J THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. NOVEMBER 3, 1907. INQUISITORIAL 0 mi Depravity of Portuguese Aris tocracy Is Discovered at Lisbon. NOBILITY IS INVOLVED JPoIlce Make Raid on Castle and Find Conditions Too Slnirking to Publish Nobles Are Taken to Frlbon Lynching Averted. LISBON, Nov. 2. (Special.) Thirty of the proudest names the Portuguese aristocracy boasts of are inscribed on the police blotter and a dozen or more of their alleged victims are in care of the hospitals, while the authorities are digging up the private graveyard of this aristocratic colony to discover the awful extent of crimes charged. Three weeks ago a girl of 15, almost naked and covered with wounds, crawled Into the police station of a suburban vil lage and declared that she had escaped on her hands and knees from the castle of Idolfro, where she and a dozen others, boys and giris. were held prisoners in torture chambers for the amusement of rich and aristocratic rovelers. The police thought the girl insane and called the surgeons! ' who dressed her wounds, made her comfortable and then iiuestioned her as to her sanity. She had spent only six hours In the human sham bles and her mind was yet clear. So the police of the capital were communicated with and at midnight the palace was surrounded by mounted guards, while 100 detectives and policemen made a simul- No self-respecting newspaper could print description of the scenes presenting themselves to the invaders. Only the servants of the place were clothed. The master and his guests, 30 in all, as well us their victims, were not dressed. Six Counts and Princes were arrested around the "freezing pond," where boys and girls were kept in ice cold water for 10 minutes, then removed and bound to a stake less tiian 18 inches from a redhot The victims of these monsters. It turned out, were either children of the streets of Usbon, lured by promise of candy, wine, pretty clothes and money, or young men and women boldly kidnaped. Some of them had been reported as "lost" to the police. When the aristocrats were brought to Lisbon In patrol wagons the news of their awful crimes had spread among the populace and thousands rushed upon the aristocratic prisoners to lynch them. Only the accidental presence of a company of mounted soldiers prevented their instant execution. - It is whispered that several of the pris oners claim to be cronies of King Carlos, hut If he dares interfere in their behalf, doubtless the revolution - will break out anew. ARRESTS BY WHOLESALE Kuk.sIh'm Iron Hand Falls Heavily on Vladivostok Mutineers. ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 2. The latest advices from Vladivostok say that 150 ar rests have been made in connection with the recent mutiny there, the persona ar rested being for the most part soldiers and sailors. Merchantmen lying in the harbor steamed outside before the firing began, and thus escaped being damaged. MAY AVERT RAILROAD STRIKE English Railroadmen to Confer With Lloyd-George. LONDON. Nov. 2. The prospects that the president of the Board of Trade, Lloyd-George, may be able to avert the general strike by arranging a compromise were brighter today. A full meeting of the executive committee of the Amalga mated Society of Railway Servants was he'.d-thls morning, and It was decided to postpone all action on yesterday's resolu tions In favor of a strike until after the conference which Is to take place with Mr. Lloyd-George November 6, to which he. has invited the society to send repre sentatives. Richard Bell, M. P.. general secretary of the society, and leader of the strike movement, probably will head the delegation. A meeting of the Parliamentary commit tee of the Trades Union Congress was to have taken place next Monday and a joint meeting of this committee with commit tees representing the General Federation of Trades tTnion and of the Labor party had been arranged for next Tuesday, but Mr. Bell has written to the secretary of tile iirst-named organization suggesting that the meetings be postponed, adding: "Owing to a change of circumstances, I don't think It will be necessary to call thein together at this stage." Thin is regarded as a significant step, because the two meetings were to have been called in order to support the rail way men If they went out on strike. MIKADO'S BIRTHDAY FEAST Grand Review by Oyama Attended by Many Americans. TOKIO. Nov. 3 (Sunday). Today be ing the Emperor's birthday, a national holiday is being celebrated. During the day the usual grand review of troops was held by Field Marshal Oya ma. at which the Emperor was present. The entire American embassy also attended. Many American visitors wer invited to witness the review. Foreign Minister Hayasht has sent an unusual number of Invitations to Americans to sttend the imperial ball tonight. CHINESE STONE MISSIONARIES Attack on Two Women Inspired by Scandalous Charge. HONGKONG. Nov. 2. The Scandinavian mission in the district of Namho has been attacked by the anti-foreign element of the population. The missionaries. Misses Wendell and Briikson, were stoned by Chinese, who alleged that native women were forced to become Christians and were kept for immoral purposes. The magistrate at Namho succeeded in restor ing order. DIES TO ESCAPE SCANDAL Prominent New Orleans Merchant Commits Suicide While Insane. CHICAGO. Nov. 2. A dispatch to the Record-Herald from New Orleans says: Driven insane by scandal. GuBtave Ijehmann,. a wealthy merchant, is be lieved to have drowned himself in the Mississippi River. Two negro women yesterday identified a photograph of Lfhraann as that of the man they saw leap Into the water at the naval dock Wednesday afternoon. On that day I.ehmann left his home In a state of great agitation, following the publica tion of the fact that a suit for $100,000 damages had been brought against him by Florence Hahn, of Chicago, his daughter-in-law, charging Lehmann with spir iting Thomas Lehmann, her husband, out of the country. Gustave Lehmann was 63 years old. He was a director In a dozen department stores, a member of the Board of Trade, president of . two synagogues and director of the Jewish Home. USE SMALL CERTIFICATES San Francisco Banks Open Holiday From Day to Day." SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2.-The local bankers today decided that for a time Clearlng-Houso certificates in small de nominations would be Issued to meet de mands for payrolls. This step was taken to provide a small negotiable currency in lieu of cash. Notwithstanding that Governor Gillett has declared this a legal holiday, all the banks of San Francisco opened their doors as usi-al today. There was no- un usual withdrawals of money and no ex- citement. The legaj holidays will be con tinued from day to day. until it is certain CELEBRATED FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THEIR WEDDING L r . - - ' , " vh : 1 f' V" S mm ' i MR. AND MRS. DAVID C. FELTON. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Pelton celebrated the 00th anniversary of their wedding on October 29. Their golden wedding was celebrated In a quiet and enjoyable manner. Mr. and Mrs. Pelton's friends surprised them by calling during the evening. They were the recipients of many handsome remem brances. Mr. Pulton is one of our foremost and substantial citizens, and al though be came to Oregon only seven years ago, he has made his presence felt In many ways. He has been at the head of several large enterprises and today Is one of the largest timber holders In the Northwest. that no danger of money panic exists in the state. President David F. Walker, of the Cali fornia Safe Deposit & Trust. Company, wired from New York last evening that he had succeeded in raising money which will tide the institution over the present difficulty and enable it to reopen without loss to any of Its depositors. J. Dalzel Brown, vice-president of the institution, by whom the notice of sus pension was posted, who resigned last night as treasurer of the Western Pacific Railroad, denied strenuously that his resignation was forced or demanded, and insisted that it was prompted merely by CASH POURS !N FOR WHEAT Tacoma Exporters Receive $600, 000 lor Last Week's Shipments. TACOMA. Wash.. Nov. 2. That these are prosperous days for the "Washington farmer may be judged from the fact that over $000,000 has been left in this state by three grain steamers which have de parted from Tacoma this week. These three are the British steamers Strath narn and Garseube and the' Norwegian steamer Hercules. The three ships car ried away 637,647 bushels of this year's crop of Washington wheat, valued at $618,097 a sum which Indicates anything but hard times for the farmer and peo ple of the state. Leading grain export ers of Tacoma estimate that there will be 100 wheat ships dispatched from Ta coma this season. HENEY SHINES IN . FIGHT (Continued from Page 1.) the Incumbent, Dr. Edward R. Taylor. The Union Labor party has nominated P. H. McCarty. District Attorney William H. Langdon, who appointed Mr. Heney to conduct the bribery graft prosecution, goes before the "people on three nomina tions, Republican, Democratic and Good Government League. His opponent is the Union Labor party nominee, Frank Mc Gowan, formerly an Assemblyman and State Senator. The total registration is 77.000 and it is estimated that the total vote- cast will approximate 55,000. Of these. Mayor Tay lor claims a large plurality, Mr. Ryan claims a plurality of 6000, while Mr. Mc Carthy expresses himself a1 confident of receiving a vote of 30,000 or 35,000, a ma jority over both Mr. Taylor and Mr. Ryan. VIGOROUS FIGHT IN KENTUCKY Normally Democratic State In Doubt as to Governor. LOUISVILLE, Nov. 2. Not since the famous Goebel-Taylor race has there been a Kentucky campaign so vigorously waged on both sides as the one which closed tonight. The active labors of Judge Samuel W. Hager, Democrat, and Augustus E. Wilson, Republican candi dates for Governor, ended today only after each had stumped the state from end to end. Although Kentucky is normally Demo cratic by a good sized majority, the sit uation this year has been complicated by so many issues of the nonpolitical sort that good Judges were still at sea as to the result three days before the election. New Treaty for Norway. CHRISTIANIA. Nov. 2. A new treaty guaranteeing the integrity of Norway was signed here today by representatives of Norway, France, Great Britain, Ger many and Russia. Congress Keeps Adventlst Sabbath.' BATTLE CREEK. Mich., Nov. 2. The National Purity Congress devoted Itself to services today that would not conflict with the Adventist sabbath. Shell Explodes; Kills Six. BOURCES. France. Nov. 2 The explo sion of a shell at the Government arms fac tory here today killed six artillerymen and mortally wounded three others. MAKE SHNGLES Mills on Puget Sound Get Or ders to Shut Down. MARKET DULL IN THE EAST Federal Injunction Against Rail road Rates Also Said to Have Influenced Association's Closing Order. BELLI NGHAM. Wash., Nov. 2. (Spe cial.) Every shingle mill in the state of Washington belonging to the Washington Shingle Mills Bureau closed tonight. The movement to 'close the mills of the state has been on foot for some time, and to night local shingle manufacturers received "1 notice of the close. A few of the mills ot the state will continue to run for a few weeks, but these are not members of the association. The reason given for closing at this time are that the market will not stand to have more shingles placed on it this Winter, as the demand has become tight in the East. Another .reason for the or der is the injunction issued by the Fed eral Court, in Seattle, restraining rail roads from collecting the 50-cent rate on shipments from the Northwest. This will affect about 100 mills In this county out of a total of 140. TAXES ON ONE-THIRD VALUE Harney County Clings to Old Meth- - ' od of Assessing Property. BURNS, Or.. Nov. 2. (Special.) County Assessor Loggan has completed the tax roll for Harney for 1907 and the County Board of Equalization found no com plaints or errors in valuation to correct. The assessment was made on the old plan of about one-third the actual valuation. so far as relates to real estate, merchan dise and almost everything, so that this is one of the few counties of the state whose assessment is no criterion whatever of actual values. Two banks in Burns show deposits amounting to half a million dollars, yet the total assessed value of money, notes and accounts1 In the entire county is only $28,800. Following is an ab stract of the entire roll: 73.952 acres tillable land $ 338,820 667,223 acres non-tillable land 966,735 Improvements on deeded land 1H 64.", Town lots 31,765 Improvements on town lots 75.7SO Improvements on undeeded land. 7.905 6X miles telephone 1,315 Stationary engines and ma- ' chinery 14,360 Merchandise 40.3i0 Farm implements ' 3ls65 Money, notes and accounts ?S,800 250 shares of stock " 7,000 Household furniture 22,180 5516 horses 1221600 43.466 cattle 434,910 77.400 sheep 154,800 562 swine 1,530 Total ..$2,391,020 SERIOUS WRECK IS AVERTED Engineer on Astoria Passenger Finds Big Boulder on Track. ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 2. (Special.) The Astoria & Columbia River Railroad pas senger train arriving from Portland last night had a narrow escape from a ser ious accident as it was approaching Rainier. The train was rounding a sharp curve when Engineer Stoner saw a large rock lying on the track, a short distance ahead. The emergency brakes were ap plied and the train brought to a sudden standstill, but not before .the pilot struck the obstruction with sufficient force to break the pilot. Some of the air brakes were also damaged. Repairs were made after an hour's delay, so that the train could proceed. As a safeguard against accidents track inspectors run over the line on speeders in advance of the trains and one had passed over this spot but a few minutes before the arrival of the train. DEAD OF THE NORTHWEST Mrs. Mary V. Jennings. .EUGENE, Or.. Nov. 2. (Special.) Mrs. Mary V. Jennings, wife of A. C. Jennings, died of apoplexy at the family home tiered this morning arter several weeks Ill ness. Mrs. Jennings was born in Co lumbus, O., January 2, 1854. She mar ried A. C. Jennings in Iowa in 1900; when she came to Oregon to live. She was a deaconess 'of the Christian Church here and a member of the East ern Star. Examinations at Astoria. ASTORIA, Nov. 2. (Special.) A Civil Service examination was held here today for the position of deputy collector and In speotor in the local Customs service. The applicants taking the examination were Garry B. Blessing, James P. McCrea and Guy R. Osborne. Notice was received at the Custom-House today that Captain A. K. Beard has passed the Civil Service examination for the position of wheelman on the Custom-House launch Patrol, and lie has been retained as master f the vessel, a position he has held for some time ponding the result of the examination. Astoria Pokes Fun at Portland. ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 2. (Special.) Considering the recent petition of the Portland bankers asking for a five days' holiday as merely a huge joke, the only result of which was to se cure a vacation for a few overworked millionaires and public officeholders, a number of Astoria business men, all of whom are personal friends of Gov ernor Chamberlain, forwarded a round robin to the Governor this morning, asking that they also be allowed a holiday extending from six months to a year. Bishops in Executive Session. SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 2. Twenty two bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church "are in attendance here at the bb?nnlal meeting. The bishops were in executive session today and grave out no announcements. Their open meet ings will be held next week. A tem perance rally tonight, attended by the bishops, was addressed by Bishop Ham ilton, o San Francisco, and by Bishop Wilson, of Washington. D. C. Nearly all of the visiting bishops will fill local pulpits tomorrow. Lots of Cash in Astoria Banks. . ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 2. (Special.) All the local banks will be opened on Monday for the regular transaction of business, no matter whether, the holi day regulations are in force or not. The Astoria banks are in excellent condition, and, according to state ments recently issued, have cash in their vaults sufficient to cover not less than 80 per cent of the demand obligations which could be made up on them. Health Officer Resigns. ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 2. (Special.) Dr. F. V. Mohn has tendered his resig nation as Health Officer for the city of Astoria, as he is to remove to Cali fornia. The resignation will be pre sented to the Council at Its meeting on next Monday evening, and as near as can be learned Dr. Clara Reames will be appointed to fill the vacancy. NORTHWEST BREVITIES. '"""J. 1 . 1 we mutiny 01 AIDBnr -Oiiene u arranging: for a lecture course for Albany this winter, which will Include the appear ance here of Captain Richmond Pearson Hobeon. Roseburg, Or. No clew has been found to the persons who blew open I. Abraham's safe and destroyed hie place of business by Are. although the city and surrounding country have been thoroughly searched. Centralis, Wash. Vigorous steps are being taken to prevent the entrance of bubonic plague into Centralla. A meeting of the Hoard of Health was held Wednesday evening. M was decided to give the city a thorough cleaning. Hllls-boro. Or. Blwood Haines, a resident ot this place, was removed to the asylum yes terday for treatment. He was 53 years of age. and has been afflicted with a complication of diseases until hui mind was affected. Troutdale, Or. J. s. Greenwalf. an em ploye of the Union Meat Company at Trout dale, has broken the record for rat-catching in Troutdale. and challenges anv nerann In Oregon to outdo him. From October 1 to October 30 he caught 21 IO of the pests In the Union Meat Company's plant. He UBes the common cage rat-trap. Albany, Or. The first nominating petitions for Albany's biennial city election, to be held December 2, were filed today, requesting the nomination of State Senator Frank J. Miller for Councilman from the Second Ward and of L. C. Marshall for Councilman from the First Ward. Three other petitions were being circulated today, for the renomlnatlon of Mayor J. P. Wallace and Recorder F. M. Red field and for the nomination of John Catlln a Marshal. . Centralla. Wash. A meeting of the Board of Health was held on Wednesday to discuu the health conditions of the city. It was decided to thoroughly clean up the city, as the railroad trafTlc from San Francisco, Seattle and Grays Harbor might expose the city to contagiou diseases. Dr. Madison. the Health Officer, informed the board that he was taking extraordinary steps to prevent the spread of diseases. Notice has been served on the citizens that the orders of the State Board of Health will be strictly enforced, and that each householder will be made responsi ble for the condition of his premises. The citizens are also requested to wage war on mice and rats. FIVE BOATS .MAY BE LOST EARLY WINTER MAY HAVE CAUGHT THE3I IX ICE. Whaler Jeannette, Last Boat Out of . the Arctic Ocean This Year, Brings the Information. ' SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 2. Ventur ing too far to the westward in the Arctic Ocean In the quest of whales, five vessels of the whaling fleet sail ing from this port over a year ago, and having on boaTd 225 men, maV have been caught In the ice by the sudden closing in of the Northern Winter. - This information was brought, to this city- by the whaler Jeannette, Captain Hoffman, the last vessel out of the Arctic Sea. The missing vessels are the Herman, Captain James Til ton; Beluga. Captain Porter; Belvl dere. Captain Cattle"; Thrasher, Cap tain Foley, and William Baylies, Cap tain W. H. BodflsMT Each carries about 45 men. None of the whalers was seen by the men of the Jeannette. The latter vessel was several times hemmed in by the ice and in one instance had to make a path through the pack by the use of gunpowder before the open sea was reached. All of the whalers went further to the northwest this season than usual, the Jeannette plainly sighting Prince Williams' Land. ' But one other vessel of the fleet, the Bowhead, managed to gain the open sea after the Jeannette had escaped Today this whaler was sighted off this port 20 miles outside the Heads. It was known positively that the miss ing ships were hunting in the same grounds, far to the westward. Cap tain Cattle, of the Belvldere, has his wife on board. Captain George Tllton, master of the steam whaler Bowhead. which - arrived yesterday from the Arctic, characterizes as "rot" a report that five ships of the whaling fleet are thought to have perished with all hand?. Captain Tllton, who has been going Into the Arctic for the last 25 years, said there was little foundation for fea?. . "The Arctic is big," he said. "The other ships evidently found whale elsewhere and all probably will come home with big catches. Of course they may have been caught In the ice. but even In that event there is no occasion O worry, as they cannot be very far from Point Barrow." The Bowhead had a successful cruise, killing nine out of ten whsjles chased and bringing home nearly 18,000 pounds of bone. Preliminary Orders Issued. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2. Orders were sent today by the Navy Department to the Commander-in-Chief, directing him to issue preliminary orders covering the assembling and departure for the Pacific Coast of the vessels of the fleet, which are to sail for the Pacific, December 16. About 1.2OO.00A people are always afloat on the seas f th world. CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENT We have contracted for and-offer for sale at par $20,000 of the first mortgage 20-year IX GOLD 'BONDS OF THE ST. JOHN GAS LIGHT & HEAT COMPANY. A BONUS OF 100 PER CENT IN STOCK WILL BE GIVEN subscribers of these bonds. . This stock will assure a large profit in a few years, and meanwhile you are drawing 6 per cent interest. Bonds are issued in denominations of $100 each, and may be paid for 25 per cent on subscription and 25 per cent monthly until' paid in full. - ' Certificates of deposit and certified checks accepted.' For fur ther particulars, call on or write - The L. Y. KEADY INVESTMENT CO. Geo. H. Dreher, Mgr. Bond Dept. 307 FAILING BLDG. LONE ROBBER VERY BUSY GOES THROUGH FIVE HOTELS AND ATTACKS GUESTS. One Man Fatally Wounded and Others ' Scared Kobber Works Quickly Makes Rich Hauls. PRESCOTT. Ariz.. Nov. 2 A lone high wayman, armed with a knife, tonight en tered five hotels In this city, fatally wounded one of the guests who offered re sistance, and made his escape after rob bing a score of people encountered coring his single-handed raids. The man first made his appearance in the Schuerman Hotel, where he was dis covered by Robert Lutely. The latter re sisted when the robber made demands for his valuables and was almost cut to pieces by his assailant. Ten minutes later the robber entered the Brinkmeyer Hotel, where he secured con siderable booty. In rapid succession he paid hasty visits to the Head, Cliff and Globe Hotels, In each instance terrorizing and robbing the inmates 'he encountered. He then made his escape. MAY PAY WHAT THEY LIKE Guests In This Hotel Fix Their Own Prices for Lodging. LONDON. Oct. 26. (Special.) Ac cording to a publication devoted to the interests of hotel-keepers, a novel scheme Is to be tried by a bonifare who, to quote his advertisement, pos sesses "a house of the . first order modern comforts, central heating, ex quisite French cooking, superb view." The proprietor will fix no prices either for the rooms or meals, and visitors only have to call at the office before their departure and pay "ac cording to their judgment, conscience, and sense of equity." The new scheme will have a one year's trial. AT THE HOTELS. Hotel Portland K. Beals. A. H. Clayburg, St. Joe; R. Paul, Chicago; 8. W. Brown, W. H. Eckert. New York; D. L. Herst. E. Herst and wife. Pittsburg; E. 8. Chapman. Los Angeles; W. R. Bradshaw. San Fran cisco; J. c. Maxfeldt and wife. San Fran cisco; H. A. Schroeder and wife. New Torn; T. W. DeForest, Chicago F. W. Hall. Chi cago; H. A. Forbes. San Francisco: H. C. Kerr, St. Paul; E. Boyce and wife, Wallace: D. J. Norton, New York; C. Hunke. fjOuw vlile; J. M. Craig. 8an Francisco; E. M. Juda, San Francisco; A. B. McVay. Pltts burg; S. T. Smith. Los Angeles; T. Fletcher. Chicago; J W. Dawklns, St. Louis; Mrs. C. R. Green. Mrs. R. F. Green. Aberdeen; S. H. Hall and wife. Tacoma; C. Nulty. Cin cinnati; T. G. Hopkins, New York.; B. O. Townsend, F. J. Stewart. Fargo; IS. u. Hunt and wife. Salem; .L. Robinson. T. Keoghn. San Francisco; D. T. Sullivan. Seat tle: Q. A. Boomer, New York; J. Kiley. St. Paul; J. J. Valentine, San Francisco; O. F. Robinson. Kansas City; S. M. Seellgsohn, San Francisco J. J. Smith, La Granite: H. K. Snyder, Los Angeles; T. Milton. San Francisco; A. C. Bran. Rochester; J. W. Burton, New York; R. W. Bailey, HartforB; Miss K. A. Mc.Grath. P. O. Van Eandt and wife. Chicago; L. Perralnln. Seattle. Tbe Oregon H. Sheehan, Seattle; F- K. Kraft, Wheeling: H. Scharder, C- J. Dem hoy, A. C. Burdln. Seattle; C. P. Zlgler, Astoria; H. Horten, Baker City; C- N. Wag ner and wife, San Francisco; J. K. Tngles, Ingles; Milton Johnson. OliTcago; E. I.. Jacoby, Indlapolis: F. Lassen, Seattle; C. Wentworth and wife. H. Gray. Pittsburg; M. M. Barnard. Indianapolis:; C. K. Cocn ran. La Grande; A. D. Barnhart. Prescott; W. K. Merrill. Albany; J. H. Chambers. Cot tage Grove: G. W. McCardey. Seattle: Mrs. May Looney. Miss E. Dahlstead, Stockton) George Anderson, Vancouver; T. B. Wall, cltv; F. D. Arrington. St. Louis; W. Roseu bladt. I. Conn. M. Jacobowsdy, San Francisco- W. W. Wilson and wife. Spokane; J. Lathrop and wife, Seattle; F. H. HopRlnson, J. If. Nell. Chicago: 6. Cain, Sterling: E. Lamping, Seattle; O. 6. Ryerse. J. K. Southard. New York; Fred Heydon. Falls City; Harry Summers. St. Louis; John T. Alberts, city; R. O. Richardson, Eugene; c. A. Rosenbaum, Tacoma; E. C. Stevens and wife. Astoria; Sidney A. M. Rose, Melbourne:- H. D. Jacobs. New York; C. W. Maynard. Olympia; W. J. Reuter. J. E. Rauslne. Milwaukee; Dr. J. H. Fits. Monte sano; G. W. Dorman. St. Paul: C. D. Don1 bar. B. C. Fox. Portland; J. R. Hunt ana wife. La Grange; L. H. Hopkins, Eugene; F. C. Cook and wife. Minneapolis: W. J. Leoyo, Chicago; Henry Foster, Baker Cityi R. H. Roberts, Salem: E. E. Marshall. Portland;". A. Ingersoll. New York: W. T. Slater. Salem; Mrs. Jennie M. E. Galbreath. Tualatin; W. H. Hall. St. Joe; W. W. Mc creary. Chehalls; W. H. H. Anthorn. c Eldrldge. Alaska; J. H. Smith. San Fran cisco: Grant Wright, chehalls; F. R. Davis and wife, Chicago; A. K. Bernan. Corvallls. The Perkins. A. C. Hobbs. Mabel Rlvetts, Lincoln: O. G. Olinger and wife. New York; J. McDonald and wife. F. O. McDonald, Dallas: Helen P. Blair. Boise; H. Spetman. Astoria: Warton Russel. San Francisco: H. Olinger. cltv; A. Calvin and wife, Spokane; E. A. Nell, Fairbanks- B. F. Schaffer, A. J. Wingel. Seattle; F. Johnson. B. A. Booth. L. J. Bro'e n and wife, Vancouver; Dr. N. B. Lee, Junction City: J. C. Smith, wife and daughter. Los Angeles; F. M. Shields, Miss Smith. Miss Smith, Jamestown; R. C. Black, Lincoln; Robert Marshall. Cedrla Marshall. Vancouver; D. H. Werllch. As toria: B. F Cchaffer. Seattle; H. W. Spaks. Pacific U. F. G. ; T. H. Fredlander. city; A. Calvin and wife, Spokane: W. A. Barrister. C. W. ' Aumstray, Milton; Harry Bockej. Amity: E. G. Snider. Aberdeen; William Cox. Verogla; M. J. Callahan, Pendleton; J. W. Robinson and wife. Miss Robinson. Harry Hill. Madras; Robert Call, Carson; M. M. Perry. H. Perry. Springfield; J. Burke and wife. Miss Thompson, Springfield; Frank Lucas and wife. Roy: Edith Tyrell, San Francisco; O. Gray, Astoria: A. F. Ander son. Stockdale: William Stewart. Los Ange les; M. Grant. E. Grant. Clemens: W. O. Badger, San Francisco; John Perkins, Drage; George Dunlap. Otto Meier, city; Mrs. W. N. Bonebrake. Roseburg; J. O. Young, Cal ifornia: J. A. Thompson, Seattle; F. 0. Knee- PER CENT THE NEW POLICIES of the COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO, Are Ideal Life Insurance Contracts Issued by a Home Company LOW NON-PARTICIPATING RATES HIGH CASH VALUES Superior inducements offered to reliable active Agents Apply to JESSE R. SHARP, Manager of Agents 214 Lumber Exchange Bldg. W. M. LADD, President THEO. B. WILCOX, Vice-Pre3 land anl wife, Minneapolis; Mrs. M. J. Haney, Spokane; H. A. Pierce, Starbuck; . J. Luckey, wife and child. Hood River: W. N. Jones and family, Calgary; A. L. Brownlee, Frank Morrison, Fairbanks; John Derby. Seattle: E. E. Stigall, Decatur; Sadie Lewis. Mrs. A. Lewis. McMlnnvllle: H. L. Valade, Seattle: Irma Mascalt. Vivian Maacan, Vancouver; F. O. Hendrick and wife. Chehalls; W. 8. Lyons, Kelso; Kate Gilason. James Gilmore, William Crafton. The Dalles; Elsie Staats. Troy; G. N. Clif ton. Providence; D. A. Howell. Shanlko; W. J. Kent. Corvallls: J. K. Burton. L. H. Gray and wifn, Mitchell: W. C. Chrlatenson, T. T. Green. Newberg; B. F. Wellington, San Francisco; A. C. Adkins. Miss Nellie Barton. Lewlston; Mrs. Daisy Patterson, Hanford; A. W. Htather. SUverton: F. W. Avery. Canton; John Poget, Canton: James Yates, Fossil; Bob Covell. F. Hamilton. Washing ton: Arthur M. Paulson, Lincoln; James Deller. Portland; P. Patton. Gaston; C. Ross King, Cottate Grove: Ixt L. Pearce. Salem; E. C. Donnelly. Chicago; George J. Wllhelm and wife, Harrisnurg; L. C. Brlggs. Phila delphia; Miss Alice Manning. Oakland; J. Beef's, Salem: B. G. Hunt, La Center: J. King, Pocatello; George E. White and wife, city: Z. S. Morse and wife. Seattle; W. H. Bush. New York: E. R. Rlchlng and wife, Molala; J. T. Sheedy. Missoula; C. R. Kumer, Missoula; W. L. Johnson. M. Oppen heim. Tacoma: Daniel Cloz, Webster city: J Kastner. We.ll Lake; Lillian M. Coolt. Mrs. Bell Cook. Washington; Elizabeth M. Beaven, Palastal. The Imperial H. 'W. Lindsay, Duluth; A. W. Arnold and family, city; H. McLeod. San Francisco; Mrs. J. W. Armstrong. Cor vallls; Ella B- Maner. Ashland; c J. Bright. Wasco; W. L. Robb. Reno; .W. H. Wollard, New York; A. G. Wltmer. Kenosna; C. E. Wyman. Marshfieid: H. P. Works, Mrs. H. F. Works, Minneapolis; C. Ireland. Marshfleld; J. B. Tldball and wife, Goteno: J. S. Guthrldge and wife. Prairie City; D. B. Tldball. W. H. Tldball. Ootebo: M. A. Miller. Lebanon; J. A. Kelly. Forsyth: W. Stannard. Astoria; Frances Liter. Mrs. B. L. Blair. Miss Annie McDonald. Alton; P. C. Ames. Glenwood Springs; W. T. Wright, Union; Asa Bower and wife. Champaign: G. M. Woods. Lancaster; J. S. Snyder, Lan caster; W. T. Plummer. St. Louts; J. a. Dellinger. Astoria: W. H. Walton. Hoou River; B. K. Bush and wife. Bay Center; A. C. Hough, Grants Pass; W. I. Vawter. Medford; W. F. Allen. Denver: E. 1.. Trevarthey. Greenwood: E. O. Potter. S. S. Spencer. Eugene; J. Antrey, Fort Worth: A. A. Jayne and wife. Hood River: F. Wise carver. Ltla Wangamon. McMlnnvllle: R. J. F. Thurston. Brownsville; C. H. Wagner and wife.. San Francisco: Mrs. S. C. Clouties, Chemawa; Margaret Metier. Prosser; Ronerv Eakln, ,W. R. King, Salem; D. A. Howell, Shanlko; J. W. Corser and wife. Newport; Mrs. H. C. Harrison. Astoria: A. Tozlewltz. Eagle Pass; Mrs. U M. Bartel. Seattle: C. V. Dorgman, Ostrander; E. B. Tongue. Hllls boro; Nan Toan, Seattle: Harriet Van Derveer. Seattle: M. J. Snell. Forest Grove; L. X. Swlck. Monument; E. W. Halne. Forest Grove; L. Colllard. Quebec: Mrs. V. Ambrose. Yoncslla: Emfly Johnson. Ar cadia; W. N. Granger. Seattle; Miss Miller. Gresham: C. R. Wilson and wife. Aberdeen: Lewis McBouth and wife. Springfield; J. R. Entrlken. Philadelphia; W. H. Moore. Salt Lake City; Albany football team. G!obon. Smith,. Simpson. Coates. Merrill, Barnes. Nealy. Slbrultz. Ward, Standlsh. Montelth. Rels, Springer, Yates. The St. Charles. W. A. Banister. C. W. Armstrong. O. H. Turnbow, Milton: R. Allen. A. A. Talphe. Mill City: C. Melrose. John Kenaly. city: George Bratt, Chehalls: F. Packer, Tacoma: J. M. Cook and wife. Turner; L. O. Young and wife, Cavlier; C. Miller, Scappoose; S. Mateny, Gaston; G. M. Lyons, Meadows: R. ScofTer. Hood River; D. T. Steward, Kansas City: C. W. Brandt, Charleston; Ed Le Roy. Kalama; N. H. Mc Kay, Gervals; A. Krittman and wife. Sea side: C. Brlfyts. J. Clifford, Oak Point; T. J. Dunnagan. West Point; J. D. Bryant, Olequa: William Terrlal. Lebanon; O. J. Hvde, U. S. A.: O. R. Kelly and wife, Wil liam Shlnley. Riverton: J. C. Akas, Esta- lies We Want Eery Pile Sufferer to Teat Thla Great Cure at Our Expense. Send Your Name and Address for a Free Trial Package, We want to send you a free trial of the Great Pyramid Pile Cure at once, so you can see with your own eyes what It can do. You cure yourself with perfect ease, in your own home, and for little ex pense. I Pyramid Pile Cure gives you prompt relief. It heals sores and ulcers, re duces congestion and Inflammation, and takes away pain, itching and Irrita tion. After you have tried the sample treatment, and you are satisfied, you can g;et a full regular-sized treatment of Pyramid Pile Cure at your druggist's for 50 cents. If he hasn't it, send us the money and we will send you the treat ment at once, by mail, in plain sealed packa-ge. Send your name and address at once for a trial of this marvelous, quick, sure cure. Address Pyramid Drug Co., 90 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich. m.i PROFITABLE cada; Maud Morlll. Estacada; E. Goode and wife. J. I.. Archill) and wife. Medford: J. S. Singleton. Trout Lake; W. J. Crittendon. M. C. Crlttfndon. Hubbard: Paul formo. As toria: A. Pparson. Hood River; W. Githens. Kagle Creek: Mrs. Rebeca Wilson, Corvalits: H. O. Woolen. R. J. Revenee. Sandy; O. A. McClung. Roseburg; Henry Hpgdes and wlff. J. H. ON-lll and wife. Bend; Captain Q. Wall. Astoria; Mrs. J. T. Kathor. Silver Lake: C McCorkle, C. Davltt. Colton: S. A. Houghton, Woodland; B. Gabriel. Dayton: c. s. Howard, H O. Beck. William Petzei. Mullno: M. H. Gray. TUoman Mulligan. As toria ; H. B. Davis. J. C. Warner. Estarada; G. V. Dougherty. Bay City: Janus Keyr. city; J. Ingalls. Skamokawa; A. M. Jabson. city: F. Russell. E. Russell. Sandy; lCd Lauter, city; L. X. Swlep. Monument. The I.enox Paul Denhart and wife. Seat tle; C. D. Kay. St. Paul: A. Cole. Roseburg; H. E. Holden. P. S. Holden. Napa: W. K. McGregor and wife. Astoria: Sydney XJ Rose and wife. Seattle; Henry Friedlander. city; J. S. Crew, Mrs. W. Meeks. Miss Meeks, San Francisco; E. Becker and wife. Seattle: J. Robins and wife. Astoria: J. Carlson and wife, Shoshonlo; W. J. Lang helm, r. S. A.; A. L. Wrlglit and wife. The Dalles; E. R. Hamilton, Vale; A. 'ole. Hose burg: M. M. Perry, Springfield; Krank Morris. Eslacada; Harold Perry. Springfield. BETTER BUY YOUR PIANO RIGHT AWAY PRESENT PRICES AT EILERS PIANO HOUSE DOWN TO VERY BOTTOM Eastern Makers Paying Big Premium For Ready Money Need It to Han dle Tremendous Pall and Winter Trade. . When the market is down, then Is the time to buy. And the market is down now. Manufacturers In prac tically all of the great Eastern cities are clamoring for ready money, and, in order to get it, have offered Immense extra discounts for the payment of un matured bills. And that i the reason why Ellers Piano House are offering to Immediate buyers a reduction from ordinyry prices so great that it is to tile interest of every intending piano purchaser to call at Ellers at once. In order to take advantage of the unusual concession in wholesale cost. Immediate action Is necessary on the part 'of Eilcrs Piano House and in turn It is necessary that the individual buyer at retail must respond quickly. The inducements are surely worthy or serious . consideration. Kilers Piano House' have Included practically their entire stock in this extra discount sale, embracing such famous makes as the Chickering, Kimball, Sohmer. Hobart M. Cable, Schumann, Bush & Gerts. Story Sz Clark. Crown. Iester, Hail dorf. Kohler & Campbell and other lines equally as popular. $.17.r styles arc now offered for $234 $335 styles are cut to $214 $275 styles go for $li-- and the more costly and elaborate styles are reduced proportionately. With pianos selling at such prices as this, there hardly seems a reasonable excuse for any home being planoless. Of course, these prices are for cash or at least half cash but even if a time purchase is made a reasonable allowance will be given for sucli cash first payment as Is made, provided it Is more than the usual sum always re quired. But you cannot afford to wait. Just as quick as conditions In the Eastern financial centers resume their normal basis, then these extra discounts will be withdrawn. Your chance is now tomorrow there's no time to stop and think about it; Just Investigate prompt ly. You'll find the lowest prices else where are discounted by the extra-discount prices at Ellers. Remember, th" famous Ellers guarantee accompanies each and every sale this says: "Money Back" if you are not satisfied. And. remember, also, that this special extra discount offering includes pianos, play er pianos, piano players, organs, or chestrelles, etc. If you live out of tli. city, write for special Information, but mo it at once. ,ners riano tiouse, 3;;t Washington street, corner of Park street the House of Highest Quality Leading Musical Instrument Dealers of the Pacific Coast. Old RrmeSy. Hot Form. KBTEB KXOWI TO FAIL. Tarrant's Extract ot Oubsbs aad Copaiba In CAPSULES., ThetfMtWeM. quirk thorough ctir for ffODorrhoe. f let, whites, etc xl&px to take, eonvanioat to carry. Fifty years tucoMf ul us. Prios $' Aft ROW E A MARTIN. 823 Want.. lnjrtoQ street, Portland, or by mall from thm warrant to., m 110000 St.. flow York- v