THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. TORTLAND. -NOVEMBER 3. 1907. Portland Agents "Nemo" Corsets, Butterick Patterns, Columbia Yarns, "Perrins" Gloves, "Ostermoor" Mattresses, "Ramie" Underwear; Gred ai&sgiving Sales at The Meier Frank Store In- 50 Years Portland 12 tTh 5000 Yards of Embroideries and Laces at Greatly Reduced Prices 5000 yards of Swiss, cambric and nainsook Embroidery, I-2 to 12 inches wide; beau tiful patterns in endless assortment; val ues ranging up to 85c the yard Of" oh sale at this low price, yard. 2500 yards of lace-trimmed Corset Cover Embroidery, prettiest patterns in a large ' variety, on sale at the following prices : $1.60 values, at this low price, yd. 98-fi $2.00 values, at this low price, yd. $1.29 2000 yards of Corset Cover Embroidery in Swiss and nainsook; attractive new pat terns, in large assortment; regu- CQ lar $1.25 values, on sale at, yard. 18-inch white and cream Figured "Nets' for waists, very pretty styles; values Eflp up to $1.50 the yard, on sale at. OVF-U 3000 dozen of French Val. Lace and Inser tion. . to. VA inches wide ; very best de signs; values up to $1.25 the doz- CA. en vards. on sale at this low price 45-inch figured Chiffon and Paris .Mousse laine .for evening gowns; regu- CQ lar values up to $1.75 the yard, at. White and cream Yenise, Eilet and Baby Irish Bands, Medallions and Appliques for fancy waist'lrimming; beautiful styles, 1 to 4 inches -wide, on sale as follows: 85c vals., the yard, 50? $1.50 vals., the yard, 79 $2.00 vals., the yard, 98 Special lot of white Net Robes with Val. lace insertion", all new styles. 7C The best regular $10.00 values, on sale at this special low price, ea. Pv. -' Just received, novelties in Bordered Chiffon Cloths for evening wear See them. $9 and $10 Ostrich Plumes $5.98 Each In the Millinery Department, three great lines of high-grade Ostrich Plumes to be sold for a few days at very low prices; all are the finest, imported feathers, in black, white, light blue, pink, purple, navy and brown; handsome, clean, large, plumes, and .great bargains on sale at the following specially reduced prices: $9.00-$10.00 Plumes, $5.98 $11-$12.50 Plumes, $6.98 $7.50 Plumes, $4.75 Headgear for the Horse Show All our magnificent imported model hats on sale at greatly reduced prices. Special orders will receive prompt and careful execution" by the best artists in the city. On salo in the Millinery Department, Second Floor. 2000 Yards Axmmster Carpets $1.50 Vals. 98c High-grade Axminster Carpets at a special low price for a few days. 2000 yards in the lot, floral and Oriental effects in the very best designs and colorings, sellin g regularly at $1.50 a yard For one week you can buy this high-grade Axminster Carpet sewed, laid and 98c lined at the remarkably low price of, per yard Elevators, Third Floor 1000 "Kalga" Rugs, the best inexpensive rug on the market ; Oriental effects in convention al and small designs; beautiful colorings, all sizes great values, at the following prices: 9x9 ft. Rugs, $9.00 Values at $6.30 9x1 OV2 ft. Rugs $10.50 Vals. $7.35 9x12 ft. Rugs, $12.00 Vals. $8.45 10V2X12 ft. Rugs, $14 Values $9.85 12x12 ft. Rugs, $16 Values $11.20 12xl3Va ft. Rugs, $18 Vals. $12.65 500 Footstools, upholstered top, with iron legs, strong and substantial build; variety of col ors; great values at this low price, ea..43? The Carpet Department on Third Floor High-Grade Lace Curtains at Low Prices Great Clearance sale of high-class Brussels and Arabian Lace Curtains; dainty white Brussels Curtains in all the newest and best designs, allover scroll patterns, small figures and plain centers, with rich, wide borders ; ecru Arabians made on heavy nets with wide borders of Arabian lace; great special values, as follows: Regular $16.50 Curtains, pair, 912.35 Regular $22.50 Curtains, pair, $16.85 Regular $25.00 Curtains, pair, 18.75 Regular $35.00 Curtains, pair, $26.25 300 pairs of Nottingham and Cable Net Curtains, allover floral designs, plain cen ters with neat borders; point d esprit centers and Brussels designs, C!1 QC white and ecru. 2Vfc and 3 yards long, 50 inches wide; $2.75-$3 vals. 30 Oriental pattern Couch Covers, Bagdad designs, fringed all, around, 00 inches wide, 3 yards long; best couch cover value offered at, each. Silks and Dress Goods 4 Great Special Bargains Plaid Dress Goods on sale at reduced prices. 5000 yards of colored Peau de Soie of superior quality for all purposes; pink, light blue, navy, reseda, garnet, brown, Alice, cream and red -best regular $1.00 TQ value, at, ep'L, yd. 2500 yards of Dresden Silks in a very large assortment of , new designs and colors; best $1.00 qualitj', r7Qn on sale at, per yard. - S7C 3000 yards new Plaid Silks in the very best designs and colorings, for waists, gowns, children's apparel, etc., at: The yard, 79S 89S 98 50c Wool Suitings in the very best styles; special OO values, at, the yard. OOC New Fur and Fancy Cloakings. Women's Suits at $22 Each Ten immense lines of women's Tailored Suits just received by express Great special purchases from leading New York manu facturersAll new, up-to-date garments and extraordinary val ues at the low price of $22 per suit The assortment includes Military suits of broadcloth, silk braid trimmed, lull pleated skirts with bias folds in blue, green, brown, black, red and leather shades Tight - fitting short Coat Suits of broadcloth, velvet trimmed, in all the best colors Tight-fitting medium length Coat Suits, strictly tail oredAll this season's leading shades Box back, double-breasted Coats of broadcloths, all the best shades and effects Suits in the lot that would find ready sale at $35 each -In the-Cloak Dept., Second Floor Take your pick ot, suit $22 5000 Prs. PerrhVs Gloves $3.50 Values on Sale at $2.19 a Pair $4.00 Values on Sale at $2.79 a Pair Great Annual Thanksgiving Sale of Per- rin's real French Kid Gloves in 1 2 and 1 6- button lengths at an unusually low price Best styles and shades Every pair guaranteed perfect and to give satisfac tory service in every particular The shrewd buyer will anticipate her present and holiday needs at the big saving offered Mail orders promptly and carefully filled 2000 pairs "Perrins" real French Kid Gloves, in ' 12-button lengths; black, white, tan, green, mode, navy, gray and champagne; sizes 5l2 to 7Yz; every pair guaranteed and fitted to 4he ff 1 Q hand; regular $3.50 values, at, pair. I 3000 pairs of "Perrins" real French Kid Gloves in 16-button lengths; blacks, whites and tans, in all sizes; every pair guaranteed perfect and fitted to the hand; regular $4.00 values, on CO 7Q sale at this special low price, pair.'"' Mail orders will be promptly and carefully, fillod. -t2T mm, v. jfP 30,000 Yards of Velvet Ribbon on Sale at the Low Price of 7c and 17c Yard 30,000 yards of all-silk satin-back Velvet Ribbons, in black, brown, navy, green, gray, light blue, cardinal, etc.; for dress and hat trimming, fancy work, etc., etc.: Widths from Vj-inch to 34-inch, regular 10c to 18c value, special,-the yard.. 7 Widths from 1 inch to lVfr-inch, regular 20c to 40c value, special, the yard.. 17 Great sale of 5000 large-size Kimono Handkerchiefs for aprons, sofa pil- (T lows, dust caps, work bags, etc.; best 10c values, on sale at, special, eaeh. .---- C $9.00 Blankets on Sale at $6.95 a Pair 1000 Feather Bed Pillows at $1.45 Each In the Blanket Department, Fourth Floor, 500 pairs of 12-4 extra large size white Saxony wool Blankets, pwik and blue borders; best regular $9.00 (Efl values; your choice while they last, at this special low price, per pair. sJCI.-r J 1000 Feather-Bed Pillows, weighing 3y2 pounds each ; covered with CI ft blue and white striped A. C. A. ticking; regular $2.00 values, each. -4- An immense assortment of Comforters at special prices silkoline-covered, in all the best designs and colorings, at prices ranging from, each, $1.25 to $3.00 The Great Annual "Thanksgiving" Linen Sale Is of Importance to Economical Housekeepers Tomorrow the great Annual Thanksgiving Sale of Table Linens will command the attention of Portland housewives who have Table Linens to supply The time of the year when the linen closet can be replenished with the best linens the Old World produces at prices that mean a saving from 25 to 50 per cent on every purchase This sale will continue through November Heavy-weight Satin Damask Table Linen, full bleached, best patterns; the best regular 90c values, on 7 A f -xv sale at this low -take advantage. 84c $1.25 price, yard- Heavy Satin Damask Table Linen, bleached, in beautiful .patterns; regular-$1.00 quality, yard Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen, best designs and quality; $1.50 value, at, yard Bleached Double Satin Damask Table Linen, J1 AQ : regular $1.75 grade, on sale at, the yard . . P rrO Bleached Double Satin Damask Table Linen, in a variety of magnificent designs and quality; best d! QQ regular $2.50 value, on sale at, special, yd. .P Extra heavy Bleached Satin Damask Table Napkins in the verv best patterns, large size, superior (jJQ QQ quality; extraordinary values at, per dozen. .Pfci.0 Special lot hand-embroidered round Irish 1 Pi! linen Doilies, in all sizes, on sale at. 1 lICB Extra heavy bleached Satin Damask Table Napkins, very attractive patterns, large variety to select dJO QO from; regular $4.75 grades, special, dozen. .PJ.0 Extra fine Satin Damask Table Napkins, in tC Qi beautiful patterns; reg. $7.50 grades, doz. .PJ.OJ Hemstitched Satin Damask Traycloths, 17x23 inches; the greatest values ever offered at this low price, ea..21 2000 hemstitched Satin DamaskTraycloths, size ,0 0 18x36 inches; regular 45c values, on sale at, ea. 50c hemstitched Satin Damask Traycloths for, each. .35 Fringed all-linen bleached Damask Tablecloths, the very best patterns, in large assortment; values as follows: 2-yd. size, 98 2V2-yd. size, $1.18 3-yd size, $1.38 All our fine Satin and Double Satin Damask Tablecloths, with napkins to match, all sizes, newest patterns, all grades, from $15 to $125 a set, at greatly reduced prices. The greatest Table Linen bargains in the city See them. Bleached all-linen Satin Damask Teacloths, 36x36 inches; regular $1.35 values, at, ea. Bleached all-linen Satin Damask Teaclolhs, "regular $2.00 values, on sale at, special, ea. . Bleached all-linen Satin Damask Teacloths, very pretty styles; the best regular $2.50 values, on sale at this special low price, ea. Complete showing of John S. Brown & Son's fine Table Linens in all styles and all grades; the very best values. $1.05 $1.55 $1.98 Muslin Underwear Samples I 111 10,000 drummer samples of fine Undermuslins to be sold tomorrow at very interesting prices 35 sam ple lines of the traveling men of America's largest and best underwear manufacturer beautiful styles in gowns, shirts, drawers, chemise and corset cov ers all the newest and prettiest styles, made of the very best materials and trimmings. All are slightly soiled or mussed from handling. We regrej that space doesn't permit our giving more particu lars. Oome prepared to share in the greatest Under wear bargains of the year, at the following prices: 75c Corset Covers on sale at, special, each. o3 Regular $1.50 Corset Covers on sale at, ea. . 89 $2.00 and $2.50 Corset Covers, special at. .81.22 Regular $3.00 and $3.50 Corset Covers, ea..$1.69 Regular $1.25 Chemise on sale at, special . . 79 Regular $1.50 Chemise, on sale at, special.. 87 $2.50 Chemise at $1.22 $3.50 Chemise at 1.89 Regular $4.50 to $6.50 Chemise for, each.. S3. 12 Regular $1.25 to $1.75 White Petticoats for. 98 $2.50 Skirts, ea., $1.79 $3.50 Skirts, ea., S1.98 Kegular $4.50 to $0.00 Skirts, on sale at.. $2.98 Regular $8.00 to $10.50 Skirts, special, each. $5.68 Regular $13.50 to $18.00 Skirts, at, each.. $8.95 Regular $1.25 Gowns, on sale at special, ea.. 79 Regalar $2.00 to $7.50 Gowns, for 98c to.. $3.97 Regular $1.50 to $6.00 Drawers, for, pair. .$2.47 $2.00 Silk Hosiery at 98c a Pair $3.00 Silk Hosiery $1.95 Pair 2000 pairs women's silk-thread Hose, in black, white, tan, grajV nile, QO inais, heliotrope; gauze silk and heavy silk, all sizes; regular $2 vals., pr. 'OC 1000 pairs of women's beautiful silk-embroidered Hosiery; rosebuds, J QC polka dots, etc.; handsome effects, all sizes and colors; $3.00 values. V I f J Women's fine quality black gauze lisle Hose, several beautiful patterns to select from; the best regular values up' to 65c a pair, special, the pair.OC 200 New Silk Waists Values to $14 for $4.85 Manufacturers' sample line of Silk and Lace Waists at a ridiculously low price 200 Waists in the lot. Taffeta and Messaline Silks, Nets and Laces made with fancy yokes and trimmed in Maltese, Cluny, round mesh, applique, silk embroidery, nleatine. large and small tucks all new, beautiful dress and evening Waists, from America's best waistmaker.! Colors are white, cream, old rose, light blue, pink, garnet, navy, . black, mode, green, light and dark plaids, nets and laces; open front or T A O C back; all sizes; values to $14 ea. for. . .pi'.0 J mm 3 Groceries Can Be Bought Here at a Big Saving Phone Exchanged M. d& F. Coffee 23c Per Pound 10.000 lbs. of Meier & Frank's famous Mocha and Java Coffee, equal to the best 40c' grades. Buy all you want at, lb... 23 All Mllehner Herring, keg Sl.lO 1-lb. Jar Chipped Beef 25 16 lbs. Dry Granulated Sugar for Sl.OO 1 gal. Log Cabin Maple.. .$1.25 H-gal. Log Cabin Maple 68V 1 box No. 1 Macaroni 45 10-lb. sack Graham Flour. . 30 Durkee's Salad Dressing, lOc, S5c and. . ..: -454 Lea & Perrln's Sauce, SSe, KOr and 854 5 bars P. & G. White Naptha Soap 254 3 bars Wool Soap ...254 New Walnuts, per lb 204 New Almonds, 2 lbs. for. . . .454 Electro Silicon 104 Franco-American Soup, - Pints : 104 Franco-American Soup, pts..204 Franco-American Plum Pud ding, 1 lb 354 Franco-American Plum Pud ding. 2 lbs 654 Welch Grape Juice, H-pints. 2 for. 25 Welch Grape Juice, pints.. .204 Duffy's Malt Vinegar, qts...200 2-lb. cans Sliced Pineapple. . 15 Sapolto. per bar....'... Bon Ami. 3 for 254 Fig Prune or Postum Cereal. .204 1-11. can Ghiradelll's Choco late. . . . S5 H-ib. can Baker's Cocoa. ... 254 3 cans Standard Tomatoes. . .254 Grape Nuts, 2 pkgs. for 254 2 1-lb. pkgs. Seeded Raisins.. 25o 2 pkgrc. Zantc, , CSrrants 25! I-t-mon or Orange Peel 254 Citron 25o Victor Flour, none better..Jgl,35 1-lb. can Victor-Baking Pow-. r 354 3 pkgs. Bromongelon 254 3 pkgs. Jello 25C 2 nn Fancy. Main ('nrn.. .25i 3 cans Carnation Cream 254 3 pkgs. Mincemeat 2iC C. & B. Olive Oil. qts 704 Blue l.nhel i'ntfinp, pin 204 Heinz' Catsup 20 2 pkgs. Knox Gelatine 254 3 pkgs. Malta Vita 25 2 1-lb. cans A. i L. Oysters..25c 3 cans Sunset Mackerel.. 504 t , - .