The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 10, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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Argument Eliminating Every
Theory Except That it Was
Derived From the Spanish
THE beginning of things", or of sym
bols for things, has from Indica
tions, always been an item of great
Interest to the mind of man. Hence, it Is
that history, dealing in affairs pertaining
to this world, as well as theology, dealing
with matters relating to all other worlds,
are so prolific. And, Indeed, It Is but quite
natural that It ."hould be bo for It Is only
in the light of the past of the race that
the mind of man can suggest an explana
tion for the present state of things; and,
again, from the union of the two, the
past and the present,, we may have a
glimpse into the possible future,.
That Is why history and theology are so
prolific; It is our deep concern In the fu
turefor in life, as Byron so well ob
served, there Is no present that makes it
so. That is why every subject had been
handled, time and again, by everyone who
thought of having a thought, or a ca
pacity of transcribing facts or fancies',
into words and phrases. Hence, it is that
history, or the romance of history, in
cludes not only persons, events and places
that had an actual existence, but also de
tailed accounts of events that never hap
pened, wonderful biographies of persons
that never existed, and graphic descrip
tions of places that no geographer ever
located nor moral eye had ever seen. We
thus seem to know more of what we sup
pose happened thousands of years ago
than we do of what actually transpired
but a few years ago, or, indeed, of what
Is going on right now, before our very
eyes, fo to speak.
It Is my purpose to deal with the deriva
tion of a symbol, or word a matter, it is
true, not so important as that of an actual
or tangible thing That word is OREGON,
and the fact that the. subject, every now
and then,' receives some attention from
editors, statesmen, historians and even
poets, must be my apology for submitting
the following observations.
Without going much Into detail, I beg
to remark here that the various explana
tions for the derivation of the name of
Oregon have absolutely no foundation.
Chief among these explanations are the
"wild thyme" myth, an herb of unusual
abundance found here by early explorers,
but which herb has, with the advent of
civilization, so mysteriously disappeared.
Then comes the story of Jonathan Carver,
who, while among the Indians on the
waters of the Upper Mississippi, in 1766-6S,
was informed by them that they heard of
far away tribes in a territory of that
name which meant the "great Rive.- of
the West," as if that, even assuming this
to be absolutely correct. Is sufficient an
. Another solution is that offered by
Junius Henri Brown, who. In 1842, in
Hunt's Magazine, solves the great mys
tery by attributing the whole mutter to a
supposed tradition, said to have preValled
among the Indians near Lake Superior,
of a mighty river of the name of Oregon,
emptying its waters Into the Pacific. Then,
too, Bryant's celebrated "Thanatopsis,"
written In 1Si2, refers to the Columbia Riv
er as the Oregon "where rolls the Ore
gon, and hears no sound save his own
Finally, we have just been treated "to
the latest folly In the world's great mad
huuse, and by no less a person than Joa
quin Miller, the poet of the Sierras; who,
after 30 long years of contemplation and
Inquiry, made the startling discovery that
the name of Oregon Is derived from the
Spanish Oye-cl-agua; hear the waters.
Wonderful, most wonderful!
Herein is practically a complete list of
the explanations for the derivation of the
name of Oregon, explanations which to
anyone of a historical or linguistic turn
of mind explain nothing, absolutely noth
ing whatever.
In the absence of documentary evidence,
there Is but one way to get at th heart
of this mystery. We must turn to the
early settlers and to the homes they, left
hehind them. Just as the Dutch, the Eng
lish and the French on the Atlantic, or
east coast of the New Continent, applied
to their new homes the names of their
former cities and districts, so, indeed, the
settlers on the shores of the Pacific must
have done likewise. Hence, since It is ad
mitted on all sides that the first settlers
on the Pacific were Spaniards, they, and
they only, must have named the new ter
ritory, and after some spot most dear to
their hearts. Undoubtedly among those
Spaniards, who first settled In what has
become known as the Oregon country,
there were many who fled from Spain be
cause of the political tyranny and ecclesi
astical persecution of those' days, so fa-'
mous In Spanish history. The Kingdom
of Aragon suffered and resisted those hor
rors possibly more than any other terri
tory under Spanish rule. When those ref
ugees, or even if some of them, were but
ordinary adventurers In search of fame
or fortune, landed in the Oregon country,
thev could not help finding here a picture
so strongly resembling old Aragon. For.
' be It remembered that the Kingdom of
Aragon, which Included Catalonia and Vu
lencla, was noted for its long coast line,
auspicious climate, beautiful valleys, dash
ing rivers with exulting song Into the glit
tering sunshine, forest-covered hillsides,
and the majestic mountains of the Py
renees with their snow-clad sentinels all
of which familiar scenes of beauty and
grandeur they found here in their new
abode.- Under ich circumstances it is
but natural that they should have trans
ferred the old name to the new home. If
the Indians used this name In later years.
It Is not because of having invented It, but
because they got this pure Spanish name
from the Spanish settlers, and they re
tained it even though those Spaniards sub
sequently disappeared. That is all there
Is to it. .
Should anyone insist upon an explana
tion for the transformation of Aragon Into
Oregon, here it is. The chief, ororimitlve.
vowels in the different Aryan languages
are represented by a, I and u (pronounced
as In the Italian). To these primitive
vowels all other vowels are traced as to
their common source. This is recognized
by the physiologist no less than by the
linguist. The modifications, or gradations,
of each were brought about under the in
fluence of other vowels or consonants. In
tracing these gradations we find that "e"
and "a" owe their derivation to "a." Just
as "el" and "ai" to "1" and "lu" and 'au"
are traced to "u."
Hence, the first and the second "a" in
Aragon. by the natural process and ac
cording to phonetic laws, have Impercep
tibly become transformed Into "o" and
"e." Examples of this are as numerous
In modern languages as they are in Sans
krit, the mother tongue of all. ,
In the light of these few observation
even the plea of "the poet of the Sierras."
based upon "an orchestra of angels away
up In yonder clouds, crying: Oye-cl-agua
Hear the water" must give way to an ex
planation . based upon human nature, and
supported by the principles on which rests
all linguistic development, ancient and
Speculation Over the Name
of Our State, With a Few
Collateral Poetic Reflec
A RECENT article in The Oregonlan
from the pen of Joaquin Miller
long a resident of California, but
with still a passionate love for his old
home, Oregon offers material for new
conjecture In a matter of perennial in
terest the origin of the name.
The Oregonian . has often raised this
question and spoken wjsely and inter
estingly upon It. . Your editorial pub
lished In the Issue with the poet's plea
for Oye-Agua, recalls an- expression in
your columns' 10 years ago concerning
Carver's use of the word in his "Trav
els." That brief editorial of a .dozen
lines disposed of Carver very curtly,
but contained an odd refutation of Its
own conclusion, which was, that "Car
ver invented the name never heard it
from any Indians, Naudowessie or other."
A moment to crack this nut. If
Carver Invented the word Oregon,
which was first printed In the story
of his travels, what about the Nau
dowessie Indians? Who has ever- read
of a tribe by that name except In the
story of Captain Jonathan Carver?
Carver says they called themselves
Naudowessie, and told him of the
"great river of the West, r Oregon."
It is palpable that If he Invented the
latter name he also invented Naudo
wessie; but In this name which these
Indians applied to themselves is the
proof of Carver's candor.
You know, as everybody knows, that
the Clatsops and Chinooks. hearing them
selves called "sauvage" by the Cana
dians, considered the name honorable
and called themselves "Slwash." So
the Asslnlboines. who had been trad
ing with the French Canadians many
years before Carver met them, had
heard themselves spoken of by the
French as "Indiens du Nord Ouest," or
their country as the "Nord Ouest."
They copied the word more exactly
than Carver, who wrlte it Naudowessie;
but it is irrefutable that Carver's word
equals the original. His barbaric spell
ing of it proves he had no conception
of its Gallic origin. It meant no- more
to him than Assiniboine. His unique
record of the tribal name, unwritten
by any other traveler, proves the
truth of his story about the river Or
egon. As to Spanish origins, the origanum and
orejon are as wide of the mark as oye
agua, at which Mr. Lummis scoffs, with
good reason. The Spanish word for ear
is oreja. The Spanish word for sage is
salvia, for wormwood (our sagebrush),
artemisla; for thyme, tomlllo. If Nuttall
or Douglass had been sponsors for the
country possibly they would have used a
Latin botanical name, but they would
hardly have used a term meaning "wild
thyme" on account of the abundance, of
that plant along the rivers.- If it was
so abundant as some seekers for a reason
tell us, what has become of it? Does any
modern bptanist find wild thyme in this
Oregon country? Thomas Howell, In his
"Flora of Northwest America," the great
est botan- of ' this region ever written,
gives no trace of any of the above but
Gabriel Franchere, of candid and blessed
memory, relates a circumstance which
may open a' new field for argument.
Speaking of his first journey to the Cas
cades of the Columbia, May 8, 1811, he
says: "We saw a hut of Indians engaged
In fishing where we stopped for break
fast. We saw here an old blind man
who gave us a cordial receptionr Our
guide said that he was a white man, and
that his name was Soto. We learned
from the mouth of the old man himself
that he was the son of a Spaniard who
had been wrecked at the mouth of the
river; that a part of the crew got ashore,
but were all massacred rave four, who
were spared and married native women.
These four, disgusted with savage life,
attempted to reach a Spanish settlement
on the south coast, but had never been
heard of afterward and that, when his
father, with his companions, left this
country, he himself was very young."
Lewis and Clark write of the Tilla
mook Indian with a fair skin, blue eyes
and red hair, and John Minto, In 1846.
saw an Indian girl at Morrison's so pale
that he thought her sick. She was the
daughter of Cullaby, for whom the lake
east of Clatsop Is named, and when Mr.
Minto talked with Cullaby about the red
haired Indian of Clark's acquaintance,
Cullaby smote his breast and cried,
"Nika Papa:" (he was my father).
This story, of old blind Soto will yet
be connected with the wreck of the bees
wax ship on Tillamook beach. Being an
old man in 1811, he was probably born
before 1750. Sixteen years after that date
Carver left Boston for his exploration, of
the Red River country. There was time
In that 16 or 20 years since the wreck of
Soto's father for the name these Spanish
sailors may have given the Oregon coun
try to have spread beyond the Rocky
Suppose Carver had spoken of the river
as "Grenady," and that name had en
dured till now, should we be ridiculous
in tracing it to Granada? La Creole, a
name given within the memory of living
men to a beautiful west side river, has
been barbarized for two generations Into
Rickreall a much greater remove from
Its origin than Oregon Is from Aragon.
Somewhere some day In Spain, Mexico,
or California, documentary proof will be
found perhaps, that some Spanish sailor
or castaway visited our coast and river
and named it after the country of Fer
dinand. As Joaquin Miller truly says,
"They never Jested with the names of
places or things." And what a lovely
rosary of names they stretched around
our American coast, from El Rio Grande
to Puerto de Los Angeles!
One word In answer to Miller's query:
"Where did the boy poet Bryant come
upon the poetic word Oregon and find
warrant to say nearly a century ago.
'where rolls the Oregon and hears no
sound savo Its own dashlngs? "
Bryant wrote "Thanatopsis" in 1812,
when the .Journal of Lewis and Clark was
of great popular interest. Their story of
the mighty cataract at Celilo, the wild
revel of maddened floods In the passage
of the Grand Dalles, the roar of the Cas
cades re-echoed from mountain to moun
tain, and the eternal song of spirit-like
Multnoma these were the inspiration of
the greatest poet of America.
I wonder on what sheltered bay
Of Wapato'a wide, level sand
Fort William. Wyeth'B stronghold lay?
And -where upon th Scappoose land
The old trail left Multnoma's strand.
Threading the fir woods darkly grand
To reach Tualatin's fair plain?
Where was bold Wlnship's uarden planned?
Upon an oak-grown rldire they say.-
A year before the Astor men.
He built and planted all In vain:
"hat Summer's flood swept all away.
Where did the "Tonquin" meet her doom?
Some Inlet of the Northern shore
Once blunt Neweetee. heard the boom,
And echoed from its savage shore
The crash of the explosion's roar.
That fatal port is known no more.
What pine tree on the lone North Beach,
A bowshot from the billows' reach
Bore Captain Lewis' carven name?
Some fellow trees thrive to this day.
But that stout witness to his fame
A thousand gales have swept away.
I wonder if- some ship of Spain.
Far-wanderlnit in this northern sea
Touched haply on our western main.
And all unknown In history.
Some bold hidalgo named this land.
With floating flag and flashing- brand.
In memory of Aragon?
Did wandering Wascos bear the name
Far eastward to the river fountains?
Did pl-?roed-nose hunters spread Its fame
Beyond the distant Shinlne mountalnsT
Dear land, proud name However given.
Of all fair realms 'neath the wide heaven .
Thou art the peer and paragon!
One Lyrical Portlantler Breaks Into
Rhyme Over the Situation.
PORTLAND, . Nov. 9. (To the Ed
itor.) If you don't send this to the
waste basket clearing-house for inso
lent poetry, and if you publish It,
please do not put It in your 24-karat
type. I -want to read it, and I have
lost my microscope.. As I write I am
in bed, lying upon my back. I never
He any other way. For one week I
had the rheumatism.- but now. thanks
to the 1908 remedies of friends and
doctors, the rehumatism has me.
I ntver knew before that there were
so many remedies for rheumatism in
this world. I am told that the best
remedy Is to wear a buckeye in the
pants pocket. A friend whose reputa
tion for probity. Integrity, honesty- and
medical science has never been dis
counted, assures me upa the honor
of an honorable man tlTsTt he got a
buckeye yesterday .arid -put in his
pocket and has not had a trace ot
rheumatism since. And he Is of the
opinion that it is also a great pre
ventive, as he had not had rheumatism
for 11 'Oregon years prior to yestoi
day. I have engaged 1.000.000 b'uekeyes
and will pay the exchange just as soon
as "our boat comes In." You know
misery loves company. I don't want
to be too severe upon the long suffer
ing public. Nor do I want my poetic
license revoked. The public has stood
a good deal, but this poetry Is not
altogether bad. I have seen worse,
but I do not remember where. If you
think it will not drive your readers td
make a run on the clearing-houses,
where the golden streams flow in over
the bars as the schooners sail out, you
may, in the language of the college
sharp, "let 'er went."
Prosperity, O Prosperity, thy name is
not in vain.
You blossom In our sunshine and you
revel In our rain.
From the Rocky Mountains, all along
the Pacific's slope.
The Horn of Plenty buoys us with moat
alluring hope.
And we will all be happy, O so happy,
When our ship of gold comes In.
Across the broad Atlantic the Argo
nauts are fleeting.
Oh, there'll be no end to joy at our ex
pectant meeting,
For the Argo pays our cargo, billed by
sailors long ago
Long before the panic laid the Bulls
of Wall street low.
But we will all be happy, O so happy
When bur golden ship comes in.
The hungry foreign nations bought
our'apples and our wheat,
And they took our lumber, stocks and
everything to eat.
So now they send their bullion, whose
bars so shiny, neat,
We'll leap like hurdles o'er a plague
with nimble feet.
But won't we all be happy, O so happy
then, .
When our boat of gold gets in.
Prosperity, O Prosperity, thy name is
not in vain;
Only frenzied finance and the weak
lings are Insane.
The clouds will soon be drifted and
our depression lifted
To reveal the Golden West of all its
troubles sifted.
So won't we all be happy, O so happy,
When our ship of gold comes in.
G. L. H.
Secretary of Methodist Board of
Home Missions a Visitor.
Dr. T. C Illff, a secretary of the Board
of Home Missions and Church Exten
sion of the Methodist Church, arrived
in Portland yesterday morning and is
staying at the Hotel Portland. Dr.
Iliff's present home Is in Philadelphia,
but he is best known as the superin
tendent of Utah missions, which posi
tion he held for 23 years and in which
he won a National reputation as be
ing the head and front of the Gentile
church movement against Mormonism.
He was recently the chairman of the
American forces that successfully op
posed the seating of Congressman
Brigham H. Roberts and that has
fought Senator Smoot
Dr. Iliff's present visit to Portland
is in advance of the meeting in this
city, November "14, of the Bishops of
the Methodist Church, sitting as the
Board of Home Missions and Church
Over 50 Bishops and leading laymen
of the Methodist Church are now in
session in Seattle as the Board of
Foreign Missions. This body distrib
utes over $1,000,000 annually to support
church work In foreign lands. As the
Board of Home Missions It distributes
over $2,250,000 each year toward the
building and maintenance of churches
on American soil. During the last 75
years this body has spent over $30,
000,000 in the erection of over 15,000
churches. It meets annually, and the
meeting next Thursday In Portland is
the first one the body has ever held on
the Pacific Coast.
Irrigation and Drainage Now Sep
arate Divisions. '
ington, Nov. 9. Although Elwdod Mead
has resigned from the head of the Irri
gation and Drainage Division of the De
partment of Agriculture, that depart
ment shows no sign of consenting to the
transfer of the office to the Interior De
partment, making it a branch of the
Reclamation Service, as has been pro
posed. On the contrary, the work for
merly done by Mr. Mead will hereafter
be done by two officials. Samtiel Fotier,
former assistant engineer of the Denver
Water Company and chief engineer of
the Ogden Water Works, has been made
Chief of Irrigation Investigations, and
C. G. Elliott Is made Chief of Drainage
Investigations. The work of these two
bureaus Is set forth in the following bul
letin issued by the Secretary of Agricul
ture: In view of the fact that probably about
5.000,HX acres of land provided with water
for irrigation will be available for settlement
at the close of 1!08. It is belleveil that in no
other way ran more good be done than in
supplying practical information through pub-
Starvation Sits
At Loaded Tables
You Can Lead a Dyspeptic to the Ta
ble, but You Cannot Make
Him Eat.
There comes a time in the lives of a
great many men and women when even
a sirloin steak ceases to be poetry. It
becomes a protest. The appetite be
comes fitful and fretful. Nothing on
the bill of fare can coax it.
The appetite is there and yet it isn't.
This makes eating n mere matter of
machinery the mouth doesn't water.
The stomach has been worked overtime,
and the body and the brain are paying
the penalty.
There are thousands of peoplp Jn
every station of life who are walking
What If a Man Gain the Whole World
and Lone Hla Appetite!
the earth today with dyspeptic stom
achs. They wear a dejected, forlorn ap
pearance, their energy Is at zero, noth
ing, interests them, and they interest no
one, their faces are shrunk, their nerves
are wilted and their shoulders sag.
Everything on the table may look de
licious, but nothing will be tempting.
That's one sure sign of dyspepsia.
If yoti have ever felt bloated after
eating and imagined it was your food
that filled you; if you have felt your
food lie "like a lump of lead" on your
stomach; if you have had a bad, sour
breath, difficulty in breathing after a
meal,' suffered from eructations, burn
ing sensations, heartburn, brash, or gas
on the stomach, make up your mind you
have dyspepsia. And the chances are
you have had it a long time.
Your stomach Is overworked, abused,
fagged out. The gastric and digestive
Juices are weak, the muscles of the
stomach are jaded, and the whole busi
ness needs new life. It needs some
thing which will take hold of the food
as it comes in and do the digesting,
and let your stomach take a rest.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do that
very tiling. They contain a most pow
erful ingredient which helps the stom
ach In the process of digestion, cures
dyspepsia, sour stomach, indigestion,
heartburn, eructations, acidity or fer
mentation. They invigorate the stom
ach, increase the flow of gastric juice,
and do two-thirds of what the stomach
would have to do without them. That
gives the ' stomach some rest, and a
chance to got right again.
You feel the change flrs,t in your
mind and heart and then over your
whole body. You'll feel rosy and sweet.
That's the object. You can get these
effective little tablets almost anywhere
on earth for 50c a package.
Send us your name and address to
day and we will at once send you by
mail a sample package free. Address
F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg., Mar
shall, Mich.
licatlons and expert advice 'to the new eet
tlers on this land, and it Is therefore, deemed
advisable to broaden the scope of this work
so as to make It valuable to every class of
farmers dependent, upon Irrigation and to
every project whether public or private.
The scientific and technical investigations
will be a continuation and extension of what
hae already been done. Prominent features
of the work will be to determine what bcomes
of the large quantity of water which is an
nually epread over cropped soils. Involving a
study of evaporation, seepage and distribu
tion losses, with a view to securing higher
economy In the use of water; the relation of Ir
rigation water to quantity and quality of
crop and adaptation of methods to different
soils and crops; and a study of the more tech
nical features of the measurement, conveyance,
storage and distribution of water on farms,
and various devisea used for pumping.
During the past plans for the drainage of
about 2,000.000 ucres, principally in states east
Of the Mississippi River, have been made In
the office.
The irrigation and drainage investigations
of the office of the experiment stations are
largely carried on In co-operation with the
state experiment stations and the state govern
ments. Several states have made appropria
tions for this work to supplement the Fed
eral funds. '
The irrigation and drainage investigations
of the office of experiment stations is entirely
distinct from and supplementary to that of
the reclamation service of the Interior De
partment and does not Involve the construc
tion of irrigation works but rather the study
of problems connected with irrigation systems
already in lira and the giving of advice and
aid to farmers.
Pacific States Telephone Company
Gives Employes More Money.
The girl operators and all other , em
ployes of the Pacific States Telephone &
Telegraph Company have been given a
raise in salary. The order went into ef
fect November 1, and the operatives of
the telephone company are correspond
ingly happy. The raise was made in all
the company's exchanges, but-what were
the Increases granted outside of Portland
Is not known here. Last night General
Manager Hickman confirmed the story
of the raise for the local operatives. He
"A general increase of salaries has been
ordered for this district. It covers oper
ators, linemen and office employes, and
an advance of 10. 15, 25 and 40 per cent
In salaries is made. The new scale went
Into effect on November 1. I believe the
advance has been general, but have n7
Information except as to thls'district."
Don't forget the golden' rule "Home-phone-it."
for Grip and
"Seventy-seven . "
will do the trick,
Most doctors
think it cures too quick."
A drawback, from a profit-making
standpoint, of Humphreys' Seventy
seven is, that it cures a Cold too
quickly, one 25c vial often curing sev
eral persons.
A small vial of pleasant pellets that
fits the vest pocket. Ask your drug
gist. Humphreys' Ilomeo. Medicine Co., Cor.
William and John Streets, New York.
We are the Portland agents for Bridge, Beach & Co.'s line of Stoves and Ranges,
also Garland Gas Ranges. Several hundred kinds and styles from which to choose.
These lines are recognized as the highest grades manufactured. Our selling prices
are lower than other dealers charge for inferior lines. Before placing your order,
see us. Our prices remain the same from season's beginning to end. We here
with quote on three handsome patterns.
This Stove is one of the most
popular styles which we car
ry. The, body is made of high
grade polished steel. The front
and top ornamented castiron.
It is also fitted with a heavy
castiron lining.
length Wood.
18-inch ; price 13.00
20-inch; price $14.50
22-inch; price $15.00
24-inch; price $17.00
Friends of Movement Fear W. C. T.
V. May Prevent Passage of
Measure This Session.
ington, Nov. 9. From present indications.
It seems that all possible effort will be
made this Winter to secure the re-establishment
of the Army canteen. The War
Department will recommend Its restora
tion, because If is almost the universal
opinion of commanding ofllcers that the
canteen should be restored in the Interest
of the enlisted men of the Army.
It is most unfortunate for the friends of
the canteen that the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union Is going to come to
Washington this Winter to endeavor to
make this city a prohibition town. These
well-meaning ladies. Inspired by the suc
cess of the prohibition wave which has
swept over the South, believe that this Is
the proper time to place the lid on Wash
ington. The District of Columbia, being
entirely under the control of Congress,
prohibition can only be established by an
act of Congress.
In view of experiences in the past and
the' comparative ease by which the W. C.
T. U. had the canteen abolished, it is
rather difficult to figure out how the
Army can hope to win their fight in the
coming session. The very presence of the
W. C. T. U. In Washington will serve to
frighten evefy timid member of the House
and not a few Senators, and at a time
when they are about to go into another
campaign these timid men will prefer to
dodge the issue rather than to incur the
animosity of these temperance women.
In spite of this fact an attempt will be
made to restore the canteen and the
Army will be aided by the Spanish War
Veterans. Walter S. Hale, commander-in-chief
of that organization, in a recent
Interview on this subject said:
"The restoration of the Army canteen
is absolutely necessary If the Govern
ment desires to maintain the regular
Army at anything like Its maximum
strength. I served as a soldier In the
regular Army and know 'by experience
that the operation of the canteen was
most helpful In maintaining discipline
- - - -- - i ' - iawariTTa tdnj
d Jf ' VI
This is our most popular small
Parlor Stove. It is fitted with
bronze urn, nickel top band,
nickel footrail, nickel screw
draught-register. The body is
made of high-grade blued
steel. Heavy steel linings.
Length Wood.
18-inch; price $8.50
20-inch; price $9.50
and contentment among the men. It was
beneficent In that it made many of the
men contented and discouraged them
from visiting low brothels and dives
where vile compounds termed as liquor
were dispensed. In the interest of sanita
tion, morality and discipline I hope Con
gress will follow the recommendations of
practically all of the high officers of the
Army and former soldiers and restore the
canteen at military posts and the
Soldiers' Home."
Will Work Unconditionally.
PORTLAND. Nov. 9. (To the Ed
itor.) I should like to call the atten
tion of the business men in Portland
to a condition which I am sure will
interest as well as surprise a great
many. It Is that of the woman who
unfortunately Is obliged to be self
supporting and equally unfortunate to
be prepossessing in appearance.
There is a certain class of men here
who only offer positions conditionally,
particularly If the applicant happens
to "look good" to them, as a great
many express themselves.
For the past seven weeks I have ad
vertised and answered numerous ad
vertisements, but as I was not willing
to accept a position "conditionally" or
permit any familiarity I have positively
been unable to secure anything in my
line of work.
I am .a stenographer, fairly good,
with the advantage of an excellent
education. I have frequently offered
my services most reasonably, providing
that I be allowed to attend strictly to
my office duties, but up to the present
time it has been of no avail.
Although I have lived in Portland
only a short time, and have very few
acquaintances, I am sure there are a
great many conscientious business
men who require the services of a
stenographer, so should like to take
this methpd, if you will permit me, to
make my wants known.
If there Is anyone in need of a
stenographer who is willing to devote
her entire time to her employer's in
terest, at a moderate salary, I. should
be very grateful for the position.
Very respectfully, R. B. F.
Was Member of Tenth Iowa Infantry
EUGENE. Or.. Nov. 6. (To the Edltnr.)
I saw the notice of the death of E. S. Brim
lull. I wish to say that Comrade Bramhall
enlisted with me In August, mm. at Car
lisle. Warren County. Iowa, in t'ompany H.
Tenth Iowa Infantry, served some time In
my company B and on account or the
mortality caused In the resriment by an
epidemic of measles. Mr. Bramhall was sent
North to recruit new members for the regi
Have you a Rug want? We can cover the spot big
or little.
You will always find what you want here, and always
at the right prices we're not in the trust, you know.
We have a few exceptional bargains n room-size rugs
8-4xl01,. 0x11 and 9x12 in numerous pleasing designs
and colorings.
There are onlj- about 75, so come soon. You can't
fail to be pleased with this splendid assortment.
Seamless Roxbury Rues beau
ties every one. and the equal
of many higrh-prlced rugs. Our
regular price was $25. t I " TZt
This sale they are... O I J .Dvl
104-106 First, Bet.
"We have just received a car
load Garland Gas Ranges,
which includes many different
styles. The pattern shown
above is very desirable for
those who desire an elevated
oven range at medium price.
We carry this, series in two
sizes 16 and 18-inch oven.
Our price is as follows:
16-inch $27.50
18-inch $28.50
ment to keep up our numhers, which he dlil.
I knew Mr. Brumhall rrom nil" youth. He.
was a noble man and a good officer, and all
who, knew him loved and respected him for
his worth. He was always at his post and
did not fllncli his duty, even at the moutn
of a cannon. His word was ood as golct,
and his character unspotted. He was a
member of the Methodist Episcopal fhurch
at that time and proved himself worthy. By
his death his wife is berett a good husband
and his family a good father, and the com
munity In which he lived a good citizen.
Tnis is the tribute of one of his old com
rades of HI -.". I never knew he ever en
listed In the Ninth Iowa Cavalry. The fam
ily has my heartfelt sympathy
Late Private, Company B, Tenth Iowa Vol
unteer Infantry.
Dreyfus Will Have Pension.
PARIS. Nov. 9. Among the list of
those to whom pensions arc to be
granted, printed in the Journal Of
ficlel. Is Major Dreyfus. He is to re
ceive $470 annually. His service ex
tends over a period of nearly- 31 years.
Hanan Shoes Sold at Rosenthal's.
To advertise our new and won
derfully successful Alveolar
Method, we will do work at cut
rates for
A ten-year guarantee with all
work. Examination free. Silver
fillings, 50c; crowns (22k), $3.50
to $5.00; bridge work (per tooth),
$3.50 to $5.00. Plates as low as
$5.00. Everything first class.
Lady attendant
Boston Dentists
SBlii Morrison St.. nop. Postofflce.
Smith's Manor Brussels Ruks
worth up to $25 at trust stores.
We sold many of them at $18.
For a little while flJIO Eft
they're marked plA3U
Washington and Stark