The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 27, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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    . .
. , ...
Most Remarkable Sale
In American Retailins
Thousands of Dollars of Absolutely New Merchandise Intended for Highest Class Dry Goods Store inBrool
Established 1850-FIFTY-SEVEN YEARS IN BUSINESS-Established 1850
Good MerchandUe Only Quality Considered Our Prices Are Always the Lowest
Stupendous Purchases of Darlington High-Grade Silks and Dress Goods
The foreign-made Dress Goods purchased for 'the opening of the DARLINGTON store were bought through the famous house of Henry Kayser et Fils, 32 Faubourg Poissoniere, Paris, and were of a very high
character. These, with the domestic fabrics bought by us, are offered Monday at the most sensational sale prices of the year and the goods are the swellest novelties of the season.
$1.25 Chiffon Panamas, 98c .
25 pieces all-wool Chiffon Panamas, 48 inches wide,
in black, light and dark navy, cardinal, light and
dark brown, myrtle, etc.; Darlington's QQC
price $1.25 yard; our price...: JJ
$2.00 Imported Satin d'Laine, $1.59
48-inch French Satin d 'Laine a high-class dress
fabric, similar to chiffon broadcloth, without the
nap and with higher luster. Colors, black, navy,
Burgundy, gray, brown, claret and tan. Dar
lington's price, $2.00 yard; our Si 59
price t
$1.75, $2.00 Broadcloths, $1.48 yd.
950 yards Imported French Broadcloths, chiffon or
medium weight, in black and all colors, 52 to 54
inches wide. Darlington's price, fljl
$1.75 to $2.00 yard; sale w V
50c Nunsveiling and Albatross, 39c
5000 yards of all-wool French Nunsveiling and Al
batross, 36 inches wide, in a full line of 35 colors,
including black and cream. Darlington's OQ.
price, 50c yard; saleprice Jj
$2.00 Fancy Broadcloths, $1.39 yd.
1800 yards latest styles Novelty Broadcloths and
Worsteds, 54 inches wide; some are quiet plaids,
others are neat stripes and checks, shadow plaids,
etc., in all colors. Darlington 's price, IJ1 OQ
$2.00 and $2.25 yard. Sale price pi.J7
$1.25 Silk and Wool Goods, 63c
44-inch pure silk and wool French Eoliennes in a
large line of street and evening shades. Darling-
ton's price, $1.25 yard. Our sale price CO
just half yOC
$1.50 Tailor Suitings, 98c yd.
2500 yards medium and heavy-weight Mixed Cloths
for tailor suits, cloaks, etc., in dark invisible stripe
and check broadcloths, English worsteds and nov
elties; all. 50 to 56 inches wide. Darling- QQp
ton's price, $1.50 yard. Sale price. OV
$1.00 Colored Dress Goods, 79c
3000 yards new Fall Novelty Mixed Suiting in fancy
Panamas, invisible stripes and checks, for tailor
suits, shirtwaist suits, etc. Darlington's
price, $1.00 yard; sale price
50c, 60c Dress Goods, 39c yd
36-inch to 40-inch Colored Mixed Suitings, Scotch
Plaids and Plaid Panamas, some with silk over
plaids. Darlington 's price 50c to 60c yard. OQ,
. Saleprice :
$2 Imported Tailor Suitings, $1.57
52-inch Imported French Tailor Suitings, pure silk
and wool, in quiet styles, invisible plaids, checks
and mixtures. Darlington's price, $2 djl C7
yard; sale price : r 9J
$1.25 Imported Scotch Plaids, 98c
Regulation Tartans and Novelty Plaids, strictly all
wool Rob Roy, Stuart, Gordon, Foiles, Victoria,
Black Watch; also silk and wool plaids for shirt
waists. Darlington's price, .$1.25 Qftf
yard. Saleprice . 70C
$1.00 Silk and Wool Plaids, 79c yd.
For shirtwaists and misses' suits, a grand assort
ment of new Fall colors and styles; also 46-inch
all-wool French Plaids. Darlington's 7Qf
price $1.00 yard. Sale price.
$1.25 Plaids and Mixtures, 98c yd.
50-inch all-wool Cloth Plaids and Mixtures for tailor
suits and coats; in rich dark color combinations.
Darlington's price $1.25; sale 98c
$1.00, $1.10 Dress Goods, 89c
Check and Stripe Panamas and Worsted Suitings for
shirtwaist suits, in a full line of new Fall and
Winter colors. Darlington's price $1.00 OQ.
and $1.10 yard; sale.
$1.00, $1.25 Black Dress Goods, 89c
New Fall materials and latest weaves in black, in
cluding cheviots, serges, voiles, Panamas, Henriet
tas, taffetas, armures, shadow checks and stripes,
novelties, etc. Darlington's price, $1.00 QQ.
and $1.25 yard. Sale price . .' . V,
$1.25 Black Dress Goods 98c Yard
$1.25 quality newest weaves in fine Black Dress.
Goods voiles, Panamas, drap d 'Paris, serges,
cheviots, armures, melrose, 50-inch broadcloth, hen-,
riettas, etc. Darlington's price, $1.25 Qg
yard; sale.
, Sale of New Fur Cloakings
50-inch Black Persian Lamb and Astrachans, $3.75
to $7.50.
50-inch Black Russian Pony Broadtail and Baby
Lamb, yard, $5.00 to $8.00.
50-inch Black Curl Bearskinblack and red curl
and cream curl; sale, $3.00 to $4.00.
50-inch English Bearskin in yeam, brown, dark
red and gray. Darlington's price, ffO f
$3.50; sale
$4.25 Black Crepe de Chine $3.45
48-inch black Panne Crepe de .Chine., high "luster
satin finish, the handsomest fabric shown for din
ner dress. Darlington's price, $4.25 CO A C
yard, sale price. . . . . JJJ.tJ
$4.25 Black Crepe de Chine $3.45
48-inch black embroidered Crepe de Chine, the new
est fabric shown for dress. Darling- d O AVL
ton's price $4.25 yard; sale price p.xJ
$1.25 Imported Messallne 98c Yard
5000 yards . imported Messaline, the most popular
fabric shown in America for entire costumes. A
beautifulAolor line of light and dark col- QQ
ors. Darlington's price $1.25 yard; sale.,'OV
$1.75-$2.00 Pastel Plaids $1.49 Yd.
1000 yards new pastel colorings in handsome, plaids
for evening and theater waists, combinations show
ing all the new colorings. Darling- t JQ
ton's price $1.75 to $2 yd-; sale price. .P
$1.25 Silks for Evening Wear 98c Yd.
1000 yards white ground satin-striped and Print
Warp Silks for evening wear; a superior assort
ment of styles and colorings for separate waists
and extra costumes. Darlington's price QQ.
$1.25 and $1.50 yard. Sale price. OC
$1.75-$2.00 Pompadour Silks $1.49
2000 yards new Pompadour Silks in a beautiful as
sortment of combinations for evening and demi
costumes. Darlington's price, $1.75 Jf AQk
yard ; sale price v P
$1.35 Black Taffeta For $1.05 Yard
40-inch ' ' Gold Standard ' ' Black Taffeta 1 f C
from our own stock; $1.35 values. .. .P "0
$1.25 Black Dress Taffeta 95c Yard
24-inch chiffon finish black Dress Taffeta, soft cha
mois finish, made expressly for dress pur- QP
poses. Darlington's price $1.25 yard; sale-.fC
$1.00 Colored Taffeta For 65c Yard
5000 yards 19-inch Colored Taffeta in over 100 dif
ferent shades. Darlington's price, $1.00
yard ; sale price
36 inches wide, Darlipgton's price $1.50
yard, sale price...'
$1.50 Black Taffeta For $1.29 Yard
$1.75 Black Taffeta For $1.39 Yard
36-inch Black Taffeta, soft finish, for outside gar
ments. Darlington s price $1.75; QQ I
sale pliOW
$2.50 Black Chiffon Taffeta $1.95
36-inch black chiffon-finish Taffeta, superb quality
for handsome costumes, the best taffeta shown
at any price. Darlington 's price $2.50, d 1 Q C
sale price 0
$1.75 Print Warp Marquisette $1.45
300 yards Print Warp Marquisette for evening gowns
the newest fabric shown; 30 inches wide. Dar
lington's price $1.75 yard; $1 45
Border Crepe de Chine $1.05 Yard
5000 yards Border Crepe de Chine in white grounds,
specially made for neck scarfs, which will be very
popular this coming season. See to your hol
iday wants now. Sale price, 1 f C
yard ........P l.UO
Exquisite Darlington Real Laces
These Real Laces, imported direct from Europe for the DARLINGTON COM
PANY, are of a character not obtainable regularly in Portland stores. Ordinarily it
is necessary to purchase them in stores of the metropolitan cities.. They are the kind
that our grandmothers treasured as priceless and handed down as heirlooms from gen
eration to generation. The values are most extraordinary. Suitable for neckwear,
dress trimmings, etc.
At $3.00 - $38.50 yd. At $15.00 - $41.25 Ea.
Values From $4.00 to $50.00 Values' $20.00 to $55.00 Each
Real- Duchess Laces,' Insertions and
Galloons; also Real Point Laces; one to Real Applique Bridal Veilsvery large
ten inches wide. ! and full.
50c-$36.00 Lace Handkerchiefs, 38c-$22.50
Real Duchess and Point Lace Handkerchiefs and Real Princess Handker
chiefs. Darlington's 'prices from 50c to $30.00; sale prices 38c to $22.50.
OStriCh, Coueaher -BOSS
Darlington's superb stock, including black, white, gray, light
blue, brown, natural, brown and white combinations. A most
unusual and extraordinary sale occasion on exquisitely beautiful
selected merchandise. A Christmas opportunity.
Reg. $6.00 to $7.00 Boas at $4.35$8!
Keg. $1Z to $13 Boas at $9.45 C
Reg. $15 Boas on Sale, $11.45
Reg. $18 Boas on Sale, $13.35
Reg. $22 to $28 Boas, $17.85
Reg. $33 to $35 Boas, $24.75
$2.00 Chemise at $1.49 Never Before Did We Announce a Sale Such as Thj
French hand-made and hand-embroidered Chemise,
scalloped edges, eyelets.and ribbon, dainty embroi
dered designs on front sizes 36 to 46. Darling
ton's price $2.00; our sale t1 ACk
$3,000,000 concern, organized to do a high-class drygoods business, failed through the ina
pledged capital at the last moment. With the opening but a week away, with nearly a rn
very bottom dropped out ot trie whole an air. '
Manufacturers, importers and jobbers, in all lines, from all over the country, demoralized at the
$2 Corset Covers $1.49
We immediately dispatched our buying organization into every important manufacturing cente
including the highest imported novelties. The merchandise in this sale is only the newest Fall, ig
item is up to the Lipman-Wolfe standard of quality. The money savings are enormous and thi
Fine nainsook and .lawn Corset Covers, daintily
trimmed with Cluny and Valenciennes laces, etc.;
sizes 36 to 44. Darlington's price
, $2.00; sale price i p X
$1.65 Drawers for $1.10
Fine nainsook Drawers, made with deep flounce,
trimmed with fine lace, insertion medallions and
ribbon. Darlington 's price, $1.65; fc1 1Q
sale price p X XJ
$5.50 Skirts for $3.98
Fine Cambric Skirts with deep lawn ruffle, trimmed
with cluster' tucks, Val. lace and insertion; others
with wide embroidery and dust ruffle, fc O QQ
Darlington's price $5.50; sale price. .P"i'0
$1.65 Chemise for $1.10
Fine nainsook Combination Chemise, prettily trim'd
with lace insertion, embroidery and ribbon, with
trimmed skirts. Darlington's price 1 f
$1.65, sale price : . V1,1U
Fancy Blanket Robes at
Values to $6.00 for $4.39
Fancy Blanket Lounging or Bath Robes, with' wide
fancy border each side of iront, satin binding;
colors, blue, green, gray, cadet and garnet; sizes
36 to 44. Darlington's price $6.00. OQ
Sale price ' P'JJ
65c-$l Cambric Flounces 43c yd
8000 Yards Flounces Vals. to $1.75 for 89c
Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Flounces, 14 to 22 inches a q
wide, values to $1.00, for the Darlington sale, yd 40C
Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Flounces, 14 to 32 inches
iMamsooK auu wamDnc nounces, 14 10 32 incnes Qf
wide, values to $1.75, for.... OiC.
27-inch Swiss and Nainsook Flounces, Darlington's
prices $2.00 to $2.50 yard, sale price
Darlington's $2.00 Umbrellas, 98c
Women's and men's Umbrellas, mercerized glorias, steel rods, paragon
frames; handles are horn, silver, princess and boxwoods. Dar- QO
lington's price $2.00, sale price .' tOC
Women's and men 's tape-edge 'Union Silk Umbrellas, best frames, cases
and tassels; princess, gunmetal, silver, pearl, horn, ebony (J! 7C
and boxwood handles. Darlington's price $2.75, sale price. P A. O
Women's and men's Silk Umbrellas, black and colored, choice sortment
of imported handles. Darlington's price $5.00; sale ' Q
price Pw.0
lamngmu semens iycuuicu.
Full size Marseilles pattern Crochet Spreads, Darlington's JJ1 CQ
price $2.25; sale price i. ' pi.JO
Full size Crochet Spreads, extra quality, Darlington's price QQ
$1.75; sale price P 1
Full size satin Cameo Bedspreads, Darlington's price $5.50; CJO QC
sale price.... PJ.OO
Full size Marseilles Spreads, Darlington's price $7.00; sale 75
Japanese Drawn Linen Scarfs, 18x54 inches; -also Squares, 30s30 CCr
inches. Darlington's price $1.25, sale price....... JC
Fringed Bleached Bath Towels, 42 inches long by 20 inches wide; Oyl
Darlington's price 35c; sale price fcT-C
50c White Jacquard Waistlngs, 25c
15c Persian Flannelettes at 10c
White Jacquard Waistings, in a choice assortment of beautiful de- OC
signs; Darlington's price, 50o yard; sale price fciOC
Persian Flannelettes, choice colorings, .. medium and dark effects; 1 Cc
Darlington's price loo yard, sale price. "C
30-mch White Mercerized Lingerie Mull, Darlington's price,, 38c O l -
yard, sale price.
5-Inch Messaline Ribbons 23c Yd.
10,000 yards of 5-inch Messaline Ribbons, in black and all colors,
heavy quality, all silk, Darlington's price 35c yard, rtrj
sale price ; OC
Darlington Purchase and Sa
jt ' ;
' ti
h? ti f.-1 -Dili's 1
W: ' :f if . 4 -: 4Ji
Embracing Tailored Suits, Opera Coats.
of character, exquisite fashioning of surpd
tnan one-third to one-half below regular
Reg. $60 Broadcloth Suits, $38.7
Women's highest-class Tailor-made Suits of fin
quality broadcloth, in all the newest shades
1 if 1 '
xcamcr, Drown, green, navy, DiacK, wine a
Copenhagen blue, made 45 inches long, tight
ting style, lined with peau de cygne. The sk
are made in the new flare shape, with one d
101a. uarungton s price 50.00, tQQ H,
our sale price .pJO. ft
Reg. $40 Broadcloth Suits, $29.5
Women's high-class Tailor-made Suits of fine
wool broadcloth, made in the newest 36-
rince unap, singie-Dreastea sryie, linea w
taffeta silk. The skirt is made in the new
plaited effect with one fold. Colors are leatV
navy, brown and green. Uar- (Ann rt
lington's price $40.00, sale price. . . . . ,P"'H
$30.00 Tailored Suits at $21.89
Women's high-class Tailor-made Suits of fine
wool broadcloth in brown, navy and green, m
in the latest 36-inch single-breasted cutav
style, lined with satin. The skirt is made in
newest plaited model, with one fold. Darli
ton's price $30.00, our sale fj d
price H1
Reg. $6 Novelty Net Waists, $3.
An assortment of Novelty Net Waists in the po
lar ecru shades, made over silk, piped with c
trasting shade of taffeta silk; novelty V-yoke
fancy trimmed elbow sleeves. A suitable w;
. tor atternoon or evening wear. Dar- do A
lington's price $6.00, our sale price. . . .vm
$6.50 Black Taffeta Petticoats, $3.
in Tailor-made Petticoats of extra' Vim w nna
black taffeta silk, made with full circular floii
and trimmed with clusters of fine tucking; a
oust rutne. , inese skirts are made and finis
in the most perfect tailored fashion and are e
(full width. Darlington's price $6.50, to
our sale price p5
$18.50 Novelty Plush Jackets, $9.
E 1 -A
: r
Very Extraordinary. See Big Window DispL
Women's Novelty Pony Jackets of crushed p
in black or brown, made in the newest collar!
effect ; trimmed with velvet and fancy braid ;
sleeves with braid trimming; all lined with s.
uarnngtons price 3io.5o, our aq i
sale price... ....P'M
$17.50 Cravenette Raincoats, $8j
6o Cravenette Rain Coats in tan and oxford, rn
in a large variety of newest styles some in d
ailor-made effects, others m collarless and b
trimmed styles. Darlington's prices tQ
to $17.50. Our sale price pO.