The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 03, 1907, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 20

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and expenses easily made selling our pop
ular combination policies and appointing
amenta; experience unnecessary. Write
Oerar Ekinan, 313 Kitel bldg.. Seattle,
A HOME company; low premium rates and
high cash values make the policies of the
Columbia Lire & Trust Co. easy to sell.
Apply to Jesse R. Sharp, manager of
agents, 214 Lumber Exchange bldg.
AGENTS. ranvaMfri. mail-order men. to
sell patent folding pocket umbrella; great
. eHt serviceable novelty ever put on the
market. Improved Umbrella Co., itiil
30th st.. Brooklyn. N. Y
I want an enterprising man to sell county
rights for a patent that I own; large
wages floured to the right party. D. F.
Mc-Gill, 565 Washington st.
AGENTS Handle "German No Mantle"
gas burners and coin money ; our men
make $l pnr dav; sample prepaid 25c.
Parts Gas Light Co., Bamlet bldg.. De
troit. Mich.
BE a business woman ; our representatives
make $25 and upwards a week; we establish
you In a permanent business; outtlt prepaid;
write today. Women's Apparel Supply Co.,
Chicago, III.
AGENTS WANTED Can you sell g-oods? If
cash weekly. Write for choice of terri
tory. Capital City Nursary Co.. Salem. Or.
AGENTS WANTBD To sell our high-grade
trees, shrubs, etc. ; outfit furnished free;
commission advanced each week; good terri
tory open. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or.
WANTED. AGE NTH Legitimate substitute
for slot machines; patented ; sells on
sight for $1. Particulars Gisha Co.. An
derson, lnd.
AGENT in every city to take orders for new
fast-selling article; big profit; send 25c
for sample. Home Supply Co., Tacoma,
WANTED Agents, good proposition (salary).
Call Sunday, between lo and 12. 91 5th
st., near Stark.
GENTLEMAN with little girl desires room
and board for both In refined modern and
strictly private home, close to business
center: price no object, but unless you
can offer requirements of this ad, don't
reply. Give phone number. P. O. Box
137, city.
WANTED Room and board in private fam
ily. German or Scandinavian preferred ;
quiet, home-like place, by young man,
teacher; close in; heat, phone and bath
dlred; must be reasonable. G 348, Ore
gonian. WANTED By refined young married couple
with small baby, board and room in pri
vate family; best references and steady:
state conveniepces, telephone number and
price; walking distance. G 342. Oregu
nlan. WANTBD To rent Houses, cottages, flats,
tores, offices, rooming-houses, etc.. Land
lords will do well to call on Portland
Trust Company of Oregon. S. B. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phone Exchange 72.
VA NT ED 3 or 4 furnished rooms with
both, for housekeeping. West Side pre
ferred, must be reasonable, or would rent
small house furnished; state price and lo
cation. 338, Oregonian.
YOUNG couple, employed during the day.
want room and board in private family,
within easy walking distance of post
office; answer, giving description and
price. T 345. Oregonian.
WHY let your houe or store stand Idle?
Leave It to me, and 1 will rent them for
you at once. A. S. Draper, ;43 Wash
ington st.. cor. 7th st. Rooms 5 and u.
6 TO 15-ROOM houses or flats wanted, be
tween ttth and 13th and Montgomery and
Washington sts1. Smith's Rental Agency,
314-15 Couch bldg. M 8126, A 1506.
WA NT ED To rent pood house. not less
t han H rooms. West Side, walking dis
tance Portland Academy ; good party, no
small children. B ;159. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants board (dinners only)
In first-chiFS boarding-house located bet.
20th and 23d and Irving and Northup.
Address N 340. Oregonian.
YoUNG business man wants board and room
with refined people; private, modern home;
Wept Side; must be reasonable. R 338,
WE have a waiting list of applicants for
houses and fiats, from 3 to 20 rooms. Smith's
Rents! Agency, 314-15 Couch bldg.. M 8126,
A 1506.
WANTED An apartment of three or four
. rooms, centrally located, by two young
men, who wish to batch. N 352, Orego
nian. LADY with baby desires two well furnished
rooms In private family, with board, for
three months; references. Phone Main
WANTED To rent, two or three desirable
x f urnlshed rooms, light houseiceeping ,
Portland Heights preferred. Phone pacific
W A NTED 2 or .'( furnished houseKeeping
rooms, walking distance: child 4 vears
old; private family. X 34H. Oregonian.
WANTED A house. 17 to 2o rooms, modern,
location, Morrison or Y" am hill, between
7th and 17th sts. R 35S. Oregonian.
A YOUNG married couple wants two rur
ntshed rooms for light housekeeping in
prHate family. R 357. Oregonian.
THREE, four or five unrurntshed rooms for
housekeeping; not over $10 month; no
children. D 356, Oregonian.
FURNISHED room by two young men, rea
sonable ; state price and particulars. V
354. Oregonian.
WANTED Good warm room with plenty of
water and board for man and boy of 14
C 3:15, Oregonian.
ABOUT 50 acres of good ' land within S
miles Portland; furnished prcforred. T
357, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPING suite or flat, small fam
ily ; good references. 510 Imperial Hotel,
or Main 7813.
WANTED 3 modern housekeeping rooms try
young couple; give rates in answering.
P. O. box 412.
YOUNG lady wants room and board in
private family; best of references. E 33,
YOUNG man attending business college wants
place to work for room and board. S 161.
TWO YOUNG men desire board and room
in private family, close in. D 350, Ore
gonian. YOUNG lady wants board and room: state
price per month and location. H 342. Ore
gonian. TO RENT Furnished house or flat, within
walking distance; no children. C 341, Orego
nian. YOUNG ladv wants steam-heated room,
with board, preferred. E 357. Oregonian.
WANTED-6-room cottage, modem, good lo
cution, reasonable rent. F 359. Oregonian.
WANTED Warm room with running water;
hoard optional. Address1 R 339,'- Oregonian.
WANTED Furnished apartments or house;
family of four. Phone A 5092.
WANTED A 1212-lb. horse for the Winter
for his feed, for light work; No. 1 care;
reference. H 35". Oregonian.
CONTRACT to cit loo cords of 4-foot wood
at fl.SOk per cord, where tools are furnished.
R 336. Oregonian.
WANTED I would give good care and stor
age for use of piano for Winter. Please call
phone Main. 8420.
WANTED Reliable driving horse to use
for Its keep during Winter. E. L. Thorpe,
Gresham, Or.
CASH paid for furniture fixtures and mer
chandise. Phone Main 1626. J. T. Wilson,
WANTED Roll-top desk, not less than tiO
inches wide, high bark; state price, x 353,
WANT to buy small National casm register,
from 5c to $1; state cash price. P. o box
22. city.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture, prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
A DIAMOND; not particular about size:
must be cheap. Call Mr. Morey. lu3 3d st,
WANTED Second-hand Oliver typewriter;
name lowest cash price. A 359, Oregonian.
LAUNCH. 20 to 24 feet; give jrice and
model of boat. Address N 340. Oregonian.
1 PAY cash for household goods Savage
Pcnnell Fur Co., 345 1st. Pacific 30.
WANTED To buy a popcorn crisp outfit. E.
W. Dickey, phone Pacific 2901.
MAIN 6655. 211 FIRST CT.
WANTED Men's cait-oft clothln and
shoes: we also buv household furnishings,
highest price paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal.' 62 N. 3d st. Phone Pacific 1T2X
THB Western Falvage Auction Co. wants $5000
worth of furniture and household goods;
highest prices paid. 20th and Wash, sts.;
phone Pao. 793.
SECOND-HAND Pacific Reporter; Aral 10
volumes Oregon Reports; Century Digest
and Annuals. Box 92. Marshfteld. Or.
ADVERTISER will buv a diamond If nrice is
right: must be perfect, and 1H to 1 carat
In size. Address J 343, Oregunlan.
WANTED A ticket to Montana or Minne
sota, male. E 339, Oregontan.
WANTED Second-hand roll-top desk. Ad
dress P 357, Oregonian.
) WANTED Horse (small), cheap. Palace- Mar-
I WANT a small printing press for boy. H
358. Oregonian.
A CHEAP second-hand piano. R 346, Ore
gonian. WANTED A rowboat. Phone Sell worn! 108
Furnished Kooraa.
We can rent your furnished rooms and
apartments without trouble to yvu. In
vestigate our system. We have desirable
tenants waiting
A SUITE of furnished rooms for . rent tn
fine location in private family: can be
fitted for light housekeeping. Inquire 2S
North Twentieth, near Washington street.
Call between 12 and 3 o'clock.
THE ARTONIA Mrs. B. A. Melbourne; nice
ly furnished rooms; all steam heat, all mod
ern conveniences. Rates $12 to $30 per
month. 128 West Park.
LARGE front rodm with alcove, suitable for
two or three gentlemen; also small room,
rent reasonable. 11 North Ninth street,
near Burnslde.
THE ANGELL'S, 272 ttth. corner Jefferson,
two single furnished rooms; furnace heat,
hot water, free phone; modern home; rea
sonable rent.
TWO nice furnished rooms, walking dis
tance; electric lights, bath, both phones,
hot, cold water,; very reasonable. 346
Clay street.
COMFORTABLE rooms for cold weather,
electric light, gas heat, free phone, $1.20
week up. 380 Second, cor. Montgomery.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room
with alcove, furnace heat, suitable for
two gentlemen. Call 274 14th st.
FOR RENT Nice front room In private fam
ily; very central ; modern conveniences;, no
other roomers. 194 12th st.
NEATLY furnished room for two; walking
distance; terms reasonable; modern. 452
Benton st. Phone C 1297.
TWO well furnished rooms, modern conven
iences, close in. 309 Madison at.,, be
tween 5th and 6th.
NICELY furnished rooms, centrally located, -rents
reasonable. Call 342 First st.
Phone 1022 Pacific.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, run
ning water, furnace heat. 1S1 14th street,
corner Yamhill.
DAVIS hotel, .corner Clay and Water, fur
nished rooms $1.50 and up; light rooms,
newly furnished.
NICELY furnished suite rooms, electric
lights, bath. 8ti6 Jefferson st. ; New Home
Canyon, R car.
ELEGANT furnished rooms, all modern;
steam heat. bath, electricity, gas. 501
415 TAYLOR, corner 11th St., light, clean
single room, reasonable; phone, gas, bath;
very central.
LARGE front room for one or to gentle
men; also one single room, modern. 325 4i
Tenth street.
YOUNG man as roomer with private family,
references required. Phone M. 3403 for
8T. FRANCIS. 34 North 8th St.. cor. Couch;
nicely furnished rooms en suite or single;
steam heat.
FURNISHED room reasonable; all conven
iences; on carline; men preferred. N 354,
ONE furnished front room, suitable for two
gentlemen, on first floor, $12. 329 Larra
bee ft.
PLEASANT, clean, comfortable rooms, bath,
phone, etc.; very reasonable. 3G1 Tay
lor st.
NICELY furnished sunny front room; heat,
gas and bath; private home. 353 Lincoln
LARGE front parlor, comfortable and horrid
like, close in. Phone Main 6046 or A
A COMFORTABLE front room in private
place; furnace heat. 3HI loth st. Main
2 nicely furnished rooms for gentlemen only.
Apply 848 E. Harrison St.; phone East
FRONT room, phone and bath, use of par
lor. $12. 526 Kearney, between 15th and
254 12TH ST. For rent, newly furnished
rooms; strictly modern; also suite of par
lore. 295 10TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms. $5
and $8; suitable for two; board if de
sired. 207 6TH ST. Large pleasant rooms; gas,
bath, phone; centrally located, near post
office. FRONT room newly furnished, centrally lo
cated. Inquire at 24 North Tenth street.
VERY desirable room ; furnace heat, bath
and phone; every convenience. 252 6th st.
454 YAMHILL ST. One neatly furnished
room, reasonable; cluec in; choice location.
FURNISHED front room: gas. bath and tel
ephone; $2.50 wiyk. 380 H Hawthorne ave.
HOTEL ROYAL. 10H 4th. mce rooms. $2.50
to $5 per week; 50 cents to $1 per night.
THE FRANCES. Morrison St.. cor. West Park;
$4 to $7 week; downtown; quiet, respectable.
LIGHT, warm front rooms; bay windows,
new carpets. 248 N. 20th. near Northrup.
VY ELL furnished room ; good location ; fur
nace heat, bath and phone. '251 loth st.
MAXWELL HALL Furnished rooms, hot.
cold water, all rooms. 207 14th st.
NICELY furnished rooms, heat. ga and
phone; gentlemen only. 430 Jefferson.
$12 MONTH Large, well furnished front
room; private residence. 28 12th st.
NICE room,' $2 Pr week. 310 10th ft.
FURNISHED suite of rooms; light, bath,
phone; walking distance. 323 1 2d.
ROOM newly furnished, centrallv located.
Inquire at 24 North Tenth street.
NICE front room; closet, gas, set bowl, bath
upstairs. 2(19 Montgomery, near 3d.
FURNISHED transient rooms, furnished
rooms by the week. 6314 1st st.
LADY wants congenial lady roommate; cheap
room, close In. N 353, Oregonian.
FURNISHED rooms for two ladies or. gentle
men. Apply at 104 1 1th st.
NEWLY furnished rooms, suitable for two
men. 48 North Ninth street.
ROOM for woman, heat, light, $7 per month.
195 North 15th. cor. Kearney.
NICE large front room, first floor; modern
and central. 31 North Park.
1 NICE front room on ground floor, $3 per
week. 275 Montgomery st.
TWO front rooms on lower floor at $2.50 per
week. Call at 331 3d st.
FURNISHED rooms on carline:
phone. 349 Jefferson st.
heat and
TWO cozy rooms in private home: gentlemen
oriy. Phone East 5440.
ONE furnished, one unfurnished room; steam THB MAR LYN Furnished rooms; good board;
heat, bath. 403 10th. convenient. 853 Washington.
A VERY pleasant furnished room; $7 a month. ROOM and board. 203 Seventh street;
331 14th st. home cooklmr.
FOR RENT Newly furnished front suite. FURNISHED rooms with board. 295 14th.
246' 7th st. Phone Pacific 1005.
Oak 'st
Furnished Room.
This popular rooming place, at 13th and
Alder, has just been completely renovated
and remodeled; new and modem equip
ments have been Installed and every pos
sible convenience for the comfort of guests
eupplied. Mrs. C. B. Brown has just taken
the Carlton in charge and offers rooms,
both single and en suite, at most moderate
terms; rooms may be visited and inspected
today and all Information furnished by
Mic. Brown.
Nicely furnished rooms, single or en
suite, $2.50 per week up; steam heat, hot
and cold water; free baths; free phone;
dining-room in connection; transients so
licited; open all night; best location in
the city; office and reading-room ground
floor. 488 Washington.
HOTEL BUSH MARK. Washington and 17th
Flrst-ciass furnished rooms, single or en
suite; steam heat, hot, cold water, electrlo
light, phone tn every room: suites with
private bath, single, from $3 by week. 75c
up by day; reasonable by mo. Main 5847.
Corner 11th and Washington. Just opened to
the public; rooms ensuite and single; private,
baths, hot and cold water, electric lights,
team heat, free phone, etc., rates $1 up.
Special by week or month. Mrs. Ogllvie.
HOTEL FRANKLIN, cor. 13th and Wash
ington sts., newly furnished throughout,
new building; suites with baths, hot and
cold water in every room. Phone Main
7195. Long-distance phones in all rooms.
FOR RENT furnished room., southern ex
posure. In private family, no children, for
one gentleman, all conveniences. East
Side, walking distance, rent reasonable to
rfghi party. Phone East 404.
WHY walk IO blocks or more through rain,
when you can get good rooms at the Ben
. son. 291 Morrison, corner 5th, for $2.50
up per week, 50c to $1.50 day? Corner brick
Dunamg. Try it
THB HAZEL A first-class board In g-house for
young men; strictly modern, free phone and
baths; electric or gas lights, steam heat, hot
and cold water in every room. Phone Main
5557. 385 3d st.
HOTEL KEN YON". 18th and Wsshington
sts., modern rooms, single and en suite;
also housekeeping; running water; private
and free bathe; rates reasonable. Pacific
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room, one
or two sentlemen; fine view, running
water, hot bath; 10 minutes walk to busl-
ness center. 390 Jefferson, near Park.
HAXDSQMBLY furnished corner suite and
single room; steam heat, porcelain bath,
both phones; walking distance. 494 Morri
son st., opposite High School. Flat 11.
THE WILLAMETTE. 822 Stark. S.W. cor.
6th st.; well furnished rooms, large and
light, single or en suite; transient, 50o to
$1; by week, $2 to $5. Pacific 1290.
THE CLAY Sleeping room and parlor,
suitable for two gentlemen ; single room,
$3.50 and $6 per week; gas, bath; just like
home. 32o 2d st., corner Clay.
WASHINGTON HOTEL Newly furnished,
airy, outside rooms ; best accommodation;
rent reasonable; transient trade solicited.
102 3d and Flanders sts.
HOTEL ANTLERS, cor. 10th and Washing
ton sts., all modern conveniences, suites
with bath, principal carllnes pass the
door. Phone Main 2333.
FURNISHED room for lady; strictly private
family, steam heat, good location. 625
Holly st.. cor. B. 16th, block south Haw
thorne ave.
TH E EST E S Good room s, re aeon a b 1 e ; new
furniture, telephone and baths-free. 327 H
Stark, corner tith. Mrs. Maud J. Estes,
ONE nicely furnished room tn private fam
ily, furnace heat, gas and bath, walking
distance and yrlee reasonable. 460 Main
NEWLY furnished front and side room; light,
modern; five minutes' walk to pos toff ice:
private family. 455 Fifth st. Phone Main
THE GENEVIEVE: steam heat: porcelain
baths; free phone; walking distance; $3
a week and up. 445 Columbia St., Main
THE WOODLAND Two or three choice
rooms, hot water, bath, heat, etc. 205 6th
,st., 4 block from PostofClce; week or month.
BEAUTIFUL newly furnished sleeping
rooms, single or double, steam heat. hath,
close In. too floor flat 3. 400 Morrison st.
LARGE front bedroom, newly furnished,
heat, light, private house; breakfast if
desired; reasonable. 032 Flanders.
THE TEMPLE, 343 Yamhill St.. oppo
site Hotel Portland, nicely furnished
rooms, transient; rents reasonable.
HOTEL VICTORIA, cor. 7th and Gllsan
Steam heat, hot and cold water, two blocks
from Union Depot; rate 50c to $1.
NICELY furnished front room, suitable for
two ladles; 3 nicely furnished rooms for
housekeeping. 485 Clay st.
NICE furnished suite and single room;
modern conveniences; suitable for 2 or
more persons. 213 13th st.
A LARGE-, front room in private family, walk
ing distance; electric lights; furnace beat;
bath. 331 Mi Montgomery st.
258V. 13TH Nicely furnished rooms In new
houe; every convenience; private home;
gentlemen only: reasonable.
NEWLY furnished room, hot and cold water,
bath. In private family. 403 12th at.; M.
G. car: gentlemen only.
LARGE front room, well furnished, furnace
heat, light, fine bath, reasonable. 2i Hai
rison. "The Uplands."
181V FIRST ST., cor. Yamhill Nicely fur
nished rooms, ensulte or single, reasonable;
permanent or transient.
Unfurnished Rooms.
NICELY furnished, also unfurnished rooms,
single and en suite; quiet and very suita
ble for single men. The Kamm bWg-, 1st
" and Pine.
NICE, large unfurnished room, bath, phone;
or will furnish Tor a couple of girls; very
cheap. 107 N. 17th.
TWO unfurnished rooms, modern, private
family. 060 Mississippi avenue.
UNFURNISHED rooms, 340 Ankeny, cor.
Rooms With Board.
NICELY furni-hed room on ground floor;
gas. bath, phone ; homo cooking; good lo
cation; close in; no children. 007 East
Belmont st.
ROSEDALE, select, private boarding-house,
large, sunny, newly furnished rooms. 404
Madison, corner Tenth.
NICE furnished room for two young gentle
men, alro fine board ; centrally located.
Call 302 Salmon st.
FURNISHED rooms, suitable for 2 or 3 gen
tlemen: 2 meals a day, breakfast and din
ner. 18 13th st.
LARGE front room, newly furnished; heat,
lltfht, priate house; breakfast if de
sired. Main 8183.
PLEASANT room, first-class board; home
comforts: terms reasonable. Phone Main
594a. 525 Clay t.
ROOM and board In a private house; home
cooking. $5 per week. 473 East Burnslde,
corner Ninth.
WANTED Applications for board and room
for students. Apply Behnke-Walker Busi
ness College.
NICE furnished room and board cheap for
two; just like home. Pacific 2SS9. 614
BOARD and room, private family; no ob
jection to children. Tabor Heights. Phone
Tabor 175.
FIRST-CLASS room and board; private fam
ily; suitable for two gentlemen.. 91 N. 17th.
A 4504.
SELECT private boarding-house, modern
conveniences; board optional. 452 Mor. st.
1 t
GOOD board ,and room, 1212 Moore street,
near Piedmont Station. Phone East 4871.
BOARD and room: rea-sonable rate if em
ployed. Tabor Heights. Phone Tabor 175.
ROOM md board In private home. $40 sin
gle. $75 couple. Phone East ;jyS7.
ROOM and board In modem house, everything
new and first-class. 209 N. ldth at.
FURNISHED rooms with board. The Ozark,
225 11th st.
Booms With Board.
The new house on the corner of Third and
Montgomery sts., will be opened Nov. 1st
as a first-class boarding-house for young
Everything new and modern ; free phone
and baths, electric or gas lights; steam heat,
hot and cold water in each room; select your
room now; table board by the day or week.
385 3d st., phone Main 5557 and A 4157.
LADY with handsomely furnished home of
fers a few beautifully furnUked apartments,
eingle and communicative, with board, for
couples or single gentlemen who would en
joy refined surroundings and home; refer
ences exchanged. F 350, Oregonian.
WANTED Boarders in beautiful suburban
home, new. modern 10-room house, nice
chambers, with bath and toilet same floor;
on 5c carline, 2"-minute ride from 1st
and Alder sts.; best of board. ue of bath
and phone; $5 per week, where two occupy
same room, or $25 per month for single
room. C 351,. Oregonian.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. house and
grounds occupying entire block; hot and
cold water, steam heat, five blocks south
Hotel Portland. 3(H) Jefferson et., between
5th and 0th.
NICELY furnished large front room, down
stairs, with or without board, reasonable,
with private family, modern convenience.
02o E. Couch St.. bet. 10th and 17th.
LARGE, pleasant front room for two.
breakfast and dinner, also front parlor
for one: private, reasonable. Phone Pa
cific 2497. 252 19lh near i Marshall.
Portland Women's Union; 18th year Rooms
with board, isse of sewing-room, use of
library: Women's Exchange. Address Mrs.
Ella Rawllngs. Supt., 610 Flanders.
Acknowledged to be the best low rate
family hotel in the city. Call and be con
vinced. 1H5 10th, corner Morrison.
FINE rooms, single -or en suite; private fam
ily r home cooking, home prlvilcgee; young
men or working; ladies. 195 16th, corner
TABLE board for gentlemen in private board-ing-houst.
$4 per week ; also room with
board. Phone East 722. 80 East 8th at.
LARGE south room and board for two in
sociable family; home cooking. 410 East
Main St.. bet. Grand ave. and 8th.
PR1VATR family. 2 gentlemen, or man and
wife, large sunny front chamber, first-clas
board, reasonable. , 771 Hoyt st.
ROOMS and board, gentlemen preferred,
walking distance, terms reasonable, pnouc
A 3622. 328 Sixth street.
THB MORRISON, family hoter; modem, ex
cellent table, moderate prices; cars direct
to depot. 633 Morrison. ?
IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room residence
apartments; bath, steam heat, hot and cold
water. gas range, refrigerator, window
shades, janitor service, telephone, no chil
dren. Apply, daytime. Janitor, 18th and
Couch st.
FIVEJ-ROOM apartment, beautifully furnished,
bath, steam heat; everything new; $7 per
month. The Mordaunt, Everett, cor of iSth.
FIRST-CLASS apartments and rooms. East
Side; steam heat, running water. . Burk
harj bldg.. 3S7s Burnslde.
THE MARLBOROUGH, 2lst and Flanders; a
6-room apartment; steam heat, janitor, etc.;
re f e re n c es req u 1 red .
BRAINTRBB apartments Beautiful 5-room
apartments. 295 12th, cor. Columbia.
NEWLX furnished 4 or 5-room apartment
for rent. 533 Everett.
6-ROOM flat, first floor; fine large rooms;
gas range and water heater, electric lights,
furnace, two fireplaces, full basement; East
27th st: $25; 5-room second floor flat, same
im pro vem en t s. $20.
301 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark sts.
MODERN fiats, all size, tor rent. East and
West Sides. Portland Trust Company of
Oregon, 8. E. oor. Sd and Oak. Phon
Exchange T2.
FOR RENT New 3-room flats, walking
distance; West ; rent reasonable. M. E., room 20, Raleigh bldg., 323Vi Wash
ington st.
FOR RENT Two modern flats, will be fin
ished In a few days. 7S Esst Yamhill.
$30 cRch. Inquire 175 East 23d st., near
CHOICE West Side location, strictly modern
K-room Gat; fine porches. lawn and roes;
D. G. Woodward, 104 2d tt.
FOR RENT Partly furnished fiat, fine resi
dence district, close in. Phone R 1U49.
FO H R EN T Mod ern fl ve-room fl at ; $35. A p
ply after 4 o'clock. 2S4 Park st.
NEW 3-rotm furnished flat, 5 minutes to
Postoffice. Call 3N3 5th Monday.
FOR RENT i-room steam-heated flat, with
janitor's service. 406 Harrison.
FOR RENT Large front room, furnished,
with breakfast. 20 14th st.
MODERN lower fiat of 6 rooms, adults. In
quire 328 Mill t.
FINE 0-room tower flat; 368 13th St. Call
455 Market.
Housekeeping Booms.
WELL-FURNISH ED connecting housekeeping
suite ; bath, gas, free phone ; priva te fam
ily: $12.50 per mo.; large yard. 421, cor.
Hall and 2d.
LARGE, light, nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms, running water, $3.50 and up.
M3 4 Alder.
FOR RENT Three furnished housekeeping
rooms; gas, bath, etc. Inquire Tuesday,
383 J 1th st.
FOUR front rooms, on first floor, completely
furnished for housekeeping. 420 Hoyt.
Main 1103.
3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $10. Inquire Sun
day or evenings. 30 East 8th North; no
TWO Sin furnished rooms, suitable for light
housekeeping, close In ; no children. 110 E.
NICELY furnished housekeeping or stuping
rooms, bath and gas, cheap. 495 Montgom
ery t
HAVE several housekeeping rooms for rent.
Call 225 West Park. Pacific 20t7. All close
215 TENTH, corner Salmon, nicely furnished
rooms for housekeeping; private entrance.
$12 MONTH Well furnished front parlor;
privilege light housekeeping. 280 12th st.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms;
good location. 392 Jefferson St., cor. 10th.
SOUTHERN flats, $10 to $15 per suite per
month. 647 1st st. Phone Pacific 1794.
TWO adults wilt rent part of modern fur
nished flat: walking distance. 147 N. 21st.
SUITE of two unfurnished housekeeping
rooms; $1.25 per week. 8S2 E. Yamhill st.
OR 3 housekeeping rooms; desirable loca
tion; gae. bath, telephone. SSH 5th st.
135 14TH Two large connecting rooms well
furnished for housekeeping; no children.
NEW 3-room furnished flat, bath, laundry;
5 jnlnutes to Postoffice. 3S3 3th st.
TH REE unfurnished rooms for housekeep
ing. 125 12th st. Please call Monday.
3-ROOM flat, all modern conveniences, walk
ing distance. 34413 Montgomery st.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, free
bath, phone; no gas. 407 Davis.
2 FRONT rooms, furnished for housekeeping
in private family. 325 Schuyler.
CLEAN new4y papered rooms: 1 room $2; 2
rooms $3; 3 rooms $5., 265 3d st.
TWO neatly furnished suites Qf housekeeping
rooms, $12 and $18. 284 Clay st.
TWO neatly furnished suites of housekeeping
rooms. $12 and $18. 284 Clay st. .
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms;
very desirable. 03 N. 14th st.
SUITE housekeeping rooms; gas range. Call
Sunday. 230 Columbia st.
FURNISHED rooms' and one housekeeping
suite. 373 Taylor.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 48 North
Ninth street.
SEVERAL unfurnished rooms at 554 Yam
. hill.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 446 Washington at.
Housekeeping: Booms,
THE ONEONTA, 187 17th L, near Yamhill:
new home, elegaatly furnished, tn suite of
3, 8, and 4 rooms, hot and cold water, gas
range each kitchen; steam heat, baths, fr
phone each ficor; no children.
208-270 MONTGOMERY Comfortable fur
nished housekeeping suite, parlor floor,
central, bath, gas; bay window; fireplace:
also single room, closet, gas plate; adults;
reasonable. A 3395, Main 44ii9.
GOOD furnished housekeeping rooms. 2 for
$8 month; 3 for 15; front of cottage.' 2
large rooms, with porch ; $14 month ; all
West Side of river. Coast Realty Co.,
226 Morrison.
FOR RENT Two large, completely fur
nished housekeeping rooms, private family,
adults only. gas. and near car. Call Sun
day .after 10. Main 5813. 355 Lincoln st.
FOR RENT Desirable suite of furnished
housekeeping rooms. very reasonable,
modern conveniences, at he Yale. 291
Grand avenue.
THREE newly furnished housekeeping
rooms; gas, bath and heat included, witn
ln walking distance. 405 1st at., cor. Har
rison. Flat I.
FOR RENT Elegantly furnished front
rooms, also light housekeeping rooms;
rates reasonable. 49Mi Wash. St., bet. 10th
and 11th sts.
ashington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water,
free bath, free phone, both floors; no dogs,
no children.
DESIRABLE, reasonable unfurnished rooms,
brick building; no transient lodgers; cen
trally located, saving carfare and time.
21 1 J 2d and Salmon.
$25 Newly furnished housekeeping suite;
gas range, porcelain bath, heat and light.
12th et. Phones Pacific 2102. A 370Z.
FUR RENT 2 newly papered and painted
furnished housekeeping rooms; no chil
dren. Phone East 4831. 4S8 Everett.
FURNISH ED housekeeping or single; free
baths and phone; walking distance. The
Otis. cor. Union ave. and Burnslde.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms; 2
large rooms, hath, phone and water, $9.50
per month. 6i5 Water, cor. Meade.
THE WOODLAND Beautifully furnished
suite, light housekeeping; hot water, bath;
very desirable; $45. 205 Sixth.
VICTOR Talking Machines and records;
Stein way (and other pianos. Sherman,
Clay & Co., 6th and Morrison.
ROOM and board for two young men at rea
sonable rates: walking distance. 219 Will
iams ave. Phone East 1741.
914 EAST YAMHILL, 2 housekeeping roomb,
gas, bath, phone; adults. Sunnyslde car;
rent $13. Phone East 5374.
TWO to four furnished housekeeping rooms;
must be close in and reasonable; refer
ences. L 337. Oregonian.
FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms; also
one unfurnished suite at 288. Third
street. Main 1625; A 2780.
SUITE of newly furnished housekeeping
rooms and furnished rooms. &57Vi Wil
liams ave., cor. Knutt.
LARGE, light, clean, nicely furnished rooms,
complete for housekeeping; gas, both,
reasonable. 01)2 Front.
$1.50 WEEK up, large clean furnished house
keeping rooms, laundry and bath. 184 Sher
man at,. South Portland.
FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping
room, modern accommodations; nice yard.
313 14th at., cor. Clay.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms;
furnace heat, gas. bath, phone; private fam
ily. 450 Montgomery.
TH REE furnished housekeeping rooms; mod
ern; adults. 917 Rplmont et Sunnyslde
car. Phone East 55C5.
LARGE, furnished housekeeping room, gas,
bath, walking distance. 187 Chapman, neat
Yamhill. Pacific 4S6.
LARGE, bright front apartment, furnished;
hold piano: furnace heat, light, phone,
bath. 117 N. ISth.
THREE rooms furnished for housekeeping;
modem conveniences; no children; rent $15.
Phone Pacific 900. N
FOR RENT Two furnished housekeeping
room, gas and bath, walking distance.
Phone Eb.-H 2570.
2 NEW 5-room flat, $.'i5.
J ihw 7-room houe. $23.
2-acre country home. $30. '
2-room fu:r.ishcd house, $10.
4-room furnished house, $l!5.
Inquire room 40 Washington bldg.
FOR RENT New and modern 8-room resi
dence, with attic and basement. Ready for
occupancy November 1. Cor. 26th and
Weldler, Irvington. Sinnott & Sinnott, &J5
Chamber of Commerce.
0-ROOM 202 North 20th. near Petty
grovt. convenit -a'Iy arranged ; a flood
home, $22.50 mouth. Portland Trust Com
pany of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak.
Phone Exchange 72.
FOR RENT Largo 8-room strictly modern
housp. larg: grounds. rent reasonable.
M. E. Lee. room 20. Raleigh bldg.. 323
Washington st.4
FOR RENT DeslraVe home, close to Morri-son-nt.
carline, on high ground. Mt. Tabor;
large grounds, with fruit of all kinds; fa
vorable rent to right party. The Hart Land
Co., 146 Zi st.
FINE 9-room residence at southeast cor.
North 22d and Davis sts. ; conservatory.
2 baths, furnace and large grounds; $rtti
per tno;ith.. Wakefield, Fries & Co., 229
Stark st.
FINE 8-room house, furnace, fireplace, elec
tricity and gas. Holladay's Addition, for
rent, $:i5 per month. Wakefield. Fries &.
Co., 2'.u Stark st.
Beautiful y-w 7-room house, corner 35th
and Ka.t Washington. Installment plan.
Main 3953.
COMFORTABLE 6-room house In good West
Side neighborhood. for rent. $16 per
month. Wakefield. Fries & Co.. 22i Stark.
FOR RENT 5-room cottage, fine location ;
will sell 6 cords of wood. Inquire 3 East
1 4th North, or phone East 5882.
FOR RENT Modern house. West Side, rent
$25 per month. M. E. Lee, room 20 Ral
eigh bldg.. 323i Washington st.
SMA LL 2-room furnished house for rent
and four-room flat. Portland Heights, cor.
Pat ton Road aud Davenport st.
FOR RENT 5-room modern cottage, large
yard. West Side, walking distance P. O. ;
rent, $30. Phone Main 5057.
FOR RENT l-room cottage. 713 East Stark
st.. 7 blocks from new High School.
Phone East 1559 ox B 1606.
COTTAGE, four rooms, modern, basement,
woodshed, near Mt. Scott car. Mrs. Mox
ley, Avery ave., Tremont.
FOR RENT Modern 5-room house, fur
nlphed: good piano; near Mount Scott line,
$13. 2oG Grays Crossing.
5-ROOM modern cottage, close In, Ease
Side. $22. J. J. Oeder. cor. Grand ave.
and East Ankeny.
TWO 5-room cottages. East 8th. near Sher
man st. Call at 466 East Sherman st.
Phone East 3514.
NEW 6-room house for rent: No. 9 14th st.
Inquire next door, comer of 14th and An
keny sts.
NEW 4-room cottage at E. 19th and Davis.
Inquire, forenoons. 141 11th St.. cor. Alder.
MODERN six-room cottage, close in; posses
sion November 10. 568 4th st. Pacific 529.
FOR RENT 9-room house with barn, on
23d st., near Washington. 52 North 23d.
6-ROOM cottage on carline. 406 Broadway,
$25 per month. Inquire 233 Washington st.
FOR LEASE 0 bright rooms, new brick
block. Iortland Business Agency. 148 5th.
A NEW five-room modern cottage for rent.
Inquire 41 N. 3d st. Reasonable price.
FOR RENT Well furnished 7-room cottage.
Inquire 101 14th. Phone Main 6444.
MODERN new 6-room house, $22.50. 761
Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 410.
8-ROOM huii-vs for rent,' 21st st.. near Glisan
Apply Dooly & Co., 88 3d st.
LARGE 8-room hous. 618 Qulmby at. Call
Sherlock & Woemdle, 90 5th at.
7-ROOM modern house. 308 Hancock St., $25
F. W. Torgler. 106 Sherlock bldg.
4-ROOM cottage, 417 Hancock street, $1J.
Inquire at 40S Tillamook street.
$2 6-room house, gas. hath, yard 845
Front st. Phone Main 6323.
THREE unfurnished
474 East Pine st.
housekeeping rooms, j
THOROUGHLY modern 8-room residence.
East th st. North and Weldler; every
thing first-class; $45 month. Portland
Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Pliohe Exchange 72.
FIVE rooms, cottage. West Side river, $16.
FivR acres in suburbs, near 5c carline,
house, barn, well, near graded school,
fruits enough to twice over pay the rent;
$13 month; fine for gardening, chickens,
small dairy. Coast Realty Co.. 226
BEST proposition In the rooming-house line
now vacant at southeast corner North
11th and Bumside ; 17 rooms, furnace, gas
and electricity ; call at premises today or
Wakefield. Fries & Co., 22 Stark St., dur
ing the week.
$22.50 Cottage on 7th st., near Everett.
Sengstake A Lyman. 90 5th St., near
Furnished Houses.
TO LEASE For one year after January 1
to private family, a it-room well-furnished
house in residence district in western part
of city; rent, $75 per month. E 349, Ore
gonian. 1
FURNISHED 8-room house for rent. 1501
East Ash, corner of West ave. ; take Mt.
Tabor car crossing Morrlson-st. bridge, get
oft on Wrest ave., go north to East Ash.
FOR RENT Well-furnished nice 7-room
house, on 4th and E. Taylor St., $30 per
month. Inquire Staub & Sawtell, cor.
32d and Belmont.
LOWER- furnished modern flat; also two
furnished light housekeeping- suites; also
a modern empty new house. Call 51 Union
avenue North.
FURNISHED new roomlng-houe, close In,
city; only reliable parties with references
considered. The Coast Realty Co., 226
Morrison st. ,
COMPLETELY furnished modern flat, includ
ing linens and silver; no children; walking
(Mstance, West Side. Phone Pacific 2788,
A 5669.
BOARDING-HOUSE, furnished. 23 rooms,
rent $35 per njimth. C. H. ptggott. law
yer, owner. rooijj 4, 5, 6, Mulkey bldg.
FURNISHED fl-room flat, to he run as select
boarding-house; 6 outside boarders assured;
walking distance. Phone Main 2219.
TO RENT Completely furnished modern
7-room cottage, $30. 390 Mildred ave.
Wood lawn 352 or Main 0:i07.
NEWLY furnished house, 7 bedrooms, near
Washington, for five months; references.
L 352. Oregonian.
FOR RENT Furnished modern 5-room bunga
low, on-Mt. Scott carline. B 345. Oreao
"nlan. ,
5- ROOM furnished flat on Park St.. near Jef
ferson. Inquire room 40 Washington bldg.
6- ROOM furnished cottage; desirable location.
West Side; rent $."i4. Phone Main 22il.
6-ROOM furnished flat, close in. $50. smith s
Rental Agency, liij Couch bldg.
$35.00 Nine-room furnished house on Port
land Heights. Phone East 1475.
COMPLETE 6-room flat, modern, with yard;
close In. Call 3.'iu 2d st.
FOR RENT Nicely furnifhed cottage. Phone
oodlwwn 467.
FURNISHED house. 8 rooms. Apply 405
MaJidon et.
Houses for Bent Furniture for Sale,
FOR SALE Furniture; quarter-sawed oak
and mahogany finished tapestried furniture
for 5 rooms and hall, brought recently from
Ohio by a family who are moving from
the city; furniture if? well-selected and
carefully kept; can he bought as placed in
a motl-ern .cottapre of five rooms and bath
or can be removed; cottage rents at $15 a
month; fine location. 1 block from 3 car
lines, drugstore, meat shop and grocery. I
block from largest school in the state; high
elevation; 20 minutes from 5th and Wash
ington. Address N 348, Oregonian.
BRICK fiat, steam heat, Janitor service,
walking distance. 7 rooms, new furniture,
four rooms rented ; income tvav oer the
rent. This place Is clean and very cheap;
widow lady soiling to take sick son to
California. If you want something easy,
call 401-2 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and
Elegantly furnished 9-room house, 49
North Park; price ?H0; trrnifi. $35 cash
bal. to uit purchaser; suitable for rooming
or boarding-houfre; 8 rooms rented now. Call
afrernoon; agents keep off. O 312 Ore
gonian. FURNITURE for sale of seven-room houst-,
and also has 23 table boarders. cneHl.
Call at room 9. second floor Washington
1 of 5room flat fr sale cheap,
fiat for rent; all conveniences; steam heat
hut and cold water, free. 405 10th tt.,
flat H.
$225 TAKES all furniture of flvc-room
cottage. Winter's wood and canned fruit;
rent $13; terms. 42 13th. Pacific 2741
5-ROOM fiat, all r.ew furniture. $:;50; terms;
cloe In. East tfcil 4. Ca ll Sunday until 2
P. M. or P ;;51, Oregonian.
FX RN1SHED flat. 4 rooms; steam heated
modern; -t Side, central; $5tu. Address
B 334. Oregonian.
9-ROOM house for rent. s:;,v furniture foe
sale. $r.oo Smiths Rental Agency, ai5
Couch bldg.
A SNAP Furniture of 4-room flat, got tn
sell on account of bad health. Pnone pa
cific 14.
SNAP for young married couple or small fam
ily, furniture of 6-room cottage. 607 Bel
mont st.
SNAP Flat. 11th and Alder. 147'-j: Just fur
nished; leaving city unexpectedly; cash.
FURNITURE of modern 5-room flat for sale;
part time. 527 Everett. J. B. Nye.
6-ROOM modern flat for rent, furniture for
. sale. 2o4 Park after 10:30 A. M.
WELL furnished 10-room house fitted uo tn
five housekeeping suites. 447 Main.
FURNITURE modern 3-room flat, cheap, cen
tral. 1 1,-4, 95 N, 13th, after Sunday.
CORNER store. 25x40, or larger, also Jnsjd
stores of 20x50.. 40x50 or 60x50, equipped
with balcony ; also fine cement basement,
steam heat and modern lighting installa
tion; In five-story brick buihilng, S. W.
corner Fifth and Oak sts., opposite Com
mercial Club bldg. Inquire on premises.
IN new. modern brick building. Grand ave.
Stark: 2x4t corner. $!; 20x20, for
barber. $50; IHoo feet for restaurant, $75.
Steam heat, hot water, electric elevator,
84 rooms above. Will give good lease .-
responsible people. Morgan. Sweet &
Chapman, 213 Abington bldg.
A LIGHT, clean modern store, 25x00 feet ;
good frnnt; Oak st., near 3d. Portland
Truit Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d
and Oak. Phono Exchange 72.
READY December 1, drusr store location,
junction two car lines. 11th and E. Har
rison ; plate-glass front, cement basement.
Phone Sell wood 69.
STORE to let, good location for barbersnop,
candy store or tailor shop; rent $20 only.
Address corner First and Oaruthers.
MODERN store for rent on Washington st.,
near 11th. Apply 836 Chamber of Com
merce. $75 STORE at 107 Front St.; lease for two
years. Inquire afternoons 449 ;id st.
MODERN store, good location; notions, dry
goods, kodaks. 460ti Washington st.
LEASE for sale on Front st., floor space.
4220 square feet. N 307, Oregonian.
DESK room for rent in well-furnished real es
tate office; free telephone. Inquire room
1 5. La fayette bldg. . cor. 6th and Wash
In gton.
TWO light front offices to rent, very rea
sonable; fine location. 3d and Alder. Ap
ply X. Radium Institute, 253 Alder.
OFFICES to rent in the Worcester and Hamil
ton buildings at moderate rate. Apply to
Robert Strong, 314 Worcester bldg.
OFFICES, llirht. modfrn. 11x16; lease 1 to
5 years. Portland Business Agency, I4n
5th et.. bet. Morrison and Alder.
FOR RENT One outside room on second
floor of Lumber Exchange bldg. Inquire
room 214.
Massage and manicuring parlors, with good
practice, for rent. 351 Morrison st.
DESKROOM In furnished office for iauy
stenographer, sin) Failing bldg.
Rooms, Ahsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison st.
ANY size you want or whole floors of 50x100.
suitable for displaying sample lines or other
commercial purposes; steam heat, elevator
service and all other modern conveniences,
in five-story brick building. S. W. corner
Fifth and Oak sts., opposite Commercial
Club bldg. Inquire on premises.
THREE brifTht. modern offices, 2d floor,
stone building. 3d and Oak sts., north
litiht and plenty of it. Portland Trun
Company of Oregon., S. E. cor. 5d and
ROOMS for offices and manufacturing; power,
steam heat, storage room in cemer.t base
ment, sidewalk, elevator.
111 Second at.
FRONT and back offices with water, heat,
light and elevator. Best location in city.
Dammeler. agent Raleigh bldg., 6th and
FINE offices. btst location Room 313.
Shetland bldg.. 5th and Washington.
FINE deskroom In fine front office. Washing
ton bldg., room 3.
DON'T give up hop, simplv because you are
nervous; Sexlne Pllla will" cure you. or it
won't cost you a cent; $1 a box. 6 boxes
$5. wit n full guarantee for all forms of
weakness. Address or call The J. A. Clem
en son Drug Company, corner Second and
Yamhill streets, Portland. Or.
SINGLE gentleman, 43. collegeman. wishes
to meet lady, not over 35. willing to join
land proposition where over a quarter mil
lion has ben spent; about $HMiO required;
Investment secured. Have your lawyer r
banker Investigate; 50 to 70 per cent profit.
Address X 352. Oregonian.
FREE Your fortune told by Americas
eminent astrologer, clairvoyant, to intro
duce my work; the best of all; please try
me and see. St. John, 12 Sheldon st.,
Chicago. Send birth date and stamp.
Know thyself.
COURTSHIP BY MAIL for unmarried men;
how to answer matrimonial "persona If ' ;
how to win a woman of means by letter;
writing; what to write; what not to writ1;
by a man of experience. Mulled (sealed)
!c. Book House, lnoO Monticdlo ave.,
SUITS pressed whiiw you wait. 50c. To vis
itors of Portland hotels und to public at
large; Suits prised at 50c at Gilbert, the
tailor's. 1004 6th at., next to Quelle. La
des' skirts pressed, 50c. Feathers and boaa
cleaned and curled. Phone Pacific 2oS8.
A N Y man or v Oman may regain perfect
strencth by using Sexine Pills. $1 a box. 6
boxes 55, with full guarantee. Address or
call The J. A. Clemenson Drug Company,
corner 2d and Yamhill streets. Port
land, Or.
Nervous and chronic diseases, rheuma
tism, paralysis. pilr. constipation, goitre
cured by latest scientific methods; electric tub
baths; lady attendant. 603 5th, cor. Sherman
Ladles Ask your druggist for Chichester
Diamond Brand Fills. For 23 years
known as the best, safest. Reliable. Tak4
no other. Chichester Diamond Brand
Pills. Sold by druggists everywhere.
1 , , ... . 1 m
I WOULD like to correspond or make the
acquaintance of a good, sensible American
lady between the a.e of 25 and 35 years,
who is matrimonially Inclined ; no triflers
ne;d answer. J oOB, Oregonian.
FREE Your fortune told, future and past
wonderfully revealed, by the grratest phi
b sopher, astroiogist, clairvoyant. Send
birth date and stamp now. Professor
Crsswell. Box 410, Aurora, 111.
DON'T ANSWER personals" until you
read "Matrimonial Fakes and Schemes
Exposed" by one who knows. Mailed
scs led for Joe. Book House, 1056 Monti
cello ave.. Chicago.
H ANDSOM E young laoy. worth $25,000.
wants acquaintance of honorable gentle
man; early marriage; no objection 10 poor
man if honest. Address Mrs. W.. 6lT
FuU on st., Chicago.
LADY, refined and fully qualified, would
like to meet some good man, about it.
who would be glad to share his home"
with one who would make life happy. K
:;4Tt. Oregon l un.
WOULD you marry if suited ? Matrimonial
paper containing advertisements marriage
able people, nuny rich, from all sections,
mailed staled free. O. M. Gunnels, To
ledo. O.
CONFIDENTIAL Corresponding Club. For
honest, sober, yingli; peopU-. fully of ag.
Call or address Mrs. H. C. Wilbur. 400 :M
st., near Harrison. S car. Phone Main 8156.
DRESS suits for rent, all sizes; $1 mouth
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons
sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de
liveries. Unique Taiioring Co., 3ufc Stark.
MA R R Y Wealth and Icauly ; marriage di
rectory frc-e; pay when married; entlrel;'
nfw plan: send no money. Address H. A.
Hort Jn, Dept. HI. Tekonslia. Mich.
RECIPES I have all kinds of recipes. Let
every read r s-nd 10 cents for one or 3
for 25c. I will send any kind wanted.
Albert Henry. Oregon City, Or.
GERMAN, French, Spanish and other For
eign Dictionaries. Text Books and Litera
ture (German books a specialty). A. W.
Echmale Co.. 220 First sc.
WANTED To meet party with some money
to start a fine- paying business; pays tne
largest returns on the investment in city.
Address A 351, Orext'nlar..
LOST powers restored by the great Dr. Lor
ens" Nerve Tonic Tablets, 25c a box. Write
cr call at Eyssel's Pharmacy, 227 Morri
son at., bet. 1st and 2d.
Root Pills. Sure remedy for delayed periods.
Trial box $1. Regular size $2 by mall. Dr.
Pierce. 18Pj lrtt st.
YOUNG man from East desires to meet lady
be t wren 20 arrd o3 with some money for
a good business. For particulars address
B 353, Oregonian.
RESPECTABLE, sober. middle-age gentle
man would like to form the acquaintance
of a working lady; object, matrimony. H
35i. Oregonian.
Mine. Courtright, skin and scalp treatments;
facial deformities corrected; plastic sur
pery 225 FUedaer bldg. M. 5042. A 2000.
LA DY OF ability and experience would in
vest some money with services In small
good-paying business, K 314. Oregonian.
MRS. SOPHIA B. SKIP Public spiritual
circles Tuesday, Friday evening; private
readings dully. 302 A lisky bldg.
PHRENOLOGY Both sex.-s win 8uecc:s
through Prof. Duncan McDonald's. expert
ad vie?. Office 341 Morrison et.
MATERNITY HOME Qult homelike retreat,
careful nursing, kind attention; confidential.
Dr. Mary Johnson, Boise, Idaho.
LIKE to get acquainted with servant girl,
30 to 40. who wishes her own home; object
matrimony. X 340. Oregonian.
SPOKANE Artificial Limb House, legs, arms,
braces, trusses -inade and repaired. Sher
wood bldg., Spokane, Wash.
BE an actor. Positions obtained for puptU.
Egan Dramatic and Operatic School, Egan
Hall. Arcade bldg. Seattle.
WORKING man 3i years old would like to
meet widow or working girl matrimonially
inclined. K 350, Oregonian.
WE A I.THY manufacturer of good reputation
wishes congenial, home-loving wife. Hill,
220S Wabash ave., Chicago.
WANTED To meet honorable ladies and
gentlemen of rc-sponsibl age; object mat
rimony. S 59. Oregonian.
BE a dancer. Positions obtained for pupils.
Lgan Dramatic and Operatic School, Ar
cade bldg, Seattle.
LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on
Dr. Ketchum. graduate; advice free. 170"
3d st. Pacific 2221.
MISS ETHEL WARD, manicurist and chiro
podist, has removed from 351 Morrison
st. to 201 Vj 3d st.
A GENTLEMAN of 43 years wishes to cor
respond with n lady, object friendship. A
350. Oregonian.
OPEN all night, Russian and Turkish baths,
massage and beds. Mr. Peck, ma&seuer,
207 3d.
LADY partner In real egtare offfce; only $175;
, good proposition. 231 Worcester, 3d and
LADY barber shop. Ca'l 177 Madison st. ;
b st workmen and Jolllest barbers In the
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous harr removed.
Mra M. D. Hill. 330 Fleldner bldg. pa-. 133.
DR. ATWOOD, female diseases; maternity
cases. prtvatH hospital. 8 Lewis bl. P. 1751.
Recently opened manicuring panors removed
irom aoit to 3;iu Morrison St.. room 2.
BALM of Figs for all female diseases, 629
a. evimouu rnoao n.. 4 ltd 4.