The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 08, 1907, SECTION TWO, Page 10, Image 22

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tarnished Booms.
THE BENSON. HOI1 Morrison, corner 6th.
Most central house In the city, block from
postofTice, rooms $3 up per week; 50c to
$1.3 day; brick building, newly reno
vated; new management.
KOOM with private family; walking: dis
tance; all modern conveniences; only to re-
, fined gentleman who enjoys home with
young people; breakfast If desired. 328
Crosby at.
FOR RENT Large, well furnished front room
on first floor, also a (large light room on aftc
ond floor; running watr, furnace heat and
all modern conveniences. 181 14th, corner
270 MONTGOMERY Warm furnished. lunny
south room; board close by;- also single
housekeeping rooms, central'; gas, bath.
Phones A 5395 and Main 4469.
ONE large corner room wUh running water,
furnace heat ; suitable for two gentlemen :
one smaller; qu let, private house, two
blocks from P. O. 227 7th st.
FURNISHED room in modern steam-heated
. apartment; bath, phone; housekeeping
prlveleges If desired; reasonable; walking
distance. F 441, Oregonian.
FOR RENT A nicely furnished and pleas
ant front room in private family, cuit
al le for two people. Ones with employ
ment preferred. 331 1 1th st.
LARGE, sunny, front room, nicely furnished,
suitable for one or two persons: very rea
sonable, t 307 Jefferson at., bet. 5th and
ih. Phone A 0531.
HAPPY is he who nets his shoes shlned
free at the Model Barber Shop. Hair cut
ting, 25 cents. Only best of barbers em
ployed. 91 Oth at.
FURNISHED room for rent, convenient lo
cation, private family, 247 loth St.. be
tween Main and Madison. Call between
10 and 4.
frl'nVTKHfcTl iH-wtma at th V 1 1 na-nr-T Vi - at fa m
heat, nice front room for two; also one
- apartment. 166 Lownedale, near Morrison.
The Kingston. lOO'i 8d st., rooms, steam
heat, modern conveniences; transients, flue
and $1 per day; special rates by wee.
LARGE furnished room; running water, fur
nace heat; suitable for 2; $4 per week. 187
KEATLY furnished side room; private fam
ily; term reasonable. Call afternoons, 170
17th, between Morrison and Yamhill.
TWO unfurnished rooms or furnished for
housekeeping if party wants to buy fur
- niture cheap; close in. 350 Harrison.
FOR RENT Three newly furnished rooms,
with hot and cold water, free phone and
bath. The Collinge, 321 Fourth st.
181 H FIRST ST. Corner Yamhill, nicely
furnished rooms, en suite or single, rea
' sonabie, permanent or transient.
NICELY furnished large front room, suitable
fur 2; furnace heat, free phone, bath; $12
month. 377 W. Park, near Clay.
COMFORTABLY furnished front and outside
rooms, with stoves, electric lights; tran
sient and weekly. 189 3d.
NICELY furnished, large, sunny front rooms,
modern; heat, every convenience; very
reasonable. 473 Alder st.
FURNISHED or unfurnished room; rent
reasonable; gentlemen preferred. 54S Tay
lor st. Phone Main 4873.
TWO furnished rooms in lovely private home,
centrally located; modern conveniences; . ref
erence. E 435. Oregonian.
FURNISHED rooms suitable for two In pri
vate familv. all conveniences. 247 6th st.
Phone A 1108. Pacific 224.
FURNISHED rooms with board, 227 Cherry
st. Phone 3376. Modern house, private
family, bath, free phone.
BRIGHT, pleasant rooms, privilege of get
ting breakfast; phone, gas, bath. 415 Tay
lor, corner 11th street.
LANDLADIES' CLUB. 268 Stark St.. suite 31.
If you are looking for rooms, save time by
consulting our list.
NICELY furnished room, suitable for two
gentlemen; all conveniences. 84 Vi 10th.
Phone Main 7313.
THRPR newlv furnished rooms: bath. e&i.
grates, steel range; walking distance.
- Phone Main 4869.
LIGHT, sunny front room, well heated, resi
dence district; reasonable. 361 10th st.
- Phone Main 3312.
NICE furnished room. modern apartment
house; steam heat; close in. 570 Couch at.
, Inquire of janitor.
258' 13TH ST. Newly furnished room In
private family, new house, every conven
ience; reasonable.
"DESIRABLE furnished front room, modern
flat, furnace, bath, phone. 252 6th St.,
near City Hall.
FRONT room for gentlemen only; private
family; with bath and phone. Sunny side.
Phone Tabor 243.
V'ufurnished Rooms.
NICELY" furnished, also unfurnished rooms,
single or en suite; quiet and very suitable
for single men. The Kamm bldg., 1st
and Pine sts. $6.50 and up.
THREE or four unfurnished rooms in modern
dwelling, partly furnished if desired. Call
Sunday or evenings, lo69 Vaughn, Wil
lamette Heights.
all modern conveniences, private bath, hot
and cold water, gas range. A 4731.
TWO unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping, with all modern conveniences;
reasonable, phone B 2103.
TWO large rooms wflh bay-window, suitable
for light housekeeping. 464 Union ave.. N.
UNFURNISHED rooms for rent. 30 E. 13th
at. N.
TWO unfurnished rooms; 446 Washington st.
Rooms With Board.
FOR RENT Room with or without board
for lady or gentleman; reasonable; East Side.
L 432, Oregonian.
JtOOM and board for two young ladles or
men. walking distance, reasonable. 624
E. Morrison.
WANTED Applications for board and room
for students. Apply Behnke-Walker Busl-
ness Colleger
LARGE fmnt room, well furnished: heat;
light, bath, private house, close In. 632
Flanders t.
V A NT ED To board and room four young
men: private family; no other boarders.
707 1st st.
rlOOM and board for young ladies In pri
vate home, with use of piano and laundry.
4024 Clay.
FRONT suite, with or without board, for
3. Phone Pacific 606 or call 329 Mont
gomery. "NICE furnished room, for two gentlemen,
also first-class board; close In. 392 Salmon
412 JEFFERSON ST. First-class rooms
and board; strictly home cooking. Private
SELECT boarding-house, two large rooms, one
alcove;' steam heat. 404 Madison St.. corner
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with board,
everything strictly first-class. 715 Everett
TWO nicely furnished rooms with board, $5 per
- week. Call 432 E. Washington, near 6th.
SELECT private boarding-house, modern
conveniences; board optional. 452 Mor. st.
KOOM and board In widow's family. 564 Pow
ell st. Brooklyn car. Phone Sell. 97.
tw v niceiy rurnisnea rooms; with board.
Call 915 E. Salmon, or phone B 2383.
MINNEQUA INN. 876 Yamhill, nice rooms;
steam heat, good meals. Main 1802.
NICELY furnished rooms with board; home
cooking. Phone Pacific 342. 263 7th st.
THE MARLYN Furnished rooms;
board; convenient, 553 Washington.
BOARD and room, private family. 35 North
' 17th st. Phone A22S4. First-class.
VERY desirable room, first-class board; mod
ern home, two men. Pacific 1742.
ROOM and board in private family; everything
new and modern. 209 N. 36th.
274 8D Jefferson, housekeeping rooms, single
and en suite. Osborne.
FURNISHED room, with board. 295 14th
st. Phone Pacific 1060.
KOOM with board, gas, bath.
. 3622. 828 6th st.
Phone A
KO0MS with board; home cooking. Call 52
Eust Taylor U
Rooms With Board.
BE SURE and see rooms at Hotel Sargent
before you decide where to move; modest
price; American or European plan ; best
cafe In Portland; famous dining-room ser
vice; living here is a pleasure; manage
ment studies comfort of guests; every
modern hotel convenience; close in. yet
away from downtown dirt and noise.
Hoter Sargent, Grand and Hawthorne ave
nues. HANDSOMELY furnished rooms, with ex
cellent table board in first-class modern
home, convenient to carlines. easy walk
ing distance, home privileges for refined
gentlemen or couples who desire quiet
and attention. T 434. Oregonian
WANTED To board child; will give kind,
particular care; am widow, family of
adults, comfortable home, in healthful,
small suburban town; terms, cash in . ad
vance. Address Box 28, Willamette, Or.
455 ALDER ST.. AT. 13TH.
35c table d'hote' dinners. 6 to 7; lunch
11:30 to 1:30, 25c; breakfast. 25c. Special
rates by week or month.
PARTIES owning their own home have a
pleasant room for two gentlemen, sepa
rate beds, home cooking, first-class board;
phone, bath, $20 a month. .525 Clay st.
Portland Women's Union; 18th year; rooms
with board, use of sewing-room, use of
library; Women' Exchange. Address Mrs.
Ella Rawlings. Supt.. MO Flanders.
FURNISHED room and board for two in
private boarding-house, modern conven
iences; also table board. 69 East 8th st.
North. Phone East 722.
LARGE front room: will furnish to euit ten
ant; every modern convenience; private
family; home privileges; reasonable. 290
Halsey st.
PLEASANT rooms in private house, with
strictly home cooking; furnace heat, with
all home comforts; reasonable. 690 E.
Burnslde st.
ELEGANTLY furnished front room for two,
with board; swell location, bath, phone;
69 North 21st, 1 blocks north of Wash
ington. ELEGANT room with board, hot and cold
water, close In; young men or married
couple; references exchanged. V 414 Ore
gonian. YOU can - get good room and board for $25 a
month and up at The Hart man, 426 Alder,
cor. 11th; transients 50 cents a night.
NEWLY furnished rooms with board, 5 min
utes walk from P. O. ; furnace heat, bat a
and telephone. 314 Mill St.. cor. 6th.
FINE front room, one or two young vnen,
private family, all home cooking, home
privileges. 195 16th. corner Taylor.
GOOD home for one or more; modern house,
private family;, musical people preferred;
close in. Phone .Monday, East 6310.
PLEASANT room for 2 young men In pri
vate family; sunny room; reasonable; no
other boarders. H 436. Oregonian. '
THE LENOX HOTEL will make special
monthly rate for couples on several choice
suites, Including grill service.
108 10TH ST. Iarge, handsome, front
room, with or without board; suitable for
couple or gentlemen.
BOARD and room, lady only, private fam
ily; no other boarders; best neighborhood.
K 450, ft -onlan.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, reasonable.
Phone B236S.
FURNISHED rooms with board.
226 Uth st.
The Ozark,
TWO gentlemen, board and room. 1001
Corbett st.
6-ROOM steam heated apartments In beau
tiful colonial building, to be completed Jan
uary 1, No. 664-666 Flanders st.; all outside
rooms, extra large windows and closets, pri
vate veranda, private store-room; will tint
walls to suit. Look at them now and get
your choice. Best neighborhood In city.
Morgan, Sweet & Chapman, 213 Ablngton
bids. Phone Main 2015.
7-ROOM steam-heated flat close in West Side;
nearly new ; all conveniences. This apart
ment cannot be excelled for convenience, lo
cation and equipment ; references ; ' $50 per
month. Portland Trust Company of Oregon,
southeast corner Third and 'Oak sts.
IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room residence
apartments; bath, steam heat, hot and cold
water, gas range, refrigerator, window
shades. Janitor service, telephone; no chil
dren. Apply, daytime, janitor, 18th and
Couch sts.
HARRISON COURT, 5th and Harrison St.,
unfurnished suite of 3 rooms and bath, hot
and cold water, steam heat, gas range and
janitor service. Phone Main 5148.
FURNISHED apartment. 6 rooms, elegantly
furnished ; steam heated ; piano; adults
onlv; references. 660 Flanders St., apart
ment No. 1. phone A 5092.
6-ROOM elegantly furnished apartments,
modern in every way. and if taken at once
can be had at $65. Smith's Rental Agency,
315 Couch bldg.
FURNISHED apartments In Ionian Court,
first floor.
NEW 6-room flat, thorough modern, including
gas and electricity, bath, toilet, hot water,
Htatlonary wajthstand, laundry trays, cement
basement, -modern furnace; shades up; tinted
in good colors. No. 7 1 2 Kearney, corner
22d. This is one of the beat 5-room flats In
the city; $30 per month. Portland Trust
Company, of Oregon. S.E. cor. 3d & Oak eta.
7-ROOM, steam heated flat close in West Side;
nearly new; all conveniences. This apart
ment cannot be excelled for convenience, lo
cation and equipment; references; $50 per
month. Portland Trust Company of Oregon,
southeast corner Third and Oak sts.
MODERN flat, 5 rooms and bath; basement,
furnace, gas and electric fixtures; strictly
modern ; choice location; walking distance;
Park iand Harrison sts. Inquire 229 1st st.
MODERN flats, all sizes, for rent. East and
West sides. Portland Trust Company of
Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone
Exchange 72.
FOR RENT 3-room modern flat, walking
distance. West Side. M. E. Lee, room 20
Raleigh bldg.. 323 Washington st.
FLATS We have some good ones, both
large and small, well located. Smith's
Rental Agency. 315 Couch bldg.
FOR RENT Lower flat, 4 rooms, with bath
and pantry; no objection to babe in arms;
$20. 846 Belmont st.
FOR RENT Three-room modern flat, newly
renovated. Inquire Sevllla, 225 Market.
Phone Main 516.
NICE 5-room flat, easy walking distance.
Inquire rear cottage. 230 Hall st.
$35 Corner flat, strictly modern, 6 rooms
and basement. 355 Vi 6th., corner Mill.
A MODERN 4-room flat completely fur
nished. 563 Irving St., corner 17th.
NICELY furnished 3-room lower flat; . all
modern. 2oS 11th et.
FOR RENT Modern 4-room flat. Inquire at
ISO Arthur st.
Housekeeping Rooms.
FOR RENT 2 furnished housekeeping
rooms in private family. 407 Third st.
226 13TH Elegant suite large, airy house,
keeping; every convenience of a 'home.
THE ONEONTA, 17th and Yamhill, modern
housekeeping apartments; no children.
SINGLE room, furnished for housekeeping,
close In, $10. Phone Main 3255.
TWO furnished housekeeping, with light,
phone, water, bath. 384 Park st.
NEWLY furnished 3-room housekeeping
suite. Inquire 185 Chapman St.
TWO and 3 housekeeping suites, 3 first-floor,
modern. 403 or 580 Second st.
DRESSMAKER'S location Large rooms,
. well lighted. 549 Morrison st.
FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for
housekeeping. 455 East Ankeny.
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms
for rent. 875 Hawthorne ave.
FURNISHED housekeeping suite In modern
house. 209 North 16th st.
ONB nice big room for housekeeping.
Grant st. next to cor. lot
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms .407 Davis st.
3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; free phone
and bath. 313H 3d st. -
535 SAVIER ST., cor. 16th. furnished room
for light housekeeping.
3 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Call
A 577. -
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 75 N. 9 st.'
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 514 Everett bt.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER apartments. 12th and Marshall
sts., newly furnished housekeeping rooms,
modern convenience, flne plumbing, electric
lights, hot water, free baths, gas ranges,
laundry room; $2.50 per week and up. No
canines allowed.
TWO good furnished housekeeping rooms, $8
month; one large unfurnished housekeeping
room. $6 month; 4 room new lower flat, $16,
.or will nicely furnish for $22. Coast Realty
Co., 226 Morrison.
Washington, cor. 20th Niceiy furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water,
free bath, free phone, both floors; no dugs,
no children.
TWO large, light, adjoining furnished house
keeping rooms; gas, furnace heat, phone,
good neighborhood; West Side. Phono
Home A 4860. D 444, Oregonian.
NICELY furnished - housekeeping rooms to
party who will give meals for the f-ent;
privilege also given for keeping other
boarders. 12S West Park st. .
NICELY furnished housekeeping suite; steam
heated, big -building; also one suite partly
furnished; no children. The Erdmasn, 14
Grand ave. N., cor. Burnslde.
DESIRABLE, reasonable unfurnished rooms,
brick building; no transient lodgers; cen
trally located, saving carfare and tltue.
211 Vi 2d and Salmon.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms with
modern conveniences, electric lights, hot
water, laundry room. The Beaver, 12th and
Marshall sts.
ONE large front room, furnished for house
keeping: alf-o one sleeping room; free
phone and bath. 193 St, Clair st. Phone
Main 3SJ6.
ONE to five unfurnished housekeeping rooms;
n ice la wn, good rooms, rheap rent. No. 72 1
First St., cor. Hooker. Phone Main 8334. a),
THE ANGELUS. 272 Kth St., corner Jefferson,
furnished modern suites for housekeeping;
heat, free phone, gas range; rates reasonable.
LARGE front room, communicating with 1
or 2 rooms, furnished for light housekeep
ing, on second floor; gas cooking. l89Vs 3d.
GROUND floor cottage, furnished. 5 rooms:
nice lawn, cement basement, gas and wood
stoves; walking distance. Call Main 3255.
PLEASANT, well-heated room, residence
district ; running water, light housekeep
ing. 361 10th st. Phone Main 3312. '
COLUMBIA apartments, 11th and Columbia,
for rent, 4-room apartment; all modern
conveniences; no children. See janitor.
FOR RENT A few housekeeping rooms; gas
ranges, phone, water, etc. ; rent reasonable.
652 Thurman st. Phone Pacific 697.
TWO furnished, connecting, corner house
keeping rooms, running water, porcelain
sii:k, bath, phone. 511 Giisan.
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping,
in private family, on two carlines.- Take
East Ankeny car. 871 E. Giisan.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
single or en suite; close walking distance,
prices reasonable. 555 Morrison.
VI.TTOR Talking Machines and recorfls;
Stetnway (and other) pianos. Sherman.
Clay & Co.. tith and Morrison.
ONE furnished room for lady; bath, electric
lights, use gas range and kitchen for cook
ing., 234 East 18th. cor. Main.
TWO very nice connecting housekeeping
rooms for $13; also one very light single
room, at 113 V Russell st.
487 CLAY, near 14th Light and convenient
newly furnished housekeeping suite; walk
ing distance; no children.
MAXLEY COURT 557 Williams ave., fur
nished housekeeping and furnished rooms,
also lodge room; low rents.
240 5TH ST. Three furnished. house
keeping rooms, ground floor, sink and run
ning water in kitchen.
$12 Private family, 2 furnished housekeep
ing rooms; light, water included. Call even
ings. 693 E. Morrison.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
608 Water St., cor. Arthur, South Port
land1. Phone Main 4505.
$1.50 WEEK up, large ciean furnished house
keeping rooms, laundry and bath. 184 Sher
mans st.. South Portland.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms : bat h,
t phone. East 5574. 914 East Yamhill.
Adults. Sunnyslde car.
TWO large, clean, light rooms, completely
furnlfhed, housekeeping; gas, bath, yard;
reasonable. 692 Front.
$14 Two nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, gas range, stationary tubs. bath,
phone. 414 N. 21st st.
FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms;
clean, reasonable; very desirable; first floor;
yard. I'hune East 918.
It9 N, 1STH Newly furnished housekeeping
rooms; gas ranges, running water, phone;
everything convenient.
TWO furnished, closet, pantry, phone, light,
water, fuel, hath. $12.50. 855 Clinton st.
Phone Sell wood 902.
LANDLADIES' CLUV 268 Stark St.. suite 3t.
If you are looking ror rooms, save time by
consulting our list.
HOUSEKEEPING suites, modern, close in;
quiet place, reasonable; no small children.
201 V Grand ave.
SUITE completely furnished, gas stove, fur
nace hest. walking distance. 146 North 16.
Phone Main 5173.
354 SALMON ST. One very deeirable room,
furnished for light ' housekeeping; gas
plate; no children.
272 MONTGOMERY St.. cor. 4th. 2 front
room.i, nicely furnished, for housekeeping.
Gas and bath.
SEVERAL housekeeping rooms st Alder
and 12th and Gllsan. Call 225 West Park.
-Pacific 2907.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with gas,
phone and bath, $12 up. 103 10th St., near
vWashlngton. " .
COSY suite furnished housekeeping rooms.
$12 per month. 588 Pettygrove. Phone
Main 3423.
FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, first
floor; fireplace, bath; no children. Phone
Pacific 906.
FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping and
single rooms, gas, bath and phone. 332
Mill st.
TWO unfurnished front rooms, housekeeping
if desired. 340 Ankeny, cor. 7th. Phone
A 2702.
$16 Three nicely furnished rooms in cot
tage; gas range, sink, bath; adults. Phone
B 2373.
NEATLY furnished large front room, or will
furnish for light housekeeping. 29 N. 10th
" street.
HOUSEKEEPING suites. $12 and $14; gas
and wood stoves. 231 H Market, corner
2d st.
3 NICE housekeeping rooms, suitable for
four; rent reasonable; no children. 269 Jef
ferson st.
A convenient, light housekeeping room for
rent reasonable. 395 Front, cor. Harrison.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms; heat,
phone, bath. Flat 4, 490 Morrison, 3d floor.
TWO bright outside suites, 2 and 8 rooms;
light, phone, bath, laundry. 117 N. 18th.
2 SUITES of housekeeping rooms for rent.
Cull 300 Market st. Phone Pacific 2506.
TWO light rooms, closets, pantry and porch,
sink lu kitchen. $20 a month. 269 7th.
FOUR housekeeping rooms, close in. private
.house; rent $22. Phone Pacific 412.
TWO rooms in a private family for light
housekeeping. 44S V Hawthorne.
TWO suitrs of 2 housekeeping rooms, nicely
furnished. 421 6th st.
NICE large room with kitchen for house
keeping, 334 Park.
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, close in.
302 Tillamook st. .
. '
LARGE front room,- suitable for light house
keeping. 353 Oak st.
Yamhill st.
housekeeping rooms,
3 SUITES of housekeeping rooms. Phone
No. 4519.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 609 Johnson st.
NEW 7-room house, $30; furnace, gas, elec
tricity; central location. Inquire tt60 Kerby
TWO 6-foom, modern houses, $30. $23. 10th
and E. Couch. Phone East 2409.
NEW 6-room house. 24 East 24th St., be
tween Burnslde and Couch sts.
6-ROOM residence, large grounds, 55 East
14th st.. $:;o.
7 rooms, good fruit. 1170 Patton ave.,
US. . . ....
4-room -bungalow. ' Sellwood. 466 Spo
. 'kane ave.. $12.
248 Alder Street.
THOROUGHLY modern 7-room house nearly
new. No. 306 East First St.. N., near Clack
amas; Al residence locality; 1 block from
car. This house has every convenience and
Is conveniently arranged; $32.50 per month.
Apply to Portland Trust Company of Oregon,
southeast corner Third and Oak sts. ,
EIGHT-ROOM house, nice home, also well
eituated for roomers; on 7th St., easy walk
to business. ,v
- Several 6-room houees. East Side.
Two flats. East Side, on carlines.
28 Stark st., room 12.
GOOD 4-room house, bam, large chicken
house. 100x100, close in. $10 month; new
lower 4-room flat, $16. or $22 furnished;
three nice furnished housekeeping rooms,
front of cottage, $15 month; another, two,
$8. Coast Realty Co., 226 Vi Morrison.
FOR RENT That modern house, just com
pleted, with 8 rooms, cement floor in base
ment, furnace, porcelain bath. etc. 823
Wetdler st.. cor. lot. Take Broadway car.
Sinnot & Stnnot, 521-525 Chamber of
6-ROOM house, 3 rooms up, 3 down; newly
tinted and In good condition; has bath, tot
lt, gis, etc.; basement; rent reasonable. No.
212 North 20th, near Pettygrove. Portland
Trust Company of Oregon, S.E. cor. Third
and Oak sts.
FOR RENT 1 6-room modern house. West
Side, and large b-room, strictly modern
home, with line shrubbery. East Side,
rent reasonable. M. E. Lee, room 20,
Raleigh bldg.. 3231s Washington st.
FOR RENT 12-room house, flne repair, nice
location, 20th and Irving; full block goes
with this house.
Lumber txenange.
6-ROOM house cor. 13th and Florence, 1 block
from Alberta carline; $12. Two 4-room flats
Vancouver ave., $10 each.
1331 yirat st.
FOR RENT 7-room house and bam and other
buildings: city water; suitable for chicken
ranch; $10 per month.
Lumber -Exchange.
FOR RENT New 9-room house, 211 2.
23d st., modern conveniences. Key at
corner stand. Owner, 428 7th St., near
Hall. Phone Main 8023.
x : .
FOR RENT 8-room house, centrally locat
ed, close to ear lire, all the latest mod
ern Improvements. Phone B 1274. Inquire
32 E. 22d St., North.
MODERN 8-room house, shades on wln
dows. gas fixtures, reasonable rent to
right party. Key at 940 East Couch St.,
Ankeny-st. car.
MODERN 6-room house, choice location, part
ly furnished: rent whole or part. Call Sun
day or evenings. 1009 Vaughn, at., Wil
lamette -Heights. A .
SEVEN-ROOM house, modern convenien
ces, nice lawn, with roses. 355 East 6th
st., corner Broadway. Call 406 Fast
9th st." North. .
. - -i - ,
NEW 7-room house, near.-, 24th st. : rent
$27.50; two new fiats o'n Johnson st.,
" large yard, rent $35. Call room 40, Wash
ington bldg.
ALMOST new 6-room house, modern, large
yard. $12. Inquire O. Benson. Grays
Crossing' one block south. Mount Scott
carline. . .
NEW cottage, 5 rooms and bath, electric
lights. East 26th,- near Gladstone. Phone
Main 6300 after today. Ask for the man
ager. WANTED To rent houses, offices, stores,
rooms, etc.; long- list of aplicants. A I hoe
Ben ham Co., 26 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark
MODERN 9-room house. East Side, will rent
cheap to right tenant. Bozarth, Wills Co.,
Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone Main 1116.
WHY pay rent when you can get a 5-room
houss built for $1200 by W. D. Swearingen.
355 Salmon st,, room 7. Phofle Pay 1136.
COTTAGE for rent and stoves. window
shades, etc.. for sale. Inquire 33 East
Third st. N.. Monday. Phone East 1060.
250 19TH ST. Large new 9-room house,
tile bath, both floors. Inquire Graves
Music Store, 32S Washington st.
FOR RENT 3-room bungalow. Archer Place,
MU Scott carline. Inquire at house, 10 A. M.
Sunday. Mrs. ' A. V. Edwards.
231 MEADE, near 1st. six rooms. $14; 233
-Meade, nice" four-room cottage, $12; . keys
at 229. Owner. Main 1013.
COSY 5-room house, some garden and flow
ers, owner widow, can't attend to it; rent
IS. suburb. Main. 4363.
TWO nice flats, 4 rooms each ; fireplace and
all conveniences: walking distance. W. G.
Beck, Falling bldg.
GOOD HOUSE 6 large rooms; reduced (Wtn
- ter months) to $12. Portland Homes Co.,
24 Morrison st.
FOR RENT 5-room modern cottage. 416 San
Rafael st.; rent $20. Inquire 408 Tilla
mook.. NICE 5-room cottage, modern. Sunnyside,
near car; $15. Hatfteld & Smith, luofe
4th st.
6-ROOM house on Fremont street; a snap.
$17. Smith's Rental Agency, 315 Couch
NEW 5-room bungalow, modern, $16 per
month. Frank Lucas. Phone A or Main
FOR RENT -New 6-room bungalow, located
at 723 Johnson st. Inquire 721 Johnson st.
FOR RENT A new 6-room (ner house;
rent $25. Call fH3 E. Stark. Phone B 13iim
NEW house of 9 rooms. 712 Lovejoy St., near
22d. Apply 132 6th st. Phone Pacific 1951.
$17 Fl ve-roopi modern cottage ; nice yard ;
no children. 979 E. Madison. Inquire W77.
4 AND 6-room flats; swell finish ; close in;
reasonable to right parties. East 1898.
NEW five-room modern flat. West Side. E. T.
Taggart, 416 Chamber of Commerce.
COMPLETELY furnished lower flat, 6 rooms,
yard, basement. 330 2d. Main A 4492.
MODERN 6-room house, attic, bath. Apply
87 East 17th st. Phone East 2463.
SMALL house on Thurman St., $10.
Administration bldg., Fairgrounds.
8-ROOM house and attic; large yard. Inquire
at 359 13th St., Monday; rent $30.
FOR RENT 7-room house with bath. 3S9
Grand ave. N. Phone East 1760,
MODERN 7-room house, 787 B. Ash, $20. Key
. at store, 24th and .Ankeny.
8 ROOMS, bath and basement, East Side, with
garden. V 431, Oregonian.
FOR' RENT 5-room house. 188 17th. Inquire
189 16th, near Taylor.
FOR RENT 4-room cottage. Call at No.
106 N. 14th st.
FOR RENT Modern flat, strictly new, 774
Thurman st.
$18 5-room modem cottage. 329 Mason. Tel.
Main 3990.
HOUSES and flats. A. S. Draper, 343 Wash
ington st.
Furnished Houses.
MODERN 7-room house, completely fur
nished, for rent; immediate possession.
Phone Main 5004. . ,
FURNISHED cottage, 7 rooms, gas, bath,
piano, car line, basement and woodshed.
K 427, Oregonian.
9-ROOM house, well furnished; rooms full;
rent $27.60; for sale cheap. 322 4tb st.
Phohe A 174S. .
FURNISHED 3-room cottage; gas. not
water, bath; near car; adults; $20. Phone
East 3024
MODERN, furnished, 7-room house, includ
ing gas range and piano. 779 Kearney at.,
near 23d. -
FOR RENT Part of 'store; five-year lease.
164-166 Second st. For particulars apply at
FINELY furnished, new, modem 8-room flat,
fireplace. 914 y B. Morrison. Phone Tabor
, 131.
" "
COMPLETELY furnished house, 064 Corbett
St.; rent $40. See Hynson. 343 Wash. st.
FOR RENT 3-room furnished . house. 843
Cleveland ave.; wood and light; furnished.
FLAT four large rooms; gas, bath. 514 E.
21st st. Richmond or Woodstock car.
NEWLY furnished -modern 4-room flat;
adults preferred. 28 N. 16th st. .
Furnished Houses.
A completely furnished modern bungalow,
located near Utth ' and Broadway, East
Side, y North ; excellent neighborhood;
readyr for occupancy January 1, 1908. See
owner. J. H. Truby, 300 East 10th, North.
FOR RENT 9-room house, nicely furnished.
In good location and recently decorated; will
leaee for a year or more to responsible ten
ant; no phone calls answered. Wakefield,
Fries & Co., '229 Stark et.
BOARDING-HOUSE., furnished. 23 rooms,
rent $33 per month. C. H. PIggott, law
yer, owner, rooms 4, 5, 6, Mulkey bldg.
WELL furnished 11-room house. 2 bath
rooms, on Hawthorne ave. Apply J. F.
Boo the. Commercial block.
COMPLETELY furnished 5-room modern
house. East Side, $2U. Inquire 374 Wash
ington st. Phone Main 177.
FOR RENT A 6-roomed, furnished, corner
house, or furniture for sale; no- children.
600 2d st.. cor.' Sherman.
$40 MONTH Ten-room house, completely
furnished, water and phone. Hawley &.
Halght. 145 H 1st st.
NEATLY furnished flat, 3 rooms, alcove,
bath, gas, walking distance. West Side,
inquire 239 Hall st.
FOR RENT Furnished cottage, close in; mod
ern conveniences. 244 Dixon et.
FOR RENT Furnished 5-room cottage, $15.
Phone E. 675.
Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale.
7-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale,
$500; pays well; investigate thlP.
10-room house for rent. furnltu?e for
sale, everything new and first-class; price
$S0; this will make somebody money.
6-room house for rent, $14.50; furniture
-for sale. $l7n; one block from Montgomery
car; this place would be cheap at $300;
must be soTd at once.
315 Couch Bldg.
BRAND new furniture of 6-room house for
sale, house for rent; pantry, bath and full
basement; one-half block from carline; cheap
if taken at once; part cash, balance month
ly payments. 299 Morrid st. Brooklyn or
Alberta car.
12-ROOM house, beautifully furnished; vel
vet and body brussels carpets, excellent lo-
. cation for boarders; clean. firet-cla?s condi
tion, close in, good income; terms; lovely
yard, modern. P 437, Oregonian.
NICELY furnished 5-room cottage with bath
and cement basement; party buying need
not pay all down, pay balance on install
ment; in walking distance; rent $15. Call
at 413 East 9th South.
ELEVEN rooms. 4 apartments; runs itself
and pays 5t per cent; modern and sub
stantial; a snap as an Investment or a
home. Address W 430. Oregonian.
ALL or a part of furniture of a 10-room
house; good location; 6 rooms rented; no
reasonable ofTer .will be rejected. Phone
Main 6067.
FURNITURE of 5-room flat at a bargain,
must be sold by the 21st. 200 Margin St.,
near Steel bridge. Ea&t 5606.
12-ROOM (house, all In housekeeping rooms;
cheap rent; close in; rooms all full. Phone
Main 1920 or A 1920.
7-ROOM houso for rent, furniture for sale;
rent $25; North Portland; 4 rooms rented.
W 428, Oregonian.
BY owner, furniture of J 4-room rooming
house, downtown, full of roomers; no agents.
Phone Main 6414.
718 EAST ANKENY 4-room cottage for
rent; furniture fur sale, $80, new; rent
$17: bath, gas.
FURNITURE of a new five-room flat for sale,
close In; pays its own rent. 267 Clay.
' Phone M. 7628.
SNAP Flat. 11th and Alder, 1471 ; Just
furnished; leaving city unexpectedly;
$425, time.
FOR RENT I-room cottage, only $10; good
furniture for sale cheap. Phone East 3913.
B-ROOM flat for rent and furniture for sale;
brand new; a bargain. K 437, Oregonian. -
SNAP $300, furniture of a 7-room house;
house rent reasonable. 688 Irving st.
FURNITURE of 5-room cottage, central;
rent $20; must sell. 228 11th st.
FURNITURE of 8-room house for sale and
house for rent. 383 Giisan st. v
6-ROOM modern house; furniture for sale;
rent $15. 07 East Oak st.
6-ROOM house for rent, part of furniture
for sale. Phone Main 1192.
FOR SALE Furniture of 4-room house; rent
$lo. 6itt E. Ash. . .
$125 3 rooms; $25 down ; rent $8. 965 E.
Salmon. r
WE have an exceptional location on North
Union ave, for retail establishment; drug
store, cigar, confectionery and notions or. in
fact, any line of business will do 'well in this
location. You can start there on a very de
sirable lease. Apply to Portland Trust Com
pany of Oregon, S.EL cor. -.3d and Oak sts.
2-STORY brick building corner 4th and Couch
sts., suitable for light manufacturing; can
be divided Into imiall stores. 201 East Water
fit. Troy Laundry Co.
FOR RENT Storeroom and one floor above,
80x100. with elevator: moderate rent on
unexpired lease. Apply Chlopeck Fish Co.,
65 Front st. . ; .
" T
FOR RENT A well located store on 1nlon
ave., near Burnslde. Inquire of John C.
Banks. Rodgers. Hart, Gibson, A., 146
2d st., city.
FOR RENT Fine store room with concrete
basement. 208 Third St. 230 Stark t.
WASHINGTON street, store, rent; will ac
cept acreage part payment. Main 134Sr
MODERN store for rent. 450 Washington
STORE for rent. 142 N. 10th st.
ROOMS for offices and manufacturing; power,
steam heat, storage room In cement base
tment. sidewalk, elevator.
HOWE, ' DAVIS & KILHAM. Book Mfra,
111 Second st.
3 VERY desirable offices In the stone building,
3d and Oak sts., for rent; modem, clean and
bright; north light and plenty of it; broad
windows; reasonable rent. Apply Portland
Trust Co., 3d and Oak sts.
FRONT and back offices with water, heat,
light and elevator. Best location in city.
Dammeler, agent Raleigh bldg., 6th and
LARGE residence suitable for roomers,
Holladay's Add.; stoves, carpets, furniture
for sale. Farrington, 313 Fenton bldg.
DENTIST has offices to share; physician pre
ferred : nicely furnished ; modern building;
centrally located. D 427, Oregonian.
OFFICES to rent In the Worcester and Hamil
ton buildings at moderate rate. Apply to
Robert Strong, 314 Worcester bldg.
FINE depk room, with or without desk ;
steam heat, free phone, in flne large front
office. Washington bldg., room 3.
WANTED Physician to rent room with den
tist in Dekum bldg. Apply Oregon Dental
Supply Co., 816 Dekum bldg.
GROUND FLOOR offices and desk room; both
phones. Sengstake & Lyman, 90 6th sU
(near Stark).
FINE offices. best location. Room 815,
Swetland bldg.. 5th and Washington.
DESK room, one-half suite 31, 268 Stark st.
CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Hair tonic free to
every man that gets a shave at the Model
Barber Shox." the finest 9-chair shop In
the city. Hair cutting 25 cents, shaving
15 centd, shoes shlned free. Only best
barbers employed. 91 6th st., near Stark.
UP-TO-DATE garment factory: good business
and profit; not a get-rich-quick scheme;
strictly legitimate "business; will stand e low
est investigation; owner leaving for Europe;
must sell; all or part of stock optional; ex
perience not necessary. P 445, Oregonian.
RESTAURANT, doing nice business, on good
street, for $850; money to loan on any
thing we sell. Lee, room 20 Raleigh bldg.,
323 Washington st.
WILL well my corner grocery store, also
property if suitable; will give buyer a good
opoprtunlty; have a fine location and cash
trade. J 463, Oregonian.
WANTED Energetic man to manage sub
stantial business; $100 'monthly and half
profits; small cash Investment. Walling, 243
$3000 invested in the sand and gravel
business will give you a pension for years
to come. Call Monday A. M., 243 Stark
$18,000 WILL put you in the fuel - business.
See Walling, 243, Stark
Rooms 2u and 21 Cambridge Building.
264 Morrison St., S. W. Cor. Third St.
65 rooms, high grade of furniture; loca
tion one of the best; steam heat: receipts
$1100 a jnonth; rent $350. Price $9000; time
on part.
16 rooms, flne corner dwelling, modern,
. in best West Side dietrict, few blocks from
Hotel Portland; Axmlnsjer and B. B. car
pets, large, light rooms; cheap rent with
lease. Swell home for you and $ lOO a
month clear. Price $2100.
18 rooms, central business district, steam
heat, carets all body Brussew, iron beds,
clears $100 a month. Price $2150; terms.
31 rooms, flne corner In central part of
city; well furnished; lease. 3 years; pays a
clear profit of $2oo a month. Price $300.
16-room fiat, all housekeeping, furniture
and carpets good; rent $50;' will pav you $50
a month above expenses. Price $650.
In best residence section, near Ladd
school, modem house, beautifully furnished,
cheap rent with lease; clears $50 c month.
Price $1000.
2500 Alaska Pet. & Coal fTreas.). . , .10yC
fiOoO Alaska Pet. & Coal (pooled) 8"c
2000 Almeda Consolidated bid
20 American Telegraphone , bld-
1O00 American Canadian Oil offer
lO Anglo-Ameriean Oil and Coal. . . .snap
10.0UO B. C. Amalgamated Coal 5U,c
2H0 Big Hill Coal bid
3MH Butte Boys Consolidated bid
5O00 Cascadla lrtc
3o00 Champion Group 2c
250 Hurst Switch ....2V!
10,000 Improved Smelter. bid
125 Ablngton bldg.. city.
FOR S A LE or trade for a grocery and gen
eral store on West Side, value about $15on,
has living rooms, reasonable rent; would
trade for a Willamette Valley or Washing
ton ranch, residence or vacant lots on Mon
tavllla carline or near it; also a few other
grocery stores well located.
133H First Street.
THIRTY acres of flne river bottom land,
situated at Jennings Lodge, on street
car line, only ten minutes' ride from the
heart of the city of Portland, suitable for
platting; will exchange for improved city
property, or a stock of general merchan
dise. Address Lock Box 414, La Grande,
The Amee Mercantile Agency (established
1S95) furnish free Information on opportu
nities In mercantile or manufacturing lines,
dry or country.
204-206 Ablngton bldg.
FOR RENT Largo new hotel at new R. R,
terminal grounds. 12th and Marshall sts.;
has 143 '-rooms, dining-room and kitchen;
all modern conveniences; 3-year lease;
rent $500 per month. Apply to Phil Ge
vurts, of Gevurtz & Sons. 173-6 First au
PATENT secured or fee returned. Illus
trated Guide Book and List of Inventions
wanted free to any ad drees. Patents secured
by us advertised free In World's Progress.
Sample copy free. Evans, Wllklns & Co.,
Washington, D. C.
WANTED A man with $1000 and services
by an established corporation; money ab
solutely secured and $25 per week to good
man This Is a legitimate proposition
and will stand closest Investigation. L
439, Oregonian.
'BEST bakery proposition In Valley, growing
town, excellent shipping point, only bakery,
best location, plenty room and good location
for lunch room; - bake shop well equipped;
good stock, big trade; $1500. Call Flelsch-mann-
Yeast Co.
MODERN well furnished rooming-house,
. central. -East Side location, clearing $00
per month; reasonable offer considered, as
advertised is compelled to change clim
ate. Address H 425, Oregonian.
IF you have a business, notel or lodging
house and you want to sell It. If It will
stand investigation, come to us. More
house, Wiest Company.- 420 Lumber Exchange-
PARTNER wanted to help manage old-established
businefs; one strictly sober snd
industrious; small cash payment, bal. out
of profits. Austin, Raleigh bldg., cor. 6th
1 and Washington.
WILL- exchange close-In Portland business
property, income bearing, for first-class
mercantile or manufacturing business;
value up to $25,000; principals only. L 437,
FIFTY-NINE rooms, well furnished, in
brick building, rent only $165; good lease
and flne location; $2000 handles this.
Standard Investment Company, 225 5th st.
SALOON and hotel; good location; well es
tablished and permanent trade; this is one
of the- best paying properties in Portland;
price $47uo; terms. 325 Lumber Exchange.
STOCK, bond offering, mining, electric. Indus
trial or railway company wanted for sale;
commission baMs. Address, full particulars,
Clientele. P. O. box 2M. New York.
WILL trade chattel mortgage, good security,
of $850 for small rooming-house or as
part pay, balance cash; draws 10 per cent
interest. K 441. Oregonian.
THIS week only, 10 finely located lots in
North Bend Coos Bay), at $."i5 each; less
than half value. Room 15 Lafayette bldg.,
cor. Washington and 6th.
THE other fellow may want what you have,
and may have what you want. Come to
see us, we have many good tradies. 326
Lumber Exchange.
POOL TABLES 0 as good as new, cues,
racks, etc.. at a bargain;- see Canadian
Employment Co.. 21 North 2d st. Phone
Main 3074.
PARTNER wanted , with $1000 to manufac
ture and sell finest, skin cleanser and
beautifler in world; fortune In it. . A 358,
ELEGANT paying rooming-house; new furni
ture. 26 rooms; must sell; need money;
$1500 handles; no agents. Owner. T 424,
RESTAURANT for sale. $350 ; 3-year lease;
Morrison st; a snap if taken, at once. In-
quire landlady Golden Gate. cor. 7th and
A PARTNER wanted In a good live business,
fine opportunity for a business man; small
capital required. Address C 451, Ore
gonian. SALOON for sale. CHEAP, with LICENSE,
long LEASE, rent 50. Canadian em
ployment Co., 21 North 2d st. Main 3074.
PLACER for sale:- ready for work ; immense
water supply, plenty dirt; a bargain if
taken soon. Address C 455, Oregonian.
AVOID the rush; call early; furniture of a
7-room houe. Including' high-grade piano,
$400. Call 189 Fourth st.
GOOD business opening, $2500 cash, balance
annually. Owner, no agents, principals
only. V 411, Oregonian.
PARTNER wanted to help manage poolroom
and cigar and fruit store. Must be honest.
219 Lumber Exchange.
I HOLD 500 Comstock Golden Gate to se
cure loan: must be sold at once. Box
1204, Seat tier - Wash.
RESTAURANT for sale; cheap rent, good lo
cation, good lease; reason other business. T
416, Oregonian.
BUSINESS for sale or exchange for property
or livestock, $500 to $15o0. N 427. Oregonian.
WILL Invest $400 to $600 with services In a
legitimate business. Address B 427, Ore
gonian. PARTNER wanted in one of the best-paying
' restaurants in the city. 219 Lumber Ex
change. HOME BAKERY and delicatessen, with 14
nicely furnished rooms. 334 4th. . Pacific
FOR RENT Barber shop in new building
on Front and Burnside; long lease.
FOR SALE Good restaurant, worth $2000;
- at your own price. G 42tf. Oregonian.
SODA works for sale, ola established and ad
vertised business. M 357. Oregonian.
$900 buys a swell cigar store doing a nice
business. 219 Lumber Exchange.
I WANT to buy a small drugstore outfit. Ad
dress P 426. Oregonian.
BARBEtR shop for rent. 142 N. 10th st.
503-4-5 Swetland Bldg., 5th and Wash.
Right now is the time to buy rooming
houses, as they are all making good money
and will continue to do so. If you don't
see what you want In this list, come In
and we will show you others.
50 rooms, new corner brick- swell part
of Washington st. ; 4 years" lease- VERY
LOW RENT; exquisitely furnished lit
gulden oak. axmlnster carpets; house is
clearing $40o per month; can make easy
terms; a good, reasonable offer will take
It. For particulars call.
o rooms, new corner brick, private baths,
not and cold water In all room-, steam heat,
very low rent; exquisitely furnished and
clearing $75u per mou t h ; $25 M) cah w 111
handle It. For further particulars call.
10 rooms, elegantly furnished, Wilton and
Axmlnstcr carpeiw. oak and mahogany fur
rijture. rent $;r; best location in the city.
iioo" want a gvm of a p:ace 8ee lhla- prlc
13 rooms, elegantly furnished; Just puV
on the market; swell location, cheap rent,
good lease; clearing $i per month above
all expenses, besides free rent. heat, light
flOo" yU a8k fr m0l"e? irlce'
10 rooms, modern brii k. right in the
downtown district ; nicelv furnished and
making good money; we will sell this
Monday momirg at the twcnn.e price of
$tI00; part cash. Don't miss It.
rooms, modern brick fist rent. In
cluding steam heat, only $1ho per month;
win easily clear $200 per month- nicely
furnished and very central ; we can Fell
you this Monday or Tuesdav for $21X
22 rooms, elegantly furnished. 3 years'
lease, rent $133 per month; located on
Washington st. ; chock full of thft best
kind o tenants and clears above all ex
penses. Including personal expense, $125
per month. Price. $25o0; easy terms.
The above list are all good bargains. We
have 2 good 75-room houses that are
Btrictly modern and up to date and clear
ing $700 per month. Come in and let
us tell you about them.
503-4-5 Swetland Bldg. phone Main 156.
ILL HEALTH and age compel me to dis
pose of my third interest in $13,000 in
corporated business for the Ktate of Ore
gon, with headquarters in Portland. This
Is a high-class and flourishing business
"and will stand the closest investigation.
Pays $100 per fnonth salary and dividend
on the business. I own $5000 of the
stock, drawing 6 per cent interest. My
third interest in the company and the
above stock Included, all for $2500. If
you are the right kind of a man and ac
ceptable to my partners you can get right
In the finest business proposition in Port
land Let me hear from you at once.
Address L 430. Oregonian.
In city of 3uoo. near Portland. ART
cated In best part of town; established 12
years. Smart woman can greatly Increase
profits, which are now about $75 a month.
Sell at Invoice, about $900.
Rooms 20 andi 21. 264 Morrison St.
WANTED A reliable man to invest from
$25,000 to $5o.OOO or more In a large and
well-stabltshed wholesale importing firm,
for purpose of enlarging and extending
business; large territory yet to be reached.
Insuring good prospects and safe and well
paying la vestment. Addrees B 411, Ore
gonian. WELL located East Side roomlng-houb,
modern, reasonable- rent; lease; alwnys
full ; clearing $12H) a year. Advertiser
must sell at great sacrifice, owing to bad
health. Particulars at the Snap Real
Estate Company, corner Grand and Mor
rison st., upstairs; or call up Home B
$8000 WILL swing one of the prettiest propo
sitions in the Vulley. A well-estab.lshed
general merchandise business in a thriving
community, near this city; sales $25,04) an
nually; no loss on credits; stock ciean; will
sell at invoice price. If you mean business
call on Wad hams & Co. for full particulars.
$5000 for an up-to-date country store
In the most beautiful valley of Southern
Oregon; location second to none; owner
made a little fortune. Will stand the
most scrutlnous investigation.
F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison St.
THIRTY per cent dividend the first year un
der absolute bank guarantee. Send $5 on
account, and we will advise you how you
can make such mining Investment. Money
refunded If advice not satisfactory. Th j
Midas Company. Beatty. Nov.
MEAT store for sale cheap Meat store at
839 N. Union ave., Portland; fixtures, equip
ment, horse and wagon, fine, condition; in
ventory value $9oo; $500 takes it. F. D.
Chamberlain, trustee in bankruptcy, room
6 Laboe bldg., Portland.
SALOON PARTNER This 1s a laboring
man's place and will pay no less than $ir.O'
to $2iH monthly; previous experience not
necessary ; $ lOr.O required. Cal 1 room 323
Lumber Exchange bldg., Secoud and Stark
A SNAP $5r0 will take a nice, clean gro
cery and confectionery store, wlh living
rooms; rent $15 per month; partners can
not agree cause of selling. Call 702 Wil
liams ave., city.
DO you need capital to extend or start busi
ness? If so. write me before arranging else
whei e; xeptionAl facilities placing stocks,
bonds quickly. Everett Dufour, corporation
attorney, Le Droit bldg., Washington. D. C.
RESTAURANT Old-established and doing
a splendid business; flrst-elass location,
low rent. Price, $1500. Reasonable terms
F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison St.
RELIABLE real estate man will take part-'
ner to show land ; chance to make $150
mont hly ; very little money required. Call
room 323 Lumber Exchange bldg.. Sec
ond and Stark sts.
WE have exclusive agency to sell a certain
established, highly profitable business. A
bargain if taken this week. International
Investment Co . 309 Macleay bldg.
MUST sacrifice my old, well-established
money-making business; splendid chance
for man and wife to work together and
save hired help. K 440, Oregonian.
WE have small cash business for $250; this
will pay you $20 weekly besides profits.
Call room 323 Lumber Exchange bldg.,
Second and Stark sts.
PARTNER wanted in old-established saloon
business, clears $400 per month. Will sell or
trade for half interest. 219 Lumber Ex
change. WANTED Partv with $500 to assist in thft
promotion of a high-class enterprise; busl
sjem experience not essential. E 437, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED man end wife desire to
manage rooming or apartment-house. Bet
references; $lo0o to invest. T 431. Oregonian.
MONEY We handle the financing of good
enterprises and creditable projects. The
Bankers Bond Co.. Pittsburg, Pa.
CHECK account In Oregon Trust &. Savings
Bank of $219 for sale for cash. Apply
at room 28, 303 Vi Washington st.
WILL sell restaurant, business district;
guaranteed to net over $150 month, for
$10U0. V 401. rare Oregonian.
STOCK of groceries and general merchandise
for sale at big discount If taken at once.
Address X 427, Oregonian.
PARTNER wanted to help manage well-es-tabllRhed
business: little money required.
219 Lumber. Exchange.
A RESTAURANT for sale. $700. or tak part
ner for the half interest. 383 E. Morrison
or 310 Burnside.
I WISH to take orders for pome company or
r.ther office work; have very central office.
O 448, Oregonian.
GROCERY for sale, building, stock and fix
tures new; living-rooms above. A 444,
$550 buys half Interest in one of tho best
paying cigar stores in the city. 219 Lumber
I HAVE for sale one of the best-paying rooming-houses
In the city. 219 Lumber Ex
change. WILL sell 2oOO shares Butte Boys Con. rtoefc.
at ttc if taken immediately. P. O. box
19, city.
FOR SALE Rooming-house 9 rooms; goo4
transient corner, downtown. Phone Pacific
$300 11-room boarding-house, clearing $60
month. Hawley & Hnlght, 145 1st st.
$1200 buys one of the best-paying restau
. rants in the city. 219 Lumber Exchange.
FOR SALE Saloon, in good location. Olym
pla Beer Agency. 33i Johnson st.
LADIES and gents' furnishing goods store
for sale cheap. F 449, Oregonian.
$250 BUYS small job printing office In city.
Investigate. E 430. Oregonian.
SALOON for sale. Inquire at 115 North
7th Bt. J. B. WI1