The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 10, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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Portland Agents for Nemo, Gossard Lace Front and La Grecque Corsets, Butterick Patterns, Columbia Yarns, Ostermoor Mattresses
Timely Money-So ving Opportunities at The Meier FranE Store
Laces, Embroideries
Season's Best Values
November sale of Val. Laees, Maltese, French Vals., Mech
lin, Round-Thread and German Vals., for holiday fancy work
and all other purposes 150,000 yards, on sale at these prices :
10c values, at, the yard, 7 12c values, at, the yard, 9
20 valn:s, at, the yard, 15 25c values, at, the yard, 19
Real Valenciennes Edges and Insertions, in beautiful pat
terns entire stock reduced. On sale at following prices:
76c values, at, yard, 63 $1.00 values, at, yard, 72
$1.50 values, at, yard, $1,21 Grand assortm't see them.
Imitation Cluny. Edge and Insertion, in white and ecru 2 to
5 inches wide, for trimming pillows, centerpieces, 1 fj
etc.; regular 18c values, on sale at, special, yard. V
Entire stock of 18-inch Allover Laces white, cream and
ecru; venise, baby Irish, filet, baby nets, etc., at low prices:
$1.25 Values at 50c a Yard
$1.75 Values at 98c a Yard
$3.00 Values at $ 1 .69 a Yard
Dainty hand-embroidered novelty semi-made Corset Covers;
makes pretty holiday gift ; on sale at the following low prices :
Regular $2.00 values, $1.59 Regular $2.50 values, $1.98
Embroidery Beading, Swiss and Nainsook, to 1 1 Q
inch wide; best regular 40c values, on sale at, yard. C
200,000 yards of Swiss, Batiste and Nainsook Match Sets,
including edges and insertions for infants' wear, bands" for
waist trimming ani flouncings; beautiful French, English,
baby Irish and eytlet designs; widths trom 6 to 18 inches:
Reg. 65c vals., ygvfl, 25 Regi $1.75 vals., yard, 98
Reg. $1.00 vals., yard, 69S Reg. $4.00 vals., yard, $2.39
AH mail orders will be given prompt and careful attention.
200 New BlcicI
i Voile
.50 Values Reduced to
Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store offers
for tomorrow an exceptional bargain in black
voile Dress Skirtsr-2QO of them secured at an
extremely low price from a prominent New York
manufacturer who was badly in need of immediate
cash All new high grade garments of beautiful
style and quality The lot includes English
voiles and etamines trimmed in three clusters of
one broad and one narrow taffeta silk band
Another style has two bias folds tucked with
narrow tucks, others have two bias folds trimmed
in narrow bands, of stitched taffeta The siik drop
skirts ere of extra quality black taffeta silk Full
umbrella flounce and trimmed with rows of
tucks All sizes An immense opportunity to
buy a handsome Dress Skirt for little money
Values up to $18.50 each
Take your pick at this low price
$9.50 Silk Petticoats at $5.45
Another great special offering of fine Silk Petti
coatsThis lot of 1000 made of splendid quality
taffeta silk Deep flounce with two rows of shir
ring or tucked flounce with pleating and ruffle
or stitched bands Colors are white, black, tan,
brown, mode, cadet, red, violet, grays, light blue,
pink, lavender, and all the new
changeable colors $9.50 values
See Fifth St. window Mail orders carefclly filled
" Munsing " Knit Underwear
For Women Now Low Priced
"Munsing" Union Suits for
women, mercerized cotton, in
heavy weight, perfect fitting;
cream and flesh color; high
neck, long sleeves, ankle length,
all sizes; $3.50 val- d0 QQ
ues, at, garment.. ?tOZ
"Munsing" Union Suits, vests
and pants, in medium-weight
wool, high neck, long sleeves;
white and gray; ankle-length
drawers, all sizes; beautifully
finished: grand values, special:
Reg. $3.00 Union Suits, $2.69
$1.50 Vests and Pants, $1.29
Women 's extra heavy natural
wool Vests, Pants and Union
Suits; high neck, long sleeves,
ankle length ; good Winter
weight ; all sizes, special price :
Regular $1.00 values at 89
Regular $2.00 values at $1.83
"Munsing" Underwear for chil
dren vests, pants and union
suits, in gray and white; made
of the finest lambswool, in all
sizes ; perfect fitting ; special :
Vests and Pants, 85c to $1.00
Union Suits, garment, $1.50
Fifty New Black
Spangled Robes
$25 Values Now $9.89 Each
In the Lace Department we place on sale for a few days a
special lot ot ol) magnificent Black Spangled Robes in as
sorted patterns; an advantageous purchase from a large
importing nouse enables us to offer regular CQ QQ
$25.00 values at this special low price, each. .P0
We are showing a magnificent variety of new imported Lace
Robes exclusive novelties for dress occasions See them.
Watch Sale at $i4.49
Special lot of fancy Back Combs, solid gold and gold-filled
mountings, in pretty patterns; the" best regu- t' "33
lar $2.50 values, on sale at this low price, ea. .P 00
Great sale of Gold Watches, women's and men's 20-year
gold-filled cases, with Elgin or Waltham movements; 15
jewel; every one absolutely guaranteed; A
greatest watch value ever offered at, each. . P l""f
Violet Brooches and Hat Pins, regular 50c values, each. .19
Sterling silver Toilet Sets, brush, comb and mir- CQ
ror; every piece stamped "sterling"; special. .P
$5, $28 Rugs $17.35
$42.50, $45 Rugs $35
Two matchless values in very high grade, room-size Rugs:
Lot 1- 100 good quality Brussels Rugs, size 9x12 feet, in
Oriental and floral patterns; splendid as-
sortment;, $25.00 and $28.00 values, each...P
Lot 2 50 magnificent Wilton Rugs, in Oriental and floral
designs; size 9x12 feet; the best regular CQEI CiCi
$42.50 and $45.00 values, on sale at, each. . ;yJwvU
We carry by far the largest and best stock of Carpets,
Rugs, Linoleums, etc., in the city; all the newest patterns,
and colors, in all grades and styles; on sale at lowest prices.
Drug Sundries, Notions
Stationery Low Priced
.Violet Ammonia for the toilet and bath; pint bot- 1 Q
ties; best regular 30c values, on sale at, bottle., IOC
"Bathasweet," a perfumed luxury for the bath, at, can.l7
Pompeian Massage Cream, best regular 50c value, at...33
Willow Sachet, finest made, all odors, on sale at, oz. ,39
Celluloid Back Mirrors, all styles, special price, each..43?
Nickel-plated Spring Skirt Hangers, on sale at, each.. 8
Cream Wove -Envelopes, ' great special value, package.. 7(
Hand-Painted Place Cards, on sale at, special, dozen.. 39?
Carter's Indelible Ink, complete outfit, on sale at, sp'1..19
$1.50 Velvets 98c Yd.
Crepe de Chines $1.33
2000 yards of fancy and plaid Velvets, to be sold, in the Silk
Department tomorrow at a low price velvets that are
desirable for waists and costumes; large as- Q5l
sortment, all new styles; $1.50 values, at, yard. . fOC
3000 yards of fancy Crepe de Chines, artistic designs and col
orings for waists, costumes, scarfs, neckwear, etc.; the
very best patterns and color combinations; extraordinary
values, on sale at, special, the yard, 98c, $1.23, and $1.33
5000 yards of Plaid Silk for waists, suits, etc.; the newest
colorings and designs; great values, yard, 79c, 89c, 98
Great November Holiday Sale of Ribbons
Million Yards at Special Prices This Week
Holiday Ribbon needs can be supplied at a bis saving this week Ribbons of all kinds in all widths
and all qualities Priced at a point where every economical buyer will anticipate her wants for many
r- vmf months Mail orders receive fall benefit of sale prices
$1.50-$2.50 Ribbons 98c
5000 yards of beautiful Warp Print and Dresden Ribbons of the finest
quality magnificent fancy ribbons for holiday work of all kinds,
for making fancy boxes, aprons, bows, etc.; endless assort- QQ
ment of designs and colorings; $1.50 to $2.50 values, yard. fOC
1 10,000 yards of 3V2-in. all-silk Dresden Ribbons in handsome E
designs and colorings; 25c vals. at this marvelous price, yd. . . ,OC
10,000 yards of 4 and 5-inch all-silk fancy Ribbons, Dresdens and
warp prints, for fancy work, etc!; the best regular 40c and QC
50c values, on sale at this marvelously low price, the yard. C
All-silk Satin and Taffeta Ribbons, a complete assortment of shades
and the best qualities; entire stock at reduced prices for this sale:
Nos. 5 and 7, 1 and IVi-rnch, regular. 10c values, special, yard.. 6
Nos. 9-12, lVi and 2-inch, regular 15c values, on sale at, yard. . 9
Nos. 16-22, 2Vi and 212-inch, regular 20c values, on sale at, yd. .12
Nos. 40-60, 3 and 3V2-inch, regular 30c values, on sale at, yd.. 17
No. 100, iy2 and 5-inch, regular 35c values, special at, the yard. .21
Order by mail at once and take 'advantage of this marvelous sale.
'5 and 6-inch heavy imported all-silk ' fancy Dresden Ribbons, warp
prints and stripes, in grand variety, at a special low price. ylO
The Best Regular 75c to $1.25 values, on sale at, special, yd.
All-Silk Ribbons by the bolt, in narrow widths, Nos. 1, iy2 and 2,
all shades and the best quality; ten yards in a bolt, at low prices:
No. 1 Baby Ribbon, best regular 12c value, on sale at, the piece. .9
No. 1 Baby Ribbon, the best regular 25c value, special, piece.. 17
No. iya, reg. 35c value, at 22 No. 2, regular 45c val., piece, 29
Great Thanksgiving Sale in Basem't
Silverware, Carving Sets, Roasters
. : . -
Thanksgiving Tableware at sale prices The annual November event for housewives, boardinghouse
and hote'-keeperswho have table necessities to supply for Thanksgiving dinner Silverware, Carv
ing Sets, Roasters, Etc.. are all offered at a big saving Mail Orders receive full benefit of sale prices
Rogers "1847" Coffee Spoons, set of six at 81. 20
Berry sets spoon and six forks at, set $1.6S
Oyster Forks, set of six at low price of, set.... SI. 68
Individual Salad Forks six for low price of $2.64
Six Coffee Spoons and Sugar Tongs for $2.22
Nut Sets one crack, six picks, for low price of. . . .$2.05
Fancy Nut Cracks at very low price of. set 49
Fancy Nut. Cracks, satin 'finish, on sale at, set. ...41
Berry Spoons, silt bowl, on sale at,, each .$1.32
Pie Servers, $1.85 value on sale at low price of.. $1.54
$1.25 Berry Spoons for remarkably low price of 98
Child's Set, great value at very low price of....S1.04
Child's Set; -fancy handle knife, on sale at $1.54
Great Thanksgiving sale of Carving Sets stag han
dles, sterling silver mountings, each set In lined case:
94.SO Sets $3.59 f7.0O Sets $5.69
SU.OO Seta $4.84 HIO.OU Set. $7.98
Family Roasters at from, each 3t -8tf. 54
Royal Roasters at from, each, 87C. 94, $1.24
Rogers "1S47" Teaspoons, set of six on sale at..$1.09
Rogers "1847" Dessert Spoons, set of six at S2.05
Rogers "1847" Tablespoons set of six on sale at..K2.1T
Rogers "1847" Dessert Forks, set of six on sale at..$2.05
Rogers "J847" Medium Forks, set of six on sale at..2.1T
Dessert Knives, hollow handles, set of six $4.13
Medium Knives, hollow handles, oet of six for.... $4. 27
Rogers "1847" Sugar Shells on sale at, each 39
Rogers "1847" Butter Knives on sale at, each 42
Rogers "1847" Pickle Forks on sale at, each 42
Rogers "1847" Sugar Tongs, 85c value on sale at 69
Rogers "1847" Bon Bon Spoons, 76c value on sale at.. 62
Rogers "1847" Cream Ladles, 7oc value on sale at 62
Rogers "1847" Gravy Ladles, fl value on sale at 8S
Rogers "1847" Oyster Ladles, $2 value on sale at.. $1.84
Rogers "1847" Cold Meat Forks, 80c value on sale at...67
Rogers "1847" Chip Beef Forks, 60c value on sale at. .48
Rogers "1847" Tomato Servers, $1.75 value at Sl.Oo
$3.00 Chocolate Sets. $2.49 Orange Spoons for $1.69
Thanksgiving Linens
Heavy-weight Satin Damask Table Linen, full bleached, best
patterns; the best regular 95c values, on sale at this ffA
low price, yard take advantage of this opportunity. HrC
Heavy Satin Damask Table Linen, bleached, In beau-
tiful patterns;, regular $1.00 quality, at, yard WfrC
Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, best designs and i
quality; $1.50 value, at the low price of, yard. . . 3 I J
Bleached Double Satin Damask Table Linen, regular 1 AO
$1.75 grade, on sale at the low price of, yard H 0
Bleached Double Satin Damask Table Linen, In a variety of
magnificent designt. and quality; best regular $2.50 a; nn
value, on sale special nt the very low price of, yard. H
Extra heavy Bleached Satin Damask Table Napkins In the
very best patterns, large size, superior quality; tt OA
extraordinary values at low price of, per dozen. .. yp&0
Special lot hand-embroidered round Irish Linen 1, D
Dollies, in all sizes, on sale at ' 1 I-e
Extra heavy bleached Satin Damask Table Napkins, very at
tractive patterns, large variety to select from; AO
regular $4.76 grades, special at low price of, dozen s;70
Hemstitched Satin Damask Traycloths, 17x23 inches; 51,
the greatest values ever offered at this low price, each.. V
2000 hemstitched Satin Damask Traycloths, size 18x36 50.
Inches; regular 45c values, on sale at, each frOv
50c hemstitched Satin Damask Traycloths, for. each.... 35
Fringed all-linen bleached Damask Tablecloths, the very best
patterns, in large assortment; values as follows: 3-yd. slue,
981 Kite, $1.18i S-yd. slae $1.38
All our fine Satin and Double-Satin Damask Tablecloths, with
napkins to match, all sizes, newest patterns, all grades, from
$16 to $125 a set, at greatly reduoed prices. The greatest
Table Linen bargains in the city. See them without fail.
Bleacnea an-iinen baim uaram Teacloths, 36x36 r 1 fK
inches; regular $1.35 values at low price of. each..
leacnea an-iinen tsaun uamasK J eacloths, regular
$2.00 values, on sale at special low price of. each...
ileached all-Ilnen Satin Damask Teacloths, very
pretty styles; the best regular $2.50 values, each...
$17.50 Silk Portieres $12.50
$25.00 Silk Portieres $18.50
In the Drapery department high class silk Portieres
at extremely low prices Made of double texture
tapestry with a pure silk face All rich combi
nations of colors such as dark red and brown,
olive and brown, blue and green, rose and tan,
trimmed with French edges Positively the bigh
est class of ready made Portieres Take your
pick from 3 lots at following prices 3rd Floor
$17.50 Silk Portieres $12.50 Pair
$25.00 Silk Portieres $ 18.50 Pair
$27.50 Silk Portieres $19.75 Pair
Custom shade and drapery work our speciality
Holly Box Writing Paper 15c
"" .
Great advance sale of Holly Box "Writing Paper good qual
ity white linen paper; best 25c bos "Writing Paper 1 P
on the market; handsome holly box; 25c vals., box..
All mail orders will be given prompt and careful attention.
IS lbs. Dry Granulated Sugar
for $1.00
X gal. Log Cabin Maple.$1.25
gal. Log Cabin Maple. 68
1 box No. 1 Macaroni 45
10-lb. sack Graham Flour.SO
Durkee's Salad Dressing,
lO. 25 and . .456
Lea & Perrin's Sauce, 25.
50 and 85
5 bars P. & G. White Naphtha
Soap 25
3 bars Wool Soap 25
New Walnuts, per lb.... 20
Sapolio. per bar 7
Bon Ami. 3 for.. 25
Fig Prune or Postum Ce
real 20
1-lb. can Ghi-ardelli's Choco
late - 3
-lb. ean Baker's Cocoa. 25
3 cans Standard Tomatoes.25
Grape Nuts, 2 pkgs. for.. 25
2 1-lb. pkgs. Seeded Rais
ins 25
2 pkgs. Zante Currants. .25
Lemon or Orange Peel... 25
Citron 25
Victor . Flour, none bet
ter 81.P5
New Almonds. 2 lbs. for. 45
Electro Silicon 10
Franco-American Soup,
Vi pints lO
Franco-American Soup,
pints : 20
1-lb: can Victor Baking
Powder 35
3 pkgs. Jello 25
2- cans Fancy Maine Corn. 25
nkgs. Bromongelon. 25
3 cans Carnation Cream. 25
3 pkgs. Mincemeat 25
C. & B. Olive Oil, qts 70
Blue I.ebrI Catsup, pfs.20
Heinz' Catsup 20
2 pkgs. Knox Gelatine. . .25
.( pKgs. Malta vita 25
2 1-lb. cans A. & L.
Oysters ...25
3 cans Sunset Mackerel. .50
M.( F.Coffee
23c Per Pound
10.000 lbs. of Meier & Frank's
famous Mocha and Java Cof
f" equal to the best 40c
1 grades. Buy all you want
at, lb 23
All Mllchner Herring,
keg $1.10
1- lb. Jar Chipped Beef.. 25
Franco-American Plum Pud
ding, 2 lbs. for 65
Welch Grape Juice, pints,
2 for 25
Welch Grape Juice. pts...2u
Duffy's Malt Vinegar, qts-20
2- lb. cans Sliced Pine
apple 15
Great Holiday Sale Tomorrow
Belts, Bags, Novelty Leather
Goods in Large Assortment
Women's Belts, made of the best leathers, in black, tan,
brown and gray; all the new stitched effects; Cfl
regular 75c values,, on sale at this low price, each. JVC
New "Keiser" Belts in leather and silk-stitched and embroi
dery effects; all colors; on sale at, special, $1.00 to $1.75
Women's Leather Handbags, in black and. brown; moire silk
lined, and fitted with coin purse; Havana handle;
great special values, on sale at this low price, each. OIC
"Women's large Leather Handbags in seal and walrus leathers,
leather aud moire-lined, fitted with coin purse; QO
regular $1.50 values, on sale at this low price, ea. 70C
"Women's Novelty Bags in the "avenue" style; colors are
black, brown and gray; leather handles; fitted S1
with coin purse; best $2.00 values, special, ea..P'
New stock of alligator, seal, lizard, elephant, suede and sea
lion Bags and Purses, in new shapes, ea., $2.00 to $20. OO
New Elastic Belts, plain and cut-steel studded effects, on
sale at these unusually low price, special, $1.00 to $25.00
Beautiful New Beltings, on sale. at, special, yd., 50c to $3.50
Paris and Vienna Novelties, on sale at, ea., $5.00 to $30.00