9 SPORTING EVENTS IN RETROSPECT AND PROSPECT Trampfast, Winner Kentucky Futurity, Game Youngster. Multnomah Men Not Up Teamwork Are Out matched. in MURPHY'S GREAT DRIVING THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND; OCTOBER 27, 1907. WHITMAN VICTORY NOT SURPRISING FA HEW RECORD PULLMAN A TRIFLE HASTY Xlssen Out With Challenge for . Post-Season Game to Settle In tercollegiate Championship. - Willamette Postpones Trip. BT REFEREE. Multnomah's defeat at the hands of Whitman was not surprising to those who keep In touch with the football situation in the Northwest. The local clubmen showed better form than they did in their game against "Washington two weeks ago, but their team work was poor and they were no match for the well-coached sons of Marcus. It has been known for some time that the Whitman eleven is a strong one, and the wise ones predicted defeat for the stalwart Multnomah men before their departure for "Walla Walla. Whit man has a team that averages 174 pounds to the man, and every player Is a veteran. The line is heavy, the backs are fast, and every advantage is taken of the new rules. Burbanker, the Whitman quarter back, seems to be able to execute drop kicks almost at will, and if he continues this work throughout the season Whit man will be a dangerous opponent at all times. As the situation stands today. Whitman is one of the most formidable college elevens in the Northwest, and it would not be surprising if she should prove her su periority over the crack team of the Washington State College on Thanksgiv ing day. Whitman will have the advan tage of her own grounds for this impor tant game, and will also have Washington on the campus at Walla Walla. The Washington-Whitman game is scheduled for November 8. Whitworth College will play Whitman next Saturday, at Walla Walla, and on November 15 the sons of Marcus will go to Moscow for their an nual game with Idaho. Predictions are freely made that Whitman will win from Idaho, Whitworth and Waelhngton. and a number of well-known football critics ven ture the opinion that Coach Baird's youngsters will take Pullman Into camp on Thanksgiving day. The Walla Walla eleven is a strong one, both individually nd collectively, and the top-lofty Pull manites would do well not to underesti mate Its strength. Captain Jerry Nissen, of the Pullman tleven, has created a great stir In North west football circles by demanding a post eason game with Oregon. The purpose of such a game, according to Nlssen, is the settlement of the Northwest cham pionship. Nlssen goes out of his way to assume that his team and the Oregon eleven are the strongest aggregations in the Northwest, and that a Pullman-Oregon game would settle the championship question once and for all. Pullman has a good team, but her show ing thus far has not been especially bril liant. She has rolled up big scores against three or four second-rate teams, but has not tackled any of her strong rivals. If Pullman wins her games from Washing ton, Idaho and Whitman, then Captain Nlssen's demand for a post-season game with Oregon will be regarded as some thing more than a mere Joke. Oregon, like Pullman, has a hard schedule mapped out, and if she goes through the season without a defeat, a post-season game with Pullman or Whit man would be In order. The Oregon man agement seems to be content in looking after its present schedule, however, de spite the howl that la going up from Pull man. A post-season contest between the champions of Oregon and the champion team of the Inland Empire would draw the greatest crowd that ever assembled to witness a Northwest football contest. Portland seems to be the logical place for such a game, and If the exigencies of the situation demand it, the game should be played. Championships should not be set tled on paper, brt on the field of play. Challenges and demands, however, at this mage of the season, are, to say the least, premature. The splendid showing of the Oregon "Aggies" against Astoria has caused the University of Oregon students to sit up and take notice. The Corvailis institution ha a splendid team this year, and the game at Eugene on November 9 promises to be one of the hardest contests in the history of Northwest football. Corvallia began the season with a poor outlook, but Coach Norcross has been whipping his men into shape and they can be depend ed upon to give Oregon a hard tussle. Owing to the injuries sustained by a number of Willamette's best men, the manager of the Salem eleven canceled his game with the University of South ern California. This contest was to have occurred at Los Angeles last Tues,liy, but It has been indefinitely postponed. Wil lamette is scheduled to play Oregon, at Salem, next Saturday, and unless the Methodists show a decided improvement during the coming week the Eugene men will deafeat them by a large score. MCRPHY IS AGAIX ENGAGED Veteran Trainer Will Coach Stan ford Oarsmen Next Year. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Cal.. Oct. 26. (Special.) Dan Murphy, who for two years has had. charge of ..--e Stan ford crews, has be'en secured again by Graduate Manager Knupp to turn out the Cardinal boats next year. Murphy has an international reputation ae an oarsman and his work here has brought such magnificent results that lovers of the sport among the students are Jubi lant over his return. Murphy was at one time the holder of the world's singles sculls champion ship, and twice won the Diamond sculls event. His record as a coach has been an enviable one, his crews having been uniformly successful. He came to to Stanford in 1906, and undismayed by a green squad and the lack of ade " quate training facilities whipped into shape a four-oared crew which ex. perts declare would have broken the Coast record if the earthquake had not put an end to the sport. Last year came the introduction of varsity eights on the Coast' and Murphy developed a Stanford boat which romped away from California in the lntercolleg.ate re gatta. Later, this same crew, lacking three of its members, went down to defeat in the North in a race against the University of Washington. Murphy will arrive on the campus about December 1 and will immedi ately call out the men for Winter train ing. The outlook for a successful sea son is unusually brtght Stanford is practically certain of having six out of last year's eight veteran oarsmen In the boat again this year, and as Mur phy s strojee is already well under stood here his task will be a compara tively simple one. Bed Cross shoes for women. Rosenthal's. OLD MEN TO RETIRE Major Baseball Leagues Will Change Managers. TIRED OF BEING BEHIND Supporters of Near-Champion Teams Blame Defeat on Those in Com , mand and Propose Putting in Fresh Blood. The anvil chorus is now being heard resoundingly along the circuits of the two major leagues, and when the sea son of 1908 rolls around, it is a good bet that a number of new faces will be seen at the managerial end of sev eral of the top-notch clubs of - the American and National organizations. The principal object of attack among; the managers who have failed during the past season is John J. McGraw, chief of the New York National League team, and the cocky champions of the world two years ago. The repeated defeats administered to the so-called "Giants" in the past two seasons has caused the Gotham ltes to forget all about the handsome things they said about the scrappy manager when his "bunch of champs" won the world's honors from Philadel phia at the wlndup of the 1905 sea son. The New York team, practically the world's championship aggregation in tact, has been an easy mark for Chi cago for two years, and during the season Just ended was also trimmed most handsomely by Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and naturally the wise ones who handed out the gladsome dope on Muggsy's bunch before the season opened, have become quite sore at the manager and are now howling for his displacement. At the end of 190U the defeat ol the Giants was charged to the injury sustained by the great Christy Matthews, but this year that worn-out excuse failed to salve the patrons of the game and a change in management is now advocated. Such are the -ways of the baseball scribes and the critical fans. The other New York team is also having its troubles. With the excep tion of having been runner-up In the race once or twice the Highlanders have proved a disappointment ever since their introduction to Gotham so ciety, and the hammers are working overtime endeavoring to convince the skeptical that Clarke Griffith Is a bum steer as a handler of baseball talent. From last accounts it would seem that Magnate Frank Farrell, con troller of the New York Americans, Is determined to give Griffith another chance to make good, and it also seems quite probable that a much dlf ferent and Improved team will wear the Highlander uniform when the call of play sounds in the Spring of 1908. Even Napoleon Lajole is censured by the critical Clevelanders, who are not satisfied with a team fighting for the lead each year. They have become so accustomed to seeing the . big r renchman s teams up against the race every year, that they believe it is about time that a pennant should be brought home. Hardly any of those' who criticise the managerial ability of Lajole nave taken the trouble to figure on the number of cripples that team develops every year. The hoodoo fol lowing the Clevelanders is remarkable, for ever since the organization of the American League that city has been represented by a team which gets a good start only to experience the crip pling of one or more of the star play ers at a time when victories are re quired to retain the lead. Lajole should be given another chance to make good on a pennant, for he has demonstrated his managerial ability beyond a ques tion of a doubt, for his club has always finished in the first division, and at ;T . some period or other during the sea son has held the lead. Ned Hanlon has made his farewell speech to the National League. Six years of failures, during which time he has not ' had a team better than a poor second division contender, has proved that he is not the general of old when he had a three-time cham pion Orioles of Baltimore, and he has announced his retirement from the game as far as the major If agues are concerned. EACH ACCUSES HIMSELF Remarakble Controversy Between Two Murderers on Trial in Vienna. VIENNA, Oct. 19. A remarkable murder trial has begun here, the se quel to the murder in Leipslc on Janu ary 16, 1904, of Paul Hartmann, mana ger of an Insurance' company, whose body was not found until January, 1906. Then, following the arrest for fraud of a man named Hoffmann, Adelbert Blecha confessed that his brother, Franz, with Hoffmann, committed the murder and hid the body In the court of a house In Dresden. Hoffman at first denied this, hut was taken by the police to the spot. As the body wns dug up a decayed hand seemed to point to Hoffmann, and bro ken down by this ghastly Bight, he con fessed that he chloroformed the victim, who was then 'strangled by Franz Blecha, a man of giant strength. They got only $500 as the result of robbing the victim's office. Blecha was later arrested In Vienna for burglary, sentenced to six years' Imprisonment, but sent to an asylum as insane. Hoffmann was recently tried in Vienna, and the death sentence com muted to penal servitude for life. Blecha was tried because the doctors affirm that he is only pretending in sanity. There was a remarkable scene when he was confronted with Hoffmann. Blecha said that Hoffmann confessed to a crime he never committed. A certain Johann Pawlik, who later died In Jail, was the murderer. Hoffmann It is untrue. When Blecha communicated the murder plot to me. I replied. "Delighted." Blecha He lies. But if he likes I will say that I am the murderer. One is enough fer the gallows he or I. Hoffmann affirmed that both were guilty, and Blecha exclaimed again that Hoffmann knew nothing of the dead. I - 1 -(tfflW Sf-, Alii- A , . SS INTERSCHOLASTiClFOOTBALL PUZZLE: 'FicKTlhe Winner OFF HORSESHOE WO L STOP TS Coast League Tires of Eastern Encroachments. INSIST ON RECOGNITION Pacific Coast Ball Magnates Attend New York Sleeting of National Association of Minor Leagues to Claim Their Rights. Tomorrow New York will witness the gathering of the baseball mag nates from all the minor leagues in America, for the annual meeting of the National Association of Minor Leagues is to assemble at the metropolis and decide upon some highly important questions. Heretofore the Pacific Coast League has been represented at these gather ings by one man, but owing to a mat ter of the utmost importance to this organization a delegation has been sent to fight for recognition on a par with any other minor league affiliated with that body. , The American Association and the Eastern League have decided to im portune the organization for recogni tion in a higher clans than Is now en Joyed, and the former league threat ens to go outlaw unless the claim is allowed. On the other hand, the Pa cific Coast League announces that in the event that the two Eastern organi zations are advanced to a higher rat ing and no attention paid the claims of this locality, another outlaw league may be expected on the Coast. Both threatening organizations are being represented at the convention by de termined men and the powers behind the throne will hdve hard work pacify ing both and settling the mooted1 points satisfactorily to both. The principal desire of the American TRAMPKAST, WINKER OF THE KENTUCKY Association, most of the clubs of which are controlled by major league mag nates, is the privilege of drafting play ers from the Pacific Coast League, and the latter organization absolutely re fuses to stand for anything of the kind, for McCredie, Ewing and Berry believo they are subject to too much drafting on the part of the two major leagues, hence their intended firm stand on the subject. The large coterie of balltossers who annually winter on the Pacific Coast la eagerly awaiting the outcome of the National Association meeting, for on the outcome depends the stand they will take on the recent ruling of the National Commission relative to the playing of Winter baseball by ball tossers affiliated with clubs In organ ized baseball. The players will gladly welcome the desertion of either the Pacific Coast League or the American Association, or both, for they would then be in pos session of a - lever which they could use as a club to boost salaries or to compel their employers to permit them to earn a livelihood at their profession during the off-season. Under the pres ent regime, baseball is the only voca tion which seeks to prevent its mem bership from working during the Win ter months, which on its face is an absurdity. The Eastern clubs, both major and minor, and the Pacifio Coast League as well, to which these players belong. Is possessed of a mis taken idea on this question, and as long as the players do not fail to re port in the Spring, the magnates In control should be more than satisfied. If a ball player "is denied the right to play when and where he pleases dur ing the period he is not under salary to his regular club, he should be per mitted to do so, for it is much better to employ a man at his regular work during tho off-season than to have him put in his spare time as a bartender or hangeron of cafes and barrooms, as many of them do. The wise owls con trolling baseball do not think, or, more likely, do not care about this phase of the situation, but some day they will realize their mistake. Last season, in the Southern League, two ex-Portland players finished with remarkable records for speed. They are Ed Hurlburt and Tommy Hess, both of whom formerly caught for Portland. When the records for the season were compiled?' It was found that Hurlburt, who had participated In 107 games, had failed to steal a single base all season. This is probably the first time in baseball history that a ! J , J FCTIRITY. player went through a season without stealing a base in as many games as Hurlburt participated. Tommy Hess caught 117 games and got away with three steals, all of which -were made with a man on third base and, there fore, robs him of what credit there was attached to his performances. Hurlburt will be remembered as the man who, while catching Charlie Shields in a jams against Los Angeles In 1908, missed the third strike on Cravath and then contributed a wild heave which permitted the Angels to score two runs and win a game in the ninth inning. Catcher Schmidt, of Detroit, lost the first game to Chicago In the recent world's series in the same manner which brings Hurburt's error to mind. Proposes Big Negro Convention. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 26. Lieutenant-Colonel Allen Allensworth,- U. S. A., retired, one of the most prominent ne groes of the West, has addressed a com munication to Jhe members of the colored race in the United States, asking for expressions regarding the holding of a National convention looking to the solu tion of the race problem In the South. Colonel Allensworth is a Baptist minister of Bowling Green, Ky. His address says in part: "If we expect to hold the friends we now have and win the respect of the world, we must Improve our condition by a concentration of our moral and Intel lectual Influences in some organized form. Therefore, I invite all whom It may con cern to state their opinions of a time and place for a National meeting to discover if the negro is a disturbing element in the Intellectual and industrial circles in any part of the country and how the dis franchised negro can maintain his dig nity." Metzger & Co., Jewelers and Opticians, 2 Washington Street. 842 Specialists That Cure Men We Are the Leading Specialists. No Incurable Cases Accepted. We cure safely and promptly WEAKNESS, LOST MANHOOD, SPERMATORRHOEA, SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON IN ALL STAGES. VARICOCELE, HYDROCELE, GONORRHOEA, GLEET. OR ANT OF THE DISEASES COMMON TO MEN. Personal attention given all patients. MUSHROOM ISrSTITUTIOSTS. In selecting a physician or specialist, when tn need of one, some consideration and thought should be given to the qualifications, experi ence and length of time an Institute or medical man has been located in the city. It stands to reason that an institution that has stood the test of time and numbers its cures by the thousands is far superior to mushroom institutions that spring up in a night, last a few months and are gone. We have been curing men 27 years and are the oldest special ists curing men in Portland. We Invite those who have deep-seated and chronic disorders to call and be examined. Consultation and examination Is free, and carries with It no obllgatloa to engage oar services. WE CURB WEAKNESS. This Is to men who lack courage, whose nerves are shaky, whose eyes have lost the sparkle, whose brains are muddled, ideas confused, sleep restless, confidence gone, spirits low and easily depressed, who ere backward, hesitating, unable to venture because they are afraid of failure, who want somebody to decide for them, who are weak, run down and restless. It is to men who have part or all of these symptoms and want new life, new energy. We especially solicit those cases in which many so-called treatments have failed, or where the money has been wasted on other methods of treatment. Don't experiment when our direct method offers a certain means of cure by local treatment. Our offices are equipped with the most modern and scientific me chanical devices for tho treatment of chronic diseases. Our charges are reasonable and in reach of any workingman. - Write if you cannot call. Our system of home treatment Is always CERTAIN and most successful. All correspondence sacredly confidential. HOURS 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.; Evenings, 7 to 8:30; Sundays, A. M. to 12 noon. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL CORNER SECOND AND YAMHILL No Small Factor in Winning $5000 take, Say Witnesses of Bluegrass Light Harness 'Classic Good - Stock in Three-Year-Old. I Trampfast, 2:12U. who won the Ken tucky light harness classic the Kentucky Futurity, not only lowered the record of 2:13 made by, Jupe, but stamped himself as the gamest youngster that ever looked through a bridle. The roan son of thi Tramp and Medium's Last was driven by Thomas W. Murphy and the critics who saw the race all agree it . was Murphy' great driving that won the J6000 stake. Trampfast is an exceptionally fine indi vidual. He is tall and as well developed as a 3-year-old. He has the same pic turesque roan coat as his sire, but not as red as his distinguished near relative, Susie J., 2:0614, who was by an own brother of his sire and out of, a half sister of his dam. Trampfast has a cleancut head, sym metrical body lines and excellent limbs. Like most of the sensational trotters on both sides of his family he has a lot of action, requiring elbow boots, but his stroke Is long and sweeping and full of power. In a race he is well covered with boots, both fore and aft, and wears an eight-ounce shoe and two-ounce to weight. His best previous work before the Futurity was a mile in 2:16 and re peat in 2:16. Trampfast Is by The Tramp, own brother of that remarkable and much lamented stallion Jayhawker, 8, 2:U5, who died at 8 years and Is now known to. have been one of the greatest sires that ever lived, among his few foals being Jay McGregor 2:074 (the sire of , Thistle Doune, The Laird and Shakes peare): Susie J. 2:06; Allle J. 2:08; Country Jay 2:10; and Nella J., J. 2-.WA, a Kentucky Futurity winner. The Trams has no record, but trotted second to Fereno in the 2-year-old Kentucky Futurity of 1899 in 1:17, 2:17. He wai considered one of the sensational colts ot his day and was sold for $10,000 to the late R. H. Plant, of Macon, Ga. His sire was Jay Bird, the famous roan son of George Wilkes, and his dam the cele-. brated Sorrento, dam of five standard trotters and four sires, the latter in cluding The Bondsman, sire of Grace Bond, 3, 2:09, winner of both the 2 and 3-year-old Kentucky Futurities. Sor rento is by Grand Sentinel 2:27 (also sire of Santos, dam of Peter the Great 2:07. the only Kentucky Futurity winner to sire a winner of that event the latter being Sadie Mac 2:06). he a son of Sentinel 2:29, the own brother of Volun teer. The dam of Trampfast Is Medium s Last, by Happy Medium, the renowned son of Hambletonlan and old Princess 2:30;. grandam Susanne, by Countersign, son of American Clay and Hagar (fourth dam of Rilma S:09. winner of the M. & M. and Transylvania in 1837), oy Alex ander's Abdallah; third dam by Inglis' Hambletonlan; fourth dam by Harp's Haleorn. Gold Weighs More in Alaska. SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 26. One of the peculiar difficulties the officers at the United States Assay Office In Seattle are frequently required to contend with is the satisfactory settlement of slight dis putes which arise often between the em ployes at the office and miners who bring dust down from Nome and other Alaska towns. It Is not generally known, say the pf flcers, that a pound of gold weighed" In the North and a pound weighed in Se attle are different, the yellow metal weighing less in Seattle than, in Nome. Assay Office attendants have found it necessary to use spring balance weights only In measuring the gold and sand which is to a certain extent mixed with it. Out of 810 in gold dust weighed at Nome there Is generally from 15 to 30 cents missing when weighed in Seattle. Out of 81000 worth of gold dust the pros pector or miner will miss approximately $20. This Is an absolute truism, based on the experience of the Assay Office offi cials, and It is explained by the fact that Nome lies In the Arctic Circle. The flattening of the earth makes the weight differ. OUR FEE 1 O.OO Established 27 Years In Portland, Consultation Free We Will Treat Any Single Uncompli cated Ailment for B10.00. Absolute Guarantee No Pay Unless Cured DISPENSARY STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON.