SECTION FOUR Pages 1 to 12 DRAMATIC and SPORTING J VOL. XXVL SUNDAY MORNING, PORTLAND, OREGON, NOVEMBER 3, 1907. NO. 44. WWM MM CONTINUES THE PRICES ARE IN MANY CASES ONE HALF REGULAR A moment's consideration will show you why these prices are so low. We have, in addition to our regular stock, six carloads of new (roods delaved in transit, increasing: our stock to proportions unduly large and unwieldy. . We do not wish to hold them upon our floors a day longer than is necessary, hence we make these prices to clear them out. They are not old style, but new designs, bright and fresh from the factory, as a glance will show you. Come in Monday or as early as you can this week, and make your choice. Scan the general list of money-saving chances A Few Samples From Qur fa f Heating Stoves OAR HOME 68.50 Junior Wood or Coal Heater We guarantee this Oak Heater for ab solute and. thorough satisfaction, it is of improved construction, and is , most satisfactory in its operation.. Is made with heavy castings and is of greatest durability. It is of hand some design and is beautifully orna mented with nickel trimmings. Also has large nickel side wings and brass urn. 6? $8.50 Other Heaters as Low as S2.50 Garnet Oak Handsome eastiron and pol- ' Ished steel heater, for coal ' and wood, nickel trimmed Dlom- Ko. eter. Height. Price. , 10... 9 In. 34 in. T.50 13... 11 In. 88 in. 8.50 14... IS 1b. 41 In. 10.50 : I4...15 tn. 43 In. 12.50 Tne Junior Airtight, Steel body, with .cast draft damper and clean-out door, . swing - off cover and nickel urn....'-. - .No. 6 Length 18 tn., price. ... .3.50 Jfc 8 Length 21 tn., price. .. . -94.56 No. 10 l,-nKth 24 ln price $5.50) No. 12 Length 26 In., price. . . . .86.50 JUNIOR WITH TOP "DRAFT. No. 1 16-lnch, price ....92.50 No. 2 18-Inch, price 93.50 No. S 20-Inch, price .94.50 No. ' 4 24-Inch, price ........... 95.50 FOR WOOD. Faultless Airtight Heater With castlron top and castiron bot-' torn: clean-out ash pit door In bottom; Inside down draft; hot blast draft flue and register, automatic top, radial check draft in feed door; extra heavy steel body and lining; check draft damper In pipe collar; handsome ly nickeled; polished steel body. No. Length. 20 .... 24) Inrhea 22. . . .22 Inches 24 24 Inches ?.... 26 Inches Height . of body. 28 Inches SO Inches 32 Inches S4 laches Price. 812. SO fl-t.OO 15.50 917.00 FOR WOOD. MAJESTIC Range Malleable. charcoal iron; in baking, water heating, saving of fuel, lasting qualities, it excels all other ranges made. WILL NOT CRACK, BUST OR CRYSTALLIZE In constructing the Majestic, the manufacturers now use charcoal iron in place of steel. This new feature adds 300 per cent to the life of the range, as it resists rust and crystal lization in any climate, a feature not possessed in steel. All breakable parts are made of -malleable iron material that cannot crack or break. NOT CHEAPEST, BUT LEAST EXPENSIVE S28.00 st rinTT . t UHMAL DRESSER S14.00 This lovely Dresser in white maple, exactly as .shown in illustration ; oval French mirror, I with beveled edge ; six drawers ; a most desir able piece; sale price S14.00 S35.00 SUIT FOR S17.50 Fine full - slxed Bed room Suit, usually sold at $35.00; our price JUBt half. S17.50 Maple or ash, golden finish. No soft wood here. S50.00 PARLOR .SUITS S27.00 GADSBYS SPECIAL 5-PIECE PARLOR SUITS S27.00 Parlor Suit, five pieces, beautifully finished in rich, dark mahogany, upholstered in fcO7 ff verona; regular price $50.00; sale price .UU thadi nark niwiin J. y FOLDING GO-CAKTV sm m V m FOLDING GO-CART This Go-Cart can be carried on a 6treetcar or packed J7 rf f in a trunk. Gadsbys' price...' p tOU S38.00 STEEL RANGE S29.00 St. Clair Leader Range All are guaranteed for ten years. Leader Range, with high closet and duplex grate, spring-balanced oven doors. This is a heavy, substantial and durable range, made of the best quality cold-rolled steel; adapted for -coal or wood; oven thoroughly braced and bolted ; asbestos-lined throughout ; elaborately nickel - trimmed, section plate top; Gadsbys' tOQ Ofi special sale price piJ JJ i pa ra &4.50 . KITCHEN TREASURE 52.75 Good, well-made piece of furni ture; has two tneading b o ards, two drawers' and two flour bins; sale price S2.75 READ THIS! 125 pairs pretty Muslin Curtains; reg- rA- ... JUU $1.00 $1.50 ular price $1.50 pair; sale price.. 50 pairs Muslin Dotted Patterns, heavy frills, $2.50; sale price.. 20 Jardiniere Stands, weathered ,.- oak, $2.50; sale price.. 7 Baby Carriages, full size, reed 0 1 r A A bodies, $25.00; sale price $1 J.UU 15 Go-Carts, not reclining, regular frr A A $10.00, large size; sale price JUU 100 Go-Carts, folding, for street cars, regular $4.50; sale price. . . $2.50 DID Y0D READ THAT? READ THIS, TOO! 50 BIRDSEYE MAPLE BEDSTEADS Full size, beautifully-figured wood. Regular price for these beds is $15.00. We are going to sell them this week for. each $6.50 53.50 Rocker 51.75 Only fifty of these beautiful golden m a pie Rockers left; sale price is. . ..$1.75 Other bedroom and sewing Rockers; ' reg ular $2.50, sale price .$1.40 S 36.00 Cabinet Folding Beds 618 $18.00 for a fine Cabi net Folding Bed, well finished in golden oak; folds twice; has ten sion springs, and. is guaranteed ; half price. $18 &35 Sideboard S25 Solid Oak Sideboard French Beveled Mirror, beautiful ly carved top, drawer lined for silverware; regular price $35, prRe?r.":.... $25.00 We buy our goods direct, for spot cash, from manufacturers in carload lots; we pay no rent, for store or middlemen's 'profits, we therefore solicit your patronage. Gadsbys' Morris Chair Made throughout of eolld oak, and can be adjusted to five different po sitions; the cushions are reversible and come In selected pat terns of velour; price..... $7.75 RUG SPECIALS $35.00 Royal Axminster Parlor (( Rugs, 9x12 feet; now J)jUU $35.00 Wilton Velvet Rugs, J25 00 $25.00 Brussels Seamless Rugs, J JQ QQ $20.00 Brussels Rugs, J 1 5 0 0 $15.00 Pro-Brussels Rugs, $2i 00 i Smaller or Larger Ruga Proportionately Reduced Ingrain Sample Rugs, all wool, one OT- yard square J Jt Brussels Sample Rugs, ff , fringed Jl.UU CARPETS Big Bargains in Our Carpet Department Bromley 's. Velvets, with borders .1:25 Burlington Brussels, with borders.. Sl.lO Tapestry Brussels, with borders...... .$l!20 Dnnlap's Tapestry Brussels... . 00 Reversible Pro-Brussels SjSl.OO Brusselette Carpets, -yard wide '. .. 55 Granite Jngrain Carpets 50$