The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 01, 1907, SECTION TWO, Page 7, Image 19

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A first-class 8a legman. We lire the larg
est nianufaclurer in. the country of Hi-t
calendars, yhow cards, panels, .blotters,
post cards, etc. We make our entire line
la our ow, n factory, own all the copy
rights, and our designs are positively ex
clusive. We wlh to make arrangements with a
thoroughly experienced salesman to rep
resent us In this state. To the right party
we will make a very satisfactory proposi
tion. (
Address Immediately and we will ar
rant? o for Interview between the loth and
-l h of December.
73 Fifth ave., New York City.
INCREASE yrur Income, get better salary
or fit art paying business of your own.
Learn "show card and sign writing" by
our 32-h sson course In few . week?; de
lta nt Illustrated with information, cor
rections, criticism, etc. ; boats any other
correspondence, course 3 00 per cent at 50
per cenL less price; you are bound to
learn ; sign writers In great demand at
hi? pay ; good outfit free with course;
will tend for inspection (express prepaid),
the complete course, before you send one
penny. Write for further information,
cti.. Educator Publishing Co., ,1212 State
st., St. Joseph, Mich.
large Income assured to anyone who will
act as our representative after learning
our business thoroughly by mail; experi
ence unnecessary; all we require Is hon
esty, ambition, willingness to learn a lu
crative business; no soliciting or traveling;
an exceptional opportunity for those who
desire to better their conditions and make
more money. For full particulars address
lept. 792, B, any office. National Co-operative
Realty Co., 52 Dearborn St., Chi
cago; 507 E at., "Washington, I. C;
Phelps bldg., Scranton, Pa.
BRIGHT YOUNG MBN to prepare for postal
clerks on the railroad: Government Posi
tions; salaries near $70 a month to start and
opportunity for promotion with 'advanced
pay. Must be physically strong and near 5
ft. 6 in. In height. Call today for further
reference. Pacific States School, 013 Mc
Kay bldg.
YOUNG men for firemen and brakemen on
all leading railroads and new lines be-
, lug completed. Firemen, $100 monthly,
become engtheera, $200; brakemen, $80.
become conductors. $150; positions now
open "Write at once for particulars. Na
tional Railway Training School, Inc., 535
Boston block. Minneapolis, Minn.. U. S. A.
Portland and vicinity, to nil vacancies
caused by promotions; experience unneces
sary; state age, height,, weight; firemen,
$100 monthly, become engineers and earn
$200;, brakemen. $75. becoming conductors,
earn $160. Name position preferred. Rail
way Association, care Portland Oregonian.
MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corpora
tion manufacturing household necessity
desires Oregon manager; demonstration In
leading department stores; office fur
nished;, 8 years' contract; salary $2100
and commission good opening for men
of character and ability. Address Man
ager. 643 Snowf lake, bldg., Toledo, O.
SALESMAN Experienced in any line, to sell
general trade on Pacific Coast; liberal com
missions with $35 per week advance. One
salesman earned $lo-t.C4 during lawt three
months, his first experience with us. The
Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
HONEST, sober man with good references
and some money, to invest in profitable
business; can have steady position worth
several hundred monthly at least. Particu
lars call or address. The Coast Realty Co.,
220 Morrison st.
WANTED Experienced calendar and novel
. ty salesman, for Southern and Western
territory for lflnS season. References re
quired at time of making application.
Addrecs, Western Advertising Company,
Lincoln, Neb.
"WANTED Man to solicit orders for a dis
infectant, used In hotels and other public
places: good commission to the right
party; must have references. Answer at
once. Address V 408. care Oregonian.
YOUNG man of good appearance; must be
over 5 feet 0 Inches tall, about 21 ye&ra
of age, as floorwalker and window trim
mer; state former experience, references tnd
alary desired. Address N IDS, Oregonian.
SALESMAN WANTED By large manufac
turer, for vacancy January 1, two travel
ing salesmen, men worth $2500 or more
per year write ; permanent contract to
good men. Address O 400. Oregonian.
PROTECT yourself for $1 per month against
acciuent, sickness and death. writ or
call for full Information. Northwestern
Health and Accident Association. 800
Wells-Fargo bldg. Agents wanted.
Men to learn electricity, plumbing, plastering,
bricklaying, all kinds of drafting and plan
reading; day and night; no books; positions,
Becureu ; free catalog. Uoyne 'l rade tacnooi
230-240 Eighth st.. San Francisco.
WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb
ing, sign and card-writing and design
ing; day and night classes; catalogue
free. Colorado School Practical Plumbing.
lt45 Arapahoe St., Denver, Colo.
WANTED Experienced salesmen for 1008,
Goods sold on long time preposition; espe
cial tv attractive now or that account.
Write for particulars, cAUlster-Coman
Co.. StiO uearborn st., nnicago.
WANTED Detectives; wanttgood men:
oldest secret service X nltetT States; no
experience needed; we rfive full instruc
tions. Write today. American Detective
Association, Indianapolis, Ind.
WANTED Young man. 25 to 30, good hard
worker, as collector on country route for
publishing concern; salary $21 per week
and mileage; references and bond re
quired. L424, Oregonian.
M EN and women to learn barber trade in
eight weeks; graduates earn from $16 to
$26 weekly; expert instructors; catalog A
free. Moler System of Colleges, 85 North
Fourth St., Portland.
CI VIL service examinations will soon be
hold In every state; full information and
questions recently used by commission
free. Columbia Correspondence College,
Washington. l. c.
TRAVELING salesman, railing on country
retailers, can Increase his Income hand
ling our up-to-date line of dry goods sp
cialtles. The Lukewood Company, box
414, Philadelphia.
WANTED Don't work for others; be your
own boss: business opportunities; boon
Just published; descriptive circular sen
frfe. Theodore h-gie & Co., Jiatt uaK st.
Oakland. Cal.
WANTED Druggist to manarce store durin;
owner' absence a few weeks: would pre
fer one who could take some interest or
give security. Drugstore, Williams ave. and
hkuimore m.
DKUVERY drivers wanted by a large de
partment store: onlv men of exerlenc
nnd who know the oily thoroughly, need
apply; give phone number, t 412, ore
WANTED A flrst-claps solicitor. This don
mean cheap canvassers, but a man capa
ble of earning at least $50 a week. Call
on Mr. Jones. Acheson bldg., forenoons.
WANTED Detectives, shrewd, reliable mi
for profitable secret service, to act unde1
orders; no experience necessary. Write H
O. Webster, Indianapolis, Ind.
AJKNTS r ran put you next to a dt-otiobI
lion mot win rci ine coin; f5 to SIO re
quired, fall or a1dpss room 50, hours 1
to fi 1. M.. 4ss Washington at.
plumbing, bricklayinjc. plastering and elec
tricity, evenings. Pacific Trade School.
j!07 Hinckley block. Seattle.
I.AT'dH at hard times; if you are a real
Falownan you siiould make $2r a month;
wanted at once, rt Kalitmen, Monday,
room 4. 107 Sixth street.
GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to
tnrk signs, distribute clrcnlars. samples,
etc.; no canvassing. 247 National Dlat. Bu
reau. ChlraKO. 111.
8AI.KSPEOPLE. bookkeepers, stenograph era,
. collectors, general mds.. shipping, grocer
and bill. Clerks- Registration Bureau. Jttttft
Washington st.
VB pay $.10 a week and expenses to men with
rigs to introduce poultry compound; year's
contract. Imperial Mf. Co., tlep. 64. Par
sons. Kas.
WANTED Bright young man with sraall
capital to work in office or show property;
will teach you the business. T 4J3, Ore
gonian. WANTED One salesman, well acquainted In
'town surrounding Portland; also two city
salesmeriCall to 10 A. M. only. 11!214
6th st.
GCX1 PAY to men everywhere, to tack
signs, distributer circulars, samples, etc.;
nn canvassing. lnlversal Adv. Co., Chl-
RKl.TAHT.E3 salesman can find Immediate and
profitable employment by calling' at room
100, Sherlock bldg., cor. 3d and Oak t.
WANTED A man with some financial back
ing to enter into a well established de
tectlvs business. Postoftic Box 2;7.
WANTED Young men to study telegraphy;
special arrangements regarding tuition lor
a few davs. Oregon College, S. V. cor.
5th and Oak.
W ANTED Reliable man for position as
partner; pay $4 a day; experience un
necessary ; $1 50 required. Call 248 '
Stark st.
A FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and stenogra
pher, one not afraid of work and can mane
himself generally useful. E 412, Orego
nian. MAN to attend to small private har; must
be willing .and able to wait table: state
ago and references. R 420, Oregonian. ,
GOOD cook for short-order and oysters. 3S2
Morrison st.
GOOD advertising solicitor at 147 Front
Applicant for all kinds of work, regis
ter with us, free of charge, so we may
locate you on short notice.
343 Washington St. Cor. 7th. upstair.
WANTED An experienced saleswoman for
art needlework department. Must dp ca
pable of managing department. Apply,
giving experience, references and salary
wanted, Gordon Dry ad ale, Ltd., Van
couver, B. C.
WANTED Young lady for insurance work;
must De good typist; stenographic experience
not essential; salary according to worth and
capacity. Address S 410, care Oregonian.
Give experience, name and address.
WANTED Several ladies to work among
the homes in Portland: ladies who can
devote all or part of their time will do
well to call. Apply 212 Swetland bldg.,
after U:3u Monday or Tuesday.
WANTED Women to distribute samples for
wnoiesaie nouse; salary $18 weekly; work
full or part time; capital or experience
unnecessary. Northwestern Co., 70 D
Como fcik., Chicago. '
WANTED Good general servant only
smart, clean worker need apply; good
wages. Apply Summitt Cottage, 173S
East Stark (corner Base line andsSum
mltt), Mt. Tabor.
WANTED at once, good motherly woman to
iune ma cnarge of home, parents in
business; two schoolboys; no laundry ;
home privileges. 514 20th, cor. Laurel,
Portland Heights.
WANTED Young lady travelling companion
ior maicue-aged lady; spend Winter in Flor
ida. Must be of unexceptional character.
Address W., room 110, Hotel Northern,
Seattle. Wash.
NOT one "Comptometer" operator In Port
land laid off; new ones being put to
work; better get in line. G. Loudon
Darley, sole agent, 416 Wells-Fargo bldg.
WANTED- Respectable lady as housekeeper
by gentleman with two small boys. Chris
tian preferred. Call 065 Tacoma ave.,
Seilwood, phone Sellwood 337.
LADIES, make sanitary belts; materials cut
reaay to sew, per hundred, particu
lars stamped envelope. Mutual Supply
Co., Dept. 760, Chicago.
and situations furnished; real estate and
business opportunities, all kinds, 230
Yamhill. Main 5413.
ANTED Young lady to do light work in
exenange ror part tuition in business col
lege; good chance for a faithful young lady.
T 400, Oregonian.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position, with opportunities for
advancement. Vlavi Co.. 10th and Morrison
WANTED Good girl for general house
worn; i in family; no children. uoou
wages. Call 774 Irving St., In forenoon.
WANTED Girl attending school or work
iug, to worg ior poara ana room; two in
family, easy place. F 424, Oregonian.
WANTED Teachers, grade and rural. $60 per
nw-nm. i ne isk 'i eacnera Agency, izuu-
wiiuams ave. prone wooaiawn ma.
COMPETENT girl for general housework:
must be experienced. 1001 Franklin St., Wil
lamette Heights. Phone Jlaln 2824.
WANTED Neat, respectable middle-aged
nuiitan, nuuMjKwper; jiunisn man, coun
try. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413.
WANTED Neat girl for general housework
ana cooKing. Phone Main 5562. 605 20th st.
Portland Heights'. Aor. Myrtle.
143 Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2092.
WANTED Girl to do good cooking and gen
eral nouse worn; tnree in iamny. Apply
morningj at -40 King st.
EXPERT court reporter from East wants ou-
pus ior snortnana, typewriting and book
keeping, u uu, oregonian.
WANTED Very capable Swedish girl, fam
ily secona worn; wages . call 230
lamniu. main 413.
COOK and general housework; no hardwood
noors; with or without washing. Call
Monday t;ui E. Ash.
WANTED Competent woman for cooking
ana , general housework; good wages; 357
a .in si., cor. ah li.
GIRL to do general housework and assist
with cooking. Apply mornings, 737 John
son street, near 23d.
WANTED Girl for general housework 4n
private family; no cnildren. 87 Prescott st.
Phone Woodlawn 965.
LADIES. $1 every day at borne: stamped
envelope ior particulars. iauies Alu,
Durham. Conn.
WANTED First-claps chambermaid at
once. Apply 300 Jefferson, bet. 5 and 6.
Phone A5343.
WANTED A competent girl for general
housework and cooking. Apply 653 Wash
ington st.
GIRL cr woman, general housework, family
three. S5 E. Alder. Sunday. 190 Fourth
st., Monday.
MIDDLE-AGE lady for cook at private
b ardlng-house. Apply 805 6th St., cor.
WANTED Competent woman cook with ref
ences. Call Monday, 9 to 10, 653 Johnson
GIRL for general housework in small fam
ily; one to sleep home preferred. 401 6th
WOMAN, experienced, for alteration room,
women's garments. Apply Immediately, 171
3d st.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
good wages. 570 Hawthorne Terrace, Main
WANTED A good girl for general house
work; good wages. 735 Irving st. near
Cashiers, book-keepers, stenographers, stors
help. Clerks' Reg. Bureau. U80 Wash. at.
EXPERIENCED woman to do family cooking;
no heavy work; good wages. 31)3 14th.
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work: good wages. Apply 618 Main St.
WANTED A woman for general housework
at good salary. Apply B74 E. Pine st.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid In New Occi
dental Hotel, 1st and Morrison sts.
CHOCOIjATB dipper, experienced. Call arter
10 A. M., Swetland's. 273 Morrison.
GlRt. for general hoiuwwork; three Jn fam
ily. 734 West Main, near Ford.
GIRL, for general housework, small family.
Inquire mornings. 70l Irving st.
WANTED An experienced chambermaid, at
r3 North IRth St., corner Davis.
HAIRDRESSER and manicure, must be
competent. 308 Washington st.
GIRL, or middle-aged woman for country. In
quire Monday, 48 Park at.
WANTED Girl to assist with general houso
work. Apply 747 Glisan.
GIRL to assist with light housework, and care
for children. 494 Leo ave.
WANTED Woman to do housework In san
itarium. 374 E. Market st.
WANTED Housekeeper for two meif. Ad
dress S 424. Oregonian.
EAST SIDE Female Rinployment Office, 122
Grand ave. East 1U55.
GIRL, for cooking and housework. 236 King
st. Phone Main 2511.
WANTED Good cook. Apply mornings, 1085
Thurman st., cor. 32d.
WANTED Girl for housework. 570 East
Madison Bt., near 14th. -
WANTED An experienced girl for second
work. Ill 22d st.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Home- phone B 11 S3.
BE A GRADUATE nurse and earn $20 to
per week. We provide nom atuay
course lectures. Hospital practice, hen
desired. .Employment for students and
graduates. Largest training school in
the world. Write today, free book. Amer-(
lean Training School Nurses, 40 Crllly
bldg., Chicago.
GIRL for general housework.
12 Flan-
ders, corner 22d st.
GIRL wanted at 400 Glisan st., to help with
ngnt nouse worK.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
.yi iiuamooK.
WANTED Chocolate dipper at 4t7 Wash
ington street.
WANTED Girl for light housework.-
,K"v rain si.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
.ortn 22ri t.
MEN and women to learn watchmaking, en
graving and optics; easy terms; positions1
secured: money earned while learning.
Watchmaking. Engraving School, cor. 4th
and Pike. Seattle.
MEN and women to demonstrate and take
orders for well-adverti.ed line of goods; it
will pay you to, investigate this offer. 203
Flledner bldg.
STENOGRAPHERS and bookkeepers will
nnd a helping hand at the Business vm
versity, OS Third street. Secure good
r options.
WANTED A man or woman of experience
to take part in a dramatic vaudeville
sketch. Address X 367. care Oregonian.
GOOD dramatic opening
for pianist. H.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WOULD like position as rales man to handle
macmaery or lounary proposition on or ort
the road : I am a theoretical and practical
machinery and foundry man, draftsman and
mechanical engineer; have had IS years'
experience manufacturing and selling for
large concerns. W 364, Oregonian.
AN experienced traveling salesman recently
arrived from East who can rurntsn best or
references would like to hear from some
good firm In need of a young single and
hustling man; a personal Interview de
sired. Address V 402, Oregonian.
STEADY position as bookkeeper or general
office work; rour -years experience book
keeping; can use typewriter; experience in
hiring and .handling men; best references.
G 385, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and.cashler; steady, temperate
young man; 10 years with Eastern firm;
will consider any clerical position ; first
class references and bond furnished. X 418,
WANTED Position by competent bookkeeper;
several years commercial and bank ex
perience; will accept any position of trust;
gilt-edge reference. Phone Tabor 509.
YOTTNG man. age 25. graduate of law de-
partment of Eastern university, wishes po
sition in law oiriee ; rererences; an inter
view solicited. B 395, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, .stenographer, bill clerk and
general office man with wide experience,
good record and city reference, wants posi
tion bad. E. 415, Oregonian.
GERMAN, aged 27, first-class bookkeeper
unri (virrpsnondPTit in Enzllsh and French.
several years' Shanghai experience, hard
worker. P 400, Oregonian.
TRAVELING salesman wants position In city,
experienced in general office work and ete
nosraphy; can furnish references. D 410,
GROCERY salesman with 8 years experience,
desires a permanent position; best of refer
ence;' capable of taking charge. & SGI, Ore
CLERICAL work In office, experienced In of
fice work and traveling; fair penman and
good at figures. M 4iii. uregonian.
DRY GOODS Wanted a position by thorough
ly experienced man In a country store; mod
erate salary. K 415, Oregonian.
DRUGGIST-wants position In city, young man
25, married, registered in Idaho; references
furnished. Adaress 12 litn st., N.
BOOKS posted, balanced and kept In order at
moderate cost oy ri. . ueiano. puouc ac
countant. Phone East 5701.
WANTED Position as stenographer by young
man of 26; experienced. P 420, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER wants an hour's work each
day; terms reasonable. O 407, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER wants all kinds of copy
work to do. C 419. Oregonian.
DRUG CLERK desires position. Address C
425, Oregonian
Mlscelm neons.
A GOOD Japanese boy wants position as cook,
family or boarding. Call up Tel. Main 2006.
YOUNG Japanese boy wishes situation as
houseboy or schoolboy. A 424. Oregonian.
GET your pressing done; now Is the time. Call
or write Mrs. M. R., 554 Morrison st.
GOOD Japanese laborers want cutting brush,
wood, any Kina worK. io, uregonian.
JAPANESE boy wants a position as general
housework. Address L 423, Oregonian.
KALSOMINING done at $3 per room. 135 3d
Bt. Phone Main 1384, Call for Winn.
GOOD Japanese wants position, as schoolboy
In a small family. X 404, Oregonian. -
YOUNG man. 24, wishes position as elevator
man; experience. C 417, Oregonian.
YOUNG Japanese wants situation at house
work; references. 271 Everett st.
BRIGHT Japanese wishes position as school
boy; no wages. B 425. Oregonian.
GENERAL housecleaning. all kinds of jani
tor work. Main 8004. Thompson.
PARTNER for repertoire company ready to
open. D 423. Oregonian.
WANTED Land to clear, any number of
. acres. K- 421. Oregon Ian.
PL. I I I Hfl f-" ' : ----MmmM-,mmtwt '' ' ' ' MtMM'aMmMtfl"M
-Because you can afford, an auto it doesn't follow that you can afford
to have a good family surrey or. buggy standing yi the shed as dead capital.
You'd better convert it into hard cash as -'quickly as yon can. -
Aud-remember this: . The longer it stands idle, the more the paint will
peel, the more the rust, will corrupt, the shabbier it will look, and the, cheaper
you will have to sell it. . -'. '.'";
Another thing if you have a vivid memory of what you put out for it,
and don't want it to go as charity by all means don't be compelled to sell
it to your neighbors or your relatives. You'll gef the short end of it.' They
always expect a big discount on "friendship. You'll be obliged to give" it
to them because they happen to know some of your little feibles and short
comings. Make a business deal of it. Sell -it to a total stranger who really
wants it as badly as you want to get. rid of it. ' You can make a deal with
him that will be a bargain forboth of yon.' . Tioeate this stranger with an
M lacellan eons.
YOUNG man. experienced on gasoline and
steam cars, motor-cycles, motor-noais,
and 4-cycle engines, also hoisting and sta
tionary steam engines, suction and pres
sure producer gas engines, desires posi
tion paying $5 per week or less. P 413,
LINOTYPE operator-machinist wants situa
tion in country town; nrst-ciasa references;
satisfaction guaranteed ; strictly union and
do not wish to displace union man unless
he wants to quit. Address H 417, Ore
gonian. YIUXG man, married, sober and industii-
ins. wanlii work mlarv nn nhiect: havfl
had some experience paper hanging and
handy with tools. X 421, Ore-
INTERPRETER that speaks English, Greek,
Macedonian, Turkish, tiuigarian, servian
and broken Roumanian, Austrian and Po
lish. Apply G 418. Oregonian.
. 1
ALL-AROUND German, handy with tools.
wishes work as Janitor or porter or some
other kind of employment; moderate wages.
Address N 419, Oregonian.
AN energetic young man attending Holmes
business C ollege wisnes position 10 won
for board and lodging; strong and healthy,
fellow. Call Main 513.
WORK as janitor or running steam boiler:
worked ltt year in one place; can give me
best of references. Wm. Graves Colord, 108
North 21st.
BY young married n)an of experience, posi
tion in grocery store or shipping depart
ment of wholesale house; references. R 418,
Oregonian. ' "
WANTED Work- an experienced, reliable
man win lane contract to gruo a ifw acres
of ground; stony ground not wanted. A 413,
AN A No. 1 adman with lots of originality,
whose work will bring the much-desired
results. Is open for a position. X 419, Ore
gonian. A YOUNG man of college education and good
phvslque Is ready for an adventure or des
perate undertaking. W 403, Oregonian.
WORK wanted for cooks, washers, waiters,
laborers, 4 ranch, dairy, hotel, restaurant
help. "Drake's." 2052 Washington.
YOUNG man would like position In Jewelry
store, with view of learning the business;
references. D 418, Oregonian.
YOUNG Japanese boy wants situation where
he can attend night school. S. Asaml, 91
North 5th St., Portland, Or.
PRESSMAN wants situation; good on cylin
ders and platens; no objection to leaving
city. V 406, Oregonian.
YOUNG man with good habits wishes position
s meat-cutter in country town. Address H.
H. Kllgare, Kelso. Wash.
TREES and roses pruned by one with 25
years experlen ce, reasonable. 385 E. 34th
st. South. D. W. Ellis.
YOUNG man wants position making stove
coils, setting up. repairing; good mechanic.
A 423, Oregonian. w -
CARP15NTER. good tench hand and inside
finish-ir, rea?onrble wages for steady Job.
V 400, Oregonian.
Japanese student wants place as schoolboy;
experienced and speaks English .well. C
423, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS butter-maker and dairy man.
married man. wishes situation. Address G
410, Oregonian.
WINDOW CLEANING, woodwork and floors
a specialty. Main 6573. Evening' 8 to 10.
Thomas Green.
DENTIST desires position in good office,
experience main object. Address S 413,
JAPANESE employment company can bur
nish all kinds of help. Main 4659. 49268
BARTENDER, young man. refined. Intelli
gent; first-class in every way. X 416, Ore
Bookkeeper and Stenographers.
POSITION wanted by an expert stenographer
with knowledge of bookkeeping; eix years
experience; best references. V 403, Ore
gonian. STENOGRAPHER desires menu work of re
ppectable. centrally located retaurant In
exchange for meals. Pacific 427.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer (begin
ner) wants position; small salary. Main
8380. M 423, Oregonian.
FOR a good stenographer, experienced or
beginner, phone Main 4504. Certified for
ability and character.
COPYIST Young lady,
work for typewriter.
neat, quick, wants
Will call. G 401,
A YOUNG lady would like a position In an of
fice: willing and ambitious. C 418, Ore
OFFICE work by, young lady; experienced;
reasonable wages. Call or write 627 Over
ton st.
EXPERT stenographer wishes employment
for few hours eacn aay. & i, uregonian.
COMPETENT stenographer desires position;
reasonable. Telephone Main iuyt.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and book
keeper. Phone Pacific 2024.
CAPABLE young woman, good cook, wants
housework; has email oaoy. loung
Women's Christian Association. Main 5267.
after 10.
TRUSTWORTHY elderly woman desires sit
uation, housework ; small family; no
washing. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413.
JAPANESE girl wants position to do houses
work and plain cooking In email family.
Pacific 2148.
YOUNG lady wishes employment, assisting
with general housewoTk. M 427. Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants a
place to cook. Phon Main 0140.
COMPETENT dressmaker and tailoress de
sires more day sewing; best city refer
ences; reasonable. Phone Sellwood 51.
DRESSMAKING Shirtwaist. shirtwaist
suits, children's sewing: children's coats,
$1.58. 2h6 Broadway. Phone East 4608.
MRS. EMMA J. THOMAS, modiste; tailor
made suits and party gowns a specialty.
30 Wash, bldg. Pacific 727; A 2724.
INFANTS. children's clothing daintily
made, hand or machine work; layettes a
specialty. Phone Main 2420
DRESSMAKING, plain sewing and chil
dren's clothes. Mrs. Wright. 23 Union
avenue, room 23.
DRESSMAKING; shirtwaists. $1; shirtwaist
suits, $X54t; Jackets suits, $5. 320 Park st.
Phone Pacific 630.
DRESSMAKING. tailoring .alteration at
home or by the day. Mrs. Frost, 414 5th.
Main 1322.
SHIRTWAISTS and plain sewing, altering
and repairing neatly done. 208 Market st.
A 4058.
SEWING by day, will go out or take work
home, children's clothes a specialty. Main
MRS. VAUGHAN. experienced dressmaker,
prices low. 302 & East Burnslde st. East
MME. TUTTLE, modiste. f07 Montgomery,
near 10th, M-G car. Phone A 5057.
DRESSMAKING and alterations. 2214 Morri
son, upstairs, suite 21. Main 3223.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants engage
ments. Miss Collar. Main 7224.
FIRST see Angeles Dressmaking Parlors. 242
5th and Main. Pacific 982.
WANTED To talre charge of a rooming
house of 30 rooms or more, by man and
wife, either for salary or on the shares;
best of reference: write or call at 844
Savier. st.
MIDDLE-AGED lady desires position as
housekeeper for widower with children;
would like to leave city; will give best ref
erences. 403 First., flat F. Phone Main
SITUATION WANTED By a widow with
two small girls, as housekeeper in wlaow
er's home; good home more object than
wages. Call 224 1st st., room 10.
WANTED A position as housekeeper In
hotel or roomlng-housj ; capaoie oi taxing
full charge. T 4t6, Oregonian or phont
A 3501.
WANTED Position as housekeeper for
widower in or out of city, by a respectable
widow lady. K 420. Oregonian.
A LADY wants a position as housekeeper
or rooming-house or cooking; reiereucea
given. Phone East 3934.
WIDOW with daughter deelres to keep house
for widower: good home; city only. airs.
Jessie Edwards, Gen. Del. f
WIDOW with child wishes position as house
keeper for widower or bachelor. call or
address 505 E. Couch st.
BY competent woman, hotel housekeeper or
full charge or rooming-nouse; Dest reierence.
Phone Pacific 1586.
COMPETENT woman would like position as
housekeeper, widower s family, in city, it
410, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER In good rooming-house or
widower's home by trustworthy widow. M
422, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AG ED lady wishes position as nurse
for lady and baby or as mother's helier;
best references; city or country. 403 First
st., flat F. Main 0907.
UNDERGRADATE nurse wants a few more
engagements; 13 yea re experience; terms
reasonable. Phone Ea5t 01.
LADY entertains Invalids, aged, children, by
hour, day, month; references. Pac. 071.
YOUNG woman of refinement, with nice
wardrobe, wishes position as companion to
lady, one going South preferred; no ob
jections to lnvana or cniia; pest oi reier
ences. P 422, Oregonian.
REFINED middle-aged, woman wants care of
children In evening, reading aloud or pom
pan Ion's place; references. Young Woman's
Christian Asa'n. Main 5207, alter 10.
FAMILY washingto do, 30c per hour, satis
fact ton iciven. modern conveniences pre
f erred; Tuesday and Wednesday. E 423,
MILLINER Just from the East wishes trim
ming to do at home; will re trim old hats or
make new. uwa Manory ave. rnono w oou
lawn 209.
LACE .curtains washed and stretched. 40
and M cents per pair; also fancy snirt-
watets and nanneis. rnone Main .un.
EXPERIENCED young lady wishes up-stalrs
work and sewing in private family In or
out of city. c 421, uregonian.
WORK wanted for chamber. -family, factory,
camp, restaurant,, laundry" help; both
phones. "Drake's." 2054 Washington.
WANTED Position as teacher In rural dis
trict, near -carline; best references. 1374
E. 14th st. South.
COMPETENT music teachr gives two
piano or mandolin lessons for 75 cents. K
421, oregonian.
WOMAN wants washing, ironing or sweeping.
Thursday and Priday; good reference.
365, Oregonian.
WANTED Bv first-class laundress with
good references, work by the day. R 417
WANTED Housecleaning, washing, ironing,
by day or hour. Mrs. Fred Clarke. Phone
Pacilic 'iisitt.
RiT vounar ladv wishes llEht housework or
clear stoie; will go out of or in town. 414
Glisan st.
WOMAN wants work Mondays and Fridays
in first-class family; references. h,ast
SHIRT WAISTS, cllks and ladies unrlerwea
washed and Ironed at my home. Phone
2333. 4
TWO MARRIED ladles want chamherwork
In a nice place. Call Main 7S4tt. room 25.
COLORED woman wants work by the dny
every day except Monday. Phone Main 1100.
LADY wishes washing. Ironing or cooking by
the t'ay; also takes washing home. A 4002.
ANYONE wishing a woman to work please
phone Main 8217. ask for Mrs. Lemaster.
WANTED A- position as companion to a
refined elderly lady. P 386. Oregonian.
A SCHOOI-GIRL wants a good home In the
district of the Couch School. Main 6855.
WANTED Position as companion or as man-"
aping houseke?per. L 417, Oregonian.
WOMAN" wants day work. Voung Women's
Christian Asn"n. Main 5307, after 10.
ROOMS pnpered or tinted for $3.50, ma
- terlal furnished. Phone Main 8274.
WANTED Washing and house-cleaning.
Phone Pacific 2024. Room 12.
WOMAN wanta work Tuesday.
' and Friday. Phone A 1025.
WANTED By day. washing and sweeping.
- Mrs. Wood, ISO Sherman.
WANTED Chamber work, hotel or lodging
house. N 418. Oregonian.
A WOMAN wants any . kind f work by the
day. H 416, Oregonian.
LA OB CURTAINS laundered
Phone Main 3740.
L WORK by hour or day by capable woman.
Phone Main 43a.
WOMAN wants day work; also plain sewing.
341 6th st.-:
WOMAN wants day work. Phone Main 2209.
A HOMQ company; low premium rates and
high cash values make the policies of the
Columbia Life & Trust Co. easy to sell.
Applv to Jesse R. Sharp, manager of
agents, 214 Cumber Exchange bldg.-
AOENTS WANTED Can you sell goodsT If J
mo. we need you; complete ontnt tree; cash
T weekly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery Co.,- alem. Or.
WANTED AGENTS Legitimate substitute
for slot machines; patented; sells on sight
for $1. Particulars, Glsha Co., Ander
son. Ind.
BIG commission. $4 to $1 endowments, $10
to $1 death; $10 weekly benefits; dues $1.
Brotherhood Endowment, Denver, Colo.
$r00o per year, conveniently positive fo
men and women to manage home sales
parlors for the latest, most attractive and
scientifically Improved dress shoe known
for women and children; 12 sight-selling
original features; previous experience un
necessary; no risk; answer today. Marvel
Shoe Co.. 1U5 Summer st., Boston, Mass.
$8000 yearly positively made introducing
and appointing sub-agents for our Just
patented fire extinguishers. S. Wills, Ciiw
cinnati, made $H00 in one week; experi
ence unnecessary; we give agents exclusive
territory, co-operato with them In every
way, extend credit and offer. a grand op
portunity to secure a fortune. Eagle Tool
Co., B 201, Cincinnati, O.
ACHIEVED AT LAST! The opportunity t
win with little capital; nothing has been
invented since Edison's Phnnoarraoh iO
compare with our motion picture machine
for the home. Agent's most pr6&tabte
field. Write for agency proposition. Hay
den, Manager, 180 Lafayette st., N. Y.
AGENTS wanted to handle a security that
will make large pronts to buyers; it s one
of the best ofters on the market for largj
profits b"st of references as to our stand
salary and good commission paid to
able men. Call 2o7 Couch bldg.
and expenses easily made selling our pop
ular combination policies and appointing
agents; experience unnecessary. Write
Oscar Ekman. 313 Eitel bldg.,. Seattle,
LOCAL, agent wanted In every town, Wash
ington and Oregon; accident ana neaitn
Insurance, old stock co., liberal commission
and policies; references. Address West
ern office. 209 Marquam, Portland, Or.
LIVE arrent with $75 cash, to Invest in
saleable merchandise; act quick. 00 rs.
208 Stark sU,
Suite 31.
We can rent your rooms without trouble
to you: have tenants waiting; Investigate
our system; we aiso sen rooming-nouses.
WANTED To renl houses, cottages, flat.
stores, offices, rooming -houses, etc. Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
WANTED A 4 to 6-room modern flat, cot
tage or bungalow, with gas lor cooking,
not over $1U. Address 44M Bucnanan
bldg. or call A4111. Sunday. 10 to 12.
FURNISHED house. East Side, beyond 12th
st., off canine, or Portland Heights, mod
ern in all respects; state terms; must be
reasonable. W 419, Oregonian.
WANTED By man and wife, no children. 3
or 4 furnished housekeeping rooms; mon
ern, walking distance of Wells-Fargo bldg.;
state terms. X 415, Oregonian.
TWO gentlemen from East Tyant separate
furnished rooms at moderate price aooui
December , ; walking distance. Address
O 409, Oregonian.
WANTED Board and room on Portland
Heights for gentleman and wife with best
of references; state price and location. F
417 Oregonian.
WE can rent your houses or flats; liBt them
witn us to get q,uicK action. riii.iii n
Rental Agency, 315 Couch bldg., 4th, near
WANTED By dental students, board and
room, close in. wun private ramtiy ; state
ternui. Address W 418, Oregonian.
A LADY and son wish two neatly furnished
housekeeping rooms ; reasona Die ; sunny
side preferred. B 424, Oregonian.
LADY wants place to board In private home
on West .Side wnere mere are no oiner
boarders. W 422. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent two or three unfurnished
moms; eaty walking distance; v est bide.
Address 2o2 Yamhill st.
YOU NO lad y. employed.
wants room with
close In. B 410,
board, private iamny,
YOUNG man attending business college wants
place to work for room and board, a loi,
BY two young ladies, two connecting rooms.
furnished or partly turnisneu. i 4iu ure
golnan. TWO gentlemen want room and board In
Danish or Norwegian iamny. n. ure
gonian. WOULD like children to care for at my
home; reasonable charges, rnone racinc
FURNISHED house. 7 to 10 rooms. West
Side, close In. Address Oregonian G 425.
THREE or more unfurnished modern house
keeping rooms. S 422. Oregonian.
WANTED Furnished house. West Side; no
children. Main a oo-j.
W A N TE D To ren t store for shoes. Ad
dress N 400, Oregonian.
est cash prices for all kinds of second-hnnd
goodA. 615 Wash. st. Phone Main 2421.
Spencer & Heckinger. Props., formerly with
Western Salvage Co.
WANTED Men's cast-off elothlng and
hoes: we also buv household furnishings,
hlehest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Peal," 62 N. 3d st. Phone Pacific 1722.
MAIN 5665. 211 FIRST ST.
WAVTEn For cash, a eood sized Victor pho
nograph, the latest style; must be in good
condition; plesse state price. Mrs. Rosa
Brunzel, Condon, Or.
PRINTING press wanted; I want to buy I
hand or foot-power press; write me. Ad
dress P. O. box 6,1, Cottage Grove, Or.
WILL buy diamond If price Is right; must
he perfect; l'A to 1 karat and a bar
gain. S 4U, uregonian.
WILL trade first-class talking machine for
good bicycle. Portland Phonograph
Agency, 128 7th at.
WANTED A complete set of the Century
rtlntlonarv: state uinains ana price.
421, Oregonian. '
WILL buy solitaire diamond ring about ona
carat; must be a bargain; lowest price, al
416. Oregonian.
WANTED Figure on laying 10O ft. square of
flooring in new building. Inquire 21st and
Flandets sts.
CASH paid for furniture fixtures and mer
chandise, huons juain iozt. x. w r.yo.
wanted Good second-hand pool table
. complete. Apply J. D. Mann, 108-110
Fourth fit.
victor or Columbia phonograph In ex
change for first-class dental work. F 419,
WANTED Good standing bookkeeper's desk
and office chair. Phone bt&, o-r JK 4is,
IMPROVED Victor or Star talking machine,
large size; state lowest cash. price. P 418,
PIANO lessons given In exchange for sewing or
assistance In housework dally. B 4l, ore-
WANTED Good second-hand K-flat clarionet
and bass drum. Address A. Close, EiStacaaa,
w k 'T K.r a Ford runabout in good con
dotlon, cheap fpr cash. Box 77, Stayton,
SPOT cash paid for your furniture, prompt
attention always given, rnone
WANTED Horses to board; largest and best
stalls in city. 546 Front st. Phone A 1179
1 PAY cash for household goods. Savage A
Pennell Fur. Co., 345 1st st. Pacific 3 So.
FURNITURE and carpets in exchange for
first-class dental work, k 4i, uregonian.
WANTED All kinds of goods; store and of
fice fixtures, etc Newman, Main 4S.
WANTED A 2 or 3-horse-power motor. Must
be In good order. 106 Second st.
WANTED A 12 or 16-gauge breech-loading
shotgun. M 420, Oregonian.
WANT, to buy second-hand office desk and
chair. E 422, Oregonian.
FOR highest prices on second-hand goods call
Main 2421. . ,
ROOMMATB wanted: have large elegantly
furnished room close In, West Side; rent
$12.50 per month each; gentleman. M 42V,
Furnished Rooms.
No Nicety of Service Is Neglected
at the
There Dining Is Truly a Delight.
Sunday- Dinner Only 75c.
From 4 to S P. M.
Scan This Menu:
Cannpe Lorenzo
Creme of Chicken aux Quenelles.
Queen Olives
Filet of English Sole. Tartar Sauc.
Porames Julienne
Braized Sweetbreads on Toast with
iyast stuffed Young Turkey, Cranberry
Browned Sweet potatoes, Spinach with
Fruit Salad, a la Sargent.
Pumpkin Pie
Neapolitaine Ice Cream
Assorted Cakes
And remember, the quality of service la
excelled only by the superlative delight
gomeness of the viands.
Week Days. Dinner r0c.
American and European
Grand and Hawthorne Avenues. '
Six Canines Pass the Hotel.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington Bte.. newly furnished throughout,
new buhdlng; suites with baths, hot and
cold water In every room. Phone Main
7115. Long-distance phones In all rooms.
WOULD you prefer a room In business cen
ter? You can get one at the Benson. 201 Vj
Morrison et., corner 6th. for $2.60 up per
week. 60c to $!.." day; brick building,
newly renovated, new management.
NEWLY furnished, first-class large front
room; two outside rooms; furnace heat,
phone, bath; close in; reasonable; nice,
homelike place; gentlemen preferred. 470
Main st. phone A2315.
CLOSE! IN Large, well furnished front
room, also one smaller room, in modern
flat; private family; furnace heat; phone.
bath. :uVs 10th st. North, half-block off I
HOTEL KENTON, 18th and Washington sts..
modern rooms, single and en suite ; also
housekeeping; running water; private and
free baths; rates -easonabIe. Pacific 496.
THE WILAMETTE. 8224 Stark, S. W. cor.
Otn st.; well furnished rooms, large ana
light, single or en suite; transient, GOc to
$1; by week. $2 to $5. Pacific 1296.
ONE steam heated outside room, hot and
cold water, tub and shower bath, first
class for gentleman with reference. 494
Morrison, fiat 9, 3d flour.
NICELY furnished front room suitable for 2
gentlemen, furnace heat, electric and gaj
light; reasonable to right parties. 334 4th
K. Phone Pacific 2145.
HOTEL ANTLERS, cor. 10th and Washing
ton sts., all modern conveniences, suites
with bath ; principal carllnes pass ths
door. Phone Main 2333.
SEVERAL nicely furnished suites and
single rooms; rent reasonable; best loca
tion in city. Alpine Flats, 271 Morrison,
corner 4th.
THE ESTES G.-od rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 32 1
Stark, corner 6th Mrs. Maud J. Estes,
LAMBERT Building Renovated, remodeled.
newly furnished; rooms $ per week and
up; modern conveniences. 23 Union Ave.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia. Rooms.
steam h(at. free bath. 50c to $1 a uay; -fa
to $4 week. Phone Pacific 2744. A 5A20.
THE WOODLAND Desirable large front
room, with heat and hot water ; beautiful
grounds; 4 blocks from P. O. 205 Oth st.
THE YALE, 291 i Grand ave., solicits your
patronage ior comrortaoie rooms; quiet
place;- modern conveniences; $11 weekly.
NEWLY furnished front room In private
family of adults; bath, furnace heat, elec
tric lights, telephone. 272 Va Park st.
THE OGDEN. 83 lt. S. W. cor. Oak Mia
large iront rooms, clean, neat; bains, pnone;
Doc to $1 a day; $2 to $4 per week.
FRONT and back parlor, fireplace, hath and
Main 7021, or call 66 North 14th at.
LARGE, bright room, electric light, furnace
heat, porcelain bath, telephone, near busi
ness; reasonable. 392 Columbia.
FURNISHED parlor, suitable for two, two
blocks from Postoffice. reasonable. 308
Salmon st., residence district.
415 TAYLOR, corner 11th, bright, pleasant
centrally located, reasonable, furnished
rooms ; phone, gas and bath.
NICELY furnished rooms In private family;
modern; half block from Multnomah Club;
reasonable. 547 Yamhill.
TWO furnished rooms In beautiful private,
home, all modern conveniences, splendid
location. X 306. Oregonian.
FRONT and outside furnished rooms with
stove?, electric lights; transient and weekly;
reasonable. 1801, Third st.
1 B COCK from Will lams ave. carline, room
large enough for 2 people, with or without
board. 475 Vancouver ave.
NEW furnished room, private residence; fur
nace heat, gas. bath; suitable for 2 gentle
men. 585 East Salmon st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms en suite;
furnished rooms; also lodge room. 567 H
Williams ave., cor. Knott.
NEWLY furnished room, private family. $8;
gentleman preferred. Phone Tabor 467 or
1250 East Salmon.
LARGE, sunn v. rrfeely furnished room, heat
and light ; private houe; breakfast If de
sired. 6H2 Flanders.
181M FIRST ST., cor. Yamhill, nicely fur
nished rooms, en suite or single, reasonable;
permanent or transient.
THE TEMPLE. 348 V Yamhill, opposite Ho
tel Portland; nicely furnished rooms; rates
reasonable: transient.
NICELY furnished rooms and housekeeping,
brick building, reasonable. 342 1st st.
Phone Pacific 1022.
LARGE front room; running water, furnact
heat; one single room. The Hawthorne,
13th and Salmon.
NICE large rooms suitable for two, private
residence: walking distance. Main 7224.
149 Lownsdale.
NEWLY furnished rooms, modern, close in,
private family; gentlemen only. 215 12th
st. Phone A 5692.
WARM, nicely furnished room, one or two
gentlemen; private house; no sign. 474
Yamhill St.
FINE, newly furnished rooms: hot water,
gas and .bath. 554 Morrison st. cor.
NICELY furnfehed front room, bath, phon;
suitable for two men. 173 16th St., cor.
TWO furnished mns. modrrn conveniences,
furnace hat, walking distance. 332 Jack
sou st.
MOST desirable room for gentleman, private
family; breakfast If desired. Phone Pacific
050 i 3D ST. Furnished front mom, $8 ;
use of kitchen; furnished- fiat, 3 rooms.
THE EL WOOD Newly furnished; $2 to $5
wk; also transient rooms. 343 Vi Morrison.
ROOM, nicely furnished, hot and cold water,
close In. 211 12th St. - Phone Main 7704.
QUIET room, modern house, private fam
ily; party employed preferred. Main 7HH.
LARGE, sunny, south room, gentleman; ref
erences. 130 E. 16th., corner B. Morrison.
cold water, all rooms.
7 14th t.
NIC 12. clean 'modern furnished rooms lor
rent cheap. Cafl 667 Eerett st.
LADY has room to rent, home comforts; no
other roomers. 570 Williams" ave.
NICE unfurnished rooms with fine view. In
quire 188 Arthur St.. near Front.
FURNISHED ROOMS Hotel Mason, 247
5th st.; $1.60 per week and up.
FOR RENT Furnished room, with break
fast. C81 East Morrison St.
WITH board, home cooking; English fam
ily. 889 Alder St., cor. loth.
FRONT suite, nicely furnished, private fam
ily.' Main 3549. 328 14th St.
WILL share expenses with couple In mod
ern Mat. 28 N. 16th st.
A'RNISHBD rooms. 181 Chapman at.
FRONT -room to rent. 21 Morris street.