The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 05, 1908, SECTION TWO, Page 7, Image 19

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IF you're the man we want. write right now.
Make $70 commission weekly or start
UK sideline. Well-known staple, sold by
most lines every town. No samples to lug;
favn just upentiiK- Liberal dating.
Manufacture, box J 108, St. Louis.
WANTED Druggist, to buy half interest
and take full charge of good corner drug
store, on three carllnes; no opposition;
- cheap rent; line location; owner has two
stores; call Sunday or Monday, corner
East Hth and Harrison street.
VK pav salary or commission to sell our
Pier Electric Health Belt. New wonder
ful, cure ail weaknesses of men; lame,
back, rheumatism. Book and terms by
mall, sealed. Pier Laboratory, 61 Beek
mah Ht.. New York.
WANTED Man. must be willing to Karn
and capable of actinic as our local rJ""c"
sfntatlve; no canva-6ig or soliciting;. Good
income assured. Address National t o
operutlve Realty Co., Dept. 702 C, Wash
ington, D. C.
YOl'NG men to prepare for coming ex
amination for postal clerks; you can
learn right at home; good wages to start;
excellent opportunity for promotion. Call
or write today. Pacific States School,
McKay bldg.
WAXTKD Young men who . are ambitious
to "warn more money for iositions as trav-
. eltng salesmen In thlr territory; easy work
and big pay; no former exprrience required;
$150 to $5K a month and expenses. Write
for particulars. Address D 477, Oregoffian.
MKX to learn electricity, plumbing, plaster
ing, bricklaying, all kinds of drafting and
plain reading; day and night; no books; po
sition secured, free catalogue. Coyne Trade.
Schools. &1O-240 Eighth San Francisco,
WANTED Salesman of ability and neat ap
- pt-arance to' call on all merchants in their
territory; elegant side line, convenient to
.carry good commissions; prompt remit
tance. Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincinnati. O.
PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against
accident, sickness and death. Write or
call for full Information. Northwest
ern Health and Accident Association, 2u
Wells-Fargo bldg. Agents wanted.
TRAVELING man wanted to sell our dress
fabrics and white goods from mill direct
to country retail stores; liberal commis
sion; splendid side line. Schuylkill Mills,
box 1102. Philadelphia, Pa.
A thoroughly competent and reliable
man can hnd a permanent' position with,
a good opportunity tor advancement. Ay
ply to P 493, Oregonian.
WANTDD t(K men to call tomorrow at 01
ttth st. and get their shoes shlned free; hair
cutting 25 cents; the Model barber shop, the
finest 11-chalr shop In the city; only best
of barbers employed.
A! EN and women' to learn barber trade in
eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to
$25 wef k y ; expert Instructors ; catalogue
free. Moler System of Colleges, 35 North
Fourth St., Portland.
TWO CAPABLE traveling salesman at once,
staple line, profitable commission contract
with $25 wei-kly advance; references re
quired. A. is. J. Co., Grand River ave.,
Detroit. Mich.
TWO capable traveling salesmen at oncei
staple line; profitable commission contract
with $25 weekly advance; references re
quired. A - S. J. Co., Grand River ave.,
, Detroit. Mich.
WANTED Man and wife capable of taking
entire charge of 8()0-acre stock and hay
ranch, close to Portland; references re
quired. Keasey, 7 . Chamber of Com
merce. SALESMAN.
An energetic, competent' and exper
ienced salesman for our toy department.
WANTED Salesman with $100 to invest
and Join me with like amount to engage
in a paying business; references ex
changed Room 32, Washington bldg.
WANTED To know- the whereabouts of Mon
roe Long; something of importance to com
municate to him. ' Address Louis Nockels,
G24 Alaska bldg., Seattle, Wash.
YOl'NG man wanted for hardware business;
. r:ust be a .good penman; wages $6 per
week. Statu age and references. Ad
dress N 1 7. care Oregonian,
WANTED Registered drug clerk; give age,
XM-rlence and salary wanted; state if mar
ried or single. Address North Rend Drug
Company, North Bend, Or.
LEARN to vr'te attractive show cards;
p.'Actival lessons, personal instruction, rea
sonable terms; evening classes. G. W.
Betts, 600 Dekum bldg.
GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to
tack lgn?, distribute circulars, samples,
etc. No canvassing. '247 National Dlst.
Bureau, Chicago, 111.
rapid-selling specialty; this article has done
extra well since Nov. 1. Call at 386 Park
at. Call week days.
SIGN PAINTING, show card writing, car
tooning, illustrating taught by mail. Write
Washington Correspondence School, Northern
bank bids;., Seattle.
by mail. . Write or call. Washington
Correspondence School, Northern Ban it
bldg., Seattle.
WANTED Salesmen, experienced; A-l prop
osition; liberal commission with regular
weekly advance. Sterling Mfg. Co., Cedar
Rapids. Ia.
WANTED Specialty salesmen; liberal com
mission ; exclusive territory ; sell to mer
chants only. For Interview address P 499,
WB pay $:m a week and expenses to men with
rigs to introduce poultry compound; year's
contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept. 64. par
sons, Kas.
WANTED Two city solicitors, acquainted
with grocery trade preferred. Apply Caro
lina Rice Milling Co., 4th and Davis, Mon
day. 8:30.
"WANTED Young men to study telegraphy
and stenography; positions at good wages
when competent. Oregon College. Alh and
WANTED Reliable man for position as
partner; experience unnecessary; pay you
$j a day; $JOO required. Call 248i Stark
WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers,
stenographers and clerical men. Call or write
Commercial Abstract Co., 323 H Wash. st.
tiOOD pay to men everywhere to tack signs;
distribute circulars, samples, etc. No can
vassing. Universal Adv. Co,, Chicago.
WANTED Good stout boy to work In candy
factory and learn trade. Apply Modern Con
fcottoneiy Co., 13th and Hoyt. 7 A. M.
WAGE. scale In British Columbia and ad
vice to immigrants for 10 cents in silver.
Rmaeau & Berry, Vancouver, B. C.
EXPERT court reporter from East wants
pupil for shorthand, typewriting and
bookkeeping. C 200, Oregonian.
WANTED Bright young man with small
capital" to learn real estate business and
make big money. 'j'2r 6fh st.
PR H'K. LAYERS willing to work on open-hop
plan. -Builders' Exchange, room 200. Ar
cade Annex, Seattle. Wash.
WANTED Bright honest young man to take
care of offict Will average $25 per week.
$l.ti required. isjiij 4th at.
WANT a first-class csndymaker with some
cash., to manage candy factory. Call 10; 30
Monday, 417 Washington st.
4S MEN wanted" at once to learn plumbing
evenings; $MK Famine Trade School. 3u7
Jltmkley block. Seattle.
. W A NT ED Arent to sell American herb..
Particulars address American Herb Co., -IB
2oth ave.. Seattle.
SALESMEN for city, for mat treses and up
holstered good; .must be a live one. 127
11th st.
A MAN vith ability can secure permanent
employ iQent with promotion. 400 Oregonian
ROOMS, 25c pT night and up. $1 per week
and- up. The Victor Mouse, 171 Front
st. v
California Wine Depot, headquarter for cooks
and helpers. 148 4th st. Pac. 2183. P. Lorati.
6ALHSMBX for city and country wanted oh
exinse and com nils ion. 2u7 Couch bldg.
HIGH-CLASS salesman. $10,000 profit,
something new. 215 Commercial bldg.
GOOD bushelman wanted; must be able to
dun and press. loti nth st, Gilbert.
OOO MEN wanted Free shaves and 'haircuts,
2S4 Conch at. Moler Barber College.
WB secure positions for our members; spe
cial membership $2. Y. M. C. A.
WANTED Married man with boy, work on
ranch near city. 321 Eugene st,
$1H to $-2 per week for good glazier on
-art glass. 51!-. lot h st.. North.
OY to tend furnace. Call 20OVi Park st.
A leading Portland dry good; store, re
quires experience! . delivery, clerk; exper
ienced in routing, handling a number of
wagons, etc.; give age, married or,, single,
references and list of positions held. F 510,
Oregonian. . . . '
SALESMEN' WANTED Why work for $50 a
month when you can earn from - $1 50 to $500
a month as- a traveling salesman; no form
er experience required; we will secure you
a poeition with a reliable Arm; write for
fmj catalogue, "A Knight of the Grip." to
day. Address Dept. 53, Nat'l Salesmen's
Training Ass'n, Monadnock blk.. Chicago
III. Lumber Exchange. Minneapolis, Minn.,
'or Scairltt bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. Write
. nearest office; mention paper.
WANTED FOR VACANCY Salesman experi
enced In any line to sell- genera) trade- -in
. Pacific Coast, year's contract; liberal com
miesions with $35 weekly advance; one rales
man earned $12," 3. 52 his first two months
with us. The Continental Jewelry Co.,
Cleveland, O.
AMBITIOUS STOUT BOY to work on- gar
den ranch, good oportunity for boy who
appreciates a good home and. fair treat
ment; those just looking for three square
meals and a place to steep save your
stamp. Address, giving, age, reference, etc.,
X 487, Oregonian.
WANTED Salesman experienced In any line
to sell general trade in Pacific Coaat va
cancy, ' January 1; liberal commissions, with
$.'15 weekly advance; one salesman earned
$1253.60 his first two months with us. The
Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, O.
YOU CAN LEARN superintendence of build
ing construction during spare time; in
struction by men on Job; no books need
ed; you can earn $25 to $50 per week;
send for circular. - J. A.. Box' BOG. Madi
son Square P. O.. New York City.
COLUMBIA Employment Co. Help free to
employer. 25 N. 2d st.
GIRL 10 years or older; to look after
small children and help in light house
work; nice- home. Apply Sunday, take J
car. Dr. Baker. 597 Madison st W.
WANTED Woman to take charge of floor
In paper-box factory; must be capable of
managing girls. Give references and sal
ary .expected. H 511, Oregonian.
FRAKE'S school ' of beauty culture, 409
Washington, electric and vibratory treat
ments, Marcel waving; terms reasonable;
- good position . when qualified.
WANTED Young women, study telegraphy
and stenography; excellent positions pun
for graduates of combined course. Oregon
College, 5th and Oak. -
WANTED A good, reliable girl for general
housework. 1003 Franklin st., Willamette
Heights. Phone Main 2009. Good wages;
references required, ,-.'
and situations furnished; real estate and
business opportunities, all kinds. 230 Yam
hill. Main 5413. - V
LADIES Make Sanitary Belts; material cut
- ready to sew, $12 per hundred; particulars
stamped envelope. Mutual Supply Co., Dept.
3'9, Chicago.
EXPERIENCED girls for hosiery, cornet and
underwear department; must live with par
ents. Apply before 10 A. M., McAllen & Mc
Donnell. COMPETENT girl for housework and cook
ing; no others need apply; references re
quired. 1544 Belmont. Phone Tabor 89 after
YOUNG lady as collector for religious pur
poses; must be good singer and speaker;
good pay. steady work. C 490, Oregonian.
WANTED Refined, - capable woman for re
sponsible position, with opportunities for ad-
vancement. Viavl Co., 10th and Morrison.
LADIES to copy letters at home; spare time;
good pay; cash weekly; reliable; send
stamp. Zeck Co., Morristown, N. Y.
WANTED Marker and distributor; reference
. required. U. S. Laundry -Co., cor. Grand
ave and E. Salmon. Phone Bast 63. ,-
COOK. $40; waitress, city, country; Invalid's
companion, $1.50; -ranch couple; any work.
"Drake's," 205 Washington.
WANTED A good cook in small family,
. two in help. Apply 702 West Main, cor
ner of King. Phone Main 7258.
WANTED Second girl for - private family;
foreigner preferred; good wages. Apply 772
Marshall st. Phone Main 8281.
343 H Washington St.. Corner 7th, upstalra
Phone Main 2692.
EXPERT court reporter rrom East wants pu
pils for shorthand, typewriting and. book
keeping. C. 209, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work; three in family. Call between- 8
and 12 M.. 340 10th st. "
WANTED A young girl to assist with light
work and care of baby; part or all day.
306 East Second North.
WANTED Stenographer, bright young- lady
for private secretary. Address or phone
room 615 The Portland.
WANTED Experienced girl, general house
work, small family, good wages. Apply
815 Clackamas st.
WANTED Young lady stenographer; give
references, experience and salary expected.
M 518. Oregonian.
GIRL for general housework; small famllv;
good cook. Phone East 1103. Apply 398
San Rafael At. -
YOUNG lady for office work; must be accu
rate; state age, salary expected. T 507, care
W A NTED "A good girl to do general house-
work; German girl preferred. Inquire 601
TEACHERS, at once, city or out of town. C.
R. B. Teachers' Agency. 386 & Washington
WANTED Experienced cook for family of
four. .474 Market, cor.. 14th. Phone Main
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work. Apply 181 East 16th St. Phone East
WANTED At once, at the Rothchild bldg.;
public stenographer, plenty work. Room
407. .
YOl'NG girl for housework In good home.
44 J) East 20th st. North. Phone East 9tiS9.
A COMPETENT girl for general house wont.
Apply 383 .'2d St.; Willamette Heights.
WANTED Young girl or middle-aged womaa
to help with housework. 195 N. 2Sd.
EXPERIENCED girl for -general housework.
. Call at 791 Tillamook SC. Irving-ton.
WANTED Middle-aged woman for light
housework. Inquire at 1(K Porter st.
GIRLS over 16 years for wrapping desk; also
to tend door. MrAHen & McDonnell.
G1BL WANTED to do housework In family of
two; wages $15. 6H3 East Morrieon.
GIRL wanted to do housework In family of
two; wagee $15. 563 East Burnslde.
YOUNG girl for light housework; must sleep
at home. 84 10th. near Burnslde.
GIRT for general housework, small family,
good wages.- BSB Tillamook st.
WAITRESS to work In- restaurant, $7, hour.
403 E. Morrison. Phone E. 6030.
EAST SIDE Female Employment Office,
122 '4 Grand ave.- East 1055.
GIRL to assist with general housework and
cooking. 186 North 17th st. -
GIRL for general housework at 081 Schuy
ler st. Phone Scott 24S2-
NEAT girl for general .housework; small fam
ily. Phone Se ! I wood S73.
WANTED A laundress to, take work home.
201 13th St., room 17.
WANTED God child's nurse; references' re
quired. 712 Lave joy.
EXPERIENCED girl to help in a email res
taurant. 273 Salmon t. v
YOUNG girl to assist In general housework.
Phone E. 1311.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 284
?C. 23d st. -
WANTED Chambermaid at 225 11th a. The
Ozark. '
GntL or woman wanted for light housework.
453 4th aC
- Lip man. Wolfe A Co. require an expe
rienced gloVe saleswoman or a saleswoman
of more than ordinary ability fur that
purpose. Apply to Mr. Moyer.
WANTED First-elass jacket and ekirt hands
' for alteration room.
"' u9J Washington. , -
TWO cooks, small boarding-hause; - $30;
one cook, restaurant, $12.5U week; one cook,
country, 10 men, $30 to $35; one cook,
family of four. $40; three cooks, family,
$35; two second girls, $25; one child's
' nurpe, ,$35; waitresses. $7 to $$ week;
waitress, $20 month; two chambermaids,
' $20 month.
. 343 Wash. st, rm. 7. Main 602.
BE A graduate nurse and earn $20 to $30 per
week; we provide home M.udy course lec
tures; hospital practice when desired; em
ployment for students and graduates; largest
training school in the world ; wrife today free
book. American Training School Nurses, 40
Crilly bldg., Chicago. - -
Applicant for all kinds of work regis
ter with.-us, free of -charge.- so we may
. locate you on short notice.
343 Washington st.. Corner 7th. upstalra.
THE Meier & Frank ptore invites applications
for employment in the various branches of
their millmery department for the coming
season, including salespeople, makers .and
trimmers. Apply to the euperintendent, 8
to 10 A. M.
WANTED An educated typist to. copy manu
scripts and acept as remuneration part of
proceeds from sale of stories; references
required. Address James Myers, Chehalia,
GIRL for cooking and housework. 725 John
son. '
MEN and women to learn watchmaking, en
graving and optics; easy terms; positions
secured; money earned while learning.
, Watchmaking, Engraving SchooL, jor. 4ta
' and Pike,- Seattle. '.. - - - '- ' . '
Its. next term - January 6. 625 Worcester
block. Day- and night glasses; low tui
tion; thorough work; two years course.
ANY- person knowing whereabouts of E. H.
Mac Dona Id, kindly Write Lou Conner, Gen
eral Delivery," Victoria, B. C. Good impor
tant news.
PERSON capable of cutting, fitting, etc.,
ladies' : coats, sfckrta and . waists. H .5C8,
Oregonian... .-. "
JAPANESE employment office; male and fe
male. 249 Couch st. Phone Main 6521.
CLEVER agents to sell new and attractive
novelty. Call after 10. 181 6th.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
YOUNG MAN. 34, hustler, varied experi
ence, combining specialization In he
grain and lumoer export and steamship
business. ,- With general knowledge and
thorougn 'familiarity with modern office
methods.' desires employment with firm
wher.j energy, ability,. -Initiative and
steady application to duties are required;
retirement from business of last employ
ers necessitates change ; finest local and
out-of-town , references, . W 400, Ore
gonian. YOUNG man extensive business experience,
formerly stenographer and bookkeeper, ac
quainted with modem office syeteme, recent
ly treasurer and advertising manager small
corporation, wishes position with good Insti
tution; mitrht invest some money.- Address
T 512, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN, 27, buetler, desires position
where brains, energy and tact will be ap
preciated; famiiiar with up-to-date- -office
methods and am floor salesman of ability;
salary no objoet if position promtees a
future. A 487, Oregonian. - . '
GENERAL accounting, . auditing, office, sys
tems, books opened, closed and statements
drawn. O. F. Laird,- room 34, Raleigh
bldg., 323 Mi Washington st. Phone Pacific
667. .
PRIVATE secretary, stenographer, corre
spondent or clerical; wide commercial ex
perience; thorough, accurate and depend
able. J 400- Oregonian.
TRAVELING salesman, experienced, and can
make good, wants position; no trunks; Im
plements preferred. Address N. 400. care
WANTED At once, position by male sten
ographer, 4 years' experience; rapid and
accurate; good penman. C 4B0. Oregonian.
opened, closed-or adjusted. P. L.
Crawford, 15 Hamilton bldg, jr East 19i8.
TRAVELING salesman with trade In OreT
gon, Washington and Idaho, open for en
gagement; any line- F 513, Oregonian; .
BY GOOD office man, "married? work of
any kind to keep family going; first-class
references. J 495. Oregonian.
SALESMAN of experience would like posi
tion as house salesman, can make good.
Address V '519, Oregonian. . .
EASTERN drygoods man (20 years exper
ience) would like position as buyer. Ad
dress O 500. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, reliable, best, references as
to executive ability and-'accuracy. T
475, Oregonian. -. . - . ' '
LAW clerk desires position. Address B 498.
Oregonian. r.
WANTED- Position by- dry goods man, city
; and out of townr references. L 49 u Ore
gonian. -
STENOGRAPHER owning typewriter desires
office work, low salary. W 4S6. Oregonian.
MAN-bf 35, German, practical business train
ing, good at figures, would like position
with part time out of doors: steady habits;
am a hf&tler; would not object leaving city;
best or references. - S 4S5, Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN attending Holmes Business Col
lire Swishes a place to work for his board
while attending college. ' Call Main 513
after 9 A. M. Monday or write care the col
lege. SITUATION wanted by a man used .to
packing crockery, drugs, wood, willow and
- glassware, notions, etc. ; 1-5 years exper
ience; references. H 518. Oregonian.
YOUNG MARRIED MAN, Intelligent, honest,
speaking French, best references, would
like any kind of employment, clerical pre
ferred. A 488, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED man would like situation
as - inside watchman or - assistant ship
ping - clerk, lst-class glassware J packer.
Phone Sellwood 830.
SITUATION wanted by middle-aged man,
stranger In city; inside work of any kind;
must have work. Address 225 First s,
room 4. 1
MAN and wife, cooks, would like" work In
camp, man cook, wife helper. Address
t Cook, R, F. D. route 2, box 28, Port
land. SITUATION wanted by carpet layer and up
holsterer, also handy around furniture store.
W. Brown, 152 Grand ave., Portland, Or.
BY young married man who needs work,
position of some kind;1 experienced ' gro
cery or wholesale house, T 479, Oregonian,
WANTED Gordwood to cut;, can cut from
10 to 30 cords of green timber per day. al. S.
Joyce, 464 East Oak st. Phone Bast 1413.
WANTED By sober, neat young man aged
23. positiort of any. kind; references If de
sired. R. H.-C 864 Strong St., Portland.
MARRIED man, 35, wants work; , intelligent
.and capable; reached the stage where I
can't bo particular. D 518, Oregonian '
YOUNG man of lSattendlng Behnke -Walker
Business College, would, like place to- work
for board and room. K 519, Oregon tan.
SITUATION wanted by " youtiff man expert-;
enced in office work; some outdoor work
preferred Address V 493, Oregonian.
GOOD sign and 'card writer ""wants' commer
. cial work; will take half in merchandise
for the Winter. F 619. Oregonian.-
FIRST-CLASS sign painter - wants plao to
locate or would take interest .In eetab
- llshed shop. M 509, Oregonian. .
WANTED Pupils to study Latin ami commer
cial branches under expert accountant; terms
reasonable. V 512, Oregonian. . -- - r . . '
WINDOW cleaning, linoleums and' floors ' re
dressed and polished. Main $573t evening,
S to 10. Thomas Green.
MAN' and wife on ranch, iman thoroughly tin-.
- derstands wheat or stock. Phone East 6228
or 71G Mississippi ave. t . .
ARCHITECTURAL , drafstnian. . graduate
Eastern technical- school, wants position.
P 495. Oregonian.
JOB as teamster, either city or country", or
any kind of work, by young man of 21. A
499. Oregonian. t. -.
GENERAL housecleanlng' by . day. job er
hour, and guarantee Work. Main 8004,
JANITOR Colored man from East wants
work In store or office .building. Home phone
' C1086.
BY married man, steady work, any kind; se
- curity .if desired; no soliciting. W 495,
Oregonian. '
BY man and wife,' with experience as cook
and waitress, out-of-town preferred. B 505,
Oregonian. .:- '
EXPERIENCED man and wife want work on
ranch, or other employment. O 503, Ore
gonian. . '
WANTED Situation by steady ? married
man, work of any kind. O 504, Oregonian.
KALSOMINING done at $3 ger room. 135
; 1st st. Phone Main 1334. ' Call for Winn.
CORNETIST wishes employment with good'
steady orchestra. V 485, Oregonian. :
W.tNTEp Steady, position as blacksmith pn
ranch. Address L 487, Oregonian. .
KALSOMINING done at $3 per room. 135
1st st. Main 1334. Leave address.
YOUNG Japanese wants situation at 'house
work; reference. 271 Everett st. -i '
BOY 19. wants work, can furnish refer
ences. J. 477, Oregonian.
WORK of anv kind by responsible man of
. ability. J 669. Oregonian. -v
WANT a. position as a driver on delivery,
wagon. Phone Pacific S05.
A YOUNG Japanese boy wants a position for
schoolboy. Call Main 6525.
A JAPANESE wants situation as tailor; ref
erence. 271 Everett at.
PAPERING and tinting done, $3 per room.
Phone Main 8274. -
bookkeepers and Stenographers.
EXPERIENCED, all-round office lady de
sires position,- would leave city. S 506,
EXPERIENCED stenographer In clerical
. line must have work 9 to 5 P. M. Phone
A 1850. ' ' -
A LADY desirous of position as bookkeeper or
cashier; has experience in both. B 511,' Ore
gonian. AN experienced bookkeeper and stenog
rapher desires position. T 4J3,. Orego-:
nlan.1 .
EXPERIENCED lady stenographer desires
position; moderate .salary. N 497. Oregon
ian " '- '.
Collector, cashier and office worker; experl
ence. best references. T 476. Oregon! an.
WANTED To exchange a litter of pups -for
anything useful. Would accept piano
lessons. Aaaress a it uregonian.
have YOU to
Probably you don't want a bull
puppy.. But every day things
you ' DO WANT are advertised
for exchange in The Oregonian
Classified Columns, Maybe you
would like " to learn French T
Somebody will teach you in re
turn -ir some stight service that
you can render without cost:
Haven't you got an old settee or
- a bicycle stored in the attic ?
They are no good to you just
lie there collecting dust: Some
bod jcan. use them. : . Read The
Oregonian Advertising Columns
... and see wbat you pan get for
- some of the stuff you don't want.
' You will be surprised how
Useless -Articles May
Suddenly Gain Value
You've a lot. of capital tied up
in belongings that you never
'use. Watch The Oregonian Ad
vertising Columns till somebody
advertises . for such articles.
Then exchange them and ob
- ; tain something you need and
have always want :
Bookkeeper sumI Stcoosrrmpne
STENOGRAPHER of good address and sev
eral years law and mercantile experience,
wanM position- or would give part service
for desk room. Young Women's Christian
Association. Main 0J7, Monday.
SITUATION wanted, by an experienced sten
graphr, of Chicaeo and San Franclsca; references-
given; 8 yearn', experience; salary
not less than tW. B 501. Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY competent stenographer, good
education, commercial and ' abstract exper
ience; references; no objection to -out ot
town. D ,511, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as stenographer, 12 years'
experience; best of reference. Lillian
Tracy. 652 Weidler st. Phone East 274k
FIRST-CLASS stenographer. understanding
bookkeeping, wishes position.; can furnish
good referencw". X 51tL Oregonian.
RELIABLE and competent stenographer o
" yeaas of varied experience wished position.
Phone Main 1&15. F doti, Oregonian,
A NEAT, respectable young lady wishes
work; can do typewriting; a.lso give refer
. ences. L 490, Oregonian.
A POSITION by a young ladr as assistant
bookkeerer or cashier and of lice clerk. Ad
dress H 502. Oreconian. .
LADY having experience as bookkeeper would
like position as- assistant boo keeper In large
firm. D 512. Oregonian.
FOR a good stenographer, beginner or ex
perienced. Phone Clerical Office, Main
4504. No poor ones. - -
COMPETENT bookkeeper would like small
set of books -to keep afternoons. Address
R 49ft. Oregonian.
A TOUIG lady stenographer desires after
noon position. J 41)7, Oregonian. . .
WANTED A position as bookkeeper; 4 years'
experience. B 01, Oregonian. t 1
EXPERIENCED stenographer, 43; refer
ences. T 474.-' Oregonian. -
Ire mafcerm.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and talloress can
accept more engagements, day sewing; ref
erences. Phone Sellwood 61. i- "
DRESSMAKING of all kinds alterations or
wrenalrlng this month, reasonable. 168
12th st. Phone Main -4163. .
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wishes engagements
by the day;- city reference. Mra. Frost,
i Main 3522.. ; . -
DREFSMAIE)R Wants work In families; shirt
waists, skirts, or children's work.- Phone
Main 4641. . - '.
SEAMSTRESS wants all kinds plain sewing
.by day or at home; $1.25. J- 51 4, . Ore
gonian. . r. ' . ' :
WANTE-Positton 'by girl experienced In
tailoring and dressmaking. Main 2670; call
Monday. - .
DRESSMAKING 'and plain sewing; prices rea
sonable. Mm. Wright,:-- 23- Union ave.,
room 25.
SHIRTWAISTS. ; skirts. 2.SO; suits. . $5;
evening dresses, $3.50v 326 Park. Phone -A
2530. . V . '
LADY would like two more engagements- for
plain and children's sewing. A55o5 or 432 7th
street.- -
BY the day, to do shirtwaist suits.' children's
clothes) and plain eewlng. Phone. E. 4816.
MME. ' T UTTLE, modiste, C01 Montgomery,
near 15th. M-G car. Phone A 5057.
DRESSMAKING, plain sewing out by . day;
best references. Phone Tabor 610.
II oune keeper.
MIDDLE-AGED . widow with daughter, de
sires situation with widower at once. In
7 city, (food housekeeper; home wanted mere
than wages. Mrs. J. Flllie, Gen. Del.
WANTED By young; lady and mother, -. to.
keep house for worthy gentleman who has
nice suburban home; state wages. S. C,
1039 Ev luth st., north.
WANTED By experienced young; lady, place
to do housekeeping or work out of town;
reference exchanged. Address B 617, Ore
gonian. PLAIN and fancy dressmaking. evening
. dresses a .specialty; suits altered. 305
.-'-Jefferson, corner 5th, room, 36-37. Pacific
" 2105 V.
AN experienced woman ' desires position as
assistant or housekeeper of first-class room-ins-house
or hotel. H 60&, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED working housekeeper wants
position, widower, old people, or hoteLmend
. ing. M 51 U, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED lady, best references, wishes
. housekeeper's position In widower's home.
T 5u0, Oregonian.
POSITION as working housekeeper where can
, have comfortable room; can give referencea.
" D 517,' Oregonian. .
WANTED By widow of 30. position as house
tt keeper for refined widower or bachelor, city.
LADY wishes to keep house Cor respectable
gentleman; .no objection to children. -V 500,
Oregonian. ' - .
WANTED A position as housekeeper, by &
respectable middle-aged widow. N 499, Ore
gonian: . ,
TWO -oung ladles wish to keep house for
widower's family or invalid. Phone East
4366., . .. ..
WANTED A place as- housekeeper or
chambermaid. Phone Main 70S6. .
' v . Jiurse.
BY GRADUATE- nurse, position aa nurse
and companion to invalid lady or gentle
; man; would take full charge of Infant or
. 4 child? would travel;, terms moderate. P
402, Oregonian. A-
A SITUATION as nursery, governess isie
sired by - a German-- glrlr city references.
Phone Tabor 544. , .
EXPERIENCED middle-aged lady as lady's
. nurse. 867,-E.- Davis. East 2900. References
LADY entertains invalids, aged, children,
' by hour; day, -month;, references; Pac 671.
COMPETENT woman wants general house-
work in family of adults; will do small
washing; wages not less than $23.;. city or
country. J 516, Oregonian.
GIRL wants housework where can practice
music, will frig worker. Young Women's
. Christian- Association.- - Main 5267 Mon
day after 30.
YOUNG lady, just from East, wants place
'to-do general housework for private fam
ily. Call or write M. Mc. 175 N.
cor. .'Johnson. 11 ' -
WOMAN- wants - work- by -day In -first-class
families; referencea; no half days. East 2050.
EXPERIENCED second girl wishes - position;
wage $26-per-month, t a 608. Oregonian..
GIRL wishes to work for board and go to
, Holmes College.. F 502, Oregonian.
GERMAN, lady would like to take place to
work by the day. Call at 683 Hoyt.
M lace I laneou -
WANTED- Experienced demonstrator wishes
position In city In any legitimate line. A
' 490, Oregonian.
WIDOW Two 'children, wishes any honest
work except washing. phone Main 6S&4,
Home A 1884.
YOUNG 'Woman wishes few more places to
work - by day; good laundress. B 512,
Oregonian. EXPERIENCED piano teacher fives two les
, sons for 75 cents; good references. W 471,
-Oregonian. .
WOMAN wishes' day work, sweeping, window
cleaning, etc; bo washing; 25c per hour.
FRENCH teacher will give lessons In French
. for 25 cents per lesson. F 514, Oregonian.
GIRL with experience wishes- position . In
bakery or delicatessen. Phone Main 4767.
WANTED Position as exchange operator by
experienced operator. 6 519. Oregonian.
WANTED Work by the day, washing, clean
: ing, etc. Pacific 2916. K. C, 208 5th st.
PIANO lessons at your home; references;
terras reasonable. Phone Main 8374.
WOMAN wants work by the day. houseclean
lng, etc - Phone 2226. Mrs. Shaw.
WANTED Laundry work for Monday and
Tuesday. R 493, Oregonian.
LADY wants work by the day. washing and
housecleanlng. Phone A3625.
WOMAN wishes steady work by the day. Tel
ephone Pacific 2968 after 10.
WOMAN wants day work. Call up Sunday or
evenings, phone Main 220S.
YOITNG -WOftAN OF GOOD education and
kindergarten experience, will act as nurse
or companion in exchange for expenses on
trip to Southern California. A 491, Ore
gonian. LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40c up;
fancy waists- and flannels washed and
Ironed by experienced hand. Main 7014.
POSITION conducting rooming-house; sal
ary or commission; good worker and man
ager. P 501 ; or phone East ti031.
LACE curtains washed and stretched, 35o
pair; prompt work; called for and deliv
ered. Main 6300.
YOUNG lady gives private lessons In gram
mar grade studies, also drawing or paint
ing. Main 8183.
NEAT, elderly woman desires situation house
work, small family; wages $15. 230V4 Yam
hill. Main 5413.
EXPERIENCED laundress would like work
by day. Phone Pacific 805.
WANTED Washing and housecleanlng. Phone
Pacific 2U24. room 12.
LACK curtains laundered a specialty; best of
work.- Phone Main 3740.
A CUBAN lady waats' general ' work. Phone
... Pacific 3097. . ' -
WORK wanted by the day or hour. Phone
Main 4193.
A LApY wants day work. Phone Pacific
2354. ' -..-..'
LADY would like work by day. Phone Main
$5 TO- $25 a day. That's what my - agents
make. So can you. New patented article
needed by men everywhere. No argument
necessary. Simply show, and collect price.
' Send 5te for sample today. Novitaa' Co.,
Springfield, 111.
A HOME company; low premium rates and
high cash value make the policies of the
. Columbia Life A Trust Co. easy to sell.
Apply to - j.esse R. Sharp, manager of
agents, 214 Lumber Exchange blug.
SPECIAL agent wanted, $75 weekly and ex
penses easily made selling our popular com
bination policies and appointing agents; ex
, perlenoe unnecessary. Write Oscar Ekman,
. 313 Pitel bldg.; Seattle; Wash.
AGENTS Large profits and fair treatment
selling ink and rust remover; every house
hold needs, it; every- housekeeper buys tt.
.Write for .terms. Jacobs, Dept. G, 1525
Sutter st., San Francisco.
$3oO EVERY month selling wonderful 7-plece
kitchen set. Send for sworn statement of
$12 daily profit; exclusive territory. Outfit
free. Thomas Mfg. Co., 500 Jeff sL, Day
ton, O. '
WANTED Agents - to. sell .our high-grade
tree?, shrubs, etc. Outfit furnished free.
Commission advanced each week. Choice
territory open. Albany Nurseries. Albany,
Or. -
GASLIGHT from kerosene lamps, by using our
. patent burner;, no chimneys nor wicks: pe-
scription free. Agents make good Income.
Gaslight. Mfg. Co.. 23 Park Row, New York
3 , ;
LADIES Have territory . still open In a. few
counties on a fast-selHng article;' every lady
'wants it; write at once; sample 25c Star
Novelty Co.. 366 Page St., S. F., Cal.
AGENTS. WANTED Can you sell goods? If
so. we need you; complete outfit free; cash
weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capl-
- tal City Nursery Co., Salem. Or.
AGENTS sell-' our self advertiser; sell to
mothers; absolutely protects baby, carriage
and top from storms and winds. Baby Car-
j riage Shield Co., Fremont, Ohio.
WANTED Agents; legitimate substitute for
slot machines; patented; sells on sight for
$1; particulars, Gisha Company, Anderson,
AGENTS wanted; state or territory rights for
sale; Investigate this. The Cosmos, 268
Morrison St., room 5.
W A X TV. II To ronf thr 1or
nVehed housekeeping rooms, by mother and
bum, must oe on west bice, wanting dis
tance . and reasonable; can furnish best of
references; give terms and location. Address
V 492,- Oregonian.
6 OR ft-room modern flat or cottage; must be
In walking distance from 3d and Washing
tonnot over $20 per month, for responsible
couple without - children, on year's lease.
. Call 216 Chamber of Commerce. Harry E.
Wagoner Co.
OFFICE woman wants home where there are
no other boarders; stays in evening?, hence
. company. If this is desired; place must be
In waiklng distance of business district;
i references exchanged. B 604, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent houses, cottages, flats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
- Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. -' ..
WANTED To rent a modern 6 or 7 -room
house on West Side, close In, on a lease,
from one to three years; want possession
- at once. - Matthew Gevurtz, 141 6th, cor
ner Alder.
WANTED South of Alder, furnished or un
- furnished light housekeeping rooms, for 2
v ladles; permanent - it satisfactory. State
' price, location, etc. s 503, Oregonian:
WANTED TO RENT Six-room house or
apartment, accessible to car line; state dis
tance from Oregonian office, location and
rental. Address K 493, Oregonian.
WANTED Room and board, single man wants
room and board; must be- close In; give
price and location. Address D 498, Ore
gonlan. ' .
WANTED To- ren houses; offices, stores,
rooms, etc. ; long 1st of applicants. A 1 bee
Ben ham Co.; 25 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark
eta. -
WANTED Board and room for 2 boys, 4 and
7 years, In neighborhood 20th and Hoyt;
must be reasonable. Phone Main 4926.
WANTED One or two nicely furnished
rooms with good board, with private fam
ily; West Side only. 3 502. Oregonian.
WANTED Furnished room within walking
distance of business section: state price and
location. Address F 470, Oregonian.
WANTED Unfurnished' 6-room flat, or will
buy part of furniture; must be close in.
Address J 617, Oregonian.
WANTED A small modern cottage or bunga
low, furnished or- unfurnished; good neigh
borhood. B ,519. Oregonian.
MAN . and wife want two strictly modern
housekeeping rooms. 181 6th, room 11, or
A 513, Oregonian.
WANTED A furnished house ot 7 to 9 rooms;
must be on West Side; modern, central V
502. Oregonian.
HOUSE of about 5 rooms, not too far out.
- all or part-, modern. E. R. Reed, 501
j Phoenix bldg.
YOUNG man attending Dusiness college wants
place to work for room and board. S 161,
Oregonian. -
TJNPURNISHEP large room; light, heat, run
ning water, use of bath. X 518, Ore
gonian. WANTED To rent; neat cottage with some
. yard; reasonable. Phone Main 7427 Monday.
WANT A FURNISHED house, 5 to 7 rooms,
. West Side; no children. Phone A320A.
WANTED Furnished 4 or 5-room cottage:
three adults, O 514, Oregonian.
WANTBO-To rent a vacant house, from FURNISHED sunny front room with kitchen
IO to l. rooms: close in. X o09, ' privileges. $8 month. 650 3d str
WANTED' TO RENT Modern house. 7 rooms; f.71 GLISAN ST.. one pleasant room, suitable
state price. R 514. Oregonian. 2; steam heat, light and bath.
bath and phone. 2ft N. lOth st.
GILMAN, No. 411 Washington St., between '
10th and 11th. buys household furniture. PLEASANT front room, for one or two; re
Main 2473; A47SO. , ferences exchanged 202 12th st.
CHINESE PHEASANTS Would like a few
pheasants. Answer, giving prloe. Address
V 487. Oregonian.
WANTED Good second-hand Remington
typewriter; state price and number. Address
M 617, Oregonian.
CASH paid for furniture, fixtures and mer
chandise. Phone Main 1626. J. T. Wil
son. - auctioneer. - - .
WANTED Tools for meat market. Must be
cheap and in good condition. Phone Ta
bor 08.
I PAY cash for household goods. Sayage ft
Pennell Fur. Co.. 345 1st. Pacific 360.
Nob Hill Second-Hand Co. pays highest
prices for goods. 615 Wash. at. Main 2421.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture, prompt
. attention always given;. Phone East 107.
WANT to buy second-hand wall and show-
case. Add res 416 Worcester bldg.
WANTED A sound.- wel!-troken horse., weight
""Ki -w. 4.uuuire ii-io r run 1 sr.
hand store in Portland. We buy. and sell "
from a chair to a full house.
20th and Washington. Phone Paciflo 793.
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
shoes; we also buy household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 y. 3d st. Phone Pacific 1722.
you want the most money you can
get for your used furniture or anything
else, phone Main 56,5. A4121.
WANTbD interest In real estate business,
brokerage or Insurance, with services as of
fice man or bookkeeper.- X 4IW. uregoniao.
WANTED Fresh cow, must be guaranteed
first-cfass. Phone Wood lawn 236 or ad
dress 1445 Grand ave. N.
WANTED rTwo to five dozen Spring chick
ens. East 105. 321 Eugene st.
WANTED Pasture for a horse for the Win
ter. N 511. "Oregonian. - f
WANTED A small second-hand safe. O. 499,
WANTED Cheap, roll-top desk; cash. T 471.
"THE MILNER," 350 Morrison; near Park;
desirable furnished or unfurnished apart
ments, single or en suite, with steam heat,
hot and sold water, porcelain bath, elec
tric elevator and both phone service; rea
sonable rental.
Furnished Rooms.
LARGE outside rooms, single or en suite:
beautiful outlook; newly furnished; every
modern hotel convenience; special rates to
1 ' permanent guests; with or without meals;
finest cafe In Portland at modest prlcei;
be sure and see these rooms before you
decide where to move. ' Hotel Sargent.
Grand and Hawthorne avenues.
PRNT parlor with adjoining bedroom, rent
ed separate or en suite to 2 or ;t gentle
men; beautiful -new steam heated apart
ment, facing carline. 325 i 13th st.
THE BENSON, 201 Morrison st., most
central brick room ing -ho use- in city, newly
renovated, new management, rooms $3 up
per week; 50c to $1.50 day
NEWLY -furnished rooms;-' hot and cold
. water, gas and electricity, furnace heat;
- close m; private family; gentlemen only. 2-15
12th st. Phone A502.
$3.50 WEEK Large bay window bedroom;
electricity, gas, furnace, swell new flat;
private family. Pacific 1070. 187 10th, near
. Yamhill. ,
A PLEASANT furnished room, with two beds,
suitable for two gentlemen, with electric
li&ht, gas and heat; central. 404 Clay st.
FRONT room, heat,, every convenience, pri
'. vase family, refined gentleman preferred.
6S4 Flanders St., apartment 31.
NICELY furnished front room, large closet.'
running water. $4 per week. 187 6th st., a
doors south of Portland Hotel.
NICELY furnished" suite of rooms, suitable
for 2; bath and electric light; private fam
ily. 275 Columbia.
NICELY furnished suite of rooms, easy
walking distance, heat, bath, phone. 145
. 11th, near Morrison.
511 GLISAN, 2, 4, 5 or 6 furnished rooms
for housekeeping; porcelain sink; running
' water, gas, bath..
207 6TH Suite of furnis-hed rooms, feu. table
for 2 or 4 gentlemen ; gas, bath, phone ;
- .near postoffice.
THREE comfortably furnished rooms, elee
, trie light, running water, central, reason
. able. 215 12th.
32 COLUMBIA, near Tenth, bright, first
floor and light south room, well heated,
fully modern.
DESIRABLE rooms In private residence; rea
sonable; walking distance. Main 7224. 140
Lownsdale st.
258 13TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms in
new, modern house; every convenience; gen
tlemen only.
NICELY furnished rooms with lady alone;
' use of kitchen If desired; modern flat. 05
North 13th. . .
CLEAN, nicely furnished room, centrally lo
cated, suitable for one or two persons. 244
.'7th couth. -,. - -
NICELY furnished front room, suitable for
two, $2.50 week. Call today or mornings.
. 331 14th.
435 . YAMHILL, nice furnished front room,
suitable for two? steam heat, gas, bath and
471 one. -;
NICE clean furnished steeping room, suit
able for one or two, walking distance. 202
14th at. .
EASY walk, large rooms, electric light, fur
nace, bath, phone, $10- to $15, at 302 Co
lumbia ONE front roorri, one outside room, suitable
for two gentlemen; bath and phone. 287 4th
street. i -
LARGE furnished room, bath, private family.
. u21 Marshall, bet. 10th and 20th. Phone
A 403O.
PLEASANTLY furnished room, fine location,
no other roomers. No. 1 E. 12th., cor. An
keny. ST. FRANCIS, 34 North 8th et.; beautifully
furnished rooms, en suite or single; baths
NICELY furnished suite of front rooms,
suitable for 2 or 3 young men. 633 John
son. NICELY furnished room, all modern con
veniences, very reasonable. 550 Belmont
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $3
wk. ; . also transient rooms. 343 Morrison.
NKTELY furnished front room, steam heat,
. bath. $10 per month. 405 10th St., flat H.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia; rooms;
heat; bath. 50c ta $1 day; $2 to $4 week.
ROOMS with or without 'housekeeping privi
lege, modem and Al location. 20046 Park st.
FOR . KENT Furnished rooms; references;
adults. 314 Clay. Main 3M) or Main 20:t2.
ELEGANT, rooms, low rates, day or week, free
phone, heat, baths. 87 Mx tith. near Stark.
ONE furnished room : use of bath ; cean ;
price $6. Call 464 East Burn side st.
NICELY furnished large front room, modern,
for one or two gentlemen. 475 Taylor si.
A NICE front room; heat, bath, gas. phone,
electric lights; close in. I0 Madison st.
420 JEFFERSON Pleasant room, modern
. conveniences. $0 per month; good board.
FRONT parlor, suitable for one or two
gentlemen; gas, phone, bath. 40S Main.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room,
phone, gas and bath, $10. 266 12th st.
MAXWELL HALL Rates reasonable; not,
w-ld" water, all room. 207 14th st.
FOR RENT Nice large front room, furnished
, or unfurnished. 03 North 14th st.
NICELY furnished room, ' suitable for two,
neat. oatn. phone. salmon st.
NICE homelike rooms. $1.60 per week and up.
Opposite Hotel Portland, 181 6th.
FURNISHBD rooms, furnace heat, bath, gas
and phone. 415 7th, cor. .Hall. .
ROOM for gentleman, modern, walking, dis
tance. 615 East Couch st.
NICE fuVnished rooms, $3 per week and up.
348 Montgomery st.
NICELY furnished room, close In, furnacs
heat. 473 Alder St.
FOR RENT Vice front room. 42S E. An
keny st., cor. Oth. - 1
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 474 14th and.
FURNISHED rooms, gas and bath, lft N.
Union ave.
12 FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. 142 N.
30th st.
NICELY furnished room. 125 12th sL
FURNISHED rooms at 848 Main st.