The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 19, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 20

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246 9-16 acres of fine falll land, 22 miles
southwest of Portland, 90 acres cleared
under plow, 80 acres more could be put
under tillage by a few weeks' work,
About 2ft more slashed and seeded, the
remainder In timber and brush, of which
40 acre are fine piling and tie timber;
- there is considerable cedar, and about
1,000,000 feet of saw timber: sawmill on
the place, buildings connected with It go
with the farm. It Is splendidly watered
with fine springs of living;' water, soil
excellent, fields all fenced and cross
fenced, a good family orchard, house of
8 rooms, plastered and well finished, large
woodshed, new barn, 40x30. old barn,
good shed and other outbuildings, black
smith shop with tools complete, 2 acres
of young cherry trees, about 5 acres of
young walnut trees, 15 tons of hay, 360
" bushels of oats. 100 bushels of wheat go
with place. The stock Includes 3
horses, 3 cows, 20 pigs, 2 brood sows, 14
sio?k hogs, IB goats, while the imple
ments consist of mower, rake, disc drill,
disc harrow, 8 plows, 2 drag harrows, 1
cultivator, 3 wagons, 1 hack, 1 buggy, 1
hand garden seeder, cream separator. 2
Incubators, besides farm and garden tools
too -numerous to mention. Will take a
smaller farm as part of the purchase
price. Price, $12,0f0. All the above d-
scribed farm Implements are new, while
the farm has telephone and R. F. D.. and
lies close to school and church..
or J. J. Kuntz,
213-210 Ab In Eton Bldg.
EXCHANGE Ne.7, modern' 6 -room bouse,
'$2500. for small farm.
7-room bouse, $30oo, for small farm, pay
11 new houses, $1600 to $2000, for vacant
lota or farm.
118-acre farm, all cultivated, for rooming
house, $4000..
16000,000 feet of timber, for farm $10,000.
HouHes and lots for merchandise.
"Wheat farms, $5000 to $75,000, for city
property or merchandise.
412 Commonwealth Bldg.
NEARLY modern 9-room house and lot 100X
, 100, near Columbia Boulevard. seven
blocks from University Park, and the
carline. Is near Megley and" McKenna
Junction. Rents $20 per month, year's
. lease and will rent for 35 to $40 per
month soon as packinghouses are under
construction. Exchange for a handy little
farm, well improved and close to a town,
to cost from $3000 to $5000, give or tako
difference. A. C. McDonald, offices Pen
insula and University Park. Portland, Or.
Phone Woodlawn 813 or 86.
"WILL TRADE 5 ACRES, on Kelly avenue,
west of "Mann Station." near Woodstock
carline, for ranch near city, outside limits,
or West Side residence, or what have you
' to trader Value now is $4-5H. Give "de
scription and details" of what you have to
offer on fair trade; will pay cash differ
ence. Address)
W. J. PATTERSON (Owner),
Care imperial Hotel.
200 ACRES swale land, good soil, 70 aJres
under cultivation. 15 acres iu hoas. a
good $2000 house, large barn, hophouse
and other good farm buildings, good or
chard and small fruit; will trade f :r
part city .property and give easy terms
on balance; price, only $.".0 per acre.
714 Couch Bldg., 109 4th St., near Wash.
WANT a new modern cottage, close in pre
, f orred, want to . trade 5 acres of fine
river bottom land at Roseburg in as
part payment and will pay cash differ
ence. Write me full descrlation of what
you have and price. Address Thoa. Cobb,
room 40. loth and Washington, Antlers
Hotel, city.
Ileal Estate,
213-216 Abington bldg.
I have several good properties to ex
. change; come in; let's make a trade.
Real Estate.
. , 215-210 Abington bldg.
WILL exchange 8-room modern residence
and full lot on East Side, value $3000,
for small 10 or 15-acre tract close to
city; wish It partly improved, at least;
buildings not necessary: will give or take
small difference. J. Frank Porter, 007
Commercial bids.
Oregon City income and cash for Port
land property, vacant or improved; will as
sume. We will pay you cash for your equity if
you are In danger of losing your property
toy foreclosure.
FOR EXCHANGE 7-room house, lot 100x100,
all to fruit, a fine place for cottage at Sea
side. Timber 5,000. W0 ft. yellow fir, close to
Portland, for 8 or ft-room house; pay dif
ference In cash ; must be a line place.
JOHNSON, 2U4 Mohawk Bldg.
Main 50O7.
EXCHANGE Hood River orchardlst will
take 7-ruom modern house at $3500 or
$4mW) as first payment on $8."H bearing
orchard with assured Income. For details,
Barrett & Mac Rae, 329 Chamber of Com
merce. BHOTOUN, cost $17'., L. C. Smith, 12 gauge,
ejector; two sets barrels; In first-class con
dition; for roll-top desk or largest size
Eastman Kodak with extra quality Goerz
lens and automatic shutter, p. O. Box 033.
800-ACRE wheat farm In Morrow Co., Or., for
.exchange for Portland property; only $-0
acre; well improved. Full particulars at
H. W. GARLAND & CO.. 11H 4th St.
3(t0 ACRES In the famous Hood River Val
ley, suitable for subdividing into small
farms, will sell at bargain and take good
residence in city on deal. P 542. Orego
nin. SELL or trade homestead relinquishment
on 160 acres fine Morrow County wheat
land ; partially improved; close to Bhlp
' ping point. N r43, Oregonian.
4(0 ACRES, all sown to wheat, rented for
one-half of crop; would take small cash or
trade payment and sll on the crop pay
ment plan. b0t-S bweuana bldg.
100 A CR K4 near Beaverton ; 8 11 clear of in
cumbrances; wou'd take good residence;
nothing but something strictly modern. J.
O. Elrori. 607-8 Swetland bldg.
MARRIAGE pa per ; highest character; In -corporatcd;
11th year; 300V members; paper
sealed; send 10c. R. B. Love, box 1600,
IXnrer Colo.
FIRST-CLASS paying manufacturing bufii
nt; half interest to trade for real estate;
; state particulars first letter. S 510,
Oregon lan.
TO EXCHANGE Good building lot worth
$200 for carpenter work or common labor.
Phono . East 4027. 347 Broad St., Monta
vllla. FOR 6 or 7-room house, corner lot. 75x100.
wit h ft-room house and two lots, flue
building site. Owner. 508 McKav bldg.
120 ACRES of unimproved land In Clark
County. Wash., to trade for Improved city
property. 4S3 East Sth st. N.
A HIGH-GRADE, practically new. total
adder cash register for sale or trade. Ad
dress V 041, Oregonian. .
LOTS in Newport, for complete movlng-plc-ture
outfit ; .must be in first-class condi
tion. Call 150 W. 6th at.
WRIL-FIXET 4-acre ranch, value $1700;
want irat cottaite and lot, suburbs Port
land. Route 1. box 47.
SECTION Al ALBERTA lani. Red TVer dis
trict, to exchange for Oregon land; make
offer. V M3, Oregonian.
PAHTNKR wanted to asist In handling
exchange property. See Alexander, 304
Ankctiv, near 6th.
HIOH-GRADB securities exchanged for first
class diamonds, value $100 to $5000. 215
Commercial block.
WILL trade tram of good, young;, ll'Hi
pound hree for vacant lots, M 556.
caxe "Orercnian.
. I HAVE a splendid home here In Portland
t trade for a small, well-improved farm
Call 7U First st.
"WILL trade nice bulletin lots for good work
team. Coplaii. 407 Rothchlld Mdg.r 4th and
WANTED Good all-around horse and buggy,
one that weighs about 1100. D 536, Ore
gonian. EXCHANGE Practically new buggy for sale
cheap, or will trade. Call 51 Union ave. N.
WILL trade for what you have. L. Alns
worth Smith. 30 Wells-Fargo bldg.
WILL exfhanre lumber for vacant lots In
Portland. G 545. care Oregonian.
GROCERY and general store to trade for resi
dence or rnch. M 534, Oregonian.
WILL give real estate and cash for what
you have. 325 Lumber Exchange
DELIVERY horse, wagon and harness; $60
if taken Monday. 564 3d U
li;;7 57-100 ACRES.
First-class land, located on the banks of
the Willamette River. 88 rsds riverfront:
a steamboat landing on the nlace, 18
miles from the city by boat; cars Safem
Portiand line) pass near place; 100 acres
In cultivation: a good orchard, best va
rieties of fruit, fine gardens. 2 good 7
roora farmhouses, 1 house for farmhands,
2 good barns, supplied with best spring
water and full of hay and feed; 16 head
of hlfrh-grade Jerseys, thoroughbred Jer
sey bull: 3 head farm horses 2 farm
wagons. 1 light spring wagon. 1 buggy. 3
sets of harness, all necessary farm .imple
ments to farm the place; 1 cream separa
tor and milk cans; 300 cords wood ready
to bank; mile from river; 400 bushels
wheat. 1600 bushels oats. 800 sacks pota
toes, 65 head hogs. 150 chickens, also all
the furniture on the place, exceDt per
sonal bedding, silverware, sewing' machine,
fancy d-shes and 1 Russian table. School
by the place. Will run 200 cows, - Price.
$20,0C0. Half can stand at low rate of
Room 313 Commercial Building.
Corner Second and Washington.
67 ACRES. 15 miles from Portland, 1 miles
from Oregon City carline; 10 acres cleared,
10 partly cleared ; house being built ; $100
personal property goes with the place; price
$65 per acre.
104 acres, 44 miles rom Oregon City;
18 in cultivation; 20C0' cords of wood and
.some piling on the balance; $750 personal
property goes with the place, including
10 good milch cows, 4 heifers, 8 hogs, chick
ens, team horses, plows, all sorts of Im
plements, 200 ascks of potatoes, $100 in
'come on the place; farm" well protected by
surrounding hills; lies fine; price $4250.
32 acres, miles from courthouse; has
been slashed; lies fine; less than half mile
from Cedar Mills; road on each side of the
place; the price is right; only $100 per acre.
We also have a 10-acre, 12-acre and 20
acre tract in the same neighborhood; they
are worth investigating.
21 1 Commercial block. Main 1506.
1005 ACRES of wheat land In Sherman County
for aale; more wheat is grown in Sherman
County than in any county In the state.
Price of this tract is $22.50 per acre, or
will trade for Portland property; easy terms.
33 Washington St.
r00O 220 acres, 100 In fine state of
cultivation, good T-room house, large
barn, living water, choice variety fruit,
50 acres in timber, balance good pas
ture; 1 mile railway station, 20 miles
west "or Corvallis.
$3500 For an ideal 10-acre poultry nnd
fruit ranch. 11 miles out. 1 mile railway
station; 8-room residence, fine barn, poultry-houses
of every description, fruit and
Don't miss your chance; select your acre
tract now; they are going fast. We have
some choice tracts left, but first come best
served. We sell this land now for half,
asked for adjoining land; easy terms; every
acre will be worth $300 within 8 months. If
you want to buy a suburban home 25 min
utes' ride from Portland, with sufficient
ground for fruit, berries, poultry or garden
truck. Investigate this while you have your
choice and prices are low.
301 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark 'sts.
A SNAP 17 acres 10 acres in cultivation,
balance in pasture and timber; small house,
large barn and good well; also 6 acres join
ing this, all in bearing fruit, mostly prunes;
good house, barn, 2 large chicken-houses
well and spring; good horse. 200 chickens,
spring wagon and all other farming imple
ments go with it. These places join, but
can be bought separately if desired; situated
60 miles south of Portland In the best part
of the Willamette Valley, within 1 mile of
two small towns on S. P R. R. Price $2500,
or $1250 each; easv terms. Call on or write
to C. C. Rashor. 204 Madison st., Portland;
cara Matthiesen Hotel.
5-YEARS lease on 20 acres of loganberries;
17U acres on wire, 2 acres to go in next
Spring: this is the first crop and will bring
from $150 to $200 per acre clear of all ex
penses; between 15.000 and 20,000 tips,
which will readily sell for $15 per thousand;
streetcar passes by the place; 1 horse, har
ness and buggy and pony go with lease;
price $500. "
223 Chamber of Commerce.
$10.500 For a splendid 120-acre highly
Improved, farm, easy driving distance to
Portland, on fine county road, with all
stock and implements; $4000 cash will
. handle it. If you investigate this you
will take it. For good farms of any size
or kind see m
F. FUCHS. 21 '.4 Morrison St. w
BARGAIN A fine farm of 160 acres on the
Willamette River above Oregon City, of
which 100 acres are in cultivation; good
house and barn and good orchard; flrst-clasa
soli; land is level; no gravel; all under
fence; 10-15 acres In hops; price $35 per
acre; terms $3600 cash, bal. on time at 6
per cent interest. Apply to C. F.. Pfluger
& Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Mor
rison. APPLE and cherry land, right where they
grow and grow right; 5 and 10-acre tracts
planted and cared for until bearing; pay
me monthly; in 5 years time you won't
have to work; see me If you are interested
in your own future; this is no wildcat
scheme: I own the land and do the plant
ing. Cobb, 407 Rothchild bldg., 4th and
A FINE country home. 10 acres. 10-room
house In good condition. ,bath. hot and
cold water, 9 acres cleared, orchard and
small fruits, stable for cow and horse,
close to town; only $4500; terms.
714 Couch Bldg., 109 4th St., near Wash.
2f0 ACRES in Eastern Oregon, 140 v under
cultivation. 40 more ready, remainder good
pasture land, all fenced and cross-fenced,
2 acres orchard and small fruit, good house,
barn, granary, etc.. 2 springs and well,
some Implements go with place; mile
from town; price $5000; cash, balance
at 6 per cent. O 637, Oregonian.
130 acres on main county road, 3 mlls
of East Hood River (Mosier); 40 acres in
- good cultivation; was In potatoes and bar-
ley this year, bearing1 orchard of 10 acres;
to move at on ce $.VHo ; V cash, J . M.
Cameron Co., room 412 Commercial bldg.
$3200 27 acres, 2 miles from S. P. station,
12 miles from Portland, on county road,'
with phone and R. F. D. rast door. 10
acres In cultivation, all level, with living
water, new 5-room house and fnlr out
buildings. Owner, call at 391 East 11th.
Phone East 932, Home B1322.
18 ACRES, 15 cleared, on county road and
R. R. station, close to school. 2 miles from
good town; very fine for berries or chicken
ranch: ! hours ride from Portland; $JKK
and you can make your own terms If you
are a homeseeker. Cobb, 407 Rothchlld
bldg., 4th and Washington.
4 ACRES All under high frtate of cultiva
tion, the very finest soil, some fruit trees;
this will make you an ideal home; cplendid
new house, 8 rooms, all ready for plaster
ing. This beautiful place must be sold at
once. Price $2850; term. 223 Chamber of
FARM. 04 acres. 15 acre cultivated, tim
ber enough to pay for place, orchard and
small fruits. 4 springs, farm buildings, all
for $1500. s down, balance, yearly pay
ments. $100. 6 per cent interest. Inquire
Mrs. Daisy M. McCarthy, North Yamhill.
Or. '
FARMS. 4 to 25 acres, any size, improved or
unimproved, some near Portland others
close to Vancouver, many very1 desiratfle,
look over my list, too many to classify.
Cobb, 407 Rothchild bldg., 4th and Wash
ington j
35 acres under cultivation. 30 acres pas-
ture. balance In cordwood. $70 per acre.
LA MONT & HARRIS. 306-7 Swetland bldg.
$75 PER ACRE 20 acres; fine fruit and wal
nut land : d acres in pruff. orchard ; paid
' big interest this" yar: good building site.
Punse, 823 Chamber of Commerce.
320 ACRES near Salem, half cleared, bal
ance good timber: ' fiiw soil; house and
barn; price $22.50 per acre; will divide If
desired. D 513. Ore gonial).
HOOD RIVER orchards for sale, one bear
ing orchard, best varieties and several
choice places to parties with ready money.
X 533, Oregonian,
BWEEt cherry land, near Eugene, In tracts
to suit; plowed, ready for planting; $100 per
acre. Geo. Melvin Miller, Eugene, Or.
lu ACRES cultivated, necessary buildings,
plenty fruit; 10 miles Portland; lti5u; in
vestigate. N 524, Oregonian.
II ACRES one mile from Oregon City, good
soli, running water, some timber; price
$S00. K 507. Oregonian.
1 ACRES, cultivated, good buildings, plenty
fruit. M miles Portland. $1050; investigate.
N 524, Oregonian.
1440 ACRES of wheat land in Franklin
County. Washington; fair house and bam.
good well water, with windmill and other
improvements. Will sell for $17. 5ft per acre,
or will trade for Portland property or West
ern Oregon farm or fruit land. Easy terms.
3131a Washington 'St. ; r
A very fine stock and dairy ranch, 12
miles northeast of Vancouver, Containing
100 acres, 33 acres in cultivation, 6-roora
house, barn 20x80 with 14-foot sheds on
each side; running- water; this is an Ideal
location; plenty of outrange; price $4000,
haTf cash.
' 87 acres at Aurora, 50 acres in cultiva
tion. 6 acres 'in timber, 2 good sets of
buildings; the making of two good farms.
Price, including stock and implements,
160 acres near Elkhead, Or., 4,000.000
feet of, good saw timber; cattle, goats,
hogs, chickens, furniture, everything for
or J. J. Kuntz,
215 Abington Bldg.
WE have several one and two-acre tracts
near carline, all out In berries and fruit
trees; will sell reasonable.
5 acres1, In cultivation, 12 fruit trees,
strawberriesv good water, 1 cow and 2 dosen
chickens go with place; &-room house, near
city; price $2300; terms.
80 acres, near Estacada; high and level,
good spring water all the year round; partly
cleared; price $120O; terms.
6-room house, brick basement, 4 lots 50x
100, 10 large bearing fruit trees, good soil,
near carline; price $1600; easy term
Come and see what we have to offer In
Hood River farms and also the beautiful
John Day Valley farms.
223 Chamber of -Commerce.
NO. 39. '
35 acres in the world-famous Hood River
Valley; 12 acres cleared; 840 finest selected
young apple trees. 200 of Which are bear
ing; on the north Is located a famous
orchard that yields $6000 annually from 8
acres; price $8000; $2000 cash, balance easy
terms; will exchange for Portland property.
Tliis is a great bargain.
Rooms 23-24 Lafayette bldg.,
6th and Washington sts.
6-ACRE tracts near Vancouver. 24 miles
from ferry landing, partly cleared, lies
nicely, good soil, water easily got; they
are snaps and can be had on easy terms.
714 Couch Bldg.,' 109 4th St.. near Wash.
BIG SNAP 1120 acres stock ranch; 2 from
the Columbia River, in Washington; rail
road and large supply of fine water running
through it; splendid market for all produce
raised at the door; a place to positively get
rich on and only $8 an acre. Dubois and
Crockett, Washington bldg., room 3.
38 ACRES. 2H miles from Beaverton. 8
miles from Portland; 25 acres, highly
cultivated, balance timber. Fine build
ings. All stock and implements, $6200,
half cash. Also a few smaller tracts and
farms. Fry & Thornton, Beaverton, Or.
We have several good bearing orchards,
well located and at reasonable prices; can
' give you full particulars. Sphinx Agency,
308 Chamber Commerce.
FARM of 276 acres. 125 in cultivation. 25
miles to Portland. $42 per acre, near elec
tric carline. Stock ranch, 577 acres, 175
in cultivation. lOO acres in grain; $23 per
acre. 2G4 Taylor st.
JUST the right season to buy this well
improved 8-ace berry and poultry ranch,
on carline, near ckty; $12.j0 cash, balance
easy terms. Bargain; owner. A 648,
I HAVE wheat lands for sale from 80 acres
to 1000 acres that will rent and pay 10
per cent on the investment after all taxes
are paid. J. O. Elrod, Swetland bldg.v
IF taken at once, one-third interest in 'the
. best-paying stock ranch In Oregon, 11,000
head sheep, 120O head cattle, horses, etc.,
at a bar sain. G12 Swetland bldg.
About 20 acres, young bearing fruit trees,
berries and walnuts. mile from failroad.
Room 327 Failing Bldg.
J. O. ELROD wil sell yon a wheat farm and
take one-half of the crop till the farm is
paid for. Swetland bldg.
FOR SALE lOO-acre homestead tract for
sale cheap. J 530, care Oregonian.
Horses, Vehicles and Harne
GRAY mare, 8 years old. weight 1200, sound,
good worker; pair of black horses, 6 and 7,
weight 2735, sound, good pullers; bay-horse.
-7 years old, weight 1510; gray horse, 7
years old. weight 1480; bay Clyde mare,
weight 1700, with foal.
294 Montgomery.
SNAP $95 buys team, mare and horse;
weight close to 1200 lbs, each; work eingle
or double; also one brown mare, weighs
1400 lbs., price $75; one good1 cheap delivery
horse, weighs 1100 lbs., price $47.50. Call
Nobby Stables, this week only, 12th and
Flanders sts.
A BARGAIN If taken by 20th, brown horse,
rubber-tired buggy, new set harness, for
$100; also 6-year-old mare, broke single
and double, for $70; must sell at once;
no use for them, will sell separately. 350
$223 BUYS well-matched chunky sorrel
team, 8 years old. weight 2400, and double
harness. 205, bay team, 7 and 8 years,
weight 2800. and harness, or will Bell
separate. Can be seen at Dexter Stables,
45 4th st. Teleshone Main 2586.
SNAP $05 buys team, weighs close to 12O0
lbs. each, are In good working order and
true to pull ; also one big mare, weighs
1400 lbs. price $75: one good delivery
horse, $45. Call Nobby Stables, ask for
Mr. Gentry.
YOUNG team, well broke. . $150; 1200-lb
mare. $00; fine saddle horse, single-footer,
harness, saddles, wagons, hotel 'buses.
Hubert & Hale, 266 -Fourth, near Madison.
FOR SALE, or would trade for 1250-lb.
horse, a light team, at present being used
for retail delivery. Grand Union Tea Co.,
473 Washington st.
FOR SALE Good, sound horse, suitable for
delivery or farm work-, cheap if taken at
once. Call 545 V4 Washington, room 2.
WANTED One HOO-lb. horse for grocery
wagon, or would exchange small driving
horse. Phone today, Woodlawn 399.
9- Y E A R-OLD h orse, weighs 1100, gen tie,
works any place; owner is compelled to sell.
Come and make offer. ,384 5th st.
FOR SALE 3 good work horses, 3 furniture
wagons and several delivery wagons, at
420 Hawthorne ave. phone E. 72.
ONE good, holiest, work team of mares,
weight 230Q lbs., price $150. Nobby Stables,
12th and Flanders.
90 BUYS team horses, weight - 2000 lbs.,
- also phaeton, cheap. Call 193 Russell st.
Phone East 2908.
DAIRY. Including outfit and house 'furni
ture for sale; 12 cews and route. 034
E. Sth st.
FOR SALE Two big mares, weighing 2800
pounds. 226 Russell su Phone East
4804. .
GOOD delivery horte and wagon cheap. Three
blocks north of store. Woodmere; Mt. Scott
car. -
Hubert ft Hall, 296 4th. dea !ers In hcrsas
and vehicle; horses and vehicles for rent.
CHEAP 8 heavy work horses. Call today,
7 til Commercial st. Phone East 3548.
WANTED Horse and- buggy cheap; must be.
bargain; state price. J 533, Oregonian.
A NICE black horse, 9 years old, weight
1000 lbs.; bargain. Call 534 Clay st.
BUGGY horse and harness, cheap, $75. In
quire 93 Front st. Phone 1021.
DELIVERY horse for sale, cheap, weight
about 1100. 479 Williams ave.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds
tor sale. 294 Montgomery st.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds
for sale. 294 Montgomery.
FOR SALE) A heavy spring wagon at 231
Madison at-
PIANO and Pianola for rent or sale. 6tS
Tourny bldg., 2d and Taylor. Phone Pa
cific 244
FOR SALE Good-toned second-hand piano;
will sacrifice; leaving city. W 549, Ore
gonian. YOUNG co,uple would like use o Diano for
Its keeping. 8 542, Oregonian.
piano, very fine instrument, beautifully
grained rosewood case; price reasonable;
terms easy. W 472. Oregonian.
WANTED Slightly used upright piano;
state. name and price; must be cheap for
cash. S 536. Oregonian.
STORY & CLARK, used two months, $125;
equity for $75, balance $8 month; leaving
town. 201 13th st.
CHICKERING upright piano, $100. Decker,
$35, organ $28. Gleason block. First and
Ash, room 26.
$ $ $ $ WE WANT YOUR TRADE. $"$ $ $
We don't sell at one-half our regular price.
We buy cheap and sell high. The largest
and cleanest new second-hand stock in Ore
gon. Wo don't charge as much as some
others; we pay our bills out of our profits
Help us, we help you. The Dollar. Furni
ture, stoves, ranges. We buy and sell ev
erything on earth. S. H. Barger.
A SNAP 1700 feet 12-inch standard pipe,
15O0 feet 12-inch steel riveted pipe. 1500
i feet 10-inch standard pipe, 2300 feet 6
Inch standard pipe. The above pipe is all
new and will sell in any quantity. J.
Simon Bros.. 244-246-250 Front at.
WILL sell my fully paid scholarship in the
I. C. 6. of Scran ton, at a greatly reduced
rate. Same consists of Booking Stenog
Bus, men's law. etc., including four bound
volumes. For something good, address H
645, Oregonian.
RANGE, 2 heating stoves, small parlor cook
stove, two ingrain caroets, 2 Brussels
carpets, bookcase and desk, weathered oak
dining st. and a lot of other household
goods. 106 Union ave.
FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and
pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables,
with privilege of buying; modern bar. fix
tures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Col-
v lender, 49 fid st.
THREE SNAPS 3-aiece set Oriental tap
estry, $10; 3 -piece set In sylvan velour,
$12.50; 3-piece set in green checked
velour, $15. 127 11th sU near Washing
ton. SNAP A number of new high-grade roll
top office desks and chairs; must sell at
once for less than half actual cost. Let
- me call on you. J 554, Oregonian.
50 tons new- fittings for sale- at 6 regular
prices. Call, or send your orders. M.
Barde ft Sons, 8th' and Glisan sts.
JUST received, carload vises, good as new,
. including . blacksmiths,' carpenters' and
pipe vises of every description, cheap. M."
Barde ft Sons, gth and Glisan sts.
50,000 FEET -inch galvanized pipe, good
as new; also any size or quanlty new fit
tings at Va regular prices. M. Barde ft
Sons, 8th and Glisan sts.
AT A BARGAIN As goodV a new A-l gas
water beater and gas cooking ranV com
plete, pipe connections; come quick. In
quire 363 13th.
INCUBATORS, new and second-hand; also
some fullblooded roosters and clover cut
ter, cheap for cash. O. F. Witte, Mll
waukle. Or.
FOR SALE On 3-ton ice machine, good
as ner, 80 Ice cans, 300 pounds; will sell
cheap for cash. E. O- B. Co., The Dalles,
I HAVE streetcar advertising contract to
rin till June; will sell chean as I have
no further use for It. P 643. care Ore
gonian. LA GRANDE city warrants to the amount
of $8500 in $500 denomination. Security
Vault ft Metal Works. 240 East 7th St.,
FOR SALE: One 2-year-old bull. Durham
and Red1 Poll. Address R. F. D. 1. Box
1.13, Portland. Or. Tel. Woodlawn 303. .
GASOLINE engines repaired free by the.
gasoline motor department, Y. M. C. A.
Call us up. Private Exchange 65.
FOR SALE Registered Russian wolf hound
puppies; Valley Farm stock. Address Frank
Roberts, Heppner, Or. t
SMITH PREMIER No. 4 typewriter, first
class condition; $50 cash., Russell & Gil
bert, 47 Union ave.
FOR SALE: Fine Barred Plymouth' Rock
Cockerels. 175 East 23d, near Belmont.
Phone East 7Sfl.
FOR SALE: Cheap, a good 4-hole gas
range and hot-water heater. 259 -Main, or
Phone C1533.
SNAP Work launch, passengers or towing,
31-foot ; seats 30; guaranteed fine order.
205 Flrsj St.
THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn cockerels
for sale. Andrew Flaherty, route 6, box 98,
Oregon City.
FOR SALE Full-blood barred Plymouth Rock
cockerels, cheap. F. W. Torgler. 106 Sher
lock bldg.
A FINE old Martin mandolin and case for
sale cheap. 497 Alnsworth. Phone Wood
lawn 189.
FOR SALE Flrfe pedigree bull terrier pup
pies; price $10. 2S9 F Morrison St.. Port
land, Or.
FIRST-CLASS Jersey cow-, price $50. Phone
. East 4027. Address 247 Broad St., Monta
supplies, slides, films for rent 165 4th st.
FOR SALE or lease, double drum hoisting en
gine, perfect condition. 452 Sherlock bldg.
BOSTON TERRIER male puppies, beauties,
12 weeks old. Call today, 630 Washington.
RHODE ISLAND red cockerels for sole cheap
at 575 South ave., Sell wood car, Midway.
GREAT DANE A beauty, very cheap: also
Fox Terrier puppy. Box 307 Arleta, Or.
A' .GOOD Remington typewriter for $23, If
sold soon. Address H 542. Oregonian.
JEWEL gas range, used 10 months. Phone
Tabor 839 or address 1072 East Taylor. -
A practically new typewriter for sale a,t a
bargain. Address H 543, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Good gas stove, for cooking,
used one month. At 383 N. 21st st.
A H TGH-GR aSde total adder cash register
for sale cheap. V 542, Oregonian.
A LOT of corrugated iron, practically new,
J. Simon ft Bro., 244 Front st.
A LOT of corrugated Iron, practically new,
J. Simon ft Bro., 244 Front st.
A LOT of corrugated iron, practically new,
J. Simon ft Bro., 244 Front st.
A LOT of corrugated iron, practically new,
J. Simon ft Bro., 244 Front st.
A LOT of corrugated iron, practically new,
J. Simon ft Bro., 244 Front st.
AUTO tourins car for sale, or will trade;
fine shape. - R . 536, Oregonian..
FOR SALE A new 16-foot speed boat hull.
F. W. Smith,. 890 E. Salmon.
A LOT of corrugated iron, practically new,
J. Simon ft Bro., 244 Front sL
OLD COIN collection at a bargain If taken
at once. A 543,. Oregonian.
THREE good violins, very reasonable. See
cornetlst Grand Theater.
A FOLDTNG wicker gocart. In good condi
tion. Phone B142e.
CHEAP New Stewart
Phone East 3273.
guitar and case.
NEW gas . water heater, cheap. Gus Smith,
&G5 Flanders St.
THREE fresh cows for sale. Phone E 2991
640 East Madison.
BEST price paid for furniture. Main 5655,
A4121. t
EXPERIENCED salesman for postcards and
novelties. Apply Monday, 419-420 Wor
cester bldg.
YOUNG man IS to 20, office, wholesale
house. Addiss own handwriting. H 538.
FIRST-CLASS merchant tailor, cutter; good
operators on ladies garments. F 549.
Oregonian. . '
WANTED A first-class experienced job pol
isher and plater. Oregon Brass Works, 69
N. 2d st.
EXPERIENCED man to dig and crib deep
water-wells; Woodmere store, on Mount
Scott line.
HIGH-CLASS salesman. $W.000 profit,
something new. 211 Commercial bldg.
500 MEN wanted Free snaves and haircuts,
284 Couch st. Moler Barber College.
WE Becure positions for our members; spe
cial membership $2. Y. M. C A. .
JAPANESE Employment Co. want all kinds
help. Main 4659, 268 Everett eu
AGB.NTS Opportunity of lifetime; no expe
rience necessary; big cash profits daily; one
agent made $21 in one hour; everyone will
buy. We issue more accident and sickness
policies than any other similar company in
the world; we give the most popular-and
cheapest insurance written; new plan; $1 a
year pays for $500 policy; no .assessments or
dues; other amounts in proportion. Death
benefit; weekly indemnity; free medical at
tendance; original popular features; either
sex. All claims promptly and liberally set-
v tied; Insurance assets $500,000. Reliable
representatives wanted everywhere; exclu
sive territory; liberal permanent income, in
creasing each year, absolutely sure. Ad
dress International Corporation, 181 Broad
way (Dept. C), New York.
COURTNEY'S This, the' beginning of the
New Year, is the time when employers take
an inventory of the men they have working
1d their organizations. More changes occur
during the .months of January and February
than at any other time during the year.
Now we need men to fill the openings that
are coming in to us at this time; 60 per
cent of the positions we get we are unable
to fill becauee of the lack of the right man.
We need you If you are a clerical man,
bookkeeper, stenographer. In fact, any
branch of clerical work; also salesmen, ex
ecutive, technical, professional or special
ists. If you are looking for a change at
better salary, or are In search of a position,
call and talk It over with Gaurtney's, 403--404-405
. Swetland bldg.
SALESMEN WANTED Why work for $50 a
month when you can earn from $150 to $500
a month as a traveling salesman; no form
er experience required ; we will secure you
a poeitlon with a reliable firm; write for
free catalogue, 'A Knight of the Grip," to
day. Address Dept. 53, Nat'I Salesmen's
Training Ass'n, Monadnock blk., Chicago,
III. Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis,. Minn.,
or Scarritt bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Write
nearest office; mention paper.
WANTED Two salesmen to represent East
ern manufacturing company; good opening
for successful cigar, grocery or Implement
salesman or successful clothing or depart
ment store clerk. Answering, give full par
ticulars, where formerly employed and why
desire to make change. All correspondence
strictly confidential. Will be In Portland
Jan. 17. P 5S3, Oregonian.
A ROMAN CATHOLIC representative
wanted In every parish to Introduce high
grade financial proposition having sup
port of clergy ; light and remunerative
work; part or whole time; references re
quired. Wills. Lockwood ft Co., 50 Con
gress St.; Boston, Mass.
WANTED SALESMAN To handle a first-class
line of money-making specialties, exclusively
or as a elde line. Salary or liberal commis
sion. Answering, give full particulars where
formerly employed, etc. References with
first letter. The Crescent Oil Co., DepL S,
Minneapolis, Minn.
2 steam shovel cranemen, free fare; R. R.
laborers and drillers, woodehoppers, farm
help, clearing contracts to let, cooks, kitch
en help.
Some work Is still going on. Come see us.
C. R. HANSEN. Jr., 26 North 2d St.
WE want a good live operator. In every city
in the country to handle the sale of our
new sending machine, the V allograph;
greatest thing out; makes life easy for
the operator; wrUe for our agents' propo
sition. ' H. J. Folts, Sales Mgr.. Minne
apolis, Minn.
WANTED Young men -who - are ambitious
to earn more money for positions as trav
eling salesmen in this terr.tory? easy work
and 'jig pay; no former experience required;
$150 to $o(X a month and expenses. Write
for particulars.. Address D 477, Oregonian.
GOVERNMENT positions Thousands of ap
pointments to be made; examinations soon
in this city; circular 161, giving full par
ticulars as to positions, salaries, sample
- questions, etc., sent free by National Cor
respondence Institute, Washington, D. C.
WANTED Good men to represent us as
agents in different out-of-town poits;
wagon equipment and splendid lnduce-
, ments to secure trade furnished free; state
reference and experience. Address Grand
Union Tea Co.. 473 Washington st.
have a little proposition workable among
your Immediate business acquaintances that
will put some dollars in your pocket; send
postal for information. Pacific Distributing
Co., P. O. Box 1203. Seattle, Wash.
$210 MOTOR CYCLE or horse and buggy
furnished our salesmen for traveling and
$H5 per month and expenses to take or
ders for the greatest portrait house in
the world; write : for earticulars. R. D.
Mattel, Dept. 393, Chicago.
WANTED Gentleman, 25 to 35 years, will
ing to hustle as collector, with chance of
advancement, must be good walker and
able to work 6 days a week. Call between
12 to 1:30, room 10 Healy bldg.. Grand
ave.. and East Morrison.
WANTED Man; must be willing to learn
and capable of acting as our local repre
sentative; no canvassing or soliciting;
' good li:come assured. Address National
Co-operative Realty Co. Dept. 792C,
Washington, D. C.
MEN and boys to learn plumbing and brick
laying trade; pays $5 to $8 a day after 3
months' practical instruction; positions se
cured ; free catalogue. Coyne Plumbing
and Bricklaying School, 4989 Easton ave.,
St. Louis, Mo.
MEN to learn electricity, plumbing, plaster
ing, bricklaying, all kinds of drafting and
plain reading; day and night; no books;
' position secured, free catalogue. Coyne
Trade Schools. 230-240 Eighth st, San
ACTIVE, intelligent man of . unquestioned
character, between 25 and 35 years of
age. to fill a vacancy In a city retail store;
must be good salesman and able to ac
quire experience quickly. R 553, Oregon
ian. .
WANTED Man or woman to do active de
tective work with a well-known , detective
agency; we prefer some one who will re
main permanent and take an active Inter
est In the work. ' Address N 537, Oregon lan.
LEARN show-card wrltlig or advertising,
thoroughly practical courses ; private les
sons ; personal instruction ; expert teach
ers ; reasonable terms ; evening classes.
Betts ft Wagoner, 600 Dekum bldg.
WANTED: Druggist to work a few days
'during owner's absence; would like one who
would buy half Interest and manage the
place; fine corner with four carlines. Call
Sunday, East 11th and Harrison sts.
PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against
accident, sickness and death. Write or
call for full information. Northwest-
. ern K.alth and Accident Association, 209
Wells-Fargo bldg. Agents wanted.
YOUNG men wanted, thousands of appoint
ments to be made in the Government
service; examinations soon in Portland.
Call or write in regard to preparing, pa
cific States (School. McKay bldg.
CAPABLE traveling' salesman at once; staple
line, profitable commission contract with
$"i5 weekly advance; permanent position; ref
erences required. A. S. J. Company, Grand
River ave., Detroit, Mich. .
$20 A DAY to salesmen sure; no bonds;
best side line: samples in coat pocket;
for general and dry goods stores; live
salemen write quickly. Manufacturer.
522 Dickey bldg., Chicago.
WANTED Experienced salesmen, goods sold
on long time; proposition especially at
tractive now on that account; write for
particulars. McAHister-Coman Co.. 356
Dearborn st., Chicago.
WANTED Young man to take, at half price,
paid scholarship in National Correspondence
School, Scranton, pa. ; course complete ar
chitecture, which can be changed. Chas. L.
Hoi way, Portland, Or.
MEN and women to learn barber trade in
eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to
$25 weekly; expert Instructors; catalogue
free. Moler System of Colleges, 35 North
Fourth st.. Portland.
WANTED Experienced and reliable mill
superintendent; must understand grades
of lumber; one who can take money in
terest In company preferred. D 531, care
WANTED An experienced hat salesman; man
who can trim hat and clothing windows
preferred; good salary; steady position. Ap
ply to Paul Strain at Chicago Clothing
BOY with wheel wanted; must be honest and
ambitious; good opening. Chapman Adver
tising Co.
y, INTEREST real estate office, established;
"free rent for .6 months; awfuily busy; can't
handle the business; all alone. Call at
once; price $150. Alexander, 304 Ankeny,
near 6th.
A BRIGHT, intelligent young man who de
' sires to learn the veterinary profession
wantd for work in a veterinary hospital.
Cooper's, 20 Montgomery st., San Fran-
cisco, Cal. .
WE want first-class salesmen to sell whips;
experienced men with the harness and hard
ware trade preferred; must have good refer
ence. United States Whip Co., Westfield,
SOLICITORS Easy work and good pay If a
hustler; state experience. C 544, Oregon
ian. - " j
California -Wine Depot, Headquarters for cooks
and helpers. 14S 4th st. Pac 2183. P. Lorati.
WANTED Young men to study telegraphy;
railroads require thousands additional op
erators March 4. to comply with eight
hour law. Oregon College. 6th and Oak
WANTED Good, sober, industrious buggy
and harness washer for night work; aver
age 15 to 20 riss and harness. Salary,
$00- Address Capital Stables, Salem, Or.
WANTLD Man at home, making prints,
no experience required, steady Vork, sal
ary $15 week. Particulars. National Ilus
trated View Co., 15Q Nassau St., N. Y.
WANTED Experienced specialty merchan
dise traveling salesman; also have excel
lent side line for Northern California and
Idaho. Call todayt 237 Worcester bldg.
SALESMEN, experienced or not; will pay
you to Investigate: the best is easiest iu
sell; pay weekly; give experience. Cen
tral Calendar Co., Shenandoah, la,
EXPERIENCED salesmen to handle line
paints and specialties; salary and expenses;
state age, experience, reference. The Iro
quois Mfg. Co.. Cleveland, O.
MEN to board at gel! wood Hotel, East 19th
st. and Umatilla ave., new management;
German cooking; room and board from
$4.50 up: single meals, 25c.
SIX weeks' Instruction in salesmanship, posi
tion as traveling salesman with responsi
ble firm guaranteed. Address Bradtstrect
System. Rochester, N.- Y.
FIRST-CLASS machinist, must be capable
of working out small and exacting parts;
state last place employed and wages ex
pected. H 647, Oregonian.
GOOD PAY" Men wanted everywhere to
tack signs, distribute circulars, sample?,
etc. ; no canvassing. 247 National )ist
Bureau, Chicago, 111.
SALESMAN for cutlery and silverware; liberal
pay and good opportunity to advance; ex
perience not essential. Ziegler Co., 220 Lo
cust st., Philadelphia.
SIGN painting, show card writing, cartooning.
Illustrating taught by mail. Write Wash
ington Correspondence School, Northern
Bank Bldg., Seattle. r
WANTED Man who thoroughly understands
raising onions; married man preferred.
Call 226 Washington St., between 11 nd
1 o'clock, Monday.
WALTZ, two-step, three-step and stage
dancing, lesson. 25c. Prof. Wal. Wlllsou's
School, 3864 Washington st. Also dancing
taught by mall.,,
SALESMAN of good appearance, in Portland
and vicinity; only men of ability need ap
ply. Blue Diamond Pressed Stone Co., 220
Abington bdg.
WANTED 5 salesmen of ability to place
local bond Issue of $50,000; first-class con
tracts to right parties. Address S 532,
WE pay $36 a week and expenses to men with
rigs to Introduce poultry compound ; year's
contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 54, Par
sons, Kas.
MAN to take my irt tercet in cash business
for $150; will clear $5 per day; will stand
Investigation. Must sell today. 533 John
son st. -
CAN D YM A KER. about February 1. first
class, all -round wholesale work; specialty
of high-grade chocolates. B 544. Orego
nian. WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers,
stenographers and clerical men. Call or write
Commercial Abstract Co., 323 Wash. st.
SALESMAN Carry side line of colored view
post cards made to order; expenses easily
made. National Colortype, Cincinnati, Ohio.
JOB PRINTER wanted, steady man, with
some means to take the business end of a
city job office. .Address J 544, Oregonian.
GOOD pay to men everywhere to tack signs,
distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no can
vasslng. Universal Adv. Co., Chicago.
FIRST-CLASS cigar salesman for city trade1.
Reply, giving references, experience and
salary wanted. M 542. Oregonian.
WANTED By large , corporation, four
bright, honest, sober salesmen ; big pay.
94 Grand ave., cor. E. Washington.
SHORTEST shorthand, can be learned m 6
weeks C W. Crosth waite, 280 Grand
ave. Phone E 5081; private school.
EXPERT court reporter irom East wants
pupils for shorthand, typewriting and
bookkeeping. C 29. Oregonian.
WANTED Two men and crew manager;
salary, commission, expenses. Mr. How
ard, 714 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED Boy 16 years of age or older to
carry paper route. . Apply city circulator's
desk, business office, Oregonian.
GROCERY CLERK State experience, refer
ences, age and salary wanted In your ap
plication. E 541, Oregonian. ,
YOUNG man for collector; must' ride wheel
and know town; state experience and salary
expected. P 548, Oregonian.
MEN learn plumbing, 'bricklaying evenings;
$50 required. Pacific Trade School, 307
Hinckley block. Seattle.
WANTED Manager for Oregon; $125
quired; big proposition to right party.
,. Washington bldg.
WANTED Boy with bicycle. K. S. Ervtn &.
Co., Ltd., Third and Alder sts.
WA NT ED A bellboy after school hours at
163 12th St., cor. Morrison.
SALESMAN wanted, experience unnecessary.
Apply Monday, 84 3d st.
MAN and wjfe to work on small place near
city. 616 The Dekum.
WANTED Upholsterer to do work at house.
Phone Main 2219.
YARD man wanted at 2S4 Majn st.
GIRL wanted for light manufacturing: hours
8 to 6. American Badge Makers Co., 151
North 23d, near Irving.
WANTED Woman under 40, housekeeper
for widower's family, another town. 230
TamhilL Main 5413.
WANTED Young lady to sing sacred songs
also piano accompanist. Apply Antlers
Hotel, Monday 2:30.
A GOOD girl for general housework; must
be good cook; good wages. Phone B1256.
958 East Everett.
SCHOOLGIRL to assist with housework for
room and board, small wages, good home'.
M 546. Oregonian.
A GIRL for general housework and ' plain
cooking. Call Belmont and E. 62d St., or
phone East 269.
WANTED A competent woman to take
care of two children. Telephone mora
ings. Main 3446. .
LADIES $1 every day at home; stamped
envelope for particulars. Ladies' Aid, Dur
ham, Conn.
WANTED Girl for light housework: good
wages and good home. Room 15 Wash
ington bldg.
WANTED-1 Competent girl, general house
work ; family of two ; good wages. 812
WANTED Good cook who will assist In
housework; wilT pay good wages. 253
Ford st.
A GIRL for general housework, good wages,
small, family; references. Phone ISast
WANTED Competent girl fur general house
work. Call 181 East 16th st. Phone East
WANTED Girl at once for general kitchen
work in private boarding-house. 389 Tay
lor. WANTED Girl. general housework. small
family, good wages. Apply 815 Clackamas
WANTED A middle-aged woman for house
work; good wages. Apply 81 North 6th st.
WANTED Young girl to take care of small
child. Apply Sunday, 1203 East Taylor.
WANTED- Girl for general housework-.
Call 330 Weldler or -hone Eat IMS.
TWO ladies to room and board with young
married couple. Phone. Pacific 577.
WANTED Girl for housework and to assist
with cooking. 565 Marshall st.
EAST SIDE Female Employment Office,
122 Grand ave. East 1055.
WANTED Lady to assist in tailor's repair
shop. Inquire 231 Alder st.
WANTED An experienced waitress at the
Hobart-Curtis, 25 14th st.
LADY waitress wanted at Adams Restau
rant. 23d and Savter sts.
LADY solicitors. Apply 8 to 10 A. M. 16
Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED Experienced girl for second work.
Apply 611 Lovejoy st.
Waitress, Dalles. $30; waitress, Condort,
2S; 3 waitresses, city. $25; country boarding-house
cook, $40; 3 family oooks, f-Ti:
2 second girls, $25; 2 child's nurses, $"J5; t
housework and family cook?. $15 to $";
housekeeper, city, $30; some very nice fam- J
ily .phices.
343H Washington St., cor. 7th. upstairs.
A YOl'NG lady of good address to play
small parts with a slock company, salary,
expenses and ward rob furnished.. Answer,
giving full description as to age, height,
weight, contplectton, etc., sending photo If
possible, which will be returned. Address.
. "Manager," care Hotel Gordon, West
Park and Yamhill.
BE A graduate nurse and earn $20 to $30
' per reek; we provide home study cours
lectu f s; hospital practice when desired;
employment for students and graduatest
largest training school In the wurld; writs
tofiay. free book. American Training
School Nurses, 4Q Crllly Bldg.. Chicago.
LADY agents can easily earn $3 daily sell
ing Venus sanitary garments; indispensa
ble ladies' toilet necessity; slndid op
portunity to make money; become Inde- '
pundent; outfit free; write immediately.
Venus Mfg. Co.; Chicago.
YOUNG lady of roflnemont and good ad
dress to travel as demonstrator for a
Western manufacturing .company. Call
Monday afternoon, parlor D. Hotel Gor- :
don. J. H. Coker, West Park, and Yani
Applicants for all kinds of work regis-
ter with us. free of charge, so wa may
locate you on short notice.
843 Washington st.. Corner 7th. upstairs.
WANTED Ladies to make aprons, $3.0O.
per dozen; no cost to get job; transporta
tion paid on materials. Stamped addressed .
envelope, American Apron Co. Los An- 1
geles, Cal.
WANTED Competent nursery governess or
mother's helper to assist in care of fam
ily of children; state age and experience
In application. E 551, Oregonian. .
ough course of millinery taught in six
weeks; terms within the reach of ail.
3:12 Washington st., room 2.
LADIES Make sanitary belts; material cut
ready to sew ; $1.44 per dosen ; particu
lars stamped envelope. Hygienic Novelty
Co.. Dept. 548, Chicago.
and situations furnished; real estate and
business opportunties, all kinds, S30 hk
' Yamhill. Main 5413.
YOUNG ladies of good character to enter a
training school for nurses; good home. Ad
dress Matron Raymond General Hospital
Raymond, Wash.
LADY to assist In office who understands
bookkeeping and stenography ; give ex
perience and salary expected. N 642,
WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for
general housework and to assist with
baby; good pay. Call Monday 776 Jshn-
; son -t.
WANTED Competent and experienced girl
for general housework: must be good cook
and laundress; good wages. 164 North 18th
GIRL FOR cooking, general housework,
small house, family of four. Cal l bet. 1
" and 5 P. M.. Monday. 115 IS. 12th. cor.
WANTED Elderly woman for housekeeping ;
one who prefers a good home more than
wages. Address Lorenzo Winters, G res ham.
EXPERIENCED child"s nurse, with refer
ences, wages $25. Young Women's Chris
tian Association. Apply after 10:30 Mon-
CUTTER and' fitter, capable of taking
charge of shop, ladies tailors, shirtwaists
and suits; permanent position. . 125 loth
WANTED-"-ThoroughIy competent laundry
marker; female preferred; $15 per week. Ad
dress Prosser Steam Laundry, Prosser, Wash.
DANCING lessons 23c. Prof. Wal. Wlltson's
School. 386i Wash, st., bet. W. Park and
lOth sts. Also dancing taught by mail.
GIRL, general housework; good wages: sec
ond girl employed; call before 11 Sunday or
Monday any time. 6D1 . ,Ash st.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co., 00 Roth
child bldg.. 4th and Washington
WANTED Experienced Swedish, or Nor
wegian girl, family second work; wages
30. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413.
843 Washington sL. Corner 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2602.
GIRL General housework, $20; 5-room
bungalow. 2 in family. 1214 Clinton st.
W. R. car, or phone Tabor 96.
WANTED A' few more good solicitors on
salary; give address and I will call. Mrs.
- Jennie Smith, general delivery.
COMPETENT girl for general housework
small family adults; good wages. 306 Grand
ave.. North. Phone EJast 2062.
WANTED Woman for daily cleaning at Al
bina branch library. Apply afternoons or
evenings at 558 Williams ave.
EXPERT court reporter rrom East wants pu
pils for shorthand, typewriting and book
keeping. C. 203, Oregonian.
LADIES to copy letters at home; spare time;
good pay; cash weekly; reliable; send stamp.
Zeck Co., Morristown, N. Y.
WANTED First-class cook ami housekeeper
for family of two: give reference and stats
salary. B 541. Oregonian.
PURE French governess. 695 Davis -at., be
tween 21st and 2 2d.
GIRL wanted for general housework. 631
Milwaukie st.
FARMERS and loggers employment office,
29 N. 2d st., want common labor at
$1.75 a day: one lady cook for country
hotel, month, room and board, free
fare. Phone 6437: open Sunday.
SHORTHAND and bookkeeping soon learned
by our great Decim plan; day and even
ing classes. Positions sure. Business
University, 625 Worcester block. Phone
Main 4504.
MEN and women to learn watchmaking, en
graving and optics; easy terms; positions
secured ; money earned while learning.
Watchmaking, Engraving School, cor. 4th
and Pike, Seattle.
PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL holds afternoon
. and evening sessions, crass Just formed;
enter now; reasonable tuition. Worcester
block. Phone Main 4304.
BOOKKEEPERS, stenographers. cashiers
and collectors. Clerks' Registration Bu
reau. 386 Washington sC
ORGANIZED dramatic club; instruction, plays
produced regularly; for terms apply Emily
- Drlscoll, 4U6 Couch bldg.
LARGE Incomes; reformed shorthand ac
quired In '30 lessons. School of Shorthand,
350 4t h.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
YOUNG man qf energy and ability, age 25
years, wishes to learn railroad office work
thoroughly, cannot accept position un
less there i's chance of advancement. Can
' furnish highest references. K 536. Ore
gonian. POSITION as timekeeper or assistant book
keeper in railroad construction work or
logging camp, by experienced man. A. S.
LrimSre. Vancouver, R. F, D, No. 4.
FURNITURE and undertaking, 4 years in
furniture, 12 years in undertaking. Oregon
and Washington; license. O 22, Ore
gonian. '
SITUATION as city salesman; any line; 4
years on the road ; past 1 4 months mana
ger city grocery. O 524, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po
sition either mornings or afternoons; sal
ary no obi ect . O 525, Oregonian.
IF you must reduce expenses an experienced
bookkeeper and stenographer can save you
one salary. P 530, Oregonian.
NEWSPAPER man wants place as editor
or reporter ; capable of taking charge.
Address G 555. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants small set
of books to keep during day; terms rea
sonable. X 531. Oregonian.
POSITION in general merchandise, 12 years
experience, speak German; country town
preferred. N. Berg. city.
BOOKKEEPER and general office man of
wide experience wants situation. Ad
d ress H 54 0. Ore g on la n.
A MAN who can sol! anything, expense
and commission. N 630, Oregonian.