The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 12, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 3, Image 15

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Attempt , to Change Conspir
acy Law Made by
fclierlcy Would Teach Teople to Obey
Laws, Not Disregard Them.
James Pleads for Strik
ers Kepi In Jail.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 11. A vigorous
fight was waged In the House of Repre
sentatives today over the bill' to codify
and revise the penal laws of the United
States with particular reference ' to sec
tion 19. affecting conspiracies against the
civil rights of citizens. Smith of .Mis
souri and Hughes of New Jersey offered
amendments having for their object the
exemption of labor unions from the opera
tion of the section whenever such unions
declare strikes or boycotts. A motion to
strike out the whole section was made
by Bartlett of Georgia. The brunt of
the debate was borne by Sherley of Ken
tucky, a member of the committee on re
vision, but he was supported by a "num
ber of Republicans.
The amendments were all lost, as was
one by I)e Armond to strike out section
20, because It conferred on Federal Courts
in punishing "felonies and misdemeanors
committed under' section 19 the authority
given to the courts of the state In which
the acts are committed.
One Concession to Strikers.
The only amendment successfully to
pass the gauntlet was one by Clark of
Missouri, striking out that portion of sec
tion 19 which provides for offenders the
additional punishment of ineligibility to
hold any office of honor, trust or profit
under the Government.
In anticipation of the debate and the
necessity for votes, the Republican lead
ers mustered their full strength and
thereby were enabled to vote down all
amendments which they deemed unreas
onable. The exceeding earnestness of the
debate led to the charge that there had
been a prearrangement. but this was de
nied. The' fact that many of the votes
taken during the somewhat stormy de
bate were almost strictly party votes was
declared by Democratic leaders to be In
cidental and not significant of any pre
concerted plan. It is likely that the dis
cussion of the hill on points of law will
be indulged from time to time for several
Mould Legalize Boycott.
When the House resumed consideration
of Ihe bill.' the pending business was an
amendment to section 19, providing that
in the matter of civil rights, the code shall
not embrace agreements by labor or trade
unions to settle peaceably strikes or. boy
cotts. It was regarded as of sufficient
importance to cause a call for all Re
publicans to be present. The amend
ment was suggested by -Smith, not by
Booher. as has been erroneously stated,
and the former offered a modi Heat ion of
his own provision so as to make it read:
'Nothing In this section shall embrace any
Krcemnla made by labor or tradtt unions
that shall result in or affect the declaring
of a strike or a boycott or any efforts in
the exercise of free speech made by such
labor or trade unions after such strike or
boycott shall have been declared, provided
ttiat such efforts were made in a peaceable
manner and provided further that they are
made for the purpose -of inducing nonunion
persons to act with them and against the
company or corporations against which the
strike or boycott has been declared, even
though such company 6 corporation be In
jured thereby in Its property rights.
Courts Suppress Labor's Rights.
Smith said he believed labor unions
had the lawful right to make contracts
declaring strikes, but It had been the
experience that whenever they did so,
they were barred by some court of
equity or some legislative enactment
for fear they might cause some incon
venience and annoyance to the public.
Therefore the efforts of strikers are of
ten suppressed by some court process.
The power of capital, he said, was
so great as to minimize and impair
every effort made in that direction.
Upon the supposition that the Smith
amendment would be held to be un
constitutional, Huehes. while remark.
ing that he was In sympathy "with It,
offered the following substitute, which
he thought would stand the test' of
judicial construction: "
Provided, however, that it shall not be un
lawful for two or more persons to enter an
agreement to leave or refuse to enter the
employ of any person, co-partnership or
corporation, or to advise, persuade or Induce
others to do so
Two Kentucklans at Repartee.
Strenuous opposition to both the
Smith amendment and th,e Hughes sub
si Utile came fronj Sherley who de
clared amid Republican applause that
any right guaranteed under the Con
stitution or any luw which is violated
by conxpiiacy or otherwise should be
"What we need in America," he said,
"Is to teach the people to obey the laws
and not to disregard them." The labor
ing man, he said, was entitled to his
rights, b it, he said, amid loud ap
plause, "the time has not come In this
country when any class of men are en
titled to special rights over any other
class." '
, Sherley became Involved in a brief
rulliuiuy with his colleague, James,
who'sald that District Judges had fre
quently decided against labor unions.
'And Circuit Courts of Appeals have
reversed district judges." responded
y.r. bherley.
"And laboring men are kept in jail
until those courts are reversed,"
lames said, amid Democratic applause.
Debate Snuffed Out.
Moon of Pennsylvania objected to
any proposed amendments to organic
law as covered by the bill and moved
to shut off debate in ten minutes. This
aroused the opposition of the Demo
prats. ho forced a division .of the
House and then a vote by tellers,
which resulted favorably to ' Moon's
motion, 1 27 to 96.
A further amendment was then of
fered by Clark, striking out of sec
tion 19 the clause making Ineligible
to office under the Government alT
persons found .guilty of conspiracy to
deprive anyone of his constitutional
Williams of Mississippi remarked
that the law was the last relic of re
construction times. Further debate
on the subject was cut off. , The
amendment was agreed -to.
The reading of the bill was then
continued, and Cockran of New York
supported the Hughes amendment,- ar
guing that the section as It stool
would further embarrass the relations
of labor and capital. Both amend
ments were lost.
Impending Deficit Means ' Strict
Economy by Congress.
'Washington, Jan. 11. "The 50th
Congress has been in actual session only
a few days, and more than 600 bills al
ready have been introduced for the ex
penditure of about 80.000,000 in proposed
buildings. If 20 per cent of that total is
appropriated during the present session
the people of the country may consider
themselves lucky."
The foregoing statement was made yes
terday .by Chairman Bartholdt. of the
House committee on public buildings and
grounds. "Government revenues." . he
said,' "are falling short at the rate of
about Jb',000.000 a month, due to the cur
tailment of the luxury-purchases by the
people in this time of financial distress
and commercial depression. We feel sure
of a heavy deficit at the close oi the fiscal
year. The estimate of expenditures Tor
the fiscal year June 30, 1909, must be cut
down, as the chairman of the appropria
tions committee pointed out recently, and
original legislation, such as bills proposed
for the erection of public buildings and
the purchase of public grounds must be
held In with a tight rein. It Is true the
Government balance sheet shows a hand
some surplus of something like 250,000.000,
but it must be remembered that a. great
deal of that money is distributed among
the National banks and that they are not
at this time in a position to hand it over."
Democratic . Committee Members
Want Hearings on Currency.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 11. The Demo
cratic members of the House committee
on -banking and currency held a meeting
for the discussion of the Fowler and
Aldrieh currency bills and voted unani
mously to support any motion for hearings
on both bills i-efore the full committee.
It was developed that all of the minority
members are opposed to the Aldrieh bill,
because it enlarges the policy of securing'
currency by the deposit of bonds. Some
of them also look with disfavor upon the
Fowler bill as too revolutionary in its
proposal of a complete retirement of ail
outstanding currency and the substitution
of a currency secured by National bank
assets. -
Inquire Into Brownson Affair.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11. The House
today adopted the Gill resolution calling
on the Secretary -of the Navy for copies
of all correspondence, orders and reports
in th Navy Department In connection
with the appointment of Surgeon Charles
F. Stokes to command the hospital ship
Relief. .The resolution also calls for oth
er papers in the Department in connec
tion with the resignation of Rear-Admiral
Brownson as Chief of the Bureau
of Navigation.
Smokes Publicly in a Cafe and Then
Says It Is Nobody's Business
. What She Docs.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 11. (Special.)
Mrs. Herman Oelrichs. millionairess, so
ciety leader and lady of fashion, says
it is alt right for wdmen to smoke in
public, and. being of practical mind, she
Illustrated her views by daintly puffing1 a
cigarette in Tait's cafe last night.
A reporter was sent to her apartments
in the San Francisco Hotel to give a
willing car to her denial, but alas, no
denial came.
Oh, I have no objection to what the
papers report about me declared Mrs.
Oelrichs, with an expression of languid
ennui, as though reference to the sub
ject interested her not at all.
"Perhaps I did smoke, . perhaps I 'did
not, but I protest I don't see what dif
ference it makes to the public or anyone
else. I should think the newspapers
would And something more interesting to
put in their columns."
John Tait, manager of Tait's cafe, ad
mitted that Mrs. Oelrichs and her two
lady friends smoked in his rotlsserie,
but did not seem to think It was any
thing to make a clamor about.
"As long as people conduct themselves
with proper dignity in my restaurant,"
he said. 'It doesnt- make any difference
what else they do
Five Hundred Socialists Go Wild
Over Her Statements Says Amer
ica Is as Bad as Russia.
NEW TORK, Jan. 11. Mrs. J. G. Phelps
Stokes, speaking- at a meeting today of
500 Socialists who had gathered at Clinton
Hall to make .a demonstration on behalf
of -the striking tenants, declared that she
loved the red flag of Socialism better than
the flag of her country. She- began her
address by saying .that conditions in
America as far as the laboring classes
were concerned were fully as bad a-s
those In Russia today.
"1 love the Stars' and Stripes." Mrs.
Stokes exclaimed; "I love the American
flag. but. as much as X love it. I love
the red flag better. Indeed. I could not
love the Stars and Stripes as much as I
do. did I not love the grand red flag bet
ter."' Mrs. Stoke' expressions were greeted
with the wildest enthusiasm and contin
ued cheers. There were other speakers
who condemned both political parties.
Third Son of Railroad Magnate
Weds Girl "From Home Town.
ST. PAUL. Jan. 11. Walter J. Hill,
third son of James J. Hill, chairman
of the Great Northern board of
directors, and Miss Dorothy Barrows, a
well-known St. Paul society girl, were
married a the home -of the bride's
parents here late this afternoon.
The foreltm trs1e of Japan tn 1868 amounted
to tl3O.6IXl.000 and In 1906 to I4.215.30u.ow.
Deficiencies in New York's
Fire System.
Not Enough Pressure to Carry the
Stream Higher Engines Work
Under Vacuum Fire Has Good
Start Another Man Missing.
NEW YORK, Jan. 11. The fire in
the Parker building at Fourth avenue
and Nineteenth street last night, -which
cost the lives of four men and did
damage to the extent of $5,000,090, dem
onstrated some of the inefficiencies of
the New York Fire Department and the
water supply.
Deputy Chief Binns said:
"The fact that the - fire gained great
headway was due entirely to the lack of
water. There are two twelve-inch mains
on Fourth avenue. There is no pressure
whatever. In the side streets there are
six-inch mains, and on Broadway there is
a 36-inch main.. But the pressure from
the Broadway main was more than half
lost as a result of the distance from the
fire. . (
"Many of the engines worked under a
five-pound vacuum Instead of 15 to 20
pound pressure, which is ordinarily
found in the street hydrants.
"It shows that at the present time in
New York." continued the deputy chief,
"the water towers cannot reajch above
the eighth floor. Because of the poor
water pressure,- the three water towers
responding to. the five alarms had to be
laid aside." -
For months the fire department has
been dreading a fire in a sky-scraper,
and although the Parker building was
only 13 stories in height the fate of one
of the modern buildings of twice that
height Is easily imagined from last night's
experience. The water pressure, even
when augmented by the force of the
largest engines In the. departmnt, was
not . sufficient to raise the water to a
point anywhere near the top of the
building. When the new salt-water high
pressure ' mains . are completed, officials
say this failure .will be no longer bo
prominent. '
Water Eighth Story.
The fire began on the sixth floor of the
building. Baffled by weak water pres
sure and bursting hose, the firemen
worked at a great disadvantage.. Water
could not be forced above the eighth
story. Falling floors cut off the escape
to the street not only for firemen but of
other occupants, and they were rescued
only by the most daring work. The foun
dations of the building abutted against
the subway, and the walls, bulging when
the steel posts and girders first expanded
and then contracted, threatened to fall
and crush the tube. All traffic In the
subway between Fourteenth street and
the Grand Central Station at Forty-second
street was suspended while the fire
was at Its worst in the early hours, but
was resumed during the height of the
early rush of passengers down town, only
to be suspended again under urgent or
ders of the fire and building departments.
For hours after the fire was practically
extinguished it was still dangerous to
run trains by the building, and subway
passengers were forced to resort to the
elevated and surface cars. ' -
Another Man Missing.
Robert Boyer. a printer employed on
the fifth floor of the Parker building,
was reported missing today. " He was
at work in the building when the fire
started and has not since been seen.
The fire was officially declared to be
under control soon after 7 o'clock, but
Deputy, Chief Binns warned the police
to keep crowds as far away as possi
ble from the wrecked building, as there
was great danger that it might col
lapse as a result of the contraction ot
the steel girders as they cooled. This
resulted in a complete tie-up of the
Fourth-avenue trolley line, and it was
not expected that any cars would go
over the Eighteenth-street crossing
during the day. - ft
The subway service, which had been
resumed during the early rush hours,
was suspended shortly after 9 o'clock
owing to fear of the officials that the
wrecR of the Parker building might
collapse and crash through Into the
underground tube. After that hour no
trains were run between Grand Central
station at Forty-second street and
Fourth avenue and Fourteenth street.
From information -given by the occu
pants of the surrounding buildings it Is
believed that the fire was in progress
fully an hour before It was discovered.
Superintendent Fullerton, of the Ameri
can Lithographic Company, directly
across the street from the burned
building, said today that fully an hour
before the alarm was given he smelled
smoke and- had a thorough, search
made on every floor of his building.
An hour later the firemen were in
possession of one of the upper floprs
of the American Lithographic Company
turning a flood of water on the Parker
Fire Breaks Out Again la Building,
but Is Subdued.
NEW YORK. Jan. 11. The body of
Thomas F. Phillips, one of the three
firemen whose lives were snuffed out
in the burning of the 13-story Parker
building on Fourth avenue last night
was recovered late today. Search for
the other missing is being carried on.
The blackened wall" of the skyscraper
threatened to collapse and the 'police
have ordered the tenants of the smaller
buildings in the vicinity to leave. A
dozen buildings have been vacated.
Fire broke out again tonight on the
fifth and sixth stories of the Parker
building, but the flames were quickly
extinguished by fire companies, which
are still pouring streams of water on
the smoldering skeleton.
Another New York. Fire.
NEW YORK, Jan. 11. Fire that broke
out in a five-story factory building on
First avenue, between Ninety-third and
Ninety-fourth streets, late tonight spread
rapidly. The building was .occupied by
the Grossman Shoe Company, the Iron
Foundrv of H. Appel and a laundry plant.
Loss 0,000.
Bloodhounds Search for Missing Se
attle Woman.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 13. (Special.)
Bloodhounds are being used to locate
Mrs. Charles Pomeroy. wife of a promi
nent lawyer of this city, who has been
missing from her home in a houseboat on
Lake Washington since Friday night. It
is feared that Mrs. Pomeroy is drowned,
for the dog, after following a circuitous
trail, brought up at a float. Prior to
bringing the dog Into service, which was
done at 11:45 tonlsrht. the entire house
boat colony exhausted every resource to
find the woman.
The affair is surrounded by some mys
tery, as no one is willing to discuss it.
and no report of the affair was made to
the authorities until tonight, when Dep
uty Sheriff Joe Hill was asked to lend the
services of his hounds.
Dr. William Bjbee.
SALEM, Or.. Jan. It. (Special.)
Dr. William Bybee, of Portland, an
Oregon pioneer of 1850, died . in this
city tonight of senile exhaustion. He
was S3 years old, and leaves a wife
and one daughter. The funeral will be
conducted from Rigdon's undertaking
parlors at 11:30 A. M. Monday, and
burial will be held in Lee Mission
Pettibone to Have Operation.
' LOS ANGELES. Jan. 11. George A.
Pettibone. who was brought here from
Boise. Idaho, following his acquittal of
the charge of murdering ex-Governor '
Steunenberg; will undergo an operation
shortly -for ulcer. He has improved since
his arrival here. Clarence Darrow. attor
ney of the W'estern 'Federation of Miners,
is also improving and will escape an op
eration,, although he still suffers much
Happens In "Louise" and. Mary Gar
: den Is the .Girl Who Imports
It Right From Paris.
.NEW YORK, Jan. 11. (Special.) A
stage kiss that lasts 25 seconds by. the
watch, almost half a minute, is the latest
novelty' to . tjirill New Yorkers. It is
called the "Louise kiss." and was imi
ported from France by Mary Garden and
Charles Dalmores. . . '
The kiss occurs for the first time tn the
opening of Act 3 of VLouise." Dalmores
is seated "down stage" reading. Enter
Miss Garden. She steals upon the unsus
pecting tenor, and before he knows It the
lucky man is encased in a dreamy half
Nelson. Down goes the book and the
half Nelson Is countered by an ardent
strangle hold. Then the' kiss begins.
There is nothing platoniq, nothing fra
ternal, nothing perfunctory about it.
The audience begins to grow interested.
.Pulses trained to sedate, operatic tempo
get clear o"t of time and scamper off at
a furious, erratic pace, and young girls
glance speculatively at their staring es
corts. The matrons eye their interested
husbands with an unspoken rebuke.
. At the end of 25 seconds the stage lips
part and the agony of the audience is
over till next time.
Mary Garden, the gifted American girl,
was the idol of the Parisian Boulevardiers.
This is her first year in opera in New
York. '
Commission and Southern Railroad
Make Adjustments.
ATLANTA. Ga., Jan. 11. An important
announcement was made today when the
agreement between the Southern Railway
and the Georgia Railway Commission
for an adjustment of railway passenger
rates In the state upon a basts satisfac
tory alike to the state and the railroad,
was made public.
This agreement, due to negotiations ex
tending over a period of several months,
comes in the shape of an acceptance by
the railroad commission of, a definite
proposition on the part of President Fin
lay, of the Southern, to put into effect
on April 1st the following rates:"
A flat 2H-cent rate on all lines of the
Southern for intra-state travel, no charge
to be less than 10 cents. Two-thousand-mile
books intra-state and interchange
able With such solvent roads of the state
as will consent, at 2 cents per mile, good
for heads of firms and employes not ex
ceeding a total of five One thousand
mile books Intra-state and interchange
able at 2 cents per mile, limited to indi
viduals. Five hundred-mile books, .at 24
cents per mile, good for heads of families
and dependent members thereof, intra
state and not interchangeable.
On Anniversary Secretary Cortelyon
. Gives Address on His Influences.
NEW YORK. Jan. 11." The influence of
the genius of Alexander Hamilton on. the
financial life of the United States was
the theme on which Secretary of the
Treasury George D. Cortelydu addressed
the members of the Hamilton Club, in
Brooklyn, tonight, at a dinner in com
memoration of the lilst anniversary of
the birth of the first Secretary of the
Mr. Cortelyou declared that Hamilton.'s
idea of a central bank 'was advanced by
many students of finance. The dinner
tonight was- without political significance
and Mr. Cortelyou confined himself to
the life and work of Hamilton. A letter
of regret from Ambassador Bryce; of
Great Britain, was read.
Woman Found With Head Ponnded
to a Pulp. - "
TOLEDO, O.. Jan. 12. Mrs. John Hazel,
wife of a local railroad man. was fonnd
dead in her kitchen tonight lying in a
pool of her own blood with' her head
pounded to a pulp. The murder was par
ticularly brutal.
There is no clew, to the Identity of the
perpetrator. The Hazel- residence had
been ransacked but- nothing of value is
missing. Both the husband and the son
of the dead woman are being held by
the police.
- . Marriage Ucenses.-
WHITE-HUNT Joseph White, . city, 43;
Minnie Hunt, 43.
EK-ELGSTROM Gust Ek. city. . 28; Signs
Elgstrom. 26- , -
son. x:lty, SO: Ellen Heldur Grundlund, 21.
STRAUB-S TOPPER Karl J.. Straub, city,
26: Catherine M. Stopper, 22. .
city. 70; Rom! Lemensobn, 00.
' LOSLI-SPUHLER Jacob Losli. city, 46;
Susette Spuhler. 34.
Wedding- and visiting cards. W. Q- Smith
AY Co., Washington bid.. 4th and Wash.
Wedding Invitations. Latest styles, proper
forms. $5 for 100. Alvln & Hawk. 144 ?L
Vtter Most Show Citizenship.
ington, Jan. 11. If 1. A. Utter, of
Weiser, can show he still retains citi
zenship in Idaho, he will be appointed
Surveyor-General to succeed Easrleson.
Most Notable Event. in Modern
- Journalism Interests '
... . World.
Times Passes From Control or Its
Founders, Who Have Owned It
16 3 Years To Be Modern
ized in Every Respect.
LONDON. Jan. 11. It is stated that
serious litigation is threatened in con
nectlon'with the sale of the London
Times', to which many of those hav
ing financial interests In the paper are
strongly opposed,.
LONDON, Jan. 6. The London Times
has passed from the control of the Walter
family, which has owned and conducted
it for three generations, ever since it was
first established.
C. Arthur Pearson has obtained the di
rection of' the great newspaper. A new
company has been formed, with Mr.
Pearson as managing director. He will
assume the active management ' of t-ie
The formal statement of the change,
which will appear in the morning news
papers, announces that the business man
agement of toe paper will be reorganized
by Mr. Pearson and that "the editorial
character of the paper will remain un
changed arid it will, be conducted, as in
the past, on lines independent of party
The change in the organization -requires
the sanction of the court before becoming
Rumor has been busy with the affairs
of the Times for the last two or three
years. The growing competition of the
new school of journalism, coupled with
the high price threepence of the Times,
are supposed seriously to have affected
its prosperity.
Recently the Times entered into the
book-selling . business by arrangement
with an American named Hooper and at
tempted to undersell the retailers. As a
result it became involved in a fierce war
with the book publishers,." which is sup
posed materially to have reduced its ad
vertising receipts. Both Lord Northclifte
and Mr. .Pearson, the two leaders of what
Is called here "the Americanization of
British journalism." are believed to have
made several attempts to purchase this
The extent of the financial Interest of
Mr. Pearson has not been disclosed. He
conducts -the Morning and Evening Stand
ard, the tai!y Express and several maga
zines and weeklies. The offices of the
Standard will be moved Into the present
Times building and both papers will be
issued from the same plant.
Thunderer -Will Hereafter Support
Chamberlain's Tariff Policy.
. 'New York Times.
The sale of that great newspaper, the
Times, of London, to C. Arthur Pearson,
the -publisher of cheap magazines, the
founder of the half-penny Daily Express'
and recently the purchaser of the famous
Tory organ, the Standard, and the St.
James' Gazette, which has been merged
with the likening Standard, suggests a
train of moralizing that we shall en
deavor to avoid.
It is perfectly clear, though, that if the
Times, with the book publishing and li
brary schemes and other devices to in
crease circulation recently fastened upon
It had been a paying property, its desti
nies would never have been handed over
to a man who represents, first of all.
modern sensationalism in journalism.
That the new director represents also the
Chamberlain wing of the Unionist party,
the policy of which -is a tariff on im
ports, is lees surprising, as the Times' has
been-leaning that way, though it has not
been a Chamberlain organ,
The Times js still a great newspaper.
Its staff of trusted correspondents on the
Continent of Kurope Is unexcelled. . Its.
financial and commercial reports, ts lit
erary reviews, its general corre.yondence
and art criticism are the best in London.
Its Parliamentary . reports are read by
every wide-awake English journalist and
every member of Parliament. It is accu
rate in its statements of facts. Jiowever
wrongheaded and shortsighted It may be
in its expressions of opinion. Of its edi
torial opinion we may fairly say that it
hae rarely been destructive.
Mr. Walter, the surviving head of the
famous family of owners of the Times,
now takes the position of chairman of the
board of directors, but Mr. Pearson is
managing director of the company. Here
after the Times -will less wavering. y sup
port the Chamberlain policy, as the
Standard has supported it, under Mr.
Pearson's direction, with a great loss of
prestige. Mr. Pearson says that neither
the character nor the price of the paper
will be changed. He will publish his half
penny Standard and his evening paper
from, the offices of the Times, and keep
the Thunderer still a-thunderlng.
We accept hip statement of his inten
sions as veracious, but nevertheless the
Times will no longer be its old self.. Since
its sad mistake In the Parneil matter
mnay years ago the Influence of the
Times in Great Britain has not been what
It once wae. But it has bravely main
tained Its existence as a three-penny pa
per far into the age of the dominating
half-penny press, and its change of own
ership will seem a sad Wow to English
traditions. Many an Englishman who
knows it only by repute w4J inoum.
Mr. Pearson's management of the Lon
don Times will be watched eagerly all
over the world. He has not done much
with the Standard, to be sure, but he
may be able actually to infuse new and
vigorous life Into the august old institu
tion of Prtnting-House Square. We are
Inclined to think that the passing of the
Times from the exclusive control of the
Walters ls the most noteworthy Incident
thus far of. 1908.
Founded in 1785 The Timed Heads
British Newspapers.
The London Times has bepn Identified
with the Walter family for 123 years. It
was founded by John Walter, who issued
on January IS. 17S5, the first number of
the London Universal Register. That
name he changed to the Times on Janu
ary 1, 1T88. The founder was succeeded
by the second John Walter, who was as
sociated with his father for a number of
years before the lat-ter's death, in 1812.
John Walter, the third, in turn succeeded
to the - control, and his son, Arthur
irrner Walter, succeeded - him. Under
continues but a
Few Days Longer
Now's the time to choose
from the finest makes in all
the world
Now's the time to buy
at a saving- that is
not usually possible
A grand array of
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to the largest concert
Special Prices Now
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their management, with the aid of r.ble
editors, the newspaper gained a remar
able reputation for journalistic enterprise
and exerted great political influence. In
Its early years tho Walters, father and
son, edited as well as managed the news
paper, but early in the last century Sir
John Stoddart became the editor. His
successor. In 1816, was Thomas Barnes,
Winners in All but Few Special Classes Announced.
The" attendance at the show of the Ore
gon State Poultry Association, yesterday.
On the East Side, was the largest to date,
the doors being thrown open to the school
children. ' The following awards have
been, announced up to last night. The list
includes all except some special awards:
B. F. Keeney. Eugene, Or. Third cock,
second cockerel, first, fourth and fifth
hen, first and .second pullet, first pen,
second collection.
M. J. Myers, Ients, Or. Fourth cock
erel, third and fourth pullet, third pen.
Eugene Poultry Farm, riugene, Or.
Fourth cock and third cockerel.
W. P. Kneeland, Giesham, Or. Fifth
COjCh'M. Garrison. Forest Grove Fourth
E. J. Ladd. Portland P'iftn cockerel.
J. C. Murray, Portland First and second-cock,
first cockerel, second and third
hen. fifth pullet, second pen and first
collection. . ,
George W. Speight, Hubbard i lfth pen
and third collection.
Krebs & Reynolds' Poultry Farm. Ger
vals First and fifth cock., second and
third hen. first and second pullet, first
pen, second collection.
R. B. Milne. Portland Fourth cockerel,
fifth pullet, fourth pen.
Hazelwood Poultry Farm. Spokane
Third and fourth cock, second- and fifth
hen, third pullet, second cockerel, second
and third pen. first collection.
Eugene Poultry Farm, Eugene fifth
PWilliam Casteel. Portland Fourth hen.
M. W. Buzard, Rainier Third cockerel.
Windle Bros.. Lents. Or. First cock
erel, first, second, third, fourth and fifth
pullet, first pen.
Isaac K. Staples, Portland Second
C. H. Dauchy, Milwaukie First and
second, cockerel, first, second, third and
fourth 'pullet.
J. R. Hamil'on, 26 Russell building,
Portland Second cock, second and third
cockerel, third pen.
B. Lee Paget. SO Third street, Portland
Third cock, first ben, second and third
pullet, second pen, second collection.
D. N. Iash, . Woodlawn First cock,
first and fifth cockerel, second and third
hen, .first, fourth and fifth-pullet, first
pen and first collection.
S. C. R. I. REDS.
Paradise Poultry Yards, Mosier. Or.
Third pullet, second cockerel.
George C. Pendleton, Woodburn, Or.
Fourth cock.
EL M. Calkins, Lents Fifth cock, fifth,
hen, first pullet, third cockerel, third pen.
N. J. Sleena. Lents First cock, fourth
and fifth pullet, first pen.
- Charles Biglow. Portland Fourth cock
erel, second pullet.
W. A. Bates, Corvallis Second cock.
I. C. Clodfelter, Portland Third cock,
first and second hen, second pen.
Windle Bros. Fifth cockerel, third and
fourth hen.
R. C. R." I. REDS.
James Rait, Oregon City first cock,
first, second and third pullet, first "pen.
Eugene Poultry Farm First and second1
Ed Carlisle. Portland Fourth cock.
C. E. Inman, Portland Second and
fourth cockerel.
Mrs., Sif C. Bowles, . University Park
Second pullrt.
Windle Bros. First and third cock,
first, third and fifth hen: first, thtr and
fifth cockerel: third and fourth pullet,
first pen, first collection. :
Frank Fenwick. Portland Second- and
fifth -cock, fourth hen, first puMet, second
pen, second collection.- '
Mrs. Ida M. Shellhous. Portland First
cockerel, first, second, third and fourth
pullet, first pen.
Eugene Poultry Farm First, second,
third and fourth cockerel, first hen, first,
third, fourth and fifth pullet, first pen,
first collection.
Frank Fenwick First cock, second hen
and second pullet..
L. D. Elliott. Lents First cock, second,
third and fourth cockerel, third hen, third
Isaac E. Staples Fourth cock.
George V. Speight Third and fifth
cock, fourth and fifth hen.
E. Fenwick, Portland-Second cock,
first cockerel, first and second hen, first
I f
The House
of Highest
with whom was . associated as leader
wriier '.Edward Sterling, whose articles
gained lor the Times the name' of "Th
Thunderer." From 1841 to 2877 the edito!
was John Thaddeus Delane, who was re
garded as one of the greatest of r nglish
journalists. Thomas Chenery succeeded
him. and after his death George Earn
Buckle became the editor.
and second gullet, first pen, first collec
tion. W. E. Baker, Albany Fourth and Hftt
pullet, second pen. .
W. H. Hetzer. Vancouver. Wash. First
cockerel. first and second pullet.
Mrs. Mary Albert First cock, first and
second hen.
All to J. R. Forbes. Portland, Or.
Charles Hainer,' Milwaukie, Or.-r-Flrst
cockerel, first and second pullet.
Rose Pfenninger. Milwaukie, Or. First
cock, first and second hen.
Eugene Poultry Farm First, second
and third cock, third hen, first, second
and third pullet, first pen, third collec
Mrs. W. J. - Reynolds. . Gervais, Or.
Fifth hen, fourth cock, second cock,
fourth pen, fourth collection.
George C. Pendleton. Woodburn, Or.
Fourth cock, fifth pullet.
E. M. Calkins. Lents First, second,
third and fifth cock: fifth hen. fourth ami
fifth cock, first and third collection, sec
ond and third pen.
W. D. Kelley. Portland First cock, firBt
W. P. Snook First, second, third,
fourth and fifth hen: first, second, third,
fourth and fifth pullet: first and second
cockerel, first and second cock, first pen.
A. Breedlove. city First cock, first and
second hen, first pullet.
F. R. Mcintosh, city First cock, first
J. P. Limerick First and second cock,
first and second hen.
g. D. EX QAME.
F. Fenwick. city First cock, first, sec
ond and third cockerel, first hen, first
and second pullet, first pen..
B. B. R. GAME.
F. Fenwick First and second.
Ed Carlisle-First cock, first cockerel,
first pullet.
II . R. Greer, Hillsboro First cock,
fourth and fifth pullet, first hen, first
Mrs. East ham, University Park Second
hen. . '
George C. PPndleton. Woodburn Fourth
cock, fifth hen.
S. E. Beal, Corvallis First second and
third pullet, third and fifth cock, second
J. M. Garrison. Forest Grove Second
cock, third and fourth hen. third pen.
T. R. Mcintosh First eoek
Eugene Poultry Farsn First cockerel
first hen, first, second and third pullet,
first pen.
C. L. Phillips. The Dalles, Or. Second
and fifth' cockerel, second and third hen,
first pen.
E. H. Bauer First cockerel.
lAe Baker First and second cock, third
cockerel, third and fifth hen, fourth and
fifth pullet.
H. Grebe. Gresham. Or. Fourth cock
era!, second pen.
William H. Hetzer Fourth cock, third
cock, first hen, first, second and third
Homer Class E; H. Bauer, cock. f
miles, first prize; J. P. Limerick, cock.
500 miles, second: C. C. Steinel, cock. 6ffl
miles, third: Fj. H. Bauer, hen, 600 miles,
first: C. C. Steinel. hen, SOO miles, second;
K.-'H. Bauer, cock. 300 miles, first: H. J.
Wilson, hen, 300 miles, first and second;.
E. H. Bauer, cock. 100 miles, first; J. P.
Limerick, cock. 100 miles, second; H. E.
Brown, cock. 100 miles, third: H. E.
Bauer. hen, miles, first: J. P.
Limerick, hen. 100 miles, second; H. J.
Wilson, hen. 100 miles, third: H. E. Bauer,
cock. 200 miles, young, first: J. P. Lim
erick, 'cock, 200 miles, young, second: H.
K. Brown, cock. 200 miles, youngs third;
E.-H.- Bauer, hen, 200 miles, young, first:
J. P. Limerick, hen, young, second and
third; E. H. Bauer, cock. 100 miles, young,
first:. IT. E. Brown, cock. 100 miles,
young, second; J. P. Limerick, cock, 10U
miles, young, third: E. H. Bauer, hen,
100 miles, young, first: H. E. Brown, hen,
100 miles, young, second: J. P. Limerick,
hen, 100 miles, young, third. '
J. F. Richards, special for largest and
best entry. -
E. H. Bauer, special for best homer In
flying class.