THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 3, 1907. NEW TODAV. Mortgage Loans, Lowest Rates Real Estate and Insurance A. H. B1RRELL fOl to 203 McKay Bid.. 3d and Stark. Sightly building lots on West Side. 0 blacks to street carline, $250 and up. Three acrs on carline. runnlns water, de lightfully situated for suburban home. West Side lots, 50x100, commanding viw .of entire city, easy to reach; Just the loca tion for person appreciating charming home fcite. ... B. 8. CMK CO.. -'Al Ainer. I FOR SALE KKAL KSTATE. $7.-. HA.NTiK'K STREET One of Him nicest l"ts on this street ; , . handsome homo being built in immediate. neighborhood ; easy terms; bank checks received in exchange. ACHKAOK, $ 12.500 25 acre between center of Portland ard Vancouver, right in path of city's Ki-owth; ready f-r immediate platting; the chapest ottering :n ltu market today ; $5'oo will handle. Port land bank ciiri'ks ac eit d. ROGER WHI'l E CO.. 0"'J-10 I'mich J . ity. 4tli si., next io Waslitngmn. $1;m BUYS a beau tl fill modern hone al most now, 7 rooms 2 nails, bath and toilet, pa nt ry and closets, wired fur electricity; modern plumbing; beautiful law n, with ornamental troy, roses and fine . shrubbery: nn inside finish; $sou cash, balance $ln per month. wRh 0 per cent interest. Mount Scott line, Stewart Sta tion, fall Sunday, 101 Warner st-, e- , tween Powell and Powell. Teh-phone Mcndav, East 3Nl. E. M. P rRVKNa. Tabor Heights, end cf Mount Tabor and Mon-lsK-n-st. carline. Ti;e uew, lgh:ly "Broadview" lots from $.".0i up. on terms made t-aty. Only 2 blocks from carline, wide streets. Bull Hun water, shade and fruit trees; the best buy now on the mar ket. We have a lonn list of lots, acreage, timber lands and trading property. Phone Bast 6050. Fare 6 canu. A STRICTLY modern fi-room houie In Holla day Park, un Clackamas ft., only two blocks from Hroauu y car: very conve niently arranged, with polished f ioor; lot is 5nxl23. Will r-nt for $33 per month; only $ bloO; terms. CALL ON IP. C LUM HI A TIU HT I'CMPAXY. Touch bid.. RjU 4 tii ,t.. near Wurh. WE have on the PKMNSUhA only 20 lots 1 block from car. 1 bloek from station; - only $300 per lot; $5 down and $5 a month will carry one of these lota: tho cheapest lots on the Pen insula this close to car. See them at A. C. Me ' Donald. agent. Get ulf of St. John car at Peninsula Station. JiK0 WILL HAXDLM $iM ,) lln.vTE. If taken at once. Owner conn-! led to s-ll; fine loca tion, corner hit; new S-room up-to-date, rubbed woodwork, polished floors, high-class plumbing, two toilei, all conveniences; will show only buyers. Phone Bellman, A or . Main 11)42. FROM OWNER. $175 00 Each. Two lots In Tremont, 40120, with alleys; end of . W.-W. carline; cany terms; finall amount down, with monthly pay men t Address H. C. B., 392 Salmon st. IF you want to SELL your property, RENT your house or store, have your RENTS col U etcd, and property well looked after, call cn A. S. DRAPHR. Rooms T and 6, 343 Washington, cor. 7th. FOR SA LK By owner, new, strictly modern 5-room houtre. In Sunny tilde, bath, closets, pas, etc. : must sell at once; price $24 0, $W'iO cash, balance $looti; no Interest; this is a snap. Call afternoons. 171 K. 4oih St., between Belmont and Yamidll. A FINE residence lot 'm Johnston st.. In Noh Hill district, near 24:h st. : line for a home or ftrstclH.Hs f Ihi : only $423": terms. CALL OX is. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch bldg.. 1U 4th st.. rear Wash. X2no A lovely fi-room houee In lrvlnRton ; nil mod.-rn ; full lot, beautiful lawn, fruit trees, all improvement in; ir"0 down. bal. lonir time: von take, no choices In invest ing vour nionev In a home. Sherlock & Wuerndle, t0 ftth' at. H' l.lA UA Y A I1. 8-room hfw. hall, par ,. br. dlninj-.-room, ki' hen. butler's pantry. 4 tdeepinpr ri'wimfl, with closets, larffe bath room. !a.'e attic, bamnt and furnaee : easy tertiiF.. I.nthrop Lawrence, 2o4 lumhe. anKC NOH HII.I LOT. $42.".0 Full lot on Johnson M:, sur rounded by elegant honv-B. This !s a .. bargain, but for a lew days only. James J. Flynu. r12 t'hamber of Commerce. 1 WI 11 sell within a few days 1.ox1ihi feet n Cay ood st.. v est of and near Mtl-waukie-st. carliur, hlsrh. level, right ly; .. - Vf-w graded stret-t. yiiie biirgaln; price fl.'iuo. M. ;. ; i- i IT I n , 2di; Siark st. 4."io0 A whole block on E. 2Uth and Di vision Ms. ; finest store sue on East Side; the best and sat"t security is real tstatr; , not subject to Wail street fluctuations. Sher lock & Woemdle, 1H ftth st. 1 1 LAND real estate given special at-:-..tvntion; good homes, lots at reasonable ; prices on Installments; horse and buggy . to shaw property. Spier, 10U1 Lnl-m ae. North. 5-flOOM rottHge cheap, can arrange easy pay ments might trade for lot; chance for good . home for Winter; be.t part of Sunnysid. Phoue. t C. Shay. Main or A 1!42. . WEST SIDE S-nrfim house, bath, flreplace, . t tc. all in fine condition; lot :::xloo; rinse in; fliiort e;uh handles it. Iathiop & Law . rence, 204 Lumber Exchange. ?i'7io Modern 2 -story fl-room house, near Williams-ave. car.; lot .roxUi; terms fdOM, bnlance easy. The Spanton C.o., ".To Stark st. f 4i on Lot rnxiro. well built S-room house, .with large att h basement and furnaee; CHty terms. Lathrop & Lawrence, 2i4 Lum ber Exchange. Jpioo DOWN, will buy fl-room modern house. KaM 0th. near Burnside. nice yanl, flnwers. ntret Improvement done. B 17Cd or A ;;47, ' Oregonian. J, J40O Beautiful new ti-room modern home, rtmrr East 4:td, t h ree bloVk s 5outh of w i borne ; $400 cash. $.10 montuly. br . Darling. y ,mh)0 it-room nw and modern bungalow, full lot, eholce location in Irvington. James J. Flynn 51- Chamber of Com merce. PALMER-VAN ALST1NE CO., 222 Falling hldg., niHltos a speclatt y of Bfilllng East 'Side residences. Main SfltU. A 2i.":. dnttO CASH l;andlett choice Utoxloo corner, with H-room r1dence, almost new; your money's wafe here. 1J ;i,ri2, Oregonian." LET vs sell you a piece of property on monthly payments; te what we have. State Iand Company, i:;:tVj 1st t. TH KEE new S-room cottages, up-to-dat-; t:ike St. John car, get off at Northern ' Hill., Inquire for Kindred. $1000 4 rooms, 7 .Mi E. 8th, terms. $15u0 5 rooms, new, modern. 7GS E 6th OWNER, Main 3iHK. $10 CASH, balance $lo per month, buys fine - lot on Eat Side; improvements paid for. ' Address A ;;4S. oregonian. $:i(oo Motlern tf- room double-walled hou?e, tjeorge King, 2Hh and Broadway or Or ego ntan enstne nmm. lt0-FOOT corner. rlo?o In, on 3d st. one of the best for apartments In city. Apply room "It Hamilton blug. FOR sale by owner. 6-ronm modern nous, 3 Idork I'nion ave. .-,",4 Ivy st. Phono ' ' Woodlawn 770. $i:i:o BTYS choice corner looxloo, on Kill ingsworth ave. Inquire room 40. Wash ington bldg. FOR SALE Two very choice lots bet wen T'nion ave. and race track. Inquire owner 4 :S Eliza st.s TOR SALE at a bargain, equity in two Uni versity Park lots. Addres H 3;;ft, care Oregonian. FOR sale or trade, general merchandise store and property near Portland, c 344, Oregonian. fPHINX AOENCY. 305 H Stark sr.. can sell your business property or residence. BHAl'TIFrL 7-room house, Sunn.wdde; Install ment plan. A. V. Smith. Main .'ion:;. $27." 0 Choice quarter blork in Holtaday's Addition. J li'.ii. Oregonian. A HOME in Irvlngton for sale cheap; terms or cash. Phone East 1,14!. NEW S-room cottage, modern. Call 34S East :;4th, or phone Tabor &tt. $?m CASH handle 2 acres on city limits; . all i ultlMit.-d; seme fruit. A FINE mo $000 Jutt'l. ern .Vrooni coUafc MulU 1U1U. FOR VLfc REAX ESTATE. LOOK AT THESE. 6- room new and modei n house, concrete basement, corner 35th; $2800. ,"-rooin cott'ige, concrete basement, ' hot and cold water; good plumbing, gas range and heater: 2loh ; $22.0; ea?y terms. ti-room modern cottage, lti0xli ground, on corner, loo feet from good carline; nice lawn, some fruit, two fireplaces, all tastily arra nged ; flit m iu. 7- room house in Sunnyslde. corner and on cariine; only $25Nt: terms can be had on this. '-room new home on East 33d. near Mar ket ; full jot ; $."itj.'Hf. ft-room cottage on East 33d. near Clinton, full lot; fireplace and bath; $l!oo. A nice new 6-ronm houe in the center of Sunnvwide, full - corner lot ; $3(100. A modern 6-room house, not far out, one acre ground in fruit; $4200. tt-room modern house on East 14th, cor ner, carline, .4 blocks from High School; very choice. 5-mom bungalow. SOxlOO ground; $1900; $4"0 cas-h. terms on balance. fr-room howe on Eaet Yamhill, will be finish d November 13; $:!000. 7-roon. modern. good-sl7.-d lot. full base ment, bath, pantry, closet, newly painted and tinud; on East Aider, near 12th; $4hmi. J4 blo'k. with nice lawn. fruit and shrubbery ; barn and wind pump, with low er ail nieeiv painted up; nice 5-room cot tage. Bun Run water in house; handy to carline; $:ti.oo. Vs.o.n modern house, near 20th, on Yamhill, bath, furnace, nicely finished. HENKLE & HARRISON. 217 Abington Bldg. COME TO I S AND YOf WILL FIND BARGAINS THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR MIND. $oon That real swell place In Trvmg tnn; the talk of the town; 8 rooms, quar ter block; the latest out; the swellest place "on Tillamook at. jS.V.0 Half block on Portland Height overlooking city. it's the real thing. S4oiK 7 rooms, furnace, gas. electric lights, concrete basement, cement waiKs Your eves will not deceive you; It's all it appears. East 11th St.. near Caruthers. s;ottii l 1,-acv lot, with handsome ! room house. finished in elegant style-, fronting cn electric carline. It's the place vou want. $27Ti0 Swell vjlace on Corbett t.. u rooms, with modern conveniences. Don't fail to see it; vou will miss a bargain. :jkh 4 full lots on East 8th st.. Woofl lawn. Neat little farm with 3-roojn cot tage. jsilioo Quarter block in Sellwood. wltn good "-room residence, beautiful and new. j ior0 Corner lot, ."-room cottage, one block business, Mont a villa. THE Dl'XN-LAWRENCE CO.. 24S Alder Street. THR finest country piace in Oreiron, no ex ception; extensive grounds, groves, hedge, shrubs, etc.. modern house, city water, with 40-acre orchard averaging JISUO per annum net, one mile from best town In valley. 20 miles south of Portland, four daily trains; must and will be sold at much less than cost. A. C. Churchill & Co.. 110 2d st. SACRIFICE. I RVINOTON. $0000 8-room modern residence, large bath room, bent of plumbing, hot-water heating system throughout house, larg'e open fireplace, reception hall, inside finish, polished redwood and fir, fine large attic floored, beautiful grounds, choice corner lot and loca tion, easy walking distance and close to two .car lines ; upportunity to se cure charming home at a decided bar gain. . A. H. BIRRELL, 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. INCOME-BEARING PROPERTIES. LITTLE MONEY INVESTMENTS. SURE MONEY-MAKERS. Let us show you come genuine bar gains In small houses, lots, acres and half acre tracts, located on Mount Scott trolley line, ranging in price from $30 to $1000 on easy monthly payments. We can show you where to plant a few dollars and ha n th-'in grow. The Crossley Co.. 301 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. Branch office at Firland Sta tion. PORTLAND TRCST CO. A full half block of ground In Woodstock for sale for $70O; a good investment, or will make a tui" piece of ground on which to build : home. Portland trcst company of oregon. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak ats. $ io l-Jrt acres adjoining town of Clack amas. 13 miles from Portland, on S. P. Railroad ami tin good country road ; ad mirably adapted for small farming, fruit growing or poultry -raising. A. ft. RICHARDSON. (11 1 Chamber of Commerce. HOOD RIVER APPLE LAND. $3i PER ACRE. We are offering 10-acre tracts In this famous district at the above price; land, is slightly rolling, no waste; soil volcanic ash. Easv terms, if wanted. LA MONT & HARRIS, 30ti-7 Swetland bldg lKVlNOTOX. $4OO0 n-ioom residence, E. 17th. near Tillamook; choicest part of Irvlngton; full-bized lot ; owner gone to South ern California : investigate. A. H. BIRRELL, 202 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark. SOLID BLOCK. $42r0 Entire block. 8 full lots, 2 blocks from the Overlook Addition. These lots ar in Pat ton's Addition, a central location on the East Side. James J. Flyni:, 512 Chamber of Commerce, FRACTIONAL lot, ."to feet frontage, near new North -Ha nk Railway depot. A rare chance to buy property sure to rapidly increase in value. Now offered for a few days at the bargain price of $7000. M. a. Griffin, 200 Stark st. LAND FOR SALE La Center. 20 miles from Portland: i he best part of Clark County. Larson &. .Wompler have for sale some fine property from 10 to 180 acres, well Improved, at a bargain. J. H. Larsen. La Center. Wash. 13 PER CENT INVESTMENT. $5CH) 3 new modern 5-room cottages, cor ner lot, bath, etc., fiber plaster, gas and electric light, wwvrs and all improvements In. Inquire 208 4lh. Pacific 2125 or Main 3o:0. NON-RESIDENT will sell fine 10-room house and quarter-block best part of Holladay's Addition, or would trade for Eastern Wah. wheat land. Laidlaw, 611 Commer cial blk. l'hone Main 6120. N E XV ti-room bungalow just completed, all the modern improvements, in Irving ton. on 21st street, het ween Tillamook ana Thompson streets; must sell, by owner. 300 Columbia street. $ 1 2.otio 10-room new and modern home, with hardwood floors, fireplaces, etc., a choice location in the vicinity of the cor ner of Huh and Everett sts. James J. Flynn, i12 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE. We have several nieces of acreage at bargain prices; 25 acres in the city limit. $17."0O; this is a good buy. Sphinx Agency, ;;or, u stark street. FOR SALE. A beautiful 5-room bungalow. O. M. SMITH. CIS Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 4-mom modern cottage, lot 00x loo feet 2li blocks from Alberta-street carline; price $1200; terms. Phone Wood li'wn 1217. Owner 1133 East 24th st. N. BUY from owner and save commission, nice 5-rooin bungalow, modern every .way, full concrete basement, on carline, near Pied mont, Phone East 246G; easy terms. FOR SALE- By owner, miwiern S-room house, built for a home, with full lot. must be seen to be appreciated; a bargain. Inquire on premises. - loft K. 10th, near Alder. CHOICE 5-acre lots for sale on the Oregon electric carline; also a few special bargains In larger tracts near the city. W. E. Burke. t20 Chamber uf Commerce bldg. 1 NEW 2-story building. 2 lot. COxlnO, good location for feed store or livery business or any othr purpose. Mr. A. Buchel, Wash ougal. Wash. $2400 Bungalow rooms, one block to car; new and modern ; terms $."oo cash, bal ance $20 monthly. The Span ton Co., 270 Stark st. INCOME bearing corner. near terminal grounds ; fine 3-stot y building; good ten ' ants. 2 carlincs. Address W :.."0. Oregomau SOt'TH PORTLAND BARGAIN. $1 2-"o Quarter block, east front, verv desirable location. Tel. Main 3UU0. FOR sale or exchange for one or two small cottages, a modern 7-room house in Sell wood. l'hone owner, Sellwood 424. SM A LL house and two lots, $50 down, $15 per month ; homes on easy terms. Call Pioneer Realty Co., ISflVj Fourth st. $22.0 Swell, new apartment-house, close in. AVest side; rented $223 month. R 34a, Oregonian. , ltio2oo. fruit, flowers, garden, new, modern, buiifiaiow J must be eold. Phone V moa 3522. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Z. & V. BARGAINS. Take your money from the bank, make your rent help you. buy Real Estate and the banks won't worry you. IRVINGTON HOMES. $5000 Beautiful original designed 7-room house, absolutely modern. $5500 Three beautiful houses for thia price. all In different locations. $0000 Modern' 8-room houae, corner lot, Broadway. ,$65ni Very beautiful 8-room modern house. $J3uj 50x200, unique house and grounds de- signea by owner; very beautiful. $12,000 Magnificent 11-room house, .75x100; every modem convenience. IRVLNGTON LOTS. $1230 50x100 near Thompson, east facing. SKVrO 5i ix loO on Hancock st. 18; each 30x150 on Hancock st. (2 lots). $240 75x100 on Broadway; extra good. $4500 looxloo on Hancock: a beauty. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $4600 Beautiful 5-room bungalow, furnace and cement basement. $tt0o0 7-mom bungalow; lot 80x100. $G0o0 Modern bungalow, never been occu pied; fine view. $U500 Beautiful 9-room bungalow; (splendid view. We also have a number of splendid sites ranging in price from $:5O0 to $5O.0O0. In vestigate them before you buv. ' NOB HILL DISTRICT. We have a number of very fine homes In thlst beautiful district ranging in price from $t;500 to $25, MOO; all are good and most of them really magnificent. LA KHA BEE STREET. This street occupies a unique place among Portland residence sites for the reason that It is the only one -where there is an un obstructed view of the harbor. We have st veral very beautiful homes on this street and our prices are right. SOCTH PORTLAND. $0500 IOOxHjO on new Salem carline, with modern 7-room house; room for two more houses, which pay good rents in this district. If you don't see what you want in our ads. ask for It. ZIMMERMAN & VAl'GHAN. Room SW.i Buchanan Building, 2M0 Washington Street. SMALL FARMS AND FRUIT LANDS. 40 acrea. Hood River. choice apple lands; a snap; ask for Information. ,'(9 acres, Salem electric line; 15 acres In cultivation; new house and barn, good condition ; land lies high and sightly; u. bargain ; price. $5500; 14 mile to carline. 34 acres. Salem electric line. 11 acres in fruit and berries, splendid spring, car line runs through center of place: price, $5MK) 20 acres, Oregon City electric line, all cleared, in high state of cultivation; 2K Royal Anne cherry trees, loo apple trees. 2 acres In grapes, good barn, splendid; well; price, $l.-J,4O0. 20 acres, Salem electric IJne. 8 acre In fruit and berries, good house and barn, also outbuildings; price, $:,5H. o acres on O. W. P. carline. i, mile from Gates Station. 10c carfare; a snap; price, $H25. It nays to see us. t'HAPIN & HER LOW, 423 Chamber of Commerce. . Phone Main 1032. Ml'ST PAY BANK. $3750 West rilde on 11th, a little south of Montgomery at., ,the owner being pressed for money, has Instructed me to immediately dispose of a 10-room double bouse, renting for $45 per month, on a fractional lot tx0; a very nice house; also a corn ;r In same vicinity, 32x40 feet. Call G. H. DAMMEIER. . Room 33, Raleigh Bldg.. Cor. 0th and Washington Sts. . ACRE AND HALF ACRE TRACTS. We make a specialty of acre tracts, with water mains laid and payment of only $10 cash and $10 a month; a much better pur chase for a home or Investment than a lot. A. C. CHURCHILL, St CO.. 110 2d sU PORTLAND TRUST CO. On East 10th street we have for sale a choice building lot; it is 471,3xloO feet in size,, has nicely improved street, and sidewalk la already in; only $750; terms rea sonable. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak ats. WILLAMETTE .HEIGHTS. $5500 Bungalow, ideal construction, fln Isn ' inside and out, location and sur roundings, modern in every respect ; 5 rooms, large bath, open fireplace downstairs; 3 rooms upstairs unfin ished; grand view harbor and moun I tains, overlook ing Fair grounds; op portunity to secure charming home; terms. A. H. BIRRELL, 202 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark. $105i Home; $5o0 cash; built only 2 mo. ago; lot 50x1 00 ; near Hawthorne ave.; also ft room cottage, just finished, $2100; another $2ftoG ; fine 6-room home in Sellwood, first claw, $1050; a swell 0-room home in Al blna. just finished; terms on any of the above; also ome choice lots on East Side. If you are looking for a home, ee us. H. V. GARLAND & CO., 1 til 4th st. 1 NOR H JLL HOME. RIegant 8-room modern bouse, Soft N. 24th st.. in the heart of the fashionable residence district, for sale on monthly payments; full cement- basement, solid rock foundation, everv modern conven ience ; price $0730 ; $ 1 500 down; $50 per month. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, OWNER. 4O0 Commercial Block. l'hone Main 44T. $2200. New. modern, artistic 5-room cottage, lot 5oxlno, on East 33d st. ; nice lawn; only half block to car; terms, or would accept vacant lot desirable location as part payment. A. B. RICHARDSON, 014 Chamber of Commerce. SNAP IN HOMES. Two 4-room cottages; plastered and pa pered, hall, pantry, basement, etc. ; 1 y block from carline; Nos. 85 and 87 Fre mont st. Look at these Sunday; $1600 each. E. R MARKHAM & CO., 200-210 Commercial Building. A FINE corner. 100x100. on TMAmook st. ; cement walks, cement curbs, Bull Run water, all iaid- for; only two blocks from carline. Price. $1300; terms. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch bldg., 100 4th St., near Wah. IRVINGTON HOME. $4200 0-room modern house; 2 fire places, furnace, full concrete basement, 3 rooms finished in hard wood; full lot and a most choice corner. This is a snap. James J. Flynn, 312 Chamber of Com merce. 6-ACRE tracts rear Vancouver. 21'. miles from ferry landing, partly cleared; lavs nit e, good soil, water easily gotten; they' are snajis for $rw0 up. on terms. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. ' Couch bldg.. 100 4th St., near Wash. MODERN 8-ronm house, full lot, on Leo ave. City View Park. On Jne street, and surrounded by modern residences; owner musl have money ; price for a few dava. j $2iO0; easy terms. M. G. 'Griffin, 200 Stark st. CITY View Park Addition. Sellwood; 4 room bungalow, strictly modern, fireplace, cement basement and walks, china closet, bookcase and hall seat built In; near car line; terms. Phone Sellwood 341. Owner. AT A SACRIFICE New modern fi-room house, concrete basement, gas range and heating stove, window shades go at S32no; in Sunny side on Belmont st. ; $10OO will handle this. Apply at 1074 Belmont st. IRVINGTON residence for sale, $5500; cor ner. 50x100. with first-class modern resi dence, w ill be completed November 1, northwest corner 20th and Weidler sts. Inquire 535 Chamber of Commerce. BARGA IN Modern 0-room cottage, batn, patent toilet, electric lights, corner lot, 50x100, $1800; see owner. 321 Miller ave, City View Park. Sellwood. FOR SALE New, six-room modern house, nicely finished, lot SOxino, with fruit and shrubbery. 1 nquire Ooo Cleveland ave., or phone Woodlawn 1071. HALF-BLOCK, fine warehouse property, be tween East Morrison and Hawthorne, trackage; $22.0i0. Barrett & Mac Rae. 32y Chamber Commerce. STRICTLY modern 5-room bungalow, fur nished. 1 block from Stewart's station. Mount Scott carline. Owner. R 348 ore gonian. SNAP $S50 only for lot with all improve ments paid, on E. 27th. near Gllsan. F. Dubois, Washington bldg., room 3. FOR sale by owner; 4-room house, sewer connections, $1250; $700 casli, Dalance 3 years. 823 Alblna ave. CORNER lot. 5Oxl00, must be sold; $200 paid; will accept $130 for o.u!ck sale. H 344. Oregonian. OWNER has two new modern homes for sale at your own . terms. M 351, Orego nian. - FOR SALE 8-room house. modern. Went Side; gwd locality. Address It 326, Ore-nonian. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WEST SIDE MODERN HOMES ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. We own and offer tor sale and imme diate occupancy the following 0-room houses, containing every modern conven ience and in exceptional locations: 391 Guild st. (.just off Thurman st.); two carllnes; $4000; $400 down. $40 per month. ,aua Guild st.. $3850; $300 down, $30 per month. 32 North 24th St.. $3750; $250 down, $30 per month. Are you paying lent? Our plan eliminates the rent leak! "Pay rent to yourself." FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, 4o6 Commercial Block, Phones Main 447, A 1445: MT. SCOTT BARGAINS. $600 I -room house, 1 block from car; $3oo cash balance $10 per month. 800 1-room houss. 3 blocks from carj $3oo, cash, balance $15 per month. $1000 i-room houe, 1 block from car; mostly caeh. $12it 4-room plastered house. 100x100 ft., 1 block from car at Ivanhoe; mostly cash. $140o Unfurnished, or $105o furnished, 5-room modern house, 1 bloek from car. $2500 Chicken ranch of 2 acres, near Lents, good improvements. WESTERN REALTY CO., 510 Buchanan bid.. 2S01,: Washington. $8500 Will buy a magnificent 14-acre home, splendidly improved; 7-room house, large barn, practically new; the surroundings are elegant; lawn as well kept as any m the city; has a large orchard, variety ot fruit ; it's 3 miles from Vancouver, 'con nected by walk; station on piaco: terms, half cash, balance reasonable time. OTTO. CROCKETT & HARKSON, LlS'j First Street. A strictly modern and new APARTMENT-HOI "SB, stylish and up-to-date, centrally located. 15 arartments and 12 single room; brings In 12'i per cent on the investment. VYiil trade for some outside property or $13,000 in cash will swing U. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch biilg, 1( 9 4th St., near Wash. SELLWOOD 0-room modern house, near TOVVNSITE ly new. City View Park, cement CO. basement; terms; $3OO0. . 8-room modern house, fire place, reception hall; terms; $2N0O. 7 lots with running water, $0Ki. Fine lot near 3 carllnes, $325. Houses from $7 to $40UO. 1005 B. 13th st. Phone Sellwood 161. BETTER THAN A BANK. Fine 7-room house, bath, cement base ment, 50x100 lot. 12 fruit trees. 20 min utest out on Mount Tabor carline; price $1700. As an investment 14 will pay 10 1 per cent net to the buyer. WEST COAST REALTY CO.. 5o5 Lumber Exchange. 9 Phones Main 430. A 430S. $3500. Modern, conveniently arranged 7-room house, electric fixtures, window shades, full basement, cement walks and side walks; grounds lOoxloo. corner; fine lawn, shrubbery and shade trees; convenient to car, ti graded school; terms. A. B. RICHARDSON. 014 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE 10 ACRES. We have shown others the best, buys In small acreage tracts near the city. They bought now we want to do you a favor. See that highly improved 10 acres all in fruit, and 5c fare. Only $4700. Easy payments. B. S. COOK & CO. 251 Alder Street. FOR SALE Owner must Bell to pay bank loan; ranch 20 acres on Salem electric line, all in cultivation; One orchard, hop. grain and meadow land; 9 miles from Court house. Unimproved land near by bringing $350 per acre; pries $3000 cash, subject to mortgage of $3000. Swope Grant Co., 420 Commercial block, 2d and V. ushington. A 12-room house on Willamette Heights, fine view, exceptionally well built, hard wood floors and finished ; four fireplaces, conveniently arranged. strictly modern; full lot; only $85c0; terms. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch bldg., low 4th St., tjear Wash. $550. 50x100 lot and equity in adjoining lot, Glen wood Station, or would trade as first pavment on house or vacant lots Port land Heights. A. B. RICHARDSON,., 014 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN 5-ROOM IRVINGTON HOME. $32110 Near lotn and TIMamooK sts.: beautiful lawn, fruit trees; improvement all in; full lot; $1500 down, balance long time. LAMONT & HARRIS. 3O0-307 Swetland Bldg. AN exceptionally wellbuilt house, 8 rooms, on Benton st., only five blocks from east end of Eteel Bridge; will rent for $42 per month; price, $52no; termt. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch bldg., ina 4th st., near Wash. FULL block, fe lots 50xHK)). facing Min nesota and Montana avenues; near car barns; $450 to $550 per lot. Attractive discount if sold as a whole: terms. A. B. RICHARDSON. 014 Chamber of Commerce. A NEW 5-room cottage for $!R(0; by the own ers; modern in- every way, and would make an Ideal home: la in Firland, two and a half blocka from Mount Scott 'car line. $40o down and $15 or $20 a month. V 350. Oregonian. OFFERED BY OWNER. 12 acres of line garden land, all cleared, set to grass, no gravel, level. 15 minutes ride from Postcffice. Investigate this at once; $050 per acre; terms. M 355,- Ore gonian. $2o0 TO $4oo Will buy very desirable building lota, level, sightly; 6-mInute " car . jnice; 15-mlnute car ride east and north. DEAN LAND & IMPROVEMENT CO., 031 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. GET A HOME WHEN TT IS CHEAP. $12Hi On very easy terms for a good 5 room house with nice lot. $2750. Kull lot with modern 0-room bungalow in Sunnyside, a splendid buy. F. FUCHS. 221 '3 Morrison St. AN IDEAL BUSINESS CORNER. 117 feet frontage on East StarK st.. R4 feet deep ; good place for business; price, for a few days. $1300. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 248 Alder Street. FOR RALE. Fin Homes in Sunnyside, Trvington and Holla da v Park. STANDARD INVESTMENT CO., 225 Fifth st. OWN income property; saf Investment; $t;r0 buys 4 new modern fiat?. West Side, walkinsr distance; best buy in the city; let us show you. M. E. I-ee, Room 0, Ra leigh bldg, 323 Washington St. SURE and safe Investment, 4 new modern fiats. West Side, walking distance, for sale at a great bargain ; only $0!mi; pays 12 per cent net. M. K. Lee. Boom 2o, Raleigh bldg.. 323 'A Washington st. H ELLO When looking for a home, don't forget that- A. S: Draper has houses from u to 10 rooms, new and modern, easy terms, prices right. 343 Washington st.. cor. Ttn, rooms i ami . S.AFFJ Investment Income nronertv. West Side; Income $1032 per year; Improvements strictly modern. l'rice $ik.(mj; half cash. M. E. Lee. Room 20. Raleigh bldg., 3234 Washington st. FINE large 8-room house on South 1st St.. West Side, with concrete basement, on corner, for only $3500.' House alone cost the price. M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg. $4500 6-ronm housr new- and modern. Madi son st-. West Side. See this Monday ; It la a cheap buy. Waldo F. Stewart. 211 Commercial diock. .-viam joou. $500 CASH and $25on at your own convenience mill, if bought this week, buy a $33o0 quar ter block In Irvlngton. where all the homes are on quarter diocks. Apply k. :t.o. $550 TAKES a choice lot near Hawthorn ave., west of 37th st; graded streets and walks included. M. la Le. Room 20, Ra lelgh bldg.. 323U Washington st. r-room house: near Union avenue N. : lot SOxloO: in good location; a g-od home for the money. dice itxnt. j. j. ueder, cor. Grand ave. ana k. Aniteny. YOU don't need money to buy 100x200 on the O. R. & N. track in St. John. $1000 ; $125 cash, balance In small monthly payments. F. T. Berry. 4 X. 0th st. nvR ncre. all In cultivation. 2 blocks carline close in for no grave! ; fine soil and good view. Only $1100. J. Frank Porter, 222 Washington st. t iiT R.-v75 on 7th at.. West Side, with three bouses, now paying 14 per cent on the investment; $5000. See M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg. NEW 7-room house. Beech and Huight sts; fine corner, 1 or 2 lots; bargain. Owner, . 304 Monroe st. FOR SALE Hood River apple land. Call A din. FOR 8AI.E REAL ESTATE. FINE farm. 150 acres. 80 In cultivation; fine house and barn, fine spring at the aoor, good orchard, some good timber: will make one of the best dairy farms in me state; 10 miles from Portland; a real snap; $70 per acre; i,, cash. Fine 40-acre tract. 2 miles from Port land, 2 from Damascus: 25 in cultiva tion; good orchard, good 6-room house, small barn, fine spring, good well; $325u; cash. Fine 70-aere tract, on Salem line; level ; some good timber; running water; 5 acres cleared; only 10 miles from Portland;, an extra good buy; $80 per acre; k cash Fipe lO-acre tract, near O. W- P. car line; all cleared; near Eagle CreeK sta tion; $1250; $250 cash, balance easy terms. Fine 20-acre tract, 7 miles from Port land, on Base Line road; the bear nuy . in country; $250 per acre; will sell lialf same price; easy terms Fine 44 block. 12th St.. near Hancocic, $3250; good terms. Fine 14 block. East 28th near Base Line road, $2230; $500 cash. Fine lot. East 2sth and Morrison; Im provements all in, $1500; $250 cash. Fine 7-room house. East 20th and StarK; lot 57x100; $550O: $1000 cash. Fine O-room house. East Taylor near 35th ; modern In every way; $2300; hair cash. Fine 8-room house. East 28th near Mot-rison-st. carline; a good buy. $3750; good terms. Fine new modern 7-room house. ' East 27th near Morrison carline; only $3750. CHARLESON & CO.. 411 Commercial Bldg. Phone pacific lllto. $4000 Corner lot 100x100. with 8-room house; furnace, stationary tubs: strictly modern: on W.-W. carline; terms $500 cash, balance $35 monthly. The Spanton Co., 270 Stark st. $2500 50x100. with 5-room cottage, streets improved and paid for; this is located on East Main, close in ; swell neighborhood. Waldo F. Stewart. 211 Commercial Block. Main 15ufl. A NEW fi-room cottage, full basement, large attic, lot 5Oxl0O; half block to Sunny sHde car. Price 23O0; terms can be arranged to suit. State Land Company, 133 1st st. SNA P 5-room house, newly papered, city water, lot 30x100, worth $1250; wilt sell this week only for $100; easy terms, owner. M 353. Oregonian. W EST SIDE, mod ern rt-room h ouse for sale at a sacrifice ; owner mut raise money at once; vour opportunity. M. E. Lee, Room 20 Raleigh bldg.. 323 Washington st. BARGAIN Best corner In North Portland dis trict on the market ; cloEe In; Inside price for a few days. Lathrop & Lawrence, 204 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE TIMBER LAND. TIMBER FOR SALE About 2,000,000 feet yellow fir on bank of river, easy to get out: will sell for $700 If sold in 60 days. This is a bargain; good buy for specula tion or local mill. Will give plenty time to move timber off land. Call or address owner, box 25, Blaine. Tillamook County, Oiegon. TIMBER BUYERb. ATTENTION. We have several attractive timber proposition-; rail and investigate; timber lands In Oregon, California and Washing ton, from 1000 to 20,000 acrea H. W. LEMCKE COMPANY. Sixth and Washington, $3000 For sale, one-third interest In saw mill and timber on N. P. Railroad, be tween Portland and Tacoma, that is clear ing on one-third Interest $200 monthly! terms. George I. Brooks. Room 416 Com monwealth Bldg.. Portland. TIMBER LAND 14 miles from tidewater; 040 acres; cruises 12.000.000 feet nemlocK. spruce, cedar and fir; this is about 83c stumpage; it Is worth much more, but you can have it. Hodson & Bennett. South Bend, Wash. Box 517. TIMBER LAND. OREGON. WrASHINGTONr CALIFORNIA. JAMES U. LACE Y & CO., Chic ago. New Orleans, Seattle. 82U Chamber of Commerce. Porland. TIMBER TO SELL. Do you want timber? See us before pur chasing. We have a nice little buv at a bargain, 12.o00,0M feet fir for only $7500, in Bonton County, Oregon. Sphinx Agency, 305 Stark street. SEVERAL bargains in sawmills and timber deals near Portland, on Columbia River. If you wish to buy or sell, call at office McFarland Investment Co., 311 Swetland bldg.. Portland. I HAVE a 7-room cottage, with all modern improvements, has beautiful lawn, roses and shrubbery; will trade for a grocery store in good location. Telephone Mon day. East 381. 46 ACRES with about 25O0 cords of wood, 2 '4 miles from Beaverton, . one mile from Salem electric line, will sell cheap; no reasonable offer refused; see us. John P. Sharkey Co.. 122 6th st. Main 550. I HAVE 14 section that carries 7.500.O0O yellow fir, will sell for $3500; the safast and most profitable place in America to Invest that amount. V 357. Oregonian. FINE tracts of fir, cedar or Port Orford cedar, in tracts of from l0.0oo.000 to 500, 000,1100. for sale by W. A. ft F. A. Rowe, Buchanan bldg. Phone A 3478. HOMESTEAD relinquishment; a claim that will bring you $12,000; fine fir; best loca tion; price $2000; no agents. K 352, gare Oregonian. t . HOMESTEAD relinquishment; will exchange for. city property; will assume mortgage. X 257. Oregonian. TIMBER CLAIMS Have two excellent fir claims, will cruise 3,5v0,O00. Call or write, 240 Grant street. 2 TTMBER claims-, cruise feet; fine location; price $600 each. 225-226 Abing ton hlrig. TIMBER wanted. Or. or Wash.; large or small tracts. Sphinx Agency, 305 Stark. WANTED REAL ESTATE. I WILL pay spot cash for the right kind of a house, must be in good location ; first floor, reception hall, living-room, library, dining-room, kitchen; second floor, four good bedrooms, bath and toilet; attic must have two finished rooms or space that can be finished. Address, giving full par ticulars and location. Address O 358, Ore gonian. BARRET & MAC RAE. 320 Chamber of Commerce. Portland Realty. Business and Residence. Acreage Farms Timber. Hood River Orchards. Agents for Alberta Wheat Lands. " List With ua. ATTENTION Have buyers waiting for farms of all kinds; list yours with us. We show re stilts. Also have buyers for close-In acre age. E. R. MARK HAM ft CO.. 2O0-21O Commercial Building. WANTED A small farm not too far away from Portland, close to either electric lin or railroad; must have a good house, state price, terms and all particulars. M 340, Oregonian. 10 TO 20-ACRE suburban home, close to car line, from $50K to $15,oo0. Clients watting. A Iso modern house 8 to 1 2 moms; west of 23rd. F. O. Northrup, 314-15 Couch bldg. Main 8126. WANTED Home property of 6 or 8 rooms; desirable location; must be new and mod ern ; mate best terms and location ; owners only need reply. G 344, Oregonian. I WILL pay from $350 to $450 for a T or 8 room furnished house on West Side, close 111. preferred; give phone number or ad dress and price. N 341. Oregonian. WANTED 5 to' 7-room house or cottage, lot 40x100 to lOOxlOO; north of Russell St., East Side; about $2000. Owners only. C. Wood. 483 Union ave. N. WANTED TO BUY Good candy and eigar store; must be money-maker and reason able; give location and price; no agents. AddreBs J 346, Oregonian. WANTED A corner lot on Portland Heights: must have good view; give exact location and beat terms. Address G 350, Oregonian. I WANT to buy 5 to IO acres from owner, 4 or 5-room house, some fruit: give full particulars and price. D 358. Oregonian. WANTELf Modern house, 6 or 8 rooms, de sirable location; state best terms for casn. F 334. Oregonian. BUYER wants small house and lot. South Portland; $1500 cash to Invest. K 342. Oregonian. WANTED Iesirable home, two or more lots, suburbs, near carline; cash. P 353, Ore gonian. 1 - VACANT lot in Sunnyside; give number and price. Address H 339. Oregonian. WANTED All kinds of real estate. F. Du bois, Washington bldg., room 3. WANTED To buy for c"ash, a modern bungalow. T 352, Oregonian. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Timber relinquishment; - bargain for cash. I 344, Oregonian. FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS FOR YE WHO WISH TO TILL THE SOIL. $30,000 2740 acres very fine land, rail way station on the place, several hundred acres rich bottom lano, in cultivation, large hotel, sever al tenement houses, barns, ware house ' and store building: an ideal location for colony; a nig bargain. $20.000 320 acres (near McMlnnvIlle). the best farm In Yamhill County, handsome 12-room residence, barn cost over $5000; all In cultivation, good pasture; would exchange for Eastern Oregon or Wasnington grain farm or sell for half casn; balance long time. $11,000 420 acres of richest land In Ore gon; creek passes through place affording very fine water conven iences; 200 acres in cultivation, loo acres timber, balance gooa pasture; team, stock, feed- ana Implements Included; 1 mile sta tion. $10,000 00 acres at Woodburn, one of the most beautiful and best improved farms In the state, very hand some, new 1 1-room residence, finished In elegant style. film large barn. 2 good hop-houses, with cooling rooms, all the latest improvements for poultry; 30 acre hop yard. 30 acres In culti vation. 13 acres in fruit; would exchange for part In city real estate. $ 7,300 Two sections of good wheat land, accessible to water for ir rigating; in one of the best grain belts in Eastern Washington; an , ideal investment. $ 4,500 75 acres on Camas Creek, ClarK County, 6-room residence, fine, large barn, choice variety fruit, rich creek bottom land, good roads. 9 miles Vancouver; would exchange for city property. $ 3,300 57 acres, l mile railway Btation, 12 miles Vancouver, good 6-room house, large barn, rich soil, choice ' fruit; an Ideal country home; team, cows, pigs, chickens, farm. Implements. $ 1,600 40 acres, on Oregon Water power , - carline, small house and barn; also other buildings; rlcn sou, living water; an ideal place tor dairy, poultry or garden. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 24S Alder Street. FARMS. 440 acres, near Forest Grove. $15 an acre 400 acres, 1 miles from Chltwood on railroad ; 7 acres In bearing orchard. 40 acres meadow. 1 50 acres under fence, large house, good condition, also large barn; price, $G000. 206 acres, mile from station; 90 acres cleared, IO acres orchard. 100 acre bottom land; good' 7-room house, large barn, new mower and rake, all farming tools, 12 calves, 2 steers, 1 bull, 7 Jer sey cattle; price, $50OO. 187 acres, one mile from Mosler; T acres In bearing pears, apples and prunes, 25 acres 2-year-old trees, cherries. Spitz and Newtowns; 15 acres cleared and ready for Fall planting; good barn, log house, 6 or 7 good springs; price, $25,000 ; a snap. It pays to see us. CHAPIN ft HERLOW, 425 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 1652. BARGAINS IN CHOICE FARMS- $2500 Nice 40-acre well improved farm, good soil and good location, $000 cash, balance to suit. $4500 Well improved 80-acre farm, first-class soil and good buildings, 13 mljes from Portland, easy terms. $83 per acre for aflne 162-acre farm, richest kind of soil, only lo "miles from center of Portland, can be divided into lo acre tracts and retailed at $230 per acre. No better buy In Oregon. For good farms of any kind or slue,- see F. FL'CHri, 221 Morrison Street. NO TRIFLERS NEED APPLY. IfK) acres. 05 clear, 35 good timber, splendid soil, well improved, gooi build ings, some fruit trees, living water, on carline. i mile to Estacada. adjoining land selling at $100 per acre; price only $65 per aero; easy terms. 51 -acre farm, 16 acres hops, new hop house, 7 acres pasture, balance Improvea, large orchard, close to river and carline; easy terms; price $4504). A. W. WILTSHIRE. 422 Abington Bldg. CRANBERRY LANDS. No other claae or farming or horticul ture require so little attention, and none nays eo well upon the money Invested as the Cranberry culture. Cranberry culture will soon be one of the most, prominent in dustries in the etate, and because of the limited quantity of these lands the price will rapidly double and quadruple. Never again will these lands be had eo cheap. See J. Frank Porter, 222 Washington st. HERE YOUR MONEY WILL DOUBLE. 235 acres on Blodget Creek, Benton County, richest soli In the state; we defy competition in quality and quantity of crops; ho acres cultivated, 50 acres choice open pasture, with very little labor could be plowed; balance valuable timber, worth price of place; two sets smal buildings, good roads. 2 miles station; price only $4700. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 248 Alder Street. 11 ACRES, 9 In cultivation. good 3 room house, rustic barn, fronts on 2 car lines, 20 minutes' ride, creek runs through place, good well, 100 young fruit trees, acre ln berries (assorted), good cow and calf, farming Implements and 3 tons hay go with place; price $6500 or will trade for city property; what have you? JNO. P. SHARKEY CO., Phone M. 550. 122 Sixth St. SEE HODSON ft BENNETT. Box 517. South Bend. Wash. A 43-acre ranch, close In; good 3-room house and outbuildings; the place for ber ries, chickens, garden or dairy; termw. Ranch lO-room house, barn, frame zftx 78 feet; cattle, horses and all necessary Implements and tools; near market; $6000, part cash. WANT a first-class farm and sheep ranch in Eastern Oregon? Big alfalfa field. Ir rigating ditch, fruit land, new house, barn, farm tools, with or without stock; plentv grazing land outside; best deal possible. Making big money annually. McFarland Investment Co., 311 Swetland bldg.. Portland, Or. FOR SALFj 320 acres of well Improved land, dwelling, outhouses, well fenced, very rich soil. The price now asked for this fine farm is much less than Its value, and the current prices of such farms in Its immediate vicinity; easy terms if de sired. M. G. Griffin, 266 Stark st. 15000 SHEEP, $4 per head; 8000 acres land. $5 per acre: 250 tons new hay. $6 per ton; four horses, farm Implements, $1000; 150 head cattle. $20 per head. See James C jnnolly, Burnet Ranch, Crook County. Oregon. WILLAMETTE Valley homesteads, good farm land, easily cleared, some timber, living water, lay well. 12 miles to R. R. ; wagon road direct; $150. W. G. Cox, 291 Stark St. COMPLETE list of farms, large and small, many of them completely stocked with teams and all necessary implements, some of them real snaps. The Spanton Co., me Stark st. 40-ACRR farm with new house in Clark -County, Washington, for sale or trade cheap. Inquire 11 North Second street. Julius Johnson. CENTRAL OREGON, good lands cheap, for sale by Van Tassel ft Davis. Write or call on them for information. Madras, Crook County, Oregon. FOR SALE CHEAP Very desirable Sacra mento Valley fruit ranch, citrus and de ciduous fruits and grapes. Address E 343, Oregonian. 20 Acres in cultivation, part orchard, nets 18 per cent on hired labor; only $1300. Purse, 823 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7309. 50-ACRE farm, 15 mlnutee' walk from Os wego depot, for nle; easy terms, or for rent. Max Smith. 88 North 16th U FOR SALE 20 acres, 1 miles east of Clackamas Station; all cleared bottom land; price $2000. Inquire 168 East 6th. 160 ACRES, 24 head cattle, $2250, 80 acres, 10-room house, $1600 ; 40 acres on bay, $700. O. Middlekauff, Yaquina, Or. FOR SALE Some of the best dairy and stock ranches on Alsea Bay and vicinity. C. J- Smith. Waldport, Or. FOR SALE 70-acre farm. 5 miles from Portland; terms. CalT at 288 3d st. 01 chona Uaia 5O0. TO EXCHANGE. WILL TRADE. 40-acre Improved farm 28 miles east of Portland. 2 miles of the power plant of the Mt. Hood Electric Carline, situated In fine fruit district : improvements aione nearly worth the price asked. Price $l,"nt; and 3 fine Jots on W. W. carline; beauti fully situated. Price $13o0; total $28oo for house and lot In Portland of equal value. J. FRANK PORTER, 222 Washington st. ? have you to trade for elegant resi dence and two 8-room cottages In Eastern city of 15.000, 2 hours from Chicago; also finest gentleman's country seat eite of 12 acres on banks of Hudson River. with finest scenery of mountains, river and cities m the world; 2 hours from N. Y. City ana from 1 to 3 miles from 3 other cities. Owner, p 300, Oregonian. WILL exchange 281-acre, splendidly lm-' proved and well stocked farm in Yamhill county for Portland residence or income property. price $i4i60o. J. FRANK PORTER, 222 Washington st. 1 . WILL TRADE lots in Mount Scott District for stock ranch partially Improved. What have you? JXO. p. SHARKEY CO.. 122 Sixth Street. IITw- e,",anEe house and lot valued at $Mtfv 6 blocks from Mt. Scott car line, for j or 10-acre tract nut over 10 miles "ut- a. aueiiKe. Arleta, Or. 160-AvTRE farm near Columbia River In bkamanla County. Washington, in ex- change for tity property. tt20 Marquam building. HAVE you anything to trade? Our new plan gets w hat you want. National Trade Bureau, 1010 Manhattan bldg., Chicago. STATE of Oregon, valuable patentr house hold necessity, to exchange for equity or ,v,v. uuirw i oregonian. $1000 equity In house and lot. East Side, for acreage In White Salmon or Hood River Valley. P 1,50, Oregonian. THREE new houses that will rent for 7 per cent on $14,ooo; mortgage $5000. What have you? East 352. Oregonian. FOR EXCHANGE or ale, small tract choice apple land. Hood River; near town, un cleared. D 343, Oregonian. BY owner, merchandise store to exchange for lots or team, harness and wagon. Address Box 8:3. St. John. Or. BEST paying roomfng-hou-se in Portland; trade for real estate. Mutual Realty Co . 303 Washington. WILL trade real estate or stock In safe com pany for Oregon Savings Bank depoalts. H 356, Oregonian. WILL trade good vacant Yesidence property and about $rioo for cottage and lot. Phone Woodlawn 5o2. !A GOOD rooming-house to exchange for resi dence or acreage. 61o Buchanan bldg., 286 aoiiuiHiuil. FOR SALE or exchange for acreage, 6-room house and one acre of ground. O 354. Oregonian. VACANT lot worth $2O00; want rooming house, grocery or restaurant. E 251, Ore gonian. WHAT have you to exchange for equity In Est- Side lots? Address B 34o, Oregonian. FOR TRADE Interest in lot In fine residence district for typewriter. X 347. oregonian. HAVE some vacant lots to exchange for modern 0-room house. D 350, Oregonian. REAL estate for Oregon Trust ft Having de posit. Alnsworth Smith, 309 Wells-Fargo. WILL trade for what you have. L. Alns worth Smith. 309 Wells Fargo bldg. EXCHANGE instructions In art for piano lessons. R 347, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. FA R M to rent; 135 acres, good house and barn, 3 milch cows; phone Main 60a2. Address Sol Hood st "WANTED TO KENT FARMS. WANTED To leare for term of years, farm suitable for dairying or stock; cash or shares. V 350. Oregonian. FOR SALE. Honied, Vehicles. Etc. $125 BUYS good matched team of work horses, sound and weigh 1Hm each; $125 buys nice bay 6-year-old mare, gentle for ladies and children, with good top buggy and harness. 204 Montgomery m. A lsi sorrel mare, 8 years old, good worker with foal. $75. , ONE span draft horses, weight 3200 pounds, wagon and harness, $350; also driving horses and milch cows; also half Interest in grocery store, doing good businesM. $Oo; owner leaving city. Phone East 5103. Call at 105 Union avenue. Portlana. $145 BUYS nice 6-year-old .bay driving mare, weight 1075, sound and gentle; with good ruhiter tire buggy and harnear. 204 Mont gomery. Also gentle family driving horse, sound and city broken. Price $45. BAY horse, 5 years old, very stylish, good roadster; pair of 4-year-old mares, weight 25oh, sound and broke; nice bay hortse, 7 years old, works any place, weight 1200. 204 Montgomery. A PAIR of 5-year-olds, coal black, well broken, cheap for cash; also a heavy draft team; good, drivers, single. Call. 214 Couch bldg. FOR SA LE 3 delivery wagons, 6 horses, cart, single and double harness, etc. As signee. Golden Eagle, 3d and Yamhill sts. FOR SALE Horse, weighing 1250, 8 years old. city broke, sound, works single or double. Inquire 937 E. GUsan st. FOR SALE Team geldings, 5 and 6 years, weight 3200; no blemish. W. J. Kelly. 5th and GUsan, Overland Stables. FOR SALE CHEAP -Two good sound horses. Inquire of G. H. Grufke, Mount Zion; take Portland Heights cars. FOR SALE 2 teams, weighing 2400 and 3900, $250 each, by G- K. Howitt. Hib bert st , Monlavllla.' IF YOU need a good driver, saddler or work horse, see Twaddle & Klcharas, Union 'Stockyards. THREE good, heavy work horses; new har ness and wagon. Kalama Lumber Co Phone Main 661 2. MATCHED team grays. 9 years old, weight 25oo Jb., with harness, for $150 cash. 410 Lively, St. John. FOR SALE An all-purpose horse. gooa looker, weight 1100 pounds. 130 First street, Monday. WANT to buy a hay team, about 1250; bring to 173 East 23d. near Belmont. Phone East 789; B 1007. FOR SALE or trade, high -class Morgan stallion; good breeder. J. Twaddle. Union Stockyards. FOR SALE One top delivery wagon. In good condition. Pacific Laundry Co., 321 Arthur st. FOR SALE Cheap, first-class saddle - and driving horse. 211 Prettyman avenue, Mt Tabor. $P0 BUYS team of work horses, harness and wagon; team Is gentle, good pullers. Main 6227. FOR SALE: Team, harness and bui for sele. Inquire National Hotel, Front and Yamhill sts. FOR SALE One young delivery horse, weight 1050 pounds. 144 East Second st. N. FINE ladies' driving hor-e, hand sewed har ness and runabout. 'all at Lawler's stable. Hubert ft Hall. 266 4th. dealers In horses and vehicles; horses and vehicles for rent. FOR SALE Several horses; also pony and large brood mare. 211 Washington st. $75 BUYS horse, harness and wagon; Nobby Stables, 12th and Flanders. DRIVING horse for sale. Hambletonlan stock. Call 502 East Sixth street. Flano. GOOD pianos at a sacrifice. One fine Ster ling, cost $4o0. goes now for $2on cash: fine high-grade standard make. $450 style, for $120 cash to first caller: elegant mot tled walnut, largest size Fi.Ther uprlgh r. for $2oo cash or $223 on payments; twe other plainer stvleii make vour own price Filers Piano House. Bargain Salesrooms, 353 Washington, corner of Park. EMERSON upright piano for rent or sale. Term. 618 Tourny bldg., 2d and Taylor; evenings. FINE $600 Knabe piano; will take $300; must be cash. Address R 354. Orego nian. PIANO. Mission style, standard make; cash or terms. 618 Tourny bldg., 2d and Taylor 1