The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 10, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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Outlaws Are Detected Cutting
Signal Wires on Rail
Suspected Purpose to Hold Vp Im
perial Train Frustrated by Vigl
hince Six Men in Band
of Wreckers.
ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, Nov. 9.
What is believed to have been a care
fully conceived plot to take the life of
Emperor Nicholas while he was on the
way from Peterhof to his Winter palace
st Tsarskoe-Selo today was frustrated by
the vigilance of the guards. Early this
morning a guard discovered six men try
ing to cut the wire of a semaphore signal
at Ligovo station, at a junction of the
railroad from Peterhof to Tsarskoe-Selo.
The guard was fired upon and wounded.
Several officers and guards at the station
came to his relief and several volleys
were exchanged between the- outlaws and
the soldiers, the former escaping without
The police profess to be unable to un
derstand the attempt to cut the sema
phore, as such an act could hardly work
any harm to the Imperial train, which
was due to puss, a few hours later. It is
generally believed, however, that the out
laws intended to prevent the use of the
signal with the object of bringing the
train to a stop at that point. No ar
rests have been made.
Edward Given Champion Diamond.
Lord Mayor's Banquet.
LONDON. Nov. 9. The celebration of
tli .sixty-sixth anniversary of King Ed
ward VII's birth was brought to fitting
close in the Inauguration of the new. Lord
Mayor of London, Sir John C Bell, at
Guild Hall tonight. For the first time
since the regime of lord Rosebery In the
early nineties the former Liberal Prime
Minister occupied the post of horror.' The
premier. Sir Henry Campbcll-Bannerman
was unable to attend the Lord Mayor's
baneiuet, owing to the death of his wife,
and lxrd Rosebery was In his place to
night and delivered the principal speech
of the evening in reply to the toast to his
majesty's ministers.
The day was observed throughout
the British Empire with the custom
ary military and naval salutvs and dis
plays. Ills 'Majesty Is observing the event
at Sandrlngham. where the King and
Queen of Spain and the Queen of Nor
way, in addition to many members of
the royal family, are staying.
The morning was occupied in receiving-
an lmmensu number of congratu
latory telegrams, letters and presents
from all pnrts of the world, one of the
most notable events being the presen
tation to .he King of the Cullinan dia
mond, the largest known, estimated to
be worth $7.i0,000, and donated to his
Majesty by the Executive Assembly of
the Transvaal as a token of loyalty of
the people of that colony.
The presentation was made by Sir
Richard Solomon, ex-Lieutenant-Governor
of the Transvaal, representing
the government of the colony,
i This afternoon the King and Queen
were entertained by the tenantry of
Sandringhain at dinner.
The great event of the day in Lon
don was the Lord Mayor's show, which
was a distinct .improvement on the
second-rate circus-like parades of past
years. The services of a professional
pageant maker were vailed in. with the
result that he organised a historic pro
cession, representing all the King Ed
wards from Edward the Confessor to
Edward VII. each group forming a
distinctive cavalcade, arrayed in cos-
il 1
4-x ;
r :.CCttTtO
tuft kva
tfTTra yryry.' ,;tvvfm
Dr. H. H. Davis, Louis
ville, Miss., says: "I very
frequently prescribe your
Bitters in convalescence, and
always with good results. It
is well worthy of a trial by
everyone in that condition."
tumes like those of the period repre
sented, the reign of Edward VII being
symbolized by a oar entitled "The Har
vest of the Peacemaker." It consisted
of a real harvest wagon, drawn by
eight Shire horses, and bearing the
fruits of peace.
The route of the procession was
elaborately decorated and the. pageant
was viewed by enormous throngs of
sightseers, "he new Ixird Mayor of
London, Sir John C. Bell, who was
elected September 2S, was formally In
stalled in office today.
Floods on Land, Shipwrecks at Sen,
Kollow Storms.
ROME, Italy, Nov. 9. Storms accom
panied by torrential rains have again
causcd floods In several parts of Italy
and number of vessels have been
-wrecked in the
I Adriatic Seas
Mediterranean - anil
Suit Begun for $65. 000,000' Against
Traction Company.,
NEW YORK. Nov. ?. An action of fore
closure of a mortgage, which it held as
trustee against the property of the Metror
polttan Street Railway, has been begun
by the National Trust Company in t he
United. States Circuit Court. The mort
gage was given to secure an issue of
bonds that should at no time exceed $65.-
ooo.oco. .
The action was recently commenced by
the Morton Trust Company against the
receivers of the Metropolitan, asking that
In only that "part of the map which is black is the sale of liquor 'governed
mitted. in nil other states, either prohibition or local option prevails. Nort
prohibition statys. In the others the white portions Indicate what proportion i
parts of the map Indicate laws exist.
the profits and earnings of the road be
applied to the payment of interest for
lease rentals provided for In the mortgage.
The receivers by order of the court are
made parties to the action.
Ontario Tunnel Open at Last.
SALT LAKE CITY, Nov. 9.-A special to
the Herald from Park City says the great
Ontario tunnel, which drains the mines
of the entire camp, has been opened after
two years of strenuous labor. The- tun
nel caved in at various points, the under-,
ground streams were backed up into the
lower levels of the deeper mines and
mining .activity in the camp has since
been confined to the higher workings.
The Daly-West has been most severely
handicapped by the Inundation.
Judge for Canal Zone.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 9. The Isth
mian Canal Commission has appointed
S. E. Blackburn, of Kentucky, a DIs-
'"trict .lude in the Panama canal zone.
After the system has passed through some severe illness
you'll find, th.8 Bitters will aid wonderfully in restoring your
former strength and vigor. In thousands of eases during the
past 54 years this has has been proven.
besides making you well again, will keep you so, if you will
only take an occasional dose when the stomach, liver or kid
neys become deranged. It strengthens the entire digestive
system and thus eures and prevents Sick Headache, Nausea,
Belching, Bloating, Heartburn, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Kid
ney or Liver Troubles, Costiveness,. Chills, Colds, Female Ills
or General Weakness. Such proof as the following letters
should convince anybody of its intrinsic value.
Is sold only in bottles;
like the illustration, and
never in bulk. Refuse
all imitations and substi
tutes. The genuine has
Private Stamp over neck.
Prohibition Sentiment Becom
ing Strong in Many Parts
i of the United States.
South Prominent in Movement To
' wards Enforced Abstinence, but
the Movement Is Gaining Rap
idly ' In Other Sections..
; CHICAGO, Nov. 3. Predictions are
freely made that if the prohibition of
the liquor traffic does noN become a
National political, issue within a few
short years it because the issue
itself will have been eliminated by
state legislation rendering the manu
facture and sale of liquor impossible.
The temperance movement is sweep-
ing the country In an irresistible wave,
and soon. It Is assorted, ho whisky will
be sold in the United States except in
the larger cities, into which the crim
inal elements of the country will flock.
The trend Is toward enforced absti
nence, and the makers of liquor are
plainly alarmed.
The Prohibition party does not poll
a large vote tfut 33,600,000 Americans
live in prohibition territory.
Party Not Powerful.
The Prohibition party has only 20
members of the Legislature in all the
states of the Union put together but
five of these states. Including Okla
homa', have passed total abstinence
laws and 34 have local option statutes.
The 'Prohibition party has not one
member of Congress but the National
Liquor Falers' Convention already has
organized a strong lobby against the
"flnti-C O. I)." law, which would pre
vent the shipment of liquor into dry
territory by the express companies and
Chas. Wieman, Bear Lake,
Mich., say3: "I take your
Bitters whenever my system
is - weak and run down. It
invigorates and builds me p
better than anything I have
ever taken."
which has a f?-Ir chance to pass at the
coming session.
Evidently the prohibition sentiment of
the country cannot be measured by the
Prohibition party.
That this sentiment Is on the in
crease there is no question. Consider
the following table:
Making Rapid Gains.
. Number. Pet. I Number. Pet.
1STO .1.SOO.IHI0 9 1000 1R.3S5.0O0 2S
IKSrt . . . .7.100,000 14 l'JOT ....33.800.000 40
100 . ..ll.3UO.fHW 18! .
Kentucky is famous all over the
world as the state of beautiful women,
fast horses and fine whisky. Accord
ing to the chronic joke of the. comic
papers, the entire adult white male
population of "Old Kaintuck" consists
of whisky- 1 oving, water - fearing
"Kun'els." But 1,500,000 out of the
2.230,000 people of Kentucky have
chosen to live In dry territory 97
counties out of 119 counties are pro
hibition. In the South especially the prohibi
tion movement is spreading. Missis
sippi almost certainly will put a state
anti-liquor law on its books at the next
Alabama allows no saloons to remain
open after 9 P. M. Birmingham, the
state's largest city, "the Pittsburg of
the South," only the other day voted
itself into a dry town. As a result of
the Birmingham election, the State
Legislature, which convenes in Novem
ber, is practically certain to pass a
state prohibition law.
Negro Question Aids.
The movement is particularly strong
in the South. because of the negro
question. White Southerners. who
do the voting have about concluded that
they would rather go without whisky
themselves than have It and let the
negroes have It, too.
The condition of the prohibition
only by the issuing of licenses, per-
h Dakota and Georgia are absolutely
s dry by means of local option. Shaded
movement in the various states Is sub
joined: Alabama Majority of counties dry.
Arkansas Two-thirds of population
live in dry territory. License majority
of 52.000 In 1894 lias changed to an ag
gregate majority of 16,000 for prohi
bition in 1906.
California Four dry counties and
much dry territory in "other counties.
Prohibition sentiment increasing Tap
Idly, judging by recent local elections.
Colorado Precinct . and township
option law secured this year.
Connectltcut Town local option; 96
no license to 72 license towns.
Delaware) Half a, dozen dry towns.
The three political' divisions of the
state vote separately on license or no
license in November, 1907.
Florida Thirty-seven dry counties
out of 45. Governor Broward out for
state prohibition.
Georgia Prohibition law passed
August 5, 1907, to take effect anuary
1, 1908.
Idaho License. Sunday law only
passed in 1905. N
Xcw Local Option Law.
Illinois Probably 600 dry towns.
Local option law recently passed. Ten
dry counties.
Indiana Half of population In dry
Iowa Sixty-five out of 99 counties
dry. Eleven Other counties have only
one saloon town apiece.
Kansas Prohibition since 1880. Of
the 105 counties In the state, only 21
have any paupers; 35 have their jails
absolutely empty; 37 have no criminal
cases on their dockets.
Kentucky Ninety-one out of 119
counties dry. Only four counties
wholly wet. Saloons closed on Sun
days. Louisiana Seven-eighths Of the
country districts dry. ' Orders may not
be solicited or received in dry terri
tory. Least prohibition sentiment of
any of the Southern States.
Maine Prohibition law enforced in
nine-tenths of the state. Maine was,
in 1R55, the year it went dry, one of
the most drunken and poorest of states.
In 1900 it had more banks and $22.
000.000 more money deposited in them
than the wide-open state of Ohio, with
six times as many people.
Massachusetts Local option by
cities and towns, 250 being dry and
100 wet. Laws strict and well en
forced. Michigan County option with a few
dry counties. No chance to vote by
smaller inlts. If county votes wet, it
reverses dry vote in smaller unit.
Minnesota License with village local
option. 123 dry municipalities. Sunday
closing in entire state. County option,
defeated in last Legislature, dominant
issue for pending campaign.
Mississippi Seventy out of 75 coun
ties dry. State prohibition campaign
actively under way. Governor Noel
nominated at recent Democratic pri
maries on state prohibition plank.
Decrease in Arrests.
Missouri Forty-seven out of 115
counties now dry as against three dry
counties in 1905. Sunday arrests have
decreased 55 per cent in St. Louis and
75 per cent in Kansas City since en
forcement of Sunday-closing law
throughout the 1 state by Governor
Montana License.'
Nebraska Village and city option.
Four hundred wet and 600 dry towns.
Nevada License with little restric
tion. New Hampshire Sixty-two per cent
of population in dry territory. State
prohibition defeated in 1902.
New Jersey Loal option law.
Liquor question seething. Republicans
wish to extend law still further;
Democrats dodging. Election Novem
ber, 1907.
New York Town and township op
tion.' Three hundred dry towns..
North farollna Few saloons. Cam
paign for state prohibition with Gov
ernor Glenn leading fight.
North : Dakota Prohibition since
Ohio- One thousand one hundred and
i forty out of 1376 townships dry. Sixty
j per cent of municipalities dry and
i 350,000 people living in dry residence
! districts in wet cities.
Oklahoma State constitution rati
fied September, 1907, makes state pro
hibition obligatory for 21 years, and
thereafter until contrary statute is
Oregon Twelve dry counties and 170
dry municipalities In other counties.
Recent local elections show Increase in
prphlbltion sentiment equal to Cali
fornia's. Pennsylvania License, with privi
lege of remonstrance.
Rhode Island Sixteen dry municipall-
I ties out of 38..
South Carolina County local option.
South Dakota Large sections, of
state dry.
Tennessee Saloons excluded from
all but three municipalities in state.
Texas Two-thirds of state dry by
local option.
Utah License. ,
Vermont One hundred and seven
teen of 140 townships dry.
Virginia Much dry territory.
Washington Only fifty dry towns.
West Virginia Thirty dry counties
Out of 55.
Wisconsin Local option. Six hun
dred and fifty dry spots.
Conditions in the territories are:
Arizona License.
District of Columbia Ratio of sa
loon to population cut In halt during
last 15 years.
New Mexico License.
Change Is Outgrowth of Prohibition
in Georgia.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 9. (Special.)
Growth of prohibition is officially
ascribed as the cause for the consolida
tion of two Internal revenue districts In
Tennessee. In a statement given out to
day by Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Capers announcing the appointment of
Robert S. Sharp as collector of the new
district of Tennessee and the abolition of
the two old districts, attention is directed
to the fact that out of 96 counties in the
state. 92 are now prohibiting the sale of
Intoxicating liquors of all kinds.
The prohibition movement, which is
making rapid strides In the South, has
progressed to the point where Georgia
will on January 1 prohibit the sale of In
toxicating spirits.
Hinds, MacGirinlss and Cook Relieve
Fallen Copper King of All
His Stock.
-BUTTE, Mont.. Nov. 9. Through the
consummation of a deal announced to
day by John MacGlnnlss, president of
the Silver Bow National Bank, of
Butte, F. Augustus Heinze is elimi
nated from the directorate of that In
stitution, all of his stock in the bank
being acquired by a syndicate com
posed of Mr. MacGlnnlss, Thomas R.
Hinds and A. B. Cook.
Mr. Hinds is a well-known railroad
contractor and was formerly treasurer
of Silver Bow County. He Is the man
to whom Judge Claney awarded a fee
of $200,000 for four days' service as
receiver of the " Boston & Montana
Mining Company. Mr. Cook was
formerly State Auditor. Both have
been Identified with the banking inter
ests as directors. Mr. MacGlnnlss was
-formerly an officer of the United
Verde and during the Amalgamated
Helnze warfare he . was Mr. Heinze's
chief lieutenant In Butte.
To talk long distance "Home-phone-it."
Charcoal Stops Gas
On Your Stomach
Wonderful Absorbing Power of Char
coal When Taken in the Form of
Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges.
Trial Package Sent Free.
Charcoal, pure, simple charcoal, ab
sorbs 100 times its own volume of gas.
Where does the gas go to? It is just
absorbed by the charcoal, the gas dis
appear, and there is left a pure, fresh,
sweet atmosphere, free from all impuri
ties and germs.
That's what happens in your stom
ach when you take one or two of
Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges, the most
powerful purifiers science has yet dis
covered. Tbu belch gas in company, some
times, by accident, greatly to your own
humiliation. That is because there is
a great amount of gas being formed in
your stomach by fermenting food. .Your
stomach is not digesting your food
properiy. Gas is inevitable. Whenever
this happens; just take one or two of
Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges right after
eating, and' you will be surprised how
quickly they will act. No more belch
ings; no more sour risings. Eat all you
want and what you want, and then if
there Is 'any gas going to be formed,
one of these wonderful little absorbers,
a Stuart Charcoal Lozenge, will take
care of ail the gas.
And It will do more than that. Every
partlclo of Impurity in your stomach
and intestines is going to be carried
away by the charcoal. No one seems
to Know why It does this, but it does,
and does It wonderfully. You notice
the difference in your appetite, general
good feeling, and in the purity of your
blood, right away.
You'll have no more bad taste in your
mouth or bad breath, either from drink
ing, eating or smoking. Other people
will notice your bad breath quicker
"than you will yourself. Make your
breath pure, fresh and sweet, so when
you talk to others you won't disgust
u them. Just one or two Stuart Charcoal
Lozenges will make your 'breath sweet,
and make rra feel better all over for
It. You can eat all the onions and
odorous foods you want, and no one
can teM the difference.
Besides, charcoal Is the best laxative
known. You can take a whole boxful
and no harm will result. It is a won
derfully easy regulator. '
And then, too. It filters your blood
'every particle of poison or impurity in
your blood Is destroyed, and. you begin
to notice . the difference in your face
first thing your clear complexion.
Stuart's Charcoal lozenges are made
from pure willow charcoal, and just a
little honey Is put In to make "them
palatable, but not too sweet.
They will work wonders in your
stomach, and "make you feel fine and
fresh. Your blood and breath will be
We want to prove all this to you, so
just send for a free sample today. Then
after you get it and use it, you will
llko them so well that you will go to
your druggist and get a 25c box of
these Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges.
Send us your name and address to
day and we will at once send you by
mail a sample package free. Address
F. A. Stuart Co., 200 Stuart Bldg.,
Marshall, Mich.
Sam I Rosenblatt S Co.
Copyright 1907 by
all wool
Wm if
the highest possible
standard of quality; so high that
lots of clothes makers don't live
up to it.
We like to sell Hart, Schaffner &
Marx clothes because they're all
wool and no question about it. We
feel safe if you buy these clothes
we know they're right in everyway;
and when we sell them to you we
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Suits, Raincoats, Overcoats,
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