The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 15, 1907, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 20

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furnished Rooms.
FOR REXT Young man occupying large,
newly furnished room, separate bel3, wisnes
roommate to share same; 5 minuted' walk
lrom pos-toTftce; tate age and occupation;
ren t reasonable ; reference. D 46S, Ore
gonian. ,
CISE Id, fine large front room, well fur
nished. In modern flat : suit 1 or 2 gentle
men : furnace heal, bath, phone, etc. ; rea
sonable. 3u loth si., N. half block oil
$12 Newly fnrnlfched room, In hew brick
apartment houe, steam heat, electric liglu,
bath nny time, central. Phone Main 0474;
Hk for Mrs. Haines.
FURNISHED rooms, newly furnished, front,
ll'-fht, first lloor. Phones, bath, central,
quiet; rates reasonable. Hotel Empress,
M Oth st.
207 OTH. Nicely furnished front parlor,
, suitable for couple of gentlemen; gaa,
b:i tli, phone, very centrally located, near
FHONT alcove buite or single rooms suitable
for two or more; bath, ga.f, phone, heat;
reasonable to right party ; board ojdional.
2oa 14th st. V
Kl'ltXISHED room suitable for two. private
family, modem house, gab, bath, phone,
EaJil 5HU5. reasonable; snap; don't miss it.
$10 Newly furnished "Arm, bright room,
quiet, centra'; pnrcel.Wt bath, is- both
phones. Pacific 2102 and A 3702. 323 12th.
Ft'RN'IllEI) room for single gentleman; pri
vate family; choice location; house mod
ern. 3M8 Salmon at., bet. W. Park and luth,
ELKCiAXTLT furnished front rooms; private
renutence; all conveniences; choice location-;
reasouu U le. is Ivu st t h. East l 020.
NICELY furnished room for rent, cheap.
Call 751 Kearney st.
12 furnished or unfurnished rooms. 142 N.
10th at.
Unfurnished Rooms.
NICELY furnished, also unfurnished rooms,
single and en suite; quiet and very suit
able for single men. Kamm bldg., 1st
and Pine. $0.50 and up. '
THREE unfurnished house-keeping rooms on
two carlines; Mount Scott and Hawthorne
ave. S75 Hawthorne.
272 MONTGOMERY st.. cor. 4th, Four un
furnished nice bay-window rooms, gas,
open fireplace.
TWO unfurnished front rooms for house
keeping; $io per month. 340 Ankeny st.,
cor 7th.
FOR RENT 4 unfurnished rooms; rent
cheap. Inquire Key City Hotel, 5to Loring
UNFCRNISHED front room for 1 or 2 young
ladies in pi Ivata. -family, cheap. 41 E. 15th
THREW unfurnished room with gas and
wtttt-r, 745 1st, cor. Porter. S car.
ONE unfurnished room,, $4 per month. Apply
room 4l Union block,' 11 Va First t.
I'Ni'l'RMSHED rooms. 446 Washington st.
Rooms With Board.
YOl'NG MEN If you want first-class room
and hoard for 5.50 per week, all conven
iences, close in. pood home cooking, call
at the Aster House. 7th and Madison.
ONE large, also one small room; both nice;
well furnished; stylish, new corner house;
electric llKhts. fine bath, etc. ; reasonable;
walking distance. Phone Main 2213.
Portland Women's Union ; isth year; rooms
with board, use of sowing-room, use. of
library; Women's Exchange. Address - Mrs.
Ella Kawlings, Supt., 910 Flanders.
NICELY furnished warm room with board
for two; private family ; modern ; strictly
home cH'Uir!; best part of city; carllne. A
5640. 675 Oilcan.
THE CI, A Y Sleeping room and parlor for
two gentlemen, with board, $5.50 per week;
gas, bath; homelike; single rooms. 320 2d
fL., cor. Clay.
IiOoM with board for two gentlemen; modern
conveniences; $4.73 per week; also table
Ivard. $3.75 per week. Uti E. 8th N. Phone
East 722.
PLEASANT rooms in private residence, with
strirt'.y home cooking ; furnace heat and
home comforts. Reasonable. 000 Ea.-t
FINE front room, one or two young mm
preferred ; private family, home cooking;
home privileges. 105 10th,' corner Tav
lor. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with board;
hn-w and grounds occupying entire block.
.'tU0 Jefferson st.. between 5th and 0.
MPB furnished room, for two gentlemen,
also first-class board; close in bath, gas
and free )hone. 392 Salmon st.
NEWLY furnished rooms with hoard ; 5-mln-utes'
walk from P. O. ; furnace heat, ba,th
and phone. 314 Mill, cor. Oth.
ROSEDALE Select private boarding house,
new ly furnished, steara-heated through
out. 404 lladison, cor. loth.
CHOICE suite of rooms and choice rooms
for one or two, with or without board ;
home cooking. 47o Main st.
ROOM and board In private family for man
and wife or ladies, or room with use of
kitchen. Phone East 4825.
ItOOM with board in private family for re
fined lady, reasonable. East 10th and
Main. Phone East 1475.
"WELL-FUR XI SHED roome, with board;
modern conveniences; very reasonable rates.
442 Jefferson. Main 6125.
GOOD room and board for two men or man
and wife at 701 East Burnslde, cor. 20th.
Take East Ankeny car.
THE COLONIAL High-class family hotel;
hest tvoard in city at moderate prices. 105
10th st., cor. Morrison.
EXCELLENT table, desirable rooms, modern
home, couple employed during day or 2
men. Pacific A 3056.
ROOMS with board ; home cook! ng; phone,
bath, heat: very reasonable. Phone Main
3401. 147 Lownsdale.
NEWLY furnished rooms with board; good
home cooking, heat, gas, bath, telephone
service. 501 Mill st.
ROOM and board for two young ladies or
men. walking distance, reasonable. 624
East Morrison.
PLEASANT front room for two on first floor:
furnace heat ; modern conveniences; board
also. 387 12th.
ROOMS w ith board, home -cooking, house
new, convenient and modern. Address
100 Beech st.
WANTED Application for board and room
for students. Apply Behnke-Walker Busi
ness College.
PLEASANT room with hoard, 3lO Clay; pri
vate family; rates very reasonable. Phone
Main tHUO.
420- J EFFERSON Comfortable, room, mod
ern conveniences; $l.."o per week; board
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with board;
everything strictly first-clrss. 715 Ev
erett. VERY desirable rooms, first-class board.
modern home; two men. Phone pacific !
SELECT private boarding-house, modern
conveniences; board optional. 452 Mor. st. j
NKE room and good home cooking; suita
bie for gentlemen. 574 GIImhi. cor. 18th.
PLEASANT front room and one side room,'!
with board. Phone A 3(122. 328 6th t. j
VERY desirable room, with first-class board,
in modern home. 2) North 10th st. i
BOARD and rooms, private familv, 35 North i
17lh st. Phone A 22H4. Flrst-cla.8.
M1NNEQCA INN. 37 Yamhill, nice rooms, i
steam heat, good meals. Main 1R02.
TWO n 1 eel y furnished room.. with Boa rd.
Cflfll VIA E. Salmon, or phone B 23S3.
THE- MARLYN Furnished rooms; good
board: convenient. 553 Washington.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, with board; '
modern m every rttspect. IKS 13th.
168 I OTH Front room with or without
. board, for two gentlemen; $5.00.
FURNISHED rooms and hoard; home- cook
ing; Eng. family. 3MI Alder r
R(X")M and board In widow's family, Eatt.
Hide. Phone Sell wood 07-
NICELY furnished rooms with board; strictly
modern. 348 Mill t.
TWO rooms with board.
Phone SeIlwod 520.
721 Thlbhets st.
ItOOM and bourd Tor two people in privare
family. B 1400. - ' '
ROOM and board. $5 per wek. 27 E. 7th st.
Room Wttta Board.
BE Sl'RB and see rooms at Hotel Sargent
before you decide where to move; modest
prices; American or European plan; best
cafe in Portland; famous dining-room ser
vice; living here Is a pleasure; manage
ment studies comfort of guests; every
modern hotel convenience ; close In. yet
away from downtown dirt and noise.
Hotel Sargent, Grand and Hawthorne ave
nues. LADY offers delightful room, handsomely
furnished, bright, airy, well heated, splen
did bath, In modern well appointed home;
excnllent table and table board ; refined
surroundings; suitable for either couples or
gents who desire something out of ordinary;
reference exchanged. A 461, Oregonian.
455 ALDER ST., AT 13TH.
,35c table d'hote dinners. 5 to 7; lunch
11:30 to 1:30. 2,"c; breakfast. 25c. Special
rates by week or month.
LARGE desirable room., board, reasonable,
one or two persons; all modern conven
iences; near three carlines, choice lo ty, walking distance. Phone East
2314; relerences.
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Or ark.
225 nth t.
6-KOOM steam-heated apartments in beau
tiful colonial building, to be completed
January l. No. G04-060 Flanders st. : all
outside rooms, extra large windows and
closets,' private-veranda, private store-
room ;
n-111 tint walls to suit. -Look at
them now and feet your choice. Best
neighborhood tn city. -.Morgan, Sweet &
Chapman, 213 Ablngton bldg. Phoue Main
201.Y T.- .
IONTAN COURT Elegant 4-roonv residence
apartment; bath, wteam Tieat, hot and cold
water,- ' gas rang1, refrigerator, window
"shades, janitor trvice, telephone; no chil
dren. Apply, daytime, Janitor, ISth and
Couch sts.
THE DAYTON !tOd Flanders st., one 3-room
basement apartment, $20 per month, in
cludes steam heat, hot water and large
store-room. Phone .Main or A 1221.
THE CHETOPA One 4-room unfurnished
apartment; steam heat. '584 Flanders t.
WE have the best 3-room nearly new mod
ern flat in the city; rent $30 per month;
this Oat has every modern convenience;
one block from -car. Corner 22d oni
Kearney sts. Portland -Trust Company,
of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Cak sts.
MuDERN flat, 5 rooms and laath: basement,
furnace, gas and electric fixtures; strictly
modern; ctiolr location; walking distance;
Park and Harrison sts. Inquire 220 1st st.
' i
MODERN flats, nil size, for rent. East and
Weet sides- Portland Trust Company of
Oregon, S. E- cor. 3d and Oak. Phone
Exchange 72. '
$37.54) Swell new flat, 4 rooms and huh;
West Side, 5 minutes' walk; furnace heat,
hot water; adults only; references. C 470,
FOR RENT 3-room modern flat, Went Side,
Overton, ,near 19th; $18. M. E, Lee, room
2o- Ralcllgh bldg., 328 Wash, at.
FOR ' RENT Six-room - flat with gas stove
and linoleum tor sale. 01 Hoyt st.
FOR RENT 3-room flat, 820 Vaughn st.,
$HK Phone Main 5353.
- ' House Keep Ins; Ronmi.
THREE furnished housekeeping roome;
modern; adults only 017 Belmont; Sun
nysiae car. Phone East 5505. .
511 Vt GLISAN 2 . connecting -furnished
corner housekeeping-rooms, porcelain sink,
bath, phone, running water, ;
100 NORTH 18TH Furnished housekeeping
rooms, running water, gas ranges, phone,
everything convenient.
354 SALMON ST. One very desirable room,
furnished for light housekeeping; gas
plate; no children.
HOUSEKEEPING room, very nice, for single
lady; also large pleasant room with use of
kitchen. 334 Park.
LARGE front room, modern conveniences, for
two persons: housekeeping privileges. 407
Jefferson, flat A.
Z OR 4 complete furnished housekeeping
rooms, first floor, 6 block from postoftice.
D 455, Oregonian.
$10 Three nicely f urnish-d rooms in cot
tage; gas runge, sink, bath ; adults. 610
1st, afternoons.
TWO completely -'furnished housekeeping
rooms, $10 --Tier month. 245V N. 17th,
corner Marshall.
ONE partly furnished housekeeping room,
suitable for working girls. J86 Curry St.,
South Portland.
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping,
hof and cold water; rem reasonable. 623
East Mill st.
LOVELY furnished front room in modern flat;
central; ue of complete kitchen if desired.
05 N. 13th.
Fl' RNISHED housekeeping rooms, close in.
Call at 167 West Park st., bet. Morrison
and Yamhill.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping apartments.
The Garland, between 19th and 20th, on
TWO unfurnished rooms, 10 minutes walk
to Postoffice; desirable neighborhood. 350
Harrison. ,
TWO furnished houtsekeeping room", gas,
bath. Phone East 5574. 014 Bast Yamhill,
cor. 30th.
TWO furnlsned houe-keeping rooms for rnt,
large and modern, fron entrance. 223 Rus
sell st. s
401 GLTSAN. S. car. nice furnished house-
Ktcuiug rooms, .i ween; tree pnone. Pacific
TWO housekeeping rooms, furnished. $3 per
week. Apply room 49 Union block, 91 U
4lo JEFFERSON. 3 nice comfortable house
keeping rooms, close in, modern, adults
2 FRONT unfurnlhed rooms, suitable for
housekeeping. 406 Clay st. Phone Pacific
26-JG. .
308 13TH ST. Small room, third floor, with
gas plate; suitable for working man or
lady; $6.
NICELY furnished connecting roome. lPt
noor, Drick flat. S03 Irving,, cor. 17th. Main
BRIGHT 3-room suite, flvsi floor, light,
phone, bath; also two rooms. 117 N. ISth.
LARGE room with' alcove. Turnid : for
housekeeping, gas. bath, phone. 3S5 11th.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms (en suite
choice OrPt floor, close In.. 24ft .TefTerwn st.
Sl'.VNY ho-.iek-?enir:g: rooms. ' furafhe1 : walk
ing distance. 555 Morrison st.. cor. ISth.
2 VERY npo . large modern . housekeeping
rooms, suitable for 4 persons. t, 403 2d St..
4:i. Mafn, cor. 12th. 1 sinele furnished house
keeping room: $8 p"er month:1 central.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms.
6(8 Water street. PhonR Main 4505,
THREE furnished house!' eepin ronmp. all
conveniences: adults enly. 387-Vlth.
THE XlCKl'M, furnished h'ftveK'"p!Mg snart
ments; alpo F'eeplng rooms. 3 9 6th st.
NIE light f-or-f houpekrening roorrT, ground
floor: gas, bath, free phe'r. .374 d ,
V" Pprk" 5t.. two furn'shed ioupekoeping
rooms; as, phone; .njpajv pnstnffice.
LA TrfcrB and -olean. O'osd location. . C31
Thurmaii st.- op lOth-st. . carllne.
TPPFF or four furnished housekeening rooms.
. first floor, cas. bath. 431 6th st.
FI'RNTPHED hoiiekepr,ing room, - -with
water in kitchen, at 305 5th st.
DRESSMAKER'S location Large rooms.
. well ifrrhtnd. MO Morrison st.
ONE larpe furnished ronW '-"'ge closet, with
running water, heat." 280 7th.
Co". ilTH- Furnishefl housekeeping - rooms!
Call Monday or Tuesday.
I OH 3 larr unfurnished housekeeping rmms.
10 East 12th st. North. : ' -
POOM or en suite: furnace, heat, bath, phone;
reasonable. - 03 Ufrh r .,
TWO Inrire ftrt 'roos fumUied fpr house
keeping. 3:;3- Mill st. . " i
A SUITE - of t wi houselce:plng rooms fur
nished. CIO 14th st.. ' ,
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms at S09
Johnson sTreet.
2 XBVt'LY fnmlfhed, ia5ement. - .105 14th.
t cor. Taylor. ; . .
NICE furnished jrooma for rent at 20S 11th.
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 215'llth st.'
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER apartments. 12th and Marshall
sts.. newly furnished housekeeping rooms,
modern conveniences, fine plumbing, electria
lights, hot water, free baths, gas ranges,
laundry room; $2.50 per wetk and up. pio
canlnea allowed. ,
2 TO 5 unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
first or second floor; all large, light out
side rooms; gas. bath, lawn and phone;
rent rhea,p to, right parties. 721 1st St.,
cor.. Hooker. Phone Ma-in 8334. S car.
THE ONEONTA, 137 17th st., near Yamhill:
t new house, elegantly furnished, in suites
of 2, 3 and 4 rooms, Ijot and cold water,
gas range each kitchen; steam heat, baths,
free pione each floor; no children.
GOOD furnished housekeeping rooms, went
Side river, 2 for $8 month, 3 in front of
cottage $15 month, 3 unfurnished, includ
ing water, $io month. .Coast Realty Co
22ti Morrison.
Washington, cor. 2oth Nicely. Xurnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water,
free batn, free phone, both doors; no uoga,
so children.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms;
range and gas plate, not and cold water,
sink and pantry; everything flrst-claes. -1H
7th et. Phone Main B155. lAt block Portland
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished, com
fortable and clean, $10 and up; also single
rooms, suitable for two gentlemen, $1.50
a week ux. 534 Pettygrove st.
847 HALL -Completely furnished housekeep
ing roome, with every convenience, in
pleasant and desirable location; neat .and
clean; reasonable rent.
270 MONTGOMERY Cosy, warm room, cen
tral, gas, bath, use of piano; housekeep
ing privileges if desired ; reasonable. A
5305, Main 4400. 4 .
WHY look, all over the city for rooms? We
have furnished rooms and houses in all
parts of the city. Landladies' Club. 208
Stark, suite 3L-"'
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms with
modern conveniences, electric lights, hot
water, laundry room. The Beaver, 12th and
Marshall sts.
4Q1 EAST MORRISON. cor. East 8th., newly
'furnished housekeeping suite; new gas
ranges, .electric lights, baths, heat; no
COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping myites,
modern house; walking distance, also single
rooms Verv reasonable. 201 Grand av.
jf8 Two desirable front rooms, unfurnished,
ior light housekeeping; gas and water; $8.
5S7 Overton st. Telephone Pacific 3060.
FOUR bright, convenient, nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms, bath, pantrv, roses;
first floor; rent $22 y Large front room
and kitchen, rent $12. 10U Porter st. .
BEAUTIFULLY .. furnished housekeeping
apartment, gas, bath, hfat and telephone
service. Apply SAO E. Madison.
VI-TTOR Talking Machines and records;
Stein way (and other) pianos. Sherman,
Clay & Co Oth and Morrison..
THREE Airnlshed housekeeping rooms;
modern "adults only. 017 Belmont; Sun
nvside car. Phone East 550.
feUITB of furnished housekeeping rooms,
108 13th st near Morrison. Phone Main
0135. References required.
$22 Four furnished housekeeping rooms In
0-room cottage; water, phone. 580 Kear
ney st. phoue Pacific 412.
350h MORRISON, ror. Park, The MMner
Unfurnished housekeeping apartments; ail
conveniences; best location. -
THREE nicely furnished rooms, bath, phone
and gas; aduliA only. Call mornings, ftw
Hawthorne -ave.. cor. 10th.
TWO large furnished rooms; gas range, sink.
closet; $15 per month; no children. 281
17th st., cor. of Jefferson.
VERY pleasant alcove rooms for house
keeping, cheap, central, clean;. gas, phone,
laundry. 32 North 11th.
ONE large front room furnished for light
housekeeping; -rent very' reasonable; gas
a?d uhone. 301 14th st.
PLEASANT furnib-hed rooms for housekeep
ing; heat, electric light, gas and bath. 655
5th st., cor. Lincoln.
FURNISHED, rooms, walking distance,
housekeeping rooms, all modern conven
iences. 533 Johnson.
TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms,
steam heat, electric light, bath and phone.
4H Morrison St.. flat 4. - .
$1.50 WEEK up, large clean furnished house
keeping rooms, laundry and batu. 184 Sher
man at.. South Portland?
3 COMFORTABLE room for housekeeping,
close In; modern conveniences; adults pre
ferred. 271 Market.
TO LET Two rooms, furnished "Tor light
housekeeping. 505 4th st. Phone Pacific
1932, Home A3351.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicelv furnished,
steam heat. 445 Columbia st.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished house
keeping rooms. 407 Davis st.
THREE nice furnished housekeeping rooms,
cheap. Phono Sellwood U5.
SUITE of furnished housekeeping rooms. 287
W. Park st. Rent 22.50.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; bath and
phone. 420 Salmon st.
$ti Two rooms, furnished for housekeeninir.
018 7th st. Main 4529. .
SUNN1SIDE" cottage, 5 rooms, basement:
reasonable. lo43 East Alder. Telephone
M. S. Drake, dentist, 204 Morrison.
LARGE residence, suitable for roomers. Hol
iday's Addition; will sell carpeta and
ranges. Farrington, 313 Fenton bldg.
MODERN 9-room hou?e, will rent cheap If
taken at once. Bozorth-WIIls Co.. Lumber
Exchange bldg. Phone Main 11H.
250 19TH fT. Large new 9-room house,
tile bath, both floors. Inquire Graves'
Music Store. 328 Washington st.
MODERN partly furnished cottage on car
line in exchange for room and board for
two. P 423. Oregonian. :
231 MEADE, -near 2d. six room?, $14;. 233
Meade, nice four-room cottage, $12 Key at
229. Owner. Main 1013. . .
FOR RENT Strictly modern 7-room. house
409 San Rafael st. A. J. .Fatmo. 423 5th
st. Phone Main 4530. -
FOR RENT Seven-room,, corner house, .'No
fcStt Je-ffersbn pt. Gas, hath and yard; $0.
sEnquire 200 Stout St.. , ' " ' . .
FOR RENT $20 per month, 3-room modern
cottage, large yard. 027 5th t.. West Side.
I'tione. Main ,.
$17.00 Modern five-room cottage; 97ft F3. Mad
ison; Inquire 977. - Phone mornings and
evenings. B? -1831.
9-ROOM house -with all 'convenience- reason
able to right party. West Side, ctouth. Main
3000. -
7-ROOM house, barn, one acre; rent $10
Apply owner, 175 12th st. Phone Main 84161
NEW bouse of 9 rooms, 712 IxveJoy st , near
22d. Apply 132 .6th st. Phone Pacific 1951.
NEW 7-room house; las. electrlcitv, furnace;
$30; central location. Inquire 601) Kerby ail
$22 for good 6-room house i good condition.
603 E. Couch, near 10th. Phone East 2409.
FOR RENT A new tt-room comer house;
rent .525. Call 003 E. 'Stark. Phone B 1308.
NEW. modern 3-room flats. Johnson St.. fine
yard. Inquire room 40 Washington bldg.
NEW 7-roomr modern residence. West Side
$27.50, Call room 40 "Washington bldg.
MODERN 7-room houw. --riewlv tinted, $20
7S7 E. A.h. Key at 24th anil Ankeny.
MODERN 0-room housp: attic, bath. Apply
S7 East 17th st. Phone East 2403.
COTTAGE for rent; stoves and shades for
, sale. Inquire at 33 East Third sti-eet.
$185-room modern ' eottnge. 229 Maeon ,
owner. 208 4t.' Te:. Main 'S99o.
MODERN 5-roonf cottage at 593 Hth st. In
, quire .448 th st. Phone Main-6710.
NEW 5-room Yoodern cottage,' 418 San Rafael
. st. Inquire 408 Tillamook "at.
5-ROOM tiouse. 188 17thAnear Yainhitl. In
quire 189, 10th, near Taylor. -
7-ROOM house-'' with bath. Phone E. . 1760.
369 North Grand ave.
FOR P ENT eFurtflshed four-room cottage.
5 East Clay. . -
5-ROOM cottage. 585 Kearney t.- Inquire 581
k Kearney rt. . J
' r
5SO 4TH. Modern . l-rot m house. Inquire
5S4 4th. , . -
9 ROOMS, 580 Fourth St.. $35.
7 rooms, 4R7 Seventh St., $40.
8 rooms, Shu Eleventh t., SO. 50.
6 rooms, 248 Sherman st., $25.
5 rooms, 6!l Coibett at:, lo.
6 rooms. East Ankenv st.", $30.
S roome, 300 Seventeenth et., $10.
5 rooms, 220 Cherry St., $16.
6 rooms, 231 Meade st., $14.
8 rooms, 260 Nartilla at., $75.
8 rooms, 127 Lownsdale St.. $24.
" 5 rooms, 27 N. 25th st., $18.
5 rooms, Bancroft ave., $18.
10 roome, 6H(J Hovt et..'$50.
4-room apartment. Guild ave;, $30.
6 rooms, 614 Front, $2o.
7 rooms, 128 E. Oth St., $18.
6 rooms, 7Mt Irving St., $30.
250 Alder st.
8 ROOMS. 7th st.. West Side, easy walk;
nice home or suited to roomers.
8 rooms. Weidler st., near East 2Tth.
5-room bungalow, near Hawthorne ave.
6 rooms, new, near Piedmont car barn,
tt rooms, new, near Highland School.
5 rooms, new, near Glencoe Station
5-room flat, near Steel bridge.
T-room flat, 710 MMwaukie ave.
208 Stark. Room 12.
7-ROOM HOUSE, 170 N. 18th st., near
Johsxon, for rent, $27.50 per month; house
contains some nearly new carpets and fur
niture that must be sold and is offered
at a very low figure. The house Is-modern,
.including bath, toilets, hot-water
tank, furnace, gas. etc. Portland Trust
Co. of Oregon, S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak
GOOD 4-room house, barn, chicken house, lot
125x100, Bast Side, 10 month.
New lower 4-room flat. West Side, $16, or
, $22 nicely furnished.
Three rooms in cottage, $10, or furnished,
$15 month.
226 V3 Morrison St.
A DESIRABLE modern 12-room house. S.
W. cor. 22d and Overton sts.; excellent
location for rooming or boarding house;
within one block of two carlines; rent
moderate; an excellent opportunity.
202 McKay Bldg.
6 ROOMS, City . View Park, $21.
4 rooms, City View Park, $12.
5 rooms.- furnished, 789 10th st. N., $15.
3 rooms, modern, 509 A 1 be eta et., $12.
6 rooms. East Lincoln and 36th et., $17.
STATE LAND CO. - 133H First st.
IO-ROOM modern house, suitable for home or
boarding-houae; rent $55: nice walk; ready
January 1.
ti-room house on Fremont st. ; a snap;
rents $17. Smith's- Rental Agency. 315
Couch bldg.
FOR RENT A modern house of 8 rooms;
large lot. furnace, etc.; rent reasonable: 7
- minute ride on the hfM carline In city
: 504 Dekum bldg.
FOR RENT 7-room house with barn and
chicken-Jiouse; $10; flue .place for chicken
ranch. $
.." , Lumber Exchange.
NEW 7-ROOM house, modern in every re
spect, close In on. East Side. flrst-clai
-neighborhood; rent reasonable to desir
able tenant. Portland Trupt Company of
Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak sts.
5 OR 6 rooms with bath, hot" water and
gas. In nice brick houe and nice neigh
borhood, $12 month water included. 70S
Division st., near.'E. 23d st. f'ake W.-R.
or W.-W. car.
NEARLY new 7-room house, good lot, 987
E. 2 2d st., N. ; has bath, toilet, hot water
tank, etc.; $12 per month. Apply Port
land Trust Co.. 8. E. cor. 3d and Oak sts.
,FOR RENT Modern 7-room house, 250
Dixon st., near Steel bridge; walking dis
tance. Inquite next door or to Kinnott
& Sinnott. 521-525 Chamber of Commerce.
6-ROOM house. 291J N. 20th St., bath, toller,
hot watir, etc.; walls nieVly tinted; $22.50
per -month. Portland Trust Company, pf
Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak sts
BEAUTIFUL home, covering two acres of
choice fruit and ehrubbery; on carllne; fine
view of city ; low rent to proper party.
Inquire room 40, Washington bldg.
FOR RENT 8-room house, centrally locat
ed, close to car line, all the latest modern-improvements.
Phone B 1274. Inquire
32 E. 22d St.. North.
NEW house, 5 rooms and bath, electric
lights East 2Gth, near Gladstone; rent
reasonable. Phone Pacific v."4 today, ask
for Mr. Wiswell.
5-ROOM cottage, good condition, well lo
cated. $12. f Phone A or Main 3240 Sun
day. Frank Lucas, 216 Chamber of Com
merce. WANTED To- rent houses, offices, storee,
rooms, ets. ; long list of aplicants. Albee-
Benham Co., 25 Concord bldg., 2d and .Staik
sU. 1
FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, all con-venit-iH-es.
reasonable rent to Tight party.
Key at 940 East Couch M. Ankeny car.
MODERN 8-room house, just completed, 823
Weidler st., Irvington. Sinnott & Sin
nott, 521-525 Chamber of Commerce.
K'' USES and flat. A. S. Draper, 343 Wash
ington st.
4-ROOM house for rent. 0 Baker at:"; $12
a month.
Furnished Houses.
FOR RENT 9-room house, nicely furnished,
-in good location and recently decorated;
will lease for a year or more to responsi
ble tenant; no phone calls answered.
Wakefield. Fries & Co., 229 Stark st.
FOR KENT Furnished house, one block
from Sunnyside carllne. near East 33d St.,
reference required; call at 22 Washing
ton st. or 1000 Vs Belmont st.
FINELY furnished 3-room IJat, ground floor,
cloe In. reasonable. Piano. 335 Chap-.
- man. after 9. Mondaj-. Exceptional; no
small children.
5-ROOM cottage, completely furnished-; two
beds; lawn, cement basement, free phonei
1 and water. 356 14th Bt. phone Main 3255
ttOARDING-HOUPt. furnished. 23 rooms,
rent $35 per month. C. H. Piggott. law
yer, owner, rooms 4. 5r, 6. . Mulkey bldg.
FOR RE T Modern 5-room flat, well fur
nished; West Side; Nob Hill; carline; ref
erences required. Phone Main 890.
COTTAGE.' nicely furnished, 4 or 5 rooms,
Holladay's Addition, close In ; to adults
only. Inquire 200 E. 6th st. N.
WELL furnished 11 -room house. 2 bath
n-oms, on Hawthorne ave. Apply J. F.
Boothe, Commercial block.
FURNISHED 5-room cottage. $21. including
water, fine location. 332- Freemont st. In
quire 328 Freemont st.
FURNISHED 3-room cottage; gas, bath, near
oar; $20. Phone E. 3;24. Call Monday, 787
E. Main.' AdultB only.
FURNISHED flat, 3 . rooms, alcove, hath,
gas, hot water; walking distance. 233
Hall; adults only.
RENT An elegantly
tdVf. close In. Phone
furnished new
Ea.Ht 5432. after
MODERN B-room house, furnished elegantly;
furnace, wood in, no children.. Phone JJ
2755. y -r.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished 5-room steam
heated flJtt. Call afU-r Sunday, flat 5, 362
3d st. t
7-ROOM house completely furnished, including
piano.- CaLl at 779 Kearney st. Phone A
7-ROOM furnished house on E. Tavlor st.
. Stauhj & Sawtelle. cor. E. 32d and Belmont.
MODERN 7-room house, completely furnished,
for rent. 8 Union N. . s
FURNISHED 5-room cottage, $32.50. Inquire
444 11th st.
Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale
FINE "22-room honw, well furnished ; best lo
cation in eitj; would like to sell by Jan. 1,
1008.-- Inquire 531 Couch.
SNAP Flat, 11th an(l -Alder. 147 ; Just
furnished: leaving . city unexpectedly;
$425. time.
FURNITURE and lease of 1 2-room apart
. ment-house; rent $30, income $75. Phone
East 55U3.
4-ROOM houx-e. with -some furniture for sale;
rent S.-SO per month. 1611 E. 13th st.,
4-ROOM cottage forrent, $1; bath, gas; fur
niture for eale.. new, 75. 718 E. Ankeny.
COMPLETELY' furnished "-room cottage
cheap; house rent. $25. Call at no 12th.
12-ROOM house, rooms all rent' close in.
cheap rent. Owner. Main 1. V A 13-0
5-room fiat for rent and furniture for tale;
brand new; a bargain. K 437, Oregonian.
FURNITURE of 7-room bouse; rooms rented;
brings one's rent price $3)0. 27 N. 9th.-
W ELL-FU RNISH ED 9-room fla t for wale ;
choice location. N 466, Oregonian.
Tor rent.
Houses for Rent Furniture for Kale.
10-ROOM house for rent, furniture for aale,
$850; a bargain.
7-room house for rent, furniture for sale;
5 rooms used for renting out; this Is in the
heart of the city; want $500; make ua an
offer. -
6-foom houee for- rent, $14.50, furniture
. for sale. $175; easily worth. $300; everything
neat and clean; one block from Montgomery
car. Smiths' Rental Agency, 315 Couch
7-ROOM HOIT8E, 170 N. 18th st., near John
son, for rent, $27.50 -per month: house
' contains some nearly new carpets and
furniture that must be sold and Is of
fered at a very low figure. The house is
' modern. Including bath, toilets, hot-water
tank, furnace, gas, etc. Portland Trust
Co. of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak sts.
5-ROOM flat, $80; Irving, near 22d.
6-room frat, $35; Irving, near 22d.
O-room flat, $40; Johnson, near 23d.
tt-Toom flat, $45; Johnson, near 23d.
These 'flats are modern In every respect.
Smith's Rental Agency, 315 Couch bldg.
NJW,n destoable furniture for an 8 -room
house; party can have possession Imme
diately and rent Tiouse where furniture is
now located If desirable tenant; big snap;
positively no agents. L 465, Oregonian.
$430 hUys furniture of modern 8-room house;
wood and coal: 4 roms-fuH. besides attic;
a snap; one block from Washington. 90
11th st., near Stark. Phone Main 7555.
$150 CASH, balance $250 monthly, buys a
good 10 rooms; rent $23; Income $90 month;
2-year lease.
STATE LAND CO. 133 First St.
GOOD furniture of modern steam-heated flat,
6 room, arranged for renting ; all full;
owner sick, must sell. 549 Wash. t. Phonea
Main 6976, A 3894.
TWO FLATS, four suites, completely fur
nish d; terms. $4tA) and monthly payments;
a home with an -income. Address W 456,
ALL or part of furniture of a 10-room house;
good loca tion ; 6 rooms rented ; no rea
sonable offer will be rejected. Phone Main
BRAND new furniture of a 6-room house for
aale, houee for rent. U. or Wood lawn car.
Cheap If taken at once. 299 Morris st.
NEWLY furnlehed 5-room flat for sale;" close
in; pays its own rent; going East; roust
' sell. 267 Clay et. Phone M. 7628.
SUITE unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
steam heated, all convenienees; furniture
for sale cheap. Phone East 3185.
4-ROOM house for rent, furniture for eale, at
a- bargain. Apply 537 East 32d St.; Take
V;-R. car. Cail afternoons.
CORNER store in the flatlron, near Steel
bridge.- facing three fronts, plat,e glass
windows, steam heated, adapted to fine
drugstore with good opening for -resident
physician. Call up Main or A S055, for
STORE, with rooms above, to rent, orv
Union aw, fine location: will "give 2
months' free rent to party renting for
one year or more. Room 3, Washington
bldg. -
FOR RENT Storeroom and one floor above,
30x1 uO, with elevator; moderate rent oa
unexpired lease. Apply Chlopeck Fish Co.,
.65 Front st. - .
FOR RENT A well located store on Union
ave.. near Burnslde. Inquire of John C.
Hanks.- Rodgers. Hart. Gibson, A.. 146
2d st., city.
SMALL store on Wa?h. st.. bet. 4th and Park
ms. Can give leaee; fine location. K 466,
FOR RENT Part of store; five years' lease.
.104-100 2d st. For particulars apply at
GOOD lease on modern store. 460 Washing
ton, near 13th. Apply billiard parlor.
CORNER store, best location on Washington
.at. Apply 315 Swetland bldg.
FOR RENT Large dry basement, storage pur
poses. 251 Front st.
STORE- for rent; wholesale district. Addrees
B 458, Oregonian.
STORE for rent. -142 N. 10th st.
In new building, corner Grand ave. and
East Stark, electric elevator, steam heat,
hot and cold water; fine suites for doctor
or dt ntist very reasonable. Apply at
. building or Morgan, Sweet & Chapman,
213 Ablugton bldg.
ROOMS for offices and manufactures; power,
team heat, storage room in cement base
ment, sidewalk. e leva tor.
111 Second st.
FURNISHED or unfurnished ground-floor
offices and desk room, centrally located,
reasonable rent; includes both phones.
Sengstuke. & Lyman. 90 5th sL
350 MOHRISON. cor. Park, desirable of
fice suites with hot and cold water, steam
heat, electric elevator; reasonable rental;
best, location,
OFFICES to rent In the Worcester and Hamil
ton buildings at moderate rate. Apply to
Robert Strong. 814 Worcester Mag.
FINE deek room, with or . without desk;
steam heat, free phone, in fine large front
office. Washington bidg.. roam 3.
DESK "room in well furnished office for rent;
free phone. Room 16 Lafayette bldg., cor.
Oth and. Wash. sta.
FINE offices. best location. Room 815,
Swetland bldg.. 5th and Washington.
FOR RENT 5W)o feet floor space on the 2d
floor of our building. we;l lie rf ted, airy,
electric elevator. Address Buffalo-Pitts.
Co., ety. .
CULTURED lady desires to meet a gentle
man in good standing, 45 to 5o. city
reference required. R 40. Oregonian.
st., room 24-25. Vapor, sponge baths,
electric treatments. Lady attendants.
YOUNG gentleman wishes to meet lady not
.over 25; object matrimony: must be a Pro
testant. Address N 452, Oregonian.
YOl'NG man desires acquaintance . of work
ing girl who will loan $500 on good real
estate security. F 459, Oregonian.
MRS. OBROCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow,
alcohol rub. cream massage: references.
2S21: Park. Main 2403, A 2734.
WEALTHY manufacturer of good reputation
wishes congenial, home-loving wife. Hill,
220S Wabash ave., Chicago.
SCALP treatment. tnassBCf. Swedish move
ment.' alcohol rub, steam baths. Mrs.
Bruce. 26U 7th. A 3504.
SPOKANE Artificial Limb House, legs, arms,
' brakes, trusses made and repaired. -Sherwood
bldg.. Spokane, .Wash.
MRS. SOPHIA SEIP, public test circles
Tuesday, Friday evening. 304 Allsky
bldg., 3d and Morrison.
PROF. DIAMOND will teach you the chords
on the piano at your home for $1. Phone
' .Main 3SN8, morning?.
NEW Smith-Premier or Oliver typewriter
for rent cheap. Lumbermen's Labor Bu
reau. 12 North' 2d.
SKEK and you shall And. knock and it shall
be opened unto you. Melvin, 291 Morri
son st.. corner 5th.
WHY 41 ve alone? Send 10c; join our matri-
moriy society; many rich. Box 906. North
Yakima.- Wash.
LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Dr.
v Ketch um. graduate; advice free. 170 3d
ml Main 7154.
YOUNG lady, left with large estate, seeks
husband and adviser. Glinn. 171 E. 22d
St., Chicago.
MOLES, wrtnkies. superfluous barr removed.
Mrs. M. D. Hill. S30 Fleidner bldg. Pao. 135.
DR. " ATWOOD. female diseases; maternity
cases, private hoepltal. 8 Lewts bl. P. 1751
Miss Ethel Ward, manicurist-chiropodist, for
merly 351 Morrison, now 201 3d. A5542.
JUST OPENED Manicuring and facial mas
sage parlors. Room 5. 143 fith st.
VASHTI now located at 87 Oth st., near
ritark; Tsaths. -massage and chiropody.
BALM of Figs for all female diseases. 624
E. Belmont. Phone E. 4034.
MISS GIBSON gives scalp treatment; dand
ruff. 208 Morrison, room 52.
WANTED Palmist, middle-aged lady; good
opportunity. 20 3d st. North.
LADIES barber shop now open. Manicur
ing and massage. 54 4th t.
MADAM LUOKEY, 2l9 4th St. Electric
baths, massage, chiropody.
"Women's and children's diseases are treated
.exclusively at this Institute: up-to-date
-sanitarium and maternity 'hospital. Mater
nity casea are given apecial attention by a
graduate and licensed woman physician,
with years of experience. Children adopted
Into best families, lint always on hand.
Chronic and acute diseases treated In moat
skillful and latest methods; consultation
free. Correspondence solicited and confiden
tial. Open all day and evening until 8. Notice
The original Dr. Mary Lane has only one
address, rooms 6-14 Grand Theater bldg,
352 Washington st.
All diseases of men, women and children
both acute and chronic diseases of the eye,
ear, nose, throat and lunga, heart, kidneys,
bladder, brajn and stomach, catarrh, rheu
matism, goitre, indigestion, constipation and
skin diseases promptiy cured. All private
and wasting diseases promptly cured and
their effects permanently removed from the
system. Consultation fr. nnri airictlv con
fidential. We v guarantee all of our curesi
-twin, aurgica & aaeuicai inawLuie,
Raleigh bldg., 6th and Wah. sts. -
General diseases of women, men and chil
dren treated scientifically by a licensed lady
physician of 20 yearn' practice; also out
side confinement cases promptly attended.
Latest improxtd X-ray and Ftnsen methods
for treatment of cancers, gall .tones, goitre
and rheumatism. Correspondence invited.
Address Suite 14-15. Raleigh Bldg., 322
Washington St., Portland. Phone Main 4151.
YOUR money back if my Indian remedy
won't cure you. Aeihma. So. rer cent
cured; bronchitis, 9o per cent cured; ruse,
wtu, cu.ui.rrn, cougns, nay rever or gas
tritis; I guarantee a cure or the mor ey
back. Send for circular or $1 for 10 da:s'
medicine. Arnold's Asthma Cure Com
pany, 715 Olive st., Seattle, Wash.
DON'T give up hope simply because you are
nervous; Sexlne pills will cure you. or It
won't cost you a cent; $1 a box, 0 boxes
$5, witu full guarantee for all forms of
weakness. Address or call The J. A. Clem
enson Drug Company, corner Second and
Yamhill streets, Portland. Or.
LADIES, consult Dr. Mary Lane, (the only
and original) established 10 years; specialist
for diseases of women and children. The
best equipped lying-in sanitarium on the
Coast. Consultation free. Correspondence
confidential. 253 Alder, cor. 3d, Portland.
Phone Main 2796.
HELP for teachers of the city, county or
state in arithmetic. Any problem worked
and satisfactorily explained. Inclose stamp
and address, clearly written, with number
example and page for trial and obtain
my terms. J. C. Lewis, 308 Ivon st., Port
land, Or.
-i..- - - ' t
SL'Vrs pressed Witiii you Walt. 50c. To vis
itors of Portland hotels and to public at
large; Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the
tailor's, 100 0th st, next to Quelle, La
d)e' skirts pressed, 50c. Feathers and boas
cleaned and curled. Phone Pacific 2088.
YOUNG man 30, occupying large, airy bache
lor apartments, separate bed, gas and elec
tricity, five blocks from Portland Hotel,
wishes to meet young man to share same;
state age, occupation: references exchanged;
rent reasonable. D 469, Oregonian.
ONE DOLLAR reward.for the correct ad
dress of any of the following persons: R.
C. Parker, formerly at 15th and A ins
worth sts., city, and A. J. Mullen, former
ly at 686 Hood st. C. Miller. 191 First st.
A. B. Bloomer, agent for Perkins National
Herbs, also for Kretal, formerly at 2t)8 3d
St., city. Is now located permanently with
the F. P. Keenan Co., 190 4th St., Portland.
Phone Main 3982.
CHARLEY I will meet you at Oth and
Stark, after you get your hair cut for 2
bits and your shoes shlned free at the
Model Barber Shop. You know they cm
ploy only the best of barbers. The num
ber is 91 Oth st. NELLIE.
ANY man or woman may regain perfect
strength by using Sexlne pills. $1 a box. 6
boxes $5. with full guarantee. . Address or
call The J. A. Clemenson Drug Company,
corner 2d and Yamhill streets. Port
land, Or.
$2500 SECURES half interest in 60 acres
best Hood River land, partly cleared. In
cluding team horses, two wagons, house,
barn. cordn 4-foot wood, tools. eto ;
references required and given. D 462. Ore
gout and lumbago, no matter how long
standing, can be cured. Will cure you on
guarantee. No relief, no charge. Write.
giving name and address. 3U3 Buchauun
FOR 50 cents we will send you a 150-page
book of valuable Information prepaid in
plain wrapper; no man or woman contem
plating marriage should be without it.
Lock Box 1354, Seattle, Wash.
MIDDLE-AGED gentleman enrning good sal
ary wtshfs to m$et lady 25 to 40; object
matrimony; don't answer unless you are
sincere ; 1 mean business; give phone num
ber. D 454, Oregonian.
HANDSOME young lady, worth $23,000,
wants acquaintance of honorable gentleman-.
cfly marriage; no objection to poor
man If honest. Address Mrs. W., 6ST
Fulton st., Chicago.
FITS CURED Dr. Lindley's Perfected Cure
removes the cause, saves the mind, re
stores the nerves; no failures; it cures.
Send for free trial bottle. Dr. Llndley,
Long Beach, Cal.
SINGLE man, 37 years old, temperate, with
steady work and good wages, would tike
to meet single lady not under 35 'years of
age, in good situation; object matrimony.
W 451, Oregonian.
DON'T be lonesome; send 10" cents for De
cember Matrimonial Register; join Inter
state Introducing Hdciety; many wealthy
members recently enrolled. . Box 231. Se
attle. Wash.
WOULD you marry if suited? Matrimonial
paper containing advertisements of mar
riageable people, many rich, from all sec
tions, mailed (sealed) free. O. M. Gunnels,
Toledo, Ohio.
PERSONS of marriageable age, either sex,
desiring acquaintance, correspondence or
companion, send 25c for circular. Port
land Introducing Bureau, room 3, 181
1st st. .
CONFIDENTIAL Correspondence Club, for
honest, sober, single people fully of age.
Call or address Mrs. H. C. Wilbur. 400 3d
st., near Harrlsou. Scar, phone Maln81"0.
MELVIN is conceded by all to be the only
true psychic clairvoyant and PJast India
adept now practicing in Portland; low fee
this week, 50c. 291 Morrison, cor. 5th.
DRESS e u its for rent, all sizes; $1 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 3u9 Stark.
PARTIES thinking of buying stock in Clear
Lake Irrigation and Lumber Co. see me; I
will save you money. G. W. McCoy, with
Coast Realty Co. 226 Morrison.
WORKING man, would like to make ac
quaintance of working; jrlrl or widow who
would care to Mve In the country ; object,
matrimony. XX 212, Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN of quiet disposition wishes
room and board in Swedish or German
family durivTfc the Winter months; Htaie
price. H 44tf. Oregonian.
GERMAN, French. Sranish and other For
eign Dictionaries. Text Books and Litera
ture (German books a specialty). A. W.
Echmale Co., 229 First st.
LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor
ens' Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25c a box. Write
or call at Eyas el's Pharmacy, 22 T Morri
son tt., bet. 1st and 2d.
SEE Melvin, the great clairvoyant, seer and
healer, at the Benson. 2o9 Vs Morrison,
corner 3th r special low fee for a few
days only,', 50c. y
DON'T be lonely; join Portland Introducing
Bureau: gents $1. ladles free; name fur
' nished so you can write. Ortice, room 3,
181 iat t.
A. VUILLENMIER, Jeweler, is located at 250
Aldei, between 2d and 3d. Diamond,
watches, jewelry, cut glasp. at reasonable
DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton
Root Pllis. sure remedy for delayed periods.
$2 per box pr 3 boxed $3. Dr. Pierce, 181
1st at.
Mme. Courtright, skin and scalp treatments;
facial deformities corrected; plastic sur
gery 225 Fliedner bidg. M- 5042 A 2009.
Dr. T. J. Pierce, specialist, diseases of women;
all irregularities corrected; no exposuVe;
charges moderate. 181 1st, cor. Yamhill.
MARRY Wealth and beauty: marriage di
rectory free; pay when married: new plan.
H. A. Horton, Dept. 8L Tekonsha, Mich.
FOR ladies, from 1J M. to 6 P. M., Mondays
and Frlduvs. Experienced lady attendants
oniy. Imperial Hotel Turkish Bathe.
WEALTHY -Southern gentleman, 50, retired,
would marry; confidential. B. R., Toledo
Correspondence League. Toledo, Ohio.
WANTED To meet honorable ladies and
gentlemen of responsible age; object mat
rimony. S 59. Oregonian.
SEE- MELVIN, 291 Morrison St., the true
6o8-50ft Swetland Building.
23 rooms, strictly modern apartment
-house, corner location. In the best part of
the city, elegantly furnished throughout ;
never on the market before; rent very rea
sonable with good long lease. This place
Is clearing over $100 per month above all
ex;enses. If you want the bettt place of
this kind in the city call for particulars.
Price only 2.'i0.
All the furniture. furnU?hfnffs. carpets,
silverware and everything complete for
housekeeping, of one of the nrnst elegantly
furnished ftat in the citv; strictly modern
In every detail; beautiful location; for per
sonal reasons the above place can bo had
at the extremely low price of $450.
60 rooms, beautifully furnished through
out; hot and cold running water, steam
heat and electric lights in every room; one
of the best locations in the city; strictly
modern fireproof building; very low rent,
with 5 years' lease; clearing $400 per month
above all expenses: can be handled for
$4HK cat?h. ff interested in a strictly mod
em place call nud make us an ofTer.
12 rooms, fine corner location, elope In.
well arranged for cither boarding or room-ing-hous?:
one of the must elejtantlv fur
nished roomlng-houes in Portland, almost
new; running water in moet rooms; fur
nace heat and modern conveniences; $tK)
cash will handle this place; worth investi
gation. MODERN" 6-ROOM FLAT.
6 rooms, beautifully furnished with high
grade carpets and furniture, almost new,
well arranged for renting rooms, rent, in
cluding steam heat, hot and cold water,
only $36 per month : you can have a flue
home here for the 'Winter and all running
expenses by renting a few rooms. Price $60u.
1 1 rooms, 9 of which are elegantly fur
nished; you can put in some of your own
furniture in two rooms and have one of
the best small houses in the city; excellent
location for renting rooms; income $60 per
month above the rent, leaving two nice
rooms for yourself; rent only $45 per month;
$300 cash, and balance monthly.
25 rooms, very nicely furnished; electric
lights; very desirable corner location: clear
ing above alt expenses $loo per month;- run
ning water in rooms. Price $1200.
508-509 Swetland bldg., cor. 6th and Wash,
S30OO to $10,000 yearly easily made in real
estate business; no capital required; we
will teach you the business by mail, ap
point you special representative of lead
ing real estate company, list with you
readily saleable properties, co-operate
with and assist you to permanent success.
Call or write for free 02-page book. The
Cross Company, 75 Reaper block, Chicago.
A SNAP Give us an offer on a 54-room fur
nished roomlng-housei electric and gas light,
gas-heated, flr.e location, doing good busi
ness; HI health caune of selling; will take
best offer given by Dec. 18; we mean busi
ness. 412 t'ommeroial bldg., cor. 2d and
Wash., Portland, or 610 Wash. St., Van
couver, Wash.
WANTED A reliable man to Invest from
$25,000 to $50,000 or inure In a laie and
well-established wholesale Importing firm,
for purpose of enlarging and extending
business; large territory yet to be reached.
Insuring gwod prospects and safe and well
pay'.ng Investment, Address B 411, Ors
gonlan. A MONEY MAKER.
Owner of a livery and feed stable is tired
of hired help and will sell half Interest
In a paying business,' easily Invoicing
price asked. $ 1 5h; a snap; fine location
on West Side.
103 3d st.
$10 CASH and $lO per month will buy a
beautiful 2-acre California vineyard, the
income from which will ls sufficient to
- ma-ke you Independent for life; handsome
p-impb let and valuable Information free.
Sacramento Valley Improvement Co., St.
Louis. Mo.
The Ames Mercantile Agency istabllhe5
If 16) furnish free Information on opportu
nities in mercantile or manufacturing lines,
city or country.
204-205 Ablngton bldg.
COM PA NY operating flr and pine sawmill
offer Hpecful inducements to man of ex
perience to build and operate planing mill
nnd box shook factory. Will give contract
for finishing own product and take half
- Interest in the business. Address H 447,
$5MMj For a first-class money-inaking
country store In the most beautiful valley
of Southern Orcon, which will stand your
closest investigation.
F. FUCHH. 221 Morrison tt.
FOR RENT Large new hotel at new R. R.
terminal grounds. 12th and Marshall sts.;
has 143 rooms, dining-room and kitchen;
ail modern conveniences; 3 -year lease;
rent $500 per month. Apply to Phil Ge
vurtz. of Gevurtz A Sons. 173-5 First st.
FOR SALE One of the nicest little grocery
Kores In one of the best suburb to
Port land, all new stock, and can turn over
good trade, wagon and harness. Phone Ta
bor 717. It will pay you to l.jok this up.
WOULD yu like to Invest In a solid Jobbing
and manufacturing business here in Port
land? We guarantee S per cent on your
money. Principals only. Address com
munications M 453. care Oregonian.
IF you have a business, not el or lodging
house and you want to sell It. If It will
stand Investigation, come to ua More
bouse, Wlest Company, 420 Lumber Ex
change buitdlng.
SALOON Partner wanted because owner
can't depend on hired help; experience not
" neeesMtry: owner will guarantee you at
least $15o a month; $75 required. Call
1V!.'. Krurlr at
IF YOU are in the market to buy a saloon,
restaurant, confectionery. cigar store,
come to aee us; just at present wo1 hae
three bargains. 325 Lumber Exchange
PRINTER with a few hundred dollars, or
i val estate to trade, can learn of a good
proposition by comniunicai ing with us.
Beaver Realty Co., 425 Lumber Exchange.
WANTED A man with some money to
take an interest in an established manu
facturing business paying big profit.;
money absolutely safe. E 443. Oregonian.
BL'TTKR, egg and produce store; clears $250
a month after paying expenses: sickness
forces owner East and price is $750 to sell
Monday. Call 24S Stark t.
Room i i, g-house. 28 rooms, furnished, on
Marnet st., close in ; pays $100 month
clear. 301 Swetland bldg.
$5 TO $10 per day Is yours If you mean busi
ness and can invest $250; costs. you. nothing
for particulars. Call room 308 Chamber of
Commerce bldg.
BAKO.flN Swell furniture of 9 rooms, $550; ,
13 rooms, finest In the city, $12(J0; 3 years'
lease; half down, balance easy. Call
1M 4th st.
HAVE other fields to conquer and offer pay
ing rooming-hoiwe at $1000 ; real est at '
would go fine with this. Call on 132'
Union ave.
. 1 ,
POOL TABLES 6 as good as new, cues,
racks, etc.. at a bargain; see Canadian
Employment Co., 21 North 2d st- Phone
Main 3074.
PARTNER wanted in ladles' tailoring and:
dressmaking ; old established business; .
good location and trade. H 444. Ore
gonian. SNA P Confectionery ; fine store, and' fur
nished flat, free electric light, trar.ier coi
ner, low rent; mu.H sell. Frary & Sltz, 130
5th st.
SALOON for sale, CHEAP, with LICENSE,
long LEASE, rent $50. Canadian em
ployment Co., 21 North 2d st. Main 3074.
32-ROOM hous?. well furnished, choice loca
tion, full of roomers. ?lt)ni. Owner leav
ing city. Hatfield & Smith, 105 u. 4lh St.
PARTNER WANTED Must be satisfied to at $4 a day ; experience unnecessary i
$250 required. Call 24bHi Stark st.
ROOMING-HOUSE SNAP !8 rooms: rent
$27.50; long lea;-e; clears $75 a month above
all expenses; $550. lSa1 4th st.
FOR SALE 2-chair barber shop, new fur
niture, cheap: part payment. Call 514
Chamber Commerce.
10 ROOMS nicely furnished, brick building.
blo-k on Washington ; $000, terms ; lease.
Phone Main 27SS.
8-ROOM house, heart of city, all rented; rent
$25; $300: no agents wanted. Address Box
W 434, Oregonian.
DENTAL OFFICE and fixtures, for sole, com
plete Good location. Address box 653,
Baker City, Or.
FOR SALE Cheap; photo studio on easy pay
ment.1?. Jacobson Realty Company, Belling
ham. Wash.
GROCERY and general store for sale at
discount If taken at once. V 444, Ore
gonian. monthly, $530. Hatfield & Smith. 165 4th
SALOON Cor sale, 115 N- 7th st. J. B- Wild.