TI1E SUNDAY OKEGOMAN, TOKTLAMJ, AOVKJ1BKK 1U, AATGHFUL EYE ON LUMBER DISPUTE Commission Expects a Com plaint arid Will Expe dite Hearing. iTS POWERS DEFICIENT tins No Authority to Suspend Kates, as Aitchison Proposed, There fore Interior States Have "o Remedy as Yet. OHBGONIAN NBW8-BURKAU, Wash njfton, Sovt 9. The Interstate Commerce omniisiiion Is deeply concerned over the lumber situation in the' Northwest, result ng from promulgation of the 50-eent rate ind the. subsequent Injunctions issued by fudge Hanford and W'olverton. The Com mission is powerless to act because no complaint has ever been filed against the lew rate. Members of the Commission ire at a loss to understand the delay of the lumbermen in filing the complaint, Jut from unofficial Bources learn that the complaint Is now on the way here. Other States Xot Protected. The Commission will expedite hearing on this complaint when it filed and, if the 60-cent rate is held unreasonable, will be quick to afford such relief as' lies In Its power, but at the best this will re riulre several months. Though the rail roads, under tire court's orders, can- col lect only the 40-cent rate on lumber shipped from Oregon and Washington by the parties named In the Injunction, it is understood that there are instances where the 60-cent rate can still be collected and. what is equally serious, the roads are at liberty to collect the Increased rate on all lumber shipped from Idaho, Montana and other states where a new rate pro portioned to the 50-cent rate from coast points has not been enjoined. Needs Power to Suspend Kates. The Interstate Commerce Commission has given no official consideration to this matter, but It Is the view of individual Commissioners that this embarrassing situation, could have been avoided if Con gress had conferred on the Commission power to suspend new rates when com plaint was entered until their reason ableness could he determined. This is the proposition advanced by State Commis sioner Aitchison, of Oregon, and, if such amendment of the interstate commerce law Is proposed at the coming session of Congress, It is believed that It will be favorably indorsed by the entire Federal Commission. Had such authority been conferred by the Hepburn law, the Commission could have suspended the advanced lumber rate in all states on complaint of any shipper without resort to the courts and lumbermen In all states Would have been telleved from payment of the Increased rate until the Commission should hold the new rate to be reasonable. Idaho and Montana shippers must either appeal to the courts or continue to pay the In creased rate until the Interstate Com merce Commission shall declare it un reasonable. - INJUNCTION' NOW IX EFFECT Hanford Sustains Jurisdiction and Accepts Lumbermen's Bond. SBATTLB, Washi. Nov. 9. (Special.) In the Federal Court this afternoon Judge Cornelius H. Hanfor pverruled the mo tion of the attorneys for ti.e Harrlman and Hill railroads' that the suit filed by the Pacific Coast Lumber Manufacturers' Association and the Shingle-Mills Bureau be dismissed for lack of, jurisdiction. Austin B. Griffiths, counsel for-the lum ber nnd shingle men, filed a surety, bond, for fcSO.OOO, as the court required, to save the railroads harmless in case on final judgment by the court the new tariffs on lumber and shingle were held to be legal and just. Judge Hanfdrd approved the bond, which Is reinforced by a bond exe cuted by lumbermen and shingle manufac turers amounting to- more than $2,000,000 In favor of the 30 manufacturers who In dorsed the surety company bond. The question of jurisdiction being finally fettled, there Is but one course left open for the railroads, and that Is an appeal to the Circuit, Court of Appeals at San Fran cisco. The injunction against the rail roads restraining them from collecting the new freight rates on lumber .and shingle dhlpments from Western Washington is now In effect. EGYPT NO PLACE FOR DEAD Native Laws and Customs. Make Death Inconvenient for Strangers. OREGONIAN NEWS Bl'REAU, "Wash ington, Nov. 9. Americans traveling abroad, who have any idea of dying, want to avoid Egypt, unless they have "money to burn." For If any be so un fortunate as to pass away in the land of Rameses without leaving behind the price of embalming: (which In that country Is about J1000). he need not expect his mortal remains to repose in American" soil until they have slept a full twelve-month In the fertile but dry soil of Egypt. This subject is discussed In a re port just received fron Consul-General L M. IdUings, 0f Cairo. He says: t'nder th laws of the country, all bodli mufft be burled within -4 hours after death. In tlio case of foreigners, if relatives desire to remove the body It must be embalmed or first burled for a year. The process of em bnlmln in modern Etfypt Is not only very expensive (amounting often to $1000), but it is undesirable. Neither Is it convenient ften to bury dead for a year preparatoty to removal, for the reasons which I will nt discuss. Whatever objections therefore may exist elsewhere to the burning- of the dead sn. that their ashes may be trans ported to thelr.own country, they are with out muoh force In Egypt. Recently a law hts be-n passed allowing this disposition of the dead, but as It Is against the re iKion of the Mahammedans. the sovern , rent does not see Its way to providing for ;he hurntnR. What such an institution would cost, or how it could be made to pav. I cannot tell, but It is demanded by all principles of civlixatlon. in connection .with these statements It is desirable to advire all physicians against M.llriK very sick people to Egypt, espec ially If the chances are that they will die. HEST MAKKSMEX IX THE AltMV Clianiplons at Kirie and Pistol Among Officers and Privates. NEW YORK. Nov. 9. General Duval, actlnsj chief of staff, has Issued a gen eral order to the Army, giving the re sults of the several small arms compe tition of the Army for the year 1907. In the Army rifle cbmpetltion at Fort Sheridan, Sergeant Laurits Pedersen, Twelfth Cavalry, stood first among; the enlisted men with a snore of 784. and F'lrst Lieutenant William B. Wallace, Twentieth Infantry, first among the officers with a score of 817. In the pistol competition at the same place the first prize for enlisted men was won by Sergeant Thomas H. Cop pard. Fourteenth Cavalry, with a score of 280. The first prize for officers was won by Captain James A. Cole, Sixth Cavalry. In the matter of division marksman ship the best rifle and pistol shooting was done by the Atlantic division amd the poorest by the Philippines divis ion. ' j . France Wants Tariff Deal Extended WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. Dispatches from Paris, quoting; the semi-official Temps in protest against efforts of high protectionists to prevent the French government from undertaking further tariff negotiations with the United States and other powers, are tjaken in administrative circles here as possibly presaging a willingness on the part of the French government to ex tend the modus vivendi, which expires on December 1. No information Is ob tainable here of the character of the counter-proposition about to be sub mitted by France. Immigration Inquiry Is Slow. WASHINGTON. Nov. 9. A prelim inary, verbal report; was made to Presi dent Roosevelt today by Senator .Dil lingham, of Vermont, William H. Wheeler, of California, and Professor John F. Jenks, of Cornell, members of the Immigration Commission author ized by the last Congress. Mr. Dilling ham, who Is chairman of the commis sion, said it had Just begun Its inves tigation of the domestic situation; that the report to Congress would not be accepted for at least a year, and that the foreign work was very well In hand. The investigation, he said, would require considerable time. No forecast 6f the report, he said, would be made at this time. THINK CASHIER IS HIDING BANK OFFICIAL AM) $50,000 Tl'RX UP MISSING. Oklahoman Lent Funds of Institu tion Without Security, One of Fa vorites Being Labor Leader. LAWTON. Okla., Nov. 9. N. D. Rankin, cashier of the Merchants & Planters Bank of this place, who mysteriously disap peared last night leaving a shortage of cash In the bank of about J50.000, still Is missing. The theory of suicide at first advanced Is now discredited and the police are working on the idea, that he has left the country. No clue to his where abouts has been found. The. bank has been taken in charge by Territorial Ex aminer H. H. Smoock. Many irregulari ties have been unearthed. Among the assets of the bank is an unsecured note of Cashier Rankin for $3100. J. Harry Lynch, a prominent union labor worker, of Oklahoma and Indian Territory, owes the institution 111,000. No collateral for this loan can be found. The estimated liabilities of the insti tution are J112.950, with assets estimated at $35,619. But $400 in cash was found in the vault by the bank examiner. T. H. Dun. formerly cashier of the bank, was today appointed special bank commis sioner to take' charge of the concern. FEDERATION TRIES RESCUE Seven Men Captured While Advanc ing to Save Counterfeiters. EI. PASO. Tex., Nov. 9. Seven men; al leged to be members of the Western Fed eration 'of Miners, were arrested here to day on a charge of attempted Jail deliv ery. While a deputy constable was trans ferring to the county Jail Hayes Wlm bcrly, charged with attempting to coun terfeit clearing-house certificates, seven men started for the officer and his prisoner. The police reserves were called and the men were arrested. They are W. A. Scott, Elmer Anderson, Robert Walker, Harry Dawes, F. Brown, Robert Thomp son and T. J. Synott. Burton Kelly's Terrible Death. STOCKTON., Cal., Nov. 9. Burton Kelly, who met a tragic death 'In the North, ip being beaten to death by the surf while lashed to the mast of a shipwrecked schooner, the Glen, was a Stockton boy and had relatives liv ing here. Shortly before his terrible death he wrote to friends here stating that he was about to return to Stock ton. , Fifty fragments of the finest early Eng lish carvins In' polished Purheck marble, supposed to he portions of the shrlntr of St. Swlthlii, were brought to light recently dur ing the restoration of certain parts of Win chester Cathedral. y .' :?i tJik - -,jVi b . y b : :,5r--OtP k. -. UrdMlyvi I'll. 111 , S I 'j,v;liiJ:i I r M ! J A - i- 1 VtrrK 11.- IU RN SIDE Burnslde b rid Re was closed to teams Monday for the beginning of repairs .that will occupy the ,nxt three months. Only streetcars and pedestrians are now allowed to cross this bridge. A portable engine is -stationed on the east approach, which is to be rebuilt, pulling the old. piles out from the river bed. and' an aperture has been cut in the north side ot the approach for ihe free operation of the cables. The entire east approach will be reconstructed from the ground up. as the present one has. served its time.- Timbers are rotten- and tlie approach, which Is more than 0O0 feet long, has been pronounced unsafe. ' Work also was started Monday at the west end, where the plank of the deck is being removed. The whole surface of the bridge will be paved with wood blocks. Some repairs alpo will be made to the- draw drum and gearing, ; parts of which are badly worn. According to an arrangement with- Contractor AVakefleld, one streetcar track will be kept open for traffic, and pedestrians will be permitted to use the bridge at all times. It will take about 90 or 100 days, to com plete the entire Job. - i GALLS UP GERTIE ON TELEPHONE Wife Seeking Divorce From an ! Oregon Man Talks to Her Husband's "Friend." CHICAGO ROMANCE AIRED Sirs. Aimee Xeins Impersonates Telephone Operator In Seeking Evidence Against George F. ' Nevlns, Traffic Manager. CHICAGO, 111., Nov. 9. (Special.) How she impersonattd the telephone operator at the Stratford Hotel and how. in that guise she conversed with a blonde named "Gertie," her husband's friend, was re counted in Judge Walker's courtroom to day by Mrs. Aimee Nevlns. Mrs. Nevlns sought a decree of divorce on charges of infidelity antd cruelty from her husband, George F. Nevlns, who is t I f MP 1 1 C'harle K. Perkins, ex-President of Burlington Railroad, Who Died Friday. ' CHICAGO, Nov. 9. During the fu neral of ex-President C. E. Perkins, founder of the Burlington system, which will be held at 8 o'clock next Monday afternoon at Westwood, Mass., all employes of the company will cease work for five minutes. All train movements will also be stopped. Charles Elliott Perking was born in Cincinnati' in 1840 and when 19 years of age went to Burlington, la,, to live. He became clerk In the of fice of the assistant treasurer of the Burlington & Missouri River Rall Road Company and was assistant treasurer In 1KS2. He was a mem ber of the board of directors of the Chicago. Burlington A Qutncy Rail road Company In 187S and was vice president from 1876 to 1881 and was president of the company from 1881 to 1001, when he resigned. He bad lived In Burlington from 1859. at present the traffic manager for the Corvallls & Eastern Railroad In Oregon, but who used, according to Mrs. Nevlns, to work for Joe Lelter. Mrs. Nevlns told how a photograph had caused the first trouble between her and the defendant. , "It was when we were in Peoria," said Mrs. Nevins, "and he came home one night and said he wanted the photograph of my daughter to give to his stenog rapher at the office. I said I didn't know the fady and would not give the picture. Then he struck me." Mrs. . Nevins stated that her husband had finally left for Oregon on December 3, 1906. "I had a few letters from him," said she, "and got the last letter in July, 1907. In it he said: 'I should think you would have taken a tumble to yourself by this time. 1 have found some one I like better than you.' ." Mrs. Nevins stated that her marriage CXOSED TO TEAMS. BUT if : BIUIMiE IS took place September 7. 1S92. The case wa continued for additional evidence. FINED FOR DELAYING MAILS Northern Pacific and Great North ern Must Pay Heavily. OREGONIAN NEWS BL'REAU, Wash ington. Nov. 9. For failure to deliver its through mails on time during the quarter ending with September, -the Great Northern has been fined $26,276 and the Northern Pacific (12,860. This is for mails between Puget Sound and Minneapolis. TRY TO MAKE HAKR1MAX TELL Interstate Board Will Kenew Effort to Extort Answers. NEW YORK. Nov. 9. Efforts to com pel E. H. Harrlman to answer the ques tions propounded to him . last Spring by the Interstate Commerce Commission' concerning the Chicago & Alton Railroad -will be renewed next Wednesday. C. A. Severance, of counsel for the com mission, has arrived here. He will ap pear next week' before Judge Hough in the United States Circuit.: Court,; where he will argue in behalf of the petition, which asks that the financier be com pelled to answerthe inquiries. Mr. Harrlman refused to answer when asked whether he owned any of the Alton stock sold to the Union Pacific, on the ground that this was not within the province of the inquisitors. FAVORS FEDERAL REGULATION Mather Says Honest Railroads Need Not Fear Roosevelt. "pRESCOTT, Ariz., Nov. 9. Robert Math er, president of the Rock Island system,, here last night declared to -the Associ ated Press representative that he em phatically indorsed President Roosevelt's policies for the Government regulation of railroads. t h.M,, " solrf "that a uniform system of Federal regulation of railroads would.be advantageous to doih me rimm and the people. Certainly no railroad in the countrv which Is conducting its affairs honestly need fear the inauguration of such plan as Is proposed by the President, but even honest roads are seriously men aced by spasms of legislation, which have been so numerous of late In various states. "The trouble Is that people grow excit ed over the revelations of some railroads' affairs, who have been guilty of rebating or other infractions of the law, and be come unduly radical, the result being that all' roads alike becoruo the objects of their hostility without discrimination." WHOLE ISLAND IS CHANGED Lieutenant Camden Tells Effect of Eruption on Peaks of Bogoslof. WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. The remarka ble transformation that has occurred In the topography of Bogoslof .Island, Alaska, as the result of volcanic disturbance, is told in a report received at the Treasury Department today from Lieutenant B. H. Camden, commanding the revenue cutter McCulloch. Regarding the subsidence of McCulloch Peak, reported in last night's dispatches, the report says that the peak has entirely disappeared and that aston ishing changes occurred in the profiles of the neighboring peaks, whose outlines "had been softened to a general symmetry by a padding of lava dust that almost dis guised them beyond recognition, while tho sandpit connecting the peaks had attained a height varying from 20 to 100 feet. "Incalculable tons of lava, hundreds of feet in depth, had been deposited over the entire Island. Fire Island, Ferry Peak, now is lowered in the air, with a gentle incline rising from the beach several yards distant to the summit." Lieutenant Camden says McCulloch Peak blew up within a few hours before the fall of lava dust at Unalaska, Sep tember 1 last, about whose origin there has been much discussion. . ASIATIC LINER COMING Addition of Coptic to Portland Fleet Announced. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 9. (Special.) The steamship Persia, which arrived last night from the Orient, is soon to be taken off the San Francisco run and it is stated that the vessel will be turned over to the Portland and Asiatic Company for use between Portland and the Orient. The Persia was formerly known as the Coptic and was a White Star liner. Pope Blesses Italian Minister. . ROME, Nov. 9. Emanuel E. Gianturco, the Italian Minister of Public Works,, who Is dying from cancer, has been sent the benediction by Pope Pius. Deputy Benu telll has been appointed Minister of Pub lic Works In succession to Signor Gianturco. OPEN TO PEDESTRIANS AND STREETCARS. . LAW TO GIVE BELIEF San Francisco Must Have an Extra Session. MEET THREE PROBLEMS Giilett Practically Decides to Call Legislature for Passage. of Meas ures to Give the Bay City Some Financial Aid. ' ' SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Nov. 9. (Spe cial.) It is regarded as practically de cided that Governor Giilett will call an extra session of the Legislature this month 'to deal with the problems created by the financial stringency. There are three pieces of legislation needed at the present time. These are; First, the postponement beyond Novem ber 25 of the date on which taxes become delinquent; second, the repassage in cor rect form of the 12,000,0(10 bond issue for the Improvement of the waterfront at Islais Creek; and third, the ratification of the charter amendments adopted at the election last Tuesday. It Is In rela tion to the charter amendments that the difficulty arises. Needed Charter Amendments. The two charter amendments which the Supervisors areanxlaus to have ap proved right away, Instead of waiting until the legislative session In 1909, are those relating to the deposit of municipal funds in the banks and the five per cent bond issue. It is proposed that the extra session of the Legislature be Called on November 20 and that the business ot Sacramento be completed on November 25. or as soon after that date as possible. This is the date on which taxes become delinquent. The importance to the city of the imme diate ratification of the two charter amendments was pointed out yesterday during the conference between the Mayor and city officials and the Governor and state .officials. Unless tho utterance of 5 per 1'ent bonds is authorized, the city will have to wait until January, 1909, before floating bonds to restore destroyed build ings .and make other municipal Improve ments. The 34 per cent bonds are unsala ble, but with the interest at 5 the needed J12.000.000 could be raised without diffi culty. Earn Interest on City Funds. If the other amendment Is ratified the city will be ablo to earn 2 per cent In terest on the money which now lies idle in the Treasurer's vaults. By placing this money in the banks, a great deal of gold would be put In circulation. The banks are required to give approved Federal, state or city bonds as security. - The re-enactment of the Islais Creek law appropriating $2,000,000 for the additional eight miles to the water front of this city is necessary because a clerical error was made In drafting the bill. It would be of great advantage to the city If this work could be commenced at once instead of 1909. Unless the date of the tax delinquency is extended, about $8,000,000 in gbld must be raised by taxpayers, as the bankers are opposed to the payment of taxes in clearing-house certificates, for the reason that they are unwilling to make so large an issue of this paper. The Supervisors pointed out that the date should not be extended beyond January 25, as this city will need the tax money by that date to meet current city expenses. VOYAGE FULL OF INCIDENT Steamer. Minnie Kelton Arrives at Golden Gate From Milwaukee. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 9. The steamer Minnie Kelton arrived here today, 178 days from Milwaukee In ballast. On July 28, when 15 miles off Santos, Brazil, the vessel's thrust-shaft was disabled and it took nine days to get Into Shntos under sail. While lying at Santos, the Minnie Kel ton's crew got into a fight among them selves and two or three were stabbed. Eleven were placed in jail and a new crew was shipped. , On September 27 the Minnie Kelton passed the steamer A. G. Lindsay at Funta Arenas. The Lindsay's crank pin was broken. She is bound from Baltimore for San Francisco. , .. Killing' OnIyi Manslaughter. ' BUTTE, Mont.. Nov. 9. Mont Daly was found guilty , of manslaughter by a jury in the criminal branch of the Another Special F better IEdI than A. M I i ' 4 sW even Last week we handled a record week 's business, on our special $25 black and blue suit offer. This week we're "going one better." For the next six days, we will give you your choice of our line of $30 and $35 Tweeds, Cheviots and Cassimeres, and will make up, to your measure, as handsome a hand-tailored suit as can be produced in any tailoring- establishment in town a suit that will incorporate every essential that is required to make a highest-character produc tion and a suit that will not only fit you perfectly, embrace an air of individual style, and prove serviceable to a degree not possible from ordinary clothing;, but a suit which will prove a decisively economical investment, for we shall drop the price, for the six days, to an even Remember, there are huudreds of patterns many of them exclu sive to select from, including all the popular effects of the season, and all the correct shades of browns and grays. When we say it's an offer that cannot be duplicated in another tailor's shop in Portland, we mean it and we want you to make us prove it. Come and see! Come tomorrow ! We will also extend the speeial $'23 black or blue suit offer one more week, so that everybody may be "suited." Take your choice: Suits, $20.00 to $10.00; Trousers, $4.00 to .$10.00; Overcoats, $20.00 and Up; Raincoats the quality sort $25.00 and Up. GRANT PHEGLEY, MANAGER. ELKS BLDG. District Court tonight. Daly shot and killed Charles Kern last Way 31. Kern, with a number of yovng men, was rais ing a disturbance in Daly's saloon'. They were ordered to leave, and while in the act of doing so Kern wa) shot. ROOSEVELT AND LABOR LAW Committee of federation Discusses Measures With Him. WASHINGTON. Nov. 9. President Roosevelt today conferred with President Gompers and the members of the exec utive council of the American Federation of Labor regarding the labor legislation at the coming session of Congress. D. J. Shackleton and John Hodge, members of the British Parliament and fraternal delegates from Great Britain to the an nual convention of the American Fed eration of Labor, which Is to open at Norfolk, Va., Monday, also were present. After the conference. Mr. Gompers said: "Wo. discussed with the President the questions of labor legislation, which have been presented to Congress, Including the eight-hour day proposition; child labor; employers' liability and its extensions; the injunction process and the abuses which it has developed. The President discussed these matters freely with us and treated us with every consideration. As to what he will do for labor in his forthcoming message to Congress, I pre fer he should say himself." Mr. Gompers would not indicate whether the President had made any promises during the interview. He re garded the interview, however, as "satis factory." It was stated at the White House that the ' President would take the com mittee's recommendation under consid eration. 'No Strike at Michigan .Mines. HOUGHTON, Mich.; Nov. 9. A report sent out last night to the effect that the miners employed by the Calumet & Hecla copper mines might . strike on Monday was flatly denied today, when the miners unanimously voted not to strike but to continue under the wage reduction of 12 per cent made necessary by the decline in the price of copper. ASK PARDON FOR WARE Petitions to President for Laud grabbing Preacher. LEAD, 8. D., Nov. 9. President Roose velt will be asked to pardon Rev. George G. Ware, the former Episcopal minister of this city, who was convicted of Illegal practice In taking up Government lands. tv0 -r DIAMOND HEADQUARTERS A Diamond is a good investment at any time, and, by its' permanence, becomes a jry forever. Therefore, a gift of this kind always pleases, more especially with the Feldenheimer stamp of quality. Prices . are absolutely right, through favorable buying facilities. OUR MOUNTED STOCK is a realm of beauty and can only be appreciated by personal inspec tion. Special Diamond pieces made to order now for Christmas. Corner Third and Washington Streets Manufacturing Jeweler. Optician. Diamond Importer. VTe '11 take C 1 c a r i n g-House Certificates. Checks, Deposit C e r t i f icates or real money. 7th & (0 C9 STARK in Nebraska. Since the refusal of the Supreme Court to sanction a new trial petitions have been widely circulated re questing the President to grant an un conditional pardon. The petitions will be presented by Bishop Hare, of South Da kota. CLARK SUMS UP POLITICS One-Gallus Men of Each Party for I Itoosevelt and Bryan. NEW YORK,. Nov. 9. "The one gallus Republicans at the cross-roads are' for Roosevelt, the one-gallus Dem ocrats are for Bryan, and the poli ticians of either party aro against both." This was the epitome of the political situation given by Representative Champ Clark, of Missouri, who paid his respects to President Roosevelt today. Catarrh Is a Constitutional Disease It originates in impure blood and requires constitutional treatment, acting through and purifying the blood, for ita radical and permanent cure. The greatest constitutional remedy is Hood's Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or in chocolated tab lets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1. asal and other local forms of catarrh are promptly relieved by Antiseplets or Catarrlets, 50c druggists or mail. C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass. Toothache Gum The only remedy that stops toothftcb instantly. The only toothache gum that cleans the cavity and prevents decay. Imitations do not do the work. Bee that Jrm get Dent'a Tooth ake w. At all roggiata, u cants, or by mall. ftanf'c fftm dim CimConwaB4 MJ V.ftJtK kJ Vvi MA JUal Bafcloan. lit. LC. S. DENT A C0.v Detroit. Mich. mwiiuuuiuiuiiinHmuunmumiftuiiffiiiNiiiimimjuiui Smell- H Affair J S&W-V