The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 03, 1907, SECTION TWO, Page 10, Image 22

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Contractors Suspend Opera
tions and Laborers Come
to Portland for-Pay.
Construction Machinery Is Stored
Where It Was Jtcing Used, Heady
for Resumption on Short No
tice Stoppage Temporary.
Work has been stopped on the con
Btruotton of the Pacific Railway & Nav
igation Company's projected line to
Tillamook and the Nahalem country.
All forces have been withdrawn at both
the Tillamook and Hlllsboro ends of
the road and when activity will be re
sumed cannot be known.
George and.A. J. McCabe. contractors,
who were building tunnel No. 1 near
Buxton, together with five miles of
grade, have been notified that con
Mtructlon work will stop and have
called off their forces. The workmen
came In yesterday for their money and
called at the McCabe offices in the
Chamber of Commerce. The contractors
had provided themselves with $22,000
In coin to pay all claims In case the
men did not want checks. Workmen
lined up for their pay and the line ex
tended far out into the hall of the
building. Only about 1600 of the en
tire payroll was demanded in money,
the great majoritx of the workmen
being perfectly satisfied with checks
on a local bank. This shows that con
fidence in the future of the Portland
Institutions Is general.
Construction machinery used In the
work is being stored at various places
on the line where It was engaged and
horses In the grading outfits are be
ing turned out to pasture pending the
resumption of work. There is little
question that the layoff will be but
temporary as everything Is being left
so that work may be resumed on short
Tunnel No. 1 is practically complete
and only the finishing work is required
to complete the contract. Good pro
gress has been made in the'" work and
grading is well along for the entire
distance. It was hoped to have trains
running from Hlllsboro to Tillamook
not later than next Fall.
Ilarrimnn System Completes the
Harmonizing of Yaquina Line.
By circular letter. President J. P.
O'Brien, of the Corvallls & Eastern Rail
road, completes- the hamonlzing of that
property with the Southern Pacific lines
in Oregon, of which it is a connecting
road, having been acquired by the Harrl
man line. George F. Nevins, formerly
general superintendent of the Corvallls &
Kastern, has resigned to become traffic
manaeer and auditor of the Oregon Elec
tric Railway. His duties will be taken
over by General Superintendent Buckley,
of the Harriman lines, and other general
officials of the Southern Pacific will direct
the- affairs of the road, as follows:
M. J. Buckley, general superintendent;
George W. Boschke, chief engineer; J. F.
Graham, superintendent motive power; R.
B. Miller, general freight agent; William
McMurray, general passenger agent; R.
Koehler. general purchasing agent; A. H.
Cunningham, general storekeeper; J. W.
Morrow, tax and right-of-way agent; V.
H Hall, claim agent; E. A. Kllppel, super
intendent telegraph; J. F. Meyer, car ser
vice agent.
Chinese Return to Old Country.
The height of the movement of Chinese
back to the Flowery Kingdom is now on
and hundreds of Portland Orientals are
going back to their own country for the
Chinese New Tear, the big holiday of the
year In that country. Some will return to
Portland, but the majority of those who
go home now will stay. A special train
over the Canadian Pacific fiom the At
lantic seaboard recently cari.od 274 Chi
nese to Vancouver, B. C, where they took
pussage on a Canadian Pacific Railroad
liner for China. About 75- went from Port
land by the same sailing, and during No
vember not less than 150 will leave Port
land for the Orient.
Prisoners' Aid Society Elects Offi
cers and Proposes New Measures.
The annual meeting of the Oregon
Prisoners' Aid Society was held last
night at the Unitarian Church,. W. F.
Woodward presiding. In connection
with the report on legislation, read
by T. N. Strong, a resolution was
passed recommending t the govern
ing boards of the prison and Reform
School that a request be made that
commitments to these Institutions shall
be accompanied by such data concern
ing the physical and mental condition
of the prisoner as can be obtained from
the authorities at the point of com
mitment, apd that this shall Include a
physical examination undertaken by
order of the committing Judge. It was
shown that uch data would be of
value to the prison authorities.
The treasurer's report showed a de
ficit of 1494.80.
The work done by the society not
Til IN
only among the prisoners but among
the innocent sufferers the wives and
children -upon, whom . the , punishment
often falls most keenly: it was pointed
out,! must of necessity be', done with
out publicity, so that it Is not easy to
Induce the public to recognize the
need for help.
- The secretary's report showed the
progress made during the past year
and th3 heed for a petition to' the City
Council asking consideration for a plan
of a workhouse in connection wth the
City Jail. It was argued that 'two.
three or six months of idleness In badly
lighted, illy ventilated buildings could
have little reformative effect . for
women prisoners, who might Instead
be 1 given proper work if provision
were made for it. Protest was also
made against the "move-on" method In
vogue In the Municipal Court. The en
forced bathtub and the rock pile would
be more effective and would not be
simply spreading contagion of hobo
ism. The following officers were elected
for the coming , year: President, Dr.
J. R. Wilson; vice-president, Ben
Selling; secretary and treasurer, Mrs.
M. R. Trumbull; legal counsel, T. N.
strong; directors, W. F. Woodward, J.
D. Lee, W. G. Eliot, Jr., Judge A. L.
Frazer, Judge J. B. Cleland, J. P.
O'Hara, Mrs. A. E. Rockey. B. S.
Pague, M. Goodman, H. W. Hogue and
Alex Kerr.
Superintendent St. Pierre gave an ac-
Julius V. Srylrr.
The piano recital and reception to
be given by. the Portland Women's
Club Thursday evening. November
34, at the Women of Woodcraft
HaU, (fives promise of being one of
the social events of the coming sea
son. -
The club feels quite fortunate In
having secured the services of Julius
V. Seyler, a concert pianist who but
recently came to Portland from De
troit. Mich., and this recital of the
Woman's Club will be the first oppor
tunity for Portland music-lovers to
hear Mr. 8eyler In concert work.
' This event Is the occasion of an
open meeting given by the club, to
which the members are privileged to
invite an escort or one couple.
Following Mr. Seyler's programme
a short reception will be held In the
hall by the club members.
count of hia visit to Chicago to the
National Conference of Charities and
Resolutions were passed expressing
appreciation of Governor Chamber
lain's vork for the prisons and of the
courtesy of local railroad authorities
In granting- half-fare permits.
A public meeting was announced for
the near future for the discussion of
the problem of vagrancy.
Highwaymen Operate In North End
and on Macadam Itoad.
The police were notified of two highway
robberies early last night, the first one
having been committed at Second and
Ankeny streets at 6:30 o'clock and the
other on the Macadam Road, near the
house of Engine No. 10, at 6:45 o'clock.
Henry Ross, living at 4-15 Rodney ave
nue,' was the first victim. He was stand
ing at Second and Ankeny streets when a
man sneaked tip behind and dealt him a
stunning' blow on the head, felling him to
the sidewalk. The thug then- robbed his
victim of a purse, containing about 14.
Ross reported the robbery to Policeman
Wanless, who patrols the beat.
F. Johnson, a Fulton expressman, living
at 1436 Macadam Road, was held up by
a highwayman about three blocks south
of ' Engine House No. 10, but had no
money. As the hold-up man left his vic
tim, he said, "I'll see you again." Tilts'
case was also reported to the police.
Breaks Neck by Plunging- Down
Stalrvay After Stealing Ax.
The theft of an ax belonging to I. J.
Morris, proprietor of the Jefferson
House, 270 Front street, was the last
act In the life of an unidentified man
who fell down a flight of stairs in the
place at 7 o'clock last night. His neck
was broken and he died Instantly. The
body was found at the bottom of the
stairs with the stolen ax near It.
Coroner Flnley took charge of the
body and will try to ascertain the
Identity of the man today.
I 1 "
Line Waits at Land Office for
Several Weeks and Finally
Files ' Quietly. .
Officers Will Have to Go Over Fil
trigs. Comparing, Segregating and
Settling Prior Claims if Two
or More Want Same Land.
LAKEVIEW, Or., Nov. 2. (Special.)
The great rush for timber lands which
marked the restoration of several hun
dred thousand acres of temporary forest
reserves to settlement and entry, is over.
The grush which attended the restoration
Just effected was unprecedented in the
history of public lands In Oregon, and
yet men who have followed such restora
tions of the public lands for years, pro
nounce this the most successfully con
ducted affair of Its kind-ever witnessed.
For 30 days people have been appear
ing at the Land Office twice each day
at 9 o'clock In the morning and at 4
o'clock In the afternoon, answering to a
rollcall under the rules promulgated by
the local officials. Each day the line of
applicants grew longer, the Land Office
officials adding names of newcomers to
their list as rapidly as numbers were ap
plied for. Occasionally a member of the
'line-up" would fail to be at his position
in the line at the time for roll-call, and
would thereupon lose his place, giving
way to those following him, and himself
taking a new number at the end of the
Order Is of the Best.
But through it all the best of order
prevailed, and when the line had finally
passed the 200 mark, and there were but
a few days remaining before filings would
be received, the members of this array of
land-seekers met at the opera house and
organized for mutual protection and re
lief. An organization was effected, offi
cers elected and men appointed to guard
the line during the nights that would
mark-the final great rush. A the home
steaders came in from the woods, they
were mformed of the arrangement, and
acquiesced, taking their places at the end
of the line and avoiding all disturbance.
Sunday, the last day before the opening,
members of the "line" responded to roll
call as during other days in the week,
the secretary of the organization acting
as master of the roll.
Two days before the day fixed for re
ceiving the first filings, the applicants
were all furnished blank forms for timber
and stone applications, or homestead fil
ings, as they desired, and when the hour
for the last great timber restoration in
Oregon came, on Monday morning, every
man and woman in line was prepared
with blanks all filled out
Admitted Two by Two.
Promptly at 9 o'clock Monday morning,
October 28, the door of the Land Office
was opened, and the first two In line re
quested to offer their filings. They were
taken into the Land Office and the 'door
was closed against all others. As soon
as they were disposed of, the remainder
of the line were given the same opportun
ity, two going In at a time, until every
one had filed his papers.
No entries were made on the books of
the Land Office, but all sets of papers
filed were marked with their number and
the exact hour and minute when filed.
. Special Agent Higby, who is watching
the work of the local officials, pro
nounces this one of the most successful
restorations he has ever witnessed. Be
ginning at 9 o'clock, and continuing
steadily until 1 o'clock, 217 sets of appli
cations to secure a part of the public
lands were received and filed In the local
office. During this time, when officials
were under a strain, and members of the
line-up were apprehensive lest some one in
advance of them in line had applications
for the particular piece of land coveted by
them, there was not the least friction;
courtesy and good feeling prevailed, and
the work was carried through in record
Officers Examining Filings.
After all had an opportunity to offer
their filings, the officials began the task
of segregating the applications, and where
there are conflicting applications, deter
mining which was first, etc. It will take
several days to finish the work, when
applicants will be inform'ed as to the
success of their efforts. There were no
scrippers In line, and all the land asked
for came within either the timber and
stone, or the homestead laws.
Never has the little town of Lakeview
been filled to overflowing as it has been
during this timber rush. The hotels have
been unable to care for the crowds, and
many people camped in tents for the time
they were in line.
The accompanying picture represents
the line as It appeared before the land
office during the closing days. At the
left of the picture stands Register J. N.
Watson; near him is Receiver C. U.
Snider with the roll book in his arm,
readv for roll-call, while Just back of Mr.
Snider is Chief Clerk W. R. Gowan and
Special Agent Higby.
Medford Banks Confident.
MEDFORD, Or., Nov. 2. (Special.)
The three banks In this city have had
a busy-day.- Deposits have exceeded
withdrawals and all local checks are
being casher. The business in every
line is best In Medford's history, and
H-1HND : Ml ' '
confidence Is expressed on every hand.
It is not likely that the holiday pro
claimed will, for the coming week, be
Plans Being Made for Attendance of
Crowd at Concert and Ball.
. It is apparent from the elaborate pre
parations which are being made -by the
Multnomah Club for its Thanksgiving
Night Old Ballad Concert and Society Ball
that the affair is going to overshadow
everything else upon Aat date. While all
the details have not been published,
enough have been as to leave no doubt
of the function being a splendid success.
It Is planned to have the concert begin
eft 9 o'clock this hour having been
chosen as most appropriate for the large
number of those -who -will have dinner
parties in tne earlier evening. Immedl-.
ately following the concert will occur the
opening of the society ball.
Arrangements are being made with the
best musical talent, not only in Portland,
but from the .East, and the concert will
be one of those rare treats seldom enjoyed
by Portland's lovers of melody. A tine
programme of old ballad songs will be
rendered, which will appeal to practically
everyone. .Arrangements are being made
to accommodate an.attendance of not less
than five or; six thousand, and It is not
unlikely, that this figure may be exceeded.
In connection " with . the " concert, it will
be of interest to'note that Julius V. Sey
ler, the well-known concert pianist who
has recently-come from the East to estab
lish his home in Portland, will make
practically his first public appearance at
the Multnomah concert. Mr. Seyler is a
pianist of the first rank and this first
public appearance 'will be looked forward
to with considerable Interest.
Carl F. Sobeski, lyric baritone, of Bos
ton, and composer,- is as well known in
London and on . the Continent as In
America. He possesses a voice similar
in style to . that of Portland's favorite,
Emilio de Gorgorza, whose only pupil Mr.
Sobeski enjoys the distinction of being.
Mrs. Walter Reed, Portland's favorite
singer, will add much to the charm of the
Immediately after the Horse Show the
Oriental" Building -will-be turned over to
the Multnomah Club committee for deco
ration. ..
Elgin watches. Goodman's, 211 Morrison.
Rosenthals fit the feet.
fir l ff K
Requests Non-members to Join in
" " Action Brought to Enjoin
Higher Rates.
Members of the Oregon & Washing
ton Lumber Manufacturers' Association
at a meeting yesterday completed the
details for waging their anti-rate fight
against the railroads. A large number
of millmen not members of the asso
ciation made arrangements yesterday
to Intervene as plaintiffs in the pending
suit and notices were sent out last
night requesting other lumbermen to
take the same action before tomorrow,
when the time granted by the court
for adopting this course will expire.
O. M. Wilson, of the firm of Clark &
Wilson, has been appointed trustee for
the association and the applications of
nterested lumbermen to be represented
In the suit - will have to be made
through him.
At yesterday's meeting the following
resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That each Arm or corporation
coming In under the order of the court be
required, to furnish an Indemnity bond to
a trustee to be selected and named by tne
ten firms (plaintiffs In the suit), who fur
nished the $250,000 bond; that each of
Bald bonds provide for the payment to the
trustee of the difference between the old
rates, and the new rates enjoined by the
court, on shipments of the firm furnishing-
said -bond and also their proportion of
all costs, and that the amount of such bond
required of each firm or corporation shall
be on the basis of its mill cut of ten hours
as follows: 100,000 or over, 20.000 ; 60,000, $io,ooo: to 50,000. $5000:
20,000 to 35,000, $2500 ; 20,000 . or under,
All these parties so subscribing and
furnishing this bond will be included
in a list which, will be filed with the
court tomorrow and they will be per
mitted to ship at the old rates until
the pending suit has been decided be
fore the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion. Stay in Dakota to Be Brief.
ington, Nov. 2. Adjutant-General Alns-
The equal of any $15 Garment in
town Quality and fabric hard to
distinguish from the $20 sort
Hundreds of them to
. 3d
Mores. 1st
worth, who Is directly In charge of the
assignment of Army officers, said to
day that the transfer of General Gree
ley from Vancouver Barracks to the
command of the Department of Dakota
was made solely at General Greeley's
request. General Greeley will retire
March 27, and expects leave of absence
for some weeks previous to retirement,
so his stay in Dakota will be brief.
His successor at Vancouver has not yet
been chosen.
Finds Another Woman With Spouse,
and Shakes Her Till She Screams.
TACOMA, Wash., Nov. 2. (Special.)
Surprising her well-to-do husband at
supper with another woman In the An
nex cafe last night, Mrs. F. T. Steele,
who works as a clerk In a local de
partment store. denounced the "af
flinlty" In the case and ordered her to
leave the restaurant. The "affinity,"1
who is said to be a Mrs. Clark, how
ever refused to leave just then, but
when she attempted to slip out a few
minutes later, accompanied by Mr.
Steele, they were followed by the irate
Mrs. Steele overtook the couple and
without any preliminary sparring at
tacked her rival. Seizing her by the
shoulder, Mrs. Steele shook the woman
until the latter screamed for mercy.
Then, pushing her aside, the wife be
gan to verbally lash her husband, but
ho, followed by Mrs. Clark, jumped
into the elevator going to the apart
ments of friends- in the Bay View
Mrs. Steele then sought out Judge
Arntson and swore to a warrant
charging her husband with failing to
support her. Steele was this morning
put under arrest.
John 'Barbltch Fatally Injured In
Machinery of Box Factory.'
John Barbltch. of 324 East Sixteenth
street, was caught In the machinery of
the Standard Box & Lumber Company's
plant at East Water and East Sixth
streets, while adjusting a belt late yes
terday afternoon and was fatally in
jured, his neck being broken. His
choose from
and Oak
and Yamhill
Marie A. S. Soule
Piano, Harmony and Theory.
Virgil and Lcsobetizky methods.
Pupil Albert Ross Parsons, New,
York ; X a v e r Scharwenka, Berlin,
Germany; Klavier Hall, London, Eng
land; Post-Graduate Chicago Musical
West Side Studio, 430 Hall, corner
Thirteenth Wednesdays and Satur
days. Phone Pacific 2698, A 2799.
East Side Stndio, 880 East Yamhill,
corner Twenty-ninth ; phone East
2308, B 1457.
body was Jammed and wedged in o
tightly that it had stopped the ma
chinery. Barbltch was removed to the
Good Samaritan Hospital, and hia death
is momentarily expected.
Dr. J. R. Weatherbee wa called to
attend Barbltch an'd did all he could
to alleviate the pain. No hope is held
out for the man's recovery, however.
He Is aged 40 years and is single.
Ask Carnegie to Help Them.
CHICAGO, Nov. 2. A dispatch to the)
Tribune from Iowa City, la., says:
The triennial conference of presidents
of the state universities of the Middle
West yesterday voted to ask the Carnegl
foundation to place educators in stats
unlverstles on the list of beneficiaries.
It also voted to spread broadcast the
speech of President Northrop, of the
University of Minnesota, favoring the
cauBe of education in the South and
broader fraternity among educators,
North and South.
Veterans Entertain Taft.
MANILA, Nov. 2. Secretary Taft is
being entertained by the veterans of the
war. The programme of social engage
ments will continue throughout next
week, but several days will be devoted to
the discussion of important insular affairs
with Governor-General Smith and the
Philippine Commissioners.