or children; willing to
travel. Phone Main 6165.
ELDERLY lady, experienced ladles' nurse and
housekeeper: references given. 867 East
. Davis. " East 2950.
WANTED Situation as practical nurse: ex
perienced; references. Call phone Main
EXPERIENCED nurse girl wishes position.
Phone Main 8459.
GOOD girl would appreciate good home,
where she can work for room and board;
small wages; West Side preferred. M 567,
REFINED girl desires situation, light house
work; sma!! plain family adults. 23oi
Yamhill. Alain 5413.
A YOCNG girl wishes to do housework; no
washing; sleep at home. O 553, Oregon
ian. POSITION' as waitress, upstairs maid or
care of children; references. 147 N. 12th
YOCNG woman would like to work In small
family. G 572. Oregonian.
NORTH GERMAN private teacher, speak
ing fluent English, wishes to take charge
of children aiternoons. L 53i, Oregonian.
WORK wanted for chamber, familv, res
. taurant, hotel, factory, camp help (Chinese.
Japanese). "Drake's." 205 & Washington.
REFINED young lady wants paction as gov
erness, office work or will assist with house
hold duties. L 597. Oregonian.
YOITNG lady gives private lessons in gram
mar grade studies, drawing and paint
ing: references. Main 8183.
YOUNG lady wants to teach piano or act
as governess in exchange for room and
board. K 582, Oregonian.
A MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes to do house
work by the day; East Side preferred.
W 5S2. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED) music teacher eives two
piano or mandolin lessons for 75 cents.
Phone Main 0060.
LACE CURTAINS laundered, 40c pair; alsn
fancy waists and dresses, by experienced
hand. Alain 7014.
WANTED Situation by married lady, care
of rooming-house, or sewing bv day. G
56S. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED' house-cleaning by colored
woman by the day. 335 Couch". Pac. 731.
Aire. Brown.
WOMAN wishes day work, sweeping, window
cleaning, etc., 25c per hour; no washing.
COMPETENT woman -wants laundry work
or any kind work by day. W 597, Orego
nian. GOOD girl wishes chamber work in -rooming-house
or hotel; references. M 0S7, Oregon
ian. LAUNDRY work or sweeping for Fridav or
Saturday. 3K2S E. Morrison, rooms 15 and
FRENCH TEACHER gives lessons for 50
cents, or 25c if regular. C 594, Oregonian;
COLORED "woman wisht position as cham
bermaid or housegirl. Phone Pacific 731.
EXPERIENCED teacher gives lesson on the
piano for 25 cents. M 5s2. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman from East wishes
chamber work. W 59S, Oregonian.
LACE curtains washed ami Htretched 40c per
- pair. Phone ltcltlc 39S.
COMPETENT colored woman wants cooking.
Phone Alain 61 40.
WOMAN wishes day work, phone Main 220S
OUR a cents find that "KOLESA VER." the
wonderful mineral powder, solves the great
problem of economy In fuel. Cuts coal
bill In -tv.o. Countless testimonials on
file proving the boon "KOLESAVEK" coiv
fer! upon permanent purchasers. Extra
ordinai y chance both for those with or
without experience as salesmen; $10 cash
for every $'. Invested; big outfit with re-,
marl: able agency propor it ion for 1 0 cents
st ami)?. Postals unnoticed. 1 NTERNA
TIONAL FUEL CO.. ,2099 Fifth Ave.. New
York. - -
ONE of the oldest, strongest and best life
Insurance companies with a larse busl-
... ness already In force in - the state, de
sires to make a general asemy contract
with the rl;rht nan In your county; must
hive first-class record as personal pro-
j dncer. What is wanted Is high-grade men
; of unquestioned integrity and ability; spe
1 cial inducement. Worth your while to
communicate with me. F 541, Oregonian.
$8000 YEARLY positively made Introducing
and appointing sub-agents for our Just
patented fire extinguishers. S. Wills. Cin
cinnati. $Nio in one week. Expe
rience unnecessary. We give agents ex
clusive territory, co-operate with them in
every "way, extend credit and offer a grand
opportunity to secure a fortune. Eagle
Tool Co., box 514. Cincinnati, O.
MEN and women earn $1A a day selling our
embroidered -waists, silks, collars, shawls,
veils, ostrich plumes, rugs, etc. ; largest
company In United States selling through
agents. Write today for samp and ex
clusive agency. H. Goldberg & Sons,
Omaha, Neb.
WANTED, AGENTS Both men and women
to sell the Cylinder Meat and Poultry
Roaster; large profits, exclusive territory;
hustlers make from $9 tit $24 a day. Cyl
inder Roaster Mfg. Co., Ellwood City, pa.
A HOAIE company; low premium rates and
high cash value make the policies of th
Columbia Life & Trust Co. easy to aelL
Apply to Jesse R. Sharp, manager of
agents. 214 Lumber Exchange bldg.
SPECIAL agent wanted: $75 weekly and ex
Ienscs eawily made selling our popular com
bination policies and appointing agents: ex
perience unnecessary. Write Oscar Ekman,
313 Eitel bldg., Seattle, Wash.
ARE you earning -less than $300 a month?
Many are making more than that each
week. We show you how. Our booklet
. free. National AIXI1 Order School, 4554
Lake ave., Chicago. 111.
MAN cleared $1132. lady $720 last six
months selling new- celluloid waterproof
shoe dressing. Why not you? Demonstrated
sample free. O. Holladay & Co., 260 Clark
st., Chicago.
AGENTS wanted In Washington and Oregon
for patent ironing-board; $3 to $10 a oay
and expem-es made; muft have $5 for out
fit. Call or write to room 26, 142' 2d st.
NOTICE to portrait agents If you want
good satisfaction and prompt shipments,
let the Inm'an portrait Co. do your work
410 New Era bldg.. Chicago.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If
o, we need you; complete outfit free; cash
weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capi
tal City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
WANTED An agent In every town for an
article that retails for 25c and needed hy
every family. Enclose stamp. Address
Robert S. West. Perry. O.
GENERAL agents; best seller on earth; big
money to good wien ; exclusive territorv.
Sample 25c. Pittsburg Coffee Filter Co.,
Pittsburg, Pa,
AGENTS Newest, best -pay tng, clean, honest
proposition. Invention stores up neat for
months. Storeheat Mfg. Co., Los Angeles,
WANTED Agents; legitimate sub.titute for
slot machines; patented; sells on sight for
$1 ; particulars. Gisha Co., Anderson, Ind.
AGENTS WANTED for Koal-Saver; samples
lOc Sunset Mfg. Co., San Francisco, Cal.
WANTED Store on Washington et., bet. 8d
and Park. R 505, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flat,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land
lords w ill do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5 -room flat, cot
tage or bungalow, modern, close In, rea
sonable, by March 1 ; references ex
changed. Address R 5S7, Oregonian.
WANTED Immediately, empty store suitable
for nmall bakery and confectionery, close
in, reasonable rent; reliable permanent ten
ant. Address N 545, Oregonian.
WANTED Modern house, 7 or 8 rooms, fur
. n faked or partly furnished; small family
rtf adults-; references exchanged. W 584,
6 OR 6-ROOM house and 2 or 3 acres of
ground, with bam and fruit, near carline
and close to city. Address to 2 Wiberg
Lane, city.
THREE or 4-room modern flat gas, bath;
preferably heated; West Side. Describe
fully; state lowest rent. N 381, Ore
gonian. WANTED Room and board by gentleman
and wife; private Jewish family pre
f erred. Address Oregonian.- 4j PStS. Ore
gonian. WANTED To rent housea. offices, store,
rooms, etc.; long list of applicauts. Albee
Benhain Co.. 25 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark
WANTED Board and room with private
family, close in, Wet Side, by young man
with referencee. Address S 582. Oregonian.
WANTED Room and board -with private
family by a gentleman; Christian Scientists
preferred. Addrefo K 592, Oregonian.
ROOAf and board wanted by lady; must be
convenient to Mount Tabor and Sunuyside
cars. Address W 5S3. Oregonian.
established agency at the right price. Ad
dress B 5WS. Oregonian.
YOUNG physician wants to share office
room with dentist or other physician. Al
51:;, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent 10 to 15-room furnished
rooming-house, close In ; state price. V
594. Oregonian.
DESK room wanted by real estate man. with
use of phone; must be central. M 591.
ROOM and board by young man; private
family; state rate er month. N 5S9.
BOARD and room for school girl, reason
able, close in; private family. M 594,
YOUNG man attending Business college wants
place to work for room and board. S 161.
WANTED Unfurnished room by young
lady; apartment-house preferred. Al 569,
Oregonian. '
STORE, or half of large store in good loca
tion, for first-class lunchroom. V 582. Ore
gonian. GENTLEMAN des!r2 r com and board In
private family, West Side. M 55, Oregon
ian. TO RENT House with acre or so, or gar
den or small farm. W. Pettijohn, Alonta
vllta. WANTED 3 unfurnished rooms for house
keeping ; state location. A 578. Oregonian.
WANTED 3 unfurnished rooms reasonable,
walking distance. R 3S4. Oregonian.
WANTED A furnished S or 8-room bouse,
centrally located. K 064. Oregonian.
WISH to rent furnished rooming-house, cen
trally located. B 587. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent small ranch. X 581
WANTED Span big mares for work on
farm and brewing. Inquire Perry Gibson,
301 Vj Hawthorne.
CASH paid for furniture, fixtures and mer
chandtse. Pnone Main 3626. J. T. Wil
son, auctioneer.
WANTED Some hardwood furniture in good
condition; state article and price. G 573,
WANTED Set Stoddard's Lectures, in good
condition. Phone Sellwood 1094. O 552.
Oregon Inn.
WANT good second-hand roll-top desk and
office chair; must be cheap. M 584. Ore
gonian. SPOT cash paid for your furniture, prompt
attention alwa3 given. Phone East 1067.
I PAY carfh for household goods. Savage ft
Ptnnell Fur. Co.. 345 1st. Pacific 360.
WOULD like to buy brass bed, if.reasonahle,
and leather rocker. O 594. Oregonian.
WANTED A portable shingle mill, with or
w Ithout engine, it 588, Oregon ian.
hand store in "Portland. We buy and sell
from a chair to a full poux.
20th and Washington. Phone Pacific 793.
WANTED Men's cast-oft clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price pftid. Call at the 'Fair
Deal." 62 N. 3d st. Phone Pacific 1722.
If yoti want the most money you can
get for your used furniture or anything
else, phone Main 5655. A4121.
TURE. MAIN 5655, A4121.
WE buy your household soods of every de
scription. The Dollar, 232 1st st.; we want
your trade. ' Main 0374. A 2327.
WANTED To purchase some window fixtures
suitable for dry goods and men's furnish
ings. Address C 091. Oregonian.
WANTED A piano to set in my parlor for
care thereof; "no children. Call 209 Mc
Kay bldg. or phone Alain' 2198.
A GOOD watch dog for SHetz homestead, col
lie or shepherd preferred ; price mue t be
reasonaoie. a Oregonian.
WANTED To purehae some partitions for
office, also .Rood safe and roll-top desk.
Address X 591, Oregonian.
WILL buy diamond, weight Ik. or more ;
state price exported and weight of stone.
K 553, Oregonian.
WANTED $1000 worth of household goods,
in large or small lots. Call East 58$.
WANTED To purchase a riding pony; must
be cheap. E 584, Oregonian.
W A' NTED A frond-hand typewriter. State
Land Co.. 133 4 1st st
WANTED 3 to 5 H. P. gasoline engine.
Write C 593, Oregonian.
WANTED Alale Boston terrier pup. R 589,
Furnished or unfurnished apartments, sin
gle and en suite, with heat, light, hot and
cold water, bath, eleeirlc elevator and both
phones; central; reasonable.
i-uralshed House.
TWO well furnished rooms, connecting wh
hath, good table board, convenient. Will
accommodate four ladles or gentlemen;
terms reasonable. Phone Main Ny;2S.
LARGE elegantly furnished front room; suit
able for two gentlemen or man and wife;
also single room, gas, hath, phone, heat;
central and reasonable. 189 7th st.
'GKNTIiEMAN and daughter will rent two
nice front rooms on loth t.. after Feb 5,
with upe of kitchen If desired and parlor
with piano. D 592. Oregonian.
SINGLE room or two or three well furnished
housekeeping rooms, in modern flat, fur
nace heat, bath, phone, etc. 30 N. 16th,
half block of Wash.
FU RN ISHED room n, $1 . 50 a week and up,
housekeeping rooms. $3 a week and up.
132V. Union ave.. cor. East Morrison. Phones
B 1836, East 878.
NEWLY furnished rooms for rent; phone,
bath and furnace heated. Call after
noons or evenings, 586 Hoyt st. Phono
Main 8001.
FOR RENT Well furnished room, in new,
modern private house ; can arrange for
board ; price reasonable. Call 44 1 1 1th st.
FURNISHED room for rent In eteam-heated
apartment; every convenlenee; 5 minutes
walk to 3d and Morrison. Phone A 4970.
FOR RENT One or two newly furnished
rooms with private family, walking dis
tance, also on carline. 275 14th st.
NICELY furnished rooms. suitable for
three or four young men; all modern con
veniences. 533 Johnson, near 16th.
W A NT to rent part of my house to bu si
ness cou?le-or several friends wishing to
room together. N 582, Oregonian.
FOR RENT All upstairs. 4 rooms, some fur
niture, houe West.' Side, only $10. 515
Chamber Commerce. Pacific 1955.
FRONT room, $10; bath, electric light, "hone
A 1830. 88 10th st.. mornings. Five min
utes' walk to Washington and 3d.
FRONT room, well furnished, suitable for
two young men. Phone, heat, light, bain.
427 Main. bet. 11th and 12th.
401 6TH Large furnished front room with
large clothes closet, suitable for 2 gentle
men; rent reasonable.
NICE large alcove room, suitable for 4 young
men, also smaller ones. 169 Park St., bet.
Morrison and Yamhill.
FURNISHED room for one or two gentle
men; stearn heat and bath; $10 per month,
405 10th St.. flat H.
NICELY furnished front parlor with piano,
suitable for two gentlemen ; gas, bath and
phone. 332 AIII1 st.
FURNISHED room, heat, electric lights, bath,
phone, private family, walking distance, $8
month. 553 5th.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, with
private family for single gentleman.
Phone A2S10.
NICE, light, clean, furnished sleeping room,
3rd floor, walking distance, $0 per month.
202 14th st.
TWO rooms, new. modern, furnished to suit
tenants: 5 minutes from Postofflce. 304-A
AIODERN-, newly furnished rooms, close in,
private family, gentlemen only. 215 12th
st. A5092.
207 6TH Nice large furnished rooms suitable
for 2 or 3 gentlemen; centrally located near
213 13TH Nicely furnished rooms, suitable
for one or two persons; modern conveniences,
LARGE, sunny front room, nicely furnished,
heat and light, private house, close in. U32
TO RENT Suite of rooms In beautiful home
.centrally located; references. X 5-S4, Ore
gonian. VRRY pleasant, comfortable room, southern
exposure, quiet location, walking distance.
305 12th.
TWO well furnished rooms, private family,
walking distance. 48 E. 8th N. Phone
E. 3078.
FURNISHED rooms In ' new corner fiat.
. furnace heat, free bath, and phone. 320
7th ct.
LARGE furnished room, with private bath if
desired; private family. Nob Hill. Phone
NICE bay-window room, furnace heat. gas.
bath and phone. 415 Seventh st., corner
PLEASANT room, large closet, steam heat.
hot and cold water. 163 17th, cor. Mor- f
rison. t
LARGE, newly furnished room, suitable for
two gentlemen; also one small room. 254
FURNISHED front room, closet, gas. water
In room; price $2 week. 26U Alontgomery
A WBLL-FURNJSHED room, suitable for I
or 2 gentlemen. Call at 269'i Columbia st.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, private family,
near Lovejoy on 23d st. Phone Pacific 2tl97.
AT 92 N. 17TH Rooms suitable for sleeping
or light "housekeeping. Phone Alain 4958.
LARGE newly furnished room, three blocks
of postofflce, $2.50. 251 tilh. Pacific 2(;54.
NICE furnished bay-window room. aldo
others; modern. 549 Washington st.
$8, MQ and ,$12 Furnace heat, gas and
bath. Rfi N. 14th. phone Pacific ;is.
430 STARK, between llth and 12th, nicely
furnished rooms, bathand phone.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for rent at
30S 10th st; free phone and bath.
NICE front parlor with piano for one or
. two. 15 N. 10th and Burnslde.
NF-ATLY furnished front room for rent, cen
tral, private family. 211 llth.
FOR RENT Furnished front room, mod
ern. 531 East A nkens st.
VERY desirable front room, furnished; walk
ing distance. 106 N. ltith.
WELL furnished room. 2 beds, suitable for
two. cheao. 211 Park, st.
FURNISHED room, reasonable.
Park, near Salmon.
SUNN V furnished rooms. 401 i 12th st. j
ui"uihed Rooms,
TWO front rooms, furnished, bedroom and
sitting-room, easy walking distance; bath,
hot and cold water; gtiud neighborhood,
only $10 per month. 528 East Clay. Call
LARGE outside rooms, -single or en suit;
beautiful outlook: newly furnished; every
modern hotel convenience; special rates M
permanent Ruepts; with or withom' tratali;
finest cafe in Portland at modest piic;
be. sure and see these rooms before you
decide where to move. Hotel SarsenU
Grand and Hawthorne avenues.
Every room steam-heated, every room a
stationary bowl, with running hot and cold
water; plenty of FREE baths': suites with
or without attached bath; a strictly -modern
hotel in center kA business and shopping dis
trict; rooms secured by mail or wire. Sixth
and Odk ats. Phone Main 88.
Nicely furnished rooms, single or en
fuite, $2.50 per week up; steam heat, hot
and cold water; free baths, free phone;
dining-room In connection ; transients so
licited; open all night; bewt location in
the city ; rffles and reading-room ground
floor. 488 Washington.
HOTEL BUSH MARK. Washington and 17th
--First-ciast furnished rooms. Binge or en
suite; ste-am heal, hot, culd waitr, electric
light, phone in every room; suites w.:h
private bath, single, from $3 by week. 75c
up by day: reasonable by mo. Main 5647.
New house. Just opened to the public, cor.
11th and Wash, sts.; beautifully furniehed;
private baths, hot and cold water, eieotric
lights, steam heat; rates $1 ana jjpward.
Phone Main 7954. Mm. E. Ogilvfe. prop.
Corner Yamhiii and West Park sts. New
house, eh gantly furnished; hot and cold
water, telephone, hot water heat in every
room; private baths; elevator service. Tran
sient. Rate $1 per day up. Phone 202.
Large, light and neatly furnished
rooms, hot-water heat ; hot and cold
wattr, baths and phone ; transient. $1 ;
special rates by the week, phone A1356.
381 Yamhill st.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
Ington sts.,- newly furnished throughout,
new building; pultes with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phone Main
71W5. Long-dlatance phone In ail rooms.
THE GRAND, two blocks from Portland
Hotel. 3N7 Yamhill st.. nuwiy furnished
.throughout, new management; firs t-c lass
accommodations; hot water heat, baths
and phones; moderate prices.
LARGE sunny outside rooms, steam heat,
stationary washbowls, with hot and cold
running water in rooms; phone and bath ;
rent reasonable. Call 341 Harrison st..
cor. 7th, or phone A 4S40.
HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Washington sti.,
modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping ; running water; private and
free baths; .rates reasonable. Pacific 4U
THE DORMER. 2H3 13th. corner Jefferson,
new corner brick, steam Jieat. hc 1 ml
cold water, elegantly furnished rooms,
single or en suite; both phones free.
WELL furnished front room. suitable for
2 or 3 gentlemen or man and wife; iwod-
ern conveniences; private family. 335
Montgomery st. Phone Pacific M0.
THE WILLAMETTE. 322 Stark, S. W. cor.
6th St., well furnished rooms, large and
light, single or en suite; transient. 50c to
$1; by week, $2 to $5. Pacific 1206.
WELL-FURNISH ED pleasant room; beautiful
view : walking distance; modern - conven
iences. 5s Lucretla sc., block from
Washington, bet. 22 d and -od.
HOTEL ANTLERS, cor. 10th and Washing
ton ets., all modern convenience, suites
with bath; principal carline pass the aoor.
Phone Main 2333.
NICELY furnished front room- modern con
veniences; quiet family; plenty hot water
and heat ; gentlemen only ; rent $10. 66
North 15th. -
FOR RENT One furnished room, with pri
vate family; walking distance; bath and
phone, lsii North 15th st.; near Johnson.
THE GENEVIEVE Steam heat, porcelain
ba th, free phone ; walking distance ; $3 a
week and up. 445 Columbia trt. Main 74 lo.
NICK, light, well-furnished room, ' private
family; no other roomers; walking distance.
17o E. 14th near Belmont. Phone B215.S.
411 EAST PINE, near Grand ave., neat and
pleasant rooms. $8 and $0 a month, with
heat, phone and bath; private residence.
THE ESTE"S Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and batns free. 827
Si-ark, corner ttth. Mrs. Maud J. Eatea.
NICELY furnished room; furnace heat, pri
vate home, suitable for one or two; break
fast if desired. 3S9 11th st.
FURNISHED front room for gentlemen, $8
per month; private family; walking dis
tance. 41S San Rafael st. 0
NICELY furnished rooms, private family;
modern; reasonable. 566 Johnson st.
Phones Pacific 22. A2082.
A LARGE, nicely furnished front room, 361
Weidler st.. cor. East 3d, Holladay's Addi
tion; gas, bath and phone.
PLEASANT furnished rooms, with electric
lights and stoves: transient and weekly;
very reasonable. lhOfj 3d.
WANTED 4 young men, in front parlor
suite, $8 each; central, a home flat. 147 i?
11th' st.. near Morrison.
NICELY furnished rooms and housekeep
ing; central; rates reasonable; brick
building. 3424 1st st.
NEATLY furnished bedrooms, with or with
out breakfast. 210 '-i 12th St., between Jef
ferson and Columbia.
ONE nicely furnished room, bath and
phone, walking distance; gentleman only,
SS. 430 Jefferson.
DESIRABLE front room, new flat, "well fur
nished, walking distance, near Steel bridge.
257 'j .Hassalo M.
WELL furnished rooms, suitable for busi
ness people. Apply 144 1 1th at., near
Alder, room 5.
WELL-KEPT rooms, newly furnished, single
or en suite; $1.50 per week up. 247 &tli
St.. Hotel Mason.
NICELY furnished front room; heat, modern;
private family; very reasonable. 180 17th
St., cor- Yamhiii.
PLEASANT front room, private family, gas.
bath and phone, $8 per month. 14th and
East Morrison.
THE YAMHILL Large, light rooms; tran
sient, $1 ; special weekly rates. 381 Yam
hill st. A1356.
NICELY furnished large front rooms; heat,
modern. private family; very reasonable.
473 Alder st.
181 '-i lt St., cor. Yamhill, nicely furnished
rooms, reasonable; both phones; permanent
or traneitnt.
NICELY furnished large room, $3 week;
small room $2; private family; bath, gas.
472 Jefferson.
NEWLY furnished rooms ; modern conven
iences; free phone. 192 13 th St., near
Taylor st.
N E W LY- FU RN ISHED room in new home ;
every convenience. 753 Belmont st., cor.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished large sunny rooms,
-everything first-class, reasonable. 265 6th
FOR "RENT Front room suitahle for two
gentlemen ; private family. Phone Main
NICELY furnished front room suitable for
two gentlemen; all conveniences. 84 y3 loth
HOTEL ROYAL. 108 4th St.. steam heat-;d
rooms 2.50 to $5 week; 50c to $1 night.
The Ankeny, furnished, steam heat, reasona
ble; two block The Oregon. 349. Ankeny.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia: room,
heat, bath. 50c to $1 day; $2 to $4 week
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished ; $2 to $3
wk. ; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison.
NICE large single room, clone in; reasonable
rent. Inquire at studio, 163 West Park at.
TWO rooms, single or en suite, modern, tele
' phone, walking distance. 380 llth st.
FURNISHED room, with alcove; heat, gas;
housekeeping privileges. :sx nth st.
H-j-Iarge. sunny, beautifully furnished
room, private residence. Phono A5260.
TWO furnishfHi rooms suitable for gentlemen
only, hot and cold water. 575 Main st.
MAXWELL HALL Suites, also single rooms;
hot water; reasonable. 207 14th st.
NICE cleaa room; h-at and light ; $6 per
month. 195 N. 15th. cor. Kearney.
NICELY furnished front room, modern con
veniences. 270 ith, corner Madison.
t urnished Rooms.
12 FUP.XISHED or unfurmsnea room. 143 N.
I0:h st.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for rent. 351
6th st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
NICELY furnished, also unfurnished rooms,
single and -n suite; euiet and very suil
aUe for single gentlemen 1st and Pine,
Kamm bldg.
TWO unfurnished front rooms, phone A5177.
Rooms With Board.
FOR RENT Nice furnished room. with,
large bay window, lower floor, private
family, oest location in city. cloe in ;
will accommodate two young gentlemen;
also first-class board ; reasonable. Cali
392 Salmon St.. corner loth.
THE GLEN-DORA, 19th and Couch, will open
its dining-room next Tuesday or Wednes
day; good clean rooms. t.-am heat, rent
low; most homelike place in the city; new
management; tvtrytmng first-clause. Come
arid see.
THE ROSEDALE Elcaant place for gentle
men or young couples, large rooms, steam
- heat, the best of table service, bath, par
lor, plar.o. everything pleasant, $35 to $50
per month, loth ana Madison. Alain 2OO0
YOUNG men. If you want first-class board
and room for $5 and $5.5i) per week, ail
conveniences, good home cooking, also
good table board $t per week, call at the
Aster House. 7th and Mad i. son.
BL.V K ELY HALL, 300 Jefferson, between 5th
and Uth, beautifully furnished rooms, with
first-class board, not and cold water,
steam heat, beautiful grounds. A 53 45.
HE HAZEL A home for young men;
steam heat; running water; 10 minutes'
walk from Postofflce. Phone Main 7u94.
A 4157 385 '3d. corner, Alontgomery.
Portland Women's Union; I8tn year; rooms
with board, use of tewing -room, us of
library; Women' Exchange. Address Mrs.
Ella Kawlln. Kupu. 610 Flanders.
SANTA CLARA Pleasant rooms, excellent
table board, home cooking; all modern
conveniences, for reasonable rates. 295
loth st. Phones A or Main 3802.
BOARD aid room for a refined aged lady
or gentleman In a beautiful home of
widow. Best of cooking and care; or an
aged couple. T 553. Oregonian.
THE CLAY. 320 2d st., corner Clay, nicely
furaUhed rooms, suitable for two gentle
men; everything comfortable. Just like
home, with board $5 per week.
NICELY furnished front room for one or
two in small private family; fine hom:
a nd board. 549 Johnson, between ltith
and J 7th. Phone A4UM.
ROOM and board in widow's home for re
fined business couple; gas. electricity, fur
nace heat; nv modern; best home cook
ing. G 576. Oregonian.
LARGE, pleasant front room lor two; break
fast and dinner; private; very reasonable ;
references exchanged. 252 N. lOlh, near
Marshall. Pacific 2497.
LARGE, light, well furnished outside room,
hot and cold running water, furnace heat,
a l conveniences. 11 J 3th, cor. Yamhill.
Phone M.iln 5V4.
NICELY furnished room .all new, with
board ; strictly private; young people;
home com forts, bath. 789 -j E. Yamhill
st., near 25th.
COZY- room, private home cooking, all
conveniences; wal king distance; reasona
ble; lady preferred. 547 East Pine, phone
East 26S8.
TWO large, pleasant rooms, also one front
room, unfurnished, good table board, pri
vate family; terms reasonable. Phone Pa
cific 2917.
33 N. 17TH, between Washington and Coucn,
nice large front room, furnace heat, mod
ern, excellent table; reasonable. Alain 425s;
A 11 .VS.
WANTED Two boarders. ladies or gents,
pleasant home, with private family; bath,
phone, electric lights; $20. Phont: Sellwood
N ICELY fumtshc-d front room for 2 gentle
men, with board; Scandinavians preferred.
No. 11 N. loth st., bet. Stark and Uurrmlde.
CLEAN, cosy room, good board, strictly pri
vate family; young people; home com
forts. B 563, Oregonian. 095 Front st'.
ELEGANTLY furniehed rooms, suitable tow 1
or 2 gentlemen, with or without board; very
reasonable. 570 Alill. Pacific U34.
NICELY .furnished rooms with board: also
table board: home cooking. The Ferns, 150
llth st. between Alder &. Alorrison.
LA RGB front room, with board, modern,
for 2. $5 weekly: table board, $3.75. 89
E. Sth st. N. Phone East 722.
ELEGANT room, stylish new house, electric
- lights, fine bath, walking distance rea
sonable. Phone Alain 2210.
NEW management, furnished rooms, with
board ; home cooking, heat, bath. Phone
Alain 7525. 314 Alill st.
ROOM and board for two, employee persons
preferred ; modern, reasonable, walking
distance. 624 E. Morrison.
13 N. 17TH, near Wash., handsomely fur
nished corner suite and single room; bath
adjoining. Phone A 1048.
WELL-FURNISHED room, adjoining bath;
good home cooking; private; modern, rea
soable. 521 Couch st.
"THE MORRISON," best at lower prices
than down-town hotels; "W" car depot to
Mo rison and 17th.
LARGE, sunny room, newly furnished, for
2. breakfast, dinner. Main 2284. 201 10th,
corner Taylor. ,
NICELY furnished rooms, with, first-class
board; to be vacant by Feb. 1. The Ster
ling. 535 Couch.
WANTED Children to board, near school;
good home; reasonable terms. A 559.
108',i 10TH Large handsome front room with
board ; also single front room; gentlemen
YOU find the best home cooking and room
at 974 Macadam st. $4.75 per week. South
DESIRABLE front room, good board, mod
ern, two men or couple employed. Pa
cific 1742.
LARGE front room with board for one or
two gentlemen; all conveniences. 753 Bel
mont st.
ROOM, first-class board. jVhone. bath and
all home cooking; $1S a month. 525
Clay st.
PLEASANT room with board for young
man. reasonable. 535 Johnson. Phone
A 3558.
171 NORTH 17TH Can accommodate a few
more boarders; all conveniences. Pacific
PLEASANT fromt room, for two, with board,
furnace heat, modern. Main 7554. 387 32th
st. .
LARGE front room. elegantly furnished,
with or without board. 20y North loth st.
NICELY furnished front room; modern con
veniences, with board. 454 Montgomery.
THE MAN ITOU- Large rooms, running wa
ter, steam heat; two carllnea. 261 13th.
SELECT private boarding-house ; modern con
veniences; board optional. 452 Alorrison
LARGE front room: bath, fhat. suitable for
2; flnt-clasa board. Phone Alain 8455.
MODERN, steam-heated room. breakfast
and dinner, for lady, phone pacific STO.
ROOM and board in private family. suftal:
for two gentlemen. Phone East 5Wi9.
BOARD and room $5 per week and up; home
cooking, bath, phone. SJ N. 14th st.
THE MARLYN Furnished room; goo J
board; convenient. 553 Washington.
BOARD and room In widow's- family, nice
home. East Side. Call up Sellwood 07.
ROOMS, with or without board; modern con
venienees. 350 Madison, near Park.
FURNISHED rooms with board, home cook
ing. English family. 389 Alder st.
WANTED To room and board two ladles
in oleasant rooms. 447 Main at.
ROOM for two ladies, with use of piano; board
If desired; phone. Pacific 2973.
COSY 'warm room, two meal. f 22.50 month;
good home. Phone .Main 04S5.
FURNISHED rooms with board. 215 I4th st.
Phone Pacific 1o5.
ROOAI and board, 195 N. 23d. Phone Pa
clflc f22.
FURNISHED room with board. The Ozark.
225 llth st.
ELEGANT room with board. Phone Main 6329.