The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 08, 1907, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 21

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IE you are a good solicitor and collector you
-n make money writing industrial and
ordinary Mf and accident insurance for tho
VVtwt Coapt Life Insurance Company. Ex
perienced man to go with yon and teach
you the business, splendid opportunity for
promotion to salary position noon. Contracts
for lJMt?j the linHt ever made to agents.
References required. 4i'0 Macleay bldg., liStf
Washington at.
SALKSMAN WANTED To cover railroad
and country towns, who can furnish ref
erences and bond, to carry, on com mis
sion, an established line of stable goods
which sell to drug and general Btores on
exceptional terms. Could be carried to
advantage as a side line. Address, stating
age and experience nd lines now carried,
C. C. S.. Fredonia. N. Y.
BMHIjOYMEXT dry or evening. .Will pay
salu ry or good comm Isslon to rl ?ht nn rty
In every city, town or farming community,
to represent the Pier Electric Health Belt,
a new iind wonderful cure for rheumatism,
lame back, nervous debility, etc. Sells ittw.lf.
Current; Instantly felt. The coming remedy.
A. C. Pier Laboratory, 61 Beekmaa st., New
8 bridge carpenters, pood adze men for
framing electric pole.. $.1; 4 linemen t. Si;
woorichuppiiig and land clearing. New jobs
coining In daily. Get busy, ua they don't
laft long.
2ii N. 2d' St.. Burnslde st.
WANTED At once. 114 men to take ad
vantage of getting their shoes shined free
at the Model Barber Shop, hair cutting
cents, shaving 15 cents, hntr tonic freo
The finest 9-chair shop in the city, only
nest or barbers employed. ui utn . st
YOUNG man, good character, wishes room
mate, between the ages of IS and 27
years, elegant room, private house, bath,
electric light, steam heat and phones ;
rent $7 each per month. K 455, Orego
nian. WANT FID Man to help manage a well-known
detective agency; we are extending opera
tions; should have it-me money; it will pay
you to Investigate this offer. Address post
office box 2i7, Portland.
SOUER intelligent man to work small ranch
near Portland on shares; goixl opening for
newcomer or young married couple. Ad
dress M 400, Oregonian. Main S7i!7.
JsION painting, show-card writing, cartoon
ing, illustrating taught, by mail. Write
Washington Corresiondence School, North
ern Bank bldg.. Seattle. Wash.
AGENTS wanted to represent business hou.-e
In various counties; outtlt and rig furnished;
tine proposition. Phone today or Monday
9 to 12 A. M Home C NiLU
GOOD opportunity for young man In whole
sale, with chance for advancement In
accordance with ability. E 4iu. Orego
nian. WANTED A high-grade solicitor for a
proposition paying workers from S.'iO to
1R) weekly. V. V. Jones, 2d floor, Acheson
WANTED A man with some money to take
charge of a detective office; business al
ready established. Address J 3i4. Orego
nian. ,
DENTIST wanted, all-around man to take
charge of office; big salary and commis
sion. Union Dentists, l&t and Morrison.
MOVING-PICTURE machine operators earn
$.15 weekly; learn the business, terms rea
sonable. Newman's, Fifth and Burnslde.
WANTED Reliable man for position as
partner; experience unnecessary; pay $4 a
day; $200 required. Call 248!i Stark st.
WANTED 2 men fb work on gold dredger;
wasrffl $3 to $4 per day; prefer party that
can take an interest. W 447, Oregonian.
i!5 LADIES and gentlemen, neat appear
ance, call at Empire Theater stage door,
Hundav, 11 A. M. Ask for Mr. Martell.
GOOD pay to men everywhere, to tack signs,
distribute circulars, samples, etc. ; no can
vassing. Universal Adv. Co., Chicago.
WA NT ED Secretary for an Oregon cor
pration; must have good character and
" Invest $200ii. V 41.1, Oregonian.
IF you want to beat working for wgs and
hnvrt $." to invent, call- or address room 2S,
. hours 1 to rt. 4SS Washington st.
$2 T""i $i earned -soliciting advertising. Call
today and Investigate. Benedict lno Publi
cations. )03 Goodnough bldg.
M EN To distribute circulars, samples, tack
slKns. g'od pay; no canvassing. Oliver,
Lske View bldg., Chicago.
EXPERT court reporter from Bast wants pu
pils for shorthand, typewriting and book
keeping. C 21)i, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED calendar Salesman In1 Oregon
for 1 SH8. M ust furn ish references. Address
Hox lrt. Salt lake.
HH errand boys and girls, 10 years or over.
Apply to superintendent the Meier &
Frank Store.
BRIGHT and neat boy, not under 15 years
of age, to work In drug store. 4ti4 Wash
ington st.
A 1 SALKSMAN wanted; none other need ap
ply. Main S3.
GOOD advertising solicitor at 147 H Front
GIRL for general housework ; small family ;
good wagpj; references required. Call "58
Broadway. Irvington.
WANTED School girl, good home and
mother's care, three blocks from school.
V 4 1 , Or e g o n i a n .
OFFICB woman that wants to get Into busi
ness for self. Good salary guaranteed.
J. 4iil, Oregonian.
WANTED Girl to assist with eccond work
and care of two children. Apply mornings,
4H Columbia st.
WANTED Good girl to help keep house,
no cooking or washing, good wages. :35
Montgomery st.
LADI ES, $1 every day at home; stamped
envelope for particulars. Ladies' Aid,
Durham. Conn.
PIANIST wanted, lady preferred, for Tuesday,
Dec. 10. Call Monday. Chicago Dentists,
th and Wash.
- j) errands boys and girls. 16 years or over.
Apply to superintendent The Meier &
Fj auk Store
WANTED Girl for general housework, two
in family. Call between 2 and 3 P. M.,
641) 3d St. .
GIRL for general housework: small family;
small fiot; references required. 7124 Wash
ington St.
WANTED Good plain cook; small family;
references. 722 West Main st. Phone
WANTED Competent girl to do general
housework. 1025 Raleigh st. Phone
Main 207.
STENOGRAPH ER; lady wTth some office ex
perience; state salary expected. H 434, Ore
gonian. WANTED A Danish or Norwegian girl for
cooking. Call Saturday morning, 653 John
son st.
WANTED School girl to assist In light
housework. 501 Jefferson ct. Phone Main
Cashiers, book-keepers, stenographers, store
help. Clerks' Keg. Bureau, 3SGV Wash. st.
WANTED A Danish or Norwegian girl for
cooking. Call mornings, oT3 Johnson st.
COMPETENT glrr. plain cooking, family of
three. Apply mornings, 202 King Ht.
GIRT for general housework. 440 E. 10th No.
Take Irvington car. Phone East 558.
WOMAN, housework, good wage?. Dr. Wheat
ley Howe. 374 FJ. Market t. R IpfiX
WANTED Girl for gereral housework In sub
urb; good wages. Phone East 5o30.
GIRL for general housework; family of three
Call, 437 K. . 16th North. "I" car.
GIRL wants to assist in dinlngroom of boarding-house
for her board. 380 3d.
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work. Apply li-sG Kaft 10th st.
WANTED Girl for general nouevwork. 621
Marshall, bet. 10th and 20th.
AN experienced girl for general housework at
230 No. 24th; small family.
GIRL for genersl housework; small family;
good wages. 8d Tillamook.
WANTED Girl for general housework, family
of 4. Apply 780 Irvli.g st.
EAST FIDE Female Kniployment Office, 122
Grand ave. East HG5.
WANTED A reliable nurse girl. 5S5 Mar
shall st., nenr IHth.
CHOCOLATE dippers and packers wanted.
Russell & Gilbert.
STENOGRAPHER, email salary. 231 Stark t.
First-class hotel cook $75, family cook $40,
second girl $25, for Boise, Idaho, fares paid.
Family cook, city, $40, 2 flrRt-claes
wait leases, with references, $25 room and
board. 2 waitresses, country $30, 2 house
girls for The Dalles. $25. '
House girl, $30. for a family moving to
San Francisco, fare paid; sue party here;
Chambermaids, house girls, second girls,
ditshwawhers, cooks, house-keepers, others.
14 3 U Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs.
BE A graduate nurse and earn $20 to $30 per
week; we provide home study course leetuies;
hospital practice when desired; employment
for students and. graduates; largest training
. hool in the wdYld ; write today free book.
American Training School Nurses, 40 Cillly
"bldg.. Chicago.
Applicants for all kinds of work, regis
ter with us. free of charge, so we may
locate you on snort notice.
43 H Washington St, Cor. 7th, upstairs.
Thoroughly experienced and competent
WANTED Two ladies, 'permanent position,
alary and commission, advancement as
sured; experience unnecessary. Hotel Quelle,
cor. 6th and Stark, room 2.
LADIES In Portland and Oregon City who
wish pleasant and profitable emplovment
please call on Mrs. Bennett, Imperial Ho
tel, Monday, December 9.
LA Iky solicitors for a good advertising prop
osition HTlrt Other nnifll t loo A ntiit- finfto it
after 9 A. M. Bristol Advertising Co., 216
v-namoer or commerce.
ana situations furnished; real estate and
business opportunities, all kinds. 2306
Yamhill. Main 0413.
WANTED High school girl to assist with
work In family of two after hours. Board
and small compensation with use of piano.
Tel. Home B 1187.
LADIES Make sanltacy belts; material cut
ready to sew. $12 per hundred; particulate
stamped envelope. Mutual Supply Co., Dept.
870, Chicago.
CAPABLE girl, good cook, for housework,
3 in family, good wages. Young Women's
Christian Association, Main 0207. after 10,
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position, with opportunities for
advancement. Vlavl Co.. 10th and Morrison
WANTED A competent woman to cook and
do laundry for family of 2; no housework.
Apply lj3 X. pjth st. Tuesday afternoon.
23 LADIES and gentlemen, neat appear
ance, call at Empire Theater stage door,
' Sunday. 11 A. M. Ask for Mr. Kartell.
WANTED Girl for general housework In
family of three. Apply mornings, 606 East
Yamhill st., cor. 13th. Phone East 4843.
COOK for out-of-town hotel, one to ten peo
ple, $30.. Young Women's Christian Asso
ciation. Main 6267. Monday after 10.
WANTED Teachers, grade and rural. $60 per
month. The Fisk Teachers Agency, 1200
Williams ave. Phone Woodiawn HIS.
WANTED 25 Indies to demonstrate and take
orders for "Beauty Bloom." that' wonderful
face cream. Apply Exposition Rink.
WANTED Middle-aged woman s house
keeper for a small rooming-house. Inquire
on Monday at 2S N. 3d st., room 4.
GOOD, strong girl to learn cooking and
general housework. Apply mornings, 740
Weidler, cor. 22d, Irvington.
WANTED to meet few pTons with some
knowledge in Spanish language. Interesting
proposition. G 440. Oregonian.
484 Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2892.
LADIES to copy letter at horns; 'Spare time;
good ay; cash weekly; reliable; send stamp.
Zeck Co.. Morrlstown, N. Y.-
EAPEKT court reporter from East wants pu
pils for shorthand, typewriting and book
keeping. C 209, Oregonian.
COMPETENT waitress wanted; references.
Young Women's Christian Association. Main
SIM". Monday after 10.
GIRL for housework. Call 330 WWdlor -st.
Phone East IS18.
WANTED Girl for general housework. In
quire 641 6th st.
GIRL for general housework; family adults7.
016 Hoyt st.
MEN and women to learn watchmaking, en
graving and optics; easy terms; position-
eeured : money earned while learning.
Watchmaking. Engraving School, cor. 4th
and Pike. Seattle.
MEN and women to demonstrate and take
orders for well-advertised line of goods;
It will pay you to Investigate this offor.
203 Filed ner bldg.
TWO good subscription solicitors, men or
w omen, may learn, good chance with popu
lar monthly magazine. Good pay. T 430,
WANTED Students to take our course In
lnw; day and night classes; low tuition.
Portland Law School, Worcester block.
WANTED Dramatic and vaudeville per
formers; good salary. Newman's Theatri
' cal Circuit. 203 Burnside, near 5th.
STENOGRAPHERS and bookkeepers- will
find a helping hand at Eclectic Business
University. Worcester bldg.
JAPANESE employment office; male and fe
male. 240 Couch st. Phone Main
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
AUDITOR, experienced general office, branch
house or bank auditing; will accept tem
porary or permanent work. Corporation de
siring books audited or systematized or
needing A 1 office manager address E 431,
EXPERIENCED ribbon and nmbrella man
requires position; would take charge of
departmen t ; good references. Apply A
438. Oregonian.
HAVE been for 15 yeans manager country
bank in the East. Want position. Could fur
nish seme money with services if desired,
reference. Address E 438. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as bookkeeper with
lumber company; competent Xo manage
small yard and planing mill. Address A
360. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and all-around office man 8
years experience, 8 years In Japan, wants
position; saiury email ODject. U 426, Ore
- gonlan.
POSITION wanted by yonng man as grocery
clerk; can give good reference; experience.
Address W. G:, lock box Heppner. Or.
YOUNG man of 24 from the East, wants
work in grocery tore preferred. Emll T.
Erlckson, care Y. M. C. A.
MIDDLE-AGED man desires position, as "ship
ping clerk; familiar with city; good refer
ences. D 447, Oregonian.
WANTED A few small sets of books to keep;
will do work at your store or take to my
ofrice. X 423, Oregonian. . .
SITUATION wanted by an all-around hard
ware man; best of references. S 423,
Oregonian. 1
YOUNG man wishes position of some kind;
can keep books. Address G 380. Oregonian.
FOR a stenographer or bookkeeper phone E
B. L. Clerical Office. Main 4504.
YOUNG man" with bank experience desires
position as clerk, bookkeeper, cashier. H
302. Oregonian.
YOUNG New Yorker, 23 years, with ability,
push and tact, wants position. G 434,
Oregonian. -
GOOD Japanese boy wants a position as cook
and housework. clty or .country. R 6291?
Everett st. '
A GOOD colored man cook, meat or pastry
cooking, sober man, good references. A 430.
JAPANESE employment company can fur
nuh all kinds of help. Main 4659. 209
WANTED By a young married man. a posi
tion of any kind. Address A 362, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS coatmaker wants a Job as
bushelman In clothing house. 256 11th st.
TulT?t man wishes to look after small ranch
Mock or feed cattle. W 432, Oregonian.
KALSOMINING done at 13 per room. 183 3d
at. Phone Main 1334. Call for Winn.
WANTED 41 good men at once' at the
Model Barber Shop to get their shoes
Bhtned free, hair cutting 2.' cents. Thn
finest 9-chair shop in the city, only best
of barbers employed. 01 Cth St., near
Stark st.
WANTED By man of 25 years experience,
position a manager of lumber burfineps or
flour mill Would Invest some money if
conditions good. Address with full partic
ulars, 071 Monadnock bldg.. Sun Franclaco,
YOl'NG man who has had 7 years' orflee ex
perience and who is now prep if. for col
lege would like position in office or col
lecting for half a day. T 4J7, Ortgoi inn.
GOOD ChlnPFe-- man wants position for
lodging, bourding and general housework
or cooking. Telephone A 2065. M. E.
MiiaMun, .ti 72 o l ill K si.
BAKERS Two good, all-around A No. 1
bfckere in all lut branches, not afraid of
work ; 1 years' experience ; waes no ob
ject. 42 Davis st.
ELDERLY gentleman . desires Dcsition of
trust; rot afraid of exertion; salary not the
oniy requieue. Address w . u. c. room 3,
Alpine Fiats.
ALL AROUND German, handy with tools,
.wishes work as janitor, porter or house
man; moderate wages. Address G 430,
GOOD millwright, general mill construction
man or foreman, desires opportunity to go
to sou ir western uregon. Address vy 433,
WANTED Position In painting line, wholesale
or journey work, by a young man anxious
to learn; nave z years experience. T 41a,
BY young man of finished education, good ap
pearance, regular habits, ' mvd t baid
work; clear record, .address G 433, Ore
gonian. SITUATION wanted by a young German
boy to do any kind of work. Inquire 248
.worm join, rnone pacitic 1023.
WORK wanted for cooks, washers, waiters,
farm, mill, factory, other helpa. Drake,
200 Washington. Telephones.
YOUNG man. 3 years' experience grocery,
steady or extra days, country town or city
references. W 432, Oregonian.
WANTED By married man, work as watch
man or fireman stationary engine. Call or
address 52 East Taylor st.
WANTED Position around machinery;
some experience;' amount of wages no ob
ject. T 42ri, Oregonian.
WANTED By boy 14 years old, situation
as delivery or office boy after school
hours. Phone B1710.
MIDDLE-AGED German wants position,
take care of horses, cows; good mllkei.
V 416, Oregonian.
ALL round butcher and . sausage maker
wishes position. Phone pacific 697.
PRUNING and garden work done reasonable.
385 E. 34th south. D. W. Ellis.
FIRPT-CLASS San Francisco baker and
pastry cook. V 420, Oregonian. .
JAPANESE wants position, any kind of work.
Phone East 30A0.
DRUGGIST desires position. Address D 439,
Bookkeeper and Stenographers.
DESIRED Stenographic position by young
lady with good Eng. ish vine it Ion ;
of State Normal. Address P 4111, Oree
FOR a stenographer or bookkeeper,- expe
rienced or beginner, phone Eclectic Busi
ness University, Main 4."04.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, can operate
typewriter; best city and Eastern refer
ences. , Phone East 4205.
STENOGRAPHER with experience In general
stenographic and office work wants posi
tion. Box 307, Arleta, Or.
YOUNG lady slenogrpaher wishes position In
off ire to regain practice for small compen
sation.. K 438. Oregonian.
AN experienced stenographer and bookkeeper
wishes position ; reasonable wages. Call or
write 627 Overton mi.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion. Phone Main 6843. Address A 44l,
YOUNG lady with good reference desires po
sition aa office girl and stenographer, G 432,
Oregonian. "
EXPERIENCED accountant wants small set
books to keep. F 433, Oregonian. ,
COMPETENT stenographer desires position,
S 433, Oregonian.
DRESSMAKING To get better acquainted
with the ladies in Portland 1 will do sew
ing brought in before the 15th for half
regular price. Emma Eggert, 335 6th St.,
cor. Market.
ENGLISH ladles tailor would like a few
more engagements by the day. In families;
no. objection tp alter and reftt. E 431,
FHIBTWA1ST house dresses, children's and
infants sewing; children's coats, $l.o0.
2Brondway. Phone East 4SGS.
MRS. EMMA J. THOMAS, modiste; tailor
made suits and party gowns a specialty.
50 Wash. bldg. Pacific 727; A 2724.
SHIRTWAISTS, suites, tailored skirts, chil
dren's clothes, underwear and Infants'
clothes a specialty.- Main C340.
WOULD take more engagements sewing by
the day or at home. Miss Crahen, 75
Columbia st. Phone A 3M0.
GOOD dressmaker wishes more engagements,
day sewing, city references. Reasonable.
Phone Sell wood 5fl.
DRESSMAKING, plain sewing, children's
clothes, reasonable prices. Mrs. Wright 23ij
Union ave. Room 25.
A FEW engagements to do general sewing
by the day; neat alteration worker. Phone
A3052. evenings.
DRESSMAKING and family sewing in homes;
Indies' or children's work. Miss Cooper.
Phone Main 4041.
BY the day to do shirtwaist suits, plain
v sewing and children's clothes. East 481S.
SHIRTWAISTS. ?1: ehlrtwaist-euits. 83.50;
Jackets suits. $5. 826 Park st. Phone A 2530.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wants housekecr irg
place or care of old people. 191, 17th Korth.
DRESSMAKING Suits, pleated skirts and
semi-fitting Jackets, $S. Tel. East 2043.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker will make engage
ment by day. Phone Woodiawn 17C
MME. TUTTLH3, modiste. 807 Montgomery,
near 15th. M-G car. Phone A u057.
FIRST see Angeles Dressmaking Parlors. 242
6th and Main. Pacific 0S2.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. Call up
cast or 51U1.
Bouse keepers.
A YOUNG lady .would like position as house
keeper where there Ja 'lady In tho house,
or will do light housework in small family.
O 3K6, Oregonian.
GOOD woman, over- IiO, with boy 6, Just
from MlFsourl, desires situation, house
keeper, widower's family. 230 Yamhill.
Main 5413.
CAPABLE woman wishes position as house
keeper or care of Invalid. Best references
as to character and ability. 26 East 9th
WANTED Position by reliable young worn-
family preferred. Address G "428, Orego
nian. LADY of experience desires position as house
keeper In hotel or apartment-house; best
reference?. Address P 423, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman desires xreltlon as
housekeeper In city; excellent city refer
ences. Y. Wi C. A. Main C267.
MIDDLE-AGED lady desires -position as
housekeeper for widower In respectable
home. K 444, Oregonian. f -
YOUNG woman, boy 6, desires situation
housekeeper, widower or hotel. 230H
Yamhill. Main 5413.
WANT position a housekeeper, preferably
wnere- vnere are vma.ii cnuaren. Aaaress
W 425, Oregonian.
COMPETENT woman would like position.
housekeeper, wiaower's family, in city. X.
456, Oregonian.
ELDERLY WIDOW wishes situation as care
taker for a rooming-house. Address M 440,
HOUSEKEEPING wanted by a middle-aged
widow; 2 In family, city. Phone Main 8119.
II one keepers.
EXPERIENCED 'and accomplished woman
with boy cf 9 for housekeeper's position.
Young Women's Christian Association. .Main
027. Monday after 10. v
LADY depires position as manager of first
class rooming or apartment-ho use. X 436,
WANTED Position as cook and housekeeper;
competent. 300 ThtrA st.
WANTED By strong, capable woman, posi
tion as nurse; willing to, do part house
work. O 449, Oregonian.
COMPETENT nurse frojp the East; confine
ment cases a specialty; reasonable prices.
Woodiawn 306.
EXPERIENCED nurse would care for In
valid or children by the. hour. V 434, Ore
gonian. NURSE, middle-aged, would like care of in
valid or children going East. W 427 Ore
gonian. '
LADY entertains In va lieu, aged, children, by
hour, day, month; references. Pac. 671.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants light work,
companion; good home, small w ages.
Young Women's Christian Association.
Main 5267, after 10 Monday. - '
CAPABLE Finn girl desires situation, house
work, small plain family; wages 823. 230 Vi
Yamhill. Main 5413.
A RESPECTABLE lady desires position as
cook, dish-washer, house-keeper, or would
take charge of rooming-house. Can furnish
best of reference. Ad drees O 85, care Ore
gonian. Phone Main 731D. Room 22 206 Va
Washington at.
REFINED lady desires position as lady com
panion or maid; understands shampooing
and dressing the hair, manicuring, face
and scalp massage; no objection to travel
ing with invalid. A 443, Oregonian.
WANTED To care for anv Invalid, either an
adult or child; would take full charge of
them, either to travel or remain In their
home. Can furnish best of city references.
H 133, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED young woman -boarding-house
cook, capable hotel cook, chamber-
" maids, waitresses, German woman chil
dren's nurse. 230 Yamhill. Main G413.
AM prepared to cae for, at :ny home, in
valid or out-of-town people here under
physician's care; references exchange! P
433, Oregonian.
WOMAN with girl of 8 wants work; com
petent; willing; can cook. Young Woman's
Christian Association. Main 5267. Monday
after 10.
FREE Chamber, waiting, cooking, family,
office, factory, housekeeping positions
wanted. Telephone "Drake," 205 Wash
ington. REFINED German woman will make her
self very useful In home, willing to teach
music and German, feussist in sewing. Phone
A 4452.
FIRST-CLASS maid wants upstairs work in
or out of city. Young Women's Christian
Association. Main 5207. Monday after 10.
COLLEGE graduate, experienced teacher,
will take private pupils;-references given.
Miss Preston, 2S3 Holladay ave.
EXPERIENCED bakery and confectionery
clerk., can give good -reference. Apply . 150
E 34 th et. Phone Tabor 332. - - .
A YOUNG lady gives private lessons in
grammar grade studies,. German, drawing;
references. Main 8183.
LACE curtains washed and stretched, 40c
and up; also fancy waists and flannels.
Phone Main 7014.
WANTED Places to cook and serve for
public and private occasions. Mrs. Llnter,
733 Gantenben.
CHAMBER WORK by the day; experienced.
Phone Pacific 141 mornings or evenings.
Mrs. Stuckey.
AN experienced chambermaid wishes work,
hotel 01 rooming-house. Mrs. Shutter, phone
Main 32ft.
WANTED Situation as companion to some
elderly person by competent lady. A 431.
LADY wants colleeting, cannier place in res
taurant or plain sewing by day. G 431,
LACE curtains done up, 35c pair1, called
for anl delivered; prompt work. Main
6306. .
WOULD like employment at washing, plain
. ironing and housccleaning. S 429, Orego
nian. WANTED Chambermaid, 'middle-aged, Ger
man lady preferred. . 204 Madison at.
WANTED A child to board, lovely .home,
terms reasonable. Phone CI 034.
SITUATION wanted by competent girl for
eecond work. Phone Pacific 1367.
HOUSEWORK hy the day, 2oc per hour.
Phone Mrs. Miller. Pacific 2226.
HOME laundered lace curtains. Phone
Tabor 634. Mrs. S. M. Scott.
WANTED Work fcy the day; washing, iron
ing. K. C.. Pacific 2016.
YOUNG lady wishes employment a few hours
dally. A 856, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Ironer wishes work for Sat
urdays. G 3ii8, Oregonian. - '
PLENTY of good help at East Side Employ
ment Office. Phone 1055.
LADIES' oh-rt waists laundered for only 10c
apiece. Wk 08, city.
LACE CURTAINS laundered a specialty.
Phone Main 3740.
LADIES fine laundry done at home. Phone
Pacific 805.
LADY wants Work by the day. Phone East
56U2. .
YOUNG woman wants day work. 03 N. 17th
WOMAN wants day work. Phone Main 2208.
making more money on the Universal
Combination Scissors than on any other
article sold; 18 tools are combined In
one and all are practical; a most desir
able Christmas present to either lady or
gentleman. Sample mailed for $1; agents
' wanted. Ellis Supply Co., 607 East 30th
St., Los Angeles, Cal.
$5000 per year, conveniently positive for
men and women to manage home sales
par tors for the latest, most attractive and
- scientifically improved dress shoe known
for women and children; 12 sight-selling
original features ; previous experience un
necessary; no risk; answer today. Marvel
Shoe Co., 105 Summer St., Boston, Mass.
AGENTS Are you Interested in an, outfit
consisting of four greatest money-makers
of the .century? Novelties lending new
charm and Joy to home, workshop or play
ground such as will open the purse of
man. woman, lass or lad; most fascinating
proposition. Church Supply Co., 10 Bar
clay st.. New York City.
WANTED At once, 11 agents to take ad-
vantags of getting their shoes shined free
at the Model Barber Shop, halrcuttlng 2fi
cents, shaving 15 cents, hair tonic free.
We are after business. Only best of bar
; bers employed. 91 6th St., Just south of
Wells-Fargo bldg. -
LOCAL agent wanted In every town, Wash
ington and Oregon; accident and health
- Insurance, old stock co., liberal commission
and policies: references. Address West
ern office, 209 Marquam, Portland, Or.
A HOME) company; low premium rates and
high cash values make the policies of the
Columbia Life A. Trust Co. easy to sell.
Apply to Je s fo R. g harp, m a nag er of
agents, 214 Lumber Exchange bldg.
SPECIAL agent wanted. $75 weekly and ex
pen ye 3 easily made selling our popular com
bination policies and appointing agents. Ex
perience unnecessary. Write Oscar Ekman,
313 Eitel bldg., .Seattle, Wash.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If
so, we need you; complete outfit free; cash
weekly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery Co., Salem. Or.
AGENTS to sell ladles coats, okfrtt and furs.
a iso fluicK-sening articles suitable ror holi
day gifts, on easy Installments. J. D. Sher
man 262 3d.
WANTED Agents: legitimate substitute for
slot machines; patented; sells on sight for
1. Particulars, Glsha Co., Anderson, Ind.
AGENTS You can know about the profits.
maae supplying perfumes to ramiites. Ad
dress LetTler A Co.. St. Louis, Mo. .
AGENTS You can know about the profits
mane supplying perrumes to ramines. Ad
dress LetTler $ Co St. Louts. Mo. .
WANTED To rent from about the 10th.
furnished or partly furnished house of
5 or -6 rooms, or four or Ave furnished
rooms, near In, or handy to car; no chil
dren or animals; best of care. Address
S',430, Oregonian.
WANTED -To -ren.' houses, ' cottages, fiats,
stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
WANTED By mother and son, 2 or 3 fur
nished housekeeping rooms, close In, on
Wcet Side; must be reasonable; state loca
tion and terms. Address F 436, Oregonian.
WANTED Jan. 1, by respon:tole party, mod
ern house or flat, about S rooms; jr ( lo
cality. West Side, walking -iistance; tlate
location and rent. A 357, Oregoii'an.
FAMILY of S grown people desire to rent de
sirable furnished flat, West Side; can give
- references. Address giving location, price
and. phone number, Postofflce box 52a.
WANTED By two adult ladles, best referen
ces furnished house or apartments for nom
inal price and beat care given In absence
of owners. L 435, Oregonian.
WANTED By man and wife. 2 or 3 fur
nished rooms for light housekeeping, within
10 blocks of Wells-Fargo bldg.; jstate terms;
West S'de. S 426, Oregonian.
WANTED About 2000 feet of floor space
where we can install light machinery; upper
floors will do if elevator for freight. Ad
dress T 429, Oregonian.
4-ROOM furnished or unfurnished flat; bath,
cas and electric lights required ; West
Side, close In. Give price and location.
W 448, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent house, -offices, stores.
rooms, etc.; long-list of applicants. Albee
. Benham Co.. 25 Concord bldg., t 2d and Stark
EY first of Januarv. modern, nicely fur
nished house of seven to nine rooms, cen
tral. West Side, adults. H 437, Orego
nian. YOUNG couple wishes to make their home
for the Winter with a widow, elderly
couple or small family. N 444, Oregonian.
YOUNG ladv deslrea room, board and use of
piano In refined private family, ' preferably
In Ladd School district. K 430. Oregonian.
"WANTED Young man wants room and
board in private family, with good music;
walking distance. M 445, Oregonian.
ONE or two rooms, with board, in modern
private home for man and wife; close in;
no luncheons. F 444. Oregonian.
BY lady and grown, pon 3 or 4 -room furnished
flat or apartment, West Side; must be rea
sonable - V 435, Oregonian. "
WANTED Room and board by young man,
student; pay part cash, work for balance,.
. Address O 445. Oregonian.
LANDLADIES' CLUB We can rent your
housekeeping "rooms for you; come and eee
bow at 268 Stark, suite 31.
LADYn with baby wants room and board, for
several months in private family; refer
ences. Phone East 6347.
MAN and wife deflre board and room In pri
vate family, without luncheos.; $30. H
430, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent 3 or 4 -room house, two
adults, fumtohed or unfurnished. Phone
Sellwood 602.
WANTED Modern furnished room, house-
keeping privileges; lady; references. T 433,
THREE or four completely furnished house
keeping rooms; permanent if suited. 'K 443.
DESK room wanted by public stenographer
who owns machine; state term. Box 307,
Arleta, Or.
YOUNG man attending business college wants
place to work for room and board. S 161,
t 1
UNFURNISHED 2. S or 4 pleasant rooms,
close In: reference, exchanged. S 427, Ore
son tan.
YOUNG man, collector, wants board and
room with private family. F 438, Ore
fconlan. BOARD and room, private family.: no objec
tion to children. Mt. Tabor. Phone Tabor
WANTED 12-room furnished house, rlosa
In; will buy or rent. T 437, Oregonian.
WANTED Flat, West Side, 4 or 5 rooms. In
walking distance. Phone Pacific 1881.
ROOM and board wanted by man and 2
children, 5 and 8. L. 426. Oregonian.
WANTED Nicely furnished house. 8 or 10
rooms; modern. S 442, Oregonian.
FURNISHED house. West Side, adult; lease
preferred. Main 2305; A 6021.
WANTED To rent a tent for Winter.
Tabor 7S0.
CASH paid for furniture fixtures and mer
chandise. Fbone Main 1628- J. T. Wilson.
WANTED Children to board or elderly lady;
best of care, reasonable charges. Phone Pa
cific .2741.
WANTED Cut holly, non-bearing. B 420.
6POT cash paid for your furniture, prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
I PAY cash for household goods. Savage A
Pennell Fur. Co.. 345 1st st. Pacltlo 360.
WILL, give cash and good property for Ore
gon Trust deposits. 824 Lumber Exchange.
WANTED Good horse and buggy; will give
cash or real estate. 325 Lumber Exchange.
Nob Hill Second-Hand Co. pays highest
prices for goods. 615 Wash. st. Main 2421.
WANTED All kinds of goods; store and of
fice fixtures, etc. Newman, , Main 8453.
WANTED Punchfng-bag platform; give de
scription and price. P 427, Oregonian.
YOUNG man of good appearance:
must be over 5 feet 6 Inches tall,
about 21 years of age. as floor
walker and window trimmer; state
former experience, references and
salary desired. Address N 108, Ore
gonian. .
WANTED By wholesale house, young
man as cashier and bookkeeper;
must write good, fluent hand, be
correct at figures and furnish un
questionable' .references. Address
lp own handwriting, care X 200,
Down on Your Luck?
Well, there's no use Riving; up
and publishing the fact all over
yourself In scare headlines.
Sitting ' around waiting for
something to turn up never grot
you anything yet but the blues:
Tou know the way out of the
woods, don't you?
Classified Want Ads
-and Repeat
They've "eidetracked the fin
ish" of many a man who thought
he was down and out
So hit the trail and do It
quick, before any more of your
nerve oozes out of your finger
Pick out. a "want ad" and an
swer It then . another and an
other and hunt down a job If
you have to answer every "want
ad" In the paper.
Do It over again tomorrow and
the next day. Don't drive up
those wut ads" till you strike
your Job. That's the only way
.to get what you want in this
world stick to It till It's yours.
And as a guide, you'll find
Largest' and best known second-hand
store In Portland. We buy and sell from
a chair to a full house.
20th and Washington, Phone Pacific 703.
WANTED Men's cast-ofl Wothflig and
shoes; we also buy household lurnlshlngs.
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal," 62 N. 3d st. Phone Pacific 1722.
MAIN; 5658. 211 FIRST ST.
WANT to br.y a kodak with films; also
want a typewriter, state- make, condition
and term. T 4;,8. Oregonian.
WILL make good offer for a few small ac
counts on Oregon Trust Jfc Savings Bank.
325 Lumber Exchange.
WANTED Office table. 4 to 6 feet In length,
with drawer ecultfirent; state price. Ad
dress J 4t7, Oregonian.
WILL trade strictly first-class talking ma
chine for good bicycle. Portland Phono
graph agency, 128 7th.
WILL CARE"- for apartment or rooming
house jn exchange for housekeeping rooms.
Phone Enst H207.
WANTED Jersey cow. fresh in September
preferred. M. L. Holbrook. 1166 Thurman
st. Both phones.
WANTED Medium light farm wagon fone
horee). In good condition and reasonable.
. S 431, Oregonian.
I WANT to lease a 15 or 20 furnished room
house; state condition of place and terms.
L 427, Oregonian.
WANTED Second-hand moving-picture out
fit; state price. A. B. M., 214 4th St..
Oregon City, Or.
CITTXA KILN wanted; good condition. F
44t. Oregonian.
WANTED 100 Barred Plymouth Rock pul
lets. Address "Ray," Oswego Or. R F
D., No. 1.
WANTED To buy 100 pullets. Address.
Hay. Oswego. Or.. R. F. D. No. 1.
WAXTBD First-class stump puller 321
' Eugene st. Phone E. 2305.
WANTED To buy a parrot. B 445. Ore
gonian. FOR RENT.
12.50 Large front room?. 3 blocks of Postof
flce; one room $1.75. Pacific 2054. 251 th.
LARGE, well furnished room; private family:
breakfast if desired. Pacific J274.
Furnished Rooms.
TO RENT A desirable room In private
family, modern, walklns distance. 404
Clay street.
RYAN HOUSE. 29tj 6th St. Elegantly fur-
iih.ei oma- en suite f single; opposite
vii)' xiaii.
A PLKASANT room for two. first-claps
board and all home comforts; $10 a month.
525 Clay st.
Mi. ELY furnished or unfurnished front
room for rent In private home; rent $8.
650H Third.
THE HYLAND, 400 Morrison Furnished
rooms with bath and steam heat; prices
COMFORTABLY furnished room: hot and
21Id lthter" VBry ccntraJ; ""'table for two.
FOR RENT Newly furnlyhed rooms, private
family; bath, gas, phone; furnace heat.
MO 3d St.
ROOMS Single and housekeeping, by day
or week, reasonable. Call 482 Wrash
lngton st. -
NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for
two persons. $16; bath and gas. 548 Mor
rison st.
FOR RENT A newly furnished front room,
on carjlne; all modern conveniences. 210
NEWLY furnished room, suitable for gentle
man, furnace heat, phone, bath. 367 3d at
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms and first
class board, home cooking. 470 Main st.
TWO fine rooms for rent; all modern: will
v.. ... uuiu. iiiguii in. j.itn st. -west.
NICE, clean, cozy room. ' bath, phone, prl
. vute family; $6 per month. IS5 N. 17th.
430 STARK, between 11th and 12th. nice
newiy turnisnen rooms, bath and phone.
NEWLY furnished rooms: modern conven-
.i-iivea, prices reasonable. . 254 12th el.
ONE furnished room, suitable for two; also
PLEASANT room, suitable for two gentlemen
.with or without board. 311 Fifth st.
MAXWELL HALL Rates reasonable: hot.
vwtu Winer, an rooms. xui nth St.
VERY nice, clean modern furnished rooms
for rent cheap. Call (187 Everett st.
NICE large furnished front room, modern,
central location. 31 North Park.
TWO front rooms, one small, one large, suit
able for gentlemen. 281 4th st.
FURNISHED rooms with board; modern
. in every respect. l8 13th.
FOUR finely furnished rooms In a modern
dwelling. Phone Main 5527.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, 104V4 1st st.,
corner of Morrison.
TWO furnished rooms in private house. 535 E.
Burnslde, cor. 12th.
410 THIRD St., 2 nicely furnished front rooms,
$2 per week each.
FOR RENT Large front room, modern
3321, Tenth ' st.
TWO new furnished rooms, furnace heat
470 Taylor st.
12 furnished or unfurnished rooms. 42 N,
10th jt.
NICELY furnished room. 125 "12th.
Furnished Rooms.
LARGE outside rooms, single or en suite:
beautiful outlook; newly furnished; every
modern hotel convenience; special rates ti .
permanent guests; with or without meals;
finest cafe In Portland at modest prices;
be sure and see these rooms before you
decide where to move. Hotel Sargeir.,
Grand and Hawthorne avenues.
Vleely furnished rooms, tngle or en
suite, $2.50 per week up: steam heat, hot
and cold water; free baths; free phone;
dining-room in connection; transients so
licited; osen all r.lght; best location In
the city; office and reading-room ground
floor. 488 Washington.
Pacific Hotel, furnished rooms. 214 Columbia
St.. cor. 1st. New brick building Just open
ing; steam heat. hot. cold runnlnK water
In evesy room; free butli. phone; rates. .Hie
to $1 day. 2.50 to $5 week. One call
means another. Phone A15:i9.
New houst-. Just opened to the public, cnr.
11th and Wash, at,.; beautifully furnished;
private baths, hot and coiii water, electric
lights. team heat; rates $1 and upward.
Phone Main 7054. Mre. K. Oglivie. trop.
HOTEL I1USHMAKK, Washington and 17th
b lrst-cJawe furnished rooms, single or ea
suite; steam heat. hot. cold water, electric ,
light, phone in - every room; suites with
private rath, single, from $3 by week. 75c
up by day; reasonable by mo. Maui 5047.
HOTEL BARTON. 455 Alder St.. at 13th.
Under new management, remodeled and
renovated throughout; new heating ap
paratus being Installed; strictly modern
In every detail: dining-room In connection.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13tl. and Wash
ington st., newly furnished throughout,
new building; suil.a with baths, hot and
cold water In every room. Plmne Main
ilDB. Long-dlatance phones in all rooms.
VERY pleasant rooms In private family; large
room, suitable for two, or single room, on
L. Morrison carline. walking ulstunce; gas,
bath and phone; rent reasonable. 875 E.
Morrison. Phone E. 2CUU.
CLOSE IN Large, well furnished front
room, suite two; also one smaller room, lu
modern flat; private family, furnace heal,
bath, phono, etc' oO'i N Ilith St.. half a
block oft Washington.
HOTEL KEN YON, 18th and Wnshmgton sts .
modern roonm. single and en suite; also
housekeeping; running water; private aud
free baths; rates reasonable. Pacilic 4D8.
NEWLY furnished front room, suitable for
two gentlemen; also uuturnislied room;
every convenience. In priate familv. 500
4th St. Phone Paclilc 2UU2, A 0413.
THE WILAMETTE. 322V, Stark. S. W. cor.
6ln St.; well furnished rooms, large and
light, single or en suite; transient. 50o to
$1; by week, $2 to $5. Pacinc 12U6.
THE WOODLAND Two very choice rooms
vacant: also a beautifully furnished room
with use of kitchen for light housekeep
ing, for desirable couple. ''!." 6th.
LARGE front and back parlor, fireplace, gas
and bath, 2 blocks from Washington, 5
minutes' walk from postofflce, suitable for
4 men; price $8. ii No. 14th.
LARGE, newly furnished front room in a pri
vate home; heat, gas. bath, phone; no chil
dren; no other rummers: walking uietance;
rent reasonable. East 3u21.
THE ARTONA Mrs. I!. A. Melbourne,
nicely furnished rooms, ail steam heat; ail
modern convenh ,,oes. Kates $4 per w eek
and up. 12S WJt Park.
HOTEL ANTLERS, cor. 10th and Washing
ton sle., all modern conveniences, suites
with bath; principal carline pass the
door. Phone Main 2333.
TWO very nicely furnished rooms, suitable
for two; terms reasonable. Also two rooms
upstairs, suitable for a club of young men.
7od Everett, near 21st.
LARGE front alcove suite, or single roonve,
suitable for 2 or mom, reasonable to rii;lit
parties: board optional; bath, gas. phone. 2o8
14th, near Jefferson.
CLEAN, well-kept rooms, at Hotel Mason,
247 '-i 5th St., near Main, from $1.50 ner
week up. Ono largo front suite of rooms,
with piano.
THE KINGSTON. 1M0',t 3d St.. rooms,
steam heat, modern conveniences; tran
sients. 50c and $1 per day; special rates
by week.
LARGE front alcove room, hot and cold
water, all conveniences; walking instance;
terms reasonable. 2112 12th st., cor. Co
lumbia. 847 HALL Two connecting rooms, on first
floor, well furnished, jn very plea."nnt and
desirable location; reasonable to desirable
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room In pri
vate family. East Side, near Steel bridge;
reasonable; bath and telephone. Home C
THE GENEVIK-VE Steam heat. porcelain
baths, free phone; walking distance; $3 a
week and up. 445 Columbia st. Muln 7410.
THE WOODLAND Desirable large front
j- luviK, ni,n urni uiiu inn wuier, orauuiui
W grounds; 4 blocks from P. O. 205 6th At.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephones and baths free. 327
Stark, corner 6lh. Mrs. Maud J. LVttes.
FURNISHED front room; good location, oh
carline; gas, bath and plume; reasonable.
580 Gllsan, near 2lst. 1'hone A 3000.
rooms; transient. Open day nnd night.
A. W Spangle, room Olli-s 0th st.
LARGE, bright room, electric light, furnace
heat, porcelain bath, telephone, near busi
ness; reasonable. 3I2 Columbia.
NEWLY furnished front parlor, with bay
window, furnace hont, ga-, bath. Tele
phone. 4.r0 Montgomery st.
STEAM -HEATED rooms, hot nnd colrt water,
tub and shower bath, first-class. 414 Mor
rison, flat . 3rd floor.
THE TEMPLE. 34.1 4 Yamhill, ror. 7th,
nicely furnished airy rooms, $ii.50 per
week up; trannlent.
SOS SALMON, two blocks from Postofrice,
residence district, front parlor, suitable
for two, cheap.
THRE0 nicely furnlsihed rooms for gentle
man. In private home; every convenience.
D47 Yamhill st.
FRONT sleeping room. bath. 88 10th st.,
between Park, and Burnslde. Phone A
lSftO; morning.
ON 3 furnished, one unfurnished roqm ; steam
heat private modern flat, very reasonable.
43 lOth, flat C.
NICE, large furnished room suitable for 2f
phone, gas. bath, furnace heat; reason
able. 2-;:t l.tth.
r - - -
LARGE, pleasant room, nicely furnished; heat,
light, private house; breakfast if desired.
Muln 8183.
THIfl HYLAND, 40 Morrison. FurnlshtH
rooms, with bath and steam heat; reason
able prices.
THE HAWTHORNE, i;Uh and Salmon sis
elegantly furnished rooms, $10 and u
per month.
WARM, nicely furnished room, one or tw
gentlemen; private house; no sign. 47
Yamhill at.
THE COLORADO, 63ft b'avter st.. cor. 3 6thr
all outside rooms; $1.30 per week. Up
FURNISHED room; bath. electric . light.
pnone turner isi ana j? lanaers, apart
ment 24.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, heat, lighf
ana bath, walking distance. 405 Madi
on st.
LUXOR Single rooms; everything. new; steam;
iic; i, vain, piiuuv . -.iu per weetc. b-
NEW furnished room in private family:
furnace neat, gas, patn. oj East Salmon
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished; $2 to JS
wit; also transient rooms. B43 Morrison.
HOTEL, ROYAL. 108H 4th mt.. steam heated
rooms ?.;rt to a per week; 00c to $1 night.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia: rooms.
neat; uam. wc to i aay; $2 to 31 week.
FURNISHED room, first floor, modern, tele
phone, walking distance. . Eleventh st.
FURNISHED room in new flat, nrlvate fam
ily. o0 Yamhill st. Phone Main 1137.
TH REE furnished rooms for housekeeping.
oatn, gas. tciepnone, etc. ; jjieventh.
NICELY furnished front room downitfalrvf
heat, gas; $'2 per week. 4tty Clay st.
THKEE furnished rooms, bath and phona,
with or without noarn. 4U imn.
NICB large furnished room reasonable. 1J
Kast 7th t. Telephone Kast 1T2K -
TWO neatly furnished rooms to business g!lr
oniy. rt.easona.oie. jtiain tVM.
FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms. No
204 Washington st.