The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 03, 1907, SECTION TWO, Page 7, Image 19

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FOR SALIC Checkering piano tsquare), in
good condition. Main 7759.
FOR SALK-Wi certificate on Eilers Piano
Houjk. P 340, Ortgunlan.
For Sh!c To make room for carload of
sewing ma-'hin-. I have fo second-hand ma
rhlms from ." up: all makes; drop-head
While. SingfrH, heeler & Wlhton, New
Homf, iiHr.ijari!. Da via and Dtm -stir.
420 Washington, ror. 1 1th.
H. I- Jones agency.
FOR SALli A complete course in archl
trrttire. Scran ton Corres ponderice School,
with all the text books; present rash value
S117. I will mil this for half that, or will
trade for anything of value that I can uee.
Address Butler, - Washington bldg., Port
land. Or.
60 .SLIGHTLY damnged sewing machines at
very low prices; Singer. Wheeler & Wilson,
Domestic. White, Household, Davis and
others; to make room for new stock.
Wheeler & Wilsun and Singers. S. S. Sigel,
335 Morrison st., Marquam bldg.
WE got a bargain and will give you the
bene tit If you are in need of any of the
following pipe, whirh b all new: h ft. 12
in.. L'rNt ft. lOIn., tiM ft. 8-in., 40O ft. 6-ln.,
lotm ft. 4-in., 1 mhi ft. 3-In.
J. SIMON & MHO.. 244-240-250 Front at.
KAI.VY weather Js here and no doubt your
roof leaks. We have a large amount of
corrugated Iron, slightly damaged, that we
are disposing of at very cheap prices.
J. SIMON 6c. BRO., 244-246-250 Front st.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and
pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables,
with privilege of buying; modern bar fix
tures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Col-lender.
40 ad St.
FOR SALE IS head Al milch cows; aTs.
full-blood Poland China pis; full-blooa
Jersey and Guernsey bull for service on
my dairy farm. J. A. Zimmerman. MU
waukie. Or.
TYPEWRITERS, Smith Premiers. S47.50 tr
$57.50; Remingtons, $40 to $55; also other
makes taken in exchange for Underwoods.
L nderwood Typewriter Co., 68 0th st.
I -
SCOTCH collie. Laird III, best bred and look
ing collie in Oregon; sell on account of no
place to k-ep him; $50. Also a bitch bred
to him. 203 Alder.
A LARGE $4(1 gas range, cheap; used only
one week. One baking, one broiling and
large warming oven. Phone B 2374 or
A 5545.
275 K. W. General Electric dynamos, guaran
teed In Al condition.
J. SIMON & BRO.. 244-24(1-250 Front st.
ONE 7x10 Orr & Sembower No. 71 donkey en
gine complete, with 12-lnch main line drum.
For terms address Ed. Btddle, Dallas, Or.
IK in need of any quantity ot pipe for Imme
diate use. see us.
J. SIMON & BKO., 244-246-250 Front st.
PAINTER'S 50-foot extension ladder, swing
scaffold, falls, hooks, etc., good as ne
cheap. East 30th and Sherman. East 4707.
FOR SA LE Second-hand engines, boilers,
sawmills, pumps and general machinery
by H. C. Albee & Co.. 248 Grand nve.
t .
L GGI Ni and hoisting engines for sale or
rent. Railway Equipment Co., 3J4 cham
ber of Commerce. Main 2303. A2.'i(!.r
BUY or sell furniture, stoves and household
good. Call Main 0.174 or A 2;t27. We want
your trade. The Dollar.
FOR SALE Drugstore fixtures complete;
floor cases, shelves, bottles, etc. 1 Post
st., Spokane, Wash.
FOR SALE" 11! feet of solid oak shelving,
with base, and counter. Inquire Reming
ton Typewriter Co.
FOR SALE OR TRADE Light touring car.
'07 model, first-class condition; a bargain.
Call Main 015.
FOR SALE Smith Premier typewriter,
cheap. Address R. Jenkins. U. S. Laun
dry Co., city.
FOR SALE Scholarship on Behnke-Walker
Business College. Reasonable. E 344.
SPEED launch, 32x5. all equipment but
engine: will sell cheap for ca"h. Phone
East 3452.
HAXPSOMB well-broken Llewellen setter dog,
worth $0m. will take $20. Box 47, Route 1,
COME at once and get a good second-hand
sewing machine from $5 to $10. 312 Matn
si reei.
SEVEN choice cows; must sell thH week;
also .Vroom cottage, modern, 043 Borth
wick. W H ITE steam runabout In good condit Ion.
$.(. L, Alnsworth Smith, 3119 Wells-Fargo
fW RUFF ORPINGTONS, hens, pullets and
cockerels. Felix Murphy, near Woodstock
IV o. I
THREE fresh cows, part Jersey, with heifer
calves. 05 East 30th, Sunny side car. East
FOR SALE Two good raincoats, well
worth buying. Apply room 32, Lewis
FR SALE or lease, double drum hoisting en
gine, perfect condition. 452 Sherlock bldg.
FOR SALE A pair of Great Dane og.
Call at 00 E'. 44th st. Take Mt. Tabor car.
FOR SA LE Medium -sized con I stove; good
as new. $10. Pacific 203. 048 Corbett st.
FOR SA LE A five-burner gas range, as
good us new. cheap. 1 074 Gloucester st.
FOR xm, wedges and sledges see us.
J. SIMON & BRO.. 244-240-250 Front st.
WELL drilling machine, new. at half cost.
William Black, agent. 32L Hawthorne ave.
FOR SALE OR TRADE Grnphophone with
100 disc records. B 355. Oregonlan.
loo.non SACKS in any quantity.
J. SIMON & BRO.. 244-246-250 Front st.
NEARLY new typewriter for sale- cost $100
will sell for $50. M 352. Oregonlan.
FOR roses, lawns, manure or rich dirt de
livered $2.25. Phone Main 5G83.
TWO parlor lamps, one $12. one $s, good aa
new. 60T East Belmont street.
PRACTICALLY new Underwood for sale at a
bargain.- G 343. Oregonlan.
7-FOOT awning, good as new. for sale
cheap. all 00 North 0th st.
THREE airtight heaters; 1 gas heater; all
new. 714'i Washington st.
FOR SALE Remington shotgun, good as
new. ass Thiid st.
good saw machine for sale cheap. 54 East
20th st.. South.
FOR SALE Bantams; phone Scott, 4543,
A GOOD Remington typewriter, $20. G 352.
WHY work for others when $30O buys Interest
In g!od paying business? Particulars at 225
Fifth st.
THAVFTLINO salr.nnan for side line of East
ern candy; must have experience. 208
Stark st.
WANTED Partner with $ano: motion picture
theatre, profits $10 to $:;o dally. W 351. Ore
gonlan. WANTED Boy to learn to hake cakes; day
work. Log Cabin Baking Co.. I14 Russell
st reet.
SALESMAN Men" s furnishings; thoroughly
exi f rienced. Lion Clothing Co., 100-16 3d
B( Y w anted, apply Monday morning. Mult
nomah Printing Co., h2 Front st., cor
California Wine Depot, headquarters for cooks
and helpers. 148 4th st. Pac. 2183. P. Loratl.
WANTED Bright boy of 17 or 18 for office
work. Apply 324 Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED Young man to take active Inter
est In real estate office. ChII lhW'a 4th st.
ST N"E mason to put up outside basement
wan. . i .Morgan. AMngton libi.
Boy or man to help around country nntel,
$2f and board. Blgelow. HUleboro. Or.
WANTED Two cabinet-makers for Coos
Kay. Wages $4. Inquire 12 north 2nd st.
WANTED Good steady all-around man in
small livery trtable. Phone East 2.2.
Too MEN wanted Free shaves and haircuts.
2R4 Couch st. Moler Barber College.
WANTED Old clothing, shoes, right price
AGENTS Opportunity of lifetime; no ex
perience necessary; big cash profits daily;
one agent made $21 in one hour; every
one will buy; we issue more accident ana
sickness policies than any other similar
comilhny in the world; we give the most
ponular and cheapest Insurance written ;
new plan. $1 a year pays for $500 policy;
ho assessments or dues; other amounts
in proportion. Death benefit; weekly in
demnity ; free medical attendance; orig
inal popular features; either iex.- Alt
claims promptly and liberally settled; in
surance assets $.100,000. Reliable repre
sentatives wanted everywhere; exclusive
territory; liberal, permanent Income, in
creasing each year, absolutely sure. Aa
diess international Corporation, 181 Broad
way (Dept. C), New York.
. WANTED Experienced salesmen of good
1 personal appearance, capable of earning
t $2000 to 5uoo per year, who can give
' records and references showing that they
J have been successful; men of high char
) acter and good education, who are willing
to work to establish themselves In a per
J manetit position; we have one of the largest
and most comprehensive lines or calendars,
signs and advertising goods; a knowledge
of the business desirable, but not absolute
ly necessary. Bennett-Thomas Mfg. Co., 152
West Van Buren st., Chicago, III. -
LOCAL representative wanted A large in
come assured to anyone who will act as
our representative after learning our busi
ness thoroughly by mall ; experience un
necessary; all we require Is honesty, am
bition and willingness to learn a lucra
tive business; no soliciting or traveling;
an exceptional opportunity for those who
desire to better their conditions and
make more money. For full particulars
address Dept. 792," B, any office, National
Co-operative Realty Co., 52 Dearborn
st., Chicago; 007 E street, Washington,
D. C. ; Phelps bldg.. Scranton, Pa. ; or
Oelgar bldg., Oakland, Cal.
SALESMEN" Stock food, farm Implements,
medicine, oil, Insurance and other success
ful salesmen who have made & success but
a re look In g for better proposition ; sell
dealers only ; the best line and most stu
pendous business getting advertising fea
tures ever offered to assist salesmen and
dealers; you can sell to seven out of every
10 dealers upon whom j"ou call; to right
man we offer exclusive control of territory;
commission on all business from dealers in
your territory ; permanent contract. E. B.
Lord, 403 Front et., Milwaukee, Wis.
YOl can earn from $2000 to $10,000 a yeat
and your expenses as a traveling sales
man. We will teach you to be one In
eight weeks by mail and guarantee you
a position with" a reliable firm. No former
experience required; hundreds of calls ror
our graduates. Write for our free cata
logue. A Knight of the Grip," today,
it v: 111 In t you. Address National
Salesman's Training Association, 209 scar
ritt bldg., Kansas City. Mo., or Lumber
Exchange bldg., Minneapolis. Minn.
SALESMEN Big money and pleasant busi
ness selling new department to retailers;
very profitable and desirable; nothing Uke
It ever before offered; only those who
can give best of references need apply.
Address Berner, 508-40 Dearborn St.. Chi
cago. WANT work ? Call at once; bookkeeper,
stenographers, collectors, cashiers, sales
ladies, salesmen, dry goods, general mei
chandtse, groceries, hotels. Clerks' Regis
tration Bureau, office 14 Selllng-Hlrsen
bldg., 38 Washington, corner West Parx.
SALESMEN with experience for staple line
in Oregon ; we have men whose commis
sions average from $400 to $000 per
month, not just for one month, but every
month. Write for particulars. McAl-llster-Ooman
Co., 356 Dearborn, Chicago.
SALESMAN Experienced in any line to sep
general trade on Pact tic Coast; liberal
commissions, with $35 per week advance;
one salesman earned $081.70 the last two
months, his first experience with us. The
Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, O.
ALL diseases of mn successfully treated;
discharges positively cured In from t to
5 days; eonmiltatlom free and strictly con
fidential ; send for our symptom blank.
X-radlum Medical Institute, 3d and Alder
Me.; es trance 253 Alder St., Portland.
WANTED Salesman to represent San Fran
cisco manufacturer in Oregon, Washington.
Montana, Colorado, Utah, Nevada; must
understand infants' and children's head
wear thoroughly; excellent opportunity;
state experience. F 348. Oregonlan.
IF YOU'RE .the man we want, write right
now; muk'e $70 commission weekly or
start as side line; well-known staple sold
by most lines every town; no samples to
lug ; season Just opening: liberal da tings.
Manufacturer, Box 11US, St. Louis.
RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS at once; examina
tion Nov. 19; call in regard to preparing
nr a life position; advancement, with sure
pay; salary up to $2000; $840 to start; for
a short time only. Pacific States School,
513 McKay bldg.
WANTED Sales manager for old estab
lished manufacturing and jobbing house;
only men of high character and ability,
possessing personal resources, need answer.
Address R 33, Room 1300. Trude bldg,
Chicago. 111.
YOUNG man of good appearance; must be
over 5 feet 6 Inches tall, about 21 years
of age, as floorwalker and .window trim
mer; state former experience, references
snd salary desired. Address N 1D8. Ore
gonlan. '
MEN and boys wanted to learn plumblnp,
plastering, bricklaying; day and night
classes; free cat.; positions secured; no
' book learning. Coyne Trade School, 230
240 8th st., San Francisco and New York.
PROTECT yourjself for $1 per month against
accident, sickness and death. Write or
call for full information. Northwestern
Health and Accident Association. SOU
Wells-Fargo bldg. Agents wanted.
SALESMAN for Oregon: experienced trav
eling man preferred ; line staple for gen
eral trade; position permanent; $30 week
ly advance with commissions. Sawyer,
Leslie & Co., Detroit. Mich.
SALESMAN having established trade among
general merchandise, stores, small towns;
complete lace-embroidery line leading im
porters; state particulars. W. J. Coffin,
270 Canal st.. New York.
WANTED Men and boys to learn plumbing,
sign and card writing and designing; day
and night classes; catalogue free. Colora
do School Practical Plumbing, 1645 Arapa
hoe st.. Denver. Colo.
MEN and women to learn barber trade la
eight weeks; graduates earn from $16 to
$25 weekly; expert Instructors; catalogue
free. Moler System ot Colleges, tt North
Fourth bCv Portland.
MEN and boys wanted to learn .plumbing, J
nriCK laying, pia lerniK anu riecvriciiy , 001-inK-s;
we furnish day employment while
learning. Pacific Trade School, 307. Hinck
ley blk., Seattle.
SEVERAL young men ever 20 to prepare for
positions In the Custom-House; examina
tion Nov 27; salary $Uui and steady
joh. Call today. Pacific States School, 013
McKay bldg.
W'AXTBO Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers,
stenographers, clerical men; positions now
open: city, country; salary $DOO to $1800. Call
or write. Commercial Abstract Co., 323 Vs
Washington street.
IN SIX WEEKS we educate you in sales
manship, secure you not-itlon as travel
ing salesiaan with responsible firm. Ad
dress The Bradstreet System, Rochester.
N. Y.
SEND ten names of gentlemen who smoke,
and receive free handsome souvenir; in
close 2c stamp. H. Moes & Co., 360 Page
st., San Francisco. Cal. ,
NIGHT school for shorthand, bookkeeping,
English, etc.. Eclectic Business University,
6s 3d st. Individual work; rapid prog
ress; happy students.
GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to
tack signs, distribute circulars, samples,
etc. : no canvassing. 247 National Dlst.
Bureau. Chicago, HI.
SALESMEN wanted to handle specialty 11ns
of laces on commission, basis; no objection
to side line. Goldwater Bros., 484 Broad
way, New York.
WANTED Experienced salesmen for shoes,
furnishings and clothing; good wages; must
have references. Apply at once, The Hub,
3d and Burnside.
WE pay $36 a week and expenses to men with
rigs to introduce poultry compound; year's
contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 64. Par-
' sons, Kas.
WHOLESALE grocery house wants man as
shtnptng clerk; must be familiar with the
grocery business and know the city. Apply
Lang & Co.
PH YSKM AN WANTED Physician licensed
in Oregon for legitimate advertising of
fice; gort position for right man. a 3j,
WANTED A capable office man to take the
position of treasurer and manager of an es
tablished business; $5000 required. L 348.
WANTED Man with rig to introduce our
goods; $24 weekly. Send for contract.
National Mfg. Co., dept. 30, Flora. Indi
ana. I WA NTED Grocery salesman to take good
siue line out ot city, oit oregonlan.
26 N. 2d st. 250 Burnside st.
RAILROAD construction In the Northwest
Is at a practical standstill. No one apiers
to know when It will reeume. I do not,
for one. The shutdown of this work throws
eome thousands- of men out of Immediate
employment, men who will naturally, through
force of circumstances, be compelled to
seek other work for a livelihood. These
'men being thrown Into different channels
of labor on short notice, has already
brought wages down from 10 to 15 per cent.
It may go lower, depending on whether
the logging camps and sawmills continue
to operate, the railroads resume work, and
the money market. Under these circum
stances, I advise all men who have work
to remain with their situations as long
as they have work, and by the money they
will have to circulate for various neceFsi
tle. if not for pleasures, relieve the local
situation In whatever locality they may be
employed that much. Regarding the
acknowledged sound banking institutions of
this section and elsewhere, I would say
this. BANKS must have the confidence of
their depositors and clients, for If we have
no confidence, or lose it, or It 1 shaky,
taken in the aggregate, should depositors
all wish to draw their accounts, would break
any institution, so when we help the banks
we deal with. If any, we help ourselves,
and those who have no bank accounts are
just as dependent to that extent also, for
money we cannot eat and as long as we
maintain our confidence we maintain all
of our Institutions and Industries. There
fore better work at a less price than cesi
tlon of all progress. This is a fine produc
tive state. Boost it along, and
It Is a good time to cut that cord wood.
Jt is a good time to clear up that land
for next year.
It might be a good time for the United
States to open up their Irrigation projects
Two woods donkey engineers. $3.25; .cement
finisher, $."; rough carpenters, $2.75; loggers,
$2.50 to $3.50; some sawmill hands, city
laborers for street sewer and srade work,
wood choppers, land clearers by acre, hotel
and restaurant help; others. Come and see
what we have. It may not suit you. but It
might suit the next man.
20 N. 2d st. 250 Burnside st.
A 1526 Main 1526
8ALESMEN WANTED Two by large
wholesale house for Oregon to sell general
stores advertised line; an unusual open
ing; position permanent; liberal draw
ing account to right men. Address Sales
Manager, Box 416, Iowa City, la.
GAS Engine School 7:30 to 0:30 evenings.
Begins Mondav, November 4, 10o7, Y. M.
C. A., 4th and Yamhill.
WANTED High-class salesman in every
city to sell approved Investment securi
ties: high-class proposition, paying big
commission. W E. Fowler, 3808 Ellis
ave., Chicago.
CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregon with
staple line; hlgh commissions, with t$100
monthly advance; permanent position to
right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit,
WANTED Dry goods, also shoe salesman;
young men, with two or three years' ex
perience, for good positions In country.
. Commercial Abstract Co.. 323H Wash. st.
WANTED Steady boy about 16, to deliver
small packages ; we furnish the bicycle,
wages $6 per week. Goodyear Shoe Repair
Factory, Fourth and Yamhill.
STATIONERY salesman, experienced and
acquainted with all the details or a sta
tionery denartment; give references and
particulars. M 354. Oresonian.
SALESMAN wanted to sell white goods and
dress goods from mill to retailer; liberal
commission; splendid side line. Schuylkill
Mills. Box 1102. Phlla, Pa.
DRUG clerks wanted to attend meeting. 230
Yamhill st., Tuesday evening. November
fi, 10 P. M. This la most important, do not
f al 1 ; every clerk wanted.
MOTION pictures, machines, song slides, gas
outfits, etc., for rent, bought, sold and ex
changed: lowest prices. Newman's, 203
Burnside, near Gth.
ENGLISH setter pups, by Champion Imp.
Lingfield Bragg, ex DorrJs Rod field; regis
tered stock. Price $25. Address . P. J.
Nolte. 107" th st.
WANTED Good, active, wide awake man
to solicit fire Insurance, good proposition
for right man; state salary expected. R
359, Oregonlan.
GOOD PAY TO MEN everywhere to tack
signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.;
no canvassing. Universal Adv. Co., Chi
cago. WANTED First-class stableman at show
gt aund ; man used to private horses, no
other need apply. Ask for Donald, stall 1.
BOY wanted to learn trade. Inquire Portland
Trunk Mnfg. Co., cor. 3d and Pine.
y .
WE secure positions for vour mem tars; spe
cial membership $2. Y. M. C. A.
WAITERS First-class lunch waiters. Ap
ply Headwalter. Commercial Club.
BOY to work In store and deliver parcels;
16 years old. Apply 171 3d st.
BARBER wanted, steady Job to right party.
202 First street, city.
WANTED Experienced grocery deliveryman.
434 E. Burnside.
FIRST-CLASS suit pressor wanted at 364
Morrison St.
$2000 BUYS good saloon. Address P 356,
The Boy Who Read The Oregonian
Got the Job ,
Getting a good office boy is no joke; the "boy" that's in him will bubble
over at times, and all you can do is to make the best of it.
Nevertheless, a boy whose folks read a paper like The Oregonian, or, bet
ter yet, who has youthful wisdom enough to read it himself, shows a superior
kind of raw material for you to train.
The start in business life which a boy makes when he answers your ad,
or shows his grit by running an ad of his own, is a serious matter for him.
It is not a time when he can afford to seek employment through papers hav
ing a class of readers who have no jobs worth while within their giving.
"What, then, must be the discernment of a youngster who realizes the dif
ference between a business future that has its beginning in The Oregonian 's
columns and a career that starts in lurid misinformation?
Every wise employer realizes that the men who are ultimately to be the
backbone of his business are those who start in lowly positions, "stick like
leeches," and come out at the top at last. The only boy who has that kind
of stuff in him is the one who has come from a decent home influence, and
the surest way to know that he has been under such an influence is to get
him, one way or the other, through The Oregonian. j
SADDLE HAND Tommy Calavan. please
communicate with Chss. l. Mastick A
Co, wholesale leather. Front and Oak eta.
PLATEN pressman, city. $18; subscription
solicitor. Idaho, fare loaned ; plants sola.
Newspaper Brokerage, Goodnough bldg.
OFFICE boy In wholesale house: permanent
position. Address in own handwriting,
stating age. G 340. Oregonlan.
WANTED Cashier restaurant as partner;
will pay you $4 a day and board; $300 re
quired. Call 248 Stark st.
EXPERT court reporter from East wants pu
pils for shorthand, typewriting and book
keeping. C 290, Oregonlan.
WANTED First-class drummer for nrcnes
tra. Lillian Marr Studio. Hotel Kenyon.
l.sth and Washington sts.
WANTED A first-class solicitor on a com
mission basis; a strictly legitimate line of
work. E 342, Oregonlan.
WANTED First-class dry goods salesman
for country store. Commercial Abstract
Co.. 323 Washington st.
WANTED Two live agents for an excep
tionally good proposition; call mornings.
344 Sherlock bldg.
PRINTER'S apprentice; must have some ex
perience; good chance for advancement. G
305. Oregonlan.
WANTED Barber on salarv or commission.
Address A. R. Smith. 420 West First st.,
Albany, Or.
BOY about 15 to work In an office and de
liver letters. Apply 218 Chamber of Com
merce bldg.
GOOD advertising solicitor at 147 Front
GIRL WANTED to work In grocery and
confectionery rftore; must have reference.
Call at 423 E. Morrison.
STENOGRAPHERS will find a helping hand
at the E. B U. Clerical Office, OS 3d" St.,
room 630. Call today.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework in small family. Good wages.
712 Love joy st.
WANTED Good, reliable woman to do
light housework for small family. Call
333 Third street.
WANTED A good, steady marker and dis
tributor. Apply at Pacific Laundry Co.,
1'31 Arthur st.
GIRL for chamber and dining-room work
wanted in private boarding-house. 38!)
Taylor street.
WANTED Girl assiot In general housework;
family of 3, no children. 254 E. 3d St., N.
Phone C 1202. .
i'OMAN with business ability to take man
agement at St. John; reference. L S5,
LADIES $1 every day at home; stamped en
velope for particulars. Ladles' Aid, Dur
ham, Conn.
GIRL for general housework, nice place,
good wages, small family. Telephone
East 5093.
EAST SIDE Employment Office; all kinds
of female help wanted,. 122 Grand ave.
East 1055.
WANTED Experienced dry goods bundle
wrappers. Golden Eagle, 3d and Yam
hill. WANTED Housekeeper; musi know how
to play piano and sing. t O 329, Oregonian.
GIRL for general housework; call mornings.
791 Tillamook street; take Irving ton ctr.
EXPERIENCED cook for family of nine;
no heavy work; $35. 393 Fourteenth street.
WANT&D Laundress for two days per week;
references required. Apply 653 Johnson st.
WANTED Young girl for housework. Ap
ply 570 East Madison st., near 14th st.
GIRL wanted for general housework; large
family; good wages. Call at 454 7th st.
GIRLS for cutting, edging and pasting. 103
5th st. North. D. M. Averill A Co.
WANTED Girls to make Fits-Well shirts an 4
Boss of All overalls. Inquire 75 1st.
DINING-ROOM girl wanted, 77 West Park
street, between Burnside and Stark.
AN experience woman cook for small boarding-house.
Apply 471 Morrison st.
WANTED Experienced alteration hands at
once. Eastern Outfitting Company.
WANTED Girl for general housework, 610
Spring street, Portland Heights.
GIRL for general housework in small family;
good wages. Call at 564 Hoyt st.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
eral housework. 658 Irving St.
GIRLS wanted. Apply Standard Factory, 2
Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
WANTED First-class chambermaid. Elton
Court, 11th and. Yamhill sts.
EXPERIENCED girl to help in a small
restaurant. 273 Salmon st.
GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; family
of two. Phone East 4090.
GIRL for general housework ; 2 In family;
good wages. 601 Kearney.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply 228 North 10th st.
GIRL for general housework, 2 In family, good
wages. 6tl Kearney.
GIRL or elderly woman to assist In care of
child. 180 1st.
RELIABLE German girl for housework. 440
West Park.
LAUNDRESS Wanted to take laundry home.
54 4th ft.
A GIRL for general housework. Apply 702
Lovejoy st.
cor. 23 d.
Inquire 751 Flanders st..
343 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs.
No reduction in wages of domestics. They
have been watched and waited for many
years. House girls and family cooks wanted
at all times, at good wages, in nice homes,
from $12 to $:t5 a month, and as high as
$5 for first-class cooks.
Two chambermaids. $10 a week; 3 at $20;
room and board.
Two waitresses, country. $30 and board;
city, $7 and $8 a week and $20 to $25 a
Second girls, nurse girls, housekeepers,
factory and laundry heln.
Plenty of work and places
W A NT work ? Call at once : bookkeepei ,
stenographers, collectors, cashiers, sales
ladles, salesmen, dry goods, general mer
chandise, groceries, hotels. Clerks Regis
tration Bureau, office 14 Selllng-Hlrscn
bldg., 388 Washington, corner West Park
Applicants for all kinds of work, regis
ter with us, free of charge, so w may
locate you on short notice.
848 H Washington 8t. Cor. 7th, upstair,
and boy; washing done at laundry; work
light, nice house, all modern conveniences.
587 East 20th. Phone Union 4405, J. F.
WANTED Girl attending school or other
wise employed to assist with work In.
family of two for room and board; light
work ; references. Main 124, bet. 0 and
WANTED Middle-aged woman to assist
with housework and help care for child 1
year old; good home for right party; no
washing. Address W 320. Oregonian.
GIRLS WANTED Operators to work on
shirts and overalls; lessons given to In
experienced. Apply at Standard Factory,
2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
WANTED A young lady that Is stenogra
pher and bookkeeper In a hardware store;
good wages to begin with. Address 13 ox
170,' Independence, Oregon.
SEND ten names of gentlemen who smoke,
and receive free handsome souvenir; in
close 2c stamp. H. Moss & Co., 366 Page
st San Francisco, Cal.
LADIES Make sanitary belts; material cut
ready to sew, $12 per hundred. Particu
lars stamped envelope. .Mutual Specialty
Co., Dept. 381, Chicago.
LIBERAL salary offered for competent
teacher, to teach from fifth to and Includ
ing ninth grade. Reply to Aurora. Or., R.
F. D. No. 1, Box 73.
GIRL or young lady for general housework,
easy work, some help and Just like home;
good wages. 4O0 Benton street. Tnxe .
car. Phone E. 3573.
WAITRESSES (city, Heppner), confection
ery, chamber, family help, cooks, dlshers.
man. wife (farm). "Drake's." 205
WANTED A middle-aged woman as nurse
for baby two weeks old; good salary to
right party; no washing. Phone Main 4577.
Phone today.
WANTED Girls for wrapping counter; must
be over 16 years and live with parents.
Apply before 10 A. M. McAUen & Mc
Donnell. EXPERIENCED girl In family of two; must
be good housekeeper; good wages. Phone
Main 6361, 10 to 12 A. M. and 2 to 4
P. M.
GIRL, plain cook, to assist with house
work and to assist with 2 Vs -year-old
child; 2 In family; good home. 742 Hoyt
WANTED A housekeeper; must be good
cook, f .md of children and capable to
take charge Of home. Inquire IHQ 1st St.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position, with opportunities for
advancement. Vlavl Co.. 10th and Morrison
WANTED Girl for general housework, two
In family; references required. E- 27 th
street North and Wasco, phone E. 4S3T.
NEAT girl or woman to assist with house-
work mornings and evenings, must sleep
at home, afternoons off. Phone East 6310.
I .
WANTED Waitress for boarding-house out
of the city; wages $30 per month. Inquire
12 North 2nd st. Phones Main 657u A 14d6.
ONE elderly woman wanted for room and
board as assistant to a widow. Call at
54 Pitt st., Kern park; Mt. Scott car.
WANTED An experienced girl for upstairs
work; call afternoons at 171 North 20th
street, southwest corner Johnson st.
GERMAN girl for general housework; easy
place; $20 per month; reference; not less
than 18 years old. 273 Taylor st.
GIRLS 19 to 20 years of age to work In
factory; Rood wages. Apply at once, Ames-Harrls-Nevlire
Co., 5th and Davis.
WANTED Operators and girls to learn
shlrtmaklng. Apply Standard Factory, 2
Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
SCHOOL teachers for Wash., Or., Mont.,
Idaho. C. R. B. Teachers Agency, 303
Allsky bldg., 265 Morrison st.
843 V4 Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phone Main 2602.
A COMPETENT girl to do cooking and gen
eral houHework; email family; good wages;
no washing. 760 Mansliall st.
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, nurses, waitresses,
second girls St. Louis Ladies' Agency,
230V Yamhill. Main 5413.
EXPERT court reporter from East wants pu
pils for shorthand, typewriting and book
keeping. C 208, Oregonlan.
WANTED Middle-aged woman. 2 in fam
ily ; no washing; state wages expected.
Box 47. Route l. Banks.
PLAYS produced for . lodges, reasonable;
charitable purposes, free. Acme Dramatic
Club, second year. Goodnough blag.: re
fined members wanted. Main 5558.
BEST selling articles in the West, used In
every household; salary or commission. 440V4
WANTED Marker. East Side Laundry Com
pany. E. Ash and 6th. Ph. one East 809.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
YOUNG man with 2H years experience In
brokerage and wholesale grocerv business
wants position ; best of references. Ad
dress V 341. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes em
ployment three or four hours 'a day; can
give satisfactory references. E 354. Ore
gonian. POSITION by experienced traveling sales
man with an old reliable house; others
need not reply; A-1 references. T 359. Ore
gonlan. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, also experienced
In general merchandise, wants situation, city
or country, references. A 345. Oregonian.
WANTED Position by man with 13 years'
practical banking experience; first-class ref
erences. Address B 348, Oregonlan.
WANTED Position as clerk by young Scan
dinavian. 10 years' experience; best or
references. R 340. Oregonian.
YOUNG man who understands English. Ital
ian and Spanish well, wants position in
Portland. S- 338, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra
pher would like position, best references.,
N 351, Oregonian.
WANTED By young man, position as con
fidential clerk; experienced stenographer.
X 350. Oregoniai.
POSITION as collector; first-class references
and any amount of first-class security.
J 344. Oregonian. .
WANTED Position, clerical work, by young
man, experienced stenographer. O 350
BOOKKEEPING or like work at home
wanted by expert accountant. V 358. ore
gonlan. BOOKKEEPER desires permanent situa
tion; can furnish references. S 348, Ore
gonian. WANTED Position. ofTice work, by young
man, experienced. M 350, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER who Is competent and re
liable. O 317, Oregonlan.
Al ACCOUNTANT wants position. See male
help wanted. K 345.
RELIABLE bookkeeper wants position. W
145, Oregonlan.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
Young man, at present employed, wants
position with responsible fi:-m; Is compe
tent office manager, correspondent, sys
temlxer and advertisement writer, with
3 years' experience In various lines; can
furnish excellent references as to char
acter and ability, also bond if desired ;
position where there Is opportunity for
advancement preferred. For personal In
terview address K 345, Oregonian.
CASHIERS, bookkeepers, stenographers, col
lectors, salesmen, billing and office work;
references as to character and experienco
furnished and ready to go ,to work on me
instant. Free of all cost to employer. Both
phones. Main 7037, A 5037. Clerks' Regis
tration Bureau, 14 Selling-Hlrsch bldg., 383
WANTED By young married man recently
from California, with experience aw carriage-wood
worker, position as salesman
with Implement hous or other Inside
work where there Is chance fffr advance
ment; must have $06 month to start wltn.
Address J. D.. box 103. Milwatrkle. or.
YOUNG man. single. 23 years of age, eight
years' experience In dry goods and general
merchandise, partly a buyer and manager,
desires position on the road or would locate
In Portland with firm as buyer. Can furnish
splendid references. Address R 324, Ore
gonian. YOUNG man. Eastern academic and college
education, desires opportunity with Individ
ual or firm of Integrity and standing; un
derstand office and field work; have Judg
ment, ambition and character. W 340, Ore
gonian. OFFICH man of 8 years experience wishes to
locate in Oregon; best of references; former
experience banking and wholesale lumber
from mill end. G 323. Oregonian.
A GOOD stenographer would like position
In a law office; have studied law and
have some knowledge or bookkeeping ;
salary low. Phone, Main 4504.
BOOK-KEEPER and stenographer, with
wide experience and good reference, seeks
position where there is prospect of ad
vancement. P 852, Oregonian.
A RELIABLE, competent Eastern booK
keeper with 12 years' experience and nrst
class references, desires position. Phone
East 27S6. D 355. Oregonlan.
AMBITIOUS young man, aged 25. well edu
cated, of good address and appearance, de
sl res position ; I possess brains, energy and
tact and am experienced in general office
routine and factory costs; personal Inter
view solicited. F 340, Oregonlan.
WANTED Position of responsibility by
young man worthy of trust; good charac
ter and appearance; has had own business
training; age 23; best references; ability
to handle men. R 351. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED ofTice man would like a
position in wholesale house, four years'
a railroad agent; w 111 furnish good ref
erences. O 357, Oregonian.
FARM work wanted; sober, industrious young
married man; wife nice cook; man flue
carpenter and farmer; have a baby; refer
ences. G 305 V4 3d st.
POSITION in wholesale liquor house or fam
ily liquor store wanted by experienced
young married man. Address Robertson,
247 Va Oth at., city.
PILE DRIVER engineer; had several years
experience on Puget Sound ; can handle
steam hammer. East 2061 or address V
343, Oregonlan.
ELECTRICIAN, practical, theoretical, train
ed, fine license, want situation in powei -house,
shop or designer's office. X 335,
YOUNG man wishes position as shipping
clerk or porter In wholesale house; groceries
preferred; references. L 347, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man wishes work of any kind; 3
years experience In bake shop. phono
East 5307 or address T 340. Oregonlan.
YOUNG man wants employment evenings
and Sundays. Phone between 7 and & P.
M. T. Wilson, room 30. Pacinc 024.
HONEST, reliable man as grocery clerk or
warehouse man or as janitor; German,
age i.u. Address V 355, Oregonlan.
YOUNG man wishes a position as collector,
, can speak, read and write English and
German. R 353. Oresonian.
JAPANESE man and wife want position any
place as cook, housework, gardener. N.
TakasI, 20 N. 3d st.
A POSITION as manager of stock or grain
ranch; best of references. 408 Mag
nolia st., Portland.
SURVEYING with land or railroad purvey
ing party as chain flagman or stakeman.
G 321, Oregonian.
JA PANESE boy wants position to do any
kind of work, few hours after 5, evenings.
B 352, Oregonian.
A YOUNG man wants position in city; can
keep books; what do you offer? Address
S 3.'i8, Oregonian.
A RELIABLE, sober man desires position
as night watchman; best of references.
Phone Scott 1240.
14-YEAR-OLD boy would like to work for
his board and go to school. 147 Sumner
and Alblna ave.
SOBER apd Industrious man wants joo aa
janitor. Call or address 363 Second streev;
call 3 P. M.
JAPANESE wants situation to do any work
In hotel, restaurant, anywhere. P 355,
JAPANESE boy wants situation to do any
kind of work from 4 P. M. to 8. B 35o.
BY young married man as collector, for in
stallment house preferred. K 335, Ore
gonian. WANTED Position as architectural or gen
eral draftsman from East. S 347, Ore
gonlan. WINDOW and house cleaning a specialty.
Thomas Green. Main 6573. evenings, 8
to 10.
WALTER ST NDIFER CO., general house
cleaners, 423 Vs Davis st. Phone Main
2! 53.
SOBER and Industrious young man wants a
Job on some good ranch. F 347, Oregonlan.
JAPANESE schoolboy wants situation in
morning and evening. S 337, Oregonlan.
FOR board and room or ipart of every day,
position by Japanese scholar. Pacific 2148.
MAN AND WIFE want position as reliable
cook go anywhere. S 340, Oregonian.
RELIABLE, sober young man wants worn
on ranch; references. S 357. Oregonian.
A GOOD Japanese wants position as school
boy. No. 33 North Fourth street, city.
YOUNG Japanese wants position waiting
table or in pantry. J 338, Oregonlan.
GOOD Japanese laborers want to cut brush;
any other work. J 339, Oregonlan.
JAPANESE wants work of jnornfngs for
his room. P. O. Box 125, H. M.
WANTED Place as watchman or fireman by
good man. V 344, Oregonlan.
GOOD Japanese cook wants situation; speaks
English well. K 339, Oregonlan.
A JAPANESE wants to work early In
mornings. H S53, Oregonlan.
YOUNG Japanese wants position, schoolboy.
R 337, Oregon Ian.
v Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
LADY typewriter wishes position as office
asslntant; wants practice on typewriter;
small salary. East 4246.
AN experienced bookkeeper and cashier
desires position; will work reasonable.
R 341. Oregonian
FOR a good stenographer or experienced
beginner, phone, E. B. U.. Clerical OfTice,
Main 4504.
PERMANENT position by bookkeeper and
N stenographer; 5 years experience. D 335.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants a good
position. Phone Main 5207. Call Monday
after 9:30.
CASHIER, bookkeeper or general office as
sistant wants a position. R 352, Orego
nlan. STENOGRAPHER desires position; city ref
erences; salary. H 343, Oregonian.
LADY tvpewriter and office assistant desires
position. Phone Main 4304.
STENOGRAPHER who is competent and re
liable. O 317. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED book-keeper open for posi
tion. P 354. Oregonlan.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
CASHIERS, bookkeepers, stenographers, col
lectors, salesladies, billing and office wortt;
reference as to character and experience
furnished and ready to go to work on the
lnsiant. Free of all cost to employee
Both phones. Main 7637. A 3637. Clerks
Registration Bureau, 14 Selling-Hlrsch
b:dg. 388 Washington st., corner West
YOUNG lady, billing clerk. Underwood or
Remington operator, desires permanent po
sition. Can furnish best of references.
Address D. 33.S, care Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS position by thoroughly ex
perienced stenographer; banking, railway
and commercial experience- best refer
ences. E 358. Oregonian.
RELI ABLE young woman wants position as
cannier ; cuy rererences; io veara exper
ience. Apply at Woman's Christian Asso
ciation. CAPABLE young girl of pleasant, attractive
manners, wants position in office, doctor-s
or dentist's preferred. H 341. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER employed wishes extra
work ; envelopes addressed, hand or ma
chine, at regular rates. B 358. Oregonian.
COMPETENT bookkeeper. 15 years' commer
cial and railroad experience, wants position;
best references. F 335. Oregonlan.
COMPETENT, experienced young lady sten
ographer desires permanent position. Ad
dress T 335. care Oregonian.
FOR neat, accurate typewriting address R
355, Oregonlan.
RELI.4 RLE bookkeeper wants position. A
144. Oregonlan.
DRESSMAKING, plain sewing and chil
dren's clothes." charges reasonable. Mrs.
Wright, 320 4th st. Pacific 503.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker will make engage
ment by the day. Phone Woodlawn 170.
FIRST see Angeles Dressmaking Parlors, S42
5th nd Main. Pacific 2770; A 3982.
UP-TO-DATE dressmaking, hlgh-clasa work.
340 4th St. Pacific 27T6. A 4323.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker to go out roy
day. Miss Larsen. Main 3803.
MRS. VAUGHAN. experienced dressmake,
$2.50 day. phone East 217.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking In Piedmont Ad
dition. Phone East 4871.
YOUNG German woman with 4 years- ex
perience last place, wants situation as
child's nurse; capable take full c&arge;
will travel. Apply Young Women's Chris
tian Association.
TRAINED nurse of several years experience
would take entire charge of delicate child
or infant ; traveling preferred. F 337,
CAPABLE girl wants position as cnlld's
nurse. Young Women's christian Asso
ciation. Main 3207, Monday after 9:;jo.
EXPERIENCED middle-aged nurse wants
nursing; seml-invnlid child; would travel.
230V4 Yamhill. Main 0413.
EXPERIENCED nurse, middleaged. wishes
care invalid or child. Phone Main 4110.
A PRACTICAL nurse would take a few
more confinement case?. Home A517T.
MIDDLE-AGED ladles' experienced nurse.
Phone Main 7008.
WOMAN with little girl wants position as
housekeeper; fine cook; references as o
character and ability. Young Women's
Christian Association.
MIDDLE-AGED German woman, experienced
cook and housekeeper, desires situation,
widower's family: first-class home. 2'I0V
Vanilifll. Muln 5413.
LADY with experience wishes housekeeping
position, hotel or rooming-house, capah e
taking full charge; best references. F a.-.s,
MIDDLE-AGED w oman with daughter 1.
desires situation house keeper; srnnll wages
If good home; city. 230V Yamhill. Main
YOUNG lady, experienced, w ants -position
as housekeeper, or heln with household
duties; home privileges. S 330, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as housekneper by neat,
capable young wman; good home first
essential. Address O 338. Oregonlan.
WIDOW with boy lo years old desires posi
tion as housekeeper either In family or
widower's family. O 336. Oregonlan.
WOn.D do cooking and general housework
for board, and room for myself and husband
In widower's family. V 337, Oregonian.
WIDOW, middle-aged, competent, respsci
ahle. would like housekeeping position
widower's home. F 357. Oregonlan.
LADY would care for small rooming-house
in return for room rent. C 34 L Oregon
lan. WANTED Position as housekeeper In rooming-house
or hotel (reference!. East 3134.
I ! -I- I I II-
COMPETENT Danish girl wants general
housework where can attend high school
nights. Apply Sunday. Phone Main 512.
LADY with 3-year-old child wants to as
rlst with housework where there are no
other children. East 1540.
NORWEGIAN girl, speak little English,
wants general housework. Phone East
REFINED, capable lady. 40 years of age,
wants responsible position. housekeeper,
nurse to Invalid, thoroughly competent to
take charge and manufacture in linen
room of hospital or hotel ; understand
managing helpr willing to leave cily or
travel ; state particulars; no agents; ran
furnish good references. Address C . 337,
A WORTHY young woman, experienced
with children and domesticated, wants a
position of trust, where her service will
be appreciated and remunerated; highest
references. Main 4400.
MIDDLE-AGED woman would like place to
do chamber-work or light housework;
would go with family to California. B. J.,
. fC2 Colonial ave.. In care of O. O. Nor
back. EXPERIENCED woman cook. chamber
maids, waitresses, good woman, ironing.
wnshlng, cleaning. ,230H Yamhill st. Main
WANTED Little girl to care for, between S
and 6 yeirs of age; no other children; good
home; $10 month. S 318, Oregonlan.
COMPETENT woman wants steady day
work for Tuesdays; whole days only.
Phone Pacific 37.
WORK wanted, by day or hour, washing.
Ironing. cleaning. Mrs. Fred Clarke.
Phone pacific 2226
EXPERIENCED music teacher gives two
pluno or mandolin lessons for 75 cents. T
356, Oregonian.
WANTED By first-class laundress, wash
ing and Ironing by the day. Aduress 503
Third street.
RING up East Side Female Employment Of
fice for help In store, office or home. Phone
East 1055.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants posi
tion, hotel or rooming-house. B 356, Ore
gonlan. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work,
sweeping or Ironing preferred. Phone East
SCHOOL girl, 14 years of age. wants place to
work and go to school. V 348. Oregonlan.
W A NTED Day work, by young married
woman ; state wages. K 353, ! Oregonian.
LADY entertains Invalids, aged, children.- by
hour, day, month ; references. Pac. 671.
WOMAN wants dav work ; sweeping and
cleaning; no washing. Phone Main
MIDDLE-A OED lady, good
work ; state wages. C 352,
cook, wants
LACE curtains washed and stretched, 4c
and 5tk per pnlr. Main 7014.
WASH ING and houseclennlng wanted.
Phone Pacific 2024. room 12-
LACE curtains laundered a specialty; best
of work. Phone Main 3740.
A SWEDISH woman wants day work. West
Side. Phone Mnln 3980.
MRS. ANDERSON wishes to do your wash
ing. 423 San Rafael.
WANTED 6 good real estate agents to sll
Wa verteigh : good commission ; none but
hustlers need apply. H. W. Lemcke Com
pany, 1224 6th st.