The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 05, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 20

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l-'uTO fetied Rooms.
THE GAY080 Grand tvp., East Stark, new
brick Morgan building); rooms possess
every modern convenience, steam heat,
hot and cold water, baths, elevator, fur
nished or unfumifhesd; extremely reason
able; prices, $H to $12. leas than half
same accommodations coat West Slde;
first-class restaurant In connection..
Nicely fernlshed ioom. single or en
suite. 2.50- per week up: steam heat, hot
- and cold water; free baths, free phone;
dining-room in connection; transients so-
. lieited;' open all night; best location in
- the Wty; office and reading-room ground
floor. 4ts8 Washington.
New hoiwe. just opened to the public, cor.
Ilth and Wash. st. ; beauttfully furnished;
f-rivate bathe, hoi and cold water, eiectric
Ights, steam heat; rates $1 and upward.
Phone Mam 7054. Mrs. iff. L-gilvie, prop.
HOTEL BL'SHMA R.K, Washington and 17th
First-class -furnished rooms. singe or en
suite; at am beat, hot. cold water, electric
light, phone in every room; suites with
private bath," single, from -3 by week. 5c
up by day; reasonable by mo. Main 5647.
ELEGANT large front room, ground floor,
newly furnished mahogany and bras,
velvet carpet, both furnace and1 direct
heat; free bath and phone; everything
Artl-class. lei "th st., block of Hotel
Fort Bind. Phone Main 8155.
Corner Yamhill and West Park sts. New
house; elegan tly furnished ; hot . and cold
water, telephone, hot water heat In every
room; private baths; elevator service.
Transient- Kate. SI per day up. Phone
2u3. ,
' s
HOTEL, FRANKLIN, cor. Kith and Wash
ington su. newly furnished throughout,
new building; suites with, baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phone Main
7ltt5. Long-distance phones in all rooms.
NICE, comfortable front room in private
home, all conveniences, . two blocks from
station; good walks; " working woman pre
ferred ; rent $5 month. 1-104 Morse St.,
474 YAMHILL.; two-very desirable oui!lde
rooms, in corner houfe, for two or iore
g en t lenien ; rooms light and warm, mo-Jem
conveniences, rent reasonable, - private house,
HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Washington sts..
modern rooms, single and en suite; also
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific. 4ft.
THB WILLAMETTE, 322 Stark, S. W. cor.'
. tfth at., well burnished rooms, large and
light, single or en tuite; transient, 60c - to
$1; by wek. $2 to $5. Pacific ls6.
CLEiAN, well-kept rooms, newly furnished,
single or en suite; free phones and baths;
$1.50 per week up; one nice front suite with
piano. 2474i 6th at.. Hotel Mason.
TWO rooms, furnUhbd. suitable for two or
four young men; altH front parlor; furnace
heat, line bath; five minutes' walk from
Washington. 267 7th st. .'
HOTEL ANTLERS, cor. loth and Waahing
ton sts., all modern conveniences, suites'
with Uith; principal carllnes pass the door.
Phone Main 333. , -
43-' 7th st. Large furnished, froni ' room,
suitable for two gentlemen, $10; also par
lor .room, $10; other i rooms $6 and- JfS.
l'hone A 5535. V
A NICKLY fuxnlyhed front room in a strict
ly private family, all modern conveniences,
II riH -class table. Mil Johnson, bet. 16ih. .and
17th sts. "
CORNER room with running water, . furnace
heat; suitable for 1 or-'" gentlemen; beauti
ful private house, 2 blocks from P. O. 227
7th at.
NICELY furnished room, with all modern
conveniences, very reasonable. Investi
gate. References required. 348 Columbia
THE GENEVIEVE Steam heat, porcelain
bath, free phone; walking distance; $3 a
v, week and up: 445 Columbia st. Main 7410.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
. furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
Si ark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
NEWLY furnished room, furnace heat, gas,
porcelain bath and phone, with or without
board. 501 Mill st. Phone Main -"8254.
The Kingston, 100 3d. st., rooms, eteatn
heat, mmlern conveniences; transients. Sue
' and $1 p?r day; special rates by week.
ELEGANT suite or mc tonus, private bath,
furnace heat ; also fireplace ; one door oft
Washington st. 26 North 17th st.
Mlt'fil.Y furnished room, suitable for one or
two; all conveniens; private familyf walk
ing distance. 545 Yamhill st.
13th and Alder. Nicely furnished rooms,
modern; special rates by month.
NEWLY- furnished room in new house, all
convenience. 753 Belmont St., cor, 23d, off
Morrieun, Mt. Tabor carline. v.
BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms," steam heat,
modern conveniences; private family. The
iris, '153 3d, apartment 5. '
ONE nicely furnished room suitable for onm
or two gentlemen; every convenience; prt
' vate family. 47 Yamhill.
NICELY furnished front room for two;'
also fine single reom; bath -and electric
light. 80 West Park,
FOR RENT Steam-heated parlor"," bath, eleo
trio light, for one or two, close In. $cult
flat 3. 4u0 Morrison st.
NICELY furniwhed rooms, modern conveni
ences ; suitable for two or move persona;
reasonable. 213 l.Hth su .
430 STARK ST. Newly furnished single
rooms, bath, phone, gas; alno -housekeeping
rooms, well furnished.
FURNISHED rooms in modern private
house, reasonable. No 8 Union ave.. North.
Phone East 3-31.
NICELY furnished bedroom, suitable for 2
gentlemen or ladies employed during the
day. 16S 10th st.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front reom
in private Mat. Business girl preferred,
l'hone Main S4Ul.
IRVINGTON Block from Union ave. cars,
furnished room, bath, gas and furnace. H
4S6, Otfvgonian. ,
NICELY FURNISH RD room with phono,
bath, furnace, heat, close In, rvasoNabie.
4:i3 Taylor st.
FINE, large newly furntshed room, private
resilience; bath, . gas, . furnace - heuY.
E. Salmon at. .
LA RGB front room, very nicely" furnished.
h-at. light, private house, close iu. 032
Flanders st.
SM A LL single front room, furnished : gas.
hath., furnace heat; only $6 per month. 2ti6
NICELY furntshed. two rooms, parlor and
bath ; walking distance, on carline. 526
Kearney. , - " ,
NEWLY furnished room, with heat, bath,
phone, walking distance; reasonable. 170
N. lHih. . ;
Unfurnished Rwms,
TWO1 large unfurnished front rooms In a cot
tage: gas and water: walking distance. 5S7
Overton St.. bet. ISth and 19th sts. Te la
phone Pacific SH0. -
NICELY furnished, also wn furnished rooms,
single and en suite; quiet; very suitable
for single gentlemen. Kamm bldg, 1st and
FOR RENT Two unfurn inhed. or partly fur
nihed rooms, newS renovated; reatfonabje;
Imth. At 4' East Burnaide st.
4lo JEFFERSON, .t unfuri'ls'hed rooms; easy
walk to center; modern; adults
only; r.a.onuble rcnt.(
NEW 4-room fiat, $12T0. 1S8 Market; 2
i-ooms, gtix, water! $7; 100 V; Market st.
UNKURNISHEO rovMii?; Inquire grocery store,
tii0 Front fit., cor. Arthur.
ONE unfurnished attic room, close in. phone
Pa.-lfic 270.
Room With Board.
WANTED Anplicatlons for board and room
for ertu.ienta Apply Behnke-Walker Busi
ness Oollese.
TO RENT Furnished front room w7?n board;
ladies employed by day; reasonable. V 516,
ROOM and board for 2 employed ladies or
men, walking dltance, reasonable. 624 E.
ROOM with hoard for young ladles; privileges
of home; references exchanged. 402-i Clay
.BOARD and room in private family. Mt. Ta
br: no objection to children. Phone Tabor
FOR RENT Comfortable room, home cock
ing; modern home. 320 Tillamook. C 3222
ROOM art boarrt in private family; modern
conveniences, for . a week. Phone BU00
NICE room and good home; su ft able
lor on genueman. 0(4 ullsan, cov. lata.
Rooms With Beard.
BE PURE and see rooms at Hotel Sarg-rt
before you decide where to move; modest
prices: American or European plan; best
cafe in Portland; famous dining- oom ser
vice; living here is a. pleasure;, manage
ment, studies comfort of guests; every
modern hotel convenience; close n. yet
away from downtown dirt and noHe.
Hotel Sargent, Grajid and Hawthorns ave
nues. FURNISHED rooms, with or without board.
every modern convenience, can be used as
suite or -otherwise, In a private residence,
with large lawn; gentleman- preferred.' Ad
dress f4 N. lGth su. cor. of Davis, 2 blocks
from Washington.
834 NORTH 17th St.. near. Washington,
beautifully furnished suite of corner
rooms, suitable for three or more persons;
also single room; electric and gas lights,
fireplace, bath adjoining; first-class table.
A 1048.
THB MINNEQUA is under new manege
. mem, everything first-class; steam heat,
bath, phones, borne t cooking, two blocks
. from business center; price reasonable. 376
-Yamhill, corner West Park. ,
CLuSfi int large, well furnished front room,
in modern flat; furnace, heat, bath, etc.;
suitable" two gentlemeli or man and wife;
houf?eTeeping privileges if deeired. PborJft
Pacific C&A v. ' . - - . .
S3 N 17TH, near Wash. Vei'y desirable
- front room In private, family. ul table for
ttvo ' gentlemen ; modern convehlenoes,
. home cooking; reasonable. Main 4 2 5 S .and
A1108. - . . ;
THE HAZEL A home for young men, steam
heat, running "water ' In each room, table
board by day or week. Phone Main 094
and A 4167. 385 3d, cor. Montgomery.
FURNISHED room with board, fireplace, hot
and cold water, every modern convenience,
.suitable for married couple or -two young
man.. Address H 4&9, care Oregonian.
Portland Women's Union i ISth year; rooms
with board, us of sewing-room, use of
library : Women' Exchange. Address Mrs.
Ella Rawllngs. Supt., 610 -Flanders.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished fremt parlor with
f board, In private family; has cozy fireplace;
will accommodate 2 or 3 gentlemen. In
quire 2U3 7th. Phone ' Pacific 342.
LARGE, newly famished room, modern con-,
venltnces, choice locality., . three carllnes,
' walking distance., private- family; board
reasonable. Phone East 314. - '
BEAUTIFULLY furnished, front- parlor with
, -board, in private family; has oozy fireplace;
will accomodate 2 or 3 gentlemen. Inquire
263 7tb. Phone Pacific 342.
275 Mj COLUMBIA Nicely furnished bedroom
and sitting-room, with privilege of dining
' room and kitchen; bath and electric liprht;
private family.
GLENdORA, 10th and Couch. first-cla3S
" rooms and board; homelike; two carllnes;
walking distance; rates reasonable:
ROOMS and board in private family, man and
wife or ladjes; or can do your own cooking;
East Side, close in. Phone E. 4826.
WELL furnished rooms with .board; modern,
-convenient, well located; reasonable rates.
442 Jefferson .st. Phone Main U423.
ELEGANT rooms -in stylish '1 new house,
choice location,- walking distance; reason
able; references. Phone Man 221J. N;-.
ROSEDALE Xarge rooms, newly (-furnished;
steam heat., day board also; tates
reasonable. 10th and Madison. -
TWO pleasant rooms in private residence,
-.' one .suitable jCor 2, strictly home cooking;
furnace heat. . 6U0 E. Burn'side.
LARGE, airy front room with board, suit
able for two, gentlemen- preferred. 343
tUh st. Phone Main 54!M; A41IK).
FINE" front room, suitable for two, private
family, home cooking, hpme privileges, fur
nace hat. li5 10th. cor. Taylor. .
NICE furnished room, for two gentlemen,
al-o tirst-class board; close in; bath, gas
and free phone. 302 Salmon st,
FI RST-CLA-SS room and board In -. private
family; everything new and modern; rea
sonable 24)9 North' 16th at. " .
COZY room, good cooking, in private home,
lor one or two fond of music, reading; re
ferences. -." M 611, Oregonian..
FURNISHED front room, suitable for two;
modern; home cooking;, rates reasonable.
The Chrysler, 3hfi Taylor.
THE COLONIAL High-class family hotel;
best board In city at moderate prices. Iti5
10th st , cor. Morrison.
THE T.HORN DYKE, (i33 Washington street.,
Nicely furnished front room, suitable for"
two. walking distance.
ROOM and board for lady in private - home;
wanted for company. Phone Pacific 6374.
Call 2t54Vj 7th st.'
TWO nicely furntshed rooms; piano, etc.
' 264 E.. 36th. 5 doors from Hawthorne.
.. Board if desired. -' ( .
41 ELLA ST. Furnished room with, hoard
suitable for one or two, home cooking,
terms reasonable.
DESIRABLE front room with or without
board for two gentlemen; private family.
- 2G6 North 21st st.
?32 10TH Pleasant, well furnished rooms,
wrth board, home cooking; all modern
conveniences, .
ROOM and board In widow's , family ; nice
home; East Side. Phone Sell wood f7.
FRONT and side room, -with board; home,
cooking. Phone A3H22. 328 6th St.'.
WANTED Roommate; respeotnble young man;
references required1. Phone Main 2284.
THE MARLYN Furnished rooms; good
board: convenient. 653 Washington.
EXCELLENT table board, reasonahle, in pri
vate family. S5 N. 17th t. A22M.
ROOM, with or without hoard' for respectable
Jady, with private family. 260 7th st.
NEATLY furnished rooms with hoard; day
board $4 a week. 80 West Park.
LADY boarder desired in quiet, . refined
home, l'hone East 4204.
NICELY furnished rooms, with, or without
board. 354 Fln?t st. ' i
FURNISHED room with board. The Ozark,
225 11th st. - . ,
ROOM and board at 195 N. 23d. Phone . Pa
cific 822.
6-ROOM new steam-heated apartments in
beautiful colonial building. 6r4-6t3il Flan
ders st.; all -outside rooms, -extra largo
windows and closets., private veranda, pri
vate storeroom. Look, at them now and get
your choice. Best neighborhood In city.
Morgan, Sweet & Chapman, 213 Abington
bldg. Phone Main 2013.
K1V1 A -V Pnl'UT One neir alnvonl A-mnm
residence apartment; bath, steam heat',
hot and cold water, gas rangre, refrigera
tor, window shades, janitor service; tele-'
phone, adults. Apply daytime, janitor;
ISth and Couch sts.
THE DAYTON One modern U-room apart?
ment. steam heat, hot and cold water,
etc.; low rent. 660-662 Flanders st.
, t i
Sirt 4-room apartment; gas and water ex
tra. R60 10th, near west end of Mill st.
Inquire at 367 Cable st.
THE MORDAUNT. ISth and Everett sts.;
steam' heat and janitor, service. Inquire of
THE MARLBOROUi;H-72lst and Flandem,
a 5-room apartment, steam heat, janitor,
etc. '
MODERN flat, 6 rooms and bath"; basement,
furnace, as and electric fixtures; strictly
modern; choice location; walking distance;
Park and Harrison sts. Inquire 220 1st st.
SMITH S RENTAL AGENCY, formerly of 315
Couch bl-lg., ha moved to 442 Sherlock
bid-. Third and Oak sts. See them for
house? and flats.
FOR RENT New and up-to-date flats on
Park. bt. College and Jackson; furnace
ai:d fireplace. Phone Tabor 763.
BEAUTIFUL new modem 3, 4 or 6 rooms,
furnished or unfurnished flats. 5 minutes
to Postoffice. 3S3 5th t. .
TWO modern flats. Nob Hit! district, 't?f0
and $40. Smith s' Rental Agency, 442 Sher
lock bids.. Third and Oak sts.
FOR RENT 3-room modern flat, all con
veniences. Inquire 226 Market street.
Phone Main 516.
273 .MONTGOMERY St.. cor." 4th. 4-room flat,
ground floor, unfurnished; gas, bath; cheap.
3-ROOM QU bright, pleasant rooms, gae. bath,
shades; walking distance. 231 Hall rt.
UPPER and lower furnished fiats, gas bath,
near-carline; Nob Hill. 14 N. 19th.
FOR RENT t-room flat,-r as and bath, nice
yard; reasonable rent. 745 1st st.
663 Everet r. cor. 1 7th, S-toom lower corner;
no ohildfen nor dogs; $o&. AlOlij.
The very latest in Hats. Just completed.
Situated on Glisan between 23d and 24th.
Beautiful surroundings, Al car service. 3
rooms in each suite ; furnace, fireplace,
gas and electricity, bath, toilet." station
ary wash stand and laundry trays, wood
lifts,.- - cement basement, hot water. In
fact every convenience. Apply to
S. E. cor. 3d and Oak.
MODERN flats, all sizes, for rent. East an 6
Wect sides. Portland Trust Company of
Oregon, S. E. cor. Sd and Oak. Phone
Exchange ,72. . -
FOR RENT Modern flat for small, family.
. Call 63 East bth st. north.
' Housekeeping Rooms. - i'-
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms at the
Reed Mansion; hot and cold water in
rooms. -3r 1st SU Phone Main 2266.
LARGE housekeeping rooms, $11 per mdnt'n
and up; gas, both phones, and bath in
cluded. 241 N. 15th. corner Marshall.
THREE beautifully furnished housekeeping
f rooms, close in, bath,, gas, furnace heat,
round floor; $43. Phone Pacifio 270.
TWO connecting rooms tarnished Tor house-
keeping, yard, water in kitchen, one block
from Steel bridge. 280 Crosby st.
TWO large sunny rooms,- nlcsly furnished for
housekeeping; bay window and alcove; 'mod
ern. ol5 2mn st.( Portland Heights;
$26 4 rooms, "completely - furnished, entire
first floor; modern, lawa. and roses, south;
adults. Phones A4U26; Main 4418.
3 LARGE, light, airy furnished rooms, pantry,
closets, bath, phone, pleasant neighberhood,
large lawn, $14. 713 Hood st.
DESIRABLE bay window unfurnished suite
in beautifully located apartment-house.
303 ' .Jefferson at., ooy. 5th. " '."'
TWO housekeeping rocms In modern houee,
easy walking distance, gas; hath and -phone,
. Etast 5J5. Call 409 Broadway. . a. : ,i-
TWO furnished housekeeping ' roomsi gas
and bath, reasonable rent, walking . dis
tance. Telephone East 2570,,: , .
fNEATLY furnished housekeeping TOoms. bath,
gas, phone, yard.'. -Call bet. 2. Jan 4 4;50 p.
. -M.v &W4 2d, cor. Sherman. '
TWO large front . furnished" housekeeping
rooms; . elecjtric light, bath4 telephone; $15
-month: , 65t East Morrison. . . . .
THREE large . connecting 1 hojfek doping'
rooms, first floor,, modern flat, very con
venient. 424 Jefferson st.
SUITABLE for. two adults, bedroom, with
use or kitchen; . references;, private fam
ily. T.48I, Oregonian.
467 . N. 23D Two or three nicely furnished
rooms for- housekeeping; gas, feath and- laun-'dry.-
Phone Main ,667.
270 MONTGOMERY Fine snite housekeeping
rooms; v complete kitchen And parlor bed
Jortin; adults. Main '.ibtt..
TWO nice light, hou.'ekeeping rooms, $14;
also single rooms, very large and very
' light. -U&Vs Russell St.
$1.6U WEEK, up, targe Cieari 'turntshed bous
', keening rooms, laundry and batn. 164 Sher
man st.. South Portland.
THREE large furnished housekeeping rooms,
- modern. Phone East -5505. 017 Belmont.
Sunnyside car. Adults.
2 ROOMS furnished for. housekeeping, $3
week, 36 21st st. U car Washington. Call
bunaay or evenings; ' t
100 N. 18THi newly furnished housekeeping
' rooms;- running water, gas ranges,, phone,
everything convenient. s
FOR RENT &ulte of rooms for light house
. keeping; also 1 single room. East.' Side.
Home phone B1248. . '
430 STARK ST. Newly . furnished housekeep
' lng rooms, bath, phone, gaa; also well-furnished
single rooms.
FOR RENT; Front room with alcove, fur
nished for light 'housekeeping; no chil
dren. 236.. Hth st.
322 14TH ST. Light front alcove hoasekeep-;
ing rooms; $17 month; gas, bath, phone;
walking .distance.
NICE, clean furnished housekeeping rooms,
also other nice rooms, all conveniences.
Call 67 Everett.
2 ROOMS completely furnished 'for house
keeping, $33, if sold at once, rent $2 03
N. Grand ave. " .- -
SUITES furnished housekeeping rooms; gas,
bath, phone; walking distance. 23o 12tli,
corner Main! ' "
FOUR furnished hpusekeeping rooms in -:
room cottage, walking distance. Inquire
102 Fourth, ...
SPECIAL' lojy rate for 2 flne -housekeeping
rooms with hall between. 268 Montgomery.
Main 4469.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, sin
gle or suites, ground floor. 403 or 580
Second st.
FOR RENT -housekeeping
- One
' room.
large partly furnished
164 Curry st.,v South
3-ROOM suites, first floor, cheerful and con
venient, light, phone, bath, - laundry. .117
' N. ISth. k
SUITE housekeeping rooms, furnished., Cam
bridge bldg., 3d nd Morrison. Apply"
room 36. - . - -
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms ' ground
floor. Call bet. 12 and 4 P. M. 2s Colum
, . ,
fCrniSHB1 and unfumlehed rooms, $10 to
$14, wbod- and gas ranges bay window! 231
Market, v . '
FOR RENT A new 5-room- modern cottage
on Mt. Tabor carline- to a family of 2. Ta
bor 237. ' ..."
TWO light housekeeping rooms -uee of balh,
phone; no children. 21 E. 14th at., cor. E.
Alder. .
THREE unfurnished or-" yflrtly furhlshfd
houe keeping rooms ,oB first floor. 41 N. Oth
streets - - '"
SUITE of neatly furnished -rooms for houee
keeping; phone, gas and laundry. 32 N..
Hth. - . - . -- '; - t
TWO housekeeping rooms. , -reasonable; run
ning water. 547 Morrison st. Phone Main
4401.. , - . --
TWO or three large unfurnished housekeep
inar rooms. 730 E. "Oak, cor. 22d. East
THREE - housekeeping rooms, furnished,
- hath and gas. S-18 Union ave., near Broad-way.-
- "
TWO or threff .ijnfurnished or partly furnished
housekeeping rooms, close in. Phone E,
THE GARLAND Furnished housekeeping
rooms cn Washington, bet.. 19th and 20th
sts. -. -
TWO Sfurnished housekeeping rooms, (en
. suite), first floor, close In. 240 Jefferson st.
THB 'NICKUM Furnished housekeeping
apartments and sleeping rooms. 360 6th st.
THREE connecting houeekeeping rooms; mod
ern. 94 North 16th st. Phone Main 6067. J
808" 13TH ST. Housekeeping parlors, ground
floor; piano, gas, bath, phone; no children.
$10 Two unfurnished -rooms for light hourt
keeplng.. 3d near Hall.-. Inquire 449 Sd st.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms: " 3
sleeping rooms, furnace, gas. 373 Taylor.
TWO rooms, nicely furnished, for light house
keeping; suitable for couple, $15. . 1T6 14th
2 VACANT or partly furnished rooms at $1.25
a week in new 'private home. 12S E. 43th st.
THE ELMS Furnished - housekeeping
rooms, hot water heat, phones. 181 14th.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, stn
gte or en suite; reasonable. 474 Clay st.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, new
. cottage. lOttl Albina ave. Take L car.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $10 and
up. Phone Pacific 16S. 644 Pettygrove.
TH RGB tnoiern housekeeping rooms, fur
nished. 333 Market at., near 7th.
TWO furnished rooms, suitable tor light
housekeeping. Call 28 N. 20th st.
475 Main st. Suite of 3 or 4 rooms, newly
furnished; bath, gas and phone.
24W 6TH ST. Suite of furnished housekeep
ing rooms, also sleeping room.
UNFURN ISHED housekeeping rooms,
ground floor. 14 N. Union ave.
FURNISHED moms for housekeeping; cheap
. rent. Call Monday, 91 4th at, -
Housekeeping Rodma,
THE. BEAVER aoartments, 12th ind Mar
shall sts.. newly furnished holiiekeeping
rooms; modern conveniences, flne plumb
ing, electric lights, hot water, free baths,
gas ranges, laundry room; $2.50 per week
for single rodtns and up. No. dogs al
lowed. TH E - GATOSO 202 East Stark, corner
.Grand avenue, suite of two. three and
four housekeeping apartments, furnished
or unfurnishesd. possessing modern con
veniences; steam heat, hot water,, ele-
. vator, baths, extremely reasonable.
GOOD furnished and unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms. West Side of river.' 2 for $8
month, $2 for $10, 3 in front of cottage. $15.
2 unfurniahed, $6 month; 4 room, new lower
flst. $16. water included. McCoy, with
Coast Realty Co., 22V Morrison.
"THE MIIAER," 350W. Morrison, near Park;
deeirabie furnished or unfuml!hed rooms,
single or en suite, with steam .heat, hot and
cold water, gas range kitchens,, -porce!1111
''fcath, electric elevator and both phone serv
ice; reasonable.
THE ON EON T A, 187 17th sv.. near Tamhlll:
new house, elegantly furnished, la suites
i-bf 2. 3 and 4 rooms, hot and cold water,
" gas range each kitchen; steam heat, baths,
free phone -each floor; no children.
Washington, - -cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas rang', hot water,
free bath, free phone, both floors; no dogs,
- no' children.
. i , ' .
WELL-FURNISHED connecting housekeeping
..;roome; tree phone, bath,; large yard, sewing
imftchine;. private family;, no children. 421
cor. Mb.11 and .2d. " ,
TWO large, beautiful rooms for liousekeeping,
within 10 minuted 'walk fof postontice; heat,
' lighr and telephone; rent $38 per month.
Phone Main 35. -
TWO partly furnished housekeeping rooms;
, ink bath, gas and telephone; - walking
. , distance; ' cheap. 3S6V4 .Hawthorne ave.
East 4963. , . - '
461 Bast Morrison cor. E. 8th. Newly fur
nished housekeeping suites, electric lights,
baths, heat, -new gas ranges;, no children.
FOR RENT 2 or 3 nicely furnished rooms
' for housekeeping. Telephone, bath-; strict-fly
modern. -Apply 3b2Vb ,.E. Burnside. -
FURNISHED- housekeeping rooms, gas,
bath, hea.t. electric light, new house, near
O. R. & N. carshop 622 Delay st.
TWO light, clean, housekeeping rooms, bath,
phone. 302 E. . Burnside st.
THREE ""rooms, modern, for housekeeping;
- reasonable rent. 475 Taylor st.
WELL furnished S-room housekeeping- suite.
3l3 Salmon; no children. .
TWO front houskef ping rooms, suitable for.
. two' or four. 20 11th st".
TWO NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
cheap. 540 Morrison st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, walking
distance. 533 Morrison,
VERY nice. Ught housekeeping rooms; rea
sonable. 60 N. 13th st. v-
ONF5 furnished housekeeping room, $8 a month.
.On-carline. 300 11th fit. ,
FTTRNI&HEn housekeeping rooms, gas and
hath, li N. Union ave.
NICELY furnished : suite
rooms. 565 Irving st. -
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent.
. 664 Savler St.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms for
rent. 410 4th sL y' .
TWO nicety furnjhed housekeeping rooms.
530 Couch.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. SOO ?th
street. ' , . g . - ,
$1203 rooms, -rent $8. Terms. 965 E. Sal
mon. Rouses.
6-ROOM house, 734 E. Salmon st.. has every
modern convenience; nice neighborhood ;
rent $13. Better come in soon If you want Room 1 Chambers bldg., cor.. 3d and
. Alder. .. . c -
FOR RENT- 6-room modern house at- 426
, - ,BIacklstone St., take 16th-street car; rent
-'only $22.50 per month. M, E- Lee, room 20
Raleigh bldg.. 3234 Washington st.
NEW 7-room house, with all modern 1m
- proferments, located on good corner, West
Side; low rent of $27.50. Inquire room
" 40, Washington bldg.
A NEW, strictly modern 6-room cottage, SO
feet from carline. corner Humboldt and
Albina avenue. Apply room 225 Fleldner
bldg. Main 5042- -
FOR RENT 8-room house, centrally located;
"close to car line, all the latest mod-ern im
. provements. Phone B 1274. Inquire 32 E.
r, 22d at. North.
WANTED To rent houses.' offices, stores, "
rooms, etc,; long list of aplicants. A I bee
Ben ham Co.. 25 Concord bldg., 2d a&d Stark
sts. .......
SMITH"S RENTAL AGENCY is now located
at 442 Sherlock blug.. Third and Oak sts.
List your houses with them for quick aotion.
FOR RENT 10-room house, large base
ment, grounds 100x110. Phone Woodlawn
1124. H. G. Sibray 684 Dawson st.
ARE you tired of paying rent 7" Then get a,
home -of your ' own. See Hartman &
, Thompson, Chamber of Commerce.
NEWLY renovated modern 6-rooni house,'
a-111 rent .whole or part, reasonable. 1009
-" Vaughn St., Willamette Heights.
TWO new flats, -746 and 7464 Johnson St.,
near 23d. at $:;o and $32.50. Call for key
at room-40, Washington bldg. .
FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, .partly
.furnished; nice location, on the .East Slue;
. rent $25.- Phone Sell wood 61.
8-ROOM house, 748 East Taylor St., $27.50.
. 7-room" houfe. 055 - Helmont, $16. " F. W.
Torgler,- 106 Sherlock bldg.
NICELY furnished 5-room house; bath, flne
location, $25. including water. 330 Fre
. -mont. Inquire 328. .
FOR RENT-The entire lower floor of 3
rooms at 301 Williams ave. with water,
$16. East 3S8&.
. : 1
5-ROOM cottage m Montavilla. in grod re
pair; " rent $io. Apply John S. Bealh 321
Hawthorne ave. . . 1 .
FOR RENT 12-room house, with 8 full lots,
East Irving st. O'Brien Realty Co., Lum
. bvr Exchange. -
5-R'OOM cottage, walking distance. across
Steel bridge gas, bath and lawn. .889
Ross st.
MODERN 5-room cottage, good location, gas
fixtures. 7 Ebifit Sth. North. A 3160 or
Main 6760. . v
6-ROOM modern house, walking distance,
$25. J. J. Oeder, cor. Grand ave. and E.
MODERN 6-room house: bath. TOO McMillan
st.. near Steel bridge. Inquire 188 Mc
Millan, st.
TWO housekeeping rooms, furnished, $3.00
. week. -Union block,-91 H Front st. Inquire
room .'49.
'NICE 5-room cottar. Sunnyeide', ' porcelain
bath, nice yard. - Hatfield &. Smith. 165
9-ROOM house, Corbett St., reasonable to right
parties; furnace, all conveniences. Main
3060. ...
612 ALDER, nesr High School, very desirable
5-room flat, $25; central and isolated. Main
MODERN 0-room house, ckose in 2 blocks
from HawUiorne ave., $2750. Phone Tabor
934. -
MODERN 5-room cottage for rent. 201 East
19th. Pacific; $12 month. Phone East 360.
FOR RENT -New. modern - 6-room cottage,
424 San Rafael, st. Inquire 408 Tillamook.
NEAT 6-ROQM cottage, . gas. bath, with
yard. Inquire 448 5th st. Phone Main 6716.
MODERN 8-room house; all - improvements
large grounds. Key atv940 East Couch st.
GOOD -room modern house, new; .$12. Cha
AlvoTd, 3 blocks north Archer Place.
185 CARUTHERS. 6 rooms, fair condition.
100x100 lot. Phone Main or A 1976.
5-ROOM modern house... -234 E. 2Sth St.,
corner house.- Take E. Ankeny car.
6-ROOM cottage. '620 Pettygrove St.; all
modern conveniences. Pacific 913.
MODERN 6-room houses attic; bath. Apply
87 East 17th st: Phone Ea$ 2463.
$18 New 6-room modern cottage. 229 Maeon
et.; bath, gas. Tel. Main 3&90.:-
MODERN 8-room houee for rent; $16. 773
Albina avenue, corner Reach.
FOR RENT 5-room house, with large base
ment. Inquire 569 Overton st.
rooms. 667 East Ankeny. $25.
1 4 rooms. East Main near 33d. $12.
7 rooms, 447 E. 2th N., $22.50. "
5 rooms, 512 Alder. $25.
6 rooms, 660 Flanders. $50.
6 rooms, 544 Montgomery, $30,
6 rooms, 345 Fargo, $25.
6 rooms. 7f0 Irving, $30. - -:
5 rooms, 7H Irvlnff. $25. '
- 8 room. 301 17th, $25. .-. '
9 rooms, 475 HoUadav, $45 ' , h
- 6 rooms. -517 Clay.. $15. V
4 rooms, 233 Meade. $12.
6 rooms, K1 Meade. $14.- . V '."
5 rooms, 306 17th $J5. i
6 rooms. 587 N. 25th, $18. "
7. rooms, 128 E. 6th. $18.
6 rooms, 248 Sherman. $25.
'We also 'have several furnished houses for
250 Alder St. -
292 N. 20th. 6-room house, newly tinted,
with gas and electricity. A 'comfortable
home. , .
54 N. 23d 14-room house, 'modern
plumbing, furnace, fireplace, full base
ment with wash trays. Suitable for
409 San Rafael- 7-room modern bouse,
convenient to car; rent reasonable.
-- 70 .Kearney " st. New 7. room flat,
modern plumfcing, furnace and fireplace.
Very desirable. - '
Glisan bet. Hd and 24th. new modern
5-room flats. Very desirable.
S. E. corner 3d and Oak. -
'Unusual opportunity for responsible' party
to rent an exceptionally well-arranged rooming-house
in flne location; beautiful large
dining-room. Would -make fine board in R
houee. Call, for particulars at office. No
phone calls answered.
508-509 Shetland Bldg.,' cor. 6th and Wash.
TEN-room modern house, centrally located.
, rent $50.
" Six-room, two-story bouse on Fremont ert.',
near ear, $17.
Five-room house on EaM 18th st., fine
condition, $16.
442 Sherlock bldg., cor. 3d and Oak ets.
GOOD 4-room house,., bam, large chicken
house, suitable for raising broilers, large
grounds; $10 month."
Good 5-room house; gas -lights, full base
ment. West Side, $16 month; would nicely
furnish for $26. . -,
M'COY, with Coast Realty Co.,
, -22616 ' Morrison. .-
WrtEN YOU MOVE yon will need- some fur
niture. -
moving expenses.
collect rent on half of fflme.
Grand Ave. A East Stark. Phone East, 2929.
A DESIRABLE -modei. 12-room house. S. W.
cor. 22d and Overton- sts.-; excellent loca
.tkm for rooming or boarding-house; within
' one block of two carllnes; rent moderate;
an excellent Opportunity. -
. A. H. B1RRELU ' s- -202
McKay bldg.
FOR RENT For term - of years, 7-foom
bouse, thoroughly plumbed, on grounds
150x200, good barn, private water system,
w ith gasoline .engine and pump; 5 blocks
from carline,- 20-minute.- service. P 494,
new 0-room house, tile bath on each
floor., large .baemerit, flne large porch,
for $40 month. Inquire Graves Music
Store. 328 Washington st. -
FOR RENT Cottape, 6 rooms and bath,
newly papered and painted. 209 E. 34th
bet., Yamhill and Taylor. Take Mt. Tabor,
Sunnysidc or Hawthorne ave. cars. In
quire 174 E. 82d.
HOUSE and barn, 30th and East Knott sts.,
$15. Call 209 Halsey st.
NEARLY new fl-room house, $12. Portland
Momes Jov WJV Morrison st.
FIVE-ROOM cottage, gas, bath; o.n Ankeny
carline. phone BlOSl.
HOUSES and flats. A. fe. Draper. 343 H Wash
ington St.-
f urnished Houses.
NEW modern home, elegantly furnished,
complete; will rent reasonable on account
of going abroad; close in, good residence
district; 3 bedrooms, 644 E. Ash. Home
phone B1257.
FOtR RENT A new 5-room ' bungalow, new
carpets ana curtains, two new stoves go
with house;- will sell houses rent reason
able. Inquire 873 East Ash st. Home B2J60.
8-ROOM. . modern. completely furnished
dwelling house, 260 NartUla st., for rent.
See us for full particulars; rent $75. Par
riah, Watkins & Co., 250 Alder st.
BOARDING-HOUSE, furnished. '23 rooms,
rent $35 per month. C. H. Plggott, law
yer, owner, rooms 4, 6, 6. Mulkey bldg.
NEAR business, completely furnished 6-room
apartments,1 modern conveniences, corner;
terms reasonable. Phone Main 2219.
NEW, modern 5-room flatr- 4 rooms, newly
furnished; also 6-room unfurnished cottage.
914Vj E. Morrison. Phone Tabor 131.
NICELY furnished 5-room apartments con
veniences modern; terms reasonable; walk
lng distance. Call 5S2 Main st.
(f-ROOM furnished house, modern conveniences,
easy walking distance. Inquire room 315
Couch bldg.
NEW, modern 6-room house, finely fur
nished, piano. East Side, close in. S oOO,
Oregonifin. , ...
FOR RENT Part of furnished house, with
use of piano. 983 E. 10th st. north. Phone
B 1700. . ' ' ,
WELL-FURNISHED modern C-room house;
light rooms; walking distance. 412 2d. 10
to 4. " -
16-ROOM furnished lodging-house for rent
chap. 110 E. 6th St., Vancouver; Wash.
FOR RENT 5-room house, furnished. 505
5th st. Call from 8. A. M. to 5 P. M.
6-ROOM furnished flat; bath and gas; very
reasonable. - Main 7528 or A 3660. .
Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale
6-ROOM house, 2d t.; modern, furnished; $45
per month; or w ill rent for $35 and sell
furniture for $250. Call 216 Chamber, of
Commerce. Harry E. Wagoner-Co. .
BRAND new furniture of 6-room house at
bargain if taken at -once; coma and make
an offer; house for rent. ; U, Woodlawn or
'.Alberta car. 299 Morris st.
3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent, furniture
. for sale at bargain; ateam heat, bath, hot
and ;oold water. Flat H, Hyland-. .Apart?
meets, 490 Morrison st.-
NEW furniture "of beautiful 5-room strictly
modern flat. Nob Hill, owner leaving city;
will sell cheap. The Spantoa.Co.. 270 Stark
st., ground floor. . ;
FURNITURE complete for" housekeeping in
four-room modern steam-heated flat. Ne. 2
Gladys Court,. 3dj and sts. Telephone
Pacifio. 2961.
FINE -new furniture of 6-room modern cot
tage at a bargain; 2 rooms- rented nearly
pays rent; fine location.' Address M 513,
10-ROOM house, suitable for rooming and
boarding, for rent; furniture nearly all
new, for Bale cheap. A 493, Oregonian.
FINE, "furniture 6-room modern flat, ar
ranged for renting,- full, cheap for cash.
549 Washington st. Main 6976; A3S94.
FURNITURE of S-room. steam-heated apart
ment for sale; apartment for rent. R 495,
Oregcnian. .
FURNITURE 6-room flat, rent $15. with
lease, three rooms rented $16.50. Modern.
East 5505. ,
HOUSE for rent -. furniture for sale, cheap.
Inquire Sunday at 643 T her man; 16th st.
car. - "
MODERN 6-room cottage, furnace, bath, fur
niture for sale cheap. Main 5575. 731 Hoyt
st. ' -
FOR SALE New furniture 9-room house,
cheap if taken at once. Phone Main. 3167.
SELL- furnitqre of 5-room flat reasonable;
flat for rent; down town. Phone Pac. 2GS,
NEW furniture 6rroom modern flat, cheap
rent, good location; $250. East 6217.
COMPLETELY furnished 6-room apartment;
furniture for wale at $900. Main 8291.
FURNITURE of 12-room house for. sale; all
in housekeeping rooms. 447. Mam st.
FURNITURE of a well-paying 9-room house
close. In at a bargain. 220 13th st ."-
FOR SALE 5-room modern cottage; walking
distance. 633 Northrup at.
FURNITURE bf 5-roem cottage for sale, $75.
Call Monday. 91 4tb St.
FURNITURE of flat for rent or sale. 601
Everett st.
FURNITURE of 10 rooms, close 1h Phone
Main 6067.
Uouaes for -Rent fcnrnlrur for Sale.
5-ROOM cottage furnished in elegant style.
413 E. lth. Will rent furnished, or sell
furniture and rent house.
..248 Alder St.
$350 Furniture modern 6-room flat, flne
location. 2 blocks Steel bridge. East Side;
walking distance; furnat'e. Will pay lt-s
own way. Give phone number. K. 404, Ore
ponlan. -
FOR SALE at a bargain, new furniture of 5
room flat at less than u original cst; will
sell separate pieces at one Phone Main
61SX or address O 404, Oregonian.
BEST location on East Side corner for any
legitimate busine drugstore refirrd :
steam-heated, French plate glass windows,
oement floor basement; favorable opening
given to right party to establish itself. Phone
Main or A3056, or call room 6 and 6, 253 &
Washington, cor. 2d.
STORE for rent on Russell ct.. near Mis
sissippi ave., good brick building, suitable
for grocery store, meat market, barber
shop, restaurant, etc. Rent $25 per month.
Bollam. Grussl & Higley, 128 3d st.
FOR RENT Store, centrally located in fire
proof building, steam heat. See Port
land Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor.
3d. and Oak sts. Phone Ex. 72.
FOR RENT Storeroom and one floor above,
3Jxl00, with elevator; moderate rent; on
unexpired lease, - Apply Cbiopeck Fish Co.,
65 Front st.
LONG lease, specially built for creamery,
new barn, good for laundry or manufac
turing. G 494. Oregonian.
SEE Archer Schanz Co-., 6th and Oak ats
opp. Commercial Club Bldg.
STORE for rent.; 142 N. 10th et.
"THE MILNER." 360H Morrison, near Park;
desirable rooms, single or en suite; steam
heat, hot and cold- water, gas or electria
. light, electric elevator and both phone serv
ice; central; reasonable rental.
ROOMS for offices and manufacturing; power,
steam heat, storage room in cement base
ment, sidewalk elevator.
111 Second st.
THREE GOOD OFFICE rooms in fire-proof
building, eteam heat .and central location.
Apply to Portland Trust Company, of
Oregon, 3, E. cor. Third and Oak sts.
Phone Ex. 72..
OFFICE room, suitable for real estate and
employment of flee, on 1st st., opposite Ladd
. & Tllton Bank. Anply at 100 1st et.
OFFICES to rent In the Worcester and Hamil
ton bulidings at moderate rate. Apply to
Robert Strong, 314 Worcester bldg.
GROUND floor dek room, with carpet, desk,
'chairs, both telephones, reasonable , rent.
Sengstake & Lyman, 90 5th st. -.
DESK room for rent, in well furnished office.
Free phone. Room 15 Lafayette bldg., cor,
Oth and Wash. st.
FOR RENT Desk room, including desk if
wanted. Apply' room 432, Lumber Ex
change bldg. '
THREE good office and need but two: ex
cellent opportunltyTor right. -party. 15 Ham
ilton bldg.
SWELL furnished offices for rent, centrally
located, low rent. Inquire P 503, Oregonian
TWO ofTlce rooms, first floor, Cambridge
bldg... 3d and Morrison. Apply room 36.
FINE offices, best location. Room 415. Sweu
land bldg... 6th and Washington.
SEE Archer & Schanz Co... 5th and Oak sts.,
opp. Commercial Club Bldg.
Halls for Rent.
NEW lodge hall, reasonahle. Address, M 189,
McMillen st. Phone East 3064.
WANTED To rent a good bake oven; call
room 4, 205 Morrison st.
Proposals Invited.
IN THE District Court of the United States
for the District of Oregon In the matter
' , of T.. H. Green, bankrupt. Notice. The
undersigned will lecelve sealed bids up
to . 12 o'clock noon of Monday, January
6, 1908, for the following property be-
- longing to said eBtate, to wit: A stock
of saddles, harness and saddlery hard-
' ware of the Inventory value of $3140.47,
located at No. 46 North Twenty-third
street, Portland, Or., where the same
may be inspected on application. An in-
. ventory is also on file at the office of
the undersigned. No. 1 'First street, Port
land. Cash or a certified check for 10
per cent of the amount offered must ac
company each hid and said sale is sub
ject to confirmation by . the above court.
R. L. SARIN, Trustee.
EALED proposals will be received at the
on ice or the united, states Reclamation
Service, North Yak ima. Wash. , untf 1 2 P.
M., January 27. 1908, for the construction
st about 17 miles of. main laterals, Tieton
project, involving about loS.OOU cubic yards
of excavation.
For full particulars call on or address U.
S. R. S., office. North Yakima, Wash., or
Portland. Or.
j Miscellaneous.
NOTICE to creditors and to all persons, firms
and corporations interested in the Title
Guarantee & Trust Company In pursuance
j of an order made by the Honorable the Cir
cuit Court of the United States for 4he Dis
trict of Oregon In the suit of N. Coy, plain
tin, againat the Title Guarantee & Trust
v Company, a corporation, and others, notice
is hereby given to the creditors, as well as
all persons, firms and corporations having
any claim or demand against the said Title
Guarantee & Truat Company, a -corporation,
. of Portland, Oregon, to present the same,,
with the vouchers thereof, duly verified, to
the undersigned receiver of said Title Guar
antee fip Truest Company at his office In the
City of Portland, Oregon, on or before three
months from the date hereof. -
Portland. Or., Deo. 16. 1007. -
Receiver of the Title Guarantee ft Trust
SHIP. Notice is hereby given that the part
nership -heretofore existing between James
T. Duane and Charles LeValiey, under
the name of Bay City Fish Market, has
been dissolved by mutual agreement.
Mr. Duano will continue the business At
the old stand. No. 280 Yamhill street.
Dated December 31 st, 1007.
- C. M. LeV ALLEY.
Mm. Courtwiight, skin and scalp treatments;
facial deformities corrected; plastic sur
..gery. 225 FHedner bid. M. 5642, A206s.
YOUNG man. stranger in city, would like
to meet a young lady between 18 and 30.
Object, matrimony. N 5ofi, Oregonian.
BUSINESS1 man would like to correspond
with ladies, middle-aged, some means,
matrimony. N 501, Oregonian.
MRS. OB ROCK Masseuse, baths, ealt glow,
alcohol rub, cream massage; refereueea
262& Park. Main 2403. A2734.
FINNISH masseuse; steam baths. Olga Lan
den, suite 15-16, Selllng-Hlrsc-h bldg.. Wash,
st.. West Park. Tel. A2337.
"THB BNOWDEN BATHS;" 145 6th st.,
l rooms 24-25. Vapor, sponge baths, vibratory
treatments. Lady attendant. . ,. '.
WANTED To meet honorable ladies and
gentlemen of responsible age, object mat
rimony. S 59, Oregonian.
LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on
Dr. Ketcnum, graduate; advice free. 170
3d st Main 7154. F
LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Dr.
Ketch urn, graduate; advice free. 170 3d
t. Main 7154
GENTLEMAN wishes acquaintance of ladles
from 30 to 40. Object matrimony. A 4fea,
MANICURING, facial .massage and scalp
treatments. Hotel Cosmos, suite 12-14, 268
Morrison. v
LADY 39. worth $20,000, would marry; con
fidential: reference. R, R. Corr. League,
- Toledo, O. -
PRS. AT WOOD; private hospital; maternity
-cases; good care; terms right. Ad Aliaky bid.
RECENTLY opei-ed, manicuring parlors' re
moved from 351 to 343 Morrison,- rm. 2.
Miss Ethel Ward, manicurist-chiropodist, for
merly 351 Morrison, now 201 $d. A5542.
JUST OPENED Manicuring and facial
massage parlors. Room 5, 145 6th t,
M O L ES, wrl n k 1 es, su perfluous hair removed.
Mrs. M. D. Hill, 33o Fliedner bldg. Pac. 133.
VASHTL now located at 87 6th, near Static
Baths, massage, chiropody. Phone A211.
BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. 626
E. Belmont. Phone E. 4084.
Women's and children's clsea-se are treated
exclusively at this institute: up-to-date
sanitarium and maternity hospital. Mater
nity cases are given special attention by '
graduate and licensed woman physician.
. with years of experience. Children adopted
into best families, list always on band.
Chronic and acute diseases treated In most
skillful and latest methods; consultation
free. Correspondence solicited and confiden
tial. Open all day and evemug until 8. Notice
The original Dr. Mary La no has only one . '
address, rooms 6-14 Grand Theater bldg,
52 Washington st.
All disease of men. women and children
both acute and enronic diseases of the eye,
- ear, nose, throat and lungs, heart, kidneys,
bladder, brain and stomach,- catarrh, rheu
matism, goitre. Indigestion, constipation and :
akin diseases promptly cured. All private
and wasting diseases promptly cured and
their effects permanently removed from the
svatem. Consultation free and strictly con-
k fldential. We guarantee all of our cures.
New. York Surgical & Medical Institute,
Raleigh bldg.. Cth and Waeh. sts.
TO DEVELOP THE FORM Let us send you
iree ir. catnerine K. K.eiiy a simple noma
treatment for making the bust plump and
full. It Increased her bust and that of her
patients sometimes seven Inches, and we
have yet to see a single failure. Write to
day. Dr. Kelly Medical Co., Dept. 203A,
Buffalo. N. Y.
DON'T give up hope simply because you are
nervous, Sexine Pills wUl cure you. or U
won't cost you a centj $1 a box, 6 boxes
$5, witn full guarantee for all forms of
" weakness. Address or call The J- A. Clem
enson Drug Company, corner Second and
Yamrili streets. Portland. Or.
SPOKANE Artificial Limb House 18 years'
successful experience; legs, arms, trusses,
braces, arches for flat feet made and re
. paired; manufacturers for the United
States government and Northern Pacific,
Railway Co. Sherwood Bldg., Spokane,
YOUNG MAN! Buy a lot; It will make you
loo per cent profit In two or three years;
' we will give you names of scores who havs
bought under our guidance and made
money. Hartman & Thompson, Chamber
of Commerce.
ANY man or woman may regain perfect
strength by using Sexine pills, $1 a box, 6
. boxes $3, with full guarantee. Address or
call The J. A. Clemenson Drug Company,
. corner 2d, end Yamhill streets. Port
land, "Ot.
WEALTHY LADY, considered handsome, de
sl res to marry young or middle-aged man
of respectable -appearance; no objection to
mechanic or on living in the country. Miss
Leaman. Dept. 163, Industry bide., Chi
cago. . -
LADIES Ask your druggist for Chichesters
Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years
known as the best, safest. Reliable. Take
no other. Chichesters Diamond Brand
Pills. Sold by druggists everywhere.
FREE Your fortune told, future and past
wonderfully revealed, by the greatest phi
losopher, astro'.ogist, clairvoyant; send
birth date and stamp now.. Professor Cress
well. Box 410, Aurora. III.
graduate, hand rubbing, steam, sweat and
tub baths. 7 E 11th st. Take East Ankeny
car. Cures rheumatism. Both sexes. Phones
East 260. Home B1&03.
HANDSOME young ' ladj, worth $25,000,
wants- acquaintance of honorable gentle
man; early marriage; no objection to poor
man if honest. Address Mrs. W.. 6ttT
Fulton st.. Chicago.
FITS CURED Dr. Llndleys Perfected Curs
removes the cause, saves the mind, re
stores the nerves; no failures ; it cures.
Send for free trial bottle. Dr. Llndley,
Long Beach, Cal.
WOULD you marry if suited? 'Matrimonial
paper containing advertisements of mar
riageable people, many rich, from all sec
tions, mailed (sealed) free. O. M. Gunnels,
Toledo. Ohio.
FINE swell blonde, 30, very much like to
meet steady, nice looking young gentle
man. I have some swell furniture; don't
mind children. Object matrimony. R 402,
THE Portland Auction Company wants second-hand
That's why we pay so much. Main 5655,
MRS. C. B. FISHER, the palniist and card
reador, formerly of Morrison street and The
Oak, has opened parlors at 440 Wash-,
in ton. Old friends and patrons please
A LADY partner in immense paying busi
ness. Must invest $200; few hours a day
sending out printed matter. Phone A 5706
Sunday or address E. R. C, 400 Washing
ton. WANTED To know the whereabouts of
Monroe Long; something of importance
to communicate, to him. Address Louis
Nockels, 524 Alaska bldg.. Seattle, Wash.
DON'T BE LONE4SOME Send 10c for De
cember Matrimonial Register; Join Inter
state . Introducing Society, many wealthy
' members recently enrolled. Box 251,. Seattle.
PERSONS of marriageable age. either sex.
0 desiring acquaintance, correspondence or
companion, bp no iuc ior circular, roniana
Introducing Bureau, room 3, 181 1st st.
MADAM BRUCE, naturaopath; scientific mas
Sage, eletcrlc treatment, cabinet baths,
stomach trouble and rheumatism cured.
260 7th st. Phone A 3504. '
CONFIDENTIAL, Correspondence Club, for
hone-it, sober, single people fully of ag".
Call or address Mrs. H- C. Wilbur. 406 31
. st.. near Harrison, S car.
GERMAN, French, Spanish and other For
eign Dictionaries, Text Books and Litera
ture (German books a specialty). A-. . W.
Schmale Co., 22 First st.
LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor
erY Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25c a box. Writs.
or call at Eyssel's Pharmacy, 227 Morri
son St., bet. 1st and 2d.
DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton
Root Pills sure remedy for Delayed
periods. $2 per box or 3 boxes $5. Dr.
Pierce, 181 1st st.
MARRIAGE paper, highest character, in
corporated; 11th year; 8000 members, pa
per scaled; send .Oc R. E. Love, box
1600. Denver, Colo.
WEALTHY, retired rancher, wishes conge
nial, home-loving f wife. No objection to
'refined lady employed. Hill,. 2208 Wabash
. ave., Chicago.
WHY suffer with rheumatism, sciatica, gout,
or lumbago when there la a positive cure?
. No cure no charge. Call or write 303 Bu
- chanan bldg.
WEALTHY, young widow, unincumbered.
fine appearance, genial and generous, seeks -
husband and adviser. Glinn, 171 E. 22d sl.,
LADIES, don't be lonely, send 10c to Port
. land Introducing Bureau, 181 First st.,
and get acquainted with pleasant, com
panion." 9
Dr. T. J. Fierce, specialist, diseases of women;
all Irregularities corrected; no . exposure;
charges moderate. 181 1st. cor. YamhllL
would hear something to her Interest by
leaving address at S 513, Oregonian office.
MARRY Wealth and beaut Marriage di
rectory free. Pay when married: new plan.
H. A. Horton, Dept. 81, Tekonsha, Mich.
M. C. Rec'd O. K. Write immediately to
same address. J. E. L. D.
ALL kinds of baths, $25c. . Massage, $1.
207 "Jd. near Tayion -
WANTED Loan of $10,000 on Columbia
River timber land.
WANTED Saloon, give price and location.
8 504, Oregonian.
Money to loan.
TO LOAN $1500 or $20io on Improved Inside
property. East Side; must be flrst-class se
curity. N 5o3, Oregonian.
MORTGAGES. 1st and 2d liens, and other real
estate securities discounted. H E. Noble.
Commercial block.
SALARIED people save mopey by getting our
terms on loans first. Employes' Loan Co..
716 Dekum bldg.
MONEY to loan on timber claims; terms rea
sonahle; no.agenus. Address T 601, . Ore
gonian. . -
$300 OR $500 to loan on real estate; no
commission; private party. A '507, Orego-nlan-
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contracts. W. H. Nunn, 558 Sherlock bldg. ,
State funds loaned. 6 per ctu W. B. Thomas,
state agu. Multnomah Co. 400 C of Com.
LOANS on Teal, personal, chattel or collateral
security. C. W. Pallett, 304 Fen ton bldg.
TO LOAN- $20,000 or less, " 6 per cent, on
real estate. Farrlngton. Fenton bldg.
MONEY to loan on aii ktnds of security.
Wm. Ho 11, room 9. Washington bldg.