The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 27, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    RTLAND, OCTOBER 27, 1907.
I - r
First-Glass Merchandise
ought for 1907-1908
Established 1850-nFTY-SEVEN YEARS IN BUSlNESSEstablished 1850
Good March&odi.e Only Quality Conidovd Our Price Am Mway. tha Lowest
jlyn, N.Y., to Be Sold Monday at a Fraction of Its Real Values Early Monday Shoppers Will Benefit Much
v ; : ; rz - - . . s
Darlington Room-Size Rugs at Lowest Prices Known
These were imported for the Darlington Company of Brooklyn, but never delivered
to them', owing to the Darlington insolvency. Desiring to realize on them at once, the
importers sold the Rugs to us at far less than import cost.
Regular $35.00 Axminster Rugs, 9x12 feet, Special $22.95
Regular $32.50 Axminster Rugs, 8V3XIOV3 ft., Special $21.49
Pretty Axminster Rugs in an' unusual assortment of rich patterns and soft colorings,
in Oriental, floral and conventional designs.
Regular $50.00 Wilton Rugs, 9x12 feet, Special at $38.45
Regular" $45.00 Wilton Rugs, 8V3XIOV2 feet, Special $33.49
Biglow Wilton Rugs in large assortment of handsome patterns
"With all of the pretty soft colorings only found in real Persian rugs and Turkish
rugs duplicated. Just the rug for the parlor or library. "
Regular $ 18.06 Kashmir Rugs, 9x12 feet, Special at $11.49
Regular $15.00 Kashmir Rugs, 8'3xlQi3feet, Special $9.95
Regular $12.50 Kashmir Rugs, 9x9 feet, Special at $8.79
Kashmir Rugs are by far the most serviceable inexpensive rug that is manufac
tured ; looks just like a Brussels rug, sweeps clean and is reversible. Come in a large
variety of pretty patterns, with pretty colorings, just the rug for the bedroom.i
Tapestry Brussels Rugs Spl. $12.98 Reg. $18 Tapestry Brussels Rugs Spl. $1 1 .95
Reg. $20
Tapestry Brussels Rugs in medallion patterns and Oriental effects, the very best of colors.
Room-Size Body Brussels Rugs
Regular $35.00 Values $24.95
Regular $32.50 Values $22.95
Ton know how a Body Brussels Rug wears and how easy it is
to keep clean. Here you will find an immense assortment to select
from, to suit all color combinations. By far the most serviceable
rug manufactured; just the rug for the living-room or dining-room.
Pro-Brussels Rugs and All-Wool
Ingrain Art Squares Reduced
A large variety of carefully selected patterns, in all sizes,
reduced as follows:
Darlington's $7.50, 7ax9 ft. Rugs, Spl. $5.39
Darlington's $9.00, 9x9 feet Rugs, Spl. $6.95
Darlington's $1 0509x1 Qia ft. Rugsp. $7.95
Darlington's $12.50, 9x12 ft. Rugs, Spl. $8.95
"nofllTlrff rvn'c? ToQtliai frrAr At
iumnvmi o uwauiwl UVUUD Cost
- i
Magnificent articles worked' in leather, specially purchased for the open
ing of what was to be the highest-grade dry goods establishment in Brook
lyn, N. Y. A few choice novelties were purchased by our Leather Goods
$10.00 Horn Alligator Bags, $5.98
Genuine Horn Alligator Bags, leather-lined, fitted and very handsome frC QQ
in appearance, Darlington's price $10.00, sale price j.p0.0
Elegant $8.00 and $9.00 Bags, $5.00
Frogskin, pin seal, pigskin, suede and buffed alligator Bags, all new
and handsome. Darlington 's price $8 "and $9 ; sale price ,
$3.00 and $3.50 Walrus Bags, $2.00
New Walrus Bags, fitted with coin purse, card cases; leather-lined, fancy catohes
brown and black. Darlington's price, $3.00 and $3.50; sale ft
price......... pJJ
$6.00 and $7.00 Vanity and Parisian Bags, $4.50
New Vanity and Parisian Novelty Bags, very handsome and novel, in red. black
V ALL - t 1 1 . '
ana prown, miea witn purse ana caraeases, outsiae pockets. Dar- Cf
Sets, $2.48
lington's price, $6.00, $6.50 and $7.00; sale price
$5.00 Whist, Cribbage, "500"
New Bridge WhiRt, Cribbage and "500" Sets, in fine leather cases, all
colors. Darlington 's price $5.00 ; sale price
Skirt and Coat Hangers, $2.48
Handsome Skirt and Coat Hangers, in fancy leather cases of buffed
alligator and vaschette leather, bale price, a dJQ A Q
. set.
$1.75 and $2 Bill Books and Card Cases, $ 1
New Leather Billbooks, Cardcases, Coin Purses and Letter Cases
, for men. Darlington's price $1.75 and $2.00; sale J 00
Langton, Carriage and Backstrap Bags, $ 1
Now Langton, Carriage and Backstrap' Book Bags, in gunmetal
and gilt trimmings, in black, brown and red; sale $J 00
Seal and Fancy Leather Bags, $2.50
New matched seal, pin seal and fancy leather Bags, new novelties
mack and colors, assorted locks and fittincs.
Darlington's price $3.75; sale price P.OV
$12 Horn Alligator Bags, $7.98
10-inch real Horn Alligator Bags, leather-lined,, fitted with coin
purse, patent catches, etc. Darlington's price $12; dJ'T QQ
sale price P .IO
75c Picture Frames and Calendars, 50c
J?ancy imported Leather Picture Frames and Desk Calen- Cfl-,
dars, new and noveL Darlineton's price 75c: sale mice. OUC
Never before did a single occurrence so shake the manufacturing world as did the failure of
DARLINGTON COMPANY to ooen its exeat hieh-class store in Brooklyn, JM. Y. this
Jy of its chief promoter to realize on heavy real estate holdings, preventing his furnishing
n dollars worth of goods in the store or in the hands of the makers, ready tor delivery, tne
pects of heavy losses, turned to the leading high-grade dry gdods stores of the country for relief-
curing enormous quantities of merchandise at prices hitherto unknown on highest-grade goods,
tyle, of the quality usually sold in such stores as Wanamaker's, Marshall Field & Co., etc. Every
ntities of merchandise prodigious.
of Women's Finest Apparel
sts, Silk Petticoats, Pony Jackets, Rain Coats, Furs. Those women who desire garments
S beauty, of elegance both in materials and trimmings, will find them here at no less
s and at the very beginnmg of the season. '
Darlington's Fine Opera Coats
These beautiful Opera Coats are made according to the newest
ideas for the .Winter of 1907-1908, for Darlington's superb Brooklyn
jestablishment. All are made of finest broadcloths, with peau de cygne
inings and fancy trimmed. The greatest opportunity of its kind in the
hnnals of Portland merchandising. See corner window.
$35.00 Opera Coats for $24.75 Each 4
LVhite or Champagne Opera Coats, trimmed with tr a
wnite or light blue. Darlington's price $35, sale price I U
140.00 Opera Coats for $29.50 Each
White Broadcloth Opera Coats, trimmed with white, black, Copen
nstr.n sir irrnt imh. i . w
sale price ; . . Ip .01
l45.00 Opera Coats for ."533.75 Each
Gibson Walking Gloves
Reg. $2.25 Value, $1.69
Famous Gibson one-clasp "Walking Gloves, Dent
style, in smart tans and browns, all sizes, with
red and white spear stitching. Q 1 CO
Darlington's price, $2.25. Sale..
$1.75 Gloves, $1.39
One-clasp English "Walking Gloves, in all shades
of tan and golden brown, all sizes, prix seam,
spear-point stitching. Darling- , fljl OQ
ton 's price, $1.75. Sale price .... P 1 .0.U
One-clasp Boys Cape Gloves, in all shades of tan
and brown, prix seam. Darling- fl? 1 OQ
ton's price, $1.75. Sale price..
$5 and $6 Plumes, $2.95
$7, $8 Plumes, $3.65
$3, $4 Plumes, $1.89
Exceptionally fine Ostrich Plumes in black,
white and all the new colors, made of the
be9t African-grown stock. Darlington's
prices $5.0Q and $6.00 each; d0 QC
sale price P.I0
Sweeping Ostrich Plumes of the best hard
fiber, lustrous stock, at a price that will
create a veritable sensation. Darlington's
$7.00 and $8.00 Plumes CQ CC
for "Pa.DO
Handsome Ostrich Tips in all colors and
black and white; $3.00 to
-$4.00 values
Vhite Broadcloth Opera Coats trimmed with light blue, brown,
v,upcnndgcn or wnite. uarungton s price $45.00, CO? T
sale price ?00. O
Bargains in furs without a precedent in Portland merchandising
Darlington's Select Furs
Darlington's new Brooklyn store was designed to outdo every other
retail establishment in that city in point of quality a good point
about Furs.
$60.00 Mink Muffs, Four Heads..'. -. . $48.50
$50.00 Darlington's Mink Muffs ..$39.75
$40.00 Darlington's Mink Muffs $31.50
$35.00 Darlington's Mink Scarfs. $28.00
$40.00 Darlington's Mink Muffs. $31.75
$50.00 Darlington's Mink Muffs ....$39.25
$50.00 Fine Black Lynx Sets $38.50 $30.00 Eastern Mink Sets, $24.50
$15 Darlington Squirrel Sets $11.85 $10.00 Eastern Mink Sets . $7.98
$10.00 Isabelle Fox Muffs. .....$7.98
$6.00 Isabelle Opossum Muffs $4.90
$7.50 Isabelle Squirrel Muffs . $6.15
0,000 Yards of Darlington's Fancy Ribbons
$ to 7 Inches Wide, Values to 85c for 29c Yd.
0,000 yards of the newest Fancy Ribbons bought for Darlington's October Open
ng, including tancy plaids, Koman stripes, warp prints, and corded fm
aids, 4 to 7 inches wide. Values to 85c a yard. Sale price
' T.
ouc uarnngion unaerwear ar qoc
75c Darlington Underwear at 48c
Women's extra fine quality heavy ribbed fleeced Vests
and Pants, either white, cream or gray; well made and
finished. Darlington's price, 60c; sale Air
price. .' "OC
"Women 's gray or white merino Vests and Pants, vests
high neck and long sleeves; drawers ankle yf Q
length. Darlington's - price 75c, sale price. .. TsOC
"Women's fine merino medium-weight Vests and Pants,
nicely finished, either gray or white; Darling- r7"3e
ton's price $1.00, sale price ,, . JC
"Women's merino Vests and Tights, celebrated "Forest
Mills" brand, most perfectly finished and perfect-fitting,
65 per cent wool and always sold for QQ
$1.25; sale price OJ7C
"Women's merino Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves,
"Forest Mills" brand; fit and finish is perfect, a qual
ity known as the highest everywhere. Reg- &1
ular $2.25 quality, on sale at P
A Very Special Purchase of the
Famous " Royal "
Cape Gloves
Darlington's Price $4.50
$3.39 a Pair
Every pair absolutely new and perfect.
They come in the popular tan and russet
brown. Every pair fitted at counter. Full
16-button length, outside Beam.
900 pr. Pure Silk Stockings
Darlington's $1.50 Val. 75c
900 pairs of Women's F;ure Silk Hosiery' the
kind that sells everywhere for $1.50 pair. Black
and an assortment of colors, in sizes from yz to
10. This is the greatest value ever given by this
or any other Portland store. Darlington pyj
$1.50 pair, sale price 3C
40c Hosiery, 29c
1000 pairs women's Winter weight black ribbed Wool
Hosiery; gray merino heels, and toes, seamless OQ
foot. Darlington's price 40c, sale-price tOC
75c Hosiery, 48c
100 dozen women's very fine black Cashmere Stockings,
merino heel and toes, full-fashioned leg and AQg
foot. Best 75c quality, sale price v"OC
Battenberg Squares and Scarfs
Darlington's Price $3.75, Sale 95c
iooo Battenberg Scarfs and Squares in exquisitely
designed patterns in variety. Scarfs are 18x54 inches,
Squares 30x30 inches. Darlington's price $3.75. Q VZr
Our sale price 23 UL?
; Also other bargains in Fancy Linens from the Darlington stock.
P Darlington's Cut Glass
flllllP at Lowest Prices Known
These special values and many more purchased
from the Darlington Company are so good that they
will cause a sensation among the buyers who see
them. Our prices are almost half the prices marked
by the Darlington Company.
$3.50 6-inch Nappies, extra fine $2.23
$3.50 square shaped Nappies, extra value . $2.38
Q $2.50 5-inch Nappies, superbly cut .-$1.58
$4.00 Rose Vases, exquisite conceptions $2.23
$1.50 Sterling cut Salt and Peppers, pair $1.00
$1.50, $1.75 Nappies, assorted sizes 78c
$1.75 Relish Dish, remarkable value at ... .$1.1 8
$2.50 Bohemian b her bet Cup and Saucer $1.48
$2.00 Tooth Pick Holders, special $1.23
$2.50 Rose Bowls, less than half . . $1.23
$1.50 Perfume Bottles, richly cut 78c
$2.50 Perfume Bottles, richly cut $1.23
$3.00, $3.50 Perfume Bottles, special $1.48
$4.00, $4.50 Perfume Bottles, special $ 1 .98
$4.50 Vinegar or OiTCruets, only $2.78
$5.50 Vinegar or Oil Cruets, only. $3.48
$7.50 Fern Dish, exquisitely cut $5.98
$6.50 Water Pitcher, richly cut, special $5748
$4.00 Straight Flower Vase, very elegant $1.98
I I p" 1 '(jrf $5.00 Straight Flower Vase, reduced to .... $2.48