The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 27, 1907, SECTION FOUR, Page 6, Image 42

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Oriental Building Re&dy For Opening
Nov. 7 List of Boxnolders Announced
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ONLY those Tfrho have been hard at
work for the past two months real
ize what a big task it is to get
things In shape for a horse show. The
officials of the Hunt Club have practi
cally dropped their personal affairs and
are bending all of their energy toward
getting things in readiness for the
afternoon of November 7. the date
on which the show will first open
Its doors. "Avoidance of mistakes made
la the management of other horse shows
has been the watch word of the local
management, and unless some unforseen
accident should take place, the arrange
ments for having each class ready for
the eyes of the Judges will be ready and
waiting at the opening hour of the show.
The Hunt Club has been fortunate In
being able to obtain a Dullding so well
adapted for holding a horse show as the
Oriental building, and those who go to
the show have a pleasant surprise raU
Ing them. The expense of constructing
the show ring, the boxes, reserved seits
and the stables has amounted to over
H0,000p) but the club officials, since the
club was first Btarted, have never done
anything by halves.
wnat is also going to assure the suc
cess of the horse show la the hearty co
operation of the prominent business men
of the city. Just at present the horse
how is the sole topic of conversation,
not only among the club members, but
those Interested In making any local un
dertaking a success. The members, of the
Riverside Drinvlr.g Club at its regular
meeting held Friday night, donated a (30
cup. The club as a whole will have a
box at the show and a special committee
was appointed to decorate the box. The
came will he done by the members of the
Multnomah Club. Several other box
holders have signified their intention of
decorating their boxes. These decora-
i t if
Who Will Enter Strlnn of
Horses I" the Portland Horse
' Snow.
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F. G. BufEum and Mrs. A. F.
Mrs. Gay Lombard.
John Kiernan.
W. B. Ayer.
Mrs. W. H. Colgate and Sirs.
W. E. MacCord.
John W. Considine, Seattle.
Dr. K. A. J. Mackenzie.
H. C. Campbell and C. F.
T. B. Wilcox. '
H. W. Treat, Seattle.
Mrs. C. H. Lewis.
Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett.
S. Elmore, Astoria.
J. C. Ainsworth.
"W. F. Burrell, Gordon Voor-
hees, Captain Biddle.
F. W. Leadbetter and H. L.
E. B. Tongue, Hillsboro.
F. O. Downing. ' '
Fred "W. Mulksy'.
Thomas Scott Brooke.
Robert Smith, Fred S. Stan
lay, J. P. O'Brien.'
J. Wesley Ladd and John A.
A. and C. Feldenheimer and
Adolphe Wolfe.
Miss Flanders, W. i. Burns.
A. M. Cronin and Miss Anne
C. H. Carey.
J. W. Gates.
S. Frank and Julius Meir.
M. F. Delahunt.
M. C. Dickinson and Charles
George Lawrence and Otto
. Breyman.
L N. and Marcus Fleischner
and Sol Blumauer.
J. T. Moyhan.
F. A. Insley.
Multnomah Club.
Riverside Driving Club.
. j NilllllL
n n n nr
tlons. together with the general decorat
ing of the lntenlor of the building, will
make a pretty sight.
Practically all the boxes have been
taken, and the sale of season seats
which began on Thursday at Powers &
Estes' drug store. Indicate that the show
will be well patronized. The season
tickets are transferable, and the holder
can. If he wishes, entertain friends by
giving them his ticket. The same Is true
also with the holders of boxes and al
ready a number of large box parties have
been arranged.
. The officers of the Hunt Club who have
undertaken to give Portland its first horse
show are: President, T. S. McGrath; vice
president, S. C. Spencer: secretary, J. C.
Muehe; treasurer, A. M. Cronin: M. F.
H., F. O. Downing. The directors are
D. A. Pattulle and Thomas Scott Brooke.
In addition to these officers, the following
list of associate directors will assist in
making the horse show a record-breaker:
Governor George E. Chamberlain, Mayor
Lane. G. H. Williams, A. I Mills, C. H.
Ladd, T. B. Wilcox. W. B. Ayer, J C.
Ainsworth, W. D. Wheelwright, TC. F.
Burrell, Adolph Wolfe, L. A. Lewis,- J.
Frank Watson, W. P. Olds, C. E.
S. Wood, Julius Meier, J. P. O'Brien.
L. J. Goldsmith, W. W. - Cotton,
Ben Selling, Paul Wessinger; J. N. Teal,
Sigmund Frank, B. S. Josselyn, William
Mackintosh, A. B. Steinbach, J. C. Flan
ders, E. Ehrman, H. C. Bowers, Dr. A.
J. Glesy, I. N. Fleiscnner. H. I Pittock.
H. W. Scott, C. F. Adams, Dr. Holt C.
Wilson, Dr. K. A. J. MacKenzie, H. L.
Corbett,. S. B. Linthicum, Dr. Herbert
Nicols. C. S. Jackson. r
None of Especial Note to Be Presented to Society This
Season. ' -
WASHINGTON, D. C... Oct. 19 With
Miss Ethel Roosevelt remaining In the
schoolroom under the tutelage of an
English governess. Miss Helen Taft, only
daughter of the Secretary of War. going
In for a college career In preference to a
tour of the world, and presentation to so
ciety with all the eclat of a Cabinet de
butante, and the Baroness Elizabeth
Rosen, the 17-year-old daughter of ths
Russian Ambassador sailing away No
vember to make her debut in St. Peters
burg and remain abroad a year, the den
butante ranks at the capital for 1907 cease
to be of National importance.
Miss Taft was graduated last Jujd
from the same fashionable school that
claimed Miss Ethel Roosevelt as a pupil
for five years, and. Is now establishing
another record -for scholarship at Bryn
In returning to St. Petersburg to pre
sent their daughter to court and Intro
duce her to society, the Baron and Bar
oness Rosen are following the traditions
of their land. During her two years' resi
dence In America the youthful Baroness
has formed no schoolgirl friendships,
gone to no holiday cotillions and attended
no football game. She Is never on the
street except In company of her mother
or governess, and has only recently been
permitted to go to the play in the same
company, A petite blonde, she looks
even less than her years, but Is very
thoroughly educated and highly accom
plished. , While the very marked fashion In
which the Baroness Elizabeth has been
guarded from all American Influences
has occasionally given offense to some
well-meaning mothers, who sought to In
clude her In their Juvenile company, most
persons recognize the right of the Am
bassador and his wife to bring up their
daughter. in their own way.
The Washington lifs'of this future belle
has been In marked contrast to her Im
mediate predecessor In the Russian Em
bassy, Countess Marguerite Cassinl, the
adopted daughter of the former Ambas
sador, who Is now at Madrid. The
CounteBS Marguerite came to the United
States from China, where she had lived
from childhood, and at the age of 17 was
the recognized head of her father's house
In Washington. For five years this bril
liant and beautiful girl held a most un
usual place In official life, dominating
completely the young social Bet, which
Included In turn the daughters of the
Secretary of State and the daughter of
the President."
Count Cassini's predecessor, M. Kotz
bue, on the other hand, refused to bring
his family to Washington, and. spent as
little time as possible in America him
self, making the education of his daugh
ter and her presentation In society the
excuse for his final retirement from this
There will be debutantes, of course,
20 of them, at least, several of them of
more than local Interest. Chief of the
latter will be M'.ss Martha Bacon, daugh
ter of the Assistant Secretary of State,
who Is credited with having declined the
post of Ambassador to Berlin, because he
and Mrs. Bacon had made all arrange
ments for. presenting .their daughter in
Washington this Winter. They have Just
taken a new home on Sixteenth street,
and will entertain extensively. Miss Ba
con, through her old family connections
in New York "and Boston, will also see
the social life of those cities
Miss Carol Newberry, dauglter of the
Assistant Secretary of the avy; Miss
Constance Hoyt, daughter of the Solicitor
General: Miss Eleanor Ridgley, daughter
of the Controller of the Currency: Miss
GaTrlington. daughter of General and Mrs.
B. A. Garllngton. are all candidates for
social honors. Among the resident fam
ilies there will be Miss Carrie' Louise
Munn, daughter of the- late Charles A.
Munn, formerly of Chicago,' who will per
haps be the greatest heiress of this year's
group of buds.
Miss Tulce Noble, daughter of the late
William B. Noble, of this city, and grand
daughter of the late Senator Yulee, of
Florida, and Miss Elizabeth Parker,
daughter of Representative Richard
Wayne Parker, of New Jersey, are two
handsome belles likely to make good In
the race for belleshlp.
There will be no debutantes from dip
lomatic circles, the Cabinet or Supreme
Court families, as the young people of
these homes are already in society-or still
In the nursery or schoolroom. Miss Elsie
Aldrlch, youngest daughter of the Sena
tor from Rhode Island, will come out
this Winter, and may possibly take part
in the late season in Washington, but
her formal presentation will be at the
family home In Providence. Senator and
MrB. Aldrlch have no house In Washing
ton, and rarely spend any time here be
yond the regular Congressional season.
Then they have apartments at the Arlington.
Composer Says "Electra" Will Be
Even Greater Than "Salome."
BERLIN, Oct. 19. "Greater than "Sa
lome, In a musical sense," one hears of
Richard Strauss' new opera, "Electra."
It will have Its first appearance soon
after Christmas. .
The story of the opera follows that
elaboration of the myth seen In Hoff
manstahl'a drama. The composer keeps
as strictly to this author's terrible text as
he d4d to Oscar Wilde's in the case of
Classical scholars ..will recall that the
story of Electra, daughter of Agamem
non and Clytemnestra, was a favorite
theme of the early Greek tragedians.
Sophocles, Aeschylus and Euripides. After
her father had been murdered by her
mother, Electra saved the life of her
young brother, Orestes, and afterward
helped him avenge their father by slay
ing their mother.
It is still uncertain whether the first
hearing of the Strauss opera will he In
Berlin oi in Dresden. The probability H
that Strauss will prefer Dresden, where
"Salome" was produced, for he has said
many times that he is averse to having a
premiere In this capital.
With Vegard to the new opera, Strauss
said for print:
"People wondered at 'Salome' i they
made fun of it, scorned it, then they ac
cepted It. They will wonder still more at
my 'Electra.' They will scoff still more,
but they will end by accepting It."
The orchestration presents the same dif
ficulties that were seen in "Salome." The
composer has endeavored to get even
more marvelous effects of color Into his
music. It Is said that in one scene the
music is actually bewildering in its pow?r
and intensity. This is the episode where
Electra rescues her brother. Orestes,
from the murders of her father.
Metzger saves you money on watches.
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