The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 03, 1907, SECTION FOUR, Page 4, Image 38

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NEW YORK. Oct. 28. (Special Cor
respondence.) The mucical and
theatrical sensation of the week,
and no doubt of the ee8;on, was the
production bv tlenry Mr. Savage of
"Th; Merry Widow." which was given
at the New Amsterdam Theater on
Monday night to an audience that
j"Vowded the theatfrr to Its utmost ca
I pacity. The play made such a tremen
t jdous success that Mr. Savage will no
1 doubt put on another company. Nor
I Is this intended lor -the road, but for
1 New York Cltv.
, Among the singers who made the un
J questionable success were Ethel Jack
; son, Donald Brian, R, E. Graham, Lois
t Kwell, William C. Weedon. Kred Krear,
AValter C. Wilson. Charles Meaklns,
' Harry Hyde, ilargaret Dalrymple, I' J.
! McCarthy, Frances Cameron, Blanche
Rice, Eva Bennett, Harry . Meyers.
J Ralph Whiting, Gerald Lane, Nicholas
Wzabo. Aurora Piatt, Pauline Winters,
! Marlon Armstrong, Jean Ward, Clara
I Tlchenor, Port ia Belma, Bern Ice Harte
and Sophie Witt.
! , The plot deals with" the love -affair
1 of Prince Danilo and Sonia, hi coun
! trywoinan, the "merry widow." The
Prince, who Is writhing under the lash
j of thJs altair, has plunged into the dts
: plpations of Paris. Sonia, a farmer s
1 daughter, upon the -first meeting wlh
i the Prince, attracted him; but' his
I uncle, the King of Marsovia, refused
I his consent to a match between the 111
j mated pair, nnd Danilo was sent as
uttache to the Marsovian EmbassV in
Paris. Meanwhile Sonia married a
i banker, . who d-iod shortly afterward,
leaving a. fortune of $20,000,000 to his
youthful and boautlful widow .
Sonia loes no time after the funeral,
' nnd closing her castle she hurries to
I 1'srls, where she rightfully wins the
(' title of "merry widow." She professes
to care nothing for the Prince, and
holds hjer opinions that men always
consider themselves first. She refuses
with, contempt all the matrlmbnlal of
i fers that are forced upon her. She
I liss money enough to buy the gay times
; which Taris affords, and in the midst
f her merrymaking tit the. Marsovian
; Embassy, she meets her old lover for
he first time since the death of har
Jiusband.. He could hardly be consid
ered attractive, as having spent the
I preceding night riotously at Maxim's,
Jie is scarcely sober. This, however, is
"more of a consolation than otherwise
Jto Sonia, , who believes that It Is
through his aftfmpt to drown his sor
;row and his love for her. She encour
ages hinv but when ho . grows affec
tionate , she repulses him and Informs
him that he,, like all the rest, is after
;hcr-money. This remark brings him
to his senses, and he tells Sonia that
.nothing-in tll world would ever ln
;duce him to ofTep his affections again.
;He laughs at her, but in a fit vt seem
lug repentance he accepts the honor
iof a dance she offers him, first on her
list. This dance he puts up at'auctlon,
(selling It to the Vlcomte de Jolldon
for 2000' francs.. After this affront the
jrelatlons become bitterly hostile, and
each swears vengeance upon the other.
fcir Clutrles Dilke Believes War' Is
' Improbable.
, P.MilS, 6ct. 26. t'liaffncted by Jingo
.hysteria. Sir Charles Dilke declines to
ibelieve that Japan and the United -States
: will go to war. Sir Charles was inter
viewed at the Hotel St. James, where ha
'was resting on his way home from Italy.
Sir Charles was looking extremely well,
ibut was up to his eyes in business, suc
cessive appointments being mapped out
'for him far in advance.
. He thinks the Japanese are keeping
'their heads admirably under ' trying cir
;cumstances. ; When asked if he believed the present
jSgltatlon in England meant the end of
ithe House of Lords. Sir Charles answered
that he could say nothing positive about
that, but he was in . hearty accord with
the Liberal party.
i '.Sir Charles Is not a party man. His
'Mwl government is one There party
has -no place. He Illustrates his
views, by reforring to the Swiss republic,
'whpre the government may be called im
personal, though theoretically republican.
The ' republican forms- of government
adopted by France and the United States
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Near the close of the second -act ' the
Prince refuses to -dance with her, and
he starts an old ' Marsovian dance,
which so Intoxicates Danilo tHat, con
trary to-his better judgment or desire,
he is' forced to Join her. When the
Marsovian dance Is finished, they dance
.the languorous, dreamy Viennese walti
that has caught all of Europe and
which bids fair to become equally pop
ular In America. There are sub-plots,
one of which concerns Baron Popoft,
the Marsovian Embassador at Paris,
and Natalie, his wife, who has in
volved herself In an Intrigue with the
Vicomt de Jolldon, and in order to
protect hersf and her amours she
attempts to arrange a marriage be
tween her lover and the widow. The
Baron, "on the other hand, for financial
reasons, tries to arrange a similar
match between the widow and the
he does not think much of. The English
constitutional monarchy fits in better
wih his ideas than the governments of
either of these republics.'
Strange to Bay, he regards the United
States as . too conservative and its con
stitution as. too rigid. He holds that the
Supreme Court has too much power, and
points out. that the government's hands
are tied in many matters where reforms
are demanded, such as the Imposing of
an income tax.
He holds that within such limits as
prevail in most civilized countries the
question of the form of government is
less important than the vital questions
relating to the well-being of the laboring
Sir Charles is the author of numerous
books. He said that his first volume,
"Great Britain," Is still selling because it
Is a young man's book, of travel. It has
a certain picturesque interest, whereas
serious book problems are out of -date.
England's over-sea possessions march so
fast one would have to publish such a
book year by year to keep up with them.
Sir Charles laughingly referred to him
self as a bad subject for a newspaperman
to Interview, because the interviewer
wants to ta,lk about something which Is
about to happen, whereas he found that
things foretold did not happen. People
used, to talk about war between Germany
and France, but It was as far off as ever.
r: U I . -V s yilAM
Prince. The entire company Is so very
clever, the music Is so fascinating that
one is at a loss to know where to
lavish praise first. Miss Ethel Jackson,
in the title role, has scored a real
sensation, and Donald Brian, as the
Prince, is quite as fortunate in his
presentation. "The Merry Widow" is
entirely out of the ordinary category
of, American light operas. It is of a
very different stamp and it bids fair
to break, all records. . It is almost un
necessary to say that the staging and
the entire production was given with
the usual care bestowed upon these de
tails by Mr. Savage. ,
Among the disappointments of the sea
son, which have Included "Tlrfe Evan
gelists." by Henry Arthur Jones, and
"The Stephslsters," by Charles Klein, -we
must probably add "Sappho and Phaon,"
a dramatization of Percy Mackay's trag-
Governor Appoints Representatives
to Attend Commercial Congress.
... i
SALEM. Nov. 2. (Special.) Governor
Chamberlain has appointed the following
delegates to the Trans-Mississippi Com
mercial Congress, to be held at Muskogee,
Okla., November 19-22, 1807:
From Portland George M. Hyland,
Fletcher Linn, E. Ehrman, William Har
der, Wallis Nash, Joseph Friedenthal,
Dr. R. C. Coffey, M. J. Roche, R. W.
Foster, John F. O'Shea. Sol Blumauer,
George W. McMillan, William Muirhead,
L. G. Pfunder. J. W. Ganong, A. H.
Deyers. Tom Richardson. T. B. Wilcox,
Dr. Andrew C. Smith, Sig Sichel, Wil
liam MacMaster, Harry Beck, C. W. Hod
son, F. E. Beach, W. T. Carroll, F. W.
Leadbetter, S. G. Reed.
Charles E. Kenyon, J. M. Lackey and
J. R. Blackaby, Ontario; S. S. Gordon,
John H. Whyte, William Madison and C.
H. Brown, Astoria; R. H. Moore, Tom
Whltten and J. L. Hammersly, Gold Hill;
Hugh McLain, Walter Lyons, Henry
Ser.gstacken and W. P. Murphy, Marsh
field; D. J. Moore, Seaside; Joseph'
HIrschberg, Independence; Charles H.
Carter. R. Alexander and Leon Cohen,
Pendleton: M. C. Anient, R. G. Smith and
O. S. Blanchard. Grants Pass; F. H.
Brigham, L. J. Simpson, W. J. Smith and
Peter Loggie, North Bend; A. C, Marsters
edy. While no effort was spared to cre
ate the Grecian atmosphere, the com
pany assembled were outside Of this
sphere entirely. Fred Erlck, who played
the part of Alcaeus, gave an admirable
performance and did full Justice to the
part. Perhaps the most serious defect
lay hi the fact that Mme. Kallch Is essen
tially an actress of the present day and
neither looks the part nor fits Into one
which is pre-eminently classical m its
nature, and while she speaks the Eng
lish language remamably well she has
not the sort of control which would make
It possible for her to deliver the long
and Dr. J. E. Shearer, Roseburg; D. P.
Mason, C. H. Stewart and' E. J. Frazlef
Albany; Julian Bird, Burns; Richard
Neill. Sumpter; Virgil E. Waters, Cor-,
vallls; M. Doyle, Wedderburn; G. C. Blak
ley and F. A. Seufert, The Dalles; Ed
C Hanley, Central Point; C. A.. Baker,
Pitner; A. Bennett, Irrlgon; George T.
Baldwin, Klamath Falls; Al Geiser,
Geiser; James Pantner. Baker City; P. L.
Frasier, Salem; R. G. Wheeler, Vale;
Percy Young. Albany; Turner Oliver, La
Grande; J. R. Campbell, J. D. .Matlock
and J. F. Robinson, Eugene; Roswell
Shelley and W. E. Sherman. Hood River;
Mel Pen wick and George Haga. Burns;
W. E. Phipps, W. M. Isaacs, D. H. Miller.
Dr. R. C. Kelsay and J. F. Reddy, Med
ford; James F Mahon, Smith Pos toff ice;
W. H. Brooke and A. L. Sprouie. On
tario: B. F. Irvine, CorvaUIs; B. W.
Strong, Roseburg. . c .
Monetary Troubles of King.
LISBON, Oct, 26. The King of Portu
gal is in grave monetary troubles, owing
to the growing insufficiency of the civil
list, which is lower than that of Saxony;
while the sovereign directly bears many
charges which In other countries fall up
on publlo departments.
Out of this has grown a complicated
system of irregular advances from the
treasury to the King. These, now total
Notice has recently been published re
adjusting the financial relations between
the state and the royal house.
speeches of blank verse. However, every
thing known to the art of statecraft as
far as scenic effects are concerned was In
distinct evidence and had received the
utmost care in the hands of Harrison
Gray Fiske.
Tbe opening of Carnegie Hall for piano
recttal was occurring as Paderewski was
steaming up the harbor. Josef Hofmann
was In charge of the audience at Carne
fte and the afternoon papers were telling
what Paderewski will do at Carnegie
next Saturday. Hofmann and Pade
rewski will alternate at that temple of
music for at least four weeks, during
Lies Down on Rails, Because Weed
Is Xot Allowed.'
PARIS. Oct. 26. Entering a suburban
train near Paris, a smoker who had just
lighted an excellent cigar was forced to
leave a nonsmoking compartment, and
searched the train in vain for a smoking
carriage. He took up a position on the
metals Just in front of the engine, and
declared that he would not move till a
smoking carriage was put on.
Carried oft by porters, he escaped their
clutches and lay down on the line, still
smoking and- ejaculating, "Put on a
smoking carriage."
He had already delayed the train for
ten minutes. The porters seized him
again and held him while the train went
off. . The railway ' authorities Intend to
prosecute, while the smoker declares that
he. will bring a suit against the company
for not providing a smoking compart
ment. Citrus Crop of California.
LOS ANGELES. Cal., Nov. 2. Figures
on the citrus fruit crops of Southern Cali
fornia for the year ending October 21
how that the total of ears shipped was
TRIUMPH Second Company May Play in New" York
at . the: h&ULT.
which time there will be several other
pianists appearing -at Mendelssohn Hall,
and at Carnegie, too, for that matter.
The schedule Is something like this:
Paderewski next week, .Hofmann the week
after, then De Pachmaifn on a Thursday
night, and Paderewski again the fallow
ing Saturday. De Pachmann, . too. will
give o more concerts there, while at
Mendelssohn,, beginning Friday, Novem
ber 1, Mark Hamborg will play. . Buhlig
will play three Saturdays in succession,
and Friday, the 8th, Rudolph Ganz will
play a fine recital .programme also at
Mendelssohn. This Is the merest out
line and only takes in a few piano re
citals, i
There was -a very large audience at
Carnegie Hall to hear Josef Hofmann,
whose playing keeps up to the high stan
dard set for himself, and below which he
has never fallen. He is a tremendously
27.487, of which 23,984 were of oranges and
3916 lemons. The whole brought in money
approximately $34,000,000. Of this amount
about $11,000,000 went to the railway com-
of the suffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mother
of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and casts over her t
shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken off. Thousands of womes
hve fund that the use of Mother's Friend during pregnancy robf
confinement of all pain and danger, and insures safety to life of mother
and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at thf
time of their most critical trial. Not onlr does Mothor'8 Friend
carry women safely thrdugh the perils of child-birth, but its us
gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents 'morning
sickness," and other dis
comforts of this period.
Sold by all druggists at
li.oo per bottle. Book
containing valuable information, free.
The Brdfield Regulator Co.. Atlanta. 6a,
Intellectual player and his wo-k runs
heavily to this side. He was frequently
reminiscent of D' Albert, but with more
sentiment and a softer Bide. He played
the Beethoven op. Ill, tbe Schumann fan
tasia, 25 preludes by Chopin continuously,
and a. group by Liszt, which programme,
overliberal as It was, seemed too short
for his admiring public, and he added
several encore numbers. Mr. Hofmann
is accompanied by Mrs. Hofmann and
family, which Includes a-beautiful little
son of hers and a little daughter not yet
a year old, who rejoices In the name of
Josef a, and she looks like her father,
Mrs. Hofmann and the children will ro
to her home in Aiken, S. C but Mrs.
Hofmann will Join her husband later
and probably accompany him on his trip
to the Coast and to Mexico.
panies for shipping and Icing charges and
the remaining $23,000,000 to the growers.
The total number of cars shipped this
year was about 2000 more than last year.
Is an ordeal which all
women approach with .
indescribable fear, for
nothing compares with
the' pain and horror of
child-birth. Thethousrht