THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 27, 1907. SECRET SERVICE fj ME WORK Government to Prosecute the Land Frauds With Re newed Vigor. TO GET BACK TIMBER LAND Effort Will Be Made to Obtain Both Timber and Coal Lands Fraud ulently Acquired Borah's Ac quittal Will Not Deter. WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 2. (Spe cial.) The Government Is about to gro after the Western land grafters with greater vigor than In any previous attack, instructions have been given to M. C. Burch. Special Assistant United States District Attorney, to proceed as soon as possible, both civilly and criminally, in the land-fraud cases in the mountain states, and on the most "comprehensive scale. In the suits Instituted, in addition to putting the grafters behind the bars wherever the facts warrant, the Govern ment will seek to regain title to millions of acres of valuable timber and coal lands which it Is alleged have gone into the hands of private owners through fraudulent entries. President -Roosevelt has specifically directed that the Attorney-General Invoke the criminal penalty wherever it can be Imposed. Many Secret Service Men. Co-operating with Special Assistant Dis trict Attorney Burch, a well-known Michigan lawyer, who has been given charge of the land prosecutions, is the largest staff of secret service men in the country, under the direction of U. C. "Wheeler. This force, which Is constantly being increased, now numbers 100 men. These men are carried on tne Government rolls as special agents of Department of Justice. . The states in which the greatest frauds probably will- be unearthed are Idaho, Montana, "Wyoming and Utah. The acquittal of Senator Borah of Ida ho will not deter the Government from pressing other Indictments In that state, which were returned at the same time that Senator Borah was Indicted. The Barber Lumber Company, which Is a. part of the Weyerhaeuser syndi cate, Is one. of the concerns aimed at. Through civil suits, an attempt will be made to force an abandonment of the thousands of acres of timber lands which It Is claimed this company has obtained through fraudulent entries. Same System in All States. The story of the timber frauds Is pretty much the same in all the moun tain states, and the frauds In coal lands are even more extensive than In timber. Jn Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Idaho the Harrlman lines, The Hill lines and the .Gould lines have contrived to se cure control of the coal lands. What Is known as the "dummy entry" sys tem la the plan which has been utilized In nearly all cases where direct proof has been obtained. This was the sys tem first disclosed by the California prosecutions where straw men were utilized to make entries, or hoboes em ployed for a few dollars to take the necessary oathi at the land office. cured bams to housewives and so manipu lated the, scales that the purchasers paid for much more than they got. They were brought to Woodburn and pleaded guilty to the charge. Justice Hayes bound them over to Circuit Court in the sum of $90 and they put up a cash bail and left for unknown parts. Too Absurd to Be True. TACOMA. Wash., Oct. 26. f Special.) When shown the Olympla dispatch In which It was stated that R. L. McCor mlck had been jolted by the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, George S. Long, resi dent manager of the Weyerhaeuser Tim ber Company, said: "I cannot speak for Mr. MeCormtck, but I know this statement Is me rotten est kind of rot. It is too absurd almost to be answered and as false as It is Improbable." ROOTING THEM OUT GOT MIXKRAIi LAXD BY FRAUD Government Sues to Recover 15,009 Acres From Southern Pacific. RENO. Nev., Oct. 26. The United States began suit yesterday in the United States District Court at Carson to set aside patents to 15,000 acres of land held by the Southern Pacific Com pany in the White Horse mining dis trict, on the ground that the land was fraudulently represented by the rail road company to be agricultural, when It was known to be mineral. TAFT WELCOME AT BAGUIO May Be Delayed by Typhoon Car In Railroad Wreck. BAGUIO, P. I., Oct. 26. Secretary of War Taft will arrive here tonight, mak ing a distance of 30 miles by automobile over the famous Benguet road. The na tives will turn out to receive him. Scores of bamboo arches have been placed along the route of march and bands have been provided. Early In the day golf and riding win oe inauigea in ana Air. Tare and party will be entertained at luncheon bj Provincial Governor, Mr. Pack. At night there will be a reception by the officers of the army to Mr. Taft at the John Hay post. A typhoon is Impending which reports from Manila say will be the most serious for the year, and this threatens to keep Mr. Taft stormbound for three or four flays. . MANILA, Oct. 2. Secretary Taft made an inspection or the partly completed extension of the Manlla-Dagupan Railway Friday. He rode 25 miles on the first passenger train run over the line and in cidentally was a participant In the first accident on the road. Near the terminus a. flat car in front of Mr.'Taft's car waa derailed and nearly took hie car with it. The Taft car ran completely on top of the naicar. Prime Mops at 7 Cents. TACOMA. Wash., Oct. 26. (Special.) The feature of thehop market was the sale of i'b bales of strictly prime Yakamas to iBaac Plncus & Sons, of Tacoma, by Ernest Hill. The price paid was 7 cents, which was considerably below the cost of production. MONARCHY ALLBUTIN NAME CHANCELLOR DAY BREAKS OUT IX FIERCE INVECTIVE. SAYS IT GOES TOO FAR Seattle Man Alleges Christian Sci ence Wife Keeps Children Hungry. . 8EATTLE. Wash., Oct 26. (Special.) Charles Wheeler, of the Seattle Hard ware Company, today began suit for di vorce, alleging his wife has neglected their children, sold off their furniture and borrowed money to give Christian Science leaders. Wheeler alleges his wife be came a Scientist two years after their marriage and from that time ,on became a convert to the theory that cold, hunger and physical sufferings-were imaginary. He says In his divorce complaint that his wife allowed the children to go hun gry, forbade them enough clothing and kept them awake to prove that their wants were merely Imaginary. Wheeler, being hungry, cold and sleepy, took the part of his children and insisted that I'hrlstlan Science would not cure their wants. He could not convince his wife, so he asked the court today to give him a divorce and custody ot the children. "Arch Enemy of His Country," "A "Ruthless Autocrat," "Frenzied Demagogue," Calls President. NEW YORK, Oct. 26. (Special.) Daring and sensational In the extreme is an attack upon President Roosevelt which James R. Day,' Chancellor of Syracuse University, makes In a book, "The Raid on Prosperity," which D. Appleton & Co. are about to publish. The 'educator holds up the President as the arch-enemy of his country, as ruthless autocrat, defying the Con stitution, a law unto himself, a fren sled demagogue reveling in the plaud its of a brainless multitude. - The chancellor mocks at the "fore bodings" of the President over the "tyranny of capitalists" and his "ex cited talk" about "swollen fortunes," "predatory wealth" and "tainted money.' Continuing, the author says: -"With the present eruptive adminis tration and with the chief voices of the other political party echoing the same ranting about the tyranny of cap italists, we may expect a revolution which shall become a conspicuous date In history unless the sober-thinking people awake to an imperiled Inherit ance. "What consummate arrogance, if not Insolence, that covers itself with an armor of undisputed authority and hurls epithets at men who point to the Constitution and the law, and not men, as authority and government. Such reaction is patriotism of the high est order. "For many months we have been un der a monarchy in everything but the name. The change of Presidential pre rogatives is going on. How much fur ther could it go and retain a semblance of what the Constitution provided It should be?" "The change which has taken our chief magistrate into the 'work of a chief de tective, with, gigantic bureaus of in formers and a corps of special investiga tors, is as amazing as it is unconstitu tional. It Is not a change upward. It Is a change downward, a (degeneracy, un dignified and disturbing In the nature of the case to. jail interests that can be brought into executive purview. What is left of our boasted freedom if the laws are to be construed so that a President, through his various commissions, can take charge of any business that may strike his fancy and change it at his ca price and supersede IJ with some other business . which may receive his favor, wood alcohol, for instance, in place of Kerosene f- The chancellor calls the Sherman act "a law that was promulgated by a mari absolutely without economic instinct, knowledge, genius 'or experience, who threw at a venture a stick of dynamite, the nature of which he did not know, Into the crowded industries of an age which he could not see: a law which, if enforced literally and Impartially, would stop every wheel and silence every ma chine and ruin every form of corporate business In the land. "The fact of our Imbecility Is Illus trated still further by the helplessness with which we contemplate this mis chievous law and leave It in the hands of demagogues to work their schemes at the expense of the country's prosperity." PORTLAND GETS, THE MEET Crack Amateur Boxers and Wrest lers Compete In April. Edgar Frank, director of indoor ath letics of the Multnomah Amateur Ath letic Club, has completed arrangements for the holding of the Pacific Coast championships for amateur boxers and wrestlers in this city next April. Dur lng his recent visit to Seattle Is was arranged to hold the Pacific North west championships here, and Imme dlately on securing this event, Frank commenced correspondence with the Pacific Association at San Francisco relative to holding a combined meet in tnis city. Jast nignt he received a wire notifying him that the assocta tlon had agreed on Portland - as the place for holding the bouts, and next April the fight fans here will have an opportunity of again witnessing as clever an aggregation of youngsters perform as was seen at the tourna ment at the Lewis and Clark. Exposition. The securing the Pacific Association championship tournament means that all the crack boxers and wrestlers of the famous Olympic Club of San Fran cisco and the several other athletic clubs in Oakland, Sacramento, Los An geles and other California cities will compete with the entries from Port land. Seattle, Spokane and Aberdeen. On November 8, at the Multnomah Club, will be Inaugurated the North west boxing and wrestling prelimin aries, for on this date the clever mitt artists and knights of - the mat from the Seattle Athletic Club will open the season with the Multnomah Club In this city. , . Multnomah is now holding try-outs among the large classes of youngsters and the winners In . these classes will be pitted against the lads from Seattle. Sr-ttle is sending a boxer In the 158- pound division, but as yet Multnomah has no aspirant for the honors in this division, and may not be able to make an entry. William Dennis, the Seattle heavyweight wrestler. Is coming to Portland and will -be . matched with either Ed. Johnson or Madden of the local club. Sell Shortweight Hams. WOODBURN. Or., Oct. 26. (Special.) J. F. Gibbons and Sid Osborn were ar rested in Salem yesterday on a warrant sworn out here by E. P. Moroom charg ing them with selling bams short weight. They disposed of a number of country- Warehouse Property Sold. J. B. C. Lockwood' sold yesterday to the Phoenix Investment Company lots 3 and 4 and the east half of loU 1 and 2, block 6, East Portland, for J26.500. This prop erty Is between Bast Morrison and East Alder streets, and consists of three lots. SEE KISER'S SEW STORE. Scenic Photos. 248 Alder street. 'rohibition in Kansas ' Wins Against Joints. BIG DECREASE IN NUMBER Government Uquor Incense Report Shows Nearly Half In Eight Coun ties, None In Ten Counties. War Will Be Poshed. TOPEKA, Kan., . Oct. 26. (Special.) There has been a marked slump in tne consumption of liquors in Kansas during the past year. A showing made by the State Temperance Union greatly encour ages the state administration and those active in the enforcement of the prohib itory law. The list of liquor tax receipt stamps secured by the Union from James M. Simpson, Internal revenue collector at Leavenworth, reveal the fact that the fight against the breweries, saloons and 'joints" in Kansas has not been without substantial result. The holders of receipts number 2282 In the state, as against 3000 a year ago. Twelve hundred of these holders of re ceipts are druggists. Last year there, were a dozen wholesalers, but the. ag gressive fight made on them by Attorney General Jackson- has completely routed this class. Eight of the 105 counties Atchison, Crawford, Leavenworth, Montgomery, Cherokee, Sedgwick, Shawnee and Reno, have 1063 receipti, or nearly one-half of the total. As an example. Argentine, a suburb of Kansas City, last year had 28 of these receipts. This year there are only two. There are 10. counties In Kan sas In which there are no liquor tax re ceipts. These are In the extreme western part of the state Grant, Hamilton, Has kell, Hodgman, Lane, Morton, Ness, Stanton. Stevens and Wallace. The State Temperance Union says that certified copies of the records of book 10 In the office of the revenue collector, from which these receipt transcripts are secured, may be used as evidence In prosecutions and that the Government will willingly give them to any prosecut ing officer. A list of liquor-sellers by counties is being published and posted in every community in the state. Lincoln Trust T-'ompany continued In very much abated form, but both in stitutions met all demands. The Trust Company of America reported deposits today aggregating $500,000; It con tinued to. pay out to depositors until noon, the. usual closing hour. . WILI ISSUE CERTIFICATES St. Louis Banks Take Steps to Pro vide Against Stringency. ST. LOUIS. Mo, Oct. 26. With the object of protecting St. Louis against the stringency existing li the East, the St. Louis Clearing-House at a meeting held tonight, decided by unan imous vote, to issue clearing-house certificates. The action of the clearing-house has two aims the first is to take precau tions against the concentration of financial demands of outside cities and territories on St. Louis., ' The second Is to assure the public of St. Louis that the local institutions are strong and are united for safeguarding the interests of St. Louis business insti tutions and depositors. The Mercantile, the St Louis Union, th6 Mississippi Valley and the Com monwealth Trust Company, members of the clearing-house, have concluded to require from depositors 30 and 60 days' notice for the withdrawal of savings deposits. FIRMLY GRAPPLE TROUBLE (Concluded on Pas 13.) Receiver Only Last Resort. BUTHE. Mont.. Oct. 26. Application for the appointment of a receiver for the State Savings Bank, the financial house in this dity of Augustus Helnze, by George Dodgston, was brought up this morning before Judge Bourquin and con tinued until after the hearing of the peti tion of the state In the same matter on November 15. The -court said thai the bank was now in the hands ot the State Examiner, who had all the power of a receiver and that the interests of all par ties must be considered. The court de clared that the appointment of a receiver was a harsh measure and would only .be adopted as a last resort. of Immediate general assistance, the vTlear-Ins-House resolved to Issue Clearlng-Housa certificates' and also resolved that savins DanKs should require from their depositors the notice provided for in connection wltn such accounts. The immediate cause of the existing stringency Is conditions not local to Chlrafo. The Clearing-House banks In New York City have concluded ' to Issue Olearlngr-House certificates, while th large savings banks there also have put the rule requiring notice of withdrawals in rorce. The Clearing-Houses of other cities In ses sion have taken similar action. While there has been no umiual demand a yet uoon the Chicago banks, this course, in view of the general condition prevailing elsewhere, seems the wisest course to pursue. It Is believed that this course Is only temporary, and that the general situation will soon clear so that normal conditions will prevail. The Chicago banks are in ex ceptionally strong position. Not one need any relief, but. if some such counts were not adopted, the currency lit this city would be unduly drawn upon for other communities. fcHECK PANIC AT PROVIDENCE Banks Require Xotlce of Withdraw al Plenty of Money. PROVIDENCE. R. I., Oct. ' 26. The In dustrial Trust Company posted notices In the savings and participation departments Just before the opening hour today, de claring that the rule requiring 90 days' notice of withdrawals of deposits had been put Into operation. Checking ac counts will not be affected by the ac tion. Only a few persons were in line beforer the doors of the Industrial Bank when opened today, and It was generally be lieved that the worst of the financial dif ficulty had passed. A committee from the clearing-house bad charge of the financial situation to day, prepared to . render assistance to banks if called upon. The committee reasoned that in the payment and certlfl cation of checks such checks should be made payable only through the clearing house. This Is the customary method of procedure in time of currency stringency and its object is to prevent the with drawal of , money from circulation. At Pawtucket withdrawals from the Slater Trust Company continue, to be above the normal, but the officials stated that they had plenty of money and could pay all demands. Withdrawals from the Pawtucket Institution for Savings and the Providence County Savings Bank also were in excess of the usual volume, but the depositors desiring to take out their funds were mainly wage-earners having small accounts. NEW YORK, Oct. 26. The Corn Ex change Bank, of this city, today caused an attachment to be placed on a check for $17,218 made by the Union Trust Com pany of Providence on October 24. It was drawn on, the National City Bank of this city, and payment was refused on the ground that a receiver had been appointed for the Trust Company by the Rhode Island courts. CERTIFICATES IX PITTSBURG Banks Follow New York Example. Westlnghouse Explains Trouble. PITTSBURG, Pa., Oct. 26. With the action of the- Pittsburg Clearing-House Association at a prolonged meetiner to day In deciding to Issue clearing-house certificates'. If such a contingency Is considered necessary, the local financial situation can -be said to have been placed upon an even more secure basis. This action was taken following the decision or tne New York clearing house to issue certificates. The great payrolls of the various In dustrial establishments In this vicinity were met In full today wiuiout any bank which furnished money for that purpose drawing on Its, reserve funds. The following statement by the re ceivers of the Westlnghouse Machine Company, made public tonight, says: There should be no occasion for appre hension because of the company's aDDllca- tlon for a receivership. The Westlngnouse juacnine company .nas Been suffering front nothing more serious than a ranldlv lng and profitable business. This has neces sitated tne employment of considerable bor rowed capital and credit throughout-the country, the sudden withdrawal of whlcn would have seriously Interfered with the manufacturing operation of the comDanv. There has not been even a momentary pause In the operations of the company. There will be no departure from the general policy thai has hitherto obtained in the conduct of tne business. NDEB RUN OX BANKS ALMOST EX Worst of Scare Past Stock Market Stiffens Up. NEW YORK. Oct. 26. rThe runs upon the Trust Company of America and the BANKS COMING OUT SAFELY Nevada Institutions Expect .to Re. open on Monday. GOLDFIELD, Nev., Oct. 26. The posi tive statement Is made by the officials of both the John S. Cook &" Company Bank and the Nye & Ormsby County Bank that they will reopen for business at the ex piration of the bank holiday declared by Governor Sparks, which expires Mon day morning. Both institutions, - It is 'claimed, have ample funds on hand to meet all de mands and tbe officials have no fear of a run. The local depositors of the State Bank, in a mass meeting, voted unani mously against applying for a receiver for the bank, as they have every confi dence In its ability to pay all claims 'if given a little time. Plan to Restore Confidence. WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. The summon ing by President Roosevelt of a National conference of the various interests con nected with the transportation question with a view to restoring the confidence of investors, was suggested in a speech before the University Club at Washing ton by. Senator , Newlands. of Nevada, vice-chairman of the" Inla'nd Waterways Commission. Mr. Newlands has Just re turned from the trip down the Missis sippi with the President and the Commission. Goldfield to Pay Dividend. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 26. At the San Francisco Stock and Exchange Board today It was announced on -the authority of United States Senator Nixon, of Nevada, that the Goldfield Consolidated Mines Company will pay dividend 01 25 cents per share on January 25 next. The dividend will amount to 1900.000. JOHNSON TO PACIFY THEM Cavalry Captain Will Try to Pacify Utes Indians. WASHINGTON. Oct 26. Captain Car ter P. Johnson, Second Gavalry, stationed at Fort Robinson, Nebraska, has started for the Cheyenne River reservation, in South Dakota, to use his Influence with the troublesome Ute Indians with a view to suppressing the outbreak. He was with the detachment of cavalry which accompanied the Utes when ttuty settled on the South Dakota reservation more than a year ago, and after the wandering Indians had refused to return, to their own reservation In Utah. Captain John son conducted the negotiations resulting in their settling on the Cheyenne River reservation. He has considerable In fluence with the Indians, and was as signed to the present task at the urgent request of the Indian officials. The Captain has received advices re garding the reported killing of Amos Baker, the agency farmer, by the Utes. A telegram from Assistant Clerk Craig, in charge of the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation, says that Clerk Rastall has gone to the scene of trou ble with 25 armed men, and that fears are entertained that communication has been cut off between the telegraph ter minal at White Horse and Thunder Butte, where the Indians are located. A telegram from Agent Downs says the Utes are quiet, but threaten to fight if compelled to observe the " Government regulations. He says the Indians must be disarmed at once, and urges' that a squadron of troopa be dispatched Imme diately for that purpose. SMITHS0N LOSES HURDLES Harry Illllman, of New York, Beats Oregon Boy by Four Yards. NEW YORK. Oct. 26. While t no record? were broken on the second night of the lndoor'meet of the Ama teur Athletic Union in Madison-Square Garden tonight, there was a mild sen sation when John J. O'Connell, of the N. Y. A. C, in the 600-yard run, de feated his clubmate, C. J. Seitz. holder of the world's record for the distance, The final scores for the games give the New York Athletic Club 76 points, and the Irish-American Athletic Club 66 points. Harry Hillman, of the New vll:h farYmyt4K t 'rU' IfvM f ill I " K.'-:f- 1'' '-----'"U..i -, s ri f-il 1 x : If TV- rf f:h s - itfWf :- K f I ; 'Y: ' t h II, s'Mfir-i ' ,? e 1 "ft ,t i i ? hryVfP V "V8 kf i J 5 1 r t rfgp A schloss naos. I caA- 7 M V fine Clothes Makers j j t BHimere and New t.rk, Clothes for Gentlemen. OVERCOATS like these distinguish their owner) in any company, giving their wearer a look of finished elegance that is the consequence of fault less taste expressed in perfect tailoring. These new SCHLOSS models are destined to be more than ordinarily popular this Fall and Winter. Both the "Columbia" and. the "New Baltimore" paletot are original designs which may always-be distinguished by . this sure sign of "Correct Clothes for Gentlemen" ansmn MMWHWIMWIrtttyWIMMMMla y WljoUsale Drapers wwwwwygixwuMssg Dealers who give the greatest value for your money universally carry these peerless garments. If yours will not supply you, write us for new Fall Style-Book and the name of a reliable Clothier who will show you the latest genuine SCHLOSS designs. Baltimore SCMOSS BrOS. 0). NcW York York Athletic Club, and Forest Smith son, of Portland, Or., each won their heats in the 300-yard hurdles, but Hill man had little trouble defeating the Western man in the finals by four yards. The time was 37 seconds. BANK SITUATION IMPROVES Depositors In Oregon Trust Already ' Signed Intend to Help. . Some encouragement' has been encoun tered during" the past week by the De positors' Association of the closed Ore gon Trust & Savings Bank tn their work for a reorganization. A large delegation of depositors who have already 'Signed up for a portior. of their balances, agreed to take more of the telephone bonds. They visited Secretary Richmond yester day : and ' announced their intention of doing; everything in their power to induce laggards to sign up during the remaining four days of the reorganization campaign. ITALIANS KILLED IN WRECK Three and Possibly Five Iiose Iiives In Maine. MILLINOCKET. Me.. Oct. 26. Three and possibly five Italians lost their lives today and a train consisting of an en gine and 11 flat cars loaded with ballast was overturned and submerged ' by the Hood's Sarsaparilla Has surpassed all other medicines. In merit, sales and cures. Its success, rreat as it has been, has ap parently only just begun. - It has received by actual count more than 40,000 testimonials in two years. It purines the blood, cures all blood dis eases, all humors and all eruptions. It strengthens the stomach, creates an appetite and builds up the whole system. It cures that tired feeling and makes tha weak strong. Jn usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses tU , FASHIONABLE JEWELRY FOR THE HORSE SHOW Stunning styles, particularly selected for quality and workmanship, and in the greatest abundance, await all enthusiasts of the horse show. You'll find the '-horseshoe" especially represented in-all forms, and those mounted with pearls or diamonds are of special interest. Low prices prevail. CROPS AND WHIPS 1 Mounted xith the latest "handles. - Corner Third and Washington Streets Manufacturing Jewelers Opticians Diamond Importers washing out of the foundation of a tres tle on the Schoodic Railroad, now being built. STEAL SKELETON TICKETS Thieves Make Haul That Will An noy Railroads for Months. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 26. A bur glary thought at first of minor Impor tance today developed into a crime that will annoy raflroad officials throughout the country for months to come. The Southern Pacific station at San Monica was robbed last Thursday night of skele ton tickets valued a tover lo,000. together with stamps, punches and pads which will enable the thieves to stamp hundreds of transcontinental railroad tickets. It Is expected the tickets will be Issued to the public through dishonest brokers. Hanan shoes keep our reet dry. thal's. Seventh and Washington. Rosen- "There's an insuperable barrier between the well dressed and the slovenly appearing man, even as between the well groomed horse now preparing for the horse show and the mangy drawer of garbage wagons." Horse Show Trappings Full Dress Suits, Overcoats, ' Dunlap Opera Hats, Silk Hats Every Accessory of M-X - 9 f ... Gentl emen s Garb Be properly groomed for the Horse Show I Eager eyes watch you as well as the horse. See'to it that your ap pearance coincides with the ideal for a correctly dressed, modern gentleman. Our incomparable evening suits are c,ut in the style most approved by de signers of men's clothes. Our overcoats ftr dressy occasions distinguish the wearer. Our unapproached line of Dunlap hats (we are sole agents) supply the right thing in headwear for every par ticular man in Portland. For Ladies DUNLAP BIDING DERBIES will delight every horsewoman with their thoroughbred appearance. "CAMBRIDGE CORRECT CLOTHES" are noted for the finesse of dressy appearance they give the wearer. WE CAN FIT ANY MAN OF ANY PROPORTIONS: THOSE USUALLY HARD TO FIT Call Early Monday .iff 289-291 Washington Street.