The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 10, 1907, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 20

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That splendid 8-room dwelling, all
modern conveniences, new plumbing,
new pas fixtures, cement walks; pink
of condition, in march of improve
ment, convenient to two car lines and
manufacturing district. See it, at
Must sell at once, as bank calls on
owner for money. No reasonable of
fer declined. Call, but don't phone.
2-16 Stark St.
Four five-room flats, brand
new, good location, all rent
ed, and yield per annum
over 10 per cent.
PRICE $10,500
Portland Trust Company
ol Oregon
S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts.
I offer for sale the following
$220, 5 months' Security J1500
Nets 7 per cent.
$1000, 18 months" Security J3300
Nets 5Vs per cent.
$:W0, 3 years' Security $1500
Nets 7 per cent.
Others from J200 and tip. Netting- the
investor from 5 per cent to 77 per cent.
Phone A 3478.
613 Buchanan Bldg.
House of 6 rooms and 50x130, on
KUllngsworth ave., the future business
street of grrenter Portland, on the Pen
insula. Tills house hns a concrete foun
dation and basement, and two of the
rooms are equal In size to four rooms.
205 Lumber BxrbanKV.
K. K. corru-r Cook and Missouri ave
nue, lots 0 and 10, block 15, Cook's
addltl-in, Alblna,
S2H Third Street.
HOOD, On etrpetcar line, very cheap; 7 rooms,
basement, furnace, electric liprhts, fire
place; lot 100x100; fruit trees, shrub
bery, barn and nice lawn; $1000 down
and $20D0 on terms. M. C. Davis, 16
Hamilton Bldg.
Lot 75x85, with three houses renting
nil the time and In walking distance
on West Side; $5003. Good terms. M.
C. DAVIS. 16 Hamilton Bldg.
$1200 On easy terms for a well built 6-
room houee and nice lot.
$2750 On reasonable terms for a well-built
tt-room bungalow in Sunnyside.
$3500 For a well-built new 8-room house,
clowe In.
F. FUCHS, 221 Morrison Street.
AN exceptionally well built house of eight
rooms, in pood condition; has fine rur
nnce; five blocks frnm Steel bridge. Kant
Side; will rent for $42 per month; $3200;
Call on TIb.
Couch Bldg.. 109 4th St., Near Wash.
$40O EACH buys two fine building lots on
44 th street close to Hawthorne avenue
car; M cash, balance to suit. Call and let
me show you a bargain; no other lots so
cheap in this fine district. Jas. A. Logan,
room 'JO Raleigh bldg., 323 "Washington
$5500 3 nrw modern 5-room cottages,
corner lot; bath, etc.; fiber plaster; gas
and electric lights; sewers and all Im
provemtnts in. Inquire 208 4th. Pacific
or Main 3900. your check Is good ou
117 feet frontage on lnt Stark St., 84
feet deep; good place for business; pric,
for a few davs, $1300.
248 Alder Street.
$4O0. 20 ACRES. $4O0.
$100 down, $10 month buys choice fruit
land near Forest Grove; get a place where
you can make a rich living and be inde
pendent. B. S. COOK & CO.. 251 Alder.
FOR SALE, or trade for farm, six-room
house, IOOxIOO, corner, fine lawn, fruit
trees, berries, lots of roses; also 100x100,
with 20x05 greenhouse, with florist stock,
henhouse and park. F. H. Brodahl. St.
John, Or.
MODERN swell new fi-room house on East
ISth and Washington stF. ; swell home,
walking distance, 55o0, $H500 cash ; clearing-house
certificates accepted, balance 6 cent. Bollam. GruBst & Hlgley, 128
3d at.
$4t0 PER ACRE $-400
Two and three-quarter acres on carline;
rich garden land, with running water.
B. S. COOK & CO., 251 Alder.
HAVE several cheap lots to sell on small
payments, balance Installments; will take
clearing-house certificates. E 360, Ore
7-room modern house, cement basement,
itatlonary tube, actual value $7000; will sell
for much less. Phone B 1107.
$1400 Beautiful corner lot on 24th Bt.,
cement sidewalk, water, gas; owner. L
:if,rt. Oregonian.
FINE large 8-room house on corner on
South 1st st.. for $3500; house alone cost
the price. See M. C. Davis, 10 Hamilton
$500 CASH or hank certificate, Sunnyside
lot. near Marguerite ave. 608 Main t.,
Oregon City.
TO show our faith in the banking institutions
of Portland, we will allow face value for
deposits- In the Title Guarantee & Trust
Co.'s bank in exchange for giit-euge real
3514 Morrison st.
We are ottering lo-acre tracts In this
famotm district at the above price; land
Is slightly rolling, no w-jsie; soli volcanic
ash. Easy terms. If wanted.
LA MONT & HARRIS, 306-7 Swetland bldg.
5-ACRE tracts near Vancouver, 2 xh miles
from ferry landing, partly cleared ; lay
nice; good soil ; water easilv gotten ; they
are snaps for $:hk up, on terms.
Call on Us.
Couch Bldg., H: 4th St., Near Wash.
CHECKS accepted on any bank In Porttana
on any property we have. Call at the office
and let us show you the bargains we are
offering in vacant lots and income prop
erty; our prices are 2i per cent below a
. Joining property. M. E. Lee. room 20,
Raleigh bldg.. :t2.t Washington st.
Not half lot, but lots 40x125, 20-ft. al
leys, BO-ft. streets; nice level lots; a good
sate investment; sold more lotB the past
week than any previous week; terms $5
down, $5 per mo. J. J. Oeder, cor. Grand
ave. and E. Ankeny.
HOME bargain, a grand, large 8-room,
strictly modern house, block of ground,
very choice shrubbery; an ideal home,
near Hawthorne avenue, east of the Ladd
tract; a gift at $10,500; checks accepted
on any bank in Portland. M- E. Lee. room
20. Raleigh bldg., ,I2o-4 Washington st.
LOT on 35th st.. Just south of Hawthorne,
for only Sc,25, 14 cash, balance to suit;
also offering bargains on Marguerite av.
:u;th, 37th. 44th,, 45th and 4Uh streets on
same terms; checks accepted, on anv bantc
in Portland. M- E. Lee, room 20. Ralelgn
bldg., 323 H Washington street.
BARGAINS -1 1-room house with bath, lot
Ji4xlOO, near East 25th and Taylor; price
$:!O00, cash, $1000; rent $33; fl-room house
with bath, lot 50x100. near Falling ana
Missouri avenue, $2250. half cash, rent
15. Other bargains. Aiken & Greer. 40?
Ablngton bldg.
$6000 BUYS four new modern flats. "West
Side, walking distance, will pay 12 per
cent net; half cash; if you are looking for
a safe and sure Investment let us show
you this. M. E. Lee. roum 2u, Ralelgn
bldg., 323 y "Washington street.
$1800 WILL handle $0000 fine home, beauti
fully located; one of Portland's most mod
ern homes; hot water heating, polished
floors, all conveniences; 8 rooms, rub
finish, swellest plumbing; best car service.
Phone Sunday. B or East 1S04.
OWNER of 40 acres of select orchard land,
improved, wants young man with $800 to
$1000 to take equal interest in ownership
and development, by going on the place.
Owner will pay liberally for hls portion
of work. Call 251 Alder st.
MODERN swell 8-room residence not quite
finished, on East 14th St., near Yamhill. No.
172 East 14th. $54M, $2000 cash; balance
6 per cent ; clearing-house certificates ac
cepted; inquire 170 East 14th or Bollam.
Grussi & Higley. 128 3d st.
7-ROOM house, new, modern, full basement,
electric and gas, 1 block of carllne, porce
lain plumbing, plunge and shower bath, 2
lots (80x100), corner. A" decided bargain;
$2400; rome terms. J. M. Cameron Co.,
Room 412, Commercial bldg.
LAND FOR SALE La Center. 20 miles
from Portland: the best part of Clark
County. Larsen & Wompler have for sale
some fine property from 10 to 180 acres,
well Improved, at a bargain. J. U.
Larsen. La Center. Wash.
$10,000 for income property on 12th st.s
Income $1032 per year; half casn, balance
to suit; improvements are first-class.
M. E. Lee. room 20 Raleigh bldg.. 323&
Washington street.
$3200 A lovely 5-room house In Irvington ;
all modern; full lot, beautiful lawn, fruit
trees, all improvements In; $1500 down, bal.
long time ; you take no chances in invest
ing your money In a home. Sherlock &
Woerndle, lk 5th at.
Nice home. rooms, two stories, base
ment; trees and flowers galore; fi-mtnute
car service; splendid neighborhood; $1000
cash, balance easy. Owner. 842 Bast pine
st., near 28th.
FINE modern 7-room house in choice resi
dence section of the city; lot 100x100,
large rooms, every modern convenience,
and must be sold at a sacrifice; price
$4800. M. C. Davis, 10 Hamilton bldg.
$4000 buys a solid 2-story brick bulln
lng in St. John; income $40 montn; only
$1500 cash required for first payment.
E- J. GEISER, 221 H Morrison St.
$750 worth of clearing-house certificates will
place vou into a nice new 5-room bunga
low on Portland Heights. 34 lots, nice
trees, etc. ; price, $2750. $2000 in 5 years.
Bollam, Grussi & Hlgley. 128 3d et.
THOS. McCUSKER. 205 Couch bldg. Phone
Main 7040. Real estate, stocks and bonds.
If you are wise you will invest your
money in real estate or good interest
bearing securities. I have them.
ONE. five or 10-acre tracts, no further than
St. John, at $150 per acre at $10 per
month; Salem carline and Southern Pa
cific runnlig through same section. W.
Reidt, room 15. Washington bldg.
Will buv a desirable homesite. WEST
SIDE, 5 minutes" walk of three carllnes;
price only $250.
B. S. COOK & CO.. 2M Alder St.
NINE acres, partly cleared, balance brush,
adjoining Irvington Park; $2OO0 cash or
certificates, balance 5200, 2 years at 6
per cent. A. D. Marshall, agent, 427
Chamber of Commerce.
PIEDMONT Two beautiful new homes Just
being completed, 6 rooms, bath, reception
hall and pantry, all modern conveniences;
see owner on premises. Moore and Kill
ing worth streets.
A LOT on Corbett street for sale, priced
right for quick sale, checks accepted on
anv bank in Portland as payment. M. E.
Lee, room 20, Raleigh bldg.. 323 H Wash
ington street.
FINE 6-room (practically 7) bungalow,
house all modern, and beautiful grounds
75x100. In swellest part of Irvington;
$0500; no less; part cash. T 308, Orego
nian. NEW 5-room house In Fulton, one block
of carline;- good woodshed; lot 50x100;
onlv $5o0 cash and $20 monthly ; price
$1750 M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg.
CHOICE acreage tract close to city $7850,
fine soil; all cleared, will take cneck on
any bank for all or one-half, balance on
easy terms. O 306. Oregonian.
7-ROOM house and lot 50x85, at Highland,
$.100 down; clearing-house certificates ac
cepted; balance $20 per month. Bollam,
GruflBi & Hlgley. 128 3d st.
FOR SALE New. 6-room modern house,
nieelv finished, lot ROxloO, with fruit and
shrubbery. Inquire !IH, Cleveland ave., or
phone Wood lawn 1071.
HOUSE and lot. South . Portland. $2500,
terms; fine apartment house, corner, cheap
property everywhere. Mutual Realty Co.,
303- Washington.
THREE beautiful lots in North Irvington
for snap price of $050; terms given; be
quick. A. D. Marshall, 427 Chamber of
6-ROOM cottage, bath, all modern, dozen
fruit trees, paved street, two blocks to
car; $1300. Owner, 235 Worcester bldg.
KLAMATH FALLS lots near depot site. $20
down, $10 a month : sure money maker.
Frank Ira White, 215 Oregonian bldg.
$1200 Quarter block, east front, unob
structed view; terms. Tel. Main 3000.
FINE lot in Piedmont, Rodney ave., east
frontage, 2 blocks from car; $750 net cash
or terms. F 862. Oregonian.
$:flS5 Modern 7-room house, near St eel
brldpe; beautiful yard, walking distance.
F 370, Oregonian.
DEPOSIT your money in Klamath County
land; it pays. Frank Ira White, 213 Ore
gonian bldg.
TWO fine new cottages at Sunnyside. $250
cash, balance monthly. Call 1107 East
ROSE City Park, lot close car, lower tract,
below market price ; terms. F 371, Or
egonian. SIX rooms, modern, nicely finished. two
lots at St. John Heights, $2500. W. B.
PATENT to trade for real estate; wg
money-maker. Room 5. 303 14 Washington
MODERN 5-room house, corner lot, most
desirable; 2 carllnes; cheap. Phone East
WEST SIDE residence, near Lewis and Clark
Fairground. Call 608 Worcester bldg.
FINE farm. 150 acre. 80 in cultivation; fine
house and barn, fine spring at the door;
good orchard, some good timber; will make
one of the best dairy farms In the etate;
10 miles from Portland; a real snap; $70
per acre; H cash.
Fine 40-acre tract. 2 miles from Port
land; 2 from Damascus; 25 in cultivation;
good orchard, good t-room house, small
barn, fine spring, good well; $3250; U cash.
Fine 7l-acre tract, on Salem line; level;
some good timber; running water; 5 acres
cleared; only 10 miles from Portland; an
extra good buy; $80 per acre; cash.
Fine lo-acre tract, near O. W. P. Car
line; all cleared; near Eagle Creek sta
tion ; $1250; $250 cash, balance easy terms.
Fine 20-acre tract, 7 miles from Port
land, on Rase Line road ; the best buy in
country; $25o per acre; will sell half same
pric e ; easy terms.
Fine V block. 12th St., near Hancock,
$325o; good terms.
Fine '4 block. East 28th, near Base Line
' road; $2250; $500 cash. -
Fine lot. East 2Mh and Morrison ; im
provements all in, $1500; $250 cash.
Fine 7-room house, Eaet 20th and Stark;
lot 57xlOO. 55O0; $1000 cash.
Fine 6-room house. East Taylor, near
- 35th; modern In every way, 2300; half
Fine 8-room house. E:st 28th. near Mor-rlsion-st.
carline; a good buy, $3750; good
Fine new modern 7-room house. East
27th, near Morrison carline; only $3750.
If you want to sell your mortgage call 00
CHARLESON & CO., 411 Commercial bldg.,
Phone Pacific 1106.
$8000 That real swell place . In Irving
ton ; the talk of the town ; 8 rooms, quar
ter block; the latest out; the swellest
place on Tillamook st.
$5500 Half block on Portland Heights,
overlooking city; it's the real thing.
$3UOo l-acre lot, with handsome
room house, 5 finished in elegant Btyle;
fronting on electric carline; it's the place
you want.
$2500 Swell place on Corbett st.. 6
rooms, with modern conveniences; don't
fail to see it ; you will miss a bargain.
$2000 t full lots on Ea.t 8th pt.. Wood
lawn: near little farm with 5-room cottage.
$1200 Quarter block in Sellwood, with
good 5-room residence, bautifut and new.
$1000 Corner lot, 5-room cottage, one
block business. Montavllla.
248 Alder Street.
SEVEN-ROOM house, reception hall, pan
eled 7 ft. high, floors and stairs cov
ered velvet Wilton carpet and rugs, par
lor floor covered Big low Axminster rug;
dining-room panel wainscot 5 ft. high,
floor covered Blglow Axminsters rug; li
brary panel 5ft. .high, floor covered body
Brussells carpet; kitchen, large pantry,
toilet and lavatory on first floor; bath
room fitted up complete; two single and
one companion bedrooms on second floor;
large attic, all floored, full cement base
ment and cement laundry trays ; electric
wiring, flush switch evtry room, electric
flat iron circuit; woodwork and floors
first floor wax finish, second floor natural
wood; elegant gas and electric fixtures
throughout; shades to all windows; all
above new, only been occupied three
months; price, $5250. A 353, Oregonian.
$0000 8-room modern residence, large
bathroom, best of plumbing, hot
water heating system ' throughout
house, large open fireplace, reception
ha!!, inside finish, polished redwood
and fir, fine large attic floored, beau
tiful grounds, choice corner lot and
location, easy walking distance and
close to two car lines; opportunity to
secure charming home at a decided
202 McKay bldg.. 3d and -Stark.
235 acres on Blodget Creek, Benton Coun
ry. richest soil in the state; we defy com
petition in quality and quantity of crops;
60 acres cultivated, 5o acres choice open
pasture, with very little labor could be
plowed; balance valuable timber, worth
price of place; two sets small buildings,
good roads, 2 miles station ; price, only
248 Alder Street.
Elegant 8-room modern house, 306 N.
24th- st.. in the heart of the fashionable
residence district, for sale on monthly
payments; full cent basement, solid rock
foundation, every modern convenience;
price $0750; $150 down; $50 per month.
400 Commercial block. Phone Main 447.
A SNAP $1080 buys a strictly modern home
of 7 rooms with large reception hall, bath
and toilet; term. If you want a home
see this Sunday; 4 blocks north Stewart
station on Mt. Scott carline. 161 Warner st.
N I 'E new 6-room cottage. East 27th and
Clinton ets., just finished; a swell home,
$7oi cash, balance $20 per month; we will
take clearing-house certificates. Bollam,
Grussl & Higley. 128 3d st.
FOR SALE Two fine lots. Union ave. near
Portland boulevard, and several fine lots
Lesh's Add. at Highland, near Union ave.
and Alberta st. O'Brien Realty Co.. 626
Lumber Exchange.
HIGHLAND real 'estate given special at
tention; good homes, lots at reasonable
prices on Installments; horse and buggy
to show property. Spier, 1031 Union ave.
FOR SALE Strictly modern six-room house,
just completed, corner East 30th and
Schuyler, one block from car. Inquire F.
Dreaaer & Co.. East loth and Broadway
N BW 6-room bungalow. Just completes ; all
the modern Improvements, in Irvington. on
21st st., between Tillamook and Thompson
sts.; must sell. By owner, 306 Columbia et.
A beautiful 5-room bungalow.
0. M. SMITH,
638 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE 7-room modern house with 1
or 2 lot as desired on carline. very cheap,
and at buyer's terms as am leaving city.
P. S. King, 430 Broad St., Montavllla. Or.
10 ACRES west of river, less than 4 miles
from Portland ; lies well, rich soil ; $200
per acre ; terms. The best proposition in
or near Portland. 325 Lumber Exchange.
MOUNT SCOTT line, new 4-room house, 2
lets, corner; also 1 single lot cheap for
cash. F. Melnhold, owner, Lenta, 1 block
south of station, thence 1 block east.
only $S00, corner adjoining Overlook, mag
nificent view; worth $2000. sinnott ft
Slnnott. 5;i5 Chamber of Commerce.
$4250 8-room modern house on East Burnside
st.; fireplace, furnace, laundry tubs, barn,
etc.; newly tinted; very easy terms. Palmer
Van Alstlne Co.. 222 Falling bldg.
BUY from owner and save commission, nlc
6-room bungalow, modern every way, full
concrete basement, on carline, near Pied
mont. Phone East 2466; easy terms.
CHOICE n-acre lots for sale on the Oregon
electric carline; also a few special bargains
In larger tracts near the city. W. E. Burke,
620 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
CHOICE LOTS The Title Guarantee Ac
Trust Co. certificates of deposit accepted as
payment till further notice. C. E. Linthl
cum, 811 Commercial block.
1 1 1
BUSINESS comer, snap; 50x100. KilMngsworth
ave., cor. Kerby st., 3 blocks from Pied
mont car barns; $1200; terms. W. H. MUI
hollen, Corvallis. Or.
$2400 BEAUTIFUL new 6-room modern
home. East 43d, 3 blocks south of Haw
thorne ave; $400 check, $20 monthly. Dr.
CLEARING-HOUSE certificates wanted in
whole or part of purchase 80 acres, near
Portland, $30 per acre. G 365, Oregonian.
bldg., makes a specialty of selling East
Side residencea Main 666L A 2653.
TWO handsome new bungalows, five and six
rooms, Mt. Scott line; price and terms rea
sonable. Address Mrs. Unruh, Arleta.
.$1000 4 rooms. 758 E. 8th. terms.
$1500 5 rooms, new. modern, 768 E. 6th,
OWNER, Main 3090.
20 ACRES on West Side, 3 miles from
poetofflce. $150 per acre; terma, All good
soil. 325 Lumber Exchange.
$000 Residence lot, close in, , on Bel
mont st. Phone E. 386.
PUT your money In real estate; $10 cash, $5
mo. buys a lot you can live on. Puree, 823
Chamber of Commerce.
Alder Springs lots, $100. $125, $150. Write
Dr. Cardwell, Ogn. bldg.. full information.
FOR SALE Lot 50x100, 24th and East Flan
ders; terms cash. Inquire 133 Grand ave.
SPHINX AGENCY, 805H Stark st., can sell
your business property or residence.
SMALL home. East Side, or will trade equity.
Owner; no agents. J 351, Oregonian.
$2750 Choice quarter block in Holladay's
Addition. J 335. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Flat 5 rooms, nicely furnished.
Phone Main 7628.
FOR SALE Hood River apple land, CaU
A 6177.
Invest In any of these bargains and you
will not only put your money where It will
be absolutely safe BUT IT WILL GROW.
No. 22 5-room, nearly new house, toilet
and bath, close to car, lot 5Oxl00. only
$1300; $700 cash, balance mtg. two years 7
per cent; a nice little home sure to increase
In value.
No. 27 Half-acre improved ground, good
4-room house, city waler, 25 fruit trees,
chicken-house, a cozy little home, near car
line in suburbs $1000; half cash, balance
$10 per month.
No. 17 New, cozy 5-room bungalow, elec
tric lights, city water, lot 50x100. near car,
25 minutes' out; $1800; $3oo down, balance
$20 per month.
No. 30 Half-acre. 6 minutes walk from
station, nearly new 2-rooin ceiled house,
fruit trees, berries, roses, water, wood
house, only $050 cash ; a safe investment,
sure to be worth more money.
No. 31 Fine building lot near car. 50xlO0.
nice neighborhood, price only $275; $S5 cash
balance $5 per month; a good way to savt
yaur money.
No. 34 2 lots, lOCxlOO feet, near station,
$450; $275 cash, balance $6 per month.
No. 20 1-acre good land near trolley, has
been ploughed, all fenced, price only $750;
another good Investment.
No. 28 1-acre (corner, can be subdivided
Into lots) fine ground, berries and small
fruits, 2-room house; $1300.
No. 25 Beautiful 5-ronm bungalow, bath,
basement, cement walks, woodshed, fine
garden, fruit trees, chicken-house, quarter
block, near car; $2500; $1000 cash.
No. 18 5-room modern house. large
rooms, fine attic, water, lot fi'tx2r0; price
$17A); $1000 cash, balance $15 monthly.
No. 1 4-room celled house, lot 40xl25, 6
minutes' walk from station; $075; all cash.
No. 19 lo-acre tract (trolley depot on
property), 20 minutes' out; $3000; $1000
cash, balance terms; a money maker.
No. 112 fine lots quarter block), r.raar
eta t Ion, .$450.
No. 35 6-room modern house (corner),
-ground 115x100, on carline. fine neighbor
hood, electric lights in house and barn,
chicken-house and run. fine garden, fruit
trees, flowers, a beautiful home and bound
to be worth more money; $2200; $1200 cash,
balance mtg. 6 per cent.
Please refer to numbers In making in
quiries. The above properties are located at and
near Firland, a pretty little suburb on Mt.
Scott trolley. We have branch office at
Firland station.
301 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark sts.
We own and offer for sale and immedi
ate occupancy the following 6-room
houses, containing every modern conveni
ence and in exceptional locations:
301 Guild St., Oust off Thurman St.);
two car lines; $4000; $400 down, $40 per
3!):; Guild St., $3850; $300 down, $30 per
302 North 24th st., $3750; $250 down. $30
per month.
Are you paying rent?
Our plan eliminates the rent leak!
"Pay rent to yourself."
406 Commercial .Block,
Phones Main 447. A 1445.
FOR SALE A piece of Income property
that will bring you 12 per cent on the in
vestment; get it quick; it won't last long.
Another good thtng Plot of good land,
will grow anything. mile from the
waterfront; good house and barn; only
See this one corner lot and one inside,
joining good little houee; $S00 will take it
if you come quick.
P. O. Box 617, South Bend, Wash
$7500 Each Choice of these three homs
overlooking the harbor and Fair
grounds; grand view of mountains and
city; modern, all improvements; open
fireplaces, furnace, large grounds,
desirable location, close to car line;
6, 8 and 0 rooms; terms.
202 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark.
6-ROOM modern home on East 14th and
carline; small corner lot, nicely located
among fine homes, few blocks from the
new high school; piped for furnace, gas
and electric light. We have this at an
investment that will make you good re
turns and a safe place for your money.
Henkle & Harrison, 217 Ablngton bldg.
taken at their face value for the best acre
age within the city limits for the price,
cleared and in' cultivation, fine strawberry
ground, close to Vernon-st. car and school;
$050 per acre worth today $1500 per acre.
Call at Mcguire's. 806 Union ave.. North.
WE have on the PENINSULA only 20 lots
1 block from car. 1 block from station;
only $300 per lot; $3 down and $5 a
month will carry one of these lots; the
cheapest lots on the Peninsula this
close to car. See them at A. C. Mc
Donald, agent. Get off of Bt John car
at Peninsula Station.
FOUR lots. 30 fruit trees, berries, garden,
flowers. poultry-house. new bungalow,
modern; must be sold; will exchange for
acreage on carline. Phone Union 3522-
$2400 Lot 41x135 on paved street, close in;
good investment; also 5-room modern bun
galow East Side. Apply owner, 235 Knott
st., cor. Gantenb:en. Phone C 1339.
NEW house for $2800. only $600 cash, bal
ance to suit. D 3t0. Oregonian.
HMtis.mihii--M"Tiifrr-'! irgii 1 i rMiimiTrJtift-itfifc li 'firii tm "in ifcnrtiMn if- V "in-rsnfisif-l
Get Animal Pets
Through Oregonian Ads
Happy pets make happy homes. Few people realize how the joyous out
burst of song from a fine canary will banish care and thoughts of business,
or how it drives away the hours of enforced loneliness to have the never
ending devotion of a pet dog to depend on.
The quickest way to get a well-trained, dependable pet of any kind is
through Oregonian Ads. Many of the finest Angora Cats, Tufted Canaries,
Dachshunds, Spaniels and other rare and beautiful birds and animals can
only be had from private sources. The people who have bred and trained
these pets will not turn them over to promiscuous or unkind people, but will
often sell them when a buyer comes along who gives evidence that the ani
mals will be kindly treated. ' . '
Pets are a luxury that only the well-to-do can afford, and this is why it
has ahvays paid bird and animal-lovers to look to The Oregonian ads to
gratify their whims and fancies. The Oregonian reaches the people who
can afford pets.
If you want a canary that is a "sure pop" songster, or a dreamy-eyed
Angora with a coat like a Sheen of sijk, or a wPug' with a pancake face, or
any rare, queer or curious thing in the pet bird or animal domain, you can
be practically certain that Oregonian ads will get it for you.
SELLWOOD New 5-room bunagolw. strictly
TOWNSITB modern; city view; Park, 1
CO. b'ock from car; for 10 days.
$2100: part cash.
9-room modern house, nearly
new; City View Park, 1 block
from car; $3000, part cash.
4-room house and 2 lots. 1
block from car; $1200, part
Houses from $700 to $4O00.
7 lots with running water;
r 2 lots near 3 carllnes, . $325
1 lot. well located, $225 cash,
$250 on time.
Snap 1 lot. City View
Park, $130, $03 down.
100x100, on Alnsworth ave.,
i 1365 E. 13th st.
Phone Sellwood 161.
THE finest country place in Oregon. ' no ex
ception; extensive grounds, groves, hedges,
shrubs, etc.. modern house, city water, with
40-acre orchard averaging $1800 per annum
net, one mile from best town In valley, 26
miles south of Portland, four daily trains;
must and will be sold at much less than cost.
A. C. Churchill & Co.. 110 2J st.
Will buy a new bungalow; 3 large rooms
and reception-hall, full basement, tot loox
100. on North 15th St.; terms. casn.
6-room modern house, full lot. splen
didly located on the East Side; terms.
$5(o cash, balance $20 per month; must
be sold by November 15. ,
133 H First Street.
1-ACRE tract close in , on 5-cent carline,
good soil, no gravel, corner on county
road; fine homes adjoining; price $1000.
Acre tracts at Lents, water "pioea on
each acre; price $550; monthly payments.
Some fine Improved farms in Yamhill
County for sale or exchange. W. H. Lang,
206 Stark street.
$3750 West Side on 11th. a little south
of Montgomery et., the owner being pressed
for money, has instructed me to Immediately
dispose of a 10-room double house, renting
for $45 per month, on a fractional lot 3ux00;
a very nice house; also a corner in same
vicinity, 32x40 feet; $230.
Room 33, Raleigh Bldg.,
Cor. 6th and Washington St.
44 ACRES on Palatine Hill, beautifully lo
cated, highly improved, with beautiful
modern house, reception hall, fireplace,
bungalow for help ; 2 modern chicken
houses for 2000 chickens (new); fine well;
gasoline pump; about 500 fruit trees, barn,
etc.; this is one of the finest suburban
homes around Portland. Just outside city
limits; price $7000. terms, or would trade
for good city property. The Cross ley Com
pany, 301 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark sts.
e. m. Stevens.
Tabor Heights, end of Mount Tabor and
Morrison-st. carline. The new, sightly
'Broadview" lots from $300 up, on terms
made easy. Only 2 blocks from carline;
wide streets. Bull Run water, shade and
fruit trees; the best buy now on the mar
ket. We have a long list of lots, acreage,
timber lands and trading property. Phone
Bast 050. Fare 6 cents.
12 acres on carline, close to city, all In
cultivation, mostly bottom land, on good
gravel road to city ; fine building place;
some bearing fruit trees, close to stores,
school, churches and Btation; $200 per
acre; terms.
217 Ablngton Bldg.
A STRICTLY modern 6-room house in
Holladay Park, on Clackamas street, only
three blocks from Broadway car; very
conveniently arranged. with polished
floor; lot is 50x123; will rent for $35 per
month; only $43O0; terms.
Call on Us.
Couch Bldg.. 100 4th St.. Near Wash.
That 12-room modern house. 13th and Main;
lot 74x100; price, $18,000; $5000 down.
Also that new 7-room modern house, lot
55x100, Willamette Heightf
PRICE. $6300.
Also a 30x100 lot, Kearney, west of 22d,
for $2300.
LAMONT & HARRIS. 306-7 Swetland bldg.
tn small tracts of acreage and farms,
convenient to this city. I have them at
right prices.
Also 160-acre farm In Southern Oregom
75 acres under Irrigation; 50 acres fine
apple and grape land. The right man
can make a fortune on this.
408 Chamber of Commerce.
MODERN 6-room house, over block,
20xl 26; grand location and grounds, im
proved streets and cement walks, 5-mln-ute
par service; best plumbing, 2 toilets,
wash trays, gas and electricity, finished
basement ; over 100 roses, all berries,
grapes, asparagus, peach, pear, plum, ap
ple trees, chicken house and yard. Phone
Sunday, B or East 1894.
FOR SALE Large choice residence Iota
rloyp In. 3HOU East Washington.
A 12-ROOM house on Willamette Heights;
fine view; exceptionally well built; narrt
wood floors and finished; four fireplaces,
conveniently arranged; strictly modern;
full lot; only ya.ioo; terms.
Call on I's.
Couch Bldg.. 103 4th St.. Near Wash.
FINE business corner in St. John. 100x100;
if sold this week will take ?2500. wortn
3-room house and lot SOxlOO. woodshe,
chicken-house, close to car, fine location,
lot alone worth the money; onlv $;7:t.
small payment down, balance $10 per
month. J. J. McCarthy. 4?2 Ablngton bldg.
A HOTEL, of 20 rooms alwavs filled, doing
a big business, in Newberg. lot 100x220.
furniture Included, on Main street, one
block from bank and poatoffice; only
$450O. terms.
Call on Us.
Couch Bldg.. 1O0 4th St.. Near Wash.
WILL exchange 3 fine lots on Woodstock
carline, beautiful location; price $1500; as
first payment on nice residence property
of about $2500 valuation.
Fine 040-acre wheat farm, 225 acres In
cultivation; nearly air tillable; good build
ings, well watered, clos to school, 3 miles
good railroad town in Alberta, Canada.
Price $17,500, for good Oregon property.
SPLENDID 281 -acre improved and well
stocked farm In Yamhill County ; price
$14,500, for Portland residence property,
or will sell on easy terms.
222 Washington st.
A FINE home Just outside city limits on
Palatine Hill, valued at $7000. new, mod
ern 7-room house, costing $:t50O to build,
wired for electricity, hot and cold water,
gasoline engine, 4 acres of gardenland.
2 acres of selected 4-year-old fruit trees,
2 new. modern, double-walled chicken
houses, each lOO feet long to accommo
date 2000 chickens; nice 2-room bungalow
for help, water piped to barn and ctilck-en-houses.
Will exchange for moaern
house in good locality, worth about $3000
to $4000 and receive balance all or part tn
casn. The Crossley Company. 31 McKay
building, Third and Stark streets.
WILL trade good lots for Title Guarantee &
Trust Co. accounts; lots are not advanced,
and you don't need spread your account
out as first payments, leaving a cash bal
ance equal to price of lot, as real estate
firms are offering. Investigate. I want to
collect $5000 of accounts. Addresa E 36T,
WILL exchange a good paying drugstore In
Portland for good city property or farm;
value $3500; also a country store, clearing
$3ouo a year for good farm, value $7500.
Both Will stand your closest Investigation.
F. FUCHS, 221 M Morrison at.
2LV210 Ablngton Bldg.
I have large list of good property to ex
change. If you have anything to trade,
come In and see me. Alfred A. Baker,
real estate, 215-216 Ablngton bldg.
SALE or trade for city property, 20 acres
rich bottom land, part beaverdam. on rail
road, near station and school ; buyer can
contract to improve adjoining land; bar
gain if sold socn. See Mr. Cobb, owner.
407 Jefferson st. M 6334.
$750 WILL buy handsome pair black car
riage horses, well matched, city troKe,
prize winners; can be seen for a flay or
two at Central Stables, 19th and Wasn
ington; also stanhope and harness cheap.
WHY WAIT FOR 60 DAYS for your aavlngs
account? I will take It dollar for dollar
as part payment on some select lots In city
at once. G. S. Draper, 34314 Washington
st.. rooms 5 and 6, cor. 7th et.
taken in exchangeat reasonable discount,
for gilt-edge securities, bearing 0 per cent
interest. State amount of your deposit.
Address X 360. Oregonian.
STRICTLY modern- -room cottage. ele
gantly furnished, ground 50x100. very cen
tral, to exchange for farm, give or take
difference. Call 14S 5th st., Portland Busi
ness Agency, Room A.
FOR SALE or exchange for vacant lot;
complete photographic outfit, for studio
and view work; price 30O; will teach you
the trade for '$25. Inquire at 3S0 East
Washington street.
WOULD give $100 and 12 acres good un
improved land on Yaqufna Bay. across
from Newport, in exchange for small
home on 5c carline. J. M. Wangeman,
057 Water st.
75 ACRES first-class land, 11 miles from
city; 40 acres in cultivation, orchard ; will
take 8-room house on - East Side tn part
payment. Abraham A White, room 8,
Labbe bldg.
COUNTRY store property and merchandise,
team and wagon and elx lots near Mount
Scott carline; exchange for farm. J. o.
Smith. Clackamas, Or., R. F. D. No. 1,
box 120.
ROOMING-HOUSE of 32 rooms In good loca
tion to exchange for residence or acreage;
In netting from $150 to $175 . per month.
510 Buchanan bldg. 286 Washington.
40 ACRES, 2V miles from the city, partly
cli-ared, near projected carline, will taka
gjod rooming-house or horse and buggy
as part payment. D 360, Oregonian.
TO EXCHANGE Good Income-bearing subur
ban property and acreage up to $S(KX), for
stock or farming proposition in Willamette
Valley. X 364, Oregonian.
EASTERN Oregon wheat ranch, 1600 acre,
all in cultivation, exchange for Portland
property; take or give cash difference. Ad
dress Q 350, Oregonian.
2M ACRES, cultivated, close In. young
fruit, 5c fare, for close in lot or lots or
first payment on cottage; owner. J 350,
160-ACRE farm near Columbia River In
Skamania County, Washington, in ex
. change for city property. 620 Marquam
EQUITY in East Side lots to trade for Title
Guarantee & Trust deposits, or anything
of value. Address X 361, Oregonian.
WANTED to exchange, dressmaking for mu
sic lessons; one who would come to the
house. Call A 4004. No poor teacher.
SOME cash and paying general store. Coast
town. $2rO0 for small improved place near
city. Room 52ft Perkins Hotel.
WILI exchange team of draft horses (about
Sfloo lbs), for good lot. Write or call, 106
East 18th st.
GOOD rooming-house to exchange for sub
urban house and lot, value $300. J 302,
FINE lot and equities in 2 others, for any
thing valuable. What have you ? J 301,
80 ACRES land near Portland to exchange
for rooming-house; good location. M 341,
WHAT have you to trade for equity In
East Side lots? Address M 330, Orego
nian. TEAM. 2400 pounds,' good mares, for sate
cheap. Inquire at 328 Third st . Monday.
REAL estate for Oregon Trust Savings de
posit. Alnsworth Smith. 309 Wells-Farro.
WILL trade for what you have. L. Alns
worth Smith. 309 Wells Fargo bldg.
TO EXCHANGE Lots close In for building,
small house. 3804 East Washington.
A FINE road horse, well broke to city, sired
by McKlnney. Phone Union 1071.
3 LOTS in Berkely tract; 4 blocks to car, for
best offer. Sedgwick, East 6o78.
WANTED, for spot cash, a furnished house
of 6 or 7 rooms; am not so particular
about the distance from the business city,
but must be a nice home for old people
and a bargain. Will not pay over $33ou.
Give price, location, etc. B 309, Oregon
ian. WANTED A nice home on East Side ami
on the west side of 20th st.. not over
$5000. State location and best price. Will
be in the city on the 14th Insi. B 3Gb,
I HAVE customers for good income prop
erty ranging In price from $2500 to $50,
000. I wish to deal with owners direct.
J. Frank Porter, 222 Washington st.
WANTED A 6-room house in a good loca
tion on installment plan. Can pay about
- $400 cash, balance $20 a month and In
terest. N 302, Oregonian.
A BUNGALOW and lot 100x100; price $2500
to $3000. near carline; owners or agents.
Address O 370, care Oregonian.
SMALL acreage, home near city, for some
cash and paying general store. Coast town,
$2500. Call room 529 Perkins Hotel.
WANTED All kinds ol real estate. F. Du
bois. Washington bldg., room S,
WANTED 6-room house, close In; no agen
H 363, Oregonian.
$2600 Nice ami weiV improved 10-acre
fruit farm, clew to cannery and handy to
Nwbtig College; easy turms; makes a
epltridld home and money.
$45oo On easy terms tor a well-Improved
KO-acre place, 13. milts from Portland; good
roads, improvements and soil; a splendid
$5500 On easy terms for a first-class 60
acre place. 14 miles from Portland; high
grade buildings and best of soil; right In a
irosperouti village and fine county road; a
k-ot 120 acres, best of soil, 00 in cul
tivation, balance timber, with more cord
wood on it than to pav for the place;
$1000 cash, balance 10 years at 6 per cent.
$S5 per at-re for a l2-acre farm, 10
miles from center of Portland; the nicest
laying body of land In Multnomah County,
richest toil lor truck gardening; can be
divided into 5 and 10-acre tracts and re
tailed at $250 per acre, as carline will
pasa through.
F. FLCHS. 221 Morrison St.
.4.o acres of the richest land on earth,
nothing better in any man's country, right
at railway station; 250 acres, all fenced and
In tine state of cultivation, balance choice
timber: several million feet lumber and
thousands of good piling; 5 acre in fruit;
yielded over Jluuo this year; several springs
and tine creek, perfect system waterworks;
very excellent 9-room residence. 3 large
barns, granary end tool-house; price, $15.
OO0. Including lo horses. 8 cows, wme
young cattle, 32 hngr, tlno lot poultrv. lotirt
bushels grain. 40 tons hay. all kind's farm
implement, Including roller dic plow,
new grain drill. 4 plows, 2 wagons. 1 hack.
1 buggy and all kinds of harness; one of
the best equipped places in the etate, ca
pable of yielding $5000 per annum. Fa
vorable terms.
THE Dl ' X N-LA W R EN C E CO. .
2-18 Alder Street.
One of the best propositions ever of
fered Jpr the money.
40 acres, about 20 acres under cultiva
tion : sufficient timber for firewood; all
fenced ; family orchard, fairly good n
room hou.-e. large barn, full of hay; run
ning water; personal property, span of
good horses. 5 milch cows. 2 heifers. 1
calf. 2 hogs, about loo fine chickens, about
KM) sack notatoes, 1 cream separator.
- churn, all dairy supplies, lumber wagon,
spring wagon, harrow, plows. In fact,
everything on place except household rur
nlture. for $3400; $1000 or more casn. bal
ance suitable terms can be mace. This
plate Is 2H. miles from Oregon CItv car
line. 4 miles from Oregon City and 14
miles from Portland.
133 Vi First Street.
40 acres. 35 under cultivation, all level
and rich garden soil, 5 aires nin fir tim
ber and living pring. on main county
road. 14 mile railroad station and boat
landing; nice family orchard ; good house
and outbuildings; a snao at $"7."t0; terms.
461 acres, facing Columbia River, 2.1
acres cleared, within IO miles Portland:
$4000. or will trade for good stock of
Give us a call If in the market for a
209-210 Commercial Btk.
160 ACRES, near Wlthoit's and Scotfs
Mills, good soil, better than range land
and much cheaper; $ 1 250.
80 acres near Troutdale. about 1.000,000
timber on it, a bargain for $2000.
80 acres between Hlllsboro and Cornel
ius, covered with timber, some cedar;
much better than bank certificates at tho
price of $l!0O0.
These are eaisy; each of them good in
vestments. They are worth much more
A. D. MARSHALL. Agent,
427, Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE 840 acres in Sherman Countv,
Eastern Oregon; price, $25 per acre- 02
acres ready to seed this Fall, mostly
Summer fallow; hod acres unaer wire
fence ; 2 springs and a well ; 2 mites to
school, 10 miles to railroad station; n
room house, stable for 24 horses; corn,
potatoes and hay for sale on ptace; im
plements, horses or mules If wanted; will
take good land neat Portland as first pay
ment or security for first yavmeni. and
give terms on bn lance. Address box 43,
R. F. D. R. No. 1. Clackamas, Oregon.
' $1200
Will buy 20 acres. ' miles from Oregon
City carline. 4 acres under cultivation, ill
acres In timber, good well of water. 4
ronm house, small barn and woodshed,
small fruit, consisting of .strawberries,
gooseberries, currants, raspberries; It is
all under fence. This would make a mc
lit! le chicken ranch and can he bought
with $000 cash payment, balance long
time. 1
1331 First Street.
700 ACRES, io mllei east of Roseburg, on
Deer Creek, at $12.50 per acre; down,
balance on time at ft per cent; 5.000, 000
feet of sawed timber, sawmill on place;
also large marble quarry; good stock ranch,
two orchards ; nice place to keep cat tie;
timber Ls worth more than what he aska
for the place. Jno. P. Sharkey Co., 122
6th st..
30 ACRES. 25 miles from Portland, near
Newberg. a good house, barn, fine S-acre
orchard of assorted fruits and berries, a
good team, two sets of harnesses, wagon
and hack, hny enough for Winter, cow, 50
chickens and all farm Implements; aiai
145 orchard boxes ; price only $0300;
Vail on Us.
Couch Bldg.. MM) 4th St., Near Wasn.
115-acre farm on Columbia River, 40 acres
under cultivation. 35 acres piling timber;
large bouse, barn: io cows, good work
team, 25 hog?, chickens, machinery, house
hold fronds, etc. This is a fine place for
the money; price $5(0: $4O00 cash. Many
more splendid farms. Call on us. Checks
good. F. J. Rtelnmetz, 103 Morrison st.
80 ACRES, Rldgffleld. 3 miles N. E. 20
acres In fruit, 4-room house, no stumps,
easily cleaned, good barn. 2-stiry lhall
building on corner of property; 15 acres In
applesv 4 in prunes; 10oO insurance; or
chard 5 to 7 yeaw old ; price $5500. Will
exchange equity for lots or acreage. Jno.
P. Sharkey Co., 122 '4 0th st.
5-Acre tracts near Vancouver. 2 4 mtie
from frry landing-, partly cleared; lays
nice, good soil; water easily gotten; they
are snaps for $:!Oo up. on terms.
Call on Us.
Couch Bldg.. 100 4th St.. Near Wash.
100-arre farm, 3S acres plowed, 140
ready to plow. 17 acres orchard, best of
apple bind : 6-room house, barn, springs;
some timber; raise anything. Only $13.75
per acre.
B. S. COOK & CO., 251 Alder.
40 acres, $50(; 7-room hnure. all under
fence and cultivation : 3 acres wood. 2
barns, 2 driven welts, rrup all in, out
houspp. 200 yards from station, fruit trees,
chickens: price. $05o0. Jno. P. Sharkey
Co.. 122IA 6th st.
10 ACRES good land, 4 miles from Port
land, ,i mile to small town, fine creek
of water running through place; this
will make a very fine home; price. $;ioo;
will take cleartnsr-house certificates or
checks. Address or call nt 0o 7th st.
240 ACRES In Clark County, near Vancou
ver; 30 acres Improved, good buildings;
finest stock farm near Portland ; $17 an
acre; easy terms; would trade for
Portland residence. The Spanton Co., 270
Stark st.
FARM 30 acres of good land, 12 miles
west of Portland, 24 acres In cultivation.
20 bearing fruit trees, house, bam, run
ning water; splendid buy for $2SO0. half
cash. E. J. Gelser. 221 Morrison St.
JOIN US with $5M) and secure 10 acres of
choice Hood River apple lard, h mile
from R. R. ; will pay at lean 3o per cent
annually, with absolutely no risk. P. H.
Murdoch, 407 Buchanan blk.
NOW is the time to buy any kind of country
property ; farms, dairy ranches, timber
land, small or large. Write m what you
want. I have many good bargains. Jo
seph Parker, Holbrook. Or.
We have acreage of any size or kind
desired; either for small fruits, vegetables,
chicken ranch or general farming. Sphinx
Agency. 305 Stark st.
CLEARING-HOUSE certificates taken In
full or part payment for 100 acres good
wheat land; all cultivated; $10 per acre.
Hatfield & Smith, 105 4th fit.
$2500 Small farm of 20 acres, 17 miles from
Portland, land lies sightly; good water, fine
place for cows and chickens. Address S
355, care Oregonian.
CENTRAL OREGON, good lands cheap, for
sale by Van Tassel Av Davis. Writ or call
on them for information. Madras, Crook
County, Oregon
SACRIFICE of $10,000 property; pay me
$2000 now and $4000 in 60 days and taka
it. This must go Monday. O 351, Ore
gonian. KLAMATH COT' NT Y Irrigated farms orrer
the beat chance for the homeseeker or
investor. Frank Ira White. 215 oregonian
20 ACRES, 6 in good orchard, 12 In culti
vation; fine place; $1500. Purse. 823 Cham
ber of Commerce. Phone Main 7309.