The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 10, 1907, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 23

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GERMAN. French, Spanish and other For.
eign Dictionaries. Text Books and Litera
ture (German book a specialty). A. W.
SchmaU Co., 220 First at.
LOST powers restor-d by the ere at Dr. Lor
eni' Nerve Tonic Tablet?. 23c a box. Writ
or call at EysseTs Pharmacy. 227 Mcrrl
on St.. bet. 1st and 2d.
Root Pills. Sure remedy for delayed periods.
Trial box $1. Regular aire .$2 oy mail. Dr.
Pierce. 181 1m. at.
MARRIAGE PA PER Highest character. in-
corporate!; 11th year; uHH) members; pa
rr, sealed; send 10c. U. K. Love,' box
1iVW). Denver.. Colo.
MAKRIAGK paper: highest character; Incor
porated ; 1 1th year; Jx members ; papers
-ruled; wnd loc. R. K. Love, box ItiOO,
Denver, I'olo.
ynrXG Christian man wants to correspond
h reijf table working girl, 20 to 25
yrv old ; object matrimony. O Bt3, Ore
gonian. I'OtTLAR lies explained for benefit of
th-iiightful people. lecture hv Prof ens'-1
Griffith 2 P. M. Peats free, tirt N. th i.
Dr. T. J. Pierce, specialist, diseases of women;
all Irregularities corrected; no exposure,
charges moderate. 181 H 1st, cor. Yamhill.
Mme. Courtright, skin and acalp treatments:
facial deformities corrected; plastic sur
gery 225 Fliedner bldg. M. 5042. A 2009-
WIDOWER, R5, with little boy. would HR
to meet widow ; no objection one child;
object matrimony. M 3JVS, Oregonian.
DANISH laborer, 38. wishes to corresiond
with respectable woman, matrimonially in
clined. Add reus J 3M, Oryonlan.
MATERNITY HUME Quiet homelike retreat,
careful nursing, kind attention; confidential.
Dr. Mary Johnson. Boise, Idaho.
BALM of Figs Tor all female diseases. 2
E. Belmont. Phona E. 4034.
BALM OF FIGS For all femala diseases. 303
Fliedner bldg. Main 7721.
LOST Two contracts for Ints Nos. 0 and 10.
block 13, In Gladstone $iio has been paid
and was credited on contracts) ; were lost
on way from First street to Fairgrounds or
in the horse show. Rf ward for information
and recovery. W. -F. Schooley, 60t Main Bt.,
Oregon City, Or.
LOST tfold-fllled match, containing lady's
picture, on Holla-lay ave., between Steel
Bridge and Grand ave. Reward, "". Return
S45 Kast 12th, or 1217 Borthwiok.
FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno
vated, returned same day. 223 Front.
Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair
Factory. H. Metzger.
LOST Between corner Mason, E. 11th and Al
bina ave., pair Boston backer neckyokes,
nearly new. Reward. Phone E. 424 or return
to 4ft Alblna ave.
TERON finding pocketbook with letter of
credit and $3o cash can have cah and be
rewarded by returning same to the Ore
gonian office.
LOPT Bay mare; barbed wire cut left hind
leg; weight 1050; one white hind foot. 605
Ellis at. Phone Sell wood 411. Reward.
LOPT A pointer bitch : round leather col
lsr, large scar on right hind leg. Return to
369 N. 23d at, receive liberal reward.
LOPT Purse containing small change and
watch fob. Return to bookkeeping depart
ment, Pacific Monthlv Publishing Co. ,
LOST Black silk lace scarf at the horse show
or .on the way out, Thursday evening. Re
turn to 415 12th at. Reward.
LOST A large plr,e bull dog, with white and
Mack face, white body. Return to 127
Front at., and receive reward.
Lost On East Side, Thursday-, a ladles' gol
watch with black silk fob; jade charm.
Please return to 22ft Adams.
LOST On Portland Heights, white bull pup,
brlndlc spots, blue eyes. Finder pleuse
call Main 7S28; reward.
LOST Thnrsday, pink enimeled flower
brooch, parl In center. Return Portland
Cordage Co. Reward.
LOST Black and white collie pup. answers
to name of Shep; reward. 034 Laurel at..
Portland Heights.
LOST Oval amethyst brooch In Marquam
Theater or near-by street. Return 324
Tth at.: reward.
OPEN-FACE. United States make, brown rib
bon fob. plain black. Call, phona Sellwood
371. Reward.
LOST Rowing Club pin, initials TV. A. V).
on back; tinder please return to Orego
nian. FUR neckpiece, lost mink, last Saturday
night. Please phone Main 4Sit8. Reward.
LADY'S gold watch with pin, initial A. N.
on watch: liberal reward. 5H5 Hood.
FOUND Small purse with money. Phone
Main 7Mfl from f to 12 o'clock.
LOST Ermine boa, Friday night. Reward
If returned to 151 22d at. north.
LOST String of cornl betjd. with coral cross
attached. Phone Main 707.
Master's Notice.
BRITISH ship Claverdon. Captain Thompson,
from Newcastle, Australia; neither the cap
tain nor the undersigned, consignee of the
above named ship, will be responsible for
any debts contracted bv the crew.
November 8.
Mlscelm neons.
THE undersigned, being a stockholder of
the Sunset Copper Mining Co., of. Index,
Wash., has heretofore addressed Tils as
sociate stockholders with reference to le
gal proceedings against the management
of said company, which he and others
have determined to institute, and es
pecially desires to communicate wttn
those stockholders of said company who
reside within the Pacific Slose with re
spect to the proposed litigation. All sucn
stockholders desiring to obtain fuller par
ticulars concerning the movement wttt
kindly send to the undersigned their
names, addresses and the - amount of
shares held by them either at present o
within the past two years. G- J. Buchler,
213 North 9th St., Philadelphia. r.
Title Guarantee A Trust Co. depositors
A meeting of bona fide depositors In the
Title Guarantee A Truet Co. will be held
on Puadny afternoon. Nov. 10, at 2:30, at
Eagles' Hall, corner of 2d and Yamhill sta.
Only genuine depositors, showing bank
books, will be admitted. By a committee
of depositors.
ATTENTION We do all kinds of carpenter
work and furniture repairing; also reed
goods; eaneseat chairs; baby buggies etc.
22R Sheridan St.. bet. 1st and 2d t.
SALOON for sale on best street In Portland,
doing a land office business; elegantly fur
nished; good leae. 64 3d st.
FINANCIAL matters force me to sell mv
grocery at 7fte on the dollar. Smith, 309
Wells Fargo bldg.
CARPENTERS, mechanics or others with
$200 or more for building homes for sale.
C 3f2. Oregonian.
PARTNER Financial conditions makes this
new meritorious article a swift seller. L
3ft4. Oregonian.
BA 1 .OON $21 00 will handle good paving
saloon In business center. Call 50S Wor
cester bldg.
ROOMINO-HDI'SE. 33 rooms, doing good
huslnes?, for sate cheap or trade. 171
"West Park.
WANTED Psrtner In feed, sale stable; too
much business for one man. K 370, Or
48 BA KERY for sale cheap; r-artv has reason
for selling; sickness, ltfth and Washington
MAN to Join me; California, for Winter;
best wtt: $200" required, secured, p 3l, Or
effonian. WANT person of responsibility to act as trust
agent In business settlement. D B3, Ore
gonian. WANT loan $20: will give 4 rer cent per
month for two months. D 3(4, Oregonian.
GOOD paying feed business for eate cheap
Call at 110 North 3d st. Main
SODA works for eale. old established and ad
vertised business. M 3,VT, Orepronian.
WANT party with Jinon or more for building
homes for sale. C 30, Oregonian.
MASSAGE and beauty parlors for sale at
once. Inquire at 371 12th st.
49 N. PARK 9 room?; $50 will handle this.
Call between 1 and 3 today.
5i8-Vil S wetland bui'dlng.
If you want to buy a rooming-house or
have one for sale, you will find It worth
your x Mle to call on us. Below we call
your attention to a few of the places listed
with ulo:
20 rooms, strictly modern, newly and ele
gantly furr.iened, in the best part of city:
a:i arranged in apartments; good lease;
you can have a sweil home here; very little
work to no and clear $125 per month net;
price oniv $;i0of
7 rot-ma, beautifully furnished, with best
grade carpets and golden oa k furniture; ex
ceptionally well arranged for renting rooms;
Income 102 per month and owner uses 3
rooms; rent only M5; $325 cash and bal
ance ea-y payments.
27 rooms, all well furnished, part house
keeping; one of the best places in Port
land; rent H5 per month, with good lease;
Income ?20o per month and owner uses 4
rooma; ovvlng to illness, must be sold' at
once; pr'ce onlv $ltfi.
r 12 rooms, beautiful corner location. cloe
In : well arranged for either boarding or
rooming-house; elegantly furnished 6
months ago; running water in most rooms;
furnace heat and modern conveniences;
rent $6o; .VK ca mill handle this place;
better Inv-ntJcate at once.
6 rooms, beautifully furnished with high
grade carpets and furniture throughout ;
almost new; rent. Including steam heat,
hot and cold water, $3rt; rooms exceptionally
well arranged for renting; you can have a
fine home here for the Winter and all your
expenses by renting a few rooms: price $650.
7 rooms, exceptionally well arranged and
Pnely furnished: elect see Titrhta, furnace
heat, porcelain bath; income $180 per month
and owner u-se 2 rooms; on account of
central location this is one of the brst lit
tle houses in the city; rent $35; price $7?0.
13 rooms, modern and exceptionally well
' furnished; fine location on 12th St.; rent
only $, with; fine homelike place;
Income $130 per month and owner uses 3
rooms; nrlce $1250.
24 rooms, ail well furnished for working
man's hotel; electric lights. 2-story frame
building, almost new; 3 years' lease at only
$45 per month; this p:ace le absolutely
clearing $100 per month above all ex
penses; can be had at the low price of
$75i; terms.
7-room flat. In strictly modern brick
bnllding; finely furnished; rent, including
steam heat, hot and cold water, $.j0 per
month ; price, only $475.
506-509 Swetland bldg.. cor. 5th and Wash.
Npw Is the time to buy a good rooming
house, and we have got every good rooming
house and hotel that Is for sale In the city;
there has never been a failure in Portland
of a hotel or rooming-house; people have got
to sleep and eat, so get In line and buy a
nice up-to-date rooming-house; do it now.
503-4-5 Swetland bldg.
THE best buys In the city are these (we have
others) :
33 rooms well furnished, new Brussels
and velvet carpets; clears $200 a month;
2J rooms, house clears $150 a month;
flioo If taken at once.
4ft . rooms, cheap rent, good location; a
great bargain at $300.
C. S. ARNOLD ft CO.,
OrlRinal Hotel Brokers,
351 Vj Morrison st.
$,O0 FOR a good manufacturing business;
owner has other Interest and unable to at
tend to both.' For a man that is a salesman
and not afraid to work here Is a place you
can turn ?.'t;0 per month and over; don't
answer unless you have the money and
.vant to do business at once, as no other
proposition will be entertained. W 372, Or
to rooms, corner bri-k. on Morrison near
Portland Hotel, rent $200; flt ytfars lease;
clears $4(J per month ahove all expenses.
DON'T fail to pee it; price SfVwKt.
505 Swetland bldg.
TIMES may he hard ;and money close, but
the people will have to have a bed ; The
Portland Business Agency, 148 5th st.,
have a number of real bargains In rooming-house
end business Investments; we
can save you $100 to $300 on any buy. .
I WANT a partner In my real estate business.
Man must be a good worker and furnish
first clc.5 references as to honesty; expe
rience not necesnary If you are willing to
follow my instructions. Address X 3rtl, Or
egonian. INVESTIGATE THIS We have a number of
buys of Improved property bearing Vi per
cent Interest; this Is five times more than
bank interest and the shark banker cannot
. bunko you. Portland Business Agency, 143
5th st., room A.
MUST have money to save my property; will
srdl my 10-room modern ' rooming-house, new
brick, one block off Washington If taken
by Wednesday, $gR0; only $400 down. bat.
$5 per month, tail i4 otn st., room A
FOR PALE: For small amount of cash, easy
terms on balance, swell, boarding and rooming-house
in fine location; house always
full and good paying proposition; fuel In for
winter; no agents, u ab, oregonian.
BLACKSMITH business; been established 12
years; on account of sicknex will sell
tools and stock worth the price: located
' on a main street: price $1000. Aiken &
Greer, 407 Abington bldg.
CORNER store, sell baked goods, light gro
ceries, etc.; sickness forces owner to sacri
fice price to $425: living rooms go with store
and bank checks taken in payment. Call
248 Stark st.
NEWCOMER wishes to Invest Idle cas,h as
silent partner in safe retail business at
once. No agents or brokers. Write lo
cation and condition. Will call. V 361, Or
egonian. GOOD opportunity for live specialty sales
man or an office man to take ohe-thlrd
interest In promising brokerage business;
$1000 required. S 36ft. Oregonian.
STRICTLY cash business that pays no less
than $ daily; $225 required, fully secured.
Room 323 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and
Stark eta.
SMALL manufacturing -business will pay no
less thnn $175 monthly; $1100 required.
Room 323 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and
Stark sts.
I WANT to buy deposits in the Guarantee
Title & Trust Co.; state amount and dis
count you will allow. Address P 370, Or
egonian. RELIABLE partner wanted to do office work
lq a well-known business paying large
profits; $1000 required. Particulars 4S
Stark st.
GOOD paying rooming-house, 25 rooms; fur
niture all new: always full- lease; with
owner; no agents. Address R 350, Ore
gonian. ,
PARTNER wanted for a saloon: working man
preferred; $30O required; pay you $150 a
month; experience not necessary. Cal1 248
Stark st.
LIGHT manufacturing, partner wanted; $1500
required : duties easily learned : vnu can
make $200 a month. Call 248 Stark st.
MONEY W handle the financing of goon
enterprises and creditable projects. The
Bankers' Bond Co., Pittsburg, Pa.
PARTNER WANTED Upholsterer or frame
msker preferred. Apply Bijou Upholstery
Co., 127 11th at., near Washington.
CASH grocery doing bufiine.s $200 dally; we
have another st Invoice. Room 323 Lumber
Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark.
HARDWARE concern: owner Is retiring; will
sell at Invoice. Room 323 Lumber Ex
change bldg.. 2d and Stark sts.
IF you are looking for a business Investment,
call and get our list. Boom 323 Lumber
Exchange. 2d and Stark sis.
GENERAL merchandise store clearing $4000
yearly over and above all expenses. Room
323 Lumber Exchange bldg.
ATTENTION If you want to sell your busi
ness quick for cash or If you want a good
partner, call. 248 Stark st.
FEED business paying $200 monthly; $20no
required. Room 323 Lumber Exchange
bldg.. 2d and Stark sts..
WANTED Good honest man as partner In
good paying business. Small capital. 306
Ankeny st.. cor. 6th.
WANTED To rent hotel In country town
bv experienced, responsible people. Apply
339 Sacramento St.
A GOOD paying rooming-house for sale; rea
sonable; no agents. Address S SCO. Ore
gonian. TWO flats, modern, well furnished ; your
rent and an income. B 307. Oregonian.
W. W. SMITH & CO..
50 Alder, Corner Third. Room 1.
Phone Main 40.S3.
We want people who lose sleep over the
financial panic to come in and look up
some of the hotels and. roomlng-housea
we have to ofTer. Your rherk will do
Nest 12-room house, near Washington,
nicely furnished, paying good profit; about
$750 will buy it if you come soon.
fij-room house. This is strictly first
- class; on Washington St.; elegantly fur
nished : Just offered for ftrs tue. You
won't need to worry about financial af
fairs. Good income from the day you
get it.
55-room house, big bargain at $21(N;
steam heat, low rent; no business to look
for It's all there now. oood terms on
20 rooms, on Washington St.; very best
location; nicely furnished, low rent, long
lease. Ypu certainly will be pleased with
it; $1500 Is all you need.
42 rooms, on Washington st. This one Is
a very select place; about $3m montn
clear profit in this house. Better man
any sayings bank. Your .checx will De
good for this.
Lota of others in all parts of the city:
any location you want, at most any price.
W'e can arrange good terms for you vn
anything you want.
Ladles tailoring business on Washing
ton at., doing big business. This seems
.to be -ft snap; will sell all or hntr interest;
$1500 will handle it.
Do you want a cigar store, grocery,
boarding and rooming house, saroonr
Most anything in the world. Don't forget,
we attend to fire insurance. Snap In a
smnli restaurant near gth and Washing
ton. $1000.
Better cut this ad out and keep It, and
come In. and look over some of tn Bar
gains we have to offer in most any line
of business.
We have calls for most everything in
the world. Call us up and list anything
you have to sell. We get results tie
cause we stav awake and make an effort.
250 Alder, Cor. Third, Room 1.
Phone Main 44S3.
THE COAST REALTY CO.. 226 Morrison
st., leading business brokers; largest and
best located office In city.
$23.000 New income - flats, close In.
2O,00O Income property clearing 15 per
$2250 8-room new modern house; terms.
$15' n cas h ; m od e n 8- room h ous e.
$750 cash: chicken ranch, improved.
$250 takes good 4-room house and 4 lots.
$1250 Invoice, grocery with 7 rooms.
$T5o cash ; grocery with living rooms;
invoice $900; must be sold.
Others: see prices; also confectionery and
other burinces opportunities, homesteads and
timber cUlms, from $150 up.
Rooming-houses from $10y to $16,000; also
boarding-houses for sale or rent.
$30i0 Rooming-house averaging $4O0
$4000 Rooming-house, Income $fi.v month.
$2750 Terms; bouse averaging $300
$15 0 Terma and 5-year lease; 22 mod
ern rooms.
$ioro 1-3 cash:-IB rooms, all new.
jtSiwu cap-h: 12 rooms near our office.
$500 lo roms. all new. modern.
$351' New flat; rent $25; going away.
$t'50 13 rooms, al! new ; lease, etc.
$f,oo cash ; business clearing $300
531:0 Employment, agency, $20 dally.
$150 Homesteads and timber claims.
We have other places of all kinds: sev
eral snaps in acreage. Call and see us. We
won't urR? buvers for the present at least.
226 Morrison st. Main 15S. A 4150.
INVEST YOUR MONEY with us and get good
results; returns far In excess of legal 1 11 -
. terest rates; security good as Government
bonds; ne now .own 500 acres of gold-producing
territory" Including 8(H linear feet
on the great contact Ir-de. end 60 acres of
the very best coarse gold placer ground in
the Northwest: big dividends are a certainty
and values wi'l easily double within 12
months; here 1 a perpetual source or rev
enue for the future and something tangible
behind your investment in this hour of un
certainty. Let us give your particulars,
. then Judge for yourself. V H4, Oregonian.
Invest your money where it is safe, with
. 10 per cent dividends guaranteed; a chance
to double and absolutely no r!k. We can
promote any enterprise of merit. . The
National Financing Co., 412 Marquam bldg.,
Portland. Or.
A well-paying country store in the mod
beautiful valley in Southern Oregon for
3alc; owner made a little fortune and will
retire; wlil stand your close. investiga
tion. Invoice about $5000; will pay you
to Investigate,
F. FUCHS. 221 Morrison St.
The Ames Mercantile Agency (established
1S05) furnish free information on opportu
nities In mercantile or manufacturing lines,
city or country.
204-2O5 Abington bldg.
FOR SALE Bakery, delicatessen and lunch
eon parlor. In first-class location ; business
established and Increasing; good reason for
selling; will take $000 If deal is closed
promptly; an excellent opportunity for man
and wife who are competent to cater to a
high-clasa trade. B 277, Oregonian.
AN exceptional lease New brick building,
ready for occupancy middle December; lo
cation unsurpassed; about 100 rooms, ad
, mirably adapted for high-class hotel, or
could be arranged for business offices;
long lease, favorable terms. Apply 614
Chamber of Commerce.
FOR BENT Large new hotel at new R. R.
terminal grounds. 12th and Marshall sts.;
has 143 rooms, dining-room and kitchen;
all modern conveniences ; 3-year lease;
rent $500 per month. Apply to Phil Ge
vurts. of Gevurta A Sons. 173-5 First st.
PATENT secured or fee returned. Illus
trated Guide Book and List of Inventions
wanted free to any address. Patents secured
by us advertised free In World's Progress.
Sample copy free. Evans, Wilkina & Co.,
Washington. D. C.
$C5oo WILL BUY controlling Interest and
management of a big jobbing plant and
bindery that will net from $3ono to $."hh0
per ear. Address, 609 L". B. Express bldg.,
FROM $503 to $H00 with services for a
part or whole interest In a business; must
stand thorough investigation; give' full
particulars first letter. B 2G2 Oregonnn.
STOCK, bond offering, mining, electric. Indus
trial or railway company wanted for sale;
commission basis. Address full particulars.
Clientele. P. O. box 2JM. New York.
GOOD paying business which will return sev
eral thousand dollars yearly; will accept
certificates of deposit on any Portland bank
or real estate. J 348, Oregonian.
WANTED Partner to engage In stock and
grain trading: big profits. I have had
years of experience. Now Is the time.
Address N 365, Oregon4an.
ROOMING HOUSE A bargain If taken at
once; 17 rooms; good furniture, gas, elec
tricity and furnace. Call today and tomor
row morning. 14 N. 11th st.
WANT TO INVEST Have reasonable amount
of capital for established mercantile or
manufacturing business in Portland; part or
Whole. H 364, Oregonian.
W A NT to engage n good business ; any one
willing to give half Interest In same up to
$1000 reply full particulars. C 366, Ore
gonian. LADY with small capital to finance retail
business branching into wholesale traae;
no competition; large profits. J 360, ore
gonian. MONEY We handle the financing of good
enterprises and creditable projects. The
Bankers Bond Company, Pittsburg. Pa.
BEST located and paying rooming-house
Portland ; for city property. Mutual
Realty Co., 303 Washington.
HARNESS shop for sale In good Valley
town ; will Invoice about $5K). Address
J 366, care Oregonian.
WILL invest up to $1000 in good paying busi
ness: full partlculara or nc attention paid.
C 365. Oregonian.
ABSTRACT business must go cheap, sickness
the cause, beet town in state. Address B
360. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS saloon, good location, cheap
rent, good lease. Jno. P. Sharkey Co.,
122 6th st.
PATENTED business for sale, reasonable, on
account of must leave, city. C 368. Ore
gonian. MAKE me cash - offer on about $30,000 Title
Guar. A Trust Co. . deposit. X 863. Ore
gonian. WANTED To buy. good rooming-house or ho
tel ; must be first-class. H 3fifl, OreEonian.
EXCELLENT location for grocery. 342 Front
st.; fixtures and 2 rooms, $2250. Main 5S64.
SALOON One of the Dest paying in the city;
good reasons for selling; $4000. Call 64 3d.
No office charge. Commission only.
The name sells your business.
While the .tanks of our city are in
troubtt?, rooming-houses and hotels are over
run; we leave It to your Judgment which
is the best place to put your money.
W'e have hotels, Tooming-houses of all
. sizes, all prices for sale and exchange. The
following are only a few of many houses
we have listed, see US before buying; If we
haven't what you want, we will find it for
you; that is what we are here for.
20 rooms: location unexcelled; 2 years'
lease; furniture and carpets In ' first -clac.
condition ; house pays a profit of $125 t
jr.omh above expenses.
rooms, elegantly furnished; rent $50; 3
years' lease; the house is beautifully located
on corner within easy walking distance of
center of the city; $-w cash; bal. monthly.
ft-room boarding-house. finely located;
turns away business continually from lacK
of capacity; books show a splendid net bal
ance above running expenses; terms.
19 rooms, corner location; new building,
new furniture, new carpets, everything re
splendent with the polish and beauty of
recent, finish. Thle beautiful modern house
.. caters to the best people. A net profit of
$100 a month; terms.
. $4000.
40 rooms, strictly modern; one of the very
bpt locations; furniture and carpets of a
quality -to appeal to the most modern tastes
and demands. Net profits run up to $20O a
month and above: terms.
7-room modern fiat, close in: furniture
and carpets are new and the best; rent $50,
which Includes heat, water, janitor service;
If you are looking for a beautiful place with
all modern conveniences: von must rcp this.
3$ Raleigh Bldg., 6th and Washington sts.
Phone Main 5921.
W'E HAVE some very choice bargains for
Monday morning that are In good part or
city, all of which require very little
money. Any of the list mentioned hers
Is worthy of investigation. If you are In
a position to buy. select the one ou want.
We will show It to you.
Modern ILycom flat, furnished com
plete for housekeeping, suitable for four
Modern 7-room flat. West Side, eie
gartlv furnished; Lownsdale, near Htgn
Cottage. 8 rooms, nicely furnisnea;
clears $iH month- 7th st. near Portlana
Here is one for little or nothing: 7-room
brlcj- flat, on Taylor st.,- near 3d; niceiy
furmshed; too cheap to mention.
Grocery and market. West Side; good
lease; doing fine cash business; good open
ing for man wanting a business of this
Bakery and restaurant, Washlngmn sr..
close in ; man and wife coula nanale 11
easy and make good money.
Partner, half interest in butter, eggs,
poultry, fish, fruits, vegetables, etc. ; cen
tral. West Side.
We have two or three good openings
of small investments for men who can
furnish $350 to $400. where they can
make better than good wages. Call 401
and 42 Lumber Exchange bldg, Secona
and Stark sts.
FOR SALE General mcichandie store,
doing good paying business and rapidly
Increasing, situated on railroad In small
town of Washington County, and in one
of the fastest growing and most prosper
ous sections of the Willamette Valley, be
sides Flore buildings and warehouse is in
cluded a 6-room house and good sized lot.
Stock at Invoice. Terms given. Inquiro
$24 Chamber of Commerce.
Everything in good running order; output
from Sooo to 15,iu0 ftt per day; good yellow
and red fir timber accessible to run mill
from three to four years; two good teams,
three wagons, outbuildings and lumber on
yard; good market; situated 11 miles south
east of Oregon City. Or. ; good road. Call
on or write Dlx Bros., Oregon City, Or..
R. 4.
A nice little dry gooda store, one you can
hnndle. go.d trade, can be made much
better; reason for selling, have other busi
ness and cannot give it personal attention;
it'rt a monov-niaker; write at once. Hod son
& Bennett, P. O. Box 5J7, South 'Bend. Wa.
FOH RENT Store room suitable for first
class barber ship, also for first-class bar
room Ulquor license included In rental),
in five-tory brick building, S. W. corner
Fifth and Oak streets, opposite Commercial
Club bldg. Inquire on premises.
FOR SALE Modern two-chair barber shop,
with bath, in good suburb to Portland,
doing good business; good reason for sell
ing; a bargain If sold at once. Call J. E.
Redmond, end of carline, Montavilla.
Phone Tabor 24.
HERE Is a chance for some barber to get
a flue shop, strictly up to dale and doing
a sood business; fine location in a town
of 12,000 inhabitants. Look this ud ir
you wunt to buy. Address T 348. Ore
gonian. FOR SALE by owners, 32 room rooming
house, centrally located in business district;
$2000; terms; 3 years' lease. 146 Front st.
A COMPLETE drayage business; finest
eiuipment In city ; business long estab
lished ; paying good money ; will sell at
Inventoried ii ice for quick sale. Ths
Spanton Co., 270 Stark st.
I SEND FREE samples of patent Improved
Pet meek y multi-ione needles to all interested
In talking machines. Bach needle plays 10
records. Millions sold weekly. Petmecky,
S48 Broadway, New York.
A COMPLETE drayage business; - finest
equipment in the city; ' business long
established ; paying good money; will seil
at Inventoried price for quick sale. The
Spanton Co., 270 Stark st.
$10 TO $100 'dally profits in the motion-picture
theaters ; experience unnecessary ; out
fits rented and sold on easy terms; get In
the business; particulars and advice gratis.
Newman's. 293 Burnaide.
FURNISHED restaurant for rent; estan
Ushed business, no investment, all ready
to steu in and take charge; rent low: m
connection ith hotel; good locality.
AppJy at 291 2d st.
WANTED Investors to investigate our min
ing and water power, machinery; examine
specimens from our valuable mines. Ameri
can Mining Syndicate, 20-21 Labbe blue.,
Portland, Or.
WANTED Partner to invest $15.00o and
manage general merchandise store. East
ern Oreg.m; $120,000 annual sales; fine
chance for right person. H 346, Orego
nian t
MILLINERY store; a store fitted up right
with a good stock and doing well; good
reason for selling. You can our tma
cheap. Address L 340, Oregonian.
A SNAP 45 rooms, always full; now is your
chance to make an offer; anything reason
able not refused; must be sold at once. Ad
dress L 341, Oregonian.
FOR SALE By owner. 36-room rooming
house, nicely furnUhed, doing fine busi
ness, close In; price reasonable. Call 230
NEAT young man, with business experience
and small capital, can buy interest in well
established real estate business. O 347,
40 ACRES near city limits on west side,
value $4000; take vacant lots or rooming
house as half payment. D 369, Oregonian.
THE Oregon Flake Food Co. have a few
shares of stock to sell for quick returns;
look us up. D. L. Page, St. John, Or.
FOR SALE by owner, 22wroom rooming
house, doing fine business; must sell on ac
count of health. T 351, Oregonian.
FOR SALE By owner. 49-room hotel, over
flowing with business; must aell on account
cf other business. 350 Glisan fct.
"GROCERY store, sell at invoice, good loca
tion, cheap rent, five living rooms. Ad
dress Box 117. Gold Hill. Or.
TAKE NOTICE Will trade for Title Guar
antee & Trust Co. account! Rihorn Land
Company. 200 Allsky Bldg.
$125 interest in good saloon, on account
of sickness: one preferred that can cook
lunch. B 361, Oregonian.
GOOD 4 3-room hotel for sale. Inquire 410
Morrison st.. cor. 11th; reasonable. Call
between 3 and 4 P. M.
$300 WITH services; what have you to offer?
Full particulars in first letter or no answer.
K 363. Oregonian.
$200 Good saloon: owner sick ; good opopr
tunlty: license and fixtures worth more. N
358, Oregonian.
CAN use $500 in an absolutely safe business;
profits will exceed 25 per cent. S 350, Ore
gonian. SOME one with money Mr management of a
large wood proposition. C 354. Oregonian.
12 ROOMS, furnished completely. an filled;
good location. Price $650. 69 7th st.. S.
I WANT to buy a restaurant; will pay cash.
P. W. Henderson, 625 Couch St.
Alaska Petroleum & Coal,
A I am ia Consolidated,
American Telegiaphone (cheap).
Antloak Leather bonti. stock bonus,
Anplo-American Oil A Coal.
British Columbia Amalgamated Coal, ,
Butte Boys Consolidated,
Coroptock Golden Gnts 'nargain),
German-American CJffee,
Home Telephone tbonus and stock).
Hurst Switch.
1 in prove d S t n e 1 1 er.
Indiana (one-third company price),
Irvlngton Imp. Association bonds,
Mammoth Silver-Lead M. A S.,
Morning Mining tMetaline),
Omaha Telephone, srtocks and bonds,
Oregon Trust A Savings Bank accounts.
Pugtt Sunri Telephone bonds and stock,
I'nited Wireless (unstamped).
United Wireter (5 shares stamped) $3.00,
All other stocks and bonds.
125 Abington bldg.
WANTED To sll nut half Interest in n
cigar and confectionery store, 5 year.
lease, rent $1S; large room, good busi
ness; for qui'-k sale will take $.o).
Rooming-house. 14 rooms, nets owner
$75 per month, all furniture in very good
condition, will sell for $850 or trade in
on house and lot. This Is located in
main part of the city.
One 12-room bouse. 4 blocks from Post
office, nets $65 per month; $00.
One 21 -room house. 1 block from Port
land Hotel; nets owner $150 rer month;
owing to health, must sell; $3000; terms
to suit.
504 Dekum Bldg. Main 7342.
75 rooms, new corner brick, on Washing
ton st.: private baths, hot and cold water in
all rooms; steam heat; clearing about $700
per month; casv terms; call for particulars.
505 Swetland bldg.
ANY kind of a business can be found for sale
at our office; rooming and boarding-houses,
hotels, restaurant', grocery stores. fruit
stands, fish markets, ladles tailor, dress
making factory, all prices, good location.
See our ronilng-house list. Sawmills and
timber Healers.
311 Swetland bldg.. Portland.
HEADQUARTERS for rooming-houses; we
have a choice list In all parts of the city;
termo to suit all.
13 rooms; price $750. $400 cash: clears
$6" mo.; swell part of city; rent cheap.
14 rooms, rent $35; price $650; a money
maker. Also a 6-room fiat, $300.
H. W. GARLAND A CO., 191 4th St.
FOR SALE New sawmill, running on rail
way contract ; good timber, extraordinary
good chance for Portland contractor, or
will borrow on same: reason for selling,
note due at closed bank. L 365, care
FOR SALE or lease to right party. Jewelry
and optical business, tock and fixtures, com
plete. In Washington County seat town: fine
opportunity for good man. Address C. H. S.
G. B. Co., R. 306 Goodnough bldg., Port
land. Or.
ROOMING-HOUSE of 7 rooms: a snap for
$3oo: near Portland Hotel; a modern house,
by Itse'f ; furniture Is flyst-claee; nice look
ing place; will clear you $30 a mo. above all
expenses. H. W. Garland A Co., 1B1 4th st.
RELIABLE real estate man wants honest
partner to .-how customers land; experience
not necessary and very little money re
quired; active man can dlear $150 a month.
Call 248 Stark st.
FOR SALE or trade. 14-room boarding and
rooming-house; beautiful grounds; a swell
location, close In: rewly furnished; $6M)
will handle. Owner. A 365 Oregonian.
NEW hotel, furnished, 80 rooms; dtnlng
rooni. kitchen, office, barroom, full of
hoarders; lease ft years, call bells, electric
li'-rhts. Owner. K 371. Oregonian.
SPECIAL Monday Owner of a feed stable
wants honest partner to oversee help, col
lect, etc.; will pay you $30 a week and only
$:co required. Call 2lS Stark st.
OWNER going East, will dispose of whole
or half interest In first-class business; no
debts, god profit; experience not neces
sary; terms. G 371 Oregonian.
WHOLE or part Interest In fully equipped
garment factory ; a snap for practical man
or woman, but experience not essential;
terms. G 372. Oregonian.
SALOON partner wanted In first-class place
to look after cafh. Salary $150 monthly
aside profits; $looo required. Room 323 Lum
ber Exchange bldg.
WA NTET Partner, lady preferred. In pay
ing office business: now paying $450 per
mcnth; $400 required. Address F 363,
PARTNER wanted for a strictly cash busi
ness; pay you $3 a day: $20 required: ex
perience unnecessary. Call 248 Stark st.
WANTED Rooming-house, 8 to 1 rooma.
Phone Pac. 223 or A 1321.
H. W. GARLAND A CO.. 101 4th at.
TAILORS, dressmakers, c titters, partner in
good paying business, $1000; investigate
at once. M 371. Oregonian.
Money to Loan.
All Railroad Men, Carmen, etc..
Clerks. Salesmen. 'Bookkeepers,
All Salaried employes.
Can Get from us
Any amount from $10 to $100.
Easy payments and lowest terms.
Strictly confidential.
423 Mohawk bldg.
Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can
gc. on his note, without mortgage (con
fidential): Month. -month. Week.
$50 Repay to us. ..$13.33 or $6.65 or $3 35
$25 Repay to us. . .$ 65 or $3.20 or $165
$15 Repay to us-. ..$ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00
203 McKay bldg., 102 Third.
LOANS made to salaried people holding per
manent positions and responsible firms;
easy payments and strictly confidential ;
on .personal property; rooming-houses a
205 Abington bldg.
MONEY advanced salaried people and others
upon tneir own names without security;
Cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In
60 principal cities; save yourself money by
getting our terms first.
TOLMAN, 233 Abington bldg., 106 3d.
MONEY LOANED On salaries, no other
security; my system Is the best for rail
read men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar
employes and others; all business confl-
dentlal. F. A. Newton. 511 Buchanan bldg.,
2S6 Washington st.
EXPERT appraising on chattels and real es
tate, farms, livestock, etc.; rooming-houses
a specialty. See us before you buy; a thor-.
ough aopralsat will save you money. The
Realty Brokerage Co., 268 Stark st.. suite 32.
CASH on hand for purchase money, mort
gages, bonds for deeds or contracts of sale
on real estate, either country or city
property. H- E- Noble, Commercial bik..
2d and Washlngton.
MONEY to loan at 6 to 8 per cent on city
property or secured notes; no commission
charged. S-l Bloom, attorney, room 635,
Chamber of Commerce.
TO loan in sums of $100 to $10,000; short
loans. 30 days to one year. Swope-Grant
Co., 420 Commercial block, 2d and Wash
ington. MONEY to loan from $1OO0 to $15,000 on first
mortgage on Weot Side business property;
Interest 8 per cent. Address C 3B4, Ore
gonian. $5000 or less In sums to suit on real estate;
charges reasonable. Inquire J. H. Middle
ton, 617 Chamber of Commerce.
$100,000 to loan tn sums of $100o or more to
suit. 6 to 7 per cent, on improved realty, M
G. Griffin. 268 Stark, opp. Cham, of Com.
MONEY 'oaned on real estate mortgages or
contracts. Small building loans a specialty.
W. H. Nunn, 552 Sherlock bldg.
GUARANTEE Title A Trust Co.'s deposits
wanted; state amount and price. Address
W 370. Oregonian.
SALARIED people save money by getting our
terms on loans first. Employes' Loan Co.,
716 Dekum bldg.
$1500 TO loan on first mortgage real estate
security; reasonable Interest. W 361, Ore
gonian. State funds loaned. 6 per ct. W. E. Thomas,
state agt., Multnomah Co. 400 C of Com
MONEY to loan on ail kinds of security.
Wm. Holl. room . Washington bldg.
$500,000 to loan at 6 per cent on mortgages,
Wm. G. Beck, room 812. Falling bldg.
DON'T borrow money on your salary until
you see Hutton Credit Company.
A LOAN for the asking, salary
The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg.
Money to Loan.
$ $
5 $
$ $
$ $
S $
S $ $ $ $ v SALARY $ $
$ $ $ $
$ LOANS $ $
$ $ $ X $10 to M00 $
$ $ $ $ Upon plain notes $
$ $ Lowest Rates,
$ $ $ Easiest Payments.
$ $ No Mortgug?,
$ $ Nc Ind-.r5or,
$ Nc Publi lty.
$ " Absolutely no Security,
Open S A. M. urtl! 6 P.
Sat. an Wed.' until S P.
704 Dekum Bldg.
$ $ $
$ $
LOANS on furniture, pianos and other se
curities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room
45. Wash. bldg. Phone Main 6100.
TO LOAN Large aiwi finall amounts on good
security ; low rt9 of Interest. Sherlock A
W oerndle, 90 5th st.
Loans Wanted.
I HAVE a party who will give excellent
city residence property as security for
$Si0 for one year, and will pay per
cent. Inquire J. D. Morris, between 0
and 11 A. M., New Occidental Hotel, 1st
and Morrison sts.
EXPERT appraising on chattels and real es
tate, farms, livestock, etc. ; rooming-houses
a specialty. See us before you buy; a thor
ough appraisal will save you money. The
Realty Brokerage Co.. 218 Stark st., suite :.2.
NOTICE Want to borrow $."000 on $S00O Im
proved real estate; will pay 8 per ceat ln
te:est. L 32. Oregonian..
FIRST mortgage on Improved city real
estate for $00o; has one year yet to run; 8
per cent. Twomhly. 27o Stark st.
WANTED A loan of $looo for one year on
first-class real estate worth $12,000. J 352,
WANTED $2000 on good real estate security.
2JM MorrUon St., room 26. Phone Pacific
WANT loan $2oO; will give 4 per cent per
month for two months. D :t4, Oregonian.
WANTED Toan $15tA on new house in Port
land; 8 per cent. A 3ti, Oregonian.
WANTED To borrow $25 H); real estate se
cjtity. Whitfield. 312 Kenton bldg.
WANT $2000 loan on new residence in city,
t 35, Oregonian.
LOAN of $1000 wished for city Improved.
C 361, Oregonian.
Accordion Plaiting'.
Accordion and knife idaUtng and pinking.
Chamber of Commerce. Office systematizing
and general accounting. Both phones.
275 E. 36TH ST.
Prepares plan for steel. Iron and concrete
construction, etc.. of very description; also
prospective work for bridge building, water
tankV. water towers, turbine chambers,
locks and foundations.
Art School.
LESSONS In china painting; orders for Christ
mas. The Chetopa. 18th and Flanders. Mrs.
Kate L. Xeedham.
LESSONS in hand carvlnj buy and sell an
tique furniture; repairing. 528 Wash.
J. S. WINCHESTER, attorney-at-la w, notary
public, 58 and 5j Washington bldg.
501-2 Swetland bldg.; abstiactt.
Aera3'vra and Analysts.
Wells A Pro e betel, mining engineers, metal
lurgists and eosayera. 2u4 Washington.
MONTANA Assay Office. 166 Morrison at.
Best facilities. Prices reasonable.
PAUL BAUMEL, aaeayer acd analyst. Gold
dust bought. 2()7 Alder st.
Carpenters und Builders.
W. L. Buckner, office, store f.xturea, genrai
Jobbing, contracting; ami Stark. Mia 5&l.
Cement ton strut Hon.
ELLIOTT-REGAN CO. "Anything in ce
ment' ; manufacturers "Ideal" concrete,
bldg. blks. 102 Grand ave. Phone B lti6.
Chiropody ana Maokurin,
WM. DEVENY and Estelle Deveny. the only
scientific chiropodists, parlor. 203 Drew
buliding, 162 2d st. Phone Main 1301.
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. HUU
room 330 Fliedner bldg. Phona Pacific 125.
Commission Merchants.
HERMAN METZGER. purchaser of bides,
pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow and rubber
and old metal and general commission mer
chant. Front st., near Main, Portland, Or.
TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com
mission merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland.
D. C. BURNS CO., grocers and commlsaloa
marchaata. 210 Bd st.
Carpet Cleaning.
THE IONE steam carpet cleaning works, re
fitting and sewing; prompt delivery: work
guaranteed. R. F. Shepard. East 360.
Cleaning and Pressing;.
SCHULZ A HOLY, alterations; work called
for and delivered. Ph. M b3f)0. 142 19th.
Ideal Custom Tailoring Co., repairing work
'called for and del. Main 7843. U03 Stark.
INTERSTATE Adjustment Co., law and col
lections. Main 8130. 414 Buchanan bl'Ig.
i" 1 1 1 11 -1
M'MINN Dancing Academy, Mulkey bldg., 2d
and Morrison ; classes Tuesday and Satur
day, 7 to 8:3o P. M.; private le aeons, 2 to
5 P. M., dally. Social dance Saturuay eve.
PROF. RINGLER, dancing academy, a select
choul; class or private lessons dally. 265
E. Morrison st. Phones.
Ietect!ve Agencies.
A LICENSED detective with 15 years suc
cessful Chicago experience will taxe canes;
strictly confidential ; consultation fre.-,
shadowing. Call residence phone 8405
Main, or address Scott, io 2d st.. room 4.
Dog and Horse Hospital.
Dr. C. E. Brown. D. V. S., D. C. M. Dog,
horse hospital. 106 N. 6th at. Union Trans Co.
DRAMATIC Instruction, elocution.- Lily
. Branscombc and Herbert Ashton will receive
pupils; terms. 504 Morrison st.
DRESSMAKING and alterations. 221 Morri
son, upstairs, suite 21. Main 3223.
Tenth and Morrison.
Open all the year. Private or class in
struction. Position certain when compe
tent. All modern methods of bookkeep
ing taught; also correspondence, rapid
calculations, office work, Ch artier short
hand ; easy, rapid, legible. Catalogue tru
W. W. WILLIAMS. M. S. Frin., 148 5th.
Central location ; Pitman shorthand; ex
pert graduate; low tuition; day and night
school; new puplia dally.
ENGINEERING Civil, electrical, mechanical,
. survey, assay, cyanide; established 1064,
Van der N allien School. Slot and Telegraph,
Oakland. Cal.
GERMAN language, conversation and gram
mar, by young lady, experienced teacher.
J 304 Oregonian.
agents on coast for the Thatcher furnace;
work guaranteed. East 5003. 40o East
Furniture and Repairing.
A FEW pieces of fine old mahogany furniture
for sale. Walborn & Walk ley. repairers and
finishers. 23 Grand ave. Phone East 6161.
Gasoline Engines.
Stationary, marine, elctnc equipments launch
es, accessories, wholesale, retail; engine re
pairing. Reierson Machinery Co.. 182-4-6 Mor.
l lning.
PARTIES interested tn mining should call or
write me regarding a property I am promot
ing; rapid advance in this stock assured.
Call and see nie. I cPn. make you niunev.
H. W. Miller, 66 6th ec
Harness and baddlery.
THE George Lawrence Co.. wholesale saddle
and harness mnfr.. 80-S6 1st. Main 226.
Jnnk, Iilde and I'elta.
L. SHANK A CO.. purchasers of hides, pe'.'.s.
wool. furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals aad
aacks. 312 Front at.
Lcatiier aua Findings,
tabllshed 1&5S. Leather and findings: Stock
ton sole leather and cut stock; full liu
Eastern Jurr boi. 't& Front st.
CHAS. L. MA STICK A CO., Front and Oa
sts. Leather and skins of every descriptloa
for all purposes; sole and tap cutters' Pn4
tags. Machinery.
B. TRENKM AN A CO., mining, eswml'.l log.
ging machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings,
all kinds, repaired. 104 N. 4th st.
IDEAS developed, inventions lirrfeeted, models
and drawings Plopper, 713 E. Ilth
st.. Portland. Or.
Moving Picture Machines.
MACHINES, songs, slides, supplies, etc.; low
est prices. Newman's, 283 Burnaidv st.
" MuslcaL
MANDOLIN, violin, banjo, guitar Instruc
tion ; private lessons only; Gibson mando
lins. Weber's studio. 4fc W ah. St.
EMIL THIELHOKN. pupil Prot. Sevclk. vio
lin and viola teacher. 334 Pine. Pacific 29&.
FROM New York, thorough piano teacher.
Mrs. Brewster. 201 IS.n. Main 4030.
MANDOLIN, guitar, banlo. Jesse Parker.
Tllford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts.
Nickel Plating.
Oregon Plating Wk.. 12S Lownsdale st. ; gold.
iier aim nicaei plating. Mam 25o. A 2575.
Osteopathic Physicians.
415-16-17 Dekum bldg..
Third and Washington sta.
Phone, office. Main 349.
Residence. 15. 1028.
DR. L. B. SMITH, pioneer Osteopath of Or-
con tn'iit. zr .,.M 1. 4 ,. i.j.
hlig. Main 1242; re. Main 2782.
Paint. OU. and Ghw.
RASMCSSEN & CO.. Jobber, pvnu. oi:.
a.q nd door. Cor. 2d and Tylu.
F. K. Beach A Co.. tne Pioneer Paint Co.
-uw' .i.w .MIA .IH.lll.. IM 111. .1.
Paper Hanging and freroratin;.
PAPBRHANOING and decorating; room.
Patent Drawing-, and Capes.
T. J. OEiyi,RR, attomry and expert. 6.(0
Chamber of Commerce bids.
Patent lawyer.
PATENT8 SOLICITED Wash. atty.. expert
advlc. free. A. J. Matter, 61S Common
wealth bld., 6th and Ankeny.
R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foretza patent.;
Infringement cue.. 604 Dekum.
Photo Engrarer.
PERFECT printing plate. Hicks-Chatten
Engraving Co.. corner 1M and Aider sts.
J. W. E. RAWI.1NSON, plumber and ga.
Mtter. 7flti William ave.. formerly with
B. Singer.
Rubber Stamp.
ALSO trade checks and all office good p.
D. C Co.. 2.11 Stark t. Both plionea. 1407.
FIVE econd-har.d bank safe with tin-.
locks, and 12 second-hand tire-proof safes
for sale at half price. Full stock of Hair,
eafe and th Kiy-Norris Manard Mangan
ese Steel bank safes, strongest in the oriu.
at Norris Safe & Lock Co.'s store. 70 Sixth
St., Portland, Or.
FIREPROOF and Manganese steel bank safes
at factory prices; second-hand safes at low
prices. We are manufacturers, not dealers.
The Mosler Safe Co., HIS 2d st.
DIE7BOLD manganese safes large line car
rled. Lock-outs opened. Jacks. Jails, metsj
furniture. Uoneat price, and goods. fiota
phone. J. .S3. Cavta. 68 id.
This Is strictly a matter of business on
your part to call at my offlc and becoin.
familiar with my spiritual and sclenttflo
work. A hint to the wise is sufficient.
Greatest living astral dead-trancs clalr
voyant of the age; ADVISER OF BUSI
whom you will marry, how to control th
one you love, even though miles away:
reunites the separated; gives secret powers
to control others, no difference how chme
or how far away, you can always obtain
your desired results. Tells you just how,
where and when to Invest your money to
obtain the best possible results. If you
are sick, melancholy, disheartened or dis
couraged. UO NOT GIVE UP IN DE
. BPA1R; come and receive Spiritual ad
vice that will help you to receive
I will do all other advertise to do. and
a great deal more.
Office Nos. 8 and 4, Grand Theater bldg.,
352 Vj Wash. St., Phoae M. 1267.
In order that ail may have the oppor
tunity to consult him, readings reduced thl
week to the
THE 6TEVENSO.MS, e.leoratea trumpet and
clairvoyant medium and psychic palmist
from the East, will give readings daily;
.elect circles by appointment. At th
Karo. 171 West Park st.. upstairs, room
11 and 12. Horns phone A Z376.
MARION CORELLI, palmist and trance me
dium. Satisfaction guaranteed. 22bft
Washington St., bet 1st and 2d.
RAMONA, psychological and spiritual read
er; by appointment only. Phona Main
70.:.1, 2o2 ith si.
Mrs. Mar.hfleid, prophetess, 2118 Morrison,
bet. 3d and 4th st., reads your entire life.
MAY ANDREWS, card reading at 325 Main,
25c. Phone Main 7S48.
Showcase, Bank and Store Fixture..
THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co. show
cases, cabinets, etore and offlc fixture.
28U Couch st Pacific 218L
R. H. BIRDSALL. designer; agent M. Wlntel
Lumbar Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 5130.
THB Lutke Manufacturing Co.,
Hoyt. phone Main 108.
cor. ttth aa
Sign Painting.
The largest slgnniakers In the Northwest,
5th and Everett eta. Phon. Private Ex
change 55. Home A 1155.
SIGNS ("That Attract."
. Portland Sign Co., 287 Stark. Pac 15ML
Storage and Transfer.
First-class fireproof storehouse; prompt
and careful attention- given to all classes
transferring. Office 204 Oak. Phon Mais
647. A 2247, Pacific 1061.
:. O. PICK, offlc 88 1st. bet. stark and Oak.
Phone bVH. Piano and furniture moved and
packed for ahtyment; commodious brick
warenouse. with .par-t. Iron room. Front
and Clay sts.
C. M. OLSEN Safes, plsoos, furniture nioea,
packed and .hipped. Office 66 3d at. Both
phones. Office, Main 1655; r . Main 2480.
W. M. JOHNSON, transfer and express, 2d
hand goou.. 23 Union ave. East 4441. H 1004.
Street Paving;.
WARREN Construction Co., street paving,
sidewalks and crossings. 314 Lumber Exch.
Portland office, 402-3-4 Worcester block.
Tinner and rtoofer.
BANGS JOHNSON All kinds of comic
and blow-pipe work. Eaat 5003. 408 East
NEW and second-haw. typewriters. all
makes repaired, sold, and rented; also
state agents the Visible Fox. Th Tvp.
wrlter Exchange.. 84 3d st. Main 60S
NEW typewriters, all makes, rented. old. n
paired. Coast Agency, 231 Stark. Phot 1401,