The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 02, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 6, Image 18

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$4700 One of the choicest residences in
,. Piedmont, han 9 rooms, full baKement. ev
erything nicely arranged, lot lOuxlOO, aplen-
d'd lawn, al- nice little barn ; would con-
sldcr an exchange for acreage Improved on
car line, not loo fur out.
$4fHo A very attractive home at a sac
r ill co, large f-room modern house, rec-p-.
tiyn hull 10x18. dining-room 12x17. kitchen
,10x12. living-room lKxlu, 2 bedrooms !Sx23
, and HxH, large bathroom, large closets,
first-class plumbing, cement walks, lot l.2x
104, lti bearing fruit trees, basement, full
of wood, fine range, large rug included ;
terms $240o cash, balance in mortgage.
ji.",0it 5-room modern houe, lot fi'j."iO, on
Clackamas St.. walking distance; terms $1700
cash ; house rents for $22.50 per month.
17iH New bungalow:, til'-e little home on
C ood terms : also choice lots.
1331 first st.
.PORTLAND A client of ours needs
. TRUST money and authorizes us to
,. Co. onr a good 7-room house and
quarter block of ground easily
worth $20C0. for $l.t0; ono-
,,. third cash, balance convenient
monthly payments.
j j S. E. Cor ltd and Oak sts.
$l.VM Two finest lots- on East Belmont- if
taken this wek; terms.
$i00O Fine block, Irving ton, vouth.
. . ami cast front; improvements in.
$m 00 T v, o modern h ousee, ren t for $ 25
each; would take some vacant lota and give
tnns on rest.
$4250 8 rooms, modprn. on East 8th St.,
close to Bumide bridge.
! M. C. DAVIS.-
10 Hamilton Bldg. Main 4010.
$8000 lO-room residence. modern. K
m ... block, excellent view, very desir
. $5200 li-room new, modern bungalow,
rvr: choice location und view.
$4200 8-room new modern residence.
j--v This property within one block
street carllne: fine view harbor
and mountains.
22 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark.
Kcniiliiton Court, 310 Benton Street.
: Newly constructed, tenants now moving
In ; six apartments, modern conveniences;
reasons hie prlee, easy terms; will net 11
.... T'p cent. F. W. Newell, room 403 Stearna
bldg., tUh and Morrison.
' A STRICTLY modern 7-room houso on
Whkco St.. In Holladay Park Addition, well
built, conveniently arrangt d and In first -c
I it.- condition; lot 50xlOO; price only
$104)0; terms.
V 714 Couch bids.. 100 4th st., near Wash.
$ 1000.
Party leaving oily, must sell home at a
sHTiHce, largo, veramias, hardwood floors,
huffet h nd sideboards built in dining
'" room, old English tinisli. the best eleo
tricly equincd homo in city; block to
i-iir. TJ-miiniie ride.
STATE LAND CO. 133.i 1st St.
Modern 0-room house, completely fur
nished, southwest corner 21st and Vaughn;
' lot alone worth $35. House could not
be. built today for $3500; furniture val
' ' urd at $1000; $.".itQ0 t-ash. balance easy
payments if desired. Fred II. Strong, 242
, Stark.
,,'7-ROOM modern house, close in on East
Side, fine lawn, full lot. house very homey
place, large rooms, bath, pantry and all
. , conveniences; large hall and stairway;
M.t( handy to carllne on Williams ave.; easy
217 Ablngtou bldg.
$720 Two beautiful full
Fized lots above grade,
b. reels graded and paved,
,., cement walks and curbs
, , paid. $3G0 for one. Act
quirk. Address II 575,
M DERN 6-room house, barn and ohicken
r. I'oop, $ lots, with line lvearlng fruit trees
and berriee. on graded street, and si.ewalk,
1 block from Portland i Seattle R. K. de
pot. Alaegly Junction. Peninsula. Cheap for
. ''ash. Phone Scott 0717 or write to S. Vi.
Sorenson. 2o09 Exeter ot. Owner, X G7;.
1-UOOM bungalow-ehapcd modern cottage;
full basement, furnace, afl fixtures, shades,
tae range, everything swell; never Jived In;
. on Waverly-Richmond car. $ttH) cash, bal.
2. per month; beats payintt rent.
128 Third street.
I have for rale several fine modern resi
dence properties on Nob Hill. Kings
Knights, Portland Heights and Wlllameue
-' Heights; real largains.
607 Commercial bldg.
: NEW 4 -room cottage, modem plumbing, lot
' .V'.xlOO feet, high and sishtly, two blocks
from U carlines, 7-mlnute service; S2d
and East Salmon sts. ; small payment
T' down, balance to suit.
lOti Second Street.
M $7."i00 Full corner lot, moat select neigh
borhood on the West Side and C-room new
and modern bungalow, together with private
r"' automobile garage.
512 Chamber of Commerce.
TWO lots, fine view, West Side. select
neighborhood; will sacrifice, worth $4-000.
' Owner, M. 8120.
V'K SALE A $1000 iap In two lots with
five-room house near Hawthorne ave. and
41th at.
425 Chamber of Commerce,
Phono Main IWJ.
ON'K and one-eighth acres, close in. East
Side, near Kichmond car. beautiful viev,
rich, clear land; will make 7 line lots;
must be sold at once at this price. $L0.
.lames C. Loirun, room 20. Raleigh bldg.,
"2. ' Washington st.
FOR SALE New o-room cottage and corner
- let. O. M. Smith. Chamber of Commerce.
I'KRSuN-S desiring choice timber locations,
icad in yesterday's Oregonian, page a, col.
1. what Senators Tillman and Fulton have
to ay regarding throwing open at an early
date the cream pf Southern Oregon timber
: ' belt; I have choice locations cruising from
4 to 6 million feet; fee reasonable.
i 1 318 Worcester bldg.
FOR SALE Sawmill dally capacity a0 M ft.,
with lofging equipment consisting of don-
key engine, wire cable, etc.; 34 mile from
Vancouver, Wash., with continuous rail
transportation from mill flume to Po.-'.land,
- commanding the :nonoioly of a good local
. iriid. Get particulars at 554 East Alder st.
HL'VEN quarter sections. Pacific Co., Wash.,
- ad.iacent Columbia River; estimated forty
!- million; CO per cent tir. 25 per cent cedar.
I o per cent larch. Price $.o.ihk). See
- McCargcr, Bates & Lively, la Falling
lo ACRES 20 acree cleared, balance heavy
... timber, million feet; half mllo io Tl. H.t
.iivin Douglas County, near Coras took; will be
.. sold cheap; .would trade for desirable, va--ant
lott in Portland. halley, tiia MeKav
,tt bldg.
Chicago, New Orleans, Srattla,
824 Chamber of Commerce.
TIM BKR Good timber, prices from r.O cts.
per thousand tip and In tracts to ?vitt: it
,. .is rah that talks. Sphinx Agency, ai)8
Chamber of Commerce.
t,,.TH REK homestead relinquishments In the
Sileta country. 6,0.Kf.M jot timber or
better each. W. A. Cummins, room d.
U.ilelgh bhlg.
HOMESTEAD relinquishment r will change
. t, for city property; will assume mortgage.
X 237, Oregonian.
Sovejnment lcations. S27 Worcester blk.
rf TIMBER lands cruised and estimated, refer
ences furnished. Address P. O. Box 633.
, ,J)MB13R wanted. Sphinx Agency, room
308. Chamber of Commerce bldg.
Fine business lot. first-class burinrss lo-a-t
Ion. on tit h st.. for lease for building pur
,q )vn for long term of years-; vtry reason
0i'7 Commercial bldg.
-T' 5 to 10 years, livery site, N. 11th
iy . tt. : 24i titark.
NO. 114.
IO acres in Hood River, 41i miles south
of Hood River, a f-roHn house, barn and
good outbuilding; j cleared and a small
bearing orchnrd of selected variety of ap-I'lcs-
price $.:oo0; terms f'2.'-0 ca:-h, balance
eay. Call or write for our list of Hood
River bargains.
NO. 122.
292-acre farm; 150 are under cultiva
tion, balance fine pasture, and running
water through entire farm; new 8-room
house, fine new barn; also good dairy
barn : 4 acres Italian prunes; 2 acres or
chard selected varieties of fruits. This
farm is situated 15 miles east of Salem
on the main county road. K. F. D, and
telephone in hous-.-; 0 miles from railroad.
Price $11,000 and possession Immediately,
or $lO,tHM and possession in t he Fall.
Terms haif caslu balance 10 years, easy
NO. 12I.
120-acre .farm, 0 miles from Oregon City,
17 from Portland; 4o acres under plow, 2o
acr's slashed and burnt. A fine bearing
orchard of selected fruit, small vineyard;
good 5-room house, barn, chicken-house,
granary, sheep shed, etc. ; 65 acres of fine
fir timber. Whole- farm" consists of black
sandy loam; mile to school. This farm
produce quantities of hay, grain, potatoes,
etc; price $- 0o. J40 per acre Terms $25oo
cash, balance easy.
NO. 1.10.
4.:0-acie wheat ranch. 1 miles S. W. of
Lexington. 4o5 acres highly cultivated, run
ning spring year around, sufficient for irri
gation, two years' crops have half paid for
place; price tStioO; $4G 0 cash, balance easy
Rooms 23-4 Lafayette Ultlg.,
Sixth and Washington sts.
SO ACRES, near Kstacada earnne; an
fenced, high and level, goou iunu, pr.icc.
aeres, near carline; 5-room house;
near school; somo trees and shrubbery,
good water; ehiek na and cow go w ith
place ; price, $;ioo.
4 acres; good 6-room house;, fine land;
will make a beautiful home; a bargain
at $2Sr0 ; terms.
5 acres on Salem electric line; pood G
roum house, barn and outbuildings; 125
fruit trees, acres mixed berries; all
under cultivation: telephone and R. F. D.;
price, $.'(0.V: terms.
One of the finest farms in the Willamette
Vallev for sale at k bargain tor IV days;
a farm of 2l0 acres, m in cultivation, bal
ance gowl wood and pasture; large new
house, cost $400. flno largo barn, family
orchard, running water; the bp?t of land
for English wainuts and all kinds' of fruits,
grains, clover or hops; deduct the cost of
improvements and you have very cheap
land; located on main road. 2 miles to R. R.
station, 4 mtlen to good town and 7 miles
from Salem; price $70 per acre. Call on or
Salem. Or.
115 ACRE.-', 40 acres under cultivation, 36
acres piling timber. :) aeres meaoow, nne
pasturn land, tdightly rolling, black -soil,
good water, In rge house, large barn and
outbuildings, all household furniture, H
cows, pood work team, harness, farm ma
chinery, separator, 2". hogs, chickens", etc. ;
nock and fixtures will invoice $1500; this
farm is close to Columbia River and an
ideal dairy proposition : price. Including
stock. et. fci$500: $ 1hh cash.
Come and see us before you locate.
F. J. -STE1NMET'; & CO.,
1U3 Morrison St.
BEAUTIFUL country home of 04 acres.
two beautiful streams; 8 . minutes' walk
from carline along bank of river; new.
modern 7-room bouse. 2 barns, other
buildings, 35 peach trees, 25 apple trees,
few peir, cherry, plum, walnut, almond
and filbert trees; ju. acre asparagus, U
acre strawberries, grapes and all small
fruits. Address H., Milwaukic, Or. R. F.
I. No. 1, box 13.
25 ACRES of very choicest land; no stone
or gravel; 2 acres in cultivation, uume
timber; all level and tllo drained; could
sell in small tracts; 2(H yards from electric
carline, 25 minutes' ride to Portland, 300
yards to future Southern Pacific station;
line now building; on main county road;
$lt0 per acre, half cash.
708-709 Corbctt bicg., 5th and Morrison sis.
$12 per acre for 12s' aeres. partly im
proved: ideal for stock or walnut land
Will pay interest until trees commence
to bear and then bring, a large return.
H.50O for the best 120-acre hlpMy
improved farm in easy driving distance
to Portland, with all the stock and im
plements ; $ HKmi cash w ill handle this.
F. FUC.HS. 221V- Morrison St.
FARM SNAP 100 acres on Willamette
River, above Oregon City. 0 acres, all
clear and under cultivation; -fair house,
orchard, first-class soil; no gravel; good
fences; land is level. 25 acres in hops;
about 2500 cords fine green timber; price
onlv $40 per acre; cash, balance time
at G per cent iuteresi. Apply to C. F
Pfiuger & Co.. room 14. Mulkey bids. 2d
and Morrison sts.
UN lY $ !UIW1 40 acres, 3 miles from Ka-
lama. on Kaiama Kiver; nouse ana otner
improvements; :io acres slashed and part
ly cleared ; good soil ; about half of it
bench or swale laud; close to school; good
neighbors ; terms on part. A snap. If
you want it. come 'at once. A. I. Long
& Co.. Kaiama. Wash.
0-ACRE tracts near Vancouver. 2U miles
from ferry landing, partly cleared, lies
nicelv. good . soil, water easily gotten;
pi ice from $425 up: terms.
714 Couch bids-. 1M Hh St., near Wash.
$10 A DAY and expenses if not found as
represcnteu. j-iomeseeKcrs win una n. io
their best interests to investigate our
large list of farms, of any kind or size.
Only the best listed. Good value for your
monev and square dealing.
F. FUCHS. 221 Morrison St.
4 ACRES in Beaverton, all cleared; 6-room
cottage and furniture, good barn, $28o0;
7!4 acres near Reaverton. all cleared, house,
birn and outbuildings, $25oO; also a few
small farms near by. Fry & Thornton,
Beaverton, Or.
A NICE 40-acre farm, only 22 miles from
Portlund. 20 acres under cultivation,
house, large barn and other outbuildings;
spring, good orchard; only $2.'10O. C. F.
Pfiuger & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d
and Morrison, sts.
160 AORBS fine apple land. Hood River dis
trict, & miles from raitroaa, good house and
barn, fine well. 10 aeres cleared, i)0 acres
fenced: $5000 cash. Owner must have money.
Answer box N 585, Oiegonian.
100 ACRES- fine orchard land. Hood River
'district, good house, barn and well. 10
acres cleared, lu acres fenced; $5000 cash.
Owner must sell. Addresa L 504. Orego
nian. CHERRY, peaches and grape land in lO-aere
tracts on the development system; make
the land pay for itself: Kee me for par
ticulars. Cobb, 4U7 Rothchild, - 4th and
$42"0 BUYS 8 acres of fine celery or onion
beaverdam land, all in cultivation, including
M in thorn Springs; this offer for 10 days
only. F. C. Harlow Co., Milwaukie, Or.
15 ACRES ready for plow; fine garden land:
town, school and PL R. very convenient; a
great bargain; $1125, monthly payments.
Cobb, 4o7 Rolhehlld., 4th and Wash.
820 ACRES near Salem, half cleared, bal
ance good timber; fine soil; house and
barn; price $22.50 per acre; will divide if
aesirea. u a m, oregonian.
FOR SALE or trade, a 4-acre farm nefir
Owwn CitvT bt.mWI bulldincs: rtrli-t SL'i.'nio
C. F. Pfluger & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg.,
2d and Morrison ets.
BEAUTIFUL acre tracts right on the elec
tric carline. close In, $850 per acre. C. F.
. Pfiuger & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d
and Morrison sts.
HOMKSTEAD, Hood River country, fine for
npplts: only one left; you'll be sorry if you
don't get it. Cobb, o7 Rothchild, 4th and
$27 PER A CR E. 1 ' -j mi les of Est aca da ;
t!4-acre farm, suitable for dairy or fruit.
Purse, 823 Chamber of Commerce. Main
GREAT opportunities in wheat and etock
farms: also four fine alfalfa- farms, suita
ble for dairying. Hoom 512 S wetland bldg.
SWEET cherry lar.d. near Eugene, in tracts
to suit; plowed, ready for planting; $100 per
acre Geo. Melvin Miller, Eugene. Or.
FINE apple land. Klickitat Co.. near North
Rank road. In traeu? to. suit; very cheap.
Cobb, 4o7 Rothchild. 4th and Wash.
SMALL acreage tracts tributary to Port
land at attractive prices. Sphinx Agency,
308 Chamber Commerce.
10 ACRES well improved, on carllne and only
7 miles from Portland, $uo00. Room 18, 313tj
Washington st.
SEE J. O. ELROD. C07-S Sw etland bldg.,
for wheat lands.
ALL kinds. ' Including approved forest re
serve scrip, for surveyed, unsurveyed tim
ber and prairie Government land H. M.
Hamilton, ' The Portland. M Poi Uand. Or.
. C.
land scrip for sale; land, mining
V. N. Clark, Auy., Washington,
1040 acres in Sherman County. 1000
farmed, with all stock and machinery.
300 acres near Beaver ton.
4k acres in, Gilliam County, all sown
to wheat.
04o acres. 2 miles from Grass Valley,
Sherman County.
75 acres on San tiam. at J efferson. Or.
I own all the above farms and will take
Portland property or acreage in , all or
as part payment and give long time on
deferred payments.
607-8 S wet land Building.
EXCHANGE Rooming-house, central, pay
ing, for farm; $3000.
eo-room.' hotel for a farm; $3000.
General mercihandise store for a farm;
25 million feet of timber for income city
property; $10,0OO.
4t acres 4 '4 miles of Forest Grove, higlfc
lv improved and complete, stocked and fur
nished; $55o0, for house. $2300, bal. cash.
7 acres In Hillsboro. $25tM, for house and
lot and pay difference.
166 acres on coast, 2 million, feet timber
and $1000. for nous and lot.
7-room houe and 3 lots for fruit or wal
nut land; $50o0.
House and lot for small arm; $1800.
84o-acre wheat farm for city or valley
property ; $25, not).
H40-aerc wheat farm for city or valley
property; $12.500..
Uato-aere wheat farm for city property;
IO acres, highly improved, buildings, etc.,
near" carline, Clackamas Station; lake small
house and lots; $45'X.
412 Commonwealth bldg.
12 acres on carline. close to city, all in
cultivation, mostly bottom land, on good
grave) road to city; fine building place;
some bearing fruit trees, close to stores,
school, churches and station. Will trade
for city property.
217 Ablngton bldg.
WILL exchange for Oregon property, one
farm SO acres in Norman County, Minn.,
all under cultivation, house, barn and
artesian well; also one farm 120 acres in
Marshall County, Minn., partly under cul
tivation, balance small timber. Sidney G.
Lathrop, 307 Abington bldg
FOR SALE or trade, in country town of
about OOO population, good railroad serv
ice. 5-room cottage; ground loOxlOO; good
fence and outbuildings: will trade for
acreage near Portland, close to car. value
$050 For particulars address N 500, Ore
gonian. A 9-ROOM. well-built house; full lot; very
sightly; handy to business center of Al
bina; close to car; streets all improved;
. will rent for $30 per month'; will trade
for small cottage or acreage. Henklo &
Harrison, 217 Abington bldg
WANTED Fine Portland residence, will ex
change 110 acres fine farm land near
Tacoma, 20 acres of finest hops, good
orchard, living spring, barn and house;
on new electric line. D. W. Heilman, 307
Abington bldg.
10 ACRES of black loam garden soli in Cali
fornia to trade for any old thing; 6-room
modern cottage, bath and electric light.
$2500. to trade for grocery. Busy Bee Realty
Co., 318 and 319 Alisky Bldg., 3d and Mor
rison. A NEW six-room house. $2500; a five-room
cottage, -$14(K: 100x100, house and barn.
Sell wood. $1750; 100 acres in Sacramento
Valley, $1KX.
State Land Co. 133 First at.
TO exchange; complete first-class desert, pros
pecting outfit; now pastured at Boise; cost
last year (in Nevada) $500; will trade for
good assay outfit or Portland or country
property. Address T 566. Oregonian.
WANTED To exchange my large farm for
business in Portland; grocery, hardware or
hotel preferred; may take any income or
vacant property if price is right; state loca
tion and price. B 5S5. Oregonian.
WHAT have you to trade for 6 nice lots on
Eat Side? Anything up to $25X will be
considered; the lots are choice for chick
ens, fruit and garden and convenient to 5
cent car fare. T 56X1. Oregonian.
CENTRAL located rooming-house, with 50
rooms, well furnished and all occupied, to
exchange for lots or house and lot.
232 M Washington st.
5 ACRES apples. 4-room house. 3 , miles
from Hood River; will sell or trade for
home - In Portland. 225 Abington bldg.
Phone Main S410.
WANTED To exchange my Valley farm for
Eitftern Oregon wheat farm; owing to Hrk
nesi must go to higher altitude. B 586,
TO EXCHANGE for city property, wheat
!andt, farms, ranches. Hood River fruit
lands. Long & Cluimberlln, 612 S wet land
bldg - ,
CENTRAL East Side rooming-house to ex
change for Imoroved acreage, or residence;
value about $1800. Phones B1S36, East S78.
WANTED House and lot In Portland for
220 acres of land 3 milea from railroad
in Douglas County. V 581. Oregonian.
A CHOICE citv residence and business
property, either or both, for farm or acre
age; owners only. K 581, Oregonian.
WANT to sell 4-room house, lot 50x100; will
take team and cow in trade. 016 Alle
gheny St., Point View. St. John car.
TO exchange; equity in annall acreage, with
large house, on carline, for lots and some
cash. Phone Sell wood 027.
WILL exchange a nice California bungaLw
for building lots in a good location. Ad
dress F 505. Oregonian,
WILL exchange 12-inch Columbia grapho
phone. with 50 records, for good trunk.
y M 590, Oregonian. '
HOMESTEAD relinquishment in Harney Val
ley, $250; trade for team, horses or lot.
K 585. Oregonian.
WILL exchange large repertoire of orches
tra music for good trunk. M 5$S, Ore
gonian. I45i 6TH Will exchange 50-room house for
house and lota or vacant city property.
5-SEAT tourlne car for unincumbered prop
erty. R. fi. Cook & Co.. 51 Alder.
$rjK ASHLAND property, what have you?
See me. B 1114, noon or 7 P. M.
STOCK of goods to trade for house and lot,
ranch or lots. K 580, Oregonian.
IF you want to buy, trade or sell real es
tate, call 325 Lumber Exchange.
INCOME) residence for vacant lot and some
cash Tower, University Station.
INCOME property for vacant lot close in,
West Side. M 505, Oregonian.
WILL trade for buggy one flat piano In good
order. Phone Pacific 137.
WILL buy your business for cash, or trade.
324 Lumber Exchange.
WILL trade for what you have. Gus Smith,
41 1 Buchanan bldg.
WE have buyers who want Improved Wil
lamette Valley farms, 50 to 3frO acres. Rcw
ctiy Realty & Inv. Co.. Lafayette bldg..
6'h and Washington sts.
I HAVE buyers waiting for modern 6-roc-m
nouflc. full lot. Inside E. lotn.
5 or 6-room house, full or fractional, lot,
walking distance.
$S0UU income property.
Vacant lot infde E. 12;h.
Vacant lot inside E. 2oth.
Give particulars in dc-tai!. by letter only.
- 708-1 Corbett bldg.
WANTED A nice corner lot In Irvhigton.
Weet Irvington or Holladay Park; must, be
nice, sightly and a bargain ; south, east
front preferred; give all particulars with
first letter or no attention will be given.
Address C 582, Oregonian.
I HAVE an account In the Oregon Trust &
Savin its Bank, which will -oiten soon, to
exchange as first payment on a 7-room
modern house in -good locality. What
have you? O 500. Oregonian.
I WANT a home on the West Side, will in
vest $5000. House must be modern : lot
50x100, within 15 minutes of 3d and Wash
ington. Address V 503. Oregonian.
WANTED For cash, small acreage near Port
land, improved or unimproved, high land
on river preferred; describe fuliy and state
price. Address B 505, Oregonl-Ji.
A DESf RA RUE building lot within easy
wa Iking distance of Steel bridge. -State
location and price; must bo cheap for
cash. L 530, Oregonian.
WANT to buv a nice home property in
Sunnyside district; pay part in other un
incumbered property, balance installments.
D 003, Oregonian.
WANTED To buy 3 to 4-arre tract with
house, in suburb of the city, fo?" chicken
ranch; or a chicken ranch. What have you?
T 550. Oregonian.
WANTED Small house, with one or more
lots: must be bargain for cash: give exact
location and price. Address H 592, Ore
gonian. WANT to buy house; will pay with good
26-room rooming house, $1600; clears $100
a month, balance cash. C 581, Oregonian.
ARCHITECT, competent to handle any
class of buildings, can be -consulted with-
out charge. O 569. Oregonian.
WANTED To buy a lot in Hawthorne Park;
answer, stating lowest cash price and lo
cation. R 506, Oregonian.
HAVE $447 In T. G. & T., 4 per cent and
some cash for 4 or 6-room house or lot.
F 587, Oregonian.
WANTFJD From owner. 32 to 40 acres im
proved or unimproved; must be bargain.
K 506. Oregonian.
3 OR 4-room house and lot, or lot north of
Beech t.; Mate price and location. ' N BS6,
WANT to buv 2 or 3 6-room cottases. as
an Investment. H 556. Oregonian.
WANTED To purchase good real estate
notes. 23;; Worcester bldg.
SAWMILL MAN desires to lease fcjrnlll. or
contract sawing by thousand; wiphuy one
or two good timber claim relintjlihinente.
D 569, Oregonian.
WANTED First-class wood proposition ;
price must be right. Call Monday between
IO and 12. J. Mann, 341 Sherlock bldg.
TIMBER claim relinquishment; good locality.
Address Mrs. HT, 715 Everet St., Portland,
HOMESTEAD relinquishment wanted; want
to buy one or two relinquishments on some
good timber claims and in a locality where
the timber and etone right can be used.
Write particulars to M. Olson, 410' Morri
son st., Portland, Or.
WILL pay cash for good timber located near
Columbia River; can use single claims or
large tract.
C. :. SHAY. 306 Abington bldg.
TO LEASE 50 acres 2 miles from Clacka
mas station: small house and, barn; 5
acres in berries. 10 acres black garden
soil ; balance pasture; a good proposition
for a rustler. Apply afternoons J. Bul
livnnt. Jr.. 401 Jefferson st.
FOR RENT 6-room house and from 5 to
8 acres, near carline at Lents. Call 2S
East 15th st.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
25 HEAD of young horses and mares ar
rived today, weighing from 1050 to 100o;
team of black geldings, 6 and 7. weight
2735; pair of matched jet black geldings, g
years old, weight 25O0: 6-year-old chunky
built dapple gray mare, weight l.HtO;
dark gray, 5-year-old horses, weight 120;
, pair of matched black mares, 4 and 7,
weight 2G0O; bay, 7-year-old horse, weight
1510. Some cheap farm, and delivery
mares. 204 Montgomery.
PAIR of grays, mare and horse, weight
205O, with new harness, $150; black horse
and bay- mare, price $100, with new
breeching harness; roan 6year-old, city
broke horse, $75; bay, 5 years, gentle
horso. $75. 294 Montgomery at.
WANT good ranch team, under 8, and
weigh not less than 1350; must be reason
able for cash; also farm wagon and disk
harrow. M. Walton, 515 Chamber of Com
merce. Pacific 1U55.
YOU can certainly find something to eult you
at 350 Flanders; all kinds of horses, from
1O00 to 160O lbs., from $40 to $250 each;
fl gentle and good workers.
BLACK mare and horse, 8 years old, 1100
bs., work any where, $110. and lOO-lb.
horse, $80; other horses, ihjeavy farm wagon.
23 -N. 14th st.
NICE stylish driving horse, top buggy and
aiarness; havhvsr no further use for them,
will let them go at a bargain. 209V. 4th
et., room 4.
SEVERAL nice horses suitable for livery
or driving; also several good buggies to be
had at bargain prices. Call 325 Lumber
FROM $50 TO $500.
Have 50 head of first 7class partly broke
horses to sell at a sacrifice. Room 12 Ra
leigh bldg.
YOUNG light team, harness and wagon:
part or all. 1200 E. 12th st. N. Take
Woodlawn car and get off at Ainsworth
$165 BUYS chunky team, mare and horse;
weight 2400; or sell separate; trial given;
can be seen at Dexter Stables. 45 4th st.
FOR SALE One big horse, weighing 1520
lbs.; 2 small horses, l small mare. , 220
Russell et. Phone East 4804.
$75 BUYS good work horse, weight lo50;
works single or double. 103 Russell et.
Phone East 2998.
WANTED One good span of horses weigh
ing about 3000 pounds. Address C 5 OS,
DAIRY, includlns outfit and house furni
ture for sale; 12 cows and route. 534
E. 8th st. -
FOUR horses, 3 wagons. 2 sets double har
ness. 446 Flanders st., cor 11th. Main
WANTED 2d-hand broad-gauge wagon.
or 3 skein. Phone Pacific 272 Monday.
WILL trade young mare with foal for looo
pound delivery horse. Phone East 25o2.
Hubert Hall. 266 4th. dealers in hirses
and vehicles; horse and vehicle for rent.
DELIVERY mare, 1000 lbe. : a fast one, ycuny.
1642 Macadam, right in Fulton.
WANTED A horse; also, light grocery de
livery wagon. Phone E 2018.
$175 BUYS good team horres. 2700 lbs. 239
Russell st. Phone Bast 3543.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds
for sale. 2f4 Montgomery.
FOR SALE Heavy, spring wagon. 231 Madi
son ert.
AN almost new piano for sale,
costing $650; will sell for $300 cash. Address
N 557, Oregonian.
CH1CKERING upright piano. $125; another.
$27; Estey organ, $2S. 43 4 1st and Ash.
Room 26.
A KIMBALL piano for sale cheap: a bar
gain; parties leaving city. K 500, Or
egonian. ELECTRIC PIANO. A-l condition, with muic.
$425. Gup- Anderson, 618 Tourny bldg. Pa
cific 244. .
BA HV grand piano, duet bom h; to $ sh buyer
Only IS instruments altogether remain of
nearly 125 more or lejt-s- ut-ed pianoa and
organs, which were offered so greatly under
price at the commencement of this sale.
We are determined to dispose of each
one of the remaining Instruments, even
though it is necessary to extend the sale
for two or three days longer.
St nee the assortment Is not w complete
as heretofore we are going to make an extra
inducement, a discount of 4 per cent on
pectal sale price of any of these instru
ments. A superb BaMet & Davis remains; we will
take one-third its original value.
A magnificent mahogany Colonial stvle
Kimball, the $375 style, now $338.
A Decker piano, cost $50O when nejv, now
A Steinway piano, like new ; usual price
$450 to $500; now $218.
We will take $15 or $20 cash, and $10
& month.
A New England piano $105.
A Conover upright $110, and a Kranlch
& Bach upright $90.
A euDerb Sleek square $75.
A magnificent LIndeman $54.
A Oardner piano, good tone. $42; and think
of it, a Pearson square piano, a rattling
good one, in playable shape, $18.
All of these last-named pianos may be
obtained for $5 or $8 cash and $3 or $4
monthly, if you like.
An An gel us for $110.
A Oecilian for $!0t and a genuine Pianola
for $162, all accompanied with plenty of
music rolls.
These can b had -for $6 or $8 'a month,
and will surely solve the -'silent pianos
problem In your home.
A good little -Bridgeport organ goea for
A fine quarter-sawed $125 etyle Kimball
goes for $54.
Then there in a beautiful little self-playing
organ, a lot of music rolls go with It;
we ehali close thia out at $08.
$6 down and $3 a month buy an organ.
Any of these used pianos and organs and
piano players may be returned to us at any
time within two years and full price paid
will be allowed toward purchase of any new
instrument desired.
Remember the above rHces are subject
to 4 per cent if you make your selection
within the next three day.
351 Washington St.
AUCTION SALE Will sell large lot of iron
pipe at public auction Monday, February
3. at 11 A. M. American Exchange dock,
foot of Madison street. J. T. Wilson, auc
tioneer. FINE PIANO, nearly new, splendid tune
and condition ; cowt $500, prlee $175; owner
leaving city; seen, tried. 262 12th at.
PIANO for rent cheap to right parties.
Call at 513 20th st.. bet. Myrtle and
Laurel, or phone Tabor 502..
WANTED Use of piano, in neighborhood of
12th and Columbia sts.. for two hours
practice daily. Phone M7527.
CABINET grand upright mahogany piano,
used three months; $176; terms, 618 Tour
ney bldg. Pacific 241.
NP3W piano. In use 2 months. $125 equity for
$50. 201 13ui.
lUscella neous.
1700 ft. new 1,2-inch standard pipe.
1500 ft, new 12-inch ateel-rivited pipe.
2mj0 ft. new lo-inch standard pipe.
2o 4 ft. new 6-in oh s-tanaard pipe.
4000 ft. new 4-inch standard pipe.
4otx ft. new 3-inch standard pipe.
We alao have the largest stock of sscondV
hand pipe on the Pacific Coast; all sizes, all
fixed ready for use. Call or write for prices.
244-240-250 Front st.
CARLOAD of vlaes, including blacksmiths',
carpenters', pipe vises, etc., cneap. Al.
Baiae & Soruj, 8th and Gllsan sts.
SMALL oak roll-top desk, perfect order, com
plete with file cases, for sale cheap. Ecker
tfon, room 6, ashing ton bids.
TWO heating stoves, four carpets. 1 flat
top desk, 1 standing desk, 1 buffet, 1 dining-room
set, 106 Union ave.
FOR SALE OR TRADE 19-foot launch,
with 2 h. p. auto marine engine; $75 buys
it today, ii 582, Oregonian.
6-FOOT showcase, also National cash register,
total adder, detail slip, only used 3 months;
will sell cheap. 141 3d su
LOGGING and hoisting engines for sale or
rent. Railway Equipment Co., 3t Chamber
of Commerce; both phones.
MAIN 51505. A4121.
SECOND-HAND safe for sale, in good con
dition. Hazelwood Creamery. 5th and
Oak. Exchange 40,
DISC GRAPHOPHONE (Columbia with 85
records and cabinet, in good, condition.
Phone Main 1192.
FRESH cow and calf, opposite store. South
Mount Tabor. Full-blood Collie pups.
Phone East 4377.
NO. 7 Remington, nearly new; or will "trade
for law dooks. Geo. A. Bateson & Co., 414
Buchanan bldg.
' t
FOR SALEr-Physlclan's office, completely
furnished, well established city practice. S
684, Oregonian.
SHOWCASES, fixtures, soda fountain, safe,
cash register, candy scales, iron gates, etc.
211 Morrison st.
FOR SALE Fullblood barred Plymouth
Rock cockerels, cheap, F. W. Torgler, 106
Sherlock bldg. -
FOR SALE A collection of 400 Indian ar
rowheads. Make me an offer. R 55,
FOR SALE 15 young Plymouth Rock hens
and 1 rooster; thorough bred s. Phone Sell
wood 927.
FOR SALE A complete set of Century Dic
tionary and Encyclopedia, $00. 451 East
FOR SALE Fine barred Plymouth Rock cock
erels. 175 East 23d near Belmont, Phone
East 789. I
FOR SALE Scholarship on Behnke-Walker
Business College. Address A 560. Or
egonian. TWO fresh cows, part Jersey, big milkers,
or exchange on beef cows. I hone Eau
A GOOD folding bed. mantel bed; also large
heating stove, cheap. Telephone Pacific
FOR SALE Gentle Jersey row; easy milker.
$35. Doran, grocery, Nashville, Mt. Scott
FOR SALE A beautiful $35 "Harwood"
mandolin for $17; a snap. Phono Pacific
FOR 43 ALE or lease, double drum hoisting en
gine, perfect condition. 452 Sherlock bldg.
supplies, slides, films for rent. 165 A 4th et.
FOR SALE One boiler, 10 H. P.; one en
gine. 6 H. P.; price $125. 199 Ruesell st.
FOR SALE White Plymouth Rock cockerels
and egss for settings. 6U5 Commercial trt.
FOR SALE Several white Leghorn Cockerels
and homer pigeons. Phone Tabor 842.
loo-EGG incubator, nearly new; also fine
White Leghorn cock. Phone Tabor 30.
GASOLINE launches built to order; get our
prices. Boaibuilder, bOO E. Salmon st.
COMPARATIVELY new Wilton velvet car
pet for sale cheap. Phone East 4195.
FOR SALE All kinds of dry wood, llth
and Flanders. Phone Main 7505.
FOR SALE Listing adding machine good
new. Addreaw L 693, Oregonian.
CAMERA New 3-A Eastman, cost $35
make otter. Box 10S, Portland, Or.
SLOOP. 30 feet long; must be sold at once;
$75. Call 2j514 Morrison, room 2.
CANARY birds, stngera and females, cheap
645 Market et. Main 5273.
FOR SALE First-class student's violin,
$15. L 530, Oregonian.
ONE Robinson bath cabinet, less than half
price. Phone East 3O09.
A CANARY bird for sale. Call forenoons, 532
Mill at. Phone R4448.
A NO-1 Jersey cow cheap. East 31st and
Suman; Alberta car.
4-YEAR-OLD Jersey cow and calf for sale.
Phone Tabor 777.
A BROWN velvet Jacket, size 30; price $3.
Phone Eaet 6143.
TO lea? 5 to 10 years, liver? site. N. llth
st. 243 Stark.
FOR SALE Cheap, one fresh cow. Kuoler's
Place. Lents.
FOR SALE $25 go-cart for half price. D 590.
Tt of corrugated Iron, practically new. '
Iot of poultry netting, practice new.
5h vises, blacksmith and machuitet vises.
5 tons wedges and sledges.
250 tons relaying rails.
40 H. P. engine.
4 water-wheels.
7 dynamos. 50 to 1000-Iight.
140 tons eye-beams.
Carload trace-chains.
All rizes rope, chain and blocks.
Largest amount of second-hand cable on
the Coaet.
Carload picks, crowbars and mattocks.
Lot of new fire hose.
Belting, pulleys, boxes, shafting, hang
ers and all kinds of sawmill machinery.
We are positively, without doubt the
largest second-hand machinery dealers on
the Coast.
244-246-250 Front st.
GALVANIZED or black pipe, any amount
of any si ze , chea p.
Galvanized or black fitting, several car
loads at half regular prices.
Steel bare, any kind, cheap.
loo tons galvani.ed wire, cheap.
1O0 tone flat sheet Iron, black or galvan
Izf-d. for roofing, etc.. any size.
200 tons I b-arr.s. any size and length.
Largest stork of pulleys, shafting, hang
ern, harp nnd plates in the city.
M. BARDE &. SONS. 8th and Oltsan sta.
FOR SALE Through trade I have become the
owner of a new and unused 1908 model 17
Orient buckboard. single cylinder, friction
drive, lut price $350; is contained in orig
inal crate: will W1 it for $300 to the first
customer whose remittance is received; fur
ther particulars and Illustration of car sent
upon request; this Is a rare bargain. Ad
dress G. W. Klackwell, 112 W. 69th et..
New York City.
FOR SALE Sewing machines; will give
speejnl bargains in all kinds of new and
second-hand drop-head machines ; box
tops at half price. White "Sewing Machine
siore. H. D. Jones, 42o Washington, cor.
nth st.
FOR SALE Scotch collie puppies, 6 months
old; prize stock, fine markings. Call or
address C. H. Lambson, 41st and Ivon,
block north end of Richmond car-
Vhnn Ki'ntf u-tt'.
DID it ever occur to you that by trading
at The Dollar, 232 1st St.. for house fur
nishings you could save time and money?
New and good as new; time or cash. We
want your trade.
FOR SALE New and sscona-hana billiard aad
por-1 tabies; easy payment; we rent table
with privilege of buying; modern bar fix
tures; cheap prices, BrQnawlck-Baik-Co
lender, 49 Sd st.
AUCTION SALE Will sell large lot iron
pipe at public auction Monday. February
V(, at 11 A. M. American Exehange dock,
toot of Madison st. J. T. Wilson, auc
tioneer. ORDER today: greatest song the world ever
naw; "The Banker's Waterloo." The ong
that makes ern krazy; 25c by mall. Broad
way Music Co., (d Brcadway. Kansas City,
ON account of leaving tb citv I am com
pelled to dispose of my fine passenger
touring ear, fully equipped; good as new.
Dig nee. v of-, trejconian.
WILL trade first-class talking machine for
carpenter work, electric wiring or cood blcv
cle. Portland Phonograph Agency, 124 7th
Main 6374 Stove,
eick stoves well,
stove plumbing
dm:tor. We make A3237
do expert stove repairing,
and regulating. 232 1st.
CHEAP Fifty Jars home-canned fruit and
jam, perfect condition; will sell all or
part; leaving city. C 5S4. Oregonian.
OLD VIOLINS nnd stringed instruments
bought, sold and exchanged. L. Winters, 318
Ainoru ujuk-. i,oin ana .uorrifion sts.
GASOLINE engines repaired free by the
gasoline motor department, Y. M. C. A.
iau us up. frivate Exchange 60.
FOR HALE Columbia phonograph. .
records and cabinet; cost $75; new, all in
gooa conaiiion. J oregonian.
WANTED A good hardware specialty sales
man on salary and commission ; chance to
work into something iiermanent; state salary
expected and previous experience. O 585,
WANTED Man to do general work around
country place ; must understand gardening,
care of stock. ;ehicles, etc.; state city ref
erences. . V 583, Oregonian.
LEARN showcard writing or advertising;
personal instruction every day and Mon
day and Friday evenings. Bctts & Wag
oner. 600 Dekum bldg.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, city,
publications: quick cash commission for
acceptable contracts. Newspaper Broker
age. Goodnough bldg.
A METAL furniture salesman, one acquainted-
with bank and county work; state age.
reference and salary wanted. Address K
595, Oregonian.
WE pay $36 a week and expenses to men with
rigs to introduce poultry compound; year's
contract.- Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 54. Par
sons, Kas.
GOOD pay; men-wanted everywhere to tack
signs, distribute circ'ulars, samples, etc. ; no
canvassing. 247 National Dlst. Bureau, Chi
cago, 111.
PRINTER wanted, man or woman, out of
town; transportation furnished; state sal
ary, experience, references. G 574f Ore
gonian. WANTED A reliable young man knowing
the city to handle team and haul epuds
from country; $20 and board. R 598, Ore
gonian. WANTED Reliable man to check goods and
keep plain accounts a.? partner; will pay '-ou
$25 a week; $225 required. Call 248Vj Stark
WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers,
stenographers nnd clerical men. Call or write
Commercial Abstract Co., 323 Wash. st.
NORTHERN California Lumber Company.
Hilt. Cel.. can give work to 10 carpen
ters at 25c per hour: must have tools.
MAKB $10 weekly. Jlan time, writing pos
tals. Particulars loo silver. E. Winn. 1816
First Nat. Bank bldg.. Cincinnati O.
WANTED 1o men, 6 boys, to learn plumb
ing, bricklaying, plastering; positions, se
cured, 3u7 Hinckley block. Seattle.
GARDENER Excellent chance for a good
gardener with small capital. Inquire
F. FUCHS. 221 Vj Morrison st.
MEN To distribute circulars, samples, tack
signs; good pay; no canvassing. Oliver,
Lake View bldg.. Chicago.
WANTED Man to take contract of clear
ing land near Lyle. Wash. Apply John S.
Beail, 321 Hawthorne ave.
MANAGER cloak and suit house and ad
writer, windowtrimmcr and cardwriter.
386 ys Wash., room 14.
WANTED Salesman for city work who has
a large acquaintance in Portland. Call
. room 300 Dekum bldg.
PRINTER'S apprentice with some expe
rience; chance for advancement. Address
W 5'.K. Oregonian.
WANTED Crew, manager and two men;
commission, salary and expenses. Mr. How
ard. 513 Columbia.
MAN with $HK to take interest in good
paying business. Call Monday 291 Mor
rison, rooms, 7-8.
WANTED Three yount, men to leam the
"Comptometer." Apply 5 P. M. at 416
Wells-Fargo bldg.
OPERATOR wanted on coats; must be first
class. Appiy at Columbia Woolen Mil -a,
7th and Stark.
WANTED Good house-to-house canvasser,
good proposition, $3 will sta;t you. Fisher,
GOOD live salesman wanted; salary and com
mif!on: state age and experience. N 587.
WA NT ED Boy to h-arn the optical busi
neya. Address In own handwriting. C 585,
BOY with wheel wanted: must be (honest and
ambitious; good oiening. Chapman Adver
tising Co.
DENTIST looking for location would do well
to. investigate this; a enap. K 593, Ore
gonian. 600 MEN wanted Free shaves and haircuts,
2S4 Couch st. Moier Barber College.
BOY wanted to leam plumbing trade. Call at
453 Washington St., Monday morning.
WE secure positions for our members; spe
cial membership $2. Y. M.- C. A.
JAPANESE Employment Co. want all kinds
help. Main 4059. 26S Everett st.
CLERK wanted in commlfeion business. Call
Monday. 328 17th north.
WANTED Millwright, with tools.
306 Stearns bldg.
Since the New Year we have been re
ceiving a constantly Increasing number -f
enlis fur high-grade tiitn from eninloyrrs nnd
are unable to fill many of thtm owing to the
lack of efficient men.
A clrrical man of any kind, a mlrsman,
executive, technical or profesMonal man.
young college man or teacher.
And dksirh a chancfi
We can save you a vast amount of time,
trouble and money in finding ilu; position
you desire.
S P 54 Salesman, calls for a good, live,
experienced barber supply man; must under
stand the line. Salary $!2Ki, expenses and
S P 53 Offers a good Falexman with
$100-$2'00 to invent, opportunity to buy into
a Mve-gotng concern, a splendid prospect for
a producer.
Call and have a talk with us.
403-4-5 S wetland bldg.. Portland Or.
HERE is a chance for someone. We want a
thoroughly competent man to manage our
walnut land, 42 miles south of Portland,
during four years; a man who would invest
$2U0J, thuj showing his good will und ability
to make a success; hit capital will be ab
solutely secured by 4u acit-s of very btut
land; house, cow, etc.. etc., will be furnlsht-d
fre. R'.ro all necessary .horses, tools, ma
chinery : salary $75 per month.
301 McKay bldg.
After February 1 our office. arc 70S -7 1 -ft
Corbett bldg., corner 5th and Morrison stA
S A LBS M E N who ca n eel 1 tailoring 'to the
consumer direct, either by samples or In.
store. We furnish fixtures complete, and
woolens on consignment for ."how purposes
to parties who wish to establish themselves
In a live town. Salesmen who iia e been
celling tailoring will find it important and
protltahie to investigate and write at oner.
Our line is the best for quality, material
and workmanMilp and you will never
a customer. Write today for particular.
Address Paul .Tones, lock box 590, Chicago,
III. Dept. A-66.
JV ANTED $3000 to $10,000 yearly easily
made in real estate business; no capital
required. We will teach you the business
by mail, appoint you special representa
tive of leading real estate comDiiny. list
with you readily salable properties, co
operate with and assist you to a permanent
success; a thorough commercial law
course free to each representative.. Write
for 62-page book. free. It will be sure to
interest you. The Cross Co.. 1145 Reaper
block, Chicago.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC representative wanted
in every parish to introduce high-grade
financial proposition having support of
clergy. Light and remunerative work. Part
or whole time. References required. Wills,
Tckwood & Co., 50 Congress st., Boston.
GOVERNMENT position: thousand of ap
pointments to be made; examinations soon
In this city; circular 161 giving full par
ticulars as to positions, salaries, sample
question.; ete.. sent free by National or
respondence Institute, Washington. D. C.
WANTED First-class shoe salesman, one
familiar with Oregon and Western Idaho;
one who can maintain headquarters at
Portland and cover the territory two or
three times per year. Apply Evans Sho
Company, Napa. Cal.
MEN and boys to learn plumbing and brick -laving
trade; pays $' to $S a day after 3
months' practical inst ruction ; positions se
cured ; fre catalogue. Coyne Plumbing
and Bricklnving School. 4989 Easton ave.,
St. Louis. Mo.
MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, plaster
ing, bricklaying, all kinds of drafting and
plain reading; day and night; no book.-;
position secured, free catalogue. Coyne
Trade Schools. 230-240 Eighth st.. Sun
WANTED -Man; must be willing to b-nm
and capable t.f ai-ting as our loc-nl ri:e
fientative; no canvassing or soliciting: good
Income awnired. .ddrc.-s National Co-np-
. erative Ibulty Co.. Dept. 7i2 C, Washing
ton D. C.
WANTED Salesmen acquainted with th
hardware trade, to handle fa t -selling line
of ladders and lawn goods as a .id line;
sold by photos; Ii!eral commlsion. Send
references with application. Earl Mfg. Co..
Piano, lil.
$210 Min'oR CYCLE or horse and buggy fur
nished our men for traveling and $5 per
month and expenses, to take orders for the
greateM portriit house in the world. Write
for particulars. R. D. Maricl, Dept. 4 1.
C h lea go.
BRIGHT voung men at once, for L. S.
railway mail clerk examination Aorll
Special preparation given for same. Good
pav. fine opportunity for promotions.
today. Pacific States School, McKay bluir.
WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat ap
pearance to call on all merchants in thf.r
territory; elegant side. line, convenient to
carry; good commissions; prompt remit
tance. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati. O.
WANTED Reliable man In each locality to
advertise our goods on commission or
salary. $90 a month and expenses $3 per
day. Entirely new plan. Write salus
Medical Co., London. Ontario. Canada.
PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against
accident, slekness and death. Write or
call for full information. North we!
ern Health and Accident Association, 309
Wells-Fargo bldg. Agents wanted.
MECHANICAL and electrical engineer: auto
mobile expert, had charge of garag and
automobile salesrooms, desires position m
Western city. Address E. Favary. I-4
Manhattan ave.. New York City.
CAPABLE traveling salesman at once, sta
ple line, profitable commission contract,
with $25 weekly advance; permanent po
sition; references required. A. S. J. Co.,
Grand River ave., Detroit. Mich.
EXPERIENCED grocery clerk, retail store;
married man. sober, reliable, efficient;
sti-adv Inside position. Only first-class
man "answer; by mail only. H. btum
bcrg & Son.. Vancouver. Wash.
MEN and women to learn barber trade la
eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to
$ 5 weekly; expert Instructors; catalogue
free. Moler System of Colleges, 35 North
Fourth st.. Portland,
WANTED Experienced alesmen; goods told
on long time; -proposition especially attrac
tive now on that account, write for par
ticulars. McAlllster-Coinan Co., 356 Dear
born st.. Chicago.
W N'TED Detectives: we want good men;
uldeHt service in United States; no experience
neeaed; we give full instructions: write
today. American Detective Association, In
dianapolis, Ind.
HI wants side line traveling men. 'an
make easily $30 to $60 per week carrying
up-to-date advertising fans. Season nuw
opening. -
WANTED Immediately, capable man of ex
perience, 25 to .35 yeans of age. to handle
flour and milling products on i tbe Coast ;
good salary paid. Address R Ou, Ore
gonian. ANY Intelligent person can earn C,ood in
com making Btmple drawings. W hole or
spare time; experience unnecessary. Writs
for particulars. Art League, Lockpoit.
N. Y. '
W ANTED At once, a good, energetic and
experienced salesman; the best opening in
Portland for a good man. Apply fore-
' noon. V. V. Jones, 148 5th St., 2d floor.
SPECI A LTY merchandise traveling salesman
wanted for Washington, man experienced in
calendar line pref. rred: excellent oppor
tunity for right party. 23 1 Worcrfter bldg.
BARBERS wanting an Interview with Juo.
M Levy, representing Dellar Barbers Sup
ply Co., S attic, kindly leave address at
Oregon Hotel, 7th and Stark.
WANTED Detectives; shrewd, reliable men
fur profitable secret servi.-e. to act un.ior
orders; ro experience necessary. Wiile il.
C. Webster. Indianapolis, lr.d.
WANTED Honest young man to take Va In
terest in pood real cr:ate office, doing ni;-e
business", for v ry little nion-y. lione. r
Realty Co., 18i'B Fourth.
SIX weeks instruction in salesmanship, po
sition a trawling s-Uesmnn with resinsibe
firm guaranteed. Address HracVUet sys
tem. Rochertter, N. Y.
SAT ESMAX for cut.ery and silverware; lioeral
pay and good opportunity to advance; ex
perience not essential. Zlegier Co.. 220 Lo
cust st.. Philadelphia.
LABORERS, attention; can use 50 railrond
traders at 10c pf r hour In building rail
road at mill at Hilt, Cal. Northern ta;l
fornla Lumber Co.
WANTED Manager for an Oregon manufac
turing company; good salary to right man;
prefer one who can Invest at least $1(mjo.
F 508. Oregonian.
WALTZ two-step, three-step and stage
dancing, lesson. 25c. Prof. Wal. Wlllson's
School. 336: Washington st. Also dancing
taught by mail.
WANTED A live solicitor with industrial in
surance, magazine or newspaper circulation
experience. Call between 10 and 12, 4t-9
Couch bldg.
SALESMEN for city anrt country wanted on
expense and commission. 207 Couch bldg.
HIGH-CLASS salesman. $10,000 profit,
something nw. 213 Commercial bldg.