The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 12, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 7, Image 19

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Must b flrst-class; for such we have food
permarrent positions; also
will And. "with us desirable and permanent
BE a graduate nurse and earn $20 to $30
per week. We provide home study course
lecturei; hospital . practice when desired;
employment for students and graduates;
largest training school in the world. Write
today for free book. American Training
iv-hool Nurses, 40 Crllly bldg., Chicago.
Applicants for all kinds of work regis
ter with us. free of charge, so we may
locate you on short notice.
w43A Washington St., Corner 7th. upstairs.
WAXTBD Ladles to make aprons. $3.50
per dozen; no cost to get Job; transporta
tion paid on materials; stamped addressed
envelop. American Apron Co., Los An
geles, Cat.
WANTED Girl who wishes a good home
and desires to go to school In exchange
tor housework in family or 2; can get
full particulars by calling up Home phone
a 4359.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework and plain cook, two in family. ,
live-room flat, good wages. Apply 746
Kearney st.. from 9 A. M. to 1:30 P. M.
WANTED A good fitter for a large Arm In
one of the Sound cities; good references
required. Apply after 5 P. M. at 702 Mar
shall st., between 21t and 22d.
A STRONG reliable girl for general house
work in private family; foreign preferred;
state salary; give references and phone num
ber. AJdres 510. Gregunian.
FIRST-CLASS lady solicitor for high-class
line. Must be experienced. References
required. Commlwwion with weekly ad
vance, till Buchanan bldg.
LA DIE'S, make sanitary belts; material cut
ready to sew, $12 per hundred. Particu
lars stamped envelope. Mutual Supply
Co.. Dept. 44,8, Chicago.
WANTED Young women, study telegraphy
and stenography; excellent -positions 6pen
for graduates of combined course. Oregon
College, &th and Oak.
WANTED First-class experienced trim mew,
also manager for millinery dept.; good sal
ary; steady positions; services to begin Feb.
1. W 525, Orcgonian.
6 MOHH ladies and gentlemen on good salary;
expenses advanced to thote who can travel;
give your street number. Address Mrs. Jen
nie Smith, Grn. Dol.
and situations furnished; real estate and
business opportunities, all kinds. 2o0 lh
Yamhill". Main MU.
WANTED A good, reliable girl for general
housework. HHKJ Franklin si., Willamette
Heights. Phone Main 2999. Good wages;
references required.
WANTED Good woman or girl, must be
good cook and willing to help with chil
dren; good wages. 95S East Everett.
Phone C1256.
WANTED A good trimmer for a large firm In
one of the Sound cities; good references
required. Apply after 6 P. M. at 702 Mar
shall st.
WANTED To buy combings; switches made
to ordr; no imported hair used. . Mrs. Will
iam Bequeallh, 94 E. 12th, cor. Washing
ton. LADIES to copy letters at home spare time;
good pay; cash weekly; reliable. Send
stamp. Zcck Co.. Morristown, N. Y.
UIUL to help take care of 8-months-old
baby and assist In light housework; must
sleep home. Apply 728 H Johnson st.
Gl Ft L for general housework ; good wages;
small family; references required. 658
Broadway, Irvington. Phono C1327.
WANTED Kenned, capable woman for re
sponsible position. viavi to., uuu notn
child bldg., 4 til and Washington.
WANTED Experienced Swedish or Nor
wegian girt, family second wprk; wages
$::0. 200 Yamhill. Main 5413.
GOOD girl for general houeework and cook
ing: 3 In family; no children; good wages.
Apply 774 Irving st., mornings.
rt EXPECTABLE girl or woman to make her
home in the country; foreigner preferred.
I nqulre 10o3 Cleveland ave.
343 hi Washington St., Corner 7th, upstair.
Phone Main 2092.
WANTED A refined German girl to help
with general ho uw work In family with small
children. Call 824 Wasai st.
WANTED February 1. lady stenographer
with experience In mining office; good
salary. F 516. Oregouian,
EXPERT court reporter rrom East wants pu
pils for shorthand, typewriting and book
keeping. C. 299. Oregonian.
WANTED First-class bookkeeper and sten
ographer; accurate in figures and good pen
man. K 522, Oregon ian.
THOROUGHLY competent girl for general
housework; small family; good wages. 597
Main, rhone Main 60o3.
WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman-for
general housework and assist with baby.
Apply 776 Johnson st.
GIRL wanted for light manufacturing work.
American Badge Makers Co., 151 North
2lm1 St.. near Irving.
NEAT girl for light cooking. Apply at-once.
Sellwood Hotel, cor. East 19th and Uma
tilla, Sell wood.
WANTED Immediately, breakfast waitress
from 8 to 9. Apply 300 Jefferson, between
Mb and 0th.
Gl RL for general housework; small family;
good cuok. Phone East 1103. Apply 398
San Rafael St.
WANTED To take picture of & good-looking
lady for Illustrated song lantern slide. R
ftOt. Oregonian.
LADIES $1 every day at home; stamped
envelope for particulars. Ladles Aid, Dur
ham, Conn.
GIHL for general housework for country;
Scandinavian preferred. Particulars, phone.
Main 4727.
WANTED Two experienced waitresses, Al
exandra Court; do not apply unless ex
perienced. A COMPETENT girl for cooking and gen
eral housework; four grown persons. 500
Taylor t.
COMPETENT- lady partner in vaudeville
sketch: excellent opportunity. F 528. Or
egonluu. GIRL for general housework: Inquire. 142
Union ave. North.
GIRL FOR light housekeeping. 409 7th.
LKARN bookkeeping and stenography ; I will
make a first-class bookkeeper or steno
grapher of you In two or three month, ac
tor ding to your ability; private lessons;
terms reasonable. Addrcts Expert Account
ant, X 483. Oregonian.
MEN and women to learn watchmaking, en
graving and optics; eusy terms; positions
secured; money earned while learning.
Watchmaking. Engraving School, cor. 4th
and Pike, Seattle.
YOl'Nii people to Join our day or night
olHse in shorthand, bookkeeping or Eng
; will place you in position. Eclectic
Hu-inens University, Worcester bldg.
THR Portland Law School conducts day and
night classes for both iadles and gentlemen
t n;:o Worcester bldg. Two years' course.
Third year iHt-graduate.
WANTED A first-class Fisher hilling ma
chine operator. Call at the office of F
Dresser & Co.. 6th and Stark.
LIVE man or woman to take orders for sta
tionery and rubber stamps. 231 Stark st.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
BOOKKEEPER, reliable, best references as
to executive ability and accuracy. T
475, Oregonian.
FOR an experienced strnographer with knowl
edge of law work and bookkeeping, phono
Miiin 4504.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wUhes employ
ment about tlve hours daily. I 502, Ore-
BXPKH1KNVEI) grocery ckrk, married, wants
p- sltiun in first-class store. F 523, Oregon
tan. WANTED A position hy a beginner in short
hand and typewriting. B 52n Oregonian.
TYPEWRITING and stenographic work at
cut rstts; Lb or contract., P. o. box 98.
BOOKKEEPER wants small set of books to
keep evening. . B til, Oregouian.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WANTED Position with wholesale produce
house or will sell on commission; last 10
years with wholesale agricultural and horti
cultural seed house in New York City; German-
quick at figures; shorthand; reles-ences
from Portland. Phone East 4578; o M 603.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra
pher, thoroughly competent; accept any
kind office work; country not objection
able; hrst-class references; salary second
ary object. O 546, Oregonian.
YOUNG business man of ability, energy and
. sterling integrity, competent salesman, ac
coun tant or general office work, open for
engagement Jan. 15; local reference. F
6ol, .Oregonian. '
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier
wants position; will work part of the day
or wnole time as required; 16 years' ex
perience, with Al references. K 511,. Ore
gonian. WANTED Position in office by young man.
11 ; has knowledge of bookkeeping and
typewriting; lives at home with oiks. C
512, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN, 3 years' experience In sten
ography and general office work, wants
position; gilt-edge references. Phone East
4333, B1415.
YOUNG man, stenographer and bookkeeper,
one used to cost accounting in lumber of
fice preferred; state salary expected. B 522,
FURNITURE) and undertaking, 4 years In
furniture, 12 years in undertaking. Oregon
a nd Washington ; 1 tcense. O 532, Ore
Books opened, closed or adjusted. P. L
Crawford, 15 Hamilton bldg., or East 1958.
BOOKKEEPER and general office man of
wide experience, wants work; good refer
ences. Address V 527, Oregonian.
EMPLOYMENT wanted as helper or any work
by competent builder; reference given;, over
two months out of work; Winter's work
was engaged and in progress when bank
wrecking canceled contracts and closed work.
Am out of money and out of food. Have
family to support. A Carpenter. P 502,
care Oregonian.
GOOD, all-around cook, first class on bread
and pastry, wants to take charge of small
. country hotel or camp kitchen; sober and
always on time. Address H. F. Roddy,
H24 East Powell St.. Portland, Or.
.WANTED By young man attending busi
ness college a place to work mornings and
evenings for board or small ealary; under
stands furnaces, Janitors work and
horses. T 620, Oregonian.
LAW graduate, 27, desires to associate him
self with old, reliable lawyer or law firm,
In either city or country town; gilt-edge
references furnished. T 503, Oregonian.
SITUATION WANTED Japanese 15-year-old
boy desires light work for board and
room; does not want wages; wants, to be
taught English. 34 North 3d Bt. O. N.
POSITION by electrical engineer of 10
years' practical experience in light and
power; Washington Technical graduate;
Al references. K. 521, Oregonian.
WANTED February 1, position as buyer or
assistant by tirst -class furniture, carpet
and upholstery men. Address F. Cheney,
general delivery, Portland.
WANTED Position by. an experienced dry
goods man. also experienced general lines;
young, married ; city or country. 904
Williams ave., Portland.
GOOD Japanese boy wants family house
work; very nice face and sneaks welt
and understand cook; wage, month, 925
up. R 505 Oregonian.
GERMAN, sober and reliable, perfect with
horses, understand farm and garden work,
wants position ground house or on far hi.
F 515, Oregouian.
POSITION wanted by a first-class steam
engineer, also handle electric machinery.
Address 6i 8th st; phone Main 2042l
SITUATION" as city salesman, any line; 4
years on the road; past 14 months mana
ger city grocery.' O 524, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED newspaper man wants a
position, editor or reporter, capable of
taking charge. V 523, Oregonian.
COMPETENT cook, reliable, temperate;
particulars exchanged for present or fu
ture needs. C 513. Oregonian.
WINDOWCLEANING. linoleum and floors
redressed and polished. Main 6573, even
ing 8 to 10. Thomas Green.
WORK wanted for cooks, washers, helpers,
waiters, city, camps, laborers, all races.
"Drake's," 205 Washington.
MARINE chief engineer desires position of
any kind aehore; varied experience; good
references. J 51 1, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED man desires position as
shipping clerk; has experience; good ref
erences. N 509, Oregonian.
WANTED Situation by steady middle-aged
man as Janitor in office building or rooming-house.
Phone A3777.
EXPERIENCED DRIVER would like drive
delivery wagon; familiar with any part
city. W 60S. Oregonian,
BY married man on farm, 39. sober, best of
references. John Graham, 16 E 6th N., cor.
Burns I de, Portland. Or.
SHOE) salesman; young man' with lifetime
experience wants position in or out of city.
W 524. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, no children, will do any kind
work for furnished housekeeping rooms. .
C 600, Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by young Scotchman, -21;
has had Ave years' experience in drug trade. -X
514. Oregonian.
NEAT and young Japanese wishes situation
to do any kind of work; speaks English.
C 502. Oregonian.
WANTED To drive delivery or team; ex
perienced and well acquainted with city. R
410, Oregonian.
YOUNG and. honest Japanese wishes position
as house boy; speaks good English. C 507,
AN all around butcher wants work in city
or country, best of references. V 509,
YOUNG Japanese wants situation to do light
housework or as schoolboy. E 52a, Ore
gonian. DRIVER Young man 20 wants position as
driver or any other work. B 525, Ore
gonlan. AN honest Japanese boy wishes to work as a
farmer ait the year round. J 601, Ore
gonian. GOOD Japanese boy wants situation, school
boy; nice waiter on table. O 610, 'Ore
gonian. KALSOMINING done at S3 per room. 135
1st st. Phone Main 1334. Call for Winn.
YOUNG Japanese wants situation as school
boy; speaks English. C 506, Oregonian.
PRINTER Fair all-round workman, small
office preferred. K 514, Oregonian.
EMPLOYMENT wanted by student before and
after school hours. P 507, Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants work on farm, ranch or
anything else. . L 524. Oregonian.
RESPECTABLE young man wants work of
any kind. S 523. Oregonian.
YOUNG man will, do any kind work for room
and board. C 508. Oregonian.
WANTED Old roofs to rehingle; estimates
furnished. Phono Tabor 936.
YOUNG man wants office or outside work.
Tel. Pacific East 759.
GENERAL house-cleaning by day. Job or hour.
Pacific 731. Thompson.
W A NTED Work for team, of any kind.
Phone Main 4616.
A JAPANESE schoolboy wants situation.
C 515. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographer.
POSITION as office girl by young lady
with two years' experience. J 52J
SITUATION wanted by experienced steno
grapher; best of city references. Phone
Main 8433.
POSITION as bookkeeper by young lady, 9
years' experience; best references. Phone
East 219.
FOR a bookkeeper, 'stenographer or cashier
phone E. B. U. Clerical Office. Main 4504.
YOUNG- lady desires position as cashier; can
give good reference. L 523, Oregonian.
Collector, cashier and office worker; experi
ence, best references. T 476. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers -mnd 8 1 enorraph era.
WANTED Position to do office work by
lady who has had 12 years' experience. Ad
dress Miss C. J.. Hotel . Franklin. 13th
and Washington sts.
WANTED Position as casbier or office as
sistant by refined capable young lady, with
references. R 512, Oregonian.
LADY with 10 years experience office work
desires position : terms moderate; refer
ences. S 525, Oregonian.
WANTED By stenographer who understands
bookkeeping. Small salary to commence with
Phone Pacific 1053.
WANTED Copying or any kind of steno
graphlo work during spare time. A 4945,
4o9 Macleay bldg.
STENOGRAPHER, Al, wants position with
good -house. N 507, Oregonian.
t Dressmakers.
ALTERATION or repair work of all kinds
for gentlemen or ladles; reliable woman
with city references. Young Women's
Christian Association. Main 5267, after
11 A. M. Monday. -
LADIES' dressmaking of all kinds done at
reasonable prices; satisfaction guaranteed.
Call at 369 Morris, cor. Union ave.
COMPETENT dressmaker, and tailorees wishes
engagement, day, -sewing; city references;
reasonable. Phone Sellwocd 591.
EXPERIENCED capable dressmaker desires
work by the day. Address Dressmaker, 93
North 14th at., city.
WANTED By a young lady a place In ladles'
tailor shop, to learn trade. Address 461
B lack 1 stone at.
DRESSM AKINK, tailoring, alterations, at
home or by the day. Mrs. Frost, 414 5th.
Main 1522.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker and tailor will
make engagements by day. Phone Wood
lawn 176-
SHIRTWAISTS, $1.50; shirtwaist suits;
$3.50; Jacket suits, $5. 326 Park st. A2530,
SILK shirtwaist this week. $1.50; children's
Bowing. Phone East 4868. 2S0. Broadway.
MHE: TUTTLE, modiste, B07 Montgomery,
near 15th. M-O car. Phone A 6057.
A LADY with experience wiehes plain sewing
by the day. L 500, Oregonian.
LADY wants a place to be landlady. Call
at 227 Front st.
CHRISTIAN New England lady, age 50,
with quiet daughter, age 13. would work
for small wages in respectable place;
highest- references given. V 523, Ore
gonian. HOUSEKEEPER for one or two people; plain
family and good home In preference to high
wages. M 523, Oregonian.
GOOD middle-aged woman with girl 14 de
sires situation, housekeeper, widower.
230 Yamhill. Main 5413.
POSITION by experienced woman; good cook,
as housekeeper or cook In boarding-house.
Pacific 2601.
AN elderly lady witfhes a place as house
keeper, widower's; home preferred. S 518,
EXPERIENCED piano teacher; terms rea
sonable to beginners. Phone Main 6716.
WANTED A place as housekeeper or 'cham
ber work. Phone Main 4821.
YOUNG lady wishes work in private family;
also privilege practicing on piano and' some
fee. X 525, Oregonian.
TWO Japanese ladles want work, cooking. 811
Everett st.
LITTLE past middle age, experienced nurse,
take .care child, sick invalid; will travel or
go to California. Phone Main 61 Go.
AN experienced, practical nurse would like
employment, obstetric or other cases.
Phone Wbodlawn 909.
PROFESSIONAL nurse wishes few. more ma
ternity cases; no objection to light house
work. East 4129.
LADY entertains invalids, aged, children,
by hour, day, month; references. Pac. 671.
EXPERIENCED elderly lady as nurse; ref
erences given. 807 East Davis. East 2950.
LADY entertains Invalids, aged, children,
by hour, day month; references. Pac. 071.
BY young lady (experienced), position as
nursery governess to one or two children;
can teach French; or as lady's maid; refer
- encee. N 513, Oregonian.
LADY wishes to take charge of first-class
rooming-house on salary: can deposit
money to insure party's responsibility, etc.
W 523, Oregonian.
WANTED 'Day work by Respectable wom
an; chamber work, or wttld take care of
children or sick people; go home nights.
W 521, Oregonian.
WORK wanted for all races; hotels, res
taurants, boarding, families, .laundry fac
tory, telephone. ''Drake,' 205 Washing
ton. LACE curtains washed and stretched, fancy
waists and flannels washed and Ironed by
experienced hand. Phone Main 7014-
POSITION conducting rooming-house; sal
ary or commission; good worker and man
ager. P 501; or phone Bast 6031.
POSITION as office or reception girl by re
fined, experienced young lady ; speaks Ger
man fluently. J 520, Oregonian.
YOUNG woman deMres position ss companion
or care of Invalid; no objections to travel
ing. F 622. Oregonian.
YOU NO lady gives private lessons In gram
mar gTade studies. German and drawing;
references. - Main S1&3.
WOMAN wishes day work, sweeping, win
dow cleaning, etc.; 25c per hour; no
washing. A 4434.
WOMAN" wants work by the day. houseclean
ing. etc. ; can give references. Phone Pa
cific 2226.
REFINET woman to be with lady during con
finement; will help with work. M 523, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED piano teacher gives two les
son for 75 cents; good references. W 471,
WANTED Work by day; can give refer
ences. Phone 6771. The Beaver Hotel,
room 27.
FRENCH teacher gives lessons for fWc, or
25c If regular. Address S 521, Oregonian.
WOMAN with first -class, references would
like work by day; no half day. East 2059.
COMPETENT colored woman wishes position
as chambermaid. - A 523, Oregonian.
DAY WORK by neat girl in private families;
good worker. X 510, Oregonian.
LACE curtains Inundered a specialty; best of
work. Phone Main 3740-
LADY wants day work. Call Sunday after
noon. Phone East 4ST4.
COMPETENT cook wants a place In private
family. P 521, Oregonian.
COMPETENT woman wants work by day.
Phone Tabor 706. -
WOMAN wants work by the day. Phone
Pacific 555. "
A HOME company; tow .premium rates and
high cash value make the policies of the
Columbia Life & Trust Co. easy to sell.
Apply .to Jesse R. Sharp, manager of
agents, 214 Lumber Exchange bldg.
AGENTS Turn your spare time into $50
per week. My Trip Around the World,
worth $'". sells for one-half; big profits;
free samples. - Write today. Mr. Pye,
260-202 Fifth ave.. Chicago.
LADIES Have territory still open la a few
counties on a fast-selling article; every lady
wants It;, write at once; sample 25c. Star
Novelty Co., 366 Page St., S. F., Cal.
LIVE agents wanted; your city advertised
at our expense; shields furnished free for
trial. We assume all expense. Baby Car
riage Shield Co.. Fremont, Ohio.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell good? If
so. we need you; complete outfit free; cash
weekly. Write for choice of territory- Capi
tal City Nursery Co., Salem. Or.
MOST liberal contracts to experienced life
insurance solicitors; desirable territory
throughout the state. Louis E- Joy, state
agent. 205 Wells-Fargo bldg.
WANTED. AGENTS Legitimate substitute
for slot machines; patented; sells on sight
for $1. Particulars, Geisha Company, An
derson, Ind.
WANTED iMan to handle a specialty;
something entirely new; nothing litfe it
on the market; will be ready seller and
bear close Investigation. Call at 89 Flr-
. land ave.. Mount Scott carllne. Phone
Tabor 335.
and expenses easily made selling our pop
ular combination policies and appointing
agents; experience unnecessary. Write
Oscar -Ekman, 313 Eitel bldg., Seattle,
WANTED 362 men tomorrow to come to 91
6th st. and get your -shoes shlned free; hair
cutting 25 cents. The Model, the finest 11
chair barber shop In the city;, only best of,
barbers employed. 91 6th st.
AGENTS You can know about the profits
made, supplying perfumes to families. Ad
dress .Leffler & Co., 6-t. Louis. Mo.
A FEW good solicitors on guaranteed salary.
Mrs. Jennie Smith, Gen. Del.
WANTED TO RENT A party of gentlemen
.desire to leaee a furnished home of 10 or
12 rooms; must be modern In every respect,
well furnished and suited to convert Into
a bachelors' club; a competent lady will be
placed In charge and everything will be well
cared for; best of references and good price
offered for a suitable place. H 619, Ore-
' gonian. , '
GENTLEMAN 'wants room with or without
board in suburb near car line, with small
family; no' objection to children: mu3t
be homelike and no other roomers; state
number of family. Address, with full
particulars, K 520, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak, Phone Exchange 72.
WANTED Room, furnished, with bath,, and
home table board; private family, or would
- Join small club of bachelors; .also email of
fice room (cloee In) suitable for laboratory.
Address R 601. Oregonian.
A WIDOW lady wants home for girl 6 years
old. In good Christian family with no
other children; references exchanged.
Phones Main 2667. A 1147. 349 An
keny st.
WANTED TO RENT Furnished or unfur
nished house or flat of about six rooms,
by couple without children; references
furnished. F 500, Oregonian.
BOARD and room wanted, man and wife
want first-class private board and sunny
room with heat and good cooking. Post-
. office box 545, city.
WANTED Modern unfurnished cottage of 5
or 6 rooms In good neighborhood, on West
Side or in Irvington; give full information.
O 519, Oregonian.
ONE UNFURNISHED housekeeping room in
steam heat; must be central and reason
able; give price and location. R 524,
G E NTLEtM AN wants board and room In
private family where no others are kept.
Must be reasonable; state price. R 504, Ore
gonian. WANTED To rent bouses, offices, store,
rooms, etc.; long list of applicants. Al bee
Ben ham Co.. 25 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark
THREE neat, clean furnished housekeeping
rooms; walking distance to Hish School ;
give terms and. location-' F 511, Oregonian.
YOUNG lawyer desires room and two meals
daily in private family; no other board
. era. K 512. - Oregonian.
TWO YOUNG MEN wish board and room
with private family; home conveniences.
J 524. Oregonian.
YOUNG professional man wishes room and
board, private. West Side; give phone. P
523, Oregonian.
WANTED 4 or 5 unfurnished rooms or cot
tage; modern; near car; reasonable. Phone
Sellwood 72.
FURNISHED or unfurnished room, close In,
by first-class aressmaker; state price. A 509,
YOUNG man attending business college wants
.place to work for room and board. S 161,
WANTED Furnished or unfurnished flat or
apartment of 4 or -5 rooms. E 522, Ore
gonian. '
ROOM and board by young lady with private
family; nice location. E 520, Oregonian.
DESIRABLE board and room by couple;
references furnished. H 520, Oregonian.
BY two ladies, one very light housekeeping
room, close in. J 512, Oregonian.
WANTED An unftrmtehed room close In;
state price. M 522, Oregonian.
12 OR 15-room house; good location; rent rea
sonable. A 529, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent organ; state price wanted.
Apply 369 11th at.
BOARD and room by lady employed, W. R.
care Oregonian.
hand store in Portland. We buy and sell
from a chair to a full house,
20th and Washington. Phone Pacific 793.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 N. Bd st. Phone Pacific 1722.
MAIN 6655. 211 FIRST ST.
If you want the most money you can
get for your used furniture or anything
else, phone Main 5655, A4121.
WANTED Good home for boy of 8, con
venient to school; best care; best locality;
. where there Is music preferred; references.
L 520. Oregonian.
WANTED Small screwcutting foot-power
lathe and tools, suitable for experimental
work; must be in good condition. O
519. Oregonian.
CASH paid for furniture, fixtures a-nd mer
chandise. Phone Main 1626. J. T. Wil
son, auctioneer.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture, prompt
. attention always given. Phone East 1067.
WANTED Second-hand donkey engine. "Ad
drees 344 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 179.
WANTED A photographer's lens; must be
good and reasonable. Phone Main 3372.
I PAT cash for household goods. Savage &
Pennell Fur. Co.. 345 1st, Pacific 360.
CHILDREN under 3 years cared for by day
or week. 496 Bldwell ave., Sellwood.
WANTED AT ONCE: A good second-hand
china kiln. Phone Tabor 151.
WANTED To buy household goods of all
kinds. Call up E. 58SS.
GET busy; our coal $7. 253 Alder st., room
IS. Main 65S7.
WANTED To buy 1 cheap automobile. X
623, Oregonian.
WANTED Second-han 1 sample trunk.
THE MILNER. 3504 Morrison, nearpark,
furnished and unfurnished apartments,
single or en suite, with modern conven
iences, desirable location, reasonable
rental. ,
Furnished Rooms.
435 YAMHILL; nice furnished front room;
also one with hot and cold water, steam
heat, bath.
NEWLY furnished rooms for rent; furnace
heat, bath. Phone Main 8091. 586 Hoyt,
near 18th.
TWO pleasant front rooms : phone, bath,
flu let. central; reasonable. F. 88 6th st.,
cor. Stark.
FURNISHED room for lady or gentleman,
bath, gas and phone. Mala 5049. 513 Yam
hill st.
250 7TH ST Front suite suitable for two or
three gentlemen. Piano, phone, very de
sirable FRONT parlor, suitable for one or two
gentlemen; gas, phone, bath. 4o8 Main.
274 4th; nicely furnished rooms; use of tel
ephone and bath ; rates reasonable.
2 NICELY furnished rooms with heat, bath
and phone. 3ol 6th st. South.
$10 pleasant room, private family, resi
dence location. Main 7 HO.
NICE furnished rooma; heat, gas and oath;
cheap. 72 West Park St.
Furnished Rooms.
LARGE outside rooms, single or en suite;
beautiful outlook; newly furnished; every
modern hotel convenience; special rates to
permanent guests; with or without meals;
finest cafe In Portland at modest prices;
be sure and see these rooms before you
decide where to move. Hotel Sargent.
Grand and Hawthorne avenues.
Nicely furnished rooms, single or en
suite, $2.50 per week up; steam heat, hot
and cold water; free baths, free phone;
dining-room in connection; transients so
licited ; open all night : beet location in
the city ; office and reading-room ground
floor. 4bS Washing ton.
HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and ITtn
First-class f urn Ished rooms, singe or en
suite; steam heat, hot, cold water, electric
light, phone in every room; suites with
private bath, eingie, from $3 by week, 75c
up by da-; reasonable by mo. Main 5647.
Corner Yamhill and West Park sts. New
bouse, elegantly furnished; hot and cold
water, telephone, hot water heat in every
room; private baths; elevator service.
Transient. , Rate. $1 per day up. Phone
WILL rent elegantly furnished eingie and
double rooms to gentlemen; steam heat, elec
tric light, walking distance; price very r-a-
.sonable. Phone M;.iln 6704, A 4508. Call
491 Morrison at., flat 1L
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sts., newly "furnished throughout,
new building; suites with baths, hot and
cold water In every room. Phone Mala
7195. Long-distance phones in all rooms.
THE DORMER, 283 13th St., cor. Jefferson;
new cbrner brick, steam heat, hot and
cold water, elegantly furnished rooms,
single or en suite; both phones free. Mrs.
J. B. Weber; proprietress.
HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and WashUgtoa sts.,
modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 486.
THE WILLAMETTE, S22& Stark, S. W. cor.
6th St., Wfcll furnished rooms, large and
light, singlb or en suite; transient, 50c to
$i; by week, $2 to. $5. Pacific 1296.
PLEASANT, neatly furnished room; pri
vate family ; gentleman only; bath, gas,
telephone. Home B 2320. Breakfast if
desired; walking distance.
i -1 1 : i. , .... i.,,
FOR RENT Three large, we 11-furnished rooms
for housekeeping, within 10 minutes of post
office, in private home; heat, light and tele
phone. Call Main 8174.
4-74 YAMHILL Two desirable rooms, light
and warm, for gentlemen or business
women; private house, walking distance;
no sign.
NEWLY furnished rooms, modern, close in,
private family; gentlemen only. 215 12th
st. Phone A5602.
HOTEL ANTLERS, cor. 10th and Washing
ton sts., all modern conveniences, suites
with bath; principal carllnes pass the door.
Phone Main 2333.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room; furnace heat,
new and modern ; "can arrange limited house
keeping privilege if desired; price very rea
sonable.. 215 13th.
IRVINGTON, block from Union-ave. cars;
room for gentleman; private family; bath,
gas, furnace, $ week; references. K 513,
TWO NICELY rurniyhed rooms, with phone,
bath and gas. 885 East Ankeny. one
block from car; reasonable to right par
ties. NICE' desirable front room; private . resi
dence; close In; every convenience at $9
and $6. Phone East 4113. 472 E. Oak.
NEWLY furniehed front room in new
home, all conveniences, strictly private.
753 Belmont St., cor. 23d aL, off Morrison.
FURNISHED room for rent? In steam heated
apartment; every convenience; 5 minutes'
walk to 3d. and Washington. Phone A 4970.
THE GENEVIEVE Steam heat, porcelain
bath, free phone; walking distance; $3 a
week and up. 445 Columbia et. Main 7410.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
S'.ark corner tith, Mrs.. Maud J. Estes.
LARGE light, veil-furnished room, on second
. floor, hot and cold water, furnace heat, all
conveniences. 181 14th, cor. Yamhill.
steam heat, bath and phone. 166 Lowns
dale, bet. Yamhill and Morrison.
BEAUTIFUL furnished room, modern con-
veniences, strictly private family, walking
distance. 355 & 6th, cor. Mill.
LARGE front room, (east windows), well
heated, unfurnished or furnish to suit;
gentleman. &;& Flanders st.
TWO nice front sleeping rooms. $10 and
$12; heart of city; electric light, bath.
Phone A 1830 before 12 M.
13th and Alder. Nicely furnished rooms,
modern; special rates by month.
NEWLY furnished front room; modern;
bath; every convenience; very reasonable.
ISO 17th. cor. Yamhill.
NICELY furnished alcove room; also single
room; reasonable; walking distance. 149
Lownsdale. Main 7224.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front parlor to de
sirable parties; private home, beautiful
grounds. 2G5 6th fit.
LARGE front alcove room, well furnished,
heat, bath, electric light; board optional.
' 771 Hoyt st.
LARGE, nicely furnished room, closet, bath,
phone ; suitable for one or two persons.
448 6th.
NICE new furnished room in private resi
dence, furnace heat. gas. bath. 585 East
Salmon st.
249 JEFFERSON St. ; two nice furnished
single sleeping rooms; outside rooms;
close In. '
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished, warm
rooms, for $10, at the -Hawthorne, 221
13th et.
FURNISHED rooms In modern home; use of
piano; board if desired; reasonable. Phone
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, with
heat; baths free. The Ridgeway, 270 6th
MODERN front parlor for one or two. -close
in. W. Scott. 490 Morrison at., 3d floor,
' flat 3.
NICELY furnished rooms; furnace heat, gas,
bath and phone. 415 Seventh at., cor.
VERY nice and pleasant furniehed room; very"
reasonable; close in; furnace heat. . 473
ST. FRANCIS, 34 North 8th st.; beautifully
rurnisaea rooms, en suite or single; oatas
THI3 ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5
wk. ; also transient rooms. 343 Morrison.
HOTEL ROYAL, 108 4th St.. steam heatod
rooms $2.50 to $5 week; 50c to $1 niuht.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia; rooms,
heat, bath. 50c to $1 day; $2 to $4 week.
NEATLY furnished sleeping rooms; both
phones, bath, stoves, heat. 450 Yamhill st.
FURNISHED room to rent; heat, bath and
.phone. 433 Taylor, opp. WhUe Temple.
NICELY furnished frorit room; steam heat,
bath; $10 per month. ' 405 10th st.
361 14TH Large, bright, pleasant front room;
gas, phone and beat; $10 per month.
MAXWELL HALL Suites, also single rooms;
hot water ; reasonable. 207 14th st.
FINELY furnished rooms with first-class
board. The Sterling. 535 Couch.
4oO STARK ST. Very desirable newly fur
nished rooms; gas, bath, phone.
66 N. 14TH ST.-ne large upstairs front
room. Call and see. Bath, gas.
FOR RENT Front parlor, well furnished,
reasonable. 892 JenVrson st.
FURNISHED rooms; walking distance; rent
reasonable. 275 s 14th st.
LARGE, comfortable room for young man, $G
per month. 2t8 14th at.
$9 Nicely furnished room for gentleman.
141 13th. cor. Alder st.
NEATLY furnished rooms, free bath and
phone. 29 N. 10th st.
FURNISHED room, with board, 295 14th st.
Phone Pacific 1065. i
NEWLY furnished front room, reasonable.
1S7 N. 17th st. .
TWO rooms for rent, furnished, 334 Har
rison st.
2 NICE rooms for rent at 134 N. 9th at-.
cor Hoyt.
FURNISHED rooms for rent; 290 & 12th st.
Furnished Rooms,
LOVELY furnished front room; hot and
cold water; first floor; also one alcove
with hot and cold water; second floor;
reasonable; very central. Phone Main
77U4. 211 12th st.
NICEiLY furniehed. room, private family. $12
per month; also front parlor to gentlemen;
furnace heat, bath, electric light, phone,
5 minutes' from Washington. 267 7th st.
TWO nicely furnished outside sleeping rooms,
with ga and heater, $6.50 per month each.
424fe East Washington St., near Grand ave.
FOR RENT First-class furnished rooms,
single or en suite; modern conveniences, and
very reasonable rate; no small children.
Apply 348 Montgomery st.,- near Park.
ELEGANTLY furnished parlor, also single
rooms; furnace "heat, bath, phone. 453
Morrison st.. 12-13th, Pauiflc 819.
NICELY furnished front room for two; also
fine single room. Phone, furnace, bath, elec
tric light; .modern. 2ti Park st.
LIGHT, airy sleeping rooms In private
house, modern conveniences, steam heat.
304 Salmon, phone Main 3440.
A MODERN furnished room, walking dis
tance. West Side, first-class table board. 1
block. 331 Montgomery at.
NEATLY furnished houses with stoves and
electric lights; transient and weekly; very
reasonable. 189Vi 3rd.
NICELY furnished rooms, modern conveni
ences, suitable for two or more persons;
reasonable. 213 13th st.
415 TAYLOR, cor. of 11th St., bright, pleas
ant furnished rooms, central, reasonable.
Phone, gas, bath.
THE RAYMOND, 168-170 11th St., nicely fur
nished rooms; furnace heat, electric lights,
porcelain baths.
258H 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms in
new, modern bouse; every convenience; gen
tlemen only.
NICE, bright front room, large enough for
two. 292 12th st.
ONE large, light room, heat, $2.50 per
week. 209 7th.
NICE front room; furnished; $2 per week.
310 luth st.
12 FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. 142 N.
10th st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
.TWO unfurnished rooms, gas, bath, sink, use
of phone. East Side, walking distance, rea--soaable.
38tVs Hawthorne ave., near Grand.
NEW 3 and 4-room flats. $12.50 and $13.
188 and 192 Market st.
UNFURNISHED rooms for rent, close in,
near car. 275H 14th St.
THREE unfurnished rooms, close In; adults
only. 410 Jefferson st.
UNFURNISHED rooms. 446 Washington at.
- Rootus With Board.
33 N. 17th, near Washington: very nicely
furnished front room In pqlvate family;
modern; flrst-clasa table; reasonable.
Main 4258.
NICELY furnished front '.room for one or
two. In private, refined home, all conveni
ences, excellent board, close in. Phone
Main 5004.
THE CLAY, nicely furnished rooms "for two
gentlemen; homelike, with home cooklnp;
$5.50 per week. 320 2nd st., corner Clay.
LARGE front room, elegantly furnished, with
board, suitable for married couple or two
young men. Address H. 626, care Oregonian.
LARGE sunny alcove room with home
board, for 2 or 3 young men; close In;
rates very reasonable. Call 229 13th st,
i 1 "' - " -
GLEN DOR A, 19th and Couch, first-class
rooms and board; homelike; two carllnes;
walking distance; rates reasonable.
WELL furnished rooms, with board, suitable
for one or two; rent reasonable; home
cooking. The Chrysler, 38 Taylor.
NICELY furnished rooms, with board, home
cooking; rates reasonable; gentlemen pre
ferred. 263 7th. Phone Pacific 342.
COZY room, good cooking, in private home,
for one or two. fond of music, reading;
references. P 524, Oregonian.
NICE furnished room, for two gentlemen,
also first-class board; close in; bath, gas
ana free phone. 392 Salmon st.
THU ROSED ALB, 10th and Madison; paying
guests received; elegantly furnished rooms;
excellent . table; steam heat.
LARGE and small room, new modern house;
all conveniences; choice location; reason-'
able.- Phone Main 2219.
WELL furnished room, with home cooking,
every convenience ; room suitable for two.
351 W. Park. Main 5381.
WANTED at once, well mounted China
pheasant cock : state price, C. E. Stall
man. St. CJiarles HoteL
A VERY agreeable man wants a roommate;
separate beds; all-home comforts, for $20
a month. 525 Clay st.
BOARD and room: reasonable rates; home
cooking. Phone Pacific 567. 434 Burn
side st., corner 11th.
WELL furnished rooms, with good table board;
modern conveniences; $5 per week for two In
room. 442 Jefferson.
DESIRABLE room, most excellent board;
modern home; couple employed or two men.
Phone Pacific 1742.
FOR SALE ifiO acres of yellow pine timber
land In Wheeler County. Inquire of owner,
3u9 Mao Kay bldg.
ROOMS and board for 4 young -men In
private family, first-class apartments.
Phone Main 1852.
ROOM and, board In private boarding-house;
modern: reasonable. 98 East 8th st.. N.
Phone' East 722.
ROOM AND BOARD In private family, for
two gentlemen; walking distance. Pacific
524. 188 17th.
HOME cooking, nicely furnished room ad
joining bath, suitable for two; reasonable.
521 Couch at.
r '
41 ELLA ST. Furnished rooms, with board;
room suitable for two; terms reasonable;
J homes cooking.
FURNlSHf D rooms, suitable for two, with
or without board, 66 21st st.. N.. near
2 LARGE front rooms, nicely furnished, with
board, private family; modern conveniences.
Pacific 2917..
WELL furnished front room.' modern con
veniences, close In, 309 Madison st., bet.
5th and 6th.
ROOMS and board, walking distance, home
cooking, terms reasonable. Phone A 3C22.
328 6th st.
BOARD and rooms. 314 Mill at.; modern;
new management; home cooking; pleasant
225 WEST park; very nice room with board
in private house; fine location. Pacific
2007. ' -
THE MANITOU Large rooms, running wa
ter, steam heat; two carllnes. 201 13th.
PLEASANT room and board, suitable for 2
young men in private family. 708 Everett.
SELECT private boarding-house; modern con
veniences; board optional. 452 Morrison st.
ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen;
bath, gas and phone. 484 Williams ave.
A YOUNG man would like a roommate; all
home comforts; $19 a month. 525 Clay at.
WARM, well furnished room, with first
class board. 205 23d st. North, A3696-
TWO connecting rooms, 'with board, suitable
for 4 or 5. 395 6th. Phone Main 5490.-
2 NICELY furnished rooms with or with
out board; heat, bath. 351 6th St., S.
ONE room, with board, in private home.
3ol Hassalo St., near Steel bridge.
ROOMS, with or without board; modern con
veniences. 350 Madison, near Park.
THE ' MARLYN Furnished rooms; good
board; convenient. 553 Washington.
ROOM and board; furnace heat, hot water, ail
conveniences, at 617 Kearney st.
ROOM and- home board: $5 to $5.50 per
week: close in, 229 13th st.
432 7TH tgrr. Large furnished front room,
$8; breakfast if desired.
WANTED Small size Meyers pump. Ad
dress D 500, Oregonian.
A LADY boarder desired in a auiet, refined
home. Call East 4204.
FRONT room with or without board. 24
N. yth t. 1
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozark,
225 11th st.
Rooms With Board.
BE SURE and see rooms at Hotel Sargent
before you decide where to move; modest
prices; American or European plan; best
cafe tn Portland; famous dining-room ser
vice; living here Is a pleasure; manage
ment studies comfort of guests; every
modern hotel convenience ; close in. yet
away from downtown dirt and noise.
Hotel Sargent. Grand and Hawthorne ave
nues. TO experienced stenographer only. A
pleasant room in private family with or
without board; services of stenographer
evenings only reason for renting room.
Apply R 603 Oregonian.
THE HARTMAN, 426 Alder, near 11th; nicely
furnished outside rooms; modern con
veniences; pleasant location; with or with
out meals; prices are right; transients so
licited ; Investigate.
TWO rooms In a good neighborhood; well
furnished ; light, sunny exposure and de
sirable for a couple or two men: with
good table board at reasonable rates. S
5o7, Oregonian,
YOL'NO MEN If you want first-eiass room
and board, reasonable; all convenience;
close In; also table board; good home
cooking; call at the Aster House, Seventh
and M ad i so a.
THE HAZEL A home for young men;
steam heat; ' running water; 10 minutes'
walk fpom Postoflice. Phone Main 7094,
A 4157. 385 3d. corner Montgomery.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with board,
house and grounds occupying entire block;
hot and cold water, steam heat. 300 Jeffer
son, between 5th and 6th. A545.
Portland Women's Union ; 18th year; rooms
with board, uss of sewing-room, use of
library: Women's Exchange. Address Mrs.
Ella Rawllngs, Supt., 610 Flanders.
ROOM and board for two young ladles or gen
tlemen ; nice neighborhood ; within 10 min
utes' walking distance from pos tot flee. 4A.2
Clay st. Main 8277.
TABLE board, private, 201- 16th, cor. Taylor.
Main 2284.
6-ROOM new steam-heated apartments in
beautiful colonial building. 664-6ri6 Flan
ders st. ; all outside rooms, extra large
windows and closets, private veranda, pri
vate storeroom. Look at them now and get
your choice. Best neighborhood In city.
Morgan, Sweet & Chapman, 213 A bin g too
bldg. Phone Main 2015.
IONIAN COURT One new elegant 4-room
residence apartment; bath, steam heat, hot
and cold water, gas range, refrigerator,
window shades. Janitor service, telephone;
adults. Apply daytime. Janitor, 18th and
Couch sts,'
THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders,
an elngant 5-room apartment, steam heat.
Janitor, hot and cold water, gas range,
refrigerator, telephone, best residence dis
trict. Inquire at 701 Dekum bldg. or of
FOR RENT 5-room apartment In the
Mordaunt; best location in the city; steam
heat and Janitor service. 18th and
LARGE front parlor, steam heat,' large ver
anda; new apartment, facing carllne;
gentlemen only. 325 13th. Phone Main
IRIS APARTMENTS 362 Third st., 5-room
unfurnished apartment; strum heat, hot and
cold water, gae range; adults only; rent
THE DAYTON One moderr 6-roora apart
ment, steam heat, hot and cold water,
etc; low rent. 660-662 Flanders st.
UNFURNISHED or furnished 8-room apart
ment; bath; housekeeping; no children, V
505, Oregonian.
& LARGE rooms, bath and pantry, private
family. Nob Hill. $25. V 520, Oregonian..
THE IRVING, 4-room apartments, all mod
ern conveniences, 21st and Irving.
MODERN apartment, 5 rooms.. Inquire 68
Lucretia Place. Ptjone Pacific 699.
5 rooms on 'Glisan St.. between 23d and
24th sts.. each flat has furnace, firepiace,
hot water, gas and electric light, floors
oiled and painted, cement basement, ev
erything to make complete and conveni
ent home.
S. E. cor. 3d and Oak.
MODERN flat, ,6 rooms and bath; basement,
furnace, gas and electric fixtures; strictly
modern; cnolce location; walking distance;
Park and Harrison sts. Inquire 229 1st st.
TWO new flats, on center, of a 50x100 lot, $30
for upstairs and $32.50 for ground floor;
choice location. For keys and information,
call at room 40 Washington bldg.
FOR RENT Richly furnished modern 5-room
flat; positively all conveniences; two car
lines; .15 minutes' walk from city. . Phone
A3201. 691-Gllean st.
PLEASANT modern 5-room flat; East 17th,
near Morrison; after 15 th; no children.
Apply owner, same block. 630 E. Alder.
Home phone B 2329.
MODERN .flats, all sizes, tor rent. East and
West sides. Portland Trust Company of
Oregon, 8. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phoaa
Exchange 72.
MODERN fist. 5 rooms and basement; fur
nace, gas and electric fixtures; strictly mod
ern; walking distance. 2i8 Weldler st.
' i t
STRICTLY, modern four-room flat, with or
without three extra bedrooms, upstairs,
near 23d and Washington. Pac. 1245.
FOR RENT 8-room -comer flat. Park and
Jefferson sts.; all modern conveniences, in
quire Mrs. R. Stott, 2(8 Park st.
FOR RENT New and up-to-date flats on
Park, bet. College and Jackson; furnace
a lid fireplace. Phone Tabor 763.
BEAUTIFUL 2, 3 or 4, furnished or un
furnished, new, modem flats, 5 minutes to
Postoffice. 883. &tb st.
406 HARRISON; 4-room apartment: steam
heat, hot, cold water; Janitor service. Ap
ply to Janitor.
8-ROOM modern flat, well lighted, walking
distance, adults only, $18.50. 231 Hall,
NEW, modern 4-room flat, Williams ave.
and Fargo. $17.50 a month. Phone Wood
lawn 727. I
UPPER and lower furnished flat, gas, bath,
near carllne; Nob Hill. 124 N. 19th.
NEW 5-room flat, also cottage, Walking dis
tance via Steel bridge, 3S9 Ross st.
NICELY furnished flat of five rooms; close
in; for rent. Phone Paciftc 275.
$15 Modern 5-rcom flat, 771 Mississippi ave.,
near Beech; no children. L cor.
UPPER fiat for rent; all modern. 466 Park.
FOR RENT 4-room flat, $10. 871 Kelly st.
Housekeeping Rooms. .
THREE clean well furnished housekeeping
rooms, gaff, bath, phone. 266 Twelfth st.
ONE very nice, large, modern housekeep
ing room 403 Second St., corner Harrison.
FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping
rooms; gas and bath. 1 N. Union ave.
2 SUITS of very large and light furnished
housekeeping rooms. 113 H Russell st.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, al30
other rooms, reasonable. 474 Clay st. .
$d Two rooms, furnished for housekeep
ing. 618 7th st. Phone Main 4529.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms. 407 Davis St., West Side.
FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; close
in. Inquire at 163 West Park st.
5 NICE unfurnished housekeeping rooms;
206 Grand ave., N. $13 per month,
THE ELMS Furnished housekeeping rooms,
hot water heat;' phones. 191 14th.
FOR RENT Unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
311 Cherry st. Phone Home C 1157.
$12 Large furnished front room and kitch'
ern. 534 Taylor st.. corner 17th.
NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms;
668 Water st. Phone Main 4565.
FOUR furnished rooms in 5-room cottage,
walking distance. Inquire' 192 4th.
TWO well furnished housekeeping rooms, suit
able for 2 young ladies. 421 6th.
TWO small rooms, furnished for light house
keeping; reasonable. 175 14th.
TWO neat, furnished housekeeping, on sunny
side of house, at 348 Clay st.
ONE neat "housekeeping room for rent, res,-
sonable. Inquire 433 Everett