The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 08, 1907, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 23

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66S-5'0 Swetland H.dg.
If you want to buy a rooming-house or
have one lor sale, you will tlnd it worth
your while to call on us. Below we call
your ' attention to a few of the place
listed with us:
50 room, elegantly furnished, corn
brick; private baths, hot and cold waur,
ten in heat, te iephune. gas and electric
ity In every room; splendid location'; posi
tively clearing over HW) per month; good
long lease at only $3lh per month ; this Is
the most modern and best appointed place
In the city ; beam close lnv rtipation.
12 rooiiitf, tine corner iocauu:,, close in.
well arranged for either boarding or rooming-house
; one of the most elegantly fur
nished rooming-houses In Portland; almost
new; running water In most rooms; furnace
heat and modern conveniences; . $500 cash
will handle thin place; worth investigation.
6 rooms, beautifully furnished with high
grade carpets and furniture, almost new;
well arranged for renting rooms; rent, in
cluding steam heat, hot and cold water,
only $36 per month; you can have a fine
h-me hre for the Winter and all running
expenses by renting a fw room; price $Goo.
20 rooms, strictly modern, corner location,
newly and elegantly furnished, in the b'st
part of the city; arranged in apartment;
good lease; you can have a beautiful home
here and very little work to do and clear
$125 net: price $3tKX; terms.
22 room, elegantly furnished one month
"go; fufnaee heat, gas and electricity, hot
and cold running water In all apartments;
this is one of the best houses in the city
for the money; rent only $100 per month,
with long lease; fine, close-to location; net
, Income over $100 per month; price $2f00.
1! room. 9 of which are elegantly fur
nished; you can put In some of your own
furnlwne in 2 rooms and have one of the
beat small houses in the city; excellent lo
cation for rent Ing rooms: Income $t0 per
month above the rent, leaving 2 nice rooms
for yourself ; rent only $43 per munth;
$.100 cash and balance monthly.
0 room, strictly mod;rn fiat; fine corner
close-in location : furnished throughout
with mahogany and birdseya maple furni
ture, Axminster rugs and carpet; a beauti
ful home for a small family, with the priv
ilege of renting several rooms, to pay all
expenses; rent onry $47. SO; price $70o.
$350 CASH.
Will put you in possession of one of the
nicest and best arranged rooming-houses in
the city; newly remodeled and furnished one
month ago; owing to business reverses this
place can be had very reasonably : strictly
modern, fine location ; income $120 per
25 rooms, very nicely furnished: electric
' light; very desirable corner location: clear
ing above alt expenses $10 per month; run
ning water in rooms; price $12o0.
6'i8-509 Swetland bldg., cor. 5th and Wash,
NOW IS the time to buy a good roomlng
house that will pay you 40 per cent on
your investment end alro give you steady
and well paid employment; here are a few
lit room, well furnished. $550.
14 rooms, a good money-maker. $"oo.
trt rooms, nicely furnished, brick building,
22 rooms, golden oak furniture, velvet
carpet.. steam heat, not and cold water
in every room. $2."00.
S2 rooms, newly furnished. $2000.
33 rnonw, best tocation in city; office
moms pay the rent; $2Hoo; a money-maker.
7.1 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water;
rent $300 a month; clears $Soo; $io0;
!K-room hotel, large dining-room; $6000,
Including bus.
50-room new brick corner, irteam heat,
hot and cold running water in every room;
golden oak furniture; the best carpets that
money can buy; Rood long lease; house
clears $50 a month.
Original Hotel Brokers.
351 H Morrison st. Phone Main 7311.
HOUSES. Swell furniture of a 7-room house. In
cluding high-grade piano; $400.
Furniture of 13-room house, $550; clears
$75 a month.
Bakery and delicatessen store, with 14
furnished rooms, furniture finest in the
city: fixtures and stock all goes; this
week for $1375; $750 down, balance $25
per month. 100 more rooming-houses to
select from. Bargains in all of them.
Call Pioneer Realty Co., ISO 4th st.
FOR SALE Butcher business, two markets,
one in town of .Kmh Inhabitants, one In
town of 20O0 inhabitants; selling 18 beeves
a week with small stuff In proportion:
slaughter-house barns and dwelling at
s'.aughter-house; three horses, two wagons,
harness and tools; 34 acres land adjoining
city; everything necessary to carry on the
business including steam tanking .outfit in
slaughter-house and steam power in sau
sage kitchen. D. M. "Watson, 331 Wash
ington st.
RK (MING-HOUSE. 13 rooniB, very central;
$irf cash will handle it; all new furniture;
-very central; cheap rent.
It rooms, rent $25; new throughout, mod-
em; yours for $rfH; clears $35 n;o.
18-room boarding-house; can be had very
chf-ap; clears $165 mo.
See us If you want a place, any location,
any size.
H. W. GARLAND CO., 191 4th st.
CONTRACTOR Builder that has more
business than he can handle alone will
take partner to look after hired help;
chance to make $150 monthly; very little
money -required. Call room 32.1 Lumber
Exchange bids.. Second and Stark sts.
I will give some one a great bargain in
railroad bonds; if you want something
good, don't overlook this.
205 Couch Bid. Phone Main 7646.
FOR SALE 10 acres fine level land. Kllllngs
wnrth ave., near Union ave. ; must be sold
this week;alsn two fine lots on Portland
Boulevard nnd one on Mallerv ave, $500.
Lumber Exchange.
$10,000 Common stock and $R500 preferred
wtoek In established mercantile company for
. ale. Will pay 20 to 25 per cent on invest
ment. Investigate If you are looking for a
nrst-class Investment. M 451. Oregonian.
"WOOD and coal bushiest', honest partner
wanted to check wood and attend office:
owner will guarantee $200 monthly: $200
required. Call room Lumber Exchange
Mdg., Second and Stark sts.
TRANSFER and storage business; partner
wanted to look after hired helr: owner
will guarantee $200 monthly; $250O re
quired. Call room 32,3 Lumber Exchange
bldg.. Second and Stark sts.
CORNER cigar store; rattling good busi
ness ; partners are quarreling so place is
sacrificed to sell Monday at MM. Call
2484 Stark at.
SALOON Bargain Monday; partner wanted,
JTTiO required and will pay you $150 a
month; experience not necessary. Call
248 H Stark t.
LANDLADIES' CLUB 2tf8 Stark St.. suite 31.
If you wish to buy or sell a rooniinj-house,
board ing -ho use or restaurant, come and see
CALIFORNIA grocery store, the trade Is
between $.'W and $40 a day cash, and
cheap rent, $15 a month rent. 651 First st.
10-ROOM house, fine furniture, brussels car-P"--ti,
iron bedsteads, bath, ga and fur
nace, $5i0. Hatfield & Smith, l6.V,y 4th st.
$2000 WILL buy an established business; will
stand the closest Investigation; established
12 years In Portland. H 431. Oregonian.
IT'LL SUIT YOU Bonrd and rooming
house, central. $."00 down, balance to suit
buyer: a sacrifice. H 48, Oregonian.
"WELL established manufacturing business
for sale; guarantee you $2nn month; only
1000 required. X 424. Oregonian.
$PoO OWNER must sell. 12-room apartment
house, new house. 2-year lease, rent $30.
Income $75 Phone East 5503.
MERCHANTS If you v ant to sell your
business quick for cash or if you want a
partner call 24SH Stark at.
"WOULD like to buy $S00O to $10,000 work
ing Interest In bona fide business enter
prise. H 432. Oregonian.
HERE YOU ARE $ HHK and terms for a!
20-room rooming-house, with lease act
quick. E 448, Oregonian.
I WILL buy a few Oregon Trust & Savings
accounts. Thos. McCusker, 205 Couch bldg
Phone Mala 7640.
MODERATE amount to invest In a light
manufacturing business. Address M 446,
PARTNER with $100, honest. legitimate
business. Inquire 913 East Yamhill, cor
ner 30th st.
20-ROOM house; good Income: $05 rent
housekeeping; $05u. Hatfield at Smith. 165
4th at.
WANT a rooming-house, 15 to SO rooms: good
location. Owners only. A 442. Oregonian.
ROOMING-HOUSE. 17 room, with lease; $650
cash or terms. Call 32u 1st t. 1
RESTAURANT, clearing $50 a week! 325
Lumber Exchange.
No ofljjpe charge. Commission only.
The name sells your business
Do you want to buy a rooming-house or
hotel? We have them, all sizes, all prices.
We have opportunities for investments in
room lug-houses and hotels, even now, not
withsisnding the shrinkage In general busi
ness, that pays a large per cent on the in
vestment. We ask your careful Investiga
tion of different .properties, which we are
certain will convince you of the accuracy
of our statement. We give you a few e
. lected at random from our large lUit.
80 rooms, modern family hotel, elegantly
furnished and equipped ; a flourishing trade
well established; a house of irreproachable
reputation and a money-maker. Call and al
low us to verify our statement by careful In
vestigation. $575.
11 rooms, excellent location ; never has
to advertise to keep Its rooms filled; rent
$J5; net profits over $50 a month; house
will more than pay for Itself In one year.
- $3500.
39 rooms, beautifully furnished; rent $150,
with 3-year lease; good location; rooms light
and cheerful; 3 baths. 3 toilets, furnace
heat; 3 suites'-In housekeeping; this is a
good investment; terms.
25 rooms, several suites in housekeeping;
located on a good corner; furniture in good
condition; rent $75 a month; a good busl-
ness, good profits; a safe investment.
- 22-room boarding-house. 2 blocks from
Portland Hotel, on corner; furniture and
, carpets are in first-class condition; house Is
always filled with best class of people, who
pay the best prices: reasons ble rent; long
lease; $1400 cash. bal. monthly; a good buy.
7-room flat in beautiful modern block ;
location the best In the city; furniture and
carpets are new and beautiful; rent $50 a
month, which includes water, light, heat
and janitor; 4 rooms are now renting for
enough to pay all running expenses and
leave a balance: ..price oniy $400.
28-room house In Portland; centrally lo
cated, with beautiful furniture and carpets;
private and public baths, in fact the house
And furnishings are new and up-to-date;
rent $175. with 4-year lease; house is clear
ing $175 a month; $4000 cash takes it.
8 rooms. 1 block of Oregon Hotel; one of
the best locations in city for small house;
furniture and carpets are in good condi
tion; everything Is complete. Including $400
piano; It all goes for $450; time on one-half
If you want it.
17 rooms, very close in, nicely furnished
throughout, part In housekeeping suites;
ren t $55 ; other expenses $ 12 ; net profits
over $7o a month; $000 cash, bal. monthly.
14-room workingmen's boarding-house In
th heart of the mill and foundry district;
house tvas built for boarding-house pur
poses; rent only. $22 a month, good 2-year
lease; everything goes f or $325. See this
at once.
t 38 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Wash. sts.
Phone Main 5921.
The Business Brokers.
718 Chamber of Commerce bldg..
Phone Pacific 2758.
SALOON In cltv. doing good business, A I
fixtures, $2300; will take Portland property
as part payment.
GROCERY and general store. $2900; terms.
BAKBRY and confectionery In large town.
Mock and fixtures worth Slx; will sell for
$'.;0. and arrange terms; business Is netting
$2tH a month.
GENERAL STORE, no opposition for 20
miles, owner retiring, business clearing $3500
per annum.
$500 splendid stand.
GROi-FTRY, $700; chap rent.
ROOMING-HOUSE'. 27 rooms, averaging
over $KH per month profit; $700 will finance
carrying toilet articles, stationery, etc.,
clearing over $20o per month profit. Price
Rooming-house, clearing $115 per month,
owner compelled to sell on account of sick
ness. No reasonable offer refused; easy
Laundry in good town, doing fine busi
ness; $1300.
$1000 will handle saloon and hotel, doing;
good business.
Bakeries in different towns, from $470 to
Barber shop, two chairs; no opposition;
doing good business; rent $50 per year;
laundry commissions pay other expense;
price $275; purchaser can rent good 7-room
house, barn, chicken-house, good garden,
with apple, cherry .trees and small fruits,
for $5.50 per month..
Livery and hotel; no opposition; annual
net profit $1600; price $1200; terms.
Manufacturing business; no experience re
quired; manager conducts business; netting
$250 to- $3iM per month; owner returning to
old country; price $2000.
Exclusive Business Brokers.
The most 'elegant, milliner, cloak and
suit establishment on Washington street,
two rooms ground floor, rent only $450,
three years' lease; will sell 75 per cent of
Invoice and take good farm or Improved
city property.
503-4-5 Swetland Bldg.
In 90 days there will be more money
loose in. Portland than can be invested;
$0,000,000 will come out of cold storage;
pow is the time to invest for the advance
that will surely come; let me sell you real
estate, stocks or bonds; it will not require
the service of a receiver to realise on
- 205 Couch Bldg. Phone Main 7646.
SPECIAL Owner busy manufacturing and
wants honest partner to keep accounts,
collect, etc.; $750 required, fully secured;
will pay active man $8 to $10 a day; will
stand your fullest investigation; previous
experience not necessary, call 248 & Stark
36 rooms well furnished, near Steel
bridge, lease, low rent, money maker;
price only $1100.
10 rooms, furnished, on First St., rent
$30: price $650; terms.
K. J. GEISER. 221 H Morrison St.
SPECIAL Monday; partner wanted for solid
business; must be reliable person; re
quires $400 cash and balance you can pay
from business; pay energetic man $35 a
week; experience unnecessary. Call 248 H
Stark fit. for particulars.
For a good roumlng-house, but It must be
nicely furnished, good location and modern
and worth the money. Will deal with own
ers only; no attention paid to agents. Ad
dress O S87, Oregonian.
OWNER of good real estate business wants
partner; experience unnecessary bevond
ability to show land, etc., which is eallv
learned; will pay active man $150 to $200
a month; very little money required. Call
249 Stark st.
PARTY to buy my partner's interest In an
established business that will net him
$200 per month; must be able to attend
to books and office; other experience un
necessary ; $500 required. F 448. Ore
gonian. LADY partner wanted in cash business; sal
ary $80 monthly besides profits which are
large; previous experience not necessary.
Call room 323 Lumber Exchange bldg.,.
Second and Stark sts.
CORNER GROCERY doing business $200
dally, at invoice; we have another that Is
doing $rtO daily. For particulars call room
323 Lumber Exchange bldg.. Second and
Stark sts. N
IF you have $14,000 to invest In a proposition
that will pay 20 to 25 per cent it will pay
you to look into this. Straight business
proposition. Only principals need apply.
M 452, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS confectionery store, net $300
monthlv over and above all expenses. For
particulars call room 323 Lumber Ex
change bldg.. Second and Stark sts.
CORNER cash store; living rooms, $050;
just the place for man and wife;
can make your living and clear $100 a
month easily. Call 248 Stark st. ,
RESTAURANT Owner Is busy cooking and
v. ci it i o nw.i ....... . w VI ue
Icr, etc., as partner; pay you $25 a week;
$300 required. Call 248 Stark tt.
WITH $4o0 you can acquire one-half interest
in business that will net vou si no
month. A snap for party who Is willing to
wnrk 324 T.nmhpr Eiphan?o
FOR SALE Clean, new stock groceries,
good location, good business, Aberdeen
Address q. F. Gowdy, 617 East 1st St.,
Aberdeen. Wash.
PARTNER wanted for cash business; must
be satistied with $18 U $25 a week ex
perience unnecessary; required. Call
248H Stark st.
64-ROOM house, brick corner, good furni
ture; rooms all full; lease, electric light,
modem; cheap If sold at. once. V 412,
WANTED Secretary for an Oregon cor-
u-trauon; must, nave good character and
invest $2000. V 415, Oregonian.
226H Morrison st.
Largest and best located office In city.
Leading real estate and business brokers.
Money to loan on nearly all we sell.
$23,000 cash, new income flats.
$20.000 cash, flats clearing 15 per cent.
$7000 Splendid mfg. business: terms.
$(WX Bfst paying dfctry in Portland.
$20tM) $250 cah, good house with lot lOOx
125, near carllne.
$850 Drygoids store and A living rooms,
all at inventory.
. $2000 1-3 cash, new 6-room house.
$3000 1-3 cash. rooming-house clearing
$3rf per month; close In.
$25oo 1 cash, new, steam-heated.
$"HX cash, new, elegant rooming-house
S650 cash, buys 21 -room house (others
all prices and locations; largest list -In city
to select from).
$150 and upwards, homesteads and tim
I ber claims.
$500 take 10-room new house.
$1600 Restaurant, averaging $75 daily.
$11(X Restaurant averaging $G5 dally.
$75X Restaurant doing good business.
$.s00 Clearing; yearly $500.
$400 Lunch counter making good money.
$"50 Bakery lunch, near Morrison.
$300 buys Into light office business.
$250 Interest in real estate office.
$1000 buys interest In furniture store with
position a.t $100 month salary, besides prof
its, with reliable firm, inc.
(Other business opportunities of all kinds;
largest list In city; part mosey furnished
-to buy with).
226i$ Morrison st.
Phone Main 15tiS. A 4150.
FOR S-lLE Lodging-house. $1000; 25
neatly furnished rooms in heart of !ty.
clearing4$200 a month; long lease; mUHt
sell on account of sickness. Phone Main
6437. Sunday. A -2896.
WANTED Man to help manage a well-known
detective agency: we are extending opera
tions; should have some money; it will pay
you to Investigate this offer. Address post
office tjpx 257. Portland.
GROCERY store, fine location, doing nice
Dusine i. ror sale at invoice money to
loan on anything we sell. Lee, room 20.
Raleigh bldg., 323 Washington
ROOMING-HOUSE, 12 rooms, central loca
tion, lease, priced reasonable, money to
loan on anything we sell. Lee. room 20,
Raleigh bldg.. 323H Washington st.
LOST At Anabel Station. Halloween night,
bitch pointer, yellow, - with white points ;
also on night of Dec. 4, white and yellow
dog pup, pointer, with tear on right tfore
foot. Return to L. E. Obye, electrician at
Sostoffice. or H. M. Owens. 70 E. -19th st.
'., Portrand. Reward for both.
LOST Saturday. Nov. SO, fox terrier dag.
white and brown head and ears, star In
forehead, collar locked on with padlock,
scar on one side, answers to name Max.
Return to 201 Third street and receive
LOST- Eastern Star pin. name on cross-bar
holding star, small diamond In square and
compass; pin doubly valued account fra
ternal associations. Owner, clerk In Meier
A Frank's crockery department; reward.
LOST Saturday about 5 P. M.. one ma
hogany rocker, between 18th and Couch
and 22d and Flanders; liberal reward for
return of same. Powers Furniture Co.
LOST Between II th and Stark on West
Side and Citizen's Bank on East Side, one
check for $175 payable to J. Ptrowbridge;
finder return to either bank or 27 Pres
cott street and receive liberal reward.
LOST, strayed or stolen. Nov. 30,' 1907, from
451 Ainsworth ave., dark brown Shetland
stallion. Reward for Information sent 451
Ainsworth are. Phone Wood lawn 858.
LOST On Washington st., between 5th
and 7th, a piece of Japanese cut velvet
cloth. Finder will receive reward by
leaving at 343 West Park st.
LOST On Washington St.. 5 o'clock last
evening, green satin bag, containing two
packages and puree with small change.
Phone Main 42S8. Reward.
FOUNI Where hair mattresses are reno
vated, returned same day. 228 Front.
Main 474, A 1374. Portland Curled. Hair
Factory. - H. Metzger - ,
LOST A large topaz pin b?twen 4 and 6
P. M-, Dec. 7, in front of 629 Everett or 205
King. Suitable reward will be given if re
turned 205 King.
LOST At Meier sc Frank's store, a small
purse, with two little rings at the op,
containing gold coin. Return to Orego
nian. LOST Black cocker spaniel dog; straight
hair; to the name of Dan. Any one
finding same phone Woodlawn 275. Reward.
IF the lady who found an opal ring in the
O W. P. waiting room returns same to
that office she will save herself trouble.
LOST Gold crescent pin with small stone
setting. Liberal Reward for return to Lip
man, Wolfe & Co. corset department.
LOST Bunch of keys. Reward If returned
to Edwin G. Am me. Beck Bldg., 7th and
Oak sts., or phone Pacific 251.
WILL party who found chain and locket
Thanksgiving return same and accept $5
reward ? Phone East 8646.
PARTY "who picked up fur on West SMe
train Friday morning, please return to Cas
tle, 223 pine st. Reward.
LOST Thursday at "Grand Theater, silk
umbrella, monogram M. E. G. Phone
Main 3312; reward.
LOST Green Peterpanpurse containing $5
and door key. Return to Oregonian office
and receive reward.
LOST Nose glasses Saturday night. Finder
please return . same to Mitchell, Lewis,
Staver. Ex. 83
LOST Nov. 29, one tablet and composition
book. Offer reward when returned. 103
Grand ave.
FOUND Dec. 3, brown Shetland pony, bob
tall, roach ed mane. M. S. Fisher, Box 17,
Cieone, Or.
LOST Lady's gold watch with fob; finder
please return to 420 2d. flat C, receive re
ward. LOST Ring set with one diamond and two
rubies. Please return to uregcwjian; re-
FOUND On Sixth and Wash. sts.. a pearl
and gold pen. Call Main 4468.
SCOTCH COLLIE, black, white, tan; reward.
293 Alder or 1176 Bortbwick.
sfme. Courtrlght. skin and scalp treatments:
facial deformities corrected; plastic sur
gery 225 FUedner bldg. M 5042 A 20A9.
SAY! Mrs.. Fisher, palmist and cardreader,
welcomes her old friends and patrons to
449 H Washington, between. 12th and 13th.
MARRY wealth and beauty; marrlase direc
tory free; pay when married; new plan. H.
A. Horton, Dept. 81. Tekonsha, Mich.
WORKINGMAN, 80 years old. would like
to hear from lady near the same age. Ob
ject, matrimony. M 448.- Oregonian.
st... rooms 24-25. Vapor, sponge baths,
electric treatments. Lady attendants.
LOTTIE KALOSKY. If you wish tohear from
your cousin, Berel Orltzky. from Coreyn,.
Russia, call at 1109 Michigan ave.
RESPECTABLE young man, 24. wishes to
meet young lady with some means; object
matrimony. F 442. Oregonian.
MRS. OBROCK Masseuse, baths, salt glow,
alcohol rub. cream massage; references.
2S2H Park. Main 2403, A 2734.
Sl'OKANE Artificial Limb House, legs, arms,
braces, trusses made and repaired. Sher
wood bldg.. Spokane, Wash.
WEALTHY manufacturer of good reputation
wishes congenial home-loving wife. Hill,
2208 Wabash ave., Chicago.
WESTERN lady. 45, wealthy, refined, good
manager, would marry; confidential. M.
B.. box' 35, Toledo. Ohio.
SCALP treatment, massage. Swedish move
ments, alcohol rub. steam baths, Mrs.
Bruce, 2t4 7th. A 3504.-
WANTED To meet honorable ladles and
gentlemen of responsible age; object mat
rimony. S 69, Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN, 45, stranger in the city, would
meet middle-aged lady; object matrimony.
J 468, Oregonian.
REFINED woman desires acquaintance eld
erly gentleman with means; no triflers. A
432, Oregonian.
WHY live alone? Send 10c; join our matri
mony society: many rich. Box 9o6, North
Yakima. Wash.
ALTCT? CHURCH I LT, masseuse and chirop
odist. The LiUie Palace, 871 6th st. -
BALM of Figs for all female diseases. s2tl
B. Belmont. Phone EL 4034.
LADIES' barber shop now open. Manicur
ing and massage. 54 4th st.
All diseases of men. women and children
both acute and chronic diseases of the eye,
ear, nose, throat and lungs, heart, kidneys,
bladder, brain and stomach, catarrh, rheu
matism, goitre, indigestion, constipation and
skin diseases promptly cured. All private
and wasting diseases promptly cured and
their effects permanently removed from the
system. Consultation free and strictly con
fidential. We guarantee all of our cures.
New York Surgical A Medical Institute,
Raleigh bldg., bin. and Wash. sts.
Medical and Surgical (Inc.).
Diseases of women and children exclusive
ly; nervous and chronic diseases of children
given special attention; all up-to-date electri
cal apparatus; maternity caees are given
careful and personal attention by graduate
woman physician; sanitarium in connection;
consultation free; open evenings. Rooms 5-14,
Grand Theater bldg. Correspondence sol lo
lled. M. 392S, Home 6607. .
General diseases of women, men and chil
dren treated scientifically by a licensed lady
physician of 20 years' practice; also out
side confinement cases promptly attended.
Latest iirjproxfcd X-ray and Flnsen methods
for treatment of cancers, gall rtones, goitre
and rheumatism. Correspondence Invited.
Address Suite 14-15. Raleigh Bldg.. 322
Washington St., Portland. Phone Main 4151.
JOHN I could not wait any longer for you.
You would not have to work day and night
if you would economize by getting your
shoes shlned free and hair cut for two
bits at the Model Barber Shop, the finest
9-chalr shop in the city. They employ
only the best of barbers. Their number
Is 91 Oth st. Maud.
DON'T give up liope simply because you are
nervous; Sexlne Pills will cure you. or it
won't cost you a cent; $1 a box. o boxes
$5. witn full guarantee for all forms of
weakness. Address or call The J. A. Clem
enson Drug Companv,' corner Second and
Yamhill streets. Portland. Or.
ANY trace as to the whereabouts of Michael
McLaughlin, age 35. height 5 ft. 6. light
complexion, last seen In Portland a year
ago, will be thankfully received by his
mother. Mrs. Margaret McLaughlin, cere of
3. Smith. Bnu?h Prairie, Washington. It, D.
No. 1, Box S3.
'LADIES, consult Dr. Mary Lane, (the only
and original) established 10 years; special 1st
for diseases of women and children. The
best equipped Iyln-in sanitarium on the
Coast. Consultation free. Correspondence
confidential. 253 Alder, cor. 3d, Portland.
Phone Main 2796.
JUST opened, little palajce; bath parlors, mas
sage treatments, delightful and invigorating,
rheumatism and nervous ailments cured, all
diseases of the scalp and face scientifically
- treated, chiropody. Madam Vashtl, formerly
of 2ul 3d st., now at bl Oth St., 1 block
from Washington.
NELLIE Wait for me tomorrow. I want
to see you so much. Yours, Charlie.
P. S. Tell the boys they can get that
finely perfumed hair tonic free at the
Model Barber Shop, the place where they
cut hair for 25 cents and employ only
the beat of- barbers. Their number Is 11
ttth st. Charley.
graduate, cures rheumatism, nervous kdls
orders, sprains; "hand-rubbing, steam, sweat
and tub baths. 7 East 11th St., private
home for patients both sexes; take East
Ankeny car. Phone East 260. Home B lb03.
SUTS pressed whiii you wait. 50c. To vis
itors of Portland hotels and to public at
large; Suits pressed at 50c at Gilbert, the
tailor's, l'JO1 tjth at., next to Quelle. La
dies' skirts pressed, 50c. Feathers and boas
cleaned and curled. Pbone Pacific 2088.
A. B. Bloomer, agent for Perkins National
Herbs, also for Kretal, formerly at 208 3d
St., city. Is now locatsd permanently with
the F. P. Keen an Co.. 1W0 4th st., Portland.
Phone Main 3U82.
ANY man or woman may regain perfect
strength by using Sexlne Pills. $1 a box, 6
boxes $5, with full guarantee. Address or
call The J. A. Clemenson Drug Company,
corner 2d . and Yamhill streets. Port
land, or.
FREE Your fortune told by America's emi
nent astrologer, clairvoyant; to introduce
my work the best of all please try me
and see. St. John, 12 Sheldon st., Chicago.
Send birth date and stamp. Know thyself.
MARRIAGEABLE ladles and gentlemen, all
ages, want correspondents; many wealthy;
complete names and addresses of either
sex furnished for less than lc each. Par
ticulars free. Address E 439. Oregonian.
REFINED and good-looking gentleman of
24, highly talented art scholar, desires
to meet young lady of means who would
, enable him to finish his studies; object,
early marriage. S 432. Oregonian.
CHARMING lady, fine appearance, loving dis
position, very wealthy, desires to marry.
No objection mechanic or working man. No
triflers. Addrepw immediately, Miss N. 1.
704 Dept., S5 Fifth ave., Chicago.
"WAIT A MINUTE." -27.000
copies of this beautiful march com
position sold in nine weeks. Published by
N. H odgsou. 302 fs Morrison st., Portland,
Or. Price 25 cents. Piano only.
FOR 50 cents we will send you a 150-page
book of valuable Information prepaid in
plain wrapper; no man or woman contem
plating marriage should he without it.
Lock Box 1354, Seattle. Wash.
HANDSOME young lady, worth $25,000,
wants acquaintance of honorable gentle
man; early marriage.; no objection to poor
man It honest. Address Mrs, W.. Q97
FuKon at , Chicago.
fYOUNG woman with child going East this
week, would appreciate the traveling com
panionship of some congenial lady like
wise contemplating Eastern trip. Address
A 458, Oregonian.
ELECTRICAL treatments, scientific Swedish
massage and movements, scalp treat
ments; treats all nerve and chronic dis
eases. Mrs. Nisbeth. 252 7th St. Phone
Main 7033, A4133.
LADIES wishing to examine Splrallo corset,
I would be glad to show them; the boning;
will not break nor keep the permanent
"bend at waistline. Phone East 1413. Miss
Bart ley.
PERSONS of marriageable age. either sex.
desiring acquaintance. correspondence or
companion, s?nd 10c for circular. Port
land Introducing Bureau, room 3, ltil Vi
1st st.
DON ' T be Ion esom e send 10 cents for De
cember Matrimonial Register; Join Inter
state Introducing Society, many wealthy
members recently enrolled. Box 251, Seattle.
CONFIDENTIAL Correspondence Club. For
honest, sober, single people fully of age. Call
or address Mrs. H. C. Wilbur. 406 3d st.,
near Harrison. 8. car. Phone Main 8156.
DRESS suits for rent, all sizes; $1 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark.
LADY of refinement and capability, good
appearance and address, desires manage
ment of family hotel or rooming-house ;
references. 6 434. Oregonian.
GERMAN. French. Spanish and other For
eign Dictionaries. Text Book" and Litera
ture (German books a specialty). W.
Echmale'Co., 229 First st.
LOST powers restored sy the great Dr. Lor
ens' Nerve Tonic Tablets, -25c a box. Write
or call ,at Eyssel's Pharmacy, 'All Morri
son st., bet. 1st and 2d.
FIRST-CLASs shampooing, manicuring anP
massage; electric face and scal treat
ments at your homes or at 548 Taylor at.
Phone Main 4873.
WEALTHY young lady, fine appearance,
seeks husband and adviser; would assist
financially if necessary. Gllnn. 171 East
22vl st.. Chicago.
WANTED Young lady for partner on first
class vaudeville circuit; experience not
necessary; state age and weight. L 431,
WILL cure your rheumatism, sciatica, gout,
neuralgia and lumbago upon a guarantee;
no cure, no charge. Address K 430, Ore
gonian. DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton
Root Pills, sure remedy for Ue laved periods.
$2 per box or 3 boxes $5. Dr. Pierce. 181
1st st.
Dr. T. J. Pierce, specialist, diseases of women;
all Irregularities corrected; no exposure,
charges moderate. 181 hrt, cor. YamhllL
LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Dr.
Ketchum. graduate; advice free. 1704 3d
st. Main 7154.
IRVINGTON residence, splendidly built, six
rooms, $2500 cash, ' balance time. O 444,
Oregonian. -
WIDOWER, r5. wishes room with maiden
lady or widow; no children. K 442, Ore
gonian. RECENTLY opened, manicuring parlors re
moved from 351 H to 343H Morrison. rm 2.
DR. ATtVOOD, female diseases; maternity
cases, private hospital. 8 Lewis bl. P. 1753
JUST OPENED Manicuring and facial
massage parlors. Room 5. 145',, 6th st.
IffOLKS. wrinkles,- superfluous narr removed.
Mrs. M. D. Hill. 830 Fleldner bldg. Pae. 135,
MUs Ethel Ward, manicurist-chiropodist, for- I
werlv al U MnrriwuL now 2m U. Rd. A&U.0. I
"V Money to IxanT"
Upon your plain notes.
Now is ths time to call.
$10, $20, $30. $40, $50, $tJ0, $7o, $80, $100.
OPEN 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. .
704 Dekum Bldg.
Take Elevator.
Money is our stock we have plenty of
it yours for the asking. A few hours'
preparation and the money Is yours.
You can raise the money you need on
your household furniture, piano, fixtures,
etc, without removal or on your salary
by giving us your plain note and without
the knowledge of anyone.
' When In need of money it will pay you
to get it from us on payment plan. it
costs you less and gets you out of debt.
Mfc Dekum bldg. 512. - ;
LOANS made to salaried people holding per
manent positions and responsible firms;
easy payments and strictly confidential;
en personal property; rooming-nouses a
-205 Ablngton bldg.
MONEY advanced salaried people and others
upon their own names without security;
cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices la
60 principal cities; save yourself money by
getting our terms first.
TOLMAN, 233 Ablngton bldg.. 106'A Sd.
MONEY LOANED On salaries, no other
security; my system is the best for rail
road men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar
employes and others; all business confi
dential. K. A. Newton. SIX Buchanan bldg.,
286 Washington st.
NOTICE Hair cutting, 25 cents; shoes
shtned free, shaving, 15 cents: hair tonic
free at the Model Barber Shop, the finest
-chatr fchop in the city. Only best of
barbers employed. 91 6th st.
$100,000 to loan in sums of $1000 or more to
suit, 6 to 7 per cent, on improved realty, M
G. Griffin. 2C6 Stark, opp. Cham, of Com.
LARGE and small amounts on good security
at low rate of Interest. C. F. Pfluger &
Co.,. 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison.
MONEY to loan In sums to suit, on im
proved real estste; lowest rates of Interest.
Louis Salomon, 233 Stark st., near 2d.
LOANS on furniture, pianos and other se
curities; lowest rates. 8. W. King, room
45. Wash. bldg. Phone Main 8100.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or
contracts. Small building loans a specialty.
W. H. Nunn, 552 Sherlock bldg.
$30.000 kA.11 or In part on real estate se
curity at current rates. Goldschmldt's
Agency, 253 Washington st.
MORTGAGER, let and 2d liens, and other real
estate securities discounted. H. E. Noble,
Commercial block.
SALARIED people save money by getting our
terms on loans first Employes' Loan Co.,
710 Dekum bldg.
$2500 TO lend in sums to suit at reasonable
rates. F. C Hoecker, 4o5 Chamber of
$5000 TO LOAN on Improved property.
Brokers need not reply. D 440, Ore
gonian. State funds loaned, 6 per ct. W. E. Thomas,
state agt.. Multnomah Co. 400 C of Com.
MONEY to loan. Inquire of S. R. Harrington,
room 18 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts.-
LOANS on real, personal, chattel ,or collateral
security. C. W. Pallett, 3t'4 Fenton bldg.
MONEY to loan on aii kinds of security.
Wm. Holl. room 9. Washington bldg.
$500,000 to loan at 6 per' cent on mortgages.
Wm. G. Beck, room 312. Falling bldg.
WILL loan $5000 or less. 6 per cent; real
estate. Farrington, 313 Fenton bldg.
$1000 TO $MK0 to loan on good mortgage
security. Whalley. 613 McKay bldg.
MONEY to loan on diamonds by private party;
low rate. Address 3 444, Oregonian.
WILL pay cash for O. W. P. bonds. State
lowest price. S 423, Oregonian.
I HAYS money to loan on real estate security.
F. A. Rows, 613 Buchanan bldg.
LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel.
The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bliig.
LOANS on West Side property, 7 per cent.
Address G 389. Oregonian.
I CAN give you cash for your certificate of
deposits. V 432, Oregonian.
I HAVE! $500 to loan on mortgage loan.
f Address H 424. Oregonian.
MONEY to loan. Will buy mortgage of
$7500. Phone A 50S2.
Loans Wanted.
WE have clients wanting the following
amounts at 8 per cent on good improved
residence property :
$1000 $1 200 $1 500 $2000
274 Stark St.
HARD pressed for cash; stuck in two
banks; wilt sell accounts of $60 and $1200
on either Title Guarantee & Trust Co. or
Merchants Bank at liberal discount. Ad
dress M 441, Oregonian.
WANTED Loan of $2000, no bonus; will give
mortgage on good suburban ral estate to
the value of $4000. Inquire 886 Hawthorne
ave., city.
WANT to borrow $8000: will pay 7 per cent;
security Inside improved property, ' value
$22,500. Phone Main 1978, between 10:30 and
5 P. M.
J500 WANTED on good security for one
and two years; willing to pay 10 per
cent. Call room 9, Washington bldg.
. WE will purchase a few Oregon Savings dt
I TriTBf Tlnnk nrfnnnla n.iu "VV K ( rA
6v-10 Couch bld., K-9 4th st. "
ABOUT $5000 on Improved city residence prop
erty, payable af one period or on Install
ments. Apply V 423, Oregonian.
WANTED Loan of $2800 on a 7-acre tract,
close in, worth $7oo0; lots side of It seil
for $3O0. V 422, Oregonian.
WANTED $250 until January 15; good se
curity. Interest and bonus. Reply imme
diately. A 436. Oregonian.
WANTED Private loan $1500 or less, on
gilt-edged Improved realty. Portland Homes
Co.. 2o4 Morrison st.
NINE mortgages (7 per cent aggregating
about $7O00. for sale; best security. O 444,
WANTED Loan of $1000. 8 per cent, on well
Improved residence property. O 446, Ore
gonian. MONEY loaned cn second mortgages, rea
sonable rates. N 428. ct re Oregonian.
IF you want to sell or buy a good mort
gage, see Sherlock. 235 Worcester bldg.
WANTED Loan of $20f0 on good Improved
real estate ecurity. K 454 Oregonian.
$10,000 OR $35,000 on Income-bearing real es
tate. Room 319 Lumber Exchange.
WANTED Loan of $5O0, one year: security
valued at $3000. V 430. Oregonian.
I DESIRE lon on good real estate security
for $300Q. X 437, Oregonian.
IF you hare money to loan, I have A-l -security.
W 449. Oregonian. '
$500 Ninety days, good security, good in
terest. H 423, Oregonian.
WANTED Loan of $1400 on good property. N
449, Oregonian.
meeting of the stockholders of the Phoe
nix Iron Works will be held at the office
of the company. East Third street and
Hawthorne avenue, Portland, Oregon, De
cember 9, 1907, at 7:30 P. M., for the pur
pose of electing directors and for the
transaction of such other business as may
be brought before said meeting. November
16. Samuel ''Morrow, president. L. Stein
hauser. Secretary and Treasurer.
Aceordlob Plaiting.
and knife plaiting and pinking.
Lawyers' Abstract & Trust Co. Phones Main
560. Home A 4222. 780 Chamber Commerce.
A. Berser, art studio, 644 M Washington; oil
paintings In landscape and portraits. .
Chamber of Commerce. Office systematizing
and general accounting. Both phones.
B. W. GAGE, room 30 Raleigh bldg., 6th
and Washington, general accounting, bal
ances auu statements furnished.
Art Stores.
HOME decorators, tinting, painting and pa
pering and the goods that go with tu E.
H. MoorehoutMs & Co., 312 Alder sU
SPECIAL Xmas barcains In china paintings.
Mrs. Marklty, Milntr bldg., 35o Morrieon.
Main 4201, A 3217. Frames and framing.
- 501-2 Swetland bldg.; abstracts examined.
GILLIAM & GILLIAM attorneys-at-law, 720
Chamber of Commerce bid. Phone Main 5101
HAWVAJtD H. RIDDULL, attorney-at-law,
735 Chfsniber oX Cuiuxuerce. Main 4itt4.
GREY & RICHARDSON, 518 Chamber of
Commerce. Practice in all courta
J. S. WIN CHEST Kit, attorney-at-law, notary
public, 58 and 59 'Washington bldg.
Antique Furniture.
HAND carving taught ; dealer in antique
furnlturo, repairing. 528 ash.
Assayera and Analysts.
Wells A Proebstet, mining engineers, metal
MONTANA Assay Orfios, 186 Morrison st.
Best facilities. Prices reasoaabie.
PAUL BAUMEL, assayer and analyst. Gold
dust bought. 2o7 Alder at.
Carpenter aud Builders.
W. L Buckner, office, store fixtures,, general
, jooDiag, contracting; wo Star. Mala ossi.
MME. DR. HEKZOU, from Berlin, sclentitic
revealer ; tells entire life, - past, present
and future; consultation on all affairs;
nothing excepted; names given; good ad
vice and sure help ; mistake Impossible;
by a most powerful sympathy, know n
only to a tew seiectea in ner profession,
the madaine reunites the separated, re
stores lost love and removes all domestic
troubles, and causes speedy and happy
marriage with the one you love; also, lo
cates mines and buried treasure. Fee, $L;
letter. 24(i Park st.
WM. DEVENV and Esttsit Deveny, ths on.j
scleai.fic chiropodists, par, ors t04 Drew
building, 162 2d st. Phone Main
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. HUL
room JU0 s'lledner bldg. Phons PacUto 12&.
DR. FLETCHER, D. C, scientific treatments
for all maladies of the loot. 316 Allaky bldg.
NERVOUS, chronic, spinal and female dis
eases a specialty. Chiropractic removes the
cause. Dr. Lavallby, 3U3-4 Allaky budg.
DR. J. E. MARSH, D. C, 223-4 Flledner
bldg. Phone Pacihc 432. Kes. Woodlawn 97.
Dr. L. M. Gordon, graduate P. 8. C., 204-6
Oregonian bldg. Phone A 1953.
Coal and Wood.
luuO cords on hand, delivered same day as
oraer is received. Home phone a 1634. The
Nobby Stables, 12th and Fianaers.
Commission Merchants.
HERMAN METZUEK, purchaser of hides,
pelts, furs, wool, monalr, tallow and 'rubber
and old uetal and general commission mer
chant. Front at., bear slain. Portland, Or.
TAT LOR, YOUNG A CO., ship brokers, com
nu&alon merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portlaad.
1. C. BURN 3 CO., grocers ana commtssloa
snerohaats. 210 $4 st.
Cleaning and Dyeing;.
PAN-CO-VEST A CLUB. 174 West Park. M
6242, A 5U27. Sponge and press your clothes,
$1.00 per month.
Cleaning and Fresains;..
Ideal Custom Tailoring Co., repairing work
called tor and del. Main 7843. 303 ttiark.
LNTEKSTAXE Adjustment Co., law and col
lections. Main 8130. 414 Buchanan bldg.
Custom Tailors.
LARGE assortment of genuine Scotch suitings
at pupuiar prices. Cad on
MR. 6. 1. WILLS,
126ft 5lh su
DANCING Walts, two-step, three-step and
stage dancing lessons, 25c; oldest aud oajy
recognized teacher. Prof. Wal. Wilison, en
trance to halt and oftlce 12 elllng-Hlrsch
bldg., 868 Wash., bet. West Park and loth.
DANCING inM ruction! dally 1:30 to 4. Mur
lark Hall, 23d at W asninKtun. Professor
Carter, principal. Main bo&5.
Detective Agencies.
guarantees success lot) 2d sU, room 4.
phons Pacific 117. Kes. Phone Main 8400.
Dog and ttorse HovpHaL
Dr. C. B. Brown, D. V. ., D. C. M. Dog,
horss hospiuU. I06 N. 6th su L'nion Trans
Tenth and Morrison,
Open ail ths ysar. Private or class la
structloa. Position certain whea compe
tent. All modem methoos of bookke Bit
ing taught; also oorresponaeace, rapid
calculations, office work, CnarUar sAurt
aaad; y. rapid, legible. Cauuogus irss.
W. W. WILLIAMS, M. S. PrJn., 148 5th.
Central location; Pitman shorthand; ex
pert graduates; low tuition; day and night
school; new pupils daily.
ENGINEERING Civil, electrical, mechanical,
survey, assay, ' cyanide; established i.804.
Van der Naillea School, 61st and 1 eiegrapu,
Oakland. Cal.
SPANISH and German languages, instruction,
native teachers, muuern conversational
method. 4oo Commonwealth bldg., oth and
PRIVATE instruction in fcpanisa tp 2 or $
persona C 42U. Oregonian.
Fixtures end wlrlug. 31 4634; A 3661.
Feed Stores.
E. L. COOPER '& CO., hay, grain, feed. 128
Union ave. East 1517; B i517.
Coast agents for Thatcher furnace; work
guaranteed. Eaet 6W3. 406 East Cly.
Gasolene Knginea. "
Stationary, marine, electric equipments launch
es. accessories, w holesale, retail ; engine re
pairing. Kelerson Machinery Co.. 1&J-4- Mor.
Harness and Saddlery.
THE George Lawrence Co.; wholesale saddle
and harness mnfrs.. SO-bft 1st. Main 220.
4 una. Hides and Pelts.
L. SHANK A CO., purchasers of bides, pelts,
wool, xurs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and
eacks. 312 Front si
Leather ana Findings.
tablished IH&S. Leather and findings; Stock
ton sols leather and cut stock; full lias
Eastern Juurboa. law Front st.
CHAS. L. MAST1CK A CO., Front and Oaa
sts. a earner toa sains ei every oescriptloa
for ail put-pus; sols sad tap cuttsrs na4
i&gs. Locksmiths.
LOCKSMITH, umbrella repairing.
Washington, corner 12th.
Machinery. Gun and Locksmith.
REPAIRS cash registers, typewriters, machin
ery, guun. locks. H. Y. Joannet, 203 Russell.
B. TRENKMAN A CO.. mining, sawmill los
gmg machinery, hydraulic pipes castlnx.
ail kinds, repaired. 104 N. 4th ic
Mortgage, Loans and Bonds..
Couch Bldg., 10tf 4th St.. near Wash
lire Insurance.
Couch BlUg.. io 4th St.. near Wash.
MANDOLIN, violin, Danji.. guitar instruc
tion;, private lessoaj only; Gibson mando
lins. : ber s- studio, 41 W ash. st.
EMIL THIELHORN. pupil Prof. Fevcik. vijw
iln and viola teacher. 334 Pine. PaclSe 2&S.
FROM New York, thorough piano teacher
Mrs- Brewster. 201 13th. Main 4039.
MANDOLIN, guitar, banjo. Jesse Parker.
xiikviu uiui,., iwiu uiiu morrison sts.
Z. M. PARVIN. mus. doc. vocal culture, Diana
harmony. Iti6 4th st.
Moving; Picture Machines.
MOVING picture machines. E. H. Moore.
house St Co.. 312 Alder st.
Oriental Rug; Repairing-.
PAIRING, cleaning and Eyeing done by A.
O. Cartozian. a native weaver; all work pos
itively guaranteed; a few line rugs tor sale.
6J5 Washington st.
ER- LVELYN DUDLEY, graduate optician.
18 11th St.. cor. Yamhill; hours 1 to 1
Osteopathic Physicians.
413-U4 Macleay bldg.,
4th and Washington Sts. -Office
Phones: Main 1620; A 4741.
Residence 12ou Taggart st.
Union 71 0.
- 416-16-17 Dekum bldg..
Third and Washington sta,
Phone, office. Main 349.
Residence. E. 1028.
DR. L- B. SMITH, pioneer Osteopath of Ore
gon, gradual Kirkville. Mo. 4U Oreaoniaa
bldg. Main 1242; res. Main 2762:
Paints. Oils and Glass.
RASMUSSEN A .CO., jobber, patnts, oils.
sash and doora cor. 2d and Taylor,
'xJ? Co- tno I"lneer Paint Co.
Window glass and glazing. 135 1st. M. 1334,
Vs. tent and Pensron Attorneys.
PATENTS SOLICITED Wash, atty., expert
advice free. a. J. Matter. 613 Common
wtalth bldg., oth and Ankeny.
J. J. HIRSHHSIMBR, Sollciter and counsellor-at-law
Rooms 20-21 Lab be bldg.
R, C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign patent!
infringement cases. tfo4 Dekum.
OREGON PLATING WKS., 128 Lownsdale St.,
gold, silver, nickel plating. Main 207u; A 257a
Piano Tuning.
GEORGE ANDERSON, expert. 18 Tourney
. bldg., 2d and Taylor sts. Pacific 244.
Photo Kngravers.
PERFECT printing platca Hlcks-Chatten
Engraving Co.. corner 2d and Alder sta
DESIGNERS, photo engravers. Nelfis A Cou
naway, log 2d st. A 4o73, M. 731U.
E. W. MOORE. Elks building. 7th and
Stark sta Phone Main 2t8U.
Public f Stenographer.
CORRESPONDENCE!, legal, abstracts, speci
ncationa 208 Stark, r lo. Main 1222; A 3236.
Removal Notices.
Shaw, Perkins & Mitchell, bicycle, gasoline,
electrical repairing. 3iJ7 Stark to 328 Stark.
Rubber Stamps.
ALSO trade checks and all office goods. P.
I. C Co.. Stark St. Both phoues. 1407.
FIREPROOF and Manganese steel bank safes
at factory prices; second-hand safes at low
prices. We are manufacturers, not dealera
The Mosler bafe Co., 1U3 2d st.
DIE BOLD manganese safes large ltn car
rlea. Lock-outs opened. Jacks, Jails, metal
furnliure. Honest prices and gooUa, Bom
phoues. J. JQ. Davis, 64 3d.
SAVE $4. U0.
This Is strictly a matter of business on
your part to call at my office and become
familiar with my spiritual and sclentilia
work. A hint to the wise is sufficient.
Greatest living astral dead-trance clair
voyant of the age; ADVISER OF BUSI
whom you will marry, bow to control the
one you love, even though mlls away ;
reunites the separated; gives secret powers
to control others; no difference bow close
or how far away, you can always obtain
your desired results. Tells you just how,
where and when to Invest your money to
obtain the best possible results. If you
are sick, melancholy, disheartened or dis
couraged, DO NOT GiVlfl UP IN DE
6 P Alii; couie and receive Spiritual advice
that will help you to receive HEALTH.
1 will do ail others advenise to do and
A great deal more. Hours 10 to 8, dally.
OH ice Nos. 3 and 4. Grand Theater bldg.,
tff2 4 Washington su Phone M. 127.
MRS. C. CORNELIUS, spiritual medium,
Selllng-Hlrsch bldg., 10th and Washing
ton. Mrs. Sophia Selp, reliable spirit' 1 rdnga 302
Allsky. bldg. Public circles Tues.-FrL v.
Mrs. Marsbneld, prophetess, 2ti14) - Morrison,
bet. 3d and 4th sts., reaos your entire life.
MAY ANDREWS, card reading- at 825 Main.
23a Phune Main 'o48.
Showcase, Bank and Store Fixtures
THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co., showcasss,
cabinets, store and office fixtures. 239
Couch St. Pacific 21SL
R, H. BIRDS ALL, designer; agent M. Wlnts
Lumber CO., 7 Hamilton bldg. Maia Mia
THE Lutke Manufacturing Co., oar. ba aa
Moyt. none Main 140&
alga Painting.
Tbe largest sign-makers In the Northwest,
th and Everett sta Phone Private Ka
change 66. Hums A 1103.
SIGNS "That Attract.")
Portland sign Co.. 287 Stark. Pao. lofta.
fitoeks and Bonds.
TREASURER stock. 35o share; par value fl.
Storage and Transfer,
FlrsL-class n reproof storehouse; prompt
and careful attention given to all classes
transferring. Office 2ot Oaa. Pbona Mala
647, A 2247, lac I no 1061.
C. O. PICK, office M 1st, bet. Stark and Oak.
rnone ovo. riant ana surnuure moved aad
packed for shipment; commodious brie
warenouse, with spaxats iroa rooms. Frees
and Clay sts.
TUB finest storage wareroom in the city.
Storage Co., lug Front st. Main 32 or
A 112. - - .
Street Paving.
WARREN Construction Co., - street paving,
sidewalks and crossings. 314 Lumbar Exch.
Portland otUce, 4U2-3-4 Worcester block.
Superfluous Huir.
MOLES, warts, etc., permanently removed by
means of electricity; graduate of Mrs. Pierce,
of Mil., whose methods as an electric social
ist are well known throughout the MUMle
West. Emma Zimmerman, now with Madam
Hudson, 2o7 Macleay bidg.
BUY a ticket today; 4 manicures for $1; all
this month. Mine. Hudson, 27 Macleay bltlg.
Tool making.
And steel-uie cutting lor t mussing un .pa
per or metal; repersay and mrtai spinning
of all kinds; special machines designed and
made to order; give us a trial.
128 Lownbdale St., with Oregon Plating
Works1. Phone Main 2375.
Tinners and hoofers.
BANGS A JOHNSON All kinds of cornice
and blow-pipe work. East 5003. 4oo East
Ciay '
NEW and second-band typewriters, all
makes repaired, sold, and rented; also
stats agents the- Visible Fox. The Type
writer Exchange.. 84 3d st. Main AOS.
NEW typewriters, all makes, rented, sold re
paired. Coast Agency 231 Stark, Phoa i40f4
1 c 1 1 rt; o