The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 10, 1907, SECTION TWO, Image 13

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NO. 43.
Trefousse Gloves, Heminway's Silks, Castle ton Waists, Dr. Jaeger's Underwear, Butterick Patterns, Knox Hats for Women
THE LION'S SHARE By Octave Thanet
Across the continent and nr. and down the avenues of San Fran-ciHt-o
goes the unflagrjrinsr storv. Its spirit of gayety, of mys
tery, of freedom from convention,make the book 1 1Q
irresistible 1 1 O
Perhaps a hundred other very new titles, and ten thousand more
by authors of past and .present, at all prices. Largest and best
bookstore In Portland.
Established 1850-FIFTY-SEVEN YEARS IN BUSINESS-Established 1850
10 w'wuun 3ry iiws
Good Merchandise Only Quality Considered Our Prices 'Are Always trje Lowest
How Can I Tell Which Advertiser Is Right?
Every advertiser claims his prices are lowest and his goods are
best. But that does not make them so. Reputation is the final
authority. There are five Corsets of reputation Irf America. every
woman knows them. They are:
C. B. a la Spirite Nemo Corsets Smart Set Corsets
La Vida Corsets W. B. Corsets
Llpmnn, Wolfe & Co., Portland Aerentx.
100 Smart Tailored Suits
Vals. to $50 at $27.85
There are just ioo of these suits
perhaps the most sensational suit
bargain of the season. They repre
sent the sampfe suits of a great
New York manufacturer, who is
through using them for exhibition
purposes, and this gives the women
of Portland the greatest suit bar
gain of the year. We feel assured
that such handsome suits will not
be offered again this season at such
a price, and as the styles are fixed,
you can select with perfect confi
dence. We might dwell indefinitely
on these wonderful values but we
prefer to let the garments speak for
The suits come in rich, plain
broadcloths and fancy mixed ma
terials. Colors black, gray, navy,
red, brown, green, dark garnet,
checks and the modish stripes.
Everyone of the season's diverse
styles is represented long or
short coats, tight - fitting cut
aways, pony effects, etc.; long
and three-quarter sleeves.
See window display. Better still, be very early Monday morning
and see the suits. We cannot guarantee to have QtZ
any suit left in the afternoon. ....... . L OD
Sale of all Kinds of Laces
This sale offers a most complete assortment of. Laces, from
Platte Vals. to fancy and colored novelties, at greatly reduced
prices -Net, Venise, Cluny, Chantilly, Princess, Imitation Baby
Irish, Lierre and Filet, in edges, insertions, galloons, etc. Also
18, 36 and 45-incb Waist and Dress Nets in cotton or silk, plain
and figured black, white, cream, ecru, pink and brown.
15c Platte Val. Laces and Insertions, to 5-inch, 8c
122 Torchon Laces and Insertions, to 3V2-inch, 5c
All other laces, including some Spangled and Persian Trim
mings, at the following reduced prices:
Regular 75c-$1.00 Laces of all kinds for, yard . . 49
Regular $1.25-$1.95 Laces of all kinds for, yard. . 85
Regular $2.00-$2.50 Laces of all kinds for, yard. .$1.25
Regular $2.75-$3.25 Laces of all-kinds for, yard. '.$1.98
Regular $3.35-$4.00 Laces of all kinds for, yard. .$2.25
Regular $4.50-$5.50 Laces of all kinds for, yard. .$3.25
Regular $6.00-$8.00 Laces of all kinds for, yard. .$4.50
$7.50 Petticoats $4.97
Black Silk Taffeta
125 guaranteed fine Black Taffeta
Silk Petticoats, of finest quality black
taffeta, made extra full with deep
flounce, elaborately tucked and
trimmed, with ruffle and fancy head
ing. The styles are simply exquisite;
all new, all fresh from the maker's
hands. The silks are so good that
you need not fear that they will crack
or wear, splendid $.oo
values on sale Monday-.
Plenty of extra salespeople to wait on you, no matter how large the crowds
See Big Corner Window Display.
Clearance Imported Model Hats
Our Entire Stock of Imported Pattern Hats
Our Entire Stock of French Model Hats
Our Entire Stock "Robinson & Wells" Hats
Our Entire Stock of "Knox" Trimmed Hats
Forty Novelty Walking Skirts
Regular $15.00 Values, $7.98
40 Novelty Walking Skirts of extra quality black taffeta
silk and imported voiles, made in the newest plaited flare
styles, with wide bands. NCut with a generous fullness seen
only in highest-class garments. Perfect in style and fit.
Regularly sold at $15.00, for this sale
35c Ribbons, 23c
All-Silk Messaline Ribbon? 5 inches
wide , all colors, soft finish, regular 35c
30c Ribbons for 19c Yard
All-Silk Taffeta Ribbon, 4 inches
w ide, all colors, regular 30c value.
22c Ribbons for 15c Yard
Fancy Dresden Ribbons, iy2 inches
wide, colored borders, all colors.
28c Ribbons for 19c Yard
Fancy Ribbons, 2 inches wide, regular
28c yard.
and Plate for $1.28
Copper Plate engraved, attd 100 cards
printed, newest script styles, best, vel
lum finish cards; regularly l)Q
$2.00; sale price ?l.WO
100 Cards printed from your copper plate
on the best vellum stock, new 2Qr
size; $1.00 value for
Wedding announcements and invita
tions at lowest prices; best work.
W--' -r---U. 1 f
Annual Fall Linen Sale
The magnificence of our showing of Fine Table
Linens exceeds that of any other season. We call
special attention to superb imported sets in ex
quisite patterns. We offer these special values:
70-inch fine Irish Damask, regular $1.25 value, q j-
for this sale, yard OOC
66-inch German Damask, regular 90c yard, re- rr
duced in "sale to OiC
63-inch German Damask, regular 70c yard, (JQ
specially reduced to 37C
20-inch Irish Linen Napkins, regularly dQ QQ
$3.00 dozen, sale .' P.3i7
20-inch Irish Linen Napkins, regularly tj AO
. $1.75 dozen, sale ..' PlHO
' All Tablecloths, with Napkins to match, greatly reduced.
Embroidered Veils
Reg. $3 Vals. $1.13
Fancy embroid
ered Chiffon
Veils, all colors
and combina
tions, $3.00 val
ues, special for
2S . $1.13
"Ormond," the
new chiffon
veil, 3 yards
long,' he m
stitehed border,
in white, light"
blue, pink, brown and gray; dustproof
and washable. Comes in flj. Ort
box and priced at . . . PJKJ
Tuxedo Veilings
Vals. to 75c at 17c
1200 yards of plain and dotted" Black
Tuxedo Veilings, fancy and black
mesh, values to 75c a yard, for I 7 a
Monday sale ,. .
150 Silk and
Met Waists
Reg. Values
Up to $6.50
There are just 150 of these superb Novelty
I'sTyi' asts suitahle for day or evening wear , IIJjvCf I
fXStd v regularly selling at $6.50 and look like a 'fi
' sii ' NiMlllii $10.00 waist. Made of fine ecru nets and t
good quality taffeta silk, in. black, white, light blue, brown, gray and garnet, in
embroidered and- lace-trimmed effects, with short or long sleeves. Word and pic
ture can give only a faint idea of the rare beauty of the designs perhaps the most
desirable that have been offered in any sale.
Thanksgiving Sale of Silverware
Solid Sterling Silver Tableware
025-1000 fine, good weight, every piece stamped sterling and guaran-
teen oy us as geuuine.
$2.00 Mustard Spoons $1.18
$1.25 Salt Spoons...' 68
$2.00 Cream Ladles $1.18
$2.00 Cold Meat Forks. .. .81.18
$1.75 Chocolate Spoons. . .81.18
$2.25 Butter Knives $1.18
$4.50 Gravy Ladles $3.00
$5.00 Salad Spoons.. :.;..4.00
$5.00 Lettuce Forks. ..... .$3.50
$2.00 Bonbon Spoons $1.18
$2.00 Olive Spoons $1.18
$2 Whipped Cream Ladle. $1.18
$2.00 Sugar Tongs $1.18
$2.25 Sngar Spoons $1.18
$1.75 Orange Spoons $1.18
$2.00 Butter Spreaders. . .$1.18
$2.00 Lettuce Forks $1.18
"1847" Rogers Bros' Plated Tableware
We only sell the genuine best in the world for the price.
i'l,l-i-.T et t ...
Shell Satin Teaspoons, set...08
Windsor Satin Teas'ns, set..98
Shell Bright Teas'ns, set 98
Shell Satin Tablespoons. .$1.98
Plain Satin Tablespoons. .$1.98
Dessert spoons, set ..... . .$1.88
Berry Spoons, set $1.18
Vegetable Spoons, set. .. .$1.18
Sugar Spoons, ea., sal6 price.39
Butter Knives, ea., sale price.39J
Gravy Ladles, ea., sale price.78
Cream Ladles, ea., sale price.58
Coffee Spoons, set, sale... $1.23
, Butter and Sugar Sets, sale. 78i?
Cold Meat Forks, sale price..68
3-piece buckhorn-handle Carving Set carver, fork andflJO ,Q
steel of good quality and serviceable; reg. $3.50 value. . PtJO
Fine 3-piece buckhorn Carving Set, with extra fine finish, 6! 5 AifK
carver, fork and steel; reg. $4.75 value, special for. j)t)rzO
Extra fine quality 3-piece, silver bolster, buckhorn Carving g A, fZf
Set, finely finished; reg. $6.50 value, sale-price only pTCvlO
10,000 Pairs of Lace Curtains Reduced
A leading Eastern importer deducted 40 per cent from the regular price of these cur
tains in order to turn them into cash. Altoge ther there are about 9500 pairs xf Lace Cur
tains of all grades, values which we venture to say "cannot be duplicated anywhere for the
prices asked. The assortment embraces white and Arabian colors in Cluny, Renaissance, Bat
tenberg, Marie Antoinette, Cable Net and Scotch Lace styles.
Regular $1.00 Lace Curtains at 79
Regular $1.25 Lace Curtains at 9S
Regular $1.50 Lace Curtains at $1.15
Regular $1.75 Lace Curtains at.';. . . .$1.38
Regular $2.00 Lace Curtains at. $1.53
Regular $2.50 Lace Curtains at $1.98
Regular $3.00 Lace Curtains at $2.33
Regular $3.50 Lace Curtains at. $2.69
Regular $4.00 Lace Curtains at $3.15
Regular $4.50 Lace Curtains at $3.59
Regular $5.00 Lace Curtains at .$3.95
Regular $6.00 Lace Curtains at '.$4.79
Regular $7.50 Lace Curtains at ; .$5.95
Regular $8.50 Lace Curtains at." . . '. . ..$6.79
Regular $10.00 Lace Curtains at. . . . .$7.95
Regular $12.50 Lace Curtains at. . . . .$9.95
Regular $15.00 Lace Curtains at. $11.49
are really merchant- tailored. The
styles are at least a season earlier
than the popular-priced goods and
are naturally very advanced. All the
extreme Parisian ideas are shown
vastly improved in La Vidas. Many
of these models are never made up
into lower-priced goods, so that the
exclusive woman can secure an indi
viduality in her figure. All the fab
rics in La Vidas are imported from
France and England, where the best
corset materials , in the world are
produced. Domestic cloths are
vastly inferior to the foreign fabrics
in this class of materials, as they
stretch too easily and lack stability
of body. Some of the finer qualities are hand-embro?dered on
silk or linen, or silk and linen grounds. The trimmings (laces,
plush steel linings, etc.) are exquisitely qualitied..