12 ; v, v yt MAP op INLAND X EMPIRE. jYj TLM spokane: lift. '-S5p&- THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 27, lp07. m ill ,4 4 . T, i.-ijS'.'V- : Vi;?";-.,-..:-'-:"" t It 1. The 'Spokane & Inland division at Oakesdalo, Wash', 53 miles south of Spokane. Passenger and freight service was opened to Oakesdale on April 15. 1907 , ' 2.- Mt Hope depot and substation, located 25 miles south of Spokane. Spokane .& Inland depots are built, of, brick, with concrete foundations, eco nomical in maintenance and fire risk. The sub stations are located every 10 to 15 "miles between Spokane, 'Colfax and Palouse, and serve to receive and reduce the current from the hiirh-tension line from tha power-house in Spokane. 3. Crabtree Station, on jspoxane s Inland, show-: lng type of granaries being operated this season on the rew electric line. A chain of 30 warehouses iff now in operation, each having a. capacity of 40,000 sacks of grain, or 50 carloads. It is estimated that ' fully 10,000.000 bushels of wheat and 40,000 tons of barley and oats were produced this year in terri tory tributaiy to the Spokane & Inland. Traffic agreements have been entered into with two of the principal steam railroads entering Spokane 4 The Spokane & Inland's depot at Garfield, Wash. 5 miles south of Spokane. 6. Coeur d'Alene Electric dock, where the Ooeur d'Alene division connects with the Bed Collar line of steamers for Harrison and shadowy St. Joe Elver, points. 6. Colfax tunnel, on Spokane & Inland.. This tunnel-is located a few miles north of Colfax, it being found cheaper to bore through a 200-foot butte a distance of 622 feet "rather than follow a one-mile detour of. th Palouse River 7 The Spokane & Inland at Palouse. Wash. 'Te enier Palouse at the required grade a long trestle was built, which obviates, all grade crossings. The road is now bein? extended, aonth from Palouse to Moscow. Idaho, a distant of 16 miles 8 Cour 0Alen Electric ; Terminal Coeur d Alene has grown from 1000 population to 8000 fince the opening of the electric line, in December, 1903. It is a lumber town, having six big lumber mills ' 9. Valleyford, 16 miles soutn'ot Spokane." on Vne Spokane & Inland division of the Inland Empire system. This town is but one year old. has a church, hotel and several stores, and shoxs what rapid growth is being made in tKe section being served by the " new; electric line ' -w 3& A - V AS-. - 1 !