THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 15, .1907. p Glove and Merchandise Orders for Any Amount Sold at the Glove Counters Pendleton Indian Robes in Great Variety Fourth Floor eier W Frank StoreOly 8 Stoipping Bays to Christmas 12 TmM immr.:. Wag Harry days are at hand Christmas bells yiU soon be ringing there's no time to be lost If choosing Is to be done from complete assortments The Meier &. Frank Store presents as usual matchless stocks of holiday wares of every description useful and ornamental articles of all kinds as well as wearing apparel for women, men and children Two millions f dollars worth of high-grade merchandise gathered from all points of the glabe Never before has Portland selected from such a grand array of attractive holiday goods N6 trouble in finding pleasing Christmas gifts if you shop at The Meier &. Frank Store The delivery and store service has been greatly Increased to meet every demand over 1000 employes 35 wagons extra cashiers, wrap pers and messengers prompt and satisfactory service to all Mail and phone orders will be carefully filled rc OollS flld GaiTieS The major portion of the Third Floor is given over to our " ,v"tf WmV .-J showinc of Tova. The extent mf thn ilianlnv tha sn- o - e- j w perior assortments, the European and American novelties not to be found elsewhere, the splendid arrangement of the merchandise, the marvelous displays of dolls, dolls' apparel- : " : and mechanical toys, all go to make this Portland's Great Toy' Rrar IIV RAtmIlt JtrtfP Store. Santa Claus in attendance daily, on the Third Floor. PrgG 111 PdaClPm VW . m 'n w e: Xmas Tree Ornaments ;ons, Etc. 3d Fir. China anQ Oil VCrWare The chri,stmas &t Problem can be quickly solved by visiting tue rig xmseuieut omesrooni. wonoercui aispiays or use ful and ornamental articles of all kinds ; fancy china, silver ware, sterling silver, cut glass, nickel ware, copper novel ties, electroliers and gas lamps, carving sets and bric-a-brac, in endless assortment. Don't miss seeing these splendid bargains," on sale in the Big Basement Store take advantage. Cut Glass and Bric-a- Women's Furs Our entire stock of women's Fur Coats at greatly reduced prices. This season's most -attractive garments, made up from the most fashionable furs ; tight and semi-fitting ' coats, also blouse styles; very large variety in the very best grades: Best quality Astrachan, Jap mink trimmed; our Tegular $68.00 coat, on sale at DC'7 EA this very special reduction, each.. PO Good quality Near-Seal Coat, our tQ t?fl best $48.00 values, on sale at, ea. . POt.JU $40.00 plain Aslrachan ..Coat; for, each. .$32.50 $40.00 Black Russian Coney Coat for. .$29.50 Squirrel Coats, Jap Mink Coats, Caracal Coats. Great special reductions on women's Fur Scarfs and Muffs fashionable furs, best styles, 2d floor. Children's Angora Fur Sets, at, the set. $1.95 Children's Thibet, imitation Ermine Sets. $2.95 Children ?s French Chinchilla Sets, sp'l.$3.98 Siberian Squirrel 'Sets,' on sale at, set. .$4.45 Lambswool Sets, on sate at this low price. $2.55 SALE OF COUCH COVERS . T : - $2.00 Couch Covers, Bagdad and Ne . gus patterns, 60 inches wide and 3 yards long ; 'great ' spe- 1 O C cial values, on -sale at. .P $3.00 Concli Covers, of double-faeed'. Tapestry, Bagdad stinpes and rug patterns; great special J1 QC values, on sale at, each. .P .57 J $o.00 Couch Covers of heavy double faced tapestry; reversible colorings. Oriental designs'; great . tO QC special values, at, each. .yOOO . $7.50 Couch Covers, of heavy double faced tapestry, Oriental, floral and art . nouveau patterns ; QA Q tt great special values, at..P" PENDLETON ROBES $6.35 .500 Pendleton Indian Robes, new as ; sortirieit just received; 40 patterns . to select'from; new designs and col .'orfhgs; a pleasing article for Christ Lmas gift; great special ffC OC value at this low price. PJ Great special holiday sale of Eider down Comforters for Christmas gifts. Silk, satin and sateen' covering ; dain ty, light effects; also Persian designs; full size and down-filled; as follows: Lot 1 Great Values at $6.50 Lot 2 Great Valqes at $7.50 Lot 3 Great Values at $9.00 Lot 4- Great Values at $ 1 2.50 ft twmi m. Fine Toys at Special 1 Prices-Share in the Excellent Bargains r - . Enameled Toilet Sets, $1.25 vaiues, set. .$1.00 Decorated-Tin Tea Sets, 50c values, set. . 38 China Tea. Sets, -$1.50 values, at, the set . .$1.10 Child's Carpet Sweeper, 25c value, each... 18 Toy Soldier Sets, $2.25 "values, at, set.. $1.85 Alcohol-burning Stove, $1.25 value, at..$1.05 Holy Poly, for little children, $1.50 val . .$1.20 Mechanical Clown and Barrel, 50c' val-. . 35 t Mechanical Clown on Bars, 75c value at. . 60i Mechanical Double Clown, $1.00 vahie.. vsC Mechanical Clown and Pig, $1.00 value.. 7o Performing Clown on Chairs, special at... 750 Regular 50c Houseboat,' on sale at, each. .."-. 350 Regular $1.00 Houseboat, special, each.V 750 Boys' and Girls' Hemacite Skates, all sizes; reg ular $1.25 values, on sale at, the pair. .$1.05 Special low prices on Coaster "Wagons, Handcars and Iron Wagons; all the newest, best - models and all sizes, at greatly reduced prices 3d floor. Great special bargains in the . Doll Department. Women's $2-$2.50 "Jiiliettes" $1.48 Pr. Great -special holiday sale of. women's. fancy Juliette House Slippers warm lined and fur-trimmed; red kid with black velvet top and black fur trimming; patent kid with gray cloth top. and black fur; all black kid with fancy velvet tf 1 A Q top and fancy colored; f ur:trimmed ; $2.00 and $2.50 values, at, pair. .P "O XMAS BOOKSTORESPEC'LS Padded Pools, special, the copy.50 Suubonnet Babies, Teddy Bear, Mary and John Books, in colors; 1 C , on sale at, special, the copy. XOC Holly Poets, 7oc edition, copy.39 1000 Gift Books at, sp'l., eopy.lOtf Alger, Henty and Mead Books for boys and girls ; great spe- O C cial values, on. sale at, copy. Special bargain in a Gift Book 500 copies of The Christy Cf Girl, $3.00 edition, copy. .P OW New Floral Calendars, 25 do- OC signs, on sale at, special, ea. fciiJC "The Game," Rose of the World" and other books, $1.50 val., ea..50 LOW PRICES ON SHAWLS Great special holiday sale of women's hand-crocheted and knitted Shawls; also - some very fine machiue-made shawls; circular, square and long scarf styles; all' colors; low-priced: Regular 75c Shawls, each.. 69 Regular $1.25 Shawls, each ' 98 Regular $1.50 Shawls, each, .$1.22 Regular $2.00 Shawls, each.. $1.69 Regular $2.50 Shawls, each. .$1.98 Infants' hand-crocheted Sacques, trimmed in ribbons and silk edgings, kimono styles, at these low prices: Regular $1.50 values, each.. $1.22 Regular $2.50 values, each. .$1.98 Holiday Sale Jewelry, Toilet Articles, Etc. Fancy gold mission and enamel Clocks 1 and 8-day, half -hour strike ; per fect timekeepers,-. every one guaran teed; values up to $6.50 -, PO QO on sale at, special, each:.. '''O . High-class Opera Glasses Lemaire, Colinout and -LeMaitre, flue makes; adjustable handles, in white, Oriental jind smoked pearl; values to $23.50, on sale at this spe- ,C1 C A Q cial low price, pair . .' P v4 Nethersole and adjustable Signet Bracelets,' guaranteed; val- QQ. ues up to $2.50, bn sale at. 70C 'Pearl Bead Necklaces, beautifully fit ted beads;" best 50c values," OD . . on sale at this special price. "O German Silver Mesh Bags, plain or oxidized frames; regu- jC QQ Iar $8.50 values, atr ea...Pui70 Quadruple silver plate, fij 1 QD Cinar Jars. $3.50 values,. "f $2.00' Belt Pins, gold and silver, all new ideas; best values ever offered at,"ea.98tf Men 's'-and. boys' gold-filled rings, - absolutely guaranteed, special at, each. .69i Perfume Atomizers in all colors, fancy . knitted bulbs ; values up to $2 QQ each, On sale at this low price. 57 OC Infants Toilet Sets, comb, brush -and rattle ; ' white, pink and blue AQc celluloid; on- sale . at, .special'. "7C Children 's Sewing Cases, a complete outfit,-in fancy boxes; regular 35c OO. values, on sale at, special, ea. JC Genuine French staghorn Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes and Hat djt OO Brushes, etc.; special, each. ,P 00 Silver-plated Toilet" Articles, brush, comb and mirror; beautiful etched and , em bossed designs; the regu- flJC QQ lar $8.50 vals'., special at..P'5'0 Library Sets, in silver, brass, gunmetal and copper; beautiful ftQ pieces; regular $3 values. ."P 057 Great special values in Fountain Pens Faney Box Stationery at, the-box. .28 Silver-plated Hair Receivers, : Shaving Mugs and Puff Boxes ; best tfl OO $2 values, on sale at, each. .P Vanity Mirrors, just the thing for your purse; gold and silver-plated; OO regular 50c values, special at. OC Sterling silver Toilet Sets three piece r '"brush, comb and mirror; regular. $10.50 value, on sale at, special, set.. $5.98 3-piece sterling silver Toilet Sets, beauti ful heavy designs; reg- C1 Cl QQ ular $20.00 values,' set. . piJ.50 Sterling silver Brush and Comb Sets, in all patterns; regular. $10 tiJ'T QO and $11, values, on sale at..P 50 All $1.00 Manicure Articles,- each . . 79 All 75c Manicure Articles, at, ea..59J Basem'ntSpec'Is Greatest Cut Glass Bargains ever offered. $4.75 Cut Glass Vases, 8-inch, at. $3.79 $8.75 Cut Glass Vases, 10-in., at. $6.98 $3.50 Cut Glass Oil Bottles, at. $2.74 $3.50 Cut Glass Spoon Trays at. $2.69 $2.50 Cut Glass Nappies, 5-inch. $1.98 $ 8.50 Cut Glass Bowls, 8-inch. $ 6.37 $ 9.00 Cut Giass Bowls, 8-inch. $ 7.18 $12.00 Cut Glass Bowls, 8-inch. $ 9.74 $15.00 Cut Glass Bowls, 8-inch. $11.49 $17.50 Cut Glass Bowls, 8-inch. $13.45 $10.00 Cut Glass Butter Dishes. $7.95 $8.50 Cut Glass Water Pitch6rs.$6.87 Regular $8.50 Celery Dishes, eai .$6.87 Regular $10 Celery Dishes, each. $7.98 Cut Glass Salt and Pepper Shakers, ster ling silver' tops ; regularly lJO 1 O $3.00 a pair; your choice. .P O Sale of Carving Sets Five great special lines of Carving Sets ; stag handles; sterling silver mountings, lined case; 3-piece sets; great bargains: Regular $ 4.50 Carring Sets for $3.57 Regnlar $ 6.50 Carving Sets for $5.17 Regular $ 7.50 Carving Sets for $5.98 Regular $ 9.00 Carving Sets for $7.18 Regular $10.00 Carving Sets. for $7.98 Bohemian Glassware very low-priced : $1.25 Bohemian Nappies for, ea..95 $2.00-$2.25 Bohemian Nappies. ..$1.59 $5.00 Bohemian Bowls, sp'l. at. $3.62 Bohemian Glass Water Sets low-priced: Regular $ 8.00 vals., special, set. $6.37 Regular $11.00 vals., special, set. $8.95 Silver Plated Tea Sets 4 Pieces Regular $ 7.50 values; at, set.. $ 5.98 Regular $12.50 values, at, set. .$ , 9.98 Regular $17.50 values, at, set. . $13.45 Regular $27.50 values, at, set. .$22.41 $1.00 Tea Strainers, special, each.79 $3.00 Jut Bowls on sale at, each. $2.37 $7.00 Relish Dishes, special at.. $5.49 $3.00 Comports, special at, each. $2.37 $2.75 Spoon Trays on sale at.. $2.18 Regular $4.50 Chocolate Pots at. $3.49 Regular $10 Coffee Sets, special. $7.95 Great special values in Haviland China Dinner Sets on sale in the Basement. $4.00 Gloves for $2.95 Great Christmas sale of women's real French Kid Gloves celebrated "Reynier" make; full 16 button lengths, in all sizes, 512 to every pair guaranteed to give satisfactory service ; col ors are black, white, red, gray, mode, cham pagne, tans and browns; best $4.00 - CJO QC . values, for a few days only at, pair. .P50 Great Holiday Sale of 500 women's fine Umbrel las silver and pearl, gold and pearl and gun metal handles; the best Paragon . J0 QO frames, good covering; $5 values. .P570 Great sale of women's all-silk Umbrellas gold, silver and pearl bandies, 6 to 9 inches long; best frames,1 and exceptional values at these prices-: $12.50 Umbrellas $8 $20.00 Umbrellas $12.50 Women's Waists Greatly reduced prices on our entire stock of fancy Waists, fancy striped and checked silks and plaid silks ; plain tailored or trimmed in small one-inch tucking; silk bands, yokes of faggoting, lace and ruching. Gibson or bias effects; button front or back," long or short sleeves; blue, green, lavender, light blue, navy, brown, red, black or white, on sale at the following social prices I $ 7.00 Waists $5.45 $10.50 Waists $ 8.25 $ 7.50 Waists $5.95 $11.00 Waists $ 8.95 $ 8.50 Waists $6.45 $12.50 Waists $ 9.85 $ 9.00 Waists $6.95 $16.00 Waists $12.50 $10.00 Waists $7.85 Waist Dept., 2d,. Floor. Entire stock of high-class at greatly reduced prices grand variety; wonderful Regular $12.00 Petticoats, Regular $14.00 Petticoats, Regular $18.00 Petticoats, Regular $20.00 Petticoats, Regular $24.00 Petticoats, Regular $30.00 Petticoats, Regular $40.00 Petticoats, Regular $50.00 Petticoats, Silk Petticoats' on sale ; plain and fancies, in values, at these prices: special, each. $10.50 special, each. $11.45 special, each. $14.25 special, each. $15.85 special, each. $18.85 special, each. $23.50 special, each. $28.50 special, each. $36.50 Great Sale of Fans 600 sample pairs, every one different; gauze, silk, feather arid novelty fans, in grand variety; values from $1.00 to $12.50, at from 47c to . $6.87 Women's fancy hand-made Neckwear in Jabots and stock Collars, each one in a box; regular $1.50 val- QO. ues, on sale at this low price. 5OC Narrow Ribbons for fancy work and tying up packages; 10-yard pieces: I2V2C, No. 1 Satin Ribbon, piece.. 9 No. 1 Satin Ribbon,, 25c val., pcl7 .No. IV2 Satin Ribbon, 35c value. 22 No. 2 Satin Ribbon, 45c ral., pc.29 IVi and 2 Holly Ribbon, 35c val.25 Ladies' Kerchiefs Women's1 Novelty. Handkerchiefs, col ored border and colored em- O, C broidery, 350-400 values, at. C Women's laundered and unlaundered , hand-embroidered Linen Handker chiefs; regular 65c and . 75c f Qk values, on Bale at, sy'l., ea. T'SC Women's sheer all-linen Handker chiefs, plain and checked crossbar effects, 4 and Vs-iueh hem- OC stitching; 35c values, each. JC Women's all-linen hand-embroidered Handkerchiefs, hemstitched and scal loped border; regular $1.00 p7"if values, on sale at, sp'l., ea. JC Mail orders will be carefully filled. HolidaySale Women's Ap parel $40 Dresses $18.45 Women's Princess and two-piece Dresses, in striped materials, velvets, fancy plaids; also taffeta silks navy blue, Mown, black, fancy stripes and mixtures. Trimmed in lace, taffeta bands and fancy braid; some have lace yoke in round and pointed effects; elbow sleeves and lace cuffs; skirts are full pleated and trimmed in bias folds; values to tfjl O AZt $40 a garment, on sale at, special.. PlOxO Great special holiday sale of women 's Silk Raincoats in plain black, navy, brown, green, red, gray and tan, fancy checks,' plaids and stripes, in all colors and sizes; all new, up-to-date styles, as follows: $20 to $40 values, on sale at, ea $16.50 to $31.50 Women's and misses' Walking Skirts, in fancy checks, stripes, plaids and mixtures ; Panama cloths, serges and tweeds; pleated and kilt effects; plain or trimmed with bias folds; small sizes only; 25 to 39-inch lengths. Colors are blue, brown,' green, grays, cadets and purple low-priced. dJO QC Regular $6.00 Talues, on sale at, each. tyiOZj Women's Tailored Suits at very interesting prices. Women's Sweater Coats, in the very best values. Women's long and short Kimonos, in best values.: Women's Costumes and Opera Coats at low prices. Women's Walking Skirts on sale at special prices.' Real Laces 13 Off Great special holiday sale of our en tire stock of real laces Duchess lace, point lace, appliques, princess lace, Cluny lace, Val. lace, Irish crochet, etc. ; magnificent styles, I Sff all prices, reduced to.. VIl Special lot of hand-embroidered semi made Corset Covers for ' Christmas gifts; best regular $2.50 1 - QQ values, on sale at, sp'l. .P A.570 $ 1 vSilks at 69c yd. 2000 yards of fancy Plaid Silks for waists, costhmes, .etc.; very best de signs and colorings; regu- CQ ular $1.00 quality, the yard. OJC All grades Dresden and fancy Crepe de Chines on sale at special low prices. Axminster Rugs at $1.82 and $3.35 In the Third Floor Carpet Store, an other great holiday sale of fine Ax minster Rugs, all new, bright pat terosv in the very best colorings; .1000. of them to select from; two sizes: 27x60-inch, $2.75 values, at ..$1.82 36x72-inch, $4.50 values, at.. $3.35 1000,Carpet Hassocks, plush top, iron legs, gilded; good patterns and col orings; two lots, on sale as follows: Velvet tops, regular $1.25 vals..87 Brussels tops, $1.00 values, each . 770 Great Christmas sale of IJissel Carpet Sweepers, all prioes; on Third Floor.