r NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 10. 1907. .1 JL .iJlLj PORTLAND SEATTLE MORE on TOWARDS NORMAL (Continued Prom First Page.) traga brokers now say that bargain hunters abroad are again nibbling eagerly at good American securities. "We are going to have some features of 1893 over again," said a member of an International banking-house today. "After the torm came t 3 r:Um in that year, and while we wera adjusting our selves to a new order of affairs the European investor came to our market and bought heavily of our stocks, which dldmore than anything else to bring back to us needed gold. The storm center is now behind us, and purchasers for foreign account will oon help swell our credit abroad and prevent cessation of gold Imports. "I have London advices that many English institutions are disposing of English and Argentine rails in preparation for investment in this market. A momentary stringency, brought about by an excess of pros perity, can never be provocitlve of continued distrust of our institutions, and with a clearing situation tha capi tal of Europe will find Its way here for Investment, when the yield in the in vestment is greater than in any finan cial market in the world." Kngllsh houses are said to be bare of American securities which were sold here last Summer, according to reports made by arbitrage houses here today, and these houses may now be consid ered purchasers of the very securities sold at many points higher than the present prli;e. HELPS BANKS ALli THE TIME Canada Does Regularly What Amer ica Does Vnder Pressure. VANCOUVER, B. C. Nov. 9. -.(Special.) Hon. W. S. Fielding, Federal Minister of Finance and undoubtedly the foremonst commercial authority in Canada, has given out an Interesting comment on the money situation in the United States. He says: "The fact that the Secretary of the Treasury in the United States has as sisted the banks of that country by depositing large sums of Government money, has led many persons in Can ada to believe that the Canadian gov ernment should give similar help. The Question Is often asked, Why does not the Canadian Minister of Finance help Canadian banks In exactly the same way that Mr. Cortelyou has rendered aid to those of the United States?" But there Is a misunderstanding of the financial situation. That which the United States Government does once in a while under pressure of severe stringency, the Canadian government is doing all the time. "The United States Government does its own banking. Money received from customs and taxes goes Into the United States treasury. It often happens In thts way that Immense sums are with drawn from the working capital of the country and locked up In the United States treasury vaults. Then occasion ally, under pressure, the Secretary yields up some money and deposits it in the banks of the country. "The Canadian system is quite dif ferent. Apart from certain moderate reserves necessary to rrotect the cir culation and the savings bank deposits, there is no such withdrawal of money from general business and locking It Checks on the Title Guarantee and Trust Company will be accepted by Sherman, Clay & Company for a limiteji amount towards the purchase of a piano. We make this offer because we are willing to share with the depositors who are not able to cash their checks just now. We thus give you a part of our profit, and the checks will doubtless be worth money to us later, even if we have to wait several years for our money. , ' ' 1 Our pianos are pianos of quality, our prices are right, and convenient installment payments may be arranged if desired. Every instrument is marked in plain figures. You have the satisfaction of knowing that our prices will be exactly the same on every piano Monday morning as they were a month ago, and the same as they will be next month. There is no fog or uncertainty here as to price. We promise you "An Honest Value at An Honest Price." With every piano we sell, we give an absolute guarantee and behind this guarantee is the reputation of one of the oldest and largest piano-selling concerns in the entire United States. It will be necessary for you to present a copy of this advertisement along with your check. The first person pre senting the advertisement may present a check for $100.00 and it will be honored as above stated. Other checks will be accepted according to the make and price of the piano purchased. up in the federal treasury. Every dol lar of revenue that comes to us in any shape or form is Instantly deposited in the banks. "Whatever is necessary to meet the Immediats obligations passes out at once into general circulation. What ever is over remains in the banks like other deposits and is for the time be ing available for the banks' general business. Thus we are every day giv ing the business community the kind of help that the United States Government gives once in a while under great pressure." HELP TO REOPEN THEIR BANK Depositors Accept Time Certificates. Gold From Subtreasury. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 9. One third of the depositors of the Citizens' State Bank, which took advantage of the. bank holidays to suspend business tem porarily, have already made stipula tion to accept two, four and six months time certificates for their deposits. President Ragland, of the bank, states that all the depositors accepted this method of placing the bank in good condition without protest or complaint. He further states that In another week the bank will be able to open in sound condition. J. Cal Ewlng, secretary of the Bank Commission, stated this morning that if the California Safe Deposit & Trust Company resumes business, the com mission will fssue no report on its con dition beyond stating that it has com plied with the provisions of the law and is in sound financial condition. The of ficers of the bank reiterate their in tention of opening their doors within a short time. Gold to the total amount of 1540,000 was transferred to the banks of this city from the East through the sub treasury today. Ninety thousand 1 Clearlng-House certificates were issued to the com mercial banks this morning. It is the intention of the clearing-house commit tee to issue also certificates for 2 The issuance of the $1 and 12 certificates win increase the total output of clearing-house paper by several hundred thousand dollars. Special dispatches seiit out of this city to Eastern papers stating that gold coin is quoted at 10 per cent prem ium, are entirely unfounded. STRINGENCY MUCH RELIEVED Xew Currency Removes Strain on New York Banks. WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.-A prominent Treasury official said today that Ae had been in communication today by telephone with a number of New York bankers and that they had reported the financial situa tion as very notlcably improved. The money stringency was gradually but cer tainly relaxing and the banks were re suming shipments of considerable amounts of currency into the interior. The demand of the banks for additional circulation continues unabated and the amounts taken out and shipped out are already said to be having a marked effect in relieving the present stringency. ASK BANKS TO ISSUE CHECKS Chicago Merchants Lio Business for Lack or Cash. CHICAGO, Nov. 9. Merchants and rail road men have joined In an appeal to the clearing-house for checks as the only means of affording immediate relief in the close money market. At a meeting yesterday in the office of B. L. Winchell, president of the Chi cago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, it was agreed to ask . that these checks be issued at once. D. R. Forgan. presi dent of the Chicago Association of Com merce, representing 2600 merchant of SIXTH AND MORRISON Chicago, asked that the committee of the clearing-house issue checks as soon as possible. Not only Chicago merchants but bank ers outside of Chicago are asking for such checks with which to meet de mands. The tying up of currency is be ginning to have a marked effect on Chl cako bank clearings, reflecting neces sarily restricted trade in big and little stores. In some, business has fallen jott to an extent that traveling salesmen have been called in, and there is a general tie up. Local bank clearings have dropped from a dally average exchange of checks of 146,000,000 a day to $34,000,000; again, so many firms are Issuing so many differ ent kinds of cashier's checks that they become confusing and are not readily ac cepted In lieu of cash. With the Issuance of these checks It is generally believed that not only will the demand for cash be greatly relieved but that they will stimulate business In all lines of local trade. It seems probable that either on Monday or Tuesday of next week the checks will be authorized by the clearing-house committees. MADH NEW YORK LOOSEN XT Cortelyou's Threat Causes Remit tances to Come West. WASHINGTIN, Nov. 9. Up to the present time the Treasury Department, because of heavy deposits made In New York banks, has been unable to afford direct relief to banKs of the Pacific Northwest, though deposit of $1,000,000 has been made In Minneapolis to re lieve the demand for money needed to move crops. It has been, unofficially reported to the Treasury Department that New York banks In which large deposits were recently made by Mr. Cortelyou are loosening up. These banks" are reserve agents for the National banks all through the "West, and department in fluence has been brought to bear to Induce these banks to honor drafts from their Western correspondents. It is reported large sums of money are being shipped West , by these banks, and within the past 24 hours it has been Intimated to the Government de positories in New York that unless they honor drafts from the "West they will be called upon to return part of the Government deposits to the Treas ury, .and this threat is believed to be having a wholesome effect. (Mr. Cortelyou will not discuss the eitua tion for publication. PAYS ALL CHECKS IN CASH Omaha Bank Gives Evidence Strin gency I Relieved. OMAHA, Neb., Nor. 9. The financial sit uation in Omaha has improved to such an extent that one bank is now paying all its depositors cash in full on all checks drawn against that bank as well as cash in full on New York drafts when present ed by a depositor of the bank. New Orleans Exchanges Stay Shut, NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 9. The New Orleans Stock Exchange will suspend business for another week, In compliance with the request of the New Orleans Clearing-Honse Association. The Louis iana Stock Exchange will decide the mat ter Monday. London Pays and Receives Gold. LONDON, Nov. 9. The Bank of England today received 408,000 in American eagles from Paris and 547,000 in American eagles and 121,000 in bar gold were taken from the Bank of England for shipment to the United States. The rates for money continued firm un der a good demand today. Discounts were steady, and trading on the stock exchange finished the week cheerfully. Yesterday's improvement was well maintained, but only a moderate amount of business was transacted in Americans, the fear of a poor New York bank statement restraln- THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" TACOMA SPOKANE BELLINGHAM EVERETT lng .operations. Prices ruled around par ity, and the session closed quiet. Closes to Keep Its Cash. STEUBBNVILLE, O., Nov. B.Tha Na tional Bank of Mingo Junction suspended indefinitely today to prevent a run on It by foreigners and by Carnegie mill em ployes swamping it with cloarlng-house certificates. The condition of the bank is good. Clark Says Flurry Is Over. CHICAGO, Nov. 9. That the financial flurry has practically ceased Is the opinion of ex-United States Senator William A. Clark, of Montana, who was in Chicago today on his way to Ari zona, where he will inspect various mining properties which he controls there. He said the recent heavy ship ments of gold from Europe have aided materially in the readjustment of the country's finances and that conditions generally will speedily right them selves. Mr. Clark left for the South west tonight. THEY RESORT TO BURNING - Union and . Independent Tobacco Growers Almost Fight. OWENSBORO, Ky., Nov. 9. What threatened for a time to develop into a battle between many Hundreds of mem bers of the American Society of Equity and their opponents was narrowly averted today. The members of the society have for nearly a year been waging a campaign in favor of co-operating in selling their tobacco crop. The campaign ended by disagreement between those dealing with the so-called tobacco trust and the others, resulting in outrages, such as burning to bacco barns, destroying young tobacco plant beds and In one or two Instances in shooting Into the homes of farmers. The independents called a. big mass meeting to be .held today in the court house square to protest against the law lessness which has been prevalent and to discuss means of protecting themselves in marketing their tobacco according to their desires. Soon it was found a' small army of the society had taken possession of the meet ing place. A large force of special police was at once sworn In by the city authori ties. A clash was narrowly averted. Young Men's League Fails. NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., Nov. 9. (Spe cial.) The effort to form an Independent Young Men's Political Association in this city to control the forthcoming city eleo tion and later to fight the ring in county politics apparently is doomed to complete failure. At a meeting today several prom inent young men who are not members criticised the organization severely and pointed out that, so far as they could see, the association was formed jfor the benefit of a party that has constantly failed to get control in the city. Worst Fire in 15 Years. CROOKSTON. Minn.. Nov. 8. The worst prairie fire known in this section for 15 years swept over the territory north of Angus to a point a few miles north of this city. The fire extends 20 miles north and south and is fanned by a fierce wind. French Call Back Warships. PARIS, Nov. 9. On account of the im provement In the Moroccan situation the French Government has ordered the with drawal of four cruisers and nine torpedo boats from duty off the coast of Morocco. Heavy Snow in Wisconsin. NEW RICHMOND. Wis.. Nov, 9. Snow fell this afternoon in consider able quantity. The EmDror of Japan ha so jrTir-l-'m and 60 priest. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE HEADS TRUE SCHOOL E. F. THOMPSON GOES TO CHE HALIS INSTITUTION. State Board of Control Names Suc cessor to Charles S. Reed, Who Was Transferred. OLYMPIA, Wash., Nov. 9 (Special.) Professor F. F. Thompson, of Chehalls, has been appointed superintendent of the State Training School at that city by the State Board of Control, with the ap proval of Governor Mead. Professor Thompson succeeds to the position made vacant by the resignation of Charles S. Reed, who was transferred to Walla Walla, as superintendent of the State Penitentlaiy. As soon as Professor Thompson can take charge he will relieve Chairman H. T. Jones of the State Board of Control, who has been, acting superin tendent since Mr. Reed's departure. Professor Thompson is about 40 years -old. He is at present City Superintendent of Schools at Chehalls, and previously served aa Superintendent of Schools of Lewis County, having been elected on the Republican ticket. Shortly after the resig nation of Mr. Reed announcement was made by the administration that in select ing a successor he would be chosen from the educators of the state because of the advantage to the Institution that would follow from having a thoroughly com petent instructor at its head. Professor Thompson was Indorsed for the position by leading educators of the state, by citizens of Chehalls and Lewis County generally and by prominent people in all parts of Washington. Known as Leading Educator. CHEHALLS, Wash.. Nov. 9. (Special.) The announcement of the appointment of Professor F. S. Thompson, of Chehalls, as superintendent of -the Washington State Training School at this place, was received with great satisfaction by the citizens of Chehalls. Mr. Thompson has been superintendent of the public schools of this city for the past five years, com ing here from Knoxvllle, la. He is one of the most capable educators engaged in school work in Washington and has brought the public schools of Chehalls to the highest state of efficiency they have ever attained. The only regret expressed in connection with his appointment Is that the Chehalls publlo schools will lose his services. How ever, the assurance has been given that he will remain nominally as director until a successor satisfactory to the local school board has been secured to take up his work here. Mrs. Thompson, who will become matron of the training school, is eminently quali fied for the work. Previous to her mar riage she was engaged in teaching and was assistant principal of a large school In her Iowa home. Mr. Thompson has progressive ideas as to manual training work and It is his purpose to make the institution here in fact, as well as in name, a training school. Mr. Thompson, although nominally a Re publican, has never been active as a po litician locally, and his selection by Gov ernor Mead is most heartily approved by citizens here of all factions and of both parties. AT THE HOTKL8. Hotel Portland Mtsa o. wells. Los An geles; J. R. Knobel, Oakland; T. C. Ilirf and wife, Philadelphia; C. Jones. Seattle; A W Keid. F. Schoerlng;, New York: L. F. Ros barye. Spokane; J. A. Bell. T. Keogh, R. H. Peale, San Francisco; H- C. Levy. Los An (teles; J. Monheimer. F. D. Bacon. Pan Francisco; J. C. Munnery. c. R. La Motte. Vancouver; L. Kalunk. San Francisco; P. A. Young. Oakland; E. Qnlzbergy H. Ftenlg-e, New York: ET. M. Well, F. Conn. San Francisco; L. J. Lendholt, J. Chatnian. New York; H. E- Tylfr. A. Mackintosh. Vancouver; A. R. Baldwin. Chicago; W. D. Wood, Seattle; H. J. Schwerln. Tacoma: J. Fmythe, J. W- Sarglnson. Spokane; R. H. Walla Walla; o. F. Samuelson. Chicago: F. W'lggtna. New York: A. F. Statrer and wlrn. J.Aiclwii J. JJevlna and wifajr. JV, H, I Gultrle. O. M. Nichols, New York- L E. Alexander, San Francisco: D. Stacey. New York; W. R. Lading and wife. Chicago; A. Nathan, New York; B. E. Chapman. Elgin: M. F. Barry, Massachusetts; H. M. Munger, Hillsboro; C. R. Norton. Detroit; A. Bern stein and wlfa, New York; C. J. Dodd. San Francisco; w. T. Johnson, E. C. Barry, Chi cago; Miss C. 8. Cheeseman. Garrison: Mrs. J. M. Knox. Miss Knox. Miss A. R. Knox. New York; A. B. Charles. Seattle; F. E. Bronson, Portage: c. A. Roe, Seattle: C. B. Williams and wife. G. J. Majors. Chicago; F. A. Kenny, W. B. Braley. San Francisco; Mrs. Waugh, Colorado Springs: T. J. Flts gerald. Mrs. T. J. Mautz, Redlanaa; Dr. R. C. Keith and wife. Seattle; W. M. Speyer, San Francisco; D. Buckley and wife, c. H. Grey, H. John. Seattle; F. W. Hall, Chi cago; F. I Andrews. Santa Anna. The Oregon J. t. Morris. Pendleton: O. 8. Ryerse. Mlnnearjolls: W (1 nrrnll r.lllnr F. S. Harmon. Tacoma; E. G. Brabrook, G. W. I Kummer. Seattle; H. H. Beherena. Chicago: ! J. F. Blakemore, Seattle; Otto B. Rupp, Walla Walla; H. H. Powelson, Castle Rock; W . R. Anderson, Tacoma; K. O. Loane, Mrs. Moree, Seattle; Mr. and Sin. W. W. Baker. Walla Walla: W. H. Ramsey, Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knabs, New York: Leroy Lomox. Beker City; Mrs. H. W. Knicker bocker. Salt Lake; Sydney Rose. Australia; M. E. Breyman, Salem; Thos. Hallnian, Cath lamet; P. C. Sanborn. Minneapolis; T. C. Lytle, wire and children, John Dennis and wife, Hillsboro; M. Woldson. The Dalles; L. M. Cohn, O. D. Spenoer. Omaha; J. M. An derson. Astoria; J. H. Smith, A. L. Smith, Ban Francisco; A. M. Loften. Boston; L. M. Coleen, E. Veness. Omaha: Mrs. W. Sloan. Peoria; C. 8. Hamptoa, Chicago: C. L. Will iams, McMinnville; R. A. Harvey, H. A. Har vey. Seattle; D. H. Clark, Chicago; E. Hofer. O. W. Haas. Salem: C, E. Relnhart, St. Louis; Thos. A. Ashe, San Francisco; S. Leopold, New York; Alonzo Hull, McMinnville; L. E. Price and wife, Denver; Leslie Butler, Hood Rlvef. The Perkins R. E. Stark and wife. Medicine Hat, Alberta; C. C. Moffat, Spo kane; W. E. Goldsmith. Wallace; S. B. Chandler. Lake Vaw; J. J. Borllnson and family, Winnipeg; E. S. Clark and wife, Congo. "Wash; W. T. Nolan, Tha Dalles; James H. Sheeden and wtfe. Denver; Rose Williams, Eugene; Mra. Ed Conner, Mont rose; C. F. Trumble and daughter. Foreut Grove; M. A. Bostlan. William P. Wood. H. M. Jones, city; Alias Lena A. Dodd, Kalama; Miss Eatelle E. Dodd. Belllngham; Mrs. F. H. Bryan, Hamburg; F. E. Hudson and wife, Vancouver; H. Hansen, Clats kanle; D. C. Vaughan. McMinnville: Charles Alston, city; Viola Douglass and daughter. Barton; Bert Stanchan, Norman Young, Hood River; A. C. Eddy and wife. La Grande; Otis R. Marshall and family, Van couver; E. J. Tyraan and son, GUdale; R. J. Brand, Florence; W. W. Mascall, Layvllle; J. F. Walker, Minneapolis; W. G. Parker. Burton; C. P. Bradley and wife, city; B. H. Bradley. Woodstock, Ont.; G. W. Tylor, Hoquiam; P. W. Peterson, Forest Grove; Joa Rafferty. Salem; W. C. Carsham, city; S. P. Fitzgerald, Lewiston; 8. C. Martin, city The Imperial Frank O. Mleelll. Roseburg: Mrs. Margerette Mleelll. Everett; H. W. Meyer, city: A. B. Veye. A. O. Simons, Taco ma; Mrs. Curtis. Forest Grove; William Jones. Boise; William N. Boots, Monmouth; Mrs. W. L. Whltmore, Walla Walla: Charles Thomas. Mexico: Ed. C. Warner. Santa Cru ; THE NEW POLICIES of the COLUMBIA LIFE Are Ideal Life Insurance Contracts Issued by a Home Company LOW NON-PARTICIPATING RATES HIGH CASH VALUES i Superior inducements offered to reliable active Agents Apply to JESSE R. SHARP, Manager of Agents 214 Lumber Exchange BIdg. W. M. LADD, President THEO. B. WILCOX, Vice-Pres Old Dr. Grey's Sanitarium lie only reliable) plaos tor eonflnamtnta in Portland. KeguUr licen4 phyueiaas and professional train ea narsas, perfect seclusion, honest dealings, infants adopted. Tha finest equipped sanitarium for the cure of ehronie tad rebellions diseases iu the Northwest. Diseases of women a specialty. Graduate lady physicians in attendance. Terms very reasonable. Address Dr. 3. D. Grey, 251 Alder street, eoraec Third, Portland, Or, terreapondaaeej R. B. Wade, city; J. M. Raesch and wife. La Grand; Miss Shannon, Mies Hartley, D K Martin. E. Fulkerson, Forest Grove; Mrs C B. Meyer. Mrs. H. Christian, Salem: H B. Osmon, Pueblo; F. B. Hackeney. city; Bfm Ruth, May Ruth. Ethel Ruth, Salem- J W McConnell, Hillsboro; W. C. Arthurs, olty- R B. Fleming. Salem; L. F. Campbell, city: Dorothy Dean, Seattle; C. Retztarf. Taconia; . J. Walters, city; George F. Carpenter and wife. Fossil; E. B. Kalston. La Grand; C. K. Cochran, Moro;- S. Peterson. Arizona; John F. Crowley, Seattle; Mra. N. W. Willlama, J. F. Williams, Seattle; W. Maxwell Erlckson. Van couver; F. L. Chambers. E. E. Sno.!grass. Eu gene; William Schulmeslch, Hillsboro; J. L Thomas and wife, Lexington; Lena. Rlghteln. Halter Rltchford. Tacoma; C. W. Coltam. Chicago; F. A. Raglln and wife. Castle Rock; M. H. Gibbons, J. E. Simpson. F. L. Coatss. Wallace Barnet, Clark Springer, J. F. Yates, M. Rogaway, J. R. Schults, John Meady, Fred Reis. Duna Montelth. Lex Standlsh. Dennis Merrill, B. Driver, Fred Ward, Albany football team. s St. Charles Mrs. A. G. Anderson. Stiver ton: C. E. Mills. Woodburn; E- K. White. Salem; L H. Schlble. city: M. 8. Hoatetler, J. Gothwald. E. K. Jefferson. Aurora: Mrs. w. H. Patterson and daughter, city; Joha Olander, Scappoose; A. Larsen, 6. H. Foster, Qulncy; J. Gardner, city; R. V. Moore. J. L. Moore. Corvallis; c. F. Smith. La Center: R. McCortney, C. McGentry, Mt. Hood- J. H. Emerson, city; Mrs. Miller. Bandon; D. W. Hawkins, city; A. Hansen, cltv; H. Freeland, Salem; M. J. Morrison. V. '& A.: J. S. Storks, Vancouver; J. M. Steele, Clats kanle; H. Hedges and wife. Bend; C. E. Mills. Woodburn; H. T. Buxton and daugh ter. Forest Grove: F. B. Maltles. Ballston; J. Curtis. Hockenson; B. C. Pierce, Grlnnell: M. C. Merrill. Hood River; Mrs. Berg and daughter. Stella: J. P. McElroy, Reno: F Berdahl, Dan Vadrey, Varrolton; Mrs. H. H. Hall. Calvin Kllng, Glencoe; M. 8. York, J. Stewart, Kelso; W. A. Hodge, city; O. Mabee, A. Keene, Dayton; Mra. May Beeeon, V. K. Purcell. Vonendale; O. Morrison. Dundee; R. G. Houston. Cape Horn; J. Hatch, Cascade Locks; V. Parker, Lafav ette: R. V. Hamilton, Goble; W. C Roberts. Harry Reloa. Palmer; M. Richards and wlfa. Jollett; G. Haufln, city; A. Laraon, Qulncv: Mrs. s. s. Partlow, Woodlawn; W. J. South well, Falls City; Mrs. Strong. city; D. Harvey, Hood River; L. J. Fletcher. The Dalles; c. G. Lane, Castle Rock: R. Moors, Robert Earley. Bridal Veil; J. J. Jaoobs, L Leary, Rldgefleld; E. MoGIUray. elty; E. R. Jefferson. Aurora; C. Akers and wlfa, H. ' Jeer. J. Allen, city. The Lenox P. Anderson, Seattle; W. Gardner. Vancouver; W. C. Miles. Garflald; E. Evans and wife. Mrs. J. J. McAvoy. San Francisco; MaJ. W. P. Richardson, U. S. A.; W. R. Smith, Boston; C. E- Roger. Ban Francisco; James E. Francis, city; T. F. Campbell, Sacramento; G. D. Harrison, Los Angeles; H. S. Murphy. Idaho; E. C. Jehn on, San Francisco; W. K. Witt, elty: E. Wlllard, Chicago; F. P. Mans. Perkins; H. L. Palmer and wife, city; R. T. McNlcholas and wife. Cascade; Blake Miller, Glendala; N. Plnckney and daughter, W. H. Grant and wife. Carlce: B.. T. 45chaffer, Seattle; M. Oregor and wife,' city; J. D. Gordon. Dundee; F. L McKee, San Francisco; W. BV Darby and wife, Omaha; E. A. Wright, Everett; A. Conlsy. Chicago; J. Watson, The Dalles; G. 8. Kswsom, Vaacouver; J. Jeply, Seattle. 6 TRUST CO.