THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 2, 1903. feels Disgrace keenly GIRL BEGS FOB 3IERCY IX SE ATTLE COURT. Mrs. C. R. FarreU Innocent Victim of .Man With Whom She Eloped. Husband Is in Portland Jail. Hysterical with the disgrace and the fear of what might be her punishment. Mrs. C. R. FarreU, the 20-year-old daughter of a wealthy Montanlan, stood swaying before the bench oi". which sat Superior Judge Frater this morning and pleaded for mercy. The young woman was charged wilh swindling, her offense being that' of selling a piano which she had rented. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Van derveer has investigated the. case and is convinced that the woman is the Innocent victim of the husband, with whom she- eloped, and now is in, jail In Portland, charged with a similar offense. On the prosecutor's recom mendation. Judge Frater sentenced Mrs. Farrell to six months in the county jail and then suspended the sentence. y. M. JefCery, a local lawyer who knows the girl's parents, said to the court that she comes from a very fine family and that liter parents have been hlnir for trace of her since she eloped. As he talked, the girl, moaning and sobbing, threw herself on Jeffery's chest, clinging to him with frantic etrength She will be taken in charge by the police matron, pending recovery from na illness, and will then be sent home. DAILY METEORJI.OUCAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Feb. 1. Maximum tempera ture. S4 degrees; minimum. 26 degrees. River reading at 8 A. il.. 3 feet; change in last 24 hour. 0.1 foot. Total rainfall (3 P. M. to P. M.), none; totai-ralnfaU since Septem ber 1. J90T. 23 Inches; normal rainfall, 2.u5 inches: deficiency, 3.05 inches. Total sun shine January 31, 9 hours, 41 minutes; possi ble sunshine, 9 hours, 41 minutes. Barometer treduced to a -a-level), at S P. M.. 30.1O luetics. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Olwervfltiom taken at 5 P. M., Pacific time, February 1. 5 Wind. I I STATIONS. Haker City Ulsmaick Jioih" , Kurcka Helena KamloopB North Hiad l'ocat"IK. Portland lied Bluff 3iobebui tuciaihenio. .... ftalt Lalto Han Francisco. . , Spokane 'I'aeoma Tatocsh Island. . Walla Wiili..,, SOiO.fti. 1O:0.lM. 24 II. (XI 5- 'i.iii 2'.fV 12i.iXi 4i.'i!.C'i 12;i.0 3l!0.t"l 38;0.5Ui 4lf-'B ICloudy H SY (Clear 8 f'lear s N Cloudy 4i.MV (Clear ("almClear 12"SB Clear 4V 12, B 4iNV ixw G X 4V 4NE 4,NE K'iNE Clear Cloudy Kainy Cloudy Rainy 4li U.4II 22(0. (X.'i 46.0.02 Cloudy Jlauiy Mi'O.W near Clear Clear iPt. cloudy 16,0. uul 4.45B WEATHER CONDITIONS. The high pressure area over the North Pa ciflc Stales has contracted in area and its center has remained nearly stationary. Ths low pressure, area off the North California coast hat; likewise, remained nearly station ary and Us center is apparently some, dis tance at aea. It, liowevor, has caused mod erately heavy rains in Northern California end cloudiness from this disturbance has overspread western Oregon. Tim tempera ture everywhere on the Pacific Slope, havs remained nearly stationary. The indications are for generally fair veamer in this district tiunday. witn aearly stationary temperatures. FORECASTS. ror me v nours enoinfc minniRni. reo. z: Portland aad vicinity Generally fair; east erly windij. Western Oregon Generally fair, except pos sibly rain or enow south portion; easterly nir.da. Western Washington Fair; continued cold. Kawtern Orenon, Eastern Washington and Idaho Pair and continued cold. - EDWARD A. HEALS, District Foreraster. Grand Centra! Station lima Card 80UTIiKK rAC lUC. Leaving forttuud RoLurg Pasaoiiger ....... Cottage Grove Fasaenger... California Express tan Francisco Kxprew West Side Corvallis passenger Eheridaa Passenger yoreet Grove Passenger...., orebt Gtove Passenger .... Arriving Port land Oregon Kxpre&a Cottage lirove passenger... Roeetmrg passenger ....... , Portland Exprea .......... Weut. side Corvallla Passenger ........ Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove passenger..... 1 8:13 a. 1 4:13 p. t 7:45 p. 1 12:U0 p. 1 1 :M) m. t 4:10 d. 1 11:00 a- t e:40p. t 7:65 a. 1 4 11:30s. 1 5:30 d. 1 U:1S p. 1 6:S5 p. 1 10:o0 a. 1 8:00 a, 1 yoret Grove Passenger. 2:60 p. N OKI' li-bttN fAClUC. Leaving Portland Taccma and Seattle Express..'...! 8:30a.m. North Coast & Chicago Limited. . I a Overland Express 1 1:48 p. m. Axrlvlns; i'ortland North Coast Limited T :00 a. to. Portiaod Express 4:15p.m. Overland Express 8:15 p.m. OREGON RALLBOAJO) NAVIGATION CO. lttvlug l'ortiapc! Fendlet jn Passenger ........... Chicago-Portland Special ....... bwokans Flyer Kansas City & Chicago Express. Arriving Purtlaud Spokane Flyer Ctil.. kin. City Portland Ex. . Chicago-Portland Special ' Pendleton Passenger 7:13 a. m. 8:30 a. m. 8:15 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 8:00 a. m. 3:45 a. m. 8:50 p. m. 6:15 p. m- aSIOBU COLUMBIA leaving Portland- -t Astoria At Seasian Express....... Astoria & Seaside Express ....... Arriving Portland . Astoria Portland Passenger. . Portland Express . . . 8:00 a. m. 0:00 p. m. 12:15 p. ra. 1U:UU p. m. CANADIAN PACIFIC BsiLWAH CO. xlavlng Portland C. P K. tahort Line, via Spokane. 8:15 p. m Seattle .111:43 p. m. Arrlvlns: Portland C. P. It. hort Line, via SDokane..! 8:00a. m via beams 7:00 am. Jelierson-Street Station BOCTILEKS PACIFIC. Infixing FartljuHt Zal las Penj;r;r . . . . , Dallas Passenger Arriving Fort land Da 11 as Passenger Dallas PaiKpnger ... T:40 av nv 4:15 p, sou 10:t5 a, m. 6:00 D. Ok MEETING NOTICES. ARBl'Tf? CIRCLE, NO. 2T.1, WOMEN' OP council A i-T vm give a grand masquerade bail St. Valentine's evening. February 14. In the Woodnmn ot the Worid Temple, 1th street, borwoen "Waahington and Alder. Admtstrion bit cent couj'le, extra, lady 20 cents. Prizes and good music ' HASSAI0 LODGE, No. 10, I. O. O. F. Members are requested to meet at the haU of Woodlawn Ledge at 8 o'clock ilonday evetifna to pay them a fraternal visit. F. COZENS, Sec VNION BRICKLATERS. Take natice on and after the evening of Thursday. February 3. 1!H'S. the union will hoM Its nieetinfrs In the bartenders' new hall, or.'i First ft. ED THAYER, Pies. JOJ3 CLARK, Secretary. MODERN FORESTERS The Modern For enters will Rive a Valentine dance on Mon day evening. Feb. A. In their hall. Ablnff ton bid;;. Fine orchestra. . Everybody in- vUco. A a mission cents. CORBETT BUILDING 5TH AND MORRISON STS. ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY Akin Otis F. and Mabel, osteopaths, for merly Macleay bldg. Phone A4S79. American Surety Company, formerly Com mercial bldg Phone ilain 44T. Cavanagh. Wm., Dr.. dentist, formwly Co lumbia & Buchanan blags. Main 513d. A 5119. Cbrlstensen. C, optician and Jeweler, formerly with Butterfleld Bros. Main SIOO. Chance, Arthur IV., Dr., dentlat, formerly Dekuro bldg. Oirtces 810-11. Main loiii. Coffev. R. c.. Ir., physician and. surgeon, office 1(17. Phone Main 4-ta. Corbett Estate ot H. W.. Kobert H. Strong, manager. Phone Main 815, A .'1261. Crossley Co., Tne, real estate, formerly Mc Kay bldg. 708-9. Phones Main 7h65. A 5T22. Dleck. Kobt. O., civil engineer, formerly Mohawk bldg. Phone A3tt&S. Dufur & Dulur, public etuoographera. Phone Main 3U04. A ii-iB. Ellis. R H.. Dr. physician and surgeon, formerly Columbia bids. Main 6186, A 14w8. Falls city Lumber Company, formerly Mo hawk bldg.. t- S. Belcher. Main 557S. Goudey & Vvcod. bonds, formerly Buchanan blug. Main 3472. A 3472. Hegele, H.- w.. Dr.. physician and surgeon, formerly Macleay bldg. ilain 4014. A b3o.;. Offices l(oa-12. Jefierds. Henry C.. Dr., physician and sur geon, formerly Dekum bldg. Main 463. Jonea, N. V., Dr., physician, formerly Co lumbia bldg. Suite loo3. Main 278.- Jones, Trevor, Dr., dentist, formerly Bu chanan bldg. Main 4014. A 6333. Kelsey. Frank C, civil engineer, formerly Co lumbia bldx. Main 6146. King, J. C. Elliott. Dr., physician, formerly Mohawk bid. Main 220. , , Kinney, M. J., timber, formerly Sherlock bldg Phone Main, 2032. , Kyne. B. F., Mrs., formerly Bussel blag. A3967. Residence C1977. . Labbe. Edmund J . Dr.. physician and ur geon, formerly Labbe bldg. Main 4o0 A 14oo. Ijent. Geo. L., attorney, formerly 206 "4 Mor rison st. Offlce 419. Main 483, A 16SJ. Locke & Gullete, Drs.. physician and sur geons. Will occupy office 820 after Feb. 16. Mackenzie, K. A. J., Dr., physician and surgeon, formerly Dekum bldg. Main 28T. Manion. Catherine C, Dr.. formerly Hamll ton bldg. Phone Main 2811-- Matson, Ralph C. and F.ay W.. Drm., formerly Marquam bldg. Main 77. McCusken Clarence J., Dr., formerly Filed ner bldg. Main 270. Nichols. A. 6.. C. U & H. S.. Drs., physicians and surgeons, formerly Dekum bid. Main 20A Oregon Ljle Insurance Company, I Samuel, Gen. Mgr. Phones- Main 6353. A Bfl02. Oienon Kailway & Navigation Co., surgeon offices. 008-10. Main 2U7, A 1267. Otis Elevator Company, formerly Fentoll bldg. Offices 001-2. Phone Main e.?40. Petzei. A. F- Dr., dentist, formerly Dekum bids. Main 463. . , , Pierce, EX A.. Dr., physician, formerly Dekum bldg. Pacific 9SO. . Polivka & Co.. tailors, formerly 249 Morri son. Phone Main "31. Taylor. Frank M-, Dr., physician and sur geon, formerly Dekum bldg. Main 2b7. A1-B7. United Wirelefa Telegraph Co., formerly 107H Sixth St.. F. S. Stewart fiscal agt. Main B.(d. Veazle & Veazie, attorneys at law, formerly Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 11. TVight. Otis. B., Dr., physician and surgeon, formerly Dekum bldg. Main 616. A ,4M. Williamson, IV. F-, Dr., physician and sur geon, formerly Marquam bldg. Main 440. Taquina Bay Co.. The. formerly Mohawks bidg. W. F. Ptine. Main 5578. A197S. Zan. Jas. C. Dr.. physician and surgeon, formerly Marquam hid. Main 850. CLASSIFIED AD. , RATES FOK CASH ADVERTISING.) Following rate will be given only when advertising is ordered to run conseentive (lavs. Daily and Sunday issues. The Ore gonlun charges first-time rate each Insertion for classified advertising that is Bat run s consecutive days. The first-time rate is charged for eacit Insertion in The Weekly Oregouian. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board," "House keeping Rooms," "Situations Wanted." 15 words or less, 15 cents; 16 to 20 words, 2S rents; SI to 25 words. 25 cents, etc. He discount for additional insertions. Matrimonial and clairvoyant ad, one-time rate each insertion. O'UKR ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today." 30 cents for 15 words or lees; 16 to 20 words. 40 cents; 21 to 23 words. 50 cents, etc. tirat insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no furthea disaomit un der one month. "XKW TODAY, (gauge measure agatal, 14 cents per line, first insertion; "J cents ner line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO AD VEltTl&EJLESTS. ad dresseed care The Oregonian, and left at this office, should always be inclosed In sealed envelopes. No stamp la required on such letters. TELEPHONE ADVERTISEMENTS Tor the convenience of patrons. The Oregon! an will accept advertisements for publication in classified columns over the telephone. Hills fin: sain advertising will be mailed Imme diately and payment Is expected promptly. Care will be taken to prevent errors, but The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken over the telephone. Telephone: Main 7070; A 1670. DEED. ARMF.NT In this city. February 1, at the family residence at Woodstock. Ida May Arment, aged 44 years. Funeral notice hereafter. EWIS In this city, February 1. at 875 ICast Taylor, street, Mattie P. Ewin," aged 70 years; funeral notice hereafter. FUN ERA I, NOTICES. DONTjON" January 31. William Donton. aged 70 years. 10 months, tseloved bus band of Bridget Donlon. and father of Mrs. M. F. Brady. N. R. and Caroline Don lon of this city, and Mrs. E. P. Ward of Seattle, Wash. Funeral will take place from residence. 107 Webster street. Sun day, February 2, at 1:30 P. M., thence to St. Mary's Church. Williams ave. and Stanton street, at 2 P. M., where servin3 will be held. Interment Riverview Ceme tery. Friends respectfully Invited. MAION'E In this city, January 81 at 1079 jVLacauam street, i nomas v.. Aiaione, ageu 40 years. The funeral services will be held at St. Lawrence Church, comer Third and Sherman streets, at 2, p. M. to4 day (Sunday!. Friends invited. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery, Seattle and Ta coma papers please eopy. SATER In this city, February 1, Mrs. . Jesnie M. Sater, aged 47 years. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services which will be held at Holnt&n'l chapel, corner Third and Kalmon streets, at A. M. Monday, FebTuary 3. Inter ment at Cedar Mills. LASH At 207 South Jersey st St. John. January 31. Mrs. Mahala. K. Lash, aged 73 yetu-s, 1 month, 22 days. Funeral serv ices will be held today tSunday). Febru ary 2. at 2 P. M., from the Congrega tional Church. Bt. John. Interment at Columbia Cemetery. Friends invited. 61 EM ON The funeral services of the late A. Barnhard Giemon will be held at Fin ley's ehapel at l:M p. M. today. Friends invited. Interment Greenwood cemetery. (San Francisco papers please copy.) ELLIOTT The funeral services of Ernest K. Elliott, a member of Laurel Lodge. 11, I. O. O. F., will be held at Flnleys chapel at' 3 P. M. today (.Sunday). Friends and members of I. o. O. F. invited. Interment will be at Corvallls. Or. BROCK In this city. January 31, at 631 Spokane avenue. Maggie Brock, aged 41 years. The funeral services will be held at Finley's chapel at 1:30 P. M. Monday, February 3. Interment Rose City Ceme tery. TH ACKER The funeral services of Mrs. Joseph A. Thacker will be held at Dun ning' s chapel, East Alder and 6th sta. on Monday, February 3. at 10 A. M. J. P. 11NXEY St BO'S. Funeral Directors, Third and Madison. Phone Main S, A 1699. Dunning. McEntee & Gllbaugh, Funeral Di rectors, 7th Pine. Phone M.. 430. Lady asst. EK1CSON UNDERTAKING CO.. 400 Alder st. .Lady assistant. Mala 6138. EDWARD HOLM AN CO., Fnnera! Direct ors, 320 3d st. Lady assistant. Phone M. 607. ZEI.LF.R-BYRNES CO.. Fnneral Dlreet ers. 273 Russell. East 1088. Lady assistant. r. B. DUNN INC. Undertaker. 414 Eaat Alder. Lady assistant. Phone East 5 NEW TODAY- TEACHERS" EXAMINATIONS, Notice Is hereby riven that the County School .Superintendent of Multnomah County will hold the regular examination of applicants Mr state and countv papers at tne Atkinson School, Eleventh and Couch streets, commencing Wednesday, February 12, at A. M. A complete pro gramme will be furnished on request. Ap plicants writing here from other counties should secure consent of the Superintend ent of the county where employed. R. F. Robinson. County School Superintendent. Warehouse or Factory Site 100x100 on Flanders street, two block from New Terminal Tarda. FRY fc THORPfTOJf, Beaverton, Or, Piano Studio of Lonis II. Boll Now located corner 6th and Washington sts., Lafayette bldg.. parlors 80 and 81. SEW TODAY. ADMINISTRATOR'S Auction Sale Of the furniture and fittings of residence, removed to 411 Washington Street, for Sale Tuesday, Feb. 4th, 10 A. M. The sale includes the fittings of a 9 room house, books, etc. Also sales Thursday and Friday, 10 A. M. each day, at 411 Washington street. N. B. We pay cash for furniture. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. J Attractive Auction Sale ot tiie ELEGANT FURNITURE, FIT TINGS, CARPETS, ETC. Of 12-Room Residence Tomorrow, Monday, Feb. 3d, at No. 87 1-2 Sixth Street, Be tween Stark and Oak, at 10 o'Clock A. M. The fine furnishings at this sale are almost new, were selected from the dif ferent stores with care, ftnd Included in list are fine Royal Axminster and Brus sels Carpets, fine Iron bedsteads (tinted), the best springs and mattresses and bed dins; fine dressers, commodes, stands, etc., In oak, etc.; rockers, costly hall car pets, odd chairs, heatingr stoves, kitchen furniture, parlor furniture, etc., In all the complete furnishings of 13 rooms. N. Bi--Buyers are invited to attend the sale (tomorrow) Monday, February 3, at 10 A. M-. at 8Tti Sixth street. S. Li. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. AuctionSales BY J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer Monday, Wednesday, Friday At 10 A. M. Each Day At Salesroom, 208 First Street MONDAY, at 10 A." M.. we sell one chest of carpenter's and plumber's tools, one shotgun, one fine tone orean, square piano, three safes, Mosler, Webb, Davis: Toledo cash register, carpers, ranges and furniture. Wednesday and Friday We sell various consignments of fur niture, carpets, Btoves, linoleum, valuable housekeeping effects and ralseellanerms merchandise. MONDAY, AT 11 A. M.. WE AilE- instructed to sell 6S0 feet of 20-inch sheet steel pipe on the Old Amer ican Exchange Dock, foot of Madison stt SPECIAL GROCERY SALE Tuesday, Feb. 4 208 First Street, at 10 A. M. We will offer a choice lot of baking powders, soap, coffees, tea, spices, ex tracts, canned and bottled goods, gro ceries of every description, plenty of everything for the table, dining-room and kitchen. NOTr3 If you want cash for youn be longings, phone Main 166, A 4243. We pay the best price. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. PortlandAuctionCo. AT 211 FIRST ST. We have this week a grand assortment of both NEW and second-hand FURNI TURE placed on our salesroom floors- for inspection oerore we sacrifice mem at our AUCTION SALES TUESDAY, 10 A.M. THURSDAY, 10 A. M. AND FRIDAY AT 2 P. M. When every piece we have consigned to us to be sold for the resular IOC ON THE DOLLAR POSITIVELY MUST BE SOLD, OUR OWN STOCK ot furnltura, which we have bought from parties who were obliged to sell on short notice Is assuming large proportions, so that you have a splendid opportunity to select from at any time if you don't wish to wait for the auctions, and remember It takes a large stock to supply our busi ness for two or three days, so you un derstand why we are always READT TO BUT MORE) FURNITURE PortlandAuctionCo. Main 5653. A 4121. 5&6. LVaK&r&Coir " ON TUESDAY NEXT AT BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE, COR. ALDER AND PARK STS. Nice furniture of u-ROOM FLAT, also a larse quantity of other good SECOND HAND FURNITURE. CARPETS, RUGS, ErrC. The following is a partial list of what MUST BE SOLD In this sale, as Mr. G. Keavea Is leaving for California on Tuesday evening. In DINING-ROOM FURNITURE we have two good round EXTENSION TABLES 6 ft. by 8 ft, two sets of CHAIRS, modern BUFFET, and very handsome SIDEBOARD In Quar tered oak. 9x12 BRUSSELS RUGS, com bination BOOKCASE, LADY'S DESK, several parlor tables, PARLOR SUITE in mahogany, also several separate pieces of upholstered furniture, parlor BRUSSELS carpets, mantel clock, sep arate ROCKER3 In golden and weath ered oak, two very pretty LOUNGES, five IRON BEDS, all good and clean, in up-to-date patterns, a verv fine seieotlon of DRESSERS and CHIFFONIERS in quartered oak and birdseye maple, sev eral good oil paintings, full metal TUBU LAR SPRINGS, best mattresses, feather pillows, one 9x12 seamless VELVET RUG, parlor heaters, oak folding bed, gas range, gas heaters, kitchen treas ures, utensils and other useful house hold articles. All of which may be in spected tomorrow (MONDAY). Sale TUESDAY, at 10 o'clock. ON THURSDAY NEXT "We held our regular sale for various consignors. We cannot list the articles at this time, but there will be a little of everything. Sale at 10 A. M. BAKER & SON, Auctioneers. FOR THE BEST BARGAINS In fruit lands within the Hood River district, Mosler or White Salmon, & to 10-acre tracts, at prices ranging from $30 to' $100 per acre, SEE3 THE DUNN-LA TVKEXCE CO., 248 Alder Street,' Portland, Oregon. For Sale At Warrenton, Oregon, 6-room house, no-foot lot. in best condition, $15Ki. You can double your money on this buy. G S59, Oregonlan. NEW TODAY. 4 IMPORTANT FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED IN SELECTING A HOMESITE 1st The locality. 2d Its surroundings, and conditions. 3d School and transportation facil ities. 4tb Proper building restrictions. HANCOCK STREET ADDITION Meets all these requirements, viz.: Hancock-St. Addition Adjoins Irvington, the finest and most select residence district of ' Portland. Hancock-St. Addition Has excellent school and street car facilities, with a 15 -minute ride to 3d and Morrison sts. Hancock-St. Addition Has parked' streets, cement side walks and curhs; Bull Run water piped throughout the property. Hancock-St. Addition Lots are 50x100 and ia the best buy in the city today. PRICE $600 $50 Down $10 Monthly Agents at tract office all day, in cluding Sunday, to show you these choice lots. Take P.ose City Park car, corner Third and Morrison streets, get off at tract office, corner Thirty-seventh and 'Sandy Eoad, or for further informa tion and maps call at office. C P. WELLS 231 Worcester Building. Phone Main 8367. Jonesmore The place to invest. On the Montavilla carline. ' Graded streets. Bull Eun 'Water, Building restrictions, Public school. LOTS SOxlOO FEET $300 to $500 Your own terms. Live in your own home. We will build for you. Geo. D. Schalk 264 Stark St. Main 392, A2392. ; Property Wanted We have clients for residence, prop erty in the suburbs or closer In. im proved or unimproved. If your prices are right list with us for prompt sales. Lambert-Whitmer Co. 444 K. Alder St. IOT Sherlock Bids. NICHOL'S ADDITION TO GARDEN HOME. This tract of land is about 5 miles southwest of the Courthouse. The Oregon Electric Railroad runs throug-h the tract and has station on the land. Terms 2.5 per cent cash, interest 6 per cent. Platted in tracts ot 1 4 to 5 acres, $200 to $350 per acre. L. I-'.. THOMPSON & CO, 228 Third Street. KANFORD 6 BLACKWELL CIVIL. EKGINEERS. Railroads, Pswer Plants, Industrial Plants. 1101 Alaska Bldg., Seattle. Wash. ML TABOR ACRES Brantlful view, on irest slope. Ideal residence site. Only SKOO. Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1500-ACRB STOCK RANCH flO PER ACRE. AH fenced; all tillable; substantial Im provements; in Douglas County or will exchange for Portland property or close-in aereajre, paying difference. JACKSON DEERIXCJ, Phone Main 343. 246 Starlt St. For Rent Elegunt 19-room house, steam heat, five baths, water In every room. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 229 Stark St. ACREAGE Small trarits adjoining platted prop erty and wichin a short walk of car line at very low prices and on very easy terms. HARTMAN & THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce. For Rent Three-story brick warehouse, 100x 100, on Front St., near Clay. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 329 Stark St. GEORGE; BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOTJNTAfrr. S23 Worcester BulMlnf. Phon Main 6371. SKW TODAY. ACREAGE 20 ACRES Two miles south of Oswego, 9 miles from Portland ; 17 acres in cultiva tion, 3 acres small stumps, seeded to grass, 2Yx acres in strawberries, 3 acres in timothy, balance garden land; small house and barn. Price $2500; one-half cash. ACREAGE 5-aere tracts situated one-half mile south of Cedar Station, on the 0. W. P. earline, on the Pleasant View Boulevard. This land is in a good stntfi .of cultivation, free from rock and gravel. Tracts adjoiuing Boule vard, $2o per acre. .tracts DacK from Boulevard, $250 per acre. Terms easy. " 5-acre tracts Vi me nrtn f Jen nie Station, on O. W. P. earline, 9 miles from Portland bv the Powell Vollo-w tratrnn roftH. This tract of land is in good state of cultivation; is at present seeded to elover. rnce to $300 per acre. TO TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY 96-acra farm situated on th Sa lem & Portland electric line, 10 miles north of Salem. This farm is in a good state of cultivation ; improve ments, house aud barn. Price $3000. LOTS $5000 Quarter block, N. E. corner of 15th st. and Hawthorne ave. $2o00 50x100 feet, S. W. corner 13th and East Madison. $3750 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, in block 5, Highland Addition. $1200100x100, blk. 12, St. John. CAUSEY LAND AND INVESTKEHT CO. 506-7 Swetland Building, "Washington and Fifth Streets. Let Us Build You A Home According- to your own Ideal In any part of the city r country on small roontuly payments. If You Own A Lot We will bultd you your home. A few hun dred dollars Is all that you- need to awn jjrour own home; your monthly rent will do tho rest. IF YOU DO NOT OWN YOUR OWN LOT, FIND ONK at your own price anil w will build your home on terms to suit. S. V. DAVIDOR & CO. 209-207-208- Conch Buildinff, Fourth, and Washington. Straeta. Parrisii, Watkins 8 Co. city Heal tsiate For Sale Real Esials, Rental, Loan and Fire Insurance Agents. 230 Alder at. Phone, Main 1644. ' "MONDAY ONLY" $2900 Six-room ory-and-a-lialf hnuae, 2fnt, near Savler. Come prepared to bar, POSITIVELY MONOAY. "NOB HILL LOIS" KEARNEY, BETWEEN 22D AND 23D 30x100 $2300 3r,xloo $2700 4Oxl0t K3050 BOiloo. $3750 LAMONT & HARRIS 303-4 S KTI.AM) HI.IM;. Mortgage Loans On choice security at lowest rates. Private Investors Will And It to their advantage to loan throush roy office and select their own securities. Legal details carefully at tended to. A. H. BIRRELL Financial and Insurance Accent. 201-203 McKay blilK, 3d and Stark. Holladay's Addition The one BEST place in Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL. CENTER and MOST DE3IRABLE residence property of the city.. . Tli3 Oregon Real Estata Company 1 88 THIRD STREET. INVESTORS MUTUAL CO. Buyen of real estate, mining Investment and speculative securities. New York listed stocks a specialty. STOCK SI PER SHARE. Wrl: for prospectus, special offer and references. Join us and tvin. "We are experienced. Investors Mutual Co Vancouver Block, Vancouver, Wash. - Mortgage Loans At reasonable rates on city, property. See or phone GEO. K." CLARK JOHX W. COOK. 533 Chmiitwr Commerce Bldc Plione Mala 5407. Home A3263. EXCELLENT INVESTMENT I tave for sal a small amount of stock In now apartment bouse proposition la amounts of $5X up: exceptionally good In vestment; big Income. XV. U MORtiAX, SIS Ablnrton Bids. NEW TODAY. $7250 'That splendid 10-room Nob HU1 dwelling, all modern applN ancea, full lot. A bargain. $7000 New and modern Irvington dwelling, 7 rooms and lots of ground; a beauty and a bargain. S-IOOO Full lot and good dwelling, manufacturing district, paying good Interest, and will advance rapidly. S2S50 Two-story dwelling, full lot. 29th and Oregon; must sell. No reasonable offer declined. 82200 New 6-room house, near Al berta car; easy terms. 82100 -60-foot lot. near Steel bridge, which we think a bargain. $1500 New 6-room dwelling, East 3Sd, near Stark; easy terms and worthy of consideration. 1400 Two j choice lots, near Van couver kve. and Skidmore; one block from car; half cash. TIMBER 6,500.000 feet yellow fir; 1 mile from Columbia. A snap at 4500. STORES FOR RENT See them, Second and Salmon; modern, steam heat. BIRGLARY We insure against it at small cost. JACKSON, 6 BEERING Phone Math 845. SIS Stark at. AL ESTATE 81 SO Lot IT, block 22, Mount Tabor Villa. 8850 4 nice lots, corner, Irrington Park. 81 ISO 50x100. E. ISth St.. bet. Tilla mook and Thompson straftb. f'i 10060x100, corner, on Broadway. 3250 I nice lots and cony 5-room bungalow, Kenllworth. Half cash will buy this. 8-4000 Two excellent lots on Bavler St., close to car line. A snap. 8450050x100, corner Grand ave., Add.; nice 7-room house. 85700 Full lot, with nice up-to-date home, in Irvington. 86000 100x100, on East Side, easy walking distance, excellent site for flats or apartments. 87000 100x100, with nice 8-room home, close in. East Side. 87500 Lot .73x100, modern 7-room home, beautiful grounds. In choicest part of Irvington. Geo. D. Schalk 2A4 Stark street. Fkomi Main 32. A 2303. Choice Qaarte; Block and Five Houses S. E. CORNER 26TH AND WILSON STREETS, 100x100 feet, with 5 cottages, in good condition. The land is worth $4000 The five cottages are well -worth.$5000 Total $9000 We must sell the property at once, WAKEFIELD, FRIES 6 CO. 229 STARK STREET. ACREAGE BY THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO. 14i ACRES, on Villa are.,' convenient to cars, Montavilla. all improved; Ilea fine for plattiiis. Prcfc only 1350 per acre: :mou casn, balance easy terms. 414 ACHES, with nat piasierea coi taee, at L.ei)ts; nice garden, and fruit. 13 ACRES, all improved; an ideal nice, red barn; on a fina driveway and river bank; 2 miles station. Price only $2000; 25'miles out. . 2 ALDER ST. Mortgage Loans Real Estate FINEST INCOME BtVS I" TI2E CITY I have a customer for acreage on new Salem road. If you havo any for sale see me. w. 8. sTreeter 201-202 Kothchlld Blilc REFERENCES U. S. NATL BANK. BANK OF CALI FORN1A, HXBERNIA S'V GS BANK. CHEAP BUILDING LOT ON EASY TERMS Eolladay Ave. and East Twenty-first PRICE $5O0 60x100 on E. 21st, between Pacific and Holladay ave. Terms J100 down, balance installments of J10 a month or more; Interest 6 per cent on deferred payments. MALL & VON B0RSTEL 104 Second St and 392 K. Burnside St. West Side Home Nor, modern, 8-room houne la fash ionable diatrict, only tiro blocks from Washington St., for 10,000. Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerce. Front Street J One-half lot and 2-stcry brick build Ins producing: good income, 7 per cent. JAMES jTfLYNN 512 Chamber of Commerce. HAWTHORNE AVE. A swell residence overlooking the city. See it. Hartman & Thompson Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN At 6 and 7 per cent on East or West Side Business or Residence property. MALI, & VOX BORSTKI., 134 Second and 3D2 B. Burnside Sts. NEW TODAT. CORNER Fractional corner 14th, near Madison Good modern house and room for building. $6500 50x100 corner, 13th, near Columbia; 10-room house. Faces east and south. No better apartment site in the city. Close in. $9750 50x100, inside lot, faces east, adjoining above corner. Exjra fine apartment site. $6500 IRVINGTON Fine, modern, new 8-room house, beautiful, surround- $6500 E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. INVEST YOUR SAVINGS IN Railway Addition 400 choice building lots to choose from AT JJJS5 EA- Easy terras if desired $10 Down and $5 Monthly 10 per cent discount FOR CASH Making your lot cost Only 376.50 AGENTS AT TRACT ALL DAY Take Montavilla car at cor. 3d and Morrison sts., get off at corner Villa and Hibbard sts., Monta villa branch office; for. fur ther particulars call office 0. P. WELLS, 231 Worcester Bldg. Phone M. S253 $16,000 Whole block on Williams ave., pay ing over 19 per eent net; owner must sell to pav the bank before February 5th. Building cannot be built today for price asked. $9000 Business corner, paying 9 per cent net; $4000 cash will handle this. $25,000 Corner, one block from City Hall, which will net you 16 per cent at present and double in value in one year; $11,000 cash, balance 6 per cent $19,000 will buy a full lot on 6th st. Yon can't buy a full lot on Sixth street for double the money. This has to be sold at once. $7500 Nice corner, modern home, fur nished; owner has to leave city; walk ing distance. See this and you will buy, if you are looking for a home. rami Irani co. D. B. MACKIE, MANAGER 217-219 Lumber Exchange. ACREAGE If you are interested in procuring a small piece of acreage, from 1 to 10 acres, it will be to your interest to sec ns, as we have the best, all things considered, in tbe market. On the 0. W. P. electric line, 25 minutes from First and Alder streets. A 5-acre tract for $1750 A 2-acre tract for 7O0 A 2V2-acre tract for 875 A 5-acre tract for 1500 A 10-acre tract for 3000 A 2-acre tract for 600 A 2V2-acre tract for 750 The best soil to be found so near the city. Terms easy. Agent -on the ground, G. T. Parry, Wichita Station. KNAPP & MACKEY, 7 Chamber of Commerce. Residence Sites 11O0 10x100 Sightly residence site, all Improvements in; E. Taylor, near 2oth st. 1750209x100 Half block in Pst tnn's Addition, near site of new H!h School: close to carline. This Is a snap. Sinnott&Sinnott S21-525 Chamber of Commerce. Apartment-House Site Seventh and Clifton Streets Price $5200 Corner lot 50x100 and 8-room house, in fair condition, situate on th N. W. cor. of 7th and Clit ton streets. SEE IT It Is aBargain MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second St..