THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAy, PORTLAND PECE3IBER 15, 1907. HEKp WANTED MALE. iiAI.KSMAN We arc Tailora to the Trade, making men's clothing to measure; we want one wide-awake man In each town (not yet taken) with ambition to estab lish a permanent, profitable business of his own; no capital or experience re quired; we will send, absolutely free, complete line of over 40O large samples hest woolens, fashion plate. Instruc tions, etc., and assist you in every pos sible w ay; our men make from $25 to $75 per week. Write today. Send references and reserve territory. ROGERS, BLAKE & CO., 1: Market st., Chicago. LlCAL representative wanted; a large Income uesured to anyone who will act as our rep i etMUiitive after learning our business thoroughly by mail; experience unneces sary; all we require Is honesty, ambition and willingmss to learn a lucrative busi ness ; no illicit ing or traveling ; an excep tional opiKiitunity for those who desire to better their conditions and make more money. For full particulars address Dept. 7!2 B. any of tire. National Co-operative Realty Co.. 62 Dearborn St., Chicago;. 507 K su. Washington, D , C; Phelps bldg., cranton, I 'a. r HAXUKN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES, 2o N-ith Second st. 250 Burnslde st. Hrlck layer, i$tt: 2 horseshoers and camp blacksmiths. $05 and board; 3 rough car penters. $3.20, H hours; 4 Inside wiremcii and general electricians, for power plant, boss here, $3.25; 4 linemen, $3; 2 rip rap men, $2.5(1; farmhands, land clear ing and ..cord wood contracts. Others. Stem shovel engineer. Si. AO. C. R. HANSEN, JR. Main Office 26 North Second Street. SALESMAN to call on the gents' furnish ing and general store trade with a staple line of merchandise, suspenders, handker chiefs, etc. ; entire line In suitcase; side linein commission baste; one calling on Hbnve trade preferred. Give references, lull particulars and territory covered in tirnt letter. Inquire of H. & C. Glld marhcr, l.i:;7 Bush st., Nan Francisco, Cal FIREMEN and brakemen on railroads In Portland and vicinity, to fill vacancies caused by promotions. Experience un necessary. State age, height, weight. Firemen, $100 monthly, become Engineers and earn $JU0. Rrokemen. $75, becoming conductors, earn $150. Name position pre ferred. Railway Association, care Port land Oregonian. "VUI'NG men for firemen and brakemen on all leading railroads and new lines be ing completed. Firemen, $lO0 monthly, become engineers, $2M; brakemen, $S0, become conductors, $150: positions now open Write at once for particulars. Na tional Railway Training School, Inc., 535 Boston block, Minneapolis, Minn., V. S. A. $210 MOTOR CYCLE or horse and buggy furnished our salesmen for traveling, and .Hft per month and expenses, to take orders for the greatest portrait houne In the world. You will receive, post-paid, a beautiful 1x20 reproduction of oil painting In an swer to this ad. Write for particulars. H. D. Martel. Dept. 243. Chicago. , SALESMAN traveling on the road visiting dry goods trade In the smaller towns; to hanole a strong and complete line of laces, embroideries and ladies' neckwear on good commission These goods eell all year, and our biggest season is after January 1st. . Addretw J. M. Meyers & Co., 434 to 438 R road way. New York City. BRIGHT YOrNG MEN to prepare for postal clerks on the railroad; Government posi tions; salaries near $70 a month to start and opportunity for promotion with advanced pay. Must be physically strong and near 3 ft. In. in height. Call today for further reference. Pacific States School, 513 "tic Kay bldg. "WA XT ED Salesman experienced In any line to sell general trade In Pacific Coast; va cancy January 1 ; liberal commission with per week advance. One saittmian earned S154!M4 during last three months, his first experience with us. The Continental Jew- Iry Co., Cleveland. O. PARTNER wanted for 1-3 Interest in a man ufacturer's agent's mercantile proposition that has been successfully established for a term of years; pays a salary of $1200 per year and good profit on investment; $-1000 cah required. Commercial Abstract Co., 323 Wash. at. 1 WISH two good real estate men, one for t he city and one who thoroughly under stands the farm business, who are willing to work on a commission basis. Have more business than I can handle with present force. B 4t2. Oregonian. WANTED At once, 33 good men to get their shoes shlned free at the Model Bar ber Shop; haircut ting. 25 cents; shaving, 1 5 cents, hair tonic included : -the finest it-chair shop in the city; only the best of barbers employed. 01 0th st. A CLIENT of cure requires the service of a first-class city salwman; only a man of ability and good address, with clear record, need apply. Address Mr. C. H. Rhodes, caro Rhodes Advertising Agency, 142 2d ht.. city. ' YOUNG man of good appearance; must be over 5 feet 6 Inches tall, about 21 yeans of age, as floorwalker and window trim mer; state former experience, reference tnd salary desired. Addreas N US. Oregonian. MAN with references to solicit and collect, experienced man to go with you and teach you the business ; opportunity for promotion to good salary position soon. 41! Macleay Bldg., 2Su Washington st. PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against accident, sickness and death. Write or call for full Information. Northwestern Health and Accident Association. 800 Wells-Fargo bldg. Agents wanted, Men to learn electricity, plumbing, plastering, bricklaying, all kinds of drafting and plan - read ng; day and night; no books; positions secured; free catalog. Coyne Trade School, 230-240 Eighth at., San FrancUco. WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb ing, bign and card-writing and design ing; day and night classes; catalogue free. Colorado School Practical Plumbing, -1045 Arapahoe st.. Denver, Colo. WANTED Detectives- we want good men. Oldest secret service in United States. No experience needed. We give full instruc tions. Write today. American Detective Association, ludiunanolli, Ind. M ANT BD Experienced salesmen for 1908. Gaodts sold on long time. Proposition -especially attractive now on that account. Write for particulars. McAlllster-Coman Co.. :;5(i Dearborn st., Chicago. WANTED Young men study telegraphy; new law effective March 1 provides short er hours, makes Increased demand for operators. Oregon College. southwest corner 5th and Oak. HEN and women to learn barber . trade in eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instructors; catalogue free. Moler Syatem of Colleges, 35 North Fourth st., Portland. "WANTED Men to sell our high-grade nurs ery Mock; highest commission paid; $100 a month easily made. Call or addresj 124 Union av., near K. Morrison st. Mt. Hood Nursery Co. f GOOD advertising solicitor at 147 Front - HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRL wanted for general housework; three In family. 702 Nrthrup at., bet. 21st and 22d. Cashier, book-keepers, stenographers, store help. Clerks' Reg. Bureau. 3SG Wash. st. WANTED- Girl to assist with light house work: references required. Call 447 10th St. LA Dl E-S to learn millinery. Vogue School of Millinery. KU2 Washington St., room 2. EXPERIENCED coat and skirt alteration h; rtdy. Apply today. .V.:i Everett st. EXPERIENCED mlesglrlM. famy goods, toys etc. Apply bet. I and Jrt. 171 3d St. LADY harber wanted, right awav. will also teach one the trade. 54 4th st. WANTED Gtrl to assist In general work in flat, small family. 750 Irving st. A GIRL for general housework, small fam ily. Phono E. 1052. good wages. WANTED Girl for ri hit ng-room ; $30 month Call Pacific 702 or 21' N. 3d. H AIRDRESSER and manicure wanted Paris llatr Store. 308 Washington. EXPERIENCED waist and sleeve maker wanted. 415 Washington. SCTlOOLClRT. to help with housework even ings. Phone Scott 6W. GIRL for general housework; must be aood cook. SO:; Marshall st. . GIRL for general housework. M Schuvler st. Phone Scott 2482. J WANTED Girl for general housework. Apply mornings 771 Overton st. WANTED A girl to assist In general house work. .181 Alder st. WANTED Ctrl for general housework, ply p:j Kant 35th ft. Ap- EA9T PIPE Female Employment Office. 122 it Grand live. East 1055. W A NT ED A rellabl lady clrk. at 1.1 1 5th st. Apply ri'RB French, native governtss. 6'JO Davis, bet. 21 -U2. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, Hotel cook, first class. $73; second cook do pastry, $40; waitress, country, $20; housekeeper. $15, country; family cook, $40; second girl. $25. to go to Boise. Idaho; family cook, $35; second girl. $25. city; 3 family cooks, $35; housegiris, cooks, kitchen help. New orders dally. C. R. HANSEN. JR.. LADIES' DEPT.. 343 Washington at., cor. 7th, upstairs. 50 GIRLS, years of age and over i Saleswomen. Experienced and competent. Apply at once to OLDS, WORTMAN & KING, BE a graduate nurse and earn $20 to $30 per week. We provide Home Study Course Lectures. Hospital practice when desired. Employment for students and graduate. Largest training school in the world. Write today free book. American Training School Nurses, 40 Crilly bldg., Chicago. WANTED Thoroughly competent house keeper free of incumbrance and able to furnish references as to cnaracter; state experience and give phone number, other wise no attention will be given. Address R 452. Oregonian. ATTENTION, Applicants for all kinds of work, regis ter with us. free of charge, so we may locate you on abort notice. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843 Washington St. Cor. 7th, upstairs. WANTED An experienced and thoroughly competent stenographer, commercial ex perience preferred. Apply Johnson Llebor Co., 1 1st st. YOUNG lady of good appearance as assis tant in physician's office; one who wlshee to study nursing or who understands type writing preferred. Room 5ol, 2S Wash ington at. ST. LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY Good help and situations furnished; real estate and business opportunities, all- kinds. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. LADIES make sanitary belts; material cut ready to sew, $12 per hundred. Particu lars stamped envelope. Mutual Supply Co., Dept. 60, Chicago. EXPERIENCED cook for small Institution; intelligent woman; wages $40. Young Women's Christian Association. Main 5207 after 10 Monday. MIDDLE-AGED lady In need of good home to do light housework i- can have every afternoon; no children; state waged. D 440, Oregonian. WANTED Capable woman under 40 for upstairs work and assist care children; wages $20; another town. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. GIRL, general housework where second girl Is kept ; no hardwood floors; no Christ mas dinner to prepare. Apply Monday, 611 East Ash. . WANTBD A young girl to do light house work, one to go home nights preferred. Call Monday morning, 248 Mill St., apart ment 3. WANTED An experienced housekeeper to take charge of rooming-house. - Give ad dress and phone number." B 404, Orego nian. WANTED Refined, capabl woman for re sponsible position, with opportunities for - advancement. Vlavl Co.. 10th and Morrison LADIES to copy letters at home spare time; . good pay; cash weekly; reliable. Send stamp. Zeck Co., Morrlstown. N. Y. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper One who can operate typewriter; none other need ap ply. Address D 405, Oregonian. WANTED Woman cook; will be required to do some other downstairs work. Phone Main 1020 or call 815 Johnson at. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 143 Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 20S2. COMPETENT girl for housework: mut be flr.n-clas cook ; none others need apply ; references required. 253 Ford st. TAILORESS wanted to help on coats; must have experience on button-holes. 354 Oak. Columbia Woolen Mills Shop. WANTED Competent girl to do general housework; call Sunday afternoon or Mon day morning. 429 Market at. EXPERT court reporter from East wants pu pils -for shorthand, typewriting and book keeping. C. 200, Oregonian. GIRL for general housework, small family; references. Call or phone C58 Broadway, Irvlngton. East 2063. GIRL WANTED Light work, only three hours a dav; 10 per month. Phone Main 0832. bet. 10 and 12. GIRL wanted to do housework In family of 2; wages $15 a month. 563 East Mor rison st.. near 13th. WANTED Young nurse girl afternoons and evenings; must live at home. Apply Mrs. Glockner, Alexandra Court. WANTED Refined, motherly woman for invalid's care and light housework. Tel. Monday, Main 2000. REFINED ladies earn $2 to $3 dally solicit ing advertising during spare time. 603 Goodnough bldg. WANTED A first-class starcher and pol isher. -Call Monday. 363 E. Washington. Phone East 73. HOUSEKEEPER Middle-aged lady. good home to right party; two old people. 1041 E. 20th North. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 534 Laurel P. H. Phone. Main C433. LADIES. $1 every day at home; stamped envelope for particulars. Ladles' Aid, Durham. Conn. LADIES $1 every day at home, stamped envelope for particulars. Ladles Aid. Dur ham. Conn. GIRL Light work, short hours': wages $3.50 per week to start with. Call 80 Grand ave., cor. Stark. RELIABLE girl or woman for general hou.e work: some help. 409 Benton st. Phone E 3573. - .... i . .... WANTED Experienced nurse rirl. 585 Mar shall. GIRL for general housework. Phone Scott WOMAN cook wanted at 284 Main; boarding house. HELP W ANTED 31 ALE OR FEMALE. MEN and women to learn watchmaking, en graving and optics; asy terms; positions secured: money earr.ed while learning. Watchmaking, F,ngraving School, cor. 4th and Pike. Seattle. CAKE-WALKERS, attention 20 couples wanted for Christmas eve. championship prizes; monster championship cakes, open to all comers. Register now at Merrill's Hall. STENOGRAPHERS and bookkeepers will find a helping hand at the Eclectic Buci nens University, 625 Worcester block; se curing positions now. MEN and women to demonstrate and take orders for well-advertised line of goods; It will pay.yout to Investigate this offer. 20.1 Fliecinor bldg. POSITION will be open Jan. 1 for cutter and litter, ladhs tailoring and dressmak ing; interest in business If desired. R 4 Mi, Oregonian. WANTED Ptano teacher who will take room at same iiouse as pupil. Phone Main 3538. JAPANESE employment office; male and fe male. 24f Couch st Phone Main 6521. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers sod Clerfca. BOOKKEEPER or storekeeper, experienced In both branches, wants a situation, city or country; references. Address T 448, Oregonian. A I experienced salesman, who can furnish the verv best of references for efficiency, reliability and integrity. Address T 410. Oregonian. YOUNG man wishes position In crocftery. or hardware business; 2 years stock-keeper in crockery house; references. A 43$, Ore gonian. 11 AVE vour 000k keeping and letter-writing done bv T. P. Keeney, public accountant and stenographer, 614,. Chamber of Com merce. GOOD double-entry bookkeeper for laundry, one with experience In general office work. -tate salary expected. R 415, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT-AUDITOR. Books opened, closed or adjusted. P. L. Crawford. 15 Hamilton bldg. Main 4765. WANTED Position in general store hy young man ; 5 years experience and befit u re ftiences. K 447, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTKD MALE Bookkeeper and Clerks. WANTED POSITION' WITH GENERAL MOSE. OR DEPT. STORES THAT ARE BIG ENOUGH TO BUY GOODS RIGHT and not require their help to lie and mis represent to sell their goods. Advertiser can work In any department, office, adver tising or on the floor. P 457, Oregonian. YOUNG man of ability wants position In real estate office; experienced salesman, stenographer and bookkeeper; win work for small salary. If ou can ue a live man give me a trial. X 432, Oregonian. ' ACCURATE, honest, industrious office man. road sales experience, worth good salary and expecting it, desires interview with good concern ; no a professional job hunter. Address- S 445, Oregonian. TRAVELING salesman Is open for engage ment; lines clothing, gents' - furnishing, dry goods, notions or jewelry, having 15 years' experience; gilt-edge references. G 46S, Oregonian. - - SITUATION wanted; reliable young married man wants position of any kind; -years' experience at bookkeeping; can give best of references. V 443. . Oregon ip. ' - YOUNG civil engineer, draftsman, surveyor technical 4 years' experience, wants -situation or location for office. C. Y., 1121 Wall st., Los Angeles, Cal. EXPERT bookkeeper with years of experi ence in office work, absolutely reliable, and a beginner In stenography. Address P 444, Oregonian. AN A-l office man. who la accurate and can give splendid references, wants anv klnd of clerieal work to do evenings. 15 459. Oregonian. FOR a stenographer with knowledge of law offtce work. Phone Main 45t4; very low salary. . - Miscellaneous. A YOUNG man who has worked five-"years for the royal family of Italy as baker deslrea position as such; knows how to make ali kinds of bread; good references. Address John Carcasfio, 668 5th st. RELIABLE young married man wants po sition Inside, three years experience at painting and paperhanging; can make good at most anything; good references. N 443, Oregonian. EMPLOYMENT wanted by young man at tending college, for board or small sal ary; understands furnaces, janitor work and horses. C 4S2, Oregonian. ELDERLY gentleman, good business ability, wants position or Jlght work, city or coun try. Adoress W. G. C, room . 3, Alpine flats, 4th and Morrteca. T I WILL contract to clear your land or cut and bank 1000 or more cords of wood. Ad dress Franklin & Roddy, 1024 EL Powell St., Portland. Or. ' YOUNG man. 23; extraordinary ' experience in confidential capacity. Possesses tact, push and energy, desires position. W 445, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants position. domestic servant, do any kind work In private fam 9 ily; speak good English H 443, Oregonian. WANTED Situation by an all-around blacksmith. Phorie Pacific 2220 or ad dress Fred Clark. 304 North 20th st. A YOUNG man of . education and good physique Is ready for an adventure or des perate undertaking. B 457, Oregonian. BOTH telephones, Drake, for cooks, washers, waiters, laborers. porters. any help, any color. 205 Washington. WINDOW-CLEANING, floor-dressing and polishing a specialty. Main 6573. Even " ings S to 10. Thomas Green. ' WANTBD Place on farm. young man. strong, healthy, good habits, some ex perience. P 440, Oregonian. YOUNG man with some experience would like position as janitor or other inside work. M 457, Oregonian. DRUGGIST, graduate of Phila, College of Pharmacy ; 7 years experience, desires po eitlon. V 427, Oregonian. ENGINEER wishes position In hotel; under stands dynamo: can give references. Ad--dress B 448, Oregon Ian . WANTED By man and wife, position on ranch, mill or hotel; no children. Box 3C4, Forest Grove, Or. WANTBD Situation by steady married man as porter, watchman, or any kind of work. E 452, Oregonian. COMPETENT, reliable cook; no objection to country: restadrant preferred. R 442, Oregonian. BY experienced young man, single, any kind of work on ranch, phone A 16S0. N 409, Oregonian. ALLA ROUND butcher, sausagemaker, pork packer, wants pes It ion; references. W440, Oregonian. WHAT have you to exchange for first-class carpenter work, any kind? V 438. Ore gonian. WANTED By man and wife position as cooks, or on farm. Address L 464, Ore gonian. BARKEEPER, first-class. New York City references, wishes situation. E 450, Ore gonian. HIGH school student living home, wants work, 3 till 6, all day Saturday. Pacific 160. YOUNG Japamee boy wishes position as schoolboy or housework. C 458, Oregonian. A YOUNG honest Japanese boy wants posi tion; school boy. P 43S, Oregonian.. KALSOMIN1NG done at $3 per room. 135, 3d st. Phone Main 1334. Call for Winn. WALTER STANDIFER CO., window cleaner, 423Mt Iavis st. Phone Main 2f53. JAPANEiriB. good cook, wants situation, any place in city. Address 244 Couch. WANTED Work by tinner; job shop outside city preferred. N 461, Oregonian. A GOOD solicitor wants catchy article to sell for cash. L 46S, Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese wants situation schoolboy In family. L 456. Oregonian. GOOD Japanese wants position, schoolboy, in family. P. O. box 125. YOUNG man about 22 wishes position of any kind. L 42S. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS San Francisco baker and pastry cook. A 468, Oregonian. YOUNG, sober man, desires manual labor. Phone Main 4616- JAPANESE schoolboy wants situation. Ap ply 4. N. 2d Ft. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERT stenographer of, 5 years' experience, absolutely accurate, proficient in French. German and English, havlnar miccessfully hold position at $100 per month, wishes position in Portland. X 450. Oregonian. WOM A N of several years' experience wa n t office work; can use typewriter: slight knowledge of stenography. Young Women's Christian Association. Main 5267, after 10 Monday. EXPERT stenographer and bookkeeper and all-around office woman deiHree - position ; good address and education; 12 years ex perience. E 466. Oregonian. FOR a public stenographer for anv kind of office worl:- t very reasonable rates. Phone Clerical Office. Mam 4504: bustle.. r COMPETENT stenographer with knowledge of I bookkeeping, railroad nnd comnterc'Hl ox I perlence; references. X 43ft. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer deires po sition. .Excellent refenes: salarv re a- sonable. P. O. box SS!, St. John. Or. EXPFRIFNCFT lady bookkeeper and Me. nogruphr deires position .Inn.- 1. Willing to leave city. B 451. Oregonian. - 1 STFNOGR A PHER Thoronrhly experienced vmintr lady desires position at once; cit re f e ren re. A 4 54. Ore go n 1 an . FOR a stenographer, exnerlenced or begin ner. pVr,ne Eclectic Business , University, Main 4504. Try us now. EXPERIENCED stenographer, wishes posi tion; can rive referno-e if necessary. 434 7th st. Phone A 5302V W A NTFD Poi t ion bv experienced steno grapher. Address 434 7th" st. j nnwkmirn. WANTED Position as housekeeper, hotel or rooming-house, or will tke full charge of one; no obiectlon to, going out of city. Address P 467. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED housekeeper wants plac wher family is small; in or near city. Main 8202. WANTED Furnished anartment-house to run. by widow of ability. A 400. Ore SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Dressmakers. NEW YORK ladles' tailor would like fe.T more engagements by. the- day sewing in families; no objection- to alter or refit; -references. S 438, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED ladfr of refined tastes, no in cumbrance, desires housekeeper's position either public or private home. . L 442, Oregonian. , MRS. EMMA J. THOMAS, modiste; tailor made suits and party gowns a specialty. 50 Wash. bldg. Pacific 77; A 2724- A LADIES' and children's dressmaker wishes " engagements $1.5o a day; lunch only. Phone Monday, Main 7754. room 17. DRESSMAKIN3, plain sewing, reasonable prices. Mrs. Kate Boone. 536 Kerby st. Phono East 121. SEWING by the day; will go out or take work home; children's clothes a specialty. Phone Main 5640. SHIRTWAISTS $1; shirtwaist suits, $3.50; jacket suits, $5. 326 Park st. Phone A 25:40. DRESSMAKING Suits, pleated skirts- and semi-fitting jackets. $8. Tel. East 2043. FOR ladies or children at your homes. Phone Main 4641, call for dressmaker. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wishes sewing by the day. Address 464 E. Burnside. MRS. MANFORD, an experienced dressmaker, wants day work; price $2. E. 6217. MME. TUTTLE. modiste, 507 Montgomery, near 15th. M-G car. Phone A 6057. FIHST see Angeles Dressmaking Parlors, 242 Sth and Muln. Pacific 9S2. PLAIN sewing neatly done. Call 420 Main st., or phone Pacific 2714. -Nurses. CAPA BLE nurse wishes position as house keeper or care of invalid. Best references as to character and ability. 26 East 0th south. ' UNDERGRADUATE nurse wants few more .engagements; maternity a specialty; terms "reasonable. East 261. A GERMAN girl desires a situation as nursery governess. Phone Tabor 544. YOUNG lady wants position as nurse girl; experienced. Phone Main 8450. Domestics. GIRL attending ntccht school wants work In small family; no washing. Young Women's Christian Association. v Main 0267, after 10 Monday. ' $ ' v YOUNG girl" wants housework near East 25th Npt. Young Women's Christian Association. Main 5207, after 10 Monday. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants position as cook; good cook, willing to do some house work. S 400. Oregonian. V COM PETE -NT woman wants gener?V - uousq ;ood plain cook. A 463, Oregonian. work; good Miscellaneous. WANTED A young lady, having her own borne, desires work by the day, in pri vate family or respectable . rooming-house, from 7:30 A. M. to 1:30 P. M. Best of -references. 587 Overton mU Tel. Pacific 30G0. . CATERER will take charge of serving lunch eons or inners, oversee decorating plan ning ant preparing of dinner. Young Women's Christian Association. Main 567, after 10 Monday. EXPERIENCED Finn girl desires situation, family cook, wages $35; hotel or restau rant cook, chambermaids, waitresses. '230 Vs Yamhill at. Main 5413.. MRS. WILSON wants 2 more days work a week. Housework, laundry, cooking. Phone evening, between 7 and 9, Pacific 2024. LACE curtains washed and stretched. 40c up; fancy-waists and flannels washed and Ironed by experienced hand. Main 7014. WORK wanted for chamber, waiting, family, factory, store, laundry, any help. Tele phone. Drake, 205 Washington. NURSING by the hour, day or week; will take care of children or invalid; a!o give music lessons. W .458. Oregonian. YOUNG lady desires position aa companion or assist with housework for room and board. C 471. Oregonian. -' - WANTED To assist with dinners, waiting on table, etc. ; rates reasonable. Phone 7826. Mrs. Bryan. WANTED Position as waitress; experi enced. Phone East 3472. Call between 8 and 12 o'clock. s WOMAN wishes house-cleaning, sweeping, etc.; no washing; also fine laundering taken home A 4434. YOUNG lady wants work of some kind be tween S and 5; can give references. N 453, Oregonian, - - CHILDREN or elderly lady cared for at my home; reasonable charges. Phone Pa cific 2741. BY THE DAY, t plain sewing, shirtwaist suits, children clothes. Phone East 4818. ANYONE wishing woenan to work please phone Main 82 VT;- ask for Mrs. V. L. YOUNG lady desires position as companion or care of invalid. E 400, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED laundress wants work by day; references. R 402, Orgonian. WOMAN, work by day, or cooking. Wood lawn 0S7. Call from 9:30 to 2. HOME-LAUNDERED lace curtains. Phone Tabor 634. Mrs. S. M. Scott. COMPETENT woman wants position steady day work. Phone Pacific 37. WILL teach beginners In English, reason able. P 454, Oregonian. COLORED woman from East, desires day work. Phone Main 4016. EASTERN, lady demonstrator wishes work. V 442. Oregonian. . A WOMAN wanted, day work. Phone B 2109, WANTED AGENTS. BIG commLfT?ions. $4 to $1 endowments. $10 to $1 death; $10 weekly benefits; dues $i. Tirother'iood Endowment. Denver, Colo. Sell Your . Old Furniture AVliy have the house, cellar and garret littered with old furniture'. Old furniture, no matter how dilapidated it may appear to you or how much out of style, ean be sold. m . y ; J ""' ' -' '' ' ' s There are men in Portland -who make a business o buying "old furniture, fixing it up and selline? it to people who are glad to buy furniture j'heaply. The way to get iTi toheh with the men who would. buy your old furniture is to read iu the cJassiried advertising columns of The Oregonian, daily aiid Sunday. If you do not find the name of the man who will give you all you Jhink your furniture is worth, place, a small advertisement of your owni It will cost you only a few cents. ' .y, ' , . THE OREGONIAN, DAILY-AND SUNDAY, IS THE NEWSPAPER IN PORTLAND WHICH PRINTS THE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED AGENTS. A SPLENDID BUSINESS OFFER $1200 to $5000 per year, conveniently positive foe men and women to manage home sales parlors for the latest, most attractive and scientifically improved dress shoe known for women and children; 12 sight-selling original features: previous experience un necessary; no risk; answer today. Marvel Shoe Co., 105 Summer St.. Boston, Mass. TRAVELING SALESMEN and agents are making more money on the Universal Combination Scissors than on any other . article sold; 18 tools are combined in one and all are practical; a most desir able Christmas present to either lady or gentleman. Sample mailed for $1: agents wanted. Ellis Supply Co., 007' East 30th St.. Los Angeles. Cal. $8000 yearly positively made introducing and appointing sub-agcntF for just pat ented fire extinguishers. S. Wills, Cinti. made $$00 one week; experience unneces sary; we give agents exclusive territory, co-operate with them In every way, extend ' credit and offer a grand opportunity to secure a fortune. Eagle Tool Co.; 401 Cin cinnati, O. WANTED Reliable traveling man who makes entire state Oregon, to sell side line of fishing tackle; good commission ; samples not bulky: satisfactory references required. Address 38 King block. .Denver. Colo. A HOME company; low premium rates and high cash values make the policies of the Columbia Life & Trust Co. easy to sell. Apply to Jesse R, Sharp, manager of agents, 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. SPECIAL agent wanted, $75 weekly and ex penses easily made selling our popular com bination policies and appointing agents; ex perience unnecessary. Write Oscar Bkman, 313-Eitel bldg.. Seattle, Wash. PATENTED keroiene incandescent burner, 70 candle-power; ucd o any lamp; save 50 per cent kerosene; ready seller everywhere; exclusive territory. F. C. Gottschalk, 267 Broadway, New York. WANTED Agents to sell our high-grade trees, shrubs, etc. Outfit furnished free. Commission advanced each week. Choice territory open. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or. . AGENTS WANTED Can you ssll goods? If so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. WANTED Agents; . legitimate substitute for slot machines ; patented ; sella on sight or $1 ; particulars. Gipha Co., Anderson. Ind. AGENTS can make $2.60 to $5 a day; no competition. Call 127 Lownsdale st. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED To - rem houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, . rooming-bouses, etc. Land lords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. GENTLEMAN from Uhe East wishes com .fortable room in private family; modern conveniences; not ,to exceed $10 month; walking distance from dowsitown. L 457, Oregonian. WANTED Board and room for two young ladies, convenient to East Side H fgh School; highest references. Address, giv ing terms and location, W 455, Oregonian. FOU R gen tie men wan t board a n d rooms for the Winter in Irvlngton or Holladay's Ad dition. Prefer location between Union ave. and 15th st., and Broadway and Holladay ave. X 469, Oregonian. STORAGE In private barn, for small auto- mobile. Near 6th and Jackson preferred. Don't use much. Phone week days. Main . 855. A 1405. TWO gentlemen from the East want sep- arate furnished rooms at moderate price, walking distance. Address A 446. Ore gonian. WANTED To rent houses, offices, stores, .rooms, etc.; long list of applicants. Albee Benham Co., 25 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark sts. r 1 1 WANTED By young attorney, partly fur nished room In private family; suburbs no objection. Address C 467, Oregonian. WILL give best of care and reasonable rent if you ere going away for Winter; 4 to 6 rooms; 3 adults. E 450, Oregonian. MODERN house, fully furnished, wanted Jan. 1, on West Side, in select locality. State rental. T 465. Oregopian. WANTED 6-room house or flat for couple without children; south of Madison; rent $25-$3. Phone Main 5S72. WANTED Room In private family; creden tials. Hiram Newcourt, trained nuree and masseur, St. Charles Hotel. WANTED Nice furnished room, by gentlc nian, in private family, near business dis trict. O 467, Oregonian. MARRIED couple, without children, want .1 or 4-room furnished flat, with heat and . bath, W 437. Oregonian. LADY with baby desires well furnished room with board, for three months. In refined family.. Phone East 6347. YOUNG nan attending business college wants place to work for room and board. S 161, Oregonian. WANTED Furnlahed house. 7 to 9 rooms, modern, central, for adults. S 462, Ore gonian. YOUNG man wants board in a private - family: state price by month. B 460, Ore gonian. MAN and wife wants one or. two unfur nished rooms to rent. S 467, Oregonian. TO RENT Piano, good care taken of same. Call Phone Pacific 155, Home A 20D9. WANTED To rent part of furnished office, state- rent. A 469. Oregonian. WANTED Medlum-Pized hall for afternoons, 2 to 3. Phone Woodlawn 497. WANTED To rent, 4 or 5-room furnished house. a 453. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED All kinds of goods; store and of fice fixtures, etc. Newman, Main &45S. TOTAL adding National cash register; must b3 cheap for cash. N 414 Oregonian. WANTEDr Light delivery wagon; must be good and cheap. L 441.- Oregonian. WANTED To hear from some one having land to clear. F 45. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Largest and best known second-hand tore In Portland. We buy and sell from a chair to a full house. WESTERN SALVAGE CO. 20th and Washington, Phone Pacific 703. CAKE-WALKERS, attention. couples wanted for Christmas eve. championship prized; monster championship cakes, open to all comers. Register now at Merrill's Hall. . WILL take child or children or adult to home In country, 5 miles from carline, ex cellent home care, quiet, sechrded. near church and schoolj references required and given. Address X 4.".5. Oregonian. WANTED Men's cast-off rlothir.g and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 62 X. 3d st. Phone Pacific 1722. WILL trade flrstrclass talking machine for good bicycle or typewriter. Portland Phonograph Agency, 12S 7th, near Wash ington; both phones. WANTED At once, 'rooming houses, 0 to 8 rooms, on West Side, also 1U to 22 rooin. Both phones, H. W. Garland c Co.. 101 4th st. WANTED To byy or rent donkey engine, equipped for logging; must be a bargain and in first-class condition. E. A. Meyer, lilack Roik, Or. WSJ PAY MORE FOR FU RN1TUR E PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. MAIN 6655. 211 FIRST ST. GET yoqr furniture or stoves Repaired now cheap, alsd water coils and connections. Call or write .104 Wei dice at. WILL Exchange nearly new typewriter for hi eh -grade roll-lop deck ; will pay cash difference. F 4G7, Oregonian . WANTED To buy a pacing horse. m?t be city broke and good traveler. Nobby Stables. 12th and Flanders. WILL pay cash for latest Victor phonograph with wood horn; give description and price. C 472, care Oregonian. CASH paid for furniture fixtures and mer chandise. Phone Main 1620. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. WANTED Boy's bicycle, 20-inch frame, must be in first -cla-s condition. B 4.i-, Oregonian. WANTED To buy bicycle for boy of 7; must be in good condition, and reasonable. I'hone Main ,. ,- .. ' . WANTED A year old male fox-terrier or bull terrier dog. S. C. Stuart, Gresham, Or. POT cash pa t d for your f u m 1 ture. prom pt attention always given. Phone East 1067. I PAY cash for - household . goods. Savage A . Pennell Fur. Co., 45 1st at. Pacific 360. Nob Hill Second-Hand Co. pays highest prices for goods. 015 Wah. st. Main 2421. I WANT ' to buy a small restaurant; write, giving price and location. B 443, Oregonian. WA NTED- Roll top desk and office chair, large size. A 447. Oregonian. PARTY to keep horse for Its use for Winter. N 43o. Oregonian. WANTED To buy automobile; will pay cash. f C 4U8, Oregonian. FOR KENT. Rooms. NICELY furnished room : furnace heat bath, phone; reasonable. . - IKJ 11th. . Furnisbed Kooius. ALL kinds of nicely furnished rooms; 'two con- necting front room?;, gas, bath and phone; reasonable. Morrison st. . N ICELY furnished front bedroom, and slttlng . room, with or without board. I'hone Pac. 616 or call 320 Montgomery st. LARGE nicely furnished room oui table for two, $8 month; private house; young la dles preferred. 34 Park. . NICELY furnished front room for two peo ple : or single; furnace, phone, electric light, bath. Park. Ellsworth, steam heat, electric, lights. lttl Lownsdale, near Morrison. 181M: FIRST ST., cor. Yamhill, nicely fur nished rooms, en eulte or single; reasonable; permanent or transient. . 474 YAMHILL: mort desirable room; all con veniences, walking distance, rent reasonable, private house, no sign. FURNISHED rodms. modern, 'private home. 52 Lucretia st.. near Washington, near Hill . Hotel. Main 543. 4(il B. MORRISON, cor. E. Sth. newly fur nished rooms, electric light, bath, heat ; rate? reasonable. WE HAVE first-class rooms in all parts of the city at all prices. Landladies' Ciub, 2MS Stark, suite :il. NEWLY furnished rooms in new house with private family. . 753 Belmont st., cor. 23d. . Sunnyside car. EASY walk to business; large, bright room ; furnace heat, bath, telephone; reasonable. 3U2 Columbia. FURNISHED front room In private family ' for one or two gentlemen. 2t7 Ross, cor. Multnomah. 2uS'.j 1STH ST. Nicely furnished "rooms In . new. modern home; every convenience; gen tlemen only. LARGE furnished front room, suitable for two gentlemen; also one small foom. 2f8 Joft'erson st. LARGE nicely furnished front room, suitable for 2 ladies or gentlemen; reasonable. 2;1 6th M. FRONT room and alcove, private family, suitable for 2 references exchanged. 2i2 12th st. NICELY furnished rooms, cheap; gas. bath, furnace heat; gentlemen only. 72 West Park st. $2.50 WEEK Nicely furnished front room ; modern flat, all conveniences. 424 Jef ferson. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms, with heat: bat la free. The Rldgeway, 270 6th s'reet. NICELY furnished Yront room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; gap, phone, bath. 4'S . Main. 435 YAMHILL, furnished front room: hot and cold water, yteam heat, gas, bath and phone. . ' ' . .. lh ..' 1 , 1 I,. BRIGHT., comfortable room; centra!, reason able ; . phone, gasi bath. 415 Tay lor, cor. 11th st. CICELY ' furniehed rooms, suitable for young mn. teasonable with bath, phone, etc. 265 6th st. ST. FRANCIS, .14 North Sth St.; beautifully furnished rooms, en suite or single; baths fre. LARGE light front room; running water, gae an'l furnace heaU 181 14th st., cor. Yam hill.. ... NEWLY furni?h.l room, suitable for gentle men ; bath, phone, furnace heat. '.W7 .ld st. - . HOTEL WOVA L. 1084 4th L. steam heated rooms J2.50 to $5 per week; 50c to $1 night. 412S JEFFERSON, newly furnished rooms. cMUilly locate! ; all midern conveniences. WELL-URNrwHED front room: nice loca tion for one or two gentlemen. 251-lnth. THE TEMPT .W. Si Yamhill.- cor. ' 7th, " -light, airy rooms, $.50 up: transient. v r.OH rTH ST.. bet. Columbia oind Clay." neatly furnished front rnotn ; very rea.onabIe. -,' WANTED Two gentlemen roomer. - In a private house. Phone So 11 wood 005. 274 4TH ST.. cor JefTeron, n'e lleht rooms, hath and phone, at reasonable rntes. NICELY furnished "rm furnace ht; gas, bath and phone. 415 7th. eor. Hall; N'CELY "furnished front rnMv: modem; heat; vety reasonable. t473 Alder st. - 4:ii STARK, bet. J'th and t2th. nice, newly furnished room., bath and :hone, THE HYLAND: 4!l Mo-risnn. fornt-hed rooms with bath and si pa 111 heat. A 221. FURNISHED rooP.TJ,'tahlo for two. S12 $15 and 340 Jefferson st. " NICELY furnished ronm w'th heat, bath,, and . ga. . reasonable. 671.. E Marrlron, 225V. MILL ST- Nk'o sunny front room, suit able -for 2 adults; reasonable. " , . ONE room: mtahle frr tw: one single room; -. furnace bwit, gaa. 37.1 Taylor. ' FURNISHED rooms for rent. 548 Hoyt st. NICELY furnished room, 2W. 12th st." FOR RENT. Furnisbed Rooms, LARGE outside rooms, single or en suite: beautiful outlook; newly furnished; every modern hotel convenience; special rates to permanent guests; with or without mealb; finest cafe in Portland at modest prices; be sure and see these rooms before you decide where to move. Hotel Sargent, Grand and Hawthorne avenues. THE COMMERCIAL. Vlcely furnished rooms, single or en. sutte, 12.50 per week up; steam heat, hot and cold water; free baths; free phoner dining-room In connection; transients ao liclud; open all night; best location In the city; office and reading-room ground tloor. 4S8 Washington. ONE or four well furnished rooms in re- fined home within walking distance. 1 blocks from E. Ankeny carline. electric light, bath, phone, south and east expo sure, very reasonable, references ex changed. After Monday phone E. 3223; write N 457. care Oregonian. HOTEL GORDON. Corner Yamhill and West Park st.. New house, elegantly- furnished; hot and cold water, telephone, hot water heat in every room: private baths; elevator service. Transient. Rate. ?1 per day up. Phutie HOTEL BARTON, 455 Alder St.. at 13th. Under new management, remodeled and renovated throughout ; new heating ap paratus being Installed; strictly modern In every detail; dining-room in connectiop. 4b Pacific Hdttel. furnisTld rooms. 214 Columbia St..- cor. 1st. New brick building lust open ing; steam hat, hot, cold running water in every room; free bath, phone; rates, 5oo to $l day, $2.50 to $5 week. One call means Another. Phono .A. 1039. HOTEL BRESLIN. New hnujte. Just opened to the public, cor. 11th and Wash. ats. ; beautifully furnished: private baths, hot and cold water, electric Urnt, teain heat; rates $1 and upward one Main 7954. Mns. E. Ogllvie, prop. HOTEL BUSHMARK, Washington and 17th Ftrat-claes furnUrhed rooms, single or en suite; steam heat, hot, cold water, electric light, phone in every room; suites with private rath, single, from $3 by week, 76o up by day; reasonable by mo. Main 6647. ONE very well furnished front room in mod ern house located In a strictly residence? neighborhood ; easy 10-mlnute walk from I'. O. ; fireplace or "furnace heat; refined gentleman only; references; West Wide. 317 11th st. HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash ington st., newly furnished throughout, new building; suites with baths, hot and cold water in every room. Phone Main 7115. Long-distance phones In all rooms. HOTEL. KEN YON, ISth and Washington sts., modem rooma, single and en suite; also housekeeping; running water; private and free bat ha; rates reasonable. Pacific 406. THE WILAMETTE, S22H Stark, S. W. eor. 0th st. ; well furnished rooms, large and llgbt, single or en suite; transient. 50c to $1; by week, $2 to $5. Pacific 1200. A NICE furnished room, centrally located, with every convenience and excellent board, in a small family; suitable for two. Address W 450. Oregonian. TH E ARTONA Mrs. B. A. Melbourne, nicely furnished rooms, all steam heat; all modern conveniences. Rates $4 per week and up. 12H West Park. HOTEL ANTLERS, cor. 10th and Washing ton sts., all modern conveniences, suites with bath; principal carlinea pass the door. Phone Main 2333. NICELY furnished room, suitable for two; hoard IT desired; all modern conveniences; private home; reasonable. olX Tillamook st. I'hone O 1222. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, suitable for 2 or 0 people; all Improvements; breakfasts optional; terms moderate. Call 215 13th st. The Kingston. ll0 3d st.. rooms, steam heat, modern conveniences; transients, oi)a and($l per day; special rates by week. GROUND floor, cottage completely fur nished; free phone and water; wood and gas range. 224 14th st. Phone Main ;t255. THE GENEVIEVE Steam heat, porcelain bath, free phone; walking distance; $: a week and up. 445 Columbia st. Main 7410. TH E EdTES Good rooms, reasonable ; n cw furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 ft Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Kates. WELL-FURNISHED room; furnace heat, bath, telephone, private family ; close In ; $15. Call Monday. 252 13th st. DESIRABLE large front room, with heat and hot water; beautiful grounds; 4 blocks from PostolTice. 2U5 tSth st. NICELY furnished front room, downstairs; hot and cold water, electric light, very central; reasonable. 211 12th. FURNISHED room In private family, break fast if desired, reasonable, references re quired. JJhone Main 611 1 4. LADY will furnish handsome large, well lo cated room for gt:n 1 1 cman; private house ; reasonable. t32 Flanders. LA ROE front room with alcove, fireplace, furnace heat; quiet, private house, 2 blocks from P. O. 227 7tb st. MANLEY COURT, 057 Williams ave., fur - nlshed housekeeping and furnished rooms, $1.25 a week and up. NICE furnished front room. 2 blocks from Postoffice, suitable for two, very reason able. 3)S Salmon st. FURNISHED front room, strictly modern, suitable for two. 507 Montgomery at. . M G car. phone A5057. , MODERN, newly furnished rooms, close In; private family; gentlemen only. 215 12th st. Phone A 5002. LARGE, bright, sunny room, modern con veniences, walking distance, private fam ily. 14 E. 7th. FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping rooms, furnace heat and. gaa; private family. 450 Montgomery st. 432 7TH ST., small furnlehed room, good light and heat, $4 month; gentleman only. Phone A 5535. THREE nicely furnished rooms for gentle man. In private home; every convenience. 547 YamhiU st. MODERN front room; furnace, bath; family of two; hot and cold water. Cobb, 407 Jefferson st. FINE newly furnished rooms, hot water, bath, gas, very reasonable. 554 Morrison St., cor. Chapman. FOR RENT Rooms, single or en suite; .hot water, bathe; outside rooms; central. 175 12th st. NICELY furnished room for gentlemen; heat, phone and bath; walking distance. 430 Jef ferson. FINE large front room, alcove, furnace, fine bath, gas, only $12 per month. 2GQ Har rison. : LUXOR Single rooms; everything new; steam heat, bath, phone; $2.50 per week. 324 13th. 1 LARGE, well furnished alcove room, suitable for one or two. 364 14th. Phone Main 45L ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, reasonable; transient; permanent. 87 iith near Wash. THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia; rooms; heat; bath. 5ic to $1 day: 2 to $4 week. r ' - r FURNISH EI rooms for rent, all conven iences, rent reasonable. 24 East 7th st. NICELY furnished room, with hath, fur nace heat, gas light. 471 Morrison st. - - FURNISHED rront room, with private hath', adjoining Nob Hill. Phone A4o::o. ' NICELY furnished room suitable lor two; .hot and cold water. 213 13th; reasonable. COMFORTABLE room of "modern houe; private family. Phone Main 7HH. MAXWELL HALL Rates reasonable? hQi. ceJd water.- all rooms. 207 14th at. FRONT and back parlors, suitable for 4 men; fireplace, bath. gas. N. 14th st. NEWLY furnished room with or without board; home cooking. 470 Main st. ROOMS papered or tinted for $3; material furnished. Phone Main 8274. FURNISH ED room, all modern conveniences, private family. 545 Yamhill rt. . . FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, phone, gas, bath. 2M1 12th st. NICELY furnished front room to rent; all conveniences. 4 ') loth st. PTE A M heated rooms, everything first-class. 4W4 Morrison. 3d floor, fiat . t 1 ' 3 ROOMS, furnished; gas, bath and phone. 474 East Oak t. NICE furnished room, for fti a. month. Call at 4!3 Everett Ht. 2fi2 12TH ST., . nicely furnished rooms, single of en HulfK FRONT alcove room, suitable for 3 or i 77 Park t - , yv-