8 THE SUNDAY OEEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 27, 1907. FOR SALE RE AT. ESTATE. COZY LITTLE HOMES FOR UTTLB j MONEY. BETTER THAN SAV INGS BANKS. - - - All located within few minutes walk of on Mt. Scott trolley; we have branch of fice at station and wilt be on the grounds every day In the week. 1. 4 -room celled bouse, lot 40x125, 6 minutes' walk from station, only $675; all cash. 2. 4-room house, pantry and closets, 8 ' lots, well Improved, 12 fruit and other trees, berries and grapes, $100; $".50 cash. ii. ntrn Mure ktuuiiu, iiuiiuics wmiiv from station, (rood 2-room house." wood shed and chlcken-houae, all fenced; $900. $rod cash, ba). $15 monthly. 4. 4-room plastered house, nearly new, rood condition, lot 40x,129, city water, chicken-house and run, close to station, cozy little home bound to increase in value; $900, $250 cash, balance $10 monthly. 6.- 4-room cottage, Rood shed and work shop, chicken-house and yard, fruit trees, strawberries, flowers,, flne harden, beauti ful lawn, H acre ground, few minutes' wain iu tttiiun, an ieucni, uny wnwi tn house and on lawn; ground Improve ments alone cost hundreds of dollars, a cnjy lime no me worm more raonej , all cash. lights, toilet, bath, cltv water, lot 50x 10u. $14j0. 1300 cash, balance $20 month- " ly. 7 5-room, nearly new, celled house, 1 acre flne ground, 6 minutes walk to sta tion; city water In house and garden, a birgain and sure money-maker; $1600, $1000 cash, balance $10 per month. 8. 4-room cottage (cost about $125 to " finish), H acre ground. Tminutes walk from station. $1600, $600 cash, balance terms 9, S-room modern house, city water, also 1 four-room house on 1 acre ground, 30 minutes' walk to station; $2850. $1000 cash. 10 Good 6-room modern cottage, electric lights, city water. bath, good barn, fruit tr'ees, flne garden, chlcken , house and run, 115x100 ground, corner, oppoMte station; a very nice home; $2200, all cash. 11. Two lots. 50x100 each, 2 blocks from station; $450, a sure money-maker. 12. 6-room modern house, 2 lots, 50x 100. good basement, fine improvement s. - small fruits: $2300. $700 cash, balance $30 monthly. 13. Lot 75x100. near station, only $400, half cash. 14. 10-acre tract at Bell's station, on Estarada car line; will make nne build ing lots; $3000, half ca?h. THE C'ROSSLEY COMPANY. ; Specialists in residence properties.. 301 McKay bldg.. ad anti Stark sts. sJlO.OOO lOOxloo and splendid 8-room house; hardwood Hoots, modern in every particu lar; close In; E. 6th at., Holladay Addition; will sell house and one lot If desired; terms. $0500 Nice corner lot and new modern " 8-room house, nicely situated, in Irvlngton; tcrmf. $t00 Corner lot and new modern 7-room house, nicely situated on E. Yamhill st. ; terms. $3750 50x100. with old house, on Clay St., near 14th: nothing as cheap In this vicinity. g.tOOO Fractional lot and good 6-room cot tage on Belmont t.. near E. 17th. ... $15ai 60x126 and nearly new 6-room house; nice lawn, fruit, loo feet from car . line; terms. TV. O. WADDEL, 309 Lumber Exchange. i BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE: Near East 30th and Powell. 5 lots, 46x91, $R.V) each: streets Improved. Near East 6th and Brooklyn, 8-room house, $4250; $1250 cash, balance 6 par cent. Near 22d and Taggart. 5-room cottage, $2"0O. cash $M0, balance at 6 per cent. Other bargains. See AIKEN & GREER. 407 Ablngton bldg. $2400. New. up-to-date 6-room house; lot 50x100; cement walks: full basement; furnace, fire place ; nrst-clntrs plumbing; combination gas and electric fixture: china and linen - closets built in; window shades hung; close to car; easy terms. A. B. RICHARDSON. 614 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL IRYINGTON. $oR00 to $7000 Four modern 6 and 8-room house?; complete In every detail; best - of plumbing, open fireplaces and fur nace: full lots, 2 of them corners', west of 23d st.. near Broadway and Irvlng ton car lines. A. H. BIRR ELL, - 202 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark. ACREAGE 12 acres, all in cultivation; most atl bot tom land; fronts on gravel road; lees than half mile from railroad station, only 10 mllfi out: under fence; some bearing fruit trees; splendid land; no buildings; might take city nroperty in exchange. HE.VKLB & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton Bldg. BRAUTI Ft'L 1RV1XGTON. $R250 8-room modern residence; complete in every detail; hot-water heat system throughout hou.-e; built 4 years for owner; inside finish redwood and fir polished; corner lot: rhotce location. A. H. BIRR ELL, 202 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark. CONSERVATIVE FAST SIDE INVEST MENT. $18,000. TSxlOO. with, 3-story building: close In; paying over 0 per cent grops; will double in value within 5 years; let us tell you why. A. B. RICHARDSON, 614 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SAT.E Two flne enst-front lots, corner Cleveland avenue and Highland street. Piedmont ; also two east and south-front Tots on Portland boulevard, near the demptoriet Church; owners must selt. need money. O'Brien Realty Co.. Lumber Exchange. t INVESTIGATE THT3 BARGAIN, The owner of a ROxDo fv?t lot on Grand ave.. In the business center nf the Eist Side, has aked us to enjbmlt him an offer for his pronely. Say It must be eold. Eureka Land Co.. 411 Buchanan bldg., 2864 Wash. Ft. Pacific 645. Home A3221. OVER 400 acres of good, rich land, within one hour's drive of Forest Grove, thnt will be sold any time this month for $15 per acre; this has over I.OOO.OOO feet of timber. . some of It. good saw timber; a -part v will ing to take a third Interest In it. Inquire ; B 3.10. Oregonlan. STYLISH 6-room cottage, not quite fin ished; S lots. 100x120. in choice fruit trees, berries end garden; block of ea llne: $200 will complete and make it - worth $2500; price now, $1750; $1000. down. Portland Homes Co., 204 Morri - son st. HAVE you seen the beautiful bulldlnr lots we are selling near Hawthorne ave.. 'i the . district of fine homes, for only 550. li cash, balanc to mit Call at this office " and let up shw you thewe h-ralr. M. E. Lee, room 20 Raleigh bMg.. 8234 TVs ph.' wt. 13 PER CENT INVESTMENT. $o?VX 3 new modem 6-room cottage, corner lot. bath, etc., ffber planter, gas and lectrlc lights, sewers and all Imnrovements . In. Inquire 208 4th. Pacific 2125 or Main . S900. - $16 00O Tncome prope-tv. choice location. West 8!de; Income SI 032 per year: nlwevs - rented ; Improvements first-class: an Invest ment von will be proud of. M. E. Lee, room 20 Balelgh bldg., 3234 Wash. st. FORCED to sell; a beautiful 6-room bunga low, modern In everv derail. 1ut t 'n'shed. - located on one of the choice- Iot In Tr ' vinton: will tnke Jt-isno. Sec McGrath. Boom 30. Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d st. $10 DOWN AND $10 A MONTH. TJ a front BOx1 00 vt at $4 to : tret graded, and price includes cost of sidewalk; 6 per cent Interest: you will .have to hurry. Phone E. 3606 evenlne. XEW 8-room house, furnace, bath, cement basement, cement walks, etc. : lot 50x150; rinse In: onlv $4000, one-hfOf cash. La throp & Lawrence. 204 Lumber Exchange. $nrlrtfi noxioo on En- Msln. close In: has a 5-r-vim cottare. with streets Improved and rM for; vou'll want it If vou see It. WaMo F. FtewarT. 211 Commercial block. IN-VFSTMEXTOuarter-block on Third st., with eMr.e tracks: flne location for whole sale, menufsctug or warehoie: snap; """" $40,000; terms. 325 Lumber Exchange. 'LEAVING CITY And will -ell th home: new 6-room bouse. 1O0x1n" round and household 'nrnltnre for Jt'lV V- down. Write D 323. Oregonlan: no agents. $2750-0x100 on Fst Seventh, near Mill: has enough Income to pay expenses: good fu- trre to this nropert y. Waldo F. Stewart, 211 Commercal block. $220 6t1?0. facing the south on East Sal mon. cloer In than 20th. that Is a dandv: ree It Monday. Waldo F. Stewart. 211 i ' Com me r c 1 al bl ock. LOT 5126. with old hulMtng, near Jefferson : at.. West Side. $3500; $looo cash. Lathrop A Lawrence. 204 Lumber Exchange. . Jlflro vine full lot near good csrlln. 2o- rninute ride: all cleared and level. Waldo F. Stewart, 211 Commercial block. 6,a ) r -room rnurri ' ' m . nmn. eie"irif" - Ilrhts. lerge lot. f"rnpbed complete; near $5O0 HANDLE6 24 seres on city limits: flns -. e"il- all cultivated; very cheip; owner. W 884, Oregonlan. SPHINX AGENCY. 805H Stark st.. can sell your business property or residence. FOR SALE REAL ESTATK. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. $3500 Lot ooxlOO, with new modern 7 room house. West Side; walking distance; will give good termp; a bargain. $25 Corner 5)xl0. liti 6-room mod ern bungalow; a snap. $10uo Comer 50x100-. with 3-room cot tage, on carllne; a good buy. $305O Lot M'xIOO, on Grand ave., with 9 room modern house. $40XK Lot 60x100. with modern 8-room hous9 and good fireplace. $;650 Corner, ICoxluO, with modern 7 room house, beautiful lawn. $H250 Lot 50xlX. with new modern 6- moin hntLMe anti 1ft-ft llv $3250 each, two modern 6-room houses, 4 walking distance; a snap. $25u0 Corner with good 5 -room cottage: cIoeo to carllne; good buy. $1250 Lot 5rtxioo. with 5-Doom house; a bargain and good terms. $2Koo Lot 54ixlO. with beautiful 5-room cottage and good fireplace. $10.500 Beautiful corner with modern 10 room house; Nob Hill district; waiklng dis tance; good terms; a big bargain. $10.750 Corner. lOoxioo, in HoJladay's Addition, wttb 3 modern houses; one 9 room house with fireplace and two 6-room houses; this property is well rented and this Is a bargain ; terms. $1100 Corner. 100x100, on East Main street ; a good huy. $l50 Iot 50x90, on Mississippi ave., close to carehops; a snap. $7000 Comer. 100x100, on Thurman st.; good terms; a bargain. $3200 buys a beautiful comer. 50x100, close In. suitable for flats or apartment house; this is a big bargain. 2 acres close to carllne; all kinds of fruit. $3700 5 acres, good house and outbuild ing!;; lots of fault and berries of all kind; cloe to carlln a bargain. - $tt2o0 buys 11 acres; 9 acres cleared, with good house and outbuildings, young orchard; the best -of land; cloe !n and close to carllne; this Is a bargain. $150 per acre buys one of Lhe test 85-acre farms In Willamette Valley, In high Mate of cultivation ; all kinds of fruit, good house, good barn and outbuildings; this la an Ideal farm, mile of R. R. station and graded school, 12 miles of Portland, and good terms. For farms and acreage give us a call. We have lots of them on easy terms. JAMES & SIGGLIN CO.. Real Estate. Farm Land and Acreage, No. 141 First st.. corner Alder. Room 3-4 Oddfellows bldg.. Portland." Or. G1LMAN REALTY CO. That choice homestead property, being subdivision of lot No. 2, block "M." Tabor Heights, In parcels of 50x100 feet each, will b sold at rubllc auction, on the ground at Tabor Heights tomorrow. Mon day. October 28. at sharp 2 o'clock P. M. Take Mt. Tabor and Morrison streetcar to place of sale; rain or shine; easy terms. Go out today and lonk it over. S. L. N G I L V A N. .. uct 1 nneer. "HERE ARE HOME GOOD ONES." $8500 Double 9-room house. Fourth, bet. Harrison and Hal! sts. LOT ALONE WORTH $7000. , $6300 New 7-room modern house, lot 65x100. Willamette Heights. $400 Good 8-room bouse. 32d. bet. John son and Kearney, FULL LOT; about half ca;h down. $3000 6-room atory and half house. 21st St.. bet Savier and Thurman; part cash; WILL MAKE A FINE HOME. J2300 85x100. Kearney, west of 22d. $3 00 100xl0. corner E, SOth and- Couch. LAMONT & HARRIS. 306-7 Swetland bldg. $4100 6-room modem houae, fine large , bathroom, full lot, all Improvements, streets paved. concrete basement, Cleveland ave., near Sumner et.. Wal nut Fark; block to Williams ave. car line: opportunity to buy home- very choicest surroundings. A. H. BIRR ELL, 202 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark. CHEAP HOMES. 1 5-room cottaee. 2 lots, Axl00: lots of fruit; on East Stark at. ; price $1800, Vi cash. 1 5-room cottage, modern; 2 lots. 1Tx100, fine lawn and roses, lots of fruit; pries $2800; easv terms. JORDAN & GARBADE. 232 Washington st. FOR SALE 10 acres, fine location, near in. lots In this vicinity selling from $400 to $M0 per lota. O'Brien Realty Co., Lum ber Exchange. FOR 6 ALE TIMBER LAXT8. 20,000,000 FEET on Columbia River and sawmill. -50,009. COO ft., river and rail: good snlll. 8.O0O.000 ft. on river; small mill. liH,000,000 ft. A-l nr. Willamette Valley, looo acres nllina and teleuhona Doles. ' near railroad, cheap. other deals on hand. W e solicit your trade, both buying and selling. M'FAKLAND INVESTMENT CO., 310-311-312 Swetland bldg. TIMBER claims to locate, one 80-acre, 2.500,000 to 3.00O.00O feet good yellow nr near a good stream, easy to get to. 8u-acre, 2.6OO.UOO to S.OoO.OOO feet yet low flr, near R. R., easy to get on to. 160 acres, 2.500,000 to 3,000.000 feet $5K) worth of wood, 12 miles from gooa town ; this Is a relinquishment: all good Investments. Inquire 4-4 Third street; go ing out Monday evening. TIMBER BUYERfc. ATTENTION. Wo hava several attractive Umber prop osition ; call and Investigate; timber lands In Oregon, California and Washing ton, from 1000 to 20.000 acres. H. W. LEMCKE COM PANT, Sixth and Washington. 160 ACRES fine sugar pine, flr and celar; cruise about 5,OO0,mm feet; choice fruit land when cleared; within 3 miles of S. P. Rail road; plenty of good spring water; a bar gain for quick sale. A. B. RICHARDSON, 614 Chamber o Commerce. " TIMBER LAND, OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA. JAMES D. LACE Y & CO., Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle. 29 Chamber of Commerce. Porland. FOR SALE 16 miles south of Seaside, on Cannon Beach, Tillamook road, 145 acres, 4,000,000 ti m ber, V, ni 1 1 e ocean f ron tage ; fine place for Summer resort; make me an offer. S. W. Bailey. 387 E. Wash. st. AN excellent opportunity offered for invest ment in sawmill on tieep water on Oregon Coabt; controlling Interest. Full particu lars to bona Ada purchasers. Address T 323. Oregonlan. TIMBER lands cruised and estimated; charges reaaonable: will call to any ad dress given. Address William Brock, 803 y Washington st, or box 130, New berg, Or. 10,000,000 FEET choice saw timber, mill, planer and everything complete at bargain-counter prices for few days only. F. M. Batchelor, 215 Couch- bldg. . , TO TIMBER BUYERS. We have a specially good buy in a large tract of yellow fir; also some pine tracts. Sphinx Agency, 305 ty Stark st. 200.000.000 RED and yellow fir; best propo sition on Pacific Coast for logging "camp, with a good nilllsite: will sell at bedrock price. W 320. Oregonlan. I CAN sell your timber claim If there Is any ale for It at all. A. D. Marshall. 427 Chamber of Commerce. HOMESTEAD relinquishment; will exchange for city property; will assume mortgage. X 257. Oregonlan. TIMBER wanted. Or. or Wash.; large or small tracts. Sphinx. Agency. 305 H Stark. OREGON TIMBER CO. Timber land bought and sold. 403-4 McKay bldg. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED To buy .timber claim relinquish ment or homestead timber relinquishment. O 3.19, Oregonlan. WANTED A good homestead relinquishment, well timbered ; will deal with owner only. J.R2R. Oregonlan. WANTED FARMS. WANTED To buy a good farm from owner of about 50 to 100 acres; prefer land on the river or . carllne; give full description and price. N 820. Oregonlan. WANTED AND rni BALE LAND SCRIP. ALL kinds. Including approval forest re serve scrip, for surveyed, unsurveyed tim ber and prairie Government rand. H. M. Hamilton. The Portland, Portland, Or. TO LEASE. 100x100 CORNER, center of St. John, Or., will lease for term of years for first-class hotel; some man with money can make a fortune. P 323, Oregonlan. WAN TED REAL ESTATE, "THE bee that gets the honey doesn't hang around the hive." That's the reason why we are enabled to get hold of bargains in all kinds of residence properties we're after good properties all the time and give, our patrons the benefit of our hustling. Every woman knows what a task house bunting is; let us take the work off youi shoulder; let us know what kind of a - property you want and we will get it tot you If it is possible to do so. THE CRObSLEY COMPANY. . Specialists in Residence properties, 301 McKay Building, Third and Stark Sts. $6000 WAITING to buy ciose in. West Side, modern 6 to S-room house; need four bed rooms; prefer one- story; owners; write address and price to G 327, Oregonlan. Phone (week days) Main &0G6. LIST your homes and vacant property with us for results; also have a customer for some good income property. E. R. Mark ham & Co., 209-210. Commercial block. WANTED Houses In any part of this city. We can sell them. MALL & VON BORSTEL. 104 Second and 392 E. Burnslde sts. BUYERS waiting for homes from. $1500 to $50C0; now is the time, today; don't wait for tomorrow. G. S. Draper, 343 Vi Wash ington est., rooms 3 and 4, cor. 7th. I WANT a 6 to 7-room modern; will pay $-50 cash and balance as rent; must be close in or near carllne; bunnyside pre ferred. M 316 Oregonlan. WANTED A home of about 8 rooms: must be modern, nicely situated In gcod locality, on West Side; will pay cash for a bar gain. A 331, Oregonlan. WANTED Two to 20 acres suitable for lot ting; arteo 40 to 100 acres suitable for acre tracts; give full description, location and price. T 332, Oregonlan. I WILL take an equity In a good building lot as a first payment on a modern 5-room cottage; balance may be paid on easy terms. C. W. Davis, 270 Stark st, WANTED Improved property from $fO00 to $12,000, or to loan $8000 on improved prop erty, all centrally located. T 322, Oregoaian. I CAN sell any good residence In Irvlngton; send me what you have and J. will sell It. A. D. Marshall, 427 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED 4 or 5-room cottage; small pay ment plan ; wilt deal with owners only; agents save stamps. K 330, Oregonlan. WANT to 'buy from owner lot on Bast Side; must be weert of Union ave.; state price and exact location. H 331, Oregonlan. TEN to 20 acres on suburban line; will ex change new bungalow; four lots, highly Im proved. Phone owner. Union 3522. . WANTED Eastern buyer wants fancy 5 to 6 room cottage or bungalow; select district; no agents. J 324. Oregonlan. WANTED Direct from owner, an Improved farm; give description, legal numbers, price and terms.- T 333, Oregonlan. WANTED 6 to 7-room house, good condition; fractional lot; West Side; $4000 to $5000 . cash. B 332, Oregonlan. 6-ROOM modern house or lot. choice dis trict; give particulars; lowest cash price. D 331, Oregonlan. WIIJj pay cash for bargain unimprovced city or suburban property; give particulars. G 3.'18, Oregonian. WANTED To buy lots or acres in Pasco. Washington. Addreas M. R. Wood, box 172, Seattle. WANTED 5, 7-room home, $1000 cash, bal ance time. Owners or agents. S 317, Oregonlan. WANT piece ground suitable for small busi ness; with old building preferred. S 321, Oregonian. WANTED To buy two 5 or 6-room cottages; must be easy payments. M 318, Oregonian. WANTED Modern home In South Portland; cash; owners only. B 331, Oregonlan. ALL kinds of property wanted by F. Du bois. Washington bldg.. room 3. TO EXCHANGE. WHAT have you to trade for elegant resi dence and two 8-room cottages In Eastern city of 15,000. 2 hours from Chicago; aisw finest gentleman's country seat site of 12 acres on banks bf Hudson River, with finest scenery of mountains. rivers and cities In ,he world; 2 hours from N. . City and from 1 to miles from 3 other cities. Owner, O 300. Oregonlan. EXCHANGE A Hood River farm for port land real estate. It pays to see us. CHAPIN 4 HERLOW. 425 Chamber of commerce. t Phone Main 1652. 6 ACRES near Clackamas station, splendid 7-room house, good barn, cow. horse, wag on and chickens. Lots of fruit trees ou place; to trade for house and lot. W. W. Zollars, room 32 Washington bldg. Phone Main 3586. MILLINERY business for a small house or lot in Portland; established business on East tilde, at bargain. 80 acres of choloe land for Portland home. COAST COMMERCIAL CO., 504 Dekum. ROOMING-HOUSE. 12 rooms, part house keeping, all rented, right In center of city, r- rent $45; will trade for suburban house and lots equal value; price $SO0., P 332, Oregonian. FOR sale or exchange. :fl0-aere fruit and stock farm, at White Saimon, Wash., for Portland property. Address John Lealand Henderson. Hood River. Or. 10 ACRES choice unimproved fruit land near Silverton, value $400,. to exchange for Oregon Trust deposits at 0c on the dollar. 1411 Rodney ave. DESIRABLE Salt Lake" residence properties to trade for Portland property or timber lands. Causey Land' & investment Co., 506-7 Swetland bldg. 160-A-JKE farm near Columbia River in ' Skamania County. Washington, in ex change for ilty property. 620 Marquam bulldirg. DENTAL office, advertising. fine corner. low rent, long lease; will sen or exenange for property of equal value, p 330, ore gonlan. WILL exchange rooming-house, 33 rooms. 3 years' leape, for city real estate worth $2500. Write me today. E 326. Oregonian. 160 ACRES alfalfa land near Lo Angeles. Cal.. to exchange for Oregon property. P. C. Lassen A Co., 294 3d St., Portland. PARROT Good talkr, for sale or exchange for film kodak or phonograph. F. Chandler, 4W8 Mill st., near 14th. Forenoons. WOULD like to hear from party having va cant lots to exchange for a fine residence. East Side. T 321. Oregonian. A $52 EH era' piano certificate for ducKs or chickens or what have you to trade T Phone Tabor 566. HORSE to trade for top buggy ancTsaddit. Call grocery store cor. Union ave. and Falling st. north. WILL exchange equity In East Side lote for furniture or piano. Address F a34, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS automobile, runabout, as part payment on lot In good locality. F 324, Oregonlan. CARPENTERS, plasterers wanted, who will exchange work for lot close In. d 325, Ore gonlan. VALUABLE lot for furniture, piano, desks or gun as part payment. W 338. Orego nian. WILL trade good lot or lots for old law books. 311 Commercial block, phone Main . 8109. NEW modern house, will take good vacant property part payment 3 322, Orego nian. - REAL estate for Oregon Trust A Savings de posit. A ins worth Smith, 3G9 Wells-Fargo. WILL trade for what you have. L. Ains worth Smith. 300 Wells Fargo bldg. $150 WORTH of -merchandise to trade for what you have. W 831. Oregonian. HOOD RIVER apple land for sale. Call Main or A 1685. FOR RENT FARMS. F 1 1 ' ...... 1 HOOD RIVER apple and hay ranch; want man not afraid of work: family preferred. Team and implements furnished. Work all Winter. Call forenoons 498 Mill, near 14th and see owner. F. Chandler. FOR SALE FARfS. ACREAGE In large or .small tracts for gar dening, small fruits, chicken ranch or general farming; we can suit you. Sphinx Agency. 305 H Stark st. 20 ACRES, all clear, fenced. 7 miles from city. 1 mlie from Gates Crossing; $3000; a snap. Investigate. 132V6 6th it. H. W. Lerncke Co. FOR SALEFARMS. SPECIAL FARM INVESTMENTS. 16t-acre farm, situated In Cowlltx Coun . ty, Washington, H mile frem boatianaing, R. R. station and good school; substan tial improvements, consisting of a good 6 room house, large barn, granary, dairy and all necessary outbuildings. This farm is well fenced and cross-fenced, has abun dance of living water, more than 8t acres under the plow, a large and prontabie orchard consisting of more than 30o select cherry trees, and a large variety of otner fruit, a good team, 3 cows, 300 chickens, 20 stands of bees, plenty of feed to- carry stock through the Winter; only $3750 . per acre. 24 6 9-16 acres of flne hill land. 22 miiee ' southwest of Portland. 70 acres unoer plow. 30 acres more could be iut under tillage by a few weeks' work, about 2-5 more slashed and seeded, the remainder in timber and brush, of which 40 acres are fine pi 1 ins; and tie timber; there is con siderable cedar, and about 1,000.000 feet of saw timber; sawmill on the placet buildings connected with It go with tno farm, it is splendidly watered with nn springs of living water, soil excellent fields all fenced and cross-fenced, a goou family orchard, house of 8 rooms, plas tered and well finished, large woodshed. other outbuildings, blacksmith's snop witn ' iooib complete, z acres or young cnerry trees, about 5 acres of young walnut trees. 15 tons of hay. 360 bushels of oats. hh bushels of wheat go with place. The stocx Includes 3 horses. 3 cows, 20 pigs, 2 brood sows. 14 stock hogs, 16 goats, while inn implements consist of mower, "rake, disc drill, disc harrow, 3 plow's, 2 drag bai rowa, l cultivator, 2 wagons, l hack. 1 buggy, 1 hand garden seeder, cream sep arator, 2 incubators, besides farm ana garden tools too numerous to mention. Will take a smaller farm as part of tne purchase price. Price $10,000. All the above described farm Implements are new, while the farm has telephone and R. F. D. and lies close to school and church. Well-equipped farm near Tigardvllle, 12 miles from Portland, mile to school. 01 80 acres, 70 of which is in a high state of cultivation, 5 acres of fine timber, 5 in pasture, well fenced, with good buildings. Everything goes with the place, including cattle, pigs, fine team of horses, wagon, hack, some 23 tons of hay, 300 bushels or oats, 100 bushels of wheat, splendid prune orchard and dryer, etc. Price $8500. This is an exceptional bargain, the owner leav ing owing to Illness. 40 acres. 11 miles west of Portland, all Improved, fair buildings, good fences, family orchard, the best of ; land, oniy $35M). 40 acres rich land near Tigardvllle, only $1600. A very fine dairy farm, no better 00 acre farm in Clark County, near proposed streetcar line, located in a good nelghbor- hood, handy to school, church, store; has telephone and R. F. D.. a new barn, wx 66. cement foundation ; 11 high-grade dairy cows, young team, 4 and 5 years old, all farm implements in good condi tion, 50 tons of hay, all dairy and farm machinery, poultry; a flne stream on the place. All for $3250. - - 20 acres on Base Line road, 9 miles out. 6 improved; $4000. If you are looking for a farm anywhere In the Northwest, call and see me. I have a large list of Oregon and Waahlngtoa farms. ALFRED A. fiAKER, Real Estate. 21p-2l6 Ablngton Bldg. HOW about that houe and lot you have several miles out? Would It not be better to sell it now when you can get a good frici for it, and buy a nice little place out n the country, where you could be quite independent ir the hard times should come again? Here are a few bargains from Forest Grove. Or. : 1. 4 acres of land, close to town, with house and barn and good orchard ; price f 1 IW. 2. 12$ acres, with fine house and good barn, family orchard; all the land is un- . der cultivation and in flne shape; $3300. 3. 18-acre fruit farm, house and- barn, 5 acre in bearing prunes, new fruit dryer goes with place; price $1500. 4. 4y acres stock range; only $1000. For further particulars call on or write to Fores t Gro v e Real Est at e Co. , Fore st Grove, Or. CHOICE FARM BARGAINS. $2600 Nice 10-acre well-Improved fruit . farm close to cannery and Newberg College; lovely home and moneymaker. $4500 For an 80-acre well-Improved farm. 13 miles from Portland, good buildings and best of soli; 30 acres in timber with more cordwood than to pay for the place. Easy terms. $-15 per acre for a 400-aere river bottom farm, fronting 2 navigable rivers; firet-class buildings and soil. There Is enough timber left to pay for the farm with cordwood, sold to the boats; 1-3 cash, balance 10 years 6 per cent. f If you want to buy a good farm of any alze and kind and want to buy right, see F. FUCHS. 221 Morrison st. FARM LANDS CHEAP. 2 54 sections In Columbia Co., unimproved best Al farm land, good Improved farms, close to these lands, each J4 section has about flOOO.000 feet of good timber, Ne halem River runs close to these lands, and R. R. surveyed near them, here is a chance to get a good, ranch cheap. Price $2500 for 1 quarter and $2000 for the, other or will trade for good Income property In -city. BALL & BROWN, 709 Swetland bldg., 6th and Washington. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. 2 acres, partly cleared; lies well; best of soil and can bo put in first-class condl dltlon for orchard at $30 per acre; 8 miles from Hood River, convenient to school, store, etc.; 6-year-old orchard close by recently sold for $1000 per acre; this place can be had at the very low price of $75 per acre; If Interested in Hood River lands,' call at our office for full Information. DEVLIN &, FIREBAUGH, 60S-5C9 Swetland bldg., cor. 5th and Wash. 720 ACRES Sherman County wheat land all undr- cultivation with good Improvements. This farm is near railroad and In the best wheat-raising district in the county. Can be bought for $40 per acre; $S000 down, bal ance on easy terms If taken before seeding ' season commences. Will pay for Itself In 4 years. Investigation invited. Write or call on C. E. Johnson, Moro, Or. 325 ACRES good soil, part cleared and in cul tivation, about 9 miles from Portland, neifcr new carllne, 10-acre orchard, fair house and barn, enough wood can be cut from place to pay price asked. Only $65 per acre; must sell to settle estate. Terms. , CALL ON US. Columbia Trutit Company, Couch Bldig., 109 4th st., near Washington. IF SOLD THIS MONTH. $2400 will buy a 40-acre farm on pro posed Mt. Hood R. R.. 17 miles from Port land, half under cultivation, good orchard, abundant spring water, 3-room bouse and large barn. A. B. RICHARDSON, 614 Chamber of Commerce. FARM LAND FOR SALE. 35 acres choice land, including 7 acres hops, yielding this year 15,000 lbs. ; all kinds fruit trees, including 200 English walnuts; good shipping facilities, steamers landing on premises; situated 30 miles from Portland, at Yeagers landing. Marlon Co., Or. Apply at 207 Oregonlan bldg. 320 ACRES situated In best wheat belt In . Sherman County; has good house, barn and outbuildings and water In abundance; yield 1907 was 32 bushels per acre. Railroad within J4 mile of houee; $40 per acre; $3000 down, balance deferred payments. Address or call on C. E. Johnson. Moro, Or. 6-ACRB tracts near Vancouver. 24 miles from ferry landing, partly cleared, lay nice, good soil, water easily gotten. They are snaps for $300 up. on terms. CALL ON VS. Columbia Trust Company. Couch B!d., 109 4th st., near Washington. 20 ACRES near Greshnm. all in cultivation, at a bargain a few days; 160 acres near Gresham, 35 In cultivation, fine spring water In house, some good timber, price 550 per acre, if sold by Nov. 10. 1907. Gresham Real Estate Co., Gresham. Or. SUBURBAN RANCH CHEAP. gfSOOO will buy this ranch. The improve ments alone cost as much as owner asks for the whole place; $1500 will handle this. Eureka Land Co., 411 Buchanan bldg., 2S6V Wash at. Pacific 645, Hoie A3221. 5000 SHEEP, $4 per head; 8000 acres land. $5 per acret 250 tons new hay, $0 per ton; four horses, farm Implements. $1000; 150 ' head cattle. $20 pvr head. See James Connolly. Burnet Ranch, Crook County, Oregon. FARM. 19 r acres. 7-room house. 350 fruit trees. 7 acres cleared: plenty wood, water, outbuildings, for $1800; half cash down; easy terms for balance. A. Franti, Knappa. Or. 25 ACRES fine rich eoll, level, under culti vation: few miles from city; half mile to electric car; $200 per acre; terms. Seng stake & Lyman. 90 fith st . near Stark. BEST BARGAINS 110-acre farm, $1800; 160 . acre farm. $3000 ; 40 acres, $1500; 1000-acre , dairy ranch, complete. $35 per acre. Joseph Parker. Hoi brook. Or. KLAMATH CO. 560 acres fenced, own Irri gation. 300 acres meadow, lOO acres tame bay, stock and buildings; $13,500, terms. C 330. Oregonian. CENTRAL OREGON, good lands cheap, for ale by Van Tassel ft Davis. Write or call ou them for information. Madras." Crook County, Oregon. FOR SALE 20 acres. 1 miles east of Clackamas Station: all cleared bottom land: price $2000. Inquire 168 East 6th. 160 ACRES. 24 head cattle, $2250. 80 acres. 10-room house. $1306; 40 acres on bay, $700. v O. MIddtekauff, Yaqulna, Or. FOR SALE FARMS. THE VETERAN LAND CO. $7500 for one of the finest 20-acre places In the vicinity of Portland; rich- sandy loam, all tillable, fine orchard. In full bearing. 5 acres In strawberries, good house and outbuildings; barn full of. hay, wood for two seasons, very flne horse and cow, 1 acres potatoes; the whole place in the pink of condition; $2500 cash will secure this splendid property. Don't fall to see us about it. Easy terms on the balance. jiToO 80 acres 86 miles east of Caxa dero. covered with second growth 10-lnch stuff; land flne for fruit or dairying; this is less than $9 an acre and It won't last long at the price., 280 acres near Estacada; 100 acres In cultivation, 75 In timber. 40,000,000 In eaw timber. 12 acres In all klntfs of fruit; house and outbuildings; a splendid farm; $40 per acre ; H cas., good terms on balance. These are all bargains. THE VETEKAN LAND CO., 165H 3d at. FARM BARGAINS. I have one of the best lists of farm bar gains In the state. As a sample I submit the following, viz.: 1 acre,- close In, 5o carfare, 2 blocks car; $1100. 22 -acre highly Improved dairy farm; $2750. Two 40-acre partly Improved farms for $loou. 40 acres? Improvements alone cannot be duplicated for the price; $1100. 40 acres, nicely Improved, flne location, stock and farm machinery; $4000. 160 acres, fair improvements, 16 head of stock, 8 milch cows, 10 tons hay; fine fruit land; $2000. 123 acres, good Improvements; 30 acres flne timber; $3600. Many others, large and small. J. FRANK PORTER, 1 222 Washington st. CAREFULLY READ. 80 acres, practically level, 40 acres bea ver dam. 10 acres cleared, balance timber; about 500 cords ash wood, also partly fenced ; 5-room house and small barn ; 1 mile to school and about 8 miles Oregon City; price $2250. 80 acres, near O. W. P. R. R. ; 40 aores level, balance rolling; 15 acres cleared and fenced, 1H acres orchard, small house and barn, nice stream running through one cor ner of place; 1 milts to school; a snap at $1250; $500 down, balance to suit. Give us a call. E. H. MARKHAM & CO.. 209-21O Commercial bldg. VERY choice 35-acre farm on Willamette River at Yeager Landing, 30 miles from Portland, with splendid shipping facilities, as steamers land on premises, and town of Dundee, the railroad station. Is only half a mile; rich soli and level; 7 acres of hops, yielding this year 15,000 pounds: splendid hophouse ; good barn ; 200 English walnut trees; also all kinds of fruit trees; new fences; beautiful view of river and on coun ty road. Price $4000. cash or terms. Call or write Gregory MacGregor, 610 Swetland bldg., 6th and Washington. 280-ACRFJ FARM. 100 acres under cultivation. 12 acres orchard. 40 acres timber. Balance pasture. 27 miles from Portland. 2 miles from O. W. P. car. $4000 cash and $6000 at 6 per cent. By cutting thte farm up'into acreage $5000 can be cleared. GUS LOVBGRHN, 700 Borthwick at. Phone Woodlawn 412. FARM BARGAIN. Eastern owner will sell 165 acres N. W. of Forest Grove, of which 80 acres Is under plow, 40 acres finest bottom land with 1000 bushels of oats, some rye, 28 tons or nay, 200 nusneis of potatoes, z horses, 4 head of stock. 8 cows giving milk. 33 hogs, liv ready for the market: machinery. 2 houses, one 5-room and one extra good 8-room, new barn, sheds, etc., all for $6500. on very reasonable terms. HAGEMANN & BLANCH ARD, 91 5th st. $500 FREP5. 20 acres 12 miles from Courthouse, on Foster -road, east side of river; all level; as to soil. It cannot be beat: not a stone on place; $1000 worth of potatoes and other vegetables ready to dig, all yours; good house and barn ; good fences : nne wa ter ; best of roads right to place; worth $500 more than asked. Price $3200; $700 cash. Best Duy in toe market. H. W. GARLAND & CO., 101 4th st. APPLE LAND. 40 acres Improved farm In qne of the nest apple or fruit districts try the state. .situated on the Sandy, short distance Mount Hood electric line, on main county roan, near school : nne SDrlng. rood or chard, ail nice and level land; buildings alone worth more than ask for the place only $1100. Must be sold this week. J. FRANK PORTER, 222 Washington st. WHAT is the greatest bargain? A 20-acre nigmy cultivated farm, orciiard, straw ber- riee. good 5-room house, with bath and fireplace, barn, chicken corral, chickens and farm tools. Why Is it a great bargain ? Because -you can't put the buildings on the place for the price asked for the whole place. Where la it? At HOME LAND CO., 14&H 1st. Price $1800, $8O0 down. 80 ACRES near Vancouver, Wash., 2 miles from station, 30 acres cleared, 4o acres good fir -timber. 500 prunes. 100 apples, 12 peach trees and other small fruit. Two wells with pumps. Good 7-room house, barn and fruit dryer. Only $3570. CALL ON US. Columbia Truet Company. Couch Bids., 109 4th st., near Washington. $2000 54-acre farm m Tillamook County. 13 miles south of Tlllamok City, 14 mile to cheese factory; 6-room house (new), good bam; creen on the place; river bottom land; 16 acres clear, balance easy to clear; post office and store close by; must sell; terma. Inquire owner, H. Gessner, 227 Washing ton st., room 89. 28 ACRES at Independence; all In high state or cultivation ; good buildings, cows, horses. hay and Implements: every-trrlng for $26oO, but It must go quick; we know, for a cer tainty, property in this immediate neiah- borhood Is selling for $100 an acre and no improvements. The Span ton Co., sole agent. 270 stark et. 1040 ACRES of rolling' land, good soil, plenty water, good house, two barns, a 4-acre orch ard In full bearing. 550 acres open suitable for stock range and not far from Portland; oniy iu per acre. CALL ON US. Columbia Trust Company. Couch. 43Idr., 109 4th st.. near Washington. FOR SAI.J9 Best dairy or stock ranch In nil ! on Cou n t y ; 655 acres : 4 m 1 1 es fro m union: splendid house, cost $5000: also barn, cost $1000; tenant-house, cost $1000; 8 head horses. 12 Jersey cows, wagons, buggies price $12,500; part cash ' and time. B. S McConias, St. Charles Hotel. FOR S A LE 50O0 acres good dairy, orchard or alfalfa land In Union County, 3 miles from good town and railroad ; splendid water; 1500 acres untouched timber, about 10.000.0fi0 feet: your price Is -mine If it Is reasonable. Andreas e. b. Mctotnas, St. cnaries Hotel, fortiana. 127 ACRES near Eugene. 70 acres In cultlva tlon ; a money-making farm. with good buildings and all sorts of Implements for working it; HveMock goes with the place; $40 an acre: terms to suit. . The Span ton - to., ziu. star st. FOR SALE Mortgagee's sale, ranch In Til lamook County. 120 acres. $1000; home steaded 1888, X1000. half cash, balance 3 years. Fwope-Grant C.. 420 Commercial block. Second B.nA Washington. 230-ACRE farm, every foot arable. In center of Benton County. watered by two streams,- 3 miles from Willamette River, fences, bouse, barn and orchard. M. C. Davis, 16 Hamilton bldg. 00 ACRES flne fruit land H mllea McMinn vllle; 30 walnut trees and young orchard; house, barn, horses, wagon, etc.; $5000 few days only; terms. K 334. Oregonlan. 160 ACRES good land near Wilhoits. Clacka mas County, $1250; 80 acres good timber, near HlUsboro. $2O0O. A. D. Marshall, agent. 427 Chamber of Commerce, 1 ACRES and small house, on carllne; good service; fine for chlckene; $1375; terms. Puree. 823 Chamber of Com. Main 7309. ii-Mlle rcean front. 66 acres, south of Tilla mook City, Or. X 380, Oregonlan. FOR BALE. Horses, "Vehlckles. Ete. FOR SALE Team geldings 5 and 9 years, weight S200; no Flemish. W. J. Kelly, 5th and GUsan. Overland Stables. BARGAIN Brown work horse, weight 1250 pounds ; true to pull ; not thin ; $45. 446 Flanders, comer llth. BAIN FARM wagon, nearly new; cart, bug gy, for sale cheap; wanted, shotgun. - M 327, Oregonlan. WELL matched team of ponies, elegant driv ers, weight about 500 pounds each. A 333. Oregonian. WANT to trade a good farm wagon for - small horse. Inquire at 107 6th at. T runic " Factory. FOR SALE Horse, harness and wagon, only $loo. Nobby Stable, 12th and Flanders Hubert A Hall. 266 4th. dealers In horses and vehicles; horses and vehicles for rent. FOR SALE Fine black driving mare. 41 Union ave. Phone East 89, A 1089. TEAM in best of condition, weight about 000 each; $175. 510 Commercial bldg. FOR SALE. Uaraea, Vehicklee. Ete. TEAM weighing 2400 pounds, 9 and 10 years A 2Vj-ton truck; good set of harness; very reaaonable at $6.iO. Call at 5o4 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE Fine team of bay ponies. 8 and 5 years 01a, weignt J.100; drive single or double, gentle and no bad tricks; also nearly new side spring buggy and harness. Apply 804 or 488 Flanders at. TEAM, weighing 25C0 lbs. 9 years old, 3 wagon, a good set of harness: no reasonable offer will be refused, as owner ia leaving town. 410 Lively at.. St. John. Get off at Stewart.. FIVE head of work and driving horses, also two milch cows, for which I have no use; prices reasonable. W. H. Smith. 105 Union ave.. South. Phone East 5156. ONE bay, 4 years -old (chunky), $60; aorrel team, $110; chestnut driving mare, $60; big bay horse, $85. T. Bright, Lenta. MUST sell today: leaving city: 1 driving norse, ruDoer-tireo Duggy. 2 single harness, 1 pony, at your own price. 835 E. 2Sth t. W.-W. car to Kenllworth curve. FOR SALE Team well matched. 5 years old, weight 900 each, $150; will trade roe 1300 horse; Iron gray preferred. J. V. Koning. Third and Pacific. ELEGANT Stude baker brougham, seats1 3; in first-class condition; cheap for cash. Phone Main 1270 or box O 328. Oregonian. FOR SALE: I team, weight 2fHo lbs., 8 years old. G. K. Howttt, Montavilla. SEVERAL horses for sale very cheap. 211 Washington st. FOR SALE Gentle saddle pony. 689 John son st. Pkanos, FOUR Pianolas, numerous good uprights. Kimball, Stein way. Decker. Fischer tnd Everett among them, go for a mere song at Ellers Piano House, this week; see an nouncement on page 4 of this Issue; pay cash or buy on time, as best suits your convenience; no uncertainty in buying it buying at E. P. H.; everything we ell is guaranteed; money back if not satis factory or as represented. STEINWAY Concert Grand, No. 56.533; was formerly Paderewskl's tour piano; instru ment Is unexcelled for volume and sweet nfss of tone; beautifully grained rosewood case. Phone Pacific 3013. EMERSON UPRIGHT PIANO. $185; termsf cash discount. 618 Tour ny bldg.. 2d and Taylor sts. FOR SALE Cheap for cash, slightly used upright piano, standard make; big; bargain. Address G 316. Oregonian. NEW piano of unusual tone; must be heard to be appreciated; will sell on time. Call at 389 Taylor st. FIRST-CLASS piano for sale: excellent con dition. 69 21st at., near Washington. Phone Main 8332. A BARGAIN Upright piano, oak case, al most new; must be sold today. Phone Main 7014. A PIANOLA, used a short time, for sale cheap. J 323, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous, UNREDEEMED pledge- for sale cheap; 7 small diamonds, from $15 to $45, Barr & Wright loan office. 40H N. 6th et. LARGE) gasoline launch suitable for shallow water, capacity 20 tons; sell or exchange for real estate. F 318. Oregonlan. WOOD, cheap, a big load of 16-lnch slao wood for $2. Union Fuel Co., foot of Montgomery. Phone Main 2143. PARTY going to California will sell seal skin coat, good as new. or trade towards vacant lot. V 325, Oregonian. BUY or sell furniture, stoves and household goods. Call Main 6374 or A 2327. We want your traae. The Dollar. FOR SALE Drugstore fixtures complete; . floor cases, shelves, bottles, etc. 1 Posi at., Spokane, Wash. FOR SALE Road grader, latest model, near ly new; first-class condition; a bargain. Inquire 106 2d st. FOR SALE No. 7 Remington typewriter. with tabulator, used few weeks; $75 cash. . V 330. Oregorrian. FOR SALE Account of $2M In Oregon Savings Bank at 50c on the dollar. Ad dress Box 71. city. FOR SALE) A $100 Remington typewriter, Ud very little; will sell for $50. Call at 349 Salmon st. LOGGING- and hoisting engine for sale or rent. Railway Equipment Co., 324 Cham ber Commerce. FOR SALE No. 5 Underwood typewriter, bought this year; cheap for cash. C 334. Oregonian. SHOW table suitable for milliner, tailor, elo-' thler, $15, worth $35. 603 Goodnough bldg. Main 5558. FRESH cow, good for dairy. West avej, Pec . tlon Line road. South Mt. Tabor. Phone East 4377. OREGON BANK deposit, $500. for sale; make an offer to L. G. Talcott, P. O. Box 371. City. FOR SALE 15-foot skiff, brand new, cheap for cash. Address 561 E. 21st. Phone East 3429. FIRST-CLASS cash register for sale at a bar gain. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablng ton bldg. HAVE French Legion of Honor decoration, exchange or sell. Arthur Bonner. P. O. Box 604. FOR SNAPS on second-hand automobiles, call at Portland Motor Car Co.. 16th and Alder. 40O FEET of new 4 "4 -Inch black pipe at 40 cents per foot. VJall at Watson's Restau rant. FINE Bdlswi motion-picture machine. 2000-ft. . film, song slides, cheap. 333 Ankeny, near 6th. A FIRST-CLASS well drill, gasoline power, all complete. Call at Watson's Restaurant. IMPORTED German roller canaries. Port land Bird Co., 304 3d. Phone Pacific 2057. FOR SALE or lease, double drum hoisting en gine, perfect condition. 42 Sherlock bldg. COME at once and get a good second-hand sewing machine from $2 to $5. 312 Main st. FIRST-CLASS male ticket. Kansas City; limit Oct. SI; stop-over. F 323, Oregonlan. FOR SALE: Setter pups. Inquire at tent at Arbor Lodge, on St. John car line. CANARY BIRDS Fine singera. $2.50; fe males, $1.- 534 Mill st. Phone Main 1178. I0o BUFF ORPINGTON chickens, all ages. Felix Murphy. Woodstock, near P. O. $400 BUYS my fine launch and boat house; give phone number. O 334. Oregonlan. BRAND new. latest model. Oliver typewriter for sale. A bargain. B 327, Oregonlan. FOR SALE CHEAP $52 Ellers Piano House certificate. Address H 325, Oregonian. FOX terrier pup and folding go-cart for sale cheap. Phones, Main 5777. A 2377. ONE $12, one $7 parlor lamp: only leen used few weeks. Call 607 E. Belmont st. FO R S A LE Th o rou gh bred Bu ff Coch in Bantams, $2 a pair. 235 Cherry st FOR SALE Cheap ticket to Colorado, male. Call at room 3. 445 Columbia st. FOR rosea. lawns, manure or rich dirt de livered $2.25. Phone Main 5683. BRAND-NEW 30-horsepower automobile for sale cheap. T 324, Oregonian. FOR SALE Cocker spaniel pup, 6 months , old. Apply 448 Union ave. N. FOR BALE English setter pups. 1205 East Taylor. Telephone E. 4721. FOR SALE Cheap, a coupon on Ellers' pianos. V S32. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Cheap. Ostermoor mattress, near ly new. Call East 1006. FOX typewriter for sale, nearly new; a bar gain. V 384. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Ticket to Denver, male, young, tall, dark hair. K 321. FOR SALE CHEAP Two fresh cows. Hoo ter's place. Lents. I FOR SALE Roll-top desk and chair, cheap Phone Main 5004. EILERS piano coupon worth $52 for $5. H 320, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Wood, cheap. Call 6395. Miss Cooper. 6KY TERRLER pup, 1 year old, cheao. Vin 1141. FOR 6AX Miscellaneous. OFFICE FURNITURE Bargain; we have taken a lot of strictly modern office furni ture on a debt and will sell same singly or in lots; desk, typewriter, chairs, leather settee, filing cabinets, sectional bookcaees, vry little used. Chapman Advertising Co., 505 Commonwealth bldg. BO SLIGHTLY damaged sewing machines at very low prices; Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, Domestic. White, Household, Dnvia and others; to make room for new stock. Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. 3. S. Sigel, 335 Morrison St., Marquam bldg. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we .rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fix tures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Col-lender, 49 3d st. ENGLISH setter pups. 6 wks. old, by Cham pion Imp. Lingneld Bragg i"0-time bench winner) ex Dorris Rodneld. ex Champion Rodfleld. Address P. -J. Nolte. 107 6th st., city. FOR SALE One 9x11 Columbia Erglneering Company's donkey. 54 boiler, well mounted on practically new sled: all in first-class condition. Eastern So Western Lumber Co., city. FOR SALE A snap. 250 Metrostyle Planoia, perfect condition; guaranteed good as nw cheap. Call or phone appartment 6, The Sheffield, mornings, 7th and Jefferson. WILL ell good 4-year-old cow. Red Pole, giving 2 gallons milk a day, for $50. or trade for work horse and pay boot. Rose City Stables. Flanders st. corner llth. TYPEWRITERS Smith Premiers, $47.50 to $57.50; Remingtons. $40 to $55; also other makes taken in exchange for Underwoods. Underwood Typewriter Co., 68 6th st. COAL SCREENINGS For sale cheap; suitable for furnace or steam plant. Oregon Fuel Company, 384 Alder et. Phones Main 65. A 1665. TWO young, fresh cows and calves, one Jer sey, one Durham; $40 each. " Woodstock car to Kennllworth curve, south two blocks, In field. Phone East 3318. NEW mandolin and contract for 40 lessons with the Obourn Conservatory of Musb $20. one-fourth cash; regular price now $35. A 317, Oregonlan. SHOW cases, counters. ca-h register, plat form scales, corfec mill and several other ar ticles for sale cheap at store 840 Union ave. North. DON KEY engine 25 horse power. 8"0 ft. -lnch wire rope, 1000 ft. trip line; perfect condition. D. E. Keasey, 7 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 22 stands of bees on wired comb foundation in good condition, cheap; come today or tomorrow. SS5 E. 34th st. South. FOR SALE One good milch cow, 4 stands of bees and 5000 feet lumber. J. J. Barlow, E. 20th and Holladay ave. Phone East 3 615. PAINTER'S 40-ft. extension ladder, swing scaffold, falls, hooks, etc., good as new, cheap. East 34th and Sherman. East 4707. FOR RALE Second-hand engines, boilers, sawmills, - pumps and general machinery by H. C. vMbee A Co., 248 Grand ave. FOR SALE A brand-new Home sewing ma chine, on account of leaving the city. Ad drew box 24, R. F. P., Montavilla. Or. HELP WANTED MALE. PHYSICIAN WANTED. Physician wanted for office practice; good poMiion for right man. B 323, Oregonian. TWO first-class organizers can make from $ti to $12 per day. situations permanent, by addressing box 24D, Walla Walla, Wash. WANTED Turkish bath man. to go to North Yakima, ash. For particulars apply to - Iewis-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co. WAXTBD Young man to help in office and do light porter work; give reference and salary expected. C 326. Oregonian. 10 BOYS, 10 years of age or over, to work after 7 P. M. till 10 or 1 1. Inquire of Sam L. Beary, 323. Morrison st. HARNESS makers, steady country Jobs, top wages. Charles L. Ma stick & Co.. whole sale leather. Front and Oak eta. -. 'I II ' WANTED A harnessmaker for the country; good wages and ntf-ady work to the right man. Address O 324. Oregonlan. DANCING leasons, 25e, waits, two-step, etc Prof. Wal. WIIlKon's Dancing School. 304 AUsky bldg., 265 Morrison St. OFFICE BOY. good, pay. splndld opportun ity for advancement; good education - necessary. R 323. Oregonlan. A MARRIED man to run a meat market In a email town ; references required. Address A. L. Glle, Ilwaco, .Wash. EXPERT court reporter from East wants pu pils for shorthand, typewriting and book- keeping. C 209. Oregonian. BARBER shop for sale, cheap, two chairs, lease, low rent, good business. A. H. We lih off. 493 Gllsaiwst. $S to $5 thousand paid for distributing cir culars, samples, etc. American Union, Pontiac bldg., Chicago. WANTED Cashier in business as partner; pay you $25 a week; $275 required, secured. Call 248 Stark st. WANT carpenters, mechanics snd others with $200 or more in building houses for sale. N 333, Oregonlan. WANTED Coatmaker; $9 and up; also smalt Job maker. Apply J. M. Curry, North Yakima, W'aah. WANTED Boy over 16 for office work; high echool graduate preferred. Apply P. O. box 82, city. PATENTS secured; lowest fees; quickest serv ice. Matter, 518 Commonwealth bldg, 6th and Ankeny. HAVE a motion picture machine outfit, films, views, to sell; state particulars. W 335. Oregonlan. , TALENT wanted for play; splendid oppor tunity; no fees; free instruction. T 328, Oregonlan. WANTED Bov to learn plumbing trade. Apply 453 Washington street Monday morning. FIRST-CLASS carpenters wanted Monday morning, between 10th and 20th on Mar shall st. MAN to build furnace Are and do light Janitor work. Phone Sunday A 1678or call at 711 Johnson. WANTED Apprentice competitor with some experience, for city office. S 334, Ore gonlan. YOUNG man to learn barber trade, union shop, easy terms, tools furnished. Barber. 171 Ist , WANTED Must have good coatmaker at once. Baldeck" & Ransburg, Lew Is ton. Idaho. WANTED Three or four men to dig pota toes by the sack. Call 289 Morrison at., city. WANTED First-clasp bookkeeper Immedi ately; references required. R 3SU Orego nlan. CANDY-MAKER wanted. Inquire Perkln Hotel from 5 o'clock to 7 this evening. WANTED Firat-class coat and pants mak er at J. Polivka ft Co.. 249 Morrison street. WANTED Man and wife on farm. $50 and found. Pionepr Employment Co., 16 N. 2d. California Wine Depot, headquarters for cooks and helpers. 148 4th st. Pac. 2183. P. Lor atl. FIRST-CLASS ladieV tailor; best waes; . steady work. 411 Morrison mt. B. Sail. WANT a good tenor to go with a trio. Call room 10, 409 Wash, rt., after 4:30. 500 MEN wanted Free shaves and haircuts, 284 Couch st. Moler Barber College. WANTED Old clothing, shoes, right price paid. 50 3d st. Home phone A 495L' WANTED A young man for rainting. with or without experience. Call 429 6th st. BOY wanted-; $5 per week. 8 u hours per day. Anderson & Dunlway Co., 28 Alder st. BRIGHT boy 16 years old to work in store and deliver parcels. 171 Third st. WANTED Motion-picture machine, films, slides, etc. 333 Ankeny, near 6th. WANTED A first-class frame maker. The Christiansen Art Co., 375 Stark st. WE secure position!" for our members; spe cial membership $2. Y. M. C. A. WANTED A good coatmaker. Williara liredenberg. Hoqulam, Wash. WANTED Watchman for duck grounds. In quire 414 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Second miller or competent flour packer. J 322. Oregonlan. WANTED Boy to learn hardware business. 343 Washington st.