The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 24, 1907, SECTION TWO, Page 9, Image 21

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35 acres, large apple orcharu ; will exchange
for good house and lot In Portland; the
apple crop will pay for. the place In 2
120 acres. 7H miles from Hood River;
ha 5-room house and barn; price 98'fOO;
will exchange.
One 10-acre, tract. 960. also a 14 -acre
tract for $lv0t. for city property.
W. H. LANG. 266 Stark at.
Valuable patent right, household neces
sity, for equities or vacant. 233 Worces-
ter bldg.
fttuilnc stock and cash for payment on
btnall horned Phone A 1215. ,
. Varant lot as flrsL payment on cottage
on East Side. Phone A 1216.
New set r. S. Repts, C. C. A. for Pac.
Rep'tr. or equity. A 1215.
Vacant lot ir. Portland for account in
Or. Trust & Savings Bank. A 1215.
WILL EXCHANGE my old established
country ftore doing a yearly business of
$28,000 and clearing over $3000 a year
for good farm, Ycmhill Count v preferred,
value $7ioo; if you offer, give all the
particulars, and lowest price: scheming
propositions not considered at all; the
stun has to be well worth what you ask
F FUOHS. 221 4 Morrison at.
AN eUgant 12-acre tract, mostly bottom land,
all In cultivation; some b'.arlng fruit, on
ood gravel road. clove in; 8c carfare;
handy to graded school ; choice building
fcpet; will trade for small house and lot In
21" Ablngton bldg.
Do you want elegant home with beautiful
grounds, near Chicago, or two 8-room cot
tage? Also 14 acres of fine fruit land,
with lovely view, near New York City.
Will trade for anything of equal value be
tween the North Pole and equator. G 4.
EQUITY of $400 In splendid view lot on
Council Crest, with line t.hade trees and
protected from winds; cost $750. worth
9850 today ; water furnished If needed ;
will exchange for account in Merchants
National Bank Address A 408. Ore
gonian. TIMBER.
160 acres, all lies on gentle slope, nearly
ail covered with heavy body timber; fronts
on good road, 2 miles from Tillamook City,
l miles to Netartd Bay, to trade for
house and lot.
217 Abingtun bldg.
DEPOSITORS in closed banks, we trade you
lots even, lots not advanced and you don't
spread your money out as first payments
leaving a cash balance equal to value of
lot. as real ectato firms offer. Investigate
R. L. Edmonston, ;ttl Commercial Block,
Second and Washington,
A PELF-SUPPORTING home. 8 acres, well
Improved, on carllne. 3c fare ; will ex
change for Inside incumbered residence,
close In, with good neighbors. Want a
home to tost $10,000 to $12,000 V 382.
WHEAT farms of from 200 to 2000 acres
earh. paying 10 per cent Interest on prices
aekd, to exchange for InoOBM property in
Portland; good modern residences will be
cnrldered. Inquire room 15 Lafayette
WHAT have you to exchange for some un
improved factory or warehouse property
worth $8000, located In excellent warehouse
district, on Bist Side? For particulars
Inquire owner, room 15 Lafayette bldg.
WILL trade for Title Guarantee A Trust
deposit $tum at face value, best i section
timber In Clackamas County, near Oregon
City, will cruise 7.000.000 250 Alder,
corner Third, room 1.
1C0 ACRES to plat at Coos Bay; best money
making preposition on the Coast. wu.
exchange for city property or merchandise.
Forb?3 & Mamer. 007 Buchanan bldg.
160 ACRB6 of good land, Southern Oregon,
and equity in East Side lots close In.
will trade for improved city real estate,
91736 worth. M 407, Oregonian.
FOR EXCHANGE One residence lot, Ivan
h6e, W.-W. car; take span of horses or for
2 or 3 cows part payment. Inquire at 41st
t. and Vivian ave. Brown.
$0600WORTH of fine residence lots, 1 block
from carllne. in fastest-growing part of
Portland, for improved farm. N 388,
$4000 Good personal notes to exchange for
unincumbered house, or good clean unin
cumbered rooming-house. I'hone A 1332.
H geveir.
SIX good working horses and .harness for
vacant lots. K 305. Oregonian.
A MNE Udy's gold watch for a cow. N
1C0, Oregonian. .
Hursrs. Vehicles and Harness.
FOR SALE. Pair bays, weight 3150 lbs., 8
and 10 years, in fine condition ; no better
worker in Portland; will be sold way down
cheap ; 1 blocke y , 5-yea r-old, broke si ngle
and double, weight 1100 lbs.; all kinds bug
gies, cart?. 2 seta heavy names. 1 set
tight harness. 2 sets single harness. 350
Laild A Reed farm. Bachelor Island. 700
acres fine pasture ; large barns; stock put
up every night; daily boat to and from
place. D. E. Keasey. room 7, Chamber of
Commerce.' Both phones.
BA ROAIN $M buy bay horse 8 year old.
w tight !20o. works ringle or double; $80
buvs bpy horse, good worker any place,
weight 1120. Call today or Monday. 294
VA NT ED Three good teams for farm
work; will trade pianos, pianolas, organs
for same, on ltbernl basis. Address EUers
Piano Hou. c. ;t.".:t Washington street. Port
land. TK VM of work horses, weight 2830; good
pullers, with harness; bargain ; matched
team 'f grays, weigh 2900. with good heavy
harness. 204 Montgomery.
PAIR of 4 year-old mares, black and bay.
chunky built, weigh 2550; stylish and gen
tle; will sell at bargain ; part time If de
sired. 214 Montgomery.
ON E heavy draft tenni. harness and wagon ;
alo one 1100-Ib. teant and 5 other horses;
muM sell at once. Nobby Stable", 12th and
Ff'R SALE A splendid horse. 7 years old.
weight 1 100 lb;. ; registered and an excel
lent roadster. G. McGrecory. 148 5th, room
FOR SALE Gentle saddle horse, good trav
eler and good gait. A. M. Webster, 10S
B 34th st. Tabor 19.
$225 New buggy and harness, city broke
mare, also good suldler, cost $300. Dex
ter Stables.
FOR SAI.K Feed store; good business, good
team and wagon ; invoice. Phone East
BEAUTIFUL Mark driving horse, very styl
ish; harness and buggy Phone Sell wood
FOR BALK Two teams, weight 24V and
000; god sotini horse. 320 Union ave.
Hubert Hall. 2rt 4th. dealers In hcrses
and vehicles; horses and vehicles for rent.
THRFK cheap work hordes. McMahnn
Brow., 4 4t h nnd Dl If Ion sts.
Pin no.
OWING to sickness mu.t sacrifice my nw
hlsh-grsde piano: can arrange for liberal
lermr to resionslble narty. Call or address
4B K. Mndlnn t.. city.
KIM H A LI. pmno. nearly new ; will sell
- heap for cash only. D 4w. Oregonian.
X1ZW piano for xsle cheap. Telephone Main
Mivinii -picture machines. applies, repairs,
fll!i: slid; bargains. Stevens, 165U 4th st.
FOR SALE (r lease, double drum hoisting en
gine, perfect condition. 452 Sherintk bldg.
Mortne;-pBtra machine, f.lmi and slides.
rented and exchanged. w-eis$r. 35 Stsrk at.
Ft R SALE Two fresh cows, opposite store,
SoUtb Mount Tabor, phone Ea?t 4377.
V R SALE cheap. Twin go-cart, reclining;
good a? new. See at S75 Front st.
OS K long black crushed plush mat. rlze 36;
never worn 570 Main. Main 2620.
CORRUGATED iron rooflag. new and second -hand
J Simon. 244-246 Front.
YOl'NG Alien row, cheap. Call at 1037
Ftea 12th st. N.. Alberta car.
ClOSX! figures. first -class work. Eagle
Print Inir Co.. :is Russell bldg.
C RRUGATED Iron roofing, new and second
hand J. Simon, 214-246 Front.
A GOOD Remington typewriter for sale;
price 2 K 402. Oregonian.
SCOTCH collie puns. 3 months old Walter
Rosv.'urm, Forest Grove. Or.
WILL you take an upright piano, good mus
ical quality, but not very pretty, for $63
cash ? We have another, a nice little
Fischer, for $85 cash; a superb genuine
Decker, surely worth $450. now $210; a
Jacob DolL the hlgheet -priced fanciest
style made by this factory; this piano was
left with is to sell quickly by party leav
ing town; what will you give? Cash or In
stallments. A couple of pianolas, at almost
half price; several excellent square pianos
for a mere song we want them out of
the way. and need the money. Ellers
Piano House. 351 Washington street.
For Sale or Trade.
For groceries, meats, or anything to eat
for man or beast :
Remington typewriter No. 6 (almost
One Hallwood cash register (almost
New and second-hand bicycles.
The Sutro. 5-room houseboat (a dream)
Second-hand automobiles. $175 up.
7th and Oak Phone M 525 Afternoons
STEAMER "PEARL" for sale, everything In
first-class jhape. equipped with a 7xS WU-
lard engine, 140 lbs.' steam pressure, draws
S ft. 6 Ins.. length 45 ft, beam 10 ft.; gross
tonnage, 10 torn, net 8 tons. Can be seen
working at Cascade Locks. Apply owner.
J. W. Taylor. Cascade Locks.. Or.
FOR SALE 10 cows. 7 heifers, full-blood
Jerseys, No. 1 stock; also 2 hulls for serv
ice; milk wagon and butter equipment;
for sale or trade, a No. 1 Simplex sep
arator. J. A. Zimmermann, Milwaukle,
Or. R F. D. No. L
60 SLIGHTLY damaged sewing machines at
very low price; Singer. Wheeler A Wilson,
Domestic. White, Household, Davis and
others; to make room for new stock.
Wheeler 4 Wilson and fcingere. 9. S. Sigel.
336 Morrison st., Marquim bldg.
28-OAUGE double-barrel shotgun with 150
rounds assorted) loaded paper shells;
gun bought for lady; weighs only I lbs.;
tine bird gun ; complete with canvas car
rying bag; $10 if sold at one-. Dr. Fred
R. Baker. 507 Madison st. W-
FOR SALE" New and second-hand billiard and
pool tables; easy payments; we rent tablee,
with privilege of buying; modern bar flx
M tures; cheap prices. Brunawlck-Balke-Col-lender,
40 Sd st.
ONE TIN or leather-covered strapped
trunk, $1.50; genuine leather-strapped
valise, $1.25; electric iron extension cord.
$2.50; will deliver free. P. 367. Oregonian.
DOG-S. pigeons, poultry, rabbits, pheasants,
ferrets and swine for sale. Send 10c for
H-pge Illustrated catalogue. Keystone
State Kennels, Dept. A G, Reading. Pa.
ART exhibition for Xmas. On account of
the financial flurry we are forced to sell our
entire stock at cost. Artistic framing a
specialty. Art Emporium. 348 Alder.
SCOTCH collie, handsomest, best bred, tri
color In the North wee, one of the best in
the country; worth $160 a year for stud ;
2 ears old; price $60. 293 Alder.
1000 cords on hand, delivered same day as
order Is received. Home phone A 1534. The
Nobby Stables. 12th and Flanders.
FREE SHINE Hair cutting 25 cents at the
Modern Barber Shop; the finest 0-chalr
shop In the city; only the best of barbers
employed 01 Sixth street.
several launches to fill orders. See us for
t 'all bargain. 171 Madison st. Phone
Main 7408. Home A 3387.
FOR SALE: 'Flat-top desk and office chair,
quarter-sawed oak ; used less than two
weeks. Call !) to 12 Monday. 530 Lumber
FOR SALE: Second-hand Ford runabout,
good condition, $350. extras Included ; can
be seen at Bennett's garage. 15th and
barrels and bottles bought and sold. 43
N. Front st. Phone Main 6S72. or Main
LOGGING and hoisting engines for sate or
rent Railway Equipment Co.. 324 Cham
ber of Commerce. Main 2363. A236
CHOICE $450 corner lot, Mt. Scott line,
dose In: must sell; $300, $75 down, $10
month ; quick. C 403, Oregon Ian.
WA NT ED Piano, ptandard make, good con
dition, walnut or mahogany esse preferred;
BtUaS be reasonable. Main MM.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Birmingham
and Oriental Roller pigeons. Call cigar
store, 5th and Morrison sts.
FOR SALE Throe fine cocker spaniel pup
pies, six week old. Theo. Hewett, 1223
Everard st.. Woodstock. Or.
BARGAIN; bicycle, coaster, mud guards,
lami. good tires, only $10. Portland Pho
nograph Agency, 128 7th.
BUY or sell furniture, stove and household
goods. Call Main 9314 or A 2327. We went
your trade. The Dollar.
ONE 5 H. P. 220 volt general electric induc
tion motor; cheap as dirt for cash. In
quire 412 Couch bldg.
THREE practically new Underwood type
writers for sale at a bargain. Address
H 41 3. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow with 2 heifer
calves; big milker. 107 Holgate at., or
phone Sellwood 488.
FOR SALE Air-tight wood heater, pipe and
xlnc complete ; new. Call Monday A. M.,
540 Taylor street.
FOR SALE Furniture for five rooms; will
sell any part you want or all. cheap. Call
72t,i Johnson st.
GREAT DANE female, also fox terrier pup
pies. Christopher & Young, Arleta. Or..
Millard ave.
M'KINLEY monument souvenir postcards,
fine view; dozen, postpaid, 5c. D- F. Long,
Canton, Ohio.
DON'T neglect your roses; order manure
from Smith's Dairy, at once. Phone Main
CORRUGATED iron roofing, new and second
hand. J. Simon. 244-246 Front.
2-YEAR-OLD choice roses, 10 and 15 cents.
Phone East 1200 or B2205.
FOR SALE Bull terrier puppies. 002 East
18th t.. near Powell "st.
FOR SALE Dayton Automatic Computing
Scale. N 414. Oregonian.
WHY not buy a Navajo blanket or rug for
Xmas. 565 Wash. t.
FOR SALE 2 A No. l heating stoves.
Phone East $401.
PIERCE bicycle, almost new. at fialf price.
380 Hancock st.
GOOD watch dog for alo Main 0049. 430
11th t.
AN experienced grocery man as a solicitor
for tne West Side; none but first-class men
need apply. D- C Burns io., 210 3d st.
SHOE salesman, young man. with two or
three years' experience. Call today. Com
mercial Abstract On.. 323 Wash. st.
DR YGOODS salesman, young man. with
2 or 3 years' experience, call today. Com
mercial Abstract Co.. 323 H Wash. st.
W ANTED Young mnn for office business;
must, have $130 and references; will make
$88 per week. Call 180 Fourth street.
and girls 16 years or over; good positions
to bright and active applicants.
YOlTNG man to go in business for himself;
small Investment; opportunities unlimited.
Call Monday A. M.. 243 Stark.
DENTIST wanted, all-around man to take
charge of a new office. Apply Chicago
DeiyiMs. 6th and Washington.
EXPERT court Reporter from Bast wants pu
pils for shorthand, typewriting and book
keeping. C 299, Oregonian.
MEN to distribute circulars, samples, tack,
signs; good pay. no canvassing. Oliver.
Ballard bldg.. Chicago.
SALESMAN for household article. 13.50
commission each sale, or salary; good man.
16 Washington block.
OODTl'RNER Thorough, competent turn
. er to get out regular stock pattern columns.
Westport Lumber Co.
PRINTERS apprentice who has had years
experience; good chance for advancement.
S 867. Oregonian.
FOR S AI.V Leading DhOtO Sturi'n- sin co ...
payments, Jacobson Realty Co.. Belling- '
ham. Wash.
California Wine Do pot. headquarters for cook
and helrers 148 4th st. Pac. 2183. P. Doratl.
50ti MEN wanted Free shaves and haircuts.
234 Couch st. Moler Barber College.
WE secure positions for our members; spe
cial membership $2. Y. M. C. A.
AGENTS Opportunity of lifetime; no ex
perience necesssry; Mr cash profits daily;
one agent made $21 Tn one hour; every
one will buy : we issue more accident
and sickness policies than any other simi
lar company in the world; we give the
most popular and cheapest Insurance
written; new plan. $1 year pays for $500
policy; no assessments or dues; other
amounts in proportion. Death benefit;
weekly indemnity; free medical attend
ance; original popular features; either six.
All claims promptly and liberally settled;
insurance assets, $500,000. Reliable rep
resentatlves wanted everywhere; exclusive
territory: liberal permanent Income. In
creasing each year, absolutely sure. Ad
dress International Corporation, 181
Broadway (Dept. C), New York-
INCREASE your Income, get better salary,
or start paying business of your own.
L.arn "show card and sign writing" by
our 32-lesson course, tn few weeks; ele
gantly II leu t rated with information cor
rections, criticism, etc.; beats any other
correspondence course 100 per cent at 50
per cent less price; you are bound to
learn; sign writers in great demand at
big pay; good outfit free with course; will
send for inspection (express prepaid ) the
complete course, before you send on
penny. Write for further information,
etc. Educator Publishing Co.. 1212 State
St.. St. Joseph, Mich.
LOCAL representative wanted A large in
come assured to any one who will act . as
our representative after learning our busi
ness thoroughly by mall ; experience un
necessary; all we require is honesty, am
bition and willingness to learn lucrative
business; no soliciting or traveling an
exceptional opportunity for those who de
sire to better their conditions and mak
more money. For full particulars address
Dept. 702 B. any office. National Co
operative Realty Co., 52 Dearborn st..
Chicago; 507 E st.. Washington. D. C.
Phelps bldg.. Scranton. Pa.
YOU can earn from $2000 to $10,000 a yeai
and your expenses as a traveling sales
man. We will teach you to be one in
eight weeks by mall and guarantee you
a cositton with a reliable firm. No former
experience required; hundreds of calls for
our graduates. Write for our free cata
logue, "A Knight of the Grip." today ,
It will interest you. Address National
Salesman's Training Association. 700 Scar
ritt bldg.. Kensas City. Mo., or Lumber
Exchange bldg , Minneapolis, Minn.
WANTED Experienced salesman to sell ex
clusively In Oregon during 100S a com
plete and popular line of imported and
domestic calendars, signs and advertising
goods; man of high character, good edu
cation, capable of earning good money
arid able to show a record as successful
road or city salesman; liberal contract;
knowledge of line desirable but not abso
lutely necessary. Write immediately.
Bennett-Thomas Mfg. Co., 152 West Van
Buren st., Chicago, III.
SALESMEN WANTED To cover railroad
and country towns, who can furnish ref
erences and bond, to carry, on commission,
an establirhed line of staple goods which
sell to drug and general stores on excep
tional terms. Could be carried to advan
tage as a side line. Address, statins age
and experience and lines now carried.
C. C. S.. Frcdonla. N. Y.
YOUNG men for firemen and brakemen on
all leading railroads and new lines be
ing completed. Firemen, $100 monthly,
become engineers, $2K: brakemen, $80,
become conductors, $ 150; positions now
open Write at once for particulars. Na
tional Railway Training School, Inc., 535
Boston block, Minneapolis, Minn.. U. S. A.
SALESMAN An Eastern corporation must
have at once for city and State an ex
perienced wide-awake salesman; must be
energetic, of good address and furnish Al
references; Increasing Income to right
party ; state age, present Income and ex
perience; confidential. A 407. Oregonian.
Portland and Iclnlty. to fill vacancies
caused by promotions; experience unneces
sary ; state age. height, weight ; firemen,
$100 monthly, become engineers and earn
$200; brakemen, $75. beccmlng conductors,
earn $150. Name position preferred. Raii
w ay Association, care Portland Oregonian.
MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corpora
tion manufacturing household necessity
desires Oregon manager; demonstration In
leading department a tores; office fur
nished; 3 years contract; salary $2100
and commission good opening for men
of character and ability. Address Man
ager. 543 Snowflakc bldg., Toledo, O.
SALESMEN Big money and pleasant
buslncsv selling new department to re
tailers; very profitable and desirable;
nothing like it ever before offered; only
those who can give bet of references
nerd apply. Address Berner, 508-40 Dear
born st.. Chicago.
SALESMAN A large business can offer an
excellent opportunity to a good man de
siring permanent employment with In
creasing Income In city; must be of good
addre and a huntler ; state ace. pres
ent Income and experience. H 401. Ore
gonian. WANTED Honest man, cashier in restau
rant ; references anil $5O0 required, se
cured. Particulars, The Gokat Realty Co.,
220 V Morrison st. ; also man to keep plain
accounts, h indie cash. etc.. small capliai
and good references.
LARGE wholesale house paying its sales
men $150) per year and expenses to sell
piaple line to general trade, desires two
more men for 11M)S, to commence work
at once If possible. Address John S. Al
ia m. Detroit. Mich.
RAILWAY mall clerks to prepare for coming
examination, salaries over $800; promotion
and pay certain; clerks and carriers to pre
pare at once as examinations may be called
anytime. Pacific States Schools, 513 Mc
Kay bidg.
YOUNG man of good appearance; must be
ove-r 5 feet 8 Inches tall, about 21 yeans
of age, as Ho or walker and .window trim
mer; state former experience, reference and
salary desired. Address N 19S, Oregonian.
PROTECT ycucsslf for $1 per month against
accident, sickness and death. Write ur
call for full information. Northwestern
Health and Accident Association. SOU
Wells-Fargo bldg. Agents wanted
WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb
ing, sign and card-writing and design
ing; day find night classes; catalogue
free. Colorado School Practical Plumbing,
1 045 Arapahoe st.. Denver, Colo.
WANTED JetecUves; we want good men;
oldest secret service In Cnited State?; no
experience needed; wc give full Instruc
tions. Write today. American Detective
Association, Indianapolis, Ind.
MEN and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks ; graduates earn from $15 to
$25 weekly ; expert instructors; catalogue
free. Moler System of Colleges, 35 North
Fourth st., Portland.
WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers,
stenographers, clerical men ; positions now
open; city, country; salary $000 to $1800. Call
or write. Commercial Abstraft Co.. 323 H
Washington street.
CIVIL service examinations will soon be
hold In every state ; full Information and
question recently used by commission
free. Columbia Correspondence College.
Washington, D. C.
WANTED Don't work for others; be your
own boss; business opportunities; book
Just published ; descriptive circular sent
free. Theodore Egle & Co., 85S Oak St.,
Oakland, Cal.
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with
staple line; high commissions with 9 loo
monthly advance ; permanent position to
right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit,
MJch. v
WANTED Two good salesmen for a line
which the hard times have not affected. Call
between 0 and 12 A. M.. second floor. Ache
son building, 148 5th et.. and ask for Mr.
MEN to learn plumbing, plastering, brick
laying and draughting, day and night; no
books; positions secured; free catalog. Coyne
Trade School, 280-240 8th at.. San Francisco.
COMPETENT, reliable restaurant man. to
open medium -priced restaurant In new
building, will finance or partly finance
same. W. L. Morgan. 213 Abington bldg.
WANTED Salesman for Oregon and Wash
ington for glove line; strictly commission ;
references required. Standard Glove Works.
722 Gough St., San Francisco, Cal.
WANTED -Three chain men for railroad
survey. Northern California ; further in
formation address W. J. Farey. 229 In
vestors bldg., San Francisco, r
plumbing, bricklaying, plastering and elec
trtcitv. evenings. Pacific Trade School.
307 Hinckley black. Seattle.
SIX weeks' Instruction In salesmanship; po
sition as traveling salesman with respon
sible firm guaranteed. Address Bradstreet
System, Rochester, N. T.
MEN wanted everywhere. distribute sam
ples, circulars, etc.. 93 to 99 thousand ;
permanent occupation. American I'nlon.
Pontlaj bldg.. Chicago.
WANTED Man with cash to purchase two
drafts on T. G. A T. Co., face value 930
each ; your price takes them. Address
D 409. Oregonlsn.
SALESPEOPLE, bookkeepers, stenographers,
collectors, general mds.. shipping, grocer
and bill. Clerks Registration Bureau. 3S6Vi
Washington st
HONEST, sober man with references and
small capital can find steady position do
ing light office work, good pay. etc. Par
ticulars, call or address The coast Realty
Company, 226 4 Morrison St.; no triflers
TOOL sharpener, 93; teamsters, laborers, $2;
some work coming In daily; see us for
work Monday.
20 North Second St.. 250 Burnslde St.
GOOD, all around blacksmith. especially
horseshoeing, steady work year around,
only first-class mechanic need apply ;
wages 4 per daj . Apply OS 5th st., or ad
dress Chas. Wilson. Burns. Oregon.
RESPONSIBLE parties to sell stock In cop
per mine In Idaho; absolutely a gocd In
vestment. Address- P. O. Box 645 or R
i"V Oregonian, stating territory wanted and
WANTED A man who thoroughly under
stands mixing concrete, one who can in
vest $500 In profitable business and take
charge of factory. Address N 411, Ore
gonian. FREE SHINE Hair cutting 25 cents at the
Modern Barber Shop; the finest 9-chalr
shop In the city; only the bast of barbers
employed. 01 Sixth street.
PARTY with 9150. movlng-plcture machine,
or four people vaudeville show ; have good
black top. For particulars address Fenn
& Robert, Kelso. Wash.
PARTY with small capital to take third in
terest In good paying business; take charge
book and handle all money. Call No. 80
Grand ave.. cor. Stark.
GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack
signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no
canvassing. 247 National Dlst. Bureau.
Chicago. 111.
WANTED Young men to study telegraphy;
special arrangement regarding tuition few
days only. Oregon College, S. W. cor. 5th
and Oak.
WE psy $"6 a week and expenses to men with
rigs to introduce poultry compound; year's
contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept. 54. Par
sons, Kas.
WANTED Honest man for position that
pays you $4 a day as partner; experience
unnecessary; $3p0 required. Call 24SV4
Stark mt.
GOOD PAY To men everywhere to tack
signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.;
no canvassing. Universal Adv. Co.. Chi
cago. WANTED Portrait solicitors; good proposi
tion; cash i every night. National Art
Co.. 148 5th. Acheson bldg.. 10 to 12, 2
to 5
LADY and husband offer good home to boy
12 to 14. would adopt if satiaf actory. Box
47. Route 1, Banks, Washington County.
DOCTOR for out of town at once; fine open
( Ing. Answer, P 411. Oregonian.
"WANTED A good baker on bread and
pies. Apply E 403, Oregonian.
GOOD opening for bright young man with
$2r0. 225 Fifth mt.
WANTED Man to do tile draining. Inquire
325 Ablngton bldg.
WANTED -MMwnwf K-.v. Bushong & Co.,
89 Park et.
A hustling, live salesman is wanted at 214
Couch bldg.
GOOD advertising solicitor at 147 Front
MIDDLE-AGED woman for housework.' pri
vate family; no children; must be neat and
careful, good cook , wages $25 month to
right woman. Lock Box ' C," North Bend.
A FIRST-CLASS seambtresa to take 'charge
of silk department of manufacturing cor
poration ; must have $50O to $1000; refer
ence required. M 410, Oregonian.
LADIES, make sanitary belts; material
cut ready to sew. $12 per hundred. Par
ticulars stamped envelope. Mutual Spe
cialty Co.. Dept. 680, Chicago.
WANTED Girl attending school or work
ing to work for room and board ; two in
family; aty place. Give telephone num
ber. It 410. Oregonian.
and HtuattonK furnished; real estate and
busimss opportunities, all kind, aHO1,, Yam
hill. Main 5113.
GIRL for house v. ork in small family ; mus
be capable; good wages. Young Women's
Christian Association. Main 507. Mon
day after lo.
SALESGIRLS for toy and art goods, alpo
to tend door ; must be over 16 years and
live w 1th parents. Apply to McAllen &
WANTED Apprentices for French private
millinery; also errand girl; wages while
learning trade. Madame Bodle. 208 Til ford
LADIES, don't worry about hard times, $25
will start you In a business clearing $25 a
week; write for particulars, p. O. Box 221.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position, with opportunities for
advancement- Vlavi Co.. 10th and Morrison
A TEACHER from the East will give two
lessons on the piano for 75c; beginners
and children a specialty. K 4O0, Oregonian
WANTED A neat-appearing high school
girl about 10, to help with housework
Saturdays. Address B 4iSt Oregonian.
WANTED Teachers. Rracie anJ rural. $60 per
month. The Fisk Teachers' Agency. 12i0
Williams ave. Phone Wuodlawu 1118.
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work ; no waphlng: good wage. Apply 229
Cornell Road, head of Love joy St.
WANTED Respectable woman an housekeep
er, by widower; no objections to woman
with daughter. B 402, Oregonian.
and girl 16 years or over; good positions
to bright and active applicants.
343V4 Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs
Phone Main 2692.
DOWNSTAIRS work and cook where other
girl Is kept; good wag a If good cook; no
hardwood floors. 91 E. Ash.
WOMAN cook, hotel. boardlng-houe. wait
re ases, neat housekeeper., chambermaids
H0M Yamhill. Main 5413.
EXPERT court reporter from East wants pu
pils for shorthand, typewriting and book
keeping. C 209, Oregonian.
WANTED Immediately, good woman house
keeper, country: no objections one child.
BOH Yamhill. Main 5413.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework. Call forenoons, 260 Grand ave.
North, cor. Multnomah.
A GIRL tt assist tn general housework; fam
ily of three; no children. 234 Eaat 3d st. N.,
HolladaOy'- Addition.
Cashiers, bookkeepers, stenographers, store
help. Clerks' Registration Bureau, ,1HH
Washington street.
WANTED Lady for permanent position on
salary $50 per month ; references required.
D 410, Oregonian.
LADIES $1 every day at home; stamped
envelope for particulars. Ladles' Ala,
Durham, Conn.
FOR general work, small family, no children
pleasant room. Phone East 3234. Address
622 Tillamook.
WANTED Two in private boarding-house,
one for kitchen and one for dining-room. 77
West Park.
W ANTE D Ex pe rlen ced girl f or cook ing ;
reference req ilred. Apply morning, 779
Marshall st.
WANTED Women for housework, generally-
helpful In apartment. 5 rooms. 533
Everett st.
WANTBD A good rooming-house. Lady,
address M 41 1 , care Oregonian ; give re
ferences. EAST RIDE Employment Office; sj kids
of female help wanted 122V Grand are.
East 1055.
WANTED Good girl for general housework;
three In family; good wages. 1203 E. Tay
lor. ! WANTED A young girl to assist in general
j housework and cooking. 321 6th. cor. Clay.
HAIRDRESSER and manicure; must be
competent. 3C8 Warhington.
GIRL for general housework, washing and
cooking. Phone Main 4152.
A GIRL for general housework. Apply 562
Gllsan street.
FIRST-CLASS coat and walstmaker. at 405
Flledner bldg.
WANTED A cahinbermaid at 204 Madlaon.
Two young women for packing in whole
sale house, 91 to 11. SO day; head waitress
country hotel, $30; chambermaid, country,
925 ; 2 nousekeepers. country ; 3 family
cooks at $S, and $.10: 2 second girls, a
number of girls for general housework and
to n!t - othr
3434. Washington St., Cor. 7th, Upstairs.
BE A GRADUATE NURSE and earn $20 to
$30 per week; we provide home study
course lectures; .hospital practice when
desired ; ' employment for students and
graduates; largest training school In the
world write today rree nooa. Ameri
can Training School Nurses, 40 Crllly
bldg.. Chicago.
Applicants for all kinds of work, regis
ter with us. free of charge, so we may
locate you on short notice.
B4Shi Washington St, Cor. 7th, upstairs.
$2 PER DAY paid to one lady In each
town to distribute free circulars anu take
orders for Concentrated Flavoring In
tubes.; permanent business; experience
unnecessary. J. S. Zlegler A Co., Chicago.
WANTED- Several ladle to represent us in
Portland. Ladles who can devote all or part
of their time will find to their Interest to
see us. Apply room 212 Swetland bldg..
after 9:30 Saturday and Monday.
WANTED A housekeeper on a ranch ; no
objections to a cnild; more for com
pany; one man and a boy to cook for;
nice pleasant place to live; state wages
wanted, etc. I, 40ft. Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework ; must be nice cook . 3 in fam
ily ; good wages; good place for competent
girl. Apply Sunday afternoon, Monday
morning. 528 Irving, near 16th.
WANTED I will publish the Ms. of begin
ners and unsuccessful writers. What have
you to offer? Address, with stamp. John
3. 627 Columbus ave.. Boston. Mass.
A GIRL to assist with kitchen work. 535
WANTED A second girl. Apply at 659 Hoyt
WANTED 30 well-dressed men and women
for "College Widow,'' big football scene.
Call Hellig Theater stage today (Sunday), 4
P. M.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
CAPABLE, energetic, reliable and thorough
ly educated young man. with excellent
business experience and qualifications, de
sires a position, one of some responsibility
or of confidential nature preferred, in or
out of city; can furnish highest references.
and willing to accept moderate living sal
ary. E 401. Oregonian.
SALESMAN, proficient stenographer, famil
iar with general office work, out of em
ployment, on account of recent mom y
stringency. Have been three years with
firm ; desire permanent position with good
future; can furnish references. H 394.
EMPLOYERS A young man 2S, married,
would like a position in a business house,
with" a chance of promotion; a man you
can trust; steady, sober and Industrious ;
I do not watch the clock; excellent refer
ences. O 403. Oregonian.
RETAIL manager, age :i0, 1 4 years exper
ience, 5 years buyer for silks, velvets,
laces, millinery and ladles' wear, desires
position with Western department store;
references. Address F 385. Oregonian.
RETAIL clothing man, age 32. 15 years" ex
perience. 10 years head salesman, capable
of buying, desires Western position with
some up-to-date clothier; bf at of references.
A. D. Reel, Maquokntu, Iowa.
YOUNG MAN, married, desires position as
cashier or clerk with some reliable firm ;
is first-class stenographer; can furnish ex
cellent references and bond if required.
M 363, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED accountant can spare sev
eral hours dally; will keep small set of
books or do other office or accounting
work; terms reasonable. H 403, Ore
gonian. YOl'NG man. age 25. graduate of law de
partment of Eat( rn university, wishes po
sition In law office; references ; an inter
view solicited. B 3U3. Or'gonian.
WANTED Position by first-class male
stenographer, commercial, railroad and
hanking experience; best references. Ad
dress Brown, IM 13th st.
WANTED Position by A-l bookkeeper; sev
eral years' commercial and bank exper
b nee ; gilt-edge references. K. 887, Ore
gonian. YOL'NG MAN. 23. would like position; com
petent office man ; alo experienced sales
man. G 4ot. Oregonian.
j EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes position.
will do t.ollecilng ; city references. Phone
I E. 3311. 724 East 13th st.
BY bookkeeper, situation requiring several
hoour-s' night work three or four days per
week. M 414, Oregonian.
WANTED Hy experienced bookkeeper, set
of bnoka to keep evenings; references. W
407, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and typewriter position, city or country. M 409.
EXPERIENCED abstract and oftice man
wants position; flrst-claee references. T 301,
COMPETENT bookkeeper, young man, de
sires nositlon with reliable firm. A 404,
WANTED Position by first-class book
keeper; references. H 411, Oregonian.
COMPETENT bookkeeper wants position;
best of references. X 393. Oregonian.
DRCG CLERK desires position. Address B
4C3, Oregonian.
PEE "Drake." S0M Washington, for cooks,
washers, waiters, porters. Any color help
furnished. Both telephones.
POSITION WANTED Intelligent young
man wants position, any kind, r ity or
country. -G 407. Oi egonian.
MAN. experienced with boilers, wants po
sition as watchman ; strictly temperata.
H 408. Oregonian.
WA NT ED Work by married man. exper
ienced In warehouse and gas engine work.
A 40fl, Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese cook wants situation to do
fancy coking and dainty pastry work. H
402. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as night watchman by
married man ; references. Phone Main
7H32. C. Clark.
WANTED A position by young man famil
iar with steam and gasoline engines. B
4417, Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants situation as help of cook
or In dining-room, after 8 P. M. D 403.
BARTENDER. 20. first-class, married, Ger
man; best of references. Address C 400,
WANTED A steady position by young man
familiar with lumber business. c 402,
YOl'NG MAN. 20 years of age. wants em
plovment; references furnished. Phone
East 3453.
JAPANESE employment company can fur
nish all kinds of help. Main 4659. 268
WANTED Position by steady young man:
can give best of references. K 402. Ore
gonian. WANTED Position with logging company as
scaler or bookkeeping. Address P3t7. Ore
gonian. .
WORK by active, intelligent man temporary
or permanent ; references. C 407, Oregon
ian. WANTED Position as Japanese schoolboy
or housework: no cook. H 406, Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese laborers want cutting brush,
wood, any kind work. E 400, Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese boy wants to cook for family
or boarding-house. K 405, Oregonian.
KALSCMIN1NG done at $3 per room. 135 3d
st. Phone Main 1334. Call for Winn.
POSITION wanted to cars for horses, fur
nace and lawn. X 3W. Oregonian.
CONTRACT to cut 500 cords wood; state
price per cord. N 394. Oregonian.
GOOD Japanese boy wants a position for
housework. B 400, Oregonian.
JAPANESE students want positions on the
West Side. L 407. Oregonian.
POSITION as sawfller, or take charge of
sawmill. H 389. -Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED, sober, industrious Amer
ican, with experience In diversified farm
ing in the East, wishes work on ranch.
Wages not so much of an object as a
good home. Must be convenient to P.
O or on R. F. D. No objection to lady
manager. L 392, Oregonian.
WANTED By young married man, as
bonding foreman: put any kind or st le
of bonds on in good shape; seven years'
experience; for information write C. Clark.
Portland, Or., General Delivery, or phone
Main 7932.
YOl'NG MAN. married, def ires position as
steam or gas engineer, also Is good me
chanic ; would prefer stationary Job in
some building or with machine com
pany. M 362, Oregonian.
ENERGETIC young man. 29. married, Ger
man, desires position with grocery, liquor
or any mercantile establishment, as clerk
or salesman ; good perman; sign writer;
experienced; best references. Address C
406. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by experienced book
keeper, stenographer and general office
man from East ; can do any kind of office
work ; best of references and bond If re
quired. A 397, regonlan.
TWO young Englishmen would like position
on ranch, poultry or fruit farm; ex
perienced In any country work. Address O.
G. Austin. 305 pine St.. Portland, Or.
JAPANESE cook and general house worker
wants position as a schoolboy where he can
get a teacher at home. Address Frank
Tayata. 40 N. 1st st., city.
AN energetic young man attending Holmes'
Business College wishes position to work
for board and lodging ; strong and healthy
fellow. Call Main 613.
EXPERIENCED dishwasher would like
work In restaurant; American; don't drink
or use tobacco ; reference if required.
A 305. Oregonian.
WANTED By young man attending busi
ness college, place to work morning and
evening for board or small salary. G 403.
HAVE your piano or furniture polished like
new u first-class work guaranteed. Phone
Main 7838.
ALL-AROCND German, handy with tools,
wishes work as Janitor or porter or some
other employment. Address K 3S6, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED farmer and fruitgrower with
help would like tn manage or rent a nv-dium-s'.zed
place. M 413. fh-egontan.
YOL'NG man and wife desire position on
farm. Experienced In farm work. J.
Thompson. 412 Vancouver ave.
IF railroad wants 15 or 20 men. call Angelo
Salerno. C66 6th. Main 2894.
Bookkeeper and Stenographers.
THOROUGHLY competent stenographer de
sires position of responsibility, where
brains, energy and executive ability are
required; high-grade work guaranteed. T
380. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER wants position, capable,
trustworthy, understands book-keeping.
Young Women's Christian Association.
Main 5267. Monday after 10.
THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer,
with knowledge of bookkeeping; best of ref
erences. G 411. Oregonlsn.
COM PETENT stenographer, employed, de
sires position; best references; state sal
ary. B 405. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wishes employment evenings,
dentist's or physician's office ; experience.
F 4t4. Oregonian.
FOR a good stenographer, experienced or
beginner, phone E H. U. Clerical Office.
Main 4504.
COMPETENT young lady stenographer wishes
position with mercantile firm. Phone 8202.
BOOKKEEPER, experienced, accurate; city
references. Phone East 1872-
STENOGRAPH ER desires permanent posi
tion M 405. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady stenographer wishes copying.
M 361. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoress
will make engagement at day sewing; ref
erences; reasonable. Phone Sellwood 501.
DRESSMAKING. shirtwaists, shirtwaist
suits, children's sewing, children's coats,
1.50. Phone East 4868. 286 Broadway.
MRS. EMMA J. THOMAS, modiste; tailor
made bults and party gowns a specialty.
50 Wash. bldg. Pacific 727; A 2724.
SUITS, f5 up; shirt waists. $1 up; also rain
coats. Jackets; work guaranteed, 195 North
WANTED By day, to do shirt waist suits and
plain children's ctewlng a specialty. East
DRESSMAKING Shirtwaists. 91. 23; skirts,
92.30 ; suits. 90.00. 320 Park st. Pacific 330.
pntST-CLAfffl dressmaking, tailoring and
alterations. Mrs. Frost, 414 3th. Main 1322
FIRST-CLASS dreeemnker will make engage
ments by day. Phone Woodlawn 176.
DRESSMAKING and alterations. 221 1 Morri
son, upstairs, suite 21. Main 3223.
MME TCTTLE. modiste. 607 Montgomery,
near 15th. M-G car. Phone A 3037.
UP-TO-DATE dressmaking. hih-claae work
340 4th rt. Pacific 2770, A 4323.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants engage
ments. Ml4 Collar. Main 7224.
FIRST see Angeles Drestmaklng Parlors. 242
3th and Main. Pacific 982.
DRESSMAKING and children's sewing. Tel.
Main 4665.
LADY would take full charge of good rooming-house
on shares or would kefp house
for bachelor or widower. In or out of city.
Mr. G. c . 69 North 13th St., room 2, up
stairs; don't ring.
WANTED Eastern lady, widow, would like
position as housekeeper for widower; no
objection to children. A 400. Oregonian.
K nrses.
MIDDLE-AGED lady, nurse, experienced; ref
erences given. 867 E. Davis st. Phone East
NI'RSERY governess with best references
wants employment. Apply K 407. Oregon
ian. LADY entertains invaMca. aged, children, by
hour, day. month; references. Pac. 671.
Nl'RSE GIRL of experience, with good rec
ommendations. Phone Main 4767.
EXPERIENCED woman wants hmisewoik
on ranch, good cook, willing to work.
Young Women's christian Association.
Main 3267. After 10.
YOl'NG Norwegian girl wishes place as
second gtrl or light housework. Phone
Sellwood 284.
GEN Eft AL housework In small family by
capable girl. Inquire 251 6th st. Phone
Pacific 2634. n
COMPETENT girl want position for fight
housework. Y. W. C. A. Main 3267. after
girl for general housework. East 1053.
WOMAN experienced In all kinds of house
work, wants work by the day. Phone B
COMPETENT woman wants stesdy day
work; both phones, old Main or new A
WOMAN wants day work. Young Women's
Christian Association. Main 5267. After
EXPERIENCED teacher gives lessons on
piano and organ for 25c. A 411. Oregonian.
LACE CURTAINS done up. 35c a pair; called
for and delivered; prompt work. Main 630d.
YOUNG lady gives private lessons in grade
studies, grammar-and drawing. Main 8163.
WANTED Work by the dsy at washing or
(leaning. M. Danlelson. 290 I9th st. X.
EXPERIENCED waitress wants work at
once. 69 North 13th at., room 2. upstairs.
LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched 40
and 60 cent a pair. Phone Main 7014.
EXPERIENCED operator wants private
branch exchange. H 401. Oregonian.
WOMAN wants work by the day. washing
and sweeping. Phone A 1825.
LATE CURTAINS laundered a specialty;
best of work. Phone Mtin 3
WANTED By New England woman, a po
sition as companion to an elderly lady or
as managing housekeeper, where one or
more servants are employed ; references
exchanged. G 300, Oregonian.
CAPABLE American woman deMres laundry
work for Monday and Tuesday, sweeping
or ironing Friday. 25c per hour. Give
phone number. -Address E 408. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS short order and dinner cook
wants work in hotel or restaurant; willing
to work In camp. 204 Jefferson, room 7.
Phone Pacific 2260.
REFINED, educated American lady wishes
to care for infant or children evenings.
Address, giving phone number. E 40". Ore
gonian MALE, female help taleo Chinese, Japanese),
furnished hotels. retaurants, famlllee.
Drake. 206 Washington. Both telephones.
MARRIED woman wants house-cleaning,
steady. Tuesdays and Wednesday?. Weal
Side preferred. H 407, Oregonian.
BT experienced young lady, position as com
panion, nurse or mother's helper; refer
ence. Phone Main 44D.
YOUNG lady wishes position care of chil
dren or elderly lady, home privileges,
K 413. Oregonian.
A WOMAN wants housework bv the day.
Call between 2 and 3 P. M Main 4349.
Mrs. Christie.
COMPETENT woman wants day work any
day thin week. Answer at once. K 412.
FANCY waists and flannels washed end
Ironed by experienced hand. Phone Main
COLORED lady wants housecleanlng by the
day. Call Main 4616.
SITUATION wanted by a first-class cook. K
302. Oregonian.
WOMAN wants work by the day. Phone
Main 2208.
$5O0o per year, conveniently positive for
men and women to manage home sal-a
parlors for the latest, most attractive and
scientifically Improved dress shoe known
for women and children; 12 sight-selling
original features; previous experience un
necessary; no rirk; answer today. Marvel
Shoe Co.. 105 Summer St.. Boston, Mssa.
$8000 YEARLY positively made introducing
and appointing sub-agents for Just patented
fire extinguishers; S. Wills. Clnti.. made
$800 one week; experience unnecesifarj ; W4
give agents exclusive territory, co-operate
with them In every way, extend credit ani
offer a grand opportunity to secure a for
tune. Eagle Tool Co.. 306 Cincinnati, O.
BEAUTIFUL holiday novelty. admirably
solves every Christmas present perplexity;
profuse sellers; B09 per cent profit.
"Xmas-money" opportunity extraordinary ;
adults or children; send 10c for thren
elegant assorted samples. Lloyd B. Bow
ers. 225 Dearborn st., Chicago, HI.
and expenses easily made selling our
popular combination policies and appoint -Ing
agents; experience unnecessary. Write
Oscar Ekman. 313 Eltel bldg.. Seattle,
LOCAL agent wanted In every town. Wash
ington and Oregon; accident and health
Insurance, old stock co., liberal eommlsMor,
and policies; references. Address West
ern office, 200 Marquam, Portland, Or.
A HOME company; low premium rates and
high cash values make the policies of the
Columbia Life ft Trust Co. easy to sell.
Apply to Jesse R. Sharp, manager of
agents. 214 Lumber Exchange bldg.
BE a business woman; cur representatives
make $25 and upwards a week; we establish
you In a permanent husinees; outfit prepaid;
write today. Women's Apparel Supply Co..
Chicago, 111.
AGENTS for kerosene, incandescent mantle
lamp; 12 times cheaper than gas. 7 times
cheaper than ordinary kerosene lamn. Bo
nanza. Continental Co., ;i35 Broadway,
New York.
AGENTS WANTED To sell our high-grade
trees, shrubs, etc.; outfit furnished free;
commission advanced ea -h week, good terri
tory open. Albany Nurseries. Albany. Or.
BIG COMMISSIONS Policy pays $4 to $1
endowment; $to to $1 death or total dis
ability: $1 weekly benefits. Dues SI.
Brotherhood Endowment. Denver. Colo.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell goods? If
so, we need you; complete outfit frtc; casj
weekly. Write for choice of territory.
Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
MEN, $10 dally, sure selling "M- ndarlp,' and
combination hatchet. 8 tools tn one; two hit;
profit producers; exclusive territory. Footo
Mfg. Co., Los Angelco. Cal.
AGENTS $7 a day; we have a sure money
maker for you; no experience necessary ;
new article. Ray R. Woodruff, 307 Berke
ley ave., Portland, Or.
AGENTS having ability to sell first-class se
curities, call 207 Couch bldg.. between 7
and OP. M. ; receive top contract and lib
eral compensation.
AGENTS can make $25 to $50 per Wfl i;
writing accident business for the union
Guarantee Association. 705 Manjuum
WANTED AGENTS Legitimate Substitute
for slot machine?; patented; sells on .sight
for $1. Particulars Glsha Co., Anderson,
FOR the fastest seller on the market, seiis
in every houe on Hght; experience un
necessary. Call room 20. Hotel Quelle.
AGENTS You can know about the profits
made supplying perfumes to families. Ad
dress Leffler & Co.. St. Louts, Mo.
W ANTED To rent houses, cottages, flat.
Stores, offices, rooming-bouses, etc. Land
loid will do- welt to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon. 3. E. cor. Sd
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
WANTED By nurse, furnished room in pri
vate family; modern, with electric light and
phone, centrally located ; state particulars;
give number of phone. K 414 Oregonian.
WANTED Small furnished room, privilege
light housekeeping, modern nubile building
preferred, 5 minutes' walk from P. O. ;
must be reasonable. K 400, Oregonian.
5TOUNG .ady dtslres room with board in a
nice private house and good family. Ad
dress J. H. Haak. 702 Oregonian bldg.
Te 1 e p h on e M. H2c.
WANTED By rrsponeible parties, fwnlSDtd
house of 5 or 6 rooms ; m ust be can t ra! .
nicely furnished and modern; no chlldrtn.
K 388, Oregonian.
WANTED Suit of rooms, bath room, east
t-xposure; Irvlngton, King Heights or Nub
Hill preferred. Address G 305. Oregonlun.
LADY wishes room and board In prhato
family. Wet Side, permanent, reasonabl".
Give phone number. G 408, Oregonian.
ROOM and board for two young men or mar
ried couple, in attractive reldenc close
In. Address B 403, care Oregonian.
BY responsible couple, small furnished cot
tage or flat; central; good condition; gas;
no nuisance. H 400. oregonian.
WANTED- To rent for two or three months,
a famished cottage, fiat or apartment by
a yeung couple. Phone A 5419.
ELDERLY LADY. Invalid, wishes room and
. board with some attention. Address wltn
terms. F 08, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent 12 to 15 modern well"
furnished hour keeping room? ; W ot Side
rreferr d. W 409. Orgonlan.
WANTED Nicety furnished house or fiat of
4 or 5 rooms; must be clean and reasonable.
A 402. Oregonian.
LADY wishes 2 or 3 unfurnished housekeeping
rooms; modern, steam heat. West Side. X
317. Oregon inn.
YOUNG man attending tfuslness college wants
place to work for room and board. 5 ltil.
YOl'NG man wants board and r on private
modern house, close In; state price. F 401.
WANTED 4-room flat, modern. West Side
preferred ; rent reasonable. Addreea E 363,
FOUR or five-room heated apartment; state
sice, location and price; adults. D 406, Ore
gonian. FURNISHED suite 3 or 4 rooms, for light
housekeeping, close in. II 301. Orego
nian. WANTED By young lady, room and board,
private family preferred. F 413. Oregonian.
WANTED 5-room furnished cottage. 3 In
family; prompt pay. D 400, Oregonian.
WANTED 4 or 5-room cottage or fiat; no
children. Wm. J. Staples. 151 3d st.