6 THE SUNDAY OREGON! AX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 3, 1907. CARLETQN 7 VISITS I'S HOME Festival in His Honor Held by Former Neighbors at Hillsdale. TALK OF THE OLD DAYS f Poet Points Out Scenes of His Ver-WK That Iflns Ago Bo th me Familiar in Kvery Americun Household. HILLSDALE. Mich., Oct. 26. A tall, sallow man with twinkling eyes and a sensitive, homely mouth, stood on the front porch of nn old farmhouse and talked to the neighbors he had known for three-score years. The keen Autumn wind blew his white hair back from his forehead. The Unawec Hills, their slopes swathed in blue haze, their heights radiant with the leaf crown of scarlet and gold, smiled wanly in upon the gentle scene. The country people from a dozen towns in the southern tier of Michigan counties gazed with fond upturned faces into the eyes of the poet, whom they think of as peculiarly their own Will Carleton. who had sung to them and their fathers of "Over the Hill to the Poor House." or "Betsy and I Are Out," "Out of the Old House, Nancy," "Gone With a Handsomer Man," and "I'ncle Sammy." From the steps of the house where he was born 62 years ago he talked tenderly to them In his own wy ' and their own way. . He had come back to them from his Eastern home for a day and they had come by train and farm wagon to greet him and tell him how proud -of him they were. "I stand here friends," he said, "the last of my race. Around us stretched unbroken forest when first the Carleton axes wer? heard here. 1 remember many a night when I've sat out here and won dered If I could ever go to Hillsdale col lege. It didn't cost much in those days, but if it had cost a million dollars it would have meant as much to me for it was money that had to be made. I can remember when the railroad that hears the New York Central cars by this door now was laid with rails of hard wood. .Later these rails were cornered with strap iron that had a way of curling up and ripping its way through the floor of the car that made the aisle of the car a'more desirable place to stand in on your journey than the seats- were to sit in." -Old Farm Changed. In the morning the trains that pass a hundred feet from the door of the Carle ton homestead had made a special stop to unload the pilgrims that had come to participate in the home-coming festival. "Father," he continued, "would never hRve believed that this farm would ever heroine a railroad station even for a single day. All here was woodland when ?ie arrived: no railroad, no highways, but, noys, Indians, plenty of them. Always the. Indiana got a friendly -welcome at father's door." Origin of Old Poem. The poet pointed with his long arms cross the yellow highway that leads to ;he East between the drowsy Autumn fields. "Over there." he said, "when I was a boy, lived old Sammy Close. Some af you may remember that he figures as 'I'ncle Sammy' in-a "certain poem of that title that seems to have been successful In making our country smile. Well, the "cal Sammy lived over there you can al most see the top of his house, and, like the Sammy in the poem, was a great ar guer. We ufed to think that the doubt ful measure of happiness he had enjoyed with the two ladles with whom he at tempted matrimonial experience was due to tlie fact that he was too smart, as we put it. too much . of a debater. Well, he's dad now. or I wouldn't tell you about him. There are a good many people In Hudson that I have written about, but I took care never to tell them about it un til they were dead. "Over there to the west, in HlUsdali. there stood in the old days a county poor house. Sometimes I used to visit the in mates there and hear their troubles. And sometimes I used to see old people old women, yes, old women who had put their property into the hands of their children, passing up the road on their way to the poorhouse on the other side of the hill to the south of Hillsdale, about three miles. It was a pretty consider able, large hill. I had thought much about the cruelty of children to parents, and when It came time to write the poem called 'Over the Hill to the Poorhouse' I may say that it seemed fairly to write it self. My mind. I think I may say, has always wandered that way a single idea has served as a sort of magnet that gath ers to itself all I have ever heard or seen or learned about the subject I have in hand. Such was the origin of that poem." A year ago last Summer the original r"rhou.se of Will's poem moved from its first Kite, which was three miles south and a little to the west of Hillsdale on the Cambria road, i Newer county buildings still stand there. The old poorhouse was a two-story building, part of which was torn down. What was left was bought by Jonas Brown, wealthy old farmer, who moved- It to his place still another mile to the south. He painted it up and put a cellar under it and there it now stands four . miles from Hillsdale, very neat and trim at last and making a nice temporary dwelling. This should settle a long mooted ques tion, for several buildings in Hillsdale County have been proclaimed as the origi nal of the world-famous structure of Will Carleton's ballad. The Carlt-ton home-coming festival was the idea of Joseph W. Mauck, president of Hillsdale College, originally a Free Will Baptist institution, where the poet was educated between while of teaching in dis trict schools, and where he took his degree In IStgl. and of which he is -now a trustee. Many Chlcagoans, among them Byon J. Arnold, Wallace Heckman. busi ness counselor to the I'niversitv of Chi cago, and J. D. Williams, the "publisher, are graduates of this school, which also counts among its alumni "Fire-When-You're-Ready" Grldley, Helen Gouger. Senator Albert J. Hopkins, several state chief Justices and half a dozen college presidents. . , Large Crowd Greets Him. Mr. Carleti'ii has lived In Brooklyn, X. Y., for more than a quarter of a cen tury. He still owns the old Carleton home stead farm of 60 acres 20 miles east of Hillsdale and 17 miles west of Adrian. Preparations for the home-coming have been under way for a fortnight agd this morning at 7 o'clock the star of the oc casion showed up at Hillsdale to join the throng that were going with him across country to the old home. He came In from a lecture tour that had taken him to nine towns since last Monday. All along the southern tier of . counties in Central Michigan the people had re sponded. "Bobby" Burns used to receive such greetings from the Ayershire folks when he fared among them on market days. Not many poets since his day could BOYHOOD command such a tribute from busy un emotional farmers. These were the towns represented: Cold Water, Qulncy, Hills dale. Osseo. Plttsford, Clayton, Blissfleld. North Adams. Heading, Jonesvllie, Hud son and Adrian. The second quarter of the 19th cen tury, when Will Carleton's father pio neered into these parts from New Hamp shire, the region now populated with the pretty towns I have named was down as the "Michigan" and it was a wilderness. Today It Is one of the fairest farming countries in the world. The father was a pronounced abolitionist, and his farm house was a station on the underground slave route. The mother was a woman of profound but cheerful piety. Of her the son spoke beautifully today. Local Mayors accompanied the procession. Mayor Howard Waldron of Hillsdale in formed the poet of the resolutions of wel come and honor that the City Council had passed. Rev. Milo J. Sweet extended greetings on behalf of the town of Hud son. A great silk American ' flag, pre sented by Henry McGee, a Chicago lawyer, to the college,' was borne to the birthplace and bung in front of the house. Hillsdale students, waving pennants of ultra-marine blue, swarmed everywhere and from time to time chanted: Thpn whoop'er up for 'arleton. For good old Billy Carleton, - And make him want to stay. Visit the Schoolliouse. It proved, too, that there is the sense of poetry and the love of It in everyday American life, for it is a striking thing that a farming region for a radius of aO jniles should pour out its plowmen and parsons, school children and its shop keepers to honor the man who had taug"ht them that there was poetry in every aspect of their practical 4ives and their sedate landscape. Half a mile down the highway from the Carleton farm stands the stocky, boxlike, little white school house where the poet learned his three "R's." They call it now the "Carle ton School." and a portrait of him hangs on the walls along with one of the Presi dent. A flag fluttered in the doorway. Great sprays of asparagus and red ber ries were the interior decorations. To this one-story, one-room structure, which stands in a lonely place at the inter section of the roads, the pilgrims re paired at 9 o'clock. In accordance with ancient district school tradition the room was insufferably hot, a sheet iron stove working overtime in the center aisle. On the blackbord in the round, correct hand of the teacher were chalked these words: Boys flying kites haul In their white-winged birds : You can't do that way. when you're flying words. Thoughts unexpressed may sometimes fall back dead. But God himself can't kill them when they-re said. Speak In Schoolliouse. There was much speechifying at the schoolhouae, which was packed with old friends, who were called upon by President Mauck, as if they still were school children. ' Mr. Williams, now the dignified Chicago publisher in the Fine Arts building, was Introduced as "Little Jimmy Williams, who will now speak his piece." Mr. Carlton addressed the assem blage as follows: "Fellow Pupils and Schoolmaster and Boys' and Girls I look around this room and 1 pick out the places where I used to sit; sometimes it was over by that window, sometimes there, sometimes. I grieve to say, on the floor when I had been bad and was caught at It. In a general way, I may say that I sought the best place and then held it down as long as I could. I have been trying to do that in life ever since." - He told how he had beeif larruped by the schoolmaster when he was de tected writing a combination of epi gram and epitaph that should embalm the failings of that long-gone peda gogue, and he insisted that he never would have been caught if the rhyme for the last line had not stumped him and caused a fatal delay. , Controls His Feelings. As he surveyed the throng around him he said: "If I were In the habit of letting my feelings 'overcome -me, I would be crying now. If anybody else here wants to cry, however. I shall be glad to see them at It. Dear neigh bors, I don't know why you should honor me today as you do by your presence here. In regard to this local ity and my relations- with it. I don't want to be egotistical, but I know that is what you want me to talk about. I had a father a mighty good one, too and If it were he whom you met .to honor you would understand it. Maybe he's here today I hope he is." "My sweet mother. 1 used to think, lived in two worlds at one time., here and in heaven. But her religion was cheery and helpful. Night after night 3he was with the sick not as a trained nurse, except as love and duty and devotion trained her not as a paid nurse except as God wa,s her pay master. "Three years ago my wife, who I pray could have lived to see. this day, went away to a betfr land, and on her tomb in Greenwood we carved the words, 'She made home her palace.' So I stand here the last of my race. But I see, some friends of my youth. There Is Chauncey York. Come up here, Chauneey. Chauncey lives in Pennsyl vania now. and has made several hun dred thousand dollars out of a medi cine he compounded. He was the model boy of this w-hole region, and once when I asked him If he believed Jonah really could have swallowed the whale iie said lie was sure that if it was necessary for Jonah to swallow the whale the Lord would give him the strength to do It. I used to go out in the fields and watch Chauncey work, and I'd say, 'That's right, go ahead,' and father said Chauncey did more work in a day than I did in a week. I guess that was a fair estimate. "Friends, this spot Is very dear, very sacred to me. From where I stand the throne of grace has been invoked not 1)00 times, not 5000, not 10.000, but as I compute it 30,000. And so I say to you that great Influences are hovering here, teaching us still that unless our bands take hold on the world above, our feet can find no firm foundation In the world we inhabit here." He closed by reciting "Out of the Old House, Nancy," for them and, then there was great handshaking and al bum signing and good old-fashioned visits and the singing of "My Country, 'TIs of Thee." In the evening there was a civic and collegiate reception to Mr. Carleton at the beautiful home of the Mauck's on the. Hillside Heights. A feature of the day was the presence of Mrs. Anne Gridlfy, mother of "Fire When You're Ready" Grldley. and a nurse beloved of the soldiers in the Civil War, of whom, said Mr. Carleton, "If they had to die. died feeling as though mother and sister were by their sides, if only Mrs. Grldley were there." She was saluted and feted all day long. She Is S3 years old' and still a clerk in the land patent office at Washington. Thus was the poet of the farm crowned by the people of Michigan with the maple leaves of gold and scar let that he loves. They didv it because he has added something to the body of poetry that all the world knows and has committed to the heart of memory. And so it will live. Bishop Moore Will Preside. TACOMA, Wash., Nov. 2. (Special.) Three prominent bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church will par ticipate in the dedication of the Uni versity of Puget Sound. Sunday. No vember 10. Bishop Moore, of Portland, Will preside. Bishop William I' Mc Dowell, of Chicago, and Bishop Karl Cranston, of Washington, D. C, will take part in the services. FROM CAPTAIN TO GENERAL GREELY'S PROMOTION DUE TO SERVICK IX ARCTIC. Rapid Rise Unprecedented in His tory of American Army General Will Be Retired Next Year. Vancouver: barracks. Wash., Nov. 2. (Special.) Major-General A. W. Greely. who was. by recent, order of the War Department, transferred from the command of the Department of the Co lumbia to the Department of the Dako tay, will leave Vancouver for St. Paul, headquarters of the Department of the Dakotas. about December 1. General Greely is nearing the age limit for active service in the Army, being nearly 64 years old. He will retire in March, 1908. It is generally thought among the officers of the staff that the transfer to St. Paul Is not disagreeable to the General. General Greely came to the Department of the Columbia last July, when he was transferred from the Northprn division, with headquarters at Chicago. , General Greely entered the Army as a private of Company B of the Nineteenth Massachusetts volunteers, July 26, 1S61. He was made a Second Lieutenant of vol unteers in 1S63, promoted to First Lieuten- MAN AND WIFE T I ' W!P - Tees" - w w,s. , . i Burkhart Photo. Lebanon. Or. MR. AND MRS. JOHN It. SMITH, OF LKBAKOV. LEBANON, Or.. Nov. 2. (Special.) Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary at their home in this city this week by giving a family reunion and banquet to their chil dren and a few friends. Mr. Smith left his home in Ohio 55 years ago, at the age of 22. and crossed the plains by ox team to California, arriving there in the Fall of !S50. After a - year In California, he returned to Ohio, coming back by ox team in 1852, and settled in Marion Coun ty, not far from Salem. , Mrs. Smith came to Oregon in 1S53 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peebler and settled near Sublimity, in Marion County. They were mar-, ried at Sublimity on October 25. 1857, tne groom being 27 years old and the bride 17. In 1865 they came to Linn County, settling near Lebanon, where they lived for many years until they retired from ag riculture and came to Lebanon to. live. For six years Mr. Smith served as postmaster of Lebanon, having been appointed by President Mc Kinley. To them have been born five children, all of whom are living and attended the reitnion. These are:. Mrs. D. V. S. Reid. of H'eppner, Or.; Mrs. G. N. Bolton, of Lebanon; Mrs. W. S. Mayberry, of , Milton, Or.; Dr. I. M. Smith, of Tillamook, and N. W. Smith, a merchant of Leb ant in 1864. and made a Captain In 1865. In the same year he was breveted Ma jor for "faithful and meritorious service during the war." In 1857 he was commisJ sjoned in the regular service as a Second Lieutenant. He was promoted to First Lieutenant in 1873, and shortly after was made Captain of the Fifth Cavalry. While he was Captain he was detailed to command the Arctic expedition In which he nearly lost his life, together with his entire command. They were finally res cued by a relief expedition. After his re turn, in 1SS7, he was promoted from Cap tain to Brigadier-General and made chief signal officer of the Army. This promo tion was unprecedented in the history of the American Army. To promote an offi cer more than one rank at a time, al though it is within the power of the War Department, is rarely done, and to ad vance an officer from Captain to General, as was done in Greely's case, was unpre cedented at that time, but on account of his brilliant record and his excellent work during the Arctic expedition precedents were overlooked. In 1906 Greely was made a Major-General and placed in command of the North ern division, and in 1907 was transferred to the Department of the Columbia. . e is the only General now in the Army that rose to that position from a private. Colonel Woodbury, of the liiird Infan try, now at Fort Lawton, is second in command of the department, ' and will probably assume command after the transfer of General Greely, provided no other General is sent to command. The officers of the staff are of the opinion that Brigadier-General Edgerly will be sent to command the- department. Edgerly ex pressed a desircto come here. He is now in Europe studying tfie European systems of maneuvering troops. BLOCKS HEAVIEST HAULING Abuse of Highways Leads Polk Su pervisor to Act. SALEM. Or., Nov. -2. (Special.) The Road Supervisor In Eola precinct. Polk County, has devised a new and apparent ly effective plan for the protection of some of the roads in his Jurisdiction during the Winter months. The plan works so well that It is likely to be adopted elsewhere. He has learned by observation that roads are cut up in the rainy weather by farmers who .haul heavy loads over them. There Is no law to prevent the hauling of heavy loads, so he sought an other legal method of preventing this abuse of the highways. ' What is known as the Oak Grove road is used quite ex tensively by wood haulers, whose wagons cut deep ruts as soon as the roads be come soft. About a week ago the Road Supervisor decided that a short stretch of road on a steep hill needed a coat, of gravel, so he put on coarse gravel about eight inches deep. He will follow this up by plowing the ditch and side of the road. Then a team cannot haul a heavy load over the bed of loose gravel, and as the size of a load will be limited by the quan tity a team can haul over the most diffi cult place, the whole road will be pro tected. From a legal standpoint the graveling and plowing were part of the process of surfacing and draining. In practice this work prevents injury to some ten miles of highway. McMIXXVlLLE .AWARDS PRIZES Lownsdale Declines to' Compete, but Makes Hair or Exhibit. MMINNVILLE. Or., Nov. 2. The silver cups that were offered as pre miums at the Apple Fair, which closed today, were awarded to the follow ing named exhibitors: D. C. Van Dorn, for the best commercial packing, the best display of Baldwins and the best display of Ben Davjs; J. K. Guttry, for the best dlsplay of Bellefiower ar.d Northern Spy; J. B. Todd, for best Yellow Newtown Pippins: Fred A. Crawford, for best Spltz enberg; and W. R. Everst, for best Kings. Mr. Lownsdale's magnificent display comprised more than half of the apples on exhibition, but lie refused to compete for the prizes, saying his contribution to the glory of horticulture was reward enough. Thomas Prince. the walnut-grower, would not Jtllow his fine exhibit of wal nuts to compete for any of the prizes, and in token of their appreciation of his interest in the Fair the Walnut Club asked Mm to accept the silver cup that they had offered for the best display of walnuts. MUST COM PL, Y WITH THE LAW Commission Houses Slow to Get in Line With Paulhamus Bill. ' S BATTLE, Wash., Nov. 2. (Special.) Senator W. H. Paulhamus,' president of the Puyallup & Sumner Fruit Growers' Association, has begun an active cam paign looking to the enforcement of the commission house bill passed by the last Legislature at his instance. The bill provides that commission houses receiving shipments as consigned goods must make returns to the shipper within a brief period and must file a $3000 bond to ob serve the provisions of the law. There are other and minor provisions to the. Act. which met with determined opposition from some of the commission men at first. Some reliable houses went so far as to pass out of existence as commission FOR FIFTY YEARS houses. In other words, they now buy outright all of the produce they sell, and then are not accountable In any way for the price which they charge' for their goods. Others took out the necessary li cense and tiled the necessary bond and are endeavoring to comply with the new law. Still others are still doing a com mission business, but have refused to comply with the law in any respect. Sen ator Paulhamus. it Is known, has al ready threatened one Western avenue house of the latter class with swift prose cution unless it desisted from its unlawful practices. WASHINGTON SUPREME COURT Decisions Rendered in Cases Sent Up From Lower Tribunals. OLYM PI A. Wash., Nov. 2. (Special.) The State Supreme Court has rendered the following decisions: . David M. Hoffman against George L. Dickson and others, from Pierce County, for specific performance of a contract to sell real estate, judgment of the lower court ordering a warranty deed given, affirmed: W. W. Seymour against G. A. Lafurgey, Mason County, affirms the de cision of Judge Linn in granting an in junction to prevent sale of the property pending a termination of the litigation; Mary M. Miller & Sons against T. W. Daniels and Mason County, the Supreme Court holds that a tax sale of property described as "25 acres in section 14" is void because of lack of definiteness; Levfls- County against William McGeorge and -fithers, to collect assessments for construction of a ditch, judgment for the county affirmed: judgment recovered by N. G. Wheeler against the city of Aber deen for $500 was affirmed. The authori ties tore down a shack in the fire limits, and judgment is for destroying stock in the shack: B. Donovan against C. Clair Olson, action'to quiet title, brought by a mother against her son. lower court held thathe son was entitled to a half of the property as heir of his dead father, de cision reversed: Olga Ramsdell against Edwin A. Ramsdell. Pierce County, the husband appealed from a decree of di vorce, property judgment was correct, but there shotild have been a finding as to the residence; H. M. Brunnett against M. J. Gleason, affirmed a judgment that a deed of real estate was actually a mort gage for security of a ioani: American Bonding Company against S. S. Loed and others, judgment is affirmed foreclosing the Bonding Company's lien on stock of the Pacific Brewing & Malting Company put up as security for the issuance of a bond. Use Regular Work-Train Crew. PENDLETON. Or'.. Nbv. 2. (Special.) Orders were received here this evening from General Manager O'Brien counter manding the orders of Chief Engineer Boschke to Engineer Brandon, which were to the effect that the entire construction crew was to -be put back to work to com plete in a rush the Umatilla Central into Pilot Rock. Brandon's orders from the general manager ware to disband the crews he had organized today and turn the construction outfit over to the di vision track department. ' which would finish the work. This is taken to mean the last three miles will he finished under the roadmaster's department with the reg ular work train crew. Haw ley Names His Secretary. SALEM. Or.. Nov. 2. (Special.) Con gressman Hawley today announced that he has appointed Ronald C. Glover, of this city, to be his private secretary. Glover is a young attorney, formerly a student at Willamette University, and secretary to Mr. Hawley while the latter was present of ' the institution. Glover will assume his duties as private secretary In January. The position pays a salary of $1200 a year. Congressman Hawley and family will leave for Washington next Monday. Byes fitted to viasses. tl. at Metzger's.' Don't get angry "Home-phone-lt." INQUIREAB0UTMANYTH1NGS FRIENDS OF EXCISE LAW QUES TION SALOONKEEPERS. In View of Threatened Bojcott by Liquor Men o Those Who Fight Their Business, Letter Issued. OREGON CITY, Nov. 2. (Special.) W. S. U'Ren, C. Schuebel, C. H. Dye and John W. Loder, all of them attorneys and supporters of the excise ordinance that will come before the voters of this city at the December election, this morning threw a bombshell Into the camp of the opponents of the measure by the issuance of an open-letter to the business men of Oregon City. The basis of the letter is the report that the saloon-keepers have threatened to boycott by withdrawal of their cus tom the merchants who . signed the initiative petition for the submission, of the ordinance to the people. Some of the bolts hurled in the letter fol low: Why do the saloonkeepers fight the pro posed excise ordinance -by boyeptting, threats and intimidations? Are they still selling liquor to minors? Are they secretly running gambling games and machines behind their dark ened windows and walls? Are they making money hy secret viola tions of the law, whicli they must lose if they are obliged to do their business as publicly as the bank does? They have gone so far as to threaten the boycott against a business man unless his wife should cease to advocate tne ap proval of the ordinance. . They have threatened to drive any busi ness man who favored the ordinance out of town. But the ordinance only compels the liquor-sellers to do what other business men do without an ordinance. It requires that their business must be visible from the street and sidewalk through clean glass fronts: that they shall close at rea sonable holhns and not open Sunday: that they must not allow drunkards, minors or women about the saloon, nor furnish seats and tables, music, games, or free lunches, nor be connected with other rooms for en tertainment, and they must give JSOOO bonds to obey the law. No honest man is hurt by being watched. If -the saloonkeepers are truiy keeping the law, why do they fear light on tiieir business? The honest liquor seller has nothing to fear, but much to hope, from this ordinance, because its en forcement will go far toward making his criminal competitors obey the law or go out of the business. The saloonkeepers' organization in Ore gon City is evidently controlled by men whose ways of doing business cannot bear the light. If it were otherwise Its mem bers would not seek to destroy the initia tive and defeat the excise ordinance by force with boycotts and threats, instead of by reason. HEAVY OCTOBER SHIPMENTS Record Month for Aberdeen Bark K. C. Allen Long Overdue. ABERDEEN. Wash., Nov. 2. (Special.) The report of the collector of Customs at this port for October shows that the foreign shipments of lumber were the largest of any month in the history of the harbor. There were 13 cargoes that went foreign, including the Hawaiian Is lands, of a total value 1151.349.12. At pres ent there are in port loading for foreign ports the schooners F. M. Slade, H. D. Bendixon. Mary E. Foster. Admiral, El dorado, ,J. H. Bruce and the barkentlne B. Wilder. ' Much speculation is Indulged In by ship ping men in regard to the nonarrlval of the bark S. C. Allen, now out 30 days from Honolulu for -this port. Not that a month is long enough to cause appre hension, for frequently vessels consume even more time than that In making the voyage, but in this instance both the Alien and the schooner Mary E. Foster left Honolulu on October 1 and the Fos ter arrived on October 21. Incoming ves sels which have arrived during the past 24 hours report that. the weather outside has been very thick since Wednesday, and that a heavy gal Is prevailing. It is feared the heavy weather will delay the arrival of the large fleet, bound for this port. ALLEGES A HOLDUP GAME T acorn a Man Makes Startling: C harges of Alleged Kidnaping. . TACOMA, Wash.. Nov. 2. (Special.) Declaring that Eugene Carr, an at torney employed by the Tidewater Lumber Company, had caused his ar rest on a felony charge to the end that he would be forced to leave his prop erty and timber land open to trespass by a logging crew of the lumber com pany, Henry Faulhaber has Instituted suit against the Tidewater Company and Attorney Carr. In a complaint tiled today Faulhaber charges malicious ar rest and an attempt to kidnap him, and seeks $10,028 damages. The, complaint alleges that last Sep tember Eugene Carr, as attorney for the Tidewater Lumber Company, swore out a warrant for the arrest of the plaintffs, charging attempt to kill. Faulhaber was arrested and arraigned before Justice Gordon, of King County. He was obliged Xo engage an attorney and says he wae put to other expense. COUNTY CLERKS ORGANIZE Washington Officials Meet to Dis cuss Mutual Problems. TACOMA. Wash., Nov. 2. (Special.) With a view to organizing the County Clerks of Washington, 17 officials met here today and adopted a number of reso lutions and discussed questions of import ance. J. F. Libby, of Pierce County, was elected president and Hugh C. Todd, of Whitman County, secretary. R. K. Nichols, of Yakima, Dorsey M. Hill, of Walla Walla, and Otto A. Case, of King, submitted a constitution and by-laws, which were adopted. The con stitution provides for a legislative com mittee of three, and Otto Case, of King, J. F. Libby, of Pierce and M. M. Nunn. of Thurston, were chosen. Later in the day Clerk Koontz, of Spokane, was chosen vice-president and Dorsey M. Hill, of Walla Walla, treasurer. Officers and members of the legislative committee will hold office two years. 'Uhe next meeting will be held In Seattle, July 20, 1908. The charge for physicians' li censes was raised from 10 cents to $1. CITY LOSES ELECTRIC POWER Tacoma Gets No Bids and Litigation Is Bound to Follow. TACOMA. Wash.. Nov. 2. (Special.) At 11 o'clock today, the hour set for receiving bids, there were no bids to furnish the city with 2500-horsepower electricity for light and power pur poses. At 11:20 Commissioner Woods received a communication from the Puget Sound Electric Company an nouncing that It did not feel compelled to bid because the specifications did not comply with section 10 of the finance ordiance. under which the company does business. As It Is now too late for the Com missioners to readvertise and get bids before November 7, the power company will be under no legal obligations to bid. Commissioner Woods said it is now up to the attorneys. They will have to fight it out and see whether the Suits, Overcoats and Cravenettes The clothes which appeal to any gen tleman who cares for correct-fitting, stylish apparel. BUSINESS SUITS PRICED $20.00 TO $50.00. Full-Dress Suits and Dinner Suits priced $50.00 to $65.00. Cravenettes priced $20.00 to $50.00. ' Overcoats priced $25.00 to $75.00. All necessary articles to wear with the clothes, right in style and best quality. Pleased to have an opportunity of showing you the correct things in wearing apparel. R. M. 269 - 271 Morrison Street city can force the company to furnish th'e power or not. LINN COUNTY TO RANK THIRD Three Hundred Acres in Apple Orchard to Be Planted. ALBANY. Or., Noy. 2. (Special.) The third largest apple orchard In Oregon will be planted in Linn County during the next year. Two hundred acres will be planted this Winter and 100 next Winter. A Port land company, of which Chester A. Parvin is superintendent, has bought 300 acres for this purpose beside Twin Buttes, three miles southwest of Brownsville. Only standard apples for commercial uses will be grown in this big orchard, which will be cultivated and managed along up-to-date lines from the start. It is said that only two apple orchards In Oregon will exceed this in size, being those of the Hunt-Lewis orchard, near Medford, which Includes 400 acres, and of M. O. Lownsdale, near Lafayette, Yamhill County, which is 30 acres larger than the new Linn County orchard. LUMBER MILLS ARE HIT HARD Knappton Receives Orders to Stop Sending Railroad Material. KNAPPTON, Wash.. Nov. 2. (Special.) As a result of the recent suspension of all extension work by the Harrlman Sys tem, orders were today received from the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, Portland, by the Simpson Lumber Com pany, here, at once to discontlnup cutting on all orders now in their hands intended for the Ilwaco extension. This Includes a number of unfinished orders for ties, bridgetimbers and lumber for lining and timbering the big tunnel. This will mean the loss of quite an amount of business, as during the past year, or since the commencement of construction work, sev eral million feet of lumber has been shipped to the new road from this mill. PAY OUT COIN AS USUAL Kelso Banks Pay No Attention to the Holdiay Privilege. KELSO, Wash.. Nov. 2. (Special.) The First National Bank and the Kelso State Bank, of this place, have .not availed themselves of the holidays nor adopted any special means for handling their business out of the ordinary, but arecashing checks in coin as usual as though there was no trouble anywhere in the financial world. The First Na tional reports more actual cash re ceived on deposit from local desposltors than is being paid out, and the Cowlitz County Bank is believed to be equally fortunate. Conditions at Kelso are prosperous. Every Man His Own Surgeon. MYRTLE POINT, Or., Nov. 2. (Spe cial.) With a bone of his lower log broken, through an accident in the mines at Salmon Mountain, Philip Guthart crawled painfully to the nearest house, some distance from the mine; there he ordered splints and bandages, set the fractured bone himself and bound it up tightly. Afterward he rode a horse 15 miles to Eckley. and was brought in a carriage 23 miles Into Myrtle Point to see a physician. Dr. M. O. Stemmler examined the broken limb and found that Guthart had set the bone perfectly. He renewed the bandages and the Injured man is getting along finely at a Myrtle Point hotel. Cushman Backs Protest. "TACOMA. Wash., Nov. 2. (Special.) Local machinists have raised a strong protest against the plan of the United States Government to bring machinists from the East to work in the Pacific Coast Navy-Yards under contract. Con gressman Cushman was appealed to by the local machinists In the matter, and before he left for Washington sent a protest to the Secretary of the Navy. Searching for Lost Daughter. TACOMA. Wash., Nov. 2. (Special.) Acting on the belief that his 14-year-old daughter 1 In Tacoma, Dr. Charles Howard, a wealthy physician - of St. GRAY Paul, arrived in this city today. Some months ago. Dr. Howard's wife left him and took with her the little daugh ter. Dr. Howard says he has learned that his wife is keeping company with another man and the daughter has left her. Astoria Has Double Reserves. ASTORIA, Or.. Nov. 2. (Special.) All the local banks are still closed. In con formity with- the Governor's holiday proc lamation, although practically all of the employes are at work and any depositor who desires to draw money for his imme diate needs finds no trouble in being ac commodated. The Astoria banks have more cash on hand than is usual at this season of the year. In fact, their reserves are nearly double what is required by, law. Charcoal Stops Gas On Your Stomach Wonderful Absorbing Power of Char coal When Taken in the Fprm of Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges. Trial Package Sent Free. Charcoal, pure, simple charcoal, ab sorbs 100 times its own volume of gas. Where does the gas go to? It is Just absorbed by the charcoal, the gas dis appears and there Is left a pure, fresh, sweet atmosphere, free from all impuri ties and germs. That's what happens in your stom ach when you take one or two of Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges, the most powerful purifiers science has yet dis covered. You belch gas in company, some times, by accident, greatly to your own humiliation. That Is because there is a great amount of gas being formed In your stomach by fermenting food. Your stomach Is not digesting your food properiy. Gas Is inevitable. Whenever this happens, just take one or two f Stuart's Charcoal TvOzcnges right after eating, and you will be surprised how quickly they will act. No more belch ings; no more sour risings. Eat all you want and what you want, and then if there Is any gas going to be formed, one of these Wonderful little absorbers, a Stuart Charcoal Lozenge, will take care of all the gas. And It will do more than that. Every particle of impurity In your stomach and intestines is going to be carried away by the charcoal. No one seems to Know why It does this, but it does, and does it wonderfully. You notice the difference In your appetite, general good feeling, and in the purity of your blood, ritfht away. You'll have no more bad taste in your mouth or bad breath, either from drink ing, eating 'or smoking. Other people flll notice your bad breath quicker han you will yourself. Make : your breath pure, fresh and sweet, so when you talk to others you won't disgust them. Just one or two Stuart Charcoal Lozenges will make your breath sweet, and make you feel better all over for It. You can eat all the onions and odorous foods you want, and no one can tell the difference. Besides, charcoal is the best laxative known. You can take a whole boxful and no barm will result. It is a won derfully easy regulator. And then, too, It filters your blood every particle of poison or impurity In your blood is destroyed, and you begin to notice the difference t your face first thing your clear complexion. Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges are made from purs willow charcoal, and Just a little horey Is put in to make them palatable, but not too sweet. They will ' work wonders in your stomach, and make you feel fine and fresh. Your blood and breath will bo puriried. We want to prove oil this to you. so just send for a free sample today. Then after you get it and use it, you will llko them so well that you will go to your druggist and get a 2.',c box of these Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges. Send us your name and address to-, day and we will at once send you by' mail a sample package free. Addrtvs F. A. Stuart Co., 2)0 Stuart Bldg.. Marshall, Mich.